HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10-18-2007 1 St. Lucie County 2 Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency rd 3 Commission Chambers, 3 Floor, Roger Poitras Annex 4 October 18, 2007 Regular Meeting 5 6:00 P.M. 6 7 A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, has been placed in the file along with these 8 minutes as part of the record. In the event of a conflict between the written minutes and the compact disc, 9 the compact disc shall control. 10 11 CALL TO ORDER 12 13 Chairman Hearn called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 14 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 15 16 ROLL CALL 17 18 19 William Hearn ....................................Chairman 20 Susan Caron .......................................Vice Chairman 21 Brad Culverhouse...............................Board Member 22 Pamela Hammer .................................Board Member 23 John Knapp ........................................Board Member 24 (Mr. Knapp arrived at 6:10 p.m.) 25 Stephanie Morgan ..............................Board Member 26 Craig Mundt .......................................Board Member 27 Barry Schrader ...................................Board Member 28 Kathryn Hensley ................................Ex-Officio 29 30 Members Absent: 31 Glenn Rains ........................................Board Member 32 OTHERS PRESENT 33 34 35 Mark Satterlee ....................................Growth Management Dept. Director 36 Heather Young ...................................Assistant County Attorney 37 Katherine Mackenzie-Smith ..............Assistant County Attorney 38 Kristin Tetsworth ...............................Planning Manager 39 Linda Pendarvis .................................Senior Planner 40 ANNOUNCEMENTS 41 42 Ms. Caron announced that she attended the Green Conference hosted by St. Lucie County 43 today and learned a lot about conserving energy. 44 45 Mr. Satterlee updated the Board that next week scoping meetings will begin with 46 reference to the Evaluation and Appraisal Report Process. 47 1 DISCLOSURES 1 2 None. 3 Item #1 Minutes 4 5 Review the minutes from the September 20, 2007 regular meeting for approval. 6 7 Ms. Hammer requested that page 11, line 34 read as follows: ave her 8 copy of the proposed ordinance to Ms. Mackenzie-Smith so that the typos found by Ms. 9 10 Ms. Hammer motioned approval of the minutes as corrected. 11 12 Ms. Morgan seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 13 14 Item #2: Ordinance No. 07-014 15 16 The purpose of this public hearing is to amend Section 7.10.23 of the Land Development 17 Code Establish Guidelines for the Siting of Wireless Telecommunications Towers and 18 Antennas. 19 20 Ms. Mackenzie-Smith advised the Board that staff is requesting this item be continued to 21 the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of November 15, 2007. She advised the 22 Board that they have met with the Chairman as he requested. Staff will be making 23 changes to the existing ordinance as he requested and expect it will be available for the 24 November 15, 2007 meeting. 25 Ms. Hammer motioned to continue this item to November 15, 2007 and requested 26 that the copy provided to Board members be printed in large print and that the full 27 size of the paper be used. 28 29 Mr. Culverhouse seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 30 31 Item #3: Jim Coseo PUD 06-004/RZ 06-009 32 33 Petition of Jim Coseo for a change in zoning from the AG-5 (Agricultural 1 du/5acre) 34 Zoning District to the PUD (Planned Unit Development Shinn Lakes) Zoning District 35 and Preliminary PUD (Planned Unit Development) Site Plan. 36 37 Kristin Tetsworth presented this item by summarizing the history of this project. Ms. 38 Tetsworth advised that this is the fifth time this item has been brought before the 39 Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration. The Board of County 40 Commissioners has reviewed this latest conceptual drawing of the proposed project. The 41 site plan presented this evening is the result of many meetings between staff and the 42 applicant. 43 44 Staff has reviewed the revised plan and the Development Review Committee is in 45 agreement that the new plan does now meet the intent of the Code (especially the 2 1 clustering and open space requirement). Staff is recommending approval of the plan 2 being presented tonight. 3 4 There was a brief discussion between Board members and staff with Board members 5 expressing their frustration with the fact that an updated staff report was not provided on 6 the new proposed site plan. 7 8 Staff had only provided a cover memorandum with a copy of the previous staff report 9 dated May 30, 2007. 10 11 Board members discussed with staff the parking requirements and the road improvements 12 needed. 13 14 Jim Coseo, applicant, spoke and briefly reviewed the new site plan. 15 16 Tim Maslin, with MBV Engineering, representing the applicant, introduced himself and 17 answered questions of Board members with regards to the new site plan. 18 19 Mr. Hearn opened the public hearing; no one from the public spoke and the public 20 hearing was closed. 21 Ms. Caron motioned to recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County 22 Commissioners approve this item because it conforms to the standards of review 23 and because the applicant has gone above and beyond anything the County asked 24 for with reference to the proposed project. 25 26 Mr. Culverhouse seconded. 27 28 29 Roll Call 30 31 Mr. Schrader yes 32 Mr. Mundt yes 33 Ms. Morgan yes 34 Mr. Knapp - yes 35 Ms. Hammer yes 36 Mr. Culverhouse yes 37 Vice Chairman Caron - yes 38 Chairman Hearn yes 39 The motion carried unanimously. 40 41 Item #4: Centex Homes RZ 820071314 42 43 Petition of Centex Homes for a change in zoning from the PUD (Planned Unit 44 Development ) Zoning District to the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning 45 District. 46 3 1 Kristin Tetsworth presented this item explaining the rezoning request is for a parcel of 2 land located on the southwest corner of Orange Avenue and Kings Highway 3 approximately 865 feet west of Kings Highway. 4 5 6 approval on November 29, 2005. Due to housing constraints, the applicant is now 7 requesting a rezoning to the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District. 8 9 The Economic Development Council has determined that this proposed project will 10 provide usable space for support services and industry associated with 11 Research and Education Park. 12 13 Staff is recommending approval. 14 15 Noreen Dryer, Esq., representing the applicant, spoke briefly. 16 17 There were brief discussions between Board members and Ms. Dryer. 18 19 Mr. Hearn opened the public hearing; no one from the public spoke and the public 20 hearing was closed. 21 Mr. Schrader motioned to recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County 22 Commissioners approve this rezoning request because it is consistent with the 23 zoning of the surrounding parcels and because it has a long-term benefit to St. Lucie 24 County 25 . 26 Ms. Morgan seconded and the motion carried unanimously 27 . 28 Item #5: Ginn La St. Lucie Ltd., LLLP CU 420071106 29 30 Petition of Ginn La St. Lucie Ltd., LLLP for a Conditional Use Permit for a 7,700 sq. ft. 31 beach club for the project known as Tesoro Beach Club as part of a 100 unit 32 condominium development in the HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) Zoning 33 District. 34 35 Linda Pendarvis presented this item explaining that the applicant is proposing to operate 36 a beach club located on South Hutchinson Island on the east side of State Road A1A 37 south of the St. Lucie County Wastewater Treatment Plant and to the east of the Pelican 38 Point Subdivision. The beach club will be contained within the condominium site and 39 will be available to property owners of surrounding Ginn communities on a membership 40 availability. 41 42 Staff is recommending approval. 43 44 Daniel Bertone, representing the applicant, spoke briefly and answered questions from 45 Board members. 46 4 1 Board member expressed their concern with the number of parking spaces at the beach 2 club. Since this beach club would be available to the surrounding Ginn communities, 3 Board members questioned whether or not there would be enough parking spaces. 4 5 Mr. Bertone explained that membership is not automatic even if one is a property owner; 6 they need to become a social member of the beach club. 7 8 Ms. Pendarvis explained that the number of parking spaces required is based on the size 9 of the building. 10 11 Mr. Hearn opened the public hearing; no one from the public spoke and the public 12 hearing was closed. 13 Ms. Morgan motioned to recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County 14 Commissioners approve the conditional use permit request of Ginn La St. Lucie 15 Ltd., LLLP. 16 17 Mr. Culverhouse seconded and the motion carried 7-1 with Mr. Knapp dissenting. 18 19 OTHER BUSINESS 20 21 22 Board members discussed 23 24 Ms. Young clarified that there Code states that 25 two consecutive absences from a Board meeting vacates the seat unless otherwise 26 determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or the Planning and Zoning 27 Commission Chairman. 28 29 The Board is able, however, to come up with a list of acceptable reasons which would 30 constitute an excused absence. 31 32 Mr. Hearn made the suggestion that the Commissioner who appointed the individual in 33 question make contact to determine if he is able to start attending meetings on a regular 34 basis. And, if not, have the Commissioner appoint someone else. 35 36 Board members were in agreement and Mr. Satterlee assured the Board that he would 37 contact the Commissioner with their request. 38 39 Mr. Satterlee then introduced the new Assistant Director of the Growth Management 40 Department, Robin Meyer. 41 42 Board members then discussed the December 6 Planning and Zoning Commission 43 meeting. Staff will determine if a December 6 meeting is necessary. Mr. Mundt and Ms. 44 Hammer advised the Board that they would not be able to attend the December 6 45 meeting. 46 5 1 There were discussions of setting a deadline for determination of whether there will be a 2 quorum. 3 Mr. Knapp motioned that Board members are to notify staff, no later than the 4 Monday prior to the Thursday meeting (by 5:00 p.m.), whether they will be 5 attending the Thursday meeting. 6 7 Ms. Caron seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 8 9 10 Mr. Culverhouse noted that the Chairman should state during each meeting whether a 11 absence is excused or unexcused. 12 13 Ms. Morgan requested an updated Growth Management Department staff listing 14 including e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. 15 16 Robin Meyer, Assistant Director of the Growth Management Director, introduced himself 17 and described briefly his extensive experience in the planning field, as well as his 18 educational background. 19 20 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. 6