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Meeting Date: August 21, 2009
Conference Room 3
Meeting convened at 7:33 a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Carl Hensley, Chair
Dan Kurek
Bobby Rodriguez
Craig Mundt
Nathaniel “Nate” Wells
Patricia “Pat” Ferrick
Edith Hepburn
John Culverhouse
Dana McSweeney
Richard Pancoast
Thomas Hickey
Jay L. McBee
Bill Casey
Edward Lounds
OTHERS PRESENT: Faye Outlaw Lee Ann Lowery
Marie Gouin Jennifer Hill
Bill Hammer Christopher Steers
John Ferrick Laurie Waldie
Lisa Savage Mark Godwin
Leo Cordeiro Roger Shinn
Debbie Brisson Bill Hoeffner
Sophia Holt Dennis Wetzel
Beth Ryder Jim David
Michelle Franklin
Mr. Hensley called the meeting to order at 7:33 a.m. and introduced the new member,
Dana McSweeney, appointed by Mr. Furst.
Mr. Mundt made a motion to accept the June 19 minutes. Mr. Pancoast seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
UPDATE ON BOCC BUDGET REVIEW - Faye Outlaw & Marie Gouin
Citizens’ Budget Committee
August 21, 2009
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Mr. Hensley asked the members to hold their questions for the end of Ms. Outlaw’s
presentation. She gave the attached PowerPoint presentation.
At the end, she asked the members to bring their cost cutting ideas to the next meeting.
She thinks we will benefit from independent thought. Some members may know of ideas
from other places.
The fund balance being less each year is a cause for concern. Mr. Furst has given a pre-
estimate of property values being down an additional mid-teen percent for the 2010-2011
fiscal year.
Mr. Hensley said the members could send their ideas to the Management & Budget Office
prior to the meeting.
Beginning at the start of the presentation (Slide 3) Mr. Kurek asked if the idea of combining
the Fort Pierce Police Department and Sheriff’s Office was dead. Ms. Outlaw thinks the
City took action against the idea.
Mr. Mundt asked about what was cut in the unincorporated Municipal Service Taxing Unit
(MSTU) to be able to reduce the millage rate to offset the increase in the Law Enforcement
MSTU millage rate. Ms. Outlaw answered that a couple things in the Growth Management
budget may not happen.
Ms. Outlaw said that the County was not able to contact two of the Home Owners’
Associations regarding the street lighting district increases (Slide 4). Mr. Hensley asked
the dollar amount of increases to the homeowners. Ms. Outlaw explained that they wanted
to give the districts other options, such as turning off some lights. They learned the poles
would have to be removed if the lights were turned off and the expense would probably be
more than the savings. Mr. Pancoast asked why the cost was so great compared to what
he pays. Ms. Gouin answered that as the property values have dropped, what some
residents pay has dropped. Ms. Outlaw added that the cost is for the poles too, not just
lights. Ms. Gouin said the bill is the same every month. Mr. Pancoast asked if it had been
considered to not form anymore lighting districts. Ms. Gouin answered that the cost to
homeowners now are not based on assessment. Ms. Outlaw added that they are no
longer set up as a MSTU but a Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU).
Ms. Ferrick asked about putting $1,000,000 in the emergency reserves (Slide 6). Ms.
Outlaw said the Board decided not to this year. Mr. Hensley asked if it would have an
effect on the ability to borrow money. Ms. Outlaw does not believe so.
Ms. Outlaw explained the County’s Risk Manager is on military duty (Slide 7). A person to
fill in the position was hired by specialist agreement. He is working with the insurer and
has discovered money that should have been paid after the 2004-2005 storms. She
believes funding a previously frozen position in Risk Management will more than pay for
Citizens’ Budget Committee
August 21, 2009
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itself. That position will be available for the current employee when he returns from
Ms. Hill explained savings from reimbursement and changing policy coverage.
Ms. Outlaw answered that the amount from the insurance company should be $1,500,000
to $2,000,000. Mr. Kurek asked about the effect of the claim on future policy costs. Ms.
Outlaw didn’t think there was a large effect after the claims were paid when filed soon after
the storms. We paid our premiums. The money was due. Mr. Mundt said it would depend
on TRICO’s reserves. Mr. Kurek believes they have recovered due to premium changes.
Mr. Mundt asked what will happen to the School Resource Officer (SRO) program (Slide 9)
after this year. Mr. Outlaw answered that it is the intent to work out a plan with the School
Board and Cities. Ms. Lowery added that Chief Deputy Garry Wilson told her that Port St.
Lucie will have officers in some schools. Ms. Outlaw said they will have to scale back the
program if money is not received from others.
Mr. Hensley asked if projections were made for the financial impact on the local economy
of the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) tournament (Slide 12). Ms. Outlaw
said they did not have a dollar amount. The Board felt they were not in a position to
supply the money. The requested amount was not a commitment that was normal for such
Mr. Hensley asked about funding for the Jail Medical Wing (Slide 13). Two potential bond
opportunities have been identified.
Mr. Hensley asked how the Global Positioning System (GPS) budget saved $102,000
(Slide 15). Mr. Godwin explained that Ms. Savage was able to negotiate a $6 per day,
down from $8 per day, fee from the company that provides the service, Satellite Tracking
of People (S.T.O.P.). The savings were calculated using 100 people per day. Mr. Wells
asked if 100 is the capacity. Mr. Godwin answered that the program is now funded for 100.
Ms. Savage works with the Judges. Members of her team work nights, weekends and
holidays. Some defendants must report daily but are not required to wear the bracelets.
Mr. Godwin told of another cost savings to the County. Assistant County Attorney
Katherine Smith will file a petition to release two very ill inmates to the GPS program. On
GPS their insurance will take effect. When the Jail Medical Wing is full, the result is more
inmates being sent to the hospital. Mr. Godwin stated the GPS program has potentially
saved the County $4,000,000.
Mr. Hensley asked if the numbers on the Other Potential Savings slide (Slide 16) were
figured in. They are not.
Ms. Outlaw asked that the members note the dates of the budget hearings.
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August 21, 2009
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Mr. Hensley left the meeting at 8:18 a.m.
The meeting continued with Mr. Mundt as chair. He made the comment that in the Budget
Review with the Commissioners, the Mosquito Control District presented a balanced
budget. A raise in the millage was discussed because Commissioner Dzadovsky wanted
to increase the reserves. Ms. Outlaw said that she understood that Commissioner
Dzdovsky considered an increase so Mosquito Control would not have to use current
Mr. Wells asked if there was an area that was an Achilles’ heel to the County for cost
savings. Ms. Outlaw answered that personnel cost is always a large expense for any
organization. Health insurance is a big item. There are not a lot of capital projects left.
There is a small amount of travel so employees can maintain certifications. It will be a
challenge to cut costs. This year her focus will be to contain costs and on revenue
enhancements. The health clinic may not be available until the end of the year. She and
the Board recognize that everybody is hurting.
Mr. Wells asked about brown-outs. After he explained the program, Ms. Outlaw answered
that her eyesight has been damaged by her position and she would not ask County
employees to work in the dark.
Mr. Mundt and Mr. Wells told of brown-out experiences in other countries.
Mr. Kurek asked if the Risk Manager was watching the effect of National Health Reform.
Ms. Outlaw answered yes.
Mr. Mundt started discussion about cost savings with the clinic. Ms. Outlaw said the Board
approved creation of the clinic and the land swap with the City of Fort Pierce so the old
Chamber of Commerce building could be used to house the clinic.
The County expects to save $1,500,000 from changing the insurance plan administrator
from Web-TPA to Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Mr. Kurek said that he applauds the current Board and Administration for the clinic. He
suggested the idea in 1989 but was told it would cost too much.
Mr. Mundt asked if the budget is online. Members could use it to stimulate thoughts. Ms.
Gouin said the secretary will send the link to the members.
Ms. Ferrick left the meeting at 8:27.
Mr. Mundt commended Ms. Outlaw and Ms. Gouin for the job they did during the Budget
Reviews with the Commissioners. Ms. Outlaw said her first time in the saddle was a
baptism by fire.
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Ms. Outlaw thanked the members and said she looked forward to their ideas.
Mr. Mundt adjourned the meeting at 8:28 a.m.
Due to technical difficulties, the audio for this meeting did not record.
Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin
The next CBC regular meeting will be held on Friday, September 18, 2009, at 7:30
a.m., in Conference Room #3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration