HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 04-21-2009
Date: April 21, 2009 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Adjourned: 9:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward,
Chris Craft, Chris Dzadovsky,
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director,
Debra Brisson, Parks and Recreation Director, Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Beth Ryder,
Community Services Director, Marie Gouin,OMB Director, Diana Lewis, Airport
Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director, Mark Godwin, Criminal Justice
Coordinator, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve the minutes
of the meeting held April 14, 2009, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A.Mr. Tom Colucci, Treasure Coast Sports Commission gave a presentation on
upcoming sports tourism activities and events.
Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce resident, addressed the Board and advised them he was in
the process of putting together a diorama of what he felt the Port should look like.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the
Consent Agenda, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Com. Coward stated he would like to thank the City of Port St. Lucie for their
partnership in the Walton Road widening project.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 29.
1.Request to Advertise- The Board approved advertising one clerical position and
one pretrial officer position for the G.P.S./Pretrial Program. These positions have
been funded in the 08/09 budget.
2.Ordinance No, 09-014- The Board approved advertising Ordinance No. 09-014
Amending Animal Registration Ordinance to add Seller Registration Requirement
for June 16, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard.
Walton Road Widening – Village Green Drive to Lennard Road
The Board approved the Local Agency Program Agreement with FDOT in the
amount of $3,574,360 for widening and enhancement of Walton Road-Village
Green to Lennard Road approved Resolution No. 09-132 and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) and New Freedom (NF) programs.
The Board approved advertising a Request for Qualification for transit providers
for the JARC and the NF programs.
Membership addition to Airport Master Plan Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
The Board approved Resolution No. 09-135 amending the membership of the Airport
Master Plan Technical Advisory Committee to include Peter Buchwald,
Transportation Planning Organization Executive Director and authorized the Chair or
designee to sign.
The Board approved the submission of an electronic application for the State
Criminal Alien Grant 2009.
Adoption of Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Cassens White City Grove
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 09-006, Cassens White City
Grove Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
Mr. Terry Virta, representing the applicant Mr. Cassens, addressed the Board and
advised them they had no concerns with the staff report as presented.
Quasi Judicial
The following Board members acknowledged having contact with the applicant:
Com. Lewis
Com. Craft
Com. Grande
Com. Coward
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to adopt Ordinance No.
09-006, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 09-005 – Local Preference in Purchasing
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 09-005 as amended and
authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance.
The County Attorney addressed the Board on this item and proposed various
1.Page 3 Section 1-2-51 (a) local business as defined to add after the words
“business which” insert the words “meet all of the following criteria”
2.Page 6 sub-paragraph (i) Reciprocity add the language at the end as follows:
“In the event Indian River County, Martin County or Okeechobee County enacts a
Local Preference Ordinance with intent and administration comparable to this
ordinance and the ordinance does not provide the equivalent benefit level to St.
Lucie County bidders or submitters, said county shall be deleted from the list of
eligible counties as noted in section 1-2-51 of this ordinance.
Com. Craft stated he would not support the ordinance if this language was inserted.
He believed it gave a negative tone and this has the ability to come back before the
Board to be reviewed and changed at any time.
Com. Dzadovsky asked if this would then keep it open to reciprocity. He believed it
sounded like it should be a separate paragraph since it may revert back to the
reciprocity issue with the interlocal agreement.
The County Attorney stated it could, and requested the Board review sub-paragraph
(k) which indicated the 6 month review by the Board.
Com. Craft stated it sets a negative tone and it does not address the issue. The
difference is it would be made automatic rather than it coming back before the Board.
Com. Dzadovsky questioned if it would not set a negative tone if it happened the
other way and they excluded St. Lucie County.
Com. Grande stated he concurred with Com. Dzadovsky and stated he believed the
ordinance as amended would say initially the other counties would be included as part
of our region as long as they did not enact an ordinance or do nothing and the only
time they would be deleted would be if they proactively enacted an ordinance and did
not include St. Lucie County especially if they benefited from ours and we did not
from theirs.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he believed a separate paragraph would be the way to go
giving another county the opportunity to use the reciprocity paragraph and initiate an
Com. Coward stated he concurred with Com. Craft. He believes putting that
language in would send a negative message and he believes Martin County is already
moving in a positive manner reviewing their ordinance and he hopes they will change
their local ordinance.
Com. Lewis stated she believed there was not a need to add the language. She would
like to give Martin County time to amend their ordinance.
Com. Craft advised the Board Okeechobee was extremely grateful to be included and
Indian River County was not interested in enacting an ordinance and Martin County
has an ordinance excluding St. Lucie County and are in the process of reviewing it
and considering including St. Lucie County.
Com. Dzadovsky stated due to the information provided by Com. Craft he would like
to see this ordinance move forward as is with the provision that it be reviewed in 6
months with a staff report indicating information on how things are going within the
regional area and see if they need to make adjustments.
The County Attorney advised the Board there is a consensus not to add this particular
The County Attorney continued with the amendments.
3.Page 7 – Part D Effective Date-
` The County Attorney requested adding the language “the ordinance shall not affect
request for bids or request for proposals that were issued before the effective date”.
Com. Craft questioned if there was to be proposed language regarding the apprentice
Com. Coward stated he believed they needed to do all they can to support the
apprenticeship programs and should be inserted into these ordinances.
Com. Coward requested a sentence in paragraph (k) “should the Board not elect to
continue the local preference policy, it will at that time expire” be deleted.
Mr. Sean Mitchell, on behalf of the various trade associations and the Green Energy
Task Force, addressed the Board regarding the ordinance and language they had
submitted stating that 5% of the workforce be apprentices that are registered it does
not make it mandatory but make it a preference. They cannot register apprentices with
the state without them having a job.
Ms. Linda Cox, Chamber of Commerce addressed written comments the Board
received from the Chamber (comments not provided for the record). She stated they
were attempting to provide a broad scope review of the ordinance and pointed out
several areas of concerns in the ordinance.
Mr. Nick Theodore, representing the Florida Carpenters, addressed the Board and
stated he concurred with Mr. Mitchell’s comments. He advised the Board individuals
in the past had worked under another’s license and received 1099 wage forms and the
fact not having insurance places the burden on the tax payer for indigent care if they
get hurt on a job.
Mr. Bob Schaffer, Florida East Coast Chapter, Association of General Contractors,
addressed the Board and stated he was not in support of local preferences. He stated
St. Lucie County has very limited contractors to build buildings. He believes this will
cause an increase in prices for projects. He believes due to the 5% preference the
county may receive fewer bids. He supports adding the apprenticeship program. He
recommended the county look into the FDOT (on the job) program for some ideas.
They have an apprenticeship program for federally funded projects.
The County Attorney recommended not taking any action on the apprenticeship
program today. He is not sure how the language would be integrated into the bid
Com. Craft recommended continuing the apprenticeship discussion at a later date.
The County Attorney recommended the discussion take place quickly.
Com. Coward concurred it be discussed in the immediate future a month at most.
He believes the apprenticeship should be made a requirement.
Mr. Larry Lee, Jr. 7936 Saddle brook Drive, Port St. Lucie, addressed the Board
regarding an RFP advertising the recycling program. It was advertised by one radio
group that did not reach certain demographics’.
Com. Craft stated he believed the advertising should be to all demographics in our
Com. Coward stated he would like to make sure all the information is related to
everyone and the opportunities should be open to everyone.
Mr. Michael Jacquin, Jacquin and Sons Construction addressed the Board and stated
he concurred with the Board tabling the apprenticeship program. He stated he was
not a proponent of the RFQ process and one of the things they need to look at for the
apprenticeship program is how many firms are participating.
Sheriff Mascara addressed the Board and alluded to the RFQ for the jail expansion.
He advised the Board his mandate for the job was he demanded there be apprentices
on the job and was very pleased with the work. The job came in under budget and
they were able to return funds to the Board, this was all done with apprentice labor
and he commends the Board if they intend to add the apprenticeship program.
Com. Lewis requested the language recommended for page 5 be incorporated into the
The County Attorney recommended broadening the issue and inserting it also in the
Purchasing Manual under general contracts.
Com. Grande stated he believed having this language in two places may throw things
out of sync in some point in time. This is a step that should be universally applied in
all the county’s contracting; he believes it belongs in the purchasing manual and not
placed in the special preference law.
Com. Lewis stated she would like to see this particular requirement immediately in
place and she believes this is how to do it. She does not agree that it will cause an out
of sync situation in four years but does believe it should be in a policy, but until then
she would like to see it enacted here.
Com. Grande recommended asking the County Attorney to bring back the language at
the same time the other issues they are speaking of is brought back, then they would
be sure to bring it back at a date certain getting it in quickly and would have less
housekeeping to do.
Com. Dzadovsky commented on the Sunset provision.
Com. Grande stated he believed the Sunset language was removed.
Com. Coward stated they are going to re-address it but not pre-determine. The Sunset
language was taken out, however the time frame language is still there for them to
make a decision, but it does not automatically go away, it is up to the majority of the
Board to make that decision.
The County Attorney reviewed the following changes requested:
Page 3 bottom of the page “meets all of the following criteria:”
Page 4- add language on employees and independent contractors
New sub paragraph after B certification
(Restructuring the rest of the numeration items)
Page 6 sub-paragraphs K deleting the sentence “Should the Board not elect to
continue the local preference policy, it will expire at that time”.
Page 7 part D- add sentence, the ordinance shall not affect the request for bids or the
request for proposals that were issued before the effective date.
With the understanding staff will be bringing back no later than May 12, 2009 a
proposal on the apprenticeship and the inclusion of the general policy on independent
contractors for inclusion in the purchasing manual.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve Ordinance
No. 09-005 as amended and with the provision to return on May 12, 2009 with the
apprenticeship language and ensure the language is inserted on number 3 regarding
the employee portion, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 09-008- Local Economic Stimulus Ordinance
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 09-008 and authorize the
Chairman to sign.
The County Attorney advised the Board staff attempted to revise 4-A as
recommended by the Chamber of Commerce.
The proposed change on section 4, 2(b)
Local contractors that will use more than 75% local laborers’, local material suppliers
and local subcontractors on the project that are within 5% of the lowest bid of a non-
local contractor that will use more than 75% local laborers,, local material suppliers
and local subcontractors on the project are eligible to match the low bid and be
awarded the contract.
The County Administrator gave an overview of what the Commission is attempting to
achieve with this stimulus ordinance.
Ms. Linda Cox, Chamber of Commerce addressed the Board regarding the 75%
threshold and how they came to this figure.
The County Administrator advised the Board staff did not sit down and look at the
various sectors within the county and look at the data or any particular methodology.
The rationale behind the 75 % was based on the minimum threshold they use when
looking at the performance of contractors.
Com. Coward addressed the “out clause” and the provisions made.
The County Administrator stated if a contractor can show he has attempted to hire
75% of St. Lucie County workers and attempted to purchase 75% of local supplies
and cannot, then the out clauses would then come into play.
Mr. Bob Schaffer, General Contractors questioned how this would be verified.
The County Administrator stated at the time a bid or a proposal is submitted, the
bidder must affirm their intent to use 75% on that particular project.
Mr. Schaffer stated it was going to be extremely difficult for the county to track it.
The County Administrator stated she is not sure she can say she would not be able to
do it without it being implemented. She stated they are well on their way to develop
administrative procedures. If there is difficulty she will then return to the Board to
“tweak” the procedures to make sure they do work.
Com. Coward recommended stronger enforcement language and penalties be
implemented to avoid fraud or misrepresentation.
The County Attorney advised the Board there are current provisions in the Purchasing
Com. Coward recommended adding language referencing the existing Purchasing
Manual language.
The County Attorney stated he could draft language to add to the ordinance on section 4
(a) to read, “The County shall aggressively pursue remedies available in the Purchasing
Manual in the event of fraud or misrepresentation”.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky to approve Ordinance No.
09-008 as amended, to include change to 2(b) and add “The contract shall provide for
continuing proof of compliance at appropriate intervals and shall provide the County with
the right to terminate the contract in event of noncompliance. The County shall
aggressively pursue remedies available in the Purchasing Manual in the event of fraud or
misrepresentation; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The County Administrator commended staff for the many hours and hard work on these
Continuation of a petition of WCA of St. Lucie County LLC
Consider staff recommendation to approve to continue the petition of WCA of St.
Lucie County LLC until June 16, 2009 to allow time for the site plan adjustment to be
Com. Dzadovsky stated his concerns with the many times this item has been
The Asst. Growth Management Director advised the Board this would be the last
continuance requested. The applicant has agreed to achieve their requirements.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to continue this item on
June 16, 2009 at 6:00p.m. Or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll
call, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 09-136 Opposing PCB-NRAC -09-02 Solid Waste Disposal Fee
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 09-136 and authorize the
Chairman to sign the Resolution.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve Resolution
No. 09-136, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he wanted to advise everyone they were approving to say
“NO “to this requested fee.
Com. Craft requested the Board ratify his appointments as follows:
Wes Taylor to the Code Enforcement Board
Lee Drake to the Arts and Public Places
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Grande, to ratify Com. Craft’s
appointments, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court