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St. Lucie County
Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2003
Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, Roger Poitras Annex
7:00 p.m.
Mr. Lounds, Mr. Akins, Ms. Hammer, Mr. Grande, Mr. Hearn, Ms. Hilson, and Chairman
Ms. Morgan, Mr. McCurdy, and Mr. Trias (Absent with Notice)
Mr. David Kelly, Planning Manager; Mr. Hank Flores, Development Review Planner III; Ms.
Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney; and Ms. Dawn Gilmore, Administrative Secretary.
P & Z / LPA Meeting
October 16, 2003
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Chairman Merritt called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning
Commission/Local Planning Agency at 7:00 p.m.
The Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency is an agency that makes
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on land use matters.
These recommendations are made after consideration of staff recommendation and information
gathered at a public hearing, such as those we will hold tonight.
The meeting will progress in the following manner:
The Chair will call each item.
Staff will make a brief presentation on the facts of the request.
The petitioner will explain his or her request to the Board.
Members of the public will be allowed to present information regarding the
The public portion of the meeting will be closed and the Board will discuss the
request. Further public comment will not be accepted unless the Board has
specific questions.
The Board will vote on its recommendation after its discussion. For legal
reasons, the motion may be chosen and read from a script provided by staff.
Motions both for and against are provided to the Board members.
The recommendation is then forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners
for their consideration and vote, usually within the next month.
The Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency acts only in an advisory capacity
for the Board of County Commissioners and actions taken are recommendations only. Interested
parties will also have the opportunity to speak at a public hearing in front of the Board of County
Commissioners who will ultimately have the final decision.
No other announcements or discussion.
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October 16, 2003
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Mr. Grande stated that on Page 23, third line from the bottom of the first paragraph, it should read
Ms. Hammer stated that her name needed to be added to the Members Present list. She also
stated that on Page 8 after the fourth full paragraph she would like to make sure that it is added,
as she had announced, that she had requested an opinion from the County Attorney's office
regarding a potential conflict on this matter as she lived within five hundred feet of the subject
property and was included on the notice list for the public hearing. Ms. Young informed the
Commission that she had spoken with an attorney for Florida Commission on Ethics who
indicated this would not constitute a voting conflict. Ms. Young stated she had prepared
a memorandum regarding this matter and would provide a copy to the Secretary for the record.
Ms. Hammer also stated that on Page 9 the first paragraph, fourth line from the bottom, should
based on the remainder of the sentence. Mr. Kelly advised we would review the tape to see what
was actually said.
Mr. Grande made a motion to approve as amended in the discussion and as stated in the
memo from St
Motion seconded by Mr. Akins.
Upon a vote, the motion was approved unanimously (with a vote of 6-0) as amended.
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October 16, 2003
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Mr. Hank Flores, presentingStaff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 2 was the application of
Raymond C. Thoennissen for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the operation of a household
goods warehousing and storage mini-warehouse facility in the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning
District for 4 acres of property located at 3250 North Kings Highway. He continued that the
surrounding zoning is CG (Commercial, General) and IL (Industrial, Light) to the south, AR-1
(Agricultural, Residential 1 du/acre) to the east and north and AG-1 (Agricultural 1 du/acre)
to the west across North Kings Highway.
Mr. Flores continued that household goods warehousing and storage mini-warehouse facilities are
allowed as conditional uses in the CG zoning district subject to the approval of the Board of
County Commissioners. He advised that the proposed project consists of 18,759 square feet of
space with an existing 2,029 square foot office for the current use as a vehicle storage area. He
also stated that the mini-storage facility is proposed to contain 16,730 square feet in 5 buildings.
Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set
forth in the Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is
recommending that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a
recommendation of approval, subject to 2 limiting conditions:
The existing area of outdoor storage shall be paved to St. Lucie County
specifications. Said paving shall be completed in phases in coordination with St.
Lucie County.
The developer, his successors or assigns, shall coordinate with the St. Lucie
County Environmental Resources Division for the micro siting of the tree
preservation areas.
Mr. Raymond Thoennissen, 5910 Silver Oak Drive, stated that he was the applicant and this
would be in addition to the outside storage that they already have. He stated they felt this would
be a good time to convert to inside storage based on all of the development in the Lakewood Park
area. He advised that there seems to be a lot of use for this because most of the units currently in
St. Lucie County are 80 90% occupied. He also stated that they have been in operation for
about four years.
s to compensate for what he is
proposing on the property. Mr. Thoennissen stated that there was a change to a smaller number
of trees because of the trees that already exist on the property. Mr. Lounds stated that he is
concerned and would like to see a good barrier along Kings Highway. He advised that one thing
that they are looking it is helping commercial industries become more in tune to their appearance
within the community. He stated there are some pretty strict rules with regards to maintaining
He continued that he would like the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider adding some
frontage requirements for this parcel that would hide some of the onsite storage that currently
exists on the property. He advised that there is a need for it and if reviewed carefully they could
find ways to help camouflage what is being stored on the property.
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October 16, 2003
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Mr. Thoennissen stated that he has already started and has some small plants that are three feet
apart with a sprinkler system that runs along the fence that faces Kings Highway. He also stated
that as one of the requirements for this additional inside storage they must pave the outside part.
cost effective storage any longer. Mr. Lounds stated that if we plan this out right now, in time
Kings Highway would not become an embarrassment to those who live in the area. He advised
like to have a better vegetative barrier for all projects along Kings Highway.
Chairman Merritt opened the public hearing.
Seeing no one, Chairman Merrittclosed the public hearing.
Mr. Hearn questioned if Mr. Lounds was proposing that the vegetative barrier be a condition of
the approval of the conditional use permit. Mr. Lounds confirmed that was correct. He also
stated that they should begin to think about what is happening along the Kings Highway corridor.
He continued that a majority of that strip is going to be industrial and there is no reason why
those areas have to look embarrassing to the community. He stated that this board should send a
message to the Board of County Commissioners that they want them to pay more attention to
some beautification. He also stated that the Board of County Commissioners might also ask Code
Enforcement to go out and enforce some of the older rules regarding broken sprinklers and dead
hedges. Mr. Hearn stated that since this is a conditional use permit request they have the
opportunity to apply those types of conditions. He also stated that he sees a broader need to look
at the light industrial and heavy industrial zoning districts to require those types of beautification
Mr. Lounds stated that the applicant is proposing a small buttonwood hedge that over time will
not withhold its usefulness. He continued that there is some vegetation that could be considered
because it will grow higher, therefore giving a better barrier. Mr. Thoennissen stated that the
site view and feel that anything too high could be a security risk.
He advised that his understanding was that the hedge was to be continuous across the front so you
could not see past the fence. Mr. Lounds stated that the hedge is only 24 inches high and would
like to see this conditioned so that whatever is planted should grow to four or five feet tall over
time. He also stated that he understands the issues posed by law enforcement but with some
lighting that could be addressed. He also questioned if the applicant planned on putting a berm
along the edge of the road on Kings Highway. Mr. Thoennissen stated that he was not instructed
to put anything along there, just to put the hedges along the fence line.
Ms. Hammer questioned if the existing chain link fence would remain. Mr. Thoennissen
confirmed that was correct. Ms. Hammer questioned if the shrubs would be placed in front of the
fence. Mr. Thoennissen stated that was correct and that he is also planning on planting a tree
every 60 feet. Ms. Hammer questioned if it was a standard head sprinkler system or a drip
irrigation system. Mr. Thoennissen stated it is a drip irrigation system.
Chairman Merritt questioned if it enclosed storage buildings. Mr. Thoennissen confirmed that
was correct. Chairman Merritt questioned if the existing fence was used to cover the outside
storage and Mr. Thoennissen stated that was correct. Mr. Thoennissen stated that he is working
on the outside storage area to clean it up and make it more presentable. He also stated that with
with. Chairman Merritt questioned if the fence with slats was originally a requirement because of
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October 16, 2003
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the outside storage. Mr. Kelly stated that the requirement was for some type of an opaque fence
and the fence with slats was what they came up with. Chairman Merritt stated that the existing
fence does not look good and questioned if Mr. Thoennissen could consider doing something
else. Mr. Thoennissen stated that he was willing to work with the County and would do whatever
he could afford to do. Chairman Merritt stated that he would really like to see some tree
screening in that area. Mr. Thoennissen stated that the original plan was to have a tree every
thirty feet. He continued that the Environmental Resource Division stated since there were so
many trees existing inside the fence they could eliminate some across the front and moved it to
every sixty feet but he would be willing to work something out.
Mr. Lounds questioned if the applicant would consider changing his plant list. Mr. Kelly stated
that there are still a few minor site plan details that they are working out. He advised that if the
Planning and Zoning Commission would like to recommend some conditions or have the
applicant work with the Environmental Division on the list that would be allowed. Mr.
Thoennissen stated he would not have any problem working with the Environmental Division on
his choice of plants as long as they are within his budget. Mr. Lounds stated that he would really
like the applicant to consider changing from green buttonwoods to incorporating some myrtle
clusters along the fence line to make a visual barrier. Mr. Thoennissen stated he does not know a
lot about plants and their expenses, but would consider looking at some alternatives. Mr. Lounds
recommended that the applicant review the plan with the Environmental Division for some
different choices as a buffer along Kings Highway.
Mr. Hearn questioned if a wall was required along the back of the property because this is a CG
property that is adjacent to AR-1 property. Mr. Kelly stated that the code specifies a residential
use, not residential zoning, requires a wall, and the AR-1 property is a grove, so that would not be
Mr. Lounds stated that after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing,
including staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.07.03, St.
Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant
approval to the application of R.C. Thoennissen for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for
the operation of a household goods warehousing and storage mini-warehouse facility in the
CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District because I think it is appropriate to the use of the
land in that area and with what Kings Highway is going to do. I would also like to place
conditions that the landscaping area along Kings Highway be enhanced to create a visual
barrier equal to or greater than the fence that he now has in place and that those conditions
be worked out with Staff prior to presenting it to the County Commission.
Mr. Grande questioned if St
Lounds confirmed that was correct.
Motion seconded by Mr. Grande.
Upon a roll call vote the motion was approved unanimously (with a vote of 6-0) and
forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval.
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October 16, 2003
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Mr. Merritt questioned if Mr. Grande felt he could sit as an impartial member of the Planning and
Zoning Commission / Local Planning Agency now that he has announced his campaign for
County Commission. Mr. Grande stated that he could.
Next scheduled meeting will be November 20, 2003.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Dawn Gilmore, Secretary
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October 16, 2003
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