HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01-21-2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 S1. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, Roger Poitras Annex January 21, 2010 Meeting 6:00 p.m. In the event of a conflict between the written minutes and the compact disc, the compact disc shall control. I. Call to Order Chairman Mundt called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call Craig Mundt................................. Chairman Barry Schrader ... ...arrived 7:00....Vice-Chairman Britt Reynolds... .............................Commission Member Pamela Hammer.... ..................... Commission Member Susan Caron... ... ... ... ... .............. Commission Member Brad Culverhouse ..arrived 6:15...Commission Member Edward Lounds............................ Commission Member Stephanie Morgan....................... Commission Member Kathryn Hensley.......................... Ex-Officio Member Members Absent Tad Mowery................................. Commission Member (excused) Staff Present Mark Satterlee............................. Director, Growth Management Robin Meyer... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .Assistant Director, Growth Management Heather young............................. Assistant County Attorney Linda Pendarvis........................... Planner, Growth Management Britton Wilson............................... Sr. Planner, Growth Management Larry Szynkowski... ... ... ... ... ... ... Sr. Planner, Growth Management Dawn Milone................................ Recording Secretary C. Announcements None. D. Disclosures Ms. Morgan stated she had a conversation with an interested party regarding item III E, Mrs. Hammer stated she had a conversation with Chuck Ray regarding the previous 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Seasick Sams and Chairman Mundt stated he met with staff regarding the agenda items for tonight's meeting. E. Election of Officials Mr. Lounds nominated Mr. Mundt for Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mrs. Hammer seconded. Ms. Young read the ballots. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Caron nominated Mr. Reynolds for Vice-Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mrs. Hammer seconded. Ms. Young read the ballots. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman Mundt, at the request of Mr. Lounds stated the Planning and Zoning Commission is an advisory commission and the commission's recommendations are not findings. The commission takes the recommendations of staff, not always agreeing with staff and forwards the Planning and Zoning Commissions recommendations on to The Board of County Commissioners who makes the final decisions on all applications heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. II. Minutes Review the minutes from the November 19, 2009 meeting, for approval. Mr. Lounds motioned to approve the minutes. Mr. Reynolds seconded. The motion carried 5-1 with Ms. Hammer dissenting, stating she was not in attendance for the entire meeting. III. Public Hearings A. X-Treme Function Hall: CU 520093983 - continued from the November 19, 2009 public hearing. 2 1 Petition of Majesty, LLC to grant a Conditional Use Permit to allow the on-premise 2 consumption of beer and wine as accessory to a social event function hall in the 3 CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. 4 5 Ms. Pendarvis, Growth Management Planner, stated this item was continued from the 6 November 19, 2009 Public hearing to allow the applicant the opportunity to conduct a 7 neighborhood meeting with the residents from Tropical Isles Mobile Home Park. 8 9 The Conditional Use Permit is to allow the on-premise consumption of beer and wine 10 only as an accessory to a social event function hall in the Commercial General Zoning 11 district. 12 13 The subject site is located on the east side of US Highway One approximately 3,200 14 feet south of Midway Road. The adjacent existing land uses to the north and west are 15 car dealerships, to the south is the Coastal Medical Professional Plaza, and to the east 16 is the Tropical Isles Mobile Home Park. The property is currently vacant and the 17 applicant is proposing a 9,311 square foot social event function hall. 18 19 The function hall will be for private events, which may range from weddings to business 20 conferences. The total assembly area consists of 3,209 sq feet. Food served at the 21 events will be provided by a catering service and no food will be prepared on the 22 premises at this time. 23 24 A sixty-foot canal right of way runs north and south between the subject property and 25 Tropical Isles Mobile Home Park. The detention area for the proposed development is 26 located along the eastern property line to provide additional buffering between the 27 parking area and the mobile home park, which is approximately 300 feet. 28 29 The proposed project complies with Section 7.10.24 Community Architectural 30 Standards. Ms. Pendarvis stated the applicant identified elements in their Minor Site 31 Plan submittal, with a list of eight architectural elements and that the applicant has 32 exceeded the minimum requirements of this section. 33 34 The proposed project meets all dimensional, parking, community architectural standards 35 and landscaping requirements of the Land Development Code and is consistent with the 36 St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. 37 38 The proposed hours of operation for the function hall will be Sunday thru Saturday 9:00 39 am to 2:00 am. The operation of the function hall will be by clients that rent the hall for 40 special events and no walk-in customers. The proposed hours of the sale of beer and 41 wine will be 11 :00 am to 1 :00 am(following morning), Monday thru Friday, 2:00pm to 42 1 :00 am on Saturday and 2:00 pm to 12:00 midnight on Sunday. 43 44 Ms. Pendarvis presented a list of issues that were discussed and concerns that were 45 brought up by the homeowners at the neighborhood meeting that was held on January 46 11, 2010. 47 3 1 Ms. Pendarvis stated staff has reviewed this petition and determined that this petition 2 conforms to the Standards for Review of Conditional Use Permits as set forth in Section 3 11.07.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the 4 goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. 5 Ms. Pendarvis recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward to the 6 Board of County Commissioners a recommendation for Board adoption of Resolution 7 No. 10-001 granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow the on-premise consumption of 8 beer and wine as accessory to the social event function hall in the CG (Commercial, 9 General) Zoning District, subject to six conditions of approval. 10 11 Mr. Lounds asked if a group renting the establishment could they bring in their own bar. 12 13 Ms. Pendarvis stated she imagined there were some limitations as to what can be 14 served. Once this conditional use permit is issued, it is the property owners desire to 15 have control over this type of situation by limiting service to beer and wine. 16 17 Ernesto Velasco, P. E., Velcon Group, Inc. spoke on behalf of the applicant stating his 18 client wanting to be a good neighbor and decided to request a beer and wine license in 19 this establishment in order to control the sale of alcohol and had a neighborhood 20 meeting (the applicant was unable to attend the neighborhood meeting, they were out of 21 town) discussing and answering all concerns of the neighbors. 22 23 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 24 25 Harvey Sofen, Mary Lundy, John Lundy and Alana Woodruff spoke in opposition to this 26 project. Their objections included; crime, noise, the name of the establishment, no 27 kitchen for catering facilities, the upstairs veranda, and not meeting the owners. 28 29 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 30 31 Mr. Lounds advised the people of Tropical Isles to talk to the North St. Lucie Drainage 32 District to see if they would clean the ditch and ask them to install some very dense 33 native trees to reduce the noise. 34 35 Mr. Lounds stated if the ditch were cleaned, it would provide for a better barrier for the 36 residents of Tropical Isles. 37 38 The Commission determined that there would be an eight-foot concrete wall with a 39 continuous hedge on both sides of the wall. Trees will be lined up along the wall every 40 thirty linear feet. Additional trees be against the parking area as well as along the wall. 41 Trees are larger than required by code. 42 43 Mr. Reynolds asked if he understood correctly, that this is a gathering facility and the 44 hours of operations are only if the facility is rented. 45 46 Mr. Satterlee answered yes. 47 4 1 Mr. Lounds motioned after considering the testimony presented during the public 2 hearing, including staff comments, and the standards of review as set forth in 3 section 11.07.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that 4 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County 5 Board of County Commissioners adopt a resolution granting approval to the 6 petition of Majesty, LLC for a conditional use permit to allow the on-premise 7 consumption of beer and wine as accessory to the social event function hall in 8 the CG (commercial, general) zoning district with all six conditions provided by 9 staff under the conditional use agreement. 10 11 Ms. Morgan seconded. 12 13 Roll Call: 14 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 15 Mrs. Hammer- yes 16 Mr. Reynolds- yes 17 Ms. Caron- yes 18 Ms. Morgan- yes 19 Mr. Lounds-yes 20 Chairman Mundt- yes 21 22 Motion passed unanimously. 23 24 25 III B. Sudy Perez - Lizano: FLUMA 120081407 26 Petition of Sudy Perez - Lizano for a proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment 27 from RS (Residential Suburban - 5du/acre) to RU (Residential Urban 28 Ms. Wilson, Growth Management Sr. Planner stated item No. III-B is a Small-scale 29 Comprehensive Plan Amendment know as "Sudy Perez-Lizano," which is a proposed 30 Future Land Use Change from Residential Suburban at two dwelling units per acre to 31 Residential Urban at five dwelling units per acre and Item No. III-C is a concurrent 32 rezoning petition from Agriculture Residential at 1 dwelling unit per acre to Residential 33 Multi-Family at five dwelling units per acre. 34 35 Ms. Wilson noted that this is a quasi-judicial hearing and she would present the two 36 items together. The Ordinance for the map amendment and the Resolution for the 37 zoning change will be voted on separately at the end. 5 1 The subject property is an 8.18-acre parcel of land located in St. Lucie Gardens, east of 2 US Highway One approximately one-half mile from the western edge of the Savannas 3 Preserve State Park on the north side of Tilton Road between Silver Oaks Drive and 4 Shana's Trail. The site is undeveloped and surrounded by low-density ranchette style 5 single-family residences and other undeveloped lots. Directly to the south is the Silver 6 Oaks PUD. 7 8 The Future Land Use of the property is RS or Residential Suburban at two dwelling 9 units per acre to the immediate north, east and west is also Residential Suburban at two 10 dwelling units per acre. To the South is RU - Residential Urban - at five dwelling units 11 per acre. 12 13 The current zoning of the property is AR-1, Agricultural, Residential at one dwelling unit 14 per acre. The properties to the immediate north east and west are also zoned 15 Agricultural, Residential at one dwelling unit per acre. The south is the Silver Oaks PUD 16 that has been approved at two dwelling units per acre. 17 18 Staff analysis indicates that the proposed Future Land Use designation is not consistent 19 with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The change in Future Land Use from 20 RS to RU represents an overall net increase in anticipated impacts for which a number 21 of concurrency measures have not been demonstrated. The proposed change is 22 inconsistent with Policies, and, which all require concurrency for 23 potable water services to be planned for. The subject property is currently not being 24 serviced for potable water nor is it scheduled for service within the 5-Year Capital 25 Improvement Planning Period, therefore concurrency has not been met or otherwise 26 addressed for this public facility. 27 28 The proposal also represents an increase in residential density that may result in an 29 additional burden on the school district that is not addressed in impact fees. Policy 30 and the School Board's Inter-local Agreement with the County requires a 31 developer to demonstrate concurrency with this public facility by entering into a density 32 enhancement agreement between the applicant and the school board. No agreement 33 has been entered into and therefore school concurrency has not been addressed for 34 this proposal. 35 36 Rule 9J-5 of the Florida Administrative Code provides standards of review for 37 discouraging the proliferation of urban sprawl and staff has found that one of the 38 primary indicators of urban sprawl may have been triggered in that the proposed 39 change fails to adequately protect and conserve natural resources. 2.33 acres out of a 40 total of 8.18 acres of the subject property consist of wetlands and the existing low- 41 density land use is intended to buffer the Savannas State Park, which is an 42 environmentally significant land. 43 44 When evaluating the appropriateness of a proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment 45 to a Comprehensive Plan, which is deemed already in compliance, Rule 9J-5 calls for 46 the demonstrated need of the proposed use over the designated planning period. To 47 demonstrate a need for additional residential land, a deficit must be demonstrated to the 6 1 extent that it could not support the demand resulting from the projected increase in 2 population. 3 4 The recently adopted Evaluation and Appraisal Report for the Comprehensive Plan 5 shows a surplus of land that can accommodate an increase in population of over 58,000 6 above what is projected over the next 20-year planning period. 7 8 The current supply of vacant land with a future land use designation of Residential 9 Urban is over 2,600 acres. Therefore, there is no demonstrated need for the proposed 10 use of Residential Urban over the designated 20-year planning period. 11 12 Both the proposed future land use designation of Residential Urban and the proposed 13 Residential Multi-Family zoning district at five dwelling units to the acre are not 14 compatible with the surrounding low-density ranchette style neighborhood. The Zoning 15 to the north, east and west are all zoned AR-1, and to the south is the Silver Oaks PUD, 16 which has been approved at two dwelling units per acre. 17 18 The ranchettes surrounding the property were actually developed at a density much 19 lower than the permitted zoning and range in density from one home to nine acres to 20 one home on two acres. The neighborhood block to the southwest was formerly all 21 zoned RM-5; however, there has been a significant trend of down-zoning to AR-1. 22 23 Staff recommends denial of both proposals for the following reasons. 24 They are inconsistent with both the State and the St. Lucie County Comprehensive 25 Plan, have not properly demonstrated concurrency of the resulting impacts, the changes 26 are not needed to support the projected population growth and will exacerbate the over- 27 allocation of residential land, conditions have not changed to warrant the amendment 28 especially on the north side of Tilton Road, and they are not compatible with the 29 surrounding neighborhood and may encourage others to change their future land use 30 and zoning. 31 32 Ms. Sudy Perez-Lizano (representing herself) passed out a packet to the Planning and 33 Zoning Commission members. 34 35 Ms. Lizano stated she did not understand why a zoning change that was given to her 36 neighbors and is being denied to her. 37 38 Ms. Lizano noted in the packet, three studies, an environmental study, a traffic study 39 and a wet lands study that was requested by Growth Management. Ms. Lizano stated 40 the studies cost approximately five thousand dollars (Ms. Lizano did not think the 41 studies were provided to the Commission Members). 42 43 Ms. Lizano spoke about the emails and letters that were sent to her by staff and 44 administration, and meetings she had with staff. 45 46 Mrs. Hammer stated that the commission did have the documentation. 47 7 1 Ms. Lizano stated that she signed a concurrency affidavit form and therefore the 2 questions proposed to her would be important at the time of development, not now. 3 4 Ms. Lizano stated if she received a zoning change like everyone else, she would 5 receive a better price on her property. 6 7 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 8 9 Jim Millner, Patty Kane, Donna Gillette, Ben Permoy, Debra Kane, Tom Johnston, 10 Dianne Soldevilla and Mary Kurtz spoke in opposition to the project. 11 12 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 13 14 Mrs. Hammer commended Ms. Wilson stating this was one of the best reports she had 15 ever received. 16 17 Mr. Lounds motioned after considering the testimony presented during the public 18 hearing, including staff comments, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning 19 Commission of St. Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of 20 County Commissioners deny the petition of Sudy Perez-Lizano, for a Small-Scale 21 Amendment to the Future Land Use Map from RS (Residential Suburban-2 22 du/acre) to RU (residential urban- 5 du/acre) because it does not fit the overall 23 effects of the property, thinking it would impact the neighborhood and all the 24 conditional statements staff made in their report for denial. 25 26 Mrs. Hammer seconded. 27 28 Roll Call: 29 Ms. Caron- yes 30 Ms. Morgan- yes 31 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 32 Mr. Reynolds- yes 33 Mr. Schrader- yes 34 Mrs. Hammer- yes 35 Mr. Lounds-yes 36 Chairman Mundt- yes 37 38 Motion passed unanimously. 39 40 C. Sudy Perez - Lizano: RZ 120081408 41 Petition of Sudy Perez - Lizano for a change in zoning from the AR - 1 42 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the RM - 5 43 (Residential, Multiple - Family - 5 du/acre) Zoning District. 44 45 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 8 1 2 No one spoke. 3 4 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 5 6 Mr. Lounds motioned after considering the testimony presented during the public 7 hearing, including staff comments, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning 8 Commission of St. Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of 9 County Commissioners deny approval of the petition of Sudy Perez-Lizano, for a 10 petition to amend the official zoning atlas from AR-1 (agricultural, residential - 1 11 du/acre) to RM-5 (residential, multifamily - 5 du/acre) based on staff's 12 recommendations and findings. 13 14 Mr. Reynolds seconded 15 16 Roll Call: 17 Mr. Schrader- yes 18 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 19 Mrs. Hammer- yes 20 Ms. Morgan- yes 21 Ms. Caron- yes 22 Mr. Reynolds- yes 23 Mr. Lounds-yes 24 Chairman Mundt- yes 25 26 Motion passed unanimously. 27 28 D. North County Regional Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant 29 Rezoning: RZ 920094011 Petition of St. Lucie County Utilities Department for a change in zoning from the AR - 1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the U (Utilities) Zoning District to accommodate the proposed North County Regional Water and Wastewater Treatment. 30 31 32 33 34 35 Mr. Szynkowski, Growth Management Sr. Planner stated that this item is a petition of the 36 St. Lucie County Utilities Department for an amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas 37 to change the zoning for land owned by the County located on the east side of Taylor 38 Dairy Road, approximately % mile south of Indrio Road from the AR-1 (Agricultural, 39 Residential - 1 du / acre) Zoning District to the U (Utilities) Zoning District. 40 41 42 43 44 Mrs. Waldie, Utilities Director stated this property was approved for purchased in March 2005 by the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners with the intent for a utilities facility in the future. Since that time, the Utility Department and County have moved forward utilizing this property in the Master Plan, Capital Improvement Plan and 9 1 Water Supply Plan. Every intent was to use this site for both water and wastewater. A 2 site analysis has been done. 3 The reason the Utilities Department is coming forward now is to get their ducks in a row 4 for the future and possibly stimulus money to start testing on the site. 5 6 The first step in the process is to have the zoning approved. 7 8 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 9 10 Robert Sinnott and Wayne Bennett spoke in opposition of the project stating there are 11 other properties where the Utilities Department can build the Regional Wastewater 12 Treatment Plant that are zoned industrial without burdening residential neighboring 13 properties and cause spot zoning. 14 15 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 16 17 The Commission discussed the possibility of putting this facility In a utilities, light 18 industrial zoned area of the county or the airport. 19 20 Mr. Satterlee proposed to continue the hearing to a date certain to give Mrs. Waldie an 21 opportunity to fully explain why this particular site was selected. 22 23 The Commission discussed whether this item should be continued. 24 25 Ms. Hensley stated the Commission needs to know what property was bought for the 26 airport with FAA dollars because that puts a significant constraint on what could be put at 27 the airport. 28 29 Mr. Satterlee stated the neighboring properties would be notified that this item was 30 continued and a neighborhood meeting will be scheduled. 31 32 Mrs. Waldie clarified her previous statement stating she did not mean that this project 33 was being rushed because of stimulus dollars. Her point was the Utilities Department has 34 been looking at the site since 2008; they did apply for stimulus dollars but were rejected. 35 36 Chairman Mundt pointed out that all Capital Improvement Projects have been put on 37 hold. 38 39 Chairman Mundt reiterated that this project is to be continued for justification on why this 40 project needs to be in this location and to bring other site options to the Commission. 41 42 Mr. Lounds stated staff should take the time and exhaust all avenues before bringing this 43 item back to the Commission. 44 45 Mrs. Waldie stated that the Commission needs to understand that some of the property 46 discussed by the Commission is not owned by the County. There are no dollars to buy 47 any property and the Utilities Department already put over two million dollars into this 48 project. 10 1 2 Mrs. Hammer motioned to continue this item to Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 6:00 3 p.m. or as soon thereafter 4 5 Mr. Reynolds seconded. 6 7 Roll Call: 8 9 Ms. Morgan stated she had a problem continuing this item if it was going to come back 10 on the same piece of property. 11 12 Ms. Morgan wants staff to bring this item back with other site options. 13 14 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 15 16 Ms. Caron- no, stating in her opinion there was not an answer given if this item was 17 going to be brought forth with other options. 18 19 Mr. Schrader- no, stating based on the facts that Ms. Caron brought up included with the 20 continuance. 21 22 Mr. Lounds suggested a revote to clarify the original motion. 23 24 Mrs. Hammer clarified her motion stating the motion is to continue this item to 25 Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. or soon thereafter in order for staff to supply 26 additional information of the possibility of other sites and if not other sites the 27 reasons why this is the only site in their eyes that could possibly work and then a 28 decision will be made. 29 30 Ms. Caron seconded. 31 32 Ms. Morgan stated for discussion, if they are going to come back with another location 33 this item gets withdrawn and a new application has to come before the commission. 34 35 Mr. Satterlee stated that his understanding was that staff is going to bring back to the 36 Commission more specific reasons (further analysis) why this site has been selected and 37 look at alternative sites. This application is not being withdrawn. 38 39 Chairman Mundt stated the motion maker and the seconder had withdrawn the original 40 motion. 41 42 Roll Call: 43 Ms. Morgan- yes 44 Mr. Lounds-yes 45 Mr. Culverhouse- yes 46 Ms. Caron- yes 47 Mr. Schrader- yes 48 Mr. Reynolds- yes 11 1 Ms. Hammer- yes 2 Chairman Mundt- yes 3 4 Motion passed unanimously. 5 6 E. Tropical Martini: CU 420093969 7 Petition of Ranjana Patel for a Conditional Use Permit for the business known as 8 Tropical Martini to allow the operation of a free standing drinking place (alcoholic 9 beverages) in the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Mr. Szynkowski, Growth Management Sr. Planner stated the location of this item is 8589 South US Highway 1, is via La Buona Vita Drive. The future land use is COM (Commercial),and the zoning is CG (Commercial, General) RMH 5 (Residential, Mobile Home) zoning is to the west and the rest of the surrounding area is CG (Commercial ,General). In February 2009, the petitioner changed the business (dba) name to Tropical Martini. On February 16, 2009, Code Enforcement Staff of St. Lucie County issued a Notice of Violation, for operating a bar/night club without a conditional use permit, zoning compliance permit and occupational license. Pursuant to Section 3.01.03 (S) (7) b, drinking places serving alcoholic beverages require a Conditional Use permit in the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. On April 6, 2009, Ranjana Patel submitted an application to St. Lucie County Growth Management Department for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the continued use of a freestanding drinking place known as Tropical Martini. On October 2, 2009, Ranjana Patel conducted a neighborhood meeting at 8589 S. US Highway 1. Nine residents of La Buona Vita Cooperative attended the meeting. The La Buona Vita Cooperative is an age 55 and over development with 189 units of manufactured homes in the RMH-5 (residential, Mobile Home) Zoning District abutting the western boundary of the subject site. The residents of the community raised their concerns about the noise generated by the Tropical Martini into the early morning hours and trash left on their residential property. The residents recommended that the applicant reduce the sound emanating from the nightclub by hiring a sound engineer at the applicant's cost. During the meeting, staff explained that County has a noise ordinance to control any noise pollution and staff ensured the residents that the County will coordinate with the Department of Code Enforcement Division to enforce the noise ordinance. Ms. Patel agreed to work with the community and address their concerns. To eliminate any adverse effect, staff suggested three conditions of approval. 1. The petitioner, their successors or assigns shall comply with all the applicable conditions of the St. Lucie County Noise Ordinance No. 06-021. The Code 12 Enforcement Division shall enforce compliance with this ordinance. Upon complaint and proof of adverse effect on adjacent properties, the permit may be revoked pursuant to Section 11.07.05 (H) and any new permits will require approval of the Board of County Commissioners. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Staff had contacted the St. Lucie County Public Safety 9-1-1 Services staff regarding calls 16 for service to the subject property. There were ninety-nine (99) calls for service from 17 October 14, 2007 through November 4, 2009. A discussion determined that fifty-four of 18 these calls were for the Sheriff Department's directed patrol. Table 2 in the staff 19 memorandum showed several other calls were minor. Six calls were unfounded and not 20 included in the total calls for service. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2. Prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, the petitioner, their successors or assigns shall be responsible for installing soundproofing insulation or soundproofing wall panels to control any noise pollution. 3. The petitioner shall limit the hours of operation to 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday and 1 :00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight on Sunday and operate in accordance with the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County and State of Florida Statutes, Chapter 561. Ms. Patel owner of Tropical Martini stated she originally did not know she had to apply for a conditional use permit. When she was told she applied. Ms. Patel has a quote for soundproofing and if this conditional use is approved, she will have the soundproofing installed. Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. Glenn Raines spoke in favor of this project. Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. Chairman Mundt asked what sheriff patrols meant. Mr. Lounds answered if the sheriff department rides by and there is a large crowd, they stop and log out (a1098 at this location). This can be for a number of reasons, checking cars, making a courtesy walk through, the rule of the county is that as long as an establishment is open a sheriff can stop and make an assessment. This is not a call that originated by calling 911. Ms. Morgan motioned after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including staff comments, and the standards of review as set forth in section 11.07.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners adopt a resolution granting approval of the application of Ranjana Patel for a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a drinking place (alcoholic 13 1 beverages) free standing (bar/nightclub) in the CG (commercial, general) 2 zoning district subject to the limiting conditions outlined. 3 Mr. Lounds seconded. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Roll Call: Mr. Schrader- yes Mr. Culverhouse- yes Mrs. Hammer- no Mr. Reynolds- yes Ms, Caron- yes Mr. Lounds-yes Ms. Morgan- yes Chairman Mundt- yes The motion carried 7-1 with Ms. Hammer dissenting. IV. OTHER BUSINESS A. Growth Management Director Comments Mr. Satterlee announced that Mr. Meyer had handed out a draft calendar for review of Chapters 10, 11 and 12. Mr. Meyer asked that the Commission review the draft calendar and let him know if any of the date's conflict with the their schedules. Ms. Wilson handed out a pamphlet regarding the Comprehensive Plan Update (EAR- Based Amendments). Mr. Satterlee updated the Commission on the status of the Western Land Study. B. Other business at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission Ms. Caron stated the screen on the podium (for the public) needs to be adjusted for the under five foot six people, in order for the Commission to make eye contact with them. Ms. Morgan stated if the agenda is full, the review of the chapters should be pulled. The Commission thanked staff for the great quality and effort they are putting forth in their reports and presentations. V. Adjourned 14 1 2 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m. 3 4 15