HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 01-19-2010 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: January 19, 2010 Convened: 6:00 p.m. Adjourned: 8:35 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Paula A. Lewis, Chris Craft, Chris Dzadovsky Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Debra Brisson, Parks and Rec. Director, Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. MINUTES Approve the minutes from the January 12, 2010 meeting. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the minutes of the meeting held January 12, 2010, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. IV. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. South Florida Water Management District will update the Board on the Upper East Coast Water Supply Planning Process Mr. Mark Elsner, SFWMD made a presentation and updated the Board on the Upper East Coast Water Supply Planning Process. V. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. John Arena, area resident addressed the Board and stated any increase in depth to the channel would Increase the surface speed of watercrafts. Ms. Meg Ramey, Chair of the Haitian Advisory Council addressed the Board and advised them of a Candlelight vigil being held Wednesday night at the Fenn Center at 6:30 p.m. for the Haiti victims. She thanked everyone for their support and contributions to the Haiti residents. Com. Coward requested the Board ratify his appointment of Eric Dukes to the Sustainability Committee. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky to ratify Com. Coward’s appointment, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. VI. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. A. WARRANTS Approve warrant list No. 16 The Board approved Warrant List No. 16. B. COUNTY ATTORNEY 1. Ordinance No. 10-010 – Expert Documents; Testimony – Permission to Advertise 1 Com. Grande stated he had requested 1100-04 be expanded to include the Comprehensive Plan changes. Com. Dzadovsky concurred. The Board granted permission to advertise Ordinance No. 10-010. 2. Volo Holdings Fort Pierce, LLC – Subground Lease Agreement with Omniflight Helicopters, Inc. The Board consented to the Subground Lease Agreement between Volo Holdings Fort Pierce, L.L.C., and Omniflight Helicopters, Inc. 3. Facilities Use Agreement - St. Lucie County Health Access Network The Board approved the Facilities Use Agreement and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement. C. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Proportionate Fair Share and Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement – BPSC Industries The Board authorized advertising a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners on February 2, 2010, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. D. PUBLIC WORKS 1. TSOP, LLC – Road Improvement for CVS Pharmacy The Board approved the Road Improvement Agreement with TSOP, LLC and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. 2. South 25 Street and North Cortez Boulevard th The Board authorized advertising a public hearing to be held on March 2, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. or soon thereafter to consider the intersection of South 25 Street at North Cortez th Boulevard. 3. Notice of Intent for Energy Conservation/Renewable Energy (ECRE) Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) The Board authorized advertising a public hearing to consider approving a resolution stating its intent to use the uniform method of collecting assessments if levied on properties within the proposed ECRE MSBU to be held at the Board’s regular day meeting on February 23, 2010, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. E. PARKS AND RECREATION 1.Contract Amendment, Agricredit The Board approved the second amendment to Master Lease/Loan Agreement C09-10- 544 with Agricredit for golf carts for the Fairwinds Golf Course as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as drafted by the County Attorney. 2. Recreation Facilities Mutual Use Agreement with the St. Lucie County School Board The Board approved the amended and restated Recreation Facilities Mutual Use Agreement with the St. Lucie County School Board as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as drafted by the County Attorney. F. ADMINISTRATION 1. Economic Development Council Grant for 2009-2010 2 The Board approved the grant for $250,000 and authorized the Chairman to sign the agreement. F. ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED 2. Economic Development Council First Quarter Invoice The Board approved the acceptance of the First Quarter Report from EDC as fulfilling the requirements of the Contract and authorized disbursing payment in the amount of $62,500 towards the matching grant, subject to the contract being approved. END OF CONSENT AGENDA VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. COUNTY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. 10-002 – Amending Section 1-4-26 (Enforcement and Penalties; Mandatory Court Appearance) to Provide for Surcharge pursuant to Section 828.27(4)(b), Florida Statutes, to Fund Training for Animal Control Officers Consider staff recommendation to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 10-002 as drafted. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Ordinance No. 10-002, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. B. COUNTY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. 10-001 (f/k/a Ordinance No. 9-027) - Amending 1-15-28 (Beaches) to permit Dogs on Wild Cat Cove Consider staff recommendation to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 10-001 (f/k/a Ordinance No. 09- 027) as drafted. Mr. Rick Feedler, area resident addressed the Board and stated his concern with the possibility the beach area to the north may be impacted by the approval of this ordinance. The Asst. County Attorney advised Mr. Feedler this ordinance would not impact the beach area. Com. Craft stated dogs were not permitted on the beach and this was a compromise they came up with. Dr. Jo Crown, A-1-A resident addressed the Board and stated in the newspaper it stated the Homeowners in the area were in favor of this ordinance. She advised the Board many of the residents were not aware of this ordinance being considered tonight. She also addressed the sidewalks in the area being in disrepair. She stated although this ordinance may be the best alternative it is not meeting the needs of those who live there. The Asst. County Attorney stated north of Pepper Park they do not address dogs on the beach. An unidentified resident stated he current ordinance from pepper park north does not have a designation. Mr. Feedler reiterated his position and stated his concern that this is some precondition to ban dogs north of the beach. Com. Craft advised those present his office has contacted those who are responsible for fixing the sidewalks in the area. This is not the jurisdiction of the county, it is a state road. C. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Ordinance No. 10-006 (FKA 09-031), Small-Scale Amendment to the Future Land Use Map for Sands End Development, LLC. Located on South Hutchinson Island (File No.: FLUMA 420093979) 3 Consider staff recommendation for Board denial of the Small-Scale Amendment to the Future Land Use Map for Sands End Development, LLC as Outlined in the attached memorandum. Staff advised the Board she would be presenting both item 7-C and 7-D together but voted on separately. Com. Grande advised the Board in speaking with the applicant, they did not have a problem with changing the zoning from RM to RU due to the RM which is 9 to the acre and is high when it comes to the 35 foot high limit areas. RU is 5 to the acre. They questioned if they would be allowed to aggregate the density from both parcels over the entire proposed development. The Growth Mgt. Director stated this would be normal and would be allowed to aggregate the density across the development. Com. Grande asked the County Attorney if they could make the change tonight or do they need to re-advertise and hold the hearing at a future meeting. The Growth Management Director recommended re-advertising the hearing since there is a change. The County Attorney concurred and recommended re-advertising it as an RU and believes legally this is what is required. Mr. Dennis Murphy, Culpepper and Terpening addressed the Board and stated if they are certain the aggregate density would be allowed in the code they would not have any objection re- advertising for a rehearing for an RU petition. The County Attorney advised the Board the HIRD petition(item 7-D) could be continued without re- advertising. Quasi Judicial All the Board members acknowledged having contact with the applicant. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, under discussion, Com. Coward questioned the two different land uses. Mr. Murphy stated the other parcel was not part of the development plan. Com. Coward stated it seemed it would make sense the parcels would have one land use rather than separate designations. Com. Grande stated it makes sense to him to address this petition tonight and this will be coming back to the Board within the next couple of weeks and he believes staff will have enough time to do the analysis and make a recommendation as they did with the RH request and have that as part of that hearing. At this time Com. Craft withdrew his motion due to the need for more clarification on the Board’s position. Com. Lewis withdrew her second. The Growth Management Director stated Com. Coward’s recommendation makes sense however he is not sure the applicant would agree to do this because it may reduce the amount of units available. At six or just under seven is a small scale amendment and adding the other may make it 10 acres or more and this would change it to a large scale amendment and would need to go through the DCA process. Mr. Murphy addressed his concern in going over the red line boundaries. The legal description prepared is for the red line boundary. If they change the legal description they may need to go back to ground zero and start over again. They are not objecting to the change to RU and they are aware of Com. Coward’s concerns about the needs analysis and they will do their best to address it. He advised the Board the west side is not a part of any of their development plan. Mr. Murphy advised the Board which two parcels will be designated in the development plan. The other parcel they own but have not decided what to do with it; they are only interested in developing on the ocean side. 4 Ms. Sonja Vredack, Empress resident recommended having two different hearings to avoid having them start over again. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to continue this hearing to February 16, 2010 at 6:00 pm. or as soon thereafter providing the applicant the opportunity to amend this application from RH to RU; The County Attorney advised the Board the motion would be to set the hearing for February 16, 2010 at 6:00 pm. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, with the requirement the applicant pay for and re-advertise the hearing reflecting the change from RM to RU. Com. Craft changed his motion to reflect the County Attorney’s recommended motion, Com. Lewis concurred with the new motion. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis to set the hearing for February 16, 2010 at 6:00 pm. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, with the requirement the applicant pay for and re-advertise the hearing reflecting the change from RM to RU and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. D. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Resolution No. 10-006 (FKA 09-219), Petition to Amend the Official Zoning Atlas for Sands End Development (File No.: RZ 620093986) Consider staff recommendation for Board denial of the Petition to amend the Official Zoning Atlas for Sands End Development, LLC as outlined in the attached memorandum. It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to continue this item on February 16, 2010 at 6:00 pm. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. E. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Resolution No. 10-024, Preliminary Planned Unit Development for the Shinn Road Equestrian Estates project. (File No.: PUD 06-002) Consider staff recommendation for Board denial of Resolution No. 10-024 approving the Preliminary Planned Unit Development for Shinn Road Equestrian Estates, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Staff provided a summary of the issues. Condition # 7- staff is resolute that the code requires that a multi-use path be provided as part of this development, but that the applicant should not have to bear the full cost of such a path. Condition # 7 has been revised to require that the path be “constructed at the same time as other required roadway improvements” and that “The developer shall be eligible for road impact fee credits for half of the construction cost of the path.” Save the Chimps disclosure: County staff, the applicant and the Save the Chimps sanctuary representative have agreed upon amended language for Condition # 18. Equestrian amenities: The applicant has agreed to provide specific equestrian amenities as outlined in new Condition # 27. Reading as follows: Prior to Final PUD approval, the final site plan will reflect development as an equestrian community with appropriate equestrian amenities, including but not limited to 1) the construction of an engineered riding area, 2) riding trails as generally depicted on the preliminary site plan: 3) stabilized parking area adjacent to the riding arena of sufficient size for several trucks with horse trailers and cars; and 4) two run in type stalls with adjacent paddocks. Gated community: The applicant agrees that the proposed project will not be gated as outline in a new Condition # 28. Reading as follows: Prior to Final PUD approval, the applicant shall indicate on the site plan that the proposed community will not be gated. Buffer adjacent to agricultural us: New condition # 29 outlines the additional rear setback that the applicant has agreed to provide to increase the buffer on the northwest boundary of the site plan. 5 Reads as follows: Prior to Final PUD approval, the applicant shall amend the site plan to provide an additional 70 foot rear setback on the lots along the west side of the northern parcel, for a total of 100 foot rear setback. Road connectivity: Staff recommends as new Condition # 30 that the right of way being provided by the applicant for the north-south road internal to the development be extended to the southern boundary of Goldsmith Road. In addition, “a stabilized access shall be provided within this right of way and extending west within the 35 feet being donated by the applicant for the future expansion of Goldsmith Road.” Reads as follows: Prior to Final PUD approval, the applicant shall indicate on the site plan that the area north of the cul-de-sac between Lots 95 and 96 and the buffer area north of Lot 96 is also for emergency access and shall contain a minimum twenty foot wide stabilized surface that terminates at a gate located at the northwest corner of the Property with access controlled by the Fire District. There is one issue needed to be worked out and that is whether this is to be an access to be had by the residents or solely for the purpose of the Fire District. Mr. Jonathan Ferguson, Attorney for the applicant addressed Com. Dzadovsky’s question on condition number 28 not indicated in the letter to the Planning Manager. Mr. Ferguson indicated the letter did not address all the conditions that were added by omission they accept those without change, the letter was limited to minor words and their objection to number 7. In condition 18 they agree with the condition except they do not understand why the sentence: “The Save the Chimps sanctuary operation is permitted under the existing agricultural zoning” was added to subpart d. The concern is that they do not wish to be accused of providing a legal opinion on county ordinances. They suggested the words “according to the county” be inserted in front of the part of the sentence that reads, ““The Save the Chimps sanctuary operation is permitted under the existing agricultural zoning”. Mr. Ferguson indicated he had discussed this change with The Save the Chimps foundation and they agreed. Com. Dzadovsky addressed condition 15 re: open space. Mr. Ferguson indicated they did not have a problem with this condition they accept the language drafted by staff. Com. Dzadovsky questioned if they had considered proportionate fair share regarding the sidewalks. Mr. Ferguson stated they believe it is unfair to require this applicant to construct any portion of the multi-use path. This project is not causing the need to construct a multi-use path. The County Surveyor addressed the Board and stated his position and stated he disagreed with Mr. Ferguson. He believes a fee in lieu of will benefit the county much greater than a fair share contribution. They would be able to utilize this fee anywhere in the county. The figure calculated for the fee in lieu of is $49,870.00. Com. Dzadovsky stated due to the fact that many developments have been built in the cities of Port St. Lucie and Ft. Pierce without sidewalks, he believes the fee in lieu of is a good recommendation and he would not be comfortable with moving forward at least with that condition. Mr. Ferguson stated if they are required to make a payment they base it on the size of a typical sidewalk and if the county wants to upgrade a typical sidewalk it then be the county’s responsibility. The County Surveyor advised Mr. Ferguson the fee indicated is for a 6 foot sidewalk which would be their proportionate share. Mr. Ferguson requested the payment be made on a pro-rata basis at the time of the building permit when the impact and need for the sidewalks arise. He believes there is not legal requirement at all. Com. Coward stated he did not agree with Mr. Ferguson’s prior comment. He too is in favor of some type of contribution. Mr. Ferguson stated for the record they did not have a problem with condition 28 as proposed, condition 29 as proposed, condition 18 they have addressed with the adding of the language, condition 27 they are proposing identifies the amenities, he believes staff did not have a problem with it and requested they use the revised language . Condition 30, the language for condition 13 is what is depicted in the site plan but not identified as emergency access and staff recommended 6 adding to the condition that states it. They recommend condition 30 be used rather than what is in front of them. Mr. Ferguson requested the Board approve the project, adopt the resolution provided by staff with the deletion of condition number 7, the amendment to 18 as requested, amendment to 27 and 30 as drafted and is in front of the Board for consideration. Com. Coward asked for clarification on the issue of whether they were going to pass the cost of the amenities on to future homeowners. His understanding was they did not wish to make any investments. Mr. Ferguson stated the developer will be constructing the amenities. The timing of the construction is in the resolution upon final site plan approval. Com. Coward stated he would like the language to be stronger, it does not say the developer will be constructing the amenities. Mr. Ferguson agreed with this request. The Planning Manager stated they would add the language. Com. Grande stated he voted against this petition at every level so far and he has not changed his mind. He took this application and compared it to Hunter’s Run and ran a few numbers as to what this may look like if the same rationale was applied to Hunter’s Run. Hunter’s Run was separated from the norm due to specific lands worth saving and was receiving donations of certain land for trails. He stated with 30 odd conditions that it takes for this to be palatable application, the concept it takes 30 conditions to justify something as unreasonable as this in St. Lucie County makes no sense to him. He has found no precedent in the county for approval of this application or justification of this in our land development codes or our comprehensive plan. He stated independent of the 30 conditions attached, he cannot support this project. Com. Craft stated to suggest that everyone that will move into this community will fit in this type of community. Some people like to live in these communities even if they do not fit the mold. He wanted to caution the county not to pigeon hole themselves into one type of a community. Com. Grande stated he believed there are many things that living with livestock many people are not aware of. In an equestrian community we may be looking to invite people who understand this type of a community and are willing to put up with the negatives whatever they may be. Com. Dzadovsky stated he believes this plan gives them an idea what transition from urban to Ag will be. One of the conditions was given thought to the temporary housing of horses. He believed we could be an equestrian facility such as Wellington’s. This is an area close to the Fairgrounds and he is in support of it based on the conditions and if he were to make the motion that he would include the fee in lieu of $49,870.00. Com. Grande stated he may be in agreement with the transition comment if it were in the urban service area. Com. Lewis stated she believed it can become difficult when they start comparing one development to another. There are many issues considered when approving a development and location, location is a main factor. She believes there are those who although they do not have horses they enjoy living around them and if you decide to live in such an area you are aware and expect there to be horses around. There needs to be room for choices and believes this is a reasonable request. She would like some resolution to the “fee in lieu of” understood. She would like for him to reiterate where they stand on that once again so she could be sure. Mr. Ferguson stated the applicant would accept the fee in lieu in the amount of $49,870.00 and would still like consideration regarding the timing of the payment. The dollar amount is acceptable. Com. Dzadovsky stated he would agree to the 30 conditions with the number 7 being amended to include the fee in lieu of $49,870.00. The County Surveyor stated they normally required the fee in lieu of be paid 90 days after receiving the time of final site plan approval or final PUD approval. Mr. Ferguson stated the amenities would be constructed by the developer at the same time as the required of the off- site road improvements per staff. 7 Com. Grande addressed the fact that staff feels the project warrants 30 conditions should the Board consider approval rather than staff’s recommendation of denial. Com. Coward stated there seems to be a consensus by the Board that he happens to disagree with however he believed there was a comment on how to define this project and it is simple, it is from agriculture to urban sprawl. He believes it is a bad plan and will set a negative precedent for the county. It is the most costly use of land use in the nation converting agricultural land to residential sprawl. Com. Dzadovsky stated although he respects Com. Coward’s educational background and knowledge, he believes the Board has maintained the position that development should pay for itself and have indicated the internal roads and sidewalks will be maintained by the developer not the St. Lucie county residents. This developer is providing additional dollars for future sidewalks which is to help with costs to the community. His position is that this is a unique community and they need to build the opportunity for those in the equestrian community to participate with our Fairgrounds and create different programs and feel it is a positive for the county. Com. Coward stated the operations side is much of the cost not the capital. He does not believe this will be any benefit. He is receptive to the equestrian community and would like the developer to look at it holistically. Com. Craft stated this application has been in the works for many years and this is not a rush to try and get it done. Com. Grande stated he believed what Com. Coward may be trying to say is that it may be premature to the Western Lands study. Com. Craft stated this was started prior to the Western Lands study with different rules and regulations and felt it was not fair. The County Attorney requested the ability to go through the conditions as amended for clarification # 7- deleted as drafted and language inserted to require fee in lieu in the amount of $49,870.00 to be paid 90 days after final PUD approval # 18- proposed amendment to sub paragraph d start with the words, “according to the County”, # 27 – proposed changes by the applicant and additional changes by the county requiring construction by the developer prior to the pulling of the first building permit construction of the equestrian amenities to include riding trails, stabilized parking areas and two run in type stalls with adjacent paddocks. # 28 – acceptable as drafted # 29 – acceptable as drafted # 30 - language added regarding the area north of the cul-de-sac between lots 95 and 96 and the buffer area north of lot 96. Com. Grande stated he takes exception to the added language “according to the county” and he suggests the words do nothing but make it weaker rather than stronger. Com. Coward stated he believed number 30 does not pertain exclusively to emergency access. He would encourage the Board maintain some sort of connectivity between this community and any future development. Com. Lewis stated her recollection was the sanctuary did not wish for this area to be included for fear that it would lead to further access to development in that area. He would encourage the Board maintain some sort of connectivity between this community and any future development. It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Craft (under discussion) to approve with the conditions as presented including the last item by Com. Coward as surmised by the County Attorney including the fee in lieu of and the list of conditions; 8 Com. Craft stated those are private roads and future linkage would require dedication of internal roads to the county and he is not sure they would want to be in that. Com. Coward presented clarification of the motion: agree to the fee in lieu, 90 days after PUD approval in # 7; #27 the amenities constructed by the developer prior to the pulling of the first building permit; # 30 comfortable with language as presented by staff as a condition providing access to the north; # 18 language added “according to the county” as presented by the attorney for the applicant And; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Coward, Grande; Aye’s: Lewis, Craft, Dzadovsky, motion carried by a vote of 3 to 2. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. _______________________________ Chairman ______________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court 9