HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07-29-1999 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA JULY 29, 1999 - SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ed Merritt, Ed Lounds, Ramon Trias, Albert Moore, Noreen Dreyer, Charles Grande BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Stefan Matthes, Carson McCurdy and Diana Wesloski (all excused) OTHERS PRESENT: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney; Julia Shewchuk, Community Development Director; Cyndi Snay, Planner II; Raymond Wazny, Public Works Director; Donald West, County Engineer; Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Manager; Bill Blazak, Utilities Director; and JoAnn Riley, Planning Technician PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Moore. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ms. Young stated that Chairman Wesloski and Vice-Chairman McCurdy are absent and the meeting. Ms. Young stated that she would entertain nominations from the floor. Mr. Merritt nominated Mr. Moore as Chairman. The motion was seconded by Ms. Dreyer, with all members in favor. July 29,1999 Page 1 PUBLIC HEARING - ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DRAINAGE AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE SUB-ELEMENT Chairman Moore stated that Ms. Wells has several comments concerning the procedures tonight in handling all the items that are on the agenda. Ms. Betty Lou Wells, St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan Study Group, addressed the Board. Ms. Wells stated that the Study Group members have had the Infrastructure Sub- Elements for approximately 10 days and very few members have expertise in any one of the four. She stated that the Study Group requested a friend look over two of the sub-elements. Ms. Wells expressed concern over the sub-elements having a great deal of material in them that should be carefully scrutinized and that the sub-elements have too much information for one evening. Ms. Wells recommended that the sub-elements be reviewed carefully and that the Board not be pressured to adopt all four this evening. Chairman Moore asked Ms. Wells which two sub-elements the Study Group had completed. Ms. Wells stated Drainage and Sewage. Ms. Wells stated that she understood the order of the agenda may change. Chairman Moore reviewed the existing agenda and asked the Board for their comments regarding the order of the agenda. Mr. Lounds stated that he felt there was a tremendous amount of information in the sub- elements, and recommended the Board hear the two items the Study Group has completed. Mr. Lounds stated he would prefer to complete the other items in another public hearing. Mr. Grande stated that he agreed with Mr. Lounds. He stated that he felt a lot of clean up was needed. He stated that the Board should hear the items in the order the Study Group is prepared for and go as far as we can. He stated that he agrees with Ms. Wells that the Board should not try to rush through the sub-elements. Ms. Dreyer stated that the audience should be polled to determine if there were individuals in the audience that reviewed the items as presented in the agenda. Chairman Moore asked what Ms. Shewchuk stated that the Board should just go through the items as quickly as possible. Chairman Moore queried the audience regarding the order of the agenda. Mr. John Arena stated that he was prepared for items one and two. He stated that he was not prepared for items three and four. Chairman Moore asked the Board if anyone would like to make a motion at this time in regards to possibly continuing any of the agenda items. Mr. Grande requested holding off on the motion until the end of the meeting. Chairman Moore stated that Ms. Wells stated that she was prepared for items 1 and 4. Ms. Wells stated that she was not really prepared, she meant that the helper had given comments on drainage and sewage and that she just received the comments on sewage this evening. The Board decided to go forward with the agenda as originally prepared. Ms. Shewchuk stated that Mr. Ray Wazny, Public Works Director and Donald West, County Engineer, will be presenting staff comments on the Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element. July 29,1999 Page 2 Mr. Wazny provided an overview of the changes being made to the sub-element. Chairman Moore asked if there were any questions for Mr. Wazny. Mr. Grande asked Mr. Wazny if he had received the comments submitted by Ms. Dreyer. Mr. Wazny stated yes. Mr. Grande suggested the following changes: ndnd Page 6-C-19, Local Drainage Issues, General, 2 line, 2 to the last word nd Page 6-C-19, Local Drainage Issues, General, 2 paragraph, two drainage improvement projects were alluded to, what are they. Mr. Wazny stated that the two areas are Indian River Estates and the Citrus Avenue/White City Area. Mr. Wazny stated that they would be added and expanded upon in the sub- element. Page 6-C-28, Performance Assessment, the first sentence in the paragraph seems to have something left out. defines flooding problems on a basin to basin basi Page 6-C-32, paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, update the adoption dates. Mr. Wazny stated that the paragraphs and the adoption dates will be updated. Page 6-C- stated yes. Page 6-C-37, Wazny agreed to this change. Page 6-C- agreed to this change. Page 6-C- be stricken from the second line. Mr. Wazny agreed to this change. Page 6-C-39, Policies 6C.3.1.1, 6C.3.1.4, 6C.3.1.5, and Objective 6C.3.2, should Wazny agreed. Page 6-C- line of the paragraph. Mr. Wazny agreed. Mr. Moore asked if there were any additional comments or questions for staff. Ms. Dreyer stated that she still had concerns over the Future Level-of-Service Standards identified on page 6-C-27 and felt that the table is confusing. At this time, Mr. Moore opened the public hearing on the Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element. Mr. Bill Hearn, who resides in Indrio, addressed the Board. Mr. Hearn stated that he had reviewed the document along with an expert in the field, who made comments that he did not fully understand. Page 6-C- continued to projects is needed. July 29,1999 Page 3 nd Page 6-C-21, 2 rd Page 6-C-21, 3 paragraph, St. Lucie County should embark upon a program to develop and implement a County-wide Master Stormwater and Management Page 6-C- strd On Page 6-C-22, 1 paragraph, 3 position to utilize the river as a point of discharge for its upstream dev planned and executed in a manner that will allow improvement in the water quality consistent with the goals and objectives of the Aquatic Preserve nd On Page 6-C-22, 2 On Page 6-C-22, 100-year flood plain, it mentions Figure 6-C-19, could not be found. On Page 6-C- drainage is not presently a si helper suggested that this is a pretty bold statement. Flooding may be limited to certain areas, but stormwater has a profound effect on the water quality in the North Fork, Indian River Lagoon, and probably the near shore waters reef areas off Pepper Park. Water quality in all these areas has been seriously degraded over the past 20 or so years. Mr. Grande asked Mr. Hearn whether this comment would be served by deleting the first part of the sentence. Mr. Hearn stated that he was not at liberty to say at this point. He stated that this statement should be reviewed to be more meaningful. Page 6-C- er questioned whether or not the needs are adequately assessed within the document. How could they be if the Stormwater Management Plan was never completed? This looks like a flimsy needs assessment section. Even if the needs are addressed within the Master Plan they should be summarized here. Ms. Wells interrupted Mr. Hearn to state that at the last Study Group meeting, the Study Group questioned the absence of a Stormwater Master Plan or any real reference to where it could be found. Mr. West stated that the Master Plan can be found in the Engineering Library. Chairman Moore stated that staff will respond to questions regarding the Master Plan after Mr. Hearn is through with his comments. Chairman Moore requested that Mr. Hearn continue with his comments. Page 6-C- to all of the struck through areas. Why is this being struck through, I thought the Stormwater Management Plan was never completed? If it was, I am pretty sure it was never accepted or implemented. Dick Hellstrom or Marty Sanders (Lindahl, Browning & Ferrari) would know. July 29,1999 Page 4 Page 6-C- ld. What about establishing total maximum daily loads for pollutants, other Counties are doing this? rd Page 6-C-30, Number 2, 3 Page 6-C-32, items that should have been completed by 1990, have they been completed. rd Page 6-C-34, Number 3, 3 ndth Page 6-C-35, the 2 full paragraph, 5 stated there is no potential about it, that word should be struck. The helper also questioned the pulsing discussed within the paragraph. The helper stated the C-25 discharges or timing them with outgoing tide will do little to lessen the total pollutant loads, more needs to be done, in the C-25 basin. It is the largest discharge into the Lagoon within St. Lucie County. Also, the releases on practicable. Page 6-C-35, the next paragraph, the helper stated this sounds good, but in actuality there may be no waste water effluent available. The largest wastewater plant in the County is FPUA. FPUA is currently discussing with two companies who are interested in constructing a natural gas burning power plant on Glades Road. th Page 6-C-36, Policy 6C.1.1.4, 5 control. Page 6-C-39, Policy 6C.3.1.4, the helper stated that this does not belong here as it is a groundwater goal. Page 6-C-39, Policy 6C.3.1.3, FDER shoul . Page 6-C-40, there should be a goal to improve water quality in the primary drainage systems (i.e., North Fork and Indian River Lagoon). There should be policies addressing reduction of nutrient and sediment and total dissolved solids contaminating the C-25. There should be monitoring programs set-up and coordinated with SFWMD and FDEP. The C-25 is a BIG problem for the Lagoon water quality. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Hearn who provided the comments to him and the Study Group. Mr. Hearn stated that he was not at liberty to say. Chairman Moore asked if there were any questions for Mr. Hearn. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Hearn to discuss why they are so concerned with the C-25 basin and not the C-23 and C-24 basins. Mr. Hearn stated that he was surmising that the person feels that they are being addressed, through the Ten Mile Creek Attenuation Facility. Mr. Lounds stated that the C-23 and C-24 are below the Ten Mile Creek basin area. The C-23 and C-24 dump into the North Fork of the St. Lucie River and go out of Stuart. They do not go out of Fort Pierce, but they do affect the Indian River Lagoon. Mr. Hearn stated that the effect was not to the degree of the C-25, because it empties directly into the Indian River Lagoon, while the C-23 and C-24 go through the St. Lucie River and past the Indian River Lagoon on the way to the Inlet. July 29,1999 Page 5 Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Hearn whether the Phantom Consultant had any concerns on what changing the C-25 would do to the entire basin or is that not a concern of his. Mr. Hearn stated that he was sure it was a concern. Mr. Merritt, stated that there is actually another system which dumps into the C-25 just north below the spillway, so there are two areas of concern, not one. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Wazny his opinion regarding the change on page 19. Mr. Wazny agreed to the change on page 19. Mr. Wazny commented on the reference by Mr. Hearn on the Stormwater Cleanup money requirements. He stated that he was a little apprehensive about suggesting they be put in the Comprehensive Plan because staff knows the magnitude of dollars involved. Further, he completion of the study. Problems need to be defined irrespective of the magnitude of dollars. Mr. Wazny suggested that this not be included as part of the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Wazny his opinion regarding the comments made on page 22, Compliance with Aquatic Preserve Management Plan. Mr. Wazny agreed to the suggested comments. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Wazny for his opinion on the suggested changes to page 26, deleting the proclamation that stormwater drainage is not a significant problem in St. Lucie County. Ms. Dreyer stated that she felt the objection was due to the document not mentioning the pollution and the environment effects, maybe the discussion should be simply cleaned up to indicate that flooding is not a serious concern but there may be other environmental concerns related to stormwater drainage. Mr. Wazny stated that staff would clean up that area for consistency. Chairman Moore requested that Mr. Wazny clarify that the Stormwater Master Plan was completed and adopted. Mr. Wazny stated that a copy would be made available to the Study Group. Chairman Moore questioned Mr. Wazny on the problems with incorporating language about water quality testing in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Wazny stated he had a problem with the funding that would be required to study the separate and complete basin monitoring problems. Mr. Wazny asked Mr. West to address the Board on this issue. Mr. Don West, County Engineer, stated that the County must be careful with the issue of water quality. Currently, the State is struggling with both FDEP and SFWMD on how to establish level of standards for water quality in terms of measurement. Mr. West pointed out that this is a very complex issue. Staff is concerned with establishing a e on a statewide level, so for the County to go out and do that on their own is a little bit dangerous. Mr. West stated that it is extremely expensive to set up multiple measurement areas. SFWMD is making a lot of progress right now with testing. There have set up some funding and are doing some testing to establish a trend, to find out what the water quality out there is right now, to determine where we go from here. Mr. West suggested that we need to include some water quality aspect in some broad language, but just not be detailed. July 29,1999 Page 6 point. Mr. Wazny stated that staff will remove and modify as needed. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Wazny his opinion on the comment to remove the word Chairman Moore asked Mr. Blazak his opinion on the comments made regarding the use of treated domestic wastewater on page 35. Mr. Bill Blazak, Utilities Director stated that there is sufficient effluent. Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Blazak how many gallons are produced in the North County (Indian Pines). Mr. Blazak stated that South Hutchinson is a 1.6 million-gallon plant designed to handle all residential; North Hutchinson is one-half million-gallon plant expected to go another half million gallons; Pepper Park is the primary disposal site. As they grow, the County has a mandatory connection of reclaimed and wastewater. The County has adopted a policy in water. Indian Pines Utility is permitted around 325,000 gallons per day. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Wazny to comment on adding a new Goal for maintaining and improving the water quality for the North Fork and Indian River Lagoon. Mr. Wazny agreed to adding a new Goal. Ms. Dreyer stated that Mr. Hearn had requested that Policy 6C.3.1.4 on page 39 be deleted as it is a groundwater goal. Ms. Dreyer stated she disagrees with that comment, as it is a recharge issue, and it would appear to be appropriate in this sub-element. page 6-C-35 about timing the release of the water from the C-25 with the outgoing tides at the Ft. Pierce Inlet. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. West if that means it would be studied, or if this is adopted, it would happen? Mr. West stated that it would be studied. Mr. West cautioned that the C-25 Canal is a State Canal, belonging to SFWMD and that the County could try to create a cooperative effort with SFWMD, in an attempt to get the water district to focus on how they would like to handle the discharge of the canal with respect to pulse releases. Mr. West stated that the County has very little control over the operation of the C-25 Canal. The County could request that the water district study and consider operating it in a different manner. He stated that SFWMD is currently working on the issue with the intention to find different ways to store water in the system as part of the Corps of Engineers restudy. Mr. Lounds stated that one of the issues when the C-25 is talked about is that the canals were dug for two purposes, not only for drainage, but also for water holding capacity to be reused as irrigation during droughts. He stated that three weeks ago water was being released from the canals, yet, right now water is being pulled from the canals for irrigation purposes. Ms. Wells asked Mr. West if a comment about the restudy should be incorporated within the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. West stated that staff will incorporate a statement in the Comprehensive Plan. July 29,1999 Page 7 Ms. Wells asked Mr. Wazny how will Policy 6C.3.2.2 be implemented. Mr. Wazny stating that prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the County requires a release from the Health Department, relative to the well and septic system. The Health Department certifies that it is constructed properly and meets all requirements. Ms. Wells requested clarification of Policy 6C.3.2.3, assisting the St. Lucie County Public Health Unit, Environmental Health Section, with the Hazardous Waste Verification Program. Ms. Wells asked Mr. Wazny how does this work, and what does it have to do with the hazardous waste section in Solid Waste, most of which has been deleted. Mr. Wazny stated that an Occupational License is issued to new businesses or businesses that change names in the County. A requirement for the issuance of the Occupational License is an inspection by a building inspector. Typically, 90% of the cases, where the County provides an inspection are the typical office building and/or business. There are occasions when a business that is being set up might involve chemicals or some other materials that are hazardous, at that point, the building inspector, prior to approving the Occupational License will coordinate with the Health and Fire Department, to identify hazards that might exist. Mr. Wazny stated that the only hazardous waste disposal site in the County is at the landfill and asked Mr. Cordeiro to confirm this. Mr. Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Manager, confirmed this and stated that they are only a small quantity generator (under 220 lbs. per month). Mr. Blazak stated that industrial waste guidelines are limited to commercial areas and commercial areas are monitored, no industrial waste is accepted within residential areas. Mr. Lounds stated that he did not think as a homeowner you could buy enough hazardous waste without the proper license to be able, at the dilution rate, to create a hazard in your home as you could if you were a commercial occupation. Ms. Wells stated that she has concerns with Policy 6C.3.2.4 and asked Mr. West what is being done to designate aquifer recharge areas. Mr. West stated that approximately two years ago SFWMD, undertook a project to develop a plan for the Treasure Coast area. This project is called the Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan. The plan has been completed, endorsed and approved by Martin and St. Lucie Counties. A lot of study and detail went into the preparation of the plan which identifies areas where problems might occur with groundwater, in terms of not having sufficient groundwater to serve the needs of the future. It also identifies problem areas for potential contamination and cautions those areas. Mr. West stated that the Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan addresses what is identified in the Comprehensive Plan, and actually provides a lot more detail. Mr. West stated that staff will provide a reference to the Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan into the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Moore asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak on the Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element. Mr. John Arena, 1509 Faber Court, Fort Pierce, addressed the Board. Mr. Arena suggested the following changes: Maps on Page 6-C-3 through 6-C-9, would like to see one color-coded map. Page 6-C-9, restructure the document so that sentences are not broken up and spread over multiple pages. Ensure the references to the figures are offset either by commas or parenthesis. ndth Page 6-C-22, 2paragraph, 9 -C-22. July 29,1999 Page 8 rd Page 6-C-26, Secondary Network, 3 Page 6-C-26, Local Network, the wording in the last sentence should be cleaned up. Page 6-C-27, Future Level of Service, provide a note FFE = Finished Floor Elevation. ndth Page 6-C-35, 2 full paragraph, 5 the C-25 Canal have some negative impacts on the Indian River Lagoon, consideration Chairman Moore asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak on the Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element. Hearing no further arguments in favor of or in opposition to the Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element, Chairman Moore closed the public portion of the hearing. Chairman Moore asked if there were any additional comments from the Board. Mr. Merritt referenced Groundwater Systems on Page 6-C-29 and asked Mr. West if the County has a policy to enforce closing up free-flowing artesian wells and if not is there some way the County could be more strict on this issue. The only way to clean up these damaged wells is to locate the wells and plug them. The wells in the groves that are being used are not a problem. The wells that have been abandoned, run into, knocked over and busted off that are now currently leaking into the ground are the problem. Mr. West stated that the County does not have an Ordinance that requires wells be taken care of or handled in any manner in terms of stopping them or plugging them up. SFWMD at one time had a cost share program where funding was available for the closing of these wells. The Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan (which the County has endorsed and approved) does provide for a focus of attention on trying to address this problem. It requests the governing board of SFWMD to attempt to provide funding to reinstate the program for artesian wells. If the County were to adopt an Ordinance right now, it would create a hardship for the people who own wells, and for this reason he would caution the Board. Mr. Merritt referenced page 6-C- nonresidential activity which stores, handles, produces or uses any regulated substance within 1,000 feet of any public utility p had a problem on a lot in the River Park area, with regards to this issue, and asked Mr. Blazak whether or not the proposed language was tightening up the regulations for potential development in areas of public water supply wells. Mr. Blazak stated they are addressed under special provisions for containment and monitoring. He stated that the well in the River Park area was not a County well, it was a City of Port St. Lucie well, and they were involved in the decision by ensuring that guidelines and regulations were met. Mr. Grande pointed out that there was no change being proposed for the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Shewchuk stated that the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan are stricter (1,000 feet) than the State requirements (500 feet). Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Wazny regarding Policy 6C.3.2.4 if water recharge areas been designated. Mr. Wazny stated that they have been identified through the Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan. Ms. Dreyer requested that Policy 6C.3.2.4 be revised to reflect the areas designated in the Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan. July 29,1999 Page 9 Mr. Wazny stated that staff would do this. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. West who actually maps the location of the abandoned free-flowing or leaking artesian wells. Mr. West stated that these areas have not been mapped. This is a major concern, for the State and County. He stated that one of the problems is that staff has no idea where the wells are located and in order to find out where they are someone will have to survey all of the individual landowners and solicit the information. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. West if this is part of the flood control process. Mr. West stated no and that he believes SFWMD will attempt to reinstate the volunteer program, where they would offer partial funding for individuals who would like to cap their wells. He stated that he does not believe the Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan outlined mapping all wells in the area. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. West what does the County do when someone calls in and states that there is a flow well, the cap is broken off, and its flowing. How does the County get around this issue in the Comprehensive Plan, when it is part of the written process. Mr. West stated that the County suggests to the owner that they get in touch with both the FDEP and SFWMD. If an owner came in with a problem right now, SFWMD would attempt to help them. He stated that at this time there is not a funding program set up where help can be solicited for everyone. 6C.3 that would state that the County would cooperate with SFWMD to develop a program for identifying and capping artesian wells. Mr. Lounds stated that he agrees with Ms. Dreyer, but does not want any language included that would require the County to help pay for the capping. Ms. Dreyer stated that she did not mean to imply that. Mr. Lounds stated that he feels mapping the existing flow well systems should be completed, by the County or SFWMD, and that language stating such should be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. individuals to SFWMD. Chairman Moore asked the members of the Board if anyone had any objections to the proposed changes. Ms. Dreyer requested clarification on the following issues: add a discussion on the restudy add a reference to the Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan Mr. Wazny stated yes. Chairman Moore stated that he would entertain a motion. Mr. Lounds made a motion to accept the Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element as corrected. Mr. Grande seconded the motion. Chairman Moore asked if there was any discussion. July 29,1999 Page 10 Upon roll call, the motion was approved 6-0. Chairman Moore asked the members of the Board if there were any comments on continuing any of the remaining items on the agenda. Chairman Moore recommended going through the agenda item by item as objections have been raised to modifying the agenda. Mr. Merritt stated that he would recommend going through the agenda item by item. Chairman Moore asked the audience if there was anyone who objects to going to item 2. Ms. Wells stated that the Study Group has not done an adequate job of being prepared for this item. Mr. Grande made a motion to allow the public to determine whether item 2 or agenda item 4 would be heard next. Mr. Lounds seconded the motion. Chairman Moore stated that the motion had failed. Mr. Merritt made a motion to move forward with agenda item 2. Mr. Lounds seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion was approved 6-0. Ms. Wells stated that the Study Group felt that the advertisements in the newspapers are generic. They should identify which elements will be heard at the meeting. Chairman Moore stated that he felt an advertisement could be prepared which lists the items in the order they will be heard. M unaware of which elements are being heard that evening. Ms. Wells requested the opportunity to ask one additional question on the Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element. Ms. Wells asked Ms. Shewchuk regarding page 6-C-33, Drainage and Erosion Control Ordinance, has the Land Development Code been modified to require a 75' setback. Ms. Shewchuk stated yes. July 29,1999 Page 11 PUBLIC HEARING - ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SOLID WASTE SUB-ELEMENT Mr. Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Manager presented staff comments. Mr. Cordeiro stated that the County has implemented a recycling program (curbside and commercial). He stated that the Solid Waste Division has gone from compacting garbage on top of garbage to a bale fill facility, and that the landfill has between 30 - 40 years of life remaining. Chairman Moore asked if there were any questions for Mr. Cordeiro. Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Cordeiro how stormwater runoff was being handled. at sixteen and one-half feet above sea level). He stated that the land fill has approximately sixty acres of stormwater retention, which is approximately double what is needed. The stormwater retention area is connected together through a series of canals and three borough lakes, the only place stormwater leaves the site is through the outfall structure and into the C- 96 Canal. Mr. Cordeiro the C-96. Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Cordeiro if the C-96 runs directly into the Northfork. Mr. Cordeiro stated that the C-96 runs into Ten-Mile Creek and then into the Northfork. Mr. Grande stated that based on the number of changes in this sub-element, staff has done a remarkable job. Mr. Grande asked Mr. Cordeiro if the Existing Solid Waste Disposal Facilities on page 6-B-14 is correct and whether number 5, a 10-acre trench landfill site, known as the Center Road site was closed. Mr. Cordeiro stated yes. Mr. Grande asked Mr. Cordeiro whether number 7, the white goods landfill on South Hutchinson Island was still existing. Mr. Cordeiro stated that it is closed. Mr. Grande recommended that the information on pages 6-B-14 and 6-B-15 be revised, to reflect the current status of the facilities within the County. th Mr. Grande stated that on page 6-B-17, 5 capitalized. Ms. Dreyer stated that Policies 6B.1.3.1, 6B1.3.2, and 6B.1.5.1 on page 6-B-34 have been struck-through, and she assumed the County has completed these tasks. Chairman Moore asked if there were any further questions for Mr. Cordeiro. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Cordeiro why the North St. Lucie River Water Control District Canal 96 and the stormwater management systems monitoring program has been reduced from four times a year to two. Mr. Lounds stated that he is concerned if the monitoring program fell within two drought periods, there may be an impact instead of monitoring the water during a heavy rain period. Mr. Cordeiro stated that the Glades Road landfill is responsible for groundwater monitoring at the landfill and at the golf course. Six years ago, the County was spending approximately $250,000 per year on groundwater monitoring. Staff put together a trend analysis, of the monitoring, and after a period of two years, FDEP reduced the required monitoring to twice a year. This year $40,000 was spent on groundwater monitoring for both facilities. July 29,1999 Page 12 Mr. Lounds stated that the white goods dump on South Hutchinson Island was closed. He asked Mr. Cordeiro if the white goods were removed. Mr. Cordeiro stated that he would research this and report back to the Board. Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Corderio how the Solid Waste Department handles tires and batteries that show up in commercial dumpsters. Mr. Cordeiro stated that a spotter watches the materials as they are dumped. If a tire or battery is seen, the driver is required to remove such. If the driver wants to leave it at the landfill, he is required to go back out, have it weighed, and pays for its disposal. Chairman Moore asked if there were any further questions for Mr. Cordeiro. At this time, Chairman Moore opened the public portion of the hearing. Mr. John Arena, 1509 Faber Court, Fort Pierce, addressed the Board. Mr. Arena asked Mr. Cordeiro asked where the land clearing debris goes. Mr. Cordeiro stated that all of the land clearing debris that comes into the landfill is ground, and removed as free mulch to whomever wants it in the County, or it is taken to the sugar mills and used as fuel in the boilers. 100% is recycled. Mr. Arena suggested the following changes: Page 6-B-2, number 5, he would like to see everything that goes to the landfill be recycled. Modify definitions so that they are more strict than the statutory requirements. Page 6-B-15, number 6, change t Update Table 6-B-2. Instead of deleting the Goals, Objectives, and Policies, review and update, such Chairman Moore asked Mr. Cordeiro if he would l Mr. Cordeiro stated that staff would review the Goals, Objectives, and Policies and make the appropriate changes. Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Cordeiro how much methane gas does the landfill produce. Mr. Cordeiro stated 400 cubic feet per minute. Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Cordeiro if a power plant were close by, could they use the methane gas. Mr. Cordeiro stated that a gas collection system has been installed on fifty acres at the landfill. The gas collection and flair system has been in operation for 60 days. The system will be monitored for an additional 30 days. The County has begun negotiations with Tropicana to purchase the methane gas. Ms. Dreyer stated that Policy 6B.2.1.1 on page 6-B-35 does not have a Goal or Objective. She stated that every Policy should have a Goal and Objective. Chairman Moore asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak on this element. Ms. Marge Thomas, Comp Plan Study Group, addressed the Board. Ms. Thomas stated that in regards to Policy 6B.2.1.4, the County should investigate sources for grants to assist in the financing of the proper equipment for more extensive recycling. July 29,1999 Page 13 Mr. Cordeiro stated that the County receives grants for recycling and education, litter control and tires. Ms. Jeanne Hearn, Comp Plan Study Group, addressed the Board. Ms. Hearn stated that she would like to see something in this document regarding dumping debris on vacant land, to be used as fill. She stated that she would like something recorded by the Clerk of the Court stating the land was filled that way. She stated that many builders and roofers do not have dumpsters on-site when they work. She has seen it dumped, and it may be hazardous with asbestos shingles. Chairman Moore asked Ms. Young if there is a methodology that would allow one to record debris free fill in the public records. Ms. Young stated that she is not aware of a methodology and she does not believe it would be appropriate for this element. Ms. Dryer stated that anyone purchasing a parcel should at least do an environmental assessment, research the public records, and review aerials, which is primarily a buyer beware problem. Mr. Wazny stated that the issue brought up by Mrs. Hearn is real, and historically there has been buried construction debris. He stated that contractors and land clearing companies are much more conscientious of this, particularly since the owners of the two sites on North U.S. 1 were required to dig up the debris, and to pay double fines and fees. Mr. Wazny stated that in the future, this issue will be addressed through land development regulations. Staff is reviewing, with the major land clearing companies, in the County a revision to the Land Development Code to provide for air curtain incinerator burning on material and burning it, as opposed to having an incentive to bury it. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Wazny if a permit is required to place fill on an undeveloped piece of residential property. Mr. Wazny stated yes, if it is in an FDEP designated area. Chairman Moore asked Mr. Wazny if through the permitting process is there a way to determine whether or not the fill was clean. Mr. Wazny stated no. Mr. Bill Hearn, who resides in Indrio, addressed the Board. Mr. Hearn stated that he would like to revisit Objective 6B.2.1. He stated that a company in Vero Beach is setting up public private partnerships where they recycle and remanufacture recycled materials providing a tremendous amount of employment and economic development for communities. nd Mr. Hearn stated with that in mind, he would suggest modifying Policy 6B.2.1.1, 2 sentence uld also like to partnership at the landfill for the removal of all recyclable material providing for both employment, economic development, and the reduction at the landfill Chairman Moore asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak on this element. Ms. Betty Lou Wells, Comp Plan Study Group, provided the following comments: Complemented Mr. Cordeiro on his up-to-date figures (1998 figures). Incorporate in the sub-element the fact that the County is utilizing the methane gas as a revenue source. Hazardous Waste - a Hazardous Waste Committee (before 1980) came to the conclusion that there is a problem in St. Lucie County. Is the current hazardous waste program working for the County? July 29,1999 Page 14 Mr. Cordeiro stated yes. Ms. Wells stated she would like to see a policy incorporated to ensure that household hazardous waste is prevented from entering the landfill. In turn, ensuring water and land protection from contamination. Ms. Wells stated she would like to see something incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan dealing with herbicides, pesticide and associated waste products. Chairman Moore asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak on this element. Hearing no further arguments in favor of or in opposition to the Solid Waste Sub- Element, Chairman Moore closed the public portion of the hearing. Chairman Moore asked if there was any discussion. Mr. Grande asked Mr. Cordeiro if he was aware of the company/process Mr. Hearn referred to in Vero Beach and if the County has any intent to operate the same type of facility. Mr. Cordeiro stated that he is currently researching the issue. He stated that to date, the organization has not gotten off the ground. Indian River County has abolished the plan. The ability to use a recycled product to make a useful product puts an expense on the product that a natural product does not have. Mr. Lounds stated that he is concerned with unauthorized dumping in the County. Mr. Lounds suggested that Mr. Wazny change the practice of his Code Enforcement personnel from passive to active. He stated that he would like to see the dump sites cleaned up in a much more timely manner. Ms. Dreyer suggested that on page 6-B-33, Policy 6B.1.1.2, incorporate a purpose for the Interlocal Agreements or delete the policy from the document. Chairman Moore asked if there were any further comments or questions. Mr. Lounds made a motion to approve the Solid Waste Sub-Element with the suggested amendments. Mr. Grande seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion was approved 6-0. OTHER BUSINESS: Chairman Moore asked if there was any other business. Mr. Merritt asked Chairman Moore if a motion was made to continue Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer. Chairman Moore stated no. Mr. Lounds made a motion to continue the Potable Water Sub-Element and the Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element to August 12, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Mr. Trias seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion was approved 6-0. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. July 29,1999 Page 15