HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 06-23-2009
Date: June 23, 2009 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 10:05 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Chris Craft,
Chris Dzadovsky
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator,
Christopher Steers, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Debra Brisson,
Parks and Rec. Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Beth Ryder,
Community Services Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth
Management Director, Joseph E. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Carl Holeva, Human Resources,
Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Marie Gouin, OMB Director,
Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the June 16, 2009 meeting.
(This item was pulled; the minutes will be presented for approval at the next meeting.)
A. Presentation on the Annual Review of Workforce Solutions by Gwenda Thompson,
Mr. George Jones, Indian River Lagoon Keeper, addressed the Board and requested the continue
to pay close attention to the water issues concerning the Lagoon. He advised the issues with the
C-23 and C-24 canals have been pushed back and he will sending a letter to the South Florida
Water Management District inquiring why this had happened.
Com. Coward requested an accounting from the District as to how they spend tax payer’s dollars
and how much of these tax dollars are put back into the county.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve the Consent Agenda as
amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Approve warrant list No. 38
The Board approved Warrant List No. 38.
1. Authorization to enter into an Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Violet
Trajeuski & Zoran Bezanoski for delinquent Impact Fees pursuant to Resolution
No. 09-114.
The Board approved the attached Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Violet
Trajeuski & Zoran Bezanoski and authorized signing the Agreement as drafted
by the County Attorney’s Office.
2. Authorization to enter into an Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Angela and
Kemas Nkemakolam for delinquent Impact Fees pursuant to Resolution No. 09-
The Board approved the attached Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Angela
and Kemas Nkemakolam and authorized signing the Agreement as drafted by
the County Attorney’s Office.
3. Authorization to enter into an Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Edwin and
Patricia Mason for delinquent Impact Fees pursuant to Resolution No. 09-114.
The Board approved the attached Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Edwin
and Patricia Mason and authorized signing the Agreement as drafted by the
County Attorney’s Office.
4. Permission to Advertise Public Hearing – Resolution No. 09-184 – Lawnwood
Baseball Bathroom Project – St. Lucie County Economic Stimulus Projects
The Board approved advertising proposed Resolution No. 09-184 for public
hearing before the Board of County Commissioners on July 7, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
5. Permission to Advertise Public Hearing – Resolution No. 09-188 – Courthouse
Annex Phase 1-A Project – St. Lucie County Economic Stimulus Projects.
The Board approved advertising proposed Resolution No. 09-188 for public
hearing before the Board of County Commissioners on July 7, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
6. Permission to Advertise Public Hearing – Resolution No. 09-189 – State
Attorney’s Office A/C Maintenance Project – St. Lucie County Economic Stimulus
The Board approved advertising proposed Resolution No. 09-189 for public
hearing before the Board of County Commissioners on July 7, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
7. Sustainable Resources International, Inc. – First Amendment to Lease
The Board approved the proposed First Amendment to the Lease Agreement
with Sustainable Resources International, Inc., and authorized the Chair to sign
the First Amendment.
8. Budget Amendment #BA-09-027 – Requesting the transfer of $35,000 from
Contingency Account #001-9910-599100-800 to Professional Services Account
The Board approved the transfer of $35,000 from Contingency to professional
Services as requested.
9. Permission to Advertise Public Hearing – Resolution No. 09-195 – Martin Luther
King/Dreamland Park Bathroom Project – St. Lucie County Economic Stimulus
The Board approved advertising proposed Resolution No. 09-195 for public
hearing before the Board of County Commissioners on July 7, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
1. Prison Health Services Inmate Health Care Invoice, second quarter FY08-09.
The Board approved payment of Prison Health Services invoice number
PHS0005847 for the second quarter period of January 1, 2009 to March 31,
2009 in the amount of $445,803.61
2. Prison Health Services Inmate Health Care Invoice FY-07/08.
The Board approved payment of Prison Health Services invoice number
PHS0005578 for period of October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008 in the amount
of $113,582.66.
Com. Dzadovsky addressed the inmate medical expense and stated he does not
wish to continue to pay two to three times more than other jails in the state. He
requested staff look for alternative ways to provide medical to the inmates rather
than send them to the hospitals who refuse to work with us in providing the
Medicaid rate rather than what they are presently charging. He questioned if
this issue could be put out for bid.
Com. Craft advised the Board that a Bill is presently being presented by
Congressman Hastings and he will inquire with his office as to where the
Bill stands today.
Com. Grande advised the Board of a court case in progress regarding a Sheriff
Department who paid the hospital the Medicaid rate and the hospital is
challenging this payment.
The County Administrator advised the Board she would take a look at this issue
and review the present contract with Prison Health and also confer with the
County Attorney on this issue.
3. Reclassification of Economic & Tourism Development Manager position to
Economic Sustainability Coordinator
The Board approved the reclassification of the Economic & Tourism
Development Manager to that of Economic Sustainability Coordinator.
1. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Plan for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010
The Board approved adoption of Resolution No. 09-194 approving the DBE Plan
and authorized Airport staff to transmit the plan to the FAA Civil Rights Office,
advertise the 3.09% goal to receive public comments, and authorized the Chair
to sign the document as approved by the County Attorney.
2. Cancellation of contract for roof replacement
The Board approved the cancellation of Contract No. C09-01-044/Purchase
Order No. P2911640 with David Greenlaw Construction.
1. Value Adjustment Board Budget Amendment for Professional Services
The Board approved Budget Amendment 09-026 transferring $10,000 form
Contingency (001-9910-599100-800) to Value Adjustment Board Professional
Services (001-1325-531000-100).
2. Resolution No. 09-196 Grand Bahama Island Ad Hoc Committee
The Board approved Resolution No. 09-196 for the creation of an Ad Hoc
Committee for the St. Lucie County /Grand Bahama Island Tourism and
Economic Development partnership.
1. Time extension of Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) Grant for
Summerlin Dock Renovation
The Board approved Amendment #1 to Contract No. 07102 for the Florida
Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) Grant Agreement extending the project
completion date to August 15, 2009 and authorized the Chair to sign documents
as approved by the County Attorney.
2. Budget Resolution 09-190, Summer Camp Scholarships
The Board approved Budget Resolution 09-190, accepting $23,040 from the Ft.
Pierce Redevelopment Agency for summer camp scholarship funds for the
Lincoln Park Community Center.
3. Change Fund Increase for Sports and Athletics
The Board approved increasing the change fund for the Sports and
Athletics section from $800 to $1,000.
1. Amendment to contract for County pest control services
The Board approved the tenth amendment to contract C06-07-407 with Hulett
Environmental Services adding the new Douglas M. Anderson Emergency
Operations Center, deleting the Clerk of Courts office on Rhode Island Avenue,
and extending the contract term through August 31, 2010, and authorized the
Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
2. Amendment to contracts for the purchase and supply of bailing wire
The Board approved the second amendment to contract C05-10-592 with Cavert
Wire Co. and the third amendment to contract C05-10-601 with Granite Falls
furnace extending both contracts through September 30, 2010 and authorized
the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
3. Amendment to contract for the disposal of scrap metal
The Board approved the first amendment to contract C04-08-458 with Trademark
Metals Recycling Co., LLC extending the contract through August 23, 2012, and
authorized the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
4. Amendment to contract for the rental of uniforms and shop supplies
The Board approved the first amendment to contract C06-07-364 with Aramark
Uniform Services extending the contract through August 31, 2010, and
authorized the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
5. Funding for Special General Election
The Board approved Budget Amendment No. 09-022 to provide funding for the
Special General Election in the amount of $150,000.
1. Verada Ditch Improvements North of Calmoso Drive
The Board approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $36,338.62 and
contract extension until July 7, 2009.
2. Request for Qualificaitons (RFQ) No. 09-040 – Construction Management
Continuing Contract
The Board approved the short-listed firms for the Construction Management
Continuing Contract and permission to:
1. Conduct oral presentations with the short-listed firm:
2. Conduct contract negotiations with the successful short-listed firm;
3. If negotiations are successful, award contract to the successful short-listed
firms and authorize the Chair to sign the documents as prepared by the
County Attorney.
Budget Resolution No. 09-182 Caribbean Conservation Corporation – Sea Turtle Grant
The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 09-182 Caribbean Conservation Corporation
- Sea Turtle Grant Program
1. Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI)
Grant Modification
The Board approved Modification Number Four to the St. Lucie County CDBG
DRI Grant 07-DB3V-10-66-01-Z04, and authorized the Chair to sign the
modification as approved by the County Attorney.
2. St. Lucie County Housing Disaster Plan
The Board approved the updated St. Lucie County Housing Disaster Plan.
3. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Housing Service (RHS) Grant
The Board approved the submission of the USDA RHS grant application, and
authorized the Chair to sign necessary application documents as approved by
the County Attorney.
4. Request to award RFQ 09-038 for the Transit Provider
The Board approved and authorized awarding the contract to the highest ranked
responder for transit services, Council on Aging of St. Lucie Inc. and authorized
the Chair to sign the documents as prepared by the County Attorney.
5. Trip and Equipment Grant
The Board approved accepting the Trip and Equipment grant agreement;
approved Budget Resolution No. 09-192 and authorized the Chair to sign the
documents prepared by the County Attorney.
6. Homebuyer Education and Housing Counseling
The Board approved awarding RFP 09-027 to Building Affordable Communities
and Housing Foundation, and authorized the Chair to sign the contracts as
approved by the County Attorney.
1. Resolution No. 09-191, Second Street Parking Garage
The Board approved Resolution No. 09-191 amending Resolution No. 08-313 to
reserve an additional 55 employee spaces on the second floor of the County’s
parking garage, effective October 1, 2009 and a $50 annual fee for all reserved
spaces and authorized the Chair to sign the resolution as prepared by the
County Attorney.
It was brought to the attention of the Board the Judges felt this was a safety
issue for them and felt they should be exempt from the fee.
It was the consensus of the Board to exempt the Judges from the annual fee.
2. Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 14, Edlund Dritenbas Binkley
The Board approved the Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 14,
Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects, continuing contract #C05-05-248, to provide
professional services for the Courthouse Annex Renovation Phase I-A at a cost
of $7,820, authorized the Chair to sign the Amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney.
3. Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects, Compensation for additive change orders
The Board approved to compensate Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects
$21,424.35 for approved additive change orders for the Downtown Chiller Plant,
Clerk of Court Remodel and the Courthouse Annex Renovation projects.
Work authorization with TRC Worldwide Engineering, Green Collar Training Program
The Board approved to proceed with the following: 1) a work authorization with TRC
Worldwide Engineering in the amount of $42,000 for the Green Collar Training and
Apprenticeship Program build-out at the Logistic Center, authorizing the Chair to sign the
work authorization as prepared by the County Attorney. 2) To reallocate budgeted IFF
funds in the amount of $50,000 for the Green Collar Training Program at the St. Lucie
County Logistics Center.
Amendment to the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget
Consider staff recommendation to approve Budget Resolution No. 09-177 amending the
fiscal year 2008-2009 budget.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 09-
177 amending the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Resolution No. 09-193 - St. Luce County, Florida Improvement Refunding Revenue Note, Series
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 09-193 and authorize the Chair to sign the
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve Resolution No. 09-193, and;
upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Local Option Gas Tax Division of Proceeds Beginning September 1, 2009.
Consider staff recommendation that the Board determine whether to approve the annual
redetermination set out in the attached memorandum and direct the County Attorney to notify the
Department of Revenue of the redetermination by July 1, 2009.
Com. Coward advised the Board the current formula allocation is close to the population levels.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky to approve the annual redetermination set
out in the memorandum and to direct the County Attorney to notify the Department of Revenue of the
redetermination by July, 1, 2009, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Commission provided updates on the various Boards/Committees
Com. Coward requested the ratification of his appointment to the Harbor Advisory Committee, Mr. George
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Grande, to ratify this appointment, and; upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Clerk of the Circuit Court