HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-22-2009 Sustainability Ad Hoc Committee MEETING MINUTES April 22, 2009 * Oxbow Eco-Center Present: Allen Gilbert, JP Gellerman, Eric Winterstein, Robert Tabor, Leon Camarda, Commissioner Doug Coward Staff and Guests: Sandra Bogan, ERD; Scott Taylor, Environmental Sustainability Association of the Research Coast (ESARC) ****************************************************************************************** The meeting was called to order by the Chariman at 10:05 The committee continued its discussion from the previous meeting about reducing waste and ideas on disposal of compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). A major obstacle for proper disposal of CFLs is that there is only one place to do that as far as the public knows, and the average homeowner is not going to drive to the landfill to dispose of their bulbs, meaning that they primarily end up in regular trash. FPUA and FPL give away bulbs and are willing to collect them, but it would cost them $.30 a bulb at the landfill. Landfill is limited as an Enterprise Fund and has to make decisions based on their costs and the market. The market has bottomed out on recycled materials. Comm. Coward stated that it’s not just a market concern, but also responsibility. The committee wants to focus on a comprehensive plan for reducing waste. Commissioners had an informal meeting not long ago where they discussed the concept of connecting businesses so that one business byproduct becomes a starting material for another business (Eco-Industrial Park model). Also may have resale option for useable items (i.e. bowling balls, bikes that are sitting in landfills). We’d need a county inventory of business waste products and determine how to make the connections. Perhaps there is a grant that could cover the cost of compiling the list and connecting companies. Comm. Coward said he had been contacted by a non-profit group (The Institute for Local Self Reliance) that promotes ways to reduce and better manage waste. They would be willing to provide a presentation to the group or in a workshop format. Commissioner Coward said he would send the contact information to Sandy to follow up. The cradle to cradle concept was discussed. Allen Gilbert encouraged everyone to look at the website www.wormpoop.com. He also voiced frustration with integrating recycling and green concepts within the school curriculum and student/teacher actions, but then the students see that all the separated recycling gets mixed in with regular garbage when it gets picked up. The Committee considered that the County could dedicate a grant writer to be committed to sustainable goals. There are now four full time grant writers in St. Lucie County (SLC). One position was added under the stimulus package. Comm. Coward has been appointed to an Energy committee. There are some earmarks in the stimulus package, but most are in a block grant. They are asking for proposals. Waste Mgmt Goals and recommendations: JP asked if the committee wants to make a recommendation or just make a broad statement and let others figure out components. Mr. Tabor believes we make strategic decisions, but don’t micro-manage components. Mr. Winterstein agrees that the goal can be broad and let the departments decide how to achieve. Committee would like to prepare a recommendation that the county pursue a zero waste policy or goal by a certain year. There are examples of counties that are working on or have achieved zero waste (e.g. Fresno). The committee reviewed Fresno’s plan. Mr. Tabor suggested we seek more information, consider a teleconference. Discussion of Zero Waste from disassembly versus from plasma gasification. Many questions about the plasma project. Is zero waste through repurposing a realistic goal? Scott Taylor said the new organization he’s been working to create is considering changing the name from Pollution Prevention to Florida Green Sustainability. This organization represents IR, SLC, MC and have been having discussions that are similar to the Sustainability Committee. He’s been disappointed in SLC’s lack of participation in the meetings and concerned that there are many subcommittees that are duplicating efforts. Mr. Winterstein requested that the chairperson attend the meetings and bring information back to the Committee. Green energy is a primary focus of the new organization. Concerns regarding FL Legislators work toward sustainable energy. The Florida Public Service Commission’s Navigant Report looked at all clean energy options that are viable for Florida through 2020. Number one was solar, but our government is last in providing incentives to individuals and prohibits individual investors. Comm. Coward talked about offering a 100% abatement to bring in a solar company to our county at no taxes. Mr. Tabor suggests the focus is definitely solar not wind. Suggestion that the committee make a recommendation to aggressively pursue clean energy companies. Discussion turned to define the recommendations. Mr. Winterstein motioned that SLC achieve a 10% diversion of waste annually until Zero Waste is achieved. Questions arose if the Committee needs to determine where the current situation is regarding the slow down in recycling prior to setting a goal and a specific amount should not be set until staff has an opportunity to review the situation. Comm. Coward prefers a broad goal that the Board is moving toward zero waste with significant benchmarks. Mr. Gilbert said that we want it to be realistic, concerned that without a goal, we will not get to zero waste. Some question if 10% is a reasonable goal. Mr. Winterstein retracted his prior motion. MOTION: Mr. Tabor motioned that the committee recommend that SLC ‘s Solid Waste Department develop an action plan to achieve zero waste by 2030 and to establish aggressive annual benchmarks. Mr. Winterstein seconded the motion, motion was unanimously approved. ACTION ITEM: Discussed whether to make a recommendation to the board to bring in presenters from other counties that have achieved zero waste. Sandy Bogan will research and determine what resources are available. MOTION: Mr. Tabor motioned that SLC look at other municipalities like Fresno to bring in outside experts to help advance these goals. Mr. Winterstein seconded, motion unanimously approved. MOTION: Mr. Tabor motioned to have SLC continue to aggressively pursue green economic opportunities including grants, stimulus dollars, tax abatement and other incentives. Mr. Winterstein seconded, motion unanimously passed. MOTION: Comm. Coward motioned to approve the minutes from the March meeting, Eric Winterstein seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously. th Decision was made to meet on May 28 at 10am at the Oxbow Eco-Center. MOTION: Mr. Winterstein motioned to adjourn, Allen Gilbert seconded the motion, motion unanimously approved. Meeting was adjourned at 11:24 a.m.