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St. Lucie County
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2003
Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, Roger Poitras Annex
7:00 p.m.
Mr. Akins, Mr. Grande, Mr. Hearn, Mr. Jones, Mr. Lounds, Mr. McCurdy, Mr. Merritt, and Mr.
Mr. Matthes (Absent - With Notice)
Mr. Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director; Mr. Randy Stevenson, Assistant
Community Development Director; Mr. Hank Flores, Development Review Planner III; Ms.
Heather Young, Asst. Co. Attorney; Ms. Dawn Gilmore, Administrative Secretary.
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January 16, 2003
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Chairman McCurdy called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning
Commission at 7:00 p.m.
The Planning and Zoning Commission is an agency that makes recommendations to the Board of
County Commissioners on land use matters.
These recommendations are made after consideration of staff recommendation and information
gathered at a public hearing, such as those we will hold tonight.
The meeting will progress in the following manner:
The Chair will call each item.
Staff will make a brief presentation on the facts of the request.
The petitioner will explain his or her request to the Board.
Members of the public will be allowed to present information regarding the
The public portion of the meeting will be closed and the Board will discuss the
request. Further public comment will not be accepted unless the Board has
specific questions.
The Board will vote on its recommendation after its discussion. For legal
reasons, the motion may be chosen and read from a script provided by staff.
Motions both for and against are provided to the Board members.
The recommendation is then forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners
for their consideration and vote, usually within the next month.
Once again the Planning and Zoning Commission acts only in an advisory capacity for the Board
of County Commissioners. If you are not happy with the outcome of this hearing you will have
the opportunity to speak at the public hearing in front of the Board of County Commissioners.
No other announcements or comments.
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Agenda Item # 2 was heard first. Then Agenda Items # 6, 3,4,5, 7 & 8 were heard. Agenda Item
# 1 was heard last. The minutes of that item are presented here for consistency with the
published agenda.
Mr. Hearn stated that the present Chairman has done a fantastic job but the Board of County
Mr. Lounds stated that he agreed with Mr. Hearn and that the current chairman has done an
outstanding job over the past few years.
Mr. Lounds made a motion to elect Mr. Ed Merritt to serve as the Chairman for the
Planning and Zoning Commission because of his age, time served on the committee, and for
Mr. McCurdy to remain serving as Vice-Chairman.
Motion seconded by Mr. Akins, with discussion.
Mr. Akins stated that he would like to confirm that the nomination was for both the Chairman and
Vice-Chairman positions. Mr. Lounds stated it was a motion that included both, if permissible.
Mr. Hearn stated that he felt it would have been more appropriate for Mr. McCurdy to move into
the position of Chairman because the Board of County Commissioners moves their Vice-
Chairman to serve as Chairman when they make their yearly changes. He also stated that he
would have preferred Mr. Merritt serve as Vice-Chairman instead.
Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) to elect Mr. Ed
Merritt to serve as the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission and for Mr.
McCurdy to remain serving as Vice-Chairman.
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Mr. Hearn made a motion for approval. Motion seconded by Mr. Grande.
Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0).
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Robert Fender
Mr. Dennis Murphy, stated that Agenda Items # 3 & 4 were the applications of
for a Change in Future Land Use Classification from RU (Residential, Urban) and COM
(Commercial) to COM (Commercial) and also for a Change in Zoning from the CN (Commercial,
Neighborhood) and CG (Commercial, General) Zoning Districts to the CG (Commercial,
General) Zoning District. He advised that staff was requesting this item, with th
consent, be continued until the February 20, 2003, meeting. He continued that the reason for the
request was that back in 1990 the county acquired some right-of-way from this property for
intersection improvements that were being done. He stated that as a part of the acquisition the
county agreed to initiate a rezoning for some additional land to give the parcel back the original
square footage. He advised that the applicant had some concerns that this was never done, but the
county maps show that it was done. He continued that staff would like to do some further
research to re-
staff was requesting these two applications be continued until the February 20, 2003, meeting at 7
p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Mr. Bob Fender Jr. stated that he was speaking on behalf of the petitioner, his father. He
continued that they were concerned that the 1990 agreement had not been fulfilled and were
trying to confirm that it had been done by their request. He advised that in further discussions it
looks as if it may have actually been done back in 1990 and would like the continuance to be
Mr. Merritt stated that he thought he remembered some other rezoning request coming before
them on this particular property. Mr. Fender stated that the last request was in 1990. Mr. Merritt
stated he believed there was another after that year. Mr. Murphy confirmed that the zoning maps
show the last request by this subject property was in 1990, nothing since. He stated that he
believed there were several other rezoning requests by other surrounding property owners, but
nothing on this subject parcel since 1990.
Mr. Lounds made a motion to continue the application of Robert Fender for a Change in
Future Land Use Classification, deferring public comment, until the February 20, 2003,
Planning and Zoning Meeting at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, unless it is found
to be unnecessary and then the application would be withdrawn prior to that meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Grande.
Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and continued until
the February 20, 2003, Planning and Zoning Meeting at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as
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Agenda Item # 4 was discussed at the same time as Agenda Item # 3.
Mr. Murphy stated that an email was received from the White City Improvement Club expressing
their concern with regards to the rezoning request. He continued that copies were provided to
each of the Planning and Zoning Commission Members, as well as a copy in the project file.
Mr. Lounds made a motion to continue the application of Robert Fender for a Change in
Zoning, deferring public comment, until the February 20, 2003, Planning and Zoning
Meeting at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, unless it is found to be unnecessary and
then the application would be withdrawn prior to that meeting.
Motion seconded by Mr. Grande.
Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and continued until
the February 20, 2003 Planning and Zoning Meeting at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as
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Mr. Hank Flores, presenting Staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 5 was the application of
Atlantic Truss Company, LTD.,
for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural 1
du/acre) Zoning District to the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District for property located on the
East side of North Kings Highway, approximately ¼ mile south of St. Lucie Boulevard. He
continued that the purpose of the request was to allow the property to be developed for a truss
manufacturing facility.
Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set
forth in the Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is
recommending that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a
recommendation of approval.
Mr. Merritt asked what the timeframe for widening Kings Highway was. Mr. Murphy explained
that the widening would not be occurring anytime soon because they have not even conducted
their PD&E study yet.
Mr. Lounds questioned if this particular property had been rezoned before. Mr. Flores stated that
the subject property had not been previously rezoned, but there was some property to the south
that had been.
Chairman McCurdy questioned if the applicant was present. Mr. Richard Sneed stated he was the
attorney representing the petitioner, Atlantic Truss Company, Ltd. He continued that the
applicants were present and wanted to establish their truss operations in the subject location. Mr.
Merritt questioned if the applicant had prepared a site plan yet for their proposed project. Mr.
Sneed stated that they did not have one at this time and were currently in the stage of
interviewing engineers for that purpose.
Chairman McCurdy opened the Public Hearing.
Seeing no one, Chairman McCurdy closed the Public Hearing.
Mr. Hearn questioned if the applicant would be required to bring their site plan back before the
Planning and Zoning Commission for their proposed project. Mr. Murphy explained that it
would not come back before them.
including Staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St.
Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant
approval to the application of Atlantic Truss Company, Ltd., for a Change in Zoning from
the AG-1 (Agricultural 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning
Motion seconded by Mr. Hearn.
Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and forwarded to
the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval.
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Angelheart Acres,
Mr. Dennis Murphy stated that Agenda Item # 6 was the application offor a
Conditional Use Permit to allow a community residential home in the RS-4 (Residential, Single-
Family 4 du/acre) Zoning District. He explained that on November 5, 2002, the petitioner filed
for a Conditional Use Permit in order to expand Angelheart Acres, her family residential (foster)
home, which has been in operation for about five years at 171 Caprona Avenue, in River Park.
He advised that a Conditional Use Permit is only required if another family residential home is
located within 1,000 feet of the subject property. The petition was to originally be heard at the
December 2002, meeting. He continued that during the review of the application, staff checked
county records (both Community Development and Occupational Licenses) and also the records
of the Department of Children and Families (DCF). He stated that in those reviews no other
family residential home was identified within the 1,000-foot radius, so staff informed the
applicant that no Conditional Use Permit would be required and cancelled the hearing.
Mr. Murphy stated that subsequent to these actions neighbors of the petitioner identified an
apparently unlicensed group home at 111 Caprona Avenue, within the 1,000-foot radius. He
advised that DCF had stated that state law prohibits the county from regulating the location of
foster homes and provided an Advisory Legal Opinion, which appears to support this position.
He continued that the county believes that it can and should regulate these uses. He stated that
attorneys for both agencies were still researching these issues at the present time. He stated that
staff was recommending this petition be continued until the March 20, 2003, Planning and
Zoning Meeting at 7 p.m., instead of the original request of February 20, 2003, to allow time to
resolve all questions.
Mr. Merritt made a motion to continue this petition, deferring public comment, until the
March 20, 2003, Planning and Zoning Meeting at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Motion seconded by Mr. Jones.
Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and continued until
the March 20, 2003, Planning and Zoning Meeting at 7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as
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Mr. Dennis Murphy, presenting staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 7 was to consider
Draft Ordinance 03-005 amending the St. Lucie County Land Development Code by amending
the Open Space Standards for Planned Unit Developments, to provide for Clarification of
Standards applicable to areas of the unincorporated county with a future land use designation of
Agricultural, Residential and Mixed Use and by creating new Paragraph K, Clustering of
Development for Planned Unit Developments. He continued that these proposed revisions were
intended to address certain unintentional conflicts that exist be
effecting non-agricultural activities in the western areas of the County. He also stated that
Comprehensive Plan policies and were originally placed into the Plan as a part of a
settlement agreement in 1991 between the State of Florida and St. Lucie County to have the Plan
a Unified Land Development Code for the County in 1990, they developed minimum open space
standards that were applicable to all Planned Unit Developments. He stated that when these
standards were first created, the term common open space was not specifically defined in the
He also stated that there were recently some concerns expressed to the County Commission over
Unit Developments in the agricultural areas of the community.
Mr. Murphy stated that Draft Ordinance 03-005 would maintain the current open space standards
and ratios for development in areas of the county with a residential, conservation, special district,
and mixed-use future land use areas. He also stated that those areas of the community an
agricultural future land use designation, new subparagraph I (2) would establish a minimum open
space ratio of 80% of the development site, but it would also permit that the required open space,
at the option of the developer, be held either in a common interest or individual interest, subject
to deed or easement restrictions that would ensure that it remained as open space in perpetuity.
He continued that this is a significant change from the open space standards applied to more
urban areas of the community, but it would be consistent with the requirements of Policy
Comprehensive Plan, new paragraph K addresses Clustering of Development areas in a Planned
Unit Development. Review of several general planning and project design documents indicates a
general theme, that being, clustering is considered to be the concentrating of development units or
activities in a manner that provides for the highest utilization of the land area under development
but with a minimum of new infrastructure development resulting in lower land development
costs. There are no specific density standards for the term clustering since this is typically a local
policy decision that will vary between communities.
Mr. Murphy stated that in order to address this ambiguity in the description of the terms cluster,
staff has proposed that in the Residential, Conservation Special District, and Mixed-Use Future
Land Use designations no specific minimum standards be set in order to provide for maximum
flexibility of product and project design. He also stated that in the agricultural areas, clustering of
development is required when any non-agricultural development is proposed that would exceed 4
units/lots. He continued that noting the general description of the term clustering is focused
towards a concentration of units for development, it would appear to be somewhat contradictory
not to create some locally established maximum parcel sizes in the Agricultural Future Land Use
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designations that encourage the clustering of development. He also stated that they have
proposed that in the AG-2.5 Zoning District, the maximum lot size in any clustered development
be no more than 1.25 acres and in the AG-5 Zoning District the maximum lot size be no more
than 2.5 acres. He advised that lot sizes could be smaller, but the overall project density would
not exceed that of the Future Land Use designation for the parcel as a whole.
Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission / Local Planning Agency forward
Draft Ordinance 03-005 to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of
Chairman McCurdy questioned that a conservation easement could be considered as part of the
common open space. Mr. Murphy explained that a conservation easement is a broadly defined
developed in any other manner, urban related. Chairman McCurdy stated he was questioning if
there would be a tax break given because of the lack of potential development on that easement.
Mr. Murphy stated that the property appraiser would make that decision, but he believed there
would be some type of valuation adjustment.
public land that is being considered as part of the common open space. Mr. Murphy explained
that it could includ
McCurdy stated that the way he understands this change all of the benefits and rights of the
agricultural use currently would be in force. He continued that the only restrictions would be on
future residential development of the area. Mr. Murphy stated that would be correct, with a few
exceptions for wetlands and situations like that.
Mr. Grande stated that the way he is reading the open space requirements, they could be met with
productive lands and individual residents of the cluster could own those lands. He questioned
what the actual intent of the change was and where the requested change was coming from. He
stated that if they approved the change as requested he felt they would still be out of compliance
with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Murphy stated that if the changes were approved as they are
currently written they would not take us out of compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr.
Grande stated that he felt it would. Mr. Murphy stated that the Comprehensive Plan does not
defined within the Land Development Code. He continued that development interests from the
west are what originated this request to resolve the conflicts between the Comprehensive Plan and
the Land Development Code.
Mr. Hearn questioned if the easements were in perpetuity. Mr. Murphy stated that usually they
were. Mr. Hearn questioned if that land would never be able to be developed. Mr. Murphy
explained that would be the case, unless it was released, usually by the consent of the county
commission. Mr. Merritt stated that his understanding was that the county commission would be
re-addressing this situation within the year and that this would, in his opinion, just be a patch job.
Mr. Murphy stated he would not consider it a patch job and that the intent of the ordinance is to
address the clarification needed within the existing codes and policies. He continued that after
this review a re-evaluation were needed then the Board would direct that.
Mr. Trias questioned what the fundamental difference between having private open space
counting towards open space and regulating the overall density. Mr. Murphy explained that this
ordinance would allow for individual ownership of the lands to count and not getting into a large
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tract owned by a common interest group. Mr. Trias stated that he felt it was a design issue and if
there were common open space with some kind of greenbelt along some clearly defined area, this
would still be the same number of units and same type of development, as well as sprawl. Mr.
feel this would promote sprawl. He continued that Paragraph K attempts to address the portion of
the language found in policy that discusses requiring clustering of the developments. He
also stated that the term clustering essentially means concentration and development for the
purpose of reducing infrastructure and development costs. He advised that the definition of
clustering is not defined by specific lot sizes and that Paragraph K is a draft to try and address the
rural development issues to concentrate their development activities to certain portions of the
parcel. He stated that by concentrating the development activity they have attempted to cap the
maximum lot sizes permitted in those areas. He continued that this is the most simplistic way to
start to correct the discrepancies and that it is open for suggestions, but until the policy itself is
Mr. Jones stated that there is land in the rural community that is an agricultural ranchette type of
take away the rights of those owners to make them develop their land in this fashion. He also
support this. Mr. Murphy stated that this is why they have brought it to them to discuss all of the
issues and options and work out any problems that may be brought up. He continued that the
problem really is the discrepancies between the root policies of the Comprehensive Plan and this
was just the first step to try to rectify that problem. Mr. Jones stated that he cannot see any layout
make any sense from a management or maintenance standpoint. Mr. Grande stated that he agreed
hese clusters should be out in this type of
Mr. Hearn stated that he would like to hear from members of the public with regards to this
ordinance because he is confused about this issue. He questioned what the basic land use
densities were out in the agricultural areas. Mr. Murphy explained that the land use categories in
the agricultural environment are 1 per 2.5 acres and 1 per 5 acres. Mr. Hearn stated that he would
really like to hear what the public thinks about the proposed changes and what would happen if
the Commission chose not to act on this ordinance tonight. Chairman McCurdy stated he felt it
would be better to get most of their discussion with staff out of the way first and then hear from
the public.
Mr. Merritt stated that in his discussions with staff the answer would be to send this draft
ordinance to the County Commission with a request that they change the land use to allow for this
or to cure the open space problems. He continued that the County Commission could then
forward the information to DCA and that staff has done as much as they can do to rectify the
inconsistencies until something else is on the books.
Mr. Hear questioned if someone had a hundred acre parcel, would they only be allowed to place
one home on it, based on the new draft ordinance. Mr. Murphy stated that under AG-5 land use,
a hundred acre parcel would have a residential allocation of twenty units. He continued that how
that property can be developed is limited by the Comprehensive Plan policies. He also stated that
if the owner wants to divide the property into twenty equal pieces, he could not do that for
residential purposes because of the restriction of more than four pieces for residential would
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require a PUD, which would then have the clustering and open space requirements. He advised
that in order to get his twenty pieces he would need to concentrate them on one particular portion
of the property and somehow satisfy the term clustering. Mr. Hearn questioned if it was the term
clustering that was causing so many of the problems. Mr. Murphy stated that was correct, but
that open space is also an issue that would have to be dealt with. He also stated that open space in
a rural environment as opposed to open space in an urban environment does have a distinction.
Mr. Trias questioned about how much of the county is zoned with AG - 2.5 and AG - 5 land uses.
Mr. Murphy stated that it was over half of the unincorporated county. Mr. Trias stated that he
feels like that there would be a large potential for development and sprawl there.
Mr. Merritt stated that he too would like to hear from the public regarding this ordinance because
he feels it would raise a lot more questions from the Commission members of staff.
Mr. Akins questioned if the example of the hundred-acre parcel was based on the way the current
standards are written or based on what the draft ordinance was proposing. Mr. Murphy stated
that the example was based on the way the standards are currently written.
Mr. Lounds wanted an explanation of the differences between suburban development, urban
sprawl, and rural development. Mr. Murphy stated that the differences between suburban and
development as being typically found in areas that are some distance from anything resembling
an urban environment, large or small. He also stated that suburban development would be that
which perimeters an urban environment, large or small, like Lakewood Park or Port St. Lucie. He
continued that those explanations would probably vary depending on where within the Country
you were reviewing. Mr. Lounds stated that the feeling of those who move out to a more rural
atmosphere is that they want to be away from the suburban areas and not have all of those
amenities. He continued that the question really is how to accommodate the people who want to
Mr. Trias stated that in his work he has had an opportunity to try and define sprawl. He
continued that the only useful way to define it was that sprawl was any type of development that
did not amount to clearly defined neighborhoods or districts that eventually made up towns. He
also stated that anything that was not clearly defined was sprawl. He advised that the problem is
once zoning is in place there is no practical way to apply his definition of sprawl. Chairman
McCurdy stated that different people desire different things and those who have homes on an acre
or more with wells and dirt roads are very happy with that. He continued that not everyone wants
to live in a Planned Unit Development with all of the urban amenities and the taxes associated
with them.
Mr. Grande stated that what this comes down to is when a PUD is done in the Agricultural area,
because it is required, we are considering the possibility of allowing that portion of the PUD that
the function of the entire development. He also stated that what they are saying is that now with
this change, we can take the land that was set aside and let it be owned by a single owner, who
could be either the person who owned the land to start with or the developer who bought the land
to develop, or one of the residents of the cluster. He continued that what is ended up with is a
great change in the PUD concept that says now the common land can be a separate productive
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like to see those open spaces be common rather than individually owned.
Mr. Jones stated that he is all for clustering homes to make the provision of services easier in
certain locations. He also stated that those who want to live in that type of environment should
have that ability, but the way the county should encourage this would be to allow for an increase
in the number of units per acre. He continued that if that happened those types of developments
would occur closer to town and the people who wanted to live there would want to have the
services. He advised that the way the draft ordinance is currently written makes it seem like
farmers are bad people for wanting to live outside of the suburban areas.
Chairman McCurdy opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Jerry James stated that he has lived in the county for many years and has lived on Brocksmith
obtaining services or a paved road and that is why he bought out there. He also stated that he has
developed ranchettes in the past few years, likes that lifestyle and is concerned that the direction
of this new ordinance would try to regulate rural life. He stated that what is proposed in this draft
ordinance is inappropriate and unnecessary. He continued that PUD zoning does not belong in
rural areas of development, only in urban areas. He advised that he feels clustering is a good tool,
but again does not apply to rural areas. He suggested that staff review the affidavit of exemption
that is available in Indian River County with regards to the best interest for rural development in
agricultural areas that are in financial need. He continued that this is what happens when rules
and regulations for urban development are over regulated and misapplied. He stated that the
affidavit of exemption allows for 5-
associates and
common areas. He also stated that the Comprehensive Plan policies are broad policy statements
flicting policies, remove them from rural
land developments, and adopt an affidavit of exemption.
Mr. Merritt asked Mr. James how the Planning and Zoning Department were supposed to get by
the requirements of DCA that were agreed to under the 1992 settlement agreement for the
Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Murphy stated that in this case, the Comprehensive Plan is adopted
into the Code of Ordinances and the policies therein do carry the force of the code and the law.
the plan were secondary to the code under the eyes of
the law would not be the case here because they are both part of the same thing. Mr. James stated
that his bottom line is that he is asking the Commission to look at rural development, not with
short-term task and that this draft ordinance is the first step.
encompass the rural, agricultural area, deny this draft ordinance, and try to find a smaller, logical
way to cure this problem. Mr. James confirmed that is what he was suggesting because PUD
regulations really should not apply to rural development issues. Mr. Trias stated that he agreed
with Mr. James that the PUD regulations and other urban tools are being misused in the rural
areas. He continued that the root of the problem is how to keep rural areas rural and the urban
tools are clearly not appropriate for this type of development.
Mr. Hearn stated that he would have a problem with the clustering idea because of the possibility
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of agricultural exemptions and the fact that the Comprehensive Plan encourages ensuring that
new development pays for itself. Mr. Murphy stated that the restrictions in Policy would
need to be amended to not require a compulsory PUD in the agricultural environment. Mr. Hearn
want to be clustered with their neighbors. He also stated that having an agricultural exemption on
most of that land would not be appropriate either.
Mr. Lounds stated that by having a density of 1 unit to 2.5 acres and 1 unit to 5 acres, the density
issue is already being controlled in the rural areas. He also stated that, in his understanding, a
PUD would be used more inside the urban service area than outside. He continued that the
purpose of greenbelt was to protect the agricultural production people from excessive taxes. He
advised that he has a problem with the term clustering because he thinks it takes away from the
rural spirit, the rural feeling, and makes it an urban type environment. He stated he felt they
needed to send a message to the Board of County Commissioners since they are an advisory
board to them.
Mr. Merritt questioned if Mr. James would favor removing PUD totally from the agricultural
zoning. Mr. James stated that in Indian River County they cap the affidavit of exemption at a
maximum nineteen five-acre tracts. Mr. Akins stated that he would like to hear more details
about the affidavit of exemption since it seems to be working for the same types of situations in
Indian River County. Mr. Jones stated that worst instances of sprawl happen when a community
St. Lucie County was prepared for the growth that he sees
coming and these issues must be addressed in a broader, thought out forum than they could
accomplish tonight. Mr. Trias stated that the county needs to have an edge to the development
and it must be dealt with now or else everything from here to the Gulf Coast will become
developed without any breaks.
Mr. Paul Frishkorn stated that he is in complete agreement with Mr. James and that common
close to his neighbors and wants to keep that rural setting. He continued that some things do need
to be changed and that Mr. James was making suggestions in the right direction.
Mr. Jeff Furst stated that he came to St. Lucie County in 1970 and spent twelve years
representing the Trust for Public Land. He also stated that the big picture is that if something
continued tha
now. He advised that he lives in St. Lucie West now and was also on it when it was the Peacock
Ranch and in his opinion the Peacock Ranch was better. He stated that there are too many people
in too little space out there in St. Lucie West. He continued that there needs to be answer for
those people who want to go out and live on ten, twenty, or more acres in a rural setting. He also
stated that the agricultural people were here long before the developments and they need to have
with the way that it is currently written. He stated that there is nothing wrong with a large
development with people owning large tracts because that is what people want to own today. He
also stated that it works in the surrounding counties, so it should be able to work in our county.
He continued that there would not be any buyers of property if the proposed draft ordinance were
adopted because they will just go to other counties. He advised that he agrees with the exemption
that is offered in Indian River County and feels that would work in our county too. He also stated
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would be better to not include the agricultural areas in that like Indian River County does.
Mr. Hearn stated that he could not see a property owner willing to decrease their density
availability. Mr. Furst stated that Indian River County has several different options available.
Mr. Hearn advised that he would be interested in reviewing their options in detail. Mr. Merritt
out to I-95. Mr. Furst stated that it
did not, other than right along the corridor on State Road 60. Mr. Merritt stated that it is very
difficult for developers to find large tracts of land in Indian River County now and that they have
to buy several sets of 40 or 50 acre tracts in order to have a development. He also stated that
neither Indian River nor Martin County preserved any of their beaches.
County and is concerned about clustering and the effects it will have on the agricultural lands.
He also stated that the small grove owners are not making it anymore and we need to have
something to pay for the services. He continued that his son had gotten into a situation where he
purchased some land on Matthews Road to split it up into smaller home sites, but cannot split up
the lot more than 1 time without having to do a PUD. He suggested that St. Lucie County really
should review some of the items suggested tonight for fixing these issues.
Mr. Brad Phares stated that he is Co-Chairman of the Environmental and Private Lands Property
be to review how other counties within Florida have handled these types of problems and work
from their solutions. He also stated that this issue has come up in Alachua and Volusia County
and should consider reviewing how they dealt with the same situations. He continued that
clustering did not work in Volusia County and that Alachua County is still debating the issue and
is in litigation. He advised that there are a lot of legal issues that could arise out of the draft
ordinance that is currently being proposed. He stated that the concerns about protecting the rural
atmosphere are already being addressed by the recently passed Rural Lands Protection Act and
also through Preservation 2000. He continued that the State has provided funding for property
owners to preserve their property as they have it now. He also stated that there are monetary
incentives available to them for that preservation. He advised that people, who feel the land is
sacred, live off the land, love it, and will not submit to development pressures, own a majority of
the western county.
Mr. Hearn stated that they are examining the existing policies now and they see a need for a
change, but want to make sure that the change that is made everyone can live with. He also stated
counties as an example of what will definitely work in St.
Lucie County because he feels our county is unique compared to theirs. He advised that he wants
will regret later on. He stated that if more people from the public were to come out to these
meetings and help them make the right decisions they will have an even better county tomorrow.
Mr. John Ferrick stated that he was concerned about how this draft ordinance would affect the
residential and mixed-use areas because all of the previous discussion has been around the
agricultural areas only. Mr. Murphy stated that the first section of paragraph K on page 7 is the
only section that could affect the individual residential areas because the rest of the ordinance
does not change any policies or codes regarding residential areas, it only focuses on the
agricultural areas. He also stated that the real focus of the changes and discussion is with regards
to the area of the county that lies west of the Turnpike / I-95 corridor.
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Mr. Merritt questioned if they could propose a motion that changed the wording of the ordinance
and added the possibilities involved with the affidavit of exemption. Ms. Young explained that
would change the overall intent of the ordinance and how it was advertised and therefore could
not be done. She stated they would have to recommend approval or denial of the ordinance as it
is currently written with their suggestions to the Board of County Commissioners regarding
considering the affidavit and their other comments. Mr. Merritt questioned if denying the
ordinance would cause a problem with the settlement agreement they have regarding the
Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Murphy stated that in order to adopt the affidavit of exemption that is
used in Indian River County they would need to remove policy from the Comprehensive
Plan. Mr. Jones questioned that if they modified those policies, would that bring the county out
of compliance with the agreement of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Murphy stated that the county
would need to provide a valid explanation to DCA as to why those policies would need to be
amended, but yet would still keep us in compliance.
Mr. Hearn stated that if the two referenced Comprehensive Plan policies were reworded so as not
to trigger clustering and PUD processes. Mr. Jones stated that he feels the concept of clustering
is a good idea and could have positive effects, but should be something that someone chooses to
do with his land, rather than being required to do. Mr. Hearn stated that he would want to make
sure that the developer does have that choice rather than make it a requirement. Mr. Jones stated
that he would not be able to support anything that is like what is currently included in this
proposed draft ordinance.
Mr. Grande stated that he is in agreement with Mr. Jones and would support a motion that passes
this change along to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of denial and
then ask them to have staff investigate the solution to this problem that has been implemented in
Indian River County, as well as other solutions that exist within the state today. He continued
that then staff could bring back a new ordinance with a coordinated set of changes, which would
include both the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code.
Mr. Merritt stated that he feels the zoning is already in place and that they only need to worry
about fixing the language of the zoning to correct the inconsistencies. He also stated that Mr.
Jones stated that it would make sense to consider proposing a boundary in the community that
begins to limit where urban activity can be developed. He continued that it would provide a good
transition between urban, suburban, and completely agricultural areas.
Seeing no one else, Chairman McCurdy closed the Public Hearing.
Mr. Akins questioned what is being exempted when an affidavit of exemption is filed. He
continued that if this exempts the PUD requirements, then that is probably something we should
look at to correct our problems. Mr. Murphy stated that the next ordinance on the agenda goes
into detail and addresses the specifics of the affidavit of exemption that is available in Indian
the same ideas as those approved by Indian River County. Mr. Murphy stated that is absolutely
possible, to a point, as they had proposed in the next agenda item, but it cannot supercede the
provisions in the Comprehensive Plan that have the limitations on the division of property within
the agricultural areas. He continued that the main issue would be amending those previously
discussed policies within the Comprehensive Plan and then implement a Land Development Code
regulation that would provide for some limitations for development within the agricultural area.
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Mr. Hearn stated that he was not sure that they should make a recommendation tonight with
regards to this ordinance without having benefit of a special meeting or more time to review and
to make one tonight that he would be comfortable with.
Mr. Grande stated that he agrees with Mr. Murphy that the Comprehensive Plan needs to be
changed and there is a specific process that must be followed in order to do that. He continued
that the way to get DCA to approve deletion of the two policies in question is to send the changes
to them, with a new proposed ordinance change that will explain some new proposed rural PUD
er month and should
be decided on by recommending that the Board of County Commissioners deny the ordinance as
direct staff themselves to rewrite the ordinance and then bring it back to avoid sending it to the
believe it could be done that way because they already have a proposed ordinance before them for
their review and recommendation and they need to make a recommendation one way or the other
as it is currently written. Mr. Hearn stated that he felt recommending a continuance could shorten
the overall process.
Mr. Grande made a motion to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners deny
Draft Ordinance 03-005 as inconsistent with the best future development prospects for St.
Lucie County. He also recommended that the Board of County Commissioners assign the
staff to look at the solutions that are in the neighboring counties where the same process has
been handled in the past. Then come forward with a Comprehensive Plan change that
eliminates the impediments that exist today and the associated ordinances that will allow us
to do planning in the rural areas.
Motion seconded by Mr. Jones, with discussion.
Mr. Akins stated that he agreed with Mr. Hearn that there might be a quicker way to get to the
solution. Mr. Hearn advised that he wanted to knock out the step of sending this to the Board of
County Commissioners, who would then send it to staff, who would then bring it back to them for
to direct staff to spend the additional time and manpower needed to come to a solution and that
should be the task of the Board of County Commissioners to direct that. He continued that he
guideline to help resolve our own issues. Chairman McCurdy stated that he agreed. Mr. Merritt
questioned if they could make the motion to exempt the clustering and PUD portions of the
ordinance so they could recommend approval of the rest of the ordinance. Ms. Young explained
that would change the intent of the ordinance as it was previously written and advertised to the
public and therefore could not be done that way. She explained that they would have to make a
recommendation on the ordinance as it was currently written and advertised. She also stated that
making a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners one way or the other tonight
would not change the overall timetable of the Comprehensive Plan amendment process and the
ordinance adoption.
Upon a roll call vote the motion passed with a vote of 7-1 (with Mr. Akins voting against)
and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of denial.
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Mr. Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director stated that Agenda Item # 8 was to
consider Draft Ordinance 03-006 amending the St. Lucie County Land Development Code by
amending Section 11.03.01, Procedure for Platting, Platting Requirements, by creating New
Paragraph F for the purpose of providing for exemptions to certain minimum subdivision
standards for large lot developments in the Agricultural 2.5 and Agricultural 5 Future Land Use
Mr. Murphy stated that absent of taking an action on the previous agenda item and addressing the
Comprehensive Plan issues, this ordinance would not get the desired effect of their previous
discussion as it is currently written. He continued that this would not work in the agricultural
districts until the Comprehensive Plan policy issues are changed. Staff is therefore
recommending denial of Draft Ordinance 03-006.
Chairman McCurdy opened the Public Hearing.
Seeing no one, Chairman McCurdy closed the Public Hearing.
Mr. Grande made a motion to deny Draft Ordinance 03-006 for the reasons presented by
Motion seconded by Mr. Jones.
Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and forwarded to
the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of denial.
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Next scheduled meeting will be February 20, 2003.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Approved by:
_____________________________ _______________________________
Dawn Gilmore, Secretary Ed Merritt, Chairman
P & Z Meeting
January 16, 2003
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