HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-13-2009 ST. LUCIE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY ? May 13, 2009 ? 12:30 P.M. MINUTES Members present: Commissioner Doug Coward, Chairman Councilwoman Linda Bartz, City of Port St. Lucie (12:42 p.m.) Marilyn Minix, Road Runner Travel Resort Commissioner Christine Coke, City of Fort Pierce (12:35 p.m.) Jill Hanson, Residence Inn by Marriott Paul Taglieri, St. Lucie Mets Members absent: Christopher Egan, Starwood Vacation Ownership Pam Haney, Holiday Inn Express Diann McDonough, The PGA Golf Club Staff present: Charlotte Lombard, Tourism Development Manager Katherine Mackenzie Smith, Assistant County Attorney Ja’ Net Pentz, Recording Secretary Also present: Loretta Millan, St. Lucie Chamber of Commerce Odaly Victorio, Sage P.R. Firm Jack Connolly, Cultural Affairs Council George Byfield, Comet Creative, Inc. Erica Byfield, Comet Creative, Inc. Michelle Valvano, Perfect Drive Golf Villas Joy Yancy, Cracker Concierge Elizabeth Brooker, Cracker Concierge Tim Wilson, Cracker Concierge Robbie Yancy, Cracker Concierge Keith Rappa, Cracker Concierge Laura Diederick, Smithsonian Marine Center Pat Simmons, Cultural Affairs Council Rich Nolbondian, Treasure Coast Sports Commission Tom Colucci, Treasure Coast Sports Commission Joe Holiday, St. Lucie Professional Arts League Rene´ Welti, America Live, Inc./Echo Encounters 1. CALL TO ORDER: County Commissioner Doug Coward called the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Ja’ Net Pentz called roll. 3. SELF INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Attending guests identified themselves. Tourist Development Council Meeting ? May 13, 2009 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from April 8, 2009 were approved unanimously. 5. FINANCIAL a. 2009 Budget Revenue & Update Ms. Charlotte Lombard stated that the revenue for March was $55,978. Ms. Lombard stated that the revenue number was still unconfirmed. Ms. Lombard stated that compared to March 2008, revenues are down 30%. Ms. Lombard stated that Indian River County is down 26% and that other counties are down as much as 40% to 50%. Ms. Lombard gave a brief 2009 budget update. Commissioner Douglas Coward asked if Ms Lombard has any recommendations on any adjustments that she feels may need to take place. Commissioner Coward asked what the will of the Board is. Ms. Lombard stated that they are getting ready to invest $35,000 for the summer promotion. Commissioner Coward stated that he would like to have this on the agenda for the next meeting. b. 2010 Budget Proposal Ms. Lombard gave a brief overview of the proposed 09/10 budget. Ms. Lombard stated that there is a $176,000 projected carry forward from 08/09 for a total budget of $611,467. Commissioner Coward asked for more details about the $425,000 revenue. Ms. Lombard stated that those are the numbers that she received from the Office of Management and Budget and felt that the number may be a little ambitious. Commissioner Coward gave a brief update of some items from the last TDC Meeting: Police and Fire Games presentation by Mr. Tom Colucci, Treasure Coast Sports Commission, went well. Airport Terminal – Commissioner Coward stated that it is moving forward. The Board of County Commissioners voted to make those improvements. Page 2 of 7 Tourist Development Council Meeting ? May 13, 2009 Mr. Paul Schall’s Rottenburg, Germany Partnership – Commissioner Coward stated that he still remains interested in the potential partnership, but stated that the partnership extends beyond tourism. Commissioner Coward stated that he met with Mr. Schall and suggested that he come before the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Coke stated that she asked the Transportation Planning organization (TPO) to agenda for their next meeting the funding necessary for the St. Lucie County Airport. Commissioner Coke also stated that the Commissioners for the City of Fort Pierce approved using $50,000 of the capital improvements money from the Tourism budget to make the necessary improvements at the terminal. 6. GRAND BAHAMA ISLAND (GBI) PARTNERSHIP a. GBI Ad Hoc Committee – Next Steps Mr. George Byfield went over the recommendations for the proposed structure of the GBI Ad Hoc Committee. Mr. Byfield stated that they are getting ready to go into the second campaign with Grand Bahama Island. Mr. Byfield stated that this partnership is going beyond tourism. Mr. Byfield stated that the main focus of this committee to achieve the goals and objectives of a sustainable economic development plan through the development of a public/private task force and advance opportunities related to the St. Lucie County/Grand Bahama Island initiative. Mr. Byfield stated that he recommends that the committee be compromised of representatives from the public and private sector. Mr. Byfield stated that he is recommending that the City of Fort Pierce and the City of Port St. Lucie representatives on TDC automatically become a member of the committee and a member from Hotels, Restaurants, the Airport, Seaport/Marina, Entertainment/Events, Art and Culture, Chamber of Commerce, EDC/Finance, Golf, Fishing and Boating, Real Estate, Hospital, School and Retail. Commissioner Coke asked if Mr. Wilkes from the Sunrise Theatre was included. Ms. Erica Byfield asked if they could go to him directly or if they needed to go through the City of Fort Pierce. Commissioner Coke stated that they could go directly to hm. Mr. Byfield stated that there would need to be someone to facilitate the meeting, chair the meeting and do minutes. Mr. Byfield recommended having the meeting after the TDC meeting. Commissioner Coward asked if they had to bring this before the Board of County Commissioners for approval. Page 3 of 7 Tourist Development Council Meeting ? May 13, 2009 Ms. Katherine Mackenzie Smith stated that the committee would fall under the Sunshine Law and that she would look into whether or not it needed Board approval. Mr. Byfield asked about meeting with individuals outside of the regular scheduled meetings. Ms. Mackenzie Smith stated that she would look into that. Mr. Byfield stated that the TDC Board needed to look at the recommendations and approve them and make formal recommendations. Commissioner Coward stated that a staff person has the ability to speak with committee members on an individual basis with having to notice in a public forum. Members of the committee itself are not allowed to speak with each other with regards to items that the committee is discussing without doing so in a public forum. Commissioner Coward stated that the ad hoc committee would be making recommendations to the TDC and the TDC would be voting on those recommendations, and then in turn would take their recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Coke suggested that the ad hoc committee meeting take place before the TDC meeting so that they are not waiting another 30 days for the TDC’s recommendation. Commissioner Coward asked what the consensus of the TDC was on having only a couple of members from the TDC participate and then have input from the other TDC members. Commissioner Coke asked how many are slated to be on the committee. George stated 14. Ms. Lombard stated that 16 showed up at the last meeting. Commissioner Coward asked how many members from the TDC wanted to be on the ad hoc committee. There was a consensus that all the members wanted to participate. Commissioner Coward stated that the TDC will put package together and bring it before the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Coke suggested that they consider forming a TDC Development Committee for Grand Bahama Island. Page 4 of 7 Tourist Development Council Meeting ? May 13, 2009 Commissioner Coward stated that as group we need to focus on tourism and work with the Byfields on broader aspects. Commissioner Coke asked if we were going to include customs. Commissioner Coward stated that they have been reached out to, but he does not see them sitting on the committee. Ms. Byfield suggested adding eco-tourism and sports tourism to the list. Commissioner Coward asked about the structure. Commissioner Coke stated that under marinas, the Sea Port Marina, The Terpening Arena and the Fort Pierce Marina are listed, but that we have a lot of other marinas that are not mentioned. Commissioner Coke suggested that we try to find a way to keep the other marinas informed of events, just like we would hotels and restaurants, so that they can avail themselves the opportunity to offer discounts. Commissioner Coke stated that part of what we need to do is develop a policy for communication. Commissioner Coke stated that media is not listed. Commissioner Coward asked Commissioner Coke to be more specific. Commissioner Coke stated that we are missing a big chunk of communication. Commissioner Coke stated that maybe we need to report to them when we have made progress. Commissioner Coward stated that he agrees that we need our Public Information Officer, TDC staff and our consultant working with the media, but does not necessarily agree that the media needs to be on the committee. Mr. Jack Connolly asked about areas of marine education. Commissioner Coward also spoke about adding Research and Education in addition to school. Change schools to education. Commissioner Coke asked to confirm the time change of the ad hoc committee meeting time. The time change has been confirmed to take place prior to the TDC meeting instead of after the TDC meeting. b. 2009 GBI Partnership Summer Promotion Ms. Erica Byfield gave a brief overview of the Hooplah summer promotion. The package consists of a three day get-a-way in St. Lucie County with the option to add a cruise on Discovery to the Bahamas and spend two nights in Grand Bahama Island. Ms. Byfield went over the editorial and the ad that was in Florida Living Magazine. Page 5 of 7 Tourist Development Council Meeting ? May 13, 2009 Ms. Lombard gave an overview of the website that was created for the promotion. Commissioner Coward asked who put the website together. Ms. Lombard stated Comet Creative. Commissioner Coward asked what the exact dates of the promotion were. Ms. Lombard stated that the target audience was the state of Florida with a focus on central Florida. Ms. Byfield stated that the promotion starts next week and runs through August 21. Commissioner Coward suggested that they give a brief presentation to the City of Port St. Lucie. Commissioner Coward stated that it is important that the cities feel like a part of what we are doing, not only through the members that are here, but by reaching out to the full city boards. Commissioner Coward stated that it would be a good idea to have staff and the consultant go to each city board and give an update. Ms. Byfield stated that each guest from the Hooplah promotion will be receiving an orange or green wristband that is being sponsored by Southern Eagle, as well as posters that will be placed in different businesses. Loretta Millian, Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber has tried really hard to get this information out to the businesses, but unfortunately if you do not physically go and see them or call, they are just too bogged down. Ms. Millian also suggested serving as an incentive, that the Chamber can put a special icon or something next to the business’ name if they are a participating business. 7. OTHER BUSINESS/PUBLIC COMMENT Marilyn Minix stated that the Chamber of Commerce came out with the Tourism Friendly Booklets, which will be available next week. Ms. Odaly Victorio announced that the Chamber of Commerce recently launched it new Visitor Friendly Certification program. The program encourages area hospitality employees (i.e. hotel front desk, housekeepers, etc.) to visit local attractions so they become an educated ambassador for our area. Each hotel property receives the certification booklet to distribute to its employees. When the employee visits the 10 attractions listed in the booklet they are certified as “visitor friendly.” If 50% of a property’s employees become visitor friendly certified, the property is certified as “visitor friendly” and will receive recognition through the Chamber via press release, website and a certificate to display on the property. Page 6 of 7 Tourist Development Council Meeting ? May 13, 2009 st Mr. Jack Connolly stated that the weekend of the 1 was hopping with fishing tournaments, boat shows and Friday Fest. Mr. Connolly stated that there must have been 10,000 to 14,000 people in downtown Fort Pierce that weekend. Mr. Joe Holiday invited everyone to attend the PSL Civic Center’s Art Gallery on May 21 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Mr. Holiday also stated that it was another successful year for the Art and All That Jazz Festival. Mr. George Byfield introduced a new tour operator, Robert Yancy and Tim Wilson of Cracker Concierge. Mr. Tim Wilson gave a brief overview of Cracker Concierge and the services that are offered. Mr. Tom Colucci gave a brief overview of the upcoming events for the month of May. Mr. Colucci stated that all of those events are listed on their website. Mr. Colucci stated that he met with director of SKA and they would like to bring the national championship here. Ms. Charlotte Lombard wished everyone a happy tourism week. Ms. Lombard stated that the BOCC approved a resolution recognizing Tourism Week. Mr. George Byfield introduced Rene´ Welti, America Live, Inc./Echo Encounters. Mr. Rene´ Welti gave a brief overview of himself and made a few brief comments. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m. Page 7 of 7