HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 01-20-2009 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: January 20, 2009 Convened: 6:00 p.m. Adjourned: 6:55 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Chris Dzadovsky, Chris Craft, absent Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Heather Young, Asst. County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Mike Powley, County Engineer, Peter Jones, Planning Manager, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. MINUTES Approve the minutes from the January 13, 2009 meeting. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve the minutes of the meeting held January 13, 2009, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. IV. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS There are no proclamations/presentations for January 20, 2009. V. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. John Arena, area resident, addressed the Board regarding what he felt was an obsession with cocaine in the area. He also asked the Board to make their fears and aggressions known regarding the Port. Com. Coward advised Mr. Arena the issues have been resolved through public process and the Port Master Plan was completed over a year ago and can be reviewed on line. VI. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda with item 6-C-5 pulled, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. A.WARRANTS The Board approved Warrant List No. 16. B.COUNTY ATTORNEY St. Lucie County International Airport – Fourth Amendment to Lease Agreement with Phoenix Metals, Inc. – The Board approved the proposed Fourth Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Phoenix Metals, Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment. C. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Engineering Division - Sneed Road Emergency Culvert Replacement at NSLRWCD Canal 66 – The Board accepted Sneed Road Emergency Culvert Replacement at NSLRWCD Canal 66, provide final payment, release retainage in the amount of $30,636.06 to Johnson-Davis, Inc. (C08-04-150), and authorized the Chair to sign. 1 2. Engineering Division - Waterstone – Release of Maintenance Bond for Concrete Sidewalk – The Board approved the release of surety and authorized the Chairman to sign. 3. Engineering Division - Road Improvement Agreement with Rhodes Holdings, Inc., developers of St. Andrews Park Walgreen’s Crossing – The Board approved the Road Improvement Agreement with Rhodes Holdings, Inc. and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement. 4. Engineering Division - Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU – Request Permission to Advertise the Second Public Hearing – The Board granted permission to advertise the Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU Second Public Hearing to be held on February 17, 2009. C. PUBLIC WORKS CONTINUED 5. Engineering Division - Request permission to advertise for Qualifications (RFQs) for five Continuing Contracts administered by the Engineering Division – This item was pulled at the request of Engineering. 6. Engineering Division - Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $7,647 for Paradise Park Phase 2 – The Board approved awarding Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Ranger Construction in the amount of $7,647 for a total cost of $44,706 in order to construct the anchoring foundation for headwall structure S-38 at the SFWMD C-25 Canal within the Paradise Park Subdivision Stormwater Improvements Phase 2 Project, and authorized the Chairman to sign. D. AIRPORT Request permission to enter into contract with David Greenlaw Construction in the amount of $36,292.06, for a metal roof replacement at Phoenix Metal Products located at the St. Lucie County International Airport – The Board approved the contract for the metal roof replacement at Phoenix Metal Products, Inc. to David Greenlaw Construction in the amount of $36,292.06, and requested the Chairman or designee to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. E. GROWTH MANAGEMENT 1. Permission to advertise and issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for consultant work to assist in the preparation of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) based comprehensive plan amendments – The Board approved to advertise and issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in the assistance of adopting the EAR-based amendments of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Request permission to advertise the developer agreement of Lennar Homes, LLC for the Silver Oaks Planned Unit Development – The Board authorized staff to advertise two Public Hearings. The first to be held on February 10, 2009 at 9 AM or as soon thereafter as possible, and the second on February 17, 2009 at 6 PM or as soon thereafter as possible. F. MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 1. Purchasing Division - Approval of bid waiver and ratification of emergency purchase orders from Tropical Strom Fay – The Board approved to: (1) Ratify the County Administrator’s Order effective August 19, 2008 at 6:00 A.M.; (2) Approve the waiver of sealed bids as a result of the declared emergency; (3) Ratify the County Administrator’s approval of the emergency purchase orders as attached. 2. Purchasing Division - Board approval to reject all responses and re- advertise Request for Qualification 09-003; Professional Engineering Services -Traffic and Transportation – The Board approved rejecting all responses and approved to re-advertise the Request for Qualification 09- 003; Professional Engineering Services – Traffic and Transportation. 3. Purchasing Division - Board approval to award Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid #09-007 Taylor Dairy Road and St. Lucie Boulevard Force Main 2 Extension, Phase I, according to the attached tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder H & D Construction of Fort Pierce, Florida in the amount of $160,352.50 – The Board approved awarding Invitation to Bid (ITB) Bid #09-007 Taylor Dairy Road and St. Lucie Boulevard Force Main Extension, Phase I, according to the attached tabulation of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder H & D Construction of Fort Pierce, Florida in the amount of $160,352.50 and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. G. GRANTS Authorize the County Administrator to sign documents associated with the St. Lucie County Development Permit Application to allow for the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum install a new sidewalk and memorial area – The Board authorized the County Administrator to sign any documents associated with the Development Permit Application for the new sidewalk and memorial area at the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum. H. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT st Request Board approval to accept the 1 Quarter Economic Development Council’s report on the accomplishments in October, November and December st 2008 as fulfilling the requirements of the contract – The Board approved the 1 quarter interim report by the EDC and the continued pursuit of economic growth in the County. END OF CONSENT AGENDA VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. COUNTY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. 09-003 (formerly No. 08-031) - Amending the Land Development Code to add the definition of Fall Radius; to amend Section 7.10.23(M)(1), Setbacks and Sections 7.10.23(N)(3), Separation Requirements for Telecommunications Tower Height General Requirements and Minimum Standards – Consider staff recommendation to adopt the attached Ordinance No. 09-003 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve Ordinance No. 09-003, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS REGULAR AGENDA VIII. COUNTY ATTORNEY 3301 Cortez, Fort Pierce, FL – Unsightly and Unsanitary Conditions – Consider staff recommendation to authorize a 30 day notice be sent to the property owner ordering him to remove the unsightly and unsanitary conditions on the property or St. Lucie County will have it cleared and place a lien on the property. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. BOARD COMMENTS Com. Grande commented on the Rural Land Stewardship Program and stated he felt Growth Management needed to bring this issue to the Board for action. Com. Dzadovsky stated he would be amenable to discussing this issue at a workshop. Com. Coward stated he was reluctant to do anything today due to the fact the fifth Commissioner is not present. 3 Com. Coward commented on possibly negotiating with Wal-Mart Distribution Center regarding expansion of their distribution center for agricultural products rather than just dry goods. He asked the Board to provide direction to staff to investigate this possibility. Com. Grande stated we are sitting with half of a program in the Comp Plan and it would be hard for Consultant to guide a group through completion if we do not know what we have out there. Com. Coward stated he believed the program needed to be gutted or substantially changed due to so many problems and he agrees the program is problematic for the long term of St. Lucie County. The County Administrator stated this was an issue scheduled for joint meeting scheduled with the City. They were looking to have the City of Ft. Pierce join in the Charette or the planning process for the western lands giving there were issues with annexation and if the Board was inclined they would bring the scope of the RFP to an informal meeting. Com. Coward stated he believed they were confusing issues. He would like to discuss with the city the land use changes in the areas around the Research Park and not necessarily the more remote western areas. He does not believe the would want the city of Ft. Pierce involved at this point especially when there are more issues on the table i.e. annexation. Com. Coward asked if anyone wished to weigh in with the Wal-Mart issue so that staff could receive direction. The Board advised Com. Coward of their support on this issue. Com. Lewis recommended sending a letter. The County Administrator stated she would make the contact and follow up with a letter. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. _________________________ Chairman _________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court 4