HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-23-2010 Signed Agendas "~}a, ~sie t;~.~ir'?~,;~` ~zam -.a~sa~~i~" , ~ . ~~:;x, AG~N~A REQUEST ITEM NO. V~-B-1 ~ ~ ` ~ate: February 23, Z~].Q ~ Regc~lc~r I l P~blic Hearing ~ ] Co~senfi [X] TD: BOARb 4F COUNTY C~MMTSSIDNE~?S PR~S~NTEb BY: SUBMTTTED BY(b~PT}: Cour~ty Attorney ~ Heather Young Assis~'c~n~' Cou~t~'y At~orney SUBJECT: Aircraft Ser~ice Center, Inc. - Su~lease Agreemen~ wii~h Blue biamond Turbine Ser~ices, ~'nc. . BACKGROUND: See C.A. Na. 10-0236 FUNDS AVA~L. (S~ate type & No. o~ transaction or N/A): N/A RECQMMENDATION: Staff recammends the Baard vf Co~cnty CammissiQr~ers consent to the sublease agreemer~t betweer~ Aircraft Service Center, Inc., and Bkue Diamond Turbine Services, ~nc. C4MM~SS~ON ACT~ON: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROV~D [ ] Q~NZE~ ~ ~ OTHER: ~ A~proved 5-0 ~c~ye W. Ou~'law, M.P.A. Coun~-y Adminisfirator Coardinatian/Signatures County Attorney: G~' Mgi~. & Budg~t: Purchasi~g: ~aniel ~ M tyre Origin~ting Dep~~`~'~~ Oi~her : Other : €}iann ~.euris Finance (Check far Copy oniy, if ctpplicabke): 1 } ~ ~ ~ l INTER-O~F~CE MEMORANDUM ST. LUC~E C4UNTY, FGOR~DA TO: Board o~F Coun~y Comrrtissinners FROM: H~ather Young, Assistant~ Couni'y At~torr~ey C.A. NO: 10-0136 ~ DAT~: Fe6ruary 1, 2qip ~ SUBJ~CT: Aircra~t Service Center, Inc. - Sublease Agreerr~snt with Blue Dinmond Turbir~e , Ser~ices, Inc. BACKGROUND : A1~-hachecf to fihis mernnrandur~ is a copy of propnsed subfease agreerr~~nt between Aircraft Service Cer~ter, Tr~c., ~tr~d Blue bic~mond Turbine Ssrvices, Inc., for a portion af the hartgar occupied by Aircraft Ser~ice Center pursuant tn i#s sublea5e wifih Treasure Coas~ FB4, L..L.C. Blue Diamor~d Tut'bine Services i5 relocctti~g its turbo prop engine repair business from the Vero 8each Airpnrfi where it has opera#ec{ ~For a nurr~ber o~ years. They currenfly have four empfayees on the payrall. The subiease provides for an inii-ic~1 five year term with an option far a five year e~xtension. As incficafied in the at~'ac~ed memorand~rm, Blcae Dic~rrtand ~ requested a w4iver of ~the environmentc~l pollution liability insurance requirement which has been granted by the Airport Directar pursuant to Sectian 1-2.3-31, St. L~cie Coun~y Code of ~ Ordinances and Compiled i.aws, brasec! upan the "dry„ natcare of fihe engine~ received far repair. ~ Stnff ~as reviewed the praposed sublease, ?nd i~f appears acceptc~ble as to legal ~Form and ~ , carrectr~ess. i , 1 RECUMMENDATT4N/CQNCl.U5~4N: ' Staff recammends the B~ard of Co~nty Commissioners cn~sent ~o the subiease agreement between Airera#t Service Center, Tnc., ~nd Slue Dio,mand Turbir~e Services, Tnc. ReSpec~kfully submittecl, He4ther Ya~ng A55isfiant County Attorney Attachments HY/ ' Capies fio: County Adminis#rator ' Airpart Direc~or AGENDA i2EQUE5T ~TEM NO. VT-B , ~ n, 7~s~..^r « s~ a~-LT~'- ~ s ~ 2. ~ ~ ~ DAT~; February 23, 2010 Pr ~ ~ Y'^' 1~+.ey~.,.,a..... - R~i7UL./'~K L~ ~ ~ ~ '---~.~.~~:~~~...,~:...;.~,~.m yy~e~ ~.~u„~.,:~.~.~, . . . . . -,u ~.,.,a PUBL~C H~ARZNG CONS~NT [XX] TO: BOAi2D O~ COUNTY CC}MM~SS~ONERS PRESENTEp BY: SUBMTTTED BY(D~PT), Caunty Attorney Daniel 5. Mc~ntyre County At~torney SUBIECT; Ce~ebrafion Poin~e Subc4ivision ~mprovem¢nt Bonds BACKGi2~UN~, See attac~ed memvra€ndum FUNDS AVAILABL~: PREVTOUS ACTION; RECOMMEN~ATION: The County Afitorney r~ecommends that the Boarc# grant permission to sue Bond Safeguard Tnsurance Company tn ~nfnrce the pravisinns c~f the ~onds. COMAAI55ION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED ~ J D~NTED I ] OTH~R: ~ ~ ~-G--~-~°`~"°.~.~--~ Approved 5-4 Faye W, ~utlaw, MPA Co~nfiy Administrator ~j ~ Review and Rpprovals County A-htorney. Management & Budget~Purchasing: Ddnief 5, McTntyre Originn#sng ~ept. Public Works Oir: Co~nty Eng.: ~inance: {Check for copy only, if applicab~e) Ef~. 5/96 \ ~k ~~~r INTER-OF~ICE MEMORANOUM ' ` ~ ST. E.UG".GE CC?UNTY, FLOR~~A ~ ~ ' ~a ~ : T~: Board of County Commissioners FR~M: Dar~iel 5. Mclntyre, County At~torney C.A. N~.: 10-C}193 DAT~: February 10, 2010 SUBJECT: Ceiebration Pointe Subdivisinn ~mprovement Bonds BACKGROUND: LoLand Asset, LLC awns certain praperty in the County which it plur~ned ~to devefnp into ~he Cefebratinn Pointe Subdi~ision. Mercedes Homes, Tnc. was to be the developer o~ this praperty. Mercedes signed a Subdivision Tmprovemen~' Agreement to cortapiete ceri'uin improvernents to Celebration Pain~te by ~ur~e 11, 20Q9. To date, thase improverr?ents ha~e not beer~ campleted and Mercedes has in~Formed the Couniy that LoL.and wiil na lar?ger allow 1'hem back onto the praperty ~'a complete the impraverr?ents. l~a~a~cf signed three Road Improvement Agreements fo C41't'1pI21'2 imprnvements ta Jenkins, Swain a~d Peterson E~oadS in cannection wiih the Celebra~tion Pointe deveiopment. Thase impravements were to I~e completed by May 22, 2008. To date, thnse imprn~ements ha~e not beer~ completed, as set ~orth in ~he December 4, 20U7, November 6, 2007 and January Il, 2008 letters attached. Mercedzs pravided six bonds as security for its and LoLand's Agreements. ~"he ~'erms of these bonds state that the bonding catnpany rtiust receive "a resolution ~rom fihe Oi~iigee [St, Lucie Gounty] that 1'he impravett?ertfs ~ta~e not been installed or completed" befare it wili "complete the impro~ements or pa~y #he ~bligee such arr~ounf up to the Princi~al amount nf the bond which will aflow the Obliges to complete the itnprqvements," Qn February 24, 2Q09, the Soard adop~ed Resoiutian No, q9-Q54, a copy of whieh is attached, a~thorizing the Caunty Attarney to file a claim with Bond 5afeguard Tnsurr~nce Campany. Although the claim was filed, ~'he f~anding cornpany has refused i~o complei'e all af the required imprnvements REGOMMEN DATIG?N/CONCI~USION : The Caun#y Attorney recomr~ends that the 8oard grant permission ta sue 8ond 5afeguard Insurance Compar~y to en~orce the provisions of the bontls. Res tfuiiy submitt ~aniel S. Mclnty Caunty A'ttarne Q5M/caf Attachments AGEN~A RE VEST ~TEM N4. VI-B-3 ~ . ~ ' Date: ~ebruary 23, 2014 _ ~ ~ Regulur [ ] ~ Public Hearing [ ] Conse~fi [X~ TO: B4ARD OF COUNTY COMMTSS~C3N~RS Pi~ESENTED BY: 5U~M~TTED BY(D~PT): County Attarney Heat~er Ya~ng Assisfiant Couni~y Ai~torney SUBT~CT: Florida East Caast Railway Blanke~- Crossings License Agreement - Acknawledgmen~ and Agreement ~ar Assignme~rt af Ren~ts and Fees to Bank of Americcz, N.A. BACKGE2QUND: See C.A. No. 10-0142 FUNDS AVAIL.: (State type & No, o~ trar~sactio~ ar N/A): N/A R~GOMMENDATION~ Staff ~recommends fihe Board af Coun~y Cflmmissioners apprave fhe atfiached Acknovuledgment and Agreement ~ar ~he ~lorida ~asi' Coas~ Raiiuvay Blnnket Grossings License Agreemer~t, and aUtharize the Chairman to sign ~'he Agreemer~t. COMM~55TON ACT[ON: CONCURRENCE: [jc] APPROVED [ ~ DEN~Eb [ ~ OTNER: Apprvved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. Cou~'ty Administrrct'or Coordination/Si4nat~res Caunty At-~orne : ~ M t. & 8ud et: Purchnsin : Y 9 9 g banie! 5. Mclntyre ~rig~na~-ing Dept.: ~ Other ; Other : Dona West 1 , ~ ; . E l I~TER-C)~FICE MEMC7RANDUM ~ ST. LUC~E CQUNTY, FLC7RTDA f ~ TQ: Board o~ Counfiy Cammissioners FR~M: Heather Young, Assis-~ant County Atforr~ey ; C.A. NO: 1~-Q142 DAT~: February 1, 2010 SUBJECT: Florida East Coast i2ailway Blanket Crossings License Agreement - Acknowledgment and Agreemen~' far Assignment of Rents and Fee~ fia 8ctnk of America, N.A. BACKGROUN~ ~ Dn October 7, 1999, the County en~ered infio Q BIQCIIC~1' LIC2t15~ Agreemen~' with ~forida ~ast Caast Railwuy Compar~y ("~~C"} for ins~alia~'io~ and maintenance af ruifwcty crossings and related equipment at various focations throughout ~he County. ~'~C subsequently assigned tl~e rents ar~d ~Fees under fihe Blankef License Agreement ta F~G ROW Holdings Ll.C, an affiliate of Flagler Developmenfi Group. ~lugler has no~ified ~'he Cour~ty thnfi the License has been furfiher assigned to FDG ~Iagler Station ~'T E.LC, ana~'her one of its affiiia~es. In car~jur~ction with thcat assignment, the rents anc~ fees have f~een assigr~ed to 8ar~k of Amer.ica, N.A. Attached to this. memorandum is a copy af a letter from FDG Flugler Station II L.E~C regarcting further payment of tho~e renfs ar~d ~ees and requesting the Caun~ty exectat'e t}~e attachecf Acknowledgment and Agreement recognizing the assignmen~ ancE the new paymen~' ins~'ruc-hior~s. RECOMM ~N DATION/CONCLUS~ON : 5~'aff recommends the Baard of Caunty Cnmmissivners apprave the a~tached Ackr~ouvledgment and Agreemeni' far ~'he ret~ts and fees ~nder t~e Flarida ~ast Coast ruilway crossings, ar~d au~horize the Chairman ta sign the Agreement. Respectfully submitted, Heather Yaung Assis~'at~t Coun~Fy Attorney Attachments HY/ Copies fio: County Administrator Firtance Direc~or Public WorkS Director ~~S ~ ~ AG~NDA R~QUEST ~T~M N~. V~-B-4 I ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~nfie : Febrc~c~ry 23 , 20~.0 ~ Regular [ ~ Public Nearing [ ~ Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PR~S~NT~D BY: Sl18MITTED BY(DEPT): Caunty A~torney Hea~her Young Assisi~ant County Atfiorney SUB,T~CT: Treasure Coast Research Park - Concep~Fual Approval of Con~eyance of Sixty (60} Acres ta St. Lucie County Schaol Board BAGKG~20UND: See C.A. Na. 1Q-Q185 FUNbS AVAIL.: (State type & Na. of tr~nsactian ar N/A): N/A RECOMMENQATZON: Staff recammends that ~he ~aard af Cau~~y Commissio~ers gran~ conceptual approval -~or the canveyc~nce af sixty (60) acres ~o the School Board o~ St. Lucie Counfiy as provided in fihe June 17, 2009 Sublea~e Agreemer~~ ~etween the School Baard and the University o~ ~iorida Board of Trusi~ees. COMMISSTO~1 ACTTON: CONCURRENCE: APPR4V~D [ ] DEN~E~ [ ] OTH~R: ~ ~ Appr'oved 5-4 Faye W. Out[aw, Ni.P.A. Caunty Aclministrai~or Ca~rdina~ion/5i nafures f~ Couni~y Attorney: ~ Mgt. & Budge~: Purcha~ing: Qansel ~ntyre Or~iginczting Dept.. O~her : U~he~~ : . Ben ~eVries Rnn Harris Finance {Check for Copy or~ly, if appficabfe): , , , E TNTER-OFFICE MEMC]RANDUM ~ ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIbA i TO: 8oard o~ County Commissioners i FROM: Hea~-her Yo~ng, Assist~nt Cnc~nty A~~rorney ' C.A. NC): 1~-1$5 DATE: February 9, 2010 SUBJECT: Treasure Coast Research Park - Conceptuc~[ Approval of Conveyance of Sixfiy (50} Acres i~o Sfi. ~.ucie County School Baard BACKGROUND: On Ju~e 17, 2009, t~e Schonl Board o~F St. Lucie County entered in~o a Sublease Agreemen~ with the University of ~larida Baard a~ Trustees for pro~erty located nar~hh af Picos Road c~d jaceni' 1'o t'he Treasure Coas~' Research Par~t. The Se~biease is con~'inge~t upan th~ conveyance af fee simple title of apprc~xima~ely sixty {b0) acres from ~'he County to the School Bnurd for the cfevelopment of a K-2Q schaol camptas. Upan canv~yance o~ " the sixty (6Q} acres ta the Schaoi Baurd, it will then assign its ini~erest u~der the Sublease to the Coun~Yy. The County wiil then in ~rurn f~arther suEalease tha~t proper~y to the Treasure Caast Educatian, Research and !]eveiopment Authority fnr the Treasure Cac~s~' Researc~t Park. A copy of fhe survey in~ficating ~'he laca~'ian of the 5ix~'y (60) acres wes~ of iCings Hig~way and north of Picos Road is a~tached. In order far the Schaaf Board to ex~end f~ar~ds ~to conduc~ i~s due diligence an the site, staf~ recommends the Banrd concep~uaily approve the conveyance o-~ i'he identified sixty (60) acres to the School Board. Assuming a successful canclusion to the due diiigence process, s~taff wiil agencia fhe i~em for fiinai approvai within ninc~ty (90} days. REC4MMENdATTC7N/CONCLUSTON; Staff recammends tha~' the Board af Caunty Cpmmis5ionet^5 grant conceptual approva[ for 1'he conveyance of sixty (64) acres to t'he Schoal Board n~ St. ~.ucie County as pravided ir~ the June 17, 20~9 Sublease Agreement between the 5chool Bflarcf and the Universi~y of Flarida Board of Tr~astees. Res~ectful(y submi~ted, -F Heather Yaung Assis~ant County Attorney AG~NOA ~~QU~sT ~T~nn No. vr-e.~ ~ ~ . ~ ` ~ DAT~: ~'ebruary 23 201Q e:=.:a."~"~'h a °~".~:~:M~;~~'"w'~.,~^' , , ~Bj c~'Y._. ,~c \ r~ ~ ; . ~ .M~, , 3..~~,Y ; I I ~ . ~ ~~L7V~~K ~ ` / ~ :~~s::;erx+,~r~;c~-~, ~rr.sr~+°a~~,:~._~:,~ ......_:cwrz_.~acr.~;;~i .aa:a:~.:..~:~~,w~.-;,x;.a+s.~s.~ PUB~TC N~AR~NG CONS~NT [XX~ TO~ BOARp OF COUNTY COMMTSSTONERS PR~SENTED BY: SUBM~'TT~D BY{D~PT): Cour~ty Attorney Da~niel 5. Mc~ntyr~ SUB~'ECT: B&E Mauck Enterprises, Inc. ~ Consent to Gease Agreement and Firs~ and Second Addenda to Lease Agreement with Aviatar Noldings af Flarida, Inc. BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 10-O1$9 FUNDS AVAT~.ABL~: PR~V~OUS AGTION: REC4MMENDATIDN: Staff recommends the Bnard of Cour~ty Commissioners cansent to the Lense Agreement ond First ancf Second Addenda to Lease Agreement befinreen B&E Houck Enterprises, ~nc, and Aviatar Holdings af Flaridn, Tnc. COMM~SS~ON ACT~ON: CONCURRENCE: ~ APi'ROV~D [ ~ D~NIED ~ a OTH~R: : Ap~rnved 5Wfl Faye W. O~tfaw, MPA Gounty Administratar Review and Approvais County Attor~ey: Management & Budge't Purchasing; Danief 5, Mclntyre C~_--~ .a - Origina#ing Dept. Pub{ic Warks i~ir, Airpart Dir.; Diana ~.ewrs Finnncer {Check ~or capy on[y, if applicable) ~~f. 6/96 \ ~ I ~ [ ~ ~G ~ ~e'"~ TNTER-4FF~C~ M~MORANDUM ~ ~ k.~ ST. 4UCI~ COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ s ; . ' TD: Board of Counfiy Commissioners FROM: Neafiher Young, Assisfiar~t County Attorney C.A. NC).: 1Q-0189 DAT~ ~ FeE~ruary IQ, 2~10 ~ SUBJ~CT: B&E Houck Enterprises, ~nc. - Consent to Su6leuse Agreement and First ~nd Second Addenda to 5ublease Agre~men~ witM Aviatar , Hol~fings of Fiarida, Inc. ~ ' BACKGROUND: A~'tached ta ~'his memarandum is a copy of a Lease Agreement between B&~ Houck ~nterprises, Inc, and Avia~or Mvldings, Inc., as well as a First and Second Addenda to i'}~e Lease ' Agreement. ~t shauld be noted ~hhat alfihough the docwments refer ta a"~.ease Agreement", the , document is aetuaily a sublease to the suE~lease under Airpart Malding ~ort Pierce, LLC's ' sublease to B&~ Hauck ~n~her~rises which was approved by fhe Board o~ Cnunty Carnmissioners in conjunction with ~he sale of the ieas~halc~ ir~terest to Airpart Holdings Fort Pierce, LLC an Apri I 2~, 20Q7. The president o~ Aviafior Holdings is Michael Cohert wha has nperated the Ari- Ben Flight Sc~oo1 at the airport for a nurnber nf years. Although the Sublease's ternt co~menced an April 20Q9, the dacuments were onfy recently submitted to Airpart Holdings and the County for review and approval. The Le4se covers the ~light school ~aci9i~ty at the 5~t. Lucie Caunty Tnternafiona! Airport fvrmerEy occupied by Regianal Airline Acaderr~y. Aviator Hoidings has heen lieensed to pravide to o~fer flight trair~ing as well as n tuuo year degree program in avia~'ion Qi' th~ #aci(ii'y. The degree pragram will commence in January 2tJ10. The term o~ the Lease Agreerrlent will run concurrently with the master lease betw~en Airport Holdings and the County. As ~the term o~ sublease will exceed twelve (12) months, i~he tnaster lease requires cansent iay t~e Board of Couni'y Commissio~ers. 5taf~ has re~iewed fF~e Lease Agreement and the ~irst ctrrd Second Addenda and ~hey oppegr nccep~table as to farm, As the Lease Agreement exhibif5 a~2 vo~uminnus, piease cantac~ the Coun~hy Attarney's office tor a copy if you wish ta review them. AGENDA REQUEST TT~NI NO. VI-Bb ~;.~,u,~r~r;,~,w~~~,~~,~.~.:~x~.,~.~:,,~:~~,a, ~~a~~~~,.o,r,~~.u. ~ ~r ~ ~ baT~: February 23, ~ain ~ R~Gl1LAR [ ] ~ ~ ~ ° nau:1'.ms:fF'~u.[c[ rt~~".t;SiL'.hY511W:!ti=;:bzu:.:'A~Y!.~:Y)t^~:PVf:Ya.a'W PUBL~C H~aR~NG [ ] CONSENT ~xx] TO: BUARi~ O~ CC)UNTY C~MMISSIONERS PRESENTEp BY: 5UBM~TT~d BY {p~P~".): Caunty Attorney JaAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJ~CT: Floricia Communities Trust Harbor Branch Preserve / FCT Pra jec# Q7-Q27-FF7 Third Ar~encimen'~ 'to Qption Agreernent ~or 5n~e and Aurchase BACKGE20UND: Please see attached memorandwm ~'UNDS AVAtLAB!»~: Funds wifl 6e made available in: 317-3920-561Q00-3120 (Cnunty Capital - Revenue Share Bonc[ - Environmentnf Resources - Env Reg - Narbor Branch) PR~VIOUS ACT.~ON: Apri~ 24, 2~07 - Board of County Commissinners authorized s#aff to subrnit a Grant Application to FEorsda Cnrr~rnunities Tr€~st for the Harbor Bra~ch Preserve pro ject. becemEaer 18, 2007" - Board af Cnunty Commissiar~ers authorized the Chairman to execute anc! transmit tf~e Grant Contract and Confidentinfi~Fy Agreement to Florida Cammunities. May I9, 2Q09 - Board of County Cnmmissinners approved the Option Agreement for 5ale and ~urchase o~F the Hr~r€anr 8ranch Preserve parcels. ~ctaber 6, 20d9 - Board nf Caun~y Cnmmissioners agproved an Amendmenf tn ~the Option Agreernent far 5ale c~nd Purchase ~f the Harbnr Branch Preserve parcels. February 9, 2ai0 - Board of Caunty Cammissioners a~proved a Secand Amendment ta thz Qption Agreement for 5ale and Purchase of the Harbor 8ranch Preserve parcels. RECOMMENpATION; 5taff recommends t€~at fhe ~oard approve the Third Amendrnen# to Optinn Agreement for SaEe and Purchase af the Harbnr Branch Preserve parcels, authorize the Chairman to execute the Third Amendment and direct staft to clase ~he transaction anci recnrd fhe dncuments in t3~e PubEic Records o~ 5t. Lucie County, ~lorida. COMMTSSION RCITUN: CUNCURRENCE: APAROVEO [ ~ DENIED ~ ~ OTHER: w Appt'oVed 5-0 ~ ~aye W. Out~auv, MPk Coun~Fy Administrator Review nnd As~provals [x] County Attnrhey: Raad and Bridge; Public Works: panisl S. McIntyre Oon Pauley Don West ~x] Originnting bept: ~ ] Grants: [ ] Envirnnmentnl: JoAnn Riley Bill Hoeffner 5teve Fou5e~t S:IRCQ1WP17oAnnlFnvironmentnfl4~arhor Branch Preserve\Agenda Request Third Amendmen# to Qp7ion Agreement,wpd ~ 3 1 , ~ ~ i l ~ , i ~ I I ~ 3 ~ ^,.°:^pxe v~m a - ;w~e~r - ww..,-a:u ~ w-~m~-r ~ wn , ~ ~~1 O s V i ~ lJ ~ ~„~'n~.`,~,"s,:~ ~..av ~„.„s~«"~"~S."^-~'~~~5 "~~'~~~°,A~ 7 , ~ ~ D,/^\T~. GI~J~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGCILAR ( ) ~~~~~,~~.,~~~~~~-~~~..~,~~ri~~ PUBL[C HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-~,1? ( CONSE~NT ~ X ~ T4. BOARb Q~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ~ Marie M. Go€~ir~ ~ SUBMITTE~ BY: Of#ice nfi Managemer~f & Budgetlpurchasing Director ~ SUBJECT. Fixed Asset Inventory-Praperty Record Remova( BACKGRUUNI]: See atfached memarand~m. Fl1NDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVI(3US ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATIt~N: Board authorizatian to rerrtove fix~d assets, as fisted an t~e a~tac~ed Pro~er~y Dispositinn Forrr~s, from the capi~al asset inventory c~f various departments of St. ~.ucie Couniy Board of County Cammissioners. CC~MMISSION ACT[QN: ~ONCURRENC~: APPROVED ( } OENIED ~ } OTHER ~~k ~ ~ ~ Approved 5•D Faye W. O€~tlaw, MPA County Adminis~rator C__oordinationlSic~„nat~~res ~MB County Attorney ( X) 8~dget Analyst . ~an Mclntyr~ (Narr~e) P~rchasing { X } ~a~~~ ~ ) Sandra Nlorando (~a~~~ ~ .~~x~'ri o. ~pcE-~', x sry~f~ f~~ t a r'~ a~,r ~ . ~".+,_w+ v;,~~{~~~,v, ~E~ 4 : r , .w~' ..r``+~.~ ~.'T4'~~ ~ , ~ Office of Manager»en~ 3 ~ :f ~t~ ~ ~v~ ~ ~ & Bud efilPurchasin ~ ~ ~ g g r! r ~h+w~ 4 ~"'.,u' ~~f~ if ~ ' . ~ w L,'~~la i jf ~ Y~kr•~p ~ ~ ~ M~.~~x ~~,~~.~~~~~~~°-~z ~.~~~~,,~~~q~ l111 E IVa O R A N D U M ~ TO; Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouir~, Director ~ ~ATE: ~'ebruary 23, 20~0 SUBJECT: ~ixec~ asset ir€ver~tory-praperty recor~ removal ~TEM NO. V[- C'[ Backqrour~d~ . Per Section 18.4 of the Purchasing Manual, staff is req~es~ing au~horization ta remove the ~ixed assets, as I~st~d an the a~t~c~ed Property Dispnsitian Farms (pag~s 1~25}, fram the inventary o~ varia€~s departmer~ts of St. ~ucie County Board of Caunty Co~r~tissior~ers. Recorr~rrtendativn: Board authcarization ta r~:mave fix~~ ass~ts, as I€sted an th~ afi~ac~ed Property Disposition Forrr~s, from ti~e capi~al as5et inventory of various departments of St. ~~cie County Board of Cour~~y Cor~missiflr~ers. tTEM NO. V{- C2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h DATE: 02123I1Q ~ ~ ~ ~ k ~'iak~~ '~P ~ ~ . ` `}~-~5'-~+u'~a'~ r~( h.~~i=~ fi~~`~~~n,5 HW~I~DA"A I~.~v[V~~ 1 REGU~AR~ t / s ~p~p-~$~ ~:.~a,n ~nt. ~"3~ _ , ~ n'"F i V 1. ~ va~~.'~fi` 3 . ~ t~ ..n { 7 ~ ~ a ~cf ~Nn~:-~:~ ~F~F~ a~~~~:~~i~;~~ PUBLIC HEAR[NG LEG. ( ) QUASI~-JD ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: B~ARC3 ~F C4UNTY COMMISS~ONERS PRESENTE~ BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY. Office of Mar~agemertt & BiadgetlPurchasing Director SUBJ~CT: Fix~d ~sset irtventory-proper~y r~cord remova~ BACKGROUND: See a~~ached r~emorandum. FUNDS AVAILAB~.~: N/A PREVIQUS ACTION. N/A R~C(~MMENDATiON: Baard aut~torization to remove fix~d assets, as fisted on t~te at~~ched Property Dis~osition Forms, from the capital inventory of the St. L~aci~ Caunty Tax Collector's Office. COMMISSION ACT~ON: CQNCURR~NCE: APPROVED { ) DENl~D ( } OTHER ~ - ~ Approveci ~-fl ~'~ye W. Outlaw, MPA Courtty Adr~inisfirafiar CavrdinatianlSi nat~res . OMB County Attarney ( X) B~dget Analyst . Dan Melntyre (Name) ~ ~1 ; ~'urchasing ( X 3 ~ ~ ( ) Sar~dra M~rando (Name} , , E~~y'.31~~ .j~~4''b"_,±-,•~~u~~~~a~y"~~'~~~~~''''~~~ky~g~a'yzrh~} tr' ~i ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ` , ~ffice of Managemen~ ~ ~q r k~ ~r ~ , & BudgetlPur~hasing x z'+a ~ ~ o-z~~~~ ti ~ .~r . , ~ % ~ ~ fl~~~v i. ~h ~x ~"~~"~1~~~L~,n~~;,_~~ ~:~,,fi~~~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Board of County Commission~rs FROM: Marie M. Gauin, Directar ~ ~ATE: Febrary 23, 2010 SUBJECT: F~xed asset inventory-proper#y recarci remaval IT~M N~. VI- C2 Backqround: P~r Section 18.4 of th~ Purc~asi~g Manual, st~ff is requesting authorizat€an ~a remave th~ fixed assets, as ]is~ed on the at~ached Property Oisposition Forms (pages 1-1~) fror~ the inventory of St. ~€~cie County Tax Callector's OfFice. Recomrr~e~ndation; Board a~~horizatior~ to remo~e fixed asse~s, ~s fisted on the attached Prope~ty Disposition Forms, from the capital inv~n#ary af #he St. Lucie Caun~y Tax Collsctar's 4ffice. ITEM NO. Vl-C3 ~6N'~~k(' b`u' L~Y"" "':..~*v^"kR^~-KYH'~' '!~~'fk~'i~. ~ ~`~~~s-s'"~~~,'~ ~,yc.~^~"~~'s;d~,.~.~~ . s ~ ~ .s ~ DATE: ~2f231'~0 ~ b ~ ~ ~ AGEN~A REQUEST REGUI~AR ( } ? ~~~~~~w~~.~~~:~~~.~,:~~y:~ PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. ( } ~ QUASt~-.,1D { } ~ ~ i CONSENT { X ~ ~ T~: BOARD UF COUNTY ~OMM[SSIUNERS PRESENTEQ BY: ~ k Marie M. G~uir~ SUBMfTT~D BY: Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Dir~ctor ~ SUBJ~CT. ~'ixed Asset 1nv~ntory~Prope~ty Record Remaval BACKGROUND: See attached rnemorandum. FUNQS AVAILABLE: NIA P~EVI4US A~Tit)N: NIA ' RECOMMENOATtON: Baard authnrization to remov~ fixed asse~s, as ffst~d on ~he attached Praperty ' Dispositian Forms, fram the capital ass~t inverrtory af' the Clerk af Circuit Cour~. i I ~ COMMISSIC)N ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~C) APPROVED ( ) D~N[ED ( ) OTHER A~proved 5-0 Faye W. O~t9aw, MPA Caunty Administrator Coordinatior~ISiana~~res OMB County Attorney ( X) Budget Analyst . Dan Meln#yre (Name} Purc~asing ( X ) _ ~ ( ) ~ 5andra Morando (Name) 1 ~ .m= ; w _~_~.w ~fifice of Management : aa~.3.~, & Bud etlPurchasin ~ ~ ~ .:e~ J g ~a ~w;~ t ~ - .,y Y~ "~'s,.~ ~r~r~ . ~ ~,~L ~ 5 ~ ~ MEMORANDUM ~ T~: Board of Cour~~y Cammissioners FRUM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ~ Y~~ ~A7E: February 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Fix~d Ass~t Inv~r~tc~ry-Properky Record Remova[ iTEM Nf~, V6- C3 Backqra~nc~: Per Section 18.4 of the Purchasing Mar~ual, staff is requesting authorizatian to r~mov~ the fixed assets, as listed an the a~tacl~ed Proper~y Disposition ~orrns (pages 1-4), from #~e inven~ary of the Clerk of Circuit Cour~. Recornrnendation; ~c~ard aufiharization to remove fixed assets, as list~d on #~s attached Property Disposition ~'orms, from the capitai asset inven#ory of t~e Clerk of Circuit Cou~t. F~~~i~~,~''~~~ '~~~~,t~2a+~~ ~ r ~~~~F ~ ITEM NO. Vt-C4 ~ ;j , - DATE: 2123l10 . ~ ~ ~ ~ f . . ~ ~ . ~~r~~~+~,, i~ k~~s, AGENDA REQIJEST REGU~AR ( ) ~ ~~fi~ ~ 3 ~;y. s.~ u §~J P~B~~C H~ARING ( } LEG. ( } QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD C)~' COUIVTY CUMMISSI4N~RS PRESENTED BY. Marie M. Gc~uin SUBM~TTE~ BY: Office of Manag~m~n~ & Budge~IPurchasing Director SUBJ~CT: Resolution Na. 1(~-Q67, Chang~s to Purch~sing Manual - En~ironrr~enfai[y Preferreci Purchasing BACKGRDUND: See atfi~ched rnemorar~dum. ~UNDS AVA~LABLE: NIA PREVIQUS ACTION. N/A RECOMMENDATION: Bo~rd approval of Resolu~iarz No. 10T067, Ghanges to P~rchasing Ma~~a! - Er~vironmentaify Preferred Purchasing. COMMISS~CIN ACTNt7N: CqNCURRENC~: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) 4THER ~ ~ ` Faye W. 4ut{aw, MPA Approved County Administrator CavrdinationlSianatures ~ ~ ~ ~ Purchasir~ X ~ County AttarneY ( X ) g ( ) . Daniel Mclntyre M~[issa Simberf~nd ~'r Originating f~ept. { ) ERD ( X } ~ (Name) S~ndra Bogan ;f~; ,"r~ . y'n. r ~i, . . , ~ 3 - Y. k ~ ~Jffiice of I'Ulana emenf ~ ~ s ~ , ,~~H ~ ~ & BudgetlPurchasing T 4,~,,, ~ ,f ~ ' ; . MEMORANDUM TO: Baard of County Commissioners 'n Director ~ FROM: Mane M. Goui , ~AT~: February 23, ~0~0 SUB.I~CT: R~solution No. 10-087, Chang~s to Purc~asing Manual - Enviror~mentafly Preferred Purchasir~g ITEM NO. VI-C4 Backpround: ln Ja~ruary 2005, the Board direct~d staff to pursue the Florir~a Gr~~n Bui~ding Coalitior~'s "Green Loca1 Gav~rnment" certifica~ion ta fur~f~er fh~ County's sustainabi4ity goais. As a re~ul~, ir~ S~ptern~er 2009, ti~e Board aciopted the 5t. Lucie County Gr~~nprir~t to cohesively autlir~e its goals and strategies far achie~ing a s€~stainable community. One o€ #!~e goals outlined in t~~: Greenprin~ was to strengthen green government policies and prac~ices, includinc,~. adop#ion of Environment~lly Preferred Purchasing (EPP) poficies, consistent wifi~ price, pe~formar~ca, availabi[i~y, and safety consider~#ions. EPP is pracuremer~~ of products or services tha~ have a 1ess~r or ret~uced effec# an human health and the envirortment when compared with campeting products or services that s~rve th~ same purpose. ~'ar example, EPP praducts can b~ rnad~ with recycled car~tert~, k~ave l~ss packagir~g, are energy effiicient, dor~'t ereate hazardous waste, andlor incarporat~ ot4~er environmen~al(y preferable attributes. Resolution No. 10-067 provides for the inclusior~ of EPP policies into the St. Luci~ Co~nty Purchasing Manual and strer~gthens the Cau~ty's position for achievinc~ Gr~en Local Government Cer~ific~tior~, ~nticipated for Marc~lApril 2a10. Recarnmendatiort: Board appra~al of R~sa{ution Ng. 10~067, Chan~es to Purcf~asing N~anual - E~~ironmentalfy Preferred Pu~chasing. ITEM NO. VI~D1 ;i,: ~ {r ~i ~ , W~~'~~~ - DATE: 2123110 ~ . , . AG~NDA REQIJEST REGU~AR { ~ PUBLiC HEARiNG { ) LEG. ( ) QuAS~-.~~ t ) CONSENT ( X ) TC?: BC}ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIt)NERS PRESENTED B• Sandra Boga SUBMCTTED BY: Environmentai Resourc~s D~par~mentl Manag~r Educa~ion & Outr~ac~ Divisi~n SUB.JECT: Resal~fion Na. 1~}-DB~, Amendmentto Si~C Greenprin~ BACKGROUN~. See a#tached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABE~~: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: Septem~~r 8, 20D9 -A~option of Resolution 09-207 and SL.C Greenprint RECEJMMEN~ATlON: Board appraval o~ Resolution No. 1 p-065 to amend Resolut9an 09-2q7 and the S~. Lucie Co~anty Gree~print per A~achments A and ~3, a~d authoriza~ion for the Chairman to sign documents as ap~ra~ed by the County Attnrney. COMMtSSION ACT~ON: CQNCURRENC~: APPROVED ( ) DEN[ED { ) DTH ~ R Appraved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coort~ina~ionlSiqnatures County Attorney OMB Direc~or (X) ~ Budget Analyst ~~~~,~-~:~#ce)D ~ ~ ~ ~ onna Jahnsnn) ~...~_r unl~ ~ y ,P/ 1" (Marie Gouin) Originating Dept. (~C, ) ~RD ( X } (Kar~:~1` L. 5rr~ith} (See Originating ~~pt.} E~~~ronmental Resourc~s Deparfiment ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' i • ' R " fVIE~lIIORANDUlV9 T~: Board of Cour~ty Commissior~ers ~ THROUGH: Karen L. Srnith, Environmen#al Resaurces Directpr FROM: Sandra Bogan, Manager ~ Educafiion & Outreach Divisian DATE. February 2~, 20~0 SUBJEGT: Resnlution No. 1 Q-065, Amendment to SLC Greenprint ITEM NO.. Gor~sent item VI-D1 Backaround; The ~urpose of this resolution is to arnend Resalutian 09-207 (Exhibit 1) ar~d the ~t. ~.ucie Coun#y ~reenprint. In Jar~uary 2008, the Baard dir~cted sfaff to pursue the Flarida Green Buiiding Coalition's "Green Local Government" c~rtificatinn to further the County's sustainability goals. As a r~sult, in Septemb~r ZD09, th~ Boarci ado~ted the S~. Lucie Cour~ty Greenprinfi #hat out[ines goals and strategies far achieving a sustainable commu~ity. Resofufinn 10-065 am~nds R~solution 09-247 and t1~e SLC Gr~~r~~rin# per Attachm~nts A and B to further clarify the County's c4mmitmenf ta gre~n cieaning standards, er~~iror~mentalfy preferred purchasir~g, constructing proj~ets tn greer~ standards, and expanding green building and develapmer~t standards to inc4ud~ alI natio~ally recagnized anc~ comparable star~t{ards as af~icialfy `recagr~ize~' by tf~e County. These amendm~nfis also work to strengthen St. Lucie Counfiy's positior~ for achie~ing Green Local Goverr~ment ~erfiification. Recommendatior~: Boa~`d approval af R~solution No. 1p-Q65 to amertd Resalt~tiort 09-2~7 and the St. Lucie Cou~ty Greenprint per At#ac~ments A and B, an~ authariza#ion for fihe Chairmar~ to sigr~ documents as appro~~d by the County Attc~rney. ITEM NO. VI-D2 ~ ~ N. r~~~~r~ ~~ri~=.M~ ~z ~ATE; 21231'! 0 ~ , • ~ f AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ` ( ) PUB~IC HEARlNG ( ) LEG: f ) QUASIyJD ( ) CDNSENT ( X ) TO: BQARD OF COUNTY COMMISS[ONERS PRESENTED BYy..~ Sandra Bogaii~ SUBMITTE~ BY. Enviranmental Resources Department/ Manager Educa~ion & Outreach ~ivision SUBJECT: Second Amendmen~ to Building Geeer~ Genera~ions, ]nc. cantracf BACKGROUND. See attache~ memorandum. FUN~S AVAiLABLE: ~ 001-7912-534~00-765 PR~VIDUS ACTION: March 17, 2009 - Board approva! ~a award contract Octnber 27, 20(}9 - Board a~pro~al of first amendmen~ tn contrac~ RECUMMENDATION: Board ap~roual e~f ~he s~cond amendment fo con~racf # CD9-03-D89 for a no-cost fime e~ctension as outlined in the ag~nda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as ~pproved by Caunty Attomey. COMMISSfON ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) UTHER ~ Faye W. Outlavv, MPA Ap~roved 5-0 County Adminis~rator CaordinatianlSic~n atu res County At~orneY (x ) ~ OMB Director ( K} B€~dget Analyst . ~a~ S ~ (T onna Johnsan) (Marie Gouin) ~ Originating Dept. ( X ) °G ~R~ ( ~ ) ( n L. Smith) (See Originating Qepfi.} i 3 i ~ ] 3 ~n~i~onmental Resources Depar~~neMfi . ~ r ~ ~;s,' i ; . '~<sx` 1;r ~ > - ~ ~ i : ' ` ' ' lIIIEMORANDtJM TO: Board of Caunty Commission~rs THROUGH: Karen L. Smith, Enviro~mentai Resaurces ~irector~ FROM: Sandra Bogar~, Mar~ager ~ Education & Qutreach Division DAT~: February 23, 2010 SUBJECT: S~;cor~d Amendment to Building Green Generatiorts, [nc. contract ITEM NO.: Consent I#em VI-D2 B~C~Cq~'Ol1[tt~: ~r~ March 17, 2009, Building Green G~neratio~s, ir~c. was ar?varded fhe contract to pravide services assnciated uvith achieving green foca! governm~nt cer~ification thro~g~ the ~lorida Green Buifdin~ Caalition (~GBC). The application a~~ r~quired documentafiion was submitted to FGBC an Sep~ember 15, 2009. FGBC submitted i~s ~i~st review ar~alysis o~ Navember 23, 2009 requesting f€~rther clarifica~ion on several items. In a phone conference with FGBC on .~anuary 8, 2010, adtiitiortal actiQr~s I clarificatior~s ?nrere required far Gold Level certification. These actions, includir?g SLC Greenprint amendments, purchasing rnanual changes, webpage u~dat~s, and f~rther documentation of SLCs sustainal~ili#y initiati~es, are in the proc~ss of being complete~. Staff expects cer~ification to ~e awarded in March or A~ril ~f this year. Therefore, the s~cond amendment to con~ract #C09-Q3-089 will extend the comp6etion dafie to A~ril 30, 2C310. Recommendation: ~ ~ ~ Bnard approvaf of the second am~ndment to contracfi # C09-03-089 for a na-cnst time extension as vutlined ir~ th~ agenda mamarandum ar~d autf~orization for fhe Chairman to sign documer~ts as appraved by County Atforr~~y. , . z iTE~ No. ~~.~I ' ~ V^~":~'Y3i ~kh.a~i3iv~i~i,~ltl~.'~$'EiI~NIS'ill~iT:+"`5~ti:ktlY°.~ . ~ ~ ~.`IR ~ pl J"'~~ ~.~~p'~~~`n~,'~,~ ~'.a~14 n~~z ~1~ ~7~ .i ~~~~c # 4~ ~.ATE' ~ ~ r • AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) .ti~~=~~:~..<~;~.~~. PUBL~C H~ARCNG { ) I~EG. t ) Q~ASI-.3D ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOAR~ OF COUNTY C~MMISSIDNERS PR~S~NT~~ BY: ~ William Haeffr~er SUBMITTEI3 BY: Grants !~7isaster Reca~ery Dir~ctor SUBJECT: 5ilver Line Pfastics - Jab Grow~h incenti~e Grant BACKGRt]UNa: Se~ aftached rrternorandum, FUN~S AVAfLABL~: 0~1-52~5-582000-500 Cnunty .Job (ncentive PREViOUS ACTION; Decer~ber 8, 2009; ~OCC approval of Le~ter of lntent R~COMM~NDATION: Bnard ap~rnval of a Jnb Growth [r~centive Gran# af $72,BOq ta Silver Line P[astics, lnc. and authorization for the C~airrnan to sigr~ grar~t contraat dvcumer~ts as prepared by the Caunty Attorney. COMMISSION ACTIC]N: CQNCURRENCE: (X~ APPROV~~ ( } b~NI~D ~ ) OTHER , Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 Courtty Adminisfrator Coordir~a~ionlSic~natures County Attorney 4M6 Director t} ~p~,~. Budget Ar~alyst , ba Fei Mclntyre Marie Gouin ~{~..~~-.,-y ~ u.y ~~Sap ia Holt ~ Originating Depf. { } iY iar~ Hoeffner ~4~y~~.-~;~; S-f. LU C I E CO U 1V~"~ ~ ~RAN~TS / D~SAS~fER FtE~(]~/I~RY . ~ . • ::,:..,,.,.M1~,.~,,~~.:~~..~,:L:.,r....:a~,:,.W~,,:,~:~~_.,~~~_ C]EPART"MENT MEM{aRANDUM TO: Board of County Gornmissioners ~ROM: William Hoeffner, Grants/Disast~;r Recovery Direcfior DATE: February 23, 2Q10 SUBJ~CT: Si~v~r Li~e Plastics - Job Growth incentive Grant IT~M N0. Vi-K1 Backarounc[: 5ilver Line P~astics is a plastic exfiruding com~any which has purchased the Eand and building af a prior p[astic extruding company that had closed. The property is Eocafe~ on Enterprise Road in an ar~a in clos~ proximity to the Coun#y's Public iNorks site on Edw~rds Road and Oleander Boule~ard. Silver Line has completed a capital inves#rnent for building impro~errients and equipment of $4,558,741 during 20Q9. SiiWer Line intends to make addi#iQnal capifial irrrprouements of $175,400 in 2~10 and $4~q,OQO in 2p11. It is therefore anficipated fhat their capital inves~ment for building impro~emer~ts and equipment will tatal $5,~33,749. SiEver Line currentiy has 24 employees and prnjecfs havir~g 36 e~p[ayaes during 2411 and 44 employees during 2012. Silv~r Lin~ alsn projects paying ar~ average haurly wage nf $16.40 during 2(1~0 an~ an average annual wage of $16,72 ~r higher during 2Q11 and thereafter. St. l.ucie Counfy's average wag~ hour(y wage is $16.39. ~`~e Board of County Comrr~issianers, in an in€or~nai meefing on October 27, ~009, recommend~c[ offerir~g Silver Line F~lastics an ad valorern tax abatement and a Jo~ Growth Incentive Grant (JGIG) cantingen~ u~an Silver Line paying an average safary equal to or greater than the Caur~ty's average hourly wage. O.n ~ecem~~r 8, 2009, the Board authorized the County Administr~tor to s~nd a Le~ter of Er~tent to nffer Siiver ~ir~e Piastics an ad valorern tax abatement phased nver six year with an ~stimafed value of $145,250 and a.lGIG of $72,6~0 phased o~er three years. The Letter of Intent has be~:n issued and 5il~er Line Plastics responded v~i#h a requ~sf for the .fGIG grant. ft is anticipated they will submit an applicatian far the ad ~alorem tax abat~:mer~t when ~heir capital irr~provements are completed. RECOMMENDATION: Boar~ a~pro~al o€ a Job Growth lncer~tive Grant of $72,600 to Siluer Line P~astics, [nc. and au~horization for tF~e Chairman to sign grant contract docurriEr~ts a~ prepared by ~he Cnun~y Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-E2 w:'.~ ..:,.ti...'_. ,~.^^'h h v..:t.,.o~_ Y ~.E.~C.Y-_..,~'~.:;T..5f...r. . " ~ ~1r~7~r:~ ~ h , > ~ ~ . ' ~ATE; ~ ~ fl2123l14 ~ ~ i~ . „ s AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ~ ,\...:l.r.:_~ti.~l'. ..-t...,,... St:N.Y.':#: ~.1;'~tYifif %:.~.F:I.,nY~ .~.2.~~.~.:.vr...:.~~.. '.ti:. PUBLI~ HEAR[NG ( ~ LEG. ( ) QUASI-J~ ( ? CONSENT (X} TO: BOARD OF COUN7'Y COMM~SSION~RS PRESENT~~ BY: Wiliiam Hoeffner~~ SUBMITTE~ BY: Granfs ! Disast~r R~cov~ry ~irectar SUBJECT: Harbnr Branch Preserve - S~WMC~ Grant Cantract Amer~dmen~ BACKGROUND: See at~ached rnertnorar~dum. ~'UNDS AVAILAB~.~: 3172{~1-392q-5690q0~3'~2~ Fiarbor Brar~eh Preserve PREVIOUS ACTIQN: September 96, 20p8; 80CC appro~a~ nf grant applicafion subrriiftal. February 10, 2DD9; BOCC appra~al of grant acceptance. RECOMMEN~ATION: Board appro~ai of an arr~~ndment to a grant contract with the So€ath Florida Water Manag~ment District for the Harbor Branch Preser+re project extending the ~ime period of the eontract to .luly 5, 2C1~ q. C~MMISSION ACT[~N: CONCURRENC~: APPROVED ( } DENlED f ? OTHER ,~.-r"r-`~.._--~~-" M----'- Faye Vll. 4utiaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator Coardinationl5ic~natures Co~anty Attorney ( } ~ OMB ~irector { ) aL~ Budg~fi Analyst ~ . C~anie~ Mclntyre M r nuin ~ Robert ~'Sullivan Originating Dept. ( ) ' iam ~ioeffner . ~7. ~ { inr,~t~e.i ~'+~qd~.+~i~i~+~b't~3 ~~R Fw.s ~ ~ i • ~ . ~ G RANTS , D~S~ISTER REC~~/~R~.1~ . ~ ' !]EPe4RT~ENT MEMURANDUM TO: Board ofi Cnunty Com~nissioners FROM: Wiiliar~ Hoeffner, Grants/Disaster Recavery l7irector ~ATE: ~'ebruary 23, 201 ~ SUBJECT: Harbor Branch ~raserve - SFWMD Grant Cantract Amandment IT~M NO. Vl-~2 Backarnund; The Nar~or Sranch Pres~rv~ invnives the acquisition nf ~23 acres fnr conservafiion. The land is currently owned by Harbor Brar€cl~ Oceanographic Instituf~ Foundation and is located in ciose pr'oximity to the Fiorida Atlaniic lfniversity Harbor Branch carnpus. Que to the fact that this acquisifiian involves not only the land~ being acquired for conservation, but also Flor'sda Atl~ntic Uni~ersity hlarbor Branch campus lands; acquisition is being r~anaged by tf~e ~lorida ~ivision of Stat~ Lands, Acquisitian ~as been delayed due ta the camplexity af the acquisi~ion. It is anticipat~d acquisitinn should be completed within the next month. A grant ir~ the ar~ounf nf $~7A~,60(3 has laeen received from fh~ Sauth Florida Water Management District (S~WM~) for th€e acquisifiian. The confiracf for this gran~ is du~ tn ~xpire on March 5, 2010. It is unlikely repor~s for the grant can be eornpleted by the cor~#ract date. An ame~dment is being offer~d by fihe SFWMp ta extenc[ tE~e cantract to July 5, 2010. R~COMMENDATION: Board approi~a[ of an amendment to a grant cantract with the Sauth ~larida Wat~r Manager~ent District for #he ~iarbor Branch Preser~e project extending the time period of the contract to July 5, 2010. . ~TE~ No. v~-F . ~ r~ _ ~ _ ' DATE: D2123!'I 0 ~ . m . - _w., AGENaA REQUEST R~GULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CC3NSENT { X ) TO: BOARd ~JF COUNTY COMMISSION~RS PRESENT~~ B~'~'~ Jessica Parris SUBMtTTED BY: Cammunity 5erviceslHausing Di~isio~ Housing ag SUBJE~T: Subr~cipient Agreerr~~nt with For~ Pierc~ Housing Autharity ~ A) BACKGROUN~: ~ee attacE~ed memarandum. FUNOS O~VAILABLE: D~1~12-6~2U-549645-60~ Neighbor~oad Stabiiizatiar~ Prog~am (NSP) PR~VI~US ACT~4[~: March 10, 2009 - Permissian to appiy far NSP grant. August 11, 2Q09 - Acceptance af NSP grant. REC~MMEN~~ITION: Board appra~al af the S~brecipient Agr~ement with FPHA for the management of rental ~rv~erties under tF~e NSP program, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the docum~:nts ~s approved by the County Attarney. COMMISSIC~JN ACTIQN. CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) 4THER - ~aye W. nutlaw, MPA qpproved 5•0 County Adminis~rator Caordina~`rnnlSi nat~ares County Attorney { ) OMB Director { } ~ ~ 1s,S_,~ - ~udget Ana6y5~ f . ~ Dan~el S. Mclntyre ~ ie Gouin y Sophia Halt Qriginating Dept. { ) ~ Reth Ryd~r I , Gommunity Services ~ - - ~ ~ . ~ , ..W.w . , MEMORANDUM T~: Bcaard of County Commissioners THROUGH: . Beth Ryd~r, Directvr FRC3M: Jessica Parrisl~, Housing Manager _ DATE: February 23, 2Q10 . SUBJECT: Subreci~~ent Agre~ment with ~ort Pierce Housing Authority (~PHA) ITEIVI NO. VI - F4 Backaround: The NSP program wa~ autF~arized by tl~e US Housing and Eco~tomic Recovery. Act of 20fl8. The NSP fur~ds are ta ~e used tn acquire, rehabilitate, demofsh and redev~lop foreclos~d ~nd abandoned Jarapert~es in nrder ta he6p stabii€ze ~eighbar~oods. On ~~cember 9, 2008, th~ Florida Departm~nt of Cnmmunity Affairs (DCA) announced th~ f~nding allocations ~or NSP; St. Lucie County was allocated $3,984,601. A requ€ired 25 perc~nt (2~%) o# the allocatinn, $84E},Q41, must be used for rental hausing for residents with ineo~es at or below 5(} percent (50°/a} of t~e Area Median Income. Staff is recnmmer~ding entering into a subreci~aient agreerr~ent v+?i~ ~'PHA to rr~anage re~tai prq~e~ies. Under the subrec'rpient agreem~r~t, St. ~ucie County will be responsible ~'or purc~asir~g and cor~tracting for the reha~ilita#io~ wa~lc on t~e ren~al praper~ies. In accordance with grant guidelines; or~ce ~he rehabiiitation is com~lete, owr~ership vuil~ be transfecr~d #n FPHA for man~gement of the properties far no I~ss than 1~ years ar~d after that ~he rentai restrictinn wilf be ti~ed. Recomrr~endation Board approval ~f the Subrecipient Agreement with ~PHA far t~~ management of rer~tal pro~~~i~s under the NSP prograrr~, and autharizatian f4r the Chairman fio sign the dacumer~ts as appro~ed by the County Attarney. Attachment: Subrecipient Agreement ' ~ ITFM NO. Vt-F: ~ " ~ _ F Y DATE: 02123I10 t. ~ ° ~ ~ ~~:;~,,::;~~~Y: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } a~ . ~ PUB~1C HEARING ( ) LFG. { ~ QUASI~JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOAR~ OF' C4UNTY COMMISSiONERS PRESENTED BY. Jessica Parrish SUBMlTTEO BY: Com~nunity Servic~s/Hausing Divisian Hausi~tg Man~ge SUBJECT. Contract Cance~Eation BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. ~UNDS AVAILAE3LE. 185010-5420-549fiD0-500 FY08109 SHIP 185Q1t?~542Q-5496C~1-5C10 ~Y081C19 SHIP 185019 -5420-~496Q1-~00 FY09110 SH I P 'I H9100-8420-5496q~-60n ~Yf37' HUNIE 189101-6~2Q-~496D0-60D FYQ$ HOME 189102-6420-5496p(?-600 FY 09 HOM~ QQ15'[2-642p-5~9645-6~0 NSP PREVI4US ACTCE?N: Jan~ary 6, 20QJ - Permissian fio at~~er~ise RFP. June 23, 2009 - Award of RFP ta Cnnsumer Credi~ Mana~ement Services (CCMS). RECOMMEN~ATIOM: Baard approval to car~cel cantract C09-08-288 with CCMS and autl~orization for the Chairman to sign documen#s as app~oved iay th~ Co~t~ty Attomey. C(7MMISSION ACTION. CQNCURRENCE: APPROVE? ( ) DENIED ( ) 4TN~R - Faye VII.Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Adr~inistrator Coord':nafiionlSiAnatures County AttorneY E ) QMB ~irectar { } - , , 'a~ ~ B~dggt Analyst f~ - ~i~-~~='~' . ~an ei I S. Mcfntyre C;;; rie Gouir~ l.r~.~ 7 ~ w~ Sophia No~t !`W""'v C3riginating Dept. ( ) ~ ~ Beth Ryder ! 1 ~ k ~ ~Ommuill~y ~er1oIC~S ~ ~ ~ .1' ~ ~ a , MEM{~~,,14N ?UM TO: Board of County Commissiapers i "fHROUGH. Betft Ryder, Directar ~ ~ ~'RC?M; Jessica Parr~sh, Hausing Man~ger . ~ , , ~ATE; F~bruary 23, 201 p SU~JECT: Cor~tract Canc~l(atior~ ITEM NO. VI - F5 Back ~round. ; For 14 years, St. Lucie Cour~ty Carr~munity Services has adminis~ered Stat~ and Feder~l fi~ndir~g far hausing related activities. It is a requirement of afl down payment assistance appiicants to attend a , homebuysr educati4n course prior to receiving assistance. Histo~ica~fy, St. Luei~ Co~nty l~as corttrac~ed ' with a US Deparirnent af Hnusir~g and Urban De~elopment {HUD} ce~ti~ed agency #o provide these ' serv'rces. On Augus~ 9, 2qQ9, the County ccmtracted uvith Co~sumer Credit Mar~agement Services ' (GCM~) in the arnout~~ not #o ~xc~ed $1 A,t3QQ #o prauicle housi~ng counseling services. In ord~r ta e~fectively serve th~ r~sidents of th~ County, Commur~ity Services ~as applied tn becom~ a ? HUD c~:r~ifi~d couns~iing ageney in the fallowirtg areas: v Homebuyer Ed~cafiion; , • Pre-purc~ase Counseling; + Post-purchas~ Caunseling; ' • Moneylcfebt Managemer~t; • Fair k~ausing Assistance; • Mortg~ge D~linqu~ncy; and , • Re~ter AssistancelSection 8 and pubEic k~ausing. St. Lucie County's Housing Co~nseling Plan a~tlines t~e acki~ities Gsted above, and t#~e pracess fnr de[ivering these sen+ic~s. On November 20, 2009, an application rrvas submitted to HUD. T~e final step ir~ receiying approvaf is ta canc~l a~ry curr~nt contracts fiar serv~ces t#~e County may have. Once fihe I contract with CCMS is cancel[ed, the Cour~ty wilf ~~come a HUD Certifed Counseling Agency. As a HU~ cert~ed couns~loe, the County wl! be eligi~fe for additional grar~ts ta s~ppnr~ cour~s~Iing acti~ifiies, and the services will be provided by curre~t staff. Recorr~me~da~iort II I Board approvaf to cance! cantract C09-Q8-288 with CCMS and a~t}~or~zafion ~or the Chairma~ to sign dacumer~ts as approved by the Cou~ty Attorney. ' Attachment: Confiract CQ9-q8-288 I ITEM [VO. VI~F3 - ~ ~ ~ M : ' DATE. 02/23/10 4, ~ ~ , m ~ ~ A~ENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING ( ) ~EG. ( } f,~UASI-JD~ ( } CONSENT ( X ) TQ: BOAR~ Q~ CC?UNTY COMMISSt~NERS PR~SENTED BY: Jessica Parris SUBMITTE~ BY: Cammunity Services/Housir~g Division Housing Ma age SUBJECT: Award ofi Housing R~habili~atian B~ds BACKGROUN~: S~e attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAt~ABLE: 189902-6420-549600-604 HOME Consortium 2009 PREVIOUS ACTION: March 14, 2006 - Approved applicatir~n far f~nding t~roug~ the NOME program. .~une 6, 2006 - Appro~ed the formatinn af the S~. ~.uci~ Caunty HOME Cansor~ium. November 20, 2007 - FY O7 HOME Agreeme~t a~proved. Noverr~Eaer 25, 20U8 - FY 4$ HOME Agr~~rr~er~t appraved. November 24, 2009 -~Y Q9 H~ME Ag~-eement appraved. RECOMMENDATIUN; Board approva! to award bids for faur ~ehabilitafir~n projects under t#~~ HOM~ pragram, and authoriza#ion for th~ Chair~nan to sign docume~rf as approved by the County Attorn~y. ~ COMMISSION ACTION: GONCURRENCE: APPRUVED { ) DENIE~ ( ) OTHER Fay~ W. Qutlaw, MPA Co~nty Acfrr~inistrator Apprnved 5•0 ~ CoardinationlSiAna#uces County AftorneY QMB ~irector r, 1r( Budget Analyst ;~..~j~ ~{'i E~~ . Da e~~Mc}ntyre ~ ~.`I~Earie Gauin ~C~:, °a ~ Sophia Hnlt Origir~ating ~ept. ( ) ~ Puret~asin9 ( ) ~ B~:th Ryder ~esiree Cirnina i t Community Se~rrices ~ ~ , ~ w' ' . . ~ MEMQRANDUM TC3: Board of County Cammissioners TFBROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director ~ ~ FRQM. Jessica Parrish, Hnusing Manag DATE: Felaruary 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Award af Ho~sing Rehabilitation Bids ITEM NQ. VI ~3 BacK~rour~d; H4M~ is the lar~est F~derai bloak grant pravided to Sta~e ar~d locai go~~r~ments design~d exc[usively to create affnrdabie ha~asing for ~ow-income f~ouseholds. Each year appraximately $2 t~illion is allocated arnong the States ar~d t~undreds of [cacalities r~ationwide. The Sfi. I~~cie Caunty HC}ME Cansortium is camprised af Irrdian River, Martin and St. Lucie Gounfiae~. St. Lucie Counfy was desigr~at~d as t~~ lead er~tity by all membe~ in 2C}OFi. A tatai af $714,72Q has been allocated to the ca~sar~ium ar~d will 6e divided per ~he US Department of Housir~g and Urban De~elopm~nfi (HUd}: • S~. ~uci~ Cour~ty - $2~7,9~ 3; • Mar~in County - $142,1 ~8; and • [r~dian Ri~er County - $136,690. The FY 09 Actinr~ Pfan cails far these fur~ds #a be utilized for rehabilitation ofi owner occupied home and down payment assistance tc~ first time ~amebuyers. Staff is recammending award tn tl~e foi[owing contractors: • ITB 'f tn N~a! Long Cnnstructiort aocate~ in Oke~chobee County, far $62,$Q~. • ETB 2 to Neal ~.4ng Cor~struction kocated in Okeect~obee Countjl, for $59,600. + iTB 3 to Neal ~.ang Constr~ctian [acated in Olceechob€:e Counfij, for $53,400. • ITB 4 ta Neal ~,o~g Car~struction lvcafied in Ok~ec~o~es Cour~ty, far $54,450. All ~he abo~e bids ha~e incorporated green, energy efficient prncluc#s, including Energy Star appli~nces, soiar hot water heaters, lovv fiiow fa~cets and Low-E irr~pact windaws. Recommendatior~ Board approva! to award bids for fiour rehabilitation projects ~nder t~e HOME pragram, and au#hor~zatior~ for the Chairrrta~ to sign docur~ertt as appro~ed I~y the Counfy AYtomey. Attachment: Bid T~hul~tian ~TEM N4. VI-G i :~:~,:~~;~~.~~:~.~~~y.~~~~~~~~. ~ _ ~~~'c ~ . ~5 ar'~~~ ~ ° ° ~ ` ; ~ ~ ~ DATE: 2123110 ~ . „ . ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGU~,AR { ) M~;a~.:,M~~.M.r;n:..~^~:(«.si:a~sz,-ssm:~:.zxvx,~a:5:m...~~~.-."~rx.,eaa,a,~ur'.~zt~ PUBLIC HEARCNG ( } LEG. ( ) QUAS[-JQ ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO. BOARD OF COi1NTY COMM[S5i~NERS PRESENTED BY: Michaei Powley, P.E. ~~f~ SUBMITT~~ BY: Publio WorkslEngineerir~g Di~isio~ Caunty Engin~er SUBJECT: Mitigatinn Credits BACKGROUN~: See attached rr~emorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds wiii trar~sferred from Midway Roae! (S. 2~~h- T~rhpike) Transportation Trust/[mpact Fees ta 101Qp6-4116-56300~-41~02 - S. Jenkins Rd. Ir~frastructure. PREVIOUS ACTION: See ai~ached memorandurn. RECOMMEN~ATION: Baarti authorization to purchas~ ~.2 addiiional Mitigatian Gredits fram the Slue#ield Mitigation Bank in the amount of $~54,000 and autharize the Chairman to sign the agree~ents as appro~ed by the County Attorney. C~MMtSSIUN ACTION: coNCU~R~NCE: ;~C) APi'FiOV~D { ) DENEED ( } DTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Adr~inistra#or Approved 5-0 -f` ~ CoordinatiaNSiqnatures Coun#y Attarney ( x) OMB Director 1![ ~ani~! Mclntyre Marie Ga~in Originaiir~g pept. { x} County Engineer ( x) _ Dan ld West Mic~ael Pawley ,~v~ Gi~ Mit~gation Cr~d'€#s.ag *~+zu~^.r~-%a~x~ ~ r ' , ~,;rz' -a;~zr'~„~_r.~~~v~ .~a+, ~ z~ a~;.~ { ~ s~yv~samu~k ~n ~ d ~ I~~~r~~l ~ v~r~ ~ ~ ~ngineering Division ~ ~ . • .~.~.~~..~,~.F:~.~v~.~~~~::~ .~,~,.~,~~z~~. M~~oRANOvM TQ; Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Dnnald West, Public Works Dir~ctor~ ~ ~ + FFiQM. Miehael Pawley, Caurtty Engineer DATE: February 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Mitigation Cradits IT~M N4. VI-G Back rq ou+nd: The County canstruntetf the Midway Hoad and the GEades Cut-of# Road widening improvemer~#s and the South J~nki~s Road extensian rtorEh n~ Gfades Cut-off Road to the Wal-Mari ~is#ributior~ Center in 2flC}4. Upon the recorr~me~dation of aur tiesign consultants, the County p~rchased rnitigatior~ credits for the Army Cnrps of Enginaers (ACDE) and ihe South ~lorida Wat~r Managemeni District {SFWMpj at the Bluefield Mitigation Bank (BMB). All credits required qf SFVVM~ permiis ha~e be~n purchased and subsequently the permit requirerr~ents ha~e beer~ satisfied and clased out. We hav~ recently learned that insufficient credits were pura~asect to satisfy the ACO~ rec~uirements. We ~aue contacteci the Bluefiekd Mitigatian Bank advising #hem af our si#uation, ~nd th~y ~1c~V~ a~i'£:ECI tfl S~II U5 ~C~dttEAE1~I credits (5.2 for both projects} at the 2003 Prices. Ta be c[ear, the prices of thes~ cr~dits have substantially increas~d in #he ensuing years and current prices wauld require payment of $432,pa0 for this same amount. Please see the attac~ed email from Mr. David Mclntosh regarding currer~t prices (Atiachrr~~nt A). The agreements (Attachment B} with BMB to purchas~ credits at t~e 2003 prices mean that the Cour~ty t~as s~ffered r~o {oss from the omission. lt is as if we purchased t~em at ihe outset. 2.7 Herbaceaus Wetfand credits at $20,OOp each far a total of $54,000 to satisfy AC~~ permit 20A2-7927. 2.5 ~orested Wetland credits at $4fl,OQ0 each for a tota! of $100,000 to satisfiy ACO~ permit 2003-2875. Previous Action: May 20, 20~3 - Wetlar~ds Mitigation Credit Res~rvation and Sales Agreement reEativa to the So~th Jenkins Road exter~sion. .)une 3, ~003 - Wetlartds Mitigation Credit Res~rvation and Sales Agreement for the intersection t~# Midway and Glades Cut-a~f Raads. R~commendatior~: Board authorization to purchase 5.2 additionai Mitigatian Credits from the Bluefield Mitigation Bank in th~ amount of $154,Q00 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements as aPpro~ed by the County Attorney. ITEM NOo VI-GZ •.aRat~~edwe.wk;.sfi~-°~*s,~~~zcr~aak~t.r,>1"rm~. =,..s~c:~mk:u_r'ax,-.um.ra~~~r+.^.y~.t'+4.-~ ' - `''~cY+'~~~ r~~~,n~~r~ ~~~.~k~ch ~~~~s;~~s~ rsf~-~4*~; , E , 'F c ~ . ^ oATE. ox~~~~~o~ o e ~ ~ , . AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ~ ) :e:.ez.~ck.,ryr~•s~n'r.c :x..~ti~st.~m:..a.ttw^-x-s~ay.:nv+.v;c;«e:t~;Ar.a~~:; PUB~lC HEARlNG ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ~ CONSENT (X) T~: B4ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIDNERS PRESENTED BY: ~ Barbara Gue~tler ~ SUBMITTED BY: Pubi~c Warks W Engineering MSBU Assistanf SUBJ~CT: Narth ~ennard Road 1, 2, and 3 Municipal Service B~nefit Units (MSBUs) BACKGROUND: See attach~d memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVI~US ACTEON: See attiached memorandum. RECOMMEN~ATfON: Boar~ appraval of fhe Restrictiue Coven~nt Agreements for the Nor~h Lennard Rnad 9, 2, and 3 MSBUs as vutlined in the agenda memorandum. CQMMISSION ACT10N. CONCURRENCE: APPROV~D ( ) D~NIED ( ) OTHER Faye W. O~atlaw, MPA Approved ~-p County Administrator Caordinatior~ISianatures County Atkorney { X) ~MB Director ~€adget Analyst . ~anief Mcln~yre Marie Gouin Originating C~ept. ( X ) Coun#y ~ngineer ( X } ~ ~o Id West ichae! Povvley Depar~men~ Name ~~.'ea,:'~'.va , ~~,a u a.ur.r,~z, Hx - r.~is~.• . ^Y" '~"ve`mF ~w tr°° „i t~ n; ',~'r . ,'~~'"f~ ~ . ~„o~~~~ ,y+.~~~ ~'~y~"a~ i ~ '~~i,~~, . - , f~ i ~1 . . . ~ M- Y T ~ w . , - ~..b.~~.:~~~~~.~,.,.^~~~~:~~:,z.,,~:s,.t,..n~,..r::r~.::,~~::,sr.u.,,,.~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Board af Coun#y Comrrsissioners THROUGM. E]ona[d B. West, Pubfic Works Director~`~~" ~ROM. Barbara Guettl~r, MSBU Assistar~t • ~ ~ngineering ~ DAT~: February 23, 201U StJBJECT: Nor~h Len~ard Road 1, 2, and 3 Municipal Service Benefit Units {MSBUs) 1TEM NC}. VI-t~2 Back4tround: On June 6, 2f~QQ, the Baard create~ the North Lennard Road 9{pa~ing and drainage), North 1.ennard Road 2 (pntable water), ar~d Nnrth Lennard Rpad 3(wastewater) MSBtJs to fund fihe cost of providing the im~ro~emer~ts within sach bo~ndary. Before the final desigr~ was campEete, ~raperty owners were given the option ta file a ResErictive Covenant Agreemer~t if they did not intend to develop their property ta t~te maxirr~um extent per zoning r~:gulatians. By fifing tt~is agreement the property owner Is rese~rir~g [ess capacity in e~ch system; thereby, [owering their assessrnent arnount. ~ The Restrictive Covenant Agreements, as listed belaw, were ~'e~lected in the Prelirrtinary Assessment Rofl approved by the Board or~ Febr€~ary 2, 2010. Subseque~i ta the Board appro~al, staff will recard the Restrictive Co~enartt Agreements wi#h the cferk af the court. Max Reserved Parcel ID Property Owner Units Units 34'f45A1t]6~40002 Pat~ie J Kane 13'7 3A14501~16120007 Rayrnand N Ftoddy 40 1 34145010614(}OA~ Michael Provencher & Deborah S Kane 9 1 ~ 341a5Q~fl7030(}OB George & Ge~aldir~e Stonebraker 4Q 1 341450~~704U003 William K Sesse~ner 48 1 3~t145n107D600t}7 P~ter & Donna M~.api 26 1 34946~107~8010Q Christina M Lapi 22 1 3~145t~907070004 C}aniel P Stocks 7 9 3414507Q7Q71005 Danie! P Stocks 7 1 341~~01070720~6 Stan L. & Arny K Swiszy 7 1 34'[450107fl72~~1 Roman A& Catherine L~ Swi~zy '[4 'f ~~~~~o~a~~7no~a Linda E Hensan 40 'E 34145f}1~6150002 Dent Properti~s L[c 89 2 ~TEM NO. Vl-H ~ ~ DATE: 02I23110 • ~ . ~ ~ M AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( 3 1NV~STMEI~T FOR TfiE FUTIJR~ PUB~.~C HEAR[NG LEG. { } QUASI~JD { ) CONSENT (X} T0; B4AR~ O~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Don McLam ~v~' Assistant Director SUBMITTED BY: Cer~tral Services SUBJECT. Award of Bid No. 30-008 - Rock Road Cnrreetion Facili~y Chiller Addition BACKGRt:iUND: See a~tached rr~emorand~m. FUNOS AVAILABL~. C}0~-1931-~4E200-'~527 Rock Road Jail Maintenance Praj~cf 001-9931-5~fi200-~5~1q Old Courthnuse Maintertance Prc~ject PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA ~ RECOMMEN~ATI4N: Board approval to award Bici No. ~ 0-088 ~n GrimeslThree G's anc~ a~thorize the Chairman to sign dacum~nts as appro~~d by the County Attorney. COMM~SSION ACT10N: C4NCURRENCE. APPR~VED ( ) DENIED ( ) UT H E R ,~'`-'f --a._"~.-~'---.-_'....~-~' F'aye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 Co~an~y Adminis#ra~or CoordinationlSi r~atures Cnunty Attorney ( x) OMB Director ( x) ~ 1M Budget Analyst ~ ~ 1 ~ . ~ar~ Mclntyre Marie Gauin Robert O'Su[~ivan ~rigina~ing ~ept. ( x ) ~ purchasin9 ( x ) ° ~ Rogar A. SY~irsn (D~siree Cimino)~ H 1 AGENDA - 363 ~I ; l s ITFM NO. VI-I ,rz,aca~rax~ ~w.u ua- vrxmo.ruwM~zr ~ w k :~r.~,~r,nn*tm 'f'~~.~ T , : ,j~ DATE~ 2123120~1 i , , ~ . AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { ) ~,a~.,.-H~.~~:~.~,~~ti,~.N~~:~,~~n~.~~~.~~-:~: PUB~IC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) [~UASI-JD ( ) CONS~NT { X } Tp, BOARD CJ~ COUNTY COMMISSION~RS PRESENTED BY: William Martin SUBMITTED BY: lnformatinn Technology Security Administ SUBJ~CT: Goagl~: Message Disco~ery (Pnstir~i) Softwara Support Cor~trac~ BACKGRfJUND: See a#tached memorandurn. FUNDS AVAILABLE. 001-195a-5341101n~Formation Technology PR~VtOUS ACTfON: See a~ach~d memarandum. REC~MMENOATlON. Baard ap~ravaf ofi the cantract for Commercium Technology, lnc. in the amoun~ of $29,463.75 ant~ authorizat~an fiar the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. G(3MMISSiON ACTIt)N: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( } DENIED ~ ) QTHER ` ~ Ap~rovec~ 5-0 Fay~ W. Dutlaw, M~'A County Ac[ministrator CoorriinationlSi natures Cour~fy AttorneY OMB ~irector r 1~ ~ Buciget Anaiyst s, G~I ~'~~L~~~ Marie Gauin , ~.~e ~ , t Robert 4'Sullivan Originating ~ept. ( Purchasing ( ) ~ nis etz~l {Me iss Simberlund) Wilkiam Ma ' ~ l ; ~nformation Technology iYd4•:~:~•~-fiJ`.Ym'~:lfaauxiif!~%T~iv~'::.2^.;N}~~vs:va°~~4 vi'~e.q~?~=v~N~i~Yat:'.~a+cSV,:~W%:: ' ~ ~ d ~ ~I~~ " ~i' D ~t`i,i', 4r'? {?E .h.;u!i~ ~h,-.~~ ~ ~ ~ . - . n'~,..a.3 ' r.. ~'t w~,.' - - ' ~ ' . ' ~ . - ~ ~ ~ ~ .~~..,~~~,,..~~~~,:,:w:M~.~~.~:,,~.,~,,:~.: IVl E M O R A N D U Ni TC}. Board of County Commissioners THRDU~H. Dennis W~fizel, Directar~ ]nforrnation Tachnalogy FRt)M: William Martin, Securi~y Adminis tor lnfnrmation T~chnology DATE: February 23, 201 Q SUBJECT. Google Message Discovery (Pastini} Sofi~ware Suppdrt Contract tT~M NO, V!-i Backqrnur~d: Google Message Discowery, "Posfiini", is a service used by the county to hel~ protect email from viruses, s~am and malware. Pos~ini a~sa provides ema~l refien~ion ~or the cour~ty to m~et ~'iorida ' Sunshine ~aws fnr public retention. Postini is a managed service which allo~+vs th~ county ~he best possi~le return or~ ir~v~stment. They allow a user inter~ace through your we~-bravuser for fhe ~ser ta manage their own spam filt~ring. I.T. is giuen an ~drriin interface fo admir~ister all us~rs a~d to setup global filtering fnr all users. Archivir~g is pravidec( to al[ users wit~ un(imited space~ far s~orage and the ability to review all your emaiL Administrators are giuen rights to view al1 users. [ use this ~o assist Kath~rine McKer~zie-Smith with Pu~lic records req~es~s. 1 use the criteria givert and pull th~ records requested, then pro~icie ifi fio her far h~r review. In the ~ast th~ ~'ounty purchased Postir~i ~hrough Acuity Safutions who maintained a Floricla State co~tract n~mber, "973-a61-O~i-01 We ~irst purchased Pnsfini in ~he ~Y071Q8 budget ye~r. That was fnr email s~curity. The next budgef year p81p9 we add~d ~mail arc~ive ta cnmply with ~ublic retention laws. Tf~is will }~e our faur~h year with Posfiir~i. Commercium Technalogy, lnc,, "CT[", is aur VAR thraugh Pastini. CTI went thraugh Acuity Solutians to use their F[orida State cor~tract number. Last year Acuity So[utinns was bought out by Fishne# Secur~ty. Due to exte~sive manag~ment changes we ~hought it best to ha~e CTI setup a contract direct~y with St. ~ucie County. The contract has b~en run thro~agh purchasing and appro~eci by fi~e County A~torney, we ar~ naw requesting board approval. ITENC Na. VI!-A ~ ~ ~ ~5 ~Y~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~x : ~ z ~ OATE: 02123I209 0 ~ ~ . „ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGU~AR , ( j W _ PUBLiC HEARiN~ ( X ) LEG. ( ~ QUAS!-J~ ( ) CONSENT ( 3 TO: B~ARD O~' CC)UNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY; . Barbara Guettler SUBMITTED BY. Pubfic Works - Engineering MSBU ASSE$~~Cl~ SUBJ~CT: Notice o# Int~nt tn establish Energy ConservationlRenewable Energy (ECRE) Munici~al Service Benefiit Ur~it (MSBU) BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNOS AVAIL,.ABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION. January 19, 2010 - Baard aufhorization tn advertise this ~ubfc hearir~g. RECOMMEN~ATION: Board authorization af Resnl~tion Na. 10-U18 as out[irred in the agenda memorandum and authnri~ation for the Chairman to sign dacuments as appra~ed by the County Attor~ey. COMMISSlON AGT10N: Ct}NCURRENGE: ~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) 4THER ~ ~ ---~,._.~--~----_`.~.-3 Approved 5-0 ~~y~ W. Q~~~~w, MPA County Admin'~sY:afior Coord inafiiar~ISiana~ures County At#omey ( X) ~MB ~irec#ar 8udget Analyst . ~at~€ef Mclntyre Marie Gouin Originating Dept. ( X } ~N ~ _ Co~an#y ~ngir~ee~ ( X ) Don Id W~st Michaei Powley r_...._...~ . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . _ , . . . . Depa~tment Name ~ ~~x~~~~t.~,~:~.,~:~Va...,~„~Y~ ~~~v~,.4~~~~,:a~.~r~.::Y,,;.:_ ~,~`~z~ ~ ~3~~p3~'~~~`~ ~~4`5 j I I ~ ' . . . ' . . ' . a , ~ ~ ' ~ - . . ' . ' ~ MEMOF2ANDUM ~ ax:=¢w:zu wae.^„ra+a.~~.a~a,9r:ui.r::~u=v±a~~~¢i:.:av:.~s;.xr-sw.a ~a . TO: Board of County Gommission~rs THROUGH: Donaid B. West, Public Works Director~~~` ~R[3M: Sarbafa Guettier, MSBU A5S15t~[it l~ ~nginesring DAT~: February 23, 2010 SUB~lECT: No#ice of Intent to establish Energy CanservationlRenewabie Energy {ECR~) Municipal S~rvic~ Benefit Unit (MSBU) ITEM NO. VII-F Bac~~raund: The ~oard af Caur~ty Commissianers (BOCC} has requ~sted that sta~f in~estigate th~ f~asibifity of creating an MSBIJ to fund the cost of retrofitting homes and businesses t~roughout St. Lucie Caunty with ~nergY con~ervation anc[ ransvwabie energy improv~ments. The improvernents would i~talude E~ut not be fimited to: wea~herizatian, teplacement af heating, ventilation, air cQnditioning, salar phofovoltaic systems, and solar water ~ea~ing. Prope~#y owner participation irt th~ M5~3U would be cornpletely valuntary. The ic(ea for creating the ECR~ MSBU ta fund tt~e abov~ menti~aned improvements came too (ate to ~e inclucled with our standard no~ice of intent resolutians approved by the Board an December 8, 2Q(l9. Both the 7ax Collectar and Property Appraiser have agreed to ext~nd adoption of the resolutior~ date ta March 1, 2010 far the propased ~CR~ MSBtJ. ' Pursuant to Chapter 197.3632(3) (a) FEorida Statutes, #he Board shall adop~ a resolution at a public hearing prior to January 2010 0~', if the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector agree, March 1, 2t~10 for all non-ad valorem assessments that may be levied during #he 2Q1a calendar year. 7E~e resolution shakl state its intent to use the uniform methad of cc~llecting such assessm~nts. The Board shall publish natice af its intent to use the uniforrr? method for collecting such assessments for four consecutive weeks precedir~g the hearing. Resoiution number 1~-018 does not irt any way obligate t~e County to levy the speeia[ assessment; rather, it simply preserves the County's option to use the unifarm method af coliection if a special assessma~t is levied. Recommendatian: Board authorizatinn of Resalutian number 1Q-Q18 as outlin~d in th9s agen~a memorandum and authorization fvr ~he Chairman to sign dacuments as appraved by the County Aftorney. ~ k~~~ ~ r~ ! ~ t aG~N~A REQUEST ~TEM No; V~'TI pRTE~ ~ebruary 23, 2010 ~ 4 ~ . R~GULAR [X] PUBl.~C HEARxNG Leg. [ ] Q~aasi-JD C J coNS~NTL~ TO: BOARD U~ COUNTY COMMI55ION~RS PR~SENTEb BY: SUBMITT~D BY (p~~T.): County Attorney .ToAnn Riley Property AcquiSitinn N~anager SUBJECT. Request Permissian fo vacnte a por~ion of the Plat nf Airport West Cammerce Park Phase ~ as recorded in Pla~' Boo{t 64, Pages 31 - 35 BACKGRUVND: Please see at~'ached Memorandum ~UNDS AVA~LAB~.E: N/A PR~VIOUS ACT.~ON: N/A R~CQMM~NDATION: Staff recnmrnencfs the Baard ap~ro~e f2esnlution No. 1q-p57 vacating certain Ip foot Drainage ~asements lying befween ~ats Z and 3 of Airport West Cc?mmerce Park Phase 1 as rscorded in Plat 8ook 60, Par~es 31 - 35 af ti~e Public ~2ecords af St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTIQN: CUNCURRENCE; [~d APPROVE~ [ ] ~~NI~D [ ] OTHER " A~proved ~-0 Faye W. Qutlaw, MPA Gour~ty Adminis'~ra-For Review and Approvals ~x) Cvuniy Attorney: ] Rvad and Bridge: jxJ public Works; 1tR ~ Daniel Mclntyre ~on Pauley Don est . Gx~ Qriginating i~ep~; [x~ ~ngineering: ~'oRnn Riley Mike Powley i ITEM NO. ~ !X I~~;~~~'~'~~., 2~ DATE: 021231'! 0 i , . , . AGEN~A REQUEST REGULAR ~ X ) PIJBLlC HEARIN~ ( ) LEG. { ) QUASI-J~ ( ) CQNSENT ( ) TO. BOARD O~ COUNTY COMMISSI~NERS PRESENTE~ BY: Carl Holeva Human Resourc~s Director SUBMITTED BY. Human R~sources SUBJECT: Amendmenfi to Employee Handboak, Settior 1.eue1 Staff Reductian. BACKGROUND. See attached memo. F'UNDS AVAI~ABLE: N/A PREViOUS ACT{ON: April 22, 2048, No. ~8-156, esfablishing a se~erance pay policy in li~:u of notice when a staff reductior~ is appraved by the Board. REC~MM~NDATION: Board appro~al of Resoul#ion No. 10-044 and Atfachment A as ouflined in this agenda rnemorandum. GOMMISSION ACTIC3N: CONCURRENCE. APPROVED ( } DENIED ~ ) OTHER ~ ~ --~-'a Approved 5-0 ~'~y~ W. Outlaw, MPA County Administratar CoordinatianlSiqnatur~s. Counfiy At~orney ( ) OMB €~irector ( ) s~ T~,. Budget Analyst ~"~an M ntrye Marie Gouin f4, c.,~~, w~, Originating ~ept. ( ~ .~'~---`W"""- ERD E } Carl Holeva (Name) ~uman Resourc~s ~Sr ~ ~ e 4a': " ~~X~ . . . ~ry r:? ~w~. r ' _ k~'~ . _ . S. F:'~ i ' ~ ~ ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Caunty Commissianers FROM: Carl Ha[ a, Human Resn.u e Director DATE: ~ebruary 23, 2~'[ Q SUB.lECT. Am~ndment to Em~loyee Handbook, Seniar Level Staff Red~ction. [TEM NO. IX Bac~~round~ Due to severe bu~g~t shartfal[s faeing St. Lucie Counfy, it is imperative tl~at the Caunty take action now fin align projected recurring expenditures with projected recurring reuenues. In ~udg~t presentatiarts to the Board of Coun~y Comrr~iss~oners afi the Novembee 2009 Sfirategic Planning ' me~ting and other meetings with the Commissioners and Constitutional 4fficers. The Cour~~y Administrator has ~stablished the goal af creating a sustainable budget. A sustainable ~udget is one ' that will no# continue to rely on dim~nishing one-time ~urtding but will balance proj~ctec~ recurring expe~ditur~s with projected recurring revenues. Further, the necessary ct~anges ta create a ' susfaina~le budget must be rr~ad~ no~r to re~uce the budget shor~falls facing the County through FY2~ 13. ' To that end, it is essential that th~ County Adrr~inistrator be abfe fio appoint managc~ment staff that w€Il be exp~ct~d fip ass~me significant a~ditional responsibilities and quic~cly acquire the knowledge #o ' effec~ively o~ersee programs and s~rvices that are new ~o them. Th~ County Administra~or is ' requ~sting Board approual of clarification to the Emplnyee Handbaok as sf~nwn in Resnlutian '[a-044 ' anc[ Attachment A regardin~ seniar-leuel positian staff members. Reccammendat~on: ' Board appraval nf Resolution No. 10-044 and Attachment A as outlined in #his agenda rnerr~orandum.