HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11-25-2008 ST. LUCIE COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING 1 2300 Virginia Avenue 2 Administration Building 3 Conference Room Number 3 4 November 25, 2008 5 5:30 P.M. 6 7 8 A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, has been placed in the file along with these 9 minutes as part of the record. In the event of a conflict between the written minutes and the compact 10 disc, the compact disc shall control. 11 I. CALL TO ORDER 12 13 Chair Man Culverhouse called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 14 . A. Pledge of Allegiance 15 16 B. Invocation 17 18 C. Roll Call 19 20 Brad Culverhouse…………………………...Chairman 21 Jack Connolly ............................................. Commission Member 22 Tom Minch .................................................. Commission Member 23 Richard McAfoos…………………………...Commission Member 24 Christopher Dillon…………………………..Commission Member 25 H.B. Moore ………………………………...Commission Member 26 Frank Pennetti………………………............Commission Member 27 Lucille Rieley Rights……………………….Special Advisor 28 Commission Members Absent: 29 30 Ruth McSween 31 Arlena Lee 32 Marjorie Harrel 33 Staff Members Present 34 35 Peter W. Jones A.I.A………………………..Historical Preservation Officer, 36 Planning Manager 37 Heather Lueke……………………………....Assistant County Attorney 38 Dawn Milone………………………………..Growth Management Staff 39 Others Present 40 41 Leslie Olson, Fort Pierce Historical Preservation Officer 42 Paul G. Williams, The Urban Forester, City of Fort Pierce 43 1.Approval of Minutes of November 25, 2008 44 45 46 Mr. Minch noted Frank Penneti’s name was not on the roll call list. 47 1 of 5 1 This correction has been made. 2 Mr. McAfoos motioned to approve the minutes with the correction listed 3 above. 4 5 Mr. Connolly seconded. 6 7 Motion carried unanimously. 8 9 2. New Business 10 11 A. Application for Changes to Historical Structure or Site 12 13 1. HC -1120081536 / FMSF SL00212 14 11995 South Indian River Drive 15 Application for Addition 16 17 18 Mr. Jones briefed the Commission on the application for addition. He explained that 19 the Property Appraisers Report incorrectly has the house being built around 1920. 20 The house according to the Master Site File was built around 1885. He commended 21 the owners for trying to maintain a sense of historical character. The modifications 22 have compromised the historical integrity of the original simple character of the 23 residence. The home is not eligible for listing at the county level or the nation level. 24 Mr. Connolly motioned that the Historical Commission recommend 25 to the Director of Growth Management to approve the Application for an 26 addition, Application HC- 1120081536, located at 11995 South Indian 27 River Drive, Fort Pierce, Florida. 28 29 Mr. Moore seconded. 30 31 Motion carried unanimously. 32 33 2. HC -1120081537 / FMSF SL01461 34 1908 South 34th Street 35 Application to Add Shutters 36 37 38 Mr. Jones reported to the Commission that the County Housing Division emailed this 39 request for shutters. He went on to explain the county has received grant money from 40 the state to help within the auspices of affordable housing to provide assistance for 41 protection of homes in storm events for home owners in need. He added that a 42 number of homes will be on the Florida master Site File because of the year that they 2 of 5 1 were built and do not have any historical importance. This home was built around 2 1945, has no particular architectural structure and is not eligible for the Florida 3 Master Site File. 4 The Commission discussed how to handle the influx of application of this type. 5 Mr. Culverhouse requested that this type application (repairs, applications from the 6 County Housing Division ect.) be left to the discretion of Historical Preservation 7 Officer which would help streamline the process for the county residents. 8 9 This request will be put on the upcoming agenda. 10 11 Ms. Rights recommends that the regularly updated Master Site File that the state 12 gives out should be used when determining the historical value of a home. 13 Mr. Minch motioned that the Historical Commission recommend to the 14 Director of Growth Management to approve the Request for shutters 15 th Application HC- 1120081537, located at 1908 South 34 Street, Fort 16 Pierce, Florida. 17 18 Mr. McAfoos seconded. 19 20 Motion carried unanimously. 21 22 23 It was determined that the December 23, 2008 meeting be cancelled. 24 B.Edgartown Historic District, City of Ft. Pierce: 25 Harry E. Hill Historic Property 26 27 28 Mr. Jones told the Commission he had the pleasure and privilege to attend a luncheon 29 with the respect to the Harry E. Hill Historic Property. 30 31 Mr. Jones introduced Ms. Olson, Historic Preservation Officer for the city of Fort 32 Pierce. 33 34 The Commission discussed how the city of Fort Pierce saved the Hill Property from 35 the wrecking ball, Mr. Hill’s photography, his bee keeping skills, how he became the 36 photographer not only for this area but also the region, his contributions to the history 37 and creation of this town (Fort Pierce) and documenting how the entire region 38 developed. 39 40 Grant opportunities were also discussed (Mr. Jones will explore grant opportunities) 41 and how the county can work with the city to obtain grants. 42 3 of 5 Mr. McAfoos motioned that Mr. Jones and Ms. Olson formulate steps for 1 County Staff and City Staff to work together and bring forth a 2 recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. 3 4 Mr. Minch seconded. 5 6 Motion carried unanimously. 7 8 C.Old Fort Pierce Park, City of Ft. Pierce 9 National Register of Historic Places 10 11 12 Mr. Jones and Ms. Rights briefed the Commission on the historical nature of the park. 13 14 Ms. Rights discussed the Ais Indian Burial Mound in the park. It was said that the 15 under story exotic growth on the mound should be removed (so you can see that it is a 16 mound). The problem is that whoever went to the mound, removed everything except 17 a few trees. Sansevierias (Snake plants, not native) are surrounding the area, which 18 need to be removed but at this time are actually preventing trespassers and keeping 19 the mound safe from erosion. State rules prohibit anyone from disturbing these 20 mounds. In retrospect the city (Fort Pierce) should never have disturbed this mound. 21 22 Ms. Olson explained the designation is for the old fort not for the mound, legal 23 description is confusing and inaccurate. She is working to update the information. 24 However, National Register Designation does not offer protection to properties. She 25 is implementing designation proceedings for Old Fort Pierce Park along with the 26 mound as a Locally Historic Significant Site within the City of Fort Pierce. She 27 mentioned that she was assured that during the clearing of the mound no heavy 28 machinery was used. 29 30 It was noted that the County owns the land, but it is in the City’s jurisdiction. Being 31 this land was owned by the County and on the Florida Master Site File. Before any 32 work was done by the city on this mound, the city should have applied for a permit 33 and it would have came before this Commission. 34 35 Ms. Olson introduced Paul G. Williams, The Urban Forester, City of Fort Pierce. 36 37 Mr. Williams stated “the property got wild” and there are concrete steps up to the top 38 of the mound with benches. In his opinion the steps and benches should have never 39 been built and should be removed. He mention that the City has in their CIE (Capital 40 Improvements Element) has appropriated or stated to approve two hundred fifty 41 thousand dollars for a redo of the Indian Mound (funding is there and Ms. Olson is 4 of 5 1 working on it). He also spoke about an outfall pipe that is tied into a spring that used 2 to be there. This issue needs to be dealt with making sure the water is being filtered. 3 He feels there may also be soldiers buried on the mound. 4 Ms. Rights informed the Commission, after the last hurricane Mr. Carr did a survey 5 and found the hurricanes eroded the banks, finding post holes (black area of decaying 6 wood) and a whole village of early Indians living south, and living earlier east of the 7 mound. 8 3. Old Business 9 A. William Robinson House Update 10 11 12 Mr. Jones informed the Commission that the William Robinson is going into 13 foreclosure proceedings. He is looking into this matter. 14 4. Member Matters 15 16 Mr. McAfoos motioned that Mr. Jones, Historical Preservation Officer is 17 designated to approve any roof or shutter work. 18 19 Mr. Connolly seconded. 20 21 Motion carried unanimously. 22 23 24 5. Chair Matters 25 26 None. 27 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned around 6:47 P.M. 28 29 30 31 5 of 5