HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice 02-02-2009 Notice: The February 11, 2009 Property & Homeowners Association Meeting has been cancelled. The next scheduled meeting is March 11, 2009 @ 10:00 a.m. in Conference Room 3. If you have any questions please call Charline Burgess, Commissioner Coward’s Executive Aide at 462-1400. QOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS February 2, 2009 Dear Committee Member: DOUG COWARD COMMISSIONER At the first meeting upon my return as the Board liaison to the Property and Homeowners Association, you identified the on-going foreclosure issue as the number one item that you directed me to work on. For those of you that attended the subsequent January 14th meeting on this topic, you were witness to an overwhelming response that required us to suspend the remainder of the regular agenda and to extend the time of the meeting to focus exclusively on this matter. Most of the meeting pertained to the impact that foreclosures were having on neighborhood associations and assessments, while others in attendance who were facing foreclosure were disappointed that more attention was not given to their predicament. As a result, I have decided that it would be best to sponsor a second foreclosure seminar to provide more information to individual homeowners and to follow-up on proposed legislative changes that were discussed at the first foreclosure meeting. Therefore, rather than holding the regularly scheduled Property and Homeowners Association meeting on February 11th, I am working with our past speaker, Chris Draper, and the St. Lucie Bar Association to schedule a second foreclosure seminar. The date and time have not been determined but we are trying to find a date in late-February. We will sent out a press release to the local newspaper and provide an update on the county web site www.stlucieco.or~. If you need further information, please feel free to contact my office at #462-1412. Once we have concluded this first priority item, we can then return to our regularly scheduled meeting in March. Thank you for your suggestion to sponsor these forums on foreclosure matters, and especially Pat Pacitti for recommending our guest speaker. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting. Sincerely, Doug~oward County Commissioner District 2 CHRIS DZADOVSKY, District No. 1 DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. ~ CHARLES GRANDE, District No. 4 CHRIS CRAFT, District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462-1412 FAX (772) 462-2131 • TDD (772) 462-1428 www.stiucieco.gov