HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06-15-2006 1 St. Lucie County 2 3 Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency rd 4 Commission Chamber, 3 Floor, Roger Poitras Annex 5 June 15, 2006 6 6:00 P.M. 7 8 (A DVD recording of this meeting, in its entirety, has been placed in the file along with these 9 minutes as part of the record). 10 11 AGENDA 12 13 MEMBERS PRESENT 14 Chairman, Bill Hearn; Pamela Hammer; John Knapp; Susan Caron; Charles Grande; Stephanie 15 Morgan; Edward Lounds 16 17 MEMBERS ABSENT 18 Vice Chairman, Ramon Trias, Craig Mundt, Kathryn Hensley; 19 20 OTHERS PRESENT 21 Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney; Robert Nix, Director, Growth Management; Gilbert 22 Backenstoss, Assistant Growth Management Director; Hank Flores, Planning Manager; David 23 Kelly, Planning Manager, Larry Szynkowski, Sr. Planner, Diana Waite, Sr. Planner, Wendy Clark, 24 Sr. Planner 25 26 CALL TO ORDER 27 Chairman Hearn called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning 28 Commission and local planning agency at 6:00 P.M. 29 30 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 31 32 ROLL CALL 33 Chairman Hearn 34 Ms. Caron 35 Mr. Grande 36 Ms. Hammer 37 Mr. Knapp 38 Mr. Lounds 39 Ms. Morgan 40 41 ANNOUNCEMENTS 42 43 DISCLOSURES 44 45 Ms. Hammer spoke with Ms. Wood from the City of Ft. Pierce, Mr. Hearn spoke with Ms. Wood 46 from the City of Ft. Pierce, and Ms. Caron spoke with Ms. Wood from the City of Ft. Pierce. 47 48 1 1 2 Minutes from the May 18, 2006 regular meeting: 3 The meeting minutes were moved by Mr. Grande with two corrections and seconded by Ms. 4 Hammer. The motion was carried unanimously. 5 6 Agenda Item #1: Chez Nous Park, LLC 7 Presented by Wendy Clark, Senior Planner. This is a petition for a Change in Zoning from the RS-2 8 (Residential, Single Family 2 du/ac) Zoning District to the RS-3 (Residential, Single Family 3 9 du/ac) Zoning District. Ms. Clark stated that the staff report will be updated to reflect the most 10 recent submittal of the site plan in which there was a change in density from 102 units to 104 units. 11 Staff recommends forwarding the petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a 12 recommendation of approval. 13 14 Mr. Grande had questions regarding the site plan that was in the package which reflected 103 units. 15 Ms. Clark stated the site plan will be corrected to 104 units at the time of the formal site plan 16 review. 17 Mr. Hearn had concerns that the proposed development is still under review by the Development 18 Review Committee. 19 Ms. Clark stated it has been through the first review and it has been resubmitted to the Development 20 Review Board with a revised site plan. 21 Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney, stated that this petition is a request to rezone and not to 22 take action on the site plan since it is still going through staff review. The site plan was provided to 23 this committee to show what was proposed for the site. 24 25 Chairman Hearn made a statement to all in attendance that the applicant is permitted fifteen (15) 26 minutes for a presentation and the public is permitted three (3) minutes for comments. 27 28 Greg Boggs, Lucido and Associates, representing the applicant, Robert Wiseman, made a 29 presentation requesting rezoning from RS-2 to RS-3. He added all of the lots meet the RS-3 30 requirements with 20% open space. 31 32 Chairman Hearn had a concern about what benefit the county is receiving from an increase in 33 density. 34 Mr. Boggs replied the dedication of the right of way, all site road improvements, extending sewers 35 from US1 to the property, road improvements at the intersection of Midway and Oleander. These 36 are the benefits the developer is providing as a result of the site plan approval. 37 38 Chairman Hearn opened the public hearing. 39 40 Bob Douglass, local resident living adjacent to the proposed development, has concerns about the 41 community losing its rural environment. He stated a buffer would help to alleviate privacy issues 42 adjacent residents may have. He further stated he would like to be able to benefit by hooking up to 43 the developments sewer system. Holly Hoover, Civil Engineer for the developer, stated the 44 developer is supportive concerning these requests by the adjacent residents. 45 46 Ed June, resident living adjacent to the proposed development, he has flooding from the proposed 47 development onto his property. He fears worse flooding may occur on his property once the 48 proposed development is completed. Also he is concerned that the entrance to the development 2 1 which could be right across the street from his house causing auto lights to shine directly into his 2 residence. Chairman Hearn advised Mr. June to attend the Board of County Commissioners meeting 3 when this petition is scheduled to be heard and raise these issues with them. He further suggested 4 discussing the drainage plans wi 5 6 Ronald Francher, adjacent resident living on Ulrich Road, states Ulrich Road is a dirt road and is 7 concerned that the residents of the proposed development will use this road to avoid Midway Road. 8 This will cause an abundance of dust and dirt in the air near his house from this dirt road being used 9 so frequently. 10 11 Carole Wood, Urban Designer, City of Ft. Pierce, states her office has no record of receiving this 12 project. Further she is requesting the latest version of the site plan for her office to review. 13 14 Jeffrey Willems, adjacent resident, is concerned about where the sewer line is coming from, down 15 Oleander or from US1. He states Ft. Pierce Utilities will have a 6 inch water main coming directly 16 past his house. He is concerned if it will be large enough to accommodate all the new residents in 17 the proposed development. He is also concerned that the proposed development will devalue his 18 property and that it should be kept to 2 units per acre. 19 20 Arlene Goodman, resident, representing the White City Improvement Club, Inc. states the 21 organization she represents feels the proposed development is fine however with some 22 improvements. There is no recreation for the residents on site. The deceleration lanes into the 23 development and left turn lanes need to be in place before the first certificate of occupancy is 24 granted. The Ulrich Road residents are concerned about drainage onto their property. The developer 25 needs to donate funds to the county for the improvements at Oleander Avenue and Midway Road 26 when it is widened. 27 28 Chairman Hearn closed the public hearing. 29 30 Mr. Lounds had concerns about where the two lakes drain to in the proposed development, and the 31 drainage easement around the property that utilizes a swale system between the proposed 32 development and the adjacent property that backs up onto Ulrich Road. Further, by adding density 33 to White City, it will add to the existing drainage problem in White City. 34 Ms. Hammer had concerns about no public benefit to the county from this project. 35 Holly Hoover, Civil Engineer, stated that the developer will be paying for doing some of the 36 improvements on the intersection of Oleander and Midway Road which is a public benefit. 37 Mr. Wiseman, the developer, will work with staff to improve the drainage system between Ulrich 38 and the southern property boundary which would be a public benefit. Ms. Hoover requested from 39 the committee, a general area where the developer could publicly benefit the drainage problems and 40 Mr. Wiseman will consider it. 41 42 Mr. Wiseman, developer, made a statement regarding the increased density. Stating it is a low 43 density development, creating lots that are larger than normal and in conformance with the area and 44 in keeping with the comprehensive plan. The layout of the development will not impact the 45 community negatively. Further, regarding drainage, the civil engineer will maintain the water on 46 site since it is the requirement by the county. The developer will maintain the character of White 47 City the best he can and he will support the recommendations of the White City Improvement Club. 48 He is requesting that this petition be approved. 3 1 Chairman Hearn concern regarding a straight rezoning is that the current 2 the property to another developer and he could put 3 units per acre in the proposed development. 3 Ms. Caron had concerns with the increase in density and the drainage issues. 4 5 Mr. Grande moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County 6 Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Chez Nous Park, LLC for a 7 Change in Zoning from RS-2 to RS-3 because it is fully consistent with the St. Lucie County Land 8 Development Code standards in 11.06.03 and is recommended by the local home owners 9 association and recommended by the City of Ft. Pierce. Ms. Morgan seconded the motion. 10 11 Ms. Hammer had concerns regarding no recreation center, no community center and no agreement 12 to do the left turn lane. Further she stated the plan shows quarter acre lots in the proposed 13 development but the existing surrounding residential has homes on acre lots or larger. 14 15 Roll Call 16 Mr. Grande- yes 17 Ms. Morgan - yes 18 Ms. Hammer - no 19 Ms. Caron - no 20 Mr. Knapp - yes 21 Mr. Lounds no because of his earlier comments on drainage, change of zoning and the 22 disruption of the uniqueness of White City 23 Chairman Hearn no because a PUD would provide more protection with conditions that can be 24 stipulated 25 26 4 to 3 to deny motion failed 27 28 Ms. Hammer moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie 29 County Board of County Commissioners deny the application of Chez Nous Park, LLC for a 30 Change in Zoning from RS-2 Residential Single Family 2du/ac to RS-3 Residential Single Family 3 31 du/ac Zoning District because it does not meet the standards of a positive public change and it is not 32 going to improve the community regarding drainage. The detriment far out weights any benefit to 33 St. Lucie County. Mr. Lounds seconded the motion. 34 35 Roll Call 36 Ms. Hammer yes to deny 37 Mr. Lounds yes to deny 38 Ms. Caron yes to deny 39 Mr. Grande no 40 Ms. Morgan no 41 Mr. Knapp - no 42 Chairman Hearn yes to deny 43 44 4 to 3 to deny 45 46 47 48 4 1 Agenda Item #2: Riverview Developers, LLC 2 Presented by Diana Waite, Sr. Planner. This is a petition for a Change in Zoning from the AG-5 3 (Agricultural 1du/5 acres) Zoning District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development 4 Run) Zoning District and for Preliminary Planned Unit Development approval. Staff recommends 5 forwarding this petition to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. 6 7 Bill Blazak, Culpepper and Terpening Engineers, representing the applicant, Riverview Developers. 8 Mr. Blazak made a verbal presentation and a brief power point summary of the master site plan of 9 Hunters Run. 10 Dennis Murphy, Culpepper and Terpening Engineers, representing the applicant, Riverview 11 Developers. Dennis Murphy presented additional information providing a visual presentation 12 summarizing the master site plan, providing residential data, issues of public concern and 13 concurrency review, open space and environmental restoration information. Dennis Murphy 14 requests a recommendation of approval be forwarded to the Board of County Commission for both 15 a Change in Zoning and the preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan. 16 17 Ms. 18 particular, that these home owner responsibilities be included in the contract of sale. 19 Chairman Hearn had a concern about emergency generator services being provided in preparation 20 of hurricanes. 21 Ms. Caron had concerns regarding fire requirements being provided. 22 Mr. Lounds had a concern regarding drainage into the Germany Canal. 23 24 Chairman Hearn opened the public hearing. 25 26 Sam Comer, resident of 8590 Germany Canal Road, stated he is in favor of the proposed 27 development and feels it will be a benefit to the county. 28 29 Phillip Sickles, resident of 10800 Carlton Road, stated he has a concern regarding the traffic on 30 Carlton Road. The only way to Germany Canal Road is through Carlton Road. Carlton Road turns 31 into a dirt road and he feels this issue needs to be addressed before the homes are built on this 32 proposed development. Further he has a concern regarding drainage. Carlton Road floods during the 33 rainy season. 34 35 Chairman Hearn closed the public hearing. 36 37 Ms. Caron moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County 38 Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Riverview Developers, LLC 39 for a Change in Zoning from the AG-5 (Agricultural -1 du/5 acres) Zoning District to PUD 40 (Planned Unit Development Zoning District because it is not in conflict with the 41 goals, objectives and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan as well as the public 42 benefi, as well as 43 including the updated traffic report and conditions recommended by the staff. Ms. Caron added 44 condition # 4, that the applicant submit a preservation area annual monitoring plan. Ms. Morgan 45 seconded the motion. 46 47 48 5 1 Roll Call 2 Ms. Caron Yes to approve 3 Ms. Morgan Yes to approve 4 Mr. Grande Yes 5 Ms. Hammer Yes 6 Mr. Knapp Yes 7 Mr. Lounds Yes 8 Chairman Hearn Yes 9 10 7 0 unanimously approved 11 12 Agenda Item #3: Fort Pierce Angle Road Trust 13 Presented by Larry Szynkowski, Senior Planner. This is a petition for a Change in Zoning from the 14 IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development The Preserve) 15 Zoning District. Staff recommends that this petition be continued until most of the conditions are 16 complied with and agreed to by the applicant and be heard at a later date before the Planning and 17 Zoning Commission. 18 19 Chairman Hearn asked how staff justifies that this project could be considered compatible with the 20 neighborhood. 21 Mr. Nix stated that the project is compatible with Westwood High School which is located on the 22 east side of the project. On the north side is a salvage yard and the activities of this salvage yard can 23 be screened through buffering. Further, a change in character of the area may be a possibility and 24 the land use scenario may be in transition. 25 26 Mr. Grande asked what it would take to get a recommendation of denial. 27 David Kelly stated that the issue is does it meet the codes and the turning point was the county 28 commissions adoption of the high density future land use. There was the discussion before the 29 county commission of affordable housing and the 10-10 plan and based on those things, the high 30 density residential land use was adopted. 31 Mr. Nix stated that this project is consistent with adopted county policy. It also furthers the 32 provision of affordable housing through the 10-10 plan. In light of the information just received 33 from the City of Ft. Pierce and comments from the St. Lucie County Development Review 34 Committee, staff recommends to continue this project to a later date. 35 36 Jonathan Ferguson, Ruden and McClusky, representing the applicant. 37 Jonathan Ferguson stated to the P & Z Committee that there is underlying support from the Board of 38 County Commissioners for the concept of a high density project. 39 He stated that the policy decision to convert this property to residential use has been made by the 40 county commission and the issue is what type of residential use. Not whether it should be a 41 residential use. 42 43 Mr. Mathis, Lucido and Associates, made a site plan presentation and addressed the conditions that 44 were in the staff memo. 45 46 Chairman Hearn opened the public hearing. 47 6 1 Carol Wood, Urban Designer, City of Ft. Pierce, stated she did not know that this project had been 2 finalized as a future land use amendment. She worked on the project and provided input but she 3 feels her input went unnoticed. She would like confirmation that the design of the project is the 4 current phase that has to be worked on. Further she has concerns regarding the density of this 5 project and that attainable housing is being put in the outskirts of the city which undermines the 6 critical importance of developing the inner city. 7 Chairman Hearn asked Ms. Young if this project has been finalized as a future land use amendment. 8 Ms. Young, County Attorney, confirmed that the final plans have not yet been approved by the 9 DCA. 10 Chairman Hearn advised that the Board of County Commissioners need to listen to the City of Ft. 11 Pierce regarding their concerns about this project. 12 13 Mr. Knapp stated that he is in favor of some sort of project adding to the community and what 14 currently is there is not a public asset to the community. 15 16 Peter Buchwald, Zoning Administrator, City of Ft. Pierce. Stated that this project will be on the 17 city commission agenda, as a discussion item. He states that 974 units are inconsistent with the 18 surrounding land use and the surrounding zoning. Mr. Mathis of Lucido and Associates advised him 19 . Further Mr. Buchwald stated that the City of Ft. 20 Pierce would respectfully request that a recommendation be forwarded to the Board of County 21 Commissioners for denial of the site plan and rezoning. 22 23 Raul Jensen, 907 Angle Road, had concerns with the improvements on Metzger Road and Angle 24 Road. He stated that this project will not have a positive community impact specifically because of 25 seventeen (17) engineering conditions/concerns. Additionally he asked, is this truly going to be 26 housing for the work force of St. Lucie County housing. 27 28 Dr. Bobbie Conti, 8266 Riveria Way. She states she is not in favor of the project. She has concerns 29 about the design of the condos around the lakes promoting extreme infrastructure problems. Further 30 she feels there is no quality of life in this design. The project should be redesigned to promote 31 quality and safety for the needs of the people who will be residing in these units. 32 33 Chairman Hearn closed the public hearing. 34 35 Jonathan Ferguson, Attorney, Ruden and McClusky, representing the applicant. He requests that the 36 P & Z committee take action of this project with a recommendation to the Board of County 37 Commissioners of either approval with conditions or a recommendation of denial. 38 39 Ms. Caron moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission continue this request until changes are 40 made and submitted in order to comply with the engineers concerns and to allow for outstanding 41 issues brought forth by the City of Fort Pierce to a date certain of August 17, 2006 at 6 PM. Mr. 42 Grande seconded the motion. 43 44 Roll Call 45 Ms. Caron Yes to continue 46 Mr. Grande Yes 47 Ms. Hammer Yes to continue to August 17, 2006 at 6 P.M. 48 Mr. Knapp Yes 7 1 Mr. Lounds No will not move to continue 2 Ms. Morgan Yes 3 Chairman Hearn Yes 4 5 6 -1 to continue - petition to be heard on August 17, 2006 at 6 PM. 6 7 Chairman Hearn asked staff to provide to the P & Z commission members direct phone numbers of 8 the Growth Management staff employees. Mr. Hearn stated that the outdoor burning issue was 9 previously discussed and nothing has been addressed regarding this matter. He asked when the next 10 workshop is scheduled. Chairman Hearn would like to know the difference between light industrial 11 use and heavy industrial use and have it clearly defined. 12 13 Mr. Nix stated the next workshop is scheduled for July 20 at 6PM. The Department of Community 14 Affairs will brief the P & Z committee on the new concurrency requirements and how they relate to 15 the new capital improvements program requirements. 16 17 Meeting adjourned at 10:08 PM 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 8