HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-23-2010 Signed AgendasITEM NO. IV - A TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: ( APPROVED ( ) OTHER AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 03/23/10 REGULAR (X) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASWD ( ) CONSENT ( ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney County Attorney Resolution No. 10-076 — Declaring April 1, 2020 as "Census Day" The Census has asked that the Board declare April 1, 2010 as Census Day in St. Lucie County. The attached Resolution No. 10-076 has been drafted for that purpose. N/A N/A Board adoption of the attached Resolution No. 10-076, as drafted by the county attorney. ( ) DENIED Approved 5-0 Coordination/Siianatures County Attorney ( ) a Daniel S. McIntyre Community Services ( ) Be Ryder CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 10-076 A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING APRIL 1, 2010 AS "CENSUS DAY" IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. The U.S. Constitution requires a national census once every ten years. The census will show state population counts and determine representation in the U.S. House of Representatives. 2. Every year, the Federal Government allocates more than $400 billion to states and communities based, in part, on census data. 3. Census data guides planning for new hospitals, roads, job training centers, schools and more. It is also used to determine the need for additional social services, block grants and other programs essential to many communities. Census data illustrates a diverse range of local initiatives from justifying the need for an after -school program to designating urban revitalization areas. 4. The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States. All U.S. residents must be counted - people of all races and ethnic groups, both citizens and non- citizens, and those who speak English and those who do not. 5. Census Day is April 1, 2010 and questionnaire responses should representthe household as it exists on this day. More detailed socioeconomic information will be collected annually from a small percentage of the population through the American Community Survey, which asks much more detailed information. 6. With only ten questions, the 2010 Census questionnaire is one ofthe shortest questionnaires in history and takes just ten minutes to complete. 7. Census questionnaires will be delivered or mailed to households via U.S. mail in March 2010; many households will receive a replacement questionnaire in early April, if they did not return the first. Census workers will also visit households that do not return questionnaires in an effort to achieve an accurate count. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: V AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT) SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION: COMMISSION ACTION: [ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 ITEM NO. IV-B DATE: March 23, 2010 REGULAR [x ] PUBLIC HEARING [ J CONSENT[] PRESENTED BY: County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney Resolution No. 10-088 - "Guardian ad Litem Day". Debbie Butler, President, Board of Directors, Guardians for New Futures, has requested that this Board proclaim March 23, 2010 as "Guardian ad Litem Day" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 10-088 has been drafted for that purpose. Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 10-088 as drafted. - All - Review and Approvals [X) County Attorney: Daniel S. McIntyre CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 10-088 A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING MARCH 23, 2010 AS GUARDIAN AD LITEM DAY" IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. The Guardian ad Litem Program's sole mission is to represent the best interests of abused and neglected children involved in dependency court proceedings. 2. For thirty years, the Guardian ad Litem Program team, consisting of attorneys, professional staff and volunteers, has provided independent advocacy for hundreds of thousands of dependent children located throughout the state. 3. In 2010, the Guardian ad Litem Program achieved a previously unmet milestone by exceeding 7,000 volunteers. 4. For thirty years, Guardian ad Litem volunteers have donated time and mileage worth millions of dollars to the State of Florida. 5. For thirty years, Guardian ad Litem volunteers have provided an invaluable service to Dependency Court Judges. 6. For thirty years, the Guardian ad Litem Program has sought to enhance local communities and the lives of Florida families and children. 7. Many maltreated children in Florida need to have an independent advocate to speak on their behalf. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1. This Board does hereby proclaim March 23, 2010, as "GUARDIAN AD LITEM DAY" in St. Lucie County, Florida. 2. This Board urges all residents of St. Lucie County to continue to give your time to make a difference in the humanitarian fabric of this community. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 23RD day of March 2010. Tewsed AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-8-1 Date: March 23, 2010 Regular[ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X] PRESENTED BY: Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Cortez Village - Fourth Amendment to June 23, 2007 Agreement with Cortez Townhomes, L.L.C., and Gregg R. Wexler, and Second Amendment to Declaration of Covenants BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 10-0264 FUNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the Fourth Amendment to the June 23, 2007 Agreement and the Second Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, and authorize the Chairman to sign the documents. COMMISSION ACTION: [ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney: Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: A/ Daniel 5. McInt r Originating Dept.: Growth Mgmt: Other Beth Ryder Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 10-0264 DATE: March 1, 2010 SUBJECT: Cortez Village - Fourth Amendment to June 23, 2007 Agreement with Cortez Townhomes, L.L.C., and Gregg R. Wexler BACKGROUND: On June 23, 2007, the County entered into an agreement with Cortez Townhomes, L.L.C., and Gregg R. Wexler which provided for the development of Cortez Village using Hurricane Housing Recovery Plan grant funds. Pursuant to the agreement, the developer was required to designate fifteen (15) units for sale to persons meeting the income guidelines for Very Low Income, Low Income and Moderate Income as determined by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation for St. Lucie County. On March 25, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved the First Amendment to the Agreement to extend the time for completion of the project to June 30, 2008. Due to delays in permitted related to roadway improvements, the developer requested and received a Second Amendment to the Agreement to extend the completion date to June 30, 2009. The amendment provided for the County to further extend this date at its discretion subject to the approval of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation which provided the grant funding for the project. The Florida Housing Finance Corporation has since provided an extension through June 30, 2010. On July 7, 2009, the Board approved the Third Amendment to the agreement permit rental as well as sales of the units. The agreement currently provides for issuance of the final grant payment to the developer upon completion of the entire project. Under the terms of the final extension approved by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, all grant monies must be expended on or before June 30, 2010. In order to insure this deadline is met, a Fourth Amendment has been drafted to provide for final payment upon the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the building which contains the fifteenth restricted unit rather than all of the units within the project. A copy of the proposed Fourth Amendment is attached to this memorandum. As a condition of the Agreement, the developer recorded a Declaration of Covenants which indentified fifteen units to be sold to persons meeting the Very Low, Low or Moderate Income guidelines. On December 29, 2008, the Declaration of Covenants was amended to require that the sale of the specified units to person meeting the income e %WWNM-W� AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. VI-62 DATE: March 23, 2010 REGULAR[ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida (TIITF) Lease Agreement - Lease Number 4621 Harbor Branch Preserve BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Please see an attached memorandum N/A N/A Staff recommends that the Board approve the Lease Agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida (TIITF) for the Harbor Branch Preserve, authorize the Chairman to sign the Lease Agreement and direct staff to return to TIITF for further processing. COMMISSION ACTION: � APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 [x] County Attorney: Daniel 5. McIntyre [x] Originating Dept.: JoAnn Riley Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eft. 5/96 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals n [ ] Environmental: ` v� [X] Mosquito Control: Jim David [ ] Road 6 Bridge: [ ] OMB: 5:\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\Environmental\Harbor Branch Preserve\Lease Agenda Request.wpd INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida (TIITF) Lease Agreement - Lease Number 4621 Harbor Branch Preserve BACKGROUND: Attached you will find a Lease Agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, for the Harbor Branch Preserve project. The term will be for fifty years commencing on execution by all parties unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of the Lease. The Harbor Branch project involves the acquisition of 443 acres by the State of Florida from Harbor Branch. Funding for the acquisition is being provided by: • Florida Forever ($18million) • Florida Communities Trust ($4.7 million) • South Florida Water Management District ($574,600) • St. Lucie County ($1.025 million) The Harbor Branch research facilities and associated operational area of approximately 175 acres will be leased to Florida Atlantic University. All undeveloped lands approximately 268 acres will be conserved and leased to St. Lucie County for conservation management. St. Lucie County Environmental Resources Department will manage the uplands and the Mosquito Control District will manage the wetlands. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Lease Agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida (TIITF) for the Harbor Branch Preserve, authorize the Chairman to sign the Lease Agreement and direct staff to return to TIITF for further processing. Respectfully submitted, Ann Riley Property Acquisition Manager 5:\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\Environmenta1\Harbor Branch Preserve\Lease Agenda Memompd AGENDA REQUEST w C6UNTY F L O R ID A-- . TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. VI-13-3 DATE: March 23, 2010 REGULAR[ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ x ] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Amendment to Agreement with Department of Corrections on Inmate Labor for Parks Division BACKGROUND: See CA10-319 FUNDS AVAILABLE: Parks 001-7210-534000-700 PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 7, 2009, the Board approved the original contract with the Department of Corrections for inmate labor. RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Board approve the Amendment and allow the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: XJ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 [X] County Attorney: Y k- [ ] Road & Bridge.: Review and Approvals [ ]Management & Budget: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ]Purchasing: [ ) Parks & Recreation Director [ ] Solid Waste Mgr [ ]Finance:(check for copy only, if applicable) INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Sperrazza Lueke, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 10-0319 DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Amendment of Agreement with Department of Corrections on Inmate Labor for Parks Division BACKGROUND: Attached is the proposed Amendment to our Agreement with the Department of Corrections for the County's use of inmate labor for the Parks Division. The Amendment extends the Agreement for another year at the same rate of $56,467 for the year. Funds are budgeted in the Parks Division operating budget for these services. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Board approve the Amendment of the Agreement with DOC and allow the Chairman to sign. Respectfully submitted, I�W Heather Sperraz ek Assistant County torne AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. VI-13-4 DATE: March 23, 2010 REGULAR[] PUBLIC HEARING ( ] CONSENT [ x ] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Treasure Coast Sports Commission, Inc. - Fifth Amendment to February 13, 2001 Facilities Use Agreement for Office Space at Tradition Field BACKGROUND: See CA No. 10-0294 PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Fifth Amendment to the February 13, 2001 Facilities Use Agreement with Treasure Coast Sports Commission, Inc. and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: "'-� APPROVED [) DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator . Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney: //�1��// [x ) Parks & Recreation Director —k Daniel S. McIntyre Debra Brisson INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 09-0517 DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Treasure Coast Sports Commission, Inc. - Fifth Amendment to February 13, 2001 Facilities Use Agreement for Office Space at Tradition Field BACKGROUND: On February 13, 2001, the County entered into a Facilities Use Agreement with Treasure Coast Sports Commission, Inc. for the use of office space, office equipment and telephone service at Tradition Field. Attached to this memorandum is a copy of a proposed Fifth Amendment to the Facilities Use Agreement which extends the term through and including March 31, 2012 and permits the County, at its option, to provide an alternative and comparable office space upon ninety (90) days prior written notice. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Fifth Amendment to the February 13, 2001 Facilities Use Agreement with Treasure Coast Sports Commission, Inc. and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. Respectfully submitted, Heather Young Assistant County Attorney HY/cb Attachment AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: ITEM NO. VI-B-5 DATE: March 23, 2010 REGULAR(] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney Purchase of Harbor Branch - Access Indemnity Agreement See attached memorandum Staff recommends that the Board approve the Access Indemnity Agreement and authorize the chairman to sign the Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: [)d APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing: _ Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Purchase of Harbor Branch - Access Indemnity Agreement FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO.: 10-0321 DATE: March 11, 2010 SUBJECT: Purchase of Harbor Branch - Access Indemnity Agreement BACKGROUND: The Harbor Branch project involves the acquisition of 443 acres by the State of Florida from Harbor Branch. Funding for the acquisition is being provided by: - Florida Forever ($18 million) - Florida Communities Trust ($4.7 million) - South Florida Water Management District ($574,600) - St. Lucie County ($1.025 million) The Harbor Branch research facilities and associated operational area of approximately 175 acres will be leased to Florida Atlantic University. All undeveloped lands of 268 acres will be leased to the County for conservation management. A map depicting the location of the acquisition is attached. As part of the acquisition, the State requested that the County and Harbor Branch approve and sign an Access Indemnity Agreement, a copy of which is attached to this memorandum. Under the terms of this Agreement, if for some reason in the future the State was unable to obtain access to its project, the County would, at Harbor Branch's expense, acquire the right-of-way needed for access by donation, purchase or eminent domain. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Access Indemnity Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. Daniel S. McI County Attori DSM/caf Attachments AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. VI-86 DATE: March 23, 2010 REGULAR[] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi -JD [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT,): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Donation of Right -of -Way BPSC Industries, LLC 70 feet on 53d Street - Resolution No. 10-095 10 feet on Center Road - Resolution No. 10-096 BACKGROUND: See an attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: January 5, 2010 - Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 10-008 granting Major Site Plan approval for the project known as BPSC. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Warranty Deeds, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-095 and 10-096 accepting the Warranty Deeds and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: p4APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [x] County Attorney: 01-L Daniel S. McIntyre [x] Originating Dept: JolAnn Riley CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [x] Road and Bridge. Don Pauley [x] Engineering: AlNj 7 Mike Powley S:\ACQ\WP\Right of Way Donations\BPSC Industries, LLC\Agenda Request.wpd [x] Public Works. Don est [ ] Environmental: I.r PROPERTY ACQUISITION DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Donation of Right -of -Way BPSC Industries, LLC 70 feet on 53rd Street - Resolution No. 10-095 10 feet on Center Road - Resolution No. 10-096 BACKGROUND: On January 5, 2010, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No.10-008 granting Major Site Plan approval for the project known as BPSC. Condition Number 2 required BPSC Industries, LLC convey 70' of right-of-way for 53rd Street and 10' along Center Road to St. Lucie County. We have attached the Warranty Deeds executed by BPSC Industries, LLC for your review and acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Warranty Deeds, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-095 and 10-096 accepting the Warranty Deeds and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Respectfully submitted, Jo nn Riley Property Acquisition Manager 5:\ACQ\WP\Right of Way Donations\BPSC Industries, LLC\Agenda Memompd AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney SUBJECT: Donation of Property BPSC Industries, LLC Parcel I.D. 2326-421-0001-000-7 Resolution No. 10-097 BACKGROUND: See an attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: ITEM NO. VI-B7 DATE: March 23, 2010 REGULAR[] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi -JD [ ] CONSENT N PRESENTED BY: JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager January 5, 2010 - Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 10-008 granting Major Site Plan approval for the project known as BPSC. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-097 accepting the Warranty Deed and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: N APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER Approved 5-0 [x] County Attorney: Daniel S. McIntyre � [x] Originating Dept: fie' Arnn Riley CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [ ] Road and Bridge: Don Pauley [ ] Engineering: Mike Powley 5:\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\Environmental\BPSC (Cassens)\Agenda Request.wpd [ ] Public Works: Don West [ ] Environmental: PROPERTY ACQUISITION DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Donation of Property BPSC Industries, LLC Parcel I.D. 2326-421-0001-000-7 Resolution No. 10-097 BACKGROUND: On January 5, 2010, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No.10-008 granting Major Site Plan approval for the project known as BPSC. Condition Number 8 required BPSC Industries, LLC to convey the Cassens parcel to St. Lucie County. We have attached the Warranty Deed executed by Steven Cassens and Catherine Dixon for your review and acceptance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Warranty Deeds, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-097 accepting the Warranty Deed and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Respectfully submitted, '� Ann Riley Property Acquisition Manager 5:\ACQ\WP\JoAnn\Environmental\BP5C (Cassens)\Agenda Memovpd ir TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: ITEM NO. DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Solid Waste Department Leachate Pond Covers See attached memorandum. VI-Cl 3123/10 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( } QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X) PRESENTED BY: Ron Roberts Assistant Solid Waste Director 401-3410-563005-103603 Infrastructure — Consulting Engineer (pending BOCC approval). PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Capital Improvement Project CIP10-025, Budget Amendment No. BA10-012, and authorization for Chairman to execute Work Authorization No. 6 for Camp Dresser McKee, Inc., as prepared by the County Attorney, for engineering services as outlined in the agenda memorandum for a total cost of $63,488. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (X) j OMB Director Budget Analyst Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) (Name) Purchasing Marie Gouin Robert O'Sullivan (X)�: Melissa Simberlund Attachment A WORK AUTHORIZATION NO. 06 CONTRACT C00-04-349 FOR CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES THIS WORK AUTHORIZATION is made as of the day of 2010, by and between the ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Engineer". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on March 14, 2000, the County entered into an Agreement (Contract No. C00-04-349) hereinafter referred to as "Contract" with the Engineer to provide continuing professional engineering services; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the Contract, the Engineer is to provide the professional services as outlined in this individual work authorization; and, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises made herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by each party, the parties who are legally bound, hereby agree as follows: 1. Project: The County has determined that it would like to complete a project described below: Leachate Pond Covers (hereinafter referred to as "the Project".) AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-C2 DATE: 3/23/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY:v Ron Roberts SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Department Assistant Solid Waste Director SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 401-3410-534000-300 Other Contractual Services PREVIOUS ACTION: April 24, 2007 — BOCC approved the award of contract. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the first amendment to Contract No. C07-04-270 with Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc., extending the contract through May 31, 2013, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (.� APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER P— Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA pp County Administrator County Attorney ( X ) Originating Dept. ( ) Coordination/Signatures OMB Director F' Budget Analyst Daniel McIntyre (Name) Purchasing (X) Marie ouin TawonnaJohnson (X)�_. Melissa Simberlund Solid Waste Department MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ron Roberts, Assistant Solid Waste Director```j" DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal ITEM NO: VI-C2 Background: In 2007, St. Lucie County entered into a contract with Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc., the highest ranked firm as a result of RFP No. 07-038, to provide packaging, labeling, transportation, and storing of household hazardous waste for disposal. The initial term of the contract was for a period of three years. The contract also includes one additional three-year extension. The current contact will expire on May 31, 2010. Clean Harbors is one of the world's largest processors of hazardous waste with an excess of 50,000 customers worldwide. The current annual cost for the proper treatment and disposal of the household hazardous waste is approximately $24,000. In 2005, our annual disposal cost with Care Environmental was in excess of $30,000. As an example of the cost savings, our pervious contractor charged $185 per 55 gallon drum of bulk flammables. Clean Harbors cost per 55 gallon drum is only $95. Bulk flammable liquids are the predominant portion of the household hazardous waste stream. Both Martin and Indian River County pay $185.00 per drum of bulk flammable liquids. Clean Harbors has proven to be one of the most efficient and cost effective contractors we have had processing and disposing of the household hazardous waste. Recommendation: Board approval of the first amendment to Contract No. C07-04-270 with Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc., extending the contract through May 31, 2013, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. RR:dls Attachment A — First amendment to C07-04-270 Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. 2 r COUNT - Y F L a ;R ' 1-. g- -s�.. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. DATE: VI- D1 03123/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin 00 SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Donation of Surplus Computers to St. Lucie County Nonprofit Agencies BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: December 15, 2009 — BOCC approved the removal of the computers from fixed assets RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to donate surplus computers to various St. Lucie County nonprofit agencies as listed on the attached spreadsheet. COMMISSION ACTION: �) APPROVED O DENIED () OTHER Approved 5-0 Coordination/Signatures - OMB County Attorney ( XBudget Analyst Dan McIntyre Purchasing ( X) r Melissa Simberlund CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator (Name) Information (X) . Technology i �1 Nelscuenag ✓y r = = Office of Management • & Budget/Purchasing MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioner FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director P'1 DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Donation of Surplus Computers to St. Lucie County Nonprofit Agencies ITEM NO. VI- D1 Background: Per Section 274.05, Florida Statutes, a government unit may offer, by donation, surplus property to private nonprofit agencies as defined in Section 273.01. Pursuant to Section 273.01(3), a private nonprofit agency means a nonprofit charitable organization, no part of the net earnings of which inures or may lawfully inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, which has been held to be tax-exempt under provisions of s. 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and which has as its principal mission: (a) Public health and welfare; (b) Education; (c) Environmental restoration and conservation; (d) Civil and human rights; or (e) the relief of human suffering and poverty. Information Technology has prepared usable surplus computers to be used for this program. All computers are stored at the St. Lucie County Logistic Center. The nonprofit agency is solely responsible for the transportation of the computer equipment. The nonprofit agency shall accept the computer equipment "AS IS" with no specific warranty or guarantee to its functionality and or use. No assignment of warranty, support services, licensing, replacement parts, and or liability is implied in the transfer of said computer equipment. The computer equipment will be sorted and labeled by the County for each awarded nonprofit agency to pick up. Once notified, each nonprofit agency will be given 14 calendar days to arrange pick-up of donated computer equipment. Attachment A is the spreadsheet listing all of the St. Lucie County nonprofit agencies, their address and the number of computers each agency is requesting. Recommendation: Board authorization to donate surplus computers to various St. Lucie County nonprofit agencies as listed on the attached spreadsheet. V TO SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: ITEM NO DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing VI-D2 03/23/10 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT ( X ) PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin Director Amendment to Contract for Garbage Collection and Recycling Services for St. Lucie County Facilities BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various department accounts PREVIOUS ACTION: May 13, 2008 — BOCC approved award of contract RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the first amendment to Contract No. C08-05-231 with All Haul, extending the contract through June 30, 2011, and increasing the contract price due to Solid Waste's increased tipping fees, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: () APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( X ) CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB F Budget Analyst ( ) Dan McIntyre Purchasing ( X)�� ' Melissa Simberlund Solid Waste ( X) Ron Roberts v Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioner FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director rn DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract for Garbage Collection and Recycling Services for St. Lucie County Facilities ITEM NO. VI-D2 Background: In 2008, St. Lucie County entered into a contract with All Haul, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, located in Ft. Pierce, to provide exclusive solid waste collection and disposal services and recycling services for St. Lucie County facilities. The initial term of the contract was for a period of two years but also allowed for two additional one-year renewal options. The initial term will expire on June 30, 2010. Exercising the first renewal will extend the contract through June 30, 2011. The St. Lucie County Solid Waste Baling and Recycling Facility raised their tipping fees as of October 1, 2009, from $32/ton to $41/ton for municipal solid waste (MSW), an increase of $9/ton and from $19/ton to $29/ton for construction and demolition (C&D), an increase of $10/ton. Paragraph 5, Service, Location, and Rates, of the contract states the following: "...Prices will remain firm for the term of the contract. In addition, if the tipping fee at the St. Lucie County Solid Waste Baling and Recycling Facility is increased during the contract term, the Contractor shall be allowed to make a proportionate adjustment at each renewal period..." Attachment A is a copy of Contract No. C08-05-231 between St. Lucie County and All Haul dated March 13, 2008. The contractor is requesting a proportionate adjustment to his fees. The MSW will go from $2.75 per cubic yard to $3.20 per cubic yard, an increase of $0.45 per cubic yard. A typical MSW dumpster is 85-100 lbs. per cubic yard. Using 100 lb., an 8-yard container would contain 800 lbs. of waste which equals 40% of a ton. The tipping fee increased $9 per ton. 40% of $9 is $3.60. When you divide $3.60 by the 8-yards the container holds, it would equal an appropriate increase of $0.45 per cubic yard. The C&D 20-yard roll off container will go from $100 per load to $135 per load, an increase of $35 per load. Attachment B is a copy of an email from Solid Waste explaining the renewal rates. A typical 20-yard container contains 3.5 tons of C&D waste. The tipping fee increased $10 per ton. The appropriate increase for a C&D 20-yard container would equal $35 per container. The increase in fees would not become effective until July 1, 2010, the actual renewal date. Attachment C is the first amendment to Contract No. C08-05-231. Recommendation: Board approval of the first amendment to Contract No. C08-05-231 with All Haul, extending the contract through June 30, 2011, and increasing the contract price due to Solid Waste's increased tipping fees, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. c6u NTY� L 0- �R TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: ITEM NO. DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Permission to Advertise a Public Hearing See attached memorandum. 001-1110-549000-100 Advertising VI — D3 03123/2010 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASWD ( ) CONSENT (X ) PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin Director September 22, 2009 - The Board held a Public Hearing and adopted the FY 2009- 2010 budget. RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to advertise a public hearing to amend the fiscal year 2009 — 2010 budget. COMMISSION ACTION: (�) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( X ) Originating Dept. ( ) CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures Budget Manager Dan McIntyre (Name) (X ) Jennifer Hill ERD ( ) (Name) Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise a Public Hearing ITEM NO. VI — D3 Background: The Office of Management and Budget is preparing to present a Budget Amendment to the Board for the purpose of recognizing the actual cash balances carried forward from the previous fiscal year. This amendment will also adjust current year revenue and expense estimates. Florida Statute 129.06 (f) requires the Board to hold a public hearing before amending the adopted budget in this manner. Recommendation: Board authorization to advertise a public hearing to amend the fiscal year 2009 — 2010 budget. NT- ITEM NO. VI -El DATE: 03/23/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASWD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY Jessica Parrish ,� - SUBMITTED BY: Community Services/Housing Division Housing Man SUBJECT: Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Ranking BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001509-6420-549605-600 Small Cities CDBG PREVIOUS ACTION: August 5, 2008 — Board approval to submit grant application. May 19, 2009 — Board acceptance of grant contract. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Applicant Ranking List for the Small Cities CDBG grant. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (� APPROVED ( ) DENIED _ ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( ) ���G�// C v Budget Analyst b I Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Originating Dept. Beth Ryder W ITEM NO. VI-E2 - = — DATE: 03123/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) — PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASWD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY Jessica Parris SUBMITTED BY: Community Services/Housing Division Housing Mang SUBJECT: Contract Cancellation BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 189201-6420-549605-600 Hurricane Housing Recovery Program PREVIOUS ACTION: May 26, 2009 — Board approval to award bid. June 29, 2009 — Board approval of Change Order 1. October 5, 2009 — Board approval of Change Order 2. 6-239 th RECOMMENDATION: Board aeon for the Chairman to sign docuact 0ments s' approvedCarmel by theft al and authorization County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ()o APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director County Attorney ( ) !' Budget Analyst Dan I S. McIntyre Marie Holt �. Sophiaa HHolt Originating Dept. Beth Ryder r AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-E3 DATE: 03/23/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASWD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jessica Parrish SUBMITTED BY: Community Services/Housing Division Housing Mage i SUBJECT: Contract Cancellation BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001113-6420-549605-600 Community Development Block Grant Disaster Program PREVIOUS ACTION: November 10, 2009 — Board approval of bid award. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to cancel contract C09-11-586 with Carmel Capital and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (k) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director irec Budget Analyst // Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Gouin �. Sophia Holt Originating Dept. Beth Ryder AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-E4 DATE: 03/23/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASWD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY�,,--�) Jessica Parrish SUBMITTED BY: Community Services/Housing Division Housing Manager SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement with the Cities of Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Upon acceptance by the Board. PREVIOUS ACTION: December 22, 2009 — Board approval to submit application. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement with the Cities of Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ( APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures On OMB Director County Attorney ( ) Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre F- .14 Originating Dept. Beth Ryder () 4::�; M 4 Marie Gouin Sophia Holt COUNT Y F LORI D A - TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: ITEM NO. DATE: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Parks and Recreation Department VI-F1 03; 23/10 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X) PRESENTED BY: Guy D. Medor Parks Manager Interlocal Agreement with St Lucie County Fire District for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 461-75201-534000-700 Tradition Field PREVIOUS ACTION: January 8, 2002 - BOCC entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the St. Lucie County Fire District to provide Emergency Medical Services personnel at Tradition Sports Complex. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement between St. Lucie County and the St Lucie County Fire District to provide EMS personnel at Tradition Sports Complex as outlined in the agenda memorandum, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director County Attorney (X) Budget Analyst ( X ) Dan McIntyre Originating Dept. ( X ) 41-- Purchasing (X ) Debra R. Brisson Marie Gouin Patti Marston A Melissa Simberlund I :J Cou NTY F L O R I D A —40 TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Debra R. Brisson, Director (p-./ FROM: Guy D. Medor, Parks Man4 DATE: March 23, 2010 Parks and Recreation MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement with St Lucie County Fire District for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) ITEM NO. VI-F1 Background: Per our contract with Sterling Facilities (New York Mets), the County is required to provide EMS personnel for spring training and minor league games at the Tradition Sports Complex. In 2002, the County entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the St. Lucie County Fire District to provide said services at a rate of $25 per hour per EMS personnel. The St. Lucie County Fire District wishes to enter into a new agreement increasing the hourly rate to $35 per hour per EMS personnel. Thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) is budgeted annually in the Tradition Field operating budget for these services. Recommendation Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement between St. Lucie County and the St Lucie County Fire District to provide EMS personnel at Tradition Sports Complex as outlined in this agenda memorandum, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. M Fou�-ry F L a R[ D A ITEM NO. VI-F2 DATE: 3123110 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Debra BN PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Parks and Recreation Department Director SUBJECT: Interactive Water Feature at MLK/Dreamland Park BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 310205-7210-563000-7697 — Parks and Recreation Capital 129-7210-563000-7697 — Parks and Recreation MSTU PREVIOUS ACTION: August 8, 2008 — BOCC Agenda VI-E- Acceptance of FRDAP Grant Agreement for Improvements at MLK/Dreamland Park RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to advertise a Request for Proposal for an interactive water feature at MLK/Dreamland Park, approval of Budget Resolution #10-093 as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ,(,",) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director i County Attorney ( x) Budget Analyst ( x)� Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Gouin Robert O'Sullivan Originating Dept. (x) Purchasing (x) Debra R. Brisson Desiree Cimino CMMPrOZZ COU NTY F L O R I D AL -- A - TO: Board of County Commissio rs FROM: Debra R. Brisson, Director DATE: March 23, 2010 Parks and Recreation MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Interactive Water Feature at MLK/Dreamland Park ITEM NO. VI-F2 Background: On August 8, 2009, the BOCC accepted and approved a grant project agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) for improvements, including an interactive water feature, at MLK/Dreamland Park. At this time, staff is requesting approval to advertise a Request for Proposal for the interactive water feature and approval of Budget Resolution No. 10-093 to establish the FY 2011 budget for the project which was not included on the list of projects to be carried forward during last year's budget process. The total budget for the project is $221,346, $110,673 from the FRDAP grant and $110,673 from the Parks MSTU. Recommendation: Board approval to advertise a Request for Proposal for an interactive water feature at MLK/Dreamland Park, approval of Budget Resolution #10-093 as outlined in this agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-G DATE: 03/23/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY:,,z Daniel J. Lutzke,�� SUBMITTED BY: Human Resources/Risk Management Risk Manager SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate Health Care Final Invoice, FY 08-09, Late Billing. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-2300-531300-200 Inmate Medical Expenses (pending BOCC approval). PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval for payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0007293 for period of 10/01/08 to 09/30/09, in the amount of $12,874.48. COMMISSION ACTION: (�() APPROVED ( ) ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( X ) CONCURRENCE: DENIED Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director Budget Analyst (Da 'el S. McIntyre) Originating Dept. ( X) ERD ( aniel J. tzk (X)� (Marie Gouin) (Name) NTY - _+ =U D Human Resources/Risk Management MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Carl Holeva, Human Resource it FROM: Daniel J. Lutzke, Risk Manage DATE: March 23, 2010 64 SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate Health Care Final Invoice, FY 08-09, Late Billing. ITEM NO. VI-G Background: Prison Health Services (PHS) acts as a third party administrator for prisoner health care and manages and pays for medical care expenses for incarcerated jail inmates that are provided off -site (outside the Jail). PHS is then reimbursed by the County in accordance with Florida Statutes that make the County responsible for payment of inmate medical services, including psychotropic drugs, whenever the inmate has no viable method of paying for medical services. This is the final FY 08/09 invoice and will be paid out of the current, FY 09/10 budget. The Board has previously approved inmate HIV medications payments of $147,759.23, prior FY 08/09 late -billed out -patient medical services of $410,923.16 and first quarter FY 09/10 outpatient medical services of $475,003.61. Those costs along with this invoice brings the total inmate medical cost FY 09/10 to date to $1,046,560.48. The Board has established a FY 09-10 total budget of $1,850,000 for inmate medical care. Alliance Medical Management, the Sheriffs Office medical consultant, has reviewed PHS Invoice No. PHS0007293 and supporting documentation and certified them to be correct as presented. Attachments Prison Health Services Invoice number PHS0007293 in the amount of $12,874.48. Alliance Medical Management certification of accuracy of Invoice Number PHS0007293. Recommendation Board approval for payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0007293 for period of 10/01/08 to 09/30/09, in the amount of $12,874.48. ITEM NO. VI-H Ttonipottatian DATE: 03/23/10 �I�nnin4 frej4niSOtiOA AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) ST. LUCIE URBAN AREA PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PEENTED Y: SUBMITTED BY: St. Lucie TPO Peter Buchwald, Executive Director SUBJECT: Resolution 10-091, Budget Amendment BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization has been granted a third partial authorization of planning funds in the amount of $84,716. These funds were budgeted in the second year of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) covering July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. FUNDS AVAILABLE: #001188-1540 — pending BOCC approval. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Budget Resolution 10-091 in the amount of $84,716. COMMISSION ACTION: (x) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 County Attorney ( X) i Originating Dept. ( X ) Coordination/Signatures Peter Buchwald CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Director Budget Analyst Purchasing (X) i*L Marie ouin TaWonna Johnson (X) Desiree Cimino TranwPortatioe plonniay Organisation ST. LUCIE URBFiN AREA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Peter Buchwald DATE: 3/23/2010 St. Lucie TPO MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Resolution 10-091, Budget Amendment ITEM NO. VI-H Background: The St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization has been granted a third partial authorization of planning funds in the amount of $84,716. These funds were budgeted in the second year of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) covering July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Previous Action: N/A Recommendation: Board approval of Budget Resolution 10-091 in the amount of $84,716. ITEM NO. VI — I DATE: 3/23/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) - ` - PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: t Amy Mott, Environmen SUBMITTED BY: Environmental Resources Department Regulations Manager - M Environmental Regulations Division SUBJECT: Amendment to University of South Florida Contract for a Wetlands Inventory and Evaluation Study BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: $5,000 ERD Regulations 102-3920-531000-300 (approved) $20,000 ERD Administration 001-3921-531000-300 (approved) $20,000 Growth Management 001-15101-531000-100 (approved) $40,000 Mosquito Control 145-6230-531000-600 (approved) PREVIOUS ACTION: December 8, 2009 — BOCC approval of contract RECOMMENDATION: outline Florida, as Board approval ofda n amendment South he attached memorandum, and authorization for the Chairman to sign revised documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (x) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB Director/ ( ) County Attorney (�) Budget Analyst Marie Gouin/ Dan McIntyre TaWonna Johnson Purchasing ( ) li'�� Originating Dept. (� Melissa Simberlund ,,Ka4n Smith 2f:Mosquito Control (✓) Growth Mngt. Jim David Mark Satterlee Environmental Resources MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Karen Smith, Environmental Resources Director FROM: Amy Mott, Environmental Regulations Manage4w DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Amendment to University of South Florida Contract for a Wetlands Inventory and Evaluation Study ITEM NO. VI-1 Background: On December 8, 2009, St. Lucie County authorized the University of South Florida (USF) to conduct a Wetland Inventory and Evaluation Study. The objectives of the Wetland Inventory and Evaluation Study are to provide up-to-date information on the status of wetlands in the County and to make recommendations for wetland protection and functional enhancement and revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. The project was originally scheduled to be completed by September 30, 2010, however, due to delays commencing the project on the part of USF, the contract needs to be amended to reflect a new completion date of December 31, 2010. Recommendation: Board approval of an amendment to the contract with University of South Florida as outlined in this memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VII-A Date: March 23, 2010 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [X] Consent [ ] PRESENTED BY: Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No.10-013 - Amending Chapter 1-16.2 (Public Property) to establish standards and procedures for sale of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) properties BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 10-0262 FUNDS AVAIL.: (State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board adopt Ordinance No. 10-013, as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: (� APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator ' Coordination/Signatures �'d Mgt. & Budget: County Attorney. 9 Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Gouin Originating Dept.: Other Beth Ryd r Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): — Purchasing: Other : INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 10-0262 DATE: March 3, 2010 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 10-013 - Amending Chapter 1-16.2 (Public Property) to Establish Standards and Procedures for Sale of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (N5P) Properties BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of proposed Ordinance No. 10-013 which would amend Chapter 1-16.2 (Public Property) of the Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws to establish standards and procedures for the sale of residential properties acquired by the County under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) to qualified buyers. Section 125.35, Florida Statutes, establishes the procedures for sale of county owned property. In addition to advertising for formal bids or proposals, Section 125.35(3) also authorizes a county to adopt alternative procedures subject to certain conditions. The proposed ordinance would waive the competitive bid or proposal requirement for N5P properties and authorize the conveyance of these properties to County residents meeting the program guidelines. In accordance with federal NSP guidelines, the sales price of an NSP property must be at or below the amount required to acquire the property plus the cost to rehabilitate the property or current appraised value, whichever is less. NSP properties may only be sold to individuals or households whose income does not exceed one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the area median income. In addition, the ordinance would permit the sale of NSP properties to non profit organizations at reduced or no cost if the organization will use the home to meet the residential needs of persons eligible under NSP. The County Administrator or her designee would be authorized to sign sales contracts with all deeds to be signed by the Chairman, or the Vice Chairman in his absence. The Community Services Department is charged with the responsibility for administration of the program. Permission to advertise was granted on in the St. Lucie News Tribune on March 3, 2010 RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: January 29, 2010 and notice was published Staff recommends the Board adopt Ordinance No. 10-013, as drafted. ITEM NO. VI11 DATE: 03/23/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR (X ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Charlotte Lombard SUBMITTED BY: Administration/Tourism Tourism Development Manager SUBJECT: Tourist Development Council Capital Grant Funding Allocation BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 362-5210-581000-500 PREVIOUS ACTION: Board approval of the 2010 Tourist Development Council Capital Grants Program implementation and application on October 20, 2009. RECOMMENDATION: Board determination for funding allocations to the top three applicants identified by the Tourist Development Council for the 2010 Tourist Development Council Capital Grant. Approved 5-0 Motion to approve the TDC recommendation of $300,000 to Backus Gallery & Museum $148,720 to Heathcote Botanical Gardens and $8,000 to the Tourist Development visitors center. Approved 5-0 Motion to send back to TDC a request to review and consider bonding or future TDC dollars for the UDT-SEAL Museum moving forward with a preference that they find a way to fund it this year if at all possible. UQ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER County Attorney ( ) Coordination/Signatures Name) J ctIe1 S.. t'X�11 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Director Budget Analyst Originating ,pept. ( ) C� ERD ( ) (Name) rn(Name) Name) (Name) Administration/Tourism MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Faye Outlaw, MPA, County Administrator FROM: Charlotte Lombard Administration/Tourism DATE: March 23, 2010 SUBJECT: Tourist Development Council Capital Grant Funding Allocation ITEM NO. Vill Background: On Monday, November 1, 2009, the Tourist Development Council (TDC) capital grant program was opened to the public. The Tourism Office received nine eligible applications. On Wednesday, February 10, 2010, the TDC reviewed, discussed and evaluated the applications. Based on the scoring system outlined in the criteria for evaluation in the TDC Grant Handbook, the top three applicants (note the tie for second place) were recommended for funding. Pursuant to the TDC Grant Handbook, a funding system was created to determine the funding eligibility amount based on points earned. However, the Board reserves the right to award a higher or lower percentage of funds. Funding System: Average Score Maximum Fundinq Eligible M of funds requested) 0-68 points 60% 69-76 points 70% 77-84 points 80% 85-92 points 90% 93-100 points 100% In a subsequent meeting on Wednesday, March 10, 2010, the TDC unanimously voted and recommended that the Board fully fund the number one candidate, the Backus Gallery & Museum. The TDC also advised that the Board determine the allocation of the remaining funds amongst the other two candidates. The TDC emphasized the importance of ensuring that the remaining grant funds that are awarded be put to use by the organization in short order. ADDITION AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. (A DATE: March 23, 2010 REGULAR [XX] ADDITIONS PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY, SUBMITTED BY(DEPT)• County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre SUBJECT. Digital Domain Field - Naming Rights Agreement BACKGROUND'. See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Naming Rights Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: DQ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ]OTHER• �—� Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals County Y Attorne : Management & Budget Purchasing: _ Daniel 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. Parks & Rec. Dir: County Eng.: Debra Brisson Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO.: 10-0365 DATE: March 18, 2010 SUBJECT: Digital Domain Field - Naming Rights Agreement BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of a Naming Rights Agreement between the County and Digital Domain Holdings Corporation and Digital Domain. The Agreement was negotiated by the New York Mets on behalf of the County. The August 1, 2003, Facilities Use Agreement designates the Mets (Sterling Facilities Services) as the County's exclusive agent for marketing the naming rights for the Sports Complex. The proposed payment is $75,000 for 2010, $90,000 for 2011 and $100,000 for 2012. The payment in subsequent years would increase by a CPI factor. In return for payment from Digital Domain each year, the County agrees to rename the Stadium as "Digital Domain Field", "Digital Domain Ballpark" or "Digital Domain Stadium." The Agreement runs from March, 2010 and expires on December 31, 2018. Digital Domain has he option to extend the term for 2 additional five year terms. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION : Staff recommends that the Board approve the Naming Rights Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. Daniel S. County A DSM/caf Attachment Ily submi