HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02-24-2009 ST. LUCIE COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING 1 2300 Virginia Avenue 2 Administration Building 3 Conference Room Number 3 4 February 24, 2009 5 5:30 P.M. 6 7 8 A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, has been placed in the file along with these 9 minutes as part of the record. In the event of a conflict between the written minutes and the compact 10 disc, the compact disc shall control. 11 I. Call to Order 12 13 14 Chair Man Culverhouse called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 15 A. Pledge of Allegiance 16 17 B. Invocation 18 19 C. Roll Call 20 21 Brad Culverhouse…………………………...Chairman 22 Jack Connolly ............................................. Commission Member 23 Tom Minch ……Arrived shortly after roll….Commission Member 24 Richard McAfoos…………………………...Commission Member 25 Christopher Dillon…………………………..Commission Member 26 H.B. Moore ………………………………...Commission Member 27 Frank Pennetti………………………............Commission Member 28 H. Ruth McSween…………………………..Commission Member 29 Lucille Rieley Rights……………………….Special Advisor 30 Commission Members Absent: 31 32 Stephanie Bray………………………………Commission Member 33 Arlena Lee…………………………………...Commission Member 34 Marjorie Harrel………………………………Vice Chair 35 Staff Members Present: 36 37 Robin Meyer, AICP………Historical Preservation Officer, Assistant Growth 38 Management Director 39 Heather Lueke…………….Assistant County Attorney 40 Dawn Milone……………...Growth Management Staff 41 Others Present: 42 st 43 Robert W. Brantman, Owner, 908 West 1 Street, Ft. Pierce, Florida 44 The Commission agreed to hold the Election of Officials after the Public 45 Hearings. 46 47 1 of 4 1.Approval of Minutes, February 24, 2009 Meeting 1 2 3 Mr. Connolly requested on page five line two the comma be removed. 4 5 This correction has been made. 6 Mr. McAfoos motioned to approve the minutes with the correction listed 7 above. 8 9 Mr. Connolly seconded. 10 11 Motion carried unanimously. 12 13 2. New Business 14 A. Applications for Changes to Historical Structures or Sites 15 16 1. HC -220092853 / FMSF SL1380 17 3717 South Indian River Drive 18 Application for Demolition: 19 Demolish house and shed. Remove and clean lot of all 20 debris. 21 22 23 Mr. Meyer briefed the Commission on the application for demolition. He explained 24 the residence, built around 1952, is a concrete block and wood structure style of 25 residence designed in a Contemporary style commonly found throughout South 26 Florida. The residence and shed, which are of no particular architectural uniqueness 27 or character, have undergone modifications that compromise its historic integrity and 28 are in a severely deteriorated condition. This residence is evaluated on the FMSF 29 (January, 2003, prior to the devastating hurricanes that impacted the Treasure Coast) 30 as being likely significant at the Local Level. However, further research and analysis 31 is needed. It is not eligible for listing at the National Registry Level nor is it 32 significant as part of a Historical District and is bank owned. 33 Mr. McAfoos motioned that the Historical Commission recommend to 34 the Director of Growth Management to approve the application to 35 demolish the house and shed located at 3717 South Indian River Drive, 36 Fort Pierce, Florida and to remove and clean lot of all debris. 37 38 Mr. Connolly seconded. 39 40 Motion carried unanimously. 41 42 2.HC-220092862 / FMSF SL 1285 43 ST 908 West 1 Street 44 Application to Change: 45 Cover existing lap siding with new Hardi Plank 46 2 of 4 siding, replace existing windows (not original) with new single 1 hung windows (style closer to original casement windows). 2 3 4 Mr. Meyer briefed the Commission on the applicants request to cover the existing 5 wood lap siding with new Hardi Plank siding, and replace the existing jalousie 6 windows with new aluminum frame single-hung windows. He explained the 7 residence is a wood Frame Vernacular structure characteristic of Boom Times 8 architecture. The building is associated with the developmental history of White City 9 and represents the architectural trends of the era. The basic massing and proportion of 10 the building envelope has been retained. Specific original architectural elements that 11 have also been retained include openings that originally served as attic vents, 12 cornerboards, rafter tails, and wood siding and surrounds. The building has undergone 13 modifications that compromise its historic integrity, including the replacement of 14 original windows with the jalousie type common in the 1960s, and sliding glass doors 15 on the front façade. 16 17 Mr. Robert W. Bratman, applicant and owner of the property agreed to the 18 Commissions request to install a water vapor barrier between the existing siding and 19 the new. 20 Mr. Minch motioned that the Historical Commission recommend to the 21 Director of Growth Management to approve the application to change 22 the existing lap siding with new Hardi Plank siding, replace existing 23 windows (not original) with new single hung windows (style closer to 24 original casement windows and same size) and a water vapor barrier 25 between the existing lap siding and the Hardi plank located at 908 West 26 st 1 Street, Fort Pierce, Florida. 27 28 Mr. Moore seconded. 29 30 Motion carried unanimously. 31 32 Election of Officials 33 34 Mr. Minch motioned to nominate Brad Culverhouse as Chairman of the St. 35 Lucie County Historical Commission. 36 37 Mr. Connolly seconded. 38 39 After the written ballots were totaled, Brad Culverhouse was elected Chair by 40 unanimous decision. 41 42 Mr. Minch motioned to nominate H. Ruth McSween as Vice Chair of the St. 43 Lucie County Historical Commission. 44 Mr. McAfoos Seconed. 45 46 3 of 4 After the written ballots were totaled, H. Ruth McSween was elected Vice Chair 1 by unanimous decision. 2 3 4 3.Member Matters and Announcements 5 6 7 Ms. Rieley Rights announced that March is Archeology Month. She handed out 8 posters and announced the Southeast Archeological Society is having their first 9 Archeology Fest at Indian Riverside Park on March 21, 20009. 10 11 Ms. McSween announces she would be gone for six weeks out of the year. She will 12 be studying in England for her PHD in Museum Studies. 13 14 The Commission congratulated Ms. McSween on her accomplishment. 15 4. Chair Matters 16 17 18 The Commission welcomed Mr. Meyer as the new St. Lucie County Historical 19 Preservation Officer. 20 21 The Commission discussed the foreclosure of the William Robinson House. 22 23 The Commission had a discussion regarding the Coquina Rock Hearth home. (Dawn 24 Milone, St. Lucie County staff, updated Ms. Rieley Rights regarding this matter a few 25 days after this meeting occurred). 26 27 Ms. Rieley Rights feels a trained archeologist should be sent out to this site to trace 28 the outline of the home. 29 30 Mr. Moore announced that the museum will be moved from the South Beach to the 31 County State Preservation Park in the very near future. 32 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned around 6:21 P.M. 33 34 35 36 4 of 4