HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 01-27-2009
DATE: January 27, 2009 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 10:25 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward,
Chris Craft, Chris Dzadovsky
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director,
Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director, Jim
David, Mosquito Control Director, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Roger Shinn, Central
Services Director, Dennis Wetzel, I/T Director, Bill Hoeffner, Grants
Resources/Disaster Project Manager, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director,
Carl Holeva, Human Resources, Mike Powley, County Engineer, Millie Delgado-
Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the January 20, 2009 meeting.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held January 20, 2009, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There are no proclamations/presentations for January 27, 2009.
Mr. Craig Mundt, North Hutchinson Island resident, addressed the Board regarding
item “J” on the Consent Agenda. He requested information regarding the additional
costs stated in the item. He asked if this cost was anticipated when they looked at
the original project. He also stated he had concerns about up fronting the amount to
FPL and asked if they could pay as they go.
The Airport Director stated the power lines are anticipated to be done and the
$52,000 was for the preliminary engineering estimated costs. They received a grant
in the amount of $1.3 million. The cost has increased from the previous amount
stated and they are presently looking for additional grant funds from the FAA and the
FDOT. FPL does not budget for these projects and this is why the money has to be
provided up front.
Com. Dzadovsky asked if they had considered placing these lines underground.
The Airport Director stated she had talked to FPL about underground lines and they
had informed her they were reluctant to place lines underground especially
transmission lines. They must have some type of oil in order to keep the lines cool,
provide a facility where the lines can be placed from one end to the other so that the
oil can be provided. They have decided to keep these lines on the poles for easier
Com. Coward commented and stated this was an expensive infrastructure cost and
felt it would solve one problem and cause another. He stated this was the first time
he had heard anything regarding extending the runway to the east.
Com. Coward asked if the Board was inclined to delay this one more week. He would
like the ability to review this further.
The Airport Director stated if it was the pleasure of the Board, she would not have a
problem delaying the item.
The County Administrator stated they were in the process of updating the Airport
Master Plan and she believes this would be a great opportunity for the general public
to give input on the various airport issues. She is not clear that there is a plan at staff
level to look at any point in the future the runway being extended going east. There
has not been discussion at the staff level on this issue. She believes it is not the
intent of the Airport Director to create this perception.
Com. Lewis stated she had previous discussions with FPL and they had informed her
they do not place these types of lines underground and she felt adding this cost to
the project for the future giving the fact there is not a plan would not be a prudent
thing to do.
Com. Dzadovsky commented on the fact he felt the Airport would be an economic
engine for the future. His concern is that the runway may not be long enough to
withstand such an aircraft like a 737. He believes 1.6 million dollars to move lines is
a great expense when they could move them further west, however he is aware this
would take much more planning.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the Consent Agenda
with the corrections stated on item C-3 (error in printing) by Com. Lewis, and; upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
Approve warrant list No. 17.
1. Drug Abuse Treatment Association, Inc. (D.A.T.A.) – Eleventh
Amendment to June 12, 1990 Facilities Use Agreement – The Board
approved the Eleventh Amendment to the June 12, 1990 Facilities Use
Agreement between the County and D.A.T.A. and authorized the
Chairman to sign the Amendment.
2. Road Impact Fee Credits-Consent to Assignment and Direction from Core
Communities, LLC, et. al. to Tradition Community Development District
No. 1 – The Board authorized the Chair to sign the Consent to the
Assignment and Direction set out above.
1. Authorize the acceptance of a grant from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency Hazard Mitigation Grant Program in the amount of
$116,243. The grant funds are to be used for design, engineering, and
permitting of storm water conveyance systems for the Indian River
Estates storm water project. The grant requires a 25% match in the
amount of $38,747. Approval is also being sought for the expenditure of
$38,747 from the County’s Emergency Reserve Fund for the required
match – The Board approved accepting the Federal Emergency
Management Agency Hazard Mitigation Grant Program grant in the
amount of $116,243 and approval of an expenditure of $38,747 from the
County’s Emergency Reserve Fund for the required 25% match for the
2. Authorize the expenditure of $25,000 for an appraisal, wetland
delineation and title search of the Riverside and Dennis parcels of the
Harbor Branch project – The Board approved an expenditure of $25,000
for an appraisal, wetland delineation, and title search of the Dennis and
Riverside parcels.
3. Submittal of a funding request in the amount of $12,500 to the Indian
River Lagoon National Estuary Program to assist with the due diligence
costs of acquiring two properties related to the overall Harbor Branch
acquisition project – The Board authorized submitting a funding request
in the amount of $12,500 to the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary
Program to assist with the due diligence costs of acquiring two
properties related to the overall Harbor Branch acquisition project.
4. Submittal of a funding request in the amount of $12,500.00 to the
Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program to assist with the due
diligence costs of acquiring two properties related to the overall Harbor
Branch acquisition project – The Board authorized submittal of a funding
request in the amount of $12,500 to the Indian River Lagoon National
Estuary Program to assist with the due diligence costs of acquiring two
properties related to the overall Harbor Branch acquisition project.
1. Board approval of the Third Amendment for a short-term extension to
the continuing service contracts C06-07-490 with Stanley Consultants,
Inc. and C06-07-417 with Vanus, Inc. for Professional Engineering
Services for Traffic and Transportation to extend the term through June
30, 2009. This is an interim measure to ensure availability of services
while the County re-issues the RFQ for these services – The Board
approved the Third Amendment for a short-term extension to the
continuing service contracts C06-07-490 with Stanley Consultants, Inc.
and C06-07-417 with Vanus, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services
for Traffic and Transportation to extend the term through June 30, 2009
and permission for the Chair to sign the amendments as prepared by the
County Attorney.
2. Request of J. Michael Merritt for final plat approval for the project to be
known as “Merritt Subdivision”. This project is a two-lot subdivision on
6.89 acres of property located on north side of Muller Road,
approximately 1 mile south of Okeechobee Road in the AG- 2.5
(Agricultural – 1 du/2.5 acre) Zoning District – The Board approved the
final plat of “Merritt Subdivision” and authorized for final signature and
1. Second Contract Amendment – Professional Sports Camps, Inc. – The
Board approved the Second Amendment to the Recreation Division
Facilities Use Agreement with Professional Sports Camps, Inc. and
authorized the Chair to sign the Amendment as drafted by the County
2. Permission to Apply for Summer Camp Grants – The Board approved one
grant application to the Fort Pierce Redevelopment Agency and two
grant applications to the Children’s Services Council of St. Lucie County
for summer camp programs, authorized acceptance of the funds, if
approved, and authorized the Chair to sign the Grant Agreements.
Work Authorization with Sims Wilkerson Engineering, through continuing contract
#C07-05-256, to provide a design plan for the air conditioning system
replacement at the State Attorney’s Office-Empire I at a cost of $43,000.00 –
The Board approved a Work Authorization with Sims Wilkerson Engineering,
through continuing contract #C07-05-256, to provide a design plan for the air
conditioning system replacement at the State Attorney’s Office-Empire I at a cost
of $43,000. The design plan is to divide this project into two phases: Phase I
will be accomplished FY 08-09. Phase II is unfunded and upon budget approval
will be accomplished FY 09-10. The Board further authorized the Chair to sign
the work authorization as prepared by the County Attorney.
1. Request Board approval to award Emergency contract with Technical
Inspections, Inc. for removal of silt sediments on the pumps at Platt’s
Creek Stormwater Facility – The Board approved an Emergency contract
with Technical Inspections, Inc. in the amount of $33,950.00 for removal
and cleaning of silt sediments and repairs on the pumps at Platt’s Creek
Stormwater Facility and signature of Chair.
2. Amendment to the Joint Participation Agreement with Florida
Department of Transportation and the Florida Ports Council (FSTED) for
Taylor Creek Restoration – Spoil Site Evaluation & Design Project – The
Board approved the amendment to the Joint Participation Agreement
(JPA) with Florida Department of Transportation and Florida Ports
Council (FSTED) for Taylor Creek Restoration – Phase 2 Dredging and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
Award of RFP #08-073 On-Site Employee Health Clinic to Care Here, LLC – The
Board approved awarding RFP #08-073 for an On-Site Employee Health Clinic to
the top ranked proposer Care Here, LLC, and gave permission for the Chairman
to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
Approve Amendment No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 3, GLE Associates, #C05-
05-282, to provide professional services in the amount of $39,000.00 for the
design and planning of the Employee Health Clinic located at the St. Lucie
County Logistics Center. Approve Budget Amendment #BA09-001 in the amount
of $600,000.00 and Capital Improvement Plan #CIP09-028 – The Board
approved Amendment No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 3, GLE Associates, #C05-
05-282, to provide professional services for the design and planning of the
Employee Health Clinic located at the St. Lucie County Logistics Center. Costs
associated with these professional services are $39,000. Estimated total cost for
the Employee Health Clinic project, including professional services is $600,000.00
and funding is available through the Health Insurance Fund. The Board
approved Budget Amendment #BA09-001in the amount of $600,000.00, Capital
Improvement Plan #CIP09-028, and authorized the Chair to sign the Amendment
as prepared by the County Attorney.
Request authorization to enter into Facilities Relocation Agreement with FPL for
the relocation of the power lines impacting the new Runway 9L/27R at an
estimated additional cost of $1,581,489.00 for a total cost of $1,633,489.00, and
moving funds from the Airport West Commerce Park capital budget to cover the
shortfall of $261,489.00 on this project – The Board authorized staff to enter into
the Facilities Relocation Agreement with FPL, authorize reallocation of
$261,489.00 needed from the Airport West Commerce Park project to address
the shortfall of funds for the FPL power lines project, and authorized the up front
payment of $1,581,489.00 for a total cost of $1,633,489.00 to FPL for the
relocation of power lines at the St. Lucie County International Airport.
1. Authorize staff to submit a request to the Federal Transportation
Administration (FTA) to be the designated recipient of Job Access
Commute (JARC) and New Freedom program funds – The Board
authorized staff to submit a request to the Federal Transportation
Administration (FTA) to be the designated recipient of Job Access
Commute (JARC) and New Freedom program funds, authorized the Chair
to sign all necessary documents.
2. Acceptance of the St. Lucie County Affordable Housing Advisory
Committee 2008 Incentive & Recommendation Report compiled by the
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee – The Board approved
Resolution No. 09-036 accepting the St. Lucie County Affordable Housing
Advisory Committee’s 2008 Incentive & Recommendation Report.
3. Approval of Modification No. 3 to revise the program budget, scope of
work and extend the contract for the St. Lucie County 2005 Community
Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) – The
Board approved Modification No. 3 to revise the program budget, scope
of work and extend the contract for the St. Lucie County 2005 CDBG DRI
Grant and authorized the Chair to sign necessary documents.
4. Permission to advertise Request for Proposal for grant administration
services for the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant – The
Board granted permission to advertise Request for Proposal for grant
administration services for the Small Cities Community Development
Block Grant.
Staff requests approval of Amendment No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 22 for
Camp Dresser & McKee to increase the lump sum amount from $49,700.00 to
$61,700.00 – The Board approved Amendment No. 1 to Work Authorization No.
22 for Camp Dresser & McKee to increase the lump sum amount from
$49,700.00 to $61,700.00.
There are no Public Hearings scheduled for January 27, 2009.
Resolution No. 09-035 – Authorizing Lease-Purchase of Computer Equipment and
Software – Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 09-035 and authorize
the Chairman to sign the Resolution.
The County Attorney addressed the Board and provided the changes to the
Com. Dzadovsky questioned if this was an absolute must for the county at
this time and asked how old the computers are.
The County Administrator alluded back to the Strategic Planning Session last
year where this item was presented and discussed. She advised the Board of
the impact the present system was having on the work load and the loss of
staff time attempting to respond to issues. She felt it was absolutely
necessary to move forward with this issue.
The I/T Director advised the Board they have issues on compatibility with the
new soft ware and the present system. They are in a maintenance mode and
do not have enough money to replace the computers. They are swapping
parts and it is difficult to keep them operational and the labor is intensive. He
advised the Board the numbers are in accordance with the reduction in staff.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky to approve
Resolution No. 09-035 as amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Treasure Coast Education & Research Development Authority – Consider staff
recommendation to vote and appoint three at large members from the applications
submitted to fill the three vacancies on the Treasure Coast Education & Research
Development Authority.
The County Administrator addressed the Board on this item and advised the
of the recommendation received from the TCERDA Board.
Com. Craft stated that recognizing where they are with the park at this point,
it makes sense to have the right people in the positions. He reminded the
Board of the wishes of the City Commission to have someone on the Board
representing them. He believes Mr. Tom Perona from FPUA would be
that person. He has had discussions with Ms. Bachelor and other members
of the TCERDA Board regarding his recommendation. He also recommended
Mr. Stefan Mathis to fill one of the positions.
Com. Grande asked if there would be negative impact at this time if they
held off on the two seats to have further investigations on the applicants.
He would like to have time to review the applications submitted.
Ms. Bachelor stated she did not see a problem as the TCERDA Board would
also like to review the applications submitted. The TCERDA Board does
recommend the Board appoint Travis E. Murphy, Jr. to the partial term and
be given time to review the applications for the other two positions.
Com. Coward stated he did not have a problem with the appointment of Mr.
Perona, however he did not agree with Com. Craft’s second recommendation
since there are other engineer applicants to review.
Com. Grande stated he concurred with the TCERDA Board’s recommendation
of Travis E. Murphy, Jr., and would like to be given ample time to review the
other applications and have input from the City of Ft. Pierce and the TCERDA
Board before he makes his decision.
Com. Coward asked Com. Grande if this was a motion and Com. Grande
replied it was; it was then seconded by Com. Coward.
Com. Lewis stated she recalled the City advised her they did not wish for the
Board of County Commissioners to appoint their representative.
Com. Grande stated he would like the opportunity to speak with Mr. Perona
and would like a week or two to do their homework and see if these are
indeed the right people.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he believed they should move in the level of
cooperation with the City of Ft. Pierce. He believes there are individuals
within this group especially one, Mr. Tod Mowery who has experience with
the international flavor on this type of issue.
Ms. Bachelor stated one of the issues the Board has come to agreement on is
where they are as a Board and what assets they need to move forward.
At this time the motion was withdrawn by Com. Grande as well as the
Second by Com. Coward.
Com. Coward recommended and moved on approving the appointment of Mr.
Perona and Mr. Murphy and have the City and TCERDA identify the 3 slot
with parameters based on what the TCERDA Board needs, seconded by Com.
Com. Grande stated he would not support the motion due to the fact he felt it
limits the Board on what they can do with the city and he cannot understand
why the 3 seat would be a City of Ft. Pierce seat. He would prefer to go with
the recommendation made by the TCERDA Board.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he felt they would need input from the TCERDA Board
And he would not support the new motion and prefers the prior motion.
Com. Coward stated he would then withdraw his motion and go back to the
previous motion.
At this time a tally was taken of the votes for the single position.
The County Administrator advised the Board the vote was unanimous for
the appointment of Mr. Travis Murphy to the one open position.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky to move forward
With the TCERDA recommended appointment and to hold off on the other two
applicant selections, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Aye’s:
Coward, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Grande; Nay’s: Craft, motion carried by a vote of
4 to 1.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting
was adjourned.
Clerk of the Circuit Court