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Minutes of Meeting
April 8, 2009
Convened: 10:05 A.M. Adjourned: 11:30 A.M.
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, April 8,
2009, in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie County Administration Building Annex,
2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Members Present:
Craig Mundt, President North Beach Association HOA
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay HOA
Andrew Stark, Palm Grove HOA
Diane Andrews, Queens Cove HOA
Jon Carroll, President, Indian River Drive Freeholders HOA
Walske Fauth, South Beach HOA
Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines HOA
Roger Bollman, I.R.E. HOA
Godfrey Adams, Port St. Lucie North HOA
Pat Pacitti, President Council
Also Present:
Commissioner Doug Coward, Chairman
Charline Burgess, Aide to Commissioner Coward
Dr. Judi Miller, Chairwoman, St. Lucie County School Board
Terri Ann Palumbo, Executive Aide to Comm. Chris Dzadovsky
Deputy Glenn Hoffman, St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office
Robin Schifilliti, PGA Village
Linda Bollman, I.R.E.
Fred Cook, PSL
Arlene Goodman, White City Improvement Club
Sherry McCorkle, Field Representative, Office of Congressman Tom Rooney
Don Wilson, St. Lucie North HOA
Catherine Chaney, PIO, St. Lucie County Fire District
Property & Homeowners Meeting
April 8, 2009
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The meeting was called to order at 10:05 A.M. Commissioner Coward led the
Association in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Homeowners’ Representatives and visitors in
attendance gave self-introductions.
Commissioner Coward asked for a motion for approval of the March 11, 2009 minutes.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2009
meeting. Two changes were noted, one, that Mr. Bob Bangert was present at that
meeting and Ms. Diane Andrews made the motion to approve the minutes, not Mr.
Bangert. The amended motion and second carried unanimously.
Commissioner Coward introduced Deputy Glenn Hoffman.
Deputy Glenn Hoffman announced that the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office School
Resource Unit’s 3 Annual Carnival will be held April 9th, 10th, 11 and 12 at
Lawnwood Stadium in Ft. Pierce. He said it is free admission and free parking. He
handed out discount tickets for the rides.
Deputy Hoffman said that the department is still looking for Citizen’s on Patrol (C.O.P.)
volunteers. He said there is a class scheduled for May 3. He said that the C.O.P.
volunteers actually helped them out with making some recent arrests on Hutchinson
Island. He said they are still experiencing problems with property thefts, garage doors
left open and thieves breaking into vehicles. He said to please lock your vehicles and
make sure all personal items are taken out. He said to please put out notices about this
in your homeowner association newsletters. He said the main number to call for patrol
would be 772-462-7300.
There were no questions for Deputy Hoffman.
Commissioner Coward thanked Deputy Hoffman.
Commissioner Coward announced that we had a request from the St. Lucie County Fire
District, more specifically their Public Information Officer Catherine Chaney, requesting
that she be put on our agenda on a regular basis like the sheriff’s office, to give us brief
updates on the district. He said he thought it was a great idea and wanted to get the
committee’s thoughts on this addition to the agenda.
The consensus of the committee was in the affirmative.
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April 8, 2009
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Commissioner Coward introduced Ms. Catherine Chaney, P.I.O., St. Lucie County Fire
Ms. Chaney thanked the committee for having her here. She said that in the past the
fire district offered homeowners association presentations, so she wanted to let the
group know that they were going to update that and you would be able to have the fire
chief update you about the fire district. She said that her goal is to start better
communications with the associations because the newspapers do not always report
everything we want them to report or cover everything correctly. She said that she
would like to send out e-mails, flyers for your clubhouses or offices. For instance, you
can go by any fire station and have your blood pressure checked for free. She also
mentioned the I.C.E. program, (In Case of Emergency) you program into your cell
phone address book with a phone number for your emergency contact. She said they
teamed up with the hospitals, the sheriff’s office and other law enforcements regarding
the program. She said she could be contacted anytime at her office (772) 621-3333,
her cell phone (772) 201-2490 or by e-mail at cchaney@slcfd.org. She asked if anyone
had any questions.
There were no questions for Ms. Chaney.
Commissioner Coward thanked Ms. Chaney for the good information and for attending
the meeting.
Commissioner Coward introduced Dr. Judi Miller.
Dr. Miller said that Mr. Lannon could not make the meeting here today because he is
giving this same presentation somewhere else. She said that she would like to start
with a power point presentation on the St. Lucie County school budget. She asked if
anyone could help her with the computer? Ms. Terri Palumbo volunteered.
Dr. Miller said the links for the power point presentation of their budget could be found
on the school board website at http://www.stlucie.k12.fl.us/budget.aspx and the School
board budget http://www.stlucie.k12.fl.us/pdf/budget/myth-or-fact-update.pdf or you
can send your comments on the budget to: mailto:budget@stlucie.k12.fl.us
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April 8, 2009
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Dr. Miller explained that they are working with a thirty million dollar budget cut, which
amounts to a 19 percent reduction in two years. She said they started the school year
last year with a budget of $285.3 million. In the middle of the year they received a cut
from the state down to $276.7 million and this year they were cut down to $271.5
million and then they received another mid-year cut to $261 million. She said the just
received a letter from the governor asking for a 15 percent holdback on the 4 quarter
funding. So, with the $30 million dollar cut, our budget is projected to be $231 million.
Dr. Miller said that they are frequently asked the reasons for the upcoming closures of
the three schools. She said it would save 7 percent of the total plan. Port St. Lucie
Elementary School is thirty-five years old and has a bad roof. She said it would cost
eleven million dollars just to put on a new roof. They will also be closing Southbend K8,
a “hybrid portable” school and Anglewood Center School. She said they have reduced in
every single department and every single program that they can. She said that they
want to continue to keep high academic standards, so they have involved their
bargaining unit partners in this whole process. She said that recent legislative budget
proposals allege to “hold education harmless” – meaning equal to 2008/2009 $23 million
cut level.
Commissioner Coward asked Dr. Miller if she could explain how a charter school works.
Dr. Miller said that former Jeb Bush brought the concept to Florida. The idea was to
open the schools without bureaucratic rules and regulations, the schools would operate
very successfully and it would be a partial answer to a lot of problems. She said that it
has not always worked out the way it was planned. She said that they had to ultimately
close the one charter school that opened here, mostly due to bad management.
Mr. Roger Bollman asked Dr. Miller if she would explain the definition of a Magnet
Dr. Miller said a magnet school started as a desegregation tool. She said it was used to
desegregate Lincoln Park Academy. At that time the school board had been under a
court order for twenty-five years, but they could not get people to agree to send their
kids to Lincoln Park School, which is on Ave I in Ft. Pierce, so we could not get
enrollment there. The enrollment they had was almost 100 percent African-American,
so under court order they couldn’t allow for that, so they did a magnet school. A
magnet school is a school with some kind of special emphasis of some kind. We chose
to do traditional, back to basic academics for that school and it drew kids from all over
the county, so it was a countywide magnet. After that they added Fairlawn, F.K. Sweet
and Village Green for the same purpose, desegregation. She said it is a very expensive
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April 8, 2009
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Dr. Miller said that they are trying to keep the public involved. They held one town hall
meeting and have another one coming up, to take input from our residents.
Commissioner Coward said that it is important to note that the school board’s millage
rate is set by the State. He said that it is ironic that the state legislature has tried to
push all of these tax cuts, but if you look at your tax bill you will see that the State
actually sets the school board’s millage rate, so the county and the cities all reduce their
millage rate and you will notice it was their school board portion that actually went up.
They keep pointing fingers at us and yet they are shifting hundreds of millions of dollars
of unfunded mandates to the local governments. Discussion ensued.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding how the money is spent that that the school
board receives from lottery funds (1%) the ½ cents sales tax; impact fees, etc.
Commissioner Coward said that some of the county commission’s role is by helping
collect school impact fees, funding the School Resource Officers (SRO’s) and
infrastructure, such as sidewalks. Discussion ensued.
Several of the members offered some cost saving suggestions to Ms. Miller. Discussion
Commissioner Coward thanked Dr. Miller for a very informative presentation.
Commissioner Coward asked if anyone had any old business to discuss.
There was no old business.
Commissioner Coward stated that at our last meeting, the members had specified topics
for their upcoming meetings, so our May 13 meeting will be a tour of the new Douglas
M. Anderson, Emergency Operations Center. We will all meet there at 10 a.m. for the
tour. He said that we will provide directions.
For the June 10 meeting, it was the consensus of the members to invite St. Lucie
County Sheriff, Ken Mascara, Ft. Pierce Police Chief, Sean Baldwin and Port St. Lucie
Police Chief, Donald Shinnamon to speak about gangs, drugs and the economic
Commissioner Coward thanked the members and the public for coming to the meeting.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Charline Burgess, Aide to
Commissioner Doug Coward
(772) 462-1412