HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Public Hearing Minutes 09-10-2009 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TENTATIVE BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING Date: September 10, 2009 Convened: 6:00p.m. Adjourned: 7:00 p.m. Commissioners present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Chris Craft, Chris Dzadovsky, Doug Coward (absent due to family illness) Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Christopher Steers, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Marie Gouin, OMB/Purchasing Director, Millie Delgado- Feliciano, Deputy Clerk ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 THE PURPOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING IS TO ADOPT THE TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATES AND A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010. 9.3361 1A. DISCUSSION AND READING OF THE ROLLED-BACK RATE. THE ROLLED-BACK RATE IS: . THE PROPOSED AGGREGATE MILLAGE RATE IS 7.3030, WHICH IS 21.78% BELOW THE ROLLED- BACK RATE. The Management and Budget Director gave an overview of the rolled back rate. 1B. BUDGET OVERVIEW The County Administrator presented a power point on the budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The County Administrator advised those present of the increases scheduled for this coming year. She stated the Solid Waste assessments would increase from $14.24 monthly to $21.00 monthly or from $170.88 annually to $252.00 annually. She also advised the Board and those present there may be an increase for some residents of 15 lighting districts. 1C. MILLAGES AND BUDGETS (NOTE: ONLY MILLAGES WILL BE READ INTO THE RECORD. FUND BUDGETS ARE PROPOSED AS LISTED). FY 10 Tentative Millage Tentative FY 10 Fund Fund Name Rate Budget 001 General Fund 2.7694 135,426,274 101 Transportation Trust Fund 60,572,104 Unincorporated Services Fund (Community 102 Development MSTU) 0.4380 5,849,936 Drainage Maintenance MSTU (Stormwater 102001 Management MSTU) 0.4731 12,042,620 103 Law Enforcement MSTU 0.3736 3,058,206 104 Grants & Donations Fund 698,319 105 Library Special Grants Fund 186,145 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 3.3957 72,166,694 109 Drug Abuse Fund 73,179 111 River Park I Fund (SISD 1) 0.3303 44,981 112 River Park II Fund (SISD 2) 0.9331 10,256 113 Harmony Heights 3 Fund (SISD 3) 0.8803 4,659 114 Harmony Heights 4 Fund (SISD 4) 0.6918 8,904 115 Sheraton Plaza Fund (SISD 5) 0.7918 10,636 116 Sunland Gardens Fund (SISD 6) 0.3954 9,895 117 Sunrise Park Fund (SISD 7) 0.4819 3,493 118 Paradise Park Fund (SISD 8) 1.0293 14,374 119 Holiday Pines Fund (SISD 9) 0.1690 14,631 120 The Grove Fund (SISD 10) 0.1169 3,490 121 Blakely Subdivision Fund (SISD 11) 1.4022 2,309 122 Indian River Estates Fund (SISD 12) 0.1127 16,872 123 Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund (SISD 13) 0.1050 6,463 126 Southern Oak Estates Lighting (SISD 126) 0.4626 3,096 127 Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU 7,130 128 Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting 11,520 129 Parks MSTU Fund 0.2313 9,671,129 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 0.0833 7,116,407 136 Meadowwood MSTU 0.3023 26,371 138 Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund 0.3119 4,643 139 Palm Grove Fund (SISD 16) 0.6377 12,264 140 Airport Fund 14,512,866 140001 Port Fund 8,042,367 142 Port MSBU Development Fund 90,788 145 Mosquito Fund 0.2036 6,782,201 146 Mosquito State I Fund 33,820 150 Impact Fee Collections 362,712 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 391,988 162 Tourism Dev-5th Cent 115,135 170 Court Facilities Fund 924,285 171 Court Facilities Fund-Court Costs 175,417 181 SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund 31,815 182 Environmental Land Acquisition Fund 68,797 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 3,286,999 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund (District E) 0.0925 9,434,838 185 Housing Assistance SHIP Program 1,146,007 187 Boating Improvement Projects 775,986 188 Bluefield Ranch Improvements 109,428 189 Hurricane Housing Recovery Pla 3,601,165 201 So County Regional Stadium Debt 54,021 204 Communication System I&S Fund 994,999 210 Impact Fees I&S 426,708 215 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds I&S Fund 6,760,320 216 County Capital I&S 1,662,999 217 State Revenue Sharing Bonds I&S 1,346,608 218 Transportation I&S Fund 3,852,013 242 Port I&S Fund 0.0154 779,389 250 Capital Projects I&S 22,479,808 262 Tourism Dev 4th Cent I&S Fund 1,892,396 282 Environmental Land I&S Fund 0.0459 2,213,586 295 River Branch I&S Fund 41,066 301 So. County Regional Stadium 12,300 310 Impact Fee Funds 15,650,818 315 County Building Fund 2,143,369 316 County Capital 19,915,614 317 County Capital-St Rev Share Bnd 12,433,324 318 County Capital - Transportation 29,383,497 330 Lakewood Park Fund 8,950 342 Port Development Capital Fund 258,117 362 Sports Complex Improv Fund 963,534 370 MSBU Inhouse Financing Projects 680,876 382 Environmental Land Capital Fund 4,844,727 390 MSBU Capital 14,271,204 396 Lennard Road 1 - Roadway Capital 104,996 397 Lennard Road 2 - Water Capital 49,442 398 Lennard Road 3 - Sewer Capital 50,825 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 25,020,475 418 Golf Course Fund 1,428,000 451 S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund 3,699,920 458 SH Util-Renewal & Replacement 467,267 461 Sports Complex Fund 2,557,749 471 No County Utility District-Operatin 6,245,743 478 No Cty Util Dist-Renewal & Replace 296,511 479 No Cty Util Dist-Capital Facilities 3,596,719 491 Building Code Fund 2,889,858 505 Insurance & Loss Fund 33,325,827 610 Tourist Development Trust Fund 697,977 611 Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund 527,454 620 Law Enforcement Trust Fund 428,909 625 Law Library 310,752 665 SLC Art in Public Places Trust Fund 1,177,590 666 SLC Economic Dev Trust Fund 123,902 669 Lake Drive MSBU 13,171 673 S. Hutchinson Fund 2,868,437 681 King Orange 2 11,009 682 Skylark 2 7,705 683 Revels Lane 1 13,424 685 Sunland Gardens MSBU 39,769 686 Greenacres MSBU 17,973 687 Indian River Estates MSBU 874,720 688 Briargate MSBU 8,269 689 Rouse Road MSBU 15,492 690 Treasure Cove/Ocean Harbor S MSBU 86,823 691 North A1A MSBU 6,767 694 Raintree Forest MSBU 8,127 Total Budget 587,005,459 Aggregate Millage Rate 7.3030 1D. COMMENT ON ERRATA AND SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES. The Management and Budget Director reviewed the ERRATA and Substantive changes. 1E. PUBLIC COMMENT/ None 1F. BOARD DISCUSSION OF THE MILLAGE RATES AND BUDGET. 1G. MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 09-247 ADOPTING THE FY 2009-2010 TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATES. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 09-247, adopting the FY 2009- 2010 tentative millage rates, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1H. MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 09-248 ADOPTING THE FY 2009-2010 TENTATIVE BUDGET, INCLUDING THE ERRATA AND SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, t o approve Resolution No. 09-248, adopting the 2009-2010 tentative budget including the ERRATA and Substantive Changes, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ Chairman ___________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court