HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 09-22-2009 BOARD OF COUNTY CGI~MISSIONERS
Date: September 22, 2009 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 10:00 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Chris
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan
McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director,
Marie Gouin, OMBIPurchasing Director, Susan Kilmer, Library Director, Carl Holeva, Human Resources
Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Debra Brisson, Parks and Rec. Director, Jim David,
Mosquito Control Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the September 10, 2009 Tentative Budget Public Hearing.
Approve the minutes from the September 15, 2009 meeting.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky ,seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the minutes from the meetings
held September 10, 2009 and September 15, 2009, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A. Resolution No. 09-261 proclaiming the fourth Monday in September 2009 (September 28, 2009) as
"Family - A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children" in St. Lucie County, Florida.
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 09-261 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Grande, to adopt Resolution No. 09-261,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B. Presentation by Linette Trabulsy of the Treasure Coast Chapter of the Florida Public Relations
Association- this item was pulled.
C. Resolution No. 09-291 proclaiming the week of October 4 through October 10, 2009 as "Mental
Health Awareness Week" in St. Lucie County, Florida
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 09-291 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to adopt Resolution No. 09-291,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
' It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda to include the
additions and the correction of item 6 G-4, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Approve warrant list No. 51
The Board approved Warrant List No. 51.
1. Donation of Right-of-Way - St. Lucie County School Boarcl - 5 feet on St. James Drive
and 10 feet Temporary Construction Easement -Resolution No. 09-272
The Board approved accepting the Quit-Claim Deed and Temporary Construction
Easement authorized the Chair to sign Resolution No. 09-272 and directed staff to record
the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
2. Funding request for a Case Manager for Mental Health Court. Mental Health Court (MHC)
hears cases that are both misdemeanors and felonies. The goal of Mental Health Court is
to provide services along with resources for mentally ill defendants involved in the criminal
justice community.
The Board approved to deem New Horizons as a sole source provider and enter into a
contract with New Horizons fer staffing the Case Manager position that works in the
Mental Health Court. This contract term will be from 10/1/09 thru 9/30/10.
3. Amendment to Debris Removal and Monitoring Agreements
The Board approved the amendments to the debris removal and monitoring agreements
as drafted by the County Attorney.
4. Resolution No. 09-230 -Amending the Articles of Incorporation for the Treasure Coast
Local Council of Local Governments
The Board adopted the attached Resolution No. 09-230 and authorized the Chair to sign
the Resolution.
5. Summer Wind - G&G/Aqua III, LLC -Conservation Easement -Resolution No. 09-273
The Board approved accepting the Conservation Easement, authorized the Chair to sign
Resolution No. 09-273 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of
St. Lucie County, Florida.
6. Indian River Estates MSBU -Master Meter -Parcel I.D. No. 3402-604-0055-000-7 City of
Port St. Lucie -Utility Easement and Temporary Access and Construction Easement
The Board approved the Utility Easement and Temporary Access and Construction
Easement in favor of the City of Port St. Lucie, authorized the Chair to execute the Utility
Easement and Temporary Access and Construction Easement, authorized acceptance of
a check from the City of Port St. Lucie for $3,951.00 and directed staff to record the
documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
7. Bear Point Mitigation Bank -Credit Reservation Agreement with Kiwi Partners, L.L.C.
The Board approved the proposed Bear Point Mitigation Bank Credit Reservation
Agreement with Kiwi Partners, L.L.C., and authorized the Chair to sign the agreement.
8. Sustainable Resources Intemational, Inc. -Second Amendment to Lease
The Board approved the proposed Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement
with Sustainable Resources Intemational, Inc., and authorized the Chair to sign
the Second Amendment.
FZ~BWARR WARRANT LIST #51- 12-SEP-2009 TO 18-SEP-2009
001 General Fund 622,488.55 586,157.51
001113 C~BG Supp Disaster Recovery Subgran 3,164.73 2,920.14
001180 US Dept Housing HUD Shelter Plus Gr 8,679.31 532.47
001184 CDBG 07 24,204.69 0.00
001188 Section 112/MPO/Fhwa/Planning 2007 4,935.38 8,908.74
001190 FTA Sec 5307 - Buses 05/06 154.57 0.00
001194 U.S. Dept of Housing & Community 4,716.58 0.00
001419 FDCA-Construct County EOC 63.61 0.00
001436 INTACT Inspired Network to Achieve 690.62 0.00
001442 FCTD Planning Grant Agreement 427.91 1,420.71
001501 CSBG 2008-2009 Dept of Health and H 725.49 4,590.40
001505 FDCA Emerg. Mgmt Prep & Assist FY09 8,299.47 0.00
001507 USDA NRCS Tropical Storm Fay Damage 32,704.76 0.00
101 Transportation Trust Fund 38,008.92 37,718.96
101002 Transportation Trust/80% Constrtut 12,845.11 44,627.72
101003 Transportation Trust/Local Option 21,677.82 53,622.47
101004 Transportation Trust-/County Fuel Tx 11,434.52 17,893.96
101006 Transportation Trust/Impact Fees 15,609.07 0.00
102 Unincorporated Services Fund 34,773.50 76,752.39
102001 Drainage Maintenance MSTU 103,009.48 10,073.08
102111 NFWF St. Lucie Turtle Habitat Impro 7,278.25 0.00
102807 SFWMD Lakewood Park Stormwater Impr 7,867.80 0.00
102809 Paradise Park Phase 2 SFWMD 3,346.60 5,534.52
105 Library Special Grants Fund 4,222.65 0.00
107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 60,350.31 157,330.33
107001 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur 23,971.02 1,122.83
107002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 3,159.83 1,122.83
107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper 4,618.03 0.00
107006 F&F Fund-Court Related Technology 5,916.62 8,736.95
107205 Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prev 158.85 2,076.00
107206 FDCF Criminal Justice, Mental Healt 181.35 0.00
115 Sheraton Plaza Fund 649.91 0.00
118 Paradise Park Fund 898.20 0.00
129 Parks MSTU Fund 4,889.00 0.00
130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 161.40 2,176.18
130209 FCTD TRIP FY 09/10 55,917.47 0.00
140 Airport Fund 12,157.23 15,104.98
140306 DOT-New N. Entrance Port Ft. Pierce 13,940.40 0.00
140352 Upgrade the Electrical Vault 11,564.80 0.00
150 Impact Fee Collections 115.00 1,523.20
160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 117.51 1,562.40
183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 2,514.32 3,009.49
183001 Ct Administrator-Arbitration/Mediat 440.00 0.00
183004 Ct Admin.- Teen Court 395.36 5,404.72
183006 Guardian Ad Litem Fund 3,561.24 0.00
185010 FHFA SHIP 2008/2009 151.02 2,163.26
189100 Home Consortium 100.48 1,340.00
189201 FHFC Hurricane Housing Recovery Pla 1,227.97 2,077.20
FZA3WARR WARRANT LIST #51- 12-SEP-2009 TO 18-SEP-2009
310002 Impact Fees-Parks 222,817.77 0.00
318 County Capital-Transportation Bond 113,510.36 0.00
.396 Lennard Road 1 - Roadway Capital 3,800.00 0.00
397 Lennard Road 2 - Water Capital 1,900.00 0.00
398 Lennard Road 3 - Sewer Capital 1,900.00 0.00
401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 207,444.70 57,451.08
418 Golf Course Fund 23,706.34 21,741.08
451 S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund 1,339.35 3,363.70
__-458 SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund 39.62 535.68
461 Sports Complex Fund 20,388.94 19,881.15
471 No County Utility District-Operatin 8,265.34 7,891.42
478 No Cty Util Dist-Renewal & Replace 3,084.55 1,316.93
479 No Cty Util Dist-Capital Facilities 110.03 1,481.04
491 Building Code Fund 2,965.51 33,425.61
505 Health Insurance Fund 257,335.08 2,354.75
505001 Property/Casualty Insurance Fund 27,463.71 0.00
611 Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund 151.07 2,001.06
625 Law Library 1,201.43 0.00
665 SLC Art in Public Places Trust Fund 1,700.00 0.00
801 Bank Fund 217,775.18 0.00
GRAND TOTAL: 2,295,385.69 1,206,946.94
9. Resolution No. 09-284 -Authorizing Term Loan to Provide Permanent Financing for
Harmony Heights MSBU Special Assessment Project
The Board approved adopting Resolution No. 09-284 and authorized the Chair to sign the
10. Resolution No. 09-285 -Extending Maturity of Advances under Loan Agreement for
MSBU Line of Credit with SunTrust Bank
The Board approved adopting Resolution No. 09-285 and authorized the Chair to sign the
11. Resolution No. 09-286 -Authorizing Term Loan to Provide Permanent Financing for
Sunland Gardens Phase II MSBU Special Assessment Project
The Board approved adopting Resolution No. 09-286 and authorized the Chair to sign the
12. Authorization to enter into an Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Dory and Maria Lopez
for delinquent Impact Fees pursuant to Resolution No. 09-114.
The Board approved the Impact Fee Payment with Dory and Maria Lopez and signs the
Agreement as drafted by the County Attorney's Office.
13. T & T Land, Ltd. -The Board approved the sale of the horse to the highest qualified bidder
at auction.
Compensation for staff called for active duty ~yuring the fiscal year of October 1, 2009 to September
30, 2010.
The Board authorized extending the time frame for staff called to active duty for the fiscal year of
October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010.
1. Bid waiver and award of contract to Sports Turf One, Inc.
The Board approved waiving the bid process and awarding a contract to Sports Turf One,
Inc. in an amount not to exceed $75,000 as outlined in the agenda memorandum, and
authorized the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
2. Budget Resolution No. 09-277, Children's Services Council Summer Camp and Swim
Lessons Grant Funds
The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 09-277, allocating $12,500 in summer camp
and swim lessons grant funds from the Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County as
outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorized the Chair to sign documents as
approved by the County Attomey.
1. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Grant Award and Budget Resolution No. 09-263
The Board approved the acceptance of the Department of Health and Human Services
second year award 90ET0414/02 for $50,000; approved Budget Resolution No. 09-263;
and authorized the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attomey.
2. Allocation of Funds from the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) State FY09
The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 09-260 to budget funds from the SHIP FY09
additional fourth quarter allocation, and authorized the Chair to sign the resolution as
approved by the County Attomey.
3. St. Lucie Habitat for Humanity CHDO, Inc. Agreement
The Board approved the agreement between St. Lucie County HOME Consortium and St.
Lucie Habitat for Humanity CHDO, Inc., and authorized the Chair to sign the agreement
as approved by the County Attomey.
4. Short List of Community Partners for the Acquisition/Rehabilitation and Management of
Rental Properties, RFP 09-052
The Board approved to short list firms for RFP 09-052, and authorization to:
1. Conduct oral presentations with the top two ranked firms;
2. Negotiate contracts with the top two ranked firms; and
3. Award contracts to the top two ranked firms and authorization for the Chair to sign the
contracts as prepared by the County Attomey.
5. FY 10 contract and revised fee schedule for the State of Florida for operation of the St.
Lucie County Health Department
The Board approved acceptance of the contract with the State of Florida for $22,437,431
and authorized the Chair to sign the contract as approved by the County Attomey.
6. Agreement Revision with Council on Aging
The Board approved acceptance of revised agreement with the Council on Aging of St.
Lucie County Inc (COASL); and authorized the Chair to sign documents as approved by
the County Attomey.
1. PBS&J Work Authorization (WA) No. 7 for Resident Project Representative (RPR)
Services for the Runway 10R/28L Rehabilitation Project.
The Board approved of PBS&J Work Authorization No. 7 for Resident Project
Representative Services for the Runway 10R/28L Rehabilitation Project for a lump sum
cost o $35,810, and authorized the Chair to sign the document as approved by the County
2. Budget Resolution No. 09-276, Runway Rehabilitation Project
The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 09-276 establishing the fund for the Florida
Department of Transportation grant for the runway rehabilitation project in the amount of
$89,648, with the local share match of $89,648, and authorized the Chair to sign the
document as approved by the County Attomey.
3. Budget Resolution No. 09-275, Airport Security Fencing
The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 09-275 establishing the fund for the FDOT
grant for the airport security fencing project in the amount of $2,640, with a local watch
share of $2,640, and authorized the Chair to sign the document as approved by the
County Attomey.
1. Amendment to Contract for Horseback Riding on the Beach
The Board approved the first amendment to Contract No. C06-01-335 with Alan Hayes,
extending the contract through May 29, 2011, and authorized the Chair to sign documents
as approved by the County Attomey.
2. Amendment to Contract for Cleaning of Tradition Field Sports Complex
The Board approved the first amendment to Contract No. C07-12-705 with Coverall
extending the contract through December 31, 2010, and authorized the Chair to sign
documents as approved by the County Attomey.
3. Bid No. 09-061, Concrete, Culvert and Asphalt Installation
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 09-061, Concrete, Culvert and Asphalt Installation,
to Melvin Bush Construction of Fort Pierce and authorized the Chair to sign documents as
approved by the County Attomey.
4. Bid No. 09-063, St. Lucie Boulevard to Angle Road Force Main Extension - Phase II
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 09-063, St. Lucie Boulevard to Angle Road Force
Main Extension -Phase II, to H & D Construction Company, Incorporated of Fort Pierce,
in the amount of $319,848.40 and authorized the Chair to sign documents as approved by
the County Attomey.
5. Bid No. 09-067, Enhanced Swale Maintenance
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 09-067, Enhanced Swale Maintenance, to
Environmental Land Development, Incorporated of Fort Pierce and authorized the Chair to
sign documents as approved by the County Attomey.
6. Master Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement for Computer Equipment and Software
The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 09-281 to establish a budget for the master
lease purchase agreement financing for computer equipment and software.
1. Reimbursement for sea grape trimming and exotic removal on County Property.
The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 09-274 accepting $1,200.00 from Bryn Mawr
Ocean Towers Condominium Association for sea grape trimming and exotic removal on
County property.
2. Lease Agreement with South Florida Water Management District
The Board approved entering into a South Florida Water Management District Lease
Agreement for 616.22 acres for a period of ten (10 years, with the option to renew, at no
cost to the County, as described in Exhibit "A", and authorized the Chair to sign
documents as approved by the County Attomey.
Sirsi/Dynix annual Software Maintenance contract renewal
The Board approved the Sirsi/Dynix software maintenance agreement in the amount of
1. Florida Division of Emergency Management Citizen Emergency Response Team Program
-Grant Application
The Board approved submitting a grant application to the Florida Division of Emergency
Management Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program requesting funds of
$15,000 to continue the St. Lucie County CERT Program.
2. Florida Division of Emergency Management Citizen Corps Program -Grant Application
The Board approved submitting a grant application to the Florida Division of Emergency
Management Citizen Corps Program requesting funds of $15,000 to continue the St.
Lucie County Citizen Corps Council.
VII. There are no public hearings scheduled for September 22, 2009.
Arts & Cultural Alliance of St. Lucie, Inc.
Consider staff recommendation to approve of funding in the amount of $55,000 to the Arts & Cultural
Alliance of St. Lucie, Inc. (ACA) and authorization for the Chair to sign a contract with the ACA for the
selection of a consultant through a competitive process to conduct acommunity-wide survey on arts and
culture in St. Lucie County and the preparation of a strategic plan for the ACA based on the survey results
as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Board approval of Resolution No. 09-282 rescinding prior
resolutions and designating the ACA as the local arts agency for St. Lucie County.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the funding and also approve
Resolution No. 09-282, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Florida Energy Secure Line Project Natural Gas Pipeline Siting-Local Public Hearing Option
Consider staff recommendation to approve to au!horize the County Attorney to request that the
Administrative Law Judge hold a public hearing in St. Lucie County to allow interested members of the
public to testify about the proposed pipeline.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon
roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Commissioners provided updates on the various Boards/Committees
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Clerk of the Circuit Court