HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-15-2009 Signed Agendas s ~ iiiti-iiiNiiiiiiitttiitiiiiiiiiliiiii{-tiiiiitiiiiliiilliititiiliiiiiililiiifiiliiifiiltilliiliiiiitliii ~~~ ((((LL~~~~~~... ""-~~ ~~ r~ iitiitiittiitiiii{~iiiiitiil ijilll~ilillfll,y,uulauti,ii ~ iiu ~~i~~ijii~iiiii~iii~6i December 15, 2009 6:00 P.M. I ~ C~ ~ /~ ~ ~,~ + BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1 I~ AGENDA WELCOME ALL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED. ALL MEETINGS PROVIDED WITH WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS FOR PUBLIC CONVENIENCE. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS PRIOR TO ENTERING THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS. PLEASE MUTE THE VOLUME ON ALL LAPTOPS AND PDAS WHILE IN USE IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS. GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES -Attached is the agenda, which will determine the order of business conducted at today's Board meeting. CONSENT AGENDA -These items are considered routine and are enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests. REGULAR AGENDA -Proclamations, Presentations, Public Hearings, and Department requests are items, which the Commission will discuss individually, usually in the order listed on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS -These items may be heard on the first and third Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible, or on a second or fourth Tuesday, which begins at 9:00 A.M., then public hearings will be heard at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. These time designations are intended to indicate that an item will not be addressed rior to the listed time. The Chairman will open each public hearing and asks anyone wishing to speak to come forward, one at a time. Comments will be limited to five minutes. As a general rule, when issues are scheduled before the Commission under department request or public hearing, the order of presentation is: (1) County staff presents the details of the Board item (2) Commissioners comment (3) if a public hearing, the Chairman will ask for public comment, (4) further discussion and action by the board. ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION -Please state your name and address, speaking clearly into the microphone. If you have backup material, please have eight copies for distribution. NON-AGENDA ITEMS -These items are presented by an individual Commissioner or staff as necessary at the conclusion of the printed agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT -Time is allotted at the beginning of each meeting for general public comment. Please limit comments to five minutes. DECORUM -Please be respectful of others' opinions MEETINGS -All Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 P.M. and on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M., unless otherwise advertised. Meetings are held in the County Commission Chambers in the Roger Poitras Administration Annex at 2300 Virginia Ave., Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. The Board schedules additional workshops throughout the year as necessary to accomplish their goals and commitments. Notice is provided of these workshops. Assistive Listening Device is available to anyone with a hearing disability. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at (772) 462-1777 or TDD (772) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. December 15, 2009 6:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS www.co.st-lucie.fl.us www.stlucieco.org Heal+~i~ I i f I ti I ~~l d f [~~~iilill~i~~~~i11Et f l i t IiH i ktlllLl[llilitli ~{ iii{f14 C I il1j111i1i i i l li[1-lf i l l-iiiiii~3lS i I f I I I ll Itltil lllh W iL~i11 i t lil f i l l i l lLli itllii iilil-iliYlilii~tlEiYitiLlili1ai111fi1lii~Y~~ it 4 District No Charles Grande, Chairman . Doug Coward, Vice Chairman District No. 2 Chris Dzadovsky District No.1 Paula A. Lewis District No. 3 Chris Craft District No. 5 ~~ ll f 1ll~illl[li[~i~~3i't(~~ i 11I Ill {i f i it i i l iiLi{Bill 4{ t i{ I ~ i I ~ ~ i i 1 Y 11111 i Illllil I1l~ { 11{{iiii(1iJ i i~ i i f ~ 1 ~ I{ (~~lllilillll~~~l~{{ f i ii t i i I i I! { I l1lllil i^ it I f l i ili f liiUijit~l~il~lii~I~Ei~~.L~~lliiiii~6i~i~ liil[ I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. MINUTES ~ ~ Approve the minutes from the December 8, 2009 meeting. ~~-!` ~. IV. PROCLAMATIONSIPRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Representative Kevin J.G. Rader B. Annual Christmas Remembrance -Sue Munyan and the 4-H Clubs will make their annual Christmas Remembrance Presentation to the Board. V. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT VI. CONSENT AGENDA A. WARRANTS ~ ~ C C y;~t,r•{ ~~c~i~t~_c:. sJ..4 ~ !~S ~~~r c~~ c~~~ r, ~, Approve warrant list No. 11 J B. COUNTY ATTORNEY 1. Donation of Right-of-Way -Grace Emmanuel Church - 5 feet on Kitterman Road - Resolution No. 09-253 Consider staff recommendation to accept the Special Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 09-253 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 2. Donation of Right-of-Way -ECM Group, Inc. -Virginia Avenue Medical Office -10 feet on South 38th Street -Resolution No. 09-360 Consider staff recommendation to accept the Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 09-360 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. C. AGRICULTURE Grant Application -Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Field Guide For The Melaleuca Gall Midge Consider staff recommendation to approve to submit an application for the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Grant Program, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. No County match. D. MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal Consider staff recommendation to approve authorization to remove fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Forms, from the capital asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. E. GROWTH MANAGEMENT North County Regional Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Rezoning Consider staff recommendation to approve authorization to advertise for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission for January 21, 2010; and two public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners on February 16, 2010 and March 2, 2010 as outlined in the agenda memorandum. F. PUBLIC WORKS Weatherbee Road Sidewalk Design Consider staff recommendation to approve to advertise for Request for Qualifications (RFQs) for Weatherbee Road sidewalk design. 2. Walton Road Widening -Village Green Drive to Lennard Road Consider staff recommendation to approve of Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement (410256-1-58-01&410256-1-58-02) Supplemental 1 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to increase the original agreement with additional funding in the amount of $153,640 for widening and landscape enhancement to Walton Road, Village Green Drive to Lennard Road, approval of Resolution No. 09-354, acceptance of Budget Resolution No. 09-359, and authorization for the Chairman to sign. 3. Taylor Creek Improvements, Permanent Spoil Site Construction Consider staff recommendation to approve of Joint Participation Agreement No. 425900- 1-94-01 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development (FSTED) in the amount of $760,000 for construction of a permanent spoil site at Ridgehaven site, approval of Resolution No. 09- 353 and authorization for the Chairman to sign. G. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Permission to accept the FDLE 2010 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program -JAG Countywide. Consider staff recommendation to approve Budget Resolution No. 09-362 and authorize the acceptance of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) 2010 Edward Byme Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant (2010-JAGC-STLU-3-4X-145). H. AIRPORT Resolution No. 09-361, Taxiway Shoulders, Drainage and Security Improvements Consider staff recommendation to approve of Resolution No. 09-361 accepting the FDOT Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement in the amount of $34,634.81 with no local match required for the Taxiway Shoulders, Drainage and Security Improvements project and authorization for the Chairman to sign the document as approved by the County Attomey. 2. Amendment to Work Authorization 14, Airport West Commerce Park Sanitary Sewer Consider staff recommendation to approve of the Third Amendment to Masteller & Moler, Inc. Work Authorization 14 for engineering services on the Airport West Commerce Park Sanitary Sewer for a lump sum of $9,455 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the document as approved by the County Attorney. END OF CONSENT AGENDA VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PUBLIC WORKS c Rosarita Avenue in Paradise Park I ~(~ r ~'~ ~:L^ -- (;) Consider staff recommendation to approve Ordinance No. 09-030 designating Rosarita Avenue between 25th Street and N. 17~' Street (eastbound only) as a one-way roadway. B. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ e OfFc ~I Zon~n ~~~Atlas~ ~~~ Petition for Thomas Morse for an amendment to t~ 9 r w°~~; ~~~ Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 09-211 granting approval for an -~ amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas. C. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ~ ~ ' ~ « ~ ~ ~ 0 ~~~i~ ~~ ~i~r~'nu~:- Resolution No. 09-066, Preliminary Planned Unit Development for the Shinn ~~ad Equestrian ~~~~~ ~ti t' c~ Estates project. (File No. PUD 06-002). ~~~~' -`des ~~~~~ eu= ; S - 'Y ~ S ~r ur~l ~ s-f -e_ S 'c~ uX~ ~ - yy~ S J - ~~ Consider staff recommendation to adop Resolution No. 09-066 denying the Preliminary Planned j' Unit Development for Shinn Road Equestrian Estates, as outlined in the agenda memorandum and attachments. D. COUNTY ATTORNEY ~~ ~~~~., 1~ Ordinance No. 09-022 -Roads, Parks and Public Buildings Impact Fees ' ~' Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 09-022 and authorize the Chairman to sign ~~~ the Ordinance. ~ C~~~~ ~~~-,w~X~~c~ END (~ PUBLIC HEARINGS C~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~- ~~ ~~l-ctrr~ei y~ S REGULAR AGENDA VIII. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ~(~~" Savanna Club and Lennard Road Consider staff recommendation to approve authorization to initiate the eighth amendment to the Savanna -~(~ Club DRI development order for the realignment of Lennard Road, as outlined in the attached memorandum. IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Board of County Commissioners will hold an Informal Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. in Conference Room #3. 2. County offices will be closed on Thursday, December 24, 2009 and Friday, December 25, 2009 to observe Christmas. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at (772) 462-1777 or TDD (772) 462- 1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney PRESENTED BY: JoAnn Riley SUBJECT: Property Acquisition Manager Donation ofRight-of--Way Grace Emmanuel Church 5 feet on Kitterman Road Resolution No. 09-253 BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: March 25, 2004 -Grace Emmanuel Church received site plan approval for two phases of construction. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Special Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 09-253 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: AGENDA RE UEST 1TEM NO. Vl-B-1 DATE: December l5, 2009 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ]Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [x] CONCURRENCE: ~] APPROVED [ ]OTHER Approved 5-0 [ ]DENIED Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator [x] County Attorney: ;~/`~ Daniel McIntyre [x] Originating Dept: Ti~~'C. JoAnn Riley Review and Approvals [x] Road and Brid Don Pauley [x] Engineering: M`/p Michael Powley [x] Public Works: Don W t AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney SUBJECT: Donation ofRight-of--Way ECM Group, Inc. Virginia Avenue Medical Office 10 feet on South 38th Street Resolution No. 09-360 BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum ITEM NO. VI-B-2 DATE: December 15, 2009 REGULAR[] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ]Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: August 12, 2009 -Virginia Avenue Medical Office received minor site plan approval with a condition of donation of 10 feet of right-of--way on South 38th Street RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 09-360 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [ ]OTHER Approved 5.0 [ ]DENIED [x] County Attorney: Daniel McIntyre Review and Approvals [x] Road and Bridg Don Pauley [x] Originating Dept: ~~~- [x] Engineering: M ~~ JoAnn Riley Michael Powley CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator [x] Public Works: Don We t ~~ ~ a u ~T y F. L Q R t D A AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-C DATE: 12/151Q9 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: - Ken Gioeli SUBMITTED BY: Agriculture Natural Resources Agent SUB_ Grant Application -Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Field Guide For The Melaleuca Gall Midge BACKGROUND: Please see attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to submit application for Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Grant Program, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. No County match. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ~~ . Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director Budget Analyst Dan Mcl ntyre Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ` Ani Neal, ir. ( ) ~ ~~' Marie G uin TaWonna Johnson ~ ) a Smith, Dir. PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( X ITEM NO DATE: VI-D 12/15/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing SUBJECT: Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin Director BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to remove fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Forms, from the capital asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. COMMISSION ACTION: .~ APPROVED () DENIED () OTHER Approved 5-0 CoordinationlSignatures County Attorney (X) Dan McIntyre rj _,~,~ Purchasing (X ) Sandra Morando CONCURRENCE: ~--y Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Budget Analyst ( ) (Name) Denr~s`~'W etzeletzel _- ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ { ~.._; r ~ ~ ~s .. TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ~~ DATE: December 15, 2009 Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Fixed asset inventory-property record removal ITEM NO. VI-D Background: Per Section 18.4 of the Purchasing Manual, staff is requesting authorization to remove the fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Forms (pages 1-34), from the inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. The computer equipment being designated as surplus will be used to meet various needs. Some of the computers are being used as spare parts, replacements for remaining Howards and for the nonprofit agency donation program. Recommendation: Board authorization to remove fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Forms, from the capital asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. ITEM NO. VI-E C a ti NT Y , F L Q R I D A- AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 12/15/09 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (x ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Kristin Tetsworth~ SUBMITTED BY: Growth Management Department Planning Manager SUBJECT: North County Regional Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Rezoning BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to advertise for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission for January 21, 2010; and two public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners on February 16, 2010 and March 2, 2010, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: (yc~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ~_--~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ~/" Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) U County Surveyor Daniel S. McIntyre County Engineer ( ) ~~~ ERD Michael Powley Originating Dept. ( ) Ma ~ Satterlee () ~~~~ Ron Harris ( ) en Smith Growth Management Department J i MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Growth Management Direct FROM: Kristin Tetsworth, Planning Manage Larry Szynkowski, AICP, Senior Pla ner ` DATE: December 15, 2009 SUBJECT: North County Regional Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants Rezoning ITEM NO. VI-E Background: The Growth Management Department has received an application for an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas from the Utilities Department for property owned by the County near the St. Lucie County Airport. On December 3, 2009, the Development Review Committee certified the application to move forward to the next step in the development review process. The Planning and Zoning Commission will hear the item on January 21, 2010. In addition, Land Development Code Section 11.00.03 (B) (2) requires any County-initiated amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas affecting ten continuous acres or more have two advertised public hearings by the Board of County Commissioners. The proposed rezoning from the AR - 1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the U (Utilities) Zoning District for 38 acres of land on the east side of Taylor Dairy Road is necessary to accommodate the proposed North County Regional Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants. Recommendation Board authorization to advertise for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission for January 21, 2010; and two public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners on February 16, 2010 and March 2, 2010, as outlined in this agenda memorandum. * a ~ ~ ~ l . 1 ~ L t3 R ! d A ITEM NO. VI-F I DATE: 12/15/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: SUBMITTED_BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Public Works/Engineering Division Weatherbee Road Sidewalk Design See attached memorandum. PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E. County Engineer ~~~ 1 01 1 1 3-41 1 5-563000-41 65 Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Funding PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. REOMMENDATION: Board approval to advertise for Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for Weatherbee Road sidewalk design. COMMISSION ACTION: (~, APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ~-/~ ~- Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Sianatures County Attorney (x) OMB Director (x ) Budget Analyst ~ ~ / p ~ Daniel McIntyre Marie ouin Originating Dept. (x) W County Engineer (x) M~~ r3 ~4M D ~nald West Michael Powley Weatherbee Road Sidewalk rfq.ag `~ ~ Engineering Division MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Director FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer , M DATE: December 15, 2009 SUBJECT: Weatherbee Road Sidewalk Design ITEM NO. VI-F Background: In April 2007, the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners approved submission of its first grant application to the Florida Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to School Program. Weatherbee Elementary, located on Weatherbee Road between U.S. Highway 1 and Midway Road, has been determined by the St. Lucie County School District to be its highest priority for a sidewalk (Attachment A). The school is in close proximity to a number of residential areas, including the 1,800-home Indian River Estates Subdivision. The grant was awarded in August 2007, allocating $153,000 in design funding for 2009/2010 and $1.1 million towards construction funding in 2010/2011. Total project cost is estimated at $2,100,000. The Local Agency Program (LAP) involves federal funds and requires selection of the design consultant by an advertised RFQ process. Our continuing services contracts for engineering design cannot be used for this project. Previous Action: April 3, 2007 -Grant application to FDOT -Safe Routes to School Program. May 13, 2008 -Change of the funding schedule from FY 09/10 to FY 10/11 for optimal use of grant funding. March 3, 2009 -Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement #423197-1-38-01 in the amount of $153,000 for the design and Commission Resolution #09-055. Recommendation: Board approval to advertise for Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for Weatherbee Road sidewalk design. ~. ~~~~~~ ~` F L O R i D ~# ITEM NO. VI - F2 DATE: 12/15/2009 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West ~• SUBMITTED BY: Public Works -Administration Public Works Dir ctor SUBJECT: Walton Road Widening -Village Green Drive to Lennard Road BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 101112-4115-563000-41011 -Infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement (410256-1-58-01& 410256-1-58-02) Supplemental 1 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to increase the original agreement with additional funding in the amount of $153,640 for widening and landscape enhancement to Walton Road, Village Green Drive to Lennard Road, approval of Resolution No. 09-354, acceptance of Budget Resolution No. 09-359, and authorization for the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: (yv APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ~-~-~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) . Dan McIntyre Marie Gouin Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ( ) Do ald B. West Page 1 of 2 `~ Public Works Department ~, i F is O R [ D A MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald B. West, Public Works Director W' DATE: December 15, 2009 SUBJECT: Walton Road Widening -Village Green Drive to Lennard Road ITEM NO. VI - F2 Background: The Walton Road widening project is being constructed in cooperation with the City of Port St. Lucie and consists of the widening of Walton Road from two lanes to four from Village Green Drive to Lennard Road. The project includes signalization, pedestrian and bike features, landscaping and lighting. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is requesting this Supplemental Agreement to move enhancement funding in the amount of $40,000 from the Okeechobee Road Pedestrian Bridge Landscape Project (FM#410256-1-58-02) to the Walton Road Widening Project. The move of these funds was presented by staff to the Transportation Planning Organization (TPO). The TPO approved the move of these funds and requested FDOT to proceed. In. addition, this Supplemental Agreement will add $113,640 of enhancement funds that were inadvertently omitted from the original agreement. In total, the County will have $153,640 in additional funding to expend on landscape enhancement for the Walton Road widening project. Previous Action: February 17, 2009 -Board approval of Interlocal Agreement with City of Port St. Lucie related to Walton Road Improvements. April 21, 2009 -Board approval of Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement with FDOT in the amount of $3,574,360 for widening and enhancement of Walton Road -Village Green Drive to Lennard Road. Recommendation: Board approval of Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement (410256-1-58-01 & 410256-1-58-02) Supplemental 1 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to increase the original agreement with additional funding in the amount of $153,640 for widening and landscape enhancement to Walton Road, Village Green Drive to Lennard Road, approval of Resolution No. 09-354, acceptance of Budget Resolution No. 09-359, and authorization for the Chairman to sign. Page 2 of 2 ITEM NO. VI - F3 ~=~ ~ ~ ~ DATE: 12115/2009 ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ~ ) • ~ ` PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ~ ) QUASI-JD ~ ) CONSENT (X) TO• BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West ~' • Public Works Dir for SUBMITTED BY: Public Works -Administration SUBJECT: Taylor Creek Improvements, Permanent Spoil Site Construction _BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140369-4315-334411-094650 -Spoil Site Construction PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Joint Participation Agreement No. 425900-1-94-01 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development (FSTED) in the amount of $760,000 for construction of a permanent spoil site at the Ridgehaven site, approval of Resolution No. 09-353 and authorization for the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) Dan McIntyre CONCURRENCE: .~-~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Si~tnatures OMB Director ( ) Marie Gouin ~I'~ - Don Id B. West ERD ( ) Page 1 of 2 { Public Works Department MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald B. West, Public Works Director ~- DATE: December 15, 2009 SUBJECT: Taylor Creek Improvements, Permanent Spoil Site Construction ITEM NO. VI - F3 Background: In March of 2009, the Board approved the purchase of the Ridgehaven Property from the St. Lucie County Airport by the Port of Fort Pierce for the purpose of constructing a permanent spoil site for future Taylor Creek Dredging. The Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will provide funding for the construction of a permanent spoil site on the Ridgehaven property. FDOT's contribution in the amount of $760,000 is 50% of an estimated project cost of $1,520,000. County match of 50% is required. Previous Action: March 10, 2009 -Board acceptance of Budget Resolution No. 09-076 in the amount of $1,050,000 from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Florida Seaport and Transportation Economics Development (FSTED) for Taylor Creek Restoration -Phase 2 Dredging. Recommendation: Board approval of Joint Participation Agreement 425900-1-94-01 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the Florida Ports Council (FSTED) in the amount of $760,000 for construction of a permanent spoil site at Ridgehaven site, approval of Resolution No. 09-353 and authorization for the Chairman to sign. Page 2 of 2 ITEM NO. V1- G DATE: 12/15/2009 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING LEG. QUASI-JD CONSENT (x) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Ken J. Mascara, Sheriff ~" ti i ' SUBMITTED BY: ; ~ ,~ on stra s Office, Admin St. Lucie County Sheriff "~ SUBJECT: / ,- Permission to accept the FDLE 2010 Edward Byrne Memori/aL~,bfSstice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program -JAG Countywide. BACKGROUND: The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)/Office of Criminal Justice Grants has awarded St. Lucie County the 2010 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Program-Countywide Grant. Upon acceptance, this $214,095 grant has been equally divided between the St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office ($71,365), the Port St. Lucie Police Department ($71,365), and the Fort Pierce Police Department ($71,365). The St. Lucie County Sheriffs Office is requesting permission to accept this award of 365 (2010-JAGC-STLU-3-4X-145) to enhance its Law Enforcement Surveillance $71 , Technology and Improve Coastal Waterway Security projects. JAG funds can be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, and information systems for criminal justice programs. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 107164-2110-331210-200 U. S. Department of Justice PREVIOUS ACTION: August 18, 2009 - BOCC approved permission to apply. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Budget Resolution No. 09-362 and 2010 FDLE t ) ( tance of the Florida Department of Law Enforcemen the acce i th p or ze au Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant (2010-JAGC-STLU-3-4X- 145). COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: OC) APPROVED ~ ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5.0 County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) . ~~" "~ OMB Director ( ) ~ ~ ~' ~- Budget Analyst ~ - Dan McIntyrer'~r Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Originating Dept. ( ) (Name) ERD ( ) (Name) ITEM NO. VI-H1 _ _ ~ - DATE: 12/15/09 ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) ___ _ _ ___ PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ;' Diana D. Lewis ~--, SUBMITTED BY: Airport Airport Director SUBJECT: Resolution No. 09-361, Taxiway Shoulders, Drainage and Security Improvements BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140348-4220-563000-4805, Infrastructure. No local match required. PREVIOUS ACTION: October 24, 2006 -Board approved Resolution No. 06-327 accepting the Florida Department Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement. December 5, 2006 -Board approved Budget Resolution No. 06-331 establishing the fund. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Resolution No. 09-361 accepting the FDOT Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement in the amount of $34,634.81 with no local match required for the Taxiway Shoulders, Drainage and Security Improvements project and authorization for the Chairman to sign the document as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED ( ) OTHER County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) CONCURRENCE: ( ) DENIED Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director ( ) ~~~,~t~ f :~ ~ Budget Analyst ~""~ Dani I McIntyre Marie Gouin Heather Young Patty Marston (Name) ERD ( ) (Name) ITEM NO. VI-H2 rn __! -J- _ - DATE: 12/15/2009 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) i - - PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI~JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Diana D. Lewis SUBMITTED BY: Airport Airport Director SUBJECT: Amendment to Work Authorization 14, Airport West Commerce Park Sanitary Sewer BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140-4220-563005-48004 (Infrastructure/Consulting Engineer) PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Third Amendment to Masteller & Moler, Inc. Work Authorization 14 for engineering services on the Airport West Commerce Park Sanitary Sewer for a lump sum of $9,455 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the document as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ - -. Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Sistnatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) 5-~-., Budget Analyst Dan I McIntyre Marie Gouin Heather Young Patty Marston Purchasing ( ) ERD ( ) Melis a mberlund (Name) ~' - ' J , = = s _~ w~~ . ITEM NO. VII-A DATE: 12/15/09 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING (X ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ~h Michael Powley, P.E, ~ 1" SUBMITTED BY: Public Works/Engineering Division County Engineer SUBJECT: Rosarita Avenue in Paradise Park BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Ordinance No. 09-030 designating Rosarita Avenue between 25th Street and N. 17th Street (eastbound only) as a one-way roadway. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~, APPROVED ( ) DENIED ~__~~ ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator Coordination/Sianatures County Attorney (x) Road/Bridge (x) ~ Y Daniel McIntyre Doi ald Pauley Originating Dept. (x) W D Wald West County Engineer (x) M L~ hC G Michael Powley Rosarita Avenue PH.ag i Engineering Division ~ J' ' MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Director FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer ~ ~.7 DATE: December 15, 2009 SUBJECT: Rosarita Avenue in Paradise Park ITEM NO. VII-A Background: Currently, Rosarita Avenue is an unimproved roadway extending east from 25th Street to the Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District (FPFWCD) Canal No. 1. The right-of-way for this corridor is 25 feet wide and is aligned parallel to the north side of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) C-25 Canal in the Paradise Park subdivision. Physical constraints, including the limited width of the right-of-way, transmission poles for Florida Power and Light, their distribution poles on the opposite side of the road, and the C-25 canal bank prohibit the construction of a two-lane road. In addition, limited sight distance at the intersection of Rosarita Avenue and 25th Street, just north of the C-25 Canal bridge crossing, greatly restricts safe turning movements for westbound traffic entering onto 25th Street. These two portions of Rosarita Avenue are depicted on Graphic Nos. 1 and 2 in Attachment A. One-way and two-way traffic are superimposed to depict the limited space available. Construction is presently underway to improve the stormwater drainage system in Paradise Park. This includes roadside swales along the north side of Rosarita Avenue that will result in additional constraints on the right-of-way, precluding two-way traffic. It is our intention that Rosarita Avenue between 25th Street and N. 17th Street be denoted as a one-way (eastbound only) roadway and be signed and enforced as such. From N. 17th Street to its eastern terminus at FPFWCD Canal No. 1, Rosarita Avenue will remain atwo-way roadway. Please refer to Attachment B for a depiction of the proposed signage and limits of the restriction. Ordinance 09-030 is presented as Attachment C. The stormwater ponds located along the north side of the right-of-way east of N. 17th Street provide sufficient distance to maintain the existing two-way travel configuration. A meeting was held on November 5th in Conference Room 3 with the residents directly impacted by this modification. Sixteen people attended. No real objections were received although a few commented that a slightly longer drive for them would result. ITEM NO. VIII DATE: 12/15/09 AGENDA REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING (X ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD (X ) CONSENT ( ) TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) OTHER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Growth Management Department REGULAR ( ) PRESENTED BY~ ,.. Kristin Tetswort Planning Manager Petition of Thomas Morse for an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas. See attached memorandum. N/A See attached memorandum. Board adoption of Resolution No. 09-211 granting approval for an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas. CONCURRENCE: ( ) DENIED Approved 5-0 Motion to approve as amended. '~} ' Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) p~sw County Surveyor Dani I S. McIntyre Ht...~.,.r y o ...~ County Engineer ( ) l~nv"~ ERD Michael Powley Originating Dept. ( ) Mark Satterlee Ron Harris ( ) ren Smith COUNTY '`, F L O R I D A Growth Management Department MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Mark rl d;`A~C wth Management Director .r FROM: Kristin Tetsworth, Planning Manage~~~ DATE: December 15, 2009 SUBJECT: Petition of Thomas Morse for an amendment to the Official Zoning ITEM NO. VII-D Background On September 24, 2009, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the petition of Thomas Morse for an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas to change the zoning from the IX (Industrial, Extraction) Zoning District to the AG 2.5 (Agriculture - 1du/2.5 acres) Zoning District for the project to be known as "8.65 Acre Orange Avenue Rezone." The Planning and Zoning agenda packet, minutes, and staff's Power Point presentation are attached for your consideration. No one from the public spoke and the public hearing was closed. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.06.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and it is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Recommendation Board adoption of Resolution No. 09-211 granting approval for an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas. Attachment Planning and Zoning agenda packet, Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting dated September 24, 2009 Power Point Presentation ~ ' ~ ~ 1 i r .:.1 1- --~::.,. ~~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator DATE: 12/15/09 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ~/II_-~ REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING (X ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD (X ) CONSENT ( ) TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Growth Management Department BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board adoption of Resolution No. 09-066 denying the Preliminary Planned Unit Development for Shinn Road Equestrian Estates, as outlined in the agenda ~ memorandum and attachments. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED (') OTHER Approved 5.0 Motion to continue discussion to January 19, 2010. PRESENTED BY: Kara Wood Planning Manager Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) .~ ,~ ~ru., County Surveyor . Daniel S. McIntyre County Engineer ( ) M~~ ~ Michael Powley Originating Dept. ( ) Mark Satterlee CONCURRENCE: Resolution No. 09 - 066, Preliminary Planned Unit Development for the Shinn Road Equestrian Estates project. (File No.: PUD 06-002) ( ) on Harris ERD ( ) ~~ ~'V~~ Karen Smith ~~~r ~ BOARQ OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GM File Number PUD 06-002 Applicant Stiles Development 300 SE 2nd Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Agent Lucido & Associates 701 East Ocean Blvd. Stuart, FL 34994 Properly Location West side of Shinn Road, north of Okeechobee Road Future Land Use AG-5 (Agricultural 5 - 1 du/5 acres) Zonin AG-5 (Agricultural 5 - 1 du/5 acres) Proposed Zoning PUD (Planned Unit Devel- opment-1 du/5 acres) Proiect Staff Kara Wood Planning Manager 772.462.1589 woodk@stlucieco.org S41es Davebpment-_....N nn Poetl Egwetrien ENekc 1~ PUD90-003 /`~ ~.€ ~u Shinn Road Equestrian Estates 0 AGENDA ITEM No. VII-B Preliminary PUD Proiect Description Shinn Road Equestrian Estates Pre- liminary PUD proposes 106 single fam- ily lots on 532.2 acres. The property has an AG-5 Future Land Use desig- nation and zoning district, providing for a maximum of 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres. The site is south and east of the Save the Chimps sanctuary. Background This application was submitted in January 2006, was put on hold by the applicant in July 2007, then reactivated for review in August 2008. The pro- posed project is required to meet the specific standards for agricultural PUDs outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Recommended Board Action Staff recommends approval of Resolu- tion 09-066, denying the Preliminary Planned Unit Development Site Plan for Shinn Road Equestrian Estates, as outlined in the agenda memorandum and attachments. Previous Action • 02/15/07: Application scheduled for P&Z and pulled at applicant's re- quest prior to start of public hearing • 04/16/09: P&Z recommended ap- proval with conditions • 09/15/09: BOCC continued public hearing to 11/03/09 • 11/03/09: BOCC continued public hearing to 12/15/09 Notice Requirements • A notice of public hearing was sent to adjacent property owners within 500 feet for the P&Z hearing and the BOCC hearing. • A sign is posted on the property with dates and times of scheduled public hearings • An ad was published in the St. Lucie News Tribune for the P&Z hearing and the BOCC hearing. Further details are found in the attached staff report. AGENDA REQUEST • ITEM NO. VII- ~ DATE: December 15, 2009 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 09-022 -Roads, Parks and Public Buildings Impact Fees BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Stnff recommends that the Board adopt Ordinance No. 09- 022 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. COMMISSION ACTION ~ CONCURRENCE [~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Approved 4.1 Comm. Craft voting no. County Attorney: Daniel 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. ,---~} - ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvols Management & Budget_ Purchnsing: , / Growth Mgmt. Dir: _ Capital Pro js; ~K Ma k Satterlee Michael Brillhart Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 ~~~ ~~~ F L O R I Q A- INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel 5. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO.: 09-1379 DATE: October 27, 2009 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 09-022 -Roads, Parks and Public Buildings Impact Fees BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of a "Technical Memorandum on the Methods Used to Calculate Consumption Based Road, Parks and Public Buildings Impact Fees" prepared by James C. Nicholas, Ph.D. dated October 29, 2009. Also attached is a copy of draft Ordinance No. 09-022 which reflects proposed changes to the code sections pertaining to roads, parks and public buildings impact fees. The proposed changes are based on the information contained in Dr. Nicholas' technical memorandum. The County's current consumption based fees for roads, parks and public buildings have not been revised for several years. State law requires that the calculation of impact fees be based on the most recent and localized data. In addition, the law requires that notice be provided no less than 90 days before the effective date of the ordinance. The proposed effective date is April 1, 2010, for public building impact fees and a phased increase for roads and parks impact fees - 50% on April 1, 2010 and an additional 50% on December 1, 2010. The St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency considered the proposed study and ordinance over several months. On August 20, 2009, the Commission/Agency voted 4-2 to recommend that the Board approve the Updated Impact Fee Methodology for Roads, Parks & Recreation, and Public Buildings and the accompanying rate schedule ns reflected in Ordinance No. 09-022, based upon aggregated capital project lists for roads, parks & recreation, and public buildings, The first public hearing was held on October 20, 2009. Notice of the second public hearing was published in the Tribune on December 1, 2009. Dr. Nicholas will be present at the public hearing. ITEM NO. V-III C O C.[ NT Y If L O R I D A- AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 12/15/09 REGULAR (X) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Growth Management Department Savanna Club and Lennard Road See attached memorandum N/A N/A PRESENTED BY: Mark Satterlee, AIC' Director RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to initiate the eighth amendment to the Savanna Club DRI development order for the realignment of Lennard Road, as outlined in the attached memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 County Attorney ( ) CONCURRENCE: ~~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Surveyor Daniel S. McIntyre County Engineer ( ) ~~~ Michael Powley Originating Dept. ( ) Mark Satterlee ERD l ( ) ~~ Ron Harris '~'1 ( ) ~', en Smith Growth Management Department ~`' J _ • MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: N/A FROM: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Growth Management Director DATE: December 15, 2009 SUBJECT: Savanna Club and Lennard Road ITEM NO. VIII Background: This is a request from staff to initiate an eighth amendment to the Savanna Club Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Development Order (82-058) for the realignment of Lennard Road. On September 22, 2009, the Board had a discussion at the Informal Meeting regarding a possible alternative to the currently required second entrance via Savanna Club Boulevard and the present terminus at Port St. Lucie High School. The current alignment has been recognized for many years and is a part of the original development order for the Savanna Club DRI. As the Savanna Club has developed, the implementation of the overall Lennard Road plan has met with increasing resistance from the Savanna Club residents. Commissioner Coward has proposed a compromise to the original scope of the Lennard Road project adjacent to the Savanna Club. At the September Informal Meeting, the Board appeared to reach a consensus on the proposed compromise. Further, the compromise has been presented to the Savanna Club residents who have agreed that it is preferable to the existing requirement. To amend the development order, the Board should take formal action on agreeing to the proposed realignment and authorize staff to initiate the amendment process. As seen in the attached maps, the proposed change is to realign Lennard Road to construct a second entrance into the Savanna Club via Bromeliad Circle. The approved development order calls for Lennard Road to extend from Port St Lucie High School to Savanna Club Boulevard. As the Savanna Club is a DRI, changes to the development order must be initiated through consultation with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC). In preliminary conversations with the TCRPC, it appears that the change may be processed relatively swiftly as the proposed realignment does not impact any existing development or prevent the future extension of the road along the original alignment. Staff at the TCRPC indicates that this amendment may be accomplished via a letter request for concurrence of non substantive change.