HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-20-2009 Signed AgendasAGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-B-1 Date: January 20, 2009 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney PRESENTED BY: Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: St. Lucie County International Airport -Fourth Amendment to Lease Agreement with Phoenix Metals, Inc. BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 09-27 FUNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Fourth Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Phoenix Metals, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. COMMISSION ACTION: ~, APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent E !v'~ ~. `N County Attorney: Daniel S. Nlclntvre Originating Dept.: DianxLewis CONCURRENCE: .`-'j _ ~-=_ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Other Purchasing: Other: Finance (Check Yor Copy only, if applicable): ITEM NO. VI-C i DATE: January 20, 2009 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUB__ Sneed Road Emergency Culvert Replacement at NSLRWCD Canal 66 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] BY: 1Vlich~l V. Powley, ~.E. County Engineer FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available: 102001-0000-205100-430106 -Drainage Maintenance Local Option Culvert Retainage, $30,381.70 and 31 6001-0000-2051 00-4301 06 - 5th Cent Fuel -Capital, Locat Option -Culvert Retainage, $254.36. PREVIOUS ACTION: February 12, 2008 -Board approved Work Authorization No. 3 to Contract C07-07-386 for Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater Management with Creech Engineers, Inc., for an emergency culvert replacement design for Sneed Road at NSLRWCD Canal 66 in the amount of $58,176. April 8, 2008 -Board approved the use of emergency bid procedures and award of Project No. 08-05, Sneed Road Emergency Culvert Replacement at NSLRWCD Canal 66 to Johnson-Davis, Inc. in the amount of $282,790.00. August 6, 2008 -County Administrator approved Change Order 1 for a time extension to September 30, 2008. October 14, 2008 -Board approved Change Order 2 in the amount of $23,570.59 to (C08-04-150) for modification to the construction of the Sneed Road Emergency Culvert Replacement at NSLRWCD Canal 66 for a total contract price of $306,360.59. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board accept Sneed Road Emergency Culvert Replacement at NSLRWCD Canal 66, provide final payment, release retainage in the amount of $30,636.06 to Johnson-Davis, Inc. (C08-04-150), and authorization for the Chair to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED ~== -= -- [ ]OTHER Approved 4-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Comm. Craft Absent County Administrator coordinatioNSianatures f [x]County Attorney ~ ~/~ [x]Mgt./Budget 8 Purchasing r,~ ! ~~"~ ,~~~x]RoadBridge ~'g~ ~;- ~~ Daniel McIntyre ,t.~r.~ I~h ~i. / ~ '~ "~S°`~ Don Pauley 1 (x]Originating Dept. Public Works ~ ' tx~~;o. ~~~y V ~ j , C [ ]Other Donak! West Michael Powley Finance (Check for copy only, if plipble.) Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO.V I'~ ~ DATE: January 20, 2009 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) SUBJECT: Waterstone -Release of Maintenance Bond for Concrete Sidewalk BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: n/a REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] BY: Michael N. Powley, P County Engineer PREVIOUS ACTION: On August 14, 2007 the Board conditionally accepted the concrete side walk along Emerson Avenue and accepted the maintenance bond. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the release of surety and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [ ]DENIED ~] OTHER Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent [x] County Attorney ~~ ~I: ~~{ ~ ~ ~"fie [x]Orig. Dept. Public Works WATERSONG South releas sure .ag CONCURRENCE: ~% __ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures [ ] Mgt. 8 Budget jx] County Engineer Michael Powley ITEM NO.VI- ~~ DATE: January 20, 2009 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): ENGINEERING DIVISION (4115) REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING ( ] CONSENT (x] PRESENTED BY: r (/ (d ~>' lX~ `'~Mlcha I V. Powley, County Engineer SUBJECT: Road Improvement Agreement with Rhodes Holdings, Inc., developers of St. Andrews Park Walgreens Crossing. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: n/a RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approve the Road Improvement Agreement with Rhodes Holdings, Inc. and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [yl APPROVED (]DENIED ~~- _ [ ]OTHER Faye Outlaw Approved 4-0 County Administrator Comm. Craft Absent Coordination/Sictnatures [x] County Attorney ~{ [ ]Mgt. & Budget Daniel McIntyre [x]Ong. Dept. Public Works ``~;~ Donald West jx] County Engineer /Vi ~ [ ]Env. Resources Michael Powley road improvement agreement Okeechobee Crossing.ag Gv~~YvZI "~a~rcL/iZ~~ti/ 7 1 1~ ~Q t1 NT Y "° F L o R E D A -~ AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU Request Permission to Advertise the Second Public Hearing BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. ITEM NO. VI-C4 DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING ( ] CONSENT [X] d P E D Y Michael V. Powley, P.E. County Engineer FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE IN: Fund No. 101001-4115-549000-3815 Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU- Advertising PREVIOUS ACTION: December 14, 2004 -The Board accepted the petition and granted permission to advertise the Initial Public Hearing. February 1, 2005 -The Board created the MSBU and authorized the County Engineer to proceed with the project. March 15, 2005 -The Board approved the Interlocal Agreements with the Tax Collector and the Property Appraiser. May 10, 2005 -The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering services with Camp, Dresser, and McKee to provide assessment services in the amount of $73, 880. May 10, 2005 -The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services with LBFH to provide surveying services in the amount of $117,995. November 8, 2005 -The Board approved the Interlocal Agreement with Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Ft. Pierce. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise the Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU Second Public Hearing to be held on February 17, 2009. Page 1 of 3 ' ', AGENDA REQUEST ~~~ ~_ °~ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 ITEM NO. VI- ~ S DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING. [ ] CONSENT [ X ] PRESS NTED BY: Mich el Powley, .E. County Engineer SUBJECT: Request permission to advertise for Qualifications (RFQs) for five Continuing Contracts administered by the Engineering Division. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL. n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: n/a RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests permission to advertise for RFQs from qualified firms to perform Bridge Evaluation and Design, Construction Management, Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Materials Testing, Roadway and Intersection Design, and Stormwater Management under the limitations of the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manual and the Florida State Statutes. COMMISSION ACTION: [ ]APPROVED [ ]DENIED [~] OTHER: Pulled prior to meeting. ,f~'' [x]County Attorney ~' Daniel McIntyre [x]Originating Dept. Public Works Donald West Finance (Check for copy only, if applicable. j Rfp adv,ag CONCURRENCE: Faye W.Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Sianatures rYi~n~r ins "~~et & Purchasing ZJOhnsn~ -j2r~n' ~ ' it [x]Co. Eng ~~` ~~ Michael Powley [ ]Road/Bridge_ [ ]Other Page 1 of 2 „~~ ~ C O C1 NT Y `` F L O R I D A AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 CONCURRENCE: Michel Powley, ~.E. Coun Engineer SUBJECT: Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $7,647 for Paradise Park Phase 2. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIL.: Funds are available in 102809-3725-563000-42511, Paradise Park Phase 2 SF1NMD - Stormwater Management. PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 9, 2008, -Board awarded Ranger Construction the construction contract for installation of the pond outfall connection to the C-25 Canal in the amount of $37,059. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board award Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Ranger Construction in the amount of $7,647 for a total cost of $44,706 in order to construct the anchoring foundation for headwall structure S- 38 at the SFWMD C-25 Canal within the Paradise Park Subdivision Stormwater Improvements Phase 2 Project, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent [x] County Attorney C~- [x] Mgt. 8 Budget Dan McIntyre ~ /,,1~ /'V TJOhn [x] Originating Dept. Public Works [x] bounty Engineer Donald West, P.E. Michael Powley, P.E. ~. ITEM NO. ~~/ ~~ DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR ( ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: _---~ -- ~' - - Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ~~ ~tv [x] Road 8 Bridge Donald Pauley [ ] Other - ~~'~ ~~ Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. VI-D C O U NT Y F L O R I D A AGENDA REQUEST DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: - ,~ SUBMITTED BY: AIRPORT DIANA LEWIS, DIRECTOR- SUBJECT: Request permission to enter into contract with David Greenlaw Construction in the amount of $36,292.06, for a metal roof replacement at Phoenix Metal Products located at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 140-4210-546100-400, Buildings Maintenance. PREVIOUS ACTION: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the contract for the metal roof replacement at Phoenix Metal Products, Inc. to David Greenlaw Construction in the amount of $36,292.06, and request the Chairman or designee to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ()DENIED ()OTHER Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures: County Attorney () ~''` Mgt. & Budget () Purchasing () Heat er Young Marie Gouin ttY Marston AAefi'sse-.er~ad- DaS~(« :v...v.V Originating Dept. (rr~ ~ Other () Other ( ) Diana Lewis Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) Agenda Request Item Number vi-E ~ Date: ~~~-009 Consent [ X ] Regular [ ] Public [ ] Presentation Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ) Board of County Commissioners Presented By To: Submitted By: Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Permission to advertise and issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for consultant work to assist in the preparation of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) based comprehensive plan amendments. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102-1510-531000-100; Planning -Professional Services PREVIOUS ACTION: On October 28, 2008 the Board of County Commissioners adopted and transmitted to DCA the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). This RFQ represents a continuation in the effort to adopt the EAR- based amendments into the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests Board approval to advertise and issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in the assistance of adopting the EAR-based amendments of the Comprehensive Plan. COMMISSION ACTION: ,?~ j APPROVED ~ DENIED I OTHER Approved 4-0 - Comm. Craft Absent - County Attorney Print Name: Asst. Co. Administrator Print Name: Coordination/ Signatures ~~ ~"~ Mgt. 8 Budget /;-,~, z;' ~ ~~~Print Name: CONCURRENCE: =-7 ~ -- ~, FAME W. OUTLAW, MPA County Administrator ,. ,. . Purchasing: ~ T o~hns~; Print Name: ~ ' ~ ~,~ ~ `~~'"~~ "` ~ z.Y~.,.: Ccr I-~ I[ Agenda Request Item Number ~ i - C Z Meeting Date: 01/20/2009 Consent [ X ] Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD ( ] To: Board of County Commissioners Prese ted By Submitted By: Growth Management Department Ma Satterlee, AICP Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Request permission to advertise the developer agreement of Lennar Homes, LLC for the Silver Oaks Planned Unit Development. BACKGROUND: Lennar Homes, LLC has requested, through Growth management and the County Attorney's office, to enter into a developers agreement. State law and County ordinance require 2 public hearings for the developer agreement. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 19, 2008, this Board, through Resolution 08-012, granted a second and final one year extension to the Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan approval for the project known as Silver Oaks -PUD. On February 6, 2007, this Board, through Resolution 07-018, granted a one year extension to the Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan approval for the project known as Silver Oaks - PUD. On March 1, 2005, this Board, through Resolution 05-021, granted Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Site Plan approval for the project known as Silver Oaks -PUD. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize staff to advertise two Public Hearings. The first to be held on February 10, 2009 at 9 AM or as soon thereafter as possible, and the second on February 17, 2009 at 6 PM or as soon thereafter as possible. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED DENIED Approved 4-0 OTHER Comm. Craft Absent County Attorney ~'~~~ Daniel S. McIntyre County Engineer: Michael Powley CONCURRENCE: . _ _~ Coordination/ Signatures E.R.D.: Jennifer Evans Other: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator County Surveyor: Ron Hams Other: Form No. 07-07 ITEM NO. VI-F1 DATE: 1/20/09 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC HEARING ( ) AGENDA REQUEST CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: PRESENTED BY: Marie Cyoui ,Director REGULAR ( ) Approval of bid waiver and ratification of emergency purchase orders from Tropical Storm Fay Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Tropical Storm Fay program #19014 -Various funds, organizations and account numbers. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board: (1) Ratify the County Administrator's Order effective August 19, 2008 at 6:00 A.M.; (2) Approve the waiver of sealed bids as a result of the declared emergency; (3) Ratify the County Administrator's approval of the emergency purchase orders as attached. COMMISSION ACTION: () () DENIED Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent _~~, County Attorney (X) 1'~ Dan McIntyre Other ( ) APPROVED OTHER CONCURRENCE: ~~ J~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures Mgmt & Budget (X) __ .-ra, i-?e~~`° Other t '; Purchasing (X) Desiree Cimino FlnanCe (~ for copy only if applicable) ITEM NO. VI-F2 DATE: 1/20109 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Marie ouin, Director SUBJECT: Board approval to reject all responses and re-advertise Request for Qualification 09-003; Professional Engineering Services -Traffic and Transportation BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102-1510-531000-100 -Professional Services PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to reject all responses and re-advertise Request for Qualification 09-003; Professional Engineering Services - Trafficand Transportation COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED () DENIED O OTHER Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent ~ ~ /<~ ~`' County Attorney (X) [` -' Dan e Growth Mgmt. (X) atterlee CONCURRENCE: ~~ ~-- ~' Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Mgmt & Budget (X) ~_ -j~ ~,t,~s~~;~. Other Purchasing (X) ~• _ Desiree Cimino FInBnCe (~ for copy only if applicable) s, ITEM NO. VI-1=3 ___...~w -~~ - `~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ '; ~: ~ ~~ ~,~,,,y ; ;. t ~~~ .?+~ DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR 1120109 PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Purchasing Division PRESENT D BY: ~~ Marie Gouin, Director SUBJECT: Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid #09-007 Taylor Dairy Road and St. Lucie Boulevard Force Main Extension, Phase I, according to the attached tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder H & D Construction of Fort Pierce, Florida in the amount of $160,352.50. BACKGROUND: Please see the attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140360-4220-563005-48004 (FDEP Grant)- Infrastructure/Construction Engineering PREVIOUS ACTION: B.O.C.C. recommended approval for permission to advertise, 10/09/07, Agenda Item C9-B. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid #09-007 Taylor Dairy Road and St. Lucie Boulevard Force Main Extension, Phase I, according to the attached tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder H & D Construction of Fort Pierce, Florida in the amount of $160,352.50 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~~ APPROVED O DENIED ___, _ O OTHER ~.__- ' -~ ~="' ---= approved 4-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Comm. Craft Absent County Administrator ~~~ Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (X) ~~~~ Mgmt & Budget (X) Purchasing (X) Dan ~A4~G~kl`~W~ iit,tlp/ Desiree M,clntyre 11 ~ Cimino Airport (X) ~-`~_ .~_. - Utilities (X) ~' l- ~ FlnanCe (/ for copy only if applicable) Diana Lewis Laurie Case AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI - G DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants and Disaster Recovery PRESENTED BY: William Hoeffner, Director~~~ SUBJECT: Authorize the County Administrator to sign documents associated with the St. Lucie County Development Permit Application to allow for the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum to install a new sidewalk and memorial area. BACKGROUND: Since the County owns the property where the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum is located, the County Administrator is required to sign any permit application. This agenda item would allow for the Board to review the proposed improvements and authorize the County Administrator to sign any documents associated with the permit application. The application is for a Minor Adjustment to a Major Site Plan. Due to the size of the project, the application will be reviewed by the Growth Management Development Review Committee (DRC) and will not require final approval by Planning and Zoning or the BOCC. The National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum has been fundraising for this specific project and plan to have it completed by the 2009 Veteran's Day Muster. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On September 2, 2008, the BOCC approved a $100,000 Art in Public Places grant to the SEAL Museum for the memorial sculpture. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the County Administrator to sign any documents associated with the Development Permit Application for the new sidewalk and memorial area at the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [] DENIED (] OTHER: Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent Review and Approvals `~/ County Attorney: Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept: William Hoeffner CONCURRENCE: l ~~ ~~~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Management & Budget:.lenn~Ft,- N~I~ Other: Patty Marston TO: Board of County Commissioners AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. IV-~ ~}- DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR ~ PUBLIC HEARING ~ CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Economic Development Larry D um, Economic Development Manager SUBJECT: Request Board approval to accept the 15t Quarter Economic Development Council's report on the accomplishments in October, November and December 2008 as fulfilling the requirements of the contract. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 666-1515-582000-100 and 001-1515-582000-100 PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of this 1 st quarter interim report by the EDC and the continued pursuit of economic growth in the County. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: f~APPROVED ~ DENIED 0 OTHER: Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent _~`-- - -c _--= Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals G~ County Attorney: ~~~~wo Management & Budget:~~ Originating Dept: "a' Other: ~k~¢;uap.~;~,~,,,t~v4~ M~,;Other. Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Gwui~ Purchasing: Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST C o u r[~r y F L O R I D A T0: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. VII-A DATE: January 20, 2008 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ x ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 09-003 (formerly No. 08-031) -Amending the Land Development Code to add the definition of Fall Radius; to amend Section 7.10.23(M)(1), Setbacks and Sections 7.10.23(N)(3), Separation Requirements for Telecommunications Tower Height General Requirements and Minimum Standards BACKGROUND: See CA No. 09-0025 PREVIOUS ACTION: Permission to advertise was granted by Board of County Commissioners on September 9, 2008. The revision was heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission on October 16, 2008 and approved unanimously. A copy of the minutes are attached. (See Item E, page 11). The first public hearing was heard on January 6, 2009. RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Ordinance No. 09-003 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED __ [ ]OTHER: ~~~--~~---- -----~ Approved 4-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Comm. Craft Absent County Administrator Review and Approvals (X] County Attorney: ~ ~' [ ]Management Ei Budget: [ ]Purchasing: Daniel McIntyre [ ]Road & Bridge.: [)Parks 8 Recreation Director [ ]Solid Waste Mgr ( ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ~ o u ~-r y . F L Q R I D A' TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR [x ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: 3301 Cortez, Fort Pierce, FL - Unsightly and Unsanitary Conditions BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize a 30 day notice be sent to the property owner ordering him to remove the unsightly and unsanitary conditions on the property or St. Lucie County will have it cleared and place a lien on the property. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [X'] APPROVED [ ] DENIED OTHER: Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent ~---r ~ -' Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ~~. Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney: ~. I~' ! [ ]Management & Budget: [ ]Purchasing: ~/~iti tl%t 3 iflc y'n?yrZ„ [ J Road & Bridge.: [ )Parks & Recreation Director [ ]Solid Waste Mgr ( ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) Effective 5/96 - -~~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. III-~~ I ~ ~~ r ,, ~~~,~ ~ --~ DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY EROSION DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS -EROSION PRESENTED BY: Richard A. Bouchard, P.E. Erosion District Manager SUBJECT: Amendment No. 2 to Project Agreement 07SL2 with FDEP which includes additional state funds for design and permitting tasks associated with the Southern St. Lucie County Beach Restoration Project. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS: The original Grant Agreement provided for 100% State funding. This amendment includes $148,097 in additional state funding which will be cost shared at State - 29.93% ($148,097) and County - 60.07% ($346,715). This percentage is based upon the state's beach funding criteria. Future public beach access improvements at Waveland Beach and Dollman Beach Parks will reduce the County's funding percentage. These funds will be made available in the following account: Account' No. 184211-3710-531000-36203 ($148,097); Erosion District - So. St. Lucie County Beach. Budget Resolution No. 09-002 is also attached for Board consideration. PREVIOUS ACTION: January 23, 2007: Board approved FDEP Project Agreement 07SL2 and W.A. Nos. 6 and 7 with Coastal Tech for Design 8~ Permitting and Geotechnical work of the Southern St. Lucie County Beach project. July 15, 2008: Board approved Amendment No. 1 to defer some of the design and permitting tasks and reallocate those funds to undertake supplemental environmental tasks. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Erosion District Board approve 1) Amendment No. 2 to Project Agreement No. 07SL2 with FDEP, 2) Budget Resolution No. 09-002, 3) Amendment No. 2 to Work Authorization No. 06 (Contract #04-11-642) with Coastal Technology Corporation, increasing the contract amount by $494,812 and 3) signature of said documents by the Chairman. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED ~' ] OTHER: Approved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent (x] County Attorney d~ ~,. CONCURRENCE: ~---_, ~ , Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures i [x] Mgt. & Budget r ~ [x] Erosion District Mgr. gPl1'1 Dan McIntyre ~-r- Johnson ,~,,~ ~ I'~ [~ Barbara Meinhardt [x]Originating Dept. Public Works ~~ . [ ]Purchasing Dept. [x] Finance Department (Grants) (cooy) ~" Do West AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. III- ,~-_ DATE: January 20, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: ST. IUCIE COUNTY EROSION DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PUBLIC WORKS -EROSION PRESENTED BY: Richard A. Bouchard, P.E. Erosion District Manager SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to Project Agreement 07SL3 for a FDEP matching grant to evaluate the performance of a potential sediment basin for sand by-passing purposes at the Ft. Pierce Inlet. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS: FDEP Grant 07SL3 (50%); Total Amount: $452,900; (Erosion District: $226,450, FDEP: $226,450). Funds ($226,450) will be made available in Account #184212-3710-531000-3712; Erosion District & FDEP-IMP Grant. Budget Resolution No. 09-003 is also attached for Board consideration. PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 8, 2002: Board approved FDEP Grant ($68,983) and Work Authorization ($137,966) with Taylor Engineering to initiate a Sand By-Passing Feasibility Study for Ft. Pierce Inlet. July 15, 2008: Board approved FDEP Grant No. 07SL3 and W.A. No. 13 with Taylor Engineering to provide extensive data collection and field measurements for the evaluation of a deposition basin alternative. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Erosion District Board approve 1) Amendment No. 1 to Project Agreement No. 07SL3 with FDEP, 2) Budget Resolution No. 09-003, 3) Amendment No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 13 (Contract #04-11-622) with Taylor Engineering, Inc., increasing the contract amount by $452,900 and 3) signature of said documents by the Chairman. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [y,) APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: gpproved 4-0 Comm. Craft Absent Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures [x] County Attorney ~` /`i [x] Mgt. & Budget r [x] Erosion District ~P-1'1 Dan McIntyre 7,~ohnsa:~ ~,~~ ~ Barbara Meinhardt • l (x]Originating Dept. Public Works ~' [ ]Purchasing Dept. [x] Finance Department (Grants) (cooy) Don West