HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-2009 Signed Agendas AGENDA REQUEST COtiNTY ~~ - E L Q R I D A- T0: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-B-1 20 DATE: October ~, 2009 REGULAR [J PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Authorization to Enter into an Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Port St. Lucie Mini-Warehouse, Ltd. for Delinquent Impact Fees pursuant to Resolution No. 09-114 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Port St. Lucie Mini- Warehouse, LTD. and sign the Agreement as drafted by the County Attorney's office. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: pppro~ed 5-O ,~ `~ ~; ~. County Attorney: Daniel 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) CONCURRENCE Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals Management & Bu et Purchasing: Public Works . County Eng.:. Chr' L str n e Eff.5/96 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Katherine Mackenzie-Smith, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 09-1217 DATE: September 25, 2009 SUBJECT: Authorization to enter into an Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Port St. Lucie Mini-Warehouse, LTD. for delinquent Impact Fees pursuant to Resolution No. 09-114. BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County has adopted ordinances establishing impact fees so as to assure that new development bears a proportionate share of the cost of capital expenditures necessary to provide public buildings, roads and parks in St. Lucie County. On September 6, 2005, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance No. 05-030 which provided for an alternative method for collection of impact fees for public buildings, roads and parks. The alternative collection mechanism provided for the County to serve an Impact Fee Statement notice upon the Fee Payer. If the impact fees were not paid and became delinquent, the County served a Notice of Lien upon the Fee Payer and the Owner. The Notice of Lien advised that upon failure to pay the impact fees, the County would record a Claim of Lien with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Once recorded, the Claim of Lien constituted a lien against the property. On February 3, 2009, the Board of County Commissioners granted permission for the County Attorney to file suit to foreclose said lien(s). It has been requested by Fee Payers to enter into a payment plan to pay the unpaid principal balance, accrued interest, late charges and other default-related costs recoverable under the terms of the Lien. Resolution No. 09-114 allows the Board of County Commissioners to enter into a payment plan with the delinquent fee payer. Such payment schedule shall be in conformity with the following guidelines: A) The terms of the Payment Schedule must be included within a binding Agreement between St. Lucie County and the Fee Payer. B) The Fee Payer shall agree to pay equal monthly payments for a term not to exceed 18 months beginning the month following execution of the Agreement. Payments shall be calculated on a calendar day basis, until paid in full, using the total impact fees, plus the delinquency fee and interest set at the statutory rate for final judgments. An amortization table shall be attached to the Agreement. AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney SUBJECT: Revocable License Agreement Mr. & Mrs. David Green 6605 Kenwood Road Lakewood Park BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: See Attached Memorandum N/A ITEM NO: VI-B-2 DATE: October 20, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ]Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorize the Chair to sign the Revocable License Agreement and direct Mr. & Mrs. Green to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER pppro~ed 5-O `_l -~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ;~ Review and Approvals ~~ ~" ~ . [x] County Attorney: '= ` [x] Road and Brid [x] Public Works: Daniel McIntyre ~ Don Pauley Don West [x] Originating Dept: ~rt~l{. [x] Engineering: !~'~~'~' f" [ ] Purchasing: JoAnn Riley Mike Powley =, PROPERTY ACQUISITION DIVISION 1VI~IVIORANDUIVI TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Revocable License Agreement Mr. & Mrs. David Green 6605 Kenwood Road Lakewood Park BACKGROUND: David and Amanda Green request permission to install a fence in. the County's 10-foot Drainage and Utility Easement at the rear of their property. Mr. & Mrs. Green would like to use 3 feet of the 10-foot Drainage and Utility Easement. Staff has approved the Revocable License Agreement with the understanding if the encroachment causes any flooding or utilities need to be installed Mr. & Mrs. Green must move the fence at their own expense. Mr. & Mrs. Green have signed this Revocable License Agreement with this understanding. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorize the Chair to sign the Revocable License Agreement and direct Mr. & Mrs. Green to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~- JAnn Riley ` Property Acquisition Manager ~~ AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney SUBJECT: Revocable License Agreement Cedar Creek Engineering Orange Avenue -Monitoring Wells BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A ITEM NO. VI-B3 DATE: October 20, 2009 ~ztOuLAR [ j PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ]Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [X) PRESENTED BY: JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager PREVIOUS ACTION: October 21, 2008 -Cedar Creek Engineering was granted permission by the Board of County Commissioners to install monitoring wells in Orange Avenue right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorize the Chair to sign the Revocable License Agreement and instruct Cedar Creek Engineering to record the Revocable License Agreement in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: ~,~j APPROVED [ ]OTHER Approved 5-O [ ]DENIED CONCURRENCE: ~--• --~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [x] County Attorney:_ Daniel McIntyre [x] Originating Dept: ~}~~ JoAnn Riley [x] Road and Bridge Don Pauley [x] Engineering: ~[~~ ~ Mike Powley [x] Public Works: ~- Don West ~ PROPERTY ACQUISITION DIVISION 1VIEIVIORANDUIVI TO. Board of County Commissioners FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Revocable License Agreement Cedar Creek Engineering Orange Avenue -Monitoring Wells BACKGROUND: On October 25, 2003 there wns a traffic accident and liquid fertilizer, diesel fuel and motor oil wns spilt at or near 12661 Orange Avenue. This material constitutes hazardous substances and/or pollutants which were released into the soil and groundwater. The purpose of the monitoring wells is to determine if the release of liquid fertilizer and diesel fuel that occurred on October 25, 2003, poses a threat to the drinking water quality in the surrounding area. There is a Final Judgment between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Charles Barney Trucking that states Charles Burney Trucking needs to comply with all environmental requirements to clean up the spill. Cedar Creek Engineering was granted permission by the Board of County Commissioners on October 21, 2008 to install 3 to 5 monitoring wells in the right-of-way of Orange Avenue. This request is for an additional 2 wells and 22 temporary inject points nt the same site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorize the Chair to sign the Revocable License Agreement and instruct Cedar Creek Engineering to record the Revocable License Agreement in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Respectfully submitted, foAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager ITEM NO. VI-C DATE: 10/20/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY::.~ --,`~-,. Ken Gioeli `~ ~!.~ SUBMITTED BY: Agriculture -County Extension Office Natural Resources Ag~erit SUBJECT: Application Submittal -Caribbean Conservation Corporation -Sea Turtle Grants Program BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to submit application for Caribbean Conservation Corporation - Sea Turtle Grants Program. . COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: b4 APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER -~ Approved 5-0 Faye w. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (X) ~ OMB Director (X ) C Budget Analyst ~~ Dan McIntyre Marie Gouin TaWonna Johnson Originating Dept. (X) ~ ERD ( ) Anita S. Nea N/A r ITEM NO. VI-D1 DATE: 10/20/09 AGENDA REQUEST ~'~' Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E. SUBMITTED BY: Public Works/Engineering Division County Engineer ~Cv`i SUBJECT: Cortez Boulevard and S. 25th Street Intersection Improvements BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Signalization Road Improvement Agreement with Cortez Townhomes, LLC and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) OTHER County Attorney (x ) Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. (x) ~' ' Dol ald West CONCURRENCE: ( ) DENIED Approved 5-0 Coordination/Signatures ~. Finance REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) Shai Francis County Engineer (x) l~~L'j:~ ~ K Michael Powley ~-~Y7 Cortez and 25th Intersection Improvements road imp. agmt.ag Engineering Division ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Directol FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer ,~~~~~~~ DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Cortez Boulevard and S. 25th Street Intersection Improvements ITEM NO. VI-D1 Background: The attached Road Improvement Agreement (Attachment A) with Cortez Townhomes, LLC is for Cortez Boulevard and S. 25th Street Intersection Improvements associated with the Cortez Multi- Family Townhomes. This project is located approximately 750 feet east of South 25th Street and is situated on the south side of Cortez Boulevard. The project consists of 93 multiple family units located within 12 buildings. Conditions 2 and 3 of Resolution 06-236 required that the developer construct road improvements for Cortez Boulevard and signalize the intersection of South 25tH Street and Cortez Boulevard. The development was annexed into the City of Ft. Pierce on April 2, 2007. The developer hired Culpepper and Terpening, Inc. to prepare the plans for the required off-site improvements. The engineer's estimate of probable cost (Attachment B) has been reviewed and approved by staff. The Dual Obligee Rider to Performance Bond No. 1025128 (Attachment C) has been approved by the County Attorney. The developer is also obligated to construct additional road improvements to Cortez Boulevard along the entire frontage of the subject parcel. These additional improvements will be processed with a separate Road Improvement Agreement. Previous Action: October 3, 2006 -Applicant was granted major site plan approval (Resolution 06-026). April 28, 2008 -First Amendment to the Agreement with Cortez Townhomes, LLC and Gregg R. Wexler. Recommendation: Board approval of the Signalization Road Improvement Agreement with Cortez Townhomes, LLC and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI - D2 ____ __ _ _ -_. __. - ~ f ' ' ' DATE: 10/20/2009 • • . AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West SUBMITTED BY: Public Works -Administration Public Works Director SUBJECT: Approval of Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Phase 2. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140329-4315-546350-4657 -Maintenance and Dredging. PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Work Authorization No. 11 with Dredging and Marine Engineering, LLC. for the engineering design of Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Phase 2, in the amount of $316,980, and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (J(~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 ---~} Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures ~~ County Attorney (X) Dan McIntyre Originating Dept. (X) (M Do ald B. West /4 OMB Director (X) '~ Budget Analyst ~' ~ ~~- Marie Gouin ~f'R if~~~ ~,,}; i=~'i~~n ERD (X ) en L. Smith ~~ C O (.i NT Y F t O R I D A Public Works Administration MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald B. West, Public Works Director ~-~~ - DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Approval of Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Phase 2. ITEM NO. VI - D2 Background: In 1998, the County began the planning and design of a Port project to dredge the muck sediments from Taylor Creek, at the North boundary of the Port of Fort Pierce. The initial spoil site was located at the Port of Fort Pierce on Mr. Lloyd Bell's property. Phase 1 of the project was completed in December, 2006 and it involved the dredging of muck between the Intracoastal Waterway and the Railroad Bridge. Approximately 95,000 cubic yards of muck were removed in Phase 1. In June 2007, the spoil disposal site on Mr. Lloyd Bell's property was disassembled. Phase 3 of the project involved the stabilization of the banks of Taylor Creek, to help control the source of sediment. The banks of the creek were lined with a stone revetment. Phase 3 of the project was completed in February of 2008. Currently, the County is working to implement Phase 2 of the Taylor Creek Project. This involves dredging of an additional 100,000 cubic yards of muck sediments, upstream of the Railroad Bridge. The County initiated a spoil site selection process in August 2007. Based upon a final evaluation report prepared by Dredging and Marine Consultants and Engineering, LLC., (DMC) the Ridgehaven property at the SLC Airport was selected as the Phase 2 spoil site. The attached proposal from DMC outlines the scope of services that is required to prepare construction drawings and obtain permits for the spoil site construction. The proposal (attachment A) includes work that is required to establish a gopher tortoise recipient site at the County-owned Bluefield Ranch. Gopher tortoises that currently reside on the Ridgehaven spoil site will be relocated to the Bluefield recipient site. Permits will be required from the Florida Fish ~ Wildlife Commission (FWC) for the gopher tortoise recipient site. This portion of the project will be closely coordinated with the Environmental Resources Department. r AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-D3 DATE: 10/20/09 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E. , ~, SUBMITTED BY: Public Works/Engineering Division County Engineer ~~`+~p SUBJECT: Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phase III - Avenue D Extension) BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 318-4113-563005-4702 County Capital Transportation Bond-Local Option Gas Tax PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Eighth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $18,075 for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phase III - Avenue D Extension), and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (,~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER - - '~ - ppproved 5-0 Faye w. outlaw, MPA County Administrator ,~ Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (x) ~ ~ Road/Bridge (x) ~ D~ - Daniel McIntyre Donald Pauley Originating Dept. (x) ~ - County Engineer (x) /~'~ k'~ Wald West Michael Powley Angle Sidewalk PH III wa 5 amend 8 Inwood.ag Engineering Division MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Director~~~ - FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer h- DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phase III - Avenue D Extension) ITEM NO. VI-D3 Background: Attached is the Eighth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 (03-09-708) (Attachment A) with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $18,075 for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phase III - Avenue D Extension). The scope of work includes additional design and permitting services of a 66-inch cross-drain culvert replacement at Canal No. 2 to work around an existing Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) gas main. Initially, our plans indicated that FPUA would move the gas main so that our construction was not affected. However, funds for the relocation were not within their budget. We have agreed to modify our design so that it can remain in place. This amendment also includes a time extension through September 30, 2010 to close out our contracts and permits. Previous Action: May 6, 2008 -Staff's request to pursue breaking this project into two parts: 53`d Street to Avenue Q, and Orange Avenue to Avenue Q. May 13, 2008 - Fourth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc. to perform contamination site assessments to develop construction criteria in the amount of $24,190 and a time extension through June 30, 2009. September 16, 2008 -Fifth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc. for additional design efforts for the Avenue D Extension in the amount of $18,065. February 17, 2009 -Sixth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc. for additional design efforts in the amount of $2,220. September 9, 2009 - County Administrator approved the Seventh Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 for a time extension through February 28, 2010. Recommendation: Board approval of the Eighth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $18,075 for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phase III -Avenue D Extension), and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. 1 ~ ITEM NO. VI - E I DATE: 10/20/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY• SUBMITTED BY: St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office SUBJECT: Permission to accept the 2009 State Criminal Alien Assistance Grant. BACKGROUND: The U.S. Dept of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and Bureau of Justice Assistance Program have awarded St. Lucie County the 2009 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCARP) Grant in the amount of $243,460. SCARP is a retroactive reimbursement grant awarded to localities that have incurred cost to incarcerate undocumented criminal aliens. The actual allocation is calculated by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Assistance and is based on the number of detained aliens during the past year. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 107163-2110-331210-200 Department of Justice PREVIOUS ACTION: Apri121, 2009, - BOCC approved permission to apply. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners authorize the acceptance of the 2009 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Grant award in the amount of $243,460. Budget Resolution No: 09-300. COMMISSION ACTION: (~~, APPROVED () DENIED () OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney () ~ ~, OMB Director Dan I McIntyre Budget Analyst () Marie Gouin Originating Dept. () ~~"~'"- „7 ~ Sophia Holt ,,~./.~ Purchasing ERD ( ) COCINTY F L O R I D A CONSENT (X ) TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office ITEM NO. VI-E2 DATE: 10/20/09 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) PRESENTED BY: Toby Long 1 Director of Finance Request for distribution from the Law Enforcement Trust (L.E.T.) Fund in the amount of $123,131.22 for budget year 2009. The monies will be used for complex and protracted investigations, as well as, Crime Prevention and School Resource Deputy expenditures. See Attachment. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Sheriff's budget amendment and transfer of funds in the amount of $123,131.22 COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( ) ~~~~o~ Originating Dept. ( ) (Name) CONCURRENCE: ~---'~' Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures OMB Director Budget Analyst ERD ( ) ~Ph:a i-b i~ (Name) ( ) (Name) ~I~rriff EN J. MASCARA '00 West Midway Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 • SN E R I F ~, ~- ~ UN ~ !G OJ CAE G TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Sheriff Ken J. Mascara FROM: The St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office DATE: 10/20/09 Member National Sheriffs' Association Member Florida Sheriffs' Association Telephone: (772) 461-7300 • Fax: (772) 489-5851 SUBJECT: Request for distribution from the Law Enforcement Trust (L. E.T.) Fund in the amount of $123,131.22 for budget year 2009. ITEM NO. VI-E2 Background: The monies will be used for complex and protracted investigations, as well as, Crime Prevention and School Resource Deputy expenditures. See Attachment. Previous Action None Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Sheriff's budget amendment and transfer of funds in the amount of 123,131.22. ~~~ ~ s,; _.~ .~ - r~ DI1P~~ ITEM NO. VI-E3 DATE: 10/20/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Toby Long ~/ SUBMITTED BY: St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office Director of Finance SUBJECT: Budget Amendment for Miscellaneous Income for budget year 2009. BACKGROUND: Annually at this time of year the Sheriff submits a budget amendment to reconcile actual miscellaneous revenues received with budgeted amounts. No additional funds are being requested. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Sheriff's request for a budget amendment to increase the budget for miscellaneous revenues by $70,345. COMMISSION ACTION: (,xj APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) 'Ik4..i.r, Oo-w (Name) (Name) CONCURRENCE: o--~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director Budget Analyst ( ) H(av~Z Gpw~'~(Name) SLph ~a Hd+(Name) ERD ( ) (Name) S~E,~,F ~l~~xiff EN J. MASCARA Member National Sheriffs' Association Member Florida Sheriffs' Association '00 West Midway Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ !GC' E C OJ TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Sheriff Ken J. Mascara FROM: The St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office DATE: 10/20/09 Telephone: (772) 461-7300 • Fax: (772) 489-5851 SUBJECT: Budget Amendment for Miscellaneous Income for budget year 2009. ITEM NO. VI-E4 Background: Annually at this time of year the Sheriff submits a budget amendment to reconcile actual miscellaneous revenues received with budgeted amounts. No additional funds are being requested. Previous Action None Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Sheriffs request for a budget amendment to increase the budget for miscellaneous revenues by $70,345. ~,., ~s s ~= z~F~ ; ~~~ COUNTY F L O R I D A ITEM NO. VI-F1 DATE: 10/20/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams SUBMITTED BY: Community Services/Transit Division Transit Manager SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 FY 2009 Application BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to submit a FTA Section 5307 application in the amount of $1,469,589, approval of Resolution No. 09-299 and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Sis~natures County Attorney ( ) ~r1 OMB Director ( ) ~ Dance S. McIntyre Budget Analyst Marie Gouin . h~--~'''`' ti""3 Sophia Holt Originating Dept. ( ) ~`''~ ~~ °~ Beth Ryder Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manager DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 FY 2009 Application ITEM NO. VI-F1 Background: Since FY 1992/93, St. Lucie County has applied annually for Section 5307 grants from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to fund operating and capital costs for the contracted transportation provider, Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. The total grant project for FY 2009 is $2,084,073, with $885,105 allocated for capital assistance and $1,288,968 for operating assistance. This grant allows for operating assistance of $614,484 and requires a 50% match that will be funded from various sources. The match of $213,776 for capital expenses will be met with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Toll Revenue Credits which are eligible as local match for Federal funding. The capital funds will be used towards the following: • Purchase of two (2) replacement buses for the fixed route system; • Purchase of a new communications system, including radios; • Preventive and associated capital maintenance of vehicles; • Safety and security equipment including lighting and cameras; and • Bus shelters The operating assistance funds operation of the transit system. Recommendation: Board authorization to submit an FTA Section 5307 application in the amount of $1,469,589, approval of Resolution No. 09-299 and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachments: FTA FY 2009 Port St. Lucie Urbanized Area (UZA) Allocation Port St. Lucie UZA allocation split letter Resolution No. 09-299 Memorandum 09-320 ITEM NO. VI-F2 DATE: 10/20/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams SUBMITTED BY: Community ServiceslTransit Division Transit Manager SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement with St. Lucie County Transportation Planning Organization for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5316 and 5317 grants. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 130103-4910-331421-400 FTA 5316 Job Access Reverse Commute 130104-4910-331421-400 FTA 5317 New Freedom ~~ PREVIOUS ACTION: January 27, 2009 -Approved the submittal of a letter of request to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to be the Designated Recipient of Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) and New Freedom (NF) funds. March 6, 2009 -Approved submission of a letter to FTA for JARC and New Freedom grant funds for Martin and St. Lucie Counties. April 21, 2009 -Authorized advertisement for Request for Qualifications for transit providers under the JARC and New Freedom programs. September 8, 2009 -Accepted JARC and New Freedom grant awards. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement with St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization in the amount of $25,260 to provide planning, technical assistance, development and implementation for grant administration of the FTA Section 5316 JARC grant and Section 5317 NF grant and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (_~j APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~=~~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) Danie S. McIntyre Budget Analyst Ma ie Gouin . N•+f~v y""~ Sophia Holt Originating Dept. ( ) ,».~ ~ TPO Director ( ) Beth Ryder Peter Buchwald Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director . __~r-s~- FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manager DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement with St. Lucie County Transportation Planning Organization for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5316 and 5317 grants. ITEM NO. VI-F2 Background: In partnership with the St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (TPO), the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners applied for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5316 Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) and Section 5317 New Freedom (NF) grants. The assistance of the TPO was critical during the planning and technical assistance process, which allowed the County to secure these funds. Assistance for three grant funding years will be provided in the amount of $25,260. Under the attached agreement, the TPO will provide assistance in the areas of development, implementation for grant administration. Recommendation Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement with St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization in the amount of $25,260 to provide planning, technical assistance, development and implementation for grant administration of the FTA Section 5316 JARC grant and Section 5317 NF grant and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: Interlocal Agreement Memorandum 09-318 ITEM NO. VI-F3 DATE: 10/20/2009 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Corine C. William SUBMITTED BY: Community Serviceslfransit Division Transit Manage SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5309 FY 2009 application BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to apply for a FTA Section 5309 grant in the amount of $225,720, and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI~ID ( ) CONSENT (X ) COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) CONCURRENCE: Lam} Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Sis~ natures County Attorney ( ) a- OMB Director Da ie S. McIntyre Budget Analyst Originating Dept. ( ) - ' Beth Ryder ~ ) Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director ~~ FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manager /~~ DATE: October 20, 2009 ~- SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5309 FY 2009 application ITEM NO. VI-F3 Backs~round: In the past, St. Lucie County has submitted legislative requests for FTA Section 5309 Earmarks. The funds requested were for the purchase of vehicles for replacement and expansion of fixed transit routes, demand response services and construction of a transit fleet maintenance facility on Selvitz Road. Vehicles will be ordered on an as needed basis, as the availability of operations funds permit. Since 2005, the FTA 5309 Earmark allocations for St Lucie County have exceeded $1,700,000, which funded the purchase of vehicles and associated capital maintenance. While the funding for the construction of the transit maintenance facility was requested, there was no allocation identified for that project. For FY 2009 FTA has allocated $225,720 for the purchase of buses and associated capital maintenance costs. The local match will be satisfied with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Toll Revenue Credits in the amount of $56,430. Recommendation Board authorization to apply for a FTA Section 5309 grant in the amount of $225,720, and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: Grant Cover Sheet Memorandum 09-319 ~~ ~ '' -_ -~ __ • ~ 6 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Library SUBJECT: State Aid to Libraries Grant BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. ITEM NO. VI-G DATE: 1 o/2oro~ REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) PRESENTED BY: Susan B. Kilmer .~~~r, Library Director FUNDS AVAILABLE: 105-7115 Library Special Account -State Aid to Libraries PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board of County Commissioners has approved this grant application for the past 31 years. RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization for the Chair to sign the application for State Aid to Libraries Grant application. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~'ti Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSianatures County Attorney (x) '< OMB Director (x ) ~ I r I 4 Budget Analyst `I Dan McIntyre arie Gouin Patty Marston-Duva Originating Dept. (x) ,~f~~~~- !~' ~`~-E;%~~t •~.~ Other ( ) • Susan B. Kilmer C o u niT y F L O R i D A MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY LIBRARY TO: Board of County Commissioners ~' FROM: Susan Kilmer, Library Director ~-(~~~~-t~ is =~~~=~ `'~ DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: State Aid to Libraries Grant Application - FY09/10 ITEM NO. VI - G Background: St. Lucie County has been a recipient of State Aid to Library grant funding since 1978. State Aid funds are made available through the Department of State/State Library of Florida for all county-owned public libraries and numerous municipal libraries throughout the state. The funds are only allowed to be used for operating expenses within the library. The monies received are based on the total dollars spent locally during FY07/08 for the operation and maintenance of the library as outlined in Chapter 257, Florida Statutes, and guidelines for the State Aid to Libraries grant program. The estimated State Aid funds for FY09/ 10 are $186,145. These funds have been projected in the Library's State Aid budget (105-7115) and have been through the budget review process. These funds continue to be used for funding of the St. Lucie West Library for books, subscriptions, audiovisual materials and other operating supplies for the library department. Recommendation: Board authorization for the Chair to sign the application for the State Aid to Libraries grant application. i TO: SUBMITTED BY: PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Administration/Tourism ITEM NO. VI-H1 DATE: 10/20/09 REGULAR ( 1 PRESENTED BY: Charlotte Lombard Tourism Development Manager Tourist Development Council Capital Grants Program See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 362-5210-581000-500 PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Tourist Development Council Capital Grants Program implementation and application, per the attached memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: j~j APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) CONCURRENCE: ,_ ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director ~/`y Budget Analyst Daniel McIntyre (Name) ERD ,~ ( ) i ~~ Mari Gouin Patty Marston (Name) i TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator FROM: Charlotte Lombard Tourism DATE: October 20, 2009 Administration/Tourism MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Tourist Development Council Capital Grants Program ITEM NO. VI-H1 Background: This item was previously pulled from the October 6, 2009 Board agenda. In 2003, the Board of County Commissioners approved an additional 1% (5~h cent) tourist development tax. Thirty-three percent (33%) of the 5t" cent tax is allocated for the expansion, renovation or construction of capital facilities located in the St. Lucie Fairgrounds and the area north of Midway Road within St. Lucie County as set forth in County Ordinance 1-19.3-31 Q). On Wednesday, August 12, 2009, the Tourist Development Council (TDC) approved the implementation of a capital grants program. The capital grants program structure is outlined as follows: • Project Eligibility Requirements: Legal requirements as set forth in Florida Statute 125.0104 and County Ordinance 1-19.3-31(j) • Funding: The applicant must provide documentation to substantiate a 10% down payment of the requested grant amount at the time of application and submit additional documentation to substantiate matching funds of at least 50% of the requested grant amount within six (6) months of grant contract. • Criteria for Evaluation: Applicants are evaluated on three (3) general criteria and assigned points on a scale as indicated on the application. The three criteria categories include: ^ Scope of work and project readiness ^ Organization and Programs ^ Project Impact on Tourism Recommendation Board approval of the Tourist Development Council Capital Grants Program implementation and application. ~ _ • • - -- AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-H2 DATE: 10/20/09 REGULAR (X ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) PRESENTED BY: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Administration SUBJECT: Contractors Certification Board BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board reappointment of Doug Davis to the Contractors Certification Board for the term of July 2009 through July 2013. COMMISSION ACTION: ~) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X) Originating Dept. (X) CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director Budget Analyst (X) Daniel McIntyre Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Purchasing (X) Marie Gouin Robert O'Sullivan Melissa Simberlund Administration MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA, County Administ ~ DATE: October 27, 2009 SUBJECT: Contractors Certification Board ITEM NO. VI-H2 Background: Doug Davis is the General Contractor Representative on the Contractors Certification Board. His second term expired July 26, 2009 and he would like to be reappointed. There are no applications on file to fill this position; therefore, staff is asking that the Board reappoint Mr. Davis. Previous Action: Mr. Davis was reappointed to the Contractors Certification Board on July 26, 2005. Recommendation: Board reappointment of Doug Davis to the Contractors Certification Board for the term of July 2009 through July 2013. • ~ ~, C o u N~ 'y _ '~~~, , AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Administration SUBJECT: Contractors Certification Board BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. ITEM NO. VI-H3 DATE: 10/20/09 REGULAR (X) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) PRESENTED BY: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator RECOMMENDATION: Board reappointment of Fred Rohrbough to the Contractors Certification Board for the term of July 2009 through July 2013. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 County Attorney (X) Originating Dept. (X) Daniel McIntyre Faye W. Outlaw, MPA CONCURRENCE: DENIED Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director Budget Analyst Purchasing (X) (X) Marie Gouin Robert O'Sullivan Melissa Simberlund Administration ~ - ~~ • MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA, County Administr DATE: October 27, 2009 SUBJECT: Contractors Certification Board ITEM NO. VI-H3 Background: Mr. Fred Rohrbough is the Plumbing Contractor Representative on the Contractors Certification Board. His fourth term expired July 26, 2009 and he would like to be reappointed. There are no applications on file to fill this position; therefore, staff is asking that the Board reappoint Mr. Rohrbough. Previous Action: Mr. Rohrbough was reappointed to the Contractors Certification Board on July 26, 2005. Recommendation: Board reappointment of Fred Rohrbough to the Contractors Certification Board for the term of July 2009 through July 2013. AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Administration SUBJECT: Contractors Certification Board BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. ITEM NO DATE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING LEG. QUASI-JD CONSENT PRESENTED BY: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator VI-H4 10/20/09 (X) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) RECOMMENDATION: Board reappointment of John Langel to the Contractors Certification Board for the term of July 2009 through July 2013. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~~ Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator County Attorney (X) Originating Dept. (X) Coordination/Signatures OMB Director Budget Analyst (X) Daniel McIntyre Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Purchasing (X) Marie Gouin Robert O'Sullivan Melissa Simberlund Administration MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA, County Administr DATE: October 27, 2009 SUBJECT: Contractors Certification Board ITEM NO. VI-H4 Background: Mr. John Langel is the Air Conditioning/Mechanical Contractor Representative on the Contractors Certification Board. His fourth term expired July 26, 2009 and he would like to be reappointed. There are no applications on file to fill this position; therefore, staff is asking that the Board reappoint Mr. Langel. Previous Action: Mr. Langel was reappointed to the Contractors Certification Board on July 26, 2005. Recommendation: Board reappointment of John Langel to the Contractors Certification Board for the term of July 2009 through July 2013. i-1 . DATE: 10/20109 TO: PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) SUBMITTED BY: CONSENT (X) SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Bid No. 09-068, Golf Cart Lease See attached memorandum. REGULAR ( ) PRESENTED BY: , Marie M. Gouin ~I~I '~~ Director ' ~-~~ 418-7260-544300-700 Vehicle Rental/Lease N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 09-068, Golf Cart Lease, to Club Car, Inc. of Orlando, Florida, in the amount of $71.04 per cart, per month and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures -, ~_ OMB County Attorney (X) ~ ~ Budget Analyst (X) ~ f~ / Dan McIntyre Purchasing (X) ~~~ C, Desiree Cimino TaWonna Johnson n~ ~~ Parks & Recreation (X) i, ebra Brisson ,. TO: Board of County Commissione s FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ' ' ~ DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Bid No. 09-068, Golf Cart Lease ITEM NO. VI-11 Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing MEMORANDUM Background: On September 16, 2009, submittals to Bid No. 09-068 for golf cart lease for Fairwinds Golf Course were opened. Two submittals were received; 49 companies were notified and five documents were distributed. The second submittal was deemed non-responsive due to submitting a proposal that contained end of lease balloon payment of $1,450.00 per cart. The lease specifications in the bid package specified that the term of lease shall be for three years and no purchase option is required. Bid No. 09-068 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance 09-005. The purpose of this bid is for the lease of 80 electric golf carts for the Fairwinds Golf Course and the buyout of the current golf cart lease. The awarded bidder will make the final payment of $100,000.00 to Citicapital satisfying the current lease payment and take possession of the current fleet of 80 golf carts. The contract term for this bid will be from November 1, 2009 through November 1, 2012. Recommendation: Board approval to award Bid No. 09-068, Golf Cart Lease, to Club Car, Inc. of Orlando, Florida, in the amount of $71.04 per cart, per month and authorization for the Chair to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-J DATE: 10/20/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI~ID ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene ~~ SUBMITTED BY: Grants/Disaster Recovery Department Grants/Resource Developer SUBJECT: Severe Repetitive Loss Pilot Program -Revised Grant Applications BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: May 13, 2008 - BOCC approval to submit the original applications. RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to first withdraw and then resubmit three grant applications to the Florida Department of Emergency Management/Federal Emergency Management Agency. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: - ~~ == Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures i ~'~s. County Attorney (X) °~`' OMB Director Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. (X) illi m Hoeffner Budget Analyst (X) arie Goui (X) T onnaJohnson O GrantslDisaster Recovery MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: William Hoeffner ~~~ Grants/Disaster R covery Director FROM: Roberta Breene /~ Grants/Resource Developer DATE: October 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Severe Repetitive Loss Pilot Program -Revised Grant Applications VI-J ITEM NO. Background: The Severe- Repetitive Loss (SRL) Pilot Program provides funding to reduce or eliminate the long- term risk of flood damage to severe repetitive loss structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Under various conditions and qualifications, the program will elevate the structure; acquire and relocate or demolish; or reconstruct on-site. If the property is acquired, it must remain as open space in perpetuity. FEMA would provide 90% of the cost. The homeowner would be responsible for 10%. The State is the Applicant, and County is the Sub-applicant. As a result of damage caused by Tropical Storm Fay, three of the seven applications the County submitted needed to be changed from elevation to acquisition. Due to the additional cost involved in acquisition and FEMA's having rolled excess 2008 funds into 2009 funds, FEMA has requested that we withdraw these three 2008 applications and immediately resubmit them as 2009. Funds Available: No County cash funds would be required. However the County would provide project management and fiscal oversight, and would manage the open space in perpetuity. FEMA will provide 5% management and oversight reimbursement to the County. Recommendation: Board authorization to first withdraw and then resubmit three grant applications to the Florida Department of Emergency Management/Federal Emergency Management Agency. +~ AGENDA REQUEST • a r TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: County Attorney ITEM NO. V A DATE: October 20, 2009 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre Ordinance No. 09-022 -Roads, Parks and Public Buildings Impact Fees See attached memorandum RECOMMENDATION: This is the first of two public hearings. The second public hearing is scheduled on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. in the County Commission Chambers COMMISSION ACTION: [ ]APPROVED [ ]DENIED [k] OTHER: Approved 5.0 ~. ~~ County Attorney: Daniel 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Growth Mgmt. Dir: Capital Projs: ~~ Mark Satterlee Michael Brillhart Eff. 5/96 C O t1 NT Y F L O R I D A' INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO.: 09-1237 DATE: September 24, 2009 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 09-022 -Roads, Parks and Public Buildings Impact Fees BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is n copy of a "Technical Memorandum on the Methods Used to Calculate Consumption Based Road, Parks and Public Buildings Impact Fees" prepared by James C. Nicholas, Ph.D. dated September 17, 2009. Also attached is a copy of draft Ordinance No. 09-022 which reflects proposed changes to the code sections pertaining to roads, parks and public buildings impact fees. The proposed changes are based on the information contained in Dr. Nicholas' technical memorandum. The County's current consumption based fees for roads, parks and public buildings have not been revised for several years. State law requires that the calculation of impact fees be based on the most recent and localized data. In addition, the Inw requires that notice be provided no less than 90 days before the effective date of the ordinance. This is the first of two public hearings. The next public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. The proposed effective date is April 1, 2010. The St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency considered the proposed study and ordinance over several months. On August 20, 2009, the Commission/Agency voted 4-2 to recommend that the Board approve the Updated Impact Fee Methodology for Roads, Parks & Recreation, and Public Buildings and the accompanying rate schedule as reflected in Ordinance No. 09-022, based upon aggregated capital pro ject lists for roads, parks & recreation, and public buildings. Notice of the public hearing was published in the Tribune on October 1, 2009 Dr. Nicholas will be present at the public hearing. ITEM NO. TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR VIII 10/20/09 (X) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) PRESENTED BY: Charlotte Lombard Tourism Development Manager BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Administration/Tourism Tourist Development Council Capital Funding for Airport Terminal Renovation See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 362-5210-581000-500 PREVIOUS ACTION: April 14, 2009 - BOCC approval of $50,000 of TDC capital funds as the local match for the design cost of the Airport Terminal Renovation. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Tourist Development Council's determination and recommendation that the Board use $100,000 of the Tourist Development Council Capital Funds towards the local match for the Airport Terminal Renovation, as outlined in the attached memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: (~() APPROVED ( ) OTHER ( ) DENIED Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ~___~ - Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst . Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) (Name) ERD ( ) ~~~ Marie Gouin Patty Marston (Name) T AGENDA REQUEST -_ ~_ • PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: County Attorney Resolution No. 09-292 See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: ITEM NO. DATE: October Z0, 2009 REGULAR [XX] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre Staff recommends thnt the Board approve the revised Resolution and authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution. [~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED (]OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: _-----~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ~~,, Review and Approvals County Attorney: ~''~~ Env. Resources Dir.: Purchasing: Daniel 5. McIntyre Karen Smith Originating Dept. Stormwater Program Coord. County Eng.: Jason Bessey Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96