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Planning and Zoning/ Local Planning Agency
December 8, 2005
The December 8, 2005 P&Z meeting was called to order at6:00 P.M. by Chairman of the
Planning and Zoning Commission Charles Grande.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Present: Absent:
Ms. Kathryn Hensley Mr. Ramon Trias
Ms. Stephanie Morgan
Mr. Craig Mundt
Mr. Edward Lounds
Mr. John Knapp
Ms. Pamela Hammer
Mr. Bill Hearn
Mr. Charles Grande
Announcements or Disclosures
Some P&Z members disclosed contacts with some of the petitioners.
Chairman Grande announced that the order of the items on the agenda would be changed
so that the minutes would be heard at the end of the meeting, and Agenda Item 11: The
Fire EMS Impact Fee would be moved to the first item on the agenda.
Meeting Procedures
Chairman Grande stated for the public benefit that the Planning and Zoning
Commission is an advisory board to the Board of County Commissioners. They will
Following will be the opening of the public hearing to the public for their comments.
During the public hearing anyone who wants to speak for or against the particular
application can do so at that time. The public portion of the meeting will then be
closed and the application will be discussed among the Planning and Zoning
Commission members. The Planning and Zoning Commission will then vote on a
recommendation to send forward to the County Commission.
Whether you agree or disagree with the Planning and Zoning Commission
recommendation you are encouraged to go to the County Commission meeting to voice
your opinion.
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During the making of the motions, the Planning and Zoning Commission members
may read a motion that has already been prepared. Please be informed that the
application has not been prejudged but the motions have prepared for the
recommendation that is to be made for a particular application, whether it is in favor
of the application or not in favor of the application, so that when motions are made,
the legal requirements for that particular application are met.
Chairman Grande recognized Mrs. Pat Ferrick, representing the North Fork
Property Owners Association, who expressed concerns regarding County
Ms. Pat Ferrick stated that after attending several meetings, their government
representative believes that the County Commissioners have been receiving incomplete
information on project applications. She has provided a copy of a check list of the
information she felt was essential for decision making. This check list is included as an
attachment to these minutes.
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Agenda Item 11: Fire District Impact Fee Ordinance 06-033:
Assistant County Attorney Heather Young presented this item. She stated that this is
Proposed Ordinance 06-003 and was previously numbered as 05-042 but it will not be
adopted until the coming year, so they have changed the number.
This ordinance was requested by the Fire District to amend the Fire EMS Impact Fee
schedule. A study was conducted by Walter H. Keller Inc., which recommended several
amendments to the fee schedule. The Fire District pursuant to Resolution 488-05
approved this report. Several revisions were made to the ordinance following distribution
of the meeting packages to reflect comments received from the Fire District staff. The
changes were outlined in a memorandum provided to the commissioners and are as
Nursing homes to change square feet
The Fire District has requested this and staff recommends that this be forwarded to the
Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval, with those
corrections. Ms. Young added that in the table, January 1 was the initial start date but
because of the delay in the public hearings, this Ordinance will go into effect, if adopted,
on February 1.
Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of staff.
Mr. Lounds stated
includes private schools as well.
Ms. Young stated yes. Ms. Young stated that the impact fee is currently $140.00 per acre
but under the recommended changes, the fee will be reduced to $40.00.
Mr. Hearn asked why the report indicated that the mobile homes were not receiving
service calls.
Ms. Young stated that the applicant would
Chairman Grande opened the public portion of the hearing to the Fire District
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available to answer any questions.
Walter Keller, the consultant, who prepared the Impact Fee Study for the Fire District,
stated that they have reevaluated the information that is in the fee ordinance because it
was implemented back in 2002 and needed to be updated.
Mr. Keller went on to state the following items. They have updated the population and
demographic information of the County and the Fire District has provided them with their
service call experience for the significant time demand issue. This information was used
to establish the experience rates for different land use areas. They have excluded items
that should not be paid by impact fees, such as operations.
Between the years of 2000 to 2004, 85% to 87% of the service call experience was EMS
related, while fire calls accounted for about 15%. The mobile homes were grouped into
some of the multi-family uses. He stated that the results in capital cost that are directly
assignable to impact fees are almost ten million dollars.
The proposed fees are increased. Mr. Keller stated that those fees are set at certain levels
so that everyone pays their portion of the impact fees assignable to their uses. Fees
would apply to both public and private entities. If there is a particular use that the
government is encouraging the fees may not be waived, but the impact fees may be paid
by another entity for the applicant. For any development that has a service call
experience, fees must be paid.
Mr. Hearn asked how the calculation of $83.00 for the mobile home and $294.00 for the
single-family residential homes was derived. He stated that it seems disproportionate.
Mr. Ron Parrish stated that the single-family homes are having a greater impact on both
the Fire and the EMS services than the multi-family residential property.
Mr. Lounds stated more multi-family units are coming into the area and he suggested that
the consultant set higher fees for the multifamily units to align them with the existing
land use designations and single family uses.
Mr. Keller stated that this fee would be looked at periodically to see if it needs to be
adjusted. If the experience of the Fire District indicates that multi-family units should be
a higher rate, then the fee can be adjusted accordingly to reflect that. When the fees were
originally done in 2002, they were not based on any local data.
Mr. Keller also stated that for the impact fees the County adopted in 2002, not much use
data was collected regarding those fees. The data was also based on a study in Palm
Beach County because St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County were considered to be
similar. Therefore the service call experience of Palm Beach County was a major factor
in developing the rates for the fees. However, the current fee proposal is based upon a
140 day time frame when specific data was collected.
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Ms. Hensley noted that the report states schools account for less than 1% of the calls
however, the impact fee increase is 300%. She stated that the methodology appears to be
somewhat skewed, in that the 300% increase would indicate a major user of services, but
the school calls are less than 1%.
Mr. Keller stated that he believes that their methodology is sensitive to the most recent
experience that the Fire District had.
Chairman Grande stated if residential calls are more than half of the usage, why is retail
higher per usage.
Ms. Hammer stated that a call for EMS service is going to cost the same regardless of
what type of unit it services. Therefore, they all should pay the same thing.
Chairman Grande clarified that there are more calls to a single-family home. Therefore,
they should pay more.
Mr. Keller stated mobile homes were not individually classified. Therefore, there were no
service call experiences from the surveys for the mobile home calls. In addition, the
mobile homes were included with the multi-family.
Mr. Keller stated that they felt that multi-family is more appropriate for service call
experience than single-family.
He stated if desired, this fee could be grouped so that all residential units pay the same
fee. He did feel that it is more appropriate to classify the units according to their specific
Ms. Morgan stated on page seven of the report, under Institutional Nursing Homes, it
reads that the increase will be from $143 per bed to $1,055 per bed. She asked if this was
Mr. Keller stated yes because if you look at the service call experience, it is extremely
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
No one spoke.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
Mr. Knapp stated that he would not support this proposal because he does not feel
comfortable with the different fee rates. He stated that he understands that nursing homes
can create problems, but they are necessary and not many nursing homes are going to
come into the County if an extra thousand dollars per bed is being charged. He stated
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that the fees are also really increasing the cost of construction. He added that small uses
in retail are also increasing as well.
Mr. Lounds stated that the plan needs to be re-looked at. There are many areas that need
to be re-calculated to make sure that the plans hold up in the future. He stated that he is
not comfortable with the gasoline station or nursing home recommendations.
Mr. Mundt stated that he recommends that the County Commission look closely at the
fee schedule report.
Chairman Grande stated that he recommends that the Fire Department take a look at the
other impact fee proposals that have come forward, wherein the consultants were able to
explain and justify the specific amounts of the impact fees and request that the Planning
and Zoning Commission and the County Commission to make decisions based upon a
logical presentation.
He stated that the overall impact fees for the Fire Department need to be raised indeed,
but there has not been a presentation that demonstrates that the individual fees have been
developed equitably and fairly.
Chairman Grande stated that he recommends that this be passed, but that the Fire
Department be admonished to make sure that the next time they come forward, the basis
for the individual breakdown of the fees should be clear, and someone should be able to
explain them.
Mr. Hearn made a motion that this proposal be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a recommendation of approval.
He stated that he also recommends that the fee numbers be adjusted more equitably
between the various impacts of the residential development and the retail development as
well as the nursing homes and the gasoline stations.
Chairman Grande asked if
Mr. Mundt seconded the motion.
It was the consensus of the Planning and Zoning Commission members to clearly
recommend that these minutes be viewed by the County Commission before it votes upon
this item.
The roll was called.
Ms. Hammer voted for the motion.
She stated that she would like for the County
Commission to take a look at the numbers for residential because she believes that they
all should be the same and single-family fees should not be $478.00 while mobile home
and multi-family fees are $97.00.
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Mr. Lounds voted for the motion
and stated that he would like for all of the
considerations to be placed in the motion.
Ms. Morgan voted for the motion
and she agreed with Mr. Lounds.
Mr. Knapp voted against the motion.
Mr. Mundt voted for the motion.
Mr. Hearn voted for the motion.
Mr. Grande voted for the motion.
Chairman Grande stated that this proposal would be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a recommendation of approval and a very strong recommendation
that the County Commissioners look very hard at the methodology for allocating the
amounts and making sure that they are justified as equitable.
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Agenda item 5: EH Building Group II, LLC RZ-04-030/PUD-04-028:
For the record, Chairman Grande stated that he has had electronic discussions with the
applicant on this item.
Mr. Hank Flores presented this item. He stated that this is the application of EH Building
Group for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 Zoning District to the Planned Unit
Development-Whispering Oaks Zoning District. The property is located on each side of
South Jenkins Road and is approximately 1/3 of a mile south of Orange Avenue.
On October 20, 2005, this board continued the public hearing on this item because of
provided a revised site plan based upon those concerns.
Staff has determined that the petition meets standards of review as set forth in Land
Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is
recommending that this petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners
with a recommendation of approval, subject to seven limiting conditions.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any questions of staff.
Mr. Knapp stated that they have approved additional projects on South Jenkins Road- The
United Homes and Lennar Homes. He asked Mr. Flores what the densities of the two
developments were.
Mr. Flores stated that the Celebration Point project which is located to the southwest is
approximately 3.5-4 units per acre and Bent Creek, which is located to the east is
approximately two or three units per acre.
Mr. Knapp asked when was the traffic study done and if it included the other two
developments that have not been built yet, but will be accessing Jenkins Road.
Mr. Flores stated that the traffic report is dated May 18, 2005, and it took into account
Celebration Point and Bent Creek as well as the Palm Breezes Club which is located on
Orange Avenue, just east of the Turnpike.
Mr. Knapp stated that he is very concerned with the traffic on Jenkins Road because the
last reports that they had stated that Jenkins Road was about maxed out.
Ms. Hammer stated that in the report there is mention of a landscaping berm and a fence
being located between the project and the subdivision. She asked what kind of fence is
this going to be.
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Chairman Grande stated that question will be held for the applicant.
Chairman Grande opened the public portion of the hearing.
Johnathan Ferguson, , stated that this application has an existing
land use category of RM (Residential Medium) which allows up to nine units per acre.
He stated that they have a signed executed agreement with the school district in lieu of
land donation. It was executed early in 2005 and was provided to staff.
and the impact fees
account for a land component, which is also what the agreement was addressing.
The type of fence that they will use is a vinyl coated, chain-linked fence, which is at the
request of the residents, and not required by Code.
Ms. Julia Shewchuk, with Jordan, Jones and Goulding highlighted the changes of the site
plan. She stated that they have replaced the townhomes with single-family homes
adjacent to the U-Vista subdivision community and also kept the ten feet landscape
buffer. In addition, there will be a 15 foot rear setback to the single-family residents.
Therefore there will be a 25 foot buffer between and structure on the property line. The
closest house to the subdivision of their landscape buffer is 75 feet
She stated that they also relocated the townhouses to the southwest corner, next to the
Upland Preserve so that it is buffered from Jenkins Road by the existing Upland Preserve.
They have also extended it to provide a 30ft Upland Preserve buffer and another
landscape area, which would be between the property line and the closest corner of the
There is a 65 foot setback to the property line which is quite mature landscaping as well
as the native buffer. She stated that they will replace all exotic vegetation areas that they
remove, with native vegetation so that they do not create bare spots. She stated that they
have separated the community center along with the pool and located it further up from
the townhomes. They placed an 80 foot buffer in between them both, which are all native
upland mature habitats. She stated that they flipped the parking lot from the east side to
the west side. They have moved the tot lot away from the street, to the back of the club
house and added a built-in generator to the club house.
They have eliminated the multi-sport court and in an area that was supposed to be re-
vegetated in the Upland, they have created a multi-purpose, grass ball field with an
average dimension of 140 feet by 100 feet. The area that originally was supposed to be
re-vegetated will be re-vegetated in the bare areas. She stated that there is Brazilian
Pepper on the property line, which they will replace that with native understory. She
stated that they will preserve the palm clusters and will not be getting rid of them.
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Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of the applicant.
Ms. Hammer asked if this is a gated community.
Ms. Julia Shewchuk stated that this is a gated community and there will be security and
electronic gates which will need codes to get in and out.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Mrs. Margaret Bill Trainer stated that she is most concerned with the back of her
property. Her property is located in front of the proposed development. She stated that
she is concerned about drainage issues, as well as, water flooding her property because of
the proposed development being built and mounded higher than their property.
She also has concerns about the fence and is not in favor of a chain linked fence. She
would like guarantees showing that the drainage would be taken care of.
Mr. Flores stated that the applicant is required to have a South Florida Water
Management District permit, as well as a St. Lucie County storm water permit. They also
must follow the local guidelines as well as retain their water on their own site.
Mr. Flores stated generally fences can be on the property line. He stated that it is up to
this board to determine what type of fence will be built.
Mr. Tom Gladwin stated that he lives on the south west corner. He stated that the
townhouses were moved into his neighborhood from the U-Vista court area. He stated
that he would recommend that the pond be wrapped around in between both the property
near U-Vista and their property.
He stated that he is not happy with the way the applicant is developing this site. He
stated that there are better options out there that would soothe the issues that all of the
existing neighbors have concerns about.
Mr. Mike Score (engineer of the project) stated that they can move the lake,
size must stay the same size and the dimensions must meet the minimum requirements of
the South Florida Water Management District. He stated if they reshuffle this site plan,
they will lose units in the townhouses. He stated that the lake is conveniently located to
catch drainage from the road, which is an economical design and if the lake is removed,
the economics will be lost.
Mr. David Tubeck stated that they do not understand the need for the buffer. He stated
that he agrees with the previous public speaker.
Mr. John Schmidt (Landscape architect for this specific project) stated that the property
line is 75 foot to the nearest home. At the property line they are proposing a five feet
high, chain linked fence, and on the backside of this will be a continuous native hedging
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material, as well as a layering of native Canopy trees which will be 30 feet on the center,
running on the property line.
He stated that there is a slight swale in the first ten feet of the property line. In meeting
with the neighbors, they agreed to help out with any drainage issues that occur within that
first ten feet.
Mr. Lounds stated that the applicant should consider asking the residents what they
would like to see in their area when it comes to using a fence as a buffer and a vinyl
chain-liked view on their side with native hedges on the other side.
Mr. Daren Robinson stated that he would rather have a thick hedge with the fence against
the hedge, and the fence on their side. This way, no one would be in their backyards
trimming their hedges. He stated that the applicant told them that the houses behind them
will be single-story dwelling units, and he added that he would like for it to stay that way.
Chairman Grande asked the applicant if he can address the comment made about the
single-story dwelling units.
Mr. Ferguson stated that this decision has not been made and will be made at the final
review period.
Mr. Chris Langel stated that he is here on behalf of his mother and he agrees with what
Mr. Gladwin stated. He stated that the natural buffers that they have now are what they
Mr. Langel stated that their needs
should be accommodated because they are just as important as the developer. He stated
that he also has concerns about the traffic.
Currently Jenkins Road is very congested and there is a lot of volume on it.
Chairman Grande stated that the developer will provide a traffic study to the County and
the County will review the traffic study and determine whether or not the number of trips
that will be added, will push the road over its capability.
For the record, Mr. Langel stated that he grew up in this area and as a kid he has seen
chemical containers in the lakes and the ponds. He stated that the tenants that ran the
nursery prohibited any fish to be eaten or taken out of the pond, for the well being of the
community. Mr. Langel recommended that environmental studies be done in this area.
Mr. Pat Langel stated that he represents himself and his mother who is a widow and has
been living in the area for a long time. He stated that the townhouses that the applicant is
proposing to build are
traffic and the wall.
Mr. Renaldo Peres stated that he shares the same opinion as the Langels and Mr.
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For the record, Mr. Peres stated that the applicant went about 130 feet onto his property
and cut down some trees without his permission. He stated that the applicant has not
done anything to compensate him for cutting down the trees on his property. He added
he liked the woods that he had in his backyard before the applicant cut the trees down.
He also added that the applicant also left big holes in his yard, when they cut down the
trees. He stated that he is unable to get into his backyard to cut the grass because of the
holes that the applicant left.
Chairman Grande told Mr. Peres that he
what his civil rights are in regards to the applicant intruding onto his property and cutting
down the trees in his yard.
Ms. Susie Caron stated that she lives in the North County area and she is the person that
conducted the road study. She stated a project was approved in her area and the
developers are working with the residents to see what their desires are and what they
would like to see done in their community.
Ms. Caron stated that the developer needs to address the concerns of the surrounding
residents. She also stated that the proposed project is not compatible with the existing
surrounding land uses. She added that the traffic issues need to be addressed.
Mr. Hearn asked Ms. Caron what her traffic study indicated, in comparison to the current
traffic report on Emerson Road.
Ms. Caron stated that her traffic report revealed that the current traffic report is incorrect
and false. She stated that the traffic is much denser.
In regards to the property owners on U-Vista and the drainage concerns, Mr. Ferguson
stated that they will attempt to accept as much of the run-off as possible, that is coming
south, and run it through the drainage system of the proposed project. He stated instead
of putting a berm in the cross section which would act as a dike, there is a swale there
that can be maintained at the existing ground level.
In regards to the environmental issues, a Phase I and a Phase II environmental assessment
was done on the property, prior to acquiring the property. This included multiple soil
borings in the primary areas where there may have been concerns such as the old saw
mill that was on the site and in the citrus grove, as well as, in the natural landscaping
area. He stated that the environmental assessment came back clean and they did not find
A traffic report was done on the site and it was submitted to the County, wherein it
paHe added that they will be donating an additional
right-of-way along Jenkins Road.
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Mr. Ferguson stated that they will be paying impact fees. He stated that there is access
into the site on Peterson Road. He added Peterson Road is being improved, from Jenkins
Road to Hartman Road because of the many developments in this area. This will allow
access for traffic wanting to go south or towards Ft. Pierce.
Mr. Ferguson stated that they will get together with the Langels and try to work
something out in regards to what all of the parties agree is the best solution for the
property line, prior to this recommendation getting to the Board of County
He stated that they are agreeable to move the townhomes to the northwest, if the County
Environmental Resources and the Growth Management Department agrees also. He
stated that thestaff report
and respectfully request that this be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners
Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of the applicant.
Mr. Knapp asked who is improving Peterson Road.
Mr. Score, the engineer for the project, and the Bent Creek project, stated that they are
presently building Peterson Road.
Mr. Knapp asked if they were building turning lanes on both the left and right turns on
Jenkins Road that go into the proposed property.
Mr. Score stated yes. He stated that they are widening Jenkins Road sufficiently enough
to get the additional laneage to provide the turn lanes.
Ms. Hammer asked Mr. Ferguson if they will work with the Langels and their mother
with their concerns, as well as Ms. Margaret Trainer and her concerns about not wanting
a chain linked fence.
Mr. Ferguson stated that they will continue to work with the all of the residents and try to
come up with a solution that works for everyone.
In reference to future concerns, Ms. Hammer stated that when someone comes in and
goes into an agreement of sale, there should be an attachment of a designated map, which
shows exactly where the preserve area is, along with the rules and regulations of how
they have to maintain the property. This will inform purchasing individuals of future
land uses and land designations on properties. The individuals can determine whether or
not they would like to purchase the property and, this will avoid property owners from
being surprised by a use maintenance requirement.
Mr. Ferguson stated that they understand and will look into the best way to address this
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Ms. Hammer stated that the date on the maps that they received is incorrectly dated
5/24/2005. When this application was reviewed the Planning and Zoning Commission in
October, this was not the plan that they reviewed.
She stated
accurate and corrected.
Mr. Ferguson stated that this will be corrected.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
Mr. Lounds stated
St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners
grant approval to the application of EH Building Group II LLC for a Change in Zoning
from the RS-3 Zoning District to the PUD-Whispering Oaks Zoning District.
He stated that he feels that it creates a transition between the residential area that is being
developed on the south side of the proposed project and the commercial development that
being developed on Orange Avenue.
He stated that he makes this motion providing that the comments, along with the seven
conditions and any other special conditions, and the considerations be adopted as part of
this motion for the residents and changes made on the north end of U-Vista.
He added that he strongly urges that the developer talk
Langels about the consideration of moving Tall Pine Court to be extended to Pine View,
providing that it does not interfere with some of the lso
that they work with the County to provide that alternative design.
He asks that the Landscape Architect contact the St. Lucie County
Agriculture/County Ageffice and find out what is considered the best native plant
material instead of tropical growth material, because the latter will be subject to freeze
and poor viability.
Ms. Hammer stated that she will second the motion and add as a condition that this item
not go to the County Commission until accurate
have been reviewed and proofed by a planner in Growth Management and attached to this
Mr. Lounds stated that he
The roll was called.
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Mr. Mundt voted for the motion.
Ms. Morgan voted for the motion.
Mr. Hearn voted against the motion
and stated that he is not comfortable with the
amount of density in this area, with the traffic that is on this road. He added that he does
not agree that this project is compatible with the neighborhood at this point and time.
Mr. Knapp voted against the motion.
Ms. Hammer voted for the motion.
Mr. Lounds voted for the motion.
Mr. Grande voted for the motion.
Chairman Grande stated that this item will be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a recommendation of approval.
Ms. Hensley stated Ms. Young is the legal council of a 25 year plan currently being put
together by the MPO Department. She stated that this plan shows the need for the future
in the aggregate with the land use. She suggests that staff be provided access to this so
that they will be able to provide more specific figures in answering questions regarding
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Agenda Item 6: Jasmatie Jailall CU-05-014:
Andrew Riddle presented this item. He stated that this is the request of Jasmatie Jailall
for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the retail sale of undistilled alcohol, which is beer
and wine only, in the Commercial, Neighborhood Zoning District. The surrounding
zoning is Agricultural (1 dwelling unit per 2.5 gross acres). The subject property is
located at 13235 OrangeAvenue and is currently utilized as a food store.
The retail sale of undistilled alcohol is allowed as a conditional use in the Commercial,
Neighborhood Zoning District, subject to the approval of the Board of County
Commissioners. No sales of distilled alcohol or liquor shall be permitted.
Staff finds that this petition meets the standards of review as set for in Section 11.07.03
of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals,
objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends
that this petition is forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a
recommendation of approval.
Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of staff.
Mr. Lounds asked if servicing the electricity.
Ft. Pierce Utilities Authorities will be
Mr. Riddle stated yes. He added that the water will be supplied by a well.
Ms. Morgan asked if the applicant is currently selling other items on the site as well.
Mr. Riddle stated yes.
Chairman Grande opened the public portion of the hearing to the applicant.
Ms. Jasmatie Jailall stated that she moved to St. Lucie County about four years ago and
purchased some property and asked the County what she was able to develop on the
property. She stated that the County told her that she would be able to open a food store
and sell all of the products that were sold on the property by the previous owners. She
stated that the store used to be called the Dike Store, and the previous owners sold guns,
liquor, tobacco and beer etc.
Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of the applicant
Mr. Hearn asked if she resides at the store location also.
Ms. Jailall stated yes. She stated that her trailer is behind the store.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
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Mr. Ray Griben stated that he lives adjacent to the subject site and is in favor of this
permit. He added that when the Dike Store was in operation, they sold beer, wine,
cigarettes and food etc. He also stated that the applicant has improved the facility and
enhances the neighborhood with her business in the neighborhood.
Chairman Grande closed public hearing.
Mr. Hearn asked if liquor was previously sold on that property.
Mr. Flores stated that there may have been a conditional use permit on the property when
used throughout a whole year.
Mr. Lounds pointed out the surrounding stores of the proposed site also sell beer and
Mr. Hearn stated
including staff comments in the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.07.03 of the
St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommend to the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners that
they grant approval to the application of Jasmatie Jailall for a Conditional Use Permit to
allow the retail sale of undistilled alcohol, beer and wine in the CN (Commercial
Neighborhood) Zoning District. He stated that the location appears to be the appropriate
place for the proposed use and there also is a historic use on the subject property for a
similar application.
Ms. Morgan seconded the motion.
The roll was called.
Mr. Mundt voted for the motion.
Ms. Hammer voted against the motion.
Mr. Lounds voted for the motion.
Mr. Knapp voted for the motion.
Ms. Morgan voted for the motion.
Mr. Hearn voted for the motion.
Mr. Grande voted for the motion
Chairman Grande stated that this application will be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a recommendation of approval.
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Agenda Item 7: Vernon Dixon CU-05-012:
This item was presented by Andrew Riddle. He stated that this is the request of Vernon
M. Dixon II for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the construction and operation of a
Car Wash facility in the Commercial, Neighborhood Zoning District. The surrounding
zoning is Residential, Single-Family - 4 to the west and east, and Commercial,
Neighborhood to the north and south. The subject property is located on the west side of
North 25 Street, approximately 250 feet south of Juanita Avenue.
Car washes are allowed as a conditional use in the Commercial, Neighborhood Zoning
District, subject to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. The proposed
site plan includes four self-service car wash bays and one automatic car wash bay. Extra
landscaping and an 8 foot high masonry wall are proposed to create a buffer from the
residential area to the west.
Staff finds that this petition meets the standards of review, as set forth in Sections
11.07.03 and 07.10.22 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in
conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive
Plan. Staff recommends that this petition is forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a recommendation of approval.
Chairman Grande opened the public portion of the hearing to the applicant.
Mr. Joe Friscia, the agent for Mr. Vernon Dixon stated staff did a good job showing how
they have met the conditions that were required and stated that he does not have anything
to add but is available for questioning.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any questions of the applicant.
Mr. Lounds asked if the applicant will be providing on site security at night time and if
the car wash will be open twenty-four hours a day.
Mr. Vernon Dixon stated that the car wash will be open twenty-four hours and an
attendant is on the site from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM, however, there will not be an
attendant on the site for twenty-four hours.
Mr. Knapp asked if there is an exit or entrance into the site from Academy Drive.
Mr. Dixon stated that there is no entrance because it was against the Code, so they
replaced it with the masonry wall instead. He added that they also have a walk-up gate
that residents may access to get onto the site.
Chairman Grande stated because this is a twenty-four hour operating car wash, he would
like to add the condition that the lights from this site will not be directly visible or spill
over into the residential property on Academy Drive.
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Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Mr. Charles Spates stated that he resides within the area of the subject property and is in
favor of the car wash.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
Ms. Hammer stated
including staff comments and amended information in the standards of review as set forth
in Section 11.07.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that
the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of
County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Vernon M. Dixon II for a
Conditional Use permit to allow for the construction and operation of a car wash facility
in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District. She stated that this use is a
good fit for the subject location and the applicant has a proven tract record in the
Chairman Grande asked that the maker of the motion add the condition that the lights will
not be directed or spill over into the residential properties on Academy Avenue.
Ms. Hammer agreed to add the condition.
Mr. Knapp seconded the motion.
Chairman Grande asked if there were any discussions on the motion.
Mr. Hearn stated that he will be voting in favor of this application, but he has deep
concerns about the proximity of the surrounding neighbors who reside behind the car
The Roll was called.
Mr. Mundt voted for the motion.
Mr. Hearn voted for the motion.
Mr. Lounds voted for the motion.
Ms. Morgan voted for the motion.
Mr. Knapp voted for the motion.
Ms. Hammer voted for the motion.
Mr. Grande voted for the motion.
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Chairman Grande stated that this will be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a recommendation of approval.
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Agenda Item # 8: Charles Sabin CU-05-013:
Hank Flores stated that this is the application of Charles Sabin for a Conditional Use
Permit to allow for the application of a household goods warehousing and storage mini
warehouse facility in the Commercial General Zoning District. The property is located
on the east side of South U.S. 1, approximately 300 ft north of Savanna Club Boulevard.
The project is to be known as Martin Self Storage.
Household goods, warehousing and storage mini warehousing are allowed as conditional
uses in the Commercial General Zoning District, subject to the approval of the Board of
County Commissioners
The proposed project consists of a total of 90,384 square feet. Staff finds that the petition
meets standards of review as set forth in the Land Development Code and is not in
conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends that this petition be forwarded
to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval, subject to
three limiting conditions.
Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of staff.
Chairman Grande opened the public portion of the hearing.
Charley Sabin stated that they have met with the Home Owners Association and
discussed the concerns about drainage problems in the subject area and have also met
with the South Florida Water Management District wherein they have addressed a way of
solving those drainage issues.
He stated in the operation of a storage business, they have little impact and hours of
operations are limited. He added that they are very friendly to adjacent neighbors
because their lights do not shine into the adjacent neighborhoods and the traffic is very
low. There are on site resident managers who live at the facility. They do not allow
bands on the facility and there is no electricity in the units.
Mr. Sabin stated that the president
stated that her enthusi He stated that
they are still working on some of the drainage issues.
Mr. Sabin stated that there is a large box culvert out-fall through U.S.1 on the north side
of the property. He stated that the South Florida Water Management District is looking
into this matter to see if it was built at the correct elevation. It appears to be lower than
Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of the applicant.
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Mr. Hearn asked what the hours of operation were.
Mr. Sabin stated that they open at 6:00 A.M. and they shut down the gates at 10:00 P.M.
He stated that there is humidity control in the facility.
Mr. Hearn stated that he would like to add the hours of operation of 6:00 A.M. to 10:00
Mr. Friscia, engineer for the project appeared before the Board and stated that they will
be using the back wall of the facility, which is approximately twelve feet high, as their
buffer wall and they will put the fence along the property line where there are no
Mr. Mundt asked how far is the wall from the property line.
Mr. Friscia stated 20 feet.
Mr. Hearn asked if it is a setback requirement for the wall to be 20 feet from the property
Mr. Friscia stated that it is. He added that it is a native preserve and they are preserving
trees throughout that area.
Mr. Knapp stated in the plan, there is a lake at the southeast end of the property. He
asked if something had been done to get all of the water from the subject property down
to the lake without going anywhere. He asked if the applicant was digging a ditch.
Mr. Friscia stated no. He stated that there is an underground piping system in that area.
Mr. Knapp asked how the water is going to get into the pipes.
Mr. Friscia stated that the water goes out the other way. He stated that the water comes
in through the north to the south and then it goes out through the south to the north. He
stated that the piping goes through the site, then it will carry the out-fall through the north
through the DOT right-of-way.
Mr. Knapp asked if there were pumps that are going to pump it.
Mr. Friscia stated that the water will flow both ways by a hydraulic head. The pipes are
put into the ground and then are inverted. There is a different elevation where the water
is coming one way in comparison to it going the other way.
Mr. Knapp asked if the water system was under the ground or under the concrete.
Mr. Friscia stated that it was under the ground. He stated that the piping system will be a
system of inlets which will be connected by pipes. The pipes are connected to the lake.
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He stated that there are box culverts going under U.S.1 out to the river which flow into an
open discharge.
Chairman Grande stated that he would like to add the same condition into this project as
he did with the previous item wherein he asked that the lights from this site will not be
visible or do not spill over into the residential area behind the storage.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
Mr. Karl Lalletta stated that the subject property is a natural preservation wetland area.
He stated they are concerned about the area because it floods. He stated that there is also
a Gopher Turtle preserve on the subject property as well.
Chairman Grande asked if the property has been environmentally examined and if the
drainage issue had been looked at.
Mr. Flores stated yes. The FDOT and the South Florida Water Management District
indicated that the subject area meets all of the criteria required for water, state and local
Chairman Grande asked if the preservation of the Gopher Tortoises issue will be
Mr. Flores stated yes. He added that there appear to be two active Gopher Tortoises on
the property.
Mr. Joe Cowet stated that the subject property is in wetland preservation. He stated that
the drainage may be okay, but the drainage of the wetlands may not be easy to drain.
Mr. Flores stated that the Environmental Resource Department reviewed the project and
nothing has been mentioned about wetlands. The only limitations that have been
included are the three added conditions of approval.
In regards to the wetlands, Mr. Flores stated that the Environmental Resource Department
referred in the staff report to the isolated wetland on the parcel which reads as follows:
additional depressional area on the northeast corner does not bring the total
Mr. John Petri stated that he has concerns about the drainage and flooding. He stated that
they were told that if this request was approved, then they will flood. He stated that he
has concerns about the animals and the structure of the buildings in this area.
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Chairman Grande stated that he has not seen any mention of the species that live in the
area, but Mr. Petri for further
information and concerns about the species in this area.
Mr. Sabin stated that they have addressed the wetland concerns and they plan to protect
the wetlands.
Mr. Friscia stated that they have discussed the drainage concerns and have a South
Florida Water Management District permit that is due to be issued any day now. He
stated that their minimum Finished Floor Elevation is elevation eighteen and all of the
surrounding homes are well above elevation eighteen.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
Mr. Mundt asked the applicant to explain the landscaping proposals.
Mr. Friscia stated that they have a tree every 30 feet on the property. He also stated that
there are live oaks on the property and a continuous hedge of Viburnim between them.
Chairman Grande asked that if the maker of the motion makes a recommendation to pass
the hours of operation and that they be from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., also a fifth
condition stating that the lights do not directly impact or spill over into the residential
properties next door.
Mr. Hearn stated
in Section 11.07.03. of
the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and
Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County
Commissioners grant approval to the application of Charles Sabin for a Conditional Use
Permit to allow for the operation of a household good warehousing, and storage mini
warehouse facility in the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning Districtstated that it
appears that all of the concerns have been addressed and that it would be a good fit in the
conditions and the two added conditions.
Mr. Lounds seconded the motion.
The roll was called.
Mr. Mundt voted for the motion.
Ms. Hammer voted for the motion.
Ms. Morgan voted for the motion.
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Mr. Knapp voted for the motion.
Mr. Lounds voted for the motion.
Mr. Hearn voted for the motion.
Mr. Grande voted for the motion.
Chairman Grande stated that this petition will be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a unanimous recommendation of approval.
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Agenda Item 9: Development LLC PUD-05-009/RZ-05-010:
Hank Flores stated that this is the application of Development for a change
in zoning from the Hutchinson Island Residential District Zoning District to the Planned
Unit Development Zoning District and Preliminary Planned Unit Development approval
for the project to be known as . The property is located on the west side of
South A.1.A., directly across from the Atlantis Condominiums.
The applicant is proposing a residential development of twenty-four multi-family units in
eleven buildings. The proposed planned development maintains the west 10.39 acres in
conservation. The proposed project also indicates an access path through the wetland
area and a proposed eleven slip boat dock. A beach access easement has been provided
on the east side of South A.1.A., and on the south side of the Claridge-by-the-Sea
Staff has determined that the petition meets standards of review as set forth in the Land
Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff
recommends that this petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with
a recommendation of approval, subject to eight limiting conditions.
Chairman Grande opened the public portion of the hearing.
Mr. Dennis Murphy stated that the proposed project is consistent with the existing
developments that surround it, and that they are requesting a PUD because it is for the
purpose of the proposed property use. He stated that they plan to sell the
community in a fee simple format and subdivide the property. He added that this can not
be done under the current HIRD zoning district.
Mr. Murphy stated that their property consists of approximately 14.39 acres and has two
separate land uses (RU-allows up to five units per acre and RC-allows the development
density of 0.2 units per acre). He added that they have 11.21 acres of land that is above
mean high water. He stated 7.98 acres of that are in RU designation and 3.23 acres is in
the RC designation.
He stated the majority of the units are two-unit buildings, but they have two three-unit
buildings. He stated that they are servicing these units with a central parking court. He
stated that this will be done in a paver brick or paver stone. He stated that the community
will consist of individually owned units.
He stated that they are seeking the approval from the State of Florida for the construction
of eleven boat docks, which will be located in the southwest portion of the project on the
Indian River.
Mr. Murphy they will be conforming to all applicable St. Lucie County standards, in
regards to the drainage issues, and to all of South Florida Water Management District and
DEP discharge criteria. He stated that the proposed project will be accepting run-off
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from A.1.A., and running it through their treatment systems before it is discharged into
the Lagoon. Mr. Murphy stated as a part of their project, they will be constructing a new
habitat transition area between uplands and wetlands along the western edge.
Water service will be provided by the sewer service will be
Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority,
provided by St. Lucie County, and the development will be taking reuse water back for
irrigation purposes as required.
They have met with the Fire District, as well as the School Board, and the Department of
Transportation and have worked out all of the main concerns.
He stated that the additional twenty-four units that they are proposing to develop will not
affect the evacuation system on Hutchinson Island. They are in agreement with the staff
report. They do not have any dune preservation on their property.
Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of the applicant.
Ms. Hammer stated that there is a new solar unit roofing system available, and she
suggests that the applicant takes a look into this and see if he would like to incorporate
this system into this project as state of the art design.
Mr. Murphy stated that they will take a look into that.
Mr. Mundt asked if the Home Owners Association will be responsible for the
maintenance in the preserve area.
Mr. Murphy stated yes.
Mr. Mundt asked about the mitigation credits.
Mr. Juan Bernedes, one of the owners of the project, stated that they have made an
agreement with the County to purchase two mitigation credits from Bear Point and that
they have made the appropriate deposits and purchase agreements with the County.
Mr. Hearn asked how much the mitigation credits cost.
Mr. Bernedes stated approximately $100,000 each.
Mr. Lounds stated if the ditch collapsed then the water would escape and decrease the
stagnation which creates the whole area. He asked Mr. Murphy if this was part of their
plan or development, for the ditch to collapse.
Mr. Murphy stated as you move to the western part of the development that is a factual
statement. He stated that they are not sure how the ditch was created and knocking it
down will not help the flow matters.
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Chairman Grande stated that the property located south of the proposed project has a
asked if the docks collided or meet at any point.
Mr. Murphy stated that they have looked into it and do not intend to promote boat
crashing. He stated to the best of their knowledge, they are not conflicting with the dock
on the south side of their property.
Chairman Grande stated if the proposed project was a HIRD property, they would be
responsible for the alternate impact fees on South Hutchinson Island Residential District
Ms. Young agreed.
He added that the alternate impact fees are more expensive than the normal road impact
fees. He aske
they develop under PUD.
Mr. Flores stated no. He stated that the applicant will still be subject to all of the road
impact fees as if the property were zoned HIRD.
Chairman Grande stated as HIRD property, the applicant would be paying more on
impact fees than they would for any other property. He asked if they grant a change in
zoning from HIRD to PUD, is the applicant escaping the alternate impact fee.
Mr. Murphy stated in his opinion they will be escaping the alternate impact fees, because
under HIRD, the impact fees apply only in the HIRD. However, under a PUD, this will
not apply.
Chairman Grande stated when the HIRD designation was created, all of the residential
properties in the HIRD designation were to stay under the HIRD designation. He stated
them to do fee simple sales and get away from setbacks, then the County may be giving
up approximately $100,000 of impact fees that they would get if this request is not
granted or approved.
Mr. Bernedes stated that they are not trying to circumvent that regulation. He stated in
their planning they were assuming that using the one credit per acre will give them a
certain amount of credits and then they would pay an incremental of the $13,000.
Mr. Flores stated that in the past the County has enforced the alternate development fee
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
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Ms. Young announced that staff has received two letters from surrounding residents
expressing their concerns about the proposed project.
One of the letters is from Ms. Steiner, an owner of Atlantis Condominium who stated that
the proposed project needs to include a swimming pool so that the residents do not use
their swimming pool.
The other letter is from the president of the Board of Directors from Claridge by the Sea,
indicating their concern about increased density, the impact on traffic, as well as safety
for the incoming residents of , in regards to them crossing the street to
access the beach.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
Mr. Knapp statedng,
including staff comments and the standards of review as set forth in the Section 11.06.03
of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and
Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County
Commissioners grant approval to the application of Development LLC for
a change in zoning from the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning
District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development- )
stated that this looks like a very nice project for south beach.
Ms. Hammer seconded the motion.
Mr. Mundt voted for the motion.
Mr. Hearn voted for the motion.
Mr. Lounds voted for the motion.
Ms. Morgan voted for the motion.
Ms. Hammer voted for the motion.
Mr. Knapp voted for the motion.
Mr. Grande voted for the motion. He stated that he intended on voting against this item,
but since Mr. Lounds is voting for construction on the island, he will give into Mr.
Lounds favor on the project.
Chairman Grande stated that this application will be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a unanimous recommendation for approval.
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Agenda Item 10: Harold Martek RZ-05-023:
Wendy Clark stated that this property is located in the South Indian River Drive area,
which is south of Walton Road. The reason for the requested rezone is to re-subdivide
the property into two building lots. Currently as it stands, it is not possible to divide the
property into two conforming lots, based upon the inability to comply with the 100 feet
minimum road frontage which is required by the Residential Estate-2 Regulations.
By rezoning to RS-2, the minimum road frontage required, is 30 feet Therefore it will be
possible to re-subdivide the property into two conforming lots. As proposed, the RS-2 is
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and staff is recommending that this
application be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation
of approval.
Chairman Grande asked if there were questions of staff.
frontage to meet criteria.
Ms. Clark stated that is correct.
Chairman Grande opened the public portion of the hearing up to the applicant
Mr. Murphy stated that their property is currently classified as being in the RE-2
(Residential, Estate-2 dwelling units per acre) Zoning District and has a 100 foot road
frontage requirement. He stated that the 100 foot road frontage requirement was created
for most of the properties along the drive that matched the 100 foot designation.
Currently they have some parcels that have been assembled and these properties do not
have the 100 foot road frontage. Therefore, they would like to divide their property into
Mr. Murphy stated that they respectfully request that their petition be forwarded to the
Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval.
Chairman Grande opened the public hearing.
No one spoke.
Chairman Grande closed the public hearing.
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Mr. Lounds stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing,
including staff comments in the standards of review as set forth in the Section 11.06.03 of
St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommend that St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant
approval to the application of Harold Martek from the RE-2 (Residential, Estate-2
dwelling units per acre) Zoning District to the RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family-2
dwelling units per acre) Zoning District
different lots and he feels that this is a good idea.
Mr. Hearn seconded the motion.
All in Favor.
None opposed.
The motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Grande stated that this application will be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a unanimous recommendation for approval.
Hank Flores added that although the last project was rezoned to PUD, they are still
subject to the alternate development fees.
Other Business:
Chairman Grande stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission members will not be
acting on the previous minutes. The minutes must be correct and proofed before being
brought back. They asked that the minutes be proofed and corrected by a member of staff
before they are sent to the Board of County Commissioners if they will not meet
deadlines to be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local
Planning Agency.
Mr. Kelly suggested that it will take approximately two weeks for the minutes to be
Chairman Grande stated that they would like to set up a system wherein no items are
scheduled to be heard before the Board of County Commissioners if the minutes have not
been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The next meeting is January 19, 2005.
The Chairman requested the Legal Department to provide a workshop for the Planning
and Zoning Commission to explain what is expected
Planning and Zoning Commission member Carson McCurdy resigned and the Planning
and Zoning Commission board members expressed their sincere gratitude for all of the
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hard work that Mr. McCurdy contributed to the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local
Planning Agency throughout the years.
Mr. Kelly introduced Mr. Gil Backenstoss, who is the New Assistant Director of Growth
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