HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-2009 Signed AgendasAGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VII-D DATE: March 3, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [X] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: ENGINEERING DIVISION P TDB T Mich el V. Powle P.E. County Engineer SUBJECT: Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU Second Public Hearing Continued from the 2/17/2009 Board Meeting - Agenda Item # VII — B BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: December 14, 2004 — The Board accepted the petition and granted permission to advertise the Initial Public Hearing, February 1, 2005 — The Board created the MSBU and authorized the County Engineer to proceed with the project. March 15, 2005 — The Board approved the Interlocal Agreements with the Tax Collector and the Property Appraiser. May 10, 2005 — The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering services with Camp, Dresser, and McKee to provide assessment services in the amount of $73, 880. May 10, 2005 — The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services with LBFH to provide surveying services in the amount of $117,995. November 8, 2005 — The Board approved the Interlocal Agreement with Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Ft. Pierce. January 20, 2009 — The Board granted permission to advertise the Second Public Hearing. February 17, 2009 — The Board voted to continue the Public Hearing and directed staff to hold another informal meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 09-048 (Attachment 1) to levy a non -ad valorem special assessment on the Sunland Gardens Phase II Municipal Services Benefit Unit; approve the preliminary assessment roll; amend the MSBU boundary; and authorize staff to proceed with construction of the project. Page 1 of 4 COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Coordination/Signatures .rn[XjCounty Attorney: } [X]OMB/Purchasing. 414) Daniel McIntyre Marie Gouin iZ 5 r-Lw q►� [X]Public Works Dir: [ ]Utilities: Donald West Page 2 of 4 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator [X]County Engineer: l� Y Michael Powley Finance: (Check for Copy) X To Submitted By: SUBJECT: Agenda Request Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department Item Number VII-C Meeting Date: 03/03/2009 Consent [ ] Regular [ ] Public Hearing IX ] Leg. [ ] Quasi -JD [ ] �'`�sented By Ma Satterlee, IC Growth Management Director The continuation of the petition of St. Lucie Self Storage, LLC for Preliminary/Final PNRD (Planned Non - Residential Development) Site Plan approval for the project to be known as St. Lucie Business Park Storage PNRD located in Lot #1 St. Lucie Business Park. The project is located on Business Park Drive, 610 feet West of US-1, and across US-1 from Mediterranean Avenue in a PNRD Zoning District. Draft Resolution No 09-008 is attached. BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie County Growth Management Department is recommending a continuance to the April 6, 2009 public hearing for the petition of St. Lucie Business Park Storage for the purpose of allowing enough time to resolve the Master Drainage Plan and the maintenance of the existing drainage swale facilities. Staff is recommending the swale be cleaned out prior to this Item being presented to the BOCC. The petitioner is proposing a 6-story, 104,369 square feet, self -storage building with a footprint of 17,796 square feet. 1. On December 14, 1988, Resolution No.88-365 granted the St. Lucie Business Park PNRD Zoning District. 2. On November 17, 1989, a replat was approved for 13 lots, including Lot #1. 3. On February 6, 1990, Resolution No. 90- 27 granted a site plan for Lots #1- #4 and #11-#13. The 1990 site plan depicted 4 buildings constructed on Lots 1-4 and Lots 11-13, totaling 102,162 square feet. The 1990 site plan approved a total of 102,162 square feet and showed a one- story, 26,670 square foot warehouse shown as "Building 2" to be built on Lots #1 & #2. That structure was never erected. Moreover, a 10,000 square foot building was constructed on Lot #2 in 2000, by Noland Properties, Inc. Therefore, the proposed building size is not in substantial conformity with the existing site plan and would exceed the floor area by 77,699 square feet. Pursuant to Land Development Code Section 11.02.05.F.2, the petitioner is required to request a New Preliminary/Final PNRD Site Plan. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A Form No. 07-07 PREVIOUS ACTION: On December 14, 1988, through Resolution No. 88-365 this Board granted a change in zoning to PNRD. On November 17, 1989 this Board approved a replat. On February 6, 1990 through Resolution No. 90-27 this Board approved the site plan for Lots #1- #4 and Lots #11-#13. On January 15, 2009, The Planning & Zoning Commission by a vote of 9 to 0 recommended adoption of the Draft Resolution No. 09-008 with four added conditions. On February 17, 2009 this Board continued the Item to March 3, 2009 to allow time for the applicant to resolve the landscape requirements on the western property line. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting that this petition be continued to April 6, 2009, at 6:00 PM or as soon thereafter. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: 7X1 APPROVED 7-1DENIED OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney �- Daniel S. McIntyre County Engineer: MV Michael Powley Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/ Sign tures E.R.D.: (W County Surveyor: lc x Jets+ s%Imw*- Other: Other: Ron Harris Form No. 07-07 Agenda Request Item Number Meeting Date: Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] VII-B 03/03/2009 [l [l Quasi -JD [ ] To: Board of County Commissioners nted By Submitted By: Growth Management Department re L av _ Growtm Manage t Dire for Consider the petition of Barol LLC for a waiver from the paving requirements of Section SUBJECT: 7.05.07 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code for the Minor Site Plan for the project known as "Horseshoe Grove." Draft Resolution No. 09-010 File No.: 720071270 Current Zoning: AG-5 (Agriculture — 1 du/ 5 acres) Future Land Use: AG-5 (Agriculture— 1du/ 5 acres) Project Area: 40.61 acres BACKGROUND: Horseshoe Grove is pending approval through a GM Order for a 7-lot Minor Site Plan on 40.61 acres of land. The project is located on North FFA Road, which is a County owned and maintained dirt road. The Land Development Code (LDC) Section 7.05.05 B.2.a(2) requires paved access from a paved roadway to the subdivision's entrance, to be designed according to the County's standards. Further, LDC Section 7.05.07(B)(2) provides for a waiver from the paving requirement provisions by the Board of County Commissioners, following a public hearing, if the Board determines: 1. That the road paving is not essential to provide adequate access to the proposed development and through the surrounding area, or 2. That the road will be paved as part of the County's five-year road program or an approved municipal service taxing or benefit units, or 3. That the access road does not have adequate right-of-way in which to construct the necessary paving improvements in accordance with County standards. On July 2, 2007, Growth Management Department received a 7-lot Minor Site Plan application. The subject parcel (parcel no. 2304-412-0020-0000) was not created in compliance with Section 11.03.04 - Procedure for Minor Re -Plats and Lot Splits. The Beville family has agreed to submit a lot split application to legalize Parcel No. 2304- 443-0001-0007 prior to recording a plat for "Horseshoe Grove." FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Draft Resolution 09-010 denying the request. Form No. 07-07 COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED FI DENIED OTHER Approved 4-1 Comm. Craft voting no. Countv Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre Countv Engineer. Michael Powley CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator COORDINATION/ SIGNATURES E.R.D.: County Survevor: W Je ni r Evans Ron Harris Other: Other: Form No. 07-07 County Commission Review: 03/3/09 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle 09-1 MEMORANDUM GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Growth Management Direct Robin Meyer, AICP, Assistant Director FROM: Britton Wilson, Senior Long Range Planner DATE: March 3, 2009 SUBJECT: Request for a continuance of the adoption hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle 2009-1, formerly known as Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle 2008-2. Scheduled for the March 3, 2009 Board of County Commissioners agenda is the adoption hearing for the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle 09-1 (formerly known as 08-2). During this hearing, staff will be requesting a continuance of the 09-1 Amendment Cycle to April 21, 2009. There is one remaining item in the 09-1 Amendment Cycle, which is known as the "Cassens White City Grove," an application to amend both the Future Land Use Map and the text. Due to a recent reassignment of this project, a continuance is necessary to properly review and comply with the Department of Community Affair's issued Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) report, received by Growth Management on January 5, 2009. The requested continuance will afford staff the time necessary to address outstanding inconsistencies with the State Comprehensive Plan regarding water resources and public facilities; a process which requires coordination with the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority. SUBMITTED: Mark atterlee, Director Growth Management Department cc: File To Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: Agenda Request Board of County Commissioners Growth Management Department Item Number Meeting Date: Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] VII-A 03/03/09 [ ) [X ] Quasi -JD [ X ) Presented By % y Mark Satterlee, AICP Growth Management Director Request for a continuance of the adoption hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle 2009-1, formerly known as Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle 2008-2. Ordinance No. 09-006 (formerly known as Ordinance No 08-030) Project Name: Cassens White City Grove Applicant / Agent: Terry L. Virta, AICP File No. FLUMA-420081453 / TCP-420081454: Future Land Use Map Amendment from IRS (Residential Suburban — 2 du/acre) to MXD (Mixed Use Development) Specific Use Area, adding Figure 1-7m and Sub -Area policy language. One application to amend the Future Land Use Map and text is being considered in the current Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle. N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: At the March 3, 2009 public hearing on this matter, the St. Lucie County Growth Management Department will be requesting a continuance of the adoption hearing for the 2009-1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle until April 21, 2009. On January 5, 2009 the Growth Management Department was in receipt of the Department of Community Affairs issued Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) report for the amendment package. At the October 7, 2008 Board of County Commissioners hearing, the Board voted unanimously to adopt and transmit to DCA Ordinance No. 09-006 formerly known as Ordinance No. 08-030. At the September 9, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission hearing, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend adoption and transmittal for Ordinance No. 09-006 formerly known as Ordinance No. 08-030. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting the continuance of this item to April 21, 2009. COMMISSION ACTION: FK APPROVED 7 DENIED 71 OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Engineer: CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/ Signatures E.R.D.: Other: Amy Mott County Other: Ron Harris Michael Powley Form No. 07-07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEMORANDUM AIRPORT Diana Lewis, Director To: Board of County Commissioners From: Diana Lewis, Airport Director Date: February 20, 2009 Re: Request that the Board approve Change Order #3 for Dickerson Florida, Inc., for $50,738.00 resulting in a net increase to the original contract amount of $64,532.00 from $3,689,879.78 to $3,754,411.78, with an increase of 20 days to the contract time changing the substantial completion date from June 6, 2009 to June 26, 2009, for the second phase of Runway 9L/27R and Taxiway construction at the St. Lucie County International Airport. The new runway and taxiway construction project was bid in two phases based on when Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funds became available. The first phase, which included the clearing and grubbing of the taxiway and runway areas and relocation of the canals, was awarded on October 10, 2006 to Dickerson Florida, Inc., (a contractor with offices in Fort Pierce) in the amount of $5,323,348.00. There have been a total of five change orders on this phase of the project, increasing the contract amount by $354,133.79, or 7%, for a total of $5,667,481.74. This amount was within the previously approved budget. These change orders are also funded by FAA and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) grants. In June 2008, the FAA provided another 95% grant to complete the second phase of the construction of the runway and taxiway. FDOT also provided a 2.5% matching grant. After a competitive bid process, Dickerson Florida, Inc., was awarded the second phase of the new runway/taxiway construction on July 1, 2008 for a contract amount of $3,689,879.78. Change Order #1 for the second phase of the runway project was approved by the County Administrator on December 10, 2008. That change order reduced topsoil quantities, eliminated a 30" steel water main casing and added new culverts and additional hauling for vegetative debris to be taken to a designated burn area away from the end of Runway 9. This resulted in a $14,930.00 reduction in the contract amount for a revised total of $3,274,949.78. No change in contract time was required. Change Order #2 was approved on February 17, 2009 for unanticipated remedial work needed to install a culvert crossing and headwalls in an area where the subsurface soils are substandard. Also being changed are three gate openings that were bid based on a 35 foot width. It was recently determined that a 40 foot width gate would be needed to accommodate towing aircraft with up to a 38 foot wingspan. To offset the costs of these additional items, AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Airport ITEM NO. VI-D2 DATE: March 3, 2009 REGULAR( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) PRESENTED BY: Diana Lewis, Direct r I' SUBJECT: Request that the Board approve Change Order #3 for Dickerson Florida, Inc., for $50,738.00 resulting in a net increase to the original contract amount of $64,532.00 from $3,689,879.78 to $3,754,411.78, with an increase of 20 days to the contract time changing the substantial completion date from June 6, 2009 to June 26, 2009, for the second phase of Runway 9U27R and Taxiway construction at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant fund 140135-4220-563000-48006 and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) grant fund 140335-4220-563000-48006 Infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION: County Administrator approved Change Order #1 for a decrease of $14,930.00 in the original contract amount in December 2008. Change Order #2 was approved by the Board on February 17, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order #3 for Dickerson Florida, Inc., for $50,738.00 resulting in a net increase to the original contract amount of $64,532.00 from $3,689,879.78 to $3,754,411.78, with an increase of 20 days to the contract time changing the substantial completion date from June 6, 2009 to June 26, 2009, for the second phase of Runway 9U27R and Taxiway construction at the St. Lucie County International Airport and authorize the Chair or designee to execute the same. COMMISSION ACTION: Q(j APPROVED ( ) DENIED () OTHER Approved 5-0 Coordination/Signatures County Attorney( '' Mgt. & Budget ( ) Dan I clntyre Patty Marston/Marie Gown Originating Dept. Other ( ) qia ewis Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Purchasing (J Melissa Simberlund Other( ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEMORANDUM 6UNTY I D R To: Board of County Commissioners i From: Diana Lewis, Airport Director Date: February 20, 2009 G AIRPORT Diana Lewis, Director Re: Request authorization to enter into a Underground Facilities Conversion Agreement with FPL for the relocation of distribution lines impacting the new Runway 9L/27R at an estimated cost of $75,287 for a total cost of $1,708,776 to fund the FPL transmission and distribution powerline relocation, and moving funds from the Airport West Commerce Park capital budget to cover the shortfall of $75,287 for this project. In order to operate the new runway and taxiway under construction, powerlines located along Taylor Dairy Road need to be relocated. This situation was addressed in the Environmental Assessment prepared in 2004 and discussions with FPL have been on -going since 2005. In August 2007, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a 95% grant for $1,300,000 to cover the anticipated cost of $1,320,000 for the construction of the powerline relocation. In addition, the grant also included a $52,000 preliminary engineering study, which was required by FPL to determine the final estimate. With the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and local matches, the total estimated cost for this project was $1,372,000, which included the cost of the preliminary engineering study as well as the powerline relocation. In October 2007, the required $52,000 was sent to FPL to begin the preliminary engineering study. Although originally advised that this study would take three to four months to complete, the final packet containing the final estimated cost of the transmission line was not received until January 13, 2009. The projected construction cost for the relocation of the transmission lines increased from the estimated $1,320,000 to $1,581,489, leaving an unfunded balance of $261,489. Funds have been moved from Airport West Commerce Park to cover the unfunded balance. The Board approved the total payment to FPL on January 27, 2009. What was not included in this cost was the required relocation of the distribution lines, which are co - located with the transmission lines. In the January 2009 packet from FPL, the Airport was advised that the FPL Distribution Department would have to be contacted to determine what this separate cost may be. A first cost estimate of $215,000 was received to include the distribution lines on the poles with the transmission lines. In further discussions with the Airport's runway consultant, PBS&J, a less expensive option was proposed that included undergrounding the distribution lines in the immediate area of the runway and using existing poles north and south of the runway. To save time, the runway contractor will install the conduit and pull boxes for FPL around the west side of the canal adjacent to the west end of the runway. This additional work for the contractor will be included as a change order, adding $50,738 to the runway construction cost. A 15 foot easement around the canal would also be required. The cost from FPL went down to $75,287. Again, FPL is requiring an up front payment prior to FPL initiating the project. The construction schedule for the distribution line AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-D1 DATE: March 3, 2009 REGULAR( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Airport Diana Lewis, Airport Directer,� SUBJECT: Request authorization to enter into a Underground Facilities Conversion Agreement with FPL for the relocation of the distribution lines impacting the new Runway 9L/27R at an estimated additional cost of $75,287 for a total cost of $1,708,776 to fund the total FPL powerline relocation, and moving funds from the Airport West Commerce Park capital budget to cover the additional shortfall of $75,287 on this project. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: FAA: 140134-4220-563000-48006 - $1,250,600.00; FDOT & Local Match: 140335-4220-563000-48006 - $62,400; Additional County match: 140-4220-563000-48006 (approved by BOCC 8/7/2007) - $7,000; Transfer from AWCP: 140-4220-563000-48006 - $261,489 and $75,287 for a total of $336,776. PREVIOUS ACTION: FAA grant for $1,300,000 approved by the Board in August 2007. FDOT also provided a 2.5% matching grant, which with the local match was for a total cost of $1,372,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize entering into the Underground Facilities Conversion Agreement with FPL for the relocation of distribution lines, authorize reallocation of an additional $75,287 needed from the Airport West Commerce Park project to address the shortfall of funds for the FPL distribution line relocation, and authorize the up front payment of $75,287, for a total cost of $1,708,776, to FPL for the relocation of transmission lines and distribution lines at the St. Lucie County International Airport and authorize the Chair or designee to execute same. COMMISSION ACTION: (Xl APPROVED ( ) DENIED () OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures 7_ County Attorney( IL' / Mgt & Bydget Purchasing ( ) Patty arst n/MarieGouin Originating Dept. ( �.,, , Other( Other( ) Diana Lewis Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-C3 C6U NTY � ; E L O R I D A TO: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: Board of County Commissioners Engineering Division DATE: March 3, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT[X] PRESENTED BY: Michael V. PowleV, County En neer Harmony Heights Stormwater Phase I — Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 102001-3725-563005-42507 ($2,483.50) and will be made available in 102001-3725-563021-42507 ($5,597.50) SFW MD Harmony Heights Stormwater Phase I — Stormwater Management. PREVIOUS ACTION: 1/15/2002 — Board approved Work Authorization No. 3 with BCI in the amount of $67,099.84 for preparation of the Harmony Heights Stormwater Master Plan. 6/16/2002 — Board approved Work Authorization No. 4 with BCI in the amount of $75,784.80 for the Harmony Heights Drainage Improvements Design and Permitting Phase I. 11/9/2004 — Board approved the 1 st Amendment to Work Authorization No. 4 with BCI in the amount of $1,737.26 for the Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Project Phase II. 5/10/2005 — Board approved the Funding from the South Florida Water Management District in the amount of $336,780.00 for Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvement Project Phase I. 7/26/2005 — Board approved the Resolution to accept Funding from South Florida Water Management District in the amount of $336,780.00 for Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvement Project Phase I. 9/19/2006 — Board approved of extension of the contract with South Florida Water Management to May 30, 2008 for Harmony Heights Phase I. 9/26/06 - Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Contract for Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater Management with Inwood Consulting Engineers for redesign of Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Phase I in the amount of $152,757.50. 3/6/07 — Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 to the Contract for Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater Management with Inwood Consulting Engineers for additional survey and geotechnical services for the Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Phase I project in the amount of $19,494.00. 12/18/07 — Board approved the Second Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 to the Contract for Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater Management with Inwood Consulting Engineers for additional engineering services for the Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Phase I project in the amount of $16,136.00. Page 1 of 3 6/8/08 - Board approve the Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 to the Contract for Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater Management with Inwood Consulting Engineers for archeological and historical services for Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Phase I in the amount of $9,826.19. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 to the Contract for Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater Management with Inwood Consulting Engineers for additional surveying efforts for Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Phase I in the amount of $8,081.00, and authorization for the Chair to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [)�] APPROVED [ J DENIED [ J OTHER: —� Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approves [x]County Attorney [x]Mgt./Budget & Purchasin [ ]Road/Bridge_ Daniel McIntyre Marie Gouin *,, y [x]Originating Dept. Public Works [x]Co. Eng 7Y�Y[ ]Other4�� Donald West Michael V. Powley Wes Finance (Check for copy only, if applicable.) Harmony Heights Inwood WA1 Amend4.ag Page 2 of 3 AGENDA REQUEST C�3..t NTY , F L Q R 1 D A TO: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Board of County Commissioners Public Works ITEM NO. VI — C2 DATE: March 3, 2009 REGULAR[ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West, PPublic Works Director SUB]ECT: Board approval of Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (IPA) Number 1 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for Taylor Creek Phase 3 Shoreline Restoration and Commission Resolution 09-062, and signature by Chair. The Supplemental JPA changes the project description to allow remaining funding to be used for Taylor Creek Emergency Shoreline Repair Site 7. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140344-4315-563000-4657 PREVIOUS ACTION: 8/7/07: Approval of JPA with FDOT and Florida Ports Council (FSTED) for Taylor Creek Restoration - Phase 3 Shoreline Stabilization in the amount of $975,000. 9/19/06: Approval of time extension, extending FSTED grant contract to September 30, 2008. 6/7/05: Approval of time extension extending project to September 30, 2006. 3/16/04: Award of Construction Contract for Phase I Dredging of Taylor Creek in the amount of $2,485,820. 2/17/04: Approval of Work Authorization #4 with BCI Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $7,494 for design of spoil site. 2/ 4/04: Approval of contract with DMC Engineering in the amount of $24,970 for design of spoil site. 9/30/03: PO# 2313589 for Dredging & Marine Consultants, Inc. for Grant Coordination and Permit Finalization in the amount of $19,990. 8/22/03: PO# 2313379 for Scientific Environmental Services for Soil Sampling in the amount of $10,500. 8/22/03: PO# 2313388 for Elab for Analytical Services in the amount of $18,894. 8/22/03: PO# 2313380 for ARC Surveying for Hydrographic Survey in the amount of $18,500. 3/5/02: Approval of Work Authorization #3 with BCI Engineers, Inc in the amount of $17,500 for cost analysis and grant application preparation and submittal to FIND and SJRWMD. 2/5/02: Approval of Work Authorization #2 with BCI Engineers, Inc in the amount of $33,050 for the Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Shoreline Stabilization and Improvements Reach 2. 5/1/01: Approval of Work Authorization #1 with BCI Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $137,000 for design and permitting of Taylor Creek Project. 3/7/00: Approval of Work Authorization #14 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in Page 1 of 3 the amount of $32,200 for a hydrogeologic study of the groundwater at the Seminole property. 2/15/00: Approval of Work Authorization #13 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $86,900 for sediment testing and analysis. 8/9/99: Approval of WA #11 with Williams, Hatfeld & Stoner in the amount of $11,000 for preparation of FIND Grant. 5/4/99: Approval of Work Authorization # 12 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $25,220 for spoil site selection process. RECOMMENDATION: Public Works Staff recommends Board approval of Supplemental JPA Number 1 with FDOT for Taylor Creek Phase 3 Shoreline Restoration and Commission Resolution 09-062, and signature by Chair. COMMISSION ACTION: [A APPROVED [ ] OTHER: [ ] DENIED Approved 5-0 Reviews and Aoeroval [X] County Attorney: Daniel McIntyre CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator [X] Management & Budget/Purchasing: -AAAb, Marie Gouin [X] Originating Dept -Public Works: [X] Copy to Finance Don Id B. West Shai Frances Page 2of3 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald B. West, Public Works Director r DATE: March 3, 2009 RE: FDOT Safe Routes to School Program Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement — Weatherbee Road Sidewalk BACKGROUND: In April 2007, the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners approved submission of its first grant application to the Florida Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to School Program. Weatherbee Elementary, located on Weatherbee Road between U.S. Highway 1 and Midway Road, has been determined by the St. Lucie County School District to be its highest priority for a sidewalk. The school is in close proximity to a number of residential areas, including the 1,800 home Indian River Estates Subdivision. The grant was awarded in August 2007, allocating $153,000 in design funding for 2008 - 2009 and $1,104,422 to construction funding in 2010 - 2011. Total project cost is estimated at $2,100,000. RECOMMENDATION: Public Works Staff recommend Board approval of Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement #423197-1-38-01 in the amount of $153,000 for the design of Weatherbee Road Sidewalk East of US Highway 1 and Commission Resolution #09-055, and signature by Chair. Page 2 of 2 AGENDA REQUEST 7FLNTY . R I D A TO: SUBMITTED BY (DEPTH: Board of County Commissioners Public Works Administration ITEM NO. vi-ci DATE: March 3, 2009 REGULAR[ ] PUBLIC HEARING ( ] CONSENT [ X ] PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West Public Works Director SUBJECT: Board approval of the attached Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement #423197-1-38-01 in the amount bf $153,000 for the design of Weatherbee Road Sidewalk East of US Highway 1 and Commission Resolution #09-055, and signature by Chair. This project funding is part of the Safe Routes to School Program through Florida Department of Transportation. BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: See attached memo. N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: 5/13/2008: Board approval to change the funding schedule from FY 09/10 to FY 10/11 for optimal use of grant funding. 4/3/2007: Board approval to submit grant application to FDOT - Safe Routes to School Program. RECOMMENDATION: Public Works Staff recommend Board approval of Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement #423197-1-38-01 in the amount of $153,000 for the design of Weatherbee Road Sidewalk East of US Highway 1 and Commission Resolution #09-055, and signature by Chair. COMMISSION ACTION: [�} APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Reviews and Aooroval [X] County Attorney: [X] Management & Budget/Purchasing: Daniel McIntyre Marie Gouin [X] Originating Dept -Public Works: [X] Copy to Finance (Donald B. West Shai Frances Page 1 of 2 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Mark Godwin, Criminal Justice Coordinator C.A. NO.: 09-0217 DATE: March 3, 2009 SUBJECT: Request to approve a Contractual Rate Agreement with United For Families, Inc. (UFF) for drug testing services received at the St. Lucie County Drug Screening Lab. BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie County Drug Screening Lab opened for business on July 1, 2008. Since that time the lab has tested clients from the Courts, Sheriff's Office Employees, County Employees, Indian River State College Police Academy Cadets, CORE Probation clients, Pretrial Release Clients and members of the public. As of January 29, 2009, the Lab processed 5,139 urine specimens collected from 1,011 donors. Due to the excellent reputation, credibility and cost savings of the SLC Drug Testing Lab, United For Families, Inc., has requested that the lab test all UFF referrals made by case management and protective investigation staff. This will be a fixed price agreement in which UFF will reimburse the SLC Drug Lab $20.00 per test for a maximum of $7,000.00 thru June 30, 2009. This revenue would be deposited back into the general fund 001-2360- 369940-2053. Recommendation / Conclusion: Staff recommends the Board approve the Contractual Rate Agreement with United for Families, Inc. Respectfully submitted, ip Mark Godwin Criminal Justice Coordinator AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VI.B.2 DATE: March 3, 2009 REGULAR 0 PUBLIC HEARING 0 CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: Mark Godwin SUBJECT: Request to approve a Contractual Rate Agreement with United for Families, Inc. (UFF) for drug testing services received at the St. Lucie County Drug Screening Lab. BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum regarding the SLC Drug Screening Lab. FUNDS AVAIL: Funds received for drug testing (up to $7,000.00 through June 30, 2009) would be deposited into the general fund in the account string: 001-2360-369940-2053. PREVIOUS ACTION: The St. Lucie County July 1, 2008. Since opening, the Lab has from 1,011 donors as of January 29, 2009. RECOMMENDATION: Drug Screening Lab opened for testing on processed 5,139 urine specimens collected Staff recommends the Board approve The Contractual Rate Agreement with United for Families, Inc. for testing clients receiving services, and fees will be paid in part or whole, by UFF. The clients are adult caregivers of children who are at risk of abusing, neglecting and or abandoning the children under their care. The clients are referred by dependency case managers and/or by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Protective Investigators for drug testing. COMMISSION ACTION: N APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Coordination natures County Attorney:_X Management & BudgetX Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Department: Other: Finance: Check for copy only, if applicableX CONCURRENCE: FAYE W. OUTLAW County Administrator Purchasing: Other: MEDIA RELATIONS Memorandum February 17, 2009 To: St. Lucie County Board of Commissioners From: Shane Dewitt, Technical Operation Manager, SLCTV/FPTV Subject: Cable Franchising & Renewals Commissioners: The adoption of a resolution to preserve PEG (Public, Educational & Government Access) Channels is needed. The FCC has opened a case on preserving PEG channels as they have always been provided - and thwarting attempts by AT&T, Comcast and other cable providers to make these channels hard to find (via several Internet web page menus), hard to view (poor quality) and hard on the wallet (some people will have to pay to view them). Comments from parties interested in the case are due March 9. It is important that the FCC get comments from many municipalities (and others who use PEG channels). Otherwise, cable providers will claim that the lack of such comments shows that keeping PEG channels viable is not important. The FCC case combines the well-known case filed by Dearborn/Meridian Township about Comcast's providing PEG channels only in digital format on channels in the 900 range and a case filed last month by the City of Lansing and one filed by the Alliance for Community Media challenging AT&T's provision of PEG channels as Internet -style videos. Municipalities should file comments with the FCC in order to preserve PEG channels. I respectfully request that the St. Lucie County Board of Commissioners strongly encourage the preservation of PEG channels with the adoption of Resolution No. 09-063. Let our voice be heard to the FCC and all parties interested. Thank you and should you have any further questions you can contact me (xl869) or Ms. Heather Lueke of the Attorney's Office at (x1421). Sincerely,,-----. Shane A. DeWitt Technical Operations Manager, SLCTV/FPTV Cc: Faye W. Outlaw, County Administrator Lee Ann Lowery, Assistant County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI - B1 DATE: March 3, 2009 I REGULAR[ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution 09-063 - Public, Educational, and Government Channels BACKGROUND: See Attached Memo FUNDS AVAILABLE: ?REV10U3ACT.:ON: . RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 09-063. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney: "[ ]Management & Budget: [ ]Purchasing: Road &Bridge.: ((') Parks & Recreation Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ] � ( ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable)