HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-10-2009 Signed Agendas AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. IV-A ~ DATE: March 10, 2009 • " ' " " REGULAR[X] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUgNIITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre ' County Attorney S~ ' Resolution No. 09-077 - Recognizing the outstanding service of the Treasure Coast Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association and congratulating them on their 25`~ Anniversary of providing professional development and cornmunity service to St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Linette Trabulsy, President of the Treasure Coast Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association, has ' requested that this Board recognize the Chapters' 25`'' Anniversary. The attached Resolution No. 09-077 has been ' drafted for that purpose. pg~VIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: ' Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 09-077 as drafted. ' COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ' [~(f APPROVED [ J DENIED ! ( ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 ~ ~ ' Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ' Review and Approvals I ~ ~v~ i CountY Attorney: ~ Management & Budget Purchasing : r',~~,r~ ,r. ~'r ; "r' /:~~i:,-~~, Origirating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) - Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. IV-B ~ ~ _ ~..~;Y.~ = - DATE: March 10, 2009 s ~ ' REGULAR[Y] ' PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ) ' TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ~ SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. Mclntyre ' County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 09-085 - Recognizing the outstanding service provided by the North Treasure Coast Chapter of the American Red Cross; and Proclaiming the month of March, 2009, as "American Red Cross Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Heather Wiley, Branch Manager for the North Treasure Coast Chapter of the American Red Cross, has requested ' that this Board proclaim the month of March, 2009, as American Red Cross Month in St. Lucie County. The attached Resolution No. 09-085 has been drafted for that purpose. PREVIOUS ACTION: ' RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 09-085 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ] DEN~D [ ] OTHER: - , Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA I County Administrator Review and Approvals Count~ Attorne i~`l J l I Y~ ~ a Management & Budget Purchasing : ..,~?~t73~~! J ~ { 1`~1 ~G~ ~ ~ Originating Dept. ~ Other: Other: rinance: (Check for Copy only, if anplicable) _ Eff. 5/96 ~ AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. VI-B -I ~ Date: March 10, 2009 ' ' Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ~ " Consent [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Treasure Coast FBO, LLC - Revocable License Agreement for Aviation Fuel Trucks BACKGROLTND: See C.A. No. 09-0232 FLJNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Revocable License Agreement with Treasure Coast FBO, LLC, and authorize the Chairman to sign the License Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [ ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED OTHER: ~ Pull and bring back in rivo weeks. Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures ~ County Attorney: ~ Mgt. & BudgeC Purchasin~: Daniel S ~ McI re Originating Dept.: Other : Other : Diana Lewis ~ Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-B.2 - _ DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ ~ REGULAR [J . . - PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: Inte~loca) Agreement with the North St. Lucie River Wuter Control District - Heoder Canal - NCRS Grant BACKGROUND: See attuched memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE~ 001-4115-581000-400 - Grants & Aid to Gov Units PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Interlocol Agreement and nuthorize the Chair to sign the Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~C] APPROVED [ J DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 ~ FQye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrntor Review and Approvals ~ County Attorney: ~ Management & Budget Purchasing: Daniel 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.; Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 dfi~E>'Pm'~~_'~F P 5~F`.~3k''~+$~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-B3 ~`Jl DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ REGULAR[] o s PUBLIC HEARING . . ~ ~ . _ Leg. ~ ~ Quasi-JD L ~ CONSENT [X] TO; BOARD OF COUN~Y COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Mnnager SUBJECT: Quitclaim Deed 6ordy Road Resolution No. 09-060 BACKGROUND: See an attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAI~ABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A ~ RECOMMENDATION: Stnff recommends that the Board accept the Quitclaim Deed from the Stnte of Florida, Department of Transportntion, Florida Turnpike Enterprise, authorize the Chnir to sign Resolution No. 09-060 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ] DENIED - [ ] OTHER ~ ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals b. ~ [x] County Attorney: [xJ Rond and Bridge~ [xJ Public Works: ~ ~ Dan McIntyre Don Pauley Don W st ~ ~p (x] Originating Dept: [x] County Engineer: ~ [ ] Environmental: JoAnn Riley Mike Powley 5:\ACQ\WP\Right of Way Donations\6ordy Rond\Agenda Request2.wpd ITEM NO. VI-C1 ~ ~ ; ~ DATE: Mar. 10, 2009 • AGENDA REQUEST . , REGULAR: ( ) ~ PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Safetv Jack T Southard Public Safety Director SUBJECT: Request to approve the purchase of a new All-Terrain Vehicle (AN) for the Marine Safety Department in the amount of $5,700.00 BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be available through the following account: 001-2920-564000-200 - Marine Safety PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of a new All-Terrain Vehicle (AN) for the Marine Safety Department in the amount of $5,700.00 and authorize the Chair to sign. Also approve equipment request # EQ09-025 and Budget Amendment # BA09-010. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED DENIED ~1' OTHER: Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals 'IS~ y ~ V'~ /IQ g g ~ ~ ~ ~Purchasing: lr.~t~. ~ ount Attorne : f ana ement and Bud et: tit/,.sinacGtPn ~ pA'r~c~}µar-jfis.i.~~wa~ .~Q.Ylf1~ ~0~:.~:.2 ~ u~.~r-c~ riginating Dep . Other: Other: ack T Southard) Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: ~ _ _ • . . • AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI C-2 DATE: March 10, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): PUBLIC SAFETY JACK T. SOUTHARD PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Approve the purchase of security network firewails for the Public Safety computer networking configuration, to include support and instailation in the new Emergency Operations Center/911, in the amount of $16,942.00. BACKGROUND: (Please see attached Memo) FUNDS WILL BE AVAILABLE: 001505-2510-564000-200 (Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance, Trust Fund, Equipment) PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: StafF recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of fifewalis for the network configuration in the amount of $16,942.00 and approve Budget Amendments BA#09-015 and Equipment Request EQ#09-029 and authorize the Chair to sign. COMMISSION ACTIQN: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ° Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals ~55~./Co Attorney: wJ ~anagement s Budget 9~'"`~ Pu~~] c,,,hasing: ~ ~k~~n~ - n C.eW ~`1{~1•~- ~ ~ ~ rl 1`~ ~'5::2 Z ' ..1M.I.v ~riqinatinq Dep ~ther- Other: ack T. Sovth r Finance: (Check or Copy only, if applicable) Eff. S/96 ~ ~ ~ ITEM NO. VI-C3 ~ ~ = " DATE: Mar. 10, 2009 • AGENDA REQUEST . ~ REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Safetv Jack T Southard Public Safety Director SUBJECT: Request to approve the sole source purchase of computer and software equipment for SLCN for the new Emergency Operations Center in the amount of $16,577.00. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available through the following account: 316-1930-564000-2615 - Central Communications Funds PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the sole source purchase of a computer and software equipment for SLCN for the new Emergency Operations Center in the amount of $16,577.00 and authorize the Chair to sign. Also approve equipment request # EQ09-030. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED DENIED ~~1 OTHER: Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals (~ss~,~unty Atto~ey: ~ ~nagement a d ~udget: ~urchasing: -U,G'• ~P ~nc~c nr,,~_ ~e.rr. cz~ ~ as~~. c ~ ux~~ -Z,~~;tz ~C~~,; ~ tr ~ginating Dep Other: Other: ack T Southard) Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-D1 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ REGULAR • ~ ~ ~ _ , PUBLIC HEARING [l CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recoverv PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice, Grant Resource Developer SUBJECT: This agenda item is requesting the Board of County Commissioners authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program for funds in the amount of $50,000. These funds will be utilized for replanting of native species at Spoil Island -3 (SL-3). BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: The grant requires a 1:1 match, for a total project amount of $100,000. Alternative grant funds will serve as required match that include the Fish America Foundation Grant, the Indian River Lagoon License Plate Grant Program, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Coastal Grant. In the event the alternative grant sources fail, the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Grant application will be rescinded. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program, requesting $50,000, to provide forthe replanting ofnative species at Spoil Island (SL-3). COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~APPROVED DENIED OTHER: Approved 5-0 ~ ' Faye W. Outiaw, MPA County Administrator Review and A a~ls County Attorney: ~ Management & Budget: Purchasing: Daniel Mclntyre Marie Gouin, -raubn~,A Johnsnr Originating Dept~ Other. ~ Other: William Hoeffner Jim Dav~ Ken Justice Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-D2 ~ y _ ~ DATE: March 10, 2009 REGULAR . i . - PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recoverv PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice, Grant Resource Developer SUB.IECT: This agenda item is requesting the Board of County Commissioners authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program, far funds in the amount of $20,000. These funds will be utilized for replanting of native species at Queens Island Preserve. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: The grant requires a 1:1 match, for a total project amount of $40,000. Alternative grant funds will serve as required match that include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Coastal Grant and the Indian River Lagoon License Plate Grant Program. In the event the alternative grant sources fail, the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Grant application will be rescinded. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program, requesting $20,000 to provide for the replanting of native species at Queens Island Preserve. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED DENIED OTHER: ~ - - ~ ~ ~ Approved 5-0 - Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Appr6r~r~ls County Attorney: Management & Budget:~~~-d~/ Purchasing: Daniel Mclntyre Marie Gouin ~'ra~o~na Jbhnsb„ Originating Dept: Other: Other: William Hoeffner Jim Da Ken Justice Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-D3 ~;-~.w . , ~ ~ DATE: March 10, 2009 ~s~ ~ REGULAR ~ • i ~ _ - PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recoverv PRESENTED BY: Ken Justice, Grant Resource Develoner SUB.IECT: This agenda item is requesting the Board of County Commissioners authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Indian River Lagoon License Plate Funding Program requesting funds in the amount of $35,185. These funds will be utilized for exotic plant removal, reconnection of a small wetland, installation of a boardwalk, and native replanting on Spoil Island - 3(SL-3). In addition, replanting of native species at Queens Island Preserve will be conducted. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: The requested grant amount is $35,185 and the total project amount is $155,185. The grant requires a 25% match. Alternative grant funding will serve as required match that includes the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program Grant, in the amount of $70,000. Previous grant funding received from the Fish America Foundation, in the amount of $50,000, will be contributed towards this proj ect. PREVIOUS ACTION: rt/A RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends the Board authorize the submittal ofa grant application to the Indian River Lagoon License Plate Funding Program, requesting $35,185, to be used for conservation and best management practices at Spoil Island - 3 and Queens Island Preserve. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED DENIED _ [IOTHER: ---~r ~ _ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Appr Is County Attorney: Management & Budget: ~ Purchasing: Daniel Mclntyre Marie Gouin ~-~a.u,bv~na lotins„K Originating Dept: Other: Other: William Hoeffner Jim Da Ken Justice Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Effective: 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI - p-4 DATE: March 10, 2009 - ~ REGULAR [ ] • ~ r • PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants / Disaster Recovery Jo o t, Cultural Affairs Manager SUBJECT: Approve the Cultural Affairs Council funding recommendations. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in the Cultural Affairs Division Aid to Organizations account number 001-7310-582000-700 and in the County's Cultural Affairs Council Agency account number 616-0000-229610-000. PREVIOUS ACTION: On an annual basis, the BOCC approves the allocation of funds for the CAC mini- grant program and Zora Neale Hurston activities. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the recommendation of the Cultural Affairs Council funding as identified in the attached memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED DENIED ~ OTHER: " ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: Daniel Mclntyre Management & Budget: ~~T~q ~~s+a~Du~~ Originating Dept: William Hoeffner,~~j 1Ynn~4r N-;1~ ~ TT AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-D-S ~ _ DATE: March 10, 2009 ' ' REGULAR ~ PUBLIC HEARING ~ ~ ~ y CONSENT (X] TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Grants/ Disaster Recoverv PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene, Grants/ Resource Developer SUBJECT: Submittal of a boundary modification request to the Florida Communities Trust for the addition of two parcels to an existing Harbor Branch Preserve project award (FCT-07-027-FF7). BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: No additional funding is required. In addition, separately the County has received $574,600 in funding from the St. Lucie River Issues Team toward this modification. PREVIOUS ACTION: Not applicable RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests authorization for the submittal of a boundary modification request to the Florida Communities Trust for the addition oftwo parcels to an existing Harbor Branch Preserve award. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED DENIED I~ OTHER: _ ___._-y , ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and A rov County Attorney: Management & Budget: Purchasing: Daniel Mcintyre Originating Dept: Gr t Other: Other: ~ William Hoeffner Roberta Breene Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: VI-E1 ~ ~ - - DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ REGULAR: [ ] • • ~ • - PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks & Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director SUBJECT: Approve Equipment Request No. 09-027 for the Purchase of a Walk-Behind Sweeper for the Havert L Fenn Center BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-7510-564000-700 (Fenn Center, Machinery and Equipment) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Equipment Request No. 09-027 for the purchase of a walk-behind sweeper for the Havert L. Fenn Center. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 ~ _ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator y CoordinatioNSignatures Coun Attorne : c- ~ Mana ement 8~ Bud et:~lu`~ ~~urchasin : tY Y 9 9 9 Daniel ItAclntyre `j,~~~,,c~n ~uls~.'h~~(Marie Gouin Desiree Cimino Originating Dept: 'r ~ ~ Finance: Debra Brisson (Check copy/sign onfy if applicable) - ~ . _ _ ITEM NO. VI-E2 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ REGULAR ( ) ' ' ' ' PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks and Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director SUBJECT: Tradition Field - Facilities/Office Use Agreement With the Baseball Office of the Commissioner (BOC) BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE : N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Facilities/Office Use Agreement with the BOC and authorize the Chair to sign the Agreement as drafted by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: - Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Siqnatures i County Attorney: Management 8~ Bu~get Purchasing Dan Mclnty~re '{',~T~,~~i~~~IVlarie Gouin Desiree Cimino Originating Dept: ' ~s ~ Finance Debra Brisson (Signature only if applicable) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: VI-E3 ~ ~ ~ ~ - - DATE: March 10, 2009 • REGULAR: [ ] s • ~ • - PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Parks 8~ Recreation PRESENTED BY: Debra Brisson, Director SUBJECT: Request to Serve Alcohol at the National Navy UDT Seal Museum BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve North Beach Association's request to serve alcohol during their event at the National Navy UDT Seal Museum on March 14, 2009. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~Q APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER . ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outiaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Siqnatures County Attorney: ~ Management 8~ Budget:-~ti~ urchasing: Daniel Mclntyre 1~rr~,~ ~N L4a~ ~"i ~1/ Marie Gouin Desiree Cimino ~ Originating Dept: Finance: Other: Debra Brisson (Check copy/sign only if applicable) ITEM NO. VI - F1 ~ ~ ~ ! DATE: 03/10/2009 ~ s • . - AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & Budget Marie M ouin, Director SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise Public Hearing to Amend the Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 Budget BACKGROUND: The Office of Management and Budget is preparing to present a Budget Amendment to the Board for the purpose of recognizing the actual cash balances carried forward from the previous fiscal year. This amendment will also adjust current year revenue and expense estimates. Florida Statute 129.06 (fl requires the Board to hold a public hearing before amending the adopted budget in this manner. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-1110-549000-100 (General Fund, BOCC General Government, Advertising) PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the Office of Management and Budget to advertise a public hearing to amend the fiscal year 2008 - 2009 budget. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~Q APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Siqnatures County Attorney X Mgmt & Budget X r~_,r~` Purchasing Daniel Mclntyre Jer~nifer Hill Other Other ~ FII1at1C2 for copy only if applicable) AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. VI-G1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ REGULAR ~ l s . PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSEIVT [ X ] Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works ~ ' " "n0 ~ Donald B. West, ubiic Works Director SUB7ECT: Board approval of third extension to contract C04-12-563 with Dredging and Marine Consultants, Inc. and contract C04-07-658 with Taylor Engineering, Inc. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. F~INDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On May 23, 2006 the Board approved the first extension to contract C04-12-563 and C04-07-658. On July 15, 2008 the Board approved the second extension to contract C0412-563 and contract C04-07-658. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of the third extension to contract C04-12-563 with Dredging and Marine Consultants, Inc. and contract C04-07-658 with Taylor Engineering, Inc. extending the contract through September 30, 2009, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the extensions as prepared by the County Attomey's office. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ] DENIED _ [ ] OTHER: A roved 5-0 pp Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Reviews and ARproval ` i~ ~ [X] County Attorney: [X] Management & sudget/~urchasing: ~s~~~\~,x' Daniel McIntyre Marie Gouin c~~~,~~~ [X] Originating Dept-Public Works: [X] Copy to Finance Don Id B. West Shai Frances Page 1 of 2 AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. VI-G2 ~ ` ~ - - DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ ~ • . . ° REGULAR [ } PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] T_Q: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: SUBMIITED BY (DEPT~: Public Works Administration ~1 Donald B. West, ublic Works Director SUB]ECT: Acceptance of Budget Resolution #09-076 in the amount of $1,050,000 from Florida Department of Transportation (FDO~ and Florida Seaport and Transportation Economics Development (FSTED) for Taylor Creek Restorafion - Phase 2 Dredging. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140361-4315-561000-46506 Land 140361-4315-531000-46506 Professional Services 140361-4315-563000-46506 Infrastructu re PREVIOUS ACTION: 1/27/09: Approval of amendment to the State Chapter Number on the JPA with FDOT and for Taylor Creek Restoration - Spoil Site Evaluation 8 Design Project. 12/09/08: Approval of JPA in the amount of $1,050,000 with FDOT and FSTED for Taylor Creek Restoration - Phase 2 Dredging. FSTED's contribution covers 75% of the estimated total project cost of $'t,400,000. 2/12/08: Approval of JPA with Florida Department of Transportation and Florida Ports Council (FSTED) for Taylo~ Creek Restoration - Spoil Site Evaluation & Design Project in the amount of $90,000 (75%) towards an estimated total ° project cost of $120,000. 8/14l07: Approval of WA # 5 with Dredging and Maine Consultants, LLC in the amount of $9,500.00 for Engineering Services for Taylor Creek Dredging 4/27/07: Award of Management Services of Spoil site removal at the Port of Fort Pierce with Dredging and Marine Consultants, LLC. 3/27/07: Award of Construction Budget in the amount of $185,406.00 for removal of spoil site. 10/24/06: BOCC action to relocate the spoil site on Mr. Bell's Port Property. 3/16/04: Award of Construction Contract for Phase I Dredging of Taylor Creek in the amount of $2,485,820. ~ 2/17/04: Approval of Wo~lc Authorization #4 with BCI Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $7,494 for design of spoil site. 2/4/04: Approval of contract with DMC Engineering in the amount of $24,970 for design of spoil site. 9/30/03: PO# 2313589 for Dredging & Marine Consultants, Inc. for Grant Coordination and Permit Finalization in the amount of $19,990. 8/22/03: PO# 2313379 for Scientific Environmental Services for Soil Sampling in the amount of $10,500. 8/22/03: PO# 2313388 for Elab for Analytical Services in the amount of $18, 894. Page 1 of 4 8/22/03: PO# 2313380 for ARC Surveying for Hydrographic Survey in the amount of $18,500. 3/5/~2~ Approvai of Work Authorization #3 with BCI Engineers, inc in the amount of $17,500 for cost analysis and grant application preparation and submittal to FIND and SJRWMD. 2/5/02: Approval of Work Authorization #2 with BCI Engineers, Inc in the amount of $33,050 for the Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Shoreline Stabilization and Improvements Reach 2. 5/1/01: Approval of Work Authorization #1 with BCI Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $137,000 for design and permitting of Taylor Creek Project. 3/7/00: Approval of Work Authorization #14 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $32,200 for a hydrogeologic study of the groundwater at the Seminole property. , 2/15/00: Approval of Work Authorization #13 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $86,900 for sediment testing and analysis. 8/9/99: Approval of WA #11 with Wlliams, Hatfield 8~ Stoner in the amount of $11,000 for preparation of FIND Grant. 5!4/99: Approval of Work Authorization #12 with Williams, Hatfield & Stoner in the amount of $25,220 for spoil site selection process. RECOMMENDATION: Public Works Staff recommends acceptance of Budget Resolution #09-076 in the amount of $1,050,000 from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOl~ and Florida Seaport and Transportation Economics Development (FSTED) for Taylor Creek Restoration - Phase 2 Dredging. SAMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED ] OTHER: • 1 Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Reviews and ARproval ~ County Attorney: [X] Management & Budget/Purchasing: ~ ~ Daniel McIntyre =;~+Te~~~. ~Ua~~~ ~ Marie Gouin [X] Originating Dept-Public Works: G~ • [X] Copy to Finance Don d B. West Shai Frances Page 2 of 4 ITEM NO. VI-H3 ~ - ~ - DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ AGENDA REQUEST * ' ~ ' ' REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Airport Diana Lewis, Airport Dire 'r~ G SUBJECT: Request approval of Work Authorization #18 for LPA Group, Inc., to provide professional services at a lump sum cost of $309,882 to update the Drainage Master Plan at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 140358-4220-531000-48019, Professional Services PREVIOUS ACTION: A Master Drainage Report was completed in April 2002. The Board approved the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement and Resolution 08- 271 for a total p~oject cost of $330,000 in September 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Work Authorization #18 for LPA Group, Inc., to provide professional services at a lump sum cost of $309,882 to update the Drainage Master Plan at the St. Lucie County International Airport and authorize the Chair or designee to execute same. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Ap~roved 5-0 _'.-,r . ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Siqnatures County Attorney ( ) 'k~. Mgt. & Budget ( ) 'l~~ / ~ Purchasi g ~ Dan clntyre i~(~..k~-~:- y.:~ Patty arston/Marie Gouin ' ~ (Y1 e-~~ : r~ . : ~ ~~nC) Originating Dept. Other ( ) Other ( ) Di~'n ewis Finance: (check for copy, only if appficable) ITEM NO. VI- H2 ~ _ - - DATE: March 10, 200~---- s AGENDA REQUEST ~ ' ~ • REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ,r~ ; SUBMITTED BY: Airport Diana Lewis, Dir~ctor-- SUBJECT: Request that the Board approve the final Change Order #3 for T&G Constructors, Inc., increasing the contract amount by $20,576.00 from $80,507.15 to $101,083.15 with an increase of 60 days to the contract time changing the completion date from October 31, 2008 to Decembe~ 30, 2008, for the Customs and Border Protection Facility Renovations project at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) grant fund 140346-4220-546100-4614, Building Maintenance. PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board approved Change Order #1, increasing the contract time, in May 2008. The County Administrator approved Change Order #2 increasing the original contract amount by $5,507.15 in October 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the final Change Order #3 for T&G Constructors, Inc., increasing the contract amount by $20,576.00 from $80,507.15 to $101,083.15 with an increase of 60 days to the contract time changing the completion date from October 31, 2008 to December 30, 2008, for the Customs and Border Protection Facility Renovations project at the St. Lucie County International Airport and authorize the Chair or designee to execute the same. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (j~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures 7 County Attorney O Mgt. & Budget O ti'~ Purchasin 9( ) Dan clnty~re t(r~0. ~Y..ti~ Patty Marst n/M ne Gouin Melissa Simberlund Originating Dept. ~;G ~ = Other ( ) Other ( ) Diana Lewis Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) ITEM NO. VI-H1 W. - - - DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ ~ J ~ AGENDA REQUEST ~ REGULAR ( ) . • . PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT(X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ~ , SUBMITTED BY: Airport Diana Lewis, Direct v:' ~ SUBJECT: Award of Invitation to Bid #09-001 to the responsive bidder, Smith Industries Inc., for a contract amount of $1,015,785.00 for the Phase 2 Access Control System Installation base bid and Alternates 1, 2, and 3, at the St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: See attached memo. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in 140351-4220-563000-4803 Infrastructure. PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board accepted the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) and approved Resolution 07-271 for the second phase of the Security Access Control project in September 2007. In April 2008, the Board accepted FDOT Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (SJPA) and approved Resolution 08-098. In May 2008, the Board approved Budget Resolution 08-174 establishing the fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the award of Invitation to Bid #09-001 to the responsive bidder, Smith Industries Inc., for a contract amount of $1,015,785.00 for Phase 2 Access Control System Installation base bid and Alternates 1, 2, and 3, at the St. Lucie County International Airport and authorize the Chair or designee to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 - Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Sig atures: County Attorney ( ) ~>>s~s ~ Mgt. & Budget ( j Purchasing ( ) Heat er Young Marie Gou / atty Marston ~-d- r~ "~:~:,6 z ~ C., y.a3 Originating Dept. (i~ Other ( ) Other ( ) 'Diana Lewis Finance: (check for copy, only if applicable) ~ ~ . r=~--~ ~ \I ^ , - - ~ 3~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-G3 ~ ~ DATE: March 10, 2009 e • s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ REGULAR ( ] ~ ~ ~ ~ _._=r PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT[X) TO: Board of County Commissioners PRES VTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEP~: Engineering Division Micha I Powley, P . County Engineer SUBJECT: Extended Work Hours for Emergency Repairs Related to Tropical Storm Fay BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: 12/23/08 - County Administrator signed Work Authorization No. 6 in the amount of $24,640.58. 1/13/09 - Board approved Amendment 1 to Work Authorization No. 6(C07- 07-387) with Miller Legg for the emergency repair of Verada Ditch in the amount of $269,737.03. 2/24/09 - Board approved of the use of Emergency Procedures for waiver of formal bidding process and solicitation of quotes for construction for the Verada Ditch Emergency Repair Project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending Board approve a dawn-to-dusk, seven-day work week for Emergency Repairs Related to Tropical Storm Fay, and authorize the Chair to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ) OTHER: ~,pproved 5-0 - Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ~ Coordination/Sianatures [x]County Attomey [ M t./Bud et & Purchasin l 9 9 g [ ]Road/Bridge_ Danie/ Mclntyre Marie Gouin [x)Originating Dept. Public Works~ [x]Co. Eng~ ~ f~-wt []Other Dona/d West ~ ' Michae/ Pow/ey ~ j~' Finance (Check for copy only, if applicable.) _ Verada Ditch request for 7-day work week.ag Page 1 of 2 Agenda Request Item Number vi-I _ ~ Meeting Date: 03/10/2009 i ~ Consent [ X ] ~ ~ _ Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] ~ ~ 1 Leg. [ ] luasi-JD [ ] To: Board of County Commissioners P esented By ~ Submitted By: Growth Management Department , Mark Satterlee, CP Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Sunshine Road Deveiopment Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement Request. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On September 2, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 08-269 pertaining to the dedication of 2,410 square feet (10' width by 241' length) of right-of-way along the Turnpike Feeder Road owned by Sunshine Road Development, LLC. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the proposed Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED DENIED II,_,I OTHER APProved 5-0 ~ Faye W. Outlaw, i~1FA County Administrator Coordination/ Signatures County Attorney ~ E.R.D.: County Surveyor. Daniel S. Mclntyre Ron Harris County Engineer: ~1~ ~ Other: Other: Michael Powley Form No. 07-07 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: VI-J1 DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] ,d _ CONSENT [XJ ~ • ' 1 ' TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY DEPT: Community Services PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manager j~~~ SUBJECT: Approval to submit an application for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) U. S. C. 5307 Economic Stimulus grant program and Resolution No. 09-083. BACKGROUND: See attached Memo No. 09-149. FUNDS AVAILABLE: This grant does not require a local match. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: Approvai to appiy for FTA 5307 grants funds, adopt Resolution No. 09-083; authorize the Chair to sign all necessary documents. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~j APPROVED [ ) DENIED [ ] OTHER ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signa ure County Attorney: x Management & Budget x Purchasing: Daniel 5. Mclntyre/ Marie Gouin/ Sophia Holt Originating Department: x Other: Other: Beth Ryder AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: VI-J 2 DATE: March 10, 2009 ,4 ,,,s REGULAR I ~ ~ J ' ' PUBLIC HEARING [ ] . CONSENT [X] • ' ~ ~ T0: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY DEPT: Community Services PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manager SUBJECT: Approval to apply for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) U. S. C. 5311 Capital Stimulus grant program, and approval of Resolution No. 09-084. BACKGROUND: Under this FTA Section 5311 Capital Stimulus program, funds are only for capital expenses. (See attachment for description of eligible capital expenses). These funds cannot be used for operating assistance. For more detail, see attached Memo No. 09-150. FUNDS AVAIIABLE: This grant does not require a local match. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATlON: Approval to apply for FTA grants funds, approval of Resolution Na. 09-084; authorize the Chair to sign all necessary documents. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatur s + County Attomey: x t' ~i Management & Budget x~/~ Purchasing: Daniel S. Mclnt re Y f+~eafk~?"g Marie Gouin/ Sophia Holt Originating Department: x/ y ~ Other: Other: Beth Ryder ~ AGENDA REQUEST - =~~~.x:~.~.~~.,~ . ITEM NO: IV - J3 r` ~ll ~ ~ ~ DATE: March 10, 2009 i REGULAR [ ] ~ ' ~ ' PUBLIC HEARING [ j - ~ ` CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services PRESENTED BY: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manager SUBJECT: Approval to submit a grant application in the amount of $3,984,601 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and permission to advertise a public hearing. BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum No. 09-145. FUNDS AVAIL: No match funds required. PREVIOUS ACTION: On January 6, 2009, the Board approved advertising the request for proposals for the necessary services related to the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. RECOMMENDATION: Approvaf to submit a grant application in the amount of $3,984,60i to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, approval to advertise a Public Hearing on March 17, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter and authorize Chair to sign necessary documents. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ j DENIED [ ] OTHER - ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator % Coordination/Signature County Attomey: x ~ Management & Budget x~,C1~1/`fT I/ 1 Purchasing: Daniel S. Mclntyre/li~ Marie Gouin/ Sophia Holt ~t~ V~ Originating Department: x Other: Other: Beth Ryder AGENDA REQUEST ~ - ~ _ _ ITEM NO: IV - J4 DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ REGULAR [ ] • ' ~ ' PUBLIC HEARING ( j CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services PRESENTED BY: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manager ~ SUBJECT: Resolution No. 09-079 amen Resolution No. 08-343 to correct a scrivener's error. BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum No. 09-147. FUNDS AVAII: No match funds requi~ed. PREVIOUS ACTION: On November 25, 2008, the Board adopted Resolution No. 08-343 amending the St. Lucie County Local Nousing Assistance Plan for Fiscal Years 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011 for the State Housing fnitiative Partnership (SHIP) program RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 09-079 amending Resolution No. 08-343 to correct a scrivener's error and amend the LHAP to include Foreclosure Prevention, Rental Development and Home Ownership Development as additional strategies and to make necessary modifications. COMMISSION ACT10N: CONCURRENCE: [ ] APPROVED [ j DENIED (~CJ OTHER 7~}~{s item was pulled and will be scheduled for a workshop Faye W. ~Ut~aW~ MPA discussion. County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney: x Management & Budget x_~~~"~ ~ Purchasing: Daniel S. Mclntyre/ Marie Gouin/ Sophia Holt Originating Department: x V Other: Other: Beth Ryder ~ AGENDA REQUEST _ . ' ~ y- - V~ ITEM NO: IV - J5 A ~ I ~ ~ ~ DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ r REGULAR ( ] _F ~ ' PUBLIC HEARING I ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services PRESENTED BY: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manager ' / ! SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to C09-02-04 between Generia Lovett, Habitat for Humanity and St. Lucie County. BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum No. 09-148. FUNDS AVAII: No match funds required. PREVIOUS ACTION: On October 14, 2008, the Board approved Resolution No. 08-327 transferring five surplus lots to Habitat for Humanity to construct affordable housing for approved first time homebuyers. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Amendment No. 1 to C09-02-043 between Generia Lovett, Habitat for Humanity and St. Lucie County and authorize Chair to sign necessary documents. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 ~ ~ ` Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures 4~% County Attorney: x ~'J~ Management & Budget x]r%~~ Purchasing: Daniel 5. Mclntyre/Heather o Marie Gouin/ Sophia Holt Originating Department: x,~ Other: Other: Beth Ryder AGENDA REQUEST ~ _ ITEM NO: VI-J6 ~ ~ - ~ DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ REGULAR [ ) i ' ~ ~ PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Community Services PRESENTED BY: Beth Ryder, Directo~ SUBJECT: Approval of the amended contract between the State of Florida Department of Health and St. Lucie County for operation of the Health Department which increases the total funding by $271,215, but does not increase the funding by the Board of County Commissioners. BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum No. 09-151. FUNDS AVAII: 001-6210-581020-600 (St. Lucie County Health Department) PREVIOUS ACTION: On September 29, 2008, the Board approved the contract between St. Lucie County and the Health Department. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the amended contract between the State of Florida Department of Health and St. Lucie County for operation of the Health Department, and authorize the Chair to execute necessary documents. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE': ~APPROVED ( ] DENIED [ ] OTHER ~,pproved 5-0 ^ ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures , ~ Counry Attomey: x ~ L~ Management & Budget x~ ~1~ Purchasing: Daniel S. Mclntyre/ Marie 6ouin/ Sophia Holt Originating Department: x Other. Other. Beth Ryder AGENDA REQUEST ITEM: # VI-K ( - ~ _ , , DATE: 3/10/09 • REGULAR [ ] . , _ PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Wayne Teegardin Risk Manager SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Human Resources / Risk Management SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate Health Aggregate Cap & Psychotropic Drug Invoice. BA~KuROUND: Medical care for incarcerated jail inmates provided off-site (outside the jail} are paid under contract by Prison Health Services (PHS) and reimbursed by the County according to contract requirements, including psychotropic drugs. GENERAL NOTES: Our contract with PHS requires that the aggregate cap invoices be reimbursed per fiscal year quarter. This request is for first quarter invoice number PHS0005425 for FY 08 - 09 in the amount of $236,818.80. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in: 001-2300-531300-200. PREVIOUS ACTION: Prior fiscal year invoices have been paid. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends payment of PHS invoice number PHS0005425 in the amount of $236,818.80 per contract agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (7q APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals ~n{~/~~/ ~l County Attorney: L'~v - Management & BuAd~et: , r! I'~d~ Pur hasing: ,~~e:~ .,c,~~~~ soph;~.~e~T ~~IA.nt vu~Yi t-1C~`h3-~ ~ , Originating Dept. ~"1 ~za~ u='~~ Other. Other: J~iS.f' ~ ,v.i~ %..s.: N ~ I>/!' Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)_ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM: VI- K2 " - DATE:03/10/2009 ~ - ~ REGULAR [ ] • ~ ~ PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] T0: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BI': Carl Holeva, Director, Human Resources SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Human Resources SUBJECT: Position Request for a Grants Resource Developer pa~~ grade 24. BACKGROIJND: Please see attached memorandum and attachments. FUNDS AVAIL: 001-1350-~-100, Salaries Account. Funding will come from 001-1~1~-~82000-10U Economic Development (Aid to Private Organizations). The balance will come from the $500.000.00 Set aside for critical positions. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval to fund another Grants Resource Developer position for the Grants Resource/Disaster Recoverv Department at the current pay grade 24. Min salary $50,88~.8~ to max salary of $81,117.26 per vear. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [x] APPROVED [ ] DENIED _ , [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Countv Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget: ~ ~ Purchasing: ~/<~`~..l---.r~-----.._ +~~'f(~%~at.aacs+sn~„w.~t't~1ar~L a.i~Y1 Originating Dept. Carl Holeva, HR Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable)__ Agenda Request Item Number VI-L1 Date: March 10, 2009 a I Consent [ X ] ~ Regular [ ] • ~ Public Presentation f 1 Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] To: Board of County Commissioners Presented By Submitted By: Economic Development Economic Deyelopment Manager SUBJECT: Request the approval to minor amendments to the St. Lucie County's Job Growth Investment Grant Program. BACKGROUND: The Job Growth investment Grant Program was first approved by the Board of County Commissioners in April of 1994 in an effort to stimulate job growth in St. Lucie County. The grant program is structured to provide an incentive to businesses to expand or relocate to St. Lucie County. The basic criteria for the grant are the business should be a County Targeted Industry, create a minimum of 10 jobs and have a wage rate at or exceeding the local average wage rate. The amendments being requested at this time include the following: change in management from Economic Development Division to Grants and Disaster Recovery Department, provide the County Administrator the ability to reduce the average wage requirement to 100% of the county average and make job performance on a cumulative approach. FUNDS AVAILABLE: No funds required at this time. PREVIOUS ACTION: The JGIG was initially approved in Aprii 1994. The latest revision was in August 2008 to change the Targeted Industries. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the proposed amendments to the Job Growth Investment Grant Program as provided in the attached backup and request the County Attorney to redraft the basic grant agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED ~ DENIED ~ D.~H ER Motion to approve the proposed ~ amendments to the Job Growth ~ Investment Grant Program as Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. AppTOV2C~ S-~ provided in the backup and COUflty AdRIIfIIStfatOf request the County Attorney redraft th~ basic grant agreement. CoO~dination/ Signatures r County Attorney s-°="( Mgt. & Budget: s~~~ti~~ Purchasing: Originating Dept.: - ^ Other. `'aT~ "'""'-rn "~,~i ~G.rie GpiwOther. Finance: ~,~~J :~r:^;,+~-. (insert file re~ Agenda Request Item Number vi-~2 . Date: March 10, 2009 1-' ~ - Consent [ X ] ~ Regular [ ] • ~ • Public Presentation [ ] Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD j ] To: Board of County Commissioners Presented~By -w' Submitted By: Economic Development 1_ r, Economic Dev lopment Manager SUBJECT: Request the approval to minor revisions to the St. Lucie County's Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Program. BACKGROUND: The Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Program was first approved by the Board of County Commissioners in October of 1992 (Ordinance No. 92-24) in an effort to stimulate job growth in St. Lucie County. In November 2002, after the voters of the County approved the continuation of the program, the BOCC approved the continuation of the program (Resolution No. 02-196). The program was revised in October 2003 (Resolution No. 03-258). The program is structured to provide a tax exemption to qualifying businesses to expand or relocate to St. Lucie County. The revisions requested at this time include the following: change in management from Economic Development Division to Grants and Disaster Recovery Department, and the addition of a bonus incentive for hiring local residents or local contractors. FUNDS AVAILABLE: No funds required at this time. PREVIOUS ACTION: The Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption was last revised in October 2003. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the revised Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Program as provided in the attached backup and request the County Attorney to redraft the basic grant agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED u DENIED ~I OTHER --~`J Motion to approve as amended on paragraph 3B. Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coordination/ Signatures County Attomey R, Mgt. & Budget:-~~~h$) Purchasing: Originating Dept.: n ~ , "a~~~~ Other. ~~irrru~~a ~~r~,~w~~ ~ e ~ Other: Finance: f{.~t~~• ct (insert fiie refl ~ ' ~M - Agenda Request Item Number ~ Meeting Date: 3/10/09 I Consent [ ] ~ - Regular [ ~ o s - Public Hearing [ x] Leg. [ x ] Quasi-JD [ ] To: Board of County Commissioners , ese~ By Submitted By: Growth Management Department ~ r ~ Mark Satterle , P Growth Management Director SUBJECT: The petition of Doctor Kenneth Palestrant, for a 12 month extension of the date of expiration for the Planned Non-Residential Development (PNRD) project known as Midway Road Professional Plaza located on the northeast corner of West Midway Road and Christensen Road, approximately 1/4 mile west of the South 25`h Street and West Midway Road intersection (BCC File No. 720081501). BACKGROUND: The subject site plan project provides for the development of 12,699 square feet of emergency care and professional office space within two buildings on a 1.83 acre parcel. Prior to the expiration date of the project, the applicant submitted the attached letter requesting the 12 month site plan extension. Staff has verified that the project lands are not in foreclosure, the owner is not in bankruptcy, nor is there any building permit or code enforcement issues related to the applicant or the project lands. An updated traffic report has been submitted and mitigation is proposed to address the projecYs traffic impacts. Staff has reviewed the request for a site plan extension and determined that, with the recommended conditions, it meets all applicabte provisions of Section 11.02.06(B)(3) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 24, 2009, this Board continued the public hearing for the site plan extension. On September 19, 2006, through Resolution No. 06-165, this Board granted Preliminary and Final Planned Non-Residential Development Site Plan Approval and a Change in Zoning to the Midway Road Professional Plaza PNRD. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 09-005 granting a 12 month extension to the Final Planned Development Site Plan known as Midway Road Professional Plaza PNRD. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED DENIED ~ OTHER Approved 5-0 ~1~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/ Signatures County Attorney x~~~'~ E.R.D.: ,C~~ 1i~o~r-_ County Surveyor: k~.:~- Daniel S. Mclntyre ~(~cjt2~9Cf Amy Mott Ron Harris County Engineer: ~~~I~ Other. Other: Michael Powley Form ~To. 07-07 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. i _ - DATE: March 10, 2009 ~ ~ REGULAR [XX] . . PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY. SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ~aniel 5. McIntyre SUBJECT: Resolution No. 09-082 - Arnendment to the Investment Policy BACKGROUND: See attached memornndum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Bourd adopt the attached Resolution No. 09-082 and uuthorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [ ] APPROVED [ ] DENIED fj~ OTHER: ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Pulled prior to meeting. COU?1ty Ad~TlitliStl'C1t01^ Review and Approvals Coun Attorne : Mana ement & Bud et P rc n in : ty y 9 g u h s g Daniet 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: ~ Finnnce: (Check for copy only, if npplicable) Eff. 5/96 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO.~X ` DATE~ March 10, 2009 ~ - ~m. ~ ~ REGULAR [Xx~ s r PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT TO: BOARp OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel 5. McIntyre SUBJECT: Ag Luwsuits - Settlement Offer BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Stnff recommends that the Board authorize the Chair to sign n letter expressing the Board's willingness to agree with Pnrts 1 and 3 of the Februnry 6 letter but not Part 2. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [Jd" APPROVED [ J DENIED Approved 4-1 Comm. - ~ Part 2 and to include an 18 month GI'aT1C~0 VOtlrig NO. time frame with the possibility of an Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Motion to authonze the Chairman to extension. sign a letter expressiog the Boazd's County Administrator willingness to agree with Parts 1 and 3 of the February 6 letter but no[ '~~i Review nnd Approvals County Attorney: ~ Management $ Budget Purchnsing: Daniel 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng,: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicnble) Eff. 5/96 = Agenda Request Item Number i Meeting Date: 3/10/09 Consent [ ] ~ Regular [ X ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Public Hearing [ ] ~I il Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] To: Board of County Gommissioners . Pres d B r Submitted By: Growth Management Department .~~~,,9„ a k S terlee, AICP ~ Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Petition of Dennis Murphy, Culpepper & Terpening Inc., for a 12 Month Extension of The Meridian of North Hutchinson Island Major Site Plan project for property located on the northeast corner of the intersection of North A-1-A and Shorewinds Drive (File No. BCC 720081502). BACKGROUND: On July 1, 2008, St. Lucie County received a request on behalf of the Greenwood Development Corporation of Florida, Inc. for a 12 month extension of the subject site plan (Attachment A). The request for the extension states that they are in the process of obtaining all other agency permits required to commence construction. If a site plan extension is not granted, a new application will be required for development of the project. The approved site plan provides for the development of a 104 unit residential condominium on an 11.88-acre site along the Atlantic Ocean on North Hutchinson Isiand. Staff has verified that the lands are not in foreclosure, the owner is not in bankruptcy, nor are there any building permits or code enforcement issues related to the applicant or the project lands. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 20, 2007, this Board, through Resolution No. 07-012, granted major site plan approval to the project known as The Meridian at North Hutchinson Island. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Draft Resolution No. 09-021 granting the requested 12 month zxtension The Meridian of North Hutchinsvn Island Major S+te Plan. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED DENIED ~ OTHER Approved 5-0 ' Motion to continue to March 241° at Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter that it County Administrator mightbe heard. Coordination/ Signatures County Attorney n E.R.D.: Y~ County Surveyor: `~-Daniel S. Mclntyre Y~G~t,t ~o(Amy Mott Ron Harris County Engineer: ~ Other. Other: Michael Powley Form No. 07-07 ; § a Agenda Request Item Number ~ I ~ Meeting Date: 3/10/09 ~ Consent [ ] A Regular [ X ] • o Public Hearing [ j Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] To: Board of County Commissioners ~ ~ P se e y Submitted By: Growth Management Department ' ~'r~ 'Satterlee, AI Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Reconsideration of this Board's denial of the petition for a 12 month extension of the Indrio Crossings - Phase II Major Site Plan project located at the southeast corner of Turnpike Feeder Road and Miramar Avenue (File No. BCC 1120071377). BACKGROUND: On February 19, 2008, the Board granted a request to reconsider iYs previous deniat of a petition to extend the date of expiration for the Indrio Crossings - Phase II Major Site Plan project. Since that time, one letter was received by the app~icanYs representative reiterating their understanding that staff would continue to work with the applicant to amend the site plan, which began prior to denial of the site plan extension. No new information has been submitted for your consideration. The Indrio Crossings - Phase II site plan project approval on January 17, 2006 converted Phase 2 of the Indrio Crossings Shopping Center from a site plan allowing 143,486 square feet of commercial space, to a mixed use project consisting of 84 residential units and 45,924 square foot of retail and office space. The request for the site plan extension indicates that the delay was due to the inability to enter into an easement agreement with the owner of the adjacent shopping center. The original agreement, which expired, recognized the responsibilities of the shared facilities, including the stormwater and access. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 19, 2008, this Board agreed to reconsider their previous denial of the Indrio Crossings - Phase II Major Site Plan extension request. On February 12, 2008, this Board denied, by a vote of 3-2 (Commissioners Lewis and Coward dissenting) a request to extend the Indrio Crossings - Phase I I Major Site Plan. On January 22, 2008, this Board continued a request to extend the expiration date of the Indrio Crossings Phase - II Major Site Plan until February 12, 2008. On January 17, 2006, the Board granted Indrio Crossings Phase - II Major Site Pian approval through Resolution No. 06-006, with ten limiting conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Reconfirm the Board's previous action to deny the requested 12 month extension to the Indrio Crossings - Phase II Major Site Plan project, through the adoption of Resolution No. 09-024. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: X APPROVED DENIED ~ OTHER Approved 4-1 Comm. Lewis voting No. ' Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/ Signatures ' County Attorney r~~ ~ E.R.D.: County 1-+ ~-~:+h~-`~' y Daniel S. Mclntyre Amy Ron Harris County Enqineer: Other: Other: Michael Powley Form No. 07-07