HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Meeting Minutes 06-16-2005
St. Lucie County
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting
June 16, 2005
Commission Chambers, 3 Floor, Roger Poitras Annex
6:00 p.m.
Charles Grande, Chairman; Bill Hearn, Vice-Chairman; Pamela Hammer, John Knapp,
Ed Lounds, and Stephanie Morgan.
Carson McCurdy with notice; Kathryn Hensley with notice; Mr. Akins without notice
and Mr. Trias without notice.
Mr. David Kelly, Planning Manager; Ms. Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney:
Ms. Sheryl Stolzenberg Planner III, Ms. Karen Butcher Bike/ Ped Coordinator; and Ms.
Talea Owens Acting Administrative Secretary.
Chairman Grande called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and
Zoning Commission at 6:15 p.m.
Chairman Grande gave a brief presentation of the procedures as of what to expect for
The Planning and Zoning Commission is an agency that makes recommendations to
the Board of County Commissioners on land use matters.
These recommendations are made after consideration of staff recommendation and
information gathered at a public hearing, such as those we will hold today.
The meeting will progress in the following manner:
The Chairman will call each item.
Staff will make a brief presentation on the facts of the request.
The petitioner will explain his or her request to the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Members of the public will be allowed to present information
regarding the request.
The public portion of the meeting will be closed and the Planning and
Zoning Commission will discuss the request. Further public comment
will not be accepted unless the Planning and Zoning Commission has
specific questions.
The Planning and Zoning Commission will vote on its
recommendation after its discussion. For legal reasons, the motion
may be chosen and read from a script provided by staff. Motions
both for and against are provided to the Planning and Zoning
Commission members.
The recommendation is then forwarded to the St. Lucie County Board
of County Commissioners for their consideration and vote, usually
within the next Month.
Once again the Planning and Zoning Commission acts only in an advisory capacity for
the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. If you are not happy with the
outcome of this hearing, you will have the opportunity to speak at the public hearing in
front of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners.
was done by a new member filling in for this meeting, also known as acting
Administrative Secretary, Talea Owens.
Chairman Grande stated that there were no minutes added to the packets for the month,
so the meeting proceeded to the first item on the agenda.
In addition, Mr. Kelly announced that the first item, which should be the Transportation
Element, needs additional work done in it. He also added that a table that was put in the
packets amends right-of-way widths. He also added that the table was not advertised.
The title of the ordinance does not list the table and the ad does not include the table. Mr.
Kelly reiterated that they would like to pull the first item out of the June 16 hearing.
Agenda Item 1: Transportation Element-CPTA-05-001
Further presentation of will
resume when all of the advertising is presented along with it. Mr. Kelly stated that Staff
recommends that the first item be pulled from the hearing.
Mr. Kelly continued, stating that some of the agendas were fixed. He added that some of
the titles on the agendas had been swapped. Mr. Kelly clarified that second item on the
agenda is the section on Sidewalks, Bikeways and the other item was to be included. He
also clarified that the text on item one was incorrect. The correction is that the titles on
both item one and two are mixed up. Mr. Kelly concluded that Scenic Highway would be
heard next.
Moving along, Mr. Kelly addressed to Chairman Grandeattendance at FPLDRC.
He stated that at the meeting, Mr. Ferguson indicated that he might have a request of the
Board. Mr. Kelly concluded suggesting the Board might wish to hear the request now
rather than later.
Chairman Grande stated that if Mr. Ferguson was attending the meeting solely for the
mentioned purpose, then the request of the Board could be discussed in the desired
Mr. Kelly added that Mr. Ferguson was also present at the Meeting for another item,
which was further in the meeting.
Chairman Grande replied that it would be best to discuss the request of the Board now
and get it over.
Jonathan Ferguson approached the podium to speak and identified himself. Mr. Ferguson
began by including informa previous day. He stated
that the first formal discussion of the proposed FPL Power Plant for Southwest St. Lucie
County was held at DRC on the previous day. Mr. Ferguson added that during the
discussion, after Staff comments, he brought up scheduling wherein he requested through
Mr. Kelly that he be given an opportunity to ask the Planning and Zoning Commission if
they would consider scheduling a special meeting for the mentioned project. He
continued stating that it is imagined that the mentioned project would engender a fair
amount of discussion. He also added that they certainly do not want to take over most of
a meeting when there are other projects on the agenda. Looking at the schedule, Mr.
Ferguson pointed out that there is a current schedule for a regular P&Z meeting on July
21, 2005. Mr. Ferguson suggested, because of the critical time period for the project that
would be subject to getting their responses back to Staff
request of the Commission to consider a special meeting of July 28, 2005 regarding
consideration of the FPL Power Project be granted.
Ms. Hammer stated that she would not be available on the 28 of July 2005.
Chairman Grande stated that he feels that the request is reasonable from the perspective
of the fact the topic is huge and controversial. He also added that the topic is worthy of a
meeting with no other items on the agenda. Chairman Grande added that he does not
understand why there is a need for haste. Chairman Grande reiterated that Mr. Ferguson
He stated that
this is the first step in a very lengthy process to get the subject project approved. It is the
first step at a local level. Mr. Ferguson added that as was explained at the DRC meeting
on the previous day,
be submitted either late Summer or early Fall. Mr. Ferguson stated that part of the State
certification process involves a land use hearing. He concluded that everything cascades
in a way and if the subject project cannot be approved through the County in a reasonable
amount of time, it will cause further delay. He also added that the scope of the project
would engender a fair amount of review. Mr. Ferguson stated that given the caveat that
they have gotten through the review, it then impacts all of the schedules down the line
and ultimately it would impact when the project comes on line, which in turn would
to provide service to their expanding customer base. Mr. Ferguson
added that they were working back from when they hope to have the project up and
running which is 2012 and 2013. He included that it is imperative that they move at a
reasonably rapid pace through the process of approval, not withstanding that a full review
must be done first. Mr. Ferguson included that the issue is not something that can be
delayed 12 months to 18 months as it goes out. He concluded asking that the mentioned
date or a reasonable date soon thereafter is considered for a meeting to discuss the item.
He also stated that if Staff is not ready to present the item before the Board, then the
meeting will be cancelled. Mr. Ferguson requested that an agreement be made at the
present meeting so that Staff can prepare the advertisement and post a hearing date on
their calendars, wherein a reasonable date will be sought and aimed for in regards to the
special meeting that was requested.
Chairman Grande asked if Ms. Hammer had already indicated that she would not be
available on the 28.
Ms. Hammer stated that she has made plans to attend a family commitment which had
already been scheduled for six months. She added that she will not be present on
Thursday, which is the 28 of July or the first Thursday in August.
Chairman Grande suggestion that they proceed to the subject meeting that was scheduled
for the present hearings. He also added that he is in complete agreement about
scheduling the requested special meeting as a separate, single agenda item meeting. He
suggested that the Board would put the decision into the hands of the Staff and have them
work up the right date and recommend to them whether or not it is approved or denied.
He concluded stating that he expects a follow-
next couple of weeks.
Mr. Kelly stated that it will give them an opportunity to see how the review will go and
ensure themselves for complete preparation. He added that he feels that Staff will work
with the Board.
Chairman Grande recommended that the special meeting is scheduled on a day of its
Mr. Ferguson thanked the Board.
Ms. Hammer asked Staff if there had already been other items scheduled for the August
18 meeting.
Mr. Kelly replied yes, however he is unable to identify the exact amount of items that had
been scheduled for the August 18 meeting.
Chairman Grande added that he would like to leave the details of providing the
information that Ms. Hammer inquired regarding the amount of items that had been
schedule for the August 18 meeting to an off line.
Mr. Hearn announced that Mr. Knapp had arrived and he will be a part of the meeting.
Ms. Hammer stated that before the meeting begins, she would like to commend Staff on
the finest packet explanation and report that she has received in all of the months on the
Board. She added that she is very pleased and happy with the report. She concluded and
thanked the makers of the packet and included that their work is superb.
Chairman Grande thanked Ms. Hammer and moved along to the first item on the agenda.
Karen Butcher, County Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator, presented this item. This item is
a proposed text amendment to the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
Chairman Grande intervened asking if the Board needs to vote on deferring the other
Ms. Young stated that the other item was pulled. She asked Ms. Butcher if she had
sought a date as to when it will be reviewed.
Ms. Butcher replied, no.
Ms. Young reiterated that a date had not been sought. She continued stating that they
will re-advertise the item. She concluded that it will not be at the July meeting; however,
it may be in the August meeting.
Ms. Butcher started over stating that the item that is being presented is a text amendment
to the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. She added that it recognizes
language to identify Scenic Highway. Ms. Butcher continued stating that the County
along with numerous citizens and other agency Staff has been working for approximately
two years to receive Scenic Highway designation for State Road A1A and a segment of
Indian River Dr. She added that visible manifestation can be viewed on the screen. Ms.
Butcher stated that the request is to add language to the Transportation Element
identifying the Scenic Highway Corridor. She also stated that it is a perimeter that is
done through the Florida Department of Transportation. The purpose of the Scenic
Highway Program is to preserve, maintain and enhance architectural, historical, cultural,
recreational and scenic resources that St. Lucie County has. She concluded stating that
the text amendment is a requirement of the DOT application in order for the State to
designate them as having a Florida Scenic Highway. Ms. Butcher stated that Staff is
requesting a recommendation to forward to the Board of County Commissioners. Ms.
Butcher finished stating that she will be happy to answer further questions.
Chairman Grande asked if anyone had any questions of Staff before the public hearing is
Mr. Lounds asked if roads could later be added on, in other designated Scenic Highway
areas, to the subject area without a lot of added Staff or Commissioners problems.
Ms. Butcher replied that a separate application would be done because of the new
roadway. She also stated that they would then have to again come before the Local
Planning Agency and Board of County Commissioners with another text amendment
recognizing that Corridor as well. Ms. Butcher concluded that the process is a two-part
application process. The first process that they had to go through had the State to
determine whether or not if they were eligible if they met their basic criteria. The second
part of the process was their ability to come up with a plan regarding their purpose. Their
purpose goes far in detail as to how their committee has really taken the stands of
preserving and maintaining things. Preservation includes removal of exotics, adding
bicycle and pedestrian paths, potential traffic calming and things of that nature.
Ms. Hammer questioned Ms. Butcher in regards to the fourth line on page two, under
The posting of official
log signs are.
Ms. Butcher explained that the log signs are logo signs, and she added that the misprint
was actually a typo. She continued stating that DOT provides special signs to the county
that identify the road as a Florida Scenic Highway and those will be put up by DOT every
three to five miles along the corridor so that those traveling will be able to recognize that
they are on a special road.
Ms. Hammer replied okay, and she added that she thought that it was something that she
did not know.
Mr. Lounds asked for clarifications regarding information in the packets initiating that
they are privileged to have two Scenic Roads in the County.
Ms. Butcher clarified stating, no it is not privileged to have two Scenic roads in the
county. She added that they are only looking at Stated Road A1A and Indian River Drive
as one complete corridor, which is the way that the county has identified it.
Mr. Lounds reiterates asking if the roads will not be two separate steps.
Ms. Butcher replied right and she added that they have gone forward with it as being one
Mr. Hearn inquired of clarification regarding which of the roads were the subject roads.
Ms. Butcher clarified that it is both roads.
Mr. Hearn asked how the total amounts of miles are calculated.
Ms. Butcher stated that they calculate the miles beginning at the Indian River County line
on State Road A1A. It comes down the North Beach and goes across the Causeway. She
added that US1 is included because it is the only connection to the South Causeway.
They continue to calculate the mileage down to the Martin County line and then Indian
River Drive is included from Seaway Drive South to the Martin County line which comes
up to just over forty-two miles.
Mr. Hearn asked if the calculation was based on an accumulative total.
Ms. Butcher replied correct.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, she hereby moves that the
Local Planning Agency of the St. Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie County
Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of St. Lucie County for
a change to the text of the Transportation Element as shown on the attached exhibit,
because it will be an attribute and help to our community and something that we can be
very proud
Ms. Morgan seconded the motion.
Chairman Grande asked if there was any discussion and called for the roll call.
Mr. Hearn stated yes.
Mr. Lounds stated yes.
Mr. Knapp stated yes.
Mr. Grande stated yes.
Ms. Hammer stated yes.
Ms. Morgan stated yes.
Chairman Grande stated that the application will be sent to the county commissions with
a unanimous recommendation for approval. He felt it unfair to make a comment before
the voting was done. He stated that he sits on the committee and he commented stating
that a super job was done on the project.
Ms. Butcher replied thank you very much.
Ms. Heather Young presented this item. This is proposed ordinance 05-016, commonly
called the Stop Gap Ordinance for the North County Charrette planning area. Ms. Young
stated that under the proposed ordinance, Staff will have a postponement for the
processing and issuance of applications for Comprehensive Plan amendments,
amendments to the Official Zoning Atlas, or development orders concerning
development in the North County Charrette area; If the proposed amendments and
development orders would increase the density or intensity of development that would
Comprehensive Plan and Land Development
Regulations. The proposed ordinance would postpone processing such applications for a
period of one hundred-eighty days from the date of adoption, unless the ordinance is
dissolved earlier by the Board of County Commissioners. The ordinance does include an
exemption for any public purpose project, which is required by a governmental entity, or
any development, which is protected by an existing development order under section 1-
63-3233 of Florida Statue. There is also a waiver provision, which allows the Board to
accept applications for a waiver and hold a public hearing to authorize the issuance of
development orders for a specific building if the Board determines that based upon
substantial competent evidence. This specific usury activity requested will not
detrimentally affect the preparation implementation of the Growth Management
regulations. She added that it will be competitive with surrounding land uses and it will
not impair the public health, safety or welfare. She added that there is also a provision
for the Board to make a determination that a property owner has demonstrated vested
rights that involves a determination, following a public hearing by the Board. Ms. Young
concluded stating that there is an appeal process to circuit court for anyone who is not
satisfied with the results of the outcome. Ms. Young also stated that Staff is
recommending approval of the ordinance as drafted. Ms. Young added that Nancy
Strault, who is the Council for the Regional Planning Council, assisted Staff in drafting
the ordinance and is present for further questioning from the s perspective.
Mr. Hearn asked Ms. Young if the ordinance, as it is written, includes the areas that are
called receiving that are outside of the area that is being proposed to be the North Towns,
Villages and Countryside. He clarified that he was referring to the circled area at Indrio
Road and US1 shown on the map.
One of the speakers clarified that it is by nodding their head.
Ms. Hammer asked if what they were referring to was not what was underlined in the
heavy black line on the maps.
Chairman Grande asked if they were sure of that.
Ms. Young stated that if there is a question about the map, perhaps they should wait until
Mr. Kelly returns, because he is more familiar with the specific area.
Chairman Grande asked if anyone had any other questions.
Ms. Hammer asked Ms. Young questions regarding the second page of the ordinance,
beginning Proposed amendments were
heard April 21
should be, scheduled to be heard again May 21
Ms. Young replied yes.
Ms. Hammer continued asking about the correction of dates. She stated that the next one
Hearing on the proposed amendments will be scheduled before the Board in July of
Ms. Young stated that she believes that it will be August because it serves reference to
the Board of County Commissioners. However, the dates will be updated. She also
stated that she imagines that this part of the ordinance was drafted sometime ago and the
dates were not updated.
Chairman Graclauses that have
dates that need to be updated.
Ms. Young stated that they will make certain that they are corrected.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Mr. Klein stated that Mr. Kelly had come in and he asked if the Board wanted to have the
discussion. He added that it was important. Mr. Klein introduced himself. He is Bobby
Klein, from the law firm of Klein and Dobbins. He stated that the two things that had
been raised are what he wanted to talked about and he believes that there is some
confusion. Mr. Klein stated that depending on what Mr. Kelly says, there will be
clarification, one way or another. Mr. Klein stated that he could present his thoughts on
the matter if the Board cares to hear them. Mr. Klein stated that he thinks that the
answers that they heard at the present hearing represents the confusion that a lot of them
have been struggling with and even looking at the problem. His personal belief is that the
ordinance purports to include more than it should. He thinks that it implies that it should
include the bigger area and he thinks that, that is absolutely wrong. The advertisement is
very small. Chairman Grande asked if Mr. Klein stated that this was confusing.
TVC Element stands out clearly. He continued stating that, that is a representation and
he referred to another map for better representation. He stated that the map is a
representation of a map that he had copied from the TVC Element. He concluded that
everyone is familiar with that. The whole ordinance when read, based on his recollection
of the very first ordinance, talks about the TVC. However it now talks about the
Comprehensive Plan Amendments and the Land Development regulations that are being
prepared by the Regional Planning Council and that are coming forward as part of the
North County Charrette. He added that they all know that, that is the TVC Element
because they have been dealing with that a long time. The whole impact is the TVC
Element. When it is all said and done if and when the TVC is en
the area in blue (which he pointed out on the map), which is the idea of the element and
the exhibit. He concluded stating that, that is where the land uses will be changed. That
is where the concern rests, with regards to what the ordinance is supposed to be
addressing. He stated that there might be other people that are going to address whether
or not they should have the ordinance, wherein he will not be speaking on their behalf.
Particularly, he feels that the confusion needs to be clarified that the ordinance itself
should be drafted and the exhibit which is attached to it should designate that the area of
impact is the area where the TVC Element or the Land Development regulations are
going to apply. The reason that he feels so comfortable in saying that is because he has
spoken with Nancy and he was with Mike Busha, executive director, as late as yesterday
morning and Mike is very comfortable with him quoting this to the Board. It was never
reiterated that he had spoken to Mike regarding the Stop Gap ordinance and his
comments can be collaborated if the Board cares to collaborate on them. Mr. Klein stated
that the fact is, when the drafting of the ordinances and all of the items that it attempts to
protect against or address are in review, overall it all talks about the TVC Element. He
concluded that he feels that it should be limited to the Cross-Hatched area only. Mr.
Klein also concluded that he is available for any questions.
The Board waited for Mr. Kelly to help clarify and clear the confusion.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Klein. He also addressed the question that was discussed
when Mr. Kelly stepped out. The question regarded the maps that came with the packets.
Chairman Grande pointed out that there is a heavily outlined area on the map, which is
the entire area including some of the receiving area over in the US1, Carter Avenue area
and the Cross-Hatched area. Chairman Grande reiterated that the question is, does the
text of the ordinance relate only to the Cross-Hatched or does it relate to the entire area
which seems to have been implied.
Mr. Kelly stated that it appears to him that the subject area is the Crossed-Hatch area.
Mr. Kelly also put the map up for visual review. He pointed out that he has been doing a
little comparing in the blue area (on the map) that Mr. Klein presented. He added that the
area is identical to the Cross-Hatched area and he feels that it is easier to see on the
display. Mr. Kelly put the Cross-Hatched map, back up for review. Upon display of the
Cross-Hatched map, Mr. Kelly pointed out the similarities between the maps and the
reasonableness of the interpretation. Chairman Grande asked if there were anymore
Ms. Nancy Strault introduced herself and stated that she was assisting Mr. McIntyre in
drafting the ordinance. She added that it was always their intent that it be the TVC area.
She stated that she was unaware of who had done the mapping and attached the exhibit.
However she feels that Mr. Klein is correct. She stated that she made attempts to contact
Mr. Mike Busha for clarifications and confirmation. She concluded that her recollection
on the intent regards the area where the Comprehensive plan amendments ought to be.
are any questions about whether or
problem that comes up
sometimes is that both areas are referred to as the TVC area.
Ms. Strault stated that they need a map that clearly shows the TVC area.
Mr. Kelly stated that the outlined area was the North County Study Area. Mr.
Kelly added that when they went into the Charrette, they had a bigger area and they
identified it primarily for context. The map states that the Cross-Hatched area is the TVC
Element Boundary. Mr. Kelly also stated that the larger area defined by the black
boundary on the map was the area that was studied at the Charrette.
Chairman Grande asked if it was safe to assume, for the present discussion, that it is the
Cross-Hatched area that would be impacted by the ordinance.
Mr. Kelly stated that it was clearly his assumption.
Mr. Hearn stated that he is still concerned that in the text of the Towns, Villages and
Countryside Element there is reference to the receiving sites as being outside of the
Cross-Hatched areas. Mr. Hearn clarified that the subject area is the Cross-Hatched area
and not the circles of the receiving area. He stated that until they questioned that, he
really was not sure, and he feels that that was a very important part of the discussion.
Chairman Grande referred Mr. Kelly to clarifications on page three, section two,
the North County Charrette
Mr. Kelly stated that he was relying on what may have been an earlier draft, which used
Kelly reiterated that one of the areas was included as the study area, because there was a
need to get outside of the boundary and understand the context of the whole area. Given
that the words that are present in the packets are consistent with the larger boundary on
the map, he feels that comments should be made to the Commission regarding the
boundary. However, given the fact that there is a presentation of two documents that
have common wording, it is difficult to assume anything else. Mr. Kelly commented
saying maybe he would have used the Cross-Hatched area.
Mr. Hearn pointed out that on page two in the middle of the page; it describes
which is attached to the
sure that the discussion is in regards to the Cross-Hatched area only. Mr. Hearn also
added that the three or four circled areas should be excluded. Mr. Hearn stated that it
talks about the North County Charrette area and that could be interpreted to be the whole
area or the Cross-Hatched area.
Mr. Kelly stated that he sees the confusion and he added that they were all confused at
the moment.
Mr. Hearn stated that it is a matter of deciding that they are only discussing the Cross-
Hatched area.
Mr. Kelly stated that it is completely within the Boardof responsibility to
recommend to the Commission which ever of the areas that is believed to be the right
Chairman Grande stated that he would agree with that comment however he had been
waiting to hear their attorney jump in and comment.
ing to say. She also stated because
of the confusion, she feels that the intent was, as Nancy had spoken, to that TVC area.
She also stated that there should be a recommendation to the Board. The recommendation
should be limited to which of the areas that they decide is the preferred one, whether it be
the North County Study areas as identified on the map or the TVC Element areas.
Chairman Grande suggests questioning of the feasibility. The third alternative they may
choose is to pass the issue along with a recommendation one way or the other with a
request that the Staff and the Regional Planning Council get together between the present
meeting and make a determination as to what exactly they
meant to put in there.
Ms. Young stated that she feels that there is a guarantee that, that will happen.
Chairman Grande said okay.
Mr. Lounds asked if they can assume for the purpose of the discussion and the ordinance
that direct focus will be on the TVC Element Boundary only. He also asked if it
eliminates the confusion of the area of Lakewood Park and the areas east of that, which
may be affected by this.
Mr. Kelly stated that it would eliminate any confusion, but as review is done and there is
talk about the ordinance, maybe further discussion should be held until after the details
are discussed in order to see what the implications are in each of the areas. Mr. Kelly
added that after the details are dealt with, it will be easier to talk about what is believed to
be the boundaries, given the implications of the ordinance.
Chairman Grande stated that he thinks that, that is a fair recommendation.
Chairman Grande asked if there are further questions for discussion.
Mr. Klein stated that the discussion seems to be going one way, and then it flips back to
the other, which was part of their confusion. He also stated that when you look at what
the recitals said it was going to do, they were fine with the fact that it referenced, it got
off target at the Charrette area. At the Charrette area, it started talking about the bigger
area. Unfortunately, it creates another problem. When you look at the newspaper ad that
was given for review, it is not clear. Mr. Klein reiterated that it was very clear that the
Cross-Hatched area is standing out. When you look at the dark line on the map and
Cross-Hatched area. Mr. Klein suggested that if there is any indication that this is
expanded beyond the Cross-Hatched area, that there may be a defect in the advertising.
Mr. Klein also added that people who should have gotten notice or understood that this
may have affected them, were unaware. Mr. Klein pointed out that when you look at that
blue map, there is a big legend on top of a lot of property that seems to be included now
in the other black line. Mr. Klein concluded stating that if someone had been working off
of the subject map, and is aware of the TVC area and looked at the newspaper ad, which
showed the Cross-Hatched area and was never a part of any of the discussions, would
never know to be here at the present meeting.
Chairman Grande asked a question regarding the description that Mr. Klein gave
regarding people receiving notices. He stated that he feel that this is something
that calls for mail to people within five-
Mr. Klein interrupted stating that that was his exact point, in which they only had the
newspaper article, which was given for review at the meeting. He also stated that it is not
clear at all, in terms of providing clear identification. Mr. Klein added that if you look at
the State Laws, it talks about clearly identifying the property to be addressed and he does
not believe that this does. He also stated that rather than sending this forward with a
recommendation as to options, given the fact that there appears to be defects and
confusion, Staff should go back and straighten it out and come back with a ordinance that
has the text in it and then the issue can be dealt with. Mr. Klein concluded stating that
that will be his recommendation.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Klein.
Mr. Hearn stated that he has a question for Ms. Young. He asked if they could move
forward with the issue at the present meeting, having a motion and a second and a roll
call stating that they are only talking about the Cross-Hatched area before entering into
the discussion.
Ms. Young asked if he meant before they take a consensus vote to see if that is
Mr. Hearn replied correct.
Ms. Young stated that she thinks that they could and as far as the notice goes, she feels
that the Cross-Hatched area is visible and at least the ad that she saw which flashed upon
the screen. She concluded that if that is the area that they are limiting the discussion to,
then she thinks that the notice problem will probably be resolved in regards to that
portion. She also stated that if that is the
consensus that all the members understand that they are talking about, she would not
have a problem with going forward with that.
Mr. Hearn that, he will make a motion that this Board considers that the
discussion tonight is exclusively to the Cross-Hatched area and to the other area which is
not include
the dark line that includes the North County Study area. Mr. Hearn concluded hopefully,
that will clear up any confusion that anyone in the future would have about the present
Ms. Hammer seconded the motion with the following additions: She stated that she
would like to have the map annotated as exhibit A and also dated for future preferences.
Chairman Grande asked if the updates were acceptable to the motion maker.
Mr. Hearn replied, yes.
Chairman Grande announced that a motion and a second had been made. He also asked
if there were any discussions.
Mr. Klein asked if the ordinance itself is to put a postponement on any new development
in the TVC area that is talking about.
Chairman Grande replied that it does not refer to the TVC area that they are talking
w development at density greater than the existing
entitlement and anyone who wanted to develop at their current entitlement would not be
impacted by the ordinance. Chairman Grande asked Mr. Kelly for clarifications.
Mr. Kelly and Ms. Young clarified what Chairman Grande had said as correct.
Mr. Klein stated that his question regards the area inside the box, which is the study area.
Mr. Klein stated that there was mention of receiving areas and other areas in the study
Chairman Grande confirmed that there was mention of receiving areas and other areas in
the study area.
Mr. Klein stated that he is wondering if that area is left out of the discussion. Mr. Klein
also added that there is notion that if that will have an impact on the actual TVC area
itself, there might not be something left there or it may alter something in the TVC itself.
Chairman Grande stated that he suspects that that was part of what was behind
suggestion that we actually go through the hearing, have their discussion and see if
anything there takes them closer to a decision or leaves them with the possibility of
moving it forward with the actual area to be designated on the way. Chairman Grande
added that he suggests to Mr. Hearn, with consideration to his motive for trying to
delineate it at this point, hearing further input from the present hearing and considering a
number of options that can still be used to create a conclusion based on what is heard
throughout the hearing and their subsequent discussion. He also spoke against a motion
that sets the delineation at this point, prior to the hearing.
Mr. Hearn stated that it is obvious and clear to him that the area outside of the Cross-
Hatched TVC Element Boundary is not what is being discussed. He added that he finds
no intention of stopping development in the area that is not Cross-Hatched even though it
is in the study area. He also added that he would like to vote the motion either up or
Chairman Grande added that it has been made and seconded; therefore it will be voted
upon. Chairman Grande also asked if there was further discussion on the motion before
roll call is made.
Mr. Lounds asked if the motion is that they discuss only the Cross-Hatched area.
Mr. Hearn stated correct.
Chairman Grande asked that the roll call be made.
Mr. Lounds replied yes.
Ms. Morgan replied yes.
Mr. Knapp said no.
Mr. Hearn said no.
Ms. Hammer said yes.
Mr. Grande said no.
Chairman Grande announced that the motion carried 4-2. Chairman Grande stated that
the remainder of the discussion is limited to the Cross-Hatched area, which is their
assumption as to what is being passed forward. He also added that it is subject to
correction by who ever is presenting it to the County Commission. Chairman Grande
asked if there was anybody else that would like to comment.
Mr. Jonathan Ferguson stated that he is here on the behalf of a property owner in the
TVC area D. R. Horton. He stated that they asked them to take a look at the ordinance
and provide them with their comments. Mr. Ferguson stated that their hope is that the
ordinance is not passed. However, if the Commission wishes to pass something then they
request consideration of additional language. He added that he had provided the
chairman with the original copy of a letter from Noreen Dryer that proposes that language
and he also added that there are additional copies. Mr. Ferguson stated that it is a
relatively simple addition and they think that it is consistent with the spirit and intent that
the County Commission has been expressing all along during the process. Mr. Ferguson
also added that it will temporarily allow any project, whether it is a Comprehensive Plan
Amendment, an amendment to the Zoning Atlas, or request for development order, to go
forward and be processed and reviewed by Staff if it is consistent with the principles and
intent of the TVC Element. As the Board well knows, there has been an unofficial slow
down of review of projects that were deemed inconsistent with the North County master
plan. This is more formalizing of that effort. It is their feeling that their client and others
that may be inclined, that are willing to work toward implementing the goals of the North
County master plan, be allowed to do so. They also request that they be allowed to work
with Staff and not be penalized with further delay of the adoption of the TVC
Amendment and the implementation ordinances that will follow. They respectfully
request that the Board considers adding Paragraph B of Section 2, which would allow
those types of projects to at least be considered and go forward with continuance of the
review process. Mr. Ferguson concluded stating, ultimately it is well known that the final
decision rests in the hands of the Board of County Commissioners and they can evaluate
whether or not if they consider the request as being consistent with the TVC Element.
However, Mr. Ferguson continued that it should not penalize someone who is willing to
put in the effort to try to achieve those goals now, rather than simply waiting.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Ferguson for his statements.
Paul Dereldi, a land use attorney with the law firm of Greenberg & Torg approached the
podium to speak. He stated that he represents the property owners within the TVC area.
He also stated that he would echo the sentiments of Mr. Ferguson, in terms of the ability
to move forward with projects that are consistent in the spirit and intent. He stated that
he was going to speak on if that in fact was what was intended in the waiver provision in
Section 3, which he stated was a little unclear to him. He
allow the Board
added that he was not really sure what that statement was aimed at or whether it was
meant to be a development order for a specific project. Normally if someone was going
to do a Comprehensive Plan or rezoning, which would fall within the definition of
development order in chapter 163, it would not be done for a specific building but for a
project or building permit. Mr. Dereldi concluded asking for clarifications on what was
meant to be within the perspective of the waiver provision.
resent and she will speak on
behalf of that question.
Ms. Young stated that it seems to her that it would be a specific project, considering that
the subject is a little bigger than a building itself. She reiterated that Nancy was involved
in the drafting of the ordinance and she indicated that the interpretation was not incorrect.
Mr. Ferguson asked if an applicant could come to the Board and request approval for a
waiver to process a site plan, rezoning land use plan amendment within the framework of
the waiver provision. He also asked if the Board thought that the waiver was consistent
with the spirit of the TVC which would otherwise affect the implementation of the TVC.
Mr. Ferguson concluded asking if they could allow approval to move forward, through
the waiver.
Ms. Young stated that that is her understanding.
Chairman Grande agreed that he too thought that that was what Section 3 states.
Mr. Hearn asked if it would be proper to change
Chairman Grande stated that he would be more inclined to change the word to
Mr. Hearn agreed.
Chairman Grande asked if it makes sense to the legal staff.
Ms. Young stated that she agrees that that will work because it goes on to say,
added that she had already made that note to change.
Mr. Mark Mathes, with Lucido and Associates approached the podium to speak. He
stated that he wants to bring a little context to the agenda item. Mr. Mathes stated that
about five years ago, he represented a project on Indrio Road for a land use amendment,
to bring it within the Urban Service Area and to increase its density. He added that at the
time, they were denied by the County Commission. Mr. Mathes stated that that was one
of the few examples that they had that encouraged them to create the subject plan. Mr.
Mathes recalled the testimony heard at the former County Com
the property owners to do
years ago. Mr. Mathes added that they are still probably a year and a half from full
implementation of the subject hearing. He concluded stating that he understands that
there are laws in place or that can be put in place to put development orders and more
terms on development for important public planning purposes, wherein he added that this
is certainly one of those. Mr. Mathes stated that he encourages the Board to act quickly,
because they have been in an unofficial type of war term for about five years. Mr.
Mathes concluded that he is looking forward to working through the issues that are in
place on the TVC ordinance and moving forward.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Mathes. He commented that he thinks that the five year
old initiative that he referred to, was in the former days, known as the Indrio Corridor
Study as oppose to being slightly different. However it did affect the same area.
Mr. Dennis Murphy, a senior project manager with the firm of Culpepper and Terpening,
approached the podium to speak. He stated that following all of the lawyers is easy
because most of what he was going to say had already been said. However, he pointed
out from the perspective of a planner, he questions whether or not the ordinance is of a
real necessity at this time given going on in the real world. He answered that it is
not a necessity. Realistically, if you look at what is coming through the pipeline for
looking then at the time element as
anything coming down the pipe that is going to conflict with what is in front or has any
realistic chance of approval. He concluded asking why they are there in the first place.
He asked that a couple things be looked at. Mr. Murphy stated that he has a question tied
into the boundaries of the TVC area, concerning facts stating that it include properties
which lie inside of the Urban Service Boundary. County Commission most recently at
their workshop of past Monday made it very clear that they were not going to impose any
He concluded stating that if you had a certain land use entitlement on your property; you
have that land use entitlement and it was not going to be taken away from you, as a part
of the program. Mr. Murphy indicated that there is no need for precluding anyone from
their entitlement rights in which the Board stated would not be taken away.
Chairman Grande stated that he does not understand where the entitlement rights will be
taken away.
Mr. Murphy used an example to explain what he was saying. He stated if he has a piece
of property that he wants to develop and he wants to do a PUD on it, regardless of the
zoning, it is an existing entitlement right under the land use plan. He asked why he
would be stopped. Mr. Murphy included the fact that it had already been said that they
were going to conform as close as they could to the inherent policies of the TVC
Element. Mr. Murphy again asked why the developer should be stopped. He added that
it seems as if they are taking away or denying the ability to proceed forward with the
project or with the plan, particularly inside the Urban Service Boundary.
Chairman Grande stated that he would like to get a clarification from the legal Staff at
this point. He also added that he thinks what they are saying is, you can move forward
with anything that you are currently entitled to, inside or outside of the Urban Service
Boundary. The only thing that they are saying is, until the TVC is resolved, one way or
the other, they will not increase your entitlements. Chairman Grande asked if his
understanding was correct.
Ms. Young stated that that was correct.
Chairman Grande asked what was exactly being taken away.
Mr. Murphy stated if he is entitled to a PUD approval or review, which is a change of
Chairman Grande intervened stating that he does not understand why Mr. Murphy would
be entitled to that.
Mr. Murphy stated that he is entitled to apply for it because it is a land use entitlement to
his property. He added that he has the ability to come in and work with it, wherein it is
Mr. Murphy added that if he has the ability to have the land
use entitlements, why they should be taken away. Mr. Murphy concluded that that was
He stated that they would strongly encourage that they be allowed to proceed with their
projects inside of the Boundary line.
Chairman Grande asked if there was some difference between that and somebody inside
of the Urban Service Boundary who has a current zoning entitlement of one per acre and
a future land use that says five per acre.
Mr. Murphy stated that he was saying that if he had that condition, yes he should be able
to come in. He added in particular when it is consistent with prior statements of the
Board both recently, within the last ten days and with some cases regarding properties
where they specifically authorize development activity to take place on it with the
Chairman Grande stated that he would agree with Mr. Murphy if that is the concept that
Mr. Murphy intervened stating if it does disallow then he has an objection to that part of
it. He added that the other part of it that he has a problem with is the definition of
development permit under the County. He stated that when you reference the
development permit, you could construe that to be a single family building permit. He
stated that pulling the boundary line Cross-Hatched area
has probably eliminated the biggest problem of Lakewood Park and Holiday Pines etc.
However, there are still other areas whereas if they are not "twique" a little, it could lead
to getting waiver requests for every individual building permit that may come in
Pantherwoods or some of the other developments that are out in that area. Development
permit as defined by the Development Code includes building codes. Mr. Murphy added
that the present wording basically shuts everything off.
Chairman Grande stated that those are already platted and entitled.
Mr. Murphy stated if it is a vacant lot or a vacant parcel of land and a guy wants to put a
single family home on there, it is not allowed under the subject plan. Mr. Murphy added
that he may be interpreting the plan too strictly.
Chairman Grande stated the he does not recall seeing that information anywhere.
Mr. Hearn stated that he feels that there is a little selective interpretation of the document.
He feels that it is clear to most folks that the intent of the ordinance is to stop any PUD
applications from coming forward at this time. He also added that Mr. Murphy may have
interpreted that as losing one of his entitlements, wherein he agrees because technically
he is. However, he feels that that is the purpose in the ordinance. Mr. Hearn also stated
that it appears to him that the ordinance is saying if you have two units per acre on your
zoning, that you can do any of that that you want to. However, he interpreted that it does
not allow developers coming in with a PUD to ask for more right now until the ordinance
is finished.
Mr. Murphy stated that that is one way of interpreting it. He also added that that is the
concern that he would have. He also stated that the interpretation runs counter to some of
the previous statements that were made by the County Commission.
Mr. Hearn stated that a general term was used in entitlements regarding how it is
interpreted. He also added that the purpose of the ordinance needs to be cleared up.
Mr. Murphy added that they can all agree on one thing. He stated that there is some
refinement of the language which needs to take place.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Murphy.
Mr. Michael Houston, with Houston Couzzo Group, approached the podium to speak.
He added to the discussion that Mr. Murphy had prior. He stated that they have a project
that is in process and probably has been in process for approximately eight months to a
year. He stated that it is within the Urban Service Area, yet they believe that it meets a
lot of the desired goals for the TVC. Mr. Houston stated that based on their reading of
this, it appears that they would not be able to continue with it, even though it was about to
come to the Board. He added that they have had their second Staff report and they were
about ready to make presentations to the Board. Mr. Houston recalled one of the earlier
comments that was made from one of the attorneys, and commented on it. He recalled
the statement wherein they had asked in good faith, that they could move forward and
present their petition to the Board and the Commission, wherein they will decide if their
petition is consistent with their goals as it relates to the TVC. He stated that it would be
inequitable for them to have spent as much time as they have, and to be as far in the
process as they are and essentially be stopped before they are given an opportunity of
presentation of their petition to the Board. They have not come up with a suggestion for
the added language; however, it may just be a difference between projects in process with
Staff reports that have not made it to the Board yet.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Houston.
Mr. Hearn stated that he had a question before Mr. Houston left the microphone. He
asked if the mentioned project is in the Cross-Hatched area.
Mr. Hearn asked if he had preliminary approval or anything on it.
Mr. Houston stated that they do not have preliminary approval or anything on it. He
added that they have a land use designation of nine units per acre, in regards to the
They also have an existing zoning of approximately two units
per acre and a PUD that is proposed in between the two, approximately closer to seven,
however, it does many of the things that the TVC is looking for, connectivity and all
kinds of things that can be mentioned. He concluded that they pretty much would have to
wait at this point until that gets adopted. Mr. Houston stated if the wait is done in a short
period of time, then it would be fine. However, they have some concurrency issues that
they have to deal with. Mr. Houston concluded that his concern is that it could go a long
time. Just as importantly, it may allow you to use a project that is coming in, to ask how
does this work with what the TVC is proposing. He concluded saying, an important
distinction is that it is inside of the Urban Service area.
Mr. Hearn asked if his particular project that he was talking about, includes open-spaced
Mr. Houston replied that it includes open-space, a preservation percentage and it is on
Indrio Road. He added that it has a buffer that can be considered, Countryside. He also
stated that most of the property along Indrio Road is existing trees and they will be
talking about the tree preservation program. He stated that it is interconnected and they
are proposing a road to the South that does not exist today, to create more connectivity.
This is the south east corner of Indrio and Kings. He reiterated that they have other
issues that they have to deal with on traffic; however, they will deal with those. He
added that they would like the consideration of their petition. He also added that it is not
a new application or a move of the Urban Service line is it, a Comprehensive Plan
Amendment, not a Land Use Amendment. He clarified that it is a zoning request.
comprehending the issue in the same fashion. He added that this was referred to as a
Stop-Gap measure and contains a sunset provision within it and
exceed one hundred and eighty days.
Ms. Young added that chairman Grande is correct.
Chairman Grande continued stating that it may be significantly shorter than that; however
he feels that the likelihood of it being longer is low but possible. He stated that he is
under the impression, considering he may be interpreting it incorrectly, that the goal of
this is t
yet. He stated that he is not sure what anyone, including himself and the County
Commission, could use to evaluate a project. He added that he suspects that the Charrette
area will be better built out, in the long run. He added that it will be better built out if as
many projects as possible are held to the standard once it is defined, as opposed to what is
guessed it will look like in the future.
Mr. Houston stated that he appreciates the comment. He added that he thinks
that there is more to that. He also stated that the issue that he has a little concern of is the
fact that the TVC was generally written as a discussion of an Urban Service Boundary.
He added that it was written to talk about, as an alternative, the study that was done
beforehand. He added that they are inside of the urban service area. He added that there
was a question in the early stages of the TVC whether or not it would even be included
inside of the Urban Service area. The Stop Gap is one hundred and eighty days, but it
also has the ability to be extended. The adoption of the LDR for the TVC is still in
process. The Staff at the Regional Planning Council is working quickly; however, it
could still be a very long time before that is adopted. He stated that he had been
corrected. The correction is that they have been in the process for eighteen months on the
mentioned project. He concluded that it is not unusual to identify and establish a cut off
date, as compared to the debate of delay. He added that he heard that they were still
debating whether or not if an application can be done, what type of application can be
done, as well as whether or not if a PUD is considered an application or straight zoning.
He stated that it is not a straight zoning, but it is a PUD. He added that it does fall under
that area. He concluded that he would like the Board to at least consider something that
allows that to go forward. He added that it is not many projects, and it certainly is still a
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Houston.
Mr. Houston said, thank you.
Chairman Grande asked if there was anyone else who would like to comment on the
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
Mr. Knapp stated that the term is only for a hundred and eighty days and it could only be
counted only for sixty days. He added that they are looking at a maximum of an eight
month type period. He asked if his statement was correct.
Ms. Young stated that that was correct.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other questions.
Mr. Lounds asked if Mr. Kelly could draw in the Urban Service area for them.
Mr. Kelly stated that the Urban Service Boundary cannot be seen, however, it is on the
map that Mr. Klein provided. He pointed out the Urban Service Boundary on the map
that Mr. Klein provided. He stated that it runs along Emerson Road and it comes out a
little, above Indrio Road. He voted the discontinuous island out at the interchange. In
General, the Urban Service Boundary is along Emerson and further down into the area of
Pantherwood, it moves to the west in the island.
Mr. Lounds asked if it comes up the northern side of Pantherwood to I-95, and goes down
I-95 to about half way of Panther wood. He continued asking if it proceeds back to
Seminole. Mr. Lounds stated that he gets lost when he comes down this way from the
hash mark that is presented.
at Emerson and it has the same alignment all the way down. Mr. Kelly pointed out the
whereabouts of Seminole on the map.
Mr. Lounds stated okay, and he asked Mr. Kelly to direct the pen, which Mr. Kelly was
using to point out places on the map, towards the south. Mr. Lounds told Mr. Kelly to
stop directing the pen when he reached an intersection.
Mr. Kelly stated that at the intersection, there is an airport and Immokalee follows.
Mr. Lounds clarified that his point is that he is trying to get a feel for where the Urban
Service area is. He added that there are rules and regulations, which are specific to the
Urban Service Boundary that they have talked about, around the North County Charrette
and the TVC. He stated that he has a problem with the fact that they are going to limit
folks inside of the Urban Service area. He added that they have asked people to make
specific needs inside of the area to build out, stay inside of the Urban Service area, and
present their petitions inside of the Urban Service area, all under one set of rules. Mr.
Lounds stated that now they are going to hamper, the privileges that the people living
inside of the Urban Service area have and separate it from outside of the area that really
had a more dealing with the Charrette. Mr. Lounds reiterated that he has a problem with
limiting people that are inside of the Urban Service area. He added that these people
have in past time, come to the Board under the Urban Service area Guidelines and asked
for PUDs or developments, and now they are being stripped of their rights.
Mr. Hearn stated that he understands where Mr. Lounds is coming from. He added that
he also understands that there was a project that kind
the Urban Service Boundary. Mr. Hearn added that they felt that they could have done a
better job. He added that he feels that this was the whole purpose. He also stated that a
project that is worthy of a waver, certainly can apply for a waiver on this. He added that
he liked that part of it. Mr. Hearn stated that if it is really a good project and it fits within
the TVC guidelines, then it certainly should get a waiver. He concluded that he is
thinking that if they do not have the Stop Gap ordinance, it will lead to a circus of
requests trying to get it done before the TVC is enacted.
Mr. Lounds stated that he agrees with Mr. Hearn. He also stated that he understands that
the buck stops at the County Commission and if they do not want it to go forward, it will
not go forward. He stated that some of the hash-marked areas that Mr. Houston spoke of,
Highway-Taylor Road area is out of the Charrette
paths that are there, or he is sure that the hash-marks would have included Taylor-Dairy
Columbus felt when he set sail, not knowing where he was going. He added that it is
where they are going but they are headed. He stated that he understands the need to have
everyone singing on the same sheet; however he is not sure if the way that it is being
done is the correct way to do it. If they limit the ideas that come before the Board or the
Staff, then they may be missing some opportunities for an alternative, where in there are
some alternatives for the issue, however, they have not been found yet.
Mr. Hearn stated that he agrees with Mr. Lounds. He added that he also has to think that
as the Board well knows that what they think really does not matter much in the end. He
continued stating that they are not there to make any decision, other than to give an
Mr. Lounds asked questions pertaining to the sections. He asked Ms. Young if to have a
waiver is a matter of applying through the process of staff and letting it come before the
County Commissions for a waiver.
Ms. Young replied that that was right and she added that it would require a public
Mr. Lounds asked Ms. Young how long she thinks that that would take.
Ms. Young replied a little less than a year and a half. She added that there will be
advertising for at least fourteen days. She stated that by the time the application is in, it
would probably take about four to six weeks.
Mr. Hearn asked if it does not have to come before the Planning and Zoning Board.
Ms. Young replied no, it is just before the Board of County Commissioners.
Chairman Grande asked Mr. Lounds if he was finished.
Mr. Lounds said yes.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other comments.
Ms. Morgan stated that she received the updated agenda in her packet at the present
meeting. She added that she is totally confused by it all. She added that Mr. Klein
brought up a good point with the ad and it has Carson McCurdy as the Chairman. She
stated that she does not know if it has anything to do with it or not.
Chairman Grande stated that if it was under Carson, then it would be a lot less confusing.
Ms. Morgan agreed stating maybe if it were under Carson; it may have been a lot less
confusing. However, she is totally confused about it and she feels that it needs to go back
and then come back to the Board.
Chairman Grande stated that he would suggest that any other circumstance, he would
agree with those comments. However, he does not agree with the particular ordinance.
The first reason is that he does not think that anyone should confuse supporting the Stop
Gap measure with supporting what they know of as the TVC, so far. He added that he
thinks that it is a good thing to have the Stop Gap in Place as quick as possible so that
g to the TVC,
by having approved something in the interim. The second thing is, again, it is a Stop
He concluded stating so
they are not putting anything in that is not already entitled and they are not stopping
not already entitled. From his perspective; he would support this, should
it be put to a motion at the present hearing. Chairman Grande asked if they have a
motion if there are not other comments.
considering the
testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, I hereby move
that the Local Planning Agency of St. Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie
County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the Stop Gap ordinance for
the North County Charrette
because he feels that they need to get the Charrette area done before approval is granted
to all PUDs. He added stating very specifically, just the TVC area that was voted on
Chairman Grande asked if there was a second to the motion.
Mr. Hearn seconded the motion, noting that there are waivers available for projects
linking to the TVC Element.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any comments to be made on the motion.
Mr. Lounds asked if the suggestions that were made will be included in the motion.
Chairman Grande replied that they were not included in the motion.
Mr. Lounds replied that he will not be voting on it.
Chairman Grande replied, okay.
Ms. Hammer asked what the wording was regarding.
Mr. Lounds explained that his concern was the wording on the waiver. He pointed out
that it was on page three.
Chairman Grande replied, okay. He also asked if it was okay with the person who
seconded the motion.
Mr. Knapp replied yes.
Chairman Grande stated that he thinks that the attorney had already made the decision
pertaining what was going to be moved forward.
The roll call was made.
Ms. Hammer said yes.
Mr. Lounds replied no. He stated that the reason being is because he think that it
is a necessary piece of ordinance and the County can stop it at the County
he would have voted for this, but not on a short period of time. He added that he feels
that it is a waste of effort and energy.
Ms. Morgan replied no.
Mr. Knapp replied yes.
Mr. Hearn replied yes.
Chairman Grande replied yes.
Ms. Hammer stated that although it was not included in the motion, however, the map
will be marked A
Chairman Grande stated that he needs a moment to count the votes and come up with the
total. He stated that the motion passed 4-2. The ordinance will be forwarded to the
County Commission with a recommendation of approval as amended at the present
Mr. Kelly stated that the next couple of things that they will be looking at contain three
large scale plan amendments and a small scale amendment. He stated that they deal with
the small scale plan amendments more routinely. He stated that they do not deal with the
three large scale amendments often. He added that he was not sure if everyone on the
Board has been through a large plan amendment. Mr. Kelly stated that Sheryl
Stolzenberg will be presenting the scale plan amendments. Mr. Kelly stated that Ms.
Stolzenberg wants to make some comments to the Board about the standards for
amendments, before the hearing begins. Mr. Kelly stated that rather than trying to do it
for each of the items, they thought that it might be a good idea to take a few minutes and
talk in general. Mr. Kelly added that he appreciates their comments about the packets.
He stated that Karen Butcher had done her own packet and Sheryl Stolzenberg did the
four plan amendment packets. He added that when they get a compliment, he should
further pass on and let the person who did the work be recognized. He concluded that
Sheryl will come forward and speak on the behalf of her work.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Kelly.
Ms. Sheryl Stolzenberg stated, for the benefit of the people who are not familiar with the
state law that governs comp plan amendments, she wanted to briefly explain what they
have to look at, in addition to their own comp plan. She stated that there are regulations
that have been issued by the State Department of Community Affairs, as well as the state
laws that have been passed by the legislature, which is essentially what this boils down
to. In Florida Administrative Code, which is issued by the Department of Community
Affairs, the rules instruct in subsection 9J-11.0061B as to what local governments have to
look at. In addition to providing the state with maps that show the proposed future land
use of the subject property and maps showing the present future land use designation of
that property and the abutting properties, local governments also have to provide the state
with information showing the existing land use of what is there now on the subject
property and the abutting property, because local governments must also consider
impacts on what is there now. This is because long range planning is exactly that, and
there is always the chance that something may be approved in a premature fashion and
cause an impact which was not intended.
Local governments also have to look at a description of the availability of and
demand on sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation and
recreation, and this is not concurrency analysis. At this stage, governments are looking at
whether or not they have to amend the comprehensive plan in the other areas, whether
they want to make the land use change. She added that the important aspect of the whole
matter is the fact that it is a comprehensive plan and it has to be internally consistent by
state law. Therefore, if it is decided that there is a land use change that is desired, there
must also be the ability to verify that they are making whatever changes that might be
needed to the other parts of the Comprehensive plan and Capital Budget etc., in order to
provide the services. Ms. Stolzenberg added that they have to look at information
regarding the compatibility of the proposed land use amendment. She stated that it does
not only regard the land use element objectives but those of any other affected element,
such as the Conservation Element, for example. She stated that the last two points speak
to the requirements of 163.3177 of Florida Statues, which states that the coordination of
the several elements of the local comprehensive plan should be a major objective of the
planning process and the elements of the comprehensive plan should be consistent and
economically feasible. She concluded stating that this is definitely something that the
state looks at very closely so they take this into consideration every time they analyze a
plan amendment.
Mr. Hearn asked a question regarding who was it economically feasible for.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that it depends on who is providing the service. She also stated if
it is the local government (for example) that is providing the sewer or water, then they
have to be able to demonstrate in their Capital Improvement Element and in their Water
and Sewer element how they are going to provide it. She added that because it is a long
range plan, it is not concurrency. They do not have to point out a present line. However,
if the community decides that it wants to make a land use change in an area where they
have not previously planned to have that much development, then they have to update the
Water and Sewer master plan and make the changes so that by the time the applicant is
ready to build, they will have services available. She stated that if it is not the county that
is providing the services, but it is a private utility, then the utility needs to be able to
change their plan or the applicant will end up doing that. She concluded stating that in
some fashion they have to be able to change plans and have available facilities by the
time someone comes to them for actual development approval, at which point
concurrency becomes an issue. She reiterated that at the present stage, they are not
dealing with concurrency but they are strictly dealing with planning. She concluded
stating that if there are not sewer lines where they decide where they want something that
needs a sewer line, then they need to start talking about who is going to do the plans to
see to it that there is a sewer line. She concluded stating that that is basically what the
state is asking them to do.
Mr. Hearn stated that he basically asked that question because they have been under the
same regulations, statues etc.
with development projects that they have approved in the past. He stated that they have
millions, and millions of dollars that they are not able to account for today. He concluded
clarifying his reason for asking the question.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that some of these costs are obviously costs to a developer also.
She stated that as long as they can indicate that it is the developer who is going to do this,
and however they assure this, then that is acceptable to the state. She concluded stating
that it is not necessarily just a public expense; it is that they have to be able to identify
how the expenses will be born.
Chairman Grande stated that if they take the Vero Vista application and look at the
second page, at the bottom of the headings it reads: of concurrency document
hat the requirement is for a
concurrency deferral affidavit. He asked if they could thoroughly explain exactly what
the deferral affidavit is.
Mr. Kelly stated that the affidavit is an effort to get something in the public records in
their files, which the developer has signed so that he knows concurrency is being deferred
to a later date and that this is not a concurrency review. Mr. Kelly stated that they want
to be very clear at every stage until they have done concurrency, that they have not
promised any public services at all. He added that the deferral is simply their effort to
put something into the file, if the developer acknowledges the understanding terms.
Chairman Grande asked if they were not waiving any concurrency required. He asked if
Mr. Kelly intervened stating that they were asking the applicant to acknowledge that they
have not committed anything.
Chairman Grande stated that at this point, it will be looked at in the future.
Mr. Kelly stated yes.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Kelly. Chairman Grande stated if there were no further
questions, then they will proceed to the application.
Ms. Stolzenberg presented this item. She stated that the first application before the Board
for Land Use Amendment is file number PA-05-002, which is the application of Vero
Vista Center for Change in Land Use Designation from Commercial to Mixed Use. She
added that it was for a forty-six acre parcel which was located approximately one-eighth
of a mile south of the St. Lucie-Indian River county line, on the east side of US 1. She
reiterated that, as they were required by 9J-11 of Florida Administrative Code, they
looked at surrounding Future Land Uses, Commercial to the north, south and west, and
Residential Urban at a density of five dwelling units per acre to the east. Concerning the
surrounding uses, the actual uses on the ground, there was an office building with storage
to the north, vacant acreage and miscellaneous agriculture such as sales of ornamentals,
and two single family homes to the east. She also added that there is a vacant restaurant
to the south and the west, there was a variety of uses. The uses included a retail store,
vacant commercial building, bars, gas stations, more vacant acreage, a mobile home park,
a motel and a home for the aged.
She stated that they looked at both availability of and demand on sanitary sewer
solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation services, not in terms of
concurrency but in terms of whether a Comprehensive Plan Amendment would be needed
to any of the mentioned services. She added that it had shown that the needs could be
met without a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. She stated that as far as consistency
goes with the Comprehensive Plan, Staff felt that it supported and furthered the Land Use
Element because it met the intent statement of the Mixed Use Land Use and also it
supported a number of objectives and policies.
She stated that Objective 1.1.5 directed development to where services were
planned. She added that it met the requirements of Policy, which must be looked
at when considering an amendment, making a finding that the property is adjacent to or
no more than one quarter mile from same or greater land use and that the property lies
within the Five Year Capital Plan or is otherwise provided for, for services, which it is.
She stated that it is consistent with Objective 1.1.7, which directs future development and
redevelopment to areas that have the appropriate designations and are consistent with
sound principles. Ms. Stolzenberg stated that they looked at how it supported and
furthered the Transportation Element. She added that this is another policy that has to be
looked at whenever a Land Use Amendment is considered. She added that the
Transportation System shall be reviewed in coordination with requested Land Use
Changes and reports on impacts shall be provided which is Policy 2.1.1. Ms. Stolzenberg
stated that an impact statement was provided and it indicated that possibly traffic could
be reduced. She stated that this was reviewed by the Road and Bridge Staff who
indicated that until an actual formal application for a project is actually provided, they
that at the Land
Use stage, it did not appear to cause a problem that will require a Comprehensive Plan
She stated that they also looked at how it affected other elements, in particular,
the Conservation Element. She stated that they noted that there is an area that the County
has identified that has protected species including the presence of Lakela Mint and the
applicant also provided an environmental assessment statement. She stated that there is a
conceptual site plan that goes with this and it indicates a Preserve will be a part of the
final plan. She stated that the actual development plan will be required to identify the
Preserve and a management plan and any necessary deed restrictions, when it comes in.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that at the time that she wrote this, it was given to her to
understand that the petition was located within the North County Charrette area. She
added that it was within the study area but it is not within the TVC area, therefore it does
not appear to be effected by the Stop Gap ordinance as she understands it at this point in
time. She concluded, stating that the Staffis a recommendation that the petition
be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation that it be
transmitted to the State for adoption. She added that they also recommended that the
County considers that a developer agreement is entered into it at the time of adoption of
the Land Use, in order to ensure that the Preserve is an actuality.
Chairman Grande thanked Ms. Stolzenberg. Chairman Grande asked if there were any
Mr. Hearn asked how much land is involved in the Preserve area.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that they do not have a definite handle on that. She added that
there was an application that the County had made at one point to acquire some of the
land and they still have the grant money but the owner was not interested in selling it to
the County. Therefore, it has become a part of the discussion when the development
proposal was actually submitted to work with the applicant and the environmental
department to get the Preserve identified as the County wants it to be identified. She
concluded that all they have from the applicant at this time is the conceptual plan. She
also added that there is not a statistic that states how large it is going to be or how much it
would include. She added that at the land use stage, with a conceptual site plan, you
really are not able to bind anyone to anything. She concluded that this is why she
suggested, for consideration only, the use of a developer agreement. She added that it is
something that you enter into and it is more binding. She stated that it can expire and so
on, but it can give a little bit of a measure of security that you cannot have at the Land
Use stage, because a conceptual site plan is just that. She stated that it is a very nice
illustration but it is not something that is binding on anyone at the Land Use Stage.
Mr. Hearn asked another question regarding the Preserve Area. He asked if there was
any data available that showed that the Lakela Mint could be transplanted. He asked if it
was scattered over a two acre parcel and you could condense it to a smaller area by
transplanting it, is the information available.
Mr. Kelly stated that it appears that that Mint grows at a specific elevation on the Dune or
the Historic Dune. He added that only on one side of the Dune have they had some
efforts to transplant it. He stated that he is not sure if they have been terribly successful
with any of them. Mr. Kelly stated that they had the folks over from the middle of the
state in Lake Wales trying to transplant some. He added that he does not think that they
had great success. He concluded stating that he is not sure if they can count on
transplanting as a method to save it all.
Mr. Hearn stated that his purpose of asking that question is if they can consolidate it on
the same site, rather than move it to another site, which may or may not be a successful
transplant. He added that he was not suggesting that they move it off site, but the plants
are moved closer together so that they do not take up too much space, such as clustered
housing and so forth.
Mr. Kelly stated that he does not know.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that she thinks that this is part of the discussion that they get into
when they are actually doing the plans for the development because at that point, the
applicant and County have to bring their experts in and state the terms for operations.
She added that there needs to be something of a buffer around the area where the
concentrations are, to protect them. She concluded stating that the actual size and so on
would be something that would have to be spelled out correctly, as a part of the
development approval.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other questions of the Staff.
Mr. Knapp asked what the density per acre on the Mixed Use High Ridge, for Residential
Chairman Grande asked if the question relates to the specific application, and not overall
Mr. Knapp replied yes. He added that it probably relates to both.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that this is actually a difference between what is the high of the
density of the Mixed Use allows. She also stated that what the applicant is saying is that
they will limit themselves to, in the language that they are saying that they are going to
Chairman Grande stated if the pattern could be explained a little, it will save a lot of time.
He stated that they are talking about forty-six acres, but the Residential portion of the
overall development would be a lot less than the total forty-six acres however the number
of units are fairly high.
Mr. Knapp reiterated that he wants to know how many units could be put there. He asked
if the zoning is changed, then how many units are allowed in the forty-six acres.
Mr. Kelly stated that Mr. Klein can assist with further help. He also gave a brief
summary of what the Comprehensive Plan stated in regards to the discussion. He stated
that in Mixed Use areas, there are sub-area maps for each of those areas that divide the
Mixed Use areas into high, medium and low intensity areas. He added that the proposal
being discussed is for this to be a high intensity area. He stated that the Comp Plan
Residential units, there are between
regulated by floor area ratio. Mr. Kelly used an example stating that General
Commercial would be allowed at a floor area ratio of 1.0. He clarified that that means if
you have an acre of ground, you may have a full acre of Commercial floor area. He
added that you cannot do that and have parking, therefore it requires multistory buildings.
He added that floor area ratio is a measure of floor as compared to land. He added that it
may include multistory buildings. Mr. Kelly concluded stating that for the non-
residential components, they are regulated by floor area ratio. He stated that the
residential is regulated five to fifteen in this case. He addressed a question that they had
from DCA last year regarding the fact that if all of this was done, you could have very
intense development. Mr. Kelly stated that at that time, their response was that they
would not allow them all to happen on the same acre. He stated that they would divide
the project into half residential and half commercial. He added that they would apply
these individually into those areas. Mr. Kelly stated that maybe that is context for what
Mr. Klein would explain.
Chairman Grande asked if what Mr. Kelly was saying pertaining to the Mixed Use high
zoning, is that the portion that is allocated for commercial sub-area maps are used as an
entitlement for residential. He continued stating that conversely if you are using up to
fifteen for residential, what you are doing is, as you fill in that residential, reducing what
is left for commercial.
Mr. Kelly replied yes.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Kelly.
Mr. Hearn asked a question pertaining Mixed Use High Ridge. He asked where the word
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that that is its name.
Mr. Hearn asked if that was the name of the project.
Ms. Stolzenberg clarified that it is the name of the project. She added that each of the
Mixed Use areas is
Mr. Hearn asked if this is the same applicant that is planning to develop Coconut Cove.
Mr. Klein replied, no.
Mr. Knapp stated that he is not clear on what Mr. Kelly went over. He addressed the
statement saying that they are requesting to go to Mixed Use High intensity. He asked if
he was correct.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that that was correct.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that that is the allowable density within that particular land use
Mr. Knapp intervened stating that he understands what the applicant is saying. He stated
that they were just asking to approve it to the five to fifteen. He asked if that was correct.
His question was in regards to the change. Mr. Knapp stated that they were saying that
they were approving something that the applicant is telling them that he is going to do.
He stated that they are actually being asked to approve the five to fifteen per acre. He
asked if that was correct.
Mr. Klein replied no.
Ms. Stolzenberg replied no. She stated that the applicant is voluntarily restricting by
language that would be put into the Comprehensive Plan on the map stating that he will
limit himself to a lesser number of units than he would be able to do under this category.
Mr. Klein stated that it might be good it they were allowed to go through the presentation.
He added that they might be able to put some of this in context.
Chairman Grande stated that they will go through the presentation; he just wanted to
make sure that they get any questions of staff out of the way.
Mr. Klein responded that he would appreciate that.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Klein.
Chairman Grande
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other question of Staff.
opened the public hearing.
Mr. Bobby Klein, a representative of the applicant, approached the podium to speak. He
stated that he is from the law firm of Klein and Dobbins. He stated that he represents the
applicant, Vero Vista LLC. He stated that he has Cyndy Snay from his Staff with him.
He also stated that Mike Houston and Dawn Gilmore from Houston Cuozzo Group are
also present on his behalf. He also stated that Adam Kerr and Jason Matson from Kimley
Horn are present at the hearing on his behalf and that they are responsible for some of the
traffic aspects.
Mr. Klein clarified that he is a lawyer who represented Coconut Cove LLC,
which is the entity that is the applicant and developer of the Coconut Cove project. He
stated that Vero Vista LLC is a separate entity and it is the applicant being discussed at
the present meeting. He clarified that the people that are involved are some of the same
people but the applicant is not the same.
Mr. Klein stated that some of the information that they wanted to get in to has
been brought up as part of the conversation. He stated that they are very excited about
the project, for some of the reasons that they will discuss shortly. He stated that they also
want to echo their appreciation and the fact that the Staff report was so well done. He
stated that it was very well presented and it put all of the information out for the reader to
be able to make an informed decision. He concluded that the Staff had done a fine job.
Mr. Klein stated that one of the questions that came up a minute ago was about
the Preserve. He stated that Ms. Stolzenberg answered the question as well as possible.
He added that the environmental department does have transplant areas. He
stated that they have transplanted the Mint to other areas. He stated that they had to deal
with this in the past. He stated that they have worked with Amy and Vanessa to come up
with a plan. He added that they are going to minimize any impact to the Mint. He stated
that they do not know the exact details. They are showing this at this stage because they
know that it is generally in that area. He added that as they go further along the process
and have the land uses approved, that they come back for the planned developments.
Then the site plan and the boundary will be established. He reiterated what Ms.
Stolzenberg had previously stated about there being buffers and protections. He stated
that all of that will come into place as the development permit process proceeds. Mr.
Klein stated that they indicated that on there because they are well aware of the location
of the Mint. He added that they want everyone to understand that they are not at all
ignoring the fact that the Mint exists and they know that they have to address it.
Mr. Klein stated that when they looked at the project, they looked at forty-six
acres that have been designated as General Commercial since the Comprehensive Plan
was enacted in the 1990s. He stated that for fifteen years, the area has basically remained
dormant. He stated that there have been a number of pieces which have been used and
then remain in disrepair as a result of entities that have gone out of business. He stated
that he certainly does not have to tell Mr. Hearn what the property looks like; however,
Mr. Houston will assist in helping all others to see pictures relating to what exists there.
He stated that they looked at this and questioned themselves about what can be done in
that area. Mr. Klein stated that no one has come along and addressed a desire to make
this a full utilization for Commercial property. He stated that the topography is a little
interesting. He also added that there is a slope to it. He stated that it does not lend itself
to full use as Commercial. He asked what they can do.
Mr. Klein stated that they looked at the ability to try to do Mixed Use. He stated
that with all the talk about smart growth and with what they have been seeing with the
TVC and some of the things that are going to come out of it, there is really no ability in
St. Lucie County to do a true Mixed Use development. He stated that as part of what that
discussion was leading into, you cannot do residential at all in any commercial area in St.
Lucie County. He stated that Ft. Pierce has the ability to have the first floor to be retail
and upper floors to be residential. He added that in regards to the live-work aspect of that
discussion, it cannot be done in St. Lucie County now.
He stated that they wanted to make a statement, a difference has and they wanted
to be a catalyst for change in the area. He stated that he have had numerous discussions
with Mike Busha, at the Regional Planning Council, about this. He stated that they knew
that things were going to be coming forward in time to address the present discussion.
He stated that they have talked with certain people at the County. He stated that the idea
here was to do something specific and different because they did not feel like this area
could wait. He added that it has been neglected for years and it is time to do something.
He concluded that their solution was to utilize the MXD Land Use designation.
He reiterated what Mr. Kelly had said regarding what they had learned, the last
time that they did that with the DCA. He added there was a different perspective of the
MXD between the two of them. He stated that they viewed everything at its maximum
use. He stated that they provided the sub-area policies. He stated that they have used the
sub-area policies for a couple of different things. He stated that it provides them the
ability to have some flexibility and it puts a limitation on what they can do, so that there
is no question about it. He stated that Ms. Stolzenberg had spoken a little about the lack
of certainty at this stage and the development agreement. He stated that they believe that
this is unique because they have the sub-area policies. He stated that as you look down
them, you will see exactly what they intend to do. He stated that Mr. Houston will go
through them a little more shortly.
He stated that clearly the two key ones that were providing the flexibility that they
wanted to create, were to provide the ability in the Comprehensive Plan. He added that
they have to do these conditions in the Comprehensive Plan so that the LDRs can adapt to
it, provide what you can have on this property only. Mr. Klein stated that they are not
trying to change the world for the County. He added that they are just looking at the
subject property; provide the fact that you could have Residential on top of non-
Residential use on this development.
He stated that they also looked at the PMUD, which is the Planned Mixed Use
Development Provisions of the code. He stated that it surprised them to learn that there
was a limitation stating that you could only do up to forty percent of the property in
Residential. He stated that you are going to need a certain amount of residential to
support the commercial. He stated that the idea here, with the density, is to provide a core
of residential that uses the sub-area policies that talk about walk-ability and connectivity
and pedestrian access to keep them off of US1. He added that it will allow them to walk
over to stores that will be there, in which they have numbered to no less than one hundred
thousand or no more than two hundred thousand square feet. Therefore the sub-area
policies provide a nucleus of Residential to be able to support the Commercial and make
it viable. They do not want what is going on now to take place again in the future, with
regards to failed Commercial.
Mr. Klein concluded that it is a big picture approach to try to create a viable
community. He stated that they are excited about the fact that they have the opportunity
to do this. He added that they are excited about the fact that they have the ability to do
something that is unique. He concluded stating that he was going to let Mr. Houston
speak. Mr. Klein asked if there were any questions.
Mr. Michael Houston approached the podium to speak. He stated that they were
presenting something extraordinary to the board. He stated that St. Lucie County is
evolving and he feels that their application is part of that evolution. He stated that they
have spoken to the Board about some of the other projects that they have presented. He
added that they all have been part of a positive evolution. He stated that when they
looked at the tools that they had to work with, it became clear that the County was
missing some tools. He added that developers too, were missing some tools. He stated
that they want to talk about the issues regarding the subject property. His question
concerning the subject property is why are the forty-six acres in North County
inappropriate to all being Commercial. He also asked why is the MXD appropriate for
them to use it. He asked why the sub-area policies, which Mr. Klein discussed, are great
tools. He concluded that the sub-area policies are very interesting as part as the
Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Houston stated that it gets you part of the way to planning
He also asked why this is a good example of how it works. He stated that they will
present examples of similar projects and things that they think that they will be presenting
to the Board, over the next few months. He pointed out that exhibit C at the back of the
staff report, is a schematic conceptual development plan. He stated that it is far from a
real plan; however it is an illustration as to how they see the property being developed.
He stated that where they see a village center, there will be a mix of commercial and
residential Uses. He stated that where they see residential, it will be of a high intensity to
allow the kind of node that allows more walk-ability in the community, mass transit will
be discussed and it is also more appropriate because of the character of the site. He
concluded that that exhibit is kind of the basics for some of the things that he will present
Chairman Grande asked if he could point the entrance to Coconut Cove out on the map,
relative to this particular layout.
Mr. Houston pointed it out to him on the map. He also added that he will show them
more of the Coconut Cove in more detail shortly.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Houston.
Mr. Houston pointed out the site location, the North County and the Indian River County
line. He stated that the Indian River County line is very close to the site and it is
probably just up a couple of thousand feet. He pointed out to the east, the Coconut Cove
PUD. He stated that the label there is wrong, he clarified that Holiday Pines is down to
the south. He added that Spanish Lakes is to the left. Mr. Houston stated that what you
see here is kind of a unique North County character. He stated that the environmental
influence is the Savannahs, which are very significant. He also stated that the area along
the river with the mangroves is pretty much along most of the eastern edge of that.
Mr. Houston stated that because of its features, he believes that it is an unusual part of the
county. He pointed out the uses that are on the site presently. He stated that if anyone
has not driven north to Vero Beach, he would not consider US1 a gateway for St. Lucie
County. He stated that he does not know where the gateway begins or ends. He listed
the uses that were there, including the old Chinese Restaurant that was there and the
debris. He stated that there are a variety of uses that are not particularly attractive. He
stated that the site is unique, in the sense that it is also on the ridge. He stated that they
have already talked a little about this regarding Coconut Cove. Mr. Houston stated that
the high point of the site is about forty-five feet. He stated that regarding US1, it is about
thirty-five feet. He also added that Old Dixie is about fifteen feet. He concluded that it
has quite a grade.
Mr. Houston pointed out the land uses that surround them, on the map. He stated that
Staff had done a very good job of going through them. He stated that you can see
Coconut Cove PUD to the east. He stated that the FIND property and Harbor Branch
Oceanographic are a special district land uses. He stated that the majority of the
Residential is the RU, which is Residential Urban. He stated that this is an in-fill piece
and it is part of the Urban Service Area.
He pointed out on the map and stated that the red on the map indicated the commercial.
He stated that is kind of in a scattered pattern. He stated that there is more commercial to
the south as you head toward Ft. Pierce, but this is kind of an odd mix up here of small
pieces. He moved to another place on the map and stated that it runs all the way from
US1 to Dixie. He commented that he is not sure why it was designated that way. He
added that it is a 1991 designation. He also stated that it is a big piece of Commercial.
He stated that when you look at the topography, it is kind of an odd piece. He stated that
the surrounding uses, which go back to the gateway, are pretty mixed. He stated that they
are hoping as part of this project, and others in the area, that they begin to change the
character or North County and that the gateway does start to be formed.
Mr. Houston stated that one of the things that they looked at when they were looking at
the Commercial question was pertaining to the forty-six acres of Commercial. The
question was if they needed that from a market stand point. He stated that they looked at
the other commercial shopping centers that have grocery stores in the area. He stated that
Community Commercial it is approximately one hundred and two or one hundred-fifty
thousand square feet, or sometimes less or more. He stated that the three centers are all
within relative close distance and they have taken pictures of those for proof. He stated
that South Vero Square is on Oslo Road, which is north of the site by about two miles.
He added that if is actually the closest Commercial to the site. He stated that Indrio
Crossings at Lakewood Park is three and a half miles to the west. He also added that
Taylor Creek Commons, which is a new store that Publix has taken over, is five miles to
the south of us.
He stated that one of the questions pertains to that which was discussed aforetime about
concurrency. He stated that although they are not asking for a development order, they
certainly understand the question about what are the impacts of the change. He pointed
out that they have created a chart showing the impacts of traffic. The chart also shows,
under existing Commercial, how the forty-six acres would generate twenty-four thousand
trips a day. He added stating that five hundred of those would be A.M.; twenty-three
hundred would be P.M. under the Mixed Use, using the maximum. He concluded stating
that this is why the early discussion that they had pertaining to what they were asking for
was so important. He stated that under the maximum, there will be fourteen thousand
trips generated. He stated that four hundred and forty of them will be A.M. and fourteen
will be P.M. He stated that with the sub-areas that they are proposing, their numbers are
at the bottom, which is a substantial reduction from the twenty-four. He clarified that it
was over sixty percent reduction. He stated that this is nine thousand, one hundred
twenty-one trips and the A.M. and P.M. hour travels are seen as well. He stated that this
is also on a percentage bases and the reduction of trips at the bottom, as they view the
specific proposal that they have from an overall project on daily trips as well as the
seventy percent reduction on A.M., and forty percent on P.M. He reiterated that this is a
substantial reduction in the number of trips that could be out on US1, if it is viewed from
a traffic perspective.
Mr. Houston stated that it is instructive to look at the definition of Mixed Use pertaining
to the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that Staff has done a good job including that,
however he wants to underscore it once more. He stated that it is intended for the areas
where traditional land use classification does not afford the desire, flexibility, and input
in community land use planning. He stated that areas with special or unique
environmental considerations are used to encourage innovative land use concepts. He
stated that any change to the MXD requires a PUD, PNRD or PMUD, so that that MXD,
will be presented before the Board and the County Commission, after the land use change
is made. He added that it allows up to fifteen units to the acre. He stated that this is a
key item, wherein all uses will be compatible with internal and external adjacent land
uses. He stated that this really states that how they are going to design this will have to
work both outside and inside the project which is part of the PUD.
He stated that this also deals a lot with what the TVC is attempting to do, wherein it is
some of the smart growth concepts that they have applied. He added that what they have
applied is very much a part of the connected street network, as compared to isolated
streets. He stated that architectural elements that are attractive bring and create a special
sense of place. He stated that he will show the community gathering places shortly. He
stated that community green spaces will be green and will be usable for an entire
community. He stated that the big part of this is allowing the pedestrian to be a part of
the experience of community planning. He reiterated that US1 in not exactly what he
also stated that an integration of the Residential and non-
Residential uses, walk-able communities to reduce the dependency on automobiles,
creates a sustainable preservation areas. He stated that there needs to be quality
preservation. He stated that these are the sub-areas policies that are in the Staff report.
He stated that they are limiting the maximum number of units to 586 units and a
minimum of 250. He stated that they can later talk specifically about what the densities
are. He stated that they are in a mixed range and it depends on how much ends up being
Residential and how much is Commercial. He added that there could be further
Ms. Hammer asked how many of the acres are going to be made Residential with the
fifteen units per acre, in regards to the forty-six acres.
Mr. Houston replied that at this point, they do not have a specific acreage, since the
application is for the MXD across the entire property. He added that the range of 250 to
586 was given because of the unknown acreage. He stated that based on the planning
that they are doing today, they will probably be between the two. He stated that if you
use the maximum, you would be over 600. He stated that if you used it across the entire
site, it will be 690, wherein they are substantially under that. For example, if ten acres
were taken away for Commercial and the maximum was used, then you would be 540.
Chairman Grande asked if he could stop Mr. Houston at this point and ask questions
regarding the specific area.
Mr. Houston replied, absolutely.
Chairman Grande stated that if he understands correctly, looking at exhibit C, it is being
proposed that residential high density would be residential. He added that he feels that
the strip area, Village Center high intensity, would be the area where they are considering
a Mixed Use-Residential over Commercial.
Mr. Houston replied that Chairman Grande was correct.
Chairman Grande asked Mr. Houston if he has considered the density in the Coconut
Cove area next door, wherein he imagines being a major part of the customer base in
terms of planning for the density required to support the Commercial that would like to
be seen.
Mr. Houston replied that they have absolutely considered that. He stated that there are
not that many rooftops in the North County. He added that there are opportunities for in
fill; however, it is still evolving. He stated that this is the Mixed Use area and they are
using it as the entrance to Coconut and the project itself. He stated that they are using the
ridge, because of how it drops down, as more of the Residential.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Houston.
Mr. Houston stated that their third sub-area policy deals with the square footage of
Commercial. He stated that they have looked at how much acreage that the property had.
He stated that they also looked at what was in the area. He concluded that that is how
they came up with one hundred to two hundred thousand. He added that it may be at the
lower end, because of the nature of the North County and Commercial demand which is
based on the other three centers which he described. He pointed out the Mixed Use on
the map. He stated that they are allowing Residential dwelling units to be permitted
above, on Residential.
He also stated that within the project, there has to be a designated transit stop location
and a variety of housing choices. He stated that housing-type questions, is probably a
lesser question about different products as much as it is about how to use the Mixed Use
appropriately to create a product that does not exist today, in regards to market needs. He
stated that public open space shall be provided with each neighborhood and possibly each
neighborhood should be planned in the most housing area with walking distance. He
added that they believe that all units will be in walking distance. He also added that half a
mile is the typical standard for them. He pointed out the cross section regarding the
county line and US1 on the map. He stated that what they have shown is an area out
along US1, which probably has a grocery store or a large user. He added that it blends in
to what will become the live-work units. He stated that it will be on both sides of a main
street. He stated that they are describing it as a main street because it an important public
He pointed out the Mint area on the map, in regards to some of the preservations
discussions that they had earlier. He stated that there is a pretty substantial area, which
contains Live Oaks, which run along Dixie. He added that they will become a part of
their transition. He pointed out the twenty-five foot drop, from one end to the other on
the map. He stated that they are attempting to take advantage of the units with views
along the river. He showed a display of what he was talking about on the screen so that it
will be easier to see. He stated that it is just the next evolution of exhibit C. He added
that they have begun to see that there is probably a need for another connector off of US1
and a connection from US1 to Dixie. He pointed out the other connections on the map,
explaining how the one is a bridge connection and it will not come down to Dixie,
therefore the connectivity part becomes more important.
He also pointed out the areas of Live Oak preservation on the map. He stated that there
is a stand in the existing driving range that is out there presently.
He pointed the Commercial area out on the map. He stated that this is the area where the
town center will be, which are the live-work units, over retail. He stated that the purely
Commercial portion of it will be on both sides of this entrance road.
He stated that they have indicated that the Mint Preserve area, which Mr. Hearn has
asked about, at this point appears to be 2.2 acres. He concluded that they still have work
to do regarding getting the acreage tied down. He stated that he showed the images
because he wanted to give them an idea of what their ideas look like.
He pointed the live-work unit over retail out on the map. He added that they are thinking
about as to put it on the main street. He showed another example on the screen. He
pointed out that it may be a little larger than what they are considering, however, the idea
that is there is consistent to their idea.
Mr. Houston added that the atmosphere is very walk-able. He also added that there is
shade, and balconies which contribute to making the area a comfortable space. He
pointed out that there is outdoor seating, wherein plazas and restaurants can seat people
for outdoor comfort. He stated that one of the key things regarding looking at a town
house design is the idea that there is a public space which is beyond the wall. He stated
that the private or semi-private space leads up to your door. He stated that one of the
items that were mentioned is important to the green space, therefore they will be working
to make those Preserve areas a part of the overall community green space, wherein biking
and walking will be workable. He stated that there are good examples about new design
ideas and Commercial ideas in Florida, wherein it does not have to be backed up with big
parking lots in front of it.
He showed an example of a picture of a Publix, which is designed in Orlando. He stated
that the Publix has a sense of street and urban design, instead of the typical Publix. He
stated that it has changed the feeling of a typical shopping center.
He also showed an image of street furniture. He stated that the little details like the ones
he has discussed become important. He stated that Staff has walked through a number of
important items. He stated that the idea which will be limited to the mentioned uses is
that they are addressing the issue of the plant species and they are beginning to move
forward toward the PMUD. He stated that the potential for absorbing some of the work
and shopping trips internally is a key part of that. He stated that there probably will not
be a big percentage of people who live there and work. He reiterated that they are
consistent with the intent of the North County Charrette. He stated that it may or may
have not been the appropriate use in the 1990s due to the lack of the level of study that
they are at today.
Mr. Hearn asked a question regarding the previous slide that was shown, which regarded
light industrial. He asked what type of light industrial do they intend on anticipating.
Mr. Houston replied that Staff had listed all of the uses, and that they do not propose any
light industrial. He added that the only area that is commonly discussed is Artists
Quarters. He stated that a potter or a ceramic Kiln may discuss the Artists Quarters area
because it falls in the category of light industrial. He concluded stating that they do
believe that what they are offering is a better tool. He stated that the Commercial is an
acreage greater than it needs to be. He also added that they are bringing new ideas with
the sub-area policies. He stated that they will be back with the specific project. He stated
that this is an opportunity for them to continue to try to add new tools to the box in St.
Lucie County. Mr. Houston thanked the Board.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Houston
Mr. Knapp asked a question pertaining to the traffic study. He stated that he was not sure
if he understands the existing use or how by adding five hundred units the project would
be getting less trips a day. He asked if it was a comparison between the maximums for
different uses.
Mr. Houston stated that is. He explained that they just use maximums because they
really do not have anything else to use.
Mr. Knapp asked what is the existing commercial at its maximum, based upon.
Mr. Houston stated that it is based on the allowed coverage on a commercial parcel.
Mr. Jason Matson, with Kimley Horn approached the podium to speak. He stated that the
existing scenario is looking at the forty-six acres at fifty percent lot coverage, which is
per the Commercial zoning. He stated that they are basically looking at a million square
Mr. Knapp asked if he had said that it is fifty percent lot coverage.
Mr. Matson replied yes.
Mr. Knapp stated okay, for clarification.
Mr. Matson continued stating that it is about a million square feet of commercial in the
first scenario. He stated that you are actually dropping, in the scenario with the proposed
Mixed Use, to about two hundred thousand maximum. He stated that they looked at the
maximum retail scenario, along with the residential.
Mr. Knap asked if he was saying that the twenty-four thousand is a million square feet
and that there is only five hundred trips in the morning to that spot, where the million
square feet of commercial is. He stated that he does not understand that AM peak hour.
He reiterated the comment made toward the five hundred and one trips. He asked if the
Mr. Matson replied correct. He clarified that it referred to the AM peak hour trips. He
stated that with the retail center, the AM trip generation is fairly low from the seven to
nine timeframe.
Mr. Knapp asked if the existing use is all retail.
Mr. Matson stated that it is all commercial retail.
Mr. Knapp replied that it is general commercial. He asked if it includes light industry
and other things also.
Mr. Matson stated that the rate that they use for commercial is a very conservative rate of
shopping center retail.
Mr. Knapp replied okay. He also asked if the bottom, including their proposal, would be
nine thousand trips with the two thousand trips maximum, plus the 586 units.
Mr. Matson replied that that was correct. He stated that it incorporates internal capture
between the two.
Mr. Knapp asked what their internal capture rate on that was.
Mr. Matson replied that the residential is approximately ten percent for internal capture.
He also stated that the retail is about three percent.
Mr. Knapp asked if it was apparently small.
Mr. Matson replied correct. He added that they are consistent with the ITE trip
generation matrixes that were reviewed by Staff.
Chairman Grande stated that he assumes that that was not someone disagreeing with Mr.
Mr. Knapp asked if the peak hour was the number of trips of people leaving and coming
in the morning.
Mr. Matson replied that those were actually two-way trips. He clarified that that was an
in and out in the morning peak hour. He reiterated that they represent a two-way trip. He
stated that the directional trips in and out would be the sum of the in and out trips as seen
on the display.
Mr. Knapp asked if that was based on five hundred units.
Mr. Matson replied yes.
Mr. Knapp asked if it was only three hundred trips a day out of 586 units in the morning.
Mr. Matson clarified that three hundred and forty-four only pertains to the morning peak
hour from seven to nine.
Mr. Knapp replied that on five hundred and something units, it is about less than half or a
quarter of the people who live there, actually leaving in the morning. He asked if that
was what their projection is based upon.
Mr. Matson replied that this is ITE. He stated that it is for a residential town home
condominium. He stated that a single family home is probably what he has in vision.
Mr. Knapp replied, no not really.
Mr. Matson stated that from an ITE perspective, which is where they generate their trip
rates and equations from, on average a single family home is upward of nine trips per
day. He stated that a town home condominium on average is around five or six. He
stated that after you look at the internal capture, this is the result that it is all from, which
is their ITE trip generation calculation.
Chairman suggested that it is an unusual and exciting community because there are
almost three times as much people that come back in the afternoon, than those that left in
the morning.
Mr. Knapp stated that his reason for questions is based on the fact that numbers did not
seem to have an impact at all.
Mr. Matson stated that it is assumed that all five hundred are occupied. He stated that
there is seasonality in residential condominiums.
Mr. Knapp stated that there could be two people living in each unit, which therefore
makes it over a thousand people all together. He added that if a third of them leave at
peak hour, which is from seven to nine in the morning and four to six in the afternoon, it
seems really low. He also included the people that come in to work there, if it is retail.
Mr. Knapp concluded.
Chairman Grande thanked the speakers.
Ms. Hammer asked a question of Staff. She stated that they talked about the Mixed Use
high intensity and that there were other categories. She asked if the next one was Mixed
Use medium intensity.
Ms. Stolzenberg replied yes.
Ms. Hammer asked if they could tell her what the units per acre are for medium intensity.
Ms. Stolzenberg replied that medium intensity is a range of five to nine dwelling units per
Ms. Hammer asked what the next category under the medium intensity is.
Ms. Stolzenberg replied that it is low intensity and the residential there is not to exceed
five dwelling units per acre.
Ms. Hammer used an example to ask a question. Her example was in regard to
calculating residential units in concerning Mixed Use units. She used round numbers to
make the example illustration easier. She asked that if there are fifty acres and you have
and twenty-five acres are going to be designated for
residential, are those twenty-five acres the only ones that get the five to nine, or not more
than five or is it that number over that whole fifty acres and that number is crammed into
the twenty-five acres.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that they have tried to convey to the State and the department of
Community Affairs that they are not going to be double counting. She clarified that if a
certain number of acres are used in the calculations for the residential, they cannot also be
used in the calculation for how many square feet of non residential. She stated that that
does not mean that you can not co-locate with the uses, so that you can conceivably have
a first floor that is Commercial and a second floor that is Residential, as long as you are
not exceeding the counts that you would come up with.
Ms. Hammer asked if you have fifty acres and you are going to designate twenty-five of
them for residential (she used ten of the units per acre for round numbers), will you get of
the twenty-five acres, ten units per acre or two hundred fifty units or would you get fifty
acres times ten units and get five hundred units.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated no, if you are saying that you are going to identify a certain
number of residential units and the acres that are generating those, then you are not
multiplying the allowable residential over the entire acreage. She clarified that you are
just using that acreage to determine the maximum number of units that you can have.
She added that you can locate or co-locate them with some of the non-Residential Uses.
She concluded that you cannot go over that number that you have set as the bench mark
for how many you are going to have. She stated that she knows that this sound very
strange, however, it is Mixed Use and it is not that easy to explain. She added that
essentially you are saying that you are going to set up the bench mark declaring the
number of Residential units, which does not necessarily mean that they are all here. She
concluded that the key point is declaring the amount of units.
Ms. Hammer stated that she understands that part. She asked that when the applicant
comes back up again, she would like to know why they requested the high intensity rather
than medium intensity. She asked if that is five to nine units, how many acres are they
talking about for Residential.
Chairman Grande replied that from his understanding of the explanation, he does not find
it reasonable to acquaint it to acres. He added that he thinks that the deal is in regards to
when they do submit a final plan; Commercial that is
in the plan and the number of units of Residential that are in the plan in total. He stated
that if you take the acreage that it would take to support the Residential in the plan, and
subtract that from the total acreage then you would have to be able to entitle the
Commercial by what is left and vice-versa. He stated that he feels that Ms. Stolzenberg
has indicated several times that they want to make it clear to the state that they will not
allow double dipping, using the same entitlement for both, Commercial and Residential,
even though they can be in the same physical space. He stated that he thinks that the
applicants have agreed to that in terms of talking about the perimeter that they are
looking to stay within as they build out. He asked if what he had said was clarifications.
Ms. Hammer replied that it did clarify. She stated that her concern is always the number
of residential units. She stated that if you are looking at 586 units, then that is more than
ten units per acre if you were looking at the whole forty-six acres. She added that you are
looking at 12.4 units per acre. She stated that if it was medium intensity, the maximum
that you would be looking at is forty-six times nine which would be 495.
Chairman Grande stated that it cannot add up to four hundred ninety-five. He clarified
that it will be estimated to be around four hundred. He stated that he thinks that they are
saying that if they use the total entitlement, to build up to the maximum Residential then
there would be nothing left for Commercial.
Mr. Kelly replied that that is correct.
Chairman Grande stated that unless they were planning to have no Commercial element,
then they could not build to that maximum wherein they would get cut off by nine.
Ms. Hammer asked what then would be the reason of having a maximum dwelling unit
number of 586 units.
Chairman Grande replied it is because they were asking for a maximum entitlement of
fifteen, not of nine.
Mr. Klein approached the podium to speak. He stated that maybe that is a question for
him to answer. He stated that he is aware that there is a concern about density. He stated
that they had to address the potential of that concern. He stated that it goes back to the
ability that he had spoken of earlier and some of the things that will be discussed in
regard to the TVC Element when it comes forward. He stated that if there is not enough
Residential to support the Commercial, then they can pull back the pictures of some of
the other Commercial in the area. He stated that it has to be there to support it. He stated
that it recognizes that in all fairness, high density regarding fifteen units per acres has
some years to perk up. He stated that the nine units do not get you where you need to be
and the fifteen units allow more than is necessary or more than anyone is comfortable
Chairman Grande clarified that it is six hundred and ninety.
Mr. Klein continued stating that the sub-area policy is designed to provide a range that
gives you some comfort that they are not looking to dredge every potential unit out of the
site as might be indicated otherwise with the highest density allowed in the county. He
added that it also gives them the ability, as was indicated earlier, to have DCA review this
in an appropriate and practical manner, which is exactly what could go here, not their
everything and it does not make any sense. He stated that it
was an effort to be practical in terms of appropriate type development, allowing the
flexibility of a true Mixed Use without knowing where the units are going to go. He
added that they are here with the conceptual plan. He stated that as they get in and start
doing the site plan and start working with the environmental division, engineering, and
the utilities, things will move around. He stated that they need to be able to have that
flexibility so that it is allowed over that whole site, but the limitations there that they
want the board to recognize is that they have certain desires that they want to have met
here and they do not want to go higher than that.
Ms. Hammer replied that she appreciates what Mr. Klein is saying. She stated that her
focus is in regards to the future. She stated that if he walks out and is stuck by lightening
and the present owner flips the land to someone else, and they come in and say that it was
given to them by the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Board, the zoning of future
land use of Mixed Use high intensity, and by reason of approval, that they have the right
to be able to put in the fifteen units per acre in effect. She concluded that this is what her
fear is.
Mr. Klein stated that he appreciates her concern. He also stated that that is the beauty of
what they have done. He stated that had they not included the sub-area policies that, that
is exactly what could happen. He stated that the sub-area policies are in a box on the map
in the Comprehensive Plan of St. Lucie County. He stated that in order to change the sub-
area policies, while there is a theoretical upper limit of fifteen units per acre, there is an
actual upper limit of two hundred thousand square feet of Commercial and 586 units of
Residential. He concluded that that cannot be changed unless someone goes through the
process of changing the Comprehensive Plan, wherein they have to appear before the
board, seek permission to change the Comprehensive Plan (which is only allowed twice a
year), and they have appear before DCA for review and Treasure Coast Regional
Planning Council. He stated that finally they have to reappear before the board for
adoption. He concluded that that is why they have done this and it cannot happen
without going through that process. He clarified that it was not the matter of someone
saying that they will cram it down their throat, but it is a matter of saying, if they would
consent to changing that n
having heard the long discussion with the original developers, I vow not to change it
because the original number is the number that we want to keep.
Ms. Hammer replied okay.
Chairman Grande replied that he thinks that there is more than a hundred
difference between the projected maximum number and what would be allowable as
Residential if they fudged and did not include Commercial. He stated the numbers
declare a true intent to do a Mixed Use and mix commercial and Residential together,
which is a very positive offering.
Mr. Klein reiterated that they were trying to do something different and that it is the idea
of creating the node with the ability to get to it, without having to get into your car and to
provide something for the other residents that are up there that may have had to drive a
long way. He asked if there were any other questions.
Ms. Hammer stated that the land is zoned Commercial. She asked if there are any
benefits to the community to go from Commercial to allowing 586 dwelling units. She
stated that if you were inside of the crossed off line, then you would have to buy that
density transfer, if everything happens.
Mr. Klein answered the second part first. He stated that he does not agree with that
because Monday afternoon, the County Commissioners clearly stated that inside of the
Urban Service area is going to be different from the outside of the Urban Service area.
He stated that there are certain aspects of areas inside of the Urban Service area that are
going to be able to increase their density because of land uses that are not going to have
to buy density, which remains to be seen. He stated that if you ask about the public
benefit, it is obvious to see what the benefits are. He stated that the screen contains the
features that they have shown and provides examples of the public benefit.
He stated that the impact to their roads is reduced from 24,376 potential trips to 9,121.
He stated that he would go further to say that that is at 586 units and two hundred
thousand square feet of Commercial. He stated that he is willing to bet that it will not be
the full development of both of those; therefore the number may go down further.
He stated that the second aspect is creating the type of development that they are
encouraging. He stated that he would submit to them, that when someone comes and
voluntarily looks to do a development that is unique to the community to provide
something that does not exist or to provide a catalyst to that community to achieve what it
should have achieved but is yet held back from achieving for so long, to view that the
public benefit comes from the lifting up of the North County area, in that area which has
been neglected for so long.
He stated that they are providing the type of living and working area that is trying to be
promoted in some areas rather than some of the development that is seen down south,
which was indicated as unfavorable. He stated that he feels that there is a lot of public
benefit and he does not believe that it can always be simplified to the fact regarding
wanted density needs to be bought. He stated that he thinks that that is just as bad as
what some of the developers down south say. He added that he does not agree with the
analysis in the context of what the development is trying to do as a whole.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Klein.
Mr. Klein concluded that the only other point that he would add regards the
had a long discussion regarding the benefits that are created by the sub-area policies and
the protection that they create for the county as well as the self imposed limitations that
they create for the developers and the ability to create the flexibility and allow a plan to
develop and a PMUD, in this case most likely, to be able to operate as a flexible
document as opposed to some of the rigidity that they have seen before. He stated that he
He stated that he believes that they have voluntarily imposed upon themselves enough
not know what it would involve nor does he feel that it is necessary in this case. He
concluded stating that he urges the Board not to recommend that that recommendation be
continued. He made a comment regarding the Stop Gap. He stated that it is believed that
they might be in the area of the Stop Gap. He also stated that he would like an
affirmative recommendation consistent with what was done earlier, regarding the
elimination or excluding of any concerns of them being in the Stop Gap. He stated that
Regional Policy Plan and the State Comprehensive Plan. He stated that they believe that
they are consistent in all aspects and they request that the boards recommendation of
Mr. Hearn asked a question regarding the event that the group may feel like a de
agreement would be appropriate. He asked Mr. Klein if he would suggest to them the
type of languag
Mr. Klein stated that he does not know.
Mr. Hearn asked if he was willing to say something that closely resembles what they
presented at the meeting.
Mr. Klein stated that he presented a conceptual plan that they drew up without having
gone through environmental review, engineering review, or Staff review for testing to
meet all of the criteria. He stated that they may not want him to sign that because it may
aspects of it. He stated that he feels that it is a dangerous double edged sword that no one
should want to have at this point.
Mr. Hearn stated that he is trying to bridge the gap between what is suggested and what
stated that if he had more understanding of it, may be he would have an idea. He added
agreement. He stated that it does not tell him anything regarding making an informed
decisions. He stated that based on his knowledge of the process, there is so much yet to
come. He stated that upon reviewing the question made regarding the Mint, he has no
idea of how big the Mint is.
Chairman Grande stated that the Staff is positioning itself to answer that question.
Mr. Klein replied okay.
Mr. Kelly stated that the Staff is really satisfied with the sub-area policies, except in the
area of the preservation of the Mint. He stated that they want to ensure that that is
protected. He stated that that is the issue.
Chairman Grande reiterated that the question was more along the lines of, given that you
are satisfied with the sub-
would tie them very closely to the conceptual that they have presented so far, which they
clearly indicated is at best, the conceptual and something better may emerge. He asked if
they otherwise were saying that the agreement should firm up the sub elements that are in
here and talk to the conservation area and the Mint area.
Mr. Kelly replied, the latter. He stated that they need to be more specific about things
pertaining to the preservation area.
Chairman Grande asked if the recommendation that was referred to the presentation of
their conceptual
in together.
agreement. He stated that they have come down to a real concern about the sub-area
policies that have been proposed. He stated that he believes that it really takes care of the
majority of the issues that they were talking about.
Chairman Grande asked if it would be fair to say that when this is passed on to the
County Commission,
seen, so it will no longer be a conceptual discussion.
Mr. Kelly replied that he is not sure that it will be because he is not sure that they will
agreement in place. He added that Staff wants to ensure that the
issues of preservation and the Mint are dealt with. He stated that if there is a method
that would be acceptable, which is some level of
enhanced sub-area policies to deal with it. He stated that they all have acknowledged that
they need to deal with it.
Mr. Klein stated that he is still a little confused. He asked if there was any aspect of the
St. Lucie County Land Development Code dealing with preservation of that type of plant
or dealing with the design of a planned development that is believed to be inadequate to
protect the Mint during the process that is going forward. He stated that their presentation
does not allow them to do anything. He stated that it is not a development order, nor is it
a development permit. He stated that he cannot move forward and do anything.
Mr. Kelly replied that he is correct.
Mr. Klein continued asking if he wanted to go forward if he had to come back and go
through the site plan process and the plan development process and meet all of the
Mr. Kelly stated that that was correct.
deficient with regards to the Mint area, s
Mr. Kelly stated that the question being asked is if their code is deficient in that area.
Chairman Grande replied that he does not know. He added that the answer is not
necessarily yes nor no.
Mr. Klein replied that he was not saying that because he does not want to do it. He
clarified that he feels that it is a bit of overkill. He stated that he is aware of the processes
that are included in the procedures. He stated that he knows that they are going to have
to come back. He stated that they know that it is there. He added that they have put it on
their drawing. He stated that he does not know how they are going to come back and do
a PMUD in front of the board and not have dealt with the Mint properly. He stated that
he does not know what can be said now, that is going to be more than what the code
requires him to do.
Mr. Lounds stated that if Staff
hands with the environmental protection group, then they can come up with the answer as
how to preserve the Mint. He stated that either of the offices can do that for him. He
added that it will resolve the issue of how to preserve the Mint and what needs to be done
around it, including air flow, water shed and everything else in regards to the plant being
involved. He asked Mr. Klein if he knows what the plant looks like.
Mr. Klein replied yes. He added that the plant is very nice and pretty.
Mr. Lounds stated that the plant is very delicate. He also stated that that would answer
StaffMint in a
preserved area. He stated that it can be done at the University of Florida with Amy and
input joined together with it. He stated that he feels that that would help
answer the question regarding how big the Preserve is going to be. He stated that Mr.
Klein may find that it needs to be bigger, or that there is a way that he can transplant it
and put it some place else. He concluded stating until he asks them, he will never know.
Mr. Klein stated that they are going to do all of that. He stated that he does not know
what he is suppose to say that he will do in a agreement now, that is not
going to cover exactly what he has to do during the process. He stated that he thinks that
mean anything different is
irrelevant. He stated that they are willing to work with Staff and that they understand the
desire to come up with something. He stated that they have narrowed it down to
something that is probably workable and he commits to the board that they will try to do
something that lends more certainty to the process, but he just does not know what it is at
this point.
Ms. Hammer asked Staff if there have been any communication or comment from Indian
River officials.
Mr. Kelly stated that he is not aware of any.
Ms. Hammer stated that the reason being for her question is in regards to a project that
the board had approve, which was near the Indian River County line. She stated that she
was lead to believe that they had no problem with it and she later found out that there
actually was a problem. She again asked if there had been any input on the subject from
them at all.
Mr. Kelly replied that he will make an effort to make sure that they coordinate there.
Mr. Hearn commented on the point that Ms. Hammer had raised. He stated that he feels
that the big objection that he sees regarding the folks in Indian River County is that they
would like to have the development in their own county, rather than our county.
Chairman Grande asked Mr. Kelly to point out something on page eight under the
policy 211, which is in consistency with
the Transportation Element. He stated that there is a discussion about signalization
requirements on US1. He stated that if they were looking for the developer to get the
future land use changed, that the developer would actually under write the signalization
something else.
Ms. Stolzenberg replied that they are entering into the borderline of talking about things
that get into the development order. She stated that when someone does this kind of
analysis on transportation impacts, at the land use stage, it is hard to stop and declare an
exact amount of trips that the land use will generate. She stated that they keep going one
step further and they begin talking about road way improvements. She stated that they
not at the stage where they are actually coming forward with a development. She stated
that they were really looking at the land use stage trying to figure out what can they do to
make certain that when they get to the development being proposed that it includes the
types of features that they want on the site, wherein one of them is the Preserve area. She
stated that the discussion was picked up from the consultant that the applicant had
provided as far as where they are going once they get into the development stage. She
stated that the improvements may be necessary, but at the land use stage, they would not
agreement would be as a result of what was seen in the next application that came
forward which may be presented as a PMUD or however they choose to present it.
She stated that they were just looking at the land use stage wherein they were talking
about the area that needs to be preserved however; the exact specifications on it are
unknown. She added that they wanted to make everyone aware of the fact that that is
definitely going to be included, in what ever development proposal that comes in.
Chairman Grande asked if the same kind of assurance was on the sub-element. He asked
if that was the only other thing that would be in the agreement.
because it is memorializes the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that that is something that
is there. He stated that with regards to signalization and traffic improvements with the
and it will require that. He stated that you do not know the exact needs until the
development plan is created.
Mr. Lounds asked if they had gotten to public comments yet.
Chairman Grande replied no.
Mr. Lounds asked if they can get there.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Mr. Marty Sanders, the Growth Management Land Acquisition and Intergovernmental
Relations Director for the school district, approached the podium to speak. He
apologized to the applicant for not notifying them beforehand on the issue. He stated that
he was not aware of all of the issues, until he received the package which was on the day
of the hearing.
He stated that he has been the former facilities director for the school district and as part
of that job; he has provided some input on planning issues. He stated that his role has
changed and now his primary role is to look at growth, and how it impacts the school
He stated that there have been many times wherein the school has been the odd man out,
when it comes to making land use decisions. He stated that things are not looked at, on
behalf of schools. He stated that he believes that Port St. Lucie and the land use
decisions that were made by GDC, and how it impacts the school district with difficulty
in meeting the public school needs is a good example of that.
He stated that there are three developments before the board at the present meeting. He
stated that they have some similarity. He stated that they are all taking some kind of non-
Residential Use and converting them to a Residential Use. He added that this has impacts
on the school district and the needs to provide schools and new school construction, as a
result of it.
He stated that he feels that there are some tremendous components of the project. He
added that he feels that it has a lot of good planning techniques by clustering
development and creating higher density development. He stated that this ultimately
helps in transportation, traffic issues and all of those types of things. He stated that it has
agreement with the County Commission states that the planning will look at impacts on
the school district. He stated that the subject project, upon reviewing the additional
impacts of public school needs, could have from one hundred and sixty to two hundred
and eighty students.
He added that the project is at its conceptual stage and the type of land use is unknown
and he stated that the number of students that may have an impact on the school district
as a result of the subject project depends upon their market. He stated that if you look at
the needs for public schools, taking in consideration the impact fees that would be paid
for the residential units; they could still have between 1.7 and 4.4 million dollars worth of
short fall for public schools needs, without looking at land acquisition. He stated that at
this point and time, they believe that the public school needs should be addressed on this
He stated that he feels that they need to table the project and give him some time to
work with the developer and their attorney to discuss alternatives as to ameliorate the
impacts on the schools.
Mr. Hearn asked Mr. Sanders a question. He stated that they have heard a lot about
workforce housing in the community. He stated that he looks at the project as being a
project that is going to pay a lot more and mean a lot more to the community, than
workforce housing would be, if in fact the housing were workforce. He stated that if the
project is going to create millions of dollars worth of deficits to the school board, then it
needs to be addressed. He stated that he feels that the quality of this development will
bring a lot more ad valorm taxes to the community and the school board, than some of the
other projects that could go into there.
Mr. Sanders stated that he is not quite sure. He stated that he has not looked at the
situation from an economics perspective. However, if you use the same trips generation
which was used in the traffic analysis with a million square feet of commercial, he is not
certain that the ad valorm commercial, than it would be for the
Mr. Sanders replied that certainly an undeveloped property does not bring a lot of an ad
valorm taxes to anyone. He stated that he is sure that there will be a time certain that it
will convert. He clarified that he was not saying that the project was bad; however he is
certainly saying that as part of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment
inter-local agreement with the school board, that school needs and the common needs for
planning for schools needs to be addressed as part of the land use decisions.
Mr. Hearn replied that he understands that, however, he is not sure if what they are being
asked tonight will even stop that from happening at a later date, before that project comes
Mr. Sanders stated that he is not certain if that was correct because they were asking for a
conversion to Residential. He stated that once they get that conversion, they will obtain a
use by right.
Mr. Hearn stated that he understands that but, that is where the school district has to step
forward and make them pay their fair share.
Mr. Sanders stated that they have no mechanism to do so. He reiterated that the school
decisions and then the school district has to provide the services, no matter how they end
up because of the impacts of the decisions that the local government makes.
Mr. Hearn stated that they have made a lot of bad decisions in past. He stated that he
understands that and that is why he is concerned along with that they do provide for the
Mr. Sanders stated that he has not seen anything in the application that would lead them
to believe what type of housing this might be.
Mr. Hearn stated that he does not understand that.
Chairman Grande made a comment regarding the impact fees before the approval of the
project. He asked Mr. Sanders if that had happened yet.
Mr. Sanders replied that that had not happened yet.
Chairman Grande stated that if the project be approved at the present hearing, with the
advantage of that happening, the school board in simplest terms should probably lose
some energy and come up with a negotiable agreement.
Mr. Sanders replied without a doubt and that he does not believe the board would be
doing the duty of the inter-local agreement with the school district to consider the impact
on the school district before making that land use decisions.
Mr. Hearn stated that before the project comes before the Board of County
Commissioners that Mr. Sanders has the opportunity to do what he is asking to do at the
present hearing. He stated that they are not approving the project.
Mr. Sanders replied that he is sure that the present board will either approve the project or
deny it.
Mr. Hearn restated that they do not approve the project. He clarified that they send
recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. He added that there are a lot
of differences that they found out last month. He stated that Mr. Sanders has the time to
do what he needs to do between now and then.
Mr. Sanders replied okay.
Mr. Lounds stated that it sounds like a motion was being made.
Mr. Hearn replied sure.
Ms. Young replied that she was not sure because as far as the negotiations go, when it
really goes forward with a specific project plans, there will be a lot more detail than is
given now. She added that it can be included in the motion comments that Staff is
directed to work with the school board on any issues that they may have, prior to the
hearing. She concluded that they can do that.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that pursuant to the inter-local agreement that the County has
entered into with the school board, one of the things that they do as Staff is send out
Amendment Applications and site plans along to the school board. She stated that they
have gotten comments on some of those. She also stated that they did not get a comment
on this one; therefore they did not think that this was a problem.
Chairman Grande stated that this seem to be a timing thing.
Mr. Sanders stated that it is a timing issue. He restated that is why began by apologizing
to the applicant that he had not had a chance to talk to them beforehand. He stated that
his change in roles at the school district within the last two months has left him fully
engaged in looking at growth issues.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that they advise the applicants that they are not going to carry
their applications further until they have met with the school board. She added that they
have some kind of correspondence that says how the problem will be resolved or if there
was an agreement, disagreements or a negotiation. She stated that the mitigation, which
is the recommendation that will come from the school board Staff, is not mandatory at
this point in time; however it will eventually be mandatory. She stated that it is
mandatory that they begin to cooperate with the school board, share the information, and
ask for their input and to direct the applicant to meet with them. She concluded that
when they do not get a letter back, it is not their responsibility to direct the applicant to
go through that routine measure. She stated that that routine measurement had worked
for her when she had worked in Ft. Lauderdale. She concluded that there is a sufficient
time that the applicant can meet with the Staff and they can get correspondence back that
would indicate how the matter has been addressed.
Chairman Grande stated that he thinks that that answer is great if the school board
concurs with it. He stated that Mr. Sanders have come forward that they do not move
Mr. Sanders stated that he feels that they have sufficient time between now and the Board
of County Commission meeting that they could work with the applicant to look at ways
that they can mitigate the impacts.
Chairman Grande replied great and he thanked Mr. Sanders.
Mr. Knapp stated that Mr. Sanders mentioned that there were three developments and
that the amount of units could possibly impact the school. He asked Mr. Sanders if that
was a number that he threw out just for this development.
Mr. Sanders replied that that number is just for this development. He stated that those are
using average to medium rates of student generations per household. He stated that it is
really difficult to tell if the market is similar to what they are proposing at Coconut Cove
or something lower than that. He added that if workforce housing is addressed, then it
could be higher than that.
Chairman Grande stated that the number which was indicated was a hundred and sixty to
two hundred and eighty. He stated that if you take the standard that Katherine always
hits them with, then the answer to 586 units would come out in that range.
Mr. Sanders stated that he looked at the five hundred and sixty-eight units with a student
generation rate of .282 per household. He stated that that is the average for multi-housing
in the County, including beach condos to apartments in the city of Ft. Pierce. He stated
that on average in the county, it is .282.
Mr. Knapp stated that he just wanted to clarify that. He stated that he had read in the
newspaper that there had been steps made for the school board to increase their impact
fee. He asked Mr. Sanders if that was his position also to do the study or to get the
impact fee increased or to where it needs to be for the school board.
Mr. Sanders replied that that was correct. He stated that the impact fee tries to pay the
difference between the cost for necessary services from the school district that the
development will create and then the difference between what taxes are paid and revenue
streams come in to help meet that. He stated that currently the impact fees are about
three thousand dollars per dwelling unit. He stated that this past Tuesday the school
board reviewed the closure report from Dr. Nichols at the University of Florida and has
recommended a new impact few of approximately 4,950 dollars. He stated that that
recorded recommendation will be forwarded to the County for their action to appear
before the LP and ultimately the Board of County Commission for adoption of an
updated impact fee.
He stated that that increase of an impact come with two components. He stated that one
of the components is the inclusion of land as part of the impact fee. He stated that
previous historical cost did not include land wherein the land cost was not in the previous
impact fee. He stated that it also looks at a newer construction cost. He stated that they
are looking at the cost of the last two schools that have been constructed and the cost per
student stages and updating it for that as well as the new revenue estimates.
He stated that the school board has a twenty year plan that was created about a year and
a half or two years ago that looked at school needs. He stated that that is approximately
two billion dollars worth of needs over the time period of twenty years. He stated that the
district is trying to devise funding mechanisms because they have very little opportunities
to make new funds. He stated that they do not have the ability. He stated that the state
sets their ability and their ad valorm punctuates with the exception of the two mils that
the local school district has for capital improvements and impact fees. He stated that the
only thing that the school board has control of, within a revenue stream, is the two mils
and impact fees. He stated that they have been looking at that as well as talking about a
half-case of sales taxes, which is a vote referendum that they be on a ballot sometime in
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Sanders and asked if there was anyone else that would
like to speak on the behalf of the application.
Chairman Grande closed the public portion.
Mr. Bobby Klein approached the podium to speak. He stated that he was trying to figure
out how to vouch a response to the discussion. He stated that they have had a number of
motions that he has had to deal with in terms of the discussion. He stated that as a former
president of the education foundation, he is a strong supporter of the schools. He stated
that they have had a number of clients that have gone through the process and have
worked with the school district and have voluntarily agreed to pay an impact fee of four
hundred and ninety-four dollars per unit, that was approved for the development, in
addition to the impact fees that are being accessed because they recognized that there was
a lack of a component for a capital land acquisition.
He stated that they have never anticipated that they would not be doing that, other than
the fact that the impact fees were going to be increased. He stated that their agreement
with the school district states that when the capital component is included in the impact
fees, this voluntary agreement will go away because you will be paying it in your
building permits. He stated that having said that, he has known Mr. Sanders for quite
sometime and they have worked together for a long time. Mr. Klein apologized that Mr.
Sanders had just received the notice today. He added that he would have liked to have
had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Sanders before the present hearing. He stated that
it bothered him to find that the reflection was not appropriate on the project or on the
development team with regards to neglecting to talk with the school district. He stated
that they will try to talk to them, although he is currently busy all the way up to the
He added that they will do the best that they can to accommodate it. He added that he
has a vacation that has been scheduled and the hearing is three weeks from now and he is
not sure if they will have the opportunity to meet and do whatever it is that needs to be
He concluded that he does not know what it is that they need to do. He stated that this is
a premature discussion. He stated that they have shown that the units could be anywhere
from two hundred and something to five hundred and something. He stated that they do
not know the impact. He stated that as Mr. Sanders had indicated, they do not know what
type of units.
He stated that he certainly has no problem sitting down with Mr. Sanders and the
superintendent of the school district, but he is at a total loss as to what it is that they are
going to discuss. He stated that he has every understanding that when they come back
with the defined site plan or PMUD showing what they are going to be doing, they will
be able to analyze he impacts of the project and understand the impacts of the school
district and if they are not addressed properly by the impact fees, they will have the
opportunity to do.
He stated that the general practice has been in this community for the past year and a half
to two years, is that that takes place between the preliminary and the final approvals of
the PUDs. He stated that that is why he feels that he is at a disadvantage because he feels
like if they are putting some condition on him to go talk with them, he is not sure that the
board knows what it is nor Mr. Sanders know what it is that they are talking about. He
added that he knows that he does not know what it is that they are talking about. He
stated that he does not know what he is supposed to be doing. He restated that they will
be talking to the school district, however he does not know what about.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Klein.
Mr. Lounds stated that the rules of engagement between the developers and the school
board are pretty clear that when it comes down to what you end up with, it is what you
are going to pay impact fees on. He stated that this is the first time that a developer and a
group of folks have brought something like this before them. He stated that they have
listened to the Charrette and to the Towns Villages and Countryside and brought Mixed
Use where there is Residential co-habitat with Commercial. He stated that Staff has
probably had a lot of energy into this and he commends them for what they have put
through to it. He stated that he thinks that it is good and he have not heard yet what the
Residential will average out to be.
Mr. Klein stated that of all of the developer clients that he has worked with lately, when
they are asked what their value is like, they do not know because with concrete and steel
and everything else, he does not know.
Mr. Lounds told Mr. Klein to make an assumption.
Mr. Klein replied that he suspect a couple of hundred thousand dollars.
Chairman Grande added that he assumes that the couple of hundred thousand dollars is
per room.
Mr. Lounds stated that it looks like it is a good development and he likes it better than
what was done years ago. He stated that he thinks that if they had been brought
something like this at Porta Fina Shores, then they would feel better today about what
that has turned out to be. He stated that some of his concern is that this type of
development does not impact a community as much as just straight Residential will. He
added that he thinks that that is good. He added that anytime that you can keep the
people in an area, and let them utilize the Commercialism of that area is great.
Chairman Grande asked Mr. Lounds if he was done.
Mr. Lounds replied yes.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other comments.
Ms. Hammer stated that what bother her most are the conversations that she has had with
representers of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. She stated that one of the
reasons that they got to a point where they are looking at the TVC is that the County has
continuously given away density. She stated that this is one of the things that the Staff
indicated to her. She stated that when she asked about how they are going to get people
to pay for the density, that they had said that you do not give it away, therefore you do
have to pay for it. She stated that she is wrestling with the idea of handing over five
hundred and something units of density without them either being purchased from outside
or inside of the Urban Service Boundary, or something done. She stated that she knows
that the applicant said that there is going to be less traffic. She asked what the
community is getting for allowing up to five hundred plus Residential units.
Mr. Lounds stated that he agrees with Ms. Hammer, however he does not know what the
mechanism is or what vehicle they would use to aid that comment. He stated that he does
not know if there is one in place, inside of the Urban Service area. He stated that he does
not know of a stewardship or of a transfer density that works inside of Urban Service area
because it is pretty well set. He stated that if you get outside of the Urban Service area,
where you could do a stewardship from a rural piece of land, however it cannot be
transferred inside of the Urban Service area.
Mr. Kelly stated that the stewardship program is not fully defined but he believes that Mr.
Lounds is correct.
Mr. Lounds stated that he does not know of a way as to transfer density inside an Urban
Service area.
Mr. Kelly stated that they can construct it in a way that you could.
Chairman Grande stated that they are getting a little far of field in that. He stated that
based on how it is perceived; they do not have that mechanism in place. He stated that
they are bringing to them and their future land use request to what is there now and or
what could be there. He stated that they are not structured and he suspects that they will
not be structured soon to answer that question. He stated that they need to review the
application within the context of where they are now and what the impact is going to be.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any more comments.
Mr. Hearn stated that he is reminded of last month when they voted unanimously to turn
down a project on 25 Street and Edwards Road, wherein the density was increased and
the property was Commercial. He added that this board felt that the plan should have
been better prepared. He restated that they had voted unanimously to oppose it and the
Board of County Commission vote unanimously to approve it. He concluded that the
County Commission is not that concerned with giving away density and that is not a good
thing. He stated that he thinks that the project is going to create a blue print for future
development in that area, which he feels will be very positive.
Mr. Lounds made a motion to approve the application of Vero Vista Center for a change
in Future Land Use and Designation from Commercial to Mixed Use. He added that he
thinks that it is a first quality approach to the Towns Villages and Countryside. He also
stated that it is a good development and it fits within their comp plan as a PMUD.
Ms. Morgan seconded the motion.
Chairman Grande stated that before they vote on that, that he has one question of the
motion maker. He asked if he would like to include that before this reaches the County
Commission, the questions regarding what ever discussion should take place with the
school board and the Staff about a developer agreement be at least resolved or reduced to
paper so that it is presented to the County Commission along with the application.
Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Sanders if he was convinced that he will be able to get what he
needs to get from the development before it goes to the County Commission. He stated
that he understands the rules of engagement in impact fees that must be done before the
County Commission will approve it.
Mr. Sanders stated that impact fees are an issue paid at the time of building permit. He
stated that there are various other mechanisms used to mitigate impacts of development
on schools. He stated that in Orange County, they have a Martinez doctrine, wherein the
future land use map is amended to create more density. He stated that you can mitigate
that by a payment of a fee to the school district. He stated that another method is shown
in Martin County wherein they have donated school sites. He stated that there has never
been a donation of school sites in St. Lucie County. He stated that developers have
always forced the school district by creating the demand and enforcing them to pay fair
market value for those sites. He stated that in Martin County, the developers have
actually donated school sites and have actually paid fees in lure of dedication of school
sites. He stated that there are various mechanisms available for the developer to mitigate
those impacts.
Mr. Lounds stated that he would like to add a school component to the motion if the
second would agree to that, wherein the developers will get in agreement with Mr.
Sanders and the school board before it comes before the County Commission.
Ms. Morgan stated that the motion was to change the future land use, and it is not to
approve any project or Residential units. She stated that it is to change from Commercial
to Mixed Use. She stated that he does not know how many units will be on there. She
stated that they are going to work together because if it comes back, the board will send
them back to negotiate.
Ms. Hammer stated that the project is in St. Lucie County, yet the name hovering over it
says, Vero Vista Center. She stated that it appears to be referring to Vero as opposed to
referring to St. Lucie County.
Chairman Grande asked if they could change the name on it.
Mr. Klein stated that it is an entity that exists. He stated that there are deeds in that name.
He stated that he appreciates the comment. He stated that he had the same comment
when he found out about it, but it was too late.
Ms. Hammer stated that all of their deeds say reserved but the developer changed the
name to PGA Village.
Mr. Klein stated that that is why they are calling it High Ridge.
Ms. Hammer replied okay.
Mr. Lounds stated to call a question.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other questions on the discussion.
The Roll Call was made.
Ms. Hammer said that she really has mixed emotions on the land use change. She stated
that she will be voting no on the application, although she does not think that it is a bad
idea. She stated that she remembers hearing that the future is now and the fact that they
change the land use designation means that it can never go back. She concluded that this
is her problem.
Mr. Hearn replied yes.
Mr. Knapp replied yes.
Mr. Lounds replied yes.
Ms. Morgan replied yes.
Chairman Grande replied yes. He stated that the application will be forwarded to the
Board with a recommendation for approval.
This item was presented by Sheryl Stolzenberg. This is application file number PA-05-
003. This is the application of John Disalvatore, otherwise known as the Preserve. This
is for a change in land use designation from Industrial to Residential High, which is a
maximum of fifteen dwelling units per acre, for a 56.9 acre parcel, located west of Angle
Road, east of Canal 29, north of Metzger Road and south of Ave. M.
It is required by the 9J-11 Florida Administrative Code to look at the surrounding land
use designations. Regarding the area, to the north and east, the zoning is Industrial and to
the south it is Industrial and Mixed. To the west there is a public facility school and the
zoning is industrial.
She stated that they looked at the existing surrounding uses that are actually on the land
now, and to the north and northwest, south of Ave. M there is an existing auto salvage
yard and some vacant land. To the north of Avenue M, there is vacant land and some
single family residences. To the east, there is vacant land and residences and additional
vacant land and a storage facility with an office. She added that there is also a repair
shop. In addition to the property having odd boundaries, to the south there is agricultural
and some homes and west of canal 29 is Westwood High School.
She stated that as required by 9J-11 Florida Administrative Code, they looked at the
availability of and demands on sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water,
traffic circulation and recreation. She added that this is not concurrency, but it is the
question of whether or not a provider has to change their plan in order to provide services
or as to how they or the developers are going to provide services. She stated that a letter
was received by the applicant, in which the copy came to them from Ft. Pierce Utilities
Authorities, which is the service provider in that area. She stated that it indicated that
waste water capacity is limited in the vicinity of this proposal and that a great deal of
work would be needed in order to make certain that the service would be available. She
stated that the provider had not planned for it; therefore either they or the developer
would have to make the appropriate plans to make certain that service would be available
if the amendment is approved.
She stated that Staff concerns with this amendment arose when Staff began to look at the
consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, in particular with the land use element. She
stated that the applicant had identified a number of policies that they felt would support
the amendment and were consistent with the amendment. She stated that they did not
similarly construe those policies. She stated that the applicant had identified a particular
land use policy, indicating that the land was not appropriate for Industrial,
however that policy addresses the rezoning of land and it indicates that the land must
have access to the regional roadway system. This site does have access to Angle Road via
Metzger and Monticello. She stated that Angle Road east of Kings Highway is a state
arterial. She stated that it is appropriate to classify the site as Industrial.
In addition, we always have to look at policy in the Land Use Element, when
considering any amendment to look at whether the property is adjacent to or no more
than one quarter of a mile from the same or greater land use. She stated that the adjacent
land uses include Industrial and they are greater but they are not really types of land uses
that they would feel are compatible with Residential. She stated that the second part of
that policy which addresses that the area is within the ability of being served, the provider
of sanitary sewer has indicated that service can be provided but someone is going to have
to make certain that the facilities are installed, whether it will be at the expense of the
developer or at the expense of the utility. She stated that it is just an identification that
this level of service is not planned for, for the particular land use. She stated that that is
the question that they need to be able to look at when they are looking at how well or
how poorly this particular use has been planned for.
She stated that they did not actually find that it conflicted with the Transportation
Element. She stated that the applicant provided materials that stated that the traffic could
be reduced by the change, but Road and Bridge Department said that until an actual
actual traffic generation
would be lessened.
She stated that they were concerned about impacts on consistency with other elements,
which is another thing that the state law requires them to look at. In particular, the
Economic Element is encouraging the development of industrial employment, which is a
higher paying type of employment. She stated that their concern here is that if the
County reduces the amount of available industrial acreage that they were in fact, not
consistent with their own Economic Element.
She stated that Staff did receive, on the particular amendment, a letter from the school
board Staff, indicating that they had concerns with this. Therefore, in regards to the
information that was available to them and in regards to their concerns about the
incompatibility of the future and existing Industrial Uses that are surrounding the site,
they did not feel that this was an appropriate location for this particular land use, and they
did not that this should be recommended for approval or transmitted.
Chairman Grande thanked Ms. Stolzenberg and asked if there were any questions of the
Mr. Hearn asked if they would go back to the policy about the compatibility within a
quarter of a mile.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that it is future land use policy, which says that when
County Commission shall make the following findings supported by the other
elements of this plan, prior to taking any approval actions granting an individual
amendment to the future land use maps:
1.That the properties under a land use amendment application is adjacent to or
within no more than one quarter of a mile of the same or greater land use
2.That the property under a land use amendment consideration lies within the
five year capital improvement program of the water and waste water master
plan for St. Lucie County or otherwise meets the requirements of policy
She stated that her statement is that even though that the language states that it is no more
than one quarter of a mile of the same or greater land use classification, she does not
believe that what was meant was greater in terms of intensity. She stated that what they
probably meant was in regards to density.
Mr. Hearn stated that he would agree with Ms. Stolzenberg. He stated that the reason
being he went back to that discussion is because there may be a need to change the
language wherein it will mean what it says.
Ms. Stolzenberg replied right, and she feels that he is absolutely right.
Chairman Grande asked or says what it means.
Mr. Hearn replied whatever.
Mr. Lounds asked if the city limits whereabouts could be shown to him. He asked if they
were near the city limits and is Angle Road a division line for them at the point of
reaching the city limits.
Mr. Kelly stated that anything located on the map that has a County land use designation
would be in the County. Mr. Kelly looked through the Comprehensive Plan to find a
Mr. Lounds stated that he was curious to know how close they are to Ft.
Mr. Kelly stated that the city is the whiter area on the map. He pointed out that the 33
Street generally straight up, is the current city limit. He pointed out the area that they
were looking at. He also pointed out Westwood High School, which is adjacent to the
property. He stated that the current city limit is over at 33 Street.
Mr. Lounds asked if the piece of service by Ft. Pierce Utilities was included.
Mr. Kelly replied yes.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that they have a very large service area.
Mr. Lounds thanked Staff.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other questions of Staff before they hear from
the applicant.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Mr. Jonathan Ferguson, from the law firm of Ruden McClosky, approached the podium
to speak on the behalf of Mr. Disalvatore, who is the applicant for the land use
amendment. He stated that they have reviewed Staff
not disagree with some of the issues that they have raised. However they feel that there
are other Comprehensive Plan policies that were no taken into account and when all
things are balanced, they feel that the change in the land use for the subject property is
appropriate. He stated that he would like to review some of the land use policies and
point out why they feel that it is appropriate.
He concluded stating that he would like to address the school board issues because they
did get the opportunity of receive a letter from Mr. Sanders, wherein they took the
opportunity to sit down and talk to him prior to the present meeting.
He stated that the Staff memo has covered the size of the property, which is not a huge
piece of property. He added that it has covered its location. He stated that it is
immediately adjacent to Westwood High School and it has Angle and Metzger Road as
its other boundaries. He stated that it has property wherein Industrial Land Use is
surrounding it. He stated that the property immediately to the south, not withstanding
that it has Industrial Land Use which has developed existing Residential Development.
He stated that the property to the east of the subject property is a mix of Commercial and
Residential, even though it has an Industrial Land Use.
He stated that the Staff memo did not focus on the affordable housing issue, which is
purely and simply what they are looking at for the subject property. He added that they
will focus on the affordable housing issue and why they are asking for an RH Land Use
designation. He stated that in order to achieve affordable housing in this County, you
will need to consider a number of variables of which the Board discussed at a previous
workshop. He stated that one of the key variables is density. He stated that if the County
truly believes in promoting an affordable housing type of element, then they also need to
consider increasing the RH Land Use properties in this county. He added that it has
adopted Comprehensive Plan policies to achieve that.
He pointed out that Objective 5.2.5 begins with the basic premise, in which the County
followed with a policy, which states: County shall maintain or increase the
amount of vacant land currently designated on the Future Land Use map as Residential
High, in order to reduce land cost for low and moderate income housing and at least
annually, the plan shall be amended to add RH designated acreage that is comparable to
conducted a scientific study; however he can point to thirty acres in the County wherein
they have been developed or currently under development, that used to be RH property
and are now no longer vacant and available for Future RH property. He stated that one of
the pieces of mentioned properties is on Jenkins Road, which is a little north of the Home
Depot entrance on the right side. He stated that it has been developed as an apartment
complex. He stated that the other piece of property is on WeatherBee Road, which is
located between Oleander and US1. He stated that it is being developed as a multi-family
project. He stated that there are thirty acres that have been taken out of the RH inventory
that need to be replaced, according to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan.
He stated that they have a parcel that is 56.9 acres and it slightly exceeds the thirty
acres. He added that if they looked around, that they would probably find a few more RH
acres that have been taken out of inventory. He concluded that that is one policy that
should maintain at a minimum, twenty-five percent surplus of vacant land designated for
high and or medium Residential Use on the Future Land Use Map and inside of the
Urban Service Boundary in order that an adequate choice of sites for housing is available
He stated that the Staff refers to a Comprehensive Plan policy that says that there is
seven hundred and fifty-four acres of multi-family acreage out there. He commented that
that is not a static number. He stated that the County is suppose to go back and
periodically review the amount of acreage that is available for multi-family development
and adjust that and maintain a twenty-five percent surplus so that there is adequate site
for developers to go out and find and pay a reasonable price, in order to provide
affordable housing in this county.
industries, Industrial and Commercial, providing numerous positions, the County should
encourage the development of housing conducive to the attraction of these new
that was a major point at the workshop in front of the County Commission, on
He stated that you can have all of the economic incentives in the
world to bring industry and Commercial activities to the County, but if the people that
those people want to hire do not have a reasonable place to live, then those industries and
Commercial activities will not come to the County. He concluded stating that you cannot
have one without the other.
He stated that Staff refers to taking Industrial Land Use out of inventory and it is their
contention that there is plenty of Industrial and Commercial property that there has been
no evidence put on that there is a shortage of such property. He state that if you look up
by the airport and the amount of Industrial and vacant land there, including the Mixed
Use that surrounds the airport, taken fifty-six acres of industrial land out of this location,
does not defeat the Comprehensive Plan policies to provide for Industrial and
Commercial property in the County.
He added that the need for affordable housing for those workers would override that
under land use amendment application should be adjacent to or within no more that one
quarter of a mile to the same or greater type of land use classification. He stated that he
would point out that they fall within that objective. He stated that if they will look at the
map, it is obvious that immediately south of the parcel, is a pink parcel which says RH.
He added that they are within a quarter of a mile of the identical land use that they are
attempting to change to. He stated that more importantly, the County has put all potential
developers, looking to change property, in a quandary. He stated that if you look at this
location on the future land use map and the one other location in the County, in the future
land use map that has a relatively large concentration and that is already designated RH
property, you will find that that RH property is totally surround by Industrial or
Commercial Land Use. He stated that as a developer if you want to change property to
RH, pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan policies, which state that the County should
maintain a surplus inventory of RH property but to change Industrial Commercial
property, you are not given that opportunity. He reiterated that you have absolutely no
He stated that the other portion of RH property, if you are interested, is located just
south of Edwards Road and in between Oleander and US1. He added that there is a
corridor there and if you are familiar with the area, you are aware that the area around
that is Industrial and Commercial property. He concluded that there point is that their are
competing policies in the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that Staff have pointed out that
a few of them were in regards to economic development and Industrial Land Uses. He
stated that they feel that overriding those policies or the numerous policies dealing with
affordable housing that recognize that the only way to achieve that is to maintain a
sufficient surplus of RH property in the County. He added that there is nowhere else in
the County to convert property to RH, but to convert Industrial or Commercial.
In regards to the subject property, he stated that it is bordered on one side by Westwood
High School. He stated that his understanding is that the school board has current plan to
turn Westwood High School into a middle school and build a new high school that is to
the north of that site. He summarized and stated that there will be a middle school and a
high school, next to Industrial property. He stated that he would argue that that is not
necessarily the most appropriate use for property located next to a high school and a
middle school. He stated that he would actually question whether or not, given the way
that the county has developed, if the Industrial Core should remain an Industrial Core. He
added that he would also question whether or not if the county should not go back and
look at the whole area and maybe consider re-designation.
He stated that the County has said that they want a neighborhood planning effort and
they have defined the area as everything from 95 on the west, Orange Avenue on the
south and Angle Road on the north and east. He stated that in conversation with several
of the County Commissioners as to whether or not if they should even withdraw the
application, because they were in an area that would have to go through a planning effort,
he stated that their comments to them was to go forward because they wanted to know
what the property is so that when they do the neighborhood planning effort, they will
know how to plan for the property. He stated that they were given direction to continue
on with their development proposal. He stated that he would argue that the remains of
the property should probably be looked at in regards to whether given the character of the
neighborhoods, what the neighborhoods to the east are trying to do to revitalize their area.
He stated that it is probably more appropriate, not to be Industrial. He stated that if it is
going to be a Residential district, the County has decided that RH is appropriate in this
area. He added that they are only following the Comprehensive Plan policies, by adding
RH properties within a quarter of a mile of the already existing RH property.
He stated that with respect to the school district, they sat down with Mr. Sanders and
they understand his position and they understand that that is going be the new position of
the school district. He stated that whenever property comes in, whether it is for a land
use change, Zoning Change, or for a PUD application, they understand that if it is
increasing the density over and above what is already there, that the school district is
going to be making the same comments that were heard previously in regards to impacts
on the school district. He stated that they will be looking for something over and above
the impact fees. He stated that in their conversations with Mr. Sanders, they worked on
the assumption that the impact fee will be going up to five thousand dollars per unit. He
stated that based upon the previous assumption and the maximum amount of density that
could go on the subject property if it is converted to RH; they have worked through some
numbers. He stated that that is going to be an effort in progress as this goes forward.
He stated that they do not have a specific site plan for the subject project. He stated that
the Board will note that they will not putting up a site plan for their project. However, he
included that they did develop, upon submitting their application, a concept plan. He
stated that they have subsequent to that effort and while the application was being
reviewed, they have had several conversations with Mr. Anderson and Beth Ryder, who
is a community services director, about affordable housing options and possibilities on
the subject property. He stated that they thought that it was in their best interest and in
Staffe a concept plan any further until they figure out what the
density on the property might be if they get a Residential density and given the density,
they would like to know what type of project could go on the property and what are the
options as to working with the County in regards to affordable housing programs. He
stated that those of them that have attended that workshop are aware that the next day
Staff was meeting with the state representatives to
determine how and what strings were attached to the twenty million dollars that the
County is getting for affordable housing projects. He stated that all that they knew at the
workshop is that that money has to be spent within the next two years. He stated that
they did not know what kind of programs would be available. He stated that they are
working out the details of those programs as they speak. He stated that their intent is to
go to the County Commission on July 12 for transmittal. He stated that if they transmit
this property to DCA as RH, they will then sit down and work hard and fast with Beth
Write and her folks at the affordable housing proposing. He added that they will work
with Staff on concept plans and at that point, they will start to put together a proposal
which could be reviewed. He clarified that that is why there is no concept plan to be
reviewed at the present meeting.
He stated that they are asking for Straight Land Use Amendment to RH. He stated that
whether or not they should be entering into an agreement with the school district as part
of a land use amendment, he would submit that that is not appropriate because they have
no details and they would not know what the perimeters of that agreement would be. He
stated that they understand the school districts position and that they will be looking for
exactions over and above the normal impact fee because in their mind, they are
increasing the density and the impact on the school over and above what the existing land
use is. He added that he feels that there cannot be any argument there, upon change from
Industrial to Residential. He stated that the level of impacts will certainly be determined
by the level of density. He also stated that the level of development that eventually is
proposed for the property until they know those perimeters. He added that there is no
way to come to an agreement with the school district other than to say that that will be a
condition and that they will sit down and talk to them at that point and when it is
He stated that he has Mark Mathes, from the planning firm of Thomas Lucido and
Associates, for specific questions in regards to planning issues. He stated that the
Staff was correct in their representation as to their concurrency. He stated that
they understand that according to FPUA there maybe certain improvements that need to
be made for water and sewer, but that would be true for an Industrial site when it came in
for a site plan. He reiterated that those are more appropriate for specific development
proposals wherein when they come in; they can look at the impacts. He stated that FPUA
has a legal obligation to provide water and sewer to the site as to how those details that
are worked are and at the time that it is needed. He concluded stating that unless there
are questions for him or Mr. Mathes, he is thankful for their time.
Chairman Grande asked if the owner of the property was Mr. Disalvatore.
Mr. Ferguson replied that it is currently under contract, with permission from the owner
to submit the application.
Chairman Grande stated that this is a public hearing and he asked if there was anyone
else that would like to speak.
Mr. Marty Sanders, the Executive Director of Growth Management for the School
District approached the podium to speak. He stated that he has included his letter of May
24 in the packets. He stated that it talked about the impacts regarding the school
district. He stated that as Mr. Ferguson has indicated, they have had a discussion and
certainly it is his opinion that time of land use change determines whether this is
appropriate and what impacts it has on public services. He added that according to the
school district. He stated that the project, at fifteen dwelling units an acre, is a request by
the applicant on the density. He concluded stating that they have a range and a concept
of what they are proposing, or else they would have gone for a lower or medium density
development. He stated that that could have potentially eight hundred and fifty three
dwelling units. He stated that when you consider Workforce Housing, his estimates are
that it could be anywhere between two hundred and forty and four hundred students. He
stated that if you look at the cost of what they are spending for a K8 and you equate those
to the percentage of students that would go into that school, it varies between 5.2 and 9.3
million dollars of new school needs because of a land use decision. He stated that impact
fees, as currently adopted, would off-set that by about 2.7 million dollars, but could
leave a short fall between 2 ½ and 6.6 million dollars to the school district, due to a land
use decision. He stated that they have talked to Mr. Ferguson and they will continue to
work with him and his client to talk about what could be done to mitigate the impacts
between now and the County Commission meeting.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Sanders and asked if there was anyone else that would
like to speak.
Mr. Chris Lang, the owner of the salvage yard, approached the podium to speak. He
stated that they do about eight thousand plus cars a year on that site. He added that there
are four cranes. He stated that they do steel and that they crush automobiles and so forth.
He stated that he does not believe that he would want to live next to it. He stated that
they are a bit noisy and that they buy appliances and scrap iron and so forth. He stated
that the site looks a little like a landfill and it is noisy.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Lang.
Ms. Hammer asked Staff
y out on the map.
Mr. Ralph Jensen approached the podium to speak. He stated that he owns a parcel
approximately twelve hundred feet of fence line from Metzger Road all the way to
Avenue I. He stated that there are two issues being discussed. He stated that when they
got into the Industrial and developed a trucking company and a storage wherein there is
shipment of grapefruits from within and they also wash for Tropicana and Ocean Spray,
they have always felt that they were in the right zoning and in the right place. He stated
that along with Mr. Lang, it has always been appropriately zoned and they have gotten
along well, with their neighbors. He stated that he is concerned that they would put
hundreds and hundreds of people on their back fence line, for residency.
He stated that the other issue is if there is 250 thousand, there is a view of the river. He
trucking company. He stated that he does not know if that is what they consider
and a
contractor behind them, they would have no worries and they would be compatible along
with them currently. He asked if they will lose any rights and if they have to be buffered
from them. He also asked if they have to be buffered from them. He stated that they
currently let refrigerated units run, in order to keep the grapefruits chilled. He added the
maybe they will not have grapefruits anymore, upon entry of the project. He stated that
as it stands now, they have the right to run those units to keep the grapefruit non
perishable before it goes to China.
-containers, which run
stated that he knows at any price that he would not want his family living next to Mr.
ness in development he
would not have a problem with him as a neighbor. He stated that they have all been there
for decades. He stated that they like each other and they work well together. He pointed
out that the residential neighbors are present at the hearing. He stated that they always
take in consideration because they are here. He asked would he invite them to move in
and build their home and invest their hard earned money, withstanding that the view from
maybe the radio station, the marble factory or
He stated that his second concern is the funneling of all of this to the flashing light at
Metzger Road. He asked how many people will come behind the proposed development.
He stated that currently it is very difficult and very dangerous to get out at Angle Road
and 39 Street. He stated that unless they put in new roads, all of the traffic will have to
funnel at Metzger Road, take a left at 39 Street and go to Angle Road. He stated that he
recommends that anyone to go there after school around 3:00 P.M. and try to get across
that intersection. He asked if it were possible to add eight hundred units to that
intersection without regards to the traffic. He asked with the view of the junkyard, will
he now be required to buffer his trucks. He stated that he always thought that it would be
compatible with Industrial. He stated that they bought, and build there and they support
the County from their businesses there. He asked if he has to worry that now they will
have affordable housing that may not like his business now. He asked if the affordable
housing moves in are they going to recommend that Mr. Lang should leave because they
now do not like his junkyard. He added that of course he and Mr. Lang pay their taxes
and they are all happy there. He stated that he guess that he was shocked and
dumbfounded to find out that they might want to put housing on their area. He stated that
everything within their area is Industrial. He asked if it was fair to the people that they
intend on selling to. He asked if it was fair to the roads that they now have to travel. He
stated that if it grows up and it grows up Industrial as it currently is zoned, he will
welcome neighbors wanted just like Kings Highway Industrial Park. He restated that he
will welcome that.
He asked if the proposed project will include one-story, or two-story. He asked if there
is further change, will they be allowed a three story town home and look right into his
storage lot at his semis. He asked what the repercussions are. He asked if there is current
guarantee that they will buffer from them and is that in the land development code also.
He stated that they should. He stated that they are present to protect their businesses and
their rights and their neighbors. He stated that they currently do not have a problem with
their residential neighbors. He asked if the proposed project will create a problem with
their residential neighbors and how many of the developers would live there. He added
that he feels that not many of them would live there because they do not have a view of
the river but of an auto recycle yard, a marble company or a trucking company. He
concluded asking them to choose carefully and see if there is not a better site. He stated
that he is all for affordable housing, but do you put them behind the land fill. He stated
why not put them next to Glades cut-off. He asked if they have any sites that they can
put them between Trop and the land fill for a better view. He stated that he thinks that
they ought to really consider why it is Industrial and why it should stay Industrial. He
finished by thanking the board for their time.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Jensen.
Ms. Hammer asked if someone could poin
Mr. Jensen pointed out his property on the map.
Ms. Hammer thanked Mr. Jensen.
Chairman Grande asked if there was anyone else that would like to speak to the particular
Ms. Jamie Hurst approached the podium to speak. She stated that they own property on
Metzger Road. She stated pointed out where they are located, on the map. She stated
that they bought that property as an investment and as Industrial. She stated that one of
the reasons that they bought it is because it is Industrial, but mainly because of its
location to 95. She stated that it is very easy for people that are in the Industrial-type
business, to get to 95 from this location. She stated that if you have the mentioned
amount of residential trying to get on 39 Street, it would be very difficult. She stated
that all of the surrounding area is Industrial. She stated that they have looked at other
property in the area and where they were originally proposing to develop places their
entrance right next to their building on Metzger Road. She stated that she does not see
how that road could handle that much traffic. She stated that she does not know if they
have been down Metzger Road; however it is a two lane road which contains a dead end
just west of their property. She stated that it would be very difficult to travel. She stated
that there is not much Industrial property left in the area. She added that she feels that it
is very important to bring industry into their area on that. She thanked the board and left
the podium.
Chairman Grande thanked Ms. Hurst and asked if there was anyone else who would like
to speak.
Mr. Elliott Virgin approached the podium to speak. He stated his residency. He stated
that his residence is one of the few residents that is not zoned Industrial. He stated that
he have lived in the area for approximately twelve years. He stated that he has mixed
emotions about the proposed zoning changes, specifically in regards to Fort Pierce
Utilities coming out to render services. He stated that he is currently a resident of the
County. He stated that he is aware that Ft. Pierce Utilities have difficulties with rate
hikes and so forth which was mentioned over the news. He restated that he has been a
resident in that area for approximately and he does not think that it would be appropriate
to put more residents out there because of the Industrial places that are currently
established. He stated that because he one of the few residents who are not zoned
Industrial; he would like to know what would be the status of being zoned the way that it
currently is. He concluded that that is his comment.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Virgin.
Mr. Virgin pointed out where his property is on the map and restated that his property is
not zoned Industrial.
Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Virgin what was his question concerning zoning.
Mr. Virgin stated that his questions were in regards to Ft. Pierce Utilities moving in the
area and the zoning not changing.
stated that the issue about Ft. Pierce Utilities Authorities and their ultimate services tie in
because they are in their service area. He concluded stating that whether the proposal is
approved or not, ultimately the utilities are going to serve in that area. He stated that he
does not think that the change impacts either of the two things that Mr. Virgin
Mr. Virgin replied okay, and he thanked Mr. Kelly.
Chairman Grande stated that he is not sure if the very last comment that was made is
correct. He stated that if the area was changed to High Density Residential, he assumes
that as part of any development, that they would need to bring service into that area
which would make other residents in that area who are currently not connected, become
connected. He stated that he realizes that they are in the service area but he assumes that
they are not on FPUA at this time. He asked this was wrong.
Mr. Kelly stated that that is not necessarily true. He stated that a lot of this is regulated
by State Law. He stated that he guess that there is the possibility that if they were within
the correct distance to align, ultimately there could be an impact and a requirement to
connect. He stated that in the long term, this is a fairly urbanized area and he thinks that
it comes anyway.
Chairman Grande agreed that it will obviously happen some day; however he was just
thinking that a High Density Residential community in that area may be the catalyst for
bringing services in that then impacts a whole lot of people in advance of when it would
have impacted them otherwise. Chairman Grande asked if there were anyone else who
like to speak toward the subject application.
Mr. Ferguson stated that the comments that the speakers had made were very appropriate.
He also stated that his response to a couple of those is going to be that this is no the
appropriate time to address those. He stated that in regards to the traffic, he understands
that the traffic is a concern and he understands that the traffic on Angle Road is a
concern. However, for purposes of the review, there was a traffic report done and the
property currently has a zoning of light Industrial. He stated that under light Industrial,
maximum intensity a development per code, is approximately ninety-one hundred trips a
day. He stated that under maximum development as RH, is wages to be approximately
fifty-three hundred trips per day. He concluded that you almost have the number of
potential trips. He stated that depending on the Industrial development that goes in there,
the trips could be near zero or they could be closer to nine thousand. However, for
purposes of the folks in the audience there is access off of Metzger and there is auto legal
access directly to Angle Road. Therefore the project that would go in there would have
two accesses, which is what the fire district will require as well as connectivity. He
concluded stating that that will help to mitigate some of the impacts on Metzger Road.
He stated that Buffers are an issue that would clearly be addressed with a specific site
plan and they would have to take into account as to what the neighboring properties and
their rights are. He stating that they are going in knowing that it is Industrial and they
know what the uses are and that they will have to situate the development such that those
impacts are mitigated. He stated that as far as the value of the property goes with
concerns of beach front or in regards to the location of the affordable housing location,
that this is where the County has dictated that RH property goes, which is in the middle
of Industrial and Commercial property. He stated that the two locations on the Future
Land Use Map are totally surrounded. He stated that they are not making choices
necessarily to put it here, but the County is leading them in that direction and if any
property is going to convert to satisfy the High Density Residential need, it is going to be
industrial property and all likelihood that they are already Industrial Uses in the
neighborhood. He stated that if the County wants to change its policies and direct High
Density Residential some place else then they would certainly be happy to look in those
areas. Mr. Ferguson thanked the board.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Ferguson and closed the public hearing.
Grande asked if there were any questions or comments from any of the board members.
public hearing, including Staff comments he hereby moves that the Local Planning
Agency recommends that the St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners does not
transmit the proposed land use amendment to the State Department of Community
Affairs for consideration as an amendment to the County Comprehensive Land Plan
added that he feels that it does not fits with the goals, objectives and policies of the
them by Staff support his comment. He stated that he cannot imagine putting Workforce
Residential units in the mentioned area, which is surrounded by Industrial. He stated that
in his opinion, it needs to stay Industrial. He stated that he does not think that it is fair to
the people who live outside. He added that it buffers the area to put Workforce there. He
stated that if for some reason that the County Commission approves this, he hopes that
they take about two acres at Avenue I and 43 Street for a share of units because they
will have to spend their time there because the City is not going to respond to that area.
He concluded stating that those are the reasons that he moved that they deny this petition.
Ms. Hammer seconded the motion.
Chairman Grande announced that they have a motion and a second. He asked if there was
any comment on the motion.
The roll call was made
Mr. Hearn voted for the motion to deny, with the added concern that St. Lucie County is
already the low income capital of the Treasure Coast and he is not sure of where they are
going with the proposal. He stated that he feels that within another five years, there will
be lot of foreclosures and there is going to be an awful a lot of houses available for low
income families.
Ms. Morgan replied yes.
Mr. Knapp replied no.
Mr. Lounds replied yes.
Ms. Hammer replied yes to deny.
Chairman Grande voted yes to deny. He commented stating that he really does not think
that High Density Housing is necessarily synonymous with Workforce or low income
housing. He stated that cramming them all together and making them cheaper and poorer
and sticking them in an Industrial area, is not what he finds to be the answer to housing
problems. He stated that he thinks that if an application like this is going to come
forward that it really needs to be for reasons other than, that th
recommend to the County Commissions that the petition not be forwarded to the state.
Ms. Sheryl Stolzenberg presented this item. She stated that they actually have two
petitions from Jeffrey Freedman, however, this is a small scale amendment and that this
one does not have to be transmitted to the State. She stated that this petition could be
adopted locally and then they would send a report to the Stated and if the report is okay
with it then it becomes an official land use amendment.
She stated that this is file number: PA-05-005. She stated that this is the application of
Jeffrey Freedman for a Change in Land Use Designation from Commercial to Residential
Medium, which is a maximum of nine dwelling units per acre, for a 9.66 acre parcel. She
stated that it is located on the south side of Miramar Avenue, which is the east side of
Kings Highway.
She stated that as required by 9J-11 Florida Administrative Code, that staff looked at the
surrounding land uses. She stated that the area to the south and east is Commercial. She
added that Residential Urban is to the north, which allows five dwelling units per acre
and that Residential Medium is to the east. She stated that of the existing surrounding
uses, this is actually part of Phase Two of Indrio crossings. She stated that phase one,
which is to the south, is an existing shopping center. She stated that the land to the east is
vacant and there is Multi-family dwelling and vacant land to the north.
She stated that it is also required by 9J-11 Florida Administrative Code, which they look
at the availability of and demand on sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water
and traffic circulation services and it was found that this change could be accommodated
without amending the comprehensive plan.
She stated that looking at consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, they found that the
subject proposal supports and furthered parts of the land use element, Objective 1.1.5 in
particular. She stated this objective asks that development be directed to where services
are available. She stated that looking at Policy, which is the requirement that
when considering an amendment that they find that property adjacent to or no more than
quarter of a mile from, has the same or greater land use. She stated that there is property
within that boundary that has the same land use and also that the property lays within the
five year capital improvement plan and that it can be served.
She stated that they found that it did not conflict with the Transportation Element. She
reiterated that a report was provided showing that traffic could be reduced and Road and
Bridge is indicating that until there is an actual application, that they cannot really know
that. She concluded stating that, in other words it does not require an amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan.
Ms. Stolzenberg stated that as far as other elements and the support that it provides, this
application specifically did say that it was interested in accommodating affordable
housing, whereas the previous application did not make that application in the material
that was submitted. She concluded stating that, therefore, they have found that although
they do not have an actual goal or a policy at this time which states the amount of
affordable units that are needed, the data and analysis for the housing element do indicate
that there is a need for affordable housing. She stated that this proposal, since it
specifically did mention affordability, would support the data and analysis of the housing
She stated that in the Economic Element, they found that Goal 12.5 was supported. She
stated that this goal encouraged patterns of development that are less costly to provide
with public services and facilities and encourage redevelopment and revitalization of
older Residential, Industrial and Commercial areas. She stated that the introduction of
Residential into the subject area where there is adjacent to it an already beginning to
decline Commercial shopping center gives an opportunity to provide some revitalization.
She stated that there was a conceptual/ semi-conceptual site plan that was submitted
along with this. She stated that although the documentation which was submitted by the
applicant indicated that there was an opportunity to provide for greater connectivity and
pedestrian access within the site, the conceptual site plan at this point does not
demonstrate that. However, that does not mean that a future actual site plan will not,
because if this does go forward, that would certainly be something that would be of
interest and that they would be looking to see pedestrian access in view of its proximity
to the North County area. She concluded, stating that this application is a small scale,
that this does not have to be transmitted to the State. She stated that they recommend that
the board recommends adoption of the land use, to the County Commission.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any questions of Staff.
Mr. Hearn stated that he has one observation. He stated that he is not sure where the
opinion that the shopping center is in decline out there, derived from. He stated that the
shopping center is not too far from his home and they shop there regularly and he is not
sure that he agrees with that observation. He stated that he has a concern regarding the
statement that was mentioned regarding vacancy to the north of the subject property. He
asked if he was correct.
Chairman Grande intervened and stated that he noticed that the subject application did
not have an aerial that they could use to determine.
Mr. Hearn intervened asking if they had an aerial that they could look at on the screen.
Chairman Grande asked if there was some reason as to why the aerial was not included in
the packets.
Mr. Kelly stated that they did not realize to that moment that it was not included. He
stated that they will have to check on that. Mr. Kelly pointed out the aerial on the screen.
He stated that it is what was prepared in advance and it is what the board normally would
have gotten. He pointed out the existing shopping center. He pointed out where the
Winn Dixie would be. He also pointed out some other features on the map that are in the
shopping center, such as a diner, which is no longer there and a gym. He stated that
maybe the comment made towards the declination of the shopping center is more
accurate for a shopping center that has been there for a long time and has never fully
rented all of its space. He included the fact that it has lots of businesses. He stated that
there has certainly always been space there. He also stated that some of the store fronts
in the mentioned area are store fronts which actually never had backs in them. He
concluded that it was never fully utilized.
Mr. Hearn stated that that is probably a better description. Mr. Hearn addressed several
of the homes that are located to the north of the shopping center, where the roads curve
on to the north east. He stated that the homes do not show on the map but he knows that
there are quite a few homes located near the subject area.
Mr. Kelly pointed to a vacant area on the map and stated that it was vacant.
Mr. Hearn agreed that the area was vacant.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other questions of Staff.
Mr. Lounds asked if the piece out in the front is still commercial.
Ms. Stolzenberg replied yes.
Mr. Lounds asked if it will remain that way.
Ms. Stolzenberg replied yes, as far as they understand from the applicant.
Chairman Grande asked if the TVC area have the arm that runs up to Feeder Road, or is
he in the wrong place.
Mr. Lounds stated that according to the hash marks, it is outside of the TVC. He stated
that the south side of Indrio Road is in it and the mentioned piece is out of it.
Mr. Kelly stated that he has lost track of the Crossed-Hatch map, but he has the map
wherein there was an earlier determination that the blue area was the same as the Cross-
Hatched area.
Chairman Grande agreed that the map was identical. He stated that his understanding is
that the TVC area actually has an arm that runs north east up to Feeder Road.
Mr. Kelly stated that he is not following and he added that they have found the Cross-
Hatched map.
Chairman Grande stated that it does not appear there also. He also stated that on the
other hand he does not think that it matters. Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Kelly and
asked if there were any other questions before they hear from the applicant.
Mr. Al Brodeur from Thomas Lucido and Associates approached the podium to speak on
the behalf of the applicant. He stated that as you can see, this was approved as Phase
Two of the Indrio Crossings Shopping Center. He stated that over time, the market did
not catch up to it quite right. He stated that it is their observation that this was probably
planned at a time when big box Commercial was actually encouraged and segregation
was also encouraged from the additional Residential. He stated that they are looking at
this differently today.
He put up a slide of a conceptual plan for display. He stated that they feel that there are
a number of different advantages for this to be Residential. He stated that currently there
is a Commercial Land Use and a Commercial Zoning, up against a Residential Land Use
to the north and a Residential Land Use to the east. He stated that they feel that a multi-
family town home development would be a more appropriate transition for the residents
which are located to the north of the Commercial to the south. He stated that currently
they are looking at the back of a Commercial center that was built before double frontage
Commercial centers. He stated that there are dumpsters and a loading area, which he
considered as currently not very attractive. He added that they are looking to alleviate
He stated that there are existing drainage problems on the site that they are also looking
to alleviate by increasing the retention area on the south side. He stated that the subject
site was chosen for a number of different market reasons. He stated that they feel that it
would be a great location for living. He stated that they are planning for the development
to be in location wherein it will be within walking distance from the shopping center. He
addressed the questions from Staff
when it comes to connections to the shopping center. He stated that on the south west
corner, the initial plan was to have a pathway across that area. He added that upon
visiting the site, they found that area is the loading area of the grocery store. Therefore
you would be walking across and you would walk right into a loading area.
Chairman Grande asked if Mr. Brodeur was pointing to something.
Mr. Brodeur clarified that he was referring to the southwest corner.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Brodeur.
Mr. Brodeur continued pointing to a strip of land on the map. He added that if you walk
across that piece of land, it is not very attractive. He also added that it is a loading zone
and there are a lot of dumpsters. He stated that the second option, which they are
currently working on with Staff, is to build a decorative bridge across the retention area.
He stated that the bridge will go down the middle, and over the retention area. He stated
that the dip beneath the bridge will not be filled with water at all times, but this is the
worst case scenari
cannot drive, they will build the bridge so that they can walk right across and go to the
shopping center. He stated that they are also planning a clubhouse and a pool. He
concluded that it will basically be a nice place for retirement. He stated that he would be
happy to answer any questions.
Chairman Grande asked if anyone had any questions of the applicant.
Ms. Hammer stated that she thinks that she heard Mr. Brodeur say that it is not an age
restricted community, but he closed stating that it is a nice community to retire in.
Mr. Brodeur reiterated that it will not be aged restricted, but those that are of retirement
age will be the main residents and they will be the ones that they will be marketing it to.
However, it will not be restricted to retirees.
Ms. Hammer asked why not.
Mr. Brodeur stated that they do not want to put any restrictions on it. He stated that if a
working family wants to live there, they are welcome to live there also. He also pointed
out that they are showing them the plan because they know that they want to see it. He
stated that from past experience, normally land use amendments are not approved without
some kind of concept, so they wanted to present a visual idea. However, he stated that he
would like to focus on the land use, in which currently, the large commercial piece is
asking for a big box center. He added that they know that there is a better way of doing
things. He stated that they are looking to locate residential in closer proximity to the
commercial and he feels that that is a better choice, rather than creating a larger shopping
center there.
Ms. Hammer asked about the land to the left of the subject property.
Chairman Grande asked if the land to the left is Lakewood Park. He asked if it was to the
Mr. Brodeur stated that they did not feel that that area was appropriate for Residential.
Road wherein
that will remain commercial.
Ms. Hammer asked if he owns all of that property or is he representing the person who
owns the whole section of property but they only want to have the rezoning on the part
that is Cross-Hatched in red.
Mr. Brodeur replied correct.
Mr. Brodeur introduced the builder to answer this question.
Mr. Dror Triger, the builder and developer of the development stated that there will be
two types of units, wherein one of them will be nineteen hundred and something and the
middle units will be twenty-two hundred plus. He stated that the side units are allowed to
accommodate, by their experience, elderly aged residents who will appreciate those types
of units. He stated that in the side units, they are putting the master bedrooms down
stairs so that it will allow the elderly to avoid having to run up and down the stairs. He
added that the master units, kitchen and all of the set area will be down stairs in order to
avoid going up and down the stairs. He stated that the middle units will be a little more
upgraded. He stated that the masters will be upstairs and there will be an option of
whether or not if they want an elevator in the house. He stated that it is unusual for
normal two-story to provide elevators but their experience from down south in the
Boynton Beach area has shown them that there is a huge demand, when options as such
are presented.
Mr. Lounds asked if these were rental units or condominium-type units, wherein he can
buy a unit in this.
Mr. Triger stated that it will be a homeowners association, which will own the land. He
stated that the units themselves are condominium association, which means that the
person buys the units and not that land and the entire area around the land which includes
the pool and the clubhouse. He stated that all of that will be maintained by the
homeowners association.
Mr. Lounds asked if he could buy five of the units and rent them out.
Mr. Triger stated that they have not eliminated as to if that will be some sort of
requirement. He asked Mr. Lounds if he was trying to avoid investors.
Mr. Lounds stated that he does not know if he wants to eliminate the investors, but he
would like to see some kind of consideration for rental of that unit. He stated that when
you go east of this property, there is a great deal of rental units back there that create
problems for fire rescues and law enforcement and so forth. He added that they still and
always will exist until something straightens it out. He stated that he would not want to
see the subject development fall into that same realm as rental units. He stated that if
they go into this development with the idea of this being rental units, then he is not for it.
Mr. Triger stated that they are not building them for rental but they are building them to
sell. He stated that if someone buys a rental and wants to rent it, he has a limited ability.
He stated that he can enforce what he has learned from other builders in the area, within
the last two years. He stated that within eighteen from the day that they close, they
cannot sell the units.
Mr. Lounds stated that he guarantees that the people, who own the rental units on La
Salle Road back there, do not live there.
Mr. Triger asked if he was talking about the developments that he has known of for
eighteen months.
Mr. Lounds replied that those to the east of the development do not live there.
Mr. Triger stated that he is aware that they do not live there.
Mr. Lounds stated that they need to live there and they would clean it up. Mr. Lounds
stated that if Mr. Trigergroup could do that, the
Mr. Triger stated that they can include it in there; however you t because it is
illegal. He stated that it is running to the question of legality and there are some attorneys
that could give him better advice because he is not an attorney. He stated that you are
running into a difficulty to eliminate some of the purchased units to rent it. He stated that
you can put restrictions such as the eighteen months rule that states that on the day that
you close on the units, you must live in the units and you cannot resell it. He added that
there is a minimum of two years rent before you can change your tenant. He stated that
this sort of implementations can be put in and will be presented to the County if the
County will require them within the Homeowners Association documents.
Mr. Lounds stated that he is not against the development and that he would like to see
this there rather than another big box, which has a problem with Commercial
development. However, if they are going to put a multi-family unit that close to Kings
Highway and that close to the Commercial, there need to be considerations made as to
doing it correctly. He added that if there are restraints or restrictions on the development
it needs to be done correctly so that it does not develop like it has about a half a block
back down the road. Mr. Lounds stated that Mr. Triger is the developer and he should
figure it out.
Chairman Grande stated that assuming that it is going to be a condominium, what ever
can be legally put into the condominium documents in terms of rental, not withstanding
that there are some pretty heavy limitations as to what can be enforced there, will be an
issue further in the process.
Mr. Lounds stated that he thinks that this is a step in the right direction as to for what you
want to do there, by having a condominium-type affecting that. He stated that it is not
going to be just rental apartments.
Mr. Triger stated that they are not building it for rentals and they are not aiming for
rentals. He stated that they are aiming for High Medium Housing. He stated that they
are definitely providing homes that are competing heavily with what is build a little north
and west of the subject property, in regards to pricing. He added that in regards to
quality, they are competing with them heavily.
Mr. Lounds stated good and that his question was answered.
Chairman Grande asked Mr. Kelly if he had any comments.
Mr. Kelly pointed out that they have really left the land use discussion and that these are
issues that are well beyond the present focus.
Mr. Hearn stated that he has a concern with residential that close to the loading docks in
the back of a major grocery chain. He stated that the dumpsters are emptied any time
during a twenty-four hour time period. He also added that tractor trailers come in with
produce and supplies, twenty-four hours a day and he knows that he would not want to
live there. He stated that he is not sure if it will be anything but problematic especially in
that southwest part of the development.
Mr. Brodeur approached the podium to speak. He stated that it is their intent to construct
a six foot privacy wall, but not to limit the pedestrian access.
Mr. Hearn stated that a six foot wall is not going to stop his concern of the noise, at any
hour of the night. He stated that there is going to be problems there.
Mr. Brodeur stated that it is their belief that trying to separate Commercial and
Residential so strictly is not always a good idea. He stated that it is their belief that to
increase pedestrian access and to allow for more walk-ability and less traffic on the road.
He stated that they will do whatever they can to buffer this, with vegetation, and/or a
privacy wall to alleviate those concerns. He stated that they do feel that this is a prime
location to allow for a residence.
Chairman Grande stated that his sense is that if the Residential was there and the
Commercial was coming in, that there would be buffering requirements under
Mr. Kelly replied yes.
Chairman Grande asked if it works the other way around. He asked if it would be up to
them to put in whatever they felt would be best to separate them and make their units
more sellable.
Mr. Kelly replied yes. He added that they are speaking in regards to design issues.
Chairman Grande asked if there was not a requirement on them.
Ms. Hammer pointed out that on page seven it indicates that one of the justifications for
the amendment is to provide affordable housing. She stated that she would like to ask the
applicant of what is the kind of price range are they talking about because he had talked
about nineteen hundred square feet to twenty-two hundred squared feet.
Mr. Triger stated that it is around the mid two hundreds. He stated that he is talking
red to
the prices that are running to the north and west of them. He stated that their price range
is approximately sliced in half in regards to the cost of units of the other price ranges. He
added that they feel their price range to be appropriate, suitable and that it will provide
for a lot of people. He also added that it is a nice house in a prime position, which will
lift at the same time as the shopping center.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Triger.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Mr. Marty Sanders, the Executive Director of Growth Management for the school
district. He stated that his concerns were in regards to the same issues concerning the last
two developments which are the conversion of lands that have no need for schools and no
generation of students to a Residential Use that generates students. He stated that while
this development is much smaller, it has a lesser impact because they do not need a
school site for this particular development. However it could have eighty-six units and
financial impacts on the school district could range from two hundred and sixty thousand
dollars to six hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars on additional demands created
over and above, what would be reimburse through impact fees. He stated that he has
spoke with the builder earlier and he has agreed to work with the school district and they
will continue to work with them to see what can be done to ameliorate their impacts.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Sanders.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
Chairman Grande asked if there were
any comments or a motion on the petition.
Ms. Hammer commented stating that they are being told that this will accommodate
needs for affordable housing. She stated that affordable Housing to her is not a two
hundred and thirty to a 250 thousand dollar home. She stated that that would be the only
reason why she would consider the application; otherwise, she does not see any good
reason to change the land use from what looks like a Commercial Square to Residential.
She stated that she guess that she does not understand that reason for the application.
Chairman Grande made a comment about the market driven.
Ms. Hammer replied that she will withdraw that comment.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other comments and if they had a motion.
Mr. Lounds asked if there was any consideration with the Residential land that is going to
be developed west of there out in the origin of Indrio quarter or the Charrette area, which
the Commercial piece may come back and be more valuable as a Commercial piece five
years from now. He concluded that that was a hypothetical question.
Mr. Brodeur stated that his interpretation of the Charrette is that they want to discourage
large Commercial big box development, in which everyone will drive into that one box
and drive back home. He stated that it was his interpretation that they wanted smaller
Commercial pieces that were in closer proximity to where the residents will be living. He
stated that if they wanted to buy a lawnmower, they cannot prevent the residents from
going to Home Depot if that is where it is suitable for them to buy it from. However, if
they are going to get some eggs and milk, they all will not have to go to the intersection
of Kings Highway and Indrio but they can go to their little Commercial depots in their
backyards. He concluded stating that that is his interpretation of the Charrette and that is
why they feel that this proposal is consistent with the Charette because currently he does
not think that it is appropriate to have Phase Two built and now they have another asphalt
jungle of another box.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Brodeur.
Mr. Hearn commented on the big box analogy of the shopping center. He stated that the
Winn Dixie is a big box and he does not consider the other ten store fronts to be a big
Chairman Grande asked if someone would like to make a motion.
Mr. Jeffrey Freedman, the applicant, approached the podium to speak. He stated that he
will address the original thesis in regards to the reasons for submitting the subject plan.
He stated that they committed to the Staff and to the County, approximately nine months
ago, that they would proceed with a development of a residential and commercial
component simultaneously. Therefore, they have given Staff a site plan that Ms.
Stolzenberg and the previous speakers have addressed. He stated that they have had a
DRC review meeting. He stated that their intention is to remain in the development motif
of a Commercial component along the Kings Highway side, and then develop the subject
residential community which will make the transition from that eastern portion of the
property to that site that is currently an undeveloped piece of property. He added that it is
likely that it will be developed as a residential parcel. He stated that their commitment to
the Staff and to the Commissioners is that they will jointly develop this particular parcel
of land along that combination.
He stated that if he might, he would like to add that in 1989 this parcel of land had been
approved and that this is a vested site plan of a fairly ugly, very intensive, large
component shopping center with asphalt and really no attractiveness for this particular
neighborhood. He stated that they are attempting to add at least an element of open
spacing and green-spacing which could be compared to what was an approve site plan
about fifteen years ago. He stated that they sat down and tried to figure out what would
be the best use for the subject area and their conclusion was to do a mixed kind of use
project of a commercial with a multi-family residential component. He stated that his
understanding is that there will be numerous other commercial shopping sites along that
area over the next several years. He added that to have another site of a large series of
integrated buildings would not be a particular attractive use for that area at this time.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Freedman.
Mr. Freedman replied thank you.
the testimony presented during the public hearing
including Staff comments, I hereby move that the Local Planning Agency recommends
that the St. Lucie Board of County Commission adopt the proposed small scale land use
amendment of Jeffrey Freedman to the Comprehensive Plan and provide a report of
it makes sense to do a transition from Commercial to have multi-family before you get to
the residential. He stated that he thinks that it will be a very nice improvement to the
community up in that area, to have some very nice housing and he thinks that it is good
for the community.
Ms. Morgan seconded the motion.
Chairman Grande announced that a motion and a second had been made. He asked if
there were any questions or comments on the motion.
The roll was called.
Ms. Hammer voted no to the motion. She commented that she voted no specifically
because it is indicated that it would provide affordable housing ownership and in her
humble opinion, two hundred and thirty thousand to 250 thousand dollars homes are not
affordable housing.
Mr. Hearn voted no.
Mr. Lounds voted yes to approve.
Mr. Knapp voted yes.
Ms. Morgan voted yes.
Chairman Grande voted yes.
Chairman Grande made a comment in regards to the allusion to a site plan that is still in
effect fifteen years later and that is a vested site plan. He stated that he has watched this
particular piece of property and he does not think that anything has happened on it in
plan would have expired by now. He stated that he did not want to say that before the
vote because he did not feel that it should have affected this. He concluded that the
petition has been passed and it will be sent to the County Commission with a
recommendation for approval, but at some point he would like to speak to the applicant
Mr. Kelly stated that they will also take a look at that
Ms. Sheryl Stolzenberg presented this item. She stated that it is file number PA-05-001.
She stated that this is a regular amendment and it would be transmitted to the state if it is
approved. She stated that this is the application of Jeffrey Freedman for a Change in
Land Use Designation from Commercial to Residential Medium, with a maximum of
nine dwelling units per acre, for a forty acre parcel. It is located on the east side of south
Kings Highway, north and adjacent to the Ft. Pierce Jai-Alai Fronton.
She stated that as required by 9J-11 Florida Administrative Code, that they have looked
at the surrounding land uses. She stated that there was Commercial to the south and
north, RS to the west, RU to the east and the existing surrounding uses to the north were
Agricultural Uses. She stated that the existing surrounding uses to the west are land that
is owned by the County, the south is Ft. Pierce Jai-Alai and to the east are some groves
and vacant land.
She also stated that as required by 9J-11 Florida Administrative Code, they have looked
at the availability of and demand on sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water
and traffic circulation services. She stated that these could accommodate the demand
however; the analysis that was submitted on the traffic circulation did not include the
potential of traffic from the Research and Education Park that St. Lucie County intends to
create. She added that there may be some conflicts that are created by that. She stated
that further analysis would be necessary to make that kind of determination.
She stated that as far as consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, Objective 1.1.5,
which directs development to where services are available; there is a question in regards
to the possibility of a conflict with Residential traffic from the site and the Research Park,
which is going to be an actual reality. She stated that Policy is the policy that
they have to use when they are considering an amendment to make a finding that the
property is adjacent to or no more than one quarter of a mile from the same or greater
land use.
She stated that their concern in this instance is that because the Research Park had been
described as a park that really could not have Residential on its site, that having
Residential this close to it might also encounter the same problems that the Residential on
the site would encounter. She added that there would be a tendency to switch more of the
Residential to the western part of the site which would mean, since this is proposed to be
a planned unit development, that the greater portion of the density would be located
towards the west, whereas the adjacent land uses lower the density. She stated that they
were concerned about the possibility of incompatibilities between the Research Park and
whatever things might be coming from the Research Park that make it not a very good
location for Residential on site. She concluded stating that these were just land use
compatibility issues that were of staffconcern.
She stated that the proposal did not appear to conflict with the Transportation Element.
However, they did not really have an analysis that looked at how the traffic from this site
would mesh with the traffic from the Research Park.
She stated that they did feel that there were conflicts with other elements. She stated the
Housing Policy identifies that a certain number of acres to accommodate new
multi-family and indicates that that was already in place in the land use map. She stated
that in the Economic Element, they found that Policy states that they should be
identifying locations for and encouraging development of economic clusters for business
and industry. She stated that the site would benefit from being located near related
industries in the area. The reality is that land that already has a non-Residential
designation near the future business park might be ideally situated to provide services to
that business park. She added that if that is converted away from non-Residential to
Residential, then that opportunity is not there. She stated that it will appear that the might
not be supporting the business park and the Economic Element by making this change at
this time. She stated that based upon the given information, their recommendation was
that this proposed amendment not be transmitted to the State Department of Community
Chairman Grande thanked Ms. Stolzenberg and asked if anyone had any questions of
Staff based on their report.
Mr. Hearn asked Mr. Lounds if this is the same parcel that they have rejected a Change of
Zoning on several years ago because of its proximity to the Research Park and so forth.
Mr. Lounds replied that he does not believe that it is. He stated that he has thought of
that and he concluded that he thinks that the parcel was further south and on the opposite
side of the road. He stated that he thinks that those pieces were on the west side of Kings
Highway, and more towards Okeechobee Road. He stated that their concern there, which
is his same concern here, is the Commercialism of Kings Highway and where it is going.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other questions before they hear from the
Ms. Cynthia Angelos, with Wyce, Handler, Angelos, and Cornell, approached the
podium to speak on the behalf of the applicant. She stated that as indicated, this
application is requesting forty acres that is just north of the Jai-Alai. She added that it is
on the east side of Kings Highway. She stated that it is for a land use Change from
Commercial to Medium Residential. She stated that as reflected in the Staff report, the
primary reason for the application is to provide housing for the Education and Research
Park. She stated that they understand Staff
that at the time Staff recommendation was formulated, there was not as much information
available as there is now, that they have been able to derive. She stated that Mr. Dennis
Murphy has provided a schematic and as reflected on the same, there is one hundred and
seventy-five foot right-of-way that would be donated along Kings Highway. She stated
that there would be a Mixed Office and Commercial Use, before the Residential portion
would begin. She stated that Mr. Dennis Murphy has information about the Education
and Research Park with regards to the overlay district and their plans, which would serve
as a buffer from the Residential. She concluded stating that the primary reason for the
application was to supply housing for those that would work at the Education and
Research Park. She stated that she would point out that the schematic follows the TVC.
She stated that she had gone through the plan with each of the respective commissioners.
She stated that each of the commissioners were very receptive. She added that
Commissioner Craft wanted more detail and that is the plan, which is currently before the
She stated that she thinks that it is a shame that Mr. Marty Sanders has to sit through the
meeting as late as he has to at the current meeting. She added the she can assure them
that she will work with Mr. Marty Sanders as it relates to the school board and she will
also work with Mr. Marty Sanders in regards to getting some policies together. She also
mentioned that by the time that this PUD site plan gets before the Board for final
approval, she thinks that they will find that the density that was once being given away
for free will no longer be the case, which is based on conversations that she has had with
the County Administrator. She also added that if they have not had those conversations,
they will. She stated that she has also discussed with her client that he needs to be
prepared to pay money to the school board over and above the impact fees as well as to
the County for basic infrastructure needs. She concluded, stating that she would like for
Mr. Murphy to address both what is being planned at the Education and Research Park
and better address the plan.
Mr. Dennis Murphy, the Senior Project Manager with the firm of Culpepper and
Terpening, approached the podium to speak on the behalf of the petition. He stated that
the petition is for a Change of Land Use for a forty acre parcel of land, east side of Kings
Highway, north of the Fronton, and South of Orange Avenue. He stated that this parcel is
opposite a tract of land that was looked at about a year and a quarter ago.
He asked staff to show a slide display of the land use map that was shown previously.
Mr. Murphy pointed out that the blue parcel that is seen on the overhead is the subject to
a prior petition for a land use change. He then pointed to the piece that the County
Commissioners bought and have since then incorporated concepts for the Research and
Education area, into the master plan. He pointed out and stated that the rectangular
pieces that can be seen at the southwest corner of the blue tract, on the map, were not
currently publicly held. He clarified that they are privately held. Mr. Murphy pointed
out to locations on the map and explained what they are. He stated that in a longer time
period, the current Board and the Board of County Commissioners have rejected
proposed changed of land use and zoning on a parcel of land that was subsequently
annexed in the City of Ft. Pierce and it is currently proposed for a Residential
He stated that they have a parcel of land that they believe is more suitably classified for
Residential Use, than it is for its current General Commercial Use. He stated that they
have a parcel of land that is in part grove and part pasture.
He stated that they have a parcel of land, wherein when they submitted their application
back in January, they did not have the privilege or the available information in which to
Education Park. He stated that they have a parcel of land that will be conveying out
approximately one hundred and seventy-five feet of its frontage along Kings Highway,
for the widening. He added that the widening will be required with the development of
the Research and Education Park for the subsequent DRI applications that will have to
follow that. He stated that they have a parcel of land wherein they are taking the traffic
impacts and reducing them by approximately seventy-five percent, from what they could
be under the current land use classification.
He stated that they have a parcel of land wherein they will try to put in about three
hundred units onto it based upon the concept plan that is in front of them. He stated that
that concept plan incorporates information that they have been able to gather most
Department, regarding the concepts issues for the Research and Education Park. He
stated that that is important because when they filed their application, no one was really
sure where the physical development on the Education Park was going to take place. He
stated that since that time, the preliminary plans that they have been made aware of (they
have not really seen the final copies of them, because they were still in preparation), have
moved or concentrated the Human Development, which includes the labs, the buildings
and the built environment on the eastern quarter of the overall tract. He asked if the
aerial photo could be shown.
He stated that when they are talking about the Research and the Education Facility,
extends west, approximately a mile and a half. He added that is it about a mile and a
quarter deep and it occupies approximately sixteen to eighteen hundred acres. He stated
that the built environment will be, from what they have been told, in the area that he
pointed out to on the screen which constitutes the northeast corner of Rock Road and
Picos Road. He added that it will constitute a sizable, about half of the section that he
showed which is at the southeast corner of Rock and Picos Road. He stated that it is
roughly the eastern half of that. He pointed out that this is where the proposed built
environment is going to be. He stated that there will not be any Agricultural test plots,
nor will there be any growing of crops or products in this area as presently in vision.
He stated that when you look at the concept plan that they have provided and you look
over into the upper left hand corner on the map, you will see that that is the piece that
they were talking about in regards to the petition. He stated that you will see the arrows
that they have going west. He stated that they align with the planned intersecting
roadways that come out of the Research and Education Park. He stated that they believe
that their plan that they are showing, which is a Mixed Residential, Low Intensity
Commercial plan, complements the Research and Education Facilities being put in across
the street. He stated that this provides housing opportunities for those who wish to live
close to the work environment. He stated that the plan is conceptual, but their client has
indicated a willingness to come in and refine this type of plan to match up with what is
being presented.
He stated that the graphic that is before them references a future hotel site. He clarified
that that does not belong to them. He stated that that is an artistic license that was taken
based upon some of the early discussions that they were privileged to regarding the
Research and Development plans. He stated that one of the concepts had a dot for a hotel
there and a conference center should be developed in the future. He stated that that may
not happen and that that will come off of the plan in the future. He stated that they are
not involved in that but he just wanted to note that as a place in here. He stated that upon
going through and listening to the Staff comments, it needs to be noted that their
application is consistent wit
Element, the Potable Water Element and the Drainage Element. He also added that it is
consistent with recreation and Open-space, Conservation, Coastal Management,
Intergovernmental Coordination and Capital Improvements Elements.
He stated that their cited deficiencies are related to two policies within the land use
element, and a general transportation comment saying that they were deficient because
they were being asked to model some traffic information that was not available to them
before. He stated that as they move through the development process, as a preliminary
development order, their traffic assessments at this point have been cursory. He stated
that they are not asking for a specific capacity, but they are asking for an opportunity to
come back with a refined planned and a detailed development plan approach which will
address concurrency issues. He also addressed regards to the extent that the county can
provide the necessary information as to what the impacts will be from the Research Park,
and stated that they will add that into their modeling efforts. He stated that if they do not
have it, then they cannot do it.
He stated that they believe that they are, in reference to the sited policies, incompliance
specifically Policy which had two parts to it, wherein it was noted that they were
inconsistent with it. He stated that they believe that a change in the land use classification
to RM is consistent with the Quarter-Mile proximity, since they are making their property
less intense than the adjacent properties. He stated that the adjacent properties are
Commercial. He stated that they are going down a notch. He stated that in the other part
of that policy, the report has found it to be consistent and there are available utilities to
their area.
He stated that the Staffconcern, is being
improperly applied in this case because as it is materializing through the development of
the master plan, they are not in any area that needs to be set aside for protection or
preservation, in order to protect crop production. He stated that if they were, he would
still be up there arguing that they have a reasonable shot at coming up and seeing forth
that this is Residential because they can provide adequate, vertical and horizontal
screening and buffering to protect the plant environments or the test plots that are out
there in the research areas that are out there. He stated that this is an issue that would be
coming up more and more over the next couple of weeks. He added that there are other
properties in the area that he believes are closer to their test sites than they are, that may
actually have a greater impact that are not providing the levels of buffer that they perhaps
need to. He stated that they are prepared to do what they have to go in and do in the
subject area.
He stated that he believes that their application package was comprehensive enough and
they did cover everything and he does believe that proves that they would warrant. He
concluded stating that they respectfully request that their application is forwarded to the
Board with a recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners transmit their
amendment to Tallahassee for review and that the Board of County Commission be give
the opportunity to give it a final review hearing approximately three or four months from
now. He stated that he is available for further questions.
Ms. Angelos stated that Mr. Freedman wanted her to point out that they have been
working very hard and plan to do a wetland preservation area, dedicated to the public,
with walking trails, and board walk and with environmental awareness and urban settings
and stations to compliment the Research Park also. She stated that that is what you see
back there behind the proposed forty acres.
Chairman Grande thanked the applicant and asked if there were any questions of the
Mr. Knapp stated that he did not understand the map that was provided to them. He
stated that it looks like that there is development there, but is the separate piece a
different piece, behind it that you connect to. Then he asked what does it has to do with
the forty acres.
Mr. Murphy replied, nothing other than a context relationship. He also added that they
own the property. He stated that they own eighty acres in total. He stated that their
petition is to change the west forty from Commercial to Residential. He stated that their
objective is to construct a Mixed Use community as seen in the slide photos and Mixed
Use by product type, plus limited Commercial. He pointed out to arching roadway on the
map and stated that that would be where they would have the limited Commercial
He stated that the balance of their property
would then be multi-family and some single family. He stated that moving into an area
towards of the Copenhaver Road, there would be single family opportunities. He stated
that the only reason for showing them the plan is to give them an idea of what their
thought processes are for the development of the property. He stated that this is not
going to be the final foot print plan.
Mr. Knapp asked if the hotel was on their land.
Mr. Murphy replied no. He clarified that it is not on their land and that it is an artistic
license that was taken and it is coming off.
Mr. Knapp asked if it was where the Fronton is.
Mr. Murphy stated that is where the Fronton sits right now.
Mr. Knapp asked if there was a hotel and a Jai-Alai Fronton on there.
Mr. Murphy replied yes, it is redevelopment opportunity. He stated that that was a part
of some earlier discussion.
Mr. Knapp asked if the bottom spot was or was not their land. He asked if block seven
and block eight was their land.
Mr. Murphy stated no. Then Mr. Murphy pointed out Graham Road on the map.
Mr. Knapp asked if the development was on Graham Road.
Mr. Murphy replied no. He stated that it is separated by its back up approximately on
Copanhaver Road.
Mr. Knapp asked if the eighty acres of what they were talking about were where they
mentioned it to be, and not in the hotel or the Fronton. He pointed to another section and
asked about it.
Mr. Murphy stated that they already own that and that has an RU Land Use designation
onto it right now. Then he asked Mr. Kelly to go back to the aerial slide photo. He stated
that the only piece that they are meeting to talk about is the piece on the aerial, which is
shaded in red. He stated that the context plan is to show what their overall process is for
the entire eighty acre holding.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any other questions of the applicant.
Mr. Hearn asked Mr. Murphy if he gets Residential Land Use on this, will he apply for a
Mr. Murphy replied yes. He stated that that is the only way that they can do what they
are talking about.
Ms. Hammer stated that she sees the forty acres that he is talking about, but she is
impressed with how he wants to join that into the land on the present map to the right.
She asked if he could outline the rest of his eighty acres with the mouse on the screen.
Mr. Murphy outlined his eighty acres on the screen. He stated that the single family
element would be on the wooded parcel. He stated that it is important to know that their
intentions in that area are single family, which is consistent with the other uses in the
area. He stated that they do not plan to introduce any multi-family in that area.
Ms. Hammer asked if they would have the enhancements around the wetlands and the
walking trials so that that would be accessible to the property to the left if they allow the
land use change.
details, but in general terms; it would be a unified development plan and a unified
development approach for the entire property. He also added that access to the amenity
system, which is what this would be, would be available to all of the owners within the
Ms. Hammer asked if they were talking about a gated community.
Mr. Murphy stated that they have not gotten that far yet.
Chairman Grande asked Mr. Murphy who is the owner of this.
Mr. Murphy replied that the applicant is Mr. Freedman and Jeff has the ownership of the
back forty and he thinks that the top forty is under contract purchase. He stated that if
you look it up under the tax rolls it will show up as Florida Gaming.
Ms. Angelos stated that the Jai-Alai is selling it.
Mr. Murphy replied correct, but it is a contract purchase and they have the authorization
letters, which are in a file with the application.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Murphy and asked if there were any other questions of the
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Mr. Marty Sanders, the Executive Director of Growth Management for the school
district. He stated that he is present to speak as an advocate for children. He stated that
the legislature session, within the past month, has initiated a Senate Bill 360, which
brings forth concurrency for schools as a requirement. He added that that is refreshing
and over the next three years they have to develop a concurrency management system for
schools, therefore he will be there in the future with more to say. He stated that as Ms.
Angelos has said, she will work with them to help develop policy, and he appreciates
that. He stated that he has always been a true believer in trying to use all of the brain
power that they can get. He added that she too is an advocate for kids and he is sure that
they can work out some methodology to address the impacts to school. He concluded
stating, with that being said and done, they will work with the applicant to try to do that.
Ms. Hammer asked Mr. Sanders if there were any proposals within the five, ten, or
twenty year plan for a school site in the subject vicinity.
Mr. Sanders stated that the school district owns a site on Jenkins Road, about a mile to
the east of the subject property. He stated that it is near the apartment complex, which is
about three quarters of a mile, north of Okeechobee. He added that the overwhelming
growth in the school district has been in the south part of the county and they are
plugging holes down in there, to maintain the capacity. He stated that they are beginning
to see development in the mid and north part of the county. He stated that a north county
school will be in the nearby future. He stated that they have very little control over
funding so they are just staying a half of a step, ahead of the kids. He stated that on that
note, the school district does annual demographic projections. He added that they hire an
independent firm wherein within the last three years, they have hired Fishkind
Associates. He stated that Fishkind
proposed sixty-seven thousand units occurring in St. Lucie County and the new DRIs.
He added that they have a good grasp on the demographics. He stated that they have
received a demographic report from Fishkind, about three weeks ago. He stated that they
were surprised to find that there was a bump in new students, elementary students in
particular. He stated that they propose that by the incoming fall season that they believe
that they will have over two thousand students station short fall in the elementary school.
He stated that last Tuesday night, the Board approved the architectural contract to move
forward with another K-8 at Cashmere, which is at the very northeast corner of St. Lucie
West. He concluded stating that they are staying a half of a step ahead of the students
and that will be a fast track project, to have that school open by the fall of 2006.
Chairman Grande thanked Mr. Sanders.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing
and asked if there were any questions or
comments of the Board.
Mr. Knapp asked if this was in the Urban Service Boundary area.
Mr. Murphy replied that the property is well within the Urban Service Boundary and it is
in the FPUA service area.
Chairman Grande asked if there was any speakers present to speak on the behalf of the
Research Center. He asked Mr. Murphy is he was the speaker for the Research Center.
Mr. Murphy stated that he could speak on the behalf them.
Chairman Grande announced that they are unrepresented at the hearing.
Mr. Lounds stated that he would have to argue with them about that. He stated that he is
not on the board of governors for the Research Park but he has been a part of it for a
while. He stated that the Park does not lend its self towards Residential. He added that
they have tried to prevent that because of the stigma of research with Residential being
close to it. He stated that the University of Florida closed its Bradenton Research Farm
because of that. He stated that one of his concerns with the whole project, considering
the fact that it is a nice project and that it is laid out well, is that it is in the wrong spot.
He stated that Kings Highway is going to be, has been and will continue to be a
Commercial corridor. He stated that it is from Okeechobee Road to Indrio Road, and it is
all commercial except for the people who have lived there for years. He stated that he
feels that this proposal is misplaced, which is to be facing Kings Highway, because of the
Commercialism of it. He stated that if they could flip that thing back some how and get it
to the other side of 95, then he would be all for it.
However he does not feel that residential on Kings Highway is good growth for them. He
stated that he does not feel that Kings Highway can handle that. He stated that there are
buildings going in just north of the Park, which is a building supply company. He added
that Ring Havers is putting in some other things, north of Orange Avenue.
He concluded stating that it is clear to see that Kings Highway is a Commercial corridor.
He stated that the Research Park has bought up a lot of land to prevent development
around it because of this stigma of research and residential areas. He stated that there is
a lot of energy going into the Research Park, and he does not feel that this fits that Park.
He stated that they are correct in the fact that the Research Park will need to have
residential areas near it, but not that close to it. He stated that he feels that it is a great
development, and he likes it because they are combining, hopefully, single residential
units and so forth. He also added that there are multiple ways in and out of it, but it is on
Kings Highway and he thinks that it needs to remain Commercial and not have that
traffic on it. He concluded stating that if they can flip it some other way, then he would
vote for it, but not like this.
Chairman Grande stated that it sounds like he is in concurrence with the staff
recommendation, and asked if he would like to put that in the form of a motion.
nsidering the testimony presented during the public hearing,
including staff comments, I hereby move that the Local Planning Agency of St. Lucie
County recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners deny the
application of Jeffrey Freedman for a Change in Future Land Use designation from
Commercial to Residential is
because he feels that Kings Highway is primarily a Commercial corridor. He stated that
he thinks that having Residential facing the Research Park is not consistent with the
future plans of the Research Park even though this is a good development. He stated that
he feels that it is misplaced by being on Kings Highway.
Chairman Grande asked if there was a second.
Ms. Morgan seconded the motion.
Chairman Grande announced that there was a motion and a section and he asked if there
were any questions or comments from the Board members.
The Roll Call was made.
Ms. Hammer replied that she will be voting yes to deny the application. She added that
she really likes the layout and the plan. She stated that she also wish that it was in
another location. However, the Research Park is there and she envisions houses next to it
wherein. She added that the next thing that they are involved in is with the residents
coming in complaining about the fertilizers, the odors and so forth. She stated that they
are there first. She concluded stating that she would love to see this kind of layout in
another location.
Mr. Hearn replied no.
Mr. Knapp replied no.
Mr. Lounds replied yes.
Ms. Morgan replied yes.
Chairman Grande stated that he would have really liked to have gotten some of the inputs
from some of the folks at the Research Park, only because of the questions of suitability.
He added that short of that, he will be voting yes on the motion. He stated that if he
understands correctly, the application will be forwarded to the County Commissions with
a recommendation from them, of denial. He stated that that concludes the agenda.
Mr. Kelly introduced a new planner, who is Andrew Riddle.
Chairman Grande stated that he would like to echo the comments that were made earlier
in regards to the preparation of the packets and the presentation.
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M.