HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11-19-2009 St. Lucie County 1 Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency 2 rd Commission Chambers, 3 Floor, Roger Poitras Annex 3 November 19, 2009 Regular Meeting 4 6:00 p.m. 5 6 7 In the event of a conflict between the written minutes and the compact disc, the compact disc shall 8 control. 9 10 I. Call to Order 11 12 Chairman Mundt called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 13 14 A. Pledge of Allegiance 15 16 B. Roll Call 17 Craig Mundt ................................. Chairman 18 Tod Mowery……….arrived 7:35....Commission Member 19 Pamela Hammer….left 9:50 ......... Commission Member 20 Susan Caron………left 8:45 ........ Commission Member 21 Brad Culverhouse ........................ Commission Member 22 Edward Lounds ............................ Commission Member 23 Stephanie Morgan ....................... Commission Member 24 Kathryn Hensley .......................... Ex-Officio Member 25 26 Members Absent 27 Barry Schrader ............................. Vice Chair (excused) 28 Britt Reynolds .............................. Commission Member (excused) 29 30 Staff Present 31 Mark Satterlee ............................. Director, Growth Management 32 Robin Meyer……………………….Assistant Director, Growth Management 33 Heather Young ............................. Assistant County Attorney 34 Kara Wood ................................... Planning Manager, Growth 35 Management 36 Heather Lueke ............................. Assistant County Attorney 37 Linda Pendarvis ........................... Planner, Growth Management 38 Britton Wilson ............................... Sr. Planner, Growth Management 39 Dawn Milone ................................ Recording Secretary 40 41 C. Announcements 42 43 None. 44 45 D. Disclosures 46 47 1 Mr. Culverhouse stated he had a discussion with Commissioner Grande, this afternoon 1 regarding the agenda. 2 3 II. Minutes 4 Review the minutes from the October 15, 2009 regular meeting, for 5 approval. 6 7 Mrs. Hammer had one correction. 8 9 This correction was made. 10 11 Mrs. Hammer motioned to approve the minutes. 12 13 Ms. Caron seconded. 14 15 The motion carried unanimously. 16 17 III. Public Hearings 18 19 A. Ordinance No. 09-019 Establishing Zoning/Planning in Progress 20 Procedures 21 An ordinance establishing regulations setting forth the procedure for Zoning in 22 Progress and Planning in Progress and application of same; providing for 23 application of exemption for same; providing for a procedure to assert property 24 owner rights; providing for durations; and providing for an effective date. 25 26 Ms. Young, Assistant County Attorney stated that this item was heard on July 16, 2009, 27 the Commission and staff decided to take it back for review and attempt to clarify the 28 procedures in the ordinance. The purpose for this ordinance is to provide for a 29 temporary suspension of various development permit applications when the county is 30 considering proposed changes to the Land Development Code, Comprehensive Plan, 31 Zoning Atlas and Planning Analyses to establish a procedure so the county can have a 32 “status quo” in place while the above items are being reviewed if it appears that what is 33 being proposed would change the conditions of the development applications. 34 35 Ms. Young stated the revised ordinance was reformatted, mainly containing the same 36 text. 37 38 Ms. Young gave details of the timetable of this process to the Commission. 39 40 Mrs. Hammer asked Ms. Young to state which “Board” or “County” she is referring to in 41 the ordinance, doing this would alleviate confusion. 42 43 The Commission had concerns with some of the words in the ordinance. Ms. Young will 44 make this correction. 45 46 2 Mr. Culverhouse stated, why not just declare a moratorium. 1 2 Mr. Satterlee, Growth Management Director stated a moratorium is mainly used in 3 unusual circumstances and can last up to eighteen (18) months. The difference 4 between this ordinance and a moratorium is the ordinance would provide clarity, 5 process, timeline, requires the county to take certain action, and a report. 6 7 Mr. Satterlee feels this ordinance is a superior process as opposed to a moratorium. 8 9 Mr. Culverhouse disagreed. 10 11 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 12 13 Mr. Johnathan Ferguson, Land Use Attorney in St. Lucie County issued an apology to 14 staff, stating in July he stated that this was a lousy ordinance. He did not mean to imply 15 that. He feels the ordinance was poorly drafted. 16 17 Mr. Ferguson feels that this is a lousy policy. The language in the ordinance will shut 18 down most projects and the time limits are giving the Board of County Commissioners 19 carte blanch to continue for as long as they think they can get away with it and still pass 20 constitutional muster. He feels there is an internal inconsistency with the language. 21 22 Mr. Ferguson respectfully disagreed with Mr. Satterlee‘s comments above. He feels the 23 message this ordinance is telling the property owners’ and building community that 24 there is no certainty. You are always subject to being shut down upon the whim of the 25 Board if County Commissioners for no defined reasons other than a perceived problem, 26 which may or may not be a problem and the fact that you may end up with non- 27 conforming uses. 28 29 Mr. Ferguson stated moratoriums are extraordinary remedies to perceived major 30 problems. The County Commission should not have the ability to willy-nilly impose 31 moratoriums on individual projects, individual properties or individual areas of the 32 county. He feels it sends a terrible message and all things being equal will automatically 33 send any proposed development to either one of the cities. He stated again it is an 34 incredibly lousy policy, not sure, who is driving it or why it is needed. He does not 35 perceive the problems in the county. The one instance where there was perceived to be 36 a major problem for a large area of the north county, during the initial stages of the TVC 37 review the Board of County Commissioners adopted a moratorium through the normal 38 process. 39 40 Mr. Ferguson feels there is no need to adopt a policy like this. The county has the legal 41 ability to adopt moratoriums in the appropriate situations. 42 43 Ms. Young clarified that the intent was that no applications would be accepted after the 44 temporary suspension ordinance was adopted not the ZIP period. 45 46 3 Ms. Young stated that Mr. Satterlee and she would be happy to sit down with Mr. 1 Ferguson and go over some of the internal issues that may be needed to clarify in the 2 ordinance. 3 4 Mr. Lounds commented that he was not comfortable with the ordinance if it is designed 5 to limit and give broad breathing periods for movements west of the urban service area, 6 there is a need to talk about it some more, if it is not designed for that please convince 7 him otherwise. 8 9 Mr. Satterlee stated it was not designed for any one circumstance in mind. It was 10 designed to respond to circumstances that cannot be anticipated. 11 12 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 13 14 Mrs. Hammer motioned to recommend approval of Ordinance No. 09-019 and 15 forward to the Board of County Commissioners with the caveat that we ask that 16 some time be set aside for staff to meet with Mr. Ferguson to address his issues. 17 18 Ms. Caron seconded. 19 20 Roll Call 21 22 Ms. Morgan- no 23 Mr. Lounds- no 24 Mr. Culverhouse- no 25 Ms. Caron- yes 26 Mrs. Hammer- yes 27 Chairman Mundt- yes 28 29 Vote was three (3) for the motion, three (3) against, motion failed. 30 31 G. Village of Sunset Lakes: PTV 820094001 32 Petition of Sunset Lakes of St. Lucie, LLC for Preliminary Planned Town or Village 33 approval for a project known as Village of Sunset Lakes 34 35 Ms. Wood, Growth Management Planning Manager and Ramon Trias, Trias and 36 Associates, agent for the applicant gave a brief presentation. 37 38 Mr. Wyatt, Mr. Tedder, Mr. Crum and Mr. Hamilton spoke in opposition to the project. 39 40 Mr. Trias agreed to conduct a neighborhood meeting prior to February 18, 2010. 41 42 Mrs. Hammer motioned after considering the testimony presented during the 43 public hearing especially staff comments, I hereby move that the Local Planning 44 Agency continue the public hearing of the application for preliminary PTV site 45 plan approval for the development know as Villages of Sunset Lakes to resolve 46 4 outstanding issues on the site plan and allow further opportunity for a complete 1 staff review with a continuation to Thursday, February 18, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. or 2 soon thereafter as possible. 3 Ms. Caron seconded. 4 5 Roll Call 6 7 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 8 Mr. Lounds- yes 9 Ms. Morgan- yes 10 Ms. Caron- yes 11 Mrs. Hammer- yes 12 Chairman Mundt- yes 13 14 Motion passed unanimously. 15 16 B. Ordinance No. 09-009 – Historic Preservation: County Attorney 17 An ordinance revising the Historic Preservation Ordinance to bring it into 18 compliance with case law and Florida Certified Local Government requirements. 19 20 Ms. Lueke, Assistant County Attorney informed the Commission on August 2, 2005, the 21 Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 05-003, creating Chapter 1- 22 10.2 of the St. Lucie County Code and Compiled Laws, known as the “Historic 23 Preservation Ordinance.” Staff recommends making several changes to the Ordinance 24 to bring it into compliance with case law and with Florida Certified Local Government 25 requirements. By becoming a Certified Local Government, St. Lucie County would 26 become eligible for State and Federal grants related to historic preservation. The state 27 Historic Preservation Officer has reviewed the proposed ordinance and has stated that it 28 complies with the requirements for certification. 29 30 On May 26, 2009, August 25, 2009, September 22, 2009, and October 27, 2009, the 31 Historical Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance and unanimously voted to 32 forward it to the Planning and Zoning Commission with suggested revisions. Most of the 33 revisions were incorporated into the draft presented to the Planning and Zoning 34 Commission. A list of the revisions, which were not incorporated and a list of all staff 35 recommendations appears in the staff report. In advance of the meeting, Ms. Lueke 36 received comments from the Historical Commission Chair and will incorporate them 37 when this item goes before the Board of County Commissioners. 38 39 The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended keeping St. Lucie County 40 Historical Commission as the name, changes in the ordinance and having at least six 41 (6) meetings per year. 42 43 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 44 45 Ms. Lucille Rights, Special Advisor to the St. Lucie County Historical Commission, 46 informed the Commission on the importance of the Florida Master Site File use as a 47 5 resource, attempt creation of a new board, stating the members should be local experts 1 and that the Historical Commission requests that the new Historic Preservation Board 2 retain the name “St. Lucie County Historical Commission”. 3 Ms. Rights prefer that the Board of County Commissioners make final decisions with 4 respect to Special Certificates of Appropriateness, rather than the Historic Commission. 5 The Historical Commission feels that the Board of County Commissioners would have 6 more authority to negotiate mitigation with property owners. 7 8 Ms. Rights suggests that the Ordinance give either the County or private citizens the 9 right to enter onto historically designated properties and stabilize them in cases of 10 extreme affirmative neglect. This suggestion stems from the Historical Commission’s 11 concerns regarding the Robinson House, which was designated by the Board of County 12 Commissioners but is in a state of severe disrepair and is in the process of being 13 foreclosed. 14 15 Ms. Rights recommend deleting the current exception to Certificates to Dig for 16 swimming pool excavation. 17 18 Ms. Rights recommend adding language, which would give the Historic Preservation 19 Officer emergency powers to stop activity on a property if previously undiscovered 20 archaeological material is found. 21 22 Ms. Rights suggested that the Ordinance require that the Historic Commission meet six 23 times a year, rather than four times a year. 24 25 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 26 27 Mr. Culverhouse agreed with all of Ms. Rights suggestions. He also recommended all 28 the present duties of the Historical Commission that are being amended out, be added 29 back in. 30 31 Chairman Mundt had a problem with some of the level of details Mr. Culverhouse 32 wanted. He stated, without seeing it written out, overlaying that with the proposed 33 ordinance gets into a level of detail that he thinks orally digesting it and trying to adapt it 34 into the ordinance is difficult. 35 36 Mr. Culverhouse stated he requested that his suggestion be in the package. He said 37 they were not included in the package. 38 39 Ms. Lueke and the Commission discussed the rights of an individual who are applying 40 for a permit for a house fifty years or older. 41 42 Ms. Lueke discussed the criteria for designation of a property. 43 44 Mr. Lounds motioned to recommended approval of the ordinance with the 45 suggestions and comments from the public, staff and the Planning and Zoning 46 Commission. 47 48 6 Mr. Culverhouse seconded. 1 2 Mr. Mundt did not like the portion of the ordinance asking for an alternate for each 3 member. 4 5 Ms. Lueke will take this out of the ordinance. 6 7 Certificate of appropriateness (4.11.09) was to be taken out of the ordinance and put in 8 as a discussion item for the Board of County Commissioners. 9 10 Roll Call 11 12 Mr. Mowery- yes 13 Ms. Morgan- yes 14 Mrs. Hammer- yes 15 Ms. Caron- yes 16 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 17 Mr. Lounds- yes 18 Chairman Mundt- yes 19 20 Motion passed unanimously. 21 22 C. Shinn Road 251 PUD: PUD 06-003 23 Petition of Stiles Development for Preliminary Planned Unit Development 24 approval and change in zoning from AG-5 to PUD for a project known as Shinn 25 Road 251 PUD. 26 27 Ms. Wood, Growth Management Planning Manager stated, the subject property is 28 located approximately three miles west of the Urban Service Area, north of the 29 intersection of Okeechobee Road and Shinn Road. The parcels have a Future Land 30 Use of Agricultural – 5, allowing a maximum density of 1 du/5 acres. The land use of all 31 adjacent properties is AG-5, with the exception of two small parcels with a Commercial 32 Future Land Use – one immediately to the south is 1.6 acres, and one to the southwest 33 is 0.85 acres. The zoning of the property and most adjacent properties is also AG-5, 34 with the same maximum density of 1 du/5 acres. 35 36 The property is currently vacant agricultural land, as is most of the surrounding property. 37 The only other active use is on the parcel to the southwest across Shinn Road which 38 has a convenience store. The other parcel with a Commercial Future Land Use is 39 vacant. 40 41 The Shinn Road 251 PUD site plan initially proposed 48 single family lots between 1 42 and 4 acres each and 6.95 acres of neighborhood commercial development. After re- 43 calculating the allowable density without the 20 acres along Okeechobee Road for 44 future development, the site plan has been revised to include only 46 lots. 45 46 7 Johnathan Ferguson, on behalf of the applicant stated, he agreed with staff with two 1 minor exceptions. Mr. Ferguson feels as a policy point it is not fair nor appropriate for an 2 individual developer or property owner to have to fund and construct the multi-use path 3 which is part of the County’s Green Way and Trails Plan. He feels this path leads to 4 nowhere. Mr. Ferguson wants this condition removed. 5 6 Mark Mathes, Lucido & Associates reminded the Commission that the applicant 7 dedicated the required right of way on Shinn Road to accommodate the path and the 8 necessary access improvements to access the site. 9 10 1) The other issue is related to the designation of open space, condition number 11 twenty-two (22) on the resolution which states The Final Planned Unit 12 ;( Development site plan shall depict the location of all portions of the open space as 13 depicted on the Preliminary Planned Unit Development plans. At the time of building 14 permit issuance for each lot, the location of the lot level open space may be modified 15 by the lot owner in accordance with procedures and limitations outlined in the Land 16 Development Code for Minor Adjustments. The maximum impervious area shall not 17 be exceeded and minimum open space requirements must be satisfied.) 18 . 19 20 Mr. Mathes requested homeowners’ as they come forward with building permits to be 21 able to adjust the dash line on the plans, as long as the area within the dash line does 22 not get smaller. He asked the Commission to consider recommending a variance to the 23 standard code to allow the adjustment of the lot level open space, subject to the 24 condition that cannot be less than what is shown on the preliminary plan. The final area 25 will be determined at the time of building permit. 26 27 Ms. Wood stated staff discussed this matter with the applicant a number of times. The 28 code requires that open space be depicted on the plan, the code is very specific about 29 any relocation of open space, which would require a Minor Adjustment (relocating more 30 than one hundred feet is a Major Adjustment). If the applicant were not including open 31 space within their lots, staff would not be in the position of having to find a way to 32 oversee how the open space would be insured. 33 34 Mr. Ferguson stated the only friendly disagreement he has with staff is, once the 35 buildable area are indentified, what is the process for tweaking that when someone 36 comes in to pull a building permit. He feels staff is requiring a minor amendment to the 37 PUD every time an individual lot owner comes in and wants to move their buildable. His 38 suggestion is because it is a PUD that as long as the building area does not increase in 39 size, it can be moved within the lot without having to go through a minor PUD 40 amendment. 41 42 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 43 44 No one spoke. 45 46 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 47 48 8 Mr. Lounds feels the conditions placed on this project are penalizing the development, 1 the first of its kind in the area with an AG PUD. 2 3 Mrs. Hammer suggested sidewalks on both sides of the development. 4 5 Mrs. Hammer stated restrictive easements be written into the agreement of sale so that 6 buyers knows what they are buying into and feels a CDD created (even if on paper only) 7 in the event someday the community has water and sewer. 8 9 Mrs. Hammer asked if open space on yards would be public open space. 10 Ms. Wood answered, no. 11 12 Mrs. Hammer would like " lot level open space” defined. 13 14 Mrs. Hammer would support the flexibility of being able to move around on the parcel, 15 but, it needs to be designated what part of that lot is going to be open space and can’t 16 be built on. Mrs. Hammer feels that once it gets to the Building Department, no one is 17 looking at the plan. 18 19 Mrs. Hammer questioned condition nine (9) b in the ordinance stating it made no sense 20 to her (9b states; The County has agreed to the following terms and conditions, 21 pertaining to the funding and construction of Greenways and Trails on the subject site: If 22 the County constructs public trails along the 10 foot easement, then the County shall 23 construct a fence along the north boundary line of the 10 foot easement so that public 24 access to the Project is restricted. The fence shall be a three board style horse fence or 25 similar, in keeping with the character of the Project. No barb wire or smooth wire fences 26 shall be allowed. The applicant shall have the right to provide access points through the 27 fence at the applicant’s sole discretion). 28 29 The Commission agreed that accommodations could be made, if the Board of 30 Commissioners agreed regarding open space on individual lots. 31 32 Mr. Mowery motioned after considering the testimony presented at the public 33 hearing including staff comments he hereby moved to recommend that the St. 34 Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application 35 for Preliminary Site Plan approval for the development known as Shinn Road 251 36 PUD because it conforms to the standard of review set forth in the St. Lucie 37 County Land Development Code subject to the conditions listed in draft 38 Resolution 09-214 along with the addition that came from staff tonight. Amend 39 condition twenty-two allowing for the adjustment as long as eighty percent (80 %) 40 of the open space is maintain for the preliminary plan and that condition fourteen 41 (14) is deleted removing the need for the twelve (12) foot wide multi use path. 42 43 Mr. Lounds seconded. 44 45 Mrs. Hammer asked the motion maker and second maker to add to the motion, to 46 included the requirement that any type of restrictions on a particular lot be given 47 to the prospective buyer at the agreement of sale (not at closing). 48 9 This was accepted. 1 2 Roll Call 3 4 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 5 Ms. Morgan- yes 6 Mrs. Hammer- yes 7 Mr. Lounds- yes 8 Mr. Mowery- yes 9 Chairman Mundt- yes 10 11 Ms. Caron left due to back surgery before the motion was made (8:45 p.m.) 12 13 Motion passed unanimously. 14 15 16 D. X-Treme Function Hall: CU 520093983 17 Petition of Majesty, LLC to grant a Conditional Use Permit to allow the on-premise 18 consumption of beer and wine as accessory to a social event function hall in the 19 CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. 20 21 Mr. Meyer, Assistant Director Growth Management recommended the Commission go 22 forward with the petition of Majesty, LLC. He stated that staff is going to amend its 23 recommendation of approval in light on all the citizens that are here tonight. He stated 24 that staff had talked to the applicant about a neighborhood meeting and had declined. 25 Staff feels a neighborhood meeting needs to be held before a final recommendation is 26 made. 27 28 Mr. Meyer recommended this item be continued until such time a neighborhood meeting 29 is held. 30 31 Ms. Pendarvis, Growth Management Planner gave a presentation regarding this item. 32 33 Mr. Ernesto Velasco, Velcon Group, Inc. spoke on behalf of the applicant. 34 35 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 36 37 Mr. Harvey Sofen, Ms. Grace Landry, Mr. Jim Culver, Ms. Alena Woodruff and Mr. Ken 38 Lenhurt spoke in opposition to this item. 39 40 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 41 42 43 Mr. Mowery motioned to continue this item to a date certain of January 21, 2010 at 44 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter. 45 46 Mr. Culverhouse seconded. 47 10 1 Ms. Morgan stated the reason for the continuance was to allow the applicant to meet 2 with the residents to discuss what can and cannot be done on this property, in order for 3 the residents to fully understand the issues of this item. 4 5 Chairman Mundt informed the citizens that this building has met all requirements of 6 County Codes to be built without a public hearing. The only purpose of tonight’s public 7 hearing was to be able to sell their own beer and wine, noting if the Conditional Use 8 Permit is not granted by the county, outside purveyors would be able to serve alcoholic 9 beverages. 10 11 Roll Call 12 13 Mr. Lounds- yes 14 Ms. Morgan- yes 15 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 16 Mr. Mowery- yes 17 Chairman Mundt- yes 18 19 Motion passed unanimously. 20 21 Mrs. Hammer, felling ill left before the motion was made (9:50 p.m.) 22 23 24 E. Sands End Development, LLC: FLUMA 420093979 25 Petition of Sands End Development, LLC for a Small – Scale Amendment to the 26 Future Land Use Map for a 6.619 acre parcel of land on south Hutchinson Island 27 from COM (Commercial) to RM (Residential Medium – 9 du/acre). 28 29 Ms. Wilson, Growth Management Sr. Planner stated Item No. 3-E is a Small-scale 30 Comprehensive Plan Amendment known as “Sands End,” which is a proposed Future 31 Land Use Change from Commercial to Residential Medium at 9 dwellings units per acre 32 and Item No. 3-F is a concurrent rezoning petition from Commercial General to 33 Hutchinson Island Residential District. Ms. Wilson will present them together and the 34 Ordinance for the map amendment and the Resolution for the zoning change will be 35 voted on separately at the end. 36 37 Ms. Wilson continued the subject property is a 6.619 acre parcel of land located on 38 south Hutchinson Island south of the FPL Power Plant.It is on the East side of A1A and 39 is Ocean frontage. Directly to the south is the Normandy Beach access followed by the 40 Regency Island Dunes Condominium. The property to the north is a 5.8-acre parcel of 41 vacant residential land that Sands End Development owns. The final intent of the Sands 42 End property is to combine the two lots into a single 108 unit multi-family development. 43 44 The analysis staff conducted indicates that a RM Future Land Use designation is 45 consistent with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The change in Future Land 46 Use from COM to RM represents an overall net decrease in anticipated impacts. The 47 11 requested change may however be contrary to Policy which directs the 1 exploration of development patterns that would allow for employment and shopping 2 opportunities in close proximity to residential uses there by providing for shorter and 3 fewer automobile trips. Being that the subject property is surrounded by HIRD zoning, 4 the requested land use and zoning change is compatible with the surrounding 5 neighborhood. 6 7 When evaluating the appropriateness of a proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment 8 to a Comprehensive Plan, which is deemed already in compliance, Rule 9J-5 calls for 9 the demonstrated need of the proposed use over the designated planning period. The 10 applicant has provided a needs analysis not for the applicant’s proposed use of 11 Residential Medium but for the existing commercial designation. The analysis concludes 12 that sufficient commercial uses are already available to serve the existing and future 13 residents of South Hutchinson Island. 14 15 The County’s current housing situation clearly demonstrates that there is no need for 16 additional lands with a residential designation either on the mainland or on South 17 Hutchinson Island. The total current supply of potential residential units on South 18 Hutchinson Island is determined by selecting parcels designated by the property 19 appraiser as Vacant Residential and matching them with their Future Land Use 20 designation. There is a total maximum supply of approximately 2,300 dwelling units and 21 of these 2,300 units, 653 have already received varying degrees of review by Growth 22 Management and the Board of County Commissioners since 2002 with only one project 23 currently being complete. The statistics presented clearly demonstrate the lack of 24 demand in residential property on South Hutchinson Island. 25 26 The Sands End property represents one of the last remaining undeveloped 27 commercially designated lands on South Hutchinson Island within St. Lucie County and 28 is the only vacant commercial lot with ocean frontage. In 2007 the Board of County 29 Commissioners approved a similar petition to change the future land use and zoning on 30 South Hutchinson Island from commercial to residential. While deliberating the vote, 31 the Board made it clear that an approval would predominantly depend on the amount of 32 commercial lands remaining on South Hutchinson Island to supply future needs and the 33 Sands End property was identified as the only undeveloped commercial property large 34 enough to accommodate any substantial commercial demand over the next Twenty-five 35 25) year planning horizon. 36 37 Staff has identified both positive and negative aspects of the proposed land use change 38 and concurrent rezoning. However, on balance staff finds that the negatives outweigh 39 the positives and therefore recommends denial for the following reasons. The change 40 will exacerbate the over-allocation of residential, eliminate the last commercially 41 designated land needed to supply the demand of future residents over the next twenty- 42 five (25) years, continue to force residents into Martin County for goods and services 43 and increase vehicle miles traveled for those goods and services. 44 45 The proposed use would be a decrease in road and transportation impact. 46 47 12 Mr. Mowery asked, if staff encouraged the applicant to provide a corrected needs 1 analysis. Ms. Wilson answered staff did not. 2 3 Mr. Murphy stated he did not supply the county with a residential needs analysis 4 because he did not know he needed to until about a day or so ago. The commercial 5 needs analysis has shown that the existing commercial is more than antiquate to cover 6 the demands for the residents. 7 8 The applicant did not hold a neighborhood meeting. Staff did receive letters of approval 9 from the President, of the President’s Council of South Hutchinson Island and the 10 President of Regency Island Dunes and two letters in opposition. 11 12 Mr. Dennis Murphy, Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. stated he does not agree with the 13 conclusion of the staff report. He feels there are loose ends that he would like to get 14 together with staff on. 15 16 Mr. Murphy stated that this property was subject to litigation and settled between the 17 county and the property owners, resulting in the commercial designation applied to the 18 property. He also mentioned that the parcel to the north is a Historical Archeological 19 Site, not the petition property that we are discussing tonight. 20 21 Ms. Wilson stated, staff’s GIS map layers shows this site to be generally in the area to 22 include both the properties in question. 23 24 Mr. Murphy stated if this property were to be used for commercial, it would only yield a 25 ten percent (10%) usage of the property (because of the layout of the property). 26 27 Mr. Mowery felt that the applicant should have put more emphasis on proving to the 28 staff and Commission that there is a lack of need for commercial development. 29 30 Mr. Mowery was also concerned with the strong January, 2007 decision by the Board of 31 County Commissioners in support of maintaining commercial development on the 32 Island. 33 34 Chairman Mundt concurred with Mr. Mowery regarding the January, 2007 Board of 35 County Commissioners decision and staff’s report on the current housing situation. 36 37 Mr. Murphy stated a hotel is not economically viable on this parcel. 38 39 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 40 41 Ms. Pat Pacitti, President of the President’s Council of South Hutchinson Island and 42 property manager for Regency Island Dune spoke in favor of the project. 43 44 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 45 46 Mr. Mowery motioned after consideration of the testimony presented during the 47 public hearing including staff comments I hereby move that the Planning and 48 13 Zoning Commission of St. Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie County 1 Board of County Commissioners approve the petition of Sands End Development, 2 LLC for a small scale amendment to the Future Land Use Map from COM 3 Commercial to RM- Residential Medium 9 dwelling units per acre due to the fact 4 that it is compliance with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, compatible 5 with the existing neighborhood and does not create additional impacts to the 6 existing infrastructure. 7 8 Ms. Morgan seconded. 9 10 Roll Call 11 12 Mr. Lounds- yes 13 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 14 Ms. Morgan- yes 15 Mr. Mowery- yes 16 Chairman Mundt- no 17 18 Motion passed 4-1 with Chairman Mundt dissenting 19 20 F. Sands End Development, LLC: RZ 620093986 21 Petition of Sands End Development, LLC to amend the Official Zoning Atlas for a 22 6.619 acre parcel of land on south Hutchinson Island from CG (Commercial 23 General) to the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning District 24 25 Chairman Mundt asked staff and the applicant if they would like to have a brief 26 discussion. 27 28 Ms. Wilson and Mr. Murphy stood by their prior comments stated in item III G. 29 30 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 31 32 No one spoke. 33 34 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 35 36 Mr. Culverhouse motioned after consideration of the testimony presented during 37 the public hearing, particularly that of Dennis Murphy, the former Director of 38 Community Development with the County including staff comments I hereby 39 move that the Planning and Zoning Commission of St. Lucie County recommend 40 that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners approve the petition of 41 Sands End Development, LLC for a petition to amend the Official Zoning Atlas 42 from CG- Commercial General to HIRD- Hutchinson Island Residential District 43 because I believe the residential uses to the north and south that it is a 44 compatible use with the surrounding residential uses and I believe a commercial 45 use on this property would not be economically feasible and there appears to be 46 based upon the testimony of the president of the Presidents Council and there 47 14 seems to be sufficient restaurants and commercial facilities and we need to use 1 those rather than building more to compete with and because it would have a 2 positive impact on the tax base of St. Lucie County and I believe it is consistent 3 with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. 4 5 Ms. Morgan seconded. 6 7 Roll Call 8 9 Mr. Mowery- yes 10 Mr. Lounds- yes 11 Ms. Morgan- yes 12 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 13 Chairman Mundt- no 14 15 Motion passed 4-1 with Chairman Mundt dissenting 16 17 IV. OTHER BUSINESS 18 19 A. Growth Management Director Comments 20 None. 21 22 23 B. Other business at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission 24 25 None. 26 27 V. Adjourned 28 29 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:17 p.m . 30 31 32 15