HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-26-2010 Signed Agendas7 AGENDA REQUEST C ~ U I~IT ~ . F L O R I D A TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): SUBJECT: County Attorney ITEM NO. IV-A DATE: January 26, 2010 REGULAR [x ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre rrounty Attorney Resolution No. 10-040 -"ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE FIGHTER APPRECIATION MONTH". BACKGROUND: Liz Coffey, Fundraising Coordinator with the Muscular Dystrophy Association, has requested that this Board proclaim the month of February 2010 as "ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE FIGHTER APPRECIATION MONTH " in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 10-040 has been drafted for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 10-040 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ()Q APPROVED [ ]DENIED - [ ]OTHER: Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals .~. [X] County Attorney: ~ Daniel S. McIntyre RESOLUTION NO. 10-040 A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2010 AS "ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE FIGHTER APPRECIATION MONTH" IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. Fighting fires is one of the most hazardous professions, requiring physical strength, stamina, extensive training, courage, and selfless concern for the welfare of our citizens. 2. In addition to their daily service to communities, Fire Fighters throughout the state and across the nation have joined the Muscular DystrophyAssociation (MDA) for the past 50 years in the fight against neuromuscular disease. 3. Florida Fire Fighters collected more than $2,171,000 in over 300 communities including over $38,000 in St. Lucie County with their 2009 "Fill the Boot" campaign for the MDA, again making them MDA's largest source of funding. 4. The Muscular Dystrophy Association is extremely grateful to the St. Lucie County Fire Fighters for their support and dedication. 5. The funds collected by the St. Lucie County Fire Fighters assist MDA in providing medical services at local clinics, summer camp, research grants, support groups, and public education seminars at no cost to local children and families. 6. In honor of the efforts of the St. Lucie County Fire Fighters, the MDA is sponsoring St. Lucie County Fire Fighters Appreciation Month. 7. It is appropriate for all St. Lucie County citizens to join the Muscular Dystrophy Association in tribute to our Fire Fighters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1. This Board does hereby proclaim the month of February 2010 as "ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE FIGHTER APPRECIATION MONTH" in St. Lucie County, Florida. 2. This Board does hereby commend the Fire Fighters of St. Lucie County for their efforts on behalf of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. ~~ AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): SUBJECT: County Attorney ITEM NO. IV-B DATE: January 26, 2010 REGULAR [x ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney Resolution No. 10-041-"EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT (EITC) AWARENESS DAY" BACKGROUND: Rose Mintern, a representative with Internal Revenue Service, has requested that this Board proclaim January 29, 2010 as "Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Awareness Day" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 10-041 has been drafted for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 10-041 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED ~-1 _ [ ]OTHER: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney: Daniel S. McIntyre RESOLUTION NO. 10-041 A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING JANUARY 29, 2010, AS "EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT (EITC) AWARENESS DAY" INST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), approved by Congress in 1975, is a refundable federal income tax credit for low/moderate income working individuals and families and is the nation's largest anti-poverty program. When the credit exceeds the amount oftaxes owed, it results in a tax refund to those who qualify for and claim the credit. The EITC was devised to improve quality of life by encouraging the use of this refund for necessities such as reliable transportation, safe housing, college funds or savings. This credit improves the economy by bringing in and circulating more money into the local economy. 2. Each year millions of dollars of Earned Income Tax Credits go unclaimed bythe working families in St. Lucie County because they lack information or affordable assistance. St. Lucie County is working to substantially increase the number of families claiming EITC dollars, with additional goals to provide access to financial education and other asset building programs. 3. Annually many low/moderate income residents pay high prices for tax preparation services, as well as exorbitant interest on rapid refund loans. The availablity of local volunteer income tax assistance (VITA) sites is an additional service of which many residents are unaware. 4. This campaign, sponsored by St. Lucie County Community Services, is a unique collaboration of public, private and non-profit organizations across the four county area, supported by the Treasure Coast Community Action Agency, City of Port St. Lucie, Save Our Children, Miracle Prayer Temple, Mustard Seed Ministries, Harvest Food and Outreach, Volunteers in Tax Assistance (VITA), other businesses and community-based organizations, and many local volunteers. 5. Through this effort, citizens can receive free tax preparation by volunteer preparers at five sites throughout St. Lucie County, ensuringthat those eligible forthe Earned Income Tax Credit will receive their full, earned share. 6. St. Lucie County is proud to share in this effort of promoting economic opportunity and financial education to our citizens: • New EITC provisions mean more money for larger families. • EITC can be a financial boost for working people hit by hard economic times. • One in four eligible taxpayers could miss out because they are not aware of EITC. • Taxpayers can get free help determining their eligibility for EITC and other credits by visiting a local volunteer tax preparation site, by visiting their local IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center, or using the EITC Assistant at www.irs.eov/eitc. AGENDA REQUEST '' ~ o u~v-r ~ ` F L o R l o A TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. IV-C DATE: January 26, 2010 REGULAR [x ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 10-045-"ZORA NEALE HURSTON DAY" recognizing the 50th anniversary of the death of the late Harlem Renaissance author Zora Neal Hurston on January 28, 1960. BACKGROUND: Adrienne Moore, APR, a representative of Communications Strategies, has requested that this Board proclaim January 28, 2010 as "ZORA NEALE HURSTON DAY" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 10-045 has been drafted for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 10-045 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: 6C] APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: ~-~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [XJ County Attorney: ~ Daniel S. McIntyre i RESOLUTION NO. 10-045 A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2010 AS "ZORA NEALE HURSTON DAY" IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE AND LITERARY ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE LATE HARLEM RENAISSANCE AUTHOR, ZORA NEALE HURSTON AND RECOGNIZING THE 50T" ANNIVERSARY OF HER DEATH ON JANUARY 28, 1960 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. The Zora Fest Committee of Fort Pierce - St. Lucie County wishes to recognize the 50th anniversary of the death ofthe late Harlem Renaissance authorZora Neale Hurston on January 28, 1960. 2. Hurston, an inductee of the Florida Artist Hall of Fame, spent many years in Florida, as a child growing up in Eatonville; as a researcher for her anthropological studies in black songs and stories atturpentine camps; as a writerforthe Works ProgressAdministration Federal Writers Project collecting folklore that is now part of a collection at the Library of Congress; and as a novelist portraying the stories of her life, her experiences and her interests. 3. Hurston is best known for her masterwork, Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937), six novels, four children's books, her autobiography, DustTracks on a Road (1942), and other plays and magazine publications. 4. Hurston came to Fort Pierce at the request of C.E. Bolen, publisher of the black newspaper, The Chronicle, to write columns for his newspaper, to work part-time at Lincoln Park Academy, and to continue writing magazine articles, while working on her unfinished book, Herod the Great. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1. This Board does hereby designate Thursday, January 28, 2010 as "ZORA NEALE HURSTON DAY" in St. Lucie County, Florida, recognizing the 50th anniversary of Hurston's death on January 28, 1960. 3. This Board urges the citizens of St. Lucie County to participate in the events scheduled to honor Zora Neale Hurston at Zora Fest. The Zora Fest Committee invites everyone to a special remembrance at Hurston's gravesite at Sarah's memorial Garden in Fort Pierce at 4:00 pm on January 28, 2010 honoring Hurston's achievements in literature, folklife, anthropology and cultural studies. AGENDA REQUEST Date : January ~ ~, 2010 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-B.1 PRESENTED BY: Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Bear Point Mitigation Bank -Credit Purchase Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 09-1723 FUNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Bear Point Mitigation Bnnk Credit Purchase Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: ~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Approved 5-0 County Attorney: Originating Dept Dn iel 5. McIn e J mes R. David CONCURRENCE: Coordination/Signatures Mgt. 6 Budget: Other: Faye W. Oultaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Purchasing: Other Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 09-1723 DATE: December 30, 2009 SUBJECT: Bear Point Mitigation Bank -Credit Purchase Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of a proposed Bear Point Credit Purchase Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company ("FP&L"). The agreement provides for FP&L to purchase .80 Dual Federal/State Credits in the Bnnk. FP&L is required to obtain the credits in conjunction with the planned maintenance of the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant discharge canal. FP&L has already paid atwenty-five percent (25%) reservation fee in the amount of twenty-nine thousand two hundred fifty and 00/100 dollars ($29,250.00) to reserve .90 State/Federal Credits for the project. The permitting agencies have since reduced the required number of credit to .80 State Credits. The total cost of the new credit requirement is seventy-eight thousand and 00/100 dollars ($78,000.00). The reservation payment has been applied to this cost. FP&L has paid the remaining amount in full. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Bear Point Mitigation Bank Credit Purchase Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ ~- Heather Young Assistant County Attorney y AGENDA REQUEST ~' C t3 U NT Y ` F L U R l D R1 TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-6-2 DATE: January 26, 2010 REGULAR [ j PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] PRESENTED BY: Daniel 5. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 10-036 -Requesting the Governor of Florida to activate all available State and Local Emergency and Relief Resources and Mechanisms for the Benefit of Homeowners impacted by Defective or Reactive Drywall BACKGROUND: See attached memo CA 10-0052 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendsthattheBoard adopttheattached Resolution No. 10-036 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ] OTHERS Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-~ County Administrator Review and Approvals X Count Attorney: ~~ [] Y Daniel S. McIntyre INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO: 10-0052 DATE: January 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Resolution No. 10-036 -Requesting the Governor of Florida to activate all available State and Local Emergency and Relief Resources and Mechanisms for the Benefit of Homeowners impacted by Defective or Reactive Drywall BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County residents have suffered damages from Chinese Drywall in their homes. Heat and humidity causes the Chinese Drywall to release gases, which not only create a noxious odor, but they corrode copper and other metal surfaces, thereby damaging air conditioners, electrical wiring, copper plumbing, appliances and electronics. The corrosion of electrical wiring can hamper the effectiveness of smoke detection and create a risk of fire. The drywall is also very friable, which means it is in a state where small particles can easily become dislodged, thus enabling them to easily enter an individual's lungs. The owners of homes with Chinese drywall have alleged they a re suffering health problems due to these effects. Insurance companies have denied these owners coverage and their developer has refused to replace the Chinese drywall; so they have no avenue in which to fund the necessary drywall repairs to avoid the health problems that they have been suffering. The County has been informed that there may be federal funds available to assist St. Lucie County residents with their Chinese Drywall problems, but in order for them to be released, the State of Florida must declare an emergency. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that this Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 10-036 requesting the Governor of Florida to activate all available state and local emergency and relief resources and mechanisms forthe benefit of homeowners impacted by defective or reactive drywall; including requesting immediate federal assistance through FEMA and/or any other agency of the United States Government Respectfully submitted, DSM/cb Attachment Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney ~~ AGENDA REQUEST - , -_ • TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 10-012 Permission to Advertise BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION See attached memorandum ITEM NO. VI-B.3 DATE: January 26, 2010 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre - Pretreatment of Wastewater; Stuff recommends that the Board grant permission to Advertise Ordinance No. 10-012. [~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE -•- - Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney Management & Budget Purchasing: _ Daniel 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. Public Works Dir; County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 CoU NTY F E O R I D A -~- INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Boord of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO.: 10-0054 DATE: January 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 10-012 -Pretreatment of Wastewater; Permission to Advertise BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of draft Ordinance No. 10-012 which, if adopted, would set forth uniform requirements for wastewater customers of the St. Lucie County Water and Sewer District and enables the District to comply with all industrial pretreatment program requirements set forth in applicable State and Federal laws. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 10-012, ly DanieC S. Mc County Atto DSM/caf Attachment { ~, AGENDA REQUEST Date: January 26, 2010 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-B-4 PRESENTED BY: Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise -Ordinance No. 10-013 Amending Chapter 1-16.2 (Public Property) to Establish Standards and Procedures for Sale of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Properties BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 10-058 FUNDS AVAIL.(Stnte type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests permission to advertise proposed Ordinance No. 10-013 for public hearing on February 23, 2010, at 9:00 a.m. or ns soon thereafter as may be heard. COMMISSION ACTION: [~] APPROVED [ ]DENIED (]OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coordination/Signatures ,~ County Attorney: ~ Mgt. ~ Budget: Daniel ~'M tyre Marie Gouin Originating Dept.: / - Other Beth Ryder Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): Purchasing: Other INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 10-058 DATE: January 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise -Ordinance No. 10-013 Amending Chapter 1-16.2 (Public Property) to Establish Standards and Procedures for Snle of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Properties BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of proposed Ordinance No. 10-013 which would amend Chapter 1-16.2 (Public Property) of the Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws to establish standards and procedures for the sale of residential properties acquired by the County under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) to qualified buyers. Section 125.35, Florida Statutes, establishes the procedures for sale of county owned property. In addition to advertising for formal bids or proposals, Section 125.35(3) also authorizes a county to adopt alternative procedures subject to certain conditions. The proposed ordinance would permit the Board of County Commissioners to waive the competitive bid or proposal requirement for NSP properties subject to public notice and the adoption of n resolution authorizing the waiver. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION Staff requests permission to advertise proposed Ordinance No. 10-013 for public hearing on February 23, 2010 at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard. Respectfully submitted, '~~ L-tom Heather Young Assistant County Attorney AGENDA REQUEST Date: January 26, 2010 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-B-5 PRESENTED BY: Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Bear Point Mitigation Bnnk -Credit Purchase Agreement with Kiwi Partners, L.L.C. BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 10-062 FUNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approved the proposed Bear Point Mitigation Bank Credit Purchase Agreement with Kiwi Partners, L.L.C., and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. Approved 5.0 County Administrator Coordination/Sianntures County Attorney: '•~.~ Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Davie 5. McIntyre Originating Dept.: Other : Other J es R. David Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): ITEM NO. VI - C1 DATE: 1 /26/2010 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI~ID ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West '~-, SUBMITTED BY: Public Works -Administration Public Works Dir for SUBJECT: Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures; South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Amendment No. 2 -Grant Time Extension BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Amendment No. 2 for time extension to contract No. 4600000621 with South Florida Water Management District for Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures Stormwater Drainage and Water Quality Improvement project as outlined in the agenda memorandum and signature by the Chairman. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED _~ ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Approved 5.0 Coordination/Signatures ~ A Count Attorney (~l) ~~ OMB Director (2~ 'NY~`J~\ l y Marie Gouin . Dan McIntyre Originating Dept. (x) Vr- ERD ( ) Donal I B. West 1 Public Works Department a MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald B. West, Public Works Director DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures; SFWMD Amendment No. 2 -Grant Time Extension ITEM NO. VI - C1 Background: After conducting studies to evaluate the Lakewood Park stormwater system and the downstream Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District canals, a three phased approach to the potential Lakewood Park improvements was outlined. The first phase focuses on replacement of the primary water control structures with operational gates to provide maximum flexibility for stormwater management under varying conditions. The current project comprises improving and upgrading the primary outfall control structures for Lakewood Park Subdivision. The structures are designed and permitted as operable gates, to replace the fixed crest weirs that previously existed. This improvement gives the County the ability to lower internal canal stages prior to major storm events and provide greater flood protection. Likewise, during drought conditions the water could be maintained at higher levels, to improve lake aesthetics and maintain higher groundwater levels. The original project completion date was September 6, 2009. This amendment will extend the grant deadline to February 27, 2010. This extension will allow the County to complete the project and recover the remaining funds available from the granting agency. Previous Action: February 14, 2007 -Board acceptance and approval of JPA with SFWMD for Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures. April 10, 2007 -Board acceptance of Budget Resolution No. 07-109 in the amount of $250,000.00 from SFWMD for Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures, stormwater Drainage and Water Quality Improvement project. September 23, 2008 -Board approval of Amendment No. 1 (Time Extension). Recommendation: Board approval of Amendment No. 2 for time extension to contract No. 4600000621 with South Florida Water Management District for Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures stormwater Drainage and Water Quality Improvement project as outlined in the agenda memorandum and signature by the Chairman. ~~. COUNTY F L O R I D A AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI -C2 DATE: 1126110 REGULAR ~ ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ~ ) QUASI~ID C ) CONSENT lX) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Christopher Lestrange SUBMITTED BY: Public Works -Code Compliance Code Compliance Manager SU_ Unsafe Structure, 2702 Essex Court, Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102-2415-549000-200 -Advertising PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to advertise a public hearing scheduled for April 6, 2010, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: UQ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinatioNSis~natures County Attorney (X) ~ OMB Director (X) ~~,~ Budget Analyst . Dan McIntyre Marie Gouin Originating Dept. (X) - Other ( ) Do Id B. West ~~oUNTy ~~~ F L O R I D A Public Works Administration MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald B. West, Public Works Directo~~ FROM: Christopher Lestrange, Code Compliance Manager/Building Official ~~ DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Unsafe Structure, 2702 Essex Court, Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 ITEM NO. VI-C2 Backs~round• On March 19, 2009, Code Enforcement issued a notice of violation letter to renew expired demolition permit 0709-0347 to complete the demolition of the fire damaged single family home at the above address. Corrective action was not taken and the matter was referred to the January 6, 2010 Code Enforcement Board for a violation hearing where the property was found in violation. The owner did not appear and the default date of February 5, 2010 was given to correct the violation. In accordance with St. Lucie County Code and Compiled Laws, Chapter 2-5, Article III, Unsafe Buildings and Structures, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to declare a structure within the unincorporated County unsafe and a nuisance, when it is determined the building is a menace to public health, a fire hazard, unsafe so as to endanger life or property or damaged, deteriorated or defective to such an extent that the cost of restoration exceeds fifty percent of the value after restoration. If the Board determines the structure is unsafe, they shall conduct a public hearing and may order the vacation, demolition, repair or removal of the unsafe structure. All associated costs shall be assessed against the property by filing a lien in accordance with the attached Declaration. In accordance with Section 2-5-42, this memorandum is to document a finding by the Building Official that the single family home located at 2702 Essex Court (two photographs dated December 2, 2009 attached) is unsafe, and an attractive nuisance due to fire, decay, deterioration, abandonment and structural defects, to the extent that it may be injurious to the public health and a danger to any occupants and surrounding properties. Further, the cost of restoration exceeds fifty percent of the value after restoration. Recommendation: Board approval to advertise a public hearing scheduled for April 6, 2010, as outlined in this agenda memorandum. ~', C ~ CI I~IT Y .. ~ L O R t D A AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-D DATE: 1126110 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Leo J. Cordeiro SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Director SUBJECT: Recycling of Cardboard BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 09-070, Recycling of Cardboard from the St. Lucie County Solid Waste Baling and Recycling Facility to Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~~ APPROVED ( ) ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: DENIED ~'1 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures r County Attorney (X) ~.~ ~= OMB Director (X ) Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Go Originating Dept. ( ) (Name) Purchasing (X) ~ Desiree Cimino Cf3t.i hITY . F L O R I D A TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Leo J. Cordeiro, Director ~~ Solid Waste DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Recycling of Cardboard ITEM NO. VI-D Solid Waste Department MEMORANDUM Background: The Solid Waste Department recovers cardboard from the incoming waste for recycling. A Request for Bids for the purchase of cardboard from St. Lucie County was issued on August 23, 2009. Two hundred and seventy four companies were notified and ten documents were distributed. Three companies (SP Recycling Corporation, Waste Pro and Pratt Industries/VISV Recycling) submitted bids which were opened on September 23, 2009. The bid from Waste Pro is deemed to be in the best interest of the County. The two top responses listed their bid prices in different manners. Pratt Industries listed a percentage (90%) of the Official Board Market (OBM) price, while Waste Pro bid was shown as a dollar amount of $10.00 below the OBM. The current price paid for cardboard is $110 per ton. The price listed as a percentage by Pratt Industries would pay $99 per ton while the price listed as a dollar value by Waste Pro would pay $100 per ton. Waste Pro is a local company and Pratt Industries is located in Conyers, Georgia. SP Recycling Corporation offered a flat bid of $50 per ton. Recommendation: Board approval to award Bid No. 09-070, Recycling of Cardboard from the St. Lucie County Solid Waste Baling and Recycling Facility to Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as approved by the County Attorney. LJC:dIs Attachment A -Tabulation Sheet Attachment B - OBM/The Yellow Sheet r: TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR VI-E1 1126110 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing ITEM NO. DATE: PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin Director Extension to Contract for Fire Sprinkler System Inspection, Testing and Maintenance See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 107-712-546000-1645 Equipment Maintenance 107-1940-546000-100 Equipment Maintenance 001-1925-546000-100 Equipment Maintenance PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the second extension to Contract No. C06-04-408 with Life Safety Systems, Inc., extending the contract through and including April 10, 2011, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~) APPROVED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: ( ) DENIED Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures G OMB County Attorney (X) ~' `~ Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre Purchasing (X) t~~~ Central Services Melissa Simberlund (X) ~~'~ TaWonna Johnson (X) Roger Shinn Office of Management - ' ~ _ _ _ & Budget/Purchasing e ' Rr ~- MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioner FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director I'` DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Extension to Contract for Fire Sprinkler System Inspection, Testing and Maintenance ITEM NO. VI-E1 Background: In 2006, St. Lucie County entered into a contract with Life Safety Systems, Inc. providing continuing fire sprinkler system inspections, testing and maintenance for County facilities. Life Safety Systems is located in Port St. Lucie and was the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. The original contract term was for a period of three years. The contract allowed for two additional one-year renewal options. The first extension extended the contract through and including April 10, 2010. The second extension will extend the contract through and including April 10, 2011. With this renewal, these services will be bid near the end of calendar year 2010 for a new contract to be in place prior to April, 2011. The second extension to contract C06-04-408 is attached. Previous Action: April 11, 2006-B000 approval of award of bid January 22, 2008-Amendment adding Clerk of Courts Building August 12, 2008-Amendment adding Logistic Center February 24, 2009-First extension of contract May 26, 2009-Amendment adding the Havert L. Fenn Center Recommendation: Board approval of the second extension to Contract No. C06-04-408 with Life Safety Systems, Inc., extending the contract through and including April 10, 2011, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. / ITEM NO. VI-E2 ~ ' ~ ` - - - DATE: 1/26/10 - - AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: i Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for the Purchase of Sign Posts, Sign Hardware and Sign Blanks BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 101004-4109-553100-400 Safety Markers and Signs PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the second amendment to Contract No. C07-03-128 with Universal Signs and Accessories, extending the contract through and including March 12, 2011, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ~,~) APPROVED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Coordination/Si4natures CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB County Attorney (X) r ~~~ Budget Analyst (X) ~~~ Dan McIntyre TaWonna ohnson DENIED Purchasing (X) ~-`.~ Road & Bridge (X) ~ ~ Melissa Simberlund onal Pauley Office of Management i _i = _ & Budget/Purchasing e ~ - $_ ~-~ ~ -~ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director rn DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for the Purchase of Sign Posts, Sign Hardware and Sign Blanks ITEM NO. VI-E2 Background: In 2007, St. Lucie County entered into a contract with Universal Signs and Accessories for the purchase of sign posts, sign hardware and sign blanks as needed. Universal Signs is located in Ft. Pierce and was the lowest responsive responsible bidder. The original contract term was for a period of two years. The contract allowed for two additional one-year renewal options. The first extension extended the contract through and including March 12, 2010. The second extension will extend the contract through and including March 12, 2011. With this renewal, these services will be bid near the end of calendar year 2010 for a new contract to be in place prior to March, 2011. The second amendment to contract C07-03-128 is attached. Previous Action: March 13, 2007 - BOCC approval of award of bid February 17, 2009 -First amendment to exercise the first renewal option Recommendation: Board approval of the second amendment to Contract No. C07-03-128 with Universal Signs and Accessories, extending the contract through and including March 12, 2011, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ~'' ~~.~...~.~~`T _~~.~..~~.~_~~W ~ ' _..~.- ITEM NO. VI-E3 '~ ~ ~ - DATE: 1/26/10 ,~ ~ '~ ' - -~ ; ; - ~ = ~. AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for Processing and Recycling Yard Trash, Landscape Debris and Land Clearing Debris BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 401-3410-534000-3901 Other Contractual Services PREVIOUS ACTION: February 8, 2005 - BOCC approval of award of bid RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the first amendment to Contract No. C05-02-096 with Thelin Recycling Company, L.P., extending the contract through and including March 31, 2013, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) OTHER PULLED CONCURRENCE: DENIED Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB County Attorney (X) "-f Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre Purchasing (X) I~--~'~ Solid Waste Melissa Simberlund (X) (~~r TaWonr4a Johnson // .~//~,• (X) C~~"~ - Leo Cordeiro TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ~M~~ 1'~ DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for Processing and Recycling Yard Trash, Landscape Debris and Land Clearing Debris ITEM NO. VI-E3 Background: In 2005, St. Lucie County entered into a contract with Thelin Recycling Company, L.P. for the processing and recycling of yard trash, landscape debris and land clearing debris as needed for the St. Lucie County Bailing and Recycling Facility. Thelin Recycling Company is located in Southlake, Texas and was the highest rank firm as the result of RFP # 05-017 and provided the lowest price for the processing services. The original contract term was for a period of five years. The contract allowed for one additional three-year renewal option. This extension will extend the contract through and including March 31, 2013. With this renewal, a new RFP will be done near the end of calendar year 2012 for a new contract to be in place prior to March, 2013. The first amendment to contract C05-02-096 is attached. Recommendation: Board approval of the first amendment to Contract No. C05-02-096 with Thelin Recycling Company, L.P., extending the contract through and including March 31, 2013, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. SUBJECT: Assignment of Contract for the Processing of Waste Tires BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 401-3410-534000-300 Other Contractual Services PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the assignment of Contract No. C05-11-692 from Florida Tire Recycling, Inc. to Liberty Tire Recycling, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X ) CONCURRENCE: DENIED Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ~'~,, ~/` Coordination/Signatures OMB Budget Analyst . Dan McIntyre Purchasing (X) ~'-t~C Melissa Simberlund Solid Waste (X) ~~!. TaWonna~Johnson `. Leo Cordeiro ~... ~~_._ .~_.___ ~_..~_ _~_ ~__.~ Office of Management - ~ ; _ . -~. - & Budget/Purchasing ~ - -~~- ~~~ MEMORANDUM T TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ~,~~~ DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Assignment of Contract for the Processing of Waste Tires ITEM NO. VI-E4 Background: In 2005, St. Lucie County entered into a contract with Florida Tire Recycling, Inc. for the processing of waste tires as needed for the St. Lucie County Bailing and Recycling Facility. Florida Tire Recycling is located in Port St. Lucie and was the lowest responsive responsible bidder. The original contract term was for a period of five years. The current term will expire on December 31, 2010. Florida Tire Recycling, Inc. has been acquired by Liberty Tire Recycling effective January 1, 2010. Liberty Tire Recycling will honor all contractual obligations, prices and continue to operate out of the Port St. Lucie location. The assignment of contract C05-11-692 is attached. Previous Action: November 22, 2005 - BOCC approved the award of bid December 9, 2008 -First amendment extending the contract through December 31, 2010 Recommendation: Board approval of the assignment of Contract No. C05-11-692 from Florida Tire Recycling, Inc. to Liberty Tire Recycling, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ~ Marie M. Gouin h,~ SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Director ',y SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for Residential Real Estate Title Services BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001512-6420-549605-600 Domestic Subsidy 189100-6420-549605-600 Domestic Subsidy 001113-6420-549605-600 Domestic Subsidy PREVIOUS ACTION: April 28, 2009 - BOCC approval award of bid RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the first amendment to Contract No. C09-04-204 with St. Lucie Title Services, Inc. extending the contract through and including April 27, 2011 and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~O APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ,~ Coordination/Signatures !f=- County Attorney (X) `~'~ Dan McIntyre [ ~ Purchasing (X) Melissa Simberlund Budget Analyst (X ) Community Serv ~, ~ ~ ~~ Sophia Holt (X) Beth Ryder Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioner. FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for Residential Real Estate Title Services ITEM NO. VI-E5 Background: On December 1, 2008, the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) submitted its Neighborhood Stabilization Program Amendment to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in response to their statewide allocation of $91.14 million. DCA allocated $3,984,601 to St. Lucie County. The program requires that the funding be used within 18 months from the date of the contract between DCA and HUD to address foreclosed and abandoned properties in the areas of greatest need throughout the unincorporated areas of the County. These funds may be used for residential appraisal services, residential home inspectors, residential real estate title services, homebuyer education providers, contractors and program proposals from community partners. In 2009, St. Lucie County entered into a contract with St. Lucie Title Services, Inc. to provide residential real estate title services. St. Lucie Title is located in Ft. Pierce and was the only firm to respond to RFP No. 09-025. The initial term was for a period of one-year and will expire on April 27, 2010. The contract allows for two additional one-year renewal periods. The first amendment to contract C09-04-204 is attached. Recommendation: Board approval of the first amendment to Contract No. C09-04-204 with St. Lucie Title Services, Inc. extending the contract through and including April 27, 2011 and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. V1-F ~ ~ - DATE: 01 /26/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Diana D. Lewis ~---- SUBMITTED BY: Airport Airport Director ~ ~' SUBJECT: Wetland Mitigation Area Monitoring BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 140135-4220-563005-48006 Infrastructure/Cons. Eng. FAA grant 140335-4220-563005-48006 Infrastructure/Cons. Eng. FDOT grant PREVIOUS ACTION: July 8, 2008- LPA Work Authorization No.11 for initial exotics removal. September 16, 2008 -Work Authorization No.13 for $352,251.50 for 150 acre mitigation enhancements to meet permit conditions. February 3, 2009- Work Authorization No. 16 for the periodic monitoring and reports required by the permitting agencies. September 15, 2009 -Work Authorization No. 23 second year maintenance of the 150 acre mitigation area for $144,131. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of LPA Group Work Authorization No. 25 to provide consultant services for the second annual wetland mitigation area monitoring for a lump sum amount of $37,913.50 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the document as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (k) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) / ~~ ~i ~,~0.-'n Budget Analyst DarYiel McIntyre Marie Gouin Heather Young Patty Marston Purchasing ( ) ERD ( ) Melissa Simberlund (Name) AIRPORT ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Diana D. Lewis, Airport Direct ~/ ,Y DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Wetland Mitigation Area Monitoring ITEM NO. VI-F Background: In order to construct the new runway and taxiway, the permitting processes with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) required that over 120 acres of land be set aside for mitigation of impacted wetlands and protected species. Certain improvements were also required to improve the habitat in this area, including exotics removal, planting wetland plants, filling in ditches, and other activities as outlined in a mitigation plan that was approved by the agencies. Monitoring reports are required by the agencies on a periodic basis to document improvements. This work authorization will provide consultant services for monitoring required after 18 months and 24 months to ensure continued permit compliance. The Federal Aviation Administration grant for the new runway project included 95% funding for a mitigation costs of up to $594,543 to meet permit requirements over the first two years. The Florida Department of Transportation also provided a 2.5% matching grant and the local match for this project was already budgeted when the grant was originally accepted in FY 2008. The costs for this work authorization will utilize these funds. Recommendation Board approval of LPA Group Work Authorization No. 25 to provide consultant services for the second annual wetland mitigation area monitoring for a lump sum amount of $37,913.50 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the document as approved by the County Attorney. CO(1NTY F L O R I D A AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-G DATE: 01/26/2010 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: - Michael Brillhart ,11,E SUBMITTED BY: Growth Management Department Capital Improvements Manager SUB_ Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-001, Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: April 7, 2009 -Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 09-107 for dedication of right-of-way along Selvitz Road. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-001 and authorization for the Chairman to sign document as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ~ ( ) OTHER -~~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) ~~ County Surveyor ( ) ~~~ . Daniel S. McIntyre Ron Harris County Engineer ( ) ~ r ~ ERD ( ) Mi el Powle Karen Smith 1 Originating Dept. ( ) Mark Satterlee Cou [vTy F L O R I D A GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Growth Management Dir FROM: Michael Brillhart, Capital Improvements Manage~~ DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-001, Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. ITEM NO. VI-G Background: On April 7, 2009, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 09-107 (attached) approving the dedication of 6,176 square feet (10' width x 617.6' length) of right-of-way along Selvitz Road in consideration for the Conditional Use permit granted by the Board on December 12, 2008 for the operations of the Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. kennel facility. Team Parks, as agent for Dogs and Cats Forever, has requested road impact fee credit based upon the right-of-way donation as reflected in the December 3, 2009 memo to the County (attached). County staff has determined that the right-of-way donation is eligible for credit against road impact fees as stipulated within Section 1-17-33.1(c) of the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County. The value of the property donated to the County is $6,670.08 which is 120% of the most current assessed valuation as determined by the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's Office. The actual road impact fee for the kennel facility is $4,476.77. Dogs and Cats Forever, Inc. is eligible for Road Impact Fee Credit in the amount of $4,476.77 Recommendation: Board approval of Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-001 and authorization for the Chairman to sign document as approved by the County Attorney. ~ ~ tI N~ Y F 1. Q R i D A ITEM NO. DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR VI-H1 1 /26/10 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Community Services/Transit Division PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams ~' Transit Manager, ~~` Acceptance of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5311 Operations Grant See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 130107-4910-331421-400 Florida Department of Transportation PREVIOUS ACTION: January 12, 2010 -Adopted Resolution 10-023 to apply for FTA 5311 grant. RECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of FTA 5311 Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT; approval of Budget Resolution 10-042 and sub agreement with Council on Aging of St. Lucie Inc; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) ( ) DENIED 1.~,, ,,,_ l~ .""1 Coordination/Signatures Daniel 5. McIntyre ~ i Beth Ryder CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Director Budget Analyst ( ) ,~~ ~-~ Marie Gouin Sophia Holt ~: COUNTY '` TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director Community Services MEMORANDUM FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manager ~~~ DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5311 Operations Grant ITEM NO. VI-H 1 Background The Section 5311 Non-Urbanized Area Formula Program provides Federal operating or capital assistance to eligible recipients who operate/contract public transportation services for non-urbanized rural and small urban areas. This grant is awarded to St. Lucie County by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) in the amount of $60,304. A local match of $60,304 is required and will be funded from various eligible transit grant sources. This grant is a multi-year Joint Participation Agreement (JPA), which will be awarded annually for five years to assist with operating the local transit services in the non-urbanized areas. By contract, St Lucie County will award a sub agreement to the Council on Aging of St. Lucie Inc., (COASL) the local transit provider for the demand response services. Recommendation Board acceptance of FTA 5311 JPA with FDOT; approval of Budget Resolution 10-042 and sub agreement with Council on Aging of St. Lucie Inc.; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: FDOT Agreement Budget Resolution 10-042 COASL Sub agreement ITEM NO. VI-H2 ~~ -~ , ~ .~.~ ~_! '' _:° °`:" ~ ~ _<°~ DATE: 1 /26!10 ~~ ~'- ''~-- - - ~ ~~. AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) ' ~ - r--- PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD { ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Conine C. William SUBMITTED BY: Community ServiceslTransit Division Transit Manager, SUBJECT: Acceptance of Transit Block Grant BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 130210-4910-334493-400 Florida Department of Transportation PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of the Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement Transit Block Grant; approval of Budget Resolution No. 10-043 and sub agreement with Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc.; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ( ') APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ • Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) ~ nrri OMB Director ( ) `I~d ~(/ J-~ Dani I S. McIntyre Budget Analyst Ma-rie G~ouin~ . ~ ~~as,~ y' o .:~ Sophia Holt --~ ,.- Originating Dept. ( ) -" Beth Ryder --- - - .,~~ ,` , °~_ _ - ~ _y - - TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Directors ~ ~~~~ Community Services MEMORANDUM FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manager f1, DATE: January 26, 2010 f "" SUBJECT: Acceptance of Transit Block Grant ITEM NO. VI- H2 Background: The State Public Transit Block Grant Program was enacted by the Florida Legislature to provide a stable source of funding for public transit. Yeariy allocation of grant funds are awarded by Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to public transit providers that are eligible to receive funding under the Federal Transit Administration's Sections 5307 and 5311 programs. The allocation is determined based on a State formula that included the County's population, transit system revenue miles and passenger trips. These funds may be used for eligible capital and operating costs for public transit. Projects must be consistent with applicable approved local government comprehensive plans. Historically, the State Transit Block Grant has been directly awarded by FDOT to the Council on Aging of St. Lucie Inc. (COASL) as the transportation provider for operation of public transportation services. Moving forward, FDOT plans to award all transit grants to local governments. The Transit Block Grant allows for a total operating assistance in the amount of $867,522. Of this amount, $433,761 will be from the FDOT, and $433,761 will be from other such eligible transit funding sources. COASL, the local transit provider, is the subrecipient of this transit grant. Recommendation: Board acceptance of the FDOT Joint Participation Agreement Transit Block Grant; approval of Budget Resolution No. 10-043 and sub-grant agreement with Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc.; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: FDOT Agreement Budget Resolution 10-043 COASL Sub agreement Y _ _ ~~ ITEM NO. VI- H3 DATE: 1 /26/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams SUBMITTED BY: Community ServiceslTransit Division Transit Manager ~,~ SUBJECT: Submission of Section 5317 New Freedom (NF) Application BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: January 27, 2009 -Approved request to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to be a Designated Recipient of NF funds. March 6, 2009 -Approved letter to FTA for NF grant funds on behalf of St. Lucie County. April 21, 2009 -Authorized advertising a Request for Qualifications for transit providers for the NF program. September 8, 2009 -Accepted FTA 5317 and Budget Resolution 09-266; approved agreement with ARC of St. Lucie County. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to submit an application for the FTA Section 5317 grant and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ('~} APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~~~ ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSianatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) ~~r (~ ~rd ' ~~ r., Budget Analyst j~- ~~ ~L D' ni, I S. McIntyre Marie Gouin ~'i~--~<--« ~ ~~ ~ Sophia Holt l^ .~ Originating Dept. ( )__~`~.~-~ ~ "`'- Beth Ryder Community Services -~ ~ ~ - f1 . TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director ,~'•_~ MEMORANDUM FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manage +~~ DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Submission of Section 5317 New Freedom (NF) Application ITEM NO. VI- H3 Background: FTA has allocated $18,838 of formula carryover NF grant funds for FY10. These funds have been designated to the Port St. Lucie Urbanized Area (PSL UZA}, which comprises St. Lucie and Martin Counties. The purpose of the NF grant is to provide improved public transportation services, and alternatives to public transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities, regardless of income. Recommendation Board approval to submit an application for the FTA Section 5317 grant and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachments: Grant application Split letter ITEM NO. as=. ~ i s„ ice. ~.-,~ ~'~i _ ~ ; _:~-, DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR VI-H4 1 /26110 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Community ServicesfTransit Division PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams J Transit Manager ,~,+~ Submission of Section 5316 Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) Application See attached memorandum. N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: January 27, 2009 - Approved submission of request to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to be a Designated Recipient of JARC funds. March 6, 2009 -Approved submission of letter to FTA for JARC grant funds on behalf of St. Lucie County. April 21, 2009 -Authorized to advertising a Request for Qualifications for transit providers for the JARC program. September 8, 2009 -Accepted FTA 5316 and Budget Resolution 09-265; approved agreement with ARC of St. Lucie County. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to submit an application for the FTA Section 5316 grant and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attomey. COMMISSION ACTION: (k~) APPROVED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attomey ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) ( ) DENIED ~ls~ rY, ~~3 (`+I Coordination/Signatures Daniel`s. McIntyre Y1 ~-<-t'I--~- ~l ~~-,~ . ,~-`- CONCURRENCE: ~ ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Director Budget Analyst c) ~L ~ Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Beth Ryder TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director ~~' `~ FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Manager~~ DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Submission of Section 5316 Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC} Application ITEM NO. VI-H4 Background: FTA has allocated $43,444 of formula carryover JARC grant funds for FY10 to the Port St. Lucie Urbanized Area (PSL UZA), which comprises St. Lucie and Martin Counties. $26,830 is the St. Lucie County share of this allocation. The JARC program is intended to fund transportation services and supportive activities that 1) improve access to jobs for persons of low income and those on public assistance, and 2) provide reverse commute trips for the general population. A reverse commute trip provides transportation for urban, suburban and natal area residents to suburban employment opportunities. Recommendation: Board approval to submit an application for the FTA Section 5316 grant and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachments: Grant application Split letter COCINTY ~`'' F L Q R I D A ITEM NO. ADDITIONVI-I.-. -.~ DATE: 01/26/2010 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Dennis Wetrel SUBMITTED BY: Information Technology Director ~` /,r.-,} SUBJECT: 50k VA UPS SYSTEM BACKGROUND: The existing 25k VA uninterupted power supply (UPS) at Rock Road is ten years old and is under the vendor recommended power rating to support the Data Center at full load and future growth. Anew 50k VA UPS is needed to properly protect the equipment and data from power surges and failures. A UPS is a critical part of the counties daily operations and diaster recovery procedures. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-1955-564000-100 Information Technology PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A -- RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to purchase 50k VA UPS System for 101 N. Rock Road office. Board approval of Budget Amendment #BA10-010 and Equipment Request #EQ10-020 in the amount of $46,200.00. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) ~ / /~~ Budget Analyst /'~ . Heather Lueke arie Gouin Robert O'Sullivan Originating Dept. ( ) Purchasing ( ) ' Dennis Wetz ~ ~ (esiree) E~ 000INTY F L O R I D A Information Technology MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Dennis Wetzel, Directo~~~~ Information Technolog ~~ f DATE: 01 /26/10 SUBJECT: 50k VA UPS SYSTEM ITEM NO. VI-H1 Background: The existing 25k VA uninterupted power supply (UPS) at Rock Road is ten years old and is under the ___ vendor recommended power rating to support the Data Center at full load and future growth. Anew 50k VA UPS is needed to properly protect the equipment and data from power surges and failures. A UPS is a critical part of the counties daily operations and diaster recovery procedures. Previous Action: N/A Recommendation: Board authorization to purchase 50k VA UPS System for 101 N. Rock Road office. Board approval of Budget Amendment #BA10-010 and Equipment Request #EQ10-020 in the amount of $46,200.00. ITEM NO. VIl1 DATE: 01!26/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR (X) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ~ ( ) - QUASI~ID ( ) CONSENT ( ) Tp; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jeffrey Johnson SUBMITTED BY: Growth Management Department Senior Planner SUBJECT: Major Site Plan approval for the National Elephant Center. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board adoption of Resolution No. 10-010, granting Major Site Plan approval for the National Elephant Center as outlined in the attached agenda memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE:. (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~--- ` Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-U wltn County Administrator conditions listed below ~~ Coordination/Signatures ~~ Count Attorne ( ) County Surveyor ( ) / y''"~ Y Y Daniel S. McIntyre Ron Harris County Engineer ( ) M~I ERD ( ) Michael Powley Kare mith 9 9 P Mark Satterlee Motion to approve with the following conditions: • No Bull Hook on site. • Total number of Elephants shall not exceed ten. • Paved access shall be provided unless a wavier is granted after a public hearing. • No electrical fences shall be installed on site. • The Board encourages the creation of an advisory committee to review the operations of the facility. • The applicant shall comply with all State and Federal local laws concerning animals and applicant shall provide an annual compliance report to the Board on compliance. In the event there are violations the Board reserves the right to revoke the site plan. Documented report on animal comings and goings and also number of births that have occurred. • Approval of this item contingent on proof of documentation from St. Lucie County Fire District of approval. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOCC Hearing Date: January 26, 2010 9:00 A.M. GM File Number MJSP 420093967 it Applicant The National Elephant Center Proaerty Owner Okeechobee Landfill, Inc. 7700 SE Bridge Road Hobe Sound, FL 33455 Land Use 8 Zoning AG-5 (Agricultural- 5) 8 AG-5 (Agricultural- 5) Staff Recommendation Board adoption of Resolution No. 10-010 granting Major Site Plan approval as outlined in the attached memorandum. Previous Action None. Proiect Staff Jeffrey Johnson Senior Planner ~ ~~ ~j the National Elephant Center 0 - - }.S T.' L C.l C 1 E ~ -- COUNTY F L O R -I D A _~ AGENDA ITEM No. VIII ~° o~~~ ~~ ~ vPi-move-Ro Subject Property C CT Q 7 V o m. U ~gt5 m ~V JJ Y VJ 0 ~~ N .~ ~~ A Location: 1/4 mile north of Okeechobee Road, adjacent and east of the St. Lucie-Okeechobee County line. Project Description Background The petitioner, the National Elephant Center is The Development Review Committee requesting Major Site Plan approval for (DRC) met on January 7, 2010 and 326.48 acres to provide care to African and recommends to the Board of County Asian elephants; and to contribute research, Commissioners approval of the Major Site support and population management to ac- Plan with conditions as outlined in the credited zoos. attached resolution. The developed area (Phase I) of approximately 34 acres consists of multiple landscapes linked by a series of paths and trails. The area introduces landform and habitat elements from the savannahs and woodlands of the elephants' home ranges and will contain watefioles, sand dunes, plants and scattered browse. Recommended Board Action Board adoption of Resolution No. 10-010, granting Major Site Plan approval for the National Elephant Center as outlined in the attached memorandum. Notice Requirements Two (2) Bams - 12,884 sq. ft. each • Keeper Worts Center - 2,516 sq. ft. • Observation Lookout - 1,600 sq. ft. Two (2) Paddocks -10,500 sq. ft. each • Four (4) Shade Structures - 600 sq. ft. each • Two (2) endosed pasture areas totaling fourteen (14) acres None. Further details are available in the attached staff report or in the Grawth Management Departmerrt. Phone: (77Z) 462-1580 Email: JohnsonJ~stlucieco.org ~ ~ o u N~r ~, :. ~ ~~ F L U R 11 D A ITEM NO. DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR III-B1 1 /26/10 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: MOSQUITO CONTROL BOARD Mosquito Control PRESENTED BY: James R. David Director Approval of Budget Resolution 10-001 for FishAmerica Foundation (FAF) Grant See attached memorandum. DEP SE Aquatic Presence Program in-kind support and volunteer expenses December 8, 2009 - BOCC approval of acceptance of grant RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Budget Resolution 10-001 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Resolution as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (j/~ OMB/Purchasing Director Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. (~ Other Jams .David ~~ ~1 Mar G in Tawonna Johnson Mosquito Control . ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Mosquito Control Board FROM: James R. David, Mosquito Control Director /1~ /~ Mosquito Control (~ v DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Approval of Budget Resolution 10-001 for FishAmerica Foundation (FAF) Grant ITEM NO. III-B1 Background: FAF has awarded a grant in the amount of $50,000 to St. Lucie County for restoration activities on Spoil Island SL-3. Those activities include removal of exotic plants, planting of native plants, reconnection of a small wetland on the island and watering maintenance of the plants. The local match is derived from the DEP SE Aquatic Preserve Program in-kind support of the project, which is providing construction monitoring and plant maintenance ($8,841). Budget Resolution 10-001 has been prepared to budget the funds from the FAF grant. Recommendation Board approval of Budget Resolution 10-001 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Resolution as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. III-B2 a ~ U U N~ 'Y - F ~ O R I D A AGENDA REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X 1 TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: MOSQUITO CONTROL BOARD Mosquito Control REGULAR ( ) PRESENTED BY: James R. David Director Approval of Budget Resolution 10-003 for National Association of Counties (NACO) Grant See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 145-6230-531000-600 Professional Services 145832-6230-599300-600 Reserves - SFWMD IRL License Plate Grant 2009 PREVIOUS ACTION: November 3, 2009 - BOCC approval of acceptance of grant RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Budget Resolution 10-003 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Resolution as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~() APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 DATE: 1/26/10 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator - CoordinationlSi4natures County Attorney ((~ OMB/Purchasing (c/j ~~~ Director Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. (~ Other ( ) Ja es R. David Marie G uin Tawonna Johnson Mosquito Control S - ~ - • MEMORANDUM TO: Mosquito Control Board FROM: James R. David, Mosquito Control Director ~~ Mosquito Control DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Approval of Budget Resolution 10-003 for National Association of Counties (NACO) Grant ITEM NO. III-B2 Background: NACO has awarded a grant in the amount of $50,000 to St. Lucie County for restoration activities on Spoil Island SL-3. Those activities include removal of exotic plants, planting of native plants, reconnection of a small wetland on the island and watering maintenance of the plants. The local match is derived from the Indian River Lagoon License Plate Grant ($15,185), contractual services which the Mosquito Control District used to get the permits and which are needed for bid scope development ($25,465), monitoring and permit compliance ($8,650), and in-kind logistical support ($700). Budget Resolution 10-003 has been prepared to budget the funds from the NACO grant. Recommendation Board approval of Budget Resolution 10-003 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Resolution as approved by the County Attorney. E NTH '`> ~~~ F L O R I D A AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. III-B3 DATE: 1/26/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) . CONSENT (X ) TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: MOSQUITO CONTROL BOARD Mosquito Control PRESENTED BY: James R. David Director Approval of Budget Resolution 10-002 for St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Grant See attached memorandum. 145-6230-531000-600 Professional Services 145832-6230-599300-600 Reserves - SFWMD IRL License Plate Grant 2009 November 10, 2009 - BOCC approval of acceptance of grant RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Budget Resolution 10-002 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Resolution as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ~) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (~ OMB/Purchasing Director Budget Analyst . Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. (~ Other ( ) Ja s R. David Marie G~iuin Tawonna Johnson Mosquito Control ~ ~` _ -~ ~ MEMORANDUM -~. TO: Mosquito Control Board FROM: James R. David, Mosquito Control Director , Mosquito Control DATE: January 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Approval of Budget Resolution 10-002 for St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Grant ITEM NO. III-B3 Background: SJRWMD has awarded a grant in the amount of $40,000 to St. Lucie County for restoration activities on Spoil Island SL-3 and Queen's Island Park. Those activities include removal of exotic plants, planting of native plants, reconnection of a small wetland on the island and watering maintenance of the plants. The local match is derived from the Indian River Lagoon License Plate Grant ($35,185), contractual services which the Mosquito Control District used to get the permits and which are needed for bid scope development ($25,465), monitoring and permit compliance ($8,650), and in-kind logistical support ($700). Budget Resolution 10-002 has been prepared to budget the funds from the SJRWMD grant. Recommendation Board approval of Budget Resolution 10-002 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Resolution as approved by the County Attorney.