HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06-18-2009 Sustainability Committee MEETING MINUTES June 18, 2009 Present: Allen Gilbert, John Holt, Eric Winterstein, Robert Tabor, Leon Camarda, Commissioner Doug Coward Staff and Guests: Sandra Bogan, ERD; Karen Smith, ERD Director; Scott Taylor, Environmental Sustainability Association of the Research Coast (ESARC); HM Ridgely, Evans Group; Kara Wood, Growth Management; Michael Brillhart, Economic Development; Ted Kendziora, USGBC- SF chapter/TC-PB branch ************************************************************************************************************************** The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 3:05 Because one member was running late, the committee did not have a quorum to approve the minutes and began a discussion on waste management and the concept of zero waste. Leo Cordiero and Ron Roberts, Director and Assistant Director of the St. Lucie County Solid Waste Department answered a lot of the questions the committee had about waste reduction, and discussed some of the obstacles toward reaching zero waste. Currently 15% of waste is organic, 8% paper, 5% newspaper. The group discussed the idea of recycling organic waste, recycling at schools, mandatory business recycling, and other strategies. Geoplasma was discussed, as well as ideas on how to fund waste reduction programs and create new green jobs. When new businesses come into the County can we analyze their waste? How do we pair up companies whose byproducts can be an ingredient for another company? The state has a business / waste inventory called TWIX (spelling?). MOTION: Move that the County bring in experts, including the Institute for Local Self Reliance, to provide information on various waste reduction strategies, funding, and green job creation. Eric Weinstein made the motion, Allen Gilbert seconded, passed unanimously. The State’s goal of reducing/diverting 75% of waste by 2020 was discussed and the committee thought the County should identify that as their target as well. Staff said this could be included in the Draft Sustainability Action Plan that has been crafted. Sandy explained to the Committee that as part of Green Government Certification and Federal Stimulus Grants, staff is working on a Sustainability Action Plan, and that the plan may be brought to this committee in the near future. Sandy introduced Karen Smith, the new Environmental Resources Director for the County. Michael Brillhart, Economic & Strategic Development Director, explained the economic development incentives at the County and State level and indicated that ‘Green Industry’ could be targeted. Kara Wood, Growth Management Department, gave an update on the Smart Growth Committee recommendations that will be going before the board in the near future. Sandy will forward their report to the committee members. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm