HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-2010 Signed Agendas AGENOA REQUEST IT~M NO. 1V-A u N-, ~r DA7~: May 1,8, 201D ~ c~~~~~~~ ~ ~,..~~~~v~ ~ ~tEGU[.AR [x ] ~ ~ , ~:w~.~:~,~~,,,~~~~.-~~~~~,~,-.~,~~,~....~-~~,.~ ~UBE~[£ H~AitiNG [ ] Ct3NSENT [ ] TO: BOARD OF CC}UNTY COMM[SSfONERS pRES~NTEO BY: SUBMITTE~ BY(D~P"C~: CQUn~y Attorrtey Dani~l S. Mclntyre Caunty Attorn~y SUBJ~CT: Resolutinn Na. 10-1,~4 -"National Safe Baating Week" BACKGRCIUN~: Joseph Walsh, Vice Command~r ofthe U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary has requested tl~a~ this Board praclaim the week of May 2z, 2p1p through May 28, 2010 as "Nationa! 5afe Baating Week" in St. Lucie County Flarida. The attached Resalufiion lVa. 1q-134 has been drafted for that purpose. ~ RECQMMEN~ATIDN: 5taff recammends tha~ the Baard adopt the attac~ed Resolutian Na. 1t1-134 as draftec~. COMMISSE~N ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVE[~ [ ~ o~Ni~o C l aT~~R: "'7 Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administra~or Review and A~prouals rne : ~ [X~ County Atta y Daniel 5. Mclntyre ~z~sv~.uTioN No. so-1~~ A RESOlU7tON PRUC~.AIMING MAY 22, 2€~10 THR(3UGH MAY 28, 201#~ AS "NATIONAL SAF~ BOATING W~EK" IN ST. LUCIE CO~NTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Baard af County Commis5ior~ers of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made ~he fo{lowing d~~terminations: 1. Water refated recreatia~al acti~iti~s are vifia! elernents ir~ the lives of Flarida's citizens, and ~h~ State's 8,~426 miles of saltwater tidal c~astfi~e, aver 3 milEion aer~s of inland lakes and 1,700 mi[es af rivers and streams ~rovide for many of the needed outle~s far recreation and reEaxatic~n. 2. Recreationa[ ~oatin~ is fun and enjayabl~ artd Floridians are fartunate that ta have sufficient r~5ources to accomrnodate tF~e wide variety nf pleasure boating d~mands. 3. Our waterways can became crowded at times and be a place af chaos and confusia~t. While b~ing a marvelous saurce of recreation, boating, ta the unpreparecl, can be a risky sport. 4. ~n av~ra~e, 700 people tfie each year in boating-related accidents in tl~e United Stat~s and nearly 7~% of these are fata[ities caused by drowning. The vast majority of these accidents are caused }~y hurnan error ar y~aar judgment and nat by the baat, ~qt~ipment, or enviranmentaE factors. S. A significan# number of baaters whc~ lase their fi~~s by cirowr~ing each year would be alive today had they worn their life jackets. It is a simple task that has the ~atential to r~d~ce terribi~ ED55 il~ lives. Modern fife jackets ar~ more camfortable, mo~e attractive and mare wearable than styl~s of years past and deser~e a fresh loak by today's boatir~g pu~lic. F. Knowledge and ~kills are impartant in r~ducing human errar and irr~prouing judgment. if people ar~ aware of the risk, they are iikely ta take the preca~tionary measures to prot~cfi themseives, their friends, and family. 7. We must continue to spread the messages of boating safety not oniy during National Baat Sa~'ety Boating Weefc, but also thra~ghout the entire year. R' NOW, TH£R~FQR~, BE [T RESOl.VED ~iy the Board of County Commissioners of St. L~rcie County, ~lorida: 2. This Board supports the goals of th~ North American Safe Baating Carnpaign and does hereby proclaim May 2Z, 20~.0 thraugh May 28, 2010 as "NATIONAI. SAF~ B{)ATING WEEK" in St. L.~cie Caunfy, Florida. AGENDA R~C.~UEST ITEM N0. IV-Cl ~a~~:~~~~. ~~~a 17AT~: May I~ 2p~.0 ~k39~i ~ ~ m.°r =~r ~ ~ R~GULAR [x ] . . ,p . ~ _ Pu~~ic t~Ea~iN~ r l con+s~~~r [ 1 7C1: ~UARt~ OF COU~f~'Y COIVIM(SSIOIVERS PRESENTED BY: ~ SUBIVtlTTED BY[DEPT): County Attorney Danie! 5, Mcl,ntyre Caunty Attarney SUB,fECT: Resolution t~o. 1~-156 -"C1VILlTY MONTH" in St. Luci~ County. 13ACKGROUNI~: lames L. Bennett, ~hair of the City, County and l.oeai Government Law Sectic~n af T~e Flori~a Bar, has r~quested tha~ thPs Baard prnclairri the month of May 2Q10 as "CIVIUTY MONTH" in 5t. Lucie County, Flarida. The attached Resolutlor~ Nn, ~0-~.56 has beer? drafted for that purpose, R~COMMENDATION: Staffrecorr~men~st~attheBoardadopttheatt~chedResoiutipnlVa. 10~156 as drafted. CaMMlSSIf}N AC'TIt3N. CONCUftRENCE; ~J APPROVED [ ~ D~NI~D ( ~ Ul"}~~R: Appl'oved 5-0 Faye W. ~utlaw, MPA CounCy Adrr~inistrator Review and Apprn~aEs (X~ Co~nty Attnrney: ~ Daniei 5. Mclntyre I ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ 3 3 ~3 I 3 ~ ~3] 3 ~ ~3 3 ~ i ~ I 1 I I ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~j i I I ~I ~I ~ ~ ~ AG~NDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI~B-1 F f V~ ~ DATE: May 18, 209 0 ~ REG[JLAR [ ] o m PUB~.lC HEARING ~.eg. [ ] Quasi-J~ ~ ] CC}NSENT [X] TO: ROARD OF' COUNTY COMMISSfONERS PRES~NT~D BY: SUBMiTTED BY {~~PT.): County At~orney JoAnn Riley Prope~y Acqt~isi~ion Manager SUBJECT: Revocable L.icer~s~ Agreement Cedar Creelc En~ineering O~'ange Avenue - Manitori€~g VileICs BACKGROUND: See Atfach~d M~morar~dum FUN~S AVAlLABLE: N/A PREV~OUS ACTfON: October 21, 2q08 - Cedar Cr~ek Engineering was grant~d ~ermission by the Board of Cvunty Commission~rs to install manitoring rrvells in Orange Arrenue right-of-?rvay. Octaber 20, 2009 - Cedar Creelc Engineering +~vas grant~d permission by the Board af County CQmmissioners to install two (2) additiona{ welEs and 22 terr~porary injec~iort points for micrabes far bio-rernediation in the rigl~t-of-way of Orang~ Auerttae. RECOMI~tIENDAT[ON: Staff recorr~mer~ds tha~ the Board ap~rove the Revncable Lic~nse Agreernent, at~thorize the Chairman tn sign the Revacab(e ~icense Agreement and instruct Cedar Cre~k Engineering ta record the Revocable License Agreement in the Public R~CO~'dS of St. Lucie County, Fioricfa. COMMlSS~ON ACTIUN: ~ CQNCURR~NCE. (~'APPR4VE? [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER s--~~]~~r~-~~`-> Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Caunty Aciministratar Revi~w and At~~rnvals x Count Attnrne : T' x l~oad ancE Brici . ~ R- Y Y ~ IX] PU~?IIC WpF~CS: Qan[e! Mclnfyre Don Pa~Eey C1on W~st ~ jx] Originating [3ept: ~~iu~- [xj ~ngin~;ering: JaAnn Riley Mike Powlsy l 1 ~ ~ PRUP~~ZT`YA~QUIS~TIC7N DTVTSION ' m ~ ~~~.o~~u~ TOr Board of County Cammissioners FROM. JoAnn Riley, Praperty Acqcaisitinn Manager DATE: May 18, 20~Q SUBJ~CT: Revocable License Agreement Cedar Cre~:k ~r~gineering 4range Avenue - Mnnitoring Wells BACKGROUN~: 4n Ocfiober ~5, 2003 there was a~raffic accident and iiqUid fertilizer, diesel fuel and mo~or nil was spilt at or near 12661 Orange Avenue. This ma~'~rial constitcrtes haza~rdous substances and/ar pollu~tar~ts which were refeased into the soil and graundw~ter. The purpose ofi the monitoring wells is to determine it ~he release a~ liquid fertilizer and diesel ~Fue[ fihat occurred on 4cta~aer 25, 2pQ3, pnses a threat to the drinking water quality in the surrour~ding area. There is a~ina! Judgmen~' between ~the ~lorida Depa~rtment of ~nvironmental Pratectian and Charles Barney Trucking that states Charles Barney Trc~cking needs ta comply witl~ all en~ironmental requirements tn cfeurt up ~'he spifl. The Boarc! of County Commissior?ers granted Cedar Gresk Engir~eering permissiar~ nrt October Z~, 2008 to install 3 to 5 monitoring wells in the right-of-way of Orange Avenue ar~d October 20, 2q49 an additional 2 wells and 22 fiemparary inject points, which have 6een remaved, Testing has required ar~ additiona! 3 moni~oring wells and a pump test at the site. R~CUMMEN~A~ZON: Staff recnmmends i-hat the Board approve the i2evocabfe ~.icense Agreement, authorize the Chairman to sign the Rsvacable E.icer~se Agreement ar~d insfiruct Cedar Creek Engineering to record the ~?evocuble License Agreemen~Y in the Public Records nf 51~. Lucie County, Florida. Respectfully subrnitted, ~ Ann Riley Property Acquisitior~ Manager ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO: VI-B-2 ~ x w~ , ~ i:~ DATE: May 18, 2010 REGULAR ~ I ~ " ' " PUBLIC HEARING . ~.eg. ~ ] Quasi-JD ~ ~ CONSENT ~X] TO: BOARD OF C4UNTY COMM~SSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): Caunty Attorney JoAr~n Riiey Properky Acq~aisition Manager SUBJECT: Revoca~le Lic~nse Agreemen~ Mr. & Mrs. Blaszka 102 NW Floresta Drive River ParCc Unif Eight BACKGRC3lJND. See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILAB~E: N/A PREViOUS ACT14N: NIA RECOMItflENDATION; 5~aff racnmmends that the Baard approve the Revocable L~cense Agreemen~, authc~rize the Chairman to sig~ the Re~ocabEe l~icense Agre~men~ and direct Mr. & Mr~. Blaszica to r~cord the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie Co~r~ty, Florida. COMMlSSlON ACTIUN: C4NCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ~ DENIED C ] oTH ~ R Approved 5-0 Faye W. 4~tlaw, MPA County Administra~nr Review and A~pravals x Caunt Attorne x Road and Brid ~ ' ~ ~ Y Y ~ l [x~ Public Warks: Qanief Mclntyre ~or~ Pat~[ey Do~ West [x] Originating ~epf: [x~ ~ngineering: JoArtn Rif~y Mike Powfey 3 1 I ~ I ,'i I~VSjil'"~ I ~ d~~aV'~~F~` ~ ~ 3 , i:~"~ ~~r ~~~1 ~ PROPERTY A~QUiS[TION DIVISION ; ~ ~ ; ~ • ~ • ~11E1VIORANDUII~ ' TO: Board of County Cammissioners ' FRC)M: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: May 11, 2010 . ~ SUB.3ECT: Re~ocabie License Agreement Mr. & Mrs. Blasz~Ca 102 NVI! Floresta Drive Ri~er Park Unit Eighf . BACKGROUND: Mr. & Mrs. B~aszka reauest permission ta install a 6-foot wood stockacie fenc~ in the Counfiy's 20-foot Drainage and U~ility Easement at the rear of their praperty and within th~ 6-foot Drainage and Ufility Eas~ment afong ~he sic~e of fiheir prape~ty 'rn REVer Park. S~aff t~as appraued the Revocable License Agreement with the understanding if the ~r~croachmen~ caus~s ar~y floodir~g or utilities r~eed to b~ ir~staflecE Mr. & Mrs. Blaszka must move the f~nc~ at their own expense. Mr. & Mrs. Bfasz~Ca have signed #his Revocable Lic~nse Agreement wit~ #his understartdir~g. RECOMMENDATION: . Staff recommends that the Bvard appro~e the R~vocable License Agreement, autharize ~he Chairman to sign th~ Revocable License Agreement and direct Mr. & Mrs. Blaszka ta recard the document in the Public R~cords of St Lucie County, Flarida. RespectFuliy su~mifited, ~ p,.r,r, Riley Prope~ty Acq~isifiion Manager AGENDA REQUEST ET~M NQ. VI-B-3 DATE; May '!8, 2090 ~ ' ~S ~,r ~ v ~ ~h - ; ~ . ~ ' ~ ~j "t~~ r-" R~GULAR ~ I ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ PUBLlC HEARING CONSENT jX j TO: BCJARD O~' COUNTY C~MMISSIUNERS PRES~NTED BY: S~DBMITTED BY (OEPT): County Attorn~y Mark Godwin~ Crimin~l J~stice Coarc~ina~or SUBJECT: Req~aest to ha~e the Baard approve an lr~terag~ncy A~reement with the Florida Depar~rr~ent a~ J~venile Justice for the aperatic~rts of the Ju~enile Assessment Center. BACKGROUND: PEease see attached Memarandum CA No. 10-0551 FUNOS AVAlL: 102-6291-549925-600'[ {miscellaneo~s costs -.JAC) PREVIQl1S ACTION: On Apri! 27 20,1 p, due to the economic reducfinns, ~he BOCC ~pproved the terminatiort of t~e ~endor Hurnan Services Assnciafes for the JAC opera~ians. REC~MMENIJATiON. Staff recommends the Boare[ approve tha Inferagency Agre~mertt with the De~artment of Juvenils Justice (C7.J.J.} for the v~eratian nf the JAC Center. Since D.~.J. is a department n~ State Gover~rr~ent, this Agreement can be approved without a RFP. F~r~hermc~re, D.J.J. would be $1q,232.33 less exp~nsive ~o apera~e per month than with th~ previaus contractor. COMMISSIUN ACTIC)N: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ] DEN1E~ OTNER: Approved 5-~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Co~nty Administrator Review and A rovals ~ jX~ Gounty Attorney: ~ [x] Manag~~n~nt & Budget: Dan Mclntyre Marie Gvuin, Director Pa~ty Marston, Analyst ~ i ~ vv,rar.aai•r..;r.:-ca,~ui.~rr,-n~?a:. r~*~wsu~i~.~~rrcrr--r~a.h ~ti~:::i~a. xk:e<.. . f '~'~~';~4.'~~.~~t ~'~5!,"~~~+-"~-. ":~~~x~'.~.~,"~~~a~''`~~,.~'~,~F?'~4~~5~i~„ 7. ~ :i. ~i f' ~ ~ ~ r ~ i,"~".'!'~'+r County At~orney ~ k ~ k i~.'Al"1i:.!x~s-.tl.fY,(.'.Y.tt,(r::K.'fl,'v'W;~w1;~naACCCS~~~ R:.:J.SR^ . Ii~EMORANDUM10~05C1 T~: Baard of County Commissioners THROUGH: Daniei 5. Mclntyre, County Attorr~~y FROM; Mark J. Godwin, Criminal Justice Canrdinatar~ f]ATE: May 18, 2q1Q SUBJECT: Request to appro~e Interagency Agre~men~ wifih the Department tif Juvenile Justice far the op~ration of the .~uvenile Assessment Gen~er iTEM NO. Consent 1 VI-B-3 Back round: (n 20Q5, St. Lucie County fund~d t~e Juv~nile Assessment Center (J.A.C.) ~s an eigh~een-month pilot praject. In 2007, the Board again ftanded the J.A.C., wifil~ finro thirds of the f~nding be:ing pro~ic~ed by the Cities of ~ort Piarce and Port Sair~t Lucie along with court fine confiribu~ions. The J.A,C. is a 24-hour central recei~ing, booking program ser?ring juveniles throug~out St. Lucie Courtty. After taking j~venil~s fio fihe JAC, Lav+r Enforcement Officers can return to assigr~ed duties within a~aproximately 9 5 minu~es, t~ereby savirtg an averag~ of ~hree (3} hours per juvenile eas~. Prioe ~o t~e JAC, officers ha~ to fake the childr~r~ to #h~ jail far baoking. The jail is not currently able ta accommc~dat~ juveniEes. Once the juvenile arrives at fihe J.A.C., ~hey are efectronical(y fingerprinted and phafngrap~ed. The juveniles tht~n ar~ scr~~ned to determine if they are going to be placed ir~ fhe defention cent~r. Or~ April 27, 2010, ~he Board termir~ated the contract witF~ th~ vendor w~o operated the JAC. The ~nrt Pierce Pofice. Depa~ment was unable to rr~ake cantributinns ta the JAC fund, addi~ionally a dramatic r~ductian in cc~urt ~'i~es also confributecE fio the ~unding s~or[~a[I. The D~par~rr~ent of Ju~enile Justice (D.~J) has come farward, ar~d ~ropc~sed an Interagency Agreemer~~ to provide staff fnr the bnakin~, screening, fingerprin~ing anc{ ~ho~agraphirtg o~F juveniles at a significanfi cost r~duction. Th~ DJJ JAC Agreement wnufd be $10,232,33 fess exper~sive per rr~vn~f~ tF~an the pre~ious ~endor. Deten~ion sfaff would be able fio star~ on June 1, 2010, ther~~fare resultirtg in a seamfess transition. Recommendation; Staff recammends tt~at the Board approve t~e INT~RAGENCY AGREEMENT befinreer~ t}~e Qe~ar~menf af Juvenil~ Jus~ic~ and S#. Lucie County for the operafiar~ af tf~e J.A.C. ~ ~A ~ . • AG~N~A R~ VEST ZTEM NO. V~- ~~'I" pAT~: May 18, 2Q10 ~ o . a , R~GULAR [ ~ PUB~IC HERI2~NG ~-e9• E 3 Quasi-Jb ~ ~ CONS~NT [x] TO: BoaRp oF c01JN`N COMM~SS~oN~RS PR~S~NT~D 8Y: SUBMITT~D BY (i~~PT.): Co~nty Attorney ~'oAnn Riley Property AcQuisition Mnnager SUBJECT: Donation o# Right-of-Way Church of God Prince nf Peace o$ Port 5t. Lucie, Inc. 19 feet~ or~ Qleander Avenue - Resolu#inn No. 10-1~5 BACKGR~UND: See an attached Nlemorandum FUNbS AVATLABL~: N/A PREVIOUS ACT~ON: May 30, 2009 - Growth Management Directnr approved GM-09-QQ7 grar~iing a Ma~nr Ad justment to a Minar Site Plan known as Church of Gad Prince of Peace. f2~COIIRMENDATION: 5fiafif recommends tha~ ~he Boarc! c~ccept the Warran`Fy peed of ~nnr~tiart, authorize the C~airman to sigr~ Resolufiion No. 10-155 accepting the Warranty ~eed of Danatian and diree~t staff ta recnrd the documer~ts in the Publie Records of 5~. Lucie County, ~lorida. COMMLSS~ON ACT~ON: CONCURR~NC~: j~ APFROV~'~ [ ] D~NIED . L ] UTH~R ~'`s A~proved 5-(1 Faye W, Outlaw, MPA County Rdministrator Review and Approwals ~ [x] Cnunty ~ktorney: o jx] Road and ~ridge. [x] Public Works: paniel S. McTntyre i?on Pau[ey Dan est ~x] Originating I~ept: J~~ [x~ Engineering: 1~';~~._. [x] Cottnty Surveyor; ~~/~7 Jn~~n ~'~~e~y Mike Powley Rnn Narrls S:\AGQIWP1Right of Way Donatinns\Church af 6od Prince of Peace\Agendc~ Request,wpd ~ i ; 1 ~#~i~¢ . ~v I E.~$~ ! i,, ~ " Y " ~ PRQPERTY AC U~SITI(JN DIVISTON ~ Q ~ ~ ° ° MEMORANDUM ~ ~ i ~ T4: Baard of Caun~y Cammissinners ? l ~ FROM: JoAnn Riley, Praper~y Acquisition Mar~ager ? DATE: May 28, 2~10 SUBJ~CT; Dona~ion of Right-o~-Way Church ofi Gnd Prir~ce af Peace o~ ~ort 5t. Lucie, Tnc. 19 feet on Oleander Avenue - Resolutinn No. 10-155 ' BACKGROUN~: ' On May 3q, 2009, the Grawth Management Directar approued GM-09-007 granting a Major Rd j~stment to a Minor Site P{un known as Church a# God Prir~ce of Peace. Condition Number 1 required the Church af God Prince of peace to convey 19' of righi~-of-way for Oleander Avenue to St. Lucie County, ' We have qttached the Warranty Deed of Donatinn executed by the Chureh af God Prince nf Peace for your review and acceptance. , R~COMMENDATIQN: ' Staf~ recntnmend~ th~t the Board accept the Warranty Deed nf Dnna~tion, uufhorize ~he Chai rman ' to sign Reso(utian No.14-155 accepting the Warranty Deed af Donati~n and direct sta~Ff to record the cfocumenfis in the Pubiic Records nf St. Lucie County, Flarida. ' Respectfully submit#ed, {~u~ J Ann Riley ' . 'Property Acquisition Manager 5:\ACQIU4IP1Right o# Way ponniionslChurch of Gnd Prince of Peace\Agenda Memo,wpd . ~ , t ~ I EINA I\O. . Y~"'~ T!'1fi~1'pRff ~~~1~Q1~ ~I~1lA1~1~ ~ATE: o~f~ ~i~ a AGENDA aEQUEST REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) C~UASI-J~ { ? ~ONSENT ( X ~ T4: BOARLI QF CO~NTY C~MMISSIONERS PR~ENT BY- SUBMITTED BY: St. Lucie TPO Peter E3uc~waid, ~xeautive ~3irectQr SUB.lECT: Resofufiior~ 10-'l51, BudgetAmendm~nt BACKGROUND. The St. Lucie Transportatia~ Pfanning C3rganization has been granted a fifth partial authorization of planning funds in the amvun# of $169,~52. These fu~ds were budgeted ir~ the second year af the Unified Plannir~g VVprk Pragram (UPWP) coverin~ July 1, 2009 thraug~.lune 30, 2010. FUNDS AVAI~ABLE: #0019 88-1540-539 000-1(~0 ~ pending BOCC approval. PREVIOUS ACTIQN: NIA RECOMMENDATI~N: Baard approvai af Budget Resofution 10-151 in the amo~nt of $1fi9,Q52. COMMiSSt~N ACTION: C{)NGURRENCE: APPR4VED ( ) DENIED OTHER - - ° A roved 5-0 ~ay~ ~~~law, MPA p~ Caunty Adminisfrator Coord inatipnlSig n atu res County Attamey ( X) OMB Director { X} Budget Anaiyst . eather Yaung Mari~ G in TaWonna Johr~son Originating Dept. ( X ) I Pe#er Buehwaid . ' , ~ ton~po~~ali S~. LUCIG TP~ i I ionn~~rg tga~iza~~ia ! ; 5T. [.UCIE Ut~tf3f~N Clf-~~ ; MEM~RANQUII~ ' 7O; Bnard of County Commissioners ~ROM: Peter Buchwaid DATE: 5118120'~ 0 SUBJECT: Resolution 0-151 F Budgei Amendme~t ITEM N4. V~-~ Back rou, nd: The St. Lucie ranspo~a#ian Plan~ing Or2a The e fu ds~were~budgeted~ifn~~h~ s~econd yea~~of the plan~ing funds in the amount of $169,05 Unifi~d Pla~n~n Work Program (~PWP} covering ,1u1y 1, 2409 through Juna 3t}, 2A1fl. Pr~vious Acti n: NIA Recommenda ion: Board approva nf Budget Resalu~tion 1 A-151 in t~e amount of $169,Q52. ITEM NO. VI-D 3 A-'.' r T F ~y'~ K " N N' ~'+1 +^V' ! ' ~ ~ ; ry~~~u~,4t~y ~."~I"!4'YJ r~U~_+1~9 K^~~°S(.~.C~~`~~'~",~ ~ ~'y"`h 'l',; . ~ ~ DA~"E: 51181'10 a ~ ~ • AGEN~A REQUEST REGULAR ( ) ..,`,_.~.rcr. > ' . ^r..-.s..... , ...,a....r~~_o-~nrn:..^_~,^:nr'a. ' PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) Quasi-~o 4 j , CONSENT (X) TO: BOAR~ OF C~UNTY COMM~SS[UNERS PRESENTE~ BY. V11iAiam Hv~;ffn~r SUBMITTED BY: GrantslDisaster Recouery D~par~ment Gran~slDisaster ~cbu" ery ~irecfar SUBJECT: Harbar Brar~ch Salt Marsh Resfioration Project - Grant A~plica~ian BACKGROUND: See attachecE msmorandum. FUNDS AVA[LABL~; 145-9910-5993qf1-8{~p Mosquito Gontra~ R~serves. PREVIOUS ACTEON: See a~tached memorandum. RECOMMENOATION: Board authori~atian to submit a grant a~plication to the [J.S. Fish and Wifdlife Service for $1 m~llion for restoration of 178 wetland acres at Harbor Branch Preserve. Alsa, Board at~fihorizafiion to corr~mit $15,3'I ~ ta the Harbar Branch ' We~land Restoration Praject. COMMISSION ACT[ON: CONCURRENCE; ( APPROV~D ( } DENI~D OTHER ' Approved 5-0 ~ay~ W. Outlaw, MPA Caun~y Ae[mirtistratar CoordinatianlSignatures County Attorney ( ) OMB ~irector ( ) ~ C7an Mclntyre ~ Marie Gnuin ~ Masquito Contrul ( ) B€adgefi Ar~alyst ( ? .fames ~avid Ta onna Jok~nson Grants/Disaster ( Recovery De~~, ~ ~ i liam Hoeffner ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y GrantslD~sas~er Recove ~ ~ ~ ~ Depa~m~enf ' ~ ~ ~ ~ -a.u.w;r , i. ....r.,~.~e ri. , ;:~,,.~Fxcr:.:.xrm~; r. ~ ~ - ~ - . . ~ . - ~EMORANDUn~ TO: Baard af County Commission~rs FROM: William Hoeffner, Granfs/Disasfer Recovery Director~/~`'~ ~ATE: May 18, 2q1 a SUBJECT: Harbar Branch Salt Marsh Restorafinn Project - Grant A~plicatior~ ITEM NO. Vl~~ Backqround; T~is agenc[a item is to request Board au~l~oriza~ion to su~rriit a grant application #o the U.S. ~[sh and Wilc~life Service for $'i rr~illion fn fi€anding for restr~ratior~ of the 17S-acre Har~or Branch sa[t marsh wetland. During t~e 1960`s and for mosquito cn~trol p~rposes, fhis wefland was separated from the (ndian River Lagoon by a dike. The goal of fihis prajecfi is to r~connect the w~~lar~c[ to the Lagoor~ utilizing culve~ts anc~ seasonai pum~ir~g, The ~rcaject wil! be managed by the Mosqui~o Con#rol ~istrict. The gran# requires a 30% mafich. Rece~fily expend~d funds us~d fio acquire the Harbor Branch lands wi11 used for the required match. Th~ ~s~imated tc~tal cpst o~ the wetla~c~ restaratiar~ projacf is $1,t367,611. These casts incl~d~ $52,300 that have beert ex~er~ded for cornpfefied engineering ar~c[ permitfiing. TF~e grant, if recei~ed, wilf pro~ide $1,qC}O,UOq in funding, [eaving a ba(ance af ;615,311 ta ~e fur~ded. Funding for the $15,~11 wili ~e provided fi~orrt Mosquito Control Reserves. The 5,311 is not ~eing used as match for the grant. However, the grant daes require documentation tha# ail project casts are fu[ly funded. Ti~e Boarc( is, therefore, requestec€ to corr?rnit these fur~c~s fio the Harbor Brar~ch Wetland Restoration Project. The Baarci's action will be used as documentatian af the cammiftecE fur~ds. [f the grant is not approved for fur~ding, the $'f ~,3'~ 1 will 1~~ decorrttnitt~d. Previoc~s Ac~~or~: A~ril 6, 201 Q- Board apprc~~aE of grant a~a~licat[an to U.S. Army Corps af Er~gin~ers. March 25, 200$ - Boarc€ acceptance ofi a grant from ~lorida Corr?rnunities Trust. April 27, 2007 - Board appro~al of grant app~ication to Florida Carnm~nities Trus#, Recammendatian Board authorization tQ su~mit a grant application fa the U.S. Fish and Wiid(ife Servic~ for $1 mi€lion for restoration nf 178 wetfand acres at Har~or Branch Preserve. Also, Board authorization ~o commit $15,3~ 1 to the Har~or Branch Wetfand Restnration Project. I ITEM N0. Vil-A ' . a,~i.~~ ~k 'aY§ 8#.'1 ~ } ~ ,!~+~~~i~: ~ ,r: ~e 4 ~ ~ DATE: O~fiS114 ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) ~e ~ r • ~ ` - PUBLlC HEARING ( X } LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( X } CONSENT ( ) TD: BDARD 0~' CUUNTY COMMtSStONERS PRESENTE~ @Y: ~ Kara Wood SUB~ItTTED BY: Plan~€ing & Development Services Depar~ment, Planning Manager Planning Divisian SUBJECT: Vi~la~e of Su€~set Lakes - Amendmen# to the ~#ficial Zoning Atlas and Preliminary P~anned Tcawn or Village (PTV) site plan approual. BACKGROUN~: See attached m~marandum. FIJNDS AVAILABLE. NIA PREVIUUS ACTiON: Novem~er 'E9, 2009 - Planning and Zanir~g Commission continued ~he item to allow tirr~e for t1~e appficant to revise the site plan. ~ebr~ary 18, 2~1 Planr~ing and Zoni~g Corr~rnission r~commended approval. RECDMMEN~AT~ON: Board adnptian of Resolution Na. ~0-028, granting appraval of an Amendm~nt to th~ Officiaf Zor~ing Atlas and the Preliminary P~anned Tawn or ViE~age (PTV) site plan, wi~h fimiti~g conditior~s, for #l~e project known as Village a# Sunset ~.akes as outfined in the attached memorand~r~, and authorization far the Chairman to sign the resalution as apprave~ by th~ County Attor~ey. COMMISSION ACT10N: CONCURRENCE: APPRt?VED ( ) DENiED ~ OTH~R ~ ~ - ~aye W. Outlaw, MPA Motion to confinue tv Jun~ ~5, zo~o County Adrninistratar A~3p~'pVgC~ J~-~ at 6:OOp.m. or as sann thereafter as possib4e. COOTCI I C1at tD t1I~ Itl ~~1UCES Counly Attorney ( X) County Surveyor ( X) . Daniel S. Mclntyre Ron Harris ~ ERD ( X } ~ County ~nginear . X _ - - . - .K ;er~:Srr~ith y . . _ ~-_..,.Michael-Powle. ~ i Originating ~ept. ( X ) ~ y, Mark Satterlee • • ~R• « A Ar w ~ ~ ~ ~ Hearing Date Vilfage of Sunset Lakes AGENDA ~TEM No. VII-A _ . . _ 05/1$120~ 0 Proposed ~tezoning ~nd Prefiminary Sit~ Plar~ Approval AppliCan~t Sunset Lakes of St. Lucie, LLC i 25~ E~st Hallanciale BeaCh Bkvd. 2~ sHr~dcaw ~r~~ ; u.~~ir~c ~N ! ~ N`, Suite 5C}4 Y ` H a i l a n d a l e B e a c h, ~ L 3 3 0 0 9 P~° pun m : , ~ 954.727.3019 ~ ~ AG-~ CONtF~R tJR,..~..,~../'PC)a,NC37aNW Ct qg~.i.._.... AC i 5, ii~ ~r , , . ' , File Number ~ ' ' ' ` , 0 PTV 82~Q9400~ ~ : ; a ~ ~ _ , . Q . ~ ; , ~ , f ; ~ ' , ' Proiec# Location ~ b,..«...~~Zo Nortt~west corner of Jc~hnston - ~ Road and SFWM(~ Canal No. 2~ ' Suhject property Q , -z~ , AG-1 ~v'~ ~ F1.1~~/~~ ~.~ni1 USE ~ AG 9 'Aft ;t..~. ,..A.C,>.-.'[ . [ s~~ _..,..a..,.... ; . ~VC (Towns Villages and Country- ~u~ y ..W : ; , y~ . , -u.....,. ....._...5,_... S~~Pi) ~ :AOlL~ ~ ,h ~XIS~l11G~ZD!?!1?q . cBS~:,.ncA~+~,~~,c.: , . _ T A RR...,..,..,. AG~ (Agric~lturai - 1, 1 du/acre} ; q. . . ~ ~ cr~ 's~- - : - ,T V~ N E.i. T i qR ' ~ ~ ~S ; a',_ ~ j : -2 o.,- y~ F,QST Proposed Zonfnq RG~t , `u~'-~:%:: • ~D RMH-5 ~ Fg AG-1 AG-1 : ' S PTV (Planned ~'owr~ or Village) j ti~~ _ ~ ~~:M Staff Recommenda~ion Board adoption of Resal~tion No. 10-028> granting app~ovai ~f an P~olect Descripfian Previous Action Amendment to the Official Zoning ~~nsider an application of Suns~t On Fe~ruary ~ 8, 2010, the Plannir~g At~as and the Prelirr~inary Planned ~~kes of St. Lucie, LLC ior an and Zoning Commsssior~ vat~d 7 to Town or Village (PTV) site plan, Amendment ta the Off'sc€al Z~nir~g 1 to recommend approval with con° Praiect Mana.per Atlas from AG-~ (Agricuftura~-1, 1 dul ditiar~s far the propnsed s'tie plan, Kara Wood acre) to P~'V (at 5.3 du/acre) and I~reliminary Plann~d Town or Viilag~ Pianning Manager (p'~V) Site Pian approva~ for a mixed lVotice Rer~uir~ements 772.462.1589 -us~ villa ~ or~ 134.6 acres for a ro- . woodkCstlucieco.arg ~ ~ A notice of public hearing was ject kr~own as Vilfage af Sunset sent to adjacent prnperty own- ~akes. ers within 500 fieet. * A sign is poste~ on the property ~~~,fl~n R~~ wit~ a date anc[ time af the ~ ~ ~ Backr~round sch~cic~ied pu#~lic ~earing, ; ~ E i"he subjec# property is {acated north . An ad was published in th~ St. _ -of An ke Road/Belcher Canal and ~~,a~~~~,~~~ € ~ . . ._.~.w9 . _ Lucie. News ,Tri~une:.at `{east,;1 fl ~ ;,~E x~,` , east of f-95. The parcel is in th~ days prior to ihe public hearing. ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a "~`awns Viliages ar~d Countryside € ~ ~ f. ` : ~ \ ' ~ ~3~Rd ! ~lanr~ing area and ih~ a~plicant is ~~~h~r details ar~ found in the at- ti; :::~::i propasir~g a praject consistent with tached staff report. ; ~'~~F those regulations, The proposed pro- , ; I ject cor~tains 396 sir~gl~ family units, 3U4 apa~tment units anci 2,00~ : ~`r square feet ot retail. 5/3/201fl ITEM N4. V~I-B ~ F ~ ~ ~ oa~E: o~i~s~~ n ~ ~ ~ v " AGEND~4 REQUEST REGU~AR ( } ~ • PUBLCC HEARING { X ) LEG, { } QUASC-JD ~ } C~NSENT ( ) T~: BOARD COUNTY C4MM15S14NERS PR~S~N~'~D BY; ~ ^ Mari~ M. Gouin ~s I~~v~ SUBMfTTED BY: Qffice of Managemer~~ & BudgetlPurchasirtg Directar ~ StJBJECT: Arnendment ta the ~iscal year 20~9-2Q1 Q bu~ge~ BACKGRC~UND: See at~ached rr~emorandum. ~UN~S AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: Se~tember 22, 2009 - The Boarc€ f~eld a P~bi[c H~aring ar~d adopted the FY 2009- 2Q10 bt~dge~. M~rch 23, 2010 - TE~e ~3aard authoriz~cf ad~er~ising a~ublic ~~aring on this mat~er. RECOMMENDATION: Board approvai of Budget Resolution 10-~ 16 amending the fisea~ year 2009-2010 E~udg~t. COMMISSI(7N ACTNt]N. CUNCURRENC~. APPROVED ( ) DENI~O ~ OTHER ' A~proved 5-0 Faye W. OutEaw, MPA County Administratar CoardinationlSiqnatures ~ f Cour~ty Attorney ( X} Budget Manag~r ( X} ~ . ban Mcln~yre Jennifer Hiil i ~riginating Dept. ( ) E~~7 ( } (Name} {Narne) ~ _ , t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'fice of IUla~ag~men~ ` - & Budge~JPurchasing ~ ~ , : M~NI(~RANDUN[ ~ TO: Baard of Caur~ty Cortmmissioners FROM: Marie M. Gauin, Director ~'~n ~ DAT~: May 3 8, 2p1(} SUBJECT: Arr~endment fo t~e fiscal year 2D09-20~0 budget IT~M NQ. VII-B Backqroun~d• Ti~e audit of the Board of County Comrttissioners' ~ir~anc€al Staterr~ents has b~en corr?pfeted and staff has calcu[ated the actual beginning ~aiances of the numero€~s fu~ds. Additionally, staff has found the need to revise certain re~e~ue estimates and ~o esfab[ish frans€ers for ~arious purpos~s. In ~Ceeping wifih good financial ~ractiees, ~taff prr~pc~ses amending the fiscal year 2q09-2E?~p ~udg~t to reflect the actual beginnirtg cash balances, the revised re~enue estimates and estal~[ishing trat~sfers be~weer~ funds, as seen on a~tachment A. The failawing transfers between funds are included in this amendmen~: ~$20 firom the Driftwood Manor Inter~st & Si~king Fund {234} to the Transporhation Tr~ast int~rlocai Fund (1010Q1) ~o mo~e the residuaf baiar~ce in order to close fund 234. The debt l~as been paid off. The balance in t~is accoun# is reiate~[ to interest rever~ue posted fio this fund; 7~,288 from the Taurist Devebprnent Trust Fund ~6`~ 0} to the Sports Corr~plex F€~nd {461). The tourist c~evelopment tax is requir~d tca be deposited i~to a trust fu~d. Th~ money is ther~ rnc~ved ta the Sparts Complex F~nd to fund operations at Tradition Fis6d. More re~enue was received in fisca[ year 2009 than anticipated. ff all ~ther re~enues come in as budgeted, ~he subsidy from the Ger~eral Fund m~y i~e reduced; ~$292,~53 fram the General ~'uncf (Uq1) ta tt~e Caunty Capital Fund (3~ for Cyprus Creek/BEuefield Ranch; •$708 frorn t~e South County R~:gional Stadi~arn Debt Fund (201} ta the South Cc~~nty R~gionai Stadi~m Fund (~0~). The debt F~as ~een paid off and funci 2Q1 wi{I i~e closed; ar~c( ~$264,3Q0 from the Pa~k Developmer~t Capital ~'ur~d (3~2) to the Po~t Inter~st & Sinking Fund (2~2}. T~tis money is the residual balar~ce plus interest from bonds that were issue~f in ~997 and is resfiricted fio acquisition af lar~d at the porE. This balance is being us~d to rec(uce the deb~ on fhe ~ bonds. The fol~owing revised revenue estimates are inc~uded i~ this amen~ment: • Generaf Fund (Q01) - o Move $9~,483 genera#ed frarn Cardroam Gaming ~ever~ue fram ~he Rese~rch & Educa~ion Park c~pit~l ~uc~get to fiE~eir operating budge~. AGEN~A R~QUEST 1TEM NO. Vf{! ~,.~,;,~u~;, ~:;~2~. .:.-N~ DATE: M ay 18, Z010 ~.-rr~s u s!~ r~ ~ry~.'"'2..~""~"~,s~~r ~ M,St=~ :w. ~F~r~ t ~ " ~ ~ ~ I: ' ~ . ~ REGULAR [ x ~ ! ~ , ~ ~ .~-,:~~.,s., ~,~,~~d,~...,:~::,~:~~.~K,.~ PUBLIC HEARING C J CONSENT ~ j TO: BQARD OF COUNTY C~MMISSIt3N~R5 pFtESENTED BY: SUBMITT'~~ BY(DEPT): [ounty Attorney Katherin~ Mackenzie-5mith Assistan~ Caunty Attarney SUBJECC: Monroe County price[ine Class Actian Lawsuit ~AC~CGROUN~; See a'ttaeh~d rn~morandum CA 1~-0595. FUNDS AVAIt.ABLE: PREVIOU5 ACTION: REC~MMENDATION CONCLUS~ON. Staff recornmends tha~ the Board af County Commissioners grant approval ~or the County to remain in the class. COMMISSION ACT`ION: CONCURRENGE: ~ APPROVEl~ [ ] D~NIE? C ~ OTH~R: Approvet~ 5-~ Faye W. OUt1aw, MPA County Adrninistratnr Re~iew, and Approuals [X] County A~torney: Daniel 5. Mcintyr~ IN~"~R-OFFICE MEMORANDUM COUNTY ATTOftNEY'S OFFIGE 5T. LllCIE CUUN"fY, FLOR~~A TO: 8oard of County Gommissioners FR{}M: Katherine Matk~nzi~-Smit~, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: ~0-0595 DATE: May IS, 201(3 SUBJECT: Mortroe Ct~unty Priceline BACKGRC3UN~: On or about May 28, 2009, Monroe County fiied an Amended Class Action Cam~laint in Federal Court. 7~e complainta~i~ges that Priceline.com, Inc., Tra~elweb LLC, Travelocity.com, ~xpedia, Site 59.corr~, Hotels.com, Hatwir~, lnc., Trip Network, Inc. and Drbitz have failed to ~ay their full amaunt af t~e Tourism qe~efo~rnent Tax to Monroe Cnunty and all other cou~ties in the State of ~lorida who ha~e er~acted a tourist d~vefopment tax. On Mareh 15, 201Q, the Court en#ered an Ord~r granting class c~rtificatiott as "all counties within the State af Ffarida that ha~e enacted a tourist develapm~nt tax under authority af §z25.0~~4, F.S." St. l~cie Coun~y has enact~d a tourist d~velnpment tax. The County is no?rv part of the class and w911 remain as part of t1~e class uniess the County affirmatively acts to opt out c~fthe class, 7he County wauld ha~e until May 24, 2~10 to opt out. The Court appainted the team represer~tin~ Monroe County to r~pr~s~r~t the class (s~e a~tached summary of Lhe action from the class' attorney.) ~'he attorney's ~ave agr~~d to a cnntingency fee. The percentage v+~as 33%a of tF~e client's gross recouery unless tt~er~ was an appeal, th~n the pereentage is 38%. The Caurt wilE have to ap~rove the fee and couid decrease the percentage upan objectian. The Caunty is nat responsible for fees if ther~ is an ~nfa~orabl~ result. On May ~2, 2~10, staff brought the issue to the Tourist Qevelopment Council and the Council unanimo~siy approved remaining in the laws~it. itECOMM~NDA710N/CONC~.USIO_N_ : Staff recarrimends that the Board ofi County Camrr~issianers grant approval forthe Cour~tytn remain in the class. Respectfully suEamitted, 1.~ _---w KMS/cb Katherine Mackenzie-Srr~ith Encl. Assistant Gaunty Attorn~y H: \Age nd a M em o•K M 5•M9 n ro e sa it.w p d AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. IX - r rv ~ ~ a~ x~^~w .w., ~ t - c ~~~y~~~„v ~ z ~s'~~ ~~~~;~~nt„5'~,°- ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DATE. ~ 05!'[8l'~D , ~ ~ ~ ~ ' , REGULAR ( X ) ,_~nx.~ ~~.~~rt,...,m ~ PUBLIC HEARING { ~ ~E~. r f QuASr~JD ( y CONSENT ( j TC}: BOARD OF C~UNTY C4MMISSfONERS PRESENTE~ BY: o~~,~~i ~.~t~~~G;~ SUBMITTED BY: Hum~r~ Resnurces/Risk Manag~men~ Risk Manager SUBJECT: F'risan Heal~h Services (nmat~ Nealt~ Care ]nvoice, FY 2010 Second Quar~er. BACKGRC3UND: See ~ttached rnemorandum. ~UN~S AVAILABLE: 001-2300-53~300-2q0 Inmate Medical Expenses (pending BUCC appro~al of budget arnendrnent Na. BA10-q2{~). PR~VIOUS ACTIUN. 5ee attach~d rr~emorandum. ~ RECC)MMENDATIQN: Baard ap~raval fior payment nf Prison H~alth S~rvices invoice number PNS0007514 for the Second Quarter of FY 2D10, in t~e amaunt of $'f,133,949.92 and budge# amendm~nf No. BA10-020 transf~rring $7ClQ,pQO from ~he R~serve F~rtd ta the Inmate Medical Fund. COMMISSI~N ACTION: GQNCURR~NCE. APPR~VED { ) DENfED ( ) OTHER . Approved 5-0 ~aye W. 4utlaw, MPA Coun#y Adminis#rator CoardinationlSignatures County Attarney ( X) OMB Director ( X) y~ Sudget Analyst ~~4 I J . (baniel 5. Mcintyre) (Mari~ Gauin) Originating Depf. ( X) ` G b~ ERC1 ( ) (Daniel . ~ tz } (Name) • r f" i F~_. , , . . ~i ~ ~Ya' ~ ~ Human Reso~urceslRisk Management ~ . - h~~"~` M E~'VI O R A N D U M 1"U: Boarc! of Coun~y Commissio~ers THROUGH: Car( Noleua, Human Resnurc~s Director ~'RC?111~: Danie! J. Lutzke, Risk Mar~ager~jl~ ~ ~ATE: May 18, 20'( 0 SUBJECT: Pri~on Health Services Inmate Health Care ln~oice, ~Y 2010 Second Quart~r, 1TEM NO. IX Backgro~€nd: Prison Health Services (PHS) acts as a t~ird party adminis~rator for prisar~er health care and manages and pays for medicai care expen5es fior incarcerated jail ir~rr~afes that are pro~id~d pff-site (outside fi~e Jail). PHS is ther~ reimbursed !~y ti~e County in accardance with Florida Statutes thafi make the County respo~sible for paymant of ir~mat~ mecfical services, incl~ciing psychotropic drugs, whe~ever ti~e ir~mat~ has na viable method of paying for m~dica( services. The Board has previously a~pro~ed FY 20~0 ir~mate medical services payments af $1,451,955.09. This secnnd quarter i~voice of $1,133,9~9.92 ~rin~s the inmate meciical s~rvice~ costs to $2,585,905.q1_ The Baard has established a E~udg~t of $1,850,q00 and an additional c4ntir~gency reserve of $250,oao or a~ota( of ~2,~OO,QQQ for Inmate Mecfical S~rvices. Inmate hea[th care costs ha~e grea~ly ~ncreased over prior years resu(fiing i~ a shqr~age in the #unds b~dgeted. Th~ attached buc~get am~ndmer~t transf~rring $7Uq,pQa from reserves is project~d to ~arauide sufficient fu~cls to pay ~his shortage and ~o pay the mor~thly HN rr~edica#iar~ invaces through Septem~er. An additional #und trans#~er will !~e required to pay #hird and fourth quarter costs. That will be submi#ted after we are able to project FY costs with reasc~nab(e accuracy. While inmat~ hospital utilization has shown a decreasing firend since March, it is toa ~arly fio ~roject tota! ~'Y Inmate cos#s, Alliartce Medical Management, #he Sheriff's Office ~edECal cc~nsultant, has reviewed PHS Invoic~ Na. ~ PHS0007~~9 ar~d su~~aorking docume~tatian and certified therr~ to be correct as presented. Attac~Zments Budgefi Amend~nent No. BA1q-Q2Q transferrir~g $700,000 frorn Reserue funcf 001-9910-599300-8Q0 to lnmate Medical fund 401-23f10-53130Q-2qfl. Prison Heafth Services I~voice number PHS~007~14 ir~ the arr~ount of $1,133,949.92. Alliance M~dical Management c~rtificatian of accuracy of Invoic~ No. PHSQQ07~14. Recorr~merzdatiar~ Board ap~roval for payt~nent of Prison Heafth Services invoic~ number PHS00~7514 for the Second Quarter af ~'Y 20~0, ir~ t1~e amount of $1,133,949.92 ar~d b~dget amenc~tn~r~t Na. BA1Q-Q20 transferring $700,004 frorn the R~s~rve Fund to the Inmate M~dical F'uncf. AGENDA REQUEST ITEI~ NO. x 4F S x"."^ --l 3, s".c`ss" C.. G .~x~~~ ;'s4z.»~ ~ ~rr~.~ ~'~'s~. '~d.~a^~~~? ~ '~~ay„ t ~ l ~ Si "?ak.,.. . ,:Y:,~ ~ ~ ` ~ DATE: OvI18110 ~ r ~ ~ REGULAR ~X~ ~,r-~:`~.: ~~:-~~,;,x,,;~,:~~r:~,>,,,:~~..,~~~-~,,~..~,;~;.h~,x~~~.~..;:.~ PUB~1C HEARING { ~ LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( y TO: BOARD 4~ COUNTY CC}MMISSIONERS PR~~ENTED BY. ~ Daniel J: ~.utzke SUBMITT~D BY; Human ResourceslRisk Management Risk Manag~r SUB,~~CT: Prison Healti~ Services Inmate H!V Medica#ions ln~oiee for March, 2010. BACKGROl3N0. ~ee at~aehed memorandum. ~UNDS AVAILABLE: 001-23D0-~31300-200 In~ate Medical ~x~enses (pendin~ ROCC approvai) PR~ViOUS ACTION: See attach~~d rr~emorandum. RECOMMENDAT[ON: Board approval fnr payment of Prison Heal#h Services invQice num~er PHS0~0~504 for HIV medicatior~s far the p~riod. ofi March 01, 201.~ ~hraugh Marcl~ 3~, 2010, in the amaunt of $21,059.86 COMMfSSION ACTION: . CONCURR~NCE: ~ APPROVED ( ) DENf~D ( ) OTHER ' Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA . Caunty Adrninistratar CnordinatianlSiqnatures County Attorr~ey { X) OMB Director ( X) _,-F'~f Budget Analyst ' . (Daniel S. Mcln~yre) (Marie Gouir~) ~ 4riginating ~ept. ( X ) ERD ( ) (panie[ ,l. k ) {Narn~)