HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 02-03-2009
Date: February 3, 2009 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Adjourned: 6:55 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward,
Chris Craft, Chris Dzadovsky
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director,
Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director, Robin
Meyers, Asst. Growth Management Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the January 27, 2009 meeting.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the meeting
held January 27, 2009, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There are no proclamations/presentations for February 3, 2009.
Mr. Michael Jacquin, Jacquin & Sons, addressed the Board regarding the grading of
the road at the new emergency operations center. He asked the Board to consider
building up the sides of Okeechobee Road as they are doing for Orange Avenue. He
also requested the Board consider and direct staff to provide an informal process for
the Brocksmith Road project. He requested staff be directed to provide a
presentation on the project to the Board.
Mr. Tom Ladomirak, Port St. Lucie resident, addressed the Board regarding what he
felt was inadequate signage for the new park on Selvitz Road. He stated the signs
were too small. He also addressed the conflict issues between the two cities and the
county regarding boundaries. He believed the entities should get together and
designate tentative boundary lines to avoid such conflicts.
Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce resident, the legalization of marijuana for medicinal
purposes in various areas and stated he believed the legalization would assist law
enforcement costs for other drug related problems.
Mr. George Baker, area resident, addressed the Board regarding the duplication of
services provided by the three entities in the county. He recommended the Board
consider a “chartered “form of government. He also addressed the helicopter owned
by the Sheriff’s department and the cost of the medi-vac currently in use.
Chief Deputy, Gary Wilson addressed Mr. Baker’s concerns and advised him the
current medi-vac helicopter was purchased by the fire district and the old Sheriff’s
helicopter had been sold due to budget constraints and the maintenance cost to
repair it.
Com. Coward advised Mr. Baker this would be something only the citizens of the
county could request from the state.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the Consent Agenda,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Approve warrant list No. 18.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 18.
1. Volo Holdings Fort Pierce, L.L.C. – Hangar Sublease Agreement Between
Aircraft Parts Market, Inc. and U.S. Sport Aircraft, Inc. – The Board
consented to the proposed Sublease Agreement between Aircraft Parts
Market, Inc., and U.S. Sport Aircraft, Inc.
2. Resolution No. 09-041 - Supporting the Hydraulic and Applicable Physical
Reconnection of the Central and South Florida Flood Control Project in
St. Lucie County, Florida – The Board approved adopting Resolution No.
09-041 as drafted.
The request of St. Lucie County International Airport for a Final Plat approval for
Phase 1 of a nine (9) lot industrial subdivision for a project known as Airport
West Commerce Park on a 101.33 (mol) acre parcel of land located on the east
side of Kings Highway, approximately ¾ mile north of St. Lucie Blvd in the IL
(Industrial Light) Zoning District – The Board approved the final plat of Airport
West Commerce Park Phase 1 consisting of six (6) industrial lots and authorized
its final execution.
1. Request approval of LPA Group, Inc., Work Authorization No. 16 for the
Wetland Mitigation Area Monitoring required at the 120-acre mitigation
site at the St. Lucie County International Airport for a lump sum of
$37,923.50 – The Board approved the LPA Group, Inc., Work
Authorization No. 16 for the Wetland Monitoring required at the 120 acre
mitigation site at the St. Lucie County International Airport for a lump
sum of $37,923.50, and authorized the Chairman or designee to execute
the same.
2. Request approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the State of
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of
Forestry for the harvesting of trees/palms in the area impacting the line
of sight for the Air Traffic Controllers to the new runway and taxiway at
the St. Lucie County International Airport – The Board approved the
Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Florida Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry for the
harvesting of tree/palms in the area impacting the line of sight for the
Air Traffic Controllers to the new runway and taxiway at the St. Lucie
County International Airport, and authorized the Chair or designee to
execute the same.
Genset Services, Inc. – Amendment to C05-08-485 – The Board approved an
Amendment to Contract No. C05-08-485, Genset Services, for the addition of
three generators located at the Downtown Chiller Plant. The Board further
approved authorizing the Chair to sign the Amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney.
Change Order No. 3 to Contract C08-01-040, Air Mechanical & Corporation -
Project: Construction of the Administration Building Chiller Plant – The Board
approved Change Order No. 3 to Contract C08-01-040, Air Mechanical & Service
Corporation, in the amount of $69,816.33 and increase the contract time an
additional twenty-one (21) days. The new date of substantial completion will be
April 8, 2009. Change Order No. 3 will incorporate changes into the contract
scope of work for the Administration Building Chiller Plant project and the Board
further authorized the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County
Continuation of the petition of WCA of St. Lucie County, LLC for a Major
Adjustment to an Approved Conditional Use Permit for a Recycling Transfer
Facility located at 9901 Range Line Road in the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning
District to:
?Change the name of the petitioner to WCA of St. Lucie County LLC; and
?Extend the time frame for the issuance of a Certificate of Zoning Compliance;
?Add construction and demolition debris to the allowable recycling materials.
Continue this item until April 21, 2009, to allow time for the preparation of a site
plan modification for the project.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Grande, to continue this public
hearing on April 21, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The continuation of the petition of Abdul Raoof Shadani for an amendment to
the Official Zoning Atlas to change the zoning fro the RF (Religious Facility)
Zoning District and the RS-3 (Residential, Single Family – 3 du/acre) Zoning
District to the PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) Zoning District and
for the Preliminary/Final PNRD Site Plan approval to be known as the “Fort Pierce
Mosque.” The 14,412 square feet of building will consist of a sanctuary, social
hall, and service area. – Staff is requesting that this petition be continued to
February 17, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon there after.
Mr. Tom Ladomirak, Port St. Lucie resident addressed the height of the structure
and the fact it may over shadow the adjacent residents.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Grande, to continue this public
hearing on February 17, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be
heard, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Com. Dzadovsky requested the Board ratify the following appointments.
Bob Green- Airport Master Plan
Diane Andrews- Board of Adjustment
Edith Hepburn- Citizen’s Budget Committee
Dan Kurek- Citizen’s Budget Committee
Dale Ingersoll- Code Enforcement
Marjorie Harrell- Historical Commission
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward to approve the above stated
appointments, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Com. Dzadovsky addressed the appointment of Mr. Travis Murphy by the TCERDA Board to the
full time position presented last week. There was a misunderstanding and Mr. Murphy was
appointed to the part time position.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to appoint Mr. Travis Murphy to a full
time position on the TCERDA Board, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Com. Coward commented on the state proposing to cut back on education due to budget
constraints. He requested the Board consider drafting a resolution asking the state to reconsider.
It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to draft a resolution supporting continued
education funding.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Clerk of the Circuit Court