HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03-16-2006
St. Lucie Count
Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency
Commission Chamber, 3 Floor, Roger Poitras Annex
March 16, 2006
6:00 P.M.
(A DVD recording of this meeting, in its entirety, has been placed in the file along with these minutes
as part of the record).
Chairman, Bill Hearn; Vice Chairman, Ramon Trias; Pamela Hammer; Craig Mundt; Susan Caron,
Charles Grande; Ed Lounds; Stephanie Morgan; John Knapp, Catherine Hensley
Ms. Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney; Mr. Gilbert Backenstoss, Assistant Growth
Management Director; Mr. Robert Nix, Growth Management Director; Mr. Hank Flores, Planning
Manager; Mr. Larry Szynkowski, Senior Planner; Diana Waite, Senior Planner; Andrew Riddle,
Chairman Hearn called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission
and local planning agency at 6:00 P.M.
Chairman Hearn welcomed all to the meeting. He stated this is an advisory commission to the Board of
County Commissioners. Please keep all
very lengthy.
Mr. Backenstoss announced at the last meeting items 10 and 11 Grande Beach were withdrawn from
the agenda. He re
Board members agreed in unison.
Mr. Backenstoss advised that the item was legally advertised, the hearing must be called to order.
There was one item missing from the agenda package sent to all the Board members which is the site
plan with some changes. The changes are minor except for one item, additional parking was added
which is a requirement of the code. It would be at the pleasure of the Board to decide to proceed with
the hearing or to continue the item. The hearing has to be opened and have that discussion.
Mr. Mundt stated a package of material was received relating to this agenda item. There was no site
plan with the revised staff report and it was thought that the site plan received in February was the one
that would be discussed tonight. There are some obvious changes to the site plan. There is a building
that has been moved, there is a different dimension, there are several different dimensions and there are
some changes in terminology. The site plan was not provided to the commission members in time for
adequate study and staff and their agents will attempt to
modifications In the hopes not to inconvenience people, staff should have recommended that this item
Chairman Hearn commented that the applicant and the public should be heard from tonight and thena
decision could be made to continue this.
Chairman Hearn stated Item # 1 and Item # 2, the minutes of the January and February meetings and
then move into Item # 5 which is E H Building Group and then do Item #11 and Item #12.
Chairman Hearn asked if there were any other announcements from staff.
Chairmen Hearn asked if there were any announcements from the commission members.
Mr. Grande stated he spoke with several of the applicants on most of the applications.
Ms. Hammer stated she spoke with Chairman Commissioner Coward about application item #7
Plantation Acres.
Chairman Hearn stated he had a conversation with some folks from/regarding (?) North Beach.
Mr. Lounds stated he had a conversation with the folks from Mill Creek.
Mr. Mundt stated he spoke with the Mill Creek folks and also Grande Beach.
Ms. Morgan stated she also spoke with people regarding Grande Beach.
Chairman Hearn stated he was contacted by one of the other applicants and declined to meet with them
because the public should hear what is being discussed.
Ms. Caron stated she was contacted by and spoke to a representative of Mill Creek as well.
Agenda Item #1 Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2006.
Chairman Hearn stated the January 19, 2006 minutes were revised. Revisions were sent in by
Chairman Hearn and Ms. Caron. Chairman Hearn asked for a motion to approve these minutes.
Mr. Trias made the motion to approve. Mr. Mundt seconded the motion. Chairman Hearn stated all
were in favor but Ms. Hammer who had not attended the meeting nor had read the meeting minutes.
Agenda Item #2 Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2006:
Chairman Hearn stated agenda item #2 minutes of February 16, 2006 meeting. Are there any
Mr. Mundt stated that the last item regarding Grande Beach references Mr. Backenstoss stating that an
inquiry from the homeowners association that the legal description is incorrect. The letter from Diane
Andrews was reviewed on page 10, the last item. The issue she brought up is that there are three (3)
parcels and only one parcel had a legal notice posted to it.
It was noted by the secretary that there were minor changes requested by Chairman Hearn and Ms.
Hammer which will be made.
Chairman Hearn asked if there were any other changes or additions to the meeting minutes.
Mr. Grande moved to approve the minutes as amended.
Seconded by Ms. Hammer
Chairman Hearn stated moved and seconded. The meeting minutes of February 16, 2006 were
unanimously approved.
Agenda Item 3: EH Building Group
Hank Flores, Planning Manager, stated that this is the petition of EH Building Group for a Change in
Zoning from the RS-3 Zoning District to the Planned Unit Development, Whispering Oaks Zoning
District of the property located on the east side of South Jenkins Road approximately one third of a
mile South of Orange Avenue. The application is proposing a residential development of 372 units
which are 145 single family lots, 143 town homes units with a one car garage and 84 town home units
without a garage. The subject property is 67.18 acres in size. This petition was previously voted on by
this commission but was returned. The legal advertisement for both the Planning and Zoning
Commission and the Board of County Commissioners was incorrect therefore everything had to be
rerouted through the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners. The
plan itself has not changed since it was last reviewed by this board other than adding berms and
fencing. Staff, therefore recommends, that this petition be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a recommendation of approval subject to fifteen limiting conditions.
Chairman Hearn asked if there are any questions of staff.
Chairman Hearn stated on page 6, the last paragraph indicating that the applicant will provide a 6 ft tall
wooden fence. Perhaps the applicant can come up with something better then a wooden fence which
after time deteriorates. Perhaps some sort of permanent fencing. Then on page 9 condition # 14 states
l be designed to accept re-used water from the Ft. Pierce
Utilities Authority, as the preferred method of irrigation.
Chairman Hearn stated to indicate required, if available.
Ms. Hammer stated regarding condition #11
reference the preserve area management
Perhaps that obligation could be part of the agreement of sale so the purchaser will know right up front
that the preserve area will be taken care of so the purchaser will not be surprised later on. Also,
referring to condition 15 where construction starts at 6AM, perhaps construction can begin at 7AM to
Chairman Hearn asked the board members about the 7AM start time.
Ms. Caron commented regarding the discussion of the hours of operation stating this subject should be
opened to the public for their comments and input. Ms. Caron agreed regarding a start time of 7AM
with a 5:30 end time and hours of operation on
Chairman Hearn asked if there were any other comments or questions.
Chairman Hearn asked if there are no further questions from the board the public hearing will be
Noreen Dreyer, Attorney, representing the applicant requests approval of Whispering Oaks PUD
Rezoning. A contribution of a $500,000.00 has been offered toward traffic improvements in St. Lucie
County. That contribution should go a long way to help solve some of the existing traffic problems.
The applicant agrees with all conditions of approval. Alternative fencing will be looked at per the
-use water, if available, it was assumed that it was
preserve area management monitoring plan to be part of the agreement of sale can be added, if the
board feels that this will be helpful. The applicant requests to leave the hours to 6AM to 6PM during
the week and 7AM on Saturday. If the County adopts a law which changes these hours, the applicant
will abide by that change.
Chairman Hearn stated that the consensus from this Board is the starting time is 7AM and the Board of
County commissioners will most likely adopt this change.
Chairman Hearn asked if there are any questions of Ms. Dreyer.
Julia Shewchuk, Jordan, Johnson, Golding provided more explanation about the berm and the fence.
Going from the west property line there is a 5 foot berm which rises to a 7 ft berm and then goes back
down to 5 feet. On top of this berm is a vegetated area where grass and a hedge will go. The hedge is
going to be higher then required by code. There is going to be a fence which will be put up in
agreement with the property owners that can be either a wooden fence or a chain link coated fence.
There will not be visual impact from the town homes onto the neighboring residences since the
buildings are vertical toward the property line and there are no windows on this side of the buildings.
Ms. Shewchuk further stated that the town homes are located on the southern property line and they are
two stories.
Chairman Hearn asked if anyone else had any comments or questions.
Chairman Hearn asked if any member of the public would like to speak regarding this issue.
Member of the public, Tom Gladwin, 986 South Jenkins Road, which is the parcel in the middle of the
south west end of the project. Concessions were made, the berm has been enhanced but still there are
problems. Mr. Gladwin stated four units have been eliminated but it is not like it could be. There is
property available on that land to put those townhouses where no-one has to look at them. He would
like the berms put in place prior to construction. It will help with the dust and noise. Mr. Gladwin
further stated the start time should be at 8AM and end at 5:30PM on Saturday and 5:30 PM on
Attorney Dreyer confirmed that there were four units that were moved and the plans show 94.38 ft
from the property line to the first building. It was increased 30 ft from 65 ft to 94 ft.
Attorney Dreyer further stated the townhouses could not be moved to the west. One of the features of
this site was to provide a nice environmental habitat for this community. It is affordable and the goal is
to try to bring in units in the lower $200,000.00 as a starting point.
Are there any other members of the public who would like to speak?
Mr. Backenstoss stated that Carole Woods is here from the City of Ft. Pierce to discuss her comments.
Carole Woods from the Ft. Pierce Planning Dept. stated that the Ft. Pierce Planning Dept did not
respond to the project until just recently. They are responding to design issues. How can the design
work to better serve the quality of the project overall. There are questions and concerns about the
architecture of the landscape context as related to the surrounding land uses. Some are minor design
issues about the placement of the public buildings on the road that comes in from the entrance and
possibly switching that with some of the town houses to present a focal point as one enters the project.
Some of the comments have to do with the town houses without a garage in the north east quadrant of
the plan. Those are the kind of things the Ft. Pierce Planning Dept is interested in addressing.
Chairman Hearn requested Ms. Woods speak at the Board of County Commission meeting regarding
this application and further to work with the applicant possibly satisfying some of the suggestions
made this evening.
Chairman Hearn asked if there are any questions for Ms. Woods.
Chairman Hearn asked if any member of the public wish to speak.
Darin Robertson, 139 Uvista Court stated on the north east section they were supposed to put in one
story homes but now they are building two story homes. Regarding the fencing and the berms on the
north section, a wall should be constructed with the single story homes. A wall is low maintenance
and provide all the homes with protection. Regarding
the hours of construction 7AM should be the starting time.
Chairman Hearn asked is there any other member of the public who would like to speak.
Chris Lengle, 910 South Jenkins Road speaking on behalf of Betty Lengle, 820 South Jenkins Road
stated they did have meetings with the developers. There is a 7 ft berm on part of the southern border
of the property and added a 5 ft berm along the Applain preserve. Jenkins Road is already congested as
it is and this needs to be considered. Is the lighting on the project going to be too bright an affect on the
existing neighbors? Regarding the construction hours 7AM to 5:30PM is ok and 8AM to 5:30PM on
Saturday is fine. Mr. Lengle stated noise is another concern. A 15 ft berm was requested and the
developer came back with a 7 ft berm. A berm is a good substitute to block sound and light and
hurricanes do not knock them down.
Chairman Hearn asked if there was anyone else from the public who would like to speak.
Mr. Mark Roberts, 155 Uvista Court stated a privacy wall is preferable.
Chairman Hearn stated that it appears to be very clear to the applicant that a wall is of paramount
importance to the adjoining property owners. Is there anyone else from the public who would like to
discuss this project?
Ray Perez, 984 South Jenkins Road stated that the project should be stopped completely until they
restore his property. Some of the houses are being built 2 ft from the east property line. Two story
houses with a 2 ft berm. He stated that the developer destroyed 130 ft of the property. Pulled trees out
and took the 5 ft 6ft berm from his property with the trees.
Attorney Dreyer replied the trees that were taken down by the previous owner of the property and not
by E H Building Group. With that being said, E H Building Group has agreed to grade the property
and replant native trees in that area where those trees were taken down.
Chairman Hearn stated there since there is no one else from the public that the public hearing
regarding this matter is closed.
Chairman Hearn asked if there were anymore questions or comments, there is still a full agenda.
Chairman Hearn stated he will entertain a motion.
Mr. Lounds stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing including staff
comments the standards of review set forth in section 11.06.03 of the St. Lucie County land
development code. I hereby move the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the
St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners deny the application of E H Building Group for
change in zoning from RS-3 zoning to the PUD development Whispering Oaks zoning district because
it is felt that there is still a great deal of discrepancy between the buffering areas and the request from
the home owners around it. Further, improvement can be developed within the south end of the
development which will impede increased traffic on Jenkins Road that it is not ready for at this time.
Mr. Trias seconded the motion.
Chairman Hearn stated moved and seconded.
Roll Call
Mr. Lounds Yes to deny
Mr. Trias - Yes to deny
Chairman Hearn - Yes to deny stating there many issues with this petition not the least of which is
the increased density on Jenkins Road.
Ms. Caron Yes to deny
Mr. Grande No
Ms. Hammer No
Mr. Knapp Yes to deny
Ms. Morgan No
Mr. Mundt Yes to deny
The secretary confirmed that the vote is 6 -3 to deny.
Chairman Hearn stated that the petition will be forwarded to the County Commissioners with a
recommendation of denial. Possibly some of the issues can be worked out with the adjoining property
owners to perhaps get an approval from the Board of County Commissioners.
Ms. Hammer requested to have a short break.
Chairman Hearn called the meeting to order. He stated he had a request from the applicant
representative who promised it would only take 10 minutes. He asked the board members, if there are
any objections to quickly hearing the Stop-Gap Ordinance?
The board members had no objections.
Agenda Item #4: Ordinance # 06-011
Dennis Murphy stated this agenda item is a request to consider draft ordinance #06-011. This project,
which has been under review to the County for approximately a year, is stuck in Stop Gap. This is a
request to forward draft Ordinance #06-011 to the Board of County Commissioners for review to
exempt this project from the Stop-Gap procedures only. This project will return to this committee
through the regular PUD review process to present the plan.
Chairman Hearn stated he has two questions. Who drew those boundaries that include property at that
extreme edge of it? The other question, if this is approved,
do the same thing?
Dennis Murphy replied the regional planning council is the entity that drew the original TVC
boundary. To answer the second question, will there be other properties requesting what is being
requested tonight. Very possibly, but there is not another property within the entire boundaries of the
TVC area that is in the same condition or the same set of circumstances that this project is in. This is a
fairly unique situation and all that is being requested is the ability to get out of Stop Gap and bring
forward the PUD plans.
Mr. Mundt asked was this done at the request of the board.
Attorney Heather Young replied he property
presented it at the February 7 meeting. The Board directed staff to draft the Ordinance and take it
through the process.
Mr. Grande stated taking properties out of the overall Stop Gap and allowing this project to move
ahead, in affect, going around the things that the Stop Gap was put in place to hold up.
Dennis Murphy replied that in this particular geographic location there are enough mitigating
circumstances that taking this out of Stop Gap is not going to underline the intent of what stop gap is
trying to address.
Mr. Hearn stated why it was included to the TVC element is not understood. A motion and a
recommendation need to be made.
Mr. Mundt stated he will make a motion to approve the request of the Board of County
Ms. Morgan seconded the motion.
Roll Call
Mr. Mundt Yes
Ms. Morgan Yes
Chairman Hearn Yes
Vice Chairman Trias Yes
Ms. Caron No
Mr. Grande Yes
Ms. Hammer No
Mr. Knapp No
Mr. Lounds No
Vote is 5 to 4 to approve.
Gill Backenstoss stated that the current copy of the site plan for agenda item #5 has been distributed to
all the commission members.
Agenda Item #5: Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC
Larry Szynkowski stated this is an application for Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC plan
amendment 05-008 future land use amendment change in designation from commercial (COM) to
mixed use (MXD) medium intensity. Proposed use are 82 units of condominiums, 10,000 sq ft of
commercial. Surrounding land use designations are residential medium. The applicant in their request
for mixed use also has sub area policies. The limitations would be 84 dwellings but has been reduced
to 82 dwellings. The maximum residential threshold is 40% non-applicable. The client requested this
threshold be non-applicable. As part of the application it can be waived as a sub area policy.
Larry further stated other objectives and elements or parts of the element that this plan with future
development within the planned urban service area shall be directed to areas where urban and
community services can be provided in a most efficient manner to discourage sprawl.
Attorney Heather Young stated to Chairman Hearn before the public hearing is opened it needs to be
stated that this is being reviewed as a local planning agency therefore it is necessary to reconvene as
Chairman Hearn stated that this hearing is being conducted as the local planning agency.
Mr. Mundt asked Larry about the 40% of the planned mixed use development that limitation would
yield a maximum 35 dwelling is time the applicant
deserves the application to proceed forward in its current format for its review and approval by the
th them about the 235%
increase in density that was requested?
Larry Szynkowski replied yes there were conversations regarding the minimum and maximum and
finally the basic 82 condominium units that they have come up with for the final application.
Mr. Mundt asked Larry if he counseled them in any direction that this was unique and far beyond what
would normally be approved in the County.
Larry Szynkowski replied not to that extent, basically on their sub area policy.
Mr. Nix, Director of Growth Management for the County, many of the questions that were just
directed to the staff had to do with zoning. The issue that is before this board right now is not zoning, it
is a plan amendment and those questions may be appropriate for the next item that is coming up and it
should be considered there but they are not appropriate regarding a plan amendment. Basically if an
applicant wants to apply to amend the comprehensive plan and create a new district in that plan and
new regulations for that district, there is no end at all in the code regulations that relates to that. It is a
policy decision by the Board of County Commissioners that would be making a recommendation
Chairman Hearn asked Mr. Nix regarding district, you are talking about the 9.44 acres.
Mr. Nix replied it was referring to the sub area plan that they are trying to create here in this mixed use
district category and the mixed use district category was not designed for this and frankly nothing has
been seen in the comprehensive plan that is designed for this. The applicant is proposing something
that they think will work for this site to help them achieve what they want to do and they are proposing
that it is consistent with all the other goals, objectives and policies in the plan and it is something that
by relevant and appropriate data and analysis. Those are the kinds of issues this board should be
looking at. Go through on the planning issue, make the recommendation and then come back and make
your recommendation on the zoning issue.
Mr. Trias commented that he does understand what Mr. Nix is stating and he has some very good
points. He described the project as something like this in the context that there does not seem to be the
right future land use or whatever regulation needs to be applied. This is of concern because what this
is changing to commercial to residential which is happening throughout the island to a point that there
is one parcel left that is commercial. To indicate to service this population elsewhere having all this
traffic going to A1A goes against everything in terms of planning and urban zoning.
Chairman Hearn asked if there are any other questions or comments before the public hearing is
Mr. Bobby Klein, Law Firm of Klein and Dobbins on behalf of the applicant Grande Beach, North
Hutchinson Island, LLC. Representatives Mr. Halpern and Mr. Zeller, Albert Jacob, Land Planner
from Houston Cuoso Group, Steph Mathis from Culpepper and Terpening, Engineer and Traffic
Consultant and the Economic Consultant, Carole Thompson of Thompson Consulting. A lot of people
can attest to the fact that it was indicated that Mr. Dobbins made that statement Tuesday morning at the
County Commission where permission to advertise the abandonment was made for the 4/4/06 County
Commission meeting and there was a discussion by the residents that it should be heard at the same
time as the land use amendment and the site plan. That has always been our intention.
Bobby Klein Flotilla. Coincidentally one year
ago tomorrow, March 17, 2005, the clients and several representatives met with several community
island leaders. The property and the project, their concerns and what they wanted was discussed. The
number one concern was not to use Flotilla and Marina Drive as access. They discussed the impact of
the neighborhood by the design and the proximity of the buildings and how they were imposing on the
neighborhood. They also talked about the undesirable uses that are in the commercial general zoning.
What they wanted was a unique project and viable commercial uses. This project has a site plan to
show what is going to be done and how it will be done. In April, 2005 Carole Thompson of Thompson
Consulting was hired because it was important to establish the appropriate amount of commercial
space and then design the residences around it. At this point, Albert will walk through the site plan and
discuss the project.
Albert Jacob, Houston Cuozzo Group stated he will describe what is being done with this project. It is
on A1A and Marina Drive on the north west corner. Condo buildings on the east are approx 12 stories,
125 ft tall. There are two story townhouses and the Gallions are also two stories. The areas around the
property on the south western corner and along the northern side are single family units. Presently on
the site is a commercial building which is vacant and there is this existing road. Also on the western
side of the property is the Coral Cove Water Way which is approximately a 1/3 of the distance from
the southern corner of the property. As an overview this is the piece of property being discussed and
what is happening around the property. The site plan that was received tonight is the current plan and
will be reviewed tonight.
Chairman Hearn asked Albert to explain the difference to this plan and the plan that was viewed last
Albert Jacob replied the design process will indicate what is attempting to be done on the site. A1A is
on the east side of the property and Marina Drive on the south side of the property. All these buildings
face the east looking out towards the ocean. Only one building faces Coral Cove Waterway. Just as a
point and as mentioned earlier in this presentation, none of these buildings have moved from all the
previous submittals.
Bobby Klein stated it is important, as Mr. Grande indicated, to understand the total picture. This brings
the issue to the crux, as some people have stated this is the last commercial opportunity and this project
is taking all this commercial away. The innovative style is what is desired. The client wants to have a
project that is consistent with the neighborhood and provide what they need but did not have a negative
impact on them. Both staff reports indicate that this project is consistent with the codes, with the comp
plan and the PMUD. That the project is compatible with the neighborhood and the client believes he
has a good project and hope that this board agrees with that.
Ms. Hammer stated there are mistakes on the site plan that could impact this community in the future.
The mistakes need to be pointed out and addressed and not three years later. She asked the planner,
Albert Jacob to look at the cover sheet of the old plan. It is the same as on the new plan. The old plan
indicates being short ten parking spaces for commercial. Could it be shown where those parking spaces
have been added.
Albert Jacob replied the parking spaces that were added were on the south east corner.
Ms. Hammer stated they were put into what was the dry detention area. How is that space being made
up if it was previously a detention area. The planner, Albert Jacob, replied there was excess and there
was no open space. Presently there is more open space than is required and that is why it was able to
be accommodated.
Ms. Hammer pointed out numerous mistakes on the site plan.
Ms. Hammer stated there is a great deal of time spent reviewing every line and every one of the details
and for this committee to receive a site plan tonight without sufficient time to review it is why she will
not vote favorably on the plan as stated even if she feels it is not a bad project. The project should have
been pulled off the agenda in the very beginning of this meeting at 6:10 PM. This county nor the
owners of this property do not deserve this kind of work. Hopefully this board will either turn this
project down or continue it until an accurate site plan is made available.
Chairman Hearn asked if there were any other questions.
Chairman Hearn opened the public hearing.
Diane Andrews, North Beach, in Queens Cove. Vice President and Secretary of North Beach
Association. Her concerns are many, one of which is regarding the 235% variance request to receive
closer scrutiny and a satisfactory explanation for a recommendation of approval of this huge
concession. Also the site plan and staff report presented asks for several other deviations from code to
. They are Density variances, roads lacking proper widths, number of parking spaces. As the
chairperson for the Land Preservation Committee of North Beach Association of St. Lucie County, she
requests that the commission reject the site development plan as presently configured.
Jean Downey, audience member, her concerns are that there is no place to vote, no place for meetings,
there is no place anywhere on the island to do things. All the restaurants have been closed, as well.
Francis McDonald, 3212 South Lakeview Circle, The Sands. She states she does not disagree with the
building of new condos however the following ideas are amazing. How could there be so much more
population and lose availability in space for necessary commercial development. She will now have
eat!!!, use a dry cleaner or Saturday bank!! She is suggesting the mixed use on this property include
commercial space of 25000 sq ft.
Nicholas Pecororo, lives at River Walk, next door to the Grande Beach Development. He is in favor of
this project. He has seen pictures of it and he thinks it will be a big improvement for the neighborhood.
He is requesting that this project be approved. The condos will fit the riverhead very aesthetically and
economically it will be good for property values.
Jeff Mitchell, North Hutchinson Island. First went to N. Hutchinson Island in 1955. Moved here
permanently and just recently he has seen a lot of changes from when he visited his parents and grand
parents. The commercial piece of property is not just for the residents of North Hutchinson Island. It is
for all County residents to use. Very few people lived on the island but all businesses thrived because
people came from the mainland to go out to the island and use these commercial properties. It was
mentioned that 70,000 new people that will populate the North County in the next 20 years. Building
needs to be done for the future not just for now. Build it and the people will come and use the facilities.
He recommends that the P & Z commission reject this request.
Nancy Spaulding, 211 Marina Drive directly adjacent to the development in question. She is in favor
of the zoning change. This development will be a beautiful addition to the island. It is appreciated that
there are no units directly on Marina Drive and that access to the development is from A1A. Single
family homes or two story homes would be preferred. They are satisfied with the 10,000 sq ft the
developer is planning. To summarize change the zoning to MXD use. If there is a problem with that at
least change the triangle portion of the property to residential since it cannot be built upon as
Larry Storms has a power point presentation and is here as a concerned citizen. He is a North
Hutchinson Island resident living across A1A from the subject development property.
He states all the existing commercial land use designation is consistent with the goal of the
comprehensive plan and its related policies. Commercial development of the property helps obtain the
stated comp plan goal providing the highest quality of living environment possible through a mixture
needs. The proposal is predominately a residential development of commercial included.
Ms. Hammer requested a short break.
Chairman Hearn stated each speaker is limited to 3 minutes with 5 minutes maximum. Presenters are
limited to 20 minutes.
Attorney Heather Young stated to Chairman Hearn if the agenda is going to be condensed, the petition
that needs to be heard tonight is the second ordinance # 06-012 since it relates to the April 6 expiration
of the stop gap.
Robert Emery, 220 Marina Drive states the east side of his property abuts the west side of the proposed
Grande Beach development. He requested site plans, landscape plans and utility plans at the various
stages of the development to no avail. He got these plans from the county last week. He asked the
applicant to move building #5 or at least flip it to the pool and recreation area. Balconies are part of
that building and extend out 7 or 8 ft from the building face. Marston Group plans to have their people
cross approximately 45 ft of county land to docks at the end of Coral Cove Waterway. These docks are
to be used by 82 families and their guests. Martson Group proposes a 1.3 a
that they call tot lot that would abut his property. This is right on Marina Drive. These activities will
produce intense visual and noise impacts on him and his neighbors. Marston Group advises they refuse
to move building #5 because of the view.
Bill Medina, 3223 South inaudible Circle at the Sands Community which is directly adjacent to the
proposed development. One thing that was not presented was the inaudible impact of the southern 3
story buildings which is inconsistent with the surrounding homes. Removing one story from each
building will help correct the issue of height in units per acre which would then compare favorably
with the surrounding communities. The problem that has not been brought up and mentioned is storm
damage. Buildings, roads and parking lanes create the need for large segments of the remaining land to
be designated for retention areas.
Kathy Brandon, lives directly adjacent to Grande Beach project, and North Beach does not speak for
all the residents of the island. She has lived here for 5 years and that property has looked absolutely
disgusting most of the time. Along comes a developer who really wants to put something really nice
and help the property values and she is 100% for it. This is an emotional appeal. She supports of this
project and those voting on it would be shortsighted, if it is not approved.
Anthony Simons, 312 7 South Lightening (?) Circle, The Sands One. Mr. Simons stated he lives
adjacent to the Grande Beach property. He supports the Grande Beach project and feels that it will be
an asset to the community.
Robert Tabor, 4201 North Highway, A1A, North Hutchinson Island states previously there was a
moratorium on building on North Hutchinson Island. A plan was previously drawn the way North
Hutchinson Island should be. His property had 200 ft depth, 100 ft width, 20,000 sq ft of commercial
property facing A1A. He gave up his property to be used for commercial stores. And that is where the
Grande Beach project is be located. He does not support the Grande Beach mixed use project.
Sergei Goukasov, a resident of North Hutchinson Island. He supports a mixed use project and feels the
first floor of this project should be all commercial. He feels people want to live on the island and will
support these proposed businesses. He feels the plan is nice but could be changed to make it more
Michael Riordan, 213 Marina Drive, previous Vice President of Coral Cove Homeowners Association.
Mr. Riordan sent correspondence to Chairman Hearn rejecting the proposal of Grand Beach and urges
the committee to reject it and keep it 100% commercial. He supports one story professional buildings
at the southern end of the triangle where he lives. He does not support three story professional units.
He feels the proposal is inconsistent with the neighborhood he lives in. He feels the noise, increased
population density, drainage problems and increased danger of flooding could cause a public safety
hazard and spoil the neighborhood as it is now.
Bob Lowe, a commercial realtor and resident of North Hutchinson Island for 28 years. As such, he
feels he is qualified to discuss the commercial aspect of the project. He was involved in the sale of the
Radisson site and had many discussions with previous owners. They advised him during the summer
months it was impossible to make any money from the residents and tourists. Most of the income came
during the winter months. The site of the proposed Grande Beach project sat vacant for over twenty
years or more. He feels through past experience of market analysis and knowledge of the area that the
island alone will not support a large number of businesses. He feels that the developers of Grande
Beach do care about the residents of the community and the island and have put a lot of thought and
quality of the design of the shops and buildings in planning this project. He hopes the board will
support the request for approval.
Linda Samples, 222 Marina Drive almost adjacent to the Grande Beach project. She objects to the
high density proposed. She feels that the three story units are not in line with the area.
Richard Samples, 222 Marina Drive states he is not in favor of the three story units. He does not like
the possibility of the 200 + families using the dock facilities and feels it is an infringement of his
Chairman Hearn asked if there is anyone else from the public who would like to speak.
If not, the public hearing is closed.
Chairman Hearn asked the board members for any discussion or a motion.
Mr. Grande made a motion to continue this petition to April 20, 2006.
Ms. Morgan seconded the motion.
Chairman Hearn stated motion was made and seconded.
Motion to continue on April 20, 2006.
Roll Call
Mr. Grande Yes
Ms. Morgan Yes
Chairman Hearn No
Vice Chairman Trias Yes
Ms. Caron No
Ms. Hammer No
Mr. Knapp Yes
Mr. Mundt No
Chairman Hearn stated there is a tie. Another motion needs to be made.
Mr. Mundt stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing including staff
comments, it is hereby moved that the local Planning Agency of St. Lucie County recommend that the
St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners deny the transmittal of the petition of Grande Beach
North Hutchinson Island for a change in future land use designation for commercial to mixed use
because it does not meet the land development ordinance for code section 7.03.03A and it is not in the
best interest of the overall community.
Chairman Hearn stated there is a motion to deny. Is there a second?
Ms. Hammer seconded the motion to deny.
Chairman Hearn asked if there was any further discussion.
Roll Call
Mr. Mundt Yes
Ms. Hammer Yes to deny
Chairman Hearn No
Vice Chairman Trias No
Ms. Caron Yes to deny
Mr. Grande Yes
Mr. Knapp Yes
Ms. Morgan No
The vote is 5 to 3 to deny.
Chairman Hearn stated to Mr. Klein that his application will be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners with a recommendation of denial.
Mr. Klein stated that the conditions are accepted for the record.
Mr. Nix stated for the staff that the rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan as of the
plan amendment and it has to be denied.
Attorney Young stated that the board has to vote on the rezoning for the record.
Chairman Hearn asked Mr. Klein if it was ok to open the public hearing.
Agenda Item #6: Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC
A petition of Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC for a change in zoning from the CG to
Chairman Hearn asked if there was anyone who had any additional information to be heard regarding
the rezoning, since it is a moot point. Seeing no-one, the public hearing is closed.
Chairman Hearn asked the board for a motion.
Mr. Mundt made a motion to deny the rezoning of this petition.
Chairman Hearn stated a motion was made to deny. Is there a second?
Mr. Knapp seconded the motion.
Roll Call
Mr. Mundt Yes
Mr. Knapp Yes
Chairman Hearn Yes
Vice Chairman Trias Yes
Ms. Caron Yes
Mr. Grande Yes
Ms. Hammer Yes to deny
Ms. Morgan Yes
The vote is unanimous to deny.
Chairman Hearn stated to Mr. Klein that the application will be forwarded to the Board of County
Commissioners for the recommendation of denial on both the land use change and the zoning change.
Agenda Item #7: Ordinance No. 06-012
Attorney Heather Young, stated that this is a public hearing on proposed ordinance #06-012 which
would extend the Stop-Gap ordinance. Back in 2005 on August 16 the board adopted a Stop-Gap
ordinance for certain properties within the TVC element boundary provided for postponement of
certain development in that area for a period of 180 days. On February 7 the board adopted resolution
06-038 which extended the time period for an additional 60 days which runs through April 9 which is
why it has to be heard tonight so the board can consider action on it on April 4. The proposed
ordinance would extend it for 60 days or the effective date of the comprehensive plan amendments and
land development regulations for the TVC element whichever is earlier.
Chairman Hearn stated are there any questions of Ms. Young.
Chairman Hearn asked if there is anyone from the public who would like to speak on this matter.
If none, the public hearing is closed.
Mr. Grande made a motion for staff recommendation to approve.
Mr. Trias seconded the motion.
Chairman Hearn stated that the petition has been moved and seconded. Any further discussion.
Roll Call
Mr. Grande Yes
Mr. Trias Yes
Chairman Hearn Yes
Ms. Caron Yes
Ms. Hammer Yes
Mr. Knapp Yes
Ms. Morgan Yes
Mr. Mundt Yes
The vote is unanimous to approve.
Agenda Item # 8: IP Acquisition Corporation
Diana Waite, Senior Planner, stated this is the application of IP Acquisition Corporation for a change
in zoning from RS-4 and CG Commercial General to Planned Unit Development PUD and site plan
approval for the Planned Unit Development to be known as Millcreek. This commission reviewed a
portion of the subject property on November 17 as part of a plan amendment petition that was
forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. The
commission ultimately approved that and that change to the future land use map was from commercial
to residential to allow that property to be incorporated to this project. This is also in the North Jenkins
study area where a workshop was held on February 1 which is included in the report with the packet
of materials provided. The Board of County Commissioners has asked for projects within that
boundary not be forwarded to them until that study has been completed. This study has to be
completed within the next month or two but it is being brought to this board for a recommendation
primarily for the connectivity issues. A meeting will be held with the City of Ft. Pierce to review the
connectivity issues.
completed, why is this board looking at it? Staff has to meet with the city of Ft. Pierce to come up
with the final plan to do the connectivity then why is this board discussing this until this matter with Ft.
Pierce is completed. Mr. Knapp further stated he could not support this petition, if the study is not
completed and the study of North Jenkins Road will affect this plan and the connectivity of the issue
that the City of Ft. Pierce still needs to review.
Chairman Hearn stated he will open the public hearing. Is the applicant here?
Richard Wolfharth, General Managing Partner for CCLI VI Consultants Inc. Consulting Engineers and
Planners. Project was submitted in June, 2005 long before this study was authorized to be conducted.
This project was presented to this commission in November. The project has affordable and attainable
housing. Based on the land use meeting previously presented here it was necessary to go through the
site plan, in order to fully evaluate how a site plan works and how a minor land use should be done.
The information attained from the land use meeting at the county commission level has been
incorporated into the project and reviewed tonight in a power point presentation.
Mr. Trias commented to Mr. Wolfharth to read the TVC and the ordinance regarding connectivityfor
the purpose of planning and designing a better project. Further he stated that Mr. Wolfharth is not
following the solutions that are being proposed and therefore the project is inconsistent with the goals
that need to be created.
Chairman Hearn opened up the public hearing for anyone to speak, seeing no-one, the public hearing
was closed.
Chairman Hearn asked for a motion.
Mr. Grande stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing including staff
comments it is hereby moved that the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Board recommend that
the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of IP
Acquisition Corporation for a change in zoning district from RS-4 and CG to PUD because Planned
Unit Development is the best way to develop this particular piece of property based on the surrounding
Ms. Morgan seconded the motion.
Chairman Hearn asked if there was any further discussion.
Roll Call
Mr. Grande Yes
Ms. Morgan Yes
Chairman Hearn- No Mr. Hearn commented too much population and not enough funds to pay for it.
Vice Chairman Trias No
Ms. Caron Abstain has family member who works for KB Homes
Ms. Hammer No
Mr. Knapp No
Mr. Mundt No
The vote was 5 2 to fail to approve the application.
Ms. Hammer made a motion and stated after considering the testimony presented during this hearing
including staff comments it is hereby moved that the Planning and Zoning Board of St. Lucie County
recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners deny the application of IP
Acquisition Corporation for a change in zoning district from RS-4 Residential Single Family 4
dwelling units per acre and CG Commercial General to PUD Planned Unit Development Millcreek
and development plan approval because that there are better ways to design this plan and for the
Planning and Zoning Board to view this plan.
Vice Chairman Trias seconded.
Chairman Hearn asked if there is any other discussion.
Roll Call
Ms. Hammer Yes to deny
Vice Chairman Trias Yes
Chairman Hearn Yes
Ms. Caron - Abstain
Mr. Grande No
Mr. Knapp Yes
Ms. Morgan No
Mr. Mundt No
The vote was 4-3 to deny the application.
Chairman Hearn stated that the application will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners
with a recommendation of denial with a 4 to 3 vote.
Agenda Item #9: Plantation Acres, LLC
For the record, Andrew Riddle, staff planner. The application of Plantation Acres, LLC for a change in
zoning from AG-1 zoning district to PUD Planned Unit Development Plantation Acres. The subject
property is located on the west side of Koblegard Road approximately ½ mile north of Indrio Road.
The surrounding zoning is AG-1. The surrounding land uses are single family residential and citrus
groves. The proposed density is 1 unit per acre with a total of 46 single family lots. The staff states that
this petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval
subject to the conditions stated in the staff report.
Chairman Hearn asked if the applicant or is here.
Brad Currie, Land Design South, representing the applicant, Plantation Acres, LLC stated that this is a
request for rezoning and preliminary site plan approval. The applicant is seeking approval of a plan
that will allow development of the property with the density of approximately one dwelling unit per
acre which is what is allowed by the existing land use designation. Forty six dwelling units are being
proposed which equates to a density of 0.99 du per acre. There are three conditions of approval on this
project. The first two conditions include improvements to Koblegard Road. The client is giving right-
of-way to bring it up to county standards. Instead of constructing the roadway improvements, the
developer would like to provide sufficient funds for a proportionate share of the costs of construction.
The third condition are hours of construction and the client is ok with those hours of construction.
Attorney Heather Young stated that the property owners to the north were not able to stay but they did
provide some comments. Submitted by land owners Jerry and Sharon Bittle, 5425 Koblegard Road,
property ID# 1308-411-0001-0007. They own the 40 acres north of the proposed PUD. They are
concerned about the impact of a PUD upon their quality of life and would like to know what buffer
would be planned to preserve the agricultural land. Also that prior to development the dirt road on
Koblegard between the parcel and Indrio Road be widened and paved.
Mr. Grande suggested that a condition be added regarding lots 26 and 27, 37 and 38 when they are
platted, a fifty foot section be required for the rights-of-way to be connected.
Chairman Hearn asked if anyone from the audience would like to speak at the public hearing. Seeing
no one, the public hearing will be closed.
Mr. Grande stating after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing including staff
comments and the standards of review as set forth in section 11.06.03 St. Lucie County Land
Development Code, it is hereby moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the
St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Plantation
Acres, LLC for a change in zoning from AG-1 zoning district to the PUD zoning district because it is
consistent with the TVC area and the surrounding communities and with the four conditions that are
recommended will provide a benefit to the community. This recommendation is being made with
conditions 1 & 2 as presented by staff and condition 2 allows for the alternative of making a
contribution rather then doing a construction and adding a fourth condition which would require that
the four plats that are on those dead end cul-de-sacs be modified so that the land that is required for
connecting to the road to the north and the road to the west is not included in individual plats.
Condition 5 states the hours of construction will begin at 7AM.
Mr. Trias seconded the motion
Chairman Hearn stated that this petition has been moved and seconded. Is there is any further
Roll Call
Mr. Grande Yes
Mr. Trias Yes
Chairman Hearn Yes
Ms. Caron Yes
Ms. Hammer Yes
Mr. Knapp Yes
Ms. Morgan Yes
Mr. Mundt Yes
The vote was unanimous to approve the application.
Chairman Hearn stated that the petition will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with
a recommendation of approval.
Chairman Hearn asked staff not to schedule that many agenda items in the future for the board to
review and only those that are complete.
Ms. Morgan asked that two meetings a month be scheduled on the first and third Thursday of each
Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 A.M.