HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-2009 Signed Agendas _ ti r~ _ `E~ ~~,~y ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEII~ NO. VI-B1 DATE: May 19, 2009 r ;'o 5_==® ~ REGULAR [ ] ' PUBLIC HEARING [ ] x, Wig r~ q fi'~„ CONSENT [xx] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY. SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Florida Communities Trust Harbor Branch Preserve / FCT Project 07-027-FF7 Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in: 317-3920-561000-3120 (County Capital - Revenue Share Bond - Environmental Resources -Env Reg -Harbor Branch) PREVIOUS ACTION: April 24, 2007 -Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to submit a Grant Application to Florida Communities Trust for the Harbor Branch Preserve project. December 18, 2007 -Board of County Commissioners authorized the Chairman to execute and transmit the Grant Contract and Confidentiality Agreement to Florida Communities. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase of the Harbor Branch Preserve parcels, authorize the Chair to execute the Option Agreement and direct staff to close the transaction and record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: - ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [x] County Attorney: ~ ~ [ ]Rood and Bridge: (]Public Works: Daniel 5. McIntyre Don Pnuley// Don West [x] Originating Dept: .~~i11~:... [x] Grants: f~~ (]Environmental: JoAnn Riley Bill Hoeff er Steve Fousek 5:\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\Environmental\Harbor Branch Preserve\Agendn Request.wpd ~ INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ® ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA a TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: Mny 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Florida Communities Trust Harbor Brunch Preserve / FCT Project 07-027-FF7 Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase BACK6ROVND: The Harbor Branch project involves the acquisition of 268 acres. The project was initiated in 2006 at the request of Senator Ken Pruitt. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI), due to financial difficulties, planned to sell their undeveloped lands to a private developer. As nn alternative, Senator Pruitt offered a plan to have Florida Atlantic University (FAU) expand its operations at the site to include not only marine science education, but to also partner with HBOI in its research services. In addition, the plan called for St. Lucie County to acquire the undeveloped Innds using Florida Communities Trust grant funding. The acquisition of the Innd will provide the following environmental benefits: • The parcel to the West of U.S. Highway 1 connects to Indrio Savannas Preserve, a 297- ncre conservation area owned by St. Lucie County. The acquisition with therefore expand this conservation area. • The two parcels between U.S. Highway and Old Dixie Highway contain the largest known population of Lakelns Mint, an endangered species that grows naturally only in a 1.5 square mile area in northern St. Lucie County and southern Indian River County. The acquisition with therefore conserve habitat for this endangered species. • The Inrge parcel to the north of the FAU/HBOI operations area contains a large wetland that has become disconnected from the Indian River Lagoon. Acquisition of this parcel will allow the County to re-connect the wetland to the Lagoon, thereby restoring the wetland's water filtering function and important foraging and nursery habitat for numerous marine species. = = ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-B.2 ' Date: May 19, 2009 _ ~ . _ _ . a_. . Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Walton Road Annex -Second Amendment to Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc. BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 09-0583 FUNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Second Amendment to the Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc., and authorize the Chair to sign the Second Amendment. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coordination/Signatures ,aI f County Attorney: f- Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Davie! 5. McIntyre O~iginnting Dept.: Other : Other Paul Hiott ^anc_ (Check for Copy only, if applicable): INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 09-0583 DATE: May 6, 2009 SUBJECT: Walton Road Annex -Second Amendment to Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc. BACKGROUND: Attached to this ordinance is a copy of n proposed Second Amendment to the Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc. for office space in the Walton Road Annex. The proposed amendment clarifies the space covered by the agreement to provide for the Historical Society to use the second floor conference room at no additional charge. Use of the conference room shall be coordinated with the Veterans Services Director. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Second Amendment to the Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc., and authorize the Chair to sign the Second Amendment. Respectfully submitted, - Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Attachment HY/ Copies to: County Administrator Veterans Services Director AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-B~,3 DATE: May 19, 2009 . ~-'~~I-`~ ` ; , REGULAR [ ] i e PUBLIC HEARING ~ ~ Leg• [ ]Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Revocable License Agreement Chem-Tex Supply Corporation (Allied) Range Line Road BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorize the Chair to sign the Revocable License Agreement and direct Chem-Tex Supply Corporation to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER ~-f~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals n ,l [x] County Attorney: [x] Road and Bridge: [x] Public Works: Daniel S. McIntyre Don Pauley ~ p Don Wes f [x] Originating Dept::; [x] Engineering: f~~r ~ [ ]Purchasing: JoAnn Riley Mike Powley ~ PROP~RTYACQUISITION DIVISION 0 1VIE1ViORANDUIVI TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: Mny 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Revocable License Agreement Chem-Tex Supply Corporation Monitoring Wells-Range Line Rond BACKGROUND The Florida Department of Environmental Protection contracted HSA Engineers & Scientists to install six (6) groundwater monitoring well clusters in the right-of-way of Range Line Road in the vicinity of Chem-Tex Supply Corp. property. The purpose of the monitoring wells is to determine if a groundwater contamination plume is extending off-site. The wells will be constructed within a ten (10) inch borehole to 90 feet below land surface. The surface completion will be flush mounted well vaults constructed flush with the existing grade. The well vault will be secured in place with a six (6) inch thick, 2-foot by Z-foot concrete pad, flush with grade. Details are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorize the Chair to sign the Revocable License Agreement and direct Chem-Tex Supply Corporation to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Respectfully submitted, i ``JdAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager ITEM NO. VI-C1 DATE: 5h 9/09 • • . AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E. SUBMITTED BY: Public Works/Engineering Division County Engineer SUBJECT: Gator Trace Boulevard BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: September 27, 2007 - BOCC approved the Road Improvement Agreement with Gator Trace Master Association. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the conditional acceptance of the road improvements and release the surety pursuant to Chapter 11.04.01 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and acceptance of the Maintenance Agreement together with the surety in the amount of $589.43 for a period of one year and 30 days. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (x) 4V ~ Engineering (x) f~'~~/~ t` ~-1 Daniel McIntyre Michael Powley Originating Dept. (x) . Finance (x) a---~ o ald West Shai Francis Bator trace blvd curb and median const release of surety.ag Page 1 of 2 _w Engineering Division ~~.e~.~.,,~,..~:,~..~~._~. u.Paa_~, mnyJ y.. i~~~~~. ~ , MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Director FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Gator Trace Boulevard ITEM NO. VI-C1 Background: The Gator Trace Master Association desired to make certain improvements to Gator Trace Boulevard.Gator Trace Boulevard is located north of Weatherbee Road and approximately'/z mile east of US Highway 1. The Board approved the Road Improvement Agreement with the Gator Trace Master Association on September 27, 2007. The Association remitted a check in the amount of $3,929.55 for the required surety. The developer has completed the road improvements to Gator Trace Boulevard and requests the final release of this surety in the amount of $3,340.12. The County Engineer has completed the final review and inspection of constructed improvements. Recommendation: Board approval of the conditional acceptance of the road improvements and release the surety pursuant to Chapter 11.04.01 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and acceptance of the Maintenance Agreement together with the surety in the amount of $589.43 for a period of one year and 30 days. Attachments: Maintenance Agreement - 3 pages Page 2 of 2 ITEM NO. VI-C2 r DATE: 5/19/09 ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) :m - - - PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.Es~,,.~ SUBMITTED BY: Public Works/Engineering Division County Engineer SUBJECT: White Way Dairy Road BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: See attached memorandum. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to declare an emergency at the White Way Dairy Road crossing of 5-Mile Creek and utilize emergency bidding procedures along with the Local Preference Ordinance. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~j APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator /f~; Coordination/SiQnatures p td County Attorney (x) Engineering (x) ~tit~~~ Daniel McIntyre Michael Powley Originating Dept. (x) Finance ( ) Don Id West Shai Francis White Way Dairy Road declare emergency.ag Page 1 of 2 _ _ Engineering Division - ~ ~ ~ ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Director FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer ~'il'.`v° ~ DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: White Way Dairy Road ITEM NO. VI-C2 Background: During a routine culvert inspection after Tropical Storm Fay last year, it was observed that the three 84- inch culverts at the White Way Dairy Road crossing of 5-Mile Creek had deteriorated significantly. As there were no construction funds available, the County retained the services of Miller-Legg to develop a plan to sleeve the existing pipes in order to maintain the integrity of the crossing. This design work is rapidly nearing completion. It is vitally important for this construction to be completed before the 2009 hurricane season becomes active. It is our request to utilize emergency bidding procedures along with the Local Preference Ordinance to hire a contractor for this work. We will return to the Board for permission to award the project to the lowest responsible bidder. The source of the construction funds will be identified at that time. Recommendation: Board authorization to declare an emergency at the White Way Dairy Road crossing of 5-Mile Creek and utilize emergency bidding procedures along with the Local Preference Ordinance. Page 2 of 2 ~w a~ ITEM NO. VI - C3 ~ J ~ - DATE: 05/19/09 • ~ _ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) 4- PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West SUBMITTED BY: Public Works Administration Public Works Director ~W SUBJECT: Lakewood Park Drainage Improvements BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 101003-41131-563005-425047 Transportation Trust local option gas tax -culvert replacement. PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 in the amount of $13,112, and authorization for the Chair to sign contract documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~Q APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER - ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures Count Attorne y y (X) ~ OMB Director U< ) Budget Analyst v~ / Daniel McIntyre Marie Gouin Originating Dept. (x) ~ • ERD ( ) Don d B. West Karen Smith - - - ~ ~ Public Works Administration _ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald B. West, Public Works Director DATE: 05/12/09 SUBJECT: Lakewood Park Drainage Improvements ITEM NO. VI - C3 Background: This project involves replacement of the three primary water control structures with adjustable outfalls to provide maximum flexibility for stormwater management under varying conditions. The primary goals of this stormwater improvement project are flood control and groundwater recharge, accomplished by managing canal stages at optimum levels under variable conditions. The attached Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 provides for the necessary Engineering Services to complete construction of the water control structures. Hazen and Sawyer will provide the inspections necessary to be able to certify the construction. Previous Action November 8, 2000 - BOCC approval of contract with Hazen & Sawyer in the amount of $17,100 for evaluation of the FPFWCD canal system improvements to increase discharge from Lakewood Park. November 24, 2003 - BOCC Workshop to approve Lakewood Park stormwater plan. July 27, 2004 - BOCC approval of Work Authorization #9 with Hazen & Sawyer fora Lake Enhancement Strategy Plan in the amount of $21,500. March 1, 2005 - BOCC approval of Work Authorization #16 with Hazen 8~ Sawyer for design of Lakewood Park Phase 1 Improvements in the amount of $149,190. February 13, 2007 - BOCC approval of grant contract with South Florida Water Management District in the amount of $250,000 for Phase 1 construction. June 20, 2006 - BOCC approval of Amendment #1 for Work Authorization No.16 for grant contract time extension. June 10, 2008 - BOCC approval of Amendment #2 for Work Authorization No. 16 for grant contract time extension. April 28, 2009 - BOCC award of construction contract to American Engineering and Development Corp. in the amount of $116,870. Recommendation Board approval of Third Amendment to Work Authorization No. 16 in the amount of $13,112, and authorization for the Chair to sign contract documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-D1 ~ ~ - ~ ~ _ ~ DATE: 05/19/09 • ~ , AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) _ _ _ PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jack T. Southard SUBMITTED BY: Public Safety Public Safety Directo SUBJECT: Change Order No. 2, construction of the new Emergency Operations Center. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum . FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001419-2510-562000-2615 -Emergency Operations Center Building Grant PREVIOUS ACTION: December 4, 2007 -Board approved the contract with Jacquin & Sons, Inc. to construct the new Emergency Operations Center in the amount of $8,552,000.00. November 25, 2008 -Board approved Change Order No. 1 increasing the contract sum by $123,171.20 and the contract time by fifteen (15) calendar days. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Change Order No. 2 to #C08-01-029, Jacquin & Sons, Inc. increasing the amount by $31,528.82 and the contract time by 85 days and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. The new contract sum will be $8,610,199.62 and the date of completion will change to May 31, 2009. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (X) OMB Director (X ) Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre Patty Ma ton ~ Marie Go in Originating Dept. ( ) ( ) (Name) (Name) ITEM NO. VI-D2 S ' ~ DATE: 05/19/09 • • . AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI~D ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jack T. Southard SUBMITTED BY: Public Safety/Emergency Management Public Safety Dire SUBJECT: Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CON) -Renewal of All County Advanced Life Support Transport Service. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N!A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approval of the renewal of All County Advance Life Support Transport Service application and authorize the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER - ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ()C) OMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ( ) • _ ITEM NO. VI-D3 ` J ~ DATE: 05/19/09 • ~ r AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) - - PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI~JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY``; j~, Jack T. Southar SUBMITTED BY: Public Safety/Emergency Management Public Safety Director SUBJECT: Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CON) -Renewal of Community Transit for Wheelchair Vehicle Service BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approval of the renewal of Community Transit Wheelchair Vehicle Service application and authorize the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attomey. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (x) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (xj Y~ OMB Director ( ) Y Budget Analyst Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ( ) ITEM NO. VI-D4 ~ ~ - ~ r DATE: 05/19/09 • , AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jack T. Southard SUBMITTED BY: Public Safety/Emergency Management Public Safety Director SUBJECT: Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CON) -Renewal of Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance Advanced Life Support Transport Service. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approval of the renewal of Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance Advance Life Support Transport Service and authorize the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attomey. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (x) OMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ( ) ITEM NO. VI-D5 ~ ' ~ ~ . DATE: 05/19/09 • • r AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI~D ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jack T. Southard SUBMITTED BY: Public Safety/Emergency Management Public Safety Director SUBJECT: Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CON) -Renewal of St. Lucie County Fire District Advanced Life Support Service. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approval of the renewal of St. Lucie County Fire District Advance Life Support Transport Service and authorize the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (~C} OMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ( ) ITEM NO. VI ~ DATE: 05/19/09 • , AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASIti1D ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jessica Parrish ~ Q~ SUBMITTED BY: Community Services/Housing Division Housing Manager SUBJECT: Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) contract. BACKGROUND: (See Attached Memorandum) FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001509-6420-331691-600 Dept. of Health and Human Services PREVIOUS ACTION: August 5, 2008 -Board Authorization to submit application. RECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of the contract between St. Lucie County and the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the amount of $750,000, approval for Budget Resolution No. 09-167 and authorization for the Chair to sign the contract as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED _ ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) ' Budget Analyst ~ (Daniel S. McIntyre) (Marie Gouin) K~~c-M y (Sophia Holt) Originating Dept. ( ) ~ ~%67'~ ERD ( ) (Beth Ryder) ~t1,~ _ p c~tl~J~p ITEM NO. VI-F ' ~ DATE: 05/19/09 • , ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (x) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Don McLarr>~N~ SUBMITTED BY: Central Services Assistant Director SUBJECT: Contract with Richmond Electric for installation of voice and data cabling. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-1930-562000-15010 (Buildings-Old Courthouse Renovation Phase I) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to enter into contract with Richmond Electric, in the amount of $43,687.94, for the installation of voice and data cabling in the Old Courthouse Renovation Phase I, and authorize the Chair to sign the contract as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER -~~'r - Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (x) OMB Director (x) Budyet Analyst 1~ Dan McIntyre Marie Gouin Robert O'Sullivan Originating Dept. (x) ERD ( ) Roger A. Shinn (Name) ' ' 4_' ~'~'Y~~'~°~ Central Services . Y,,:~,~. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Roger A. Shinn, Director FROM: Don McLam, Assistant Directo~~' Central Services DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Contract with Richmond Electric for installation of voice and data cabling. ITEM NO. VI-F Background: The renovation project of the Old Courthouse Phase I is at 98% and we are ready to install the voice and data cabling. For these services, staff obtained formal quotes along with the specifications from three vendors. The lowest quote received was from Richmond Electric (Ft. Pierce) in the amount of $43,687.94, as shown in °Attachment 1". Recommendation: Board approval to enter into contract with Richmond Electric, in the amount of $43,687.94, for the installation of voice and data cabling in the Old Courthouse Renovation Phase I, and authorize the Chair to sign the contract as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-G ~ 1 DATE: 05/19/09 • AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) _ _ _ _ _ _ PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Diana D. Lewis I SUBMITTED BY: Airport Airport Direct SUBJECT: Runway Rehabilitation Grant Application BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140-4220-563000-4804 Airport Local Match Fund PREVIOUS ACTION: September 12, 2006 -Board accepted a Florida Department of Transportation grant for the design of the runway rehabilitation project at a cost of $375,000. July 3, 2007 -Board approved DMJM Aviation Work Authorization No. 1 for design services at a cost of $348,645.68. RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to submit a grant application to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to construct the runway rehabilitation project at the St. Lucie County International Airport for a cost not to exceed $4,144,545. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) ~ ~ ~-.y Budget Analyst Da iel McIntyre Fv. Marie Go in Heather Young Patty Marston Purchasing ( ) ERD ( ) AIRPORT ~ s ' ' MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Diana D. Lewis, Airport Director u' DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Runway Rehabilitation Grant Application ITEM NO. VI-G Background: Runway 9/27 is the primary runway for St. Lucie County International Airport. It is 6,492 feet in length and 150 feet wide. In 1986, the original 5,000 foot-long Runway 9/27 was given a mill and overlay. In 1989, the runway was extended 1,500 feet to the west at a width of 150 feet. In October 2007, a pavement inspection was conducted by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The inspection results showed that Runway 9/27 is in poor to very poor condition. It has been 20 years since the runway was last milled and paved and the pavement has reached its.useful life. In February 2009, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) advised that only 100 feet of the runway width would be eligible for funding based on the size and type of aircraft using the airfield. FDOT has agreed to cover the cost of the remaining 50 foot width so that the total 150 foot width of the runway will be rehabilitated. The requested grant funding for this project was approved by the Board under the FY2008 and FY2009 Capital Budget Plan. The table below shows the projected breakdown of the total project cost. The FDOT amount includes a 2.5% match for the amount being paid by FAA and 80% of the costs associated with paving the additional 50 foot runway width. Pro~ected FAA Grant FDOT Grant Local Match Projected Total Cost $3,804,318 $272,182 $68,045 $4,144,545 Recommendation Board authorization to submit a grant application to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to construct the runway rehabilitation project at the St. Lucie County International Airport for a cost not to exceed $4,144,545. 'aocmoN ITEM NO. V I - H ~ J ~ r DATE: 5119/09 • . . AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Ken J. Masc SUBMITTED BY: St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office, Administration Sheriff SUBJECT: Permission to Apply for the 2009 COPS Secure Our Schools rant (SOS) BACKGROUND: This application was electronically submitted on May 15, 2009 making this a retroactive request The St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office requests permission to apply for the 2009 COPS Secure Our Schools Grant Program. This is a two year grant requiring a 50% match with a maximum funding amount of $500,000. Grant funds will be used to enhance the St. Lucie County School District on campus video security surveillance system. The School District will provide the required matching funds. If awarded this grant a notice along with an inter-local agreement with the St. Lucie County School District will be submitted for Board review. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval for the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office tv submit the 2009 COPS Secure Our Schools Grant electronic application and authorize the electronic submission of the required signatures. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: j>(f APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (X) OMB Director (X ) Budget Analyst ~/~Y Dan McIntyre Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ( ) (Name) (Name) St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office • ` MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ken J. Mascara, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Administratio DATE: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Permission to Apply for the 2009 COPS Secure Our Schools Grant Program ITEM NO. VI -13 Background: This application was electronically submitted on May 15, 2009 making this a retroactive request. The St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office requests permission tv apply for the 2009 COPS Secure Our Schools Grant Program. This is a two year grant requiring a 50% match with a maximum funding amount of $500,000. Grant funds will be used to enhance the St. Lucie County School District on campus video security surveillance system. The St_ Lucie County School District will provide the required matching funds. If awarded this grant a notice along with an inter-local agreement with the St. Lucie County School District will be submitted for Board of Commission review. Recommendation Board approval for the St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office to submit the 2009 COPS Secure Our Schools Grant electronic application and authorize the electronic submission of the required signatures. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VII-A _ DATE: May 19, 2009 _ REGULAR =~~.k PUBLIC HEARING [XXJ CONSENT TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 09-163 -Five Mile Creek nt Whitewny Dairy Road Pro ject - St. Lucie County Economic Stimulus Project BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of proposed Resolution No. 09- 163. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Approved 5-0 Faye W. outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: ~ Management & Budget ~~~Purchnsing: Daniel 5. McIntyre i wn ` Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: t~ ti Don est Mike Powley Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 ~ _ _ INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA l . TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Sperrazza Lueke, Assistnnt County Attorney C.A. NO.: 09-0543 DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Resolution No. 09-163 -Five Mile Creek nt Whitewny Dairy Rond Pro jest - St. Lucie County Economic Stimulus Project BACKGROUND: On April 21, 2009, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 09-008 establishing a local economic stimulus program. On April 28, 2009, the Board adopted Resolution No. 09-119 which _ provided for a list of local economic stimulus projects. The list includes the Five Mile Creek at Whitewny Dairy Road project. Attached to this memorandum is a copy of draft Resolution No. 09-163 which, if adopted, would authorize the Five Mile Creek at Whiteway Dairy Rond project ns a local economic stimulus project. The Resolution would also authorize the County Engineer to advertise for competitive sealed bids for the project. Estimates are that the project will create approximately 2 jobs. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION Stuff recommends approval of Resolution No. 09-163. Respectfully submitted, Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistnnt County Attorney Attachment ITEM NO. VII-B _ -vY DATE: 5M 9/2009 • - AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING (X ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD (X ) CONSENT ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Mark Satterlee, AICP SUBMITTED BY: Growth Management Department Growth Management Director SUBJECT: Seahorse Beach Bungalows Conditional Use -Major Adjustment BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board continued this item at the May 5, 2009, public hearing -see attached memo. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Resolution 09-134 and find the renovations to be in substantial conformity with the existing conditional use and approve the major adjustment to the existing conditional use for Seahorse Beach Bungalows. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ('-~j APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER - Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) County Surveyor ( ) Daniel S. McIntyre Ron Hams County Engineer ( ) ERD ( ) Michael Powley Karen Smith Originating Dept. ( ) Code Compliance ( ) rk Satterlee C ri L r ge Growth Management ~ _ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Growth Management Director DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Seahorse Beach Bungalows Conditional Use ITEM NO. VII-B Background: The Seahorse Beach Bungalows is a 13-unit apartment conditional use on North Hutchinson Island that exceeds the currently allowed density. The use consists of two buildings sitting on 0.43 acres of land. Current density would permit only 2 residential units. The buildings were being reconstructed in 2004 and were subsequently damaged in the hurricanes that year. The subject property has been used as a hotel for many years and its original construction pre- dates much of the Land Development Code (LDC). The property owner applied for and received numerous permits to reconstruct the buildings in 2004. The structures were also damaged during that hurricane season. The structures were rebuilt in the same footprint as the existing structure. The primary difference is that one of rebuilt structures now has a pitched roof that meets hurricane code versus the original building that had a flat roof. No new units were added and no new habitable square footage was created during the renovation project. Several individuals appealed the County's issuance of building permits for the rebuilding to the Board of Adjustment. The appeal was based on the petitioners' assertion that issuance of the building permits effectively allowed the total reconstruction of a nonconforming structures and use. The BOA found that staff had acted properly in issuing the permits. The same individuals appealed that decision to the 19`t' Circuit Court. The Court reviewed the County action in approving reconstruction of the conditional use and found that the County properly allowed reconstruction but failed to fully follow proper procedure. The Court found that the "...property is grandfathered into HIRD as a legally conforming use pursuant to...the LDC. Based upon...the LDC, a legally conforming use under Section 3.01.03 is considered a conforming use and a conditional use under the LDC." In the Court's reading of the LDC, it found that the amount of work done to repair and upgrade the building was in excess of what should have been approved administratively by the Building Official. This approval process was never at issue prior to the Court reviewing the case. Rather, all the approvals had been issued as building permits by the Building Official. _x ~~.-~~Y~r ITEM NO. VII-C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DATE: 05/19/09 _ 1~ ~ . ~ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ' PUBLIC HEARING (X ) LEG. (X ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY Mark Satterlee, AICP SUBMITTED BY: Growth Management Department Director SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 09-013 amending the St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) to correct inconsistencies, minor errors and omissions in the existing version of the code. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102-1510-534000-100 -Other contractual Services PREVIOUS ACTION: March 18, 2008 - BOCC approval of proposal from Municipal Code March 24, 2009 - BOCC approved permission to advertise this item for public hearings April 16, 2009 - PSZ recommended approval with additional non-substantive changes May 5, 2009 - BOCC first of two required hearings with no action necessary RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Ordinance 09-013. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (J() APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~/l Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) County Surveyor ( ) Dani I S. McIntyre Ron Harris County Engineer ( ) ERD ( ) Michael Powley Karen Smith Originating Dep#. ( ) Code Compliance ( ) ark Satterlee C i est e n ~ Growth Management Department i L Ls, L L ~~L~-- M E M O R A N D U M TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Mark Satteriee, Director Growth Management Department DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 09-013 amending the St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) to correct inconsistencies, minor errors and omissions in the existing version of the code. ITEM NO. VII-C Background: On March 18, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners accepted a proposal from Municipal Code Corporation for publication of the LDC. Growth Management has received a draft of the St. Lucie County LDC from Municipal Code Corporation. Staff has reviewed the draft and found it to be consistent with the existing version of the LDC and incorporates all adopted ordinances to date. In preparing the existing text and adopted ordinances for publication through Municipal Code Corporation, Growth Management and other participating departments identified numerous errors contained within the current version of the LDC. These errors include items such as incorrect department or staff titles, inconsistent formatting and incorrect section numbers. The correction of these errors is considered non-substantive. The changes necessary to correct the existing non-substantive errors will be completed through Ordinance No. 09-013. These changes are attached to Ordinance No. 09-013 as Exhibits A, B and C. Exhibit A includes changes that have been included in the draft LDC, while Exhibit B includes further changes needed to correct errors in the current draft. Exhibit C contains items discussed during the Planning and Zoning Commission review as well as the BOCC's first required hearing. These items have been reviewed and are as follows: 1) The Planning and Zoning Commission requested that the quality of graphics throughout the text be improved for clarity. Staff has prepared a spreadsheet of the graphics that are being reviewed and are working with Municode to improve the legibility of these items. 2) Page 7:46 - BOCC questioned removal of paragraph 11. This paragraph was removed from the LDC through Ordinance 05-023, which also added section 7.05.04, Sidewalks and Bikeways, with more stringent requirements 3) Page 7:66 -Staff had suggested changing "width" to "size". This change will not be made as it is considered a substantive change. . ~F~`'a~"~~ ~~~-~,:y; ; ITEM NO. VII-D - ~ r~ - - DATE: 05/19/09 ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING (X ) LEG. (X ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT { ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Mark Satterlee, AICP SUBMITTED BY: Growth Management Department Director SUBJECT: Ordinance No, 09-012 accepting the draft St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) received from Municipal Code Corporation (Municode) as the official Land Development Code of St. Lucie County. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102-1510-534000-100 -Other Contractual Services PREVIOUS ACTION: March 18, 2008, BOCC approval of proposal from Municipal Code March 24, 2009, BOCC approved permission to advertise this item for public hearings April 16, 2009 - P8Z recommended approval May 5, 2009 - BOCC first of two required hearing with no action necessary RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Ordinance 09-012. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ - ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) County Surveyor ( ) Daniel S. McIntyre Ron Harris County Engineer ( ) ERD ( } Michael Powley Karen Smith 1 Originating Dept. ( ) Code Compliance ( ) ark Satterlee C i est ge ~=-:v~~x~~~4~~=~~.~Y-~°~~~~~~-~~ ment De artment ~ ~~:.~.:~_3 .Growth Manage p ~ ~ L~~~___~;:_ L-L '~z- MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Direc Growth Management Department DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Ordinance No, 09-012 accepting the draft St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) received from Municipal Code Corporation (Municode) as the official Land Development Code of St. Lucie County. ITEM NO. VII-D Background: In addition to adopting Ordinance 09-013 to correct non-substantive errors in the LDC prior to Municode publication, it is also advised that Ordinance 09-012 be adopted officially recognizing the "Municode" edition as the official version of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. As stated with the companion ordinance, this official version will contain the correction of numerous errors staff has noted in the code recently and over the years. The benefits of conversion to the Municode version are numerous, and include: * Municode is the current industry standard for code publication in the State of Florida. Most of the city and county codes in Florida are published by Municode. As such, most people familiar with using codes know to look on the Municode website before contacting the local jurisdiction for copies of ordinances. * Creation of a standardized code that will be maintained and updated on a regular basis. Municode will issue the County 50 code binders that will be updated on a quarterly basis. The quarterly updates will be issued for all 50 editions. The 50 binders will be issued to the Board, Administration, Planning & Zoning members, and numerous County staff. * The code will be available and maintained on-line. Further, new adopted ordinances will be available on-line shortly after being transmitted to Municode -versus the hard copies of new ordinances which will be provided quarterly. All of the above will dramatically reduce the incorrect versions of the Land Development Code being in circulation. It will also eliminate the sporadic and/or inconsistent updating of all codes. Recommendation Board approval of Ordinance 09-012. T~ ~ ITEM NO. II J - DATE: May 19, 2009 e . y' AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ~ PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. QUASI-JD ( ~ CONSENT (X) TO: Erosion District PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West, P.E. Public Works Director SUBMITTED BY: Public Works Administration SUBJECT: Artificial reef deployment BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 184-3710-563000-39003 Erosion District-Artificial Reefs-Infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Work Authorization No. 2 for the deployment of artificial reefs and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER G-~ _ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator rr~~ Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (X) `'T-~ OMB Director (X) Budget Analyst ~ ~y, r , v Tawonna Johnson r~ Public Works. (X) 9 V~1 Erosion District (X) Dcl ald B. West Richa d A. Bouchard Public Works Department ~ MEMORANDUM i ~ TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald B. West, P.E., Public Wo s Director Ah FROM: James B. OppenbolVFS`, Manne Resource Coordinator Public Works/Erd~on District DATE: May 6, 2005 SUBJECT: Artificial reef deployment ITEM NO. II Background: The St. Lucie County Artificial Reef Program will make 3 artificial reef deployments this summer with the assistance of a supplemental $33,990 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) artificial reef construction grant, a $10,000 FishAmerica Foundation (FAF) grant and $7,010 in Erosion District funds. St. Lucie County's artificial reef contractor has offered to deploy artificial reefs for the County at a rate of $17,000 per bargeload of secondary concrete (nominal weight = 500 tons per bargeload). FWC personnel have indicated that there could be as much as $60,000 left from the 2008-9 artificial reef construction grant cycle that would need to be spent before August 31, 2009. Because St. Lucie County already has stockpiled enough materials for 4 additional deployments this summer, any additional FWC funding would likely go to St. Lucie County. Approval of Work Authorization No. 2 would allow St. Lucie County to take advantage of additional FWC funding should it become available later in the summer. .Recommendation: Board approval of Work Authorization No. 2 for the deployment of artificial reefs and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.