HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 08-15-2002Secretary i St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor Roger Poitras Annex August 15, 2002 7:00 P.M. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call C. Announcements D. Disclosures AGENDA ITEM 1: MEETING MINUTES —.Tune 20, 2002 Action Recommended. Approval Exhibit #1: Minutes of June 20, 2002, meeting AGENDA ITEM 2: GLASSMAN HOLDINGS. INC. — FILE NO. RZ-02-013 This is the petition of GLASSMAN HOLDINGS, INC., for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. Hank Flores will present Staff comments. Action Recommended: Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #2: Staff Report and Site Location Maps AGENDA ITEM 3: CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY — FILE NO. R7,02-014 This is the petition of CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single -Family - 3 du/acre) Zoning -District to the I (Institutional) Zoning District. Hank Flores will present Staff comments. Action Recommended: Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #3: Staff Report and Site Location Maps r --)AGENDA ITEM 4: TIMOTHY AND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH — FILE NO. CU-02-001 This is the petition of TIMOTHY AND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a car wash facility in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District. Cyndi Snay will present Staff comments. Action Recommended. Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #4: Staff Report, Site Plan and Site Location Maps AGENDA ITEM 5: FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECOVERY, INC. — FILE NO. CU-02-007 This is the petition of FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECOVERY, INC., for a Conditional Use Permit to allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. Hank Flores will present Staff comments. Action Recommended: Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #S: Staff Report and Site Location Maps Page 1 r St. Lucie County Planning arid -Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting - August 15, 2002, 7:00 P.M. AGENDA AGENDA ITEM 6: WYNNE RANCH — FILE NO. RZ-02-015 This is the petition of WYNNE RANCH, for a Change in Zoning from the AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/5 acres) Zoning d District to the U (Utilities) Zoning District. Cyndi Snay will present Staff Comments. Action Recommended: Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #6: Staff Report and Site Location Maps AGENDA ITEM 7: WYNNE RANCH — FILE NO. CU-02-008 This is the petition of WYNNE RANCH, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District. Cyndi Snay will present Staff Comments. Action Recommended. Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #7. Staff Report and Site Location Maps AGENDA ITEM 8: ORDINANCE 02-020 — Amend the Land Development Code to provide for clarification `''on Enforcement Proceedings This ordinance is to amend the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to provide for clarification on Enforcement Proceedings for Violations of Section 7.10.12©, land clearing and yard trash recycling operations. Dennis Murphy will present Staff Comments. Action Recommended: Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #8: Staff Report and Site Location Maps OTHER BUSINESS• A. Other business at Commission Members' discretion. B. There will be a Special Planning and Zoning Commission / Local Planning Agency Meeting on Thursday August 29, 2002, 7:00 P.M or as soon thereafter as possible in the Commission Chambers at the Roger Poitras Annex Building. C. Next regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will be held on September 19, 2002, in Commission Chambers at the Roger Poitras Annex Building. ADJOURN NOTICE: All proceedings before the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency of St. Lucie County, Florida, are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772) 462-1777 or T.D.D. (772) 462-1428. Any questions about this agenda may be referred to the St. Lucie County Planning Division at (772) 462-1586. Page 2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Zoning Commission/ Local Planning Agency Members FROM: Dawn Gilmore, Administrative Secretary DATE: Thursday, August 15, 2002 SUBJECT. P&ZAttendance Mr. Russell Akins and Mr. Fred Jones will not be attending this evenings P&Z meeting. Their absences are with notice. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW: 7/18/02 File Number PA-02-003 and RZ-02-008 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: June 24, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of T & T Land, Ltd., for a Future Land Use Designation Modification from the RU (Residential Urban) Future Land Use designation to the IND (Industrial) Future Land Use designation. On February 25, 2002, the applicant submitted a petition for Change in Land Use for property located east of Kings Highway, approximately 2500 feet south of Angle Road. This petition was scheduled for the April 18, 2002 public hearing. On April 16, 2002, the applicant's representative requested a continuance until May 16, 2002. On May 8, 2002, the applicant's representative requested a continuance until July 18, 2002. On June 24, 2002 the Community Development Department received an additional request from the applicant for a continuance from the July 18, 2002 public hearing to the September 19, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency public hearing. Due to the time which has passed since the initial advertised publication, staff will readvertise the proposed item. FORM 813 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY MUNICIPAL AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS LAST NAME —FIRST NAME —MIDDLE NAME E OF BOgRO, COUNCIL. COMMISSION, AUTHORITY, OR COMMITTEE l�atthes, Stefan . Lucie County Planning apd.Zoning. CaTp ss: MAILING ADDRESS THE BOARD, COUNCIL, M SSIO , AUTHORITY OR COMMITTEE ON 2980 S. 25th Street WHICH I SERVE IS A UNIT OF: CITY COUNTY + O CITY X COUNTY O OTHER LOCAL AGENCY Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 NAME OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISION: St. Lucie Count DATE ON WHICH VOTE OCCURRED tM Y POSITION IS: Tune 20, 2002 e ELECTIVE 1X APPOINTIVE WHO MUST FILE FORM 813 This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non -advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with voting on a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES A person holding elective or appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which. inures to his or her special private gain or loss. Each elected or appointed local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a mea- sure which inures to the special gain or loss of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he or she is retained (including the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which he or she is retained); to the special private gain or loss of a relative; or to the special private gain or loss of a business associate. Commissioners of community redevelopment agencies under Sec. 163.356 or 163.357, F.S., and officers of independent special tax districts elected on a one -acre, one -vote basis are not prohibited from voting in that capacity. For purposes of this law, a "relative" includes only the officer's father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. A "business associate" means any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business enterprise with the officer as a partner, joint venturer, coowner of property, or corporate shareholder (where the shares of the corporation are not listed on any national or regional stock exchange). ELECTED OFFICERS: In addition to abstaining from voting in the situations described above, you must disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the min- utes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: Although you must abstain from voting in the situations described above, you otherwise may participate in these matters. However, you must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision, whether orally or in writing and whether made by you or at your direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: • You must complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the mintitac of the meeting- who will incorporate the form in the minutes. (Continued on other side) WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council. commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non -advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with voting on a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective Or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WiTH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES A person holding elective or appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting an a measure which inures to his or her special private gain or toss. Each elected or appointed local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a mea- sure which inures to the special gain or loss of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he or she is retained (including the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which he or she is retained); to the special private gain or loss of a relative; or to the special private gain or toss of a business associate. Commissioners of community redevelopment agencies.under Sec. 163.356 or 163.357, F.S., and officers of independent special tax districts elected on a ane-acre, one -vote basis are not prohibited from voting in that capacity. For purposes of this law, a'relative" includes only the officer's father, mother, son, daughter,. husband, wife, brother, sister, father -in -taw, mother-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. A 'business associate" means any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business enterprise with the officer as a partner. Joint venturer, coowner of property, or corporate shareholder (where the shares of the corporation are not -fisted on any national or regional stock exchange). ELECTED OFFICERS: In addition to abstaining from voting in the situations described above, you must disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and firing this form with the person responsible for recording the min- utes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: Although you must abstain from voting in the situations described above, you otherwise may participate in these matters. However. you must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision, whether orally or in writing and whether made by you or at your direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WiLL BE TAKEN: .M rnmt tr, influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the 0 APPOINTED OFFICERS (continued) • A opy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. • The form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed. IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: • You must disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. • You must complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who must incorporate the form in the minutes. A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency, and the form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST 1 Stefan Matthes , hereby disclose that on _ June 20, 2002 (a) A measure came orwill come before my agency which (check one) inured to my special private gain or loss; inured to the special gain or loss of my business associate, inured to the special gain or loss of my relative, X inured to the special gain or loss of employer who does engineering work for Petitioner ' by whom I am retained; or inured to the special gain or loss of which is the parent organization or subsidiary of a principal which has retained me. (b) The'measure before my agency and the nature of my conflicting_ interest in the measure is as follows: AGENDA ITEM 5 z ' 'EAST 'FLORIDA PPIMITIVE 'BAPTTST-'DISTRICT :ASSOCIATION: 'INC: '".TILE .-NO.—CU-02"O( This is the petition of EAST FLORIDA PRD ITIVE BAPTIST DISTRICT ASSOCIATION, INC., for the Conditional Use Permit to allow educational services and facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. 2 � ZOO Date Filed . . NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317, A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $10,000. CE FORM 8B - EFF. 1/2000 PAGE 2 APPOINTED OFFICERS (continued) A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the or(her members of the agency. The form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form Is filed. IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: You must disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. You must complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who must incorporate the form in the minutes. A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency, and the form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed. ! DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST 1, CarSnn McnirCly hereby disclose that on June 20 , 20 02 (a) A measure came or will come before my agency which (check one) inured to my special private gain or loss; inured to the special gain or loss of my business associate, inured to the special gain or loss of my relative, JL inured to the special gain or loss 19 bU aek l Dq fi n_arx� n frrm . �r a-e _ ' by wham I am retained: or Inured to the special gain or loss of which is the parent organization or subsidiary of a principal which has retained me. (b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my conflicting interest in the measure is as follows: AGE,'NAA ITEM ' 3 c ' 't3RDINANCE 'N0: 02=003 ._ •Extension 'of 'the 'Urban 'Service -Bourdary= 'Lin -Indrio, . Iric. Continued ran May 15, 2002, Mee .. Ms is ' Fxti:tZOri Of LIN nWIO, INC. PHMICIAN COUNTRY CUM for an Or nance extiandi.ng the Urbstt>< Service Boundary of the St. Lucie County Qmprehensive Plan. Date Filed NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317, A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE C'ONSTf?UTES GROUNDS FOR AN0 MAY. BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REOUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $10.000. CE FORM 88 • EFF. 1/2000 PAGE 2 WHO MUST FILE FORM 813 This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council. commission, authority, or'committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non -advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with voting on a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason. please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the fort INSTRUCTIONS FOR C6MPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES A person holding elective or appointive cInty, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his or her special private gain or loss. Each elected or appointed local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a mea- sure which inures to the special gain or loss of a principal (other than a government agency) by wham he or she is retained (including the parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which he or she is retained); to the special private gain or loss of a relative; or to the special private gain or loss of a business associate. Commissioners of community redevelopment agencies under Sec. 163.356 or 183.35T, F.S., and officers of independent special tax districts elected on a one -acre, one -vote basis are not prohibited from voting in that capacity. For purposes M this law, a "relative" includes only the officer's father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law, A 'business associate" means any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business enterprise with the officer as a partner, joint venturer, coowner of property, or corporate shareholder (where the shares of the corporation are not listed on any national or regional stock exchange). ELECTED OFFICERS: In addition to abstaining from voting in the situations described above, you must disclose the conflict- PRiOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting: and WiTHiN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the min- utes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: Although you must abstain from voting in the situations described above, you otherwise may participate in these matters. However, you must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision, whether orally or in writing and whether made by you or at your direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEirTiNG AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL 8E TAKEN: enmolete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the . _,._.......... ,.,e, a;Aal APPOINTED OFFICERS (continued) A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. The form must be read publicly at the next meeting alter the form is riled. IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT 13Y DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: • You must disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. - You must complete the form and rite it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who must incorporate the torm in the minutes. A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency, and the form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed. ! DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST I, Darwin McCurdy , hereby disclose that on June 20, 2082 (a) A measure came or will come before my agency which (check one) — inured to my special private gain or loss; inured to the special gain or toss of my business associate, inured to the special gain or loss of my relative, x inured to the special gain or loss.ot J:U. sawki nq fi nanCj ng f)= mcr ewl cyex by whom I am retained; or inured to the special gain or loss of which is the parent organization or subsidiary of a principal which has retained me. (b) The measure before my agency and the nature of my conflicting interest in the measure is as follows: AGI M ILK ' 2 c —0RD7 WKZ 'NO: ' 02=002 — 'Future'land 'Use 'Chart Liza ' indrio ' inc. Continued fr Wm May 16, 2001, Mee g. MS is the petition of LIN ZDRIO, INC. ICIAN COUNTRY CLUB for an Ordinance granting a Change in Futu a Land Use Designation froth RE (Residential Estate) to RU (Residential Urban). If Date Filed NOTICE: UNDER PAOVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317, A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES'GROUNOS FOR AND* MAY 6E' 0bNISHEO BY ONE OR MORE OF tkE FOLLOWING" IlNAPEACHMENT. REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $10,000. CE FORM 88 - EFF. 1r2000 PAGE 2 St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes�`i_s REGULAR MEETING June 20, 2002 Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, Roger Poitras Annex 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Grande, Mr. Lounds, Mr. Jones, Mr. Akins, Mr. Merritt, Mr. Hearn, Mr. McCurdy, Mr. Matthes. (�` �1 0-6 �— a % _/ MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Jones (Absent - With Notice) OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. David Kelly, Planning Manager; Mr. Hank Flores, Planner III; Ms. Cyndi Snay, Planner III; Ms. Heather Young, Asst. Co. Attorney; Ms. Dawn Gilmore, Administrative Secretary. P & Z Meeting ,June 20, 2002 Page 1 psi L a 4�'ll t,l�. 5 ; ' CALL TO ORDER;- Chairman Matthes called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Merritt disclosed that the petitioner in Agenda Item's # 2 & #3 purchased the property through his company last year. He stated that he does plan to vote on the item because he doesn't see any conflict of interest, as long as no one has any objections. Mr. McCurdy stated that the petitioner in Agenda Item's #2 & #3 has requested potential financing from his employer and therefore, under the advice of counsel, he would recuse himself from both items. Chairman Matthes stated that his employer was involved with the project in Agenda Item # 5 and would recuse himself from that item. Chairman Matthes gave a brief presentation on the procedures and what to expect for tonight's meeting. For those of you who have not been here before, The Planning and Zoning Commission is an agency that makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. The Staff will present a brief summary of the project and then make their recommendation. After which time, the Petitioner will be asked to come forward and state his/her case for the requested petition. At any time the Commission may stop and ask questions of the Petitioner or Staff. After that process is completed the Chairman will open the public hearing for anyone who wishes to speak for or against the petition. The purpose behind this hearing is to get input from the general public. If anyone has something to say, please feel free to come forward and state it. After everyone has gotten a chance to speak the Chairman will then close the public hearing. The Commission will deliberate and then make a decision regarding their recommendation, one way or the other. The decision that is made is typically read from a scripted set of statements that are given to the Commission. It may sound rehearsed but it really is not. There is one motion for and one motion against in the package, so that the Commission can make a motion either one way or the other so it is very clear in the records. Once again, I want to remind you that the Planning and Zoning Commission only acts in an advisory capacity for the Board of County Commissioners. If you are not happy with the outcome of this hearing you will have the opportunity to speak at the public hearing in front of the Board of County Commissioners. No other announcements or comments. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 2 AGENDA ITEM 1: May 16, 2002 MEETING MINUTES: . ` 9 U Mr. Lounds moved for approval. Motion seconded by Mr. McCurdy. Mr. Grande stated that on Page 12 and Page 14 under the discussion regarding Gulfstream's gas pipeline there was one condition added and he stated he believed there were two conditions added. He advised that he would like Staff to review the tape to see if they voted for a second condition, which was that there would be no tanks above ground for storing gas. He stated that if that is part of the motion on the tape, it should be added to the minutes and if it wasn't on the tape, then he may be incorrect. Mr. Kelly stated that Staff will review the tape again but that he had spoken with the Secretary and it is reflected in the discussion of the minutes and she believed that the wording of "completely underground" covered the issue and that was all that was in the motion. Mr. Kelly stated they would review it again to be sure and if there were a second condition, the minutes would be changed to reflect that. Note: Upon review of the tape, the minutes were not changed. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0). P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 3 s , � 71 AGENDAITEM2: ORDINANCE NO.02-003 — Extension of the Urban Service Boundary: Mr. Kelly explained Agenda Items # 2 & 3 were both the petitions of Lin Indrio, Inc. He also stated that they were listed on the original agenda in the wrong order because the Urban Service Boundary Line would have to be moved before the Future Land Use Change could be done. He also stated that since these two items are from the same petitioner and are closely related, they would be presented together. Mr. Kelly stated that Staff provided the Commission with a report, which did not include additional data that the applicant has since provided. He stated that the information has been provided to them tonight to review and his presentation would include some of that information. He advised that the first issue is the extension of the Urban Service Boundary. He stated that the current Urban Service Boundary comes down Emerson and makes a small jog at Indrio and then picks up again out in an area for the interchange. He also stated that there is a gap in the Urban Service Boundary in that area. He advised that tonight's petition is requesting that the Urban Service Boundary be extended eastward from the interchange and goes north as well to include the applicant's property, but the parcel is not large enough to close the entire gap. He stated that if the Urban Service Boundary were to be expanded the second part of the petition is for a change in Future Land Use from RE (Residential Estate) to RU (Residential Urban). He continued that at the time the Staff report was prepared there were a number of outstanding questions/issues from the applicant. Staff provided the applicant these questions. Since, the distribution of the staff memo the applicant has submitted a response to these questions, which were provided to the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency tonight and really answered pretty much all of their questions. Mr. Kelly stated that the applicant supporting documentation demonstrated that if the County wishes to move the Urban Service Boundary or expand the amount of land in the general area of Indrio that is within the Urban Service Boundary and increase densities from going from RE to RU, the change probably would not impact any of the required services in a negative manner. He continued that the real question is if this is an appropriate change to the Urban Service Boundary and should the County make a positive change to expand that area. He stated that they are in an odd position for several reasons. He advised that during the time of the Comprehensive Plan hearings he recommended that the County close the existing gap in the Urban Service Boundary because it didn't make any real sense to have that gap in the Urban Service Boundary. He stated that he made those same statements to the County Commission and made the same recommendation and they decided they did not want to do that at that time and instead wanted to take a comprehensive look at the Urban Service Boundary in that area and also in the Gatlin, Okeechobee Road areas and various other areas too. He advised that the Board of County Commissioners funded in the budget to hire somebody to look at those issues and Staff went out with an RFP and received seven proposals. He stated the proposals have been reviewed and the committee has short listed three. On July 23`d, the Board of County Commissioners will hear proposals from the three top candidates and may then choose one of the three to look at the issue of the Urban Service Boundary, north to south, within the County over the next year. Mr. Kelly stated that there are two issues with this application be processed at this time. The first issue is that there is no real demonstrated need to modify the Urban Service Boundary at this time. The second issue that the County is moving forward with the Urban Service Boundary Study. Further, there is an additional more pressing issue and that is the Department of Community Affairs has responded to our Comprehensive Plan and has indicated they are going P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 4 ' ,a`L to find us to -be not in compliance. He stated ftt DCA has identified four primary issues with the Comprehensive Plan: they are, with the Conservation Element, Capital Improvements Element, Transportation Element and the Future Land Use Element. The DCA has indicated that the County isn't doing enough to protect lands outside of the Urban Service Boundary. He advised the County might need to take sixty to ninety days, maybe even a little longer, in order to solve the outstanding DCA issues. He also stated they are trying to set a meeting with DCA in Tallahassee for hopefully next week to identify what the County will need to do to enter into a Stipulated Settlement Agreement on the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the reason that is important tonight is that the County may not be able to process Future Land Use changes on the Land Use Map for State review until we are found to be incompliance. He stated that once this issue gets to the County Commission, he doesn't believe they will be in a position where they can transmit it to the State because the other issues would not have been solved yet. He advised there are several things going on, all involving the Urban Service Boundary, this application, the study on Urban Service Boundaries, and the State telling us that we are clearly not doing enough to protect the lands outside of the Urban Service Boundary. Mr. Kelly stated that the proposed application demonstrates additional need, Countywide, in the long term, but in this section of the County, he thinks that there is not a need for additional units and land until 2010. He also stated there is the study, which hopefully will help Staff, the Local Planning Agency and the County Commission, to make determinations about what should be done with the Urban Service Line as a whole and lastly the issues with the State and the inability to send it to the State at this time. He stated that Staff recommends that they hear from the applicant this evening and Staff will answer any questions they can with regards to the application, but they find their selves in an odd situation given all of the things that are occurring. Mr. Matthes asked if there were any questions from the Board for staff at this time. Mr. Akins stated that it sounds to him like the timing is a bit premature. Mr. Kelly stated that he felt it might be premature on potentially two fronts. He questioned if it is premature with regards to the overall need of the County to begin to put housing out there and if it is premature to consider this ahead of the Urban Service Boundary Study. Mr. Akins asked if it was premature to consider it tonight when the County Commission cannot transmit it at this time anyway. Mr. Akins stated that there is a problem with the Comprehensive Plan regarding approval by the DCA and that problem relates to concerns over the County's ability to protect lands outside of the Urban Service Boundary. He questioned if this would further exacerbate the problem since we are seeking to expand the Urban Service Boundary rather than protect those lands outside of it. Mr. Kelly stated that if someone were to review this only from an office in Tallahassee, not knowing much about St. Lucie County, he probably would. He continued that from an office in the Planning Department in St. Lucie County, he thinks in some time period, the area from Kings Highway to the interstate along Indrio Road is clearly in an area that is going to become a part of the Urban Service Area. He stated that out to the interstate he thinks they are going to see growth and doesn't feel this is an unreasonable request, but that the timing is the issue. He advised that he believes that what the State is really looking for is the protection of the lands located in the far western two-thirds of the County. He stated that in the long run, the areas easterly of the Interstate will eventually be incorporated within the Urban Service Area. Chairman Matthes requested a show of hands from the public to identify who attended the meeting to speak for or against these petitions, other than the petitioners. Only one person raised their hand. He stated that they have tabled these petitions many times and put the general public P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 5 out and that they need to hear what the public has to say. Mr. Kelly stated that the applic been working on this issue and the public has been here and he believed that it was appropriate after all that has been done to get the petitions on an agenda, to let them know what the issues were even if the County Commission ultimately cannot go forward it was time for it to be heard tonight. Chairman Matthes stated that he has a hard time acting, right now, on something that he knows DCA will think poorly of the overall decision making process. He also stated that he feels they need to hear the applicant and the public on these issues. Mr. Lounds stated that from what he can see there is an Urban Service Area that is virtually an island. Mr. Kelly confirmed that was correct and there was actually a second one out on Orange Avenue. Mr. Lounds asked if the area connected anywhere with a current Urban Service Area and Mr. Kelly confirmed that it did not. Mr. Hearn questioned why the Urban Service Boundary was extended around the interchange and requested the history and significance of it. Mr. Kelly stated that it had to do with the uses around the interchange. The intent was to provide the services central to the interchange, possibly with package plants and to deal with it in that manner. He advised that it wasn't appropriate at the time the Comprehensive Plan was drawn up to identify all of that area as Urban Service Area but they did want to make the interchange available. Mr. Hearn questioned how those land owners around I-95 uses would be affected if that Urban Service Boundary was not out there. Mr. Kelly stated that they would need Comprehensive Plan Land Use amendments prior to approving any interchange type of uses. Mr. Lounds questioned if the petitioner is asking to extend a boundary around their piece of property without connecting it to the Emerson Avenue boundary area. Mr. Kelly confirmed that was correct and that the petitioner does not own the other piece of land to request that it be included. Mr. Hearn asked if Staff had any record of the amount of traffic accidents on Johnson and Indrio Road regarding the side railing out there. He continued that he has heard stories through homeowners meetings that the railing usually gets knocked down each month. Mr. Kelly stated he did not have that information available with him at the moment. Mr. Matthes asked if the applicant was present and would he come forward and make his presentation. Mr. Richard Sneed stated he is an attorney in Fort Pierce and represents the applicant, Lin Indrio, Inc. He stated that Lin Indrio, Inc. is a Florida Corporation and the principle of which is Lloyd Moody, who is in the audience. He continued that Mr. Moody has a home in Singer Island and also in Houston, Texas. He stated that their engineer Earl Masteller, of Masteller & Moler in Vero Beach was present, as well as Mr. Mark Matthes and Mr. Greg Boggs who are land planners with Lucido & Associates. He advised that this project started back in August 2001 and that he has had several discussions with Mr. Kelly and Mr. Murphy since that time. He stated that they had spent a lot of money -based on discussions with Staff and have submitted thousands of dollars worth of documentation in seeking these approvals. He also stated that their plans are far beyond the cartoon plans that are occasionally brought in by applicants requesting a change in zoning or to move lines and to do things in the community. He continued that his client is committed to building a first class golf course community on the property that he has purchased on Johnston Road and Indrio Road in our community. He stated that ironically there is a- P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 6 C.:, 3 floating out in never-never land and a gap between his property and another property between the Urban Service lines that seems to be a mysterious area that cannot be addressed this evening because of an opinion of Staff. He advised that they are here this evening to prove the contrary and to support their position and to answer every question that Staff has raised in opposition to their applications. He stated that they have submitted complete plans for the golf course design and engineering to County Staff and also offered into record those submittals. He stated that specifically they have submitted one original complete planned development application, a check for $4040, fifteen copies of the site plan graphics and other related plans, ten copies of the required boundary and topographical survey, four copies of an environmental impact report, four copies of landscaping plans, as well as one original vegetation removal application and required survey's and photo's in conjunction with that application. He also stated that they have submitted a. preliminary drainage data plan, a traffic report and all of this was submitted in October 2001 to the County Staff. He continued that they have hired a traffic engineer, landscape architect, golf course architect, engineering firm, environmental audit firm and an environmental audit was submitted to the County Staff. He advised that they have hired a soil - boring firm who conducted soil -boring tests on the property and a firm that provided a storm water drainage system plans and designs for the property. Mr. Sneed stated that they would like the Commission to consider this application. He continued that they have heard from a gentleman who he respects as a land planner, but not as a legal person and has given the Commission a legal opinion about something that is not legally correct. He advised that he stood before the Commission and stated categorically that they shouldn't consider their position and that the County Commissioners could not approve their applications is not founded in law, whatsoever. He suggested that they discuss that information with the County Attorney because County Staffs statement concerning that is just baseless. He stated that they are here. to support their position in that regard and are confident that they can support each of the comments of County Staff concerning the application. He requested that the Commission take a look at their comments and listen to his planners and their responses. Mr. Grande asked that Mr. Sneed speak into the microphone to be on the record and Mr. Sneed stated that he has his own recorder who is taking it all down. Chairman Matthes stated that he would prefer that he speak into the microphone and Mr. Sneed complied. Mr. Sneed asked if the Chairman would place on record if he were going to consider the application that is before him. Chairman Matthes stated that was a decision that would be made by the Commission as a whole after the presentation. Mr. Sneed stated that he thought that Chairman Matthes had said that he wasn't going to do that. Chairman Matthes stated that he did not say that he would not do that and that what he said was that he had concerns with taking any action if it would be against something that DCA has told the County that they are not properly doing. Mr. Sneed stated that it is his point about relying on a County Staff planner about what the law is with regard to DCA and it seems as if it has prejudiced his client in it's presentation here tonight. He continued that they have come a long way to get here and that the last time they were supposed to be here they couldn't come because the publication was in error. Chairman Matthes stated that is why the Commission decided to hear their petition this evening as opposed to delaying it any further. Mr. Sneed stated that it seemed from the prejudicial atmosphere and tone that they are now faced with, concerning this application, is not the type of public hearing or the process that they thought they were going to be involved in here tonight. He advised that they thought they were going to come before the Commission and present their responses to County Staff. Chairman Matthes stated that he did not think that they had any prejudicial thoughts at the Commission with respect to his plan. He continued that their concerns are with respect to what DCA had to P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 7 L±; :�.' i1 caste 'Ua e� N' .1 say and that they are there to listen to him tonight and to make a decision in their capacity. Mr. Sneed asked Chairman Matthes if he knew of anything specifically that DCA said that he could share with them this evening and Chairman Matthes stated he did not. Mr. Sneed questioned if it is his understanding that they are simply relying on what Mr. Murphy had stated DCA's position is. Chairman Matthes pointed out that the staff person who made the report was Mr. Kelly, not Mr. Murphy. Mr. Sneed continued to refer to Mr. Kelly as Mr. Murphy. For clarity, Mr. Kelly's name has been inserted in parentheses after Mr. Murphy's each time this occurred. Chairman Matthes stated that he is relying on what Mr. Kelly stated with respect to making a decision. Mr. Sneed confirmed that the Commission's decision would be based on Mr. Murphy's (Mr. Kelly) representation as to what DCA said. Chairman Matthes stated that the whole Commission's decision would be based on the merits of what is presented. Mr. Akins stated that maybe the representative from the County Attorney's office should clear up that one point. Ms. Young stated that it is her understanding that the Board of County Commissioners can take action on it and can send it to Tallahassee but that Tallahassee will not accept or review it while this process relating to the Comprehensive Plan is ongoing. Mr. Sneed stated that he would like it placed on the record that the process that counsel has referred to has been ongoing since he has been a lawyer in the community and will continue to be ongoing forever. He also stated that the EAR amendments that they are speaking of are amendments that perhaps should have been made a long time ago and through a process of failing to do that, the plan will have to be amended. He advised that isn't their fault and that was Staff and the County's fault and from what he heard from counsel they can consider this unbiased without prejudice to what went forward earlier in this meeting and was announced by Mr. Murphy (Mr. Kelly) as to the DCA's position on it. He continued that they have cleared it up for him and that they are not going to rely on Mr. Murphy's (Mr. Kelly's) statement of the laws with regards to the DCA. Mr. Hearn questioned Mr. Sneed if at the present time the zoning is the same as it was when his client purchased the property; one unit per acre. Mr. Sneed stated that they have made no other applications other than the ones before the Commission tonight. Mr. Hearn stated that is not what he was asking and that he is asking if the zoning is the same today as it was when it was purchased; one unit per acre. Mr. Sneed advised that is correct and they have not made any applications other than the ones before them tonight. Mr. Hearn stated he wanted to confirm that it is zoned for only one unit per acre currently and Mr. Sneed stated that if it were RE-1 when they purchased it, then it would be RE-1 today. Mr. Hearn also asked if the County, at any time, encouraged them to move forward with this project. Mr. Sneed confirmed that County Staff had and that they would not have spent thousands of dollars but for those comments. Mr. Hearn stated that it is very important for him, as a Commission member, to know if Staff encouraged this project from the beginning. Mr. Sneed asked that Mr. Matthes be allowed to present his information as long as it would not be an imposition. Chairman Matthes stated it would not be an imposition and that would be part of the procedure. Mr. Mark Matthes of Lucido & Associates stated he would like to make some comments on behalf of their application tonight and to address the comments of Mr. Kelly and the Staff report as well as his correspondence to them from June 50' and their response with the resubmitted report of June 17" `. He continued that he would mostly be referencing their report and would be glad to provide page numbers and so forth as he moves through the document. He continued that he had an opportunity to review the Department of Community Affairs report regarding the EAR P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 8 7 AL based amendments and would like to speak to that also as it relates to this plaw amram DCA's position with regard to the EAR does and does not relate to their request before the Commission tonight. Mr. Matthes stated that he would like to first discuss the Urban Service area at 1-95 and the interchange he has found through his experiences in planning that is a typical arrangement to have a freestanding Urban Service area to accommodate this type of unique feature. He continued that it is also commonplace to have transitioning from that type of urban development to the more rural development that may surround it. He stated that this particular island of urban service area does not necessarily have transitioning land uses before it and you basically end up with a sea of urban area next to orange groves. He also stated that typically you have a transitioning of land from higher intensities to the lower intensities as you move toward the agricultural areas but as Mr. Kelly indicated this area more than likely will grow. That someday it may all be together and that timing is an important issue. He continued that the sixty to ninety day time period to potentially resolve the DCA objections and reports on the EAR based amendments will more than likely be a bit longer and in addition to that, the one year study on the urban service area itself is possibly going to be longer than a year especially with the very comprehensive scope and tremendous amount of work that is before the consultant, which Staff put together. He advised that once that study is done they'll have to go through Comprehensive Plan amendments to make changes to the Urban Service Boundary before that study could be implemented and those amendments themselves take about a year. He stated that if their application is put on hold pending a result they are effectively shut out of any type of development for the County for numerous years while this is worked out. He continued that through his presentation he feels he can show the Commission this is not a premature development proposal and land use application request. Mr. Matthes stated that in terms of DCA's ORC report, it spoke to issues regarding protection of the Urban Service area and also as Mr. Kelly had mentioned, DCA sitting in Tallahassee may be more concerned about the vast majority of the two-thirds of the county west of 1-95 instead of the pockets necessarily of state land uses that are inside and surrounding the current urban service area for many reason. He continued that the first reason is that 2010 is the planning time frame that currently supports the housing and population needs analysis of the Comprehensive Plan is not a long-term estimate. He stated that all those numbers based on 2010 are really talking about a short-term horizon and their analysis shows there is already a deficit of land for residential needs in the short-term horizon and will only get worse in the long-term. He advised that timing is very important and these projects cannot go online in a day and if they were given a supportive recommendation tonight through the Commission it would be about six to nine months before this land use could be affected and before they could even begin to get an approved PUD. He also stated that the development of this site would be phased over three to five years as they phase the houses in and construct the golf courses and would not be fully in place until about 2007 or 2008. He continued that clearly the timing is appropriate for this project. Mr. Matthes stated that in response to Mr. Kelly's June 50, request for additional information, they have answered all of their questions and that this development will not impact urban services to the degrading point and in fact through their contributions of impact facts and developers agreements and additional ad velorum taxes would more than likely benefit the county in many ways. He continued that they have provided clearly two analyses within their staff report beginning on page 9 of the June 17th revised report. He stated that of the two analyses that they performed one was on a countywide level based upon data directly out of the P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 9 Comprehensive Plan and eldarly shows a deficit of residential land through and by 2010 FIe continued that at Staff s request in their June 5 h letter they went on to do a sub area analysis of the north county area, which is generally defined by the canal just south of Indrio Road and just south of the airport to the north county line from I-95 to the intercostals waterway. He advised that they had received data from St. Lucie County Staff, including the property appraisers data of development status. They did a detailed analysis of the use of the residential land within this area and determined it's vacant status and number of units. He stated that they clearly show, using data and assumptions within the Comprehensive Plan and other government approved documents, such as the 2025 long-range transportation plan that prior to 2015 there will be a deficit of residential land within the north county area. He advised that deficit is clear within the long-range planning time frame and as you move forward in those planning activities you try to address these deficits before they get to a short-term horizon because time is needed to respond to these needs. He stated that they feel in the north county area it is an appropriate time to act. He advised that Staff made recommendations at prior discussions of the Comprehensive Plan and the need to close that gap and they are one parcel that is willing to step forward and rnove forward with that concept. Mr. Matthes stated that the second point was there seemed to be a discrepancy between their analyses regarding the numbers they used of four units per acre as an average development density for a single-family housing project and their development, which is approximately 1.6 units per acre. He advised that is clearly resolved by the nature of their development and single family urban development is consistent with the other urban developments within the urban service area. He stated that the golf course, which will be open to the public for use and will be a. benefit to the community. He stated the third request being an analysis of the uses in and around the site, they did provide that analysis and primarily that area is an undeveloped in urban uses because it is currently outside of the Urban Service Boundary. He continued that the I-95 interchange is also undeveloped in urban uses because currently urban utilities do not exist there. He advised that to their east less than a half -mile you begin to get into urban type development and you begin to get into the eastern urban service area, which again is shown to be having a deficit of residential land. He stated that Staff requested a more thorough traffic analysis, which they had provided as part of the PUD but did not supplement the land use amendment with a comprehensive long-term report so they did as requested. He advised they used the typical methodology of a comprehensive plan analysis with generalized capacity tables from the DOT and analyzed the impact of their development on area roadways and it clearly shows, from a generalized prospective, the links that will be impacted are adequate to accommodate that impact. Mr. Matthes stated the fifth request for information was regarding police, fire and schools was addressed. He advised that the response they got most often when they contacted everyone was that they had never been asked for that before and they needed time to get back to them with a; response. He stated that the fire department stated their development is within their service area. and would be served in a better time than the average service area simply because of it's close location to the fire station. He continued that they acknowledged that they would need to do more specific personnel analysis as part of the development application. He stated that unfortunately he had not received responses from the police department or the school district. He advised that the police department told him that they would be glad to provide that information as a part of the development application and since this isn't that application they were not able to respond to their request. He also stated that the school district just was not able to get the information to them in time and therefore he couldn't provide that information but that P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 10 TO y �9 they did acknowledge that indeed through their impact fees they use that method to plan for the capital needs of their facilities. Mr. Matthes advised that the sixth request was for an additional analysis of recreational amenities. He stated there are specific requirements within the Comprehensive Plan, which they feel they meet all of, that you cannot create by expansion of the urban service area a deficit in mandatory facilities. He also stated that there is already a deficit in community parks in St. Lucie County at this time but that deficit is not caused by this project and you could argue that their development would make it worse, however, they could argue that their payment of impact fees contributes to the resolution of the deficit. He advised that Lakewood Park is in that area and a proportional analysis of the 7.3 acres of that park to determine it's service area and it's service population and those numbers are in the report and could accommodate the existing units and also for the vacant land within their service area and would still have extra capacity. He stated this demonstrates that even though the county may have a countywide deficit in community parks, the north county area does not currently within the service area of Lakewood Park. He continued that the recreational analysis is on page 18 of their staff report. They added an analysis of agricultural vacant lands and viability because there is a statement within the Comprehensive Plan that says expansion within the urban service area is not supposed to degrade the ability of other lands outside of the urban service area from continuing to operate with agricultural purposes. He stated that the development of their site in no way would impose any conditions or restrictions on neighboring properties from being able to be used for agricultural purposes. He also stated that one of the Staff's memos indicated the availability of utility services to be from 2010 to 2015. He advised that they have obtained copies of the Master Plan from the Utilities Department and provided excerpts of their maps and tables within their report, which clearly shows that a main line will be extended to the I-95 interchange area within 2005 to serve that urban area. He stated there would be utilities available by the time they need them and they fully meet" the timing of that requirement also. He also stated that this is a smart, timely planning task to bring this property in now instead of waiting two years and coming to the same conclusion at that time because the utilities, parks, fire and everything are in place. He stated that in his opinion this is entirely consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in all aspects. Mr. Matthes stated that the DCA's analysis of protecting the Urban Service Boundary as it relates to utilities was related to the ambiguous language of policies that would allow development of an urban nature without utilities and that was their main objection. He also stated that in his review of the ORC report was that they did not think we were protecting the urban service area enough because the policies that required urban services was not strict enough to be only within the urban service area. He advised that their plan is not going against that because they will have urban facilities of all natures and he doesn't believe DCA would have any basis to reject on that nature. Mr. Trias stated that the applicant had mentioned several times that they had prepared a site -plan and wanted to know if they had it tonight and could show the members. Mr. Matthes distributed copies of the site -plan to each member for their review. Chairman Matthes stated that Mr. Matthes had mentioned that urban service utilities would be available by 2005 and that he referenced the county's master plan but Chairman Matthes questioned if that date was based on a cost feasible plan or just based on a master plan which desires to provide services by that date. Mr. Matthes stated that he could not answer that question because he personally did not review the program. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 11 u��y il"61 L- sai4 'J C "sS 7p(p¢ Mr. Earl Masteller, of Masteller & Moler stated they are the engineers on the project. He stated they have been working on this project from the beginning and are familiar with the water and sewer situation. He advised that they are under continuing contact with the County Utilities Department and understands that Mr. Blazak wants to get the water and sewer extended out Indrio Road. He stated as far as the funding of those lines, they are both sized to be twelve inch and this project would basically pay for those lines out to it in the form of impact fees. He advised that several months ago the utilities department contracted with a consultant to do a study of the north county area with regards to sewer and water for that area. He stated that study is moving forward and it is ironic that there is conflict within the county where an Urban Service Boundary that is not permitting projects to be developed that are going to be served by a sewer system that is now being sized in the study to serve. He continued that there is money being spent on this study and that the sewers are going to be put out in the north county area and the Urban Service Boundary will have to be adjusted to accommodate the development to make the sewer viable. Mr. Lloyd Moody stated he was the developer and it was his intention to create a project that would be a credit to St. Lucie County as well as himself. He also stated that Mr. Murphy and Mr. Kelly have been very cooperative with them over the period of time they have been working with them and they have enjoyed it. Chairman Matthes opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Jeff Furst, Property Appraiser for St. Lucie County stated he has had the pleasure of dealing with the real estate business in St. Lucie County since 1970 and can say that in that time he has only met a few visionary developers who have both the means and the vision to do something outstanding. Mr. Johnson from Lakeport, Mr. Thomas White from the Peacock Ranch and the Duda's. He advised that the State had told everyone that when they created that interchange that they didn't have to give those landowners very much money because their property would become so valuable because of the development within the near future that would increase their property values by the development of that road. He stated that they called the interchange a prime location and then showed all the development that would spread from the interstate all the way east to the Indian River. He advised that they were correct because if you ride that corridor starting at Gatlin and come up to St. Lucie West, Okeechobee Road and Orange Avenue, other than Indrio, that is what has happened. He stated that everyone has known for a long time that everything east of I-95 will be developed in some form or fashion and that has been the history of it. He said that if the Comprehensive Plan has lagged and if the Urban Service Boundary is not where it should be today that doesn't mean we should have to hire a lot of people and wait a long time to figure out what we know all over Florida, it is going to happen. He continued_ that his dilemma as the Property Appraiser is being faced with an increasing amount of requests from the State for recognition of properties that are no longer justifiable for agricultural purposes and to remove the exemptions. He stated that they clearly recognize that most of the properties within the corridors east of those interstates are unlikely to be agricultural in nature. It is very difficult to justify a keeping a property for agricultural use. He advised that they are, in effect, telling us that we really need to recognize what the land use and future plans are going to be, what the values are, get the exemptions off and tax them. He stated it is exceedingly difficult when Staff says there is no real urgency, but there is an urgency because there are members. of the community that have gone bankrupt. He advised that he is faced with having to decide on pulling their exemptions or not on the assumptions that something is going to be done out therF other than agricultural. He also stated that if the County truly believes the areas should be P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 12 ­.m d is`tirt converted back to agricultural then they need to be able to have aerial: applicators out along that corridor. He continued that he feels we cannot keep doing anything and something needs to be decided one way or the other and he cannot keep extending exemptions when there is no decision. He stated that from a valuing and exemption stand points they are in a dilemma and this means large amounts of money to these people who own land out there and have no alternatives. He stated that he feels there really needs to be a decision and he has no problem either way but he needs to know for sure which way the County is going to go. He also stated that this petitioner's situation is not as dire as many others that he has seen, but the lack of decision of direction is causing havoc in those areas east of I-95. Seeing no one else, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Akins asked Mr. Furst why are we doing a piecemeal consideration of the Urban Service Boundary or are we getting into spot changing. Mr. Furst stated that he believes there was a real problem when they first did the Comprehensive Plan because this county didn't understand that at the rate it was developing they needed a central water and sewer system. He also stated that a lot of the reason they had to piecemeal and do some of the things they did in the original development was because there was no infrastructure or_a plan for one at the time. He advised there is a fairly large sized development on the western side of I-95 and isn't sure how we got there or if it made sense to do or not. He said that he is not submitting that tomorrow the urban service district should be taken to I-95 the length of the County because there are clearly areas it hasn't gotten to yet. Mr.. Grande stated that philosophically he agreed with Mr. Furst but found that the focus needs to be on this specific applicant and he thinks the applicant is saying that their engineers have a better handle on when the county provided infrastructure is going to reach their area than the County does. He stated that he has a problem with that and he thinks that the developer is saying that their impact fees and the development of less than two units per acre is going to more than pay for the infrastructure that they are going to require outside of the urban service area. He also stated that he believes that the situations and problems that occurred in the past were because of statements like that and that citizens who sat on these types of boards believed them because it made sense in theory. He continued that there is a real danger here if they move faster than Staff has requested because there are two alternatives. He stated they could either recognize the problem and in a planned and controlled fashion move the Urban Service Boundary to where it should be moved based on what they see coming in five or six years and prepare for it. He advised that the other alternative would be to take the reports that they get and do them one at a time and they don't get to finish the job of deciding where the boundary as a whole is. He said this application should be reviewed, as a whole, based on where the County is now through its Staff -and where they are planning to go within the next twelve months. He also stated that a three, four or five month delay is not a game breaker and when you consider that the developer understood that he was purchasing land outside of the Urban Service Boundary and chose to buy it anyway. Mr. Furst stated that he has no difficulty with a decision being made within a time certain. He continued that his concern is if two years from now there is still only discussion and no finalized decision or plan. Mr. Trias stated that the issue of the Urban Service Boundary has been discussed for quite a long time throughout many counties and that St. Lucie County can review what they have done or haven't done to help make decisions. He also stated that he believes that other counties would agree that most of the area east of I-95 would develop and isn't anything new. He stated that the P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 13 w :4'� �, p `c:tJ � � question is how and what type of developments are we going to have and are the develbpifielits going to enhance our tax base. He continued that he feels those are the issues that we should be discussing and he would prefer not to talk about so many technical issues of the DCA and it is more important to discuss whether or not this type of development is what is best for the community. He stated that he would like to ask Mr. Furst if he believes residential projects pay for themselves. Mr. Furst stated that he believes that in this county it usually takes a home cost of about $107,000 to pay for itself in the community. Mr. Merritt asked what the tax rate was in comparison to Martin and Indian River County. Mr. Furst stated that Indian River County's unincorporated area millage rate is higher than St. Lucie County. He also stated that St. Lucie County's rolls are rising better than the other counties in relation to the need and thinks the millage rate will be very close. Mr. Lounds stated there is a very large golf course on this project and questioned if there is any rule of thumb that the appraisers office uses with regards to the value of that type of community. Mr. Furst stated that developers use golf courses as a draw and the draw usually is that they can get more money for a smaller piece of property and put a bigger house on it than they could without the golf course. He advised that in most cases golf course properties are generally more valuable. He stated that may not be true in every case, but he could not think of any case in this county. He also stated that they are not put in because they provide a public service, it is generally because it's good economics. Mr. Lounds asked if when figuring the value of the property in this project, would they figure the golf course as proportionate to each lot or separate the two. Mr. Furst stated it would enhance the value of all of the lots. He continued that he feels the County really needs to take a direction one way or the other because these types of problems have been going on for too long. Mr. Hearn stated that this project is in the part of the county where he lives and he would like to see a project of this nature built in that area. He also stated that it could set a precedent for future development but he has two problems with it. He advised that the first problem is that there would be homes adjacent to agricultural land and if the property owner to the west decides to put in a hog farm this could cause major problems for those living in the development. He stated that the second problem is Indrio Road and how narrow it is and the amount of traffic on it. He also stated that the intersection of Johnson and Indrio Road has been the scene of many accidents and if this development is approved, there needs to be improvements made to that intersection. Chairman Matthes stated that he agrees with Mr. Hearn but believes that would be something to consider and review later in the process, not at this time. Mr. Hearn advised that issue would tend to make him vote against the project. Chairman Matthes stated that he didn't believe they could condition an Urban Service Boundary change or a Future Land Use Change. Ms. Young stated that was correct because they are not conditional issues. Mr. Mark Matthes stated that they did do traffic reports with their PUD and it specifically identifies numerous off site intersection modifications to address both safety and capacity issues. He continued that these issues are all address within the traffic report and would be the responsibility of the applicant. He also stated that he agrees with the Chairman and that information would be submitted with their PUD request. Mr. Trias asked Mr. Matthes if he believed this type of a development with one entrance and a large cul-de-sac as a general form of development in that area will cause any traffic problems. Mr. Mark Matthes stated there are two entrances but generally speaking that this type of plan P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 14 ` { r ,, y. �,4. would funnel all the traffic to roadways like Indrio and Johnson and probably would I. 'bs•tli r` � � i most desirable method. He continued that he believes in the many small roads concept because they usually have slower speeds and better safety records and so forth. He also stated that not all developments will be the same and cannot expect to have a typical pattern. Mr. Trias asked Mr. Matthes if the plan they presented is the best plan and layout they could come up with. Mr. Mark Matthes stated that he is not a golf course designer and wouldn't feel comfortable answering that question. He also stated that they are not here to speak about the PUD today and would rather just discuss the Urban Service Boundary issues. Mr. Grande stated the project is moving along and if this request was not approved on the basis of Staff s indication then greater questions need to be answered which will not stop them from moving forward. He continued that there is still a lot for them to do before they would have to come to a halt because of the County. Mr. Mark Matthes stated that he disagrees and they have already submitted a complete PUD application that the County is waiting to review until these issues are resolved. He also stated that they could time the approval of the PUD so that it could be heard very soon after a potential approval of the land use amendment. He advised that he feels they are in a holding pattern right now and until they know if their request is moving forward they don't want to spend any more money on the project. He continued. that there are also some potential fallbacks and their development is only 1.6 units per acre, which is less than the two units per acre requirement. He stated that they want and require urban facilities for this development and according to the Comprehensive Plan urban service area development must be two units per acre and higher. He also stated that since they are less than two units per acre, they could move forward, without the expansion of the Urban Service Boundary with an approval of a Residential Suburban land use classification. He advised. that would not change their plan at all and they would do it under Residential Suburban land use classification instead of Residential Urban because it would avoid the discussion of moving the primary Urban Service Boundary. He stated that their support for Residential Urban is easily translatable to a.Residential Suburban request. He also stated that if they find that they cannot move forward with their request for Residential Urban and the change in Urban Service Boundary they do have the fallback of requesting Residential Suburban land use. Mr. Lounds asked why they hadn't already made the request already to change to Residential Suburban seeing the problems that have occurred and Staff's recommendation. Mr. Mark Matthes stated that they are offering that for discussion now. He also stated that they believe all of their analysis to date will support a Residential Suburban classification but doesn't know why they didn't request this before. He advised that they have been working with Staff for six months and it never came across their minds until very recently. Mr. Lounds asked Staff what the differences are between their original request for Residential Urban and the change proposed of Residential Suburban. Mr. Kelly stated that Residential Urban allows up to five dwelling units per acre and would take a change to the Urban Service Boundary. He also stated that Residential Suburban is allowed outside of the Urban Service Boundary and would allow up to two dwelling units per acre. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Matthes if they are proposing less than two dwelling units per acre. Mr. Matthes stated that their request tonight is only about the Comprehensive Plan amendment and Urban Service Boundary change. He advised that their PUD application has been submitted to the County that does have less than two units per gross acre. Mr. Lounds questioned how many units per acre they were planning. Mr. Mark Matthes stated that it is approximately 1.7 gross dwelling units per acre. He stated that Residential Suburban allows PUD's on smaller lots however; the word suburban is expected to P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 15 R ��•Y! ;T a _.. t be for laYger lot suburban developments in a rural area. He advised that their reas"fii for requesting Residential Urban is because their development is smaller and more urban than suburban but due to the math and the design they come below the two units per acre. He stated that had they came up with 2.1 units per acre, they would have been stuck at Urban even though they are just slightly over the cap for Suburban. Mr. Grande confirmed that they are asking for a change in the Urban Service Boundary but Staff and their attorney are not in total agreement about if that should be done. He stated that they have reached a point where they do know what they want to develop here and just demonstrated that they don't need to affect the Urban Service Boundary to do that. He advised that the Residential Suburban and PUD could all be done outside of the Urban Service Boundary and would satisfy Staff s questions as of date without being bogged down with the timeliness of an Urban Service Boundary change. He stated that he feels there is a pattern here and they are reviewing the wrong application. Mr. Mark Matthes stated that the application for the site stands as submitted but they would accept as a compromise a Residential Suburban recommendation to keep this project moving forward. Mr. Grande stated he appreciates their willingness to do that but on the other hand it would be easier to just reject the Urban Service Boundary change and ask the applicant to come back with a zoning change and PUD at the same time. Mr. Mark Matthes stated that unfortunately Residential Suburban is also a land use amendment and they would not like to have to expose themselves to the time penalty of starting the Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle all over again when this application could just be amended. He also stated that the LPA and County Commission always have the right to approve something that is less dense than requested. He stated that denial of the Urban Service Boundary would not have any affect on a request for Residential Suburban land use classification. Mr. Grande stated if they deny the Urban Service Boundary and review the second application for a change in future land use as a Residential Suburban instead of Residential Urban. Mr. Matthes stated that they would want to review with Staff and the County Attorney to understand their time penalty for the EAR based amendment complication. Mr. Merritt stated that if they remember when they reviewed the Comprehensive Plan he asked if our Urban Service Boundary matched up with Indian River County and was told it did at the time and it does not. He stated their Urban Service Boundary is from 43`d avenue (Johnson Road) and allows three units per acre but our Urban Service Boundary swerves around like a snake. He also stated that common sense should tell you that the Urban Service Boundary is going to move and all they are doing by delaying this is costing the applicant more money. Mr. Grande stated that he did not suggest delaying their applications in any way. He advised that if they deny this request for a change to the Urban Service Boundary because they feel it is a spot change request and then they approve the second application with a change to the land use they are asking for, they would come back next with a PUD change request and plan. He stated that it will take no more time and perhaps less time than approving the Urban Service Boundary change and in no way would that be a time delay for them. Mr. Mark Matthes stated he does believe Mr. Grande's statements are correct. Mr. Trias stated that he suspects that part of the reason they were requesting the Urban Service Boundary change is that a project of this magnitude is outside of the Urban Service Boundary it could be challenged as being sprawl and could be a problem later on. Mr. Grande stated that he views that from exactly the opposite perspective because the project should be able to stand on its own merits and is too far out for the supporting services it probably should fail. Mr. Trias P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 16 f .... :i J stated he would be more comfortable if Mr. Matthes, being a professional land plannet,"WAd' explain why this wouldn't be considered sprawl in either of the two conditions. Mr. Mark Matthes stated that they would need to look at the long-term vision of their request for Residential Urban and the urban uses expand all the way to I-95 and then transition at that point to the agricultural and rural areas. He also stated that the second vision could be that they create a very nice mixed use node at 1-95, which is what the land use is, and from there transition out to different uses. He advised that is what they may end up with around their area and in that gap in the Urban Service Boundary is the suburban land uses, which separate the eastern urban uses from the mixed -use node at 1-95. He continued that either of those visions are valid planning visions but there is a different answer for each request. He advised that he thinks suburban is a transition land use from urban. Mr. Grande asked Mr. Moody if he would be willing to withdraw the application for the Urban Service Boundary change and move forward with the second application tonight. Mr. Moody stated he would not have a problem with that. He also stated that the regulation is not a 100% clear on some things and the reason they requested the Urban Service Boundary change was that they felt it was clearer what they would be able to do. He stated there were some questions about extended sewers beyond the urban service line into an area where it isn't urban service. He advised that there were also questions about the size of the lots. He stated even though they are allowed two units per acre, what size does the lot have to be. Mr. Grande stated he believes that their engineer answered the first question by telling them that he knew when the services would be in their area. Mr. Moody stated that originally they thought the regulation read that the source could not be extended beyond the Urban Service Boundary and they were not in that area so they could not get sewers there. He also stated that they found out recently that it is probably possible to extend the sewers even though it is not within the Urban Service Boundary. He advised that Mr. Kelly might be able to confirm that information. Mr. Grande stated that he would like Mr. Matthes to address the sewer issue since he stated earlier in their presentation that he knew all of the specifics. Mr. Moody stated that the question is that even though they are going to be run out there, do they need to change the Urban Service Boundary to run the sewers into that district because they would have to go through a district that isn't within that area. Mr. Lounds confirmed that they are being asked to make two decisions this evening. Chairman Matthes confirmed that was correct. Mr. Lounds stated that he doesn't have a problem with the project at all and that portion of the county needs this type of development and is a prime area to help balance the developments in St. Lucie County. He also stated that it helps to develop the utilities and services in an area that is truly going to move. He advised that his problem is not with the development itself but with the motion to readjust the urban service line without due cause from the study group that has been asked to do. He also stated that if they change their request to Residential Suburban; he has no problem with that at all. Mr. Moody stated they would change their request as suggested. Mr. Lounds stated that he believes that by 2005 these issues should have been discussed and solved by then. He also stated that he feels Mr. Furst's comments were right on target and this county has some important decisions to make that need to be done quickly and precisely. Mr. Kelly stated that he has spoken with Mr. Matthes and if they wish to move towards the compromise that Mr. Grande had outlined, there is an alternate and safer way for the developer to approach that. Mr. Kelly advised that staff wants to do some research about whether projects outside of the Urban Service Boundary can have utilities and some various other items. He also stated that he is recommending that they recommend denial of the Urban Service Boundary P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 17 p : a t3 [A9t1;iVa� ft `a Motion secGifded by Mr. Akins. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed with a vote of 5-2 (with Mr. Merritt and Mr. Lounds voting against) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of denial. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 19 ;;aka' AI change and to recommend instead appro ral of Residential Suburban. He stated that would ie` ve the Urban Service Boundary change request on the table for the County Commission should they find that there might be problems with getting utilities out into that area. He continued that if they withdraw the application, they are done with the County Commission. Mr. Grande stated that is exactly what he was considering. Mr. Matthes stated that they are in support of motions to that nature. Mr. Merritt stated that his reason for voting for this Urban Service Boundary change was to make sure it went before the County Commission to get them to move because there are going to be more requests like this in the future. He also stated that he feels the Commissioners idea of spending $40,000 to do a study with regards to moving the Urban Service Boundary is not good common sense. He advised that he wanted to send it forward with a recommendation of approval to send a message to them. Mr. Lounds stated that Mr. Merritt's request has a lot of merit and they need to be able to send the Board of County Commissioners guidelines and some feeling from the Planning Commission, as an advisory board, because they don't have the final vote. Mr. Grande stated that he feels the Board of County Commissioners clearly needs to get the study and get moving on this. Mr. Trias stated that he tends to agree with Mr. Merritt on this issue and thinks that the Urban Service Boundary should be more reasonably defined in the future. He stated that he does believe they need better land development guidelines and his objection is to layout of the development. He advised that would affect what happens in the future and the trend that we are setting. He stated that his recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners would be to start looking at the design and development issues more seriously because otherwise we know exactly what is going to happen. Mr. Akins stated that he agrees and supports the project because he feels it is a quality project. He continued that he doesn't know if what they decide tonight with regard to the Urban Service Boundary is going to affect the fact that there is money that is going to be spent on the study. He stated that he doesn't feel that if they take this action tonight it will save any money or cause any other money to be spent on that study because that process is already ongoing. He advised that he feels they need to address the issue here tonight. Mr. Grande stated that he doesn't exactly agree with everything that Mr. Akins said, but wanted to address Mr. Merritt's comments. He stated that Mr. Merritt's concern is taken care of by the minutes detailing virtually everything that was heard here tonight. He advised that the philosophies that have been stated in terms of the Urban Service Boundary question being moved quickly will be reflected in the minutes and will be read by the Board of County Commissioners. He stated to Mr. Trias that this would be two separate items and then his issues could be discussed with the second application instead of now. Mr. Grande stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency of St. Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners deny the application of Lin Indrio Inc., for an amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan to extend the Urban Service Boundary, because we have found this evening that request is totally unnecessary and everything else will occur in the next hearing on the subsequent application. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 18 1 q. AGENDA ITEM 3: ORDINANCE 02-002 — Future Land Use Chanze: Mr. Kelly explained Agenda Items # 2 & 3 were both the petitions of Lin Indrio, Inc. He also stated that they were listed on the original agenda in the wrong order because the Urban Service Line would have to be moved before the Future Land Use Change could be done. He also stated that since these two items are from the same petitioner and are closely related the presentation for the previous item should be considered for this item. Chairman Matthes opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Hearn stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency of St. Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners approve the application of Lin Indrio Inc., for a Change to the Future Land Use Designation from RE (Residential Estate) to RS (Residential Suburban), because it apparently is the best way to resolve the issue before us tonight. Motion seconded by Mr. Grande, with further discussion. Mr. Grande stated that he would like to get Mr. Trias' view on the application as a stand-alone application. Mr. Trias stated that his comments would really be more appropriate for a PUD review and right now they are only reviewing a land use change. He also stated that he feels this is the fundamental problem with the process because they are dealing with everything in little pieces and by the time they get to the end it is too late to look at the big picture. He advised that sometimes when he makes comments that deal with planning and design people look at him like he is not making sense. He stated that this type of development that has one big cul-de-sac going out to one road is not a good way to develop based on their experiences with development in counties that have done this. He also stated that in his view to do this type of development, which is completely disjointed and doesn't have any planning scheme to deal with the big picture, does not require review from Staff or any other review boards. He stated these types of developments are going to happen because the market is enough to make many of these things happen. He advised that the value that any of them may bring to the table is to try to put it all together. He continued that right now there is no process that he knows of that asks for that discussion to happen, which forces them to review each part of the project individually. He advised that they do not deal with any kind of comprehensive vision for this area and until they do projects like this will be all developed like this and having nothing left to do. Mr. Grande questioned what Mr. Trias said and asked if the relationship between the land use change and the PUD, which will follow, would the process be better served if the land use change were being voted on at the same time with the PUD. Mr. Trias stated he does believe that would be more helpful. Mr. Grande stated that had this been submitted without a request for an Urban Service Boundary change but with the land use change and a PUD plan request, they would be in a position to do the best job possible. Mr. Trias stated he agrees. Mr. Grande asked Mr. Moody if it would be a problem for him to come back with the land use change application at the same time as the PUD request, which from prior testimony sounds like it is virtually ready. Mr. Moody stated it would be a major problem because they would have to P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 20 spend all that money up fremt without knowing if the land use change would be approv&&-i-'A�-` continued that even though they have already done a lot of work, there is still a lot more expenses that have to be spent to finalize the plans for the PUD. Mr. Grande asked Mr. Moody if he would feel more comfortable waiting to spend that money if they had the Residential Suburban land use change already approved. Mr. Moody confirmed that was correct. Mr. Merritt asked that everyone use their common sense. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 7-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting June 20,2002 Page 21 A t 11A AGENDA ITEM 4: EMILIO MARTINEZ - FILE NO. RZ-02-012: Hank Flores, presenting Staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 4 was the application of Emilio Martinez for a Change in Zoning from the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District to the CO (Commercial, Office) Zoning District for 1.08 acres of property located on the East side of the Turnpike Feeder Road, approximately 300 feet north of Palomar Parkway. He continued that the stated purpose for the rezoning is to develop the property into a dental office. He also stated that the surrounding zoning is CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) to the South, north, and west with RM-5 (Residential, Multiple -Family — 5 du/acre) to the east. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set forth in the Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is recommending that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. Chairman Matthes requested that a letter from the Bel -Aire Estates Homeowners Association be read into record. Ms. Gilmore read the following: "This letter is in response to your letter dated June 8°i, 2002 concerning the rezoning of property within 500 feet of 5106 Turnpike Feeder Road. On behalf of the Bel -Aire Community Hall located at 325 Pandora Avenue, we have no objection to the rezoning of 5106 Turnpike Feeder Road from Commercial, Neighborhood to Commercial, Office by Dr. Emilio Martinez. Respectfully submitted, Diane E. Shaw, President, Bel -Aire Estates." Chairman Matthes questioned if the petitioner was present. Mr. Emilio Martinez came forward and stated that he was the petitioner for this application and thanked the Commission for considering his petition, Chairman Matthes opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Merritt stated that after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff Comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Emilio Martinez, for a Change in Zoning from the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District to the CO (Commercial, Office) Zoning District because it fits in with the existing land use. Motion seconded by Mr. Hearn. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 7-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 22 h auU u AGENDA ITEM 5: EAST FLORIDA PRIMITIVE BAPT15T DISTRICT ASS6dATI0N, INC. - FILE NO. CU-02-006: Hank Flores, presenting Staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 5 was the application of East Florida Primitive Baptist District Association, Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit to allow social services (educational services and facility) in the I (Institutional) Zoning District for property located at 3950 Juanita Avenue. He continued that the surrounding zoning is RM-5 (Residential, Multiple -Family - 5 du/acre) to the south and east, I (Institutional) zoning directly east and further east and RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family - 4 du/acre) Zoning to the west. He also stated that IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning is located to the north and IX (Industrial, Extraction) Zoning is located to the northwest. He continued that the applicant has applied for the requested conditional use in order to establish an educational facility for a maximum of 200 students for a religious school. A church facility is currently located on the subject property. The applicant is proposing the addition of two new 4,320 square foot classroom buildings. Educational Services and Facilities are allowed as conditional uses in this zoning district subject to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set forth in the Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is recommending that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval, subject to two limiting conditions. 1. The number of students shall be limited to a maximum of 200. 2. The hours of operation for the educational facility shall be from 7 A.M to 6 P.M., Monday through Friday. Mr. Grande questioned if there is an entrance already existing off of Juanita Avenue or is a new entrance going to be constructed. Mr. Flores stated that there is currently an existing entrance with parking in place at this time. Mr. Grande asked why the difference of solid and dotted lines on the site plans. He continued that on the site plan there is a parking area to the right of the existing sanctuary in solid lines and then on the left it shows dotted lines for an additional parking area. He questioned if the parking west of the sanctuary exist today and Mr. Flores stated that was correct. Mr. Lounds stated that the aerial photograph provided in their packets shows the existing parking more clearly. Chairman Merritt asked if the petitioner or their representative were present. Mr. David Phillips from Culpepper & Terpening stated they would be representing the applicant. He also stated that this project was originally developed back in 1990 and the dotted lines on the site plan originally represented the grass stabilized parking areas. He continued that as part of the development, they tried to locate the two modular buildings on the corner, and the existing grass parking would be moved towards the south property line. He stated that the applicant is looking to open the educational facilities in mid -August 2002 and are trying to obtain an expedient schedule. He also stated that they have had pre -application meetings with the SFWMD, as well as the local FPUA and DER He advised that everything has been submitted for approval and are waiting on the permits. He stated that he would be happy to answer any questions. Mr. Hearn questioned why the information stated, "existing paved parking" to remain but Mr. Phillips just advised that it is grass parking. Mr. Phillips stated that right now there are portions P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 23 K" a ? J 4': of the, project that have paved parking and driveways and the grass parking that curren �icists�a�} wraps around the east side of the project and continues around the north side. He advised that everything shown within the solid lines is paved parking. Mr. Hearn then asked Staff if the grass parking area is acceptable. Mr. Flores stated that it is acceptable with church facilities and they based parking on the sanctuary area, which allows them up to 75% in grass parking. Chairman Merritt opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Charles Hendly stated he is a member of East Florida Primitive Baptist District Association and stated he has a concern because the staff report shows daycare and pre-school facility but they are proposing a school. Mr. Flores advised that was an error in the report but was advertised for educational facilities and services. Chairman Merritt questioned the hours of operation listed at 5:00 P.M in condition #2 because they might need later hours for after hour activities. Mr. Hendly stated that he believes they changed the hours to 6 P.M. because most individuals get done work at 5 P.M. and this would allow them time to pick up their children. Mr. Flores stated that in his presentation he confirmed the new time of 6 P.M. instead of 5 P.M. Chairman Merritt questioned why a school was being restricted to a closing of 6 P.M. because they might want to have activities at 7 or 8 P.M. at night. Mr. Flores stated that in review of their applications they had stated that the church services and school operations would not be operating at the same time. Mr. Hendly stated they would accept that because usually there is not any church service at night and they were mainly concerned with having sufficient hours to allow time for parents to pick up their children. Ms. Pinky Hendly stated that they had listed their hours of operation but would certainly have activities from time to time past the closing time of 6:00 P.M. She advised that would not conflict with the church services and stated she did not want the time limited to 5:30 P.M. She also stated that they were planning on having activities at the facility on a limited basis. Chairman Merritt questioned if Ms. Hendly was stating that they need additional hours at certain times and she confirmed that they would indeed need additional hours at certain times. Chairman Merritt questioned Staff if this would be a problem. Mr. Kelly stated that they do not have a problem with that and that the sanctuary could be used because there are no limits on the hours for the sanctuary. He also stated that they were not intending to limit the actual use of the classroom building in the evenings, just the hours of the students' day at school. Chairman Merritt stated he could see setting times for a daycare but since this is a school it should be a different situation. Mr. Kelly stated that if the Commission wished to change the conditions Staff would not have any objection. Mr. Lounds stated he would not have any problem extending hours to a school that is associated with a religious facility. He also stated that any time a church wants to extend their teachings to education and provide for the people, it is a wonderful thing. He advised that he wouldn't mind seeing them having children at the school at 7 or 8:00 P.M. doing something productive with their time. He questioned if there was any feedback from those on Jo Haywood Drive. Ms. Hendly stated that they have not spoken to them directly and has not heard any comments at all from anyone in that area. Mr. Lounds stated that sometimes those who live right next door to a school become concerned with noise and things. Ms. Hendly stated that their actual school day ends at 3:00 P.M. and will allow three hours for aftercare to allow time for parents to pick-up their children. Mr. Lounds stated he has no problem with extending the time so that it best suits the applicant and would best benefit their plans. Mr. Hearn stated that he would like to assure Mr. Lounds that those on Jo Haywood Drive have been notified via the mailing and the signs. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 24 Seeing noxoue else, Chairman Merritt closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Hearn stated that after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.07.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of East Florida Primitive Baptist District Association, Inc., for a Conditional Use Permit to allow educational services and facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District because it is going to be a quality extension of their church services, it seems to fit into the community, and there are no residents here in objection to it ,.with the following conditions: 1. The number of students shall be limited to a maximum of 200. 2. The hours of operation for the educational facility shall be from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Motion seconded by Mr. Trias. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 6-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 25 SAM AGENDA ITEM 6: ORDINANCE 02-015 — Amend Land Develoyiiient".1Codea (Architectural Standards & Non Conforming Lots): Mr. Hearn stated that due to the hour he would like to continue this item again until the July 18`s meeting. Ms. Young stated that if they wish to make a motion to continue again, they do need to open the public hearing and hear any testimony and then once closed make that motion. Chairman Matthes opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Rob Russell stated that he has been trying for almost three years to get a permit to build a house on the lot he purchased. He also stated that he was in attendance at the previous June 200' meeting but did not speak and that was continued. He advised that he is in real need of help with his matter and would hope that they would not continue this item again. Mr. Hearn stated that he wanted his motion to continue the portion of the ordinance that related to architectural standards and would like to resolve the non -conforming lot issues tonight. Chairman Matthes questioned if that could be done since both items were originally presented as one ordinance. Ms. Young stated that it is one ordinance and they could discuss the portion that relates to non -conforming lots but they would have to make a motion with regards to the ordinance as a whole. She continued that since it is one ordinance, they would not be able to just vote on half of it. Mr. Hearn questioned if they have to give a yes or no on the whole ordinance or could they give two separate recommendations on each subject. Ms. Young stated their motion could indicate that they are making an overall recommendation for the ordinance as a whole, but add that they are in support of one part or the other. Chairman Matthes asked if they could recommend that the architectural portion be broken out of this ordinance and have it re- presented under a separate number. Ms. Young stated that they could recommend that it be done that way. Mr. Grande stated that this point came up last month and that they would really not like to have ordinances that cover multiple, separate categories under one number and would not like this to happen again. He continued thatWrdinancet'Should be single topics only and would like some justification as to why they are lumping together different subjects. Ms. Young stated that they should make a recommendation for approval or denial of the ordinance as a whole, but then include in the recommendation that they would like the architectural portion separated. She continued that it would go to the Board as presently drafted unless directed differently by the Commission. Mr. Kelly stated that the LPA could recommend that they would like to have it separated when it goes to the Board. Chairman Matthes questioned if they could request all reference with regards to architectural standards be deleted and then leave the rest of this ordinance as it is with regards to non -conforming lots but bring back the architectural portion under a separate number. Ms. Young stated they could recommend that if that it what they want. Mr. David Kelly, Planning Manager stated that Agenda Item # 6 was continued from the June 20t' meeting and proposed two amendments to the County's Land Development Code. He stated that he was going to use St. Lucie Gardens as an example to show a pattern of lots that has a row of easements for access alternating on the property lines. He advised that several years ago this was reviewed and they decided that it was not a good idea to continue to allow lots of development on easements where the county would not be able to provide roads and could cause service issues. He continued that the County currently has a restriction that states if you have a non -conforming lot of record, if you have more than two or three parcels in a row, they are P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 26 considered to be one parcel unless they are ilivided by a roadway or easement. He stated that they had been approached about situations where an individual had three lots together, not separated by anything, and they sold parcels in a private transaction. Those individuals that bought the parcels tried to apply for a building permit and were told their parcel is considered to be part of the parent parcel and was never legally divided under the non -conforming statues. He also stated that this amendment would eliminate the contiguous lot prohibition. He continued that, if approved, a series of lots under common ownership would revert back to the original legal description of the parcel. He stated that if you have five lots, under the current guideline, they would be considered one. He advised that under the proposed amendment it would be considered as five. Mr. Trias asked how this would be solved. Mr. Kelly stated that by changing the language in the Land Development Code to take out all of paragraph 2 and some of the language in paragraph 1 that says, "such lot must be in separate ownership". Mr. Merritt stated that he failed to see the common sense in the way the current code is written. Mr. Kelly stated that is why they are trying to correct some of these issues with this change. Mr. Grande stated that if they were public roads instead of private easements, then it would not be an issue. Mr. Kelly confirmed that was correct. Mr. Hearn questioned the wording in the first paragraph, around the 18t' line, about a variance from yard dimensions and if it meant the distance that a house has to be from a side yard. Mr. Kelly stated that it is pointing out that any variances that may be needed have to be acquired from the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Hearn asked what the definition of "yard dimensions" was. Mr. Kelly stated it is discussing those areas other than area, width, or frontage. Mr. Hearn stated that the word "yard dimension" is with regards to setbacks and Mr. Kelly confirmed that would be correct. Mr. Rob Russell stated that he is in this situation because he bought a lot from someone in St. Lucie Gardens who had owned lots that were contiguous. He continued that he received a letter from Ms. Linda Pendarvis of the Public Works Department that stated they determined his property does not meet the criteria for a non -conforming lot of record and lacks the required road frontage for AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 dulacre) zoning. He stated that his lot is off of Tilton Road, which is east of U.S. 1 off of Dyer Road. He continued that the man who sold him the lot had purchased three separate lots at three separate times but since the one he purchased was contiguous it became unbuildable. He questioned why they are considered to be one lot when they were each purchased at separate times and they pay three different property taxes for each individual property. He also stated that there are homes to the right and left of his and they are buildable, which doesn't make sense to him. He advised that his lot is only 330 feet from the corner of Tilton Road and has spoken with Commissioner Bruhn about these issues. Chairman Matthes questioned if this proposed change would solve Mr. Russell's problems. Mr. Kelly advised that it is his understanding that it would. Mr. Merritt questioned if by changing this they would be creating more problems. Mr. Kelly stated that he isn't sure if it would create any more problems but that it would resolve many of the problems that have come from the original change. Mr. Hearn stated that he ran into a situation where he sold a lot but previously the same man owned two contiguous lots, the lot he sold was not considered to be buildable. Mr. Russell stated that is the same type of situation he is in today and that people behind his property are buildable, but he isn't. Mr. Grande questioned if this problem has arisen because Meehan Lane (which is now Tilton Road) is a private road. Mr. Kelly confirmed that is correct and if it were a county or public road, in general, this would not be an issue. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 27 Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Russell if he was planning on building a home on that lot. . Russell stated that he had been approved to build a home, using the lot as collateral, almost three years ago, but was denied when he came in to request his building permit. He continued that he had his lot prepped to be built on at that time but has been fighting ever since to get a permit to build. Seeing no one else, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Hearn made a motion to recommend approval of the amendments to the wording in Section 10.00.04, Section A, Number 1 and to delete Number 2 in it's entirety, Non - Conforming Lots and also to delete all sections regarding creating Section 7.10.24, Interim Architectural Standards and have those resubmitted under a separate ordinance number. Motion seconded by Mr. Merritt. Upon a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously approved (with a vote of 7-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 28 EMI t ram! OTHER BUSINESS/DISCUSSION: T�7 Next scheduled meeting will be July 18, 2002. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Hearn made a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: awn Gilmore, Secretary Approved by: Stefan Matthes, Chairman P & Z Meeting June 20, 2002 Page 29 Planning and Zoning Commission Review: 08/15/02 ��C\6 CpGy � File Number Rz-02-013 co F1 -< oRMEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: August 9, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of Glassman Holdings, Inc. for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural — 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. (File No.: Rz-02-013) LOCATION: Northwest corner of the intersection of Indrio Road and Emerson Road. EXISTING ZONING: AG-1 (Agricultural 1 du/acre) PROPOSED ZONING: CG (Commercial, General) FUTURE LAND USE: COM (Commercial) PARCEL SIZE: 25.99 acres PROPOSED USE: Uses consistent with the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District PERMITTED USES: Attachment "A" - Section 3.01.03(S) CG (Commercial, General) - contains the designated uses, which are permitted by right, permitted as an accessory use, or permitted through the conditional use process. Any use designated as a "Conditional Use" is required to undergo further review and approvals. Any use not found within the zoning district regulations are designated as prohibited uses for that district SURROUNDING ZONING: RS-2 (Residential, Single -Family - 2 du/acre) to the south and west. AG-1 (Agricultural — 1 du/care) Zoning to the north, south, east, and west. IX (Industrial, Extraction) to the east. I (Institutional) Zoning to the east and north. SURROUNDING LAND USES: The general existing use surrounding the property is some residential and agricultural. 1' 'i tY tf � )• �`` �y` I _ hfi+ l i f 4 t i Z y St•``t� aY ,r August 9 t2b02 j S.lib�ect Glassman Holdings, lnct. Pa e 2 , . 02 02=013 9` v 1� 4 The :Future Land Use.: Classification of `the . surrounding. Art 4i{ 1 area: is RU (Residential{ lJrban) to the east RS (Residential Suburban) Ito the r southeast ` RE , (( esidential� z Estate) to the east COIVI (Commercial) to the' south and southeast ' MXD=Airport (Mixetl` Use Airport). is IocatEd to the :south: FIRE/EM$ PROTECTION:. Station #7 (4900 Ft,' Pierce .Boulevard), is located apprbxirhp ely, l trills to the east UTILITY.SERVICE: Water and sewer facilities are in the .St, Lucie County Utilities service area. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT OF WAY _ ADEQUACY. The ;existing right-of-way for IndnoRoad is 60 feet.. The existing right-of-way, for Emerson Road. is 60 -feet, ,'The existing right of way for F P FW.M.p. Canal No. `6 is 80 eet- fW. SQHEDULED,: IMPROVEMENTS: one.,. TYPE OF.CONC,URRENCY DOCUMENT'REQUIRED: Concurrency Deferral Affidavit. STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET. FORTH 44SECTION 14106.031 •1 ST. LUCIE COUNTY:LAND DEVELOP(VIEWtODE: ; In , reviewing this application . for proposed rezoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make tha following determinations: 1. Whether the proposed "rezoning is in conflict with any:.' applicable portions of the St l ucie County Land Development Code; The proposed zoning district is consistent with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and specifically ,has Imet the standards :of 11.06:03, 2: Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all elements of•the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan; The proposed change in zoning is consistent with all elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive . Plan. The request. is compatible. with the COM (Commercial) Future Land Use classification,' which' allows commercial general zoning. ' - i August 9;.2002 Page 3 ' 3. Whether and' the e d the existing 'and prop The proposed zoning, The proposed ;zoning subteot� property is -at- , lanned for, ingle farm 4. Whether there have; Conditions= have not ok has conhnUed.�to grow pressure. 5.. ` Whether and: the I exte demands on pualic,l proposed am. ndmen including but not-.limt supply,'parks draiiha medreal'facilities;. The intended use,aor. th demands on any publi demonstrate that these development. Water Roadways.'inthe area may capture t"rips, whjcl old grove. ire not_ at -capacity, cornmerpiai ,aeveioprnent at,mis sire August 9, Page 4 8.' Road rn order to develop the property for . '.o ciah uses: y Attached is a co .6 Sections 3 01 03 S CG Commerce . I ,General), 'of, the -St.; W le F County Land Development Code, which delineates the permitted,. accessory, and.."conditional ` used aAowed in ' this zoning If a change in zoniri� =is approYed, the applicant, by .diz?trict:. . ;right, would be,allowed to estabiiOO', any of the, uses; under' the Permitted lses section.", Any use , . M ' under the Accessory li4i section'wouId be allowed =only if :one o rrIore pf the> permitted uses " exist' onj'the subject: property. Any use; under the ,Conditional Use$ section could. only all lf, it first receives approval through the Board of `Co'unty Commissioners. j Staff has' reviewed this petition and determined � that it conforms to the 'standards of r r review'as set Mirth in Sectio:06 n 1103 of the St Lucie .County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the `goals, objectives', and policies' df the. St. Lucie .County Comprehensive,, ' Plan.; Staff is recommending 'that. you forward' 'this petition .to 'the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. Please contact this office if -you have any questions on this matter. - hf r cc: County Administrator County Attorney Lindsey Walter Noreen Dryer, Esq.' ' File Yt 4 4 Srt, fj -y. gC S F 2 i py 'f �PJ'43` - fm'k df tj �kc l tx;YY 4t`�q. i . klXjt ,. Suggested motion to recommend approval/den�at of this requested change jnzornnWE-g _r n ;s sx31G,� MOTION TO APPROVE k �' , a� AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING;`T'rb 4� INCLUDING STAFF COMM NTS,:AND TFiE STANDAIR -OP REVIEW AS SET FORTH iN 4 -SECTION:`11 06 0 ST.."�Wat" COUNTY_ LAND DkVELOP_MENT CODE, `THEREBY MOVE � xs , .THAT THE E PLANNING AND "CommZONING'COMMISSION REC'011hM ND THAT THE ST LUCIE A COUNTY BOARD . OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :GRANT APPROVAL . - 'THE , , APPLICATIONOF GLASSMAN HOLDINGS, INC, FOR ACHANGE INZONING PROM -T,,HE AG-1 (AORICULTURAL - ;1 ZONING DISTRICT TO `,THE 'CG (COMMERCIAL, 5 .DU/AC) ` GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT; BECAUSE ... . _.' b FY ` [CITE REASONS] WHY -PLEASE F Yi MOTION TO.DENY s� AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, r� INCL"UDING STAFF COMMENTS,. AND THE STANDARDS`OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH- IN1,, SECTION 11.06:03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING, AND ZONING `COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT. THE si , LUCIE azt: COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE'' APPLICATION OF GLASSMAN HOLDINGS, INC., FOR A CHANGE IN , ZONING FROM ` THE AG=1, (AGRICULTURAL - 1 DU/AC)-ZONING DISTRICT TO THE CG (COMMERCIAL,' GENERAL) ZONING:DISTRICT, BECAUSE.... [CITE REASON[S] WHY -PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations 3.01.03 A. AG-1 Purpose ZONING DISTRICTS AGRICULTURAL - 1 The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for productive commercial agriculture, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with productive agricultural surroundings. Residential densities are restricted to a maximum of one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre. The number in "()" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this Code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Agricultural production - crops (o,) b. Agricultural production - livestock & animal specialties (02) C. Agricultural services to>> d. Family day care homes. (999) e. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of another existing such family residential home and provided that the sponsoring agency or Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Board of County Commissioners at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. (999) f. Fishing, hunting & trapping (og) g. Forestry (oe) h. Kennels. (0752) i. Research Facilities, Noncommercial (8733) j. Riding stables. (79") k. Single-family detached dwellings. (999) 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses a. Agricultural labor housing. t999i Adopted August 1, 1990 94 Revised Through 08/01/00 ^s tY F { tE r iY' :Section 3 0\1 03 ` Zoning Distinct Use Regulations : u ugq i Y NW } ys� S. CG" CQMMERCIAL GENERAL tWy } 'L� _ \ 1: Purpose= w 1 M M 1 }"`-� ' ' i "N The:purpose of this district is.to provide and protect an envlronMent suitable for a Wide ;variety aon avalFematcommerciauses. intended to servea populteaewhich do not impose �r undesirable noise vibration; odor, tlusf; or affehstve ejfeets on the surrounoing area, together with 4 " such otheruses as Maybe necessary"to and compatible with general commercial starroungin�s number m "O" following each identified' use .corresponds tb the SIC code` reference described in SePtion 01 02(B) The`number 999 appliesto a use not difined under the SIC node but maybe r , further,defined in Se6, 6n'2:00.00 of this code.: a'} 2. • Perrnitted z Arl& menticollection &credit reporting services (732) i y, b. Advertising tr3,r c: ArrPhitheaters (999j - d: Amusements &recreation services except.tadrums; arenas, race tracks, amusement parks and bingo parlotsns) e: Apparel & ,accessory. stores (ss) . f, Autofiobile dealers �ss� k fi Automotive rental, repairs & sery (except body repairs) tis,,s3.�sar" , - h. Beauty and barber services :(723724)` i.` Building materials,, hardware and garden supply csz> j . Cleaning services 73ae) k Coiimercial pnnt!ng tss9r 1. Cornrnunitatrons except towers c+er m, Computer programming, data pr."gcessing &.other computer seiv. cr3rr n i Contract constorage only) ijs! nr o Gi iltural activs and nature exhibitions p. Diaplicatirig, mailing, commercial artlphbto. & stenog. erv.: t33i q. Eating places'cse;r'. r„ Ediacational,servio, = except publicschools lair s: Engineering, accounting, tesearch, management & related services te7i . t.. Equipmentrental and leasing servrces.(735) U. Executive, legislative, and,judiclal:funct ons ts,isys304ississ/szi V. Farrrt labor and management'services.676i . w... Financial; nsurance,.and real estate (60/611621G3/64165/67) ` x.. Food stores ti - =y; Funeral and crematory.servrces:r,�et—. ' z. Gasoline service stations tsscii aa: General merchandise stor`es,t53i bb. Health services.teoi cc. Home furnitUre and furnishings.tsri. _ dd. Landscape. '& horticultural seivicps,twer_ ee. " Laundry; cleaning!and gatmentservices.721r ff. Membership � organizations - except for religious organizations :as . provided in Section 8.0.01(N) of this codetiesr C _99- " % Miscellaneous retail (see:SlC Code Major Group.59): (1) : Drug5tores,t591i, Adopted August 1, 1990 > 118 Revised Through 08/01/00 at Al L Section -& 01":03 � Zornng Oistnct UseRegulations } x y (2) Used merchandise stores (593) flp w (3); Sporting'goods:ss4>> (4) Book & s,tationary(ssa2issas) , a, (5) Jewelry`tseaai , (6) Hobby, toy and games jssas) t x , F (7) Gamera &photographic supplies tssas> t nbveity and spuvenlr`tssaz� (9) Luggage;& leather goods tssae). r ` (10) P bric acid mill products tssesi" �;. (11) Catalog, mail order aA' direct seAmg, csss,rsss3> ' {12) Liquified petroleumas(propane) �ssea> 2 4R'r \ (13) Florists.ts992►` \ (14) Topacco isss3z (15) "News deniers%newsstands tss9a� (16) Optical goods (5095) -3 (17) Misc retail (See SIC Code for "specific uses),'(siw hh. Miscellaneous personal services (see SIC Code Mator Group 72): 1 (1.)' Tax return services.Pisi - Misc. retail (See SIC Code for specific uses)"nissj. , Miscellaneous business services (see tiSiC Code Major Group 73),: (1)' . Detective; guard and; armored car services (7e-1) Security systemservtees"tr�ezi (3)News syn'dicate`� ` (4) Photofnish�ng laboratories t73eaf'. (5) Bu`siness<services MISC.t;i .�j. Mobile:hor 16 dealers'is2»_ , kk. '" Motile food vendors "(eating places, &vegetables IL" ,fruit, -retail) Motion pictures (ta Motor vehwle. parking t:ommerciai parking& Vehicle storage. nszj Y nit " Museums; galleries and gardens teak oo. Personnel supply services pp� Photo finishing. services q% Phofograpf is services azz► i'ostal, services tail:;-, s$. Recreation facilities (ion Repair services.�si:; uu: Retail trado4ndoordispiay acid sales oFily, except as provided in Section 7.00.00. sss� VV. "Social services - (.1), - IA d y'idual &;family social services te32839i (2)" Child care services te3s� ;fob' training and vocational rehabilitation services tsar ww.. `" , Travel agencies (4124� xx: Veterinary services iom .: 3, Lof Size Requirements " Lot size requirements shag be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. Adopted August 1, 1990 119 Revised Through 08/01/00 i Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations '. i _ r 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. -- Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6.. Landscaping Requirements ' Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses a. ` Adult establishments subject to requirements of Sec. 7.10.10: ts991 b. Drinking, places -(alcoholic beverages) - free-standing: (5ei3) c. Disinfecting &pest control services. (7342 d. Amusement parks. (79%) e. Go. cart tracks. (7999) f. Hotels & motels. (7ot) g. Household goods warehousing and storage=mini-warehouses tmf h. Marina - recreational boats only: (4493) Motor vehide repair services - body repair. pw) \ . ' J. Sporting and recreational camps. po32) k- Retail trade: (1.) Liquor stores. (592) k. Stadiums, arenas, and race tracks.. (7sa) I. Telecommunication -towers - subject;.to the standards of Section 7.10.23. (m) 8. Accessory Uses - Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. , Drinking places.01coholic beverages as an accessory use to a restaurant and/or civic, social, and fraternal organizations). b. One single-family dwelling unit contained within the commercial building, or a detached single-family dwelling or mobile home, (for on -site security purposes)'. C. Retail trade: (1). Undistilled alcoholic beverages (accessory to retail sale of,food). f r A •: Adopted August 1, 1990 120 Revised Through 08/01/00 iM W., z 0 U Z H Q A Petition of Glassman Holdings, Inc. for a Change in Zoning from AG-1 (Agricultural,1 uniVacre) to CG (Commercial, General). 1 n b C Z 2 c b c u o c d � V. 4 n: RZ 02-013 This pattern indicates subject parcel .'�a- Map prepared June 21, 2002 Tho map Na been e—VW Wg.- 1pt—&V and 1-6 r PaPo MY N W,ft ft" ~ ha been made b W—de ft most cure 4 and aaaaxe kft—Ow paaa . Y Is wended Im use as a WOW bkeOV doaanmf. a. rc. a*oig mares rtoao n RS-28 o O 10 0 0 AGA d d a 4 I 4 L RZ 02-013� ¢ 4 This pattern Indicates Map prepared June 21, 2002 subject parcel � � � mem m-VW Woon.W°�° WW papas.. . wN. a" «antra. men m.ft to amid. ma ffW a-ml W4 amaaal. W—OW Pmaeba. xis nml Yxendem ar use as a Wg*an*V mma.Wt Land Use Glassman Holdings, Inc. RZ 02-013 This pattern indicates subject parcel GLS Map prepared June 21, 2002 wt" may ~ tw been W. to P, +ft 0. -.9 —.M wW ac w- YAowmWn po.abl%k is rot kKwdW I& use a. a WgaM bfru ' Eoa—M. �����,mill t 8 � "7. u,`.�ck"�,--o-.,.°+� pp 3 t Y tEE {j Y. ! � � 3 �Y� i .a,..t AMR 1 141'�Z 3^h144w WAR w ts+' iT t ,a a K19 a �, _Xa f� �' Elli,,, `•, IA ?�ir777 Whys 7 t sY wxg AN KAW •i �cw. t i a �s 3 - £a .,,r` uY't q«.$• "£ .> a.`ei�Mv YY wdr. { - Sds 2w f6 ' � - A NELSON FIT Wk onto F tgsg z�a MESA, IPA sit- p r _ .Yfy Zan 1Iy � % ,7 c WOOD 21 ey � � p ;,; . 1i ...i«.,.,,��„ as.�?" .+ .<= a / i law. 9 }" p '.`- +.�.:L .. `1YSSY _t�h...ss se,�..�.mf�.... m, y6 J I .� r6 ri 9 � � t- � � - � �� s.. #R JnK,d g � t rj ��t .a ✓H f � Sa`sari t i� '"fiil n f3 {''y f ��j" ty( t AWN E Y i } ; ky ," £ r4i "4 'a` 3� d S 3�{�P:i F)a4.4� e 3f �ti�� 7. a Ft ra ✓t.��t"FI ,' Sv � r-R �„%c t�Y'S[ 111 Ways.t ,,, [ Air-...r•-r:,r --^ a� P �t X`r3 �'i �` � 9 � 7yy 5 i,-.''$;}D�� "'SSW.. € f ':x - ✓"' .8=� yrks n. '. a_. t.." �.�L �`a ' ip� B� €• �� t• �« g�73Y � po. � � Py �. t ;,t',¢.i. 5��! � -r�s �� � � 9 �i 1t � 7� 6Ey ,„°�'�t -.: 1i+yFg'2 ij;� r 3t y R -d -:a "?`.'.r rykJ } t t .? a a ( t [� f att �4z f. . f ; t 8 X n..s bF _� :-ry_ d ), Yak ; i t9$EEisJ tg}lam i� } a %z i't(tt4�.ty�i t';a ± to ;v sci r e f _ .. �.t: �-��.� (� a a• 3� =". _ � jy '3 ? i E7 a#'ak #1 � L.. '�Di4 � �3. 73 tg �4 ��7pI� ��3 i -�i. - a�],t ��,"a, ?. �i �g§� F2 J�! � 3'.;f-�' � ����r� t ��Z ��.° y` 1� �y'{#3t e1.. s f as 'M £ YiSS� "_ . a> r+ < 3 3 '<., ;a.� >•r s-a. i F r3 r, pi Ca i 4 i ( - § t( J 'iE ° t @ #�a' qhh ': °p'r3s i i E<_{ Tom, 7-a_<.. :-.�.rzc^.ec'm t 4 ; { A sy f,31'�¢s9R:�..� 8r�7aF�E :iifl.ii _ Ya}'_€_._ s 1o,Pa x 3i3 F�33i?II AGENDA - PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, August 15, 2002 7. 00 P.M. GLASSMAN HOLDINGS, INC., has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - I dulacre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: Northwest corner of the intersection of Indrio Road and Emerson Avenue. Please note that all proceedings before the Local Planning Agency are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Local Planning Agency with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purposes, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Prior to this public hearing, notice of the same was sent to all adjacent property owners August 5, 2002. Legal notice was published in The News and The Tribune, newspapers of general circulation in St. Lucie County, on August 1, 2002. File No. RZ-02-013 BOARD OF; COUNTY L• COMMU N ITY > " COMMISSIONERS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �'��OR1OP August 5, 2002 In accordance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby advised that GLASSMAN HOLDINGS, INC., has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District for the following described property: Locations Northwest corner of the intersection of Indrio-Road and Emerson Avenue. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST The first public hearing on the petition will be held at 7.00 P.M,, or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, August IS, 2002, County Commissioner's Chambers, St. Lucie County Administration Building Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida, All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments. received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission should be received by the County Planning Division tit least 3 days prior to a scheduled hearing. County policy discourages communication with individual •Planning and Zoning Commission and County Commission on any case outside of the scheduled public hearing(s) You may speak at a public hearing, or provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are electronically recorded. ' If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will_ need a -record of the proceedings, For such,purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any partyto the proceeding, individuals testifying . during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If it becomes necessary, a public hearing may be continued to a date -certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772) 462- 1777 or T.D.D. (772) 462-1428. If you no longer own property adjacent to the above -described parcel, please forward this notice to the new owner. Please call 7721462-1582 if you have any questions, and refer to: File Number RZ-02,013, Sincerely, - ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Stefa atthes, Chairman jOHN D. BRUHN; District No. 1 • DOUG COWARD. District No: 2 PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglas'M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue - FortPierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration: (772) 462-1590 • Planning: (712) 462-2822 GIS/fechnical Services: (772) 462-1553 Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 Fox: (772) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention:(772) 462-1529 • Fox: (772),462-2132 www.cost-lucie. fl . us �D O M M M to VNj M M N CD 00 W) M N CD— M M ` h O M t N M 00 O M kn �.�-, Oh �� I �O h t t t M �O �O t h O, M h N M i . . .�i I� cs ON io I(M O CA � (� ON �LM� ON tn ON N }} M !_ _ ., M M M.1!_ {1 M) M M J i —Ii M r L_J M M M M I' Ij �fC/�;(fS,I�w�iwlLw,Lwiiw„w w,,w,�w,�wjiE-•i,w�1w� wlLw��w�tw �� j U a, � al a� Cd.C, a, a Ylia� o oo1����� o i a'a a a a U o U_ Lw° a°q �w°, w° _wolI a°q w° ILx >j > LxJJL°J0I wo w° w° w a -7 I t oa;u:ax 0 0 >~ o U •� rn o rn CD b b b O O .� o �C�y3y y `�' o N N .-, . N N N .� N .-, 0 o N y o W U) U) ^� W Vn W W O O M x O OPiz v� .- h po I N N h N N N O h �t 00 (� O O h h O N - to N to a, O a, .+ O O O N 0000 O\ o0 00 00 OOh M N to to -- o0 O ti z U ►� 0 o H M IMIL—ji if11 o 1101"nnIL 11 1,,,, o aN �Ot 4104 4-4 Z atititi� a s a ram " � a b b a b a A x b Y y y U •q C, o y AAA U U U 0 "O Uy�U.aa�fli * .4 U o w w ww0 o o �� ao v0 � K >o 3UCtia w O W h O �o O cN O 00 O O O O O o O �O O a0 O O h O �O O N O O O M O 0, O O, O0.0 �--� 0 O 0 0 0 O_ 0 O_ 0 O_ 0 O_ 0 O 0 O 0 O_ 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0O O 11111111 0 O 0 O O •--� 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 io m O M 0 O 0 0 �--� 0 O N 0 O O— •-+ O o O •--� O O O- N O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.M-. •--�V'Ntot1�toNC�r.r.2:- Vim'milli N .-�-- .M. .M. .M-, .M-� -, ST. LUCIE COUNTY' PLANNING AND ZONING C.OMMISSIQN" PUBLIC HEARING AGENDAo ( . August 15, 2002;. .. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with.,: Section - 1 ].00.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Develop"t.Code' S. WYNNE RANCH, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utili- - - - and the provisions of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive ties) Zoning District for the following described property:.: - - Plan, the following applicants have requested'that the St. Lucie County Planning and. Zoning Commission A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE :consider their following requests: QUARTER (1 /4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 37 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND 1. CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single- Family - 3 du/acre) Zoning District to the 1 (Institutional), COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID Zoning District for the.following described property: SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 87°57'45" WEST, AS A BASIS OF BEARINGS, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF ' THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1 4 OF / SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 2672.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE ' SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 40,EASTI ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS ROAD RIGHT•ON QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH WAYS AND FURTHER LESS THE EAST 300 FEET OF THE; 00°27'15" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5, A SOUTH 210 FEET. DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Selvitz NING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 00°27'15" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 Road and Edwards.Road. :. FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°.19'16" EAST, DEPARTING . 2. TIMOTHY AND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH; for a Coddi- Permit fional Use Permit to allow the operation ratio wash' SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF' 656.70 FEET;. •. THENCE SOUTH 00°27-15".. WEST, A DISTANCE OF of a car facility in the (Commercial, Nei g °Oct) Zoning Dis- 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°19'16" WEST; A DIS- TANCE OF 656.70 FEET TO THE POINT trig for the followingdescribed Pr°P: ;t .OF. BEGINNING. LOTS l i & 12, BLOCK 169, LAKEWOOD PARK,: UNIT 12A, -AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK'11, PAGE PUB- SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT .FOR .INGRESS AND . 35, LIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY; FLORIDA:` EGRESS AND PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. Location: 5321 Sunshine State Parkway %. Turnpike "Feeder Road. CONTAINING 9,900 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. - j 3. GLASSMAN.HOLDINGS; INC fora Cha )n Zonin Location:' North side of Orange Avenue; approximately ^�. 9 from the AG 1 (Agricultural - 1 du/aae).Zoning District to .5.75 miles west of Minute Maid Road. , the CG (Commercial, GeneraQ Zoning Distrid for the foi- lowing de saibed.property: .6. FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECOVERY, INC,,.for. a Condi tional Use Permit to allow Soaal-Services and (iea)tit Core IN SECTION .15, :TOWNSHIP 34 RANGE 39 THE facilities in the I Institutional) Zoning Disrid for the fol SOUTH 830 OF THE EAST! 1550 IF THE SOUTH 4 /2 lowing described property y, I 'WHITE OF NORTHEAST'1/4 LESS EAST 86WAND LESS 60 FT.:FOR ROAD-ANO CANAL=R(W 16(O:R : W CITY S/D 0593640 BEGANW.COR.0F L'OftDTSOUTH 100 RUN ET35 fTTW W135 FT, TH N.TO74) POBLESS348-18 AND CANAL R/V✓= (44) (172 AC) (MAP a4/05S) (OR Lomhon: Northwest comer of'!he iMersed ofi Indrfo 1524 2594); N O Road.and Emerson Avenue = r a WHITE CITY S/D OS°36 40 THAT PART _'66 O ] O6 s� k 4 WYNNE RANCH, for a Change in Zoning fram;lhe" 4YG E OF DRAINAGE CANAL #k103 LESS TfiA7 PART AG'-5 (AgricuNurol— l du 5 cores Zon+ / ) ng Qrshid to tha 11 LYG N OF=DRAINAGE CANAL #103 AND P) 130 FT OF LOT-S A 12:AND 113 LYG E' OF' DRAINAGE CANAL ' (Utilities) Zoning -District for -`the kllgwing described ; - property 071`LES NDrCANAG #103 ANDALL OF LOT 1 S-RD.A R/VJ (10.45 AC7 (MAP,34/O55) (OR1524-2594) Q - A PARCEL OF LAND: f.YING IN THE SOUTH QUARTER (1 /4) MSECTION 5-TOWNS IP 35vSOU HE Location; 3451 West Midway Road. RANGEi 37;FAS7; ST IUGIE,;COIINIa(y ,.1110A AND. BEING MORE PARTJCULARLY'DESCRIBED/1$ EO1.LL04V$: � PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held -in Commiiiie Chamber% , . Roger : Pathos Anne x 2300 Vugiriia Avenuq:.fort 3tierte COMMENCE AT'THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID Florida on August 1 S,' 2002 beginning at 74)O P M or as r SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 87°5T45: WEST; AS 'A soomthereafter as possible:'. BASIS OF BEARINGS, iAtONG T. E'SOUTH UNE OF. SAID SECTION 5,.A DISTANCE OF 2672.00-TEET40 THE SOUTHWEST m PURSUANT TO Section 286.O1O5,.Florida Stq}utes W. person decides to appeal any decision made.60 board, CORNER'OF SAID:SO(" EAST•.ONE QUARTER (1 /4) OF; :SECTION 5 THENCE NORTH "age ry; or commission with respect to any nigtteftwttsid- 00°27'15" ,EAST, ALONG. THE WEST• LINE OF- SAID, SOUTHWEST ONE (QUARTER,(1/4) 0F. SECTION S,:A. erect af.a meeting or bearing Jte will peed a record of the thr, proceedings, and that; for such purposes he may need to o DISTANCE OF.1894.32fEETTOTHEPbINTOFBEGI(1- NING THENCE' CONTINUE NORTH EAST ensure that a verbatim record of the.proceedings is #104�, which record includes Mre testimony and evidence upofi . .00°2TY5 .ALONG SAID :WEST LINE. A DISTANCE OF 656:70 which the appeal is to be based,-{' 4 I FEET; THENCE. SOUTH 89°19.16 EAST DEPARTING SAID . WEST • LINE, A DISTANCE OF:. 656.70 FEET, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THENCE SOUTH 00-27"15" WEST, A .DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89*19*16" WEST; A DIS= ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA /S/ Stefan Matthes, CHAIRMAN . TANCE OF 656.70 FEET. TO. _THE .' POINT :OF BEGINNING:. Publish: August 1, 2002 2487476 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT- FOR;- INGRESS AND EGRESS AND. PUBLIC UTILITY AND OVER _DRAINAGE THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 9,906 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Location:' North side of Orange Avenue, approximately _ 5.75 miles west of Minute Maid Road. Planning and Zoning Commission Review: 08/15/02 File Number RZ-02-014 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager, 11� DATE: August 9, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of Church of the Redeemer of St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single -Family 3 du/acre) Zoning District to the I (Institutional) Zoning District. (File No.: RZ-02-014)' LOCATION: Southeast corner of the intersection of Edwards Road and Selvitz Road. EXISTING ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: FUTURE LAND USE. PARCEL SIZE: PROPOSED USE: PERMITTED USES: RS-3 (Residential, Single -Family — 3 du/acre I (Institutional) RU (Residential Urban) 8.47 acres Future expansion of church facilities Attachment "A" - Section 3.01.03(X) I (Institutional) and Section 3.01.03(Y) - contains the designated uses, which are permitted by right, permitted as an accessory, use, or permitted through the conditional use process. Any use designated as a "Conditional Use" is required to undergo further review and approvals. Any use not found within the zoning district regulations are designated as prohibited uses for that district SURROUNDING ZONING: I (Institutional) Zoning is to the east and northeast. RS-3 (Residential, Single -Family 3 du/acre) Zoning is to the north, south, and west. AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) is located to the southwest. SURROUNDING LAND USES: The general existing use surrounding the property is residential to the south and across Edwards Road to the it t4 t, SL ��q August 9,`2002 Sub et; Church of the RedEemer of St. Lucie Count 1. Y. , Page 2 RZ-02=014' t .,. 4 .Kg,g gy f north Other RF uses are. ,in the - immediate area along Edwards,Road. m { j M XT The` Future Land Use Classification of the surrounding area is RU (Residential Urban) to the west; south, and ky� F north.. I?JF (Public Facilities to the east and northeast .0 FIRE/CMS PROTECTION: Station #1 (2400 Rhode 'lsiand Avenue), is.. located approximately 3.5 miles to the northeast." r}: x ; UTILITY SERVICE: Water and sewer facilities Will be provided by the Ft. Pierce Utilifies Authorityservice:avea TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS , r RIGHT OF WAY ADEQUACY:. The.existing right -of4ay for.Edwards Road",is 66 feet. The existing, right-of-way for Selvitz Road 'is .66 feet. SCHEDULED - 41 IMPROVEMENTS: None. , r , 4> TYPE OF'.CONCURRENCY , t DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Concurrenoy Deferral Affidavit: F�. rt. STANQARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FOiRTH IN, SECTION 11:06.03, ST "LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE } In reviewing .this application "for proposed rezoning, the .Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make the following determinations: C ` . WhetherIthe proposed rezoning Is in conflict with any_ applicable portions .' of the Luci St, e County"Land_Development Code;: The proposed zoning distnct is consistent With the Sf: Lucie ,County Land Development'Code -and-has=met the -standards of-11;06:03, "however; the=RF (Religious Facilities)`Zoning.District was specifically created for the purpose of providing a zoning district designation which would allow the types of uses generally.found only in relation to church facilities. 2. Whether the proposam edendment is consistent with all elements of 1he St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan; The proposed change in zoning is Iconsistent with all elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The request is compatible with the `RU (Residential Urban) Future Land Use classification, which allows institutional. August 9, 2002. Subject: Church of the Redeemer of St. Lucie County Page 3 RZ-02-014 zoning. This future land use classification also allow for Religious Facilities Zoning 3. Whether and the extent to which the proposed zoning is inconsistent with the existing and proposed land uses; RF (Religious Facilities) 'Zoning is consistent with the existing .residential and specifically the petitioner's property directly to the east of the subject property. 1 (Institutional) Zoning, because of the broad range of permitted and conditional uses may not, be consistent with the area. 4. Whether there have been changed conditions that require an amendment; Conditions have not changed so as to require an amendment. 5. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in demands on public facilities, and whether or to the extent to which the proposed amendment would exceed the capacity of such public facilities, including but not limited to transportation facilities, sewage facilities, water supply, parks, drainage, schools, solid waste, mass transit, and emergency medical facilities; The intended` use for this rezoning is not expected to create significant additional demands on any public facilities in this area. Any development will need to demonstrate that there are adequate public facilities in the area to support such development. \ R- Whether and the extent to which the ro nand amendment would resultin 8. p p significant adverse impacts on the, natural environment; The proposed amendment is' not. anticipated to create adverse, impacts on the. natural environment. Any future development of this. site will be required to comply with all state and local environmental regulations. The site is currently pine flatwoods. Preservation issues will be addressed as a part of any site plan, which may be filed. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment -would result in an orderly and logical development pattern specifically identifying any negative affects of such patterns; The proposed amendment would result in an orderly and logical development pattern. The intended use of the property is in conjunction with the existing church facility to the east. Whether the proposed' amendment would be in conflict with the public interest, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of this Code; 4 u YrR oms wME :. f f z� (�: Holy Family A 9.584 35,505' ` 8.4 % - 166,658 621,777 41;644 228 Catholic (9.705) (64,637) Church St. Peters 18.79 27,064"` 9.04 % 76,946 222,213 , 55,553 166 Lutheran`, (6.87) Church Liberty 3.9 211174 17.48 % 57,859 112,373 14,465 41 Baptist (2.78) Church Apostle Faith 2.3 11,717 11.7 % 29,446 68,999 7,362 , 35 Church of (2:3) Deliverance Lakewood 5.61 16,846 12.05 % 41,936 98,064 10,484 . 74 Park United (3:21) Methodist Church First 8.12 5,200 6.00 % 22,800 333,520 5,700 63 Presbyterian (2) Church Church of the, 8.47 35,1 98 9.54 % 106996 261,956 288 Redeemer 165489 I. Pro'ected ' - 1 Includes all building, concrete, and paved parking areas. 2 Includes all open space, landscape, drainage retention, and grass parking areas. 3 Calculated at26% of Pervious Area for comparative purposes. 4 Estimate based on an average of the 9 listed existing/approved church facilities: As can be, seen by this chart, the average "Lot Coverage by Buildings as a Percentage" for the 9 listed projects is 9.54 %. When this percentage is applied to the. size of the subject property (8.47 acres); a total of 35,198 square feet, of building space for any proposed church facility on the subject property is extrapolated. ' "Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of, review as set forth in Section 11.06.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff is, however, recommending that ;you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation -of denial for the Institutional Zoning District and instead recommending that this Board forward a recommendation of approval to the RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning District. Please contact this office if you have any, questions on this matter. Attachment hf cc: County Administrator County Attorney Susan Varn, Church of the Redeemer File i Suggested motion to recommend approval/denial of this requested change in zoning. MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY — 3 DU/ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE I (INSTITUTIONAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE .... [CITE REASON[S] WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE APPLICATION OF CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE RS- 3 (RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY — 3 DU/ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE I (INSTITUTIONAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE.... [CITE REASON[S] WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. w Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations RS-3 RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY - 3 1. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for single-family dwellings at a maximum density of three (3) dwelling units per gross acre, together with such other uses as may be necessary for and compatible with low density residential surroundings. The number in "()" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Family day care homes. (999) b. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of one thousand (1000) feet of another existing such family residential home and provided that the sponsoring agency or Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Board of County Commissioners at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. (%9) C. Single-family detached dwellings. (ems) 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be, in accordance with Section 7..04.00. 5. Off-street Parking Requirements Off-street parking requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.06.00. 6. Conditional Uses a. Family residential homes located within a radius of one thousand (1000) feet of another such family residential home. (m) b. Telecommunication towers - subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 (M) 7. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00. L Adopted August 1, 1990 106 Revised Through 08/01/00 r '- J r .. ._ -- _ _ _ _. E1 Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations h. Fairgrounds. (ees) i. Funeral and crematory services. (72e) j. Theaters. (ens) k. Medical and other health services. (eo) I. Postal service. (43) M. Residential care facilities for serious or habitual juvenile offenders. (ees) n. Social services (ea) o. Sporting and recreational camps (7032) p. Stadiums, arenas, race tracks (7ea) q. Telecommunication towers - subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 (ees) Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. b. C. d. e. f. Drinking places (alcoholic beverages related to civic, social, and fraternal uses). (ens) Restaurants. (including the sale of alcoholic beverages for on -premises consumption only.) (99e) Funeral and crematory services. (72e) Heliport landing/takeoff pads. (ens) Detached single-family dwelling unit or mobile home, for on -site security purposes. (eas) Residence halls or dormitories. (see) L Adopted August 1, 1990 133 Revised Through 08/01/00 F # 3.ww Section 3.01.03 V'`., Zornng District Use kegulations t �' 1 " Y. RF RELIGIOUS FACILITIES " VA � ; 1. Purpose za} The purpose of this District is to provide and protect_;an environment suitable for the.e =taflishment and operation.of churches, synagogues terimples .and sitnilar uses: The number it "O" following each identified ,use"corre'spopds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3 Q1:02(B). The number. ., 999 applies to. a use not. defined under the"SIC code but may, be further.defiried in'Sectian 2.00:00 , } oft his code: t jF 2. Permitted, -Uses a.' `' Churches, synagogues; temples, and similar uses. sssi , 3. Lot. Size Requirements ' Lot size requirements shall be in accordance :with Section 7.04.60` 4 - ; Dimensional Regulations pi Dimensional requirements shalt be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. .Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements ? t Off=street'parking and loading requirements are aubject.to Section 7.06.00: 6. Landscaping Requirements.. LandscapiPik ng requirements are subject to Section 7.00.00. 7. Conditional "Uses` a..' Day care facilities, associated and, operated'. by the principal religious "use located on; that property` This'would indUde.the operation of a day care facility during the normal,business week, as licensed: by the State of .Florida; as .well .as during any religious function or associated activity. ter b. Educational services, associated with and "operatedrby the principal religious use located on that property. This would include the. operation of an educational facility providing general ;academic and/or special training from grades K to 12 and as licensed by the State of Florida. Ogg,t c. Telecommunication towers - subject to the standards of Section 7.'10.23 ts9sr 8. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and"include the following: a. Parking "lots, & parking areas, together With related circulation elements. b. Enclosed storage structures, c, Piaygrounds and athletic fields (no •artificlal lights) provided that no activity area shall be - permitted within twenty-five (25) feet of tho perimeter of the property. Adopted August 1, 1990 134 Revised Through 08/01/010 L f {\ 4 ection 3.01 03 SVft Zoning Distract Use Regulations'} d , Private water and sewage utility services Proytdetl' #hat they are fob the sole"usa of the- tld�easu�ree,almnpaicurpnvatedevelopnertf, are hntetled tdonot` involve iindusfnal, Wbst$water as defined e Single family dwelling (detached or as, part of the pnnclpal struct ire) , r ; x (1) Pnvate swimming pool accessory ko tho single family dwelling 'proVid'ed that,°the; , y` swimrnig pog15 shall be Waiied or fegced to prevent uriconttolled access to such swlmrning,pool from titb.street or -from adjacent properties O Non-coMmerpiat garages accessory to the'stn`gleifamlly dwelling. { 3 _ r ' f r S ([(E/ i . I r Ait v V 1 N Adopted August`1. 1990 135 Revised Through 08/01/00 N 9 z 0 U Z F- Q A Petition of Church of the Redeemer of St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from RS-3 (Residential, Single Family-3 units/acre) to I (Institutional). i � 1 j 1 1 m n i t - - ottTwoo( r 9 6 4 5 --,C Oak 8� r _ p \ Fl !Mn n11 f"(IW(11 U-IN 1\VVV RZ 0 2-014 This pattern indicates subject parcel Z��/z PJA Map prepared July 2, 2002 mu n%V rm been comgkd t« QwwW ptwmV w reference POOP— OW VWhM stay effod f az been mwe to wwC16 as moat wren( end ao ge f Momnoon Po9eLte. i fo not ktanded W use to a %90t bi.F g doWnme. o o u o { v \ f ' I b oll ,y•wooi 9 U LJ e 4 S CV a Ur 3 p RZ 02-014 This pattern indicates subject parcel if 11-� Map prepared July 2, 2002 n. � h. b— 1. Oa��w m«�e�we P�. Pq P— -W m:Ie v eff t h..mace t. W.4de ft oos —.t —.W ift-W n PessNe, 4 a not PtmWed W use - a legally bh& V d—* N w7 RS RS RZ 02--014 This pattern indicates subject parcel Map prepared July 2, 2002 kO--.b , ao.Re.xe pan ncs d f« .. a I gaW oralw am.mr. HI $ c. VD-M pp2 i S 1 yr j' I\. HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS August 5, 2002 'COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR In accordance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby advised that CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single -Family - 3 du/acre) Zoning District to the I (Institutional) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Selvitz Road and Edwards Road. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST The first public hearing on the petition will be held at 7.•00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, August 15, 2002, County Commissioner's Chambers, St. Lucie County Administration Building Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission should be received by the County Planning Division at least 3 days prior to a scheduled hearing. County policy discourages communication with individual Planning and Zoning Commission and County Commission on any case outside of the scheduled public hearing(s). You may speak at a public hearing, or provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be swom in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If it becomes necessary, a public hearing may be continued to a date -certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772) 462- 1777 or T.D.D. (772) 462-1428. If you no longer own property adjacent to the above -described parcel, please forward this notice to the new owner. Please call 7721462-1582 if you have any questions, and refer to: File Number RZ-02-014. Sincerely, ST. UCIE COUNT Y PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Stefan Klatthes, Chairman JOHN D. 4RUHN, District No. 1 • DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 • FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. District No. 4 • CLIFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration: (772) 462-1590 • Planning: (772) 462-2822 GI5/Technical Services: (772) 462-1553 Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 Fax: (772) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention: (772) 462-1529 • Fax: (772) 462-2132 www.co.st-lucie.fl.us N N l- O N N N 00 N h O N N M_ N 0, M M M M M M V M O O DD M cn M cn U1 0 N •-•� N_ V' 'cr 1- O l- O i- O h O 00 O N ON O N N r) ON N h �7' vl Vi' !` •--. vl cf' oo N N 00 IA 'T N W) 00 N � M vl �' h. h W, ,z O O\ W) ckn Mtn to why t- to cW)) h W) p� �. l� h N %D NS M cVf'1 aOCADo\ 1 r 00 cTo,rn M 1 N 0000ON� rnrn0,rn 00 00 N ONON0� rnrnrnoN - 00 00 �.�0ONONC\a,a,000ONON 0� rO rnrnrnrnrno)rnrnrnrn 00 00 00 00 00 00 rnaoNrnrn 00 N 00 t- rn N V' M IT M N M �h M IT M tt M V cn 'I- M [t M �t M V M IT M V' I M M M V' M V' M V' M V M 'V' M V' M V' M M M M M M M M V' en V' M 2,aja a a U ala a ala�a,aia�a;a a+a�a,a a s a'a;a a!a 1 a a a a a a a a a j 01 O U! 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'41 c0 V] 'p td Vl 'O tC n V] TaJ, cC w -0 c� w 'O cF0 m -2 td p: {Y• '� y 'd t� rn 'o t0 •� •.. p1 N er O U z j � y o ;: _ � 3 'tl 3 T1 3 wo 00000: x ld O v) V] 'Ly 'O T1 K v -0 -0 R7 @ i. 00 00 � a k" W W �W W OOW W W oW W W W �/1v]R1w> 0�0 V "C 00 " O O O O N O, N_ O N O� O� 0� O 00 V' %0 �• �O IT O_ O O N er O ON O 00 O 00 O M O O (� O N_ �O V N �O O v) N �O '••� ' + N M fV N O O W m M �o t, a, ON %O ON O\ 00 ON 00 O O O O �-+ ON O O O O\ M M O O M I M N w M O 0� IIII M M %O M G Cf M M •-+ M �' ' 1 V' M •-+ ^� V' V M 'ch mJ• C1. tt V' V' V' M M �' M N %lr M � 3 3 �c 00 z ¢ AA 0 N N bb N � Co C 0 U U z • �� °'cts"' 0 ebb 0 0 co z C* o a) c p 0 �- O o 'd 0 �QO' , N O cd I a0i w ;n ^" p0 Yr z cc�t 1. 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V a� A 4° O E7 RN In CA v z N333 � C w o C. h o a <D C) , o000 N M en M NN Cl) N { y -N N N N NNITN l cq 0 fir'. a ST LUCIE COUNTY. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION" ' \ PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA s August 15, 2002;. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given in accordance, with Section 1 1.00.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and the provisions of the St; Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, the following applicants have requested' that. the St. Lucie County Planning and. Zoning Commissionconsider their following requests: - I.CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY,I for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single - Family - 3 du/acre) Zoning District to the I (Institutlonal) Zoning District for the following described property: THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH; RANGE 40,EAST,1 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS ROAD RIGHT -ON WAYS AND FURTHER LESS THE EAST 300 FEET OF THE' SOUTH 210 FEET. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Selvitz I Road and Edwards Road. 2. TIMOTFIYAND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH, for a Condf- tional Use Permit to allow the operation of a car, wash facility in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoningbis- kict for the following described property: LOTS I & 12, BLOCK: 169, CAKEWOOD PARK, :UNIT 12A, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 35,-PUB- LIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY; FLORIDA` Location; 5321 Sunshine State Parkway /. Turnpike Feeder Road. 3. GLASSMAN-HOLDINGS, INC., for a Change In Zoning from the AGA (Agricultural - I;du/acre).Zoning Diskfct to the CG (Commercial, General Zoning District for the fol- lowing described: property: IN SECTION- 13z :TOWNSHIP_ 34, . RANGE � 39, THE SOUTH 830 •OF:,THE EA$T 1550' OF.: THE SOUTH.4A OF "NORTHEASP7/4 LESS EAST 80`FT .AND LESS SOUTH 60 FL',FOR ROAD: AND CANAL 3484 874) Location: Northwest corner` of thw lntersecfrost off Indrfo - Road cind Emerson Avenue.. 4. WYNNE RANCH for-c-Change in':.iaWd g-1`rom.the AG-5 (Agriwiroral..,- l du/5-acres). Zoning Dishtcf to, (he p (Utllities)' Zonmg -District for' the following described propeify. „ A: PARCEL. 0F•LAND •LYING IN THE.SOUIHEAST :ONE QUARTER (1 /4) OFrSEC-TION 5; TOWNSHIP .35--.SOUTH,. RANGE 37iA$x $T LUCIEAbUXTY;;FLCWDA AND{ COMMENCE ATTHE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID _SECTION 5 THENCE SOUTH 87°5745" WEST, AS -A -BASIS OF BEARINGS,'AL'ONG THE'SOUTH UNF E�O SAID SECTIONS; A DISTANCE OF 2672.00 FEET40 THE SOUTHWEST"-CORNER'OF SAID:SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (1/4)_ OF:.SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH 00°27'15 EAST. ALONG THE WEST: LINE "OF:,SAID, ,$OUTHWEST.ONE QUARTER.(1./4) OF SECTION'.5;'A ;, DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGI(4- NING; THENCE CONTINUE 'NORTH.'00°27I5 -EAST ALONG SAID WEST UNE,. A DISTANCE OF.656.70 FEET; THENCE,SOUTH 89°19'16" .EAST, DEPARTING SAID. WEST, LINE, A DISTANCE OF . 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°2715" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°19'16 WEST; A DIS- TANCE OF 656.70: FEET..TO-THE 'POINT :OF BEGINNING:. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT- FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND. PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 9,900 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Location. " North side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5.75 miles west of.Mmute Maid Road. 5. WYNNE RANCH, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (UtIh ties) Zoning District for the following described property:- - A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 37 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA'AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID : SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 87°57'45" WEST, AS A BASIS OF BEARINGS, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 2672.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH 00°27'15" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 00°27'15" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°19'16" EAST, DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'27'15", WEST, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°19'16" WEST, A DIS- TANCE OF. 656.70 FEET" TO THE POINT OF " BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. AND EGRESS AND PUBLIC.UTILITY AND DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 9,900 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. " Location:' North side of Orange Avenue; approximately.." :5.75 miles west of Minute Maid Road. . •6. FLORIDA CENTER FOR, RECOVERY,;INC".fora. Condi- tional Use Permit to allowSocial Services and Health Care Facilities.in the I (Instihd'ronalf=Zoning District for-iha fol- lowing descnbedlpropech^ WHITE CITY S/D 05°3640" BEGAT NW.COR OF LOT 100 RUN E::135 FT TH . 135 FT, -H N TO P-OBAESSRD AND CANAL RM.— (1.72 AC) (MAP 34/05S) (OR 1524-2594) C7 WHITE .CITY S/D:A5°3640 THAT PART ,OF LOT' J06. 0j LYG E OF DRAINAGE CANAL #103 -LESS THAT PART x LYG N OF DRAINKGE CANAL•:#l03 AND: NA30 FT - OF: LOTS "-112-:AND.I 19 LYG E'OF DRAINAGE -CANAL #103 AND ALL"OF LOT _107*.-`LESS .RD,AND CANAL i R/W— (10.45 AC) j)v1AP.34/05S) (OR 1524-2594) . Location: 3451 Wesf Micly ay Road PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held -in Commission ChaMbars •0 Roger:Polkas Annex,,2300 Virginia.Avenye, Fort .Pierce, _ = Florida on August 15,2002 beginning at 7.00 P.M or as soon thereafter as possible .. )" PURSUANT TO Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes, if a� C; .- person.decides'to appeal any" decision made.by a board 44 .agency; or commission with respect.to ariy:mattet=coiisid r !" ered"at.o meeting.or hearing,.he will treed d record of thei (=,'' proceedings,and that; for such' purposes."he may need•to ensure that verbatim record of the.proceedingz is made 1 which record includes the testimony and ewdence upoh c I whfchthe appea!•is-to be based.. ` r{ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA -. /S/ Stefan McMhes, CHAIRMAN Publish: August l; 2002 2487476 V-I—f LVVL lr.— --i ia.r..rvar i -!AJ -Al r-41 August 13, 2002 W. Cincy Snay St. Lucie County Plaiatting 2;00 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 MOSBY AND ,ASSOCIATES, INC. &~ 4 Subject: Tim Rose Car Wash CU-02-001 and MN-SP-02-004 St. Lucie County, Florida Engineer's. Project Number: 01-235 Dear Mc. Snay: 245514th Avenue Post Office BOX 6368 Vero BeaO, Florida 32981-5368 Telephone: 772-569.0035 - Fecaimile- 772-778.3617 Via Facsimile As discussed on the teleP,ltone, time -are requesting that the subject project be postpoln-Cd uritll the September 19, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting so that we can address and resolve the issues raised in the Staff report dated August 15, 2002. We understand that once you review the report you will contact this office so that we can schedule a tkne to meet and discuss the Staff's concerns. Shou o have ny questions regarding the above subject, please call. Y � N P cc: Mr. Tim Rose Mr. Bruce 6arkett . f " t PLANNING AND: ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW: 7/18/02 Cps File Number CU-02-,001 and MNSP-02-004 �GAb c�< IVIEIVIORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF. COSY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Community Development, Director DATE: July, 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of Timothy Rose, for a Conditional Use Permit and minor site plan. to allow the construction of a 2,542 square.foot self-service car wash facility, to be known as Rose Car Wash in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District. LOCATION: 5321' Sunshine State ..Parkway (Turnpike Feeder Road). West side of the Sunshine State Parkway/Turnpike Feeder Road, approximately 600 feet north, of the intersection of Sunshine State Parkway and Winter Garden Parkway. ZONING DESIGNATION: CN (Commercial, `Neighborhood) LAND USE DESIGNATION: RU (Residential Urban) PARCEL SIZE:_ 0.74 acres PROPOSED USE: 'The construction of. a 2,542 square foot self-service car wash' facility. . SURROUNDING ZONING: ' To the north is RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family - 4 du/acre) and l (Institutional) Zoning; to the south is CN (Commercial Neighborhood) Zoning; to the east is RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family .— 4 du/acre) and CN (Commercial Neighborhood) Zoning and tothe west is RM-5 (Residential, Multiple -Family 5:du/6cre) Zoning. SURROUNDING LAND USES: RU (Residential Urban) and `P/F (Public/Facilities). to the north, RU (Residential. Urban) to south, east and west. FIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station #7 ' (49Q0 'Ft. Pierce Boulevard) is located approximately one and one-half (1 1/2) miles to the west. UTILITY SERVICE:. Onsite water and septicsewer.system. At the time that sewer services are brought into this area (currently, projected to be It Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations Q. CN COMMERCIAL, NEIGHBORHOOD Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for limited retail trade and service activities covering a relatively small area and that is intended to serve the population living in surrounding neighborhoods. The number in "()" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Beauty and barber services. (723n24) b. Civic, social and fraternal associations (8641) C. Depository institutions (so) d. Laundering and drycleaning (self-service). (7215) e. Real estate (se) f. Repair services: (1) Electrical repair. (762) (2) Shoe repairs (725) (3) Watch, clock, jewelry, and musical instrument repair. (7631) g. Retail trade (each building shall be less than 6,000 square feet gross floor area, all uses inclusive): (1) Antiques (5932) (2) Apparel and accessories. (se) (3) Books and stationery. (s9421 m) (4) Cameras and photographic supplies. (s948) (5) Drugs and proprietary. (5912) (6) Eating places (5812) (7) Florists. (5992) (8) Food stores tso (9) Gifts, novelties, and souvenirs. (5947) (10) Hobby, toy and game shops (5945) (11) Household appliances (m) (12) Jewelry. (s944) (13) Newspapers and magazines. (5994) (14) Optical goods. (5995) (15) Nurseries, lawn and garden supplies. (528) (16) Radios, TV's, consumer electronics and music supplies (573) (17) Sporting goods and bicycles. (5941) (18) Tobacco products. (5993) h. Video tape rental (784) Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. Adopted August 1, 1990 114 Revised Through 08/01/00 � { t T Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations 5. Off<street Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street: parking' and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. :Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00.: T. Conditional Uses a. Car Washes (Self Service Only) - subject to the provisions of Section 7.10.22. (999) ~: b. Day care - adult (8322) -. child (051) C. Postal services. (4311) d. Retail trade: (1.): Gasoline services - accessory to retail food stores under SIC-5411. case) (2) Undistilled alcoholic beverages accessory to retail sale of food. (5921-cev1 for iiyu«) e. Telecommunication towers - subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 (999) 8. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.06.00 and include the following: a. Drinking places (undistilled alcoholic beverages) accessory to..an eating place. tsss> b. One tlw (ling unit contained within the commercial building, for on -site security purposes. (999) Adopted August 1, 1990 115 . Revised Through 08/01/00 I i CO O, rr i L r ON N 8 N u) O Q N' 1s N '1£ 0. n K a t� 5 tr O P o O c ¢ 9 3A rr NWtl �� as PARK t' ap T Otl � r $ 7 �9' ai San AN tJl W mi < 'yr W M Q ad VIA K � rou rr Y. ar�n 0 oroa R1MY3089 Z U Z) orou NWK mod 3rat 30NM 0 U Uaroa " Z� � ' arou tvxr� uaav3x � ._I ' La z W t Otl �10N 1r301 F, Q g aroa a33Ni orou Noatur� ¢ a: KJ 1"m Z A i apt H �I g dr K S K 1 S S£ 1 S K 1 1dNnoo 338OH033�10 � o, A Petition of Timothy and Debra Rose Car Wash for a Conditional Use Permit and Minor Site Plan for a car wash facility. 21 22 20 /9 17 19 /6 15 13 /4 12 /1 9 10 8 7 5 6 4 3 I 2 NK_® 24 23 2/ 22 20 /9 O 18 16 15 13 /4 12 !/ 9 p 8 7 5 6 4 J- 1 2 Eden Rood CU 02-001 This pattern indicates subject parcel 21 22 20 19 O 18 16 15 - 13 /4 12 8 2 9 /0 8 7 >_ a --- p 1 5 6 364 U ° 36J 4 J 3 G�0 50 °a 362 G�( 274 ' 2 w Q�° J61 275 273 JGO Z16 272 1 ��a 2n zn 559 278 270 357 279 269 O�� 204 280 268 205 i Q � 356 206 i 355 2& 267 8 207 � 1 262 266 ; I 354 j 7\\ 263 265 206 I 353 284 264 209 j � 1 - 1 352 � � I t Q 295 263 210 I j O 0- W j I 351 266 262 j I 2// 1 I t� 2 350 267 26l 1 \ 1 e 2/2 1 / 349 286 260 1 3 2/J i 1 1 1 348 289 259 % 1 I / 2N I 1 290 258 1 I 3n I 215 � � 257zn 1 346 � Map prepared June 25, 2002 TNe map ha been oWVW brpx.xWOWMq and .ebre P./Po V*Y. �l Mk t-y all h. been made W I —Ad. Cn n anent and —W. ManblWn p.a 1b —Mended Wr— ee a b9OV b..*V down . Zoning Timothy and Debra Rose Car Wash 21 22 24 23 25� 2/ 22 20 19 21 22 24 23 — — 20 19 n /e 20 19 21 -- 22 n /8 RM-5 0 3 O 18 2019 — — ,6 15 i d 16 15 18 O AS 15 l3 H c IJ ` Q 16 IS > Q 13 14 12 1I 0 12 --- 11 c 0 — >' f2 8 9 10 t� 9 10 c 0 /2 9 9 /0 c C O = 9 p I 6 7 N 8 7 (n 8 7 Y 8 7 > 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 354 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 O 3 36J G\0 2 ! 2 1 2 / 2 CO o w OOd J62 G Eden Road �( 30 276 r , 0a 2n 12 ; Lake .= \\ p m ''' e s 9\ \ 358 9 �c Q 218 270 �� /3 9 —5 \ \\ ' 351 279 269 14 \ 8 \ QD Q, \ \ \ J56 280 2w \ 6 \ \ 28l 267 806 16 6 \ . \\ J \\ \ G�\� \ 8 5 \\ 2 \ \ \\ 354 282 O 4 \ 7 Cp^ 1\\ \ \\ \ O 2\2A a�7 \\ \(`e' \ 6 \\ 353 283 265 208 3 a0( yA Cyr \ \ 5 \ (� 20 \ 22 J \\ 4 \ � \\ 284 264 209 2 Qp \ q 2/\ 20 N \ \ J\ \\ \\ 1� 2 352 � Q a 265 263 O 210 8 \ 1 \ \\ !7 \ \ 351 286 262 W 2/l \ /6 \ �CJe 2 15 \\ 21 22 Ix U 8 15 350 26f 2/2 287 \ \ N 13 \ \ U \ \ 20 \ 19\ �\ A 1 \ \ p� J 349 288 260 215 n l7 \\\ O spy 34B 289 259 p 9 % \ 15 !I to 13 347 290 258 I 2/4 � \\ 8 '\ \ 14 /3 \ 9 �14 \ \ \ Q 346 � 257 2/5 i 1 15 CU 02-001 This pattern indicates subject parcel G(S � Map prepared June 25, 2002 w Thm mae has b oo VW W ga O M V W4 We— pWDeaea o* j wNe a " anon hae been made 0 VMde Ne m CYnaC" a We l Y Aomie6an P—kft, 4 b — iverN d 1. — ea a WQ* bi T q eowrw4. f_ �J _, ,_ Timothv and Debra Rose Car Wash 2/ 22 w /9 2 /8 16 /5 13 /4 /2 /1 9 1 to 8 7 5 6 4 3 :den Rood y co o � ago ©m v® MEN CU 02-001 This pattern indicates subject parcel 12 I! P/F: 2 9 10 8 7 N >_ a 5 6 364 O i 363 -40 4 3 0 G\e 362 G�( 274 2 W 0� Q-O 36, 275 273 276 272 360 atel � Z� 359 277 271 / \ \ 10 358 Oy 278 270 357 279 269 �� 204 t� eO 356 280 205 \ 267 355 28I 1 1 �\� \ 8 262 266 20T \ 554 I \\ \ 283 265 2QB � `\\ 5 6 \\ \ 353 -' \ 284 264 209 \ \\ 4�if7(n1 \ 352 N E85 263 20 1 \ 351 O d v W I �\ \ 266 262 NI 1 � Z OCJ 2 350 287 261 1 I ° J Q' 72 212 1 I i 1 A 349 P8 0 22I/34 i I II 1 548 2 22569 jI 13 347 A 258 p 257 215291 � Map prepared June 25, 2002 1Nc meP 1us D canvkd go( g WWptww*V aM zebra puWaaa or#, �l WHe .non tm t*w ­aa u prowWo ft n ­M aM a We iJ� po t*.4 u n WY dW for l u a MQWty CrcW q O�. � YAW � g'8•" a ,g �" � �!. � �5 ^w� e— . f yt+ 1x t �..,y, s � Y :i S�"+7! as c !a - �{ �.> � � 9�'� f �1� �. it,i l 4. �.'' �� f �y �i r9' 'a`i�*d °�,,,x r ku� at�� d 1 k �"x v�f3^-'_ i •-x`"�} 1 .. =�'x �'- >a 1 ., pp s,X T e � � x �i •� (. ,� ,d � --. �`f, x� -I'S, 4t, - •t �xq t ". d i �'L t,I - �' �' i.',. �u to i'• "`q' 3 �. z' `. § ,.�3 } z t f�Ttj ry r �g5 P 5��,, a i+.+..r>.� rWy!i,s., ,, d�� w��r :• t -�,� �'�-, r .� `q @ S�� rl f srsiV �. ) x tp. ,S w,yt � r y� d : 2 a k Z , g ' q� �' "` b �' � � F d-`" •� 1 {, i ' �`y�i5ua`�" q� , J� 't � s dam 5 a � " �� q � � � � � r =� xp„ � J a }' �<• � �r^'x a� � �.a�-� ,(,w'� � j�. )a. .Jl s: g`sa m �:. �'�'t 't_p a` d � �+• ,J�: v� '` •' S- `ahP ar j, M�,.,. 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G- a-� n. i Y»ti.'�t s �� 4 J� RN t Y ,s 1 gd' i v✓ 'ss` Ja 4 �p 4.#�,y •'��� J?�� � �t ✓ z � � �A'w�s. vy�� °��'2 �. h'r� >Y "- � � �� xax. s� s ..,A `.c' .' 'Y$ �',� it vw-°'a AGENDA - PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, August 15, 2002 TIMOTHY AND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH, has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a car wash facility in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: 5321 Sunshine State Parkway / Turnpike Feeder Road.. Please note that all proceedings before the Local Planning Agency are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Local Planning Agency with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purposes, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Prior to this public hearing, notice of the same was sent to all adjacent property owners August 5, 2002. Legal notice was published in The News and The Tribune, newspapers of general circulation in St. Lucie County, on August 1, 2002. File No. CU-02-001 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS August 5, 2002 JL�Ei CMG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �OR10P In accordance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby advised that TIMOTHY AND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH, has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a car wash facility in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: 5321 Sunshine State Parkway / Turnpike Feeder Road. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST The first public hearing on the petition will be held at 7.00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, August 15, 2002, County Commissioner's Chambers, St. Lucie County Administration Building Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission should be received by the County Planning Division at least 3 days prior to a scheduled hearing. County policy discourages communication with individual Planning and Zoning Commission and County Commission on any case outside of the scheduled public hearing(s). You may speak at a public hearing, or provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the.request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a hearing'upon request. If it becomes necessary, a public hearing may be continued to a date -certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772) 462- 1777 or T.D.D. (772) 462-1428. If you no longer own property adjacent to the above -described parcel, please forward this notice to the new owner. Please call 7721462-1960 if you have any questions, and refer to: File Number CU-02-001. Sincerely, ST. L CIE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Stefan atthes, Chairman JOHN D. BRUHN. District No. 1 • DOUG COWARD. District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS. District No. 3 • FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. District No. 4 • CLIFF BARNES. District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration: (772) 462-1590 • Planning: (772) 462-2822 GIS/Technical Services: (772) 462-1553 Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 Fax: (772) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention: (772) 462-1529 • Fox: (772) 462-2132 www.co.st-lucie.fl.us ` ST. LUCIE COUNTY (77 CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow the operation of a car wash facility in the CN (Commercial, the Following Neighborhood) Zoning District. Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: 5321 Sunshine State Parkway / Turnpike Feeder Road. Currently Zoned: CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Please Return To: St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU-02-001 Timothy & Debra Rose Car Wash) . 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M M M M- M M F M M M to to M M cl N 1. o N � M v a+ v� w d x UI0 it I� I C 0 V1 O d i.. .Y y 'b '{y N O h b Ri z tn d C4 z d S cd z M N Ix z N a d �o z� �a CIS� I oA w c� � I i to U� w yo z 04 W ad o o p; �z o HQo N L� in N L O U U a ++ �, �. vl y o O N i o AA ST LUCIE COUNTY' " ei PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ' August 15, 2002 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given in accordance. with. Section 1 1.00.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and the provisions of the St: Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, the following applicants have requested that the St. Lucie County Planning and. Zoning Commission consider their following requests: ].CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single - Family - 3 du/acre) Zoning District to the I (Institutional)' Zoning District for the, following described property: THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW i/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF+ SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST,i ST. LUCIE COUNTY; FLORIDA. LESS ROAD RIGHT -OF -I WAYS AND FURTHER LESS THE EAST 300 FEET OF THE; SOUTH 210 FEET. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Selvitz' Road and Edwards Road. 2. TIMOTHYAND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH, for a Condi- tional Use Permit to allow the operation of a car wash facility in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning'Dis- hict for the following described property: LOTS i l & 12, BLOCK 169, LAKEWOOD PARK,UNIT 12A,'AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 35, PUB- LIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA.' Location: 5321 Sunshine State Parkway /, Turnpike Feeder Road. . 3. GLASSMAN.HOLDINGS, INC" fora Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning Districtfor the fol- lowing described:properly: IN-SECTION..15,TOWNSHIP, 34,.RANGE 39, THE SOUTH 830 OF THE.WT 1550' OF. THE.SOUTH:•1/2 OF NORTHEAST'-7/4'LESS EAST Be `FT. AND LESS SOUTH 60 FL:FOR ROAD AND CANAL R/1W;(6).(O.R. 348-1874) Location: Northwest cornet of the' fntersediori `of: lndrfo `Road. and Emerson Avenue 4. WYNNE RANCH, fora Chatge in'Zoning &am:the AG-5 (Agrlcultural.• I du/5-acres). Zoning Disirkt to the U (Utilities) Zoning. " Distrrd for -the following described propeitr APARCEL OF LAND EYING IN THE.SOUTHEAS ..ONE QUARTER (1/4) OFr$ECTiON 5, TOWNSHIP 35-SOUTH; RANGE 37. EA$T::.ST y,L.UaEcCOUNTYi ¢LORIDA A146.1 COMMENCE AT THE'SOUTHEAST .CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 87°57'45 WEST; AS "A BASIS OF BEARINGS,,ALONG THE: SOUTH LINE'OF SAID SECTION.S;<A DISTANCE OF 2672.00-FEET•TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER'OF SAID:SOUTHEAST,ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF: SECTION 5• .THENCE .'NORTH 00°21-15" EAST. ALONG. THE WEST. LINE OF: SAID ,SQUTHWEST.ONE'.QUARTER.(1/4),OF SECTION'.5;:A p JISTANCE OF 1894 37FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH •00*27 15" ,EAST ALONG SAID, WES7'LINE,, A DISTANCE OF; 656:70 .FEET; THENCE.SOUTH 89°1916".EAST, DEPARTING SAID -WEST, LINE, A DISTANCE OF 656.10 'FEET, -THENCE SOUTH QV27'15" WEST, A .DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°19'16" WEST; A DIS- TANCE OF 656.70 FEET. TO -THE .'POINT .OF BEGINNING.. . SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT- FOR " INGRESS AND EGRESS AND. PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 9,900 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Locations North side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5.75 miles west of Minute Maid Road. 5. WYNNE RANCH, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utili- ties) Zoning District for the following described property: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (1 /4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 37 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 87°57'45" WEST, AS A BASIS OF BEARINGS, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 2672.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH 00°27'15" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5, A' DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH OW27'15" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°19'16" EAST, DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF' 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00"27'15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°19'16" WEST; A DIS- TANCE OF 656.70 FEET TO THE . POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND PUBLIC.UTILITY ANDDRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25 FEETTHEREOF. CONTAINING 9,900 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Location:' North side of Orange Avenue; approximately .6.75 miles west of Minute Maid Road. . 6. FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECOVERY, INC .for 6. C0rid'i-. tional Use Permit to allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities.in the i (Institutional) Zoning District for the fol [owing described-propetty: . WHITE CITY S/D 05936'40" BEGAT NW.COR OF LOT W. 100 RUN E 135 FT .TH WA 35 FT, TH N.TO POBAESS RD AND CANAL R/W (44) (1.72 AC) (MAP 34/05S) (OR 1524-2594) C WHITE .CITY -.S/D. 05°36'40" THAT,:PART &R LOT''106 LYG E OF DRAINAGE CANAL #103 LESS THAT PART LYG N OF=DRAINAGE CANAL- #103-:AND.N430 FT *"k Or.LOTS d 12:AND 113 LYG E OF DRAINAGE CANAL 'i; :#103 AND'ALL OF LOT 107 —'LESS. kDAND.CANAL R/W — (10.45 AC) (MAP. 34/05S) (OR 1524_2594) Q Location; 3451. West Midway Road Ste' PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held in Commission.Chambers, 'D Roger Poitras Annex,.2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort .Pierce, 12 Florida on August 15, 2002, beginning at 7A0 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. 1- m PURSUANT TO Section 286.0105 .Florida Statutes, ifa q; person decides to appeal any decision made .by a board I .� agency; _or commission with respect to any,matterrtcotisid , ered.at.a meeting or hearing,.he will need of record ofthe proceedings, and that, for such purposes, he may need tot m;; ensure thata verbatim record of the.proceedings is made 1 r+.; which record includes the testimony and -evidence upon H which the appeal -is to be based.. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA /S/ Stefan Matthes, CHAIRMAN Publish: August 1, 2002 2487476 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners Hof fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by,`the favorable vote of four4ifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow the operation of a car wash facility in the CN (Commercial, the Following Neighborhood) Zoning District. Conditional Use: Regarding Property i Located At: 5321 Sunshine State'Parkway/Turnpike Feeder Road. 1 AUG 6 009 Currently Zoned. - CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) , Please Return : T o: St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development - Planniny Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce; Fl- 34882 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by:. August 12, 2002. AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 -feetof the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: S ✓V1' ( !.J 2' f J Data?'^ 3 - Please note that any form returned without a -name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. i Comments: I I, (FILE NO. CU-02-001 Timothy & Debra Rose Car Wash) ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE,RESPONSE FORM t- _ U- (FILE NO. CU-02-001 Timothy & Debra Rose Car Wash) ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed bythe owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes the Following Conditional Use: To allow the operation of a car wash facility in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District. Regarding Property Located At: 5321 Sunshine State Parkway / Turnpike Feeder Road. Currently Zoned: CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) mease Return i o: St. Lucie County, Department of -Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 } j i L: U AUG 7 2002 COAT .i Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE 1 AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: mate: 0M 0 8�'— <., 0 _-)_ Signed: 1 Go 2Z I. U c e f-01 31`f 1-f/ Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: l h l ,f1,- ogo s o- L W)} S r-SECT& D lyU I H- F P# S T, `�-�� w S 0 C 1 t C` I N? Na I o I.J i L C' -r It E 1-1 C, H-TJ A) i rV VU E it C K o M E O o Lk IZ aM E S OT�kS l (FILE NO. CU-02-001 Timothy & Debra Rose Car Wash) (FILE NO. CU-02-001 Timothy & Debra Rose Car Wash) Planning and Zoning Commission Review: 08/15/02 �C�E CpG �y y� File Number CU`-02-007. o - MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: August 9, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of Florida Center for Recovery, Inc. fora Conditional Use Permit to allow Social Services and Health Services in the I (institutional), Zoning District. LOCATION: " 3451 West Midway Road. ZONING DISTRICT: .'I (Institutional) FUTURE LAND USE:. RU (Residential Urban) i PARCEL SIZE: 12.17 acresa PROPOSED USE: Social Services and Health Services SURROUNDING ZONING: ARA to the south, east, north, and west. l (Institutional) to, the northwest and west. 'RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family - 4 du/acre) to the northeast. SURROUNDING LAND USES: The ; general exis ' mounding the property is institutional some residentia . I _ The uture. Land Use Classification of the surrounding area is RS. FIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station #6 (350 East Midway Road) is located approximately 3Y2 miles to the east. UTILITY SERVICE: The subject, property is in the FPUA service area. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS I RIGHT-OF-WAY ADEQUACY: The existing right-of-way for West Midway Road is 80 feet. Suggested motion to recommend approval/denial of this requested conditional use. MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.07.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECOVERY, INC., FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW SOCIAL SERVICES AND HEALTH SERVICES IN THE I (INSTITUTIONAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE... [LIST CONDTTION(S)] MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.07.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE APPLICATION OF FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECOVERY, INC., OR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW SOCIAL SERVICES AND HEALTH SERVICES IN THE I (INSTITUTIONAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE... [CITE REASON(S) WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC] Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations - X. I INSTITUTIONAL 1: Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide and protect and environment suitable for institutional, public, and quasi -public uses, together with such other uses as may'be compatible withinstitutional, public, and quasi -public surroundings. The numberin following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but maybe further defined in Section 2,00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Community residential homes subject to the provisions of Section 7.10.07. (999) b. Family day care homes. 999) c. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall not be. located within a radius of one thousand (1000) feet of another existing such familyres dential home; and. provided that the sponsoring agency or the Department` of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Boardof.County Commissioners at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. (99s) d. ' Institutional residential homes. t9"i e. Parks. (9s9)' f. Police & fire protection (92Yt,9224)` g. Recreational activities. (s99) h. Religious organizations (ew) 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. j 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. r . 5. Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 'i 7. j Conditional Uses a. Amphitheaters. t9991 b. Cemeteries. t6553j c.. , Membership organizations tall I d. Correctional institutions. (92n), e. Cultural activities and nature exhibitions. t999i f. Educational services and facilities (e2) i/ g, - Executive, legislative, and judicial functions. t91,92, Adopted August 1, 1990 132 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations h. Fairgrounds. (999) i. Funeral and crematory services. (726) j. Theaters. (999) Medical and other health services. (oo) ' I. Postal service. (43) M. Residential care facilities for serious or habitual juvenile offenders. (999) —_�n. Social services (83) o. Sporting and recreational camps (7o32) p. Stadiums, arenas, race tracks (794) q. Telecommunication towers - subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 (999) 8. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. Drinking places (alcoholic beverages related to civic; social, and fraternal uses). (999) b. Restaurants. (Including the sale of alcoholic beverages for on -premises consumption only.) (M) C. Funeral and crematory services. u26) d. Heliport landing/takeoff pads. (999) e. Detached single-family dwelling unit or mobile home, for on -site security purposes. (999) f. Residence halls or dormitories. (999) Adopted August 1. 1990 133 U Revised Through 08/01/00 Im 24, IL Land Use a9 RS Florida Center for Recovery, Inc. II II P/F RS I I P/ I ' I I I west mlaway Koaa Canal No. 103 I > I I � I P/F ; �� a � 0 90� 909 ,�� > I I 1 I RS �- - 3 --4 Daniels St 0 I 0 1 � I c c I -0 0 1 I 0 1 � I I CO�o/ I 105 m RS C 90� � I R SI I � I I I U I I — — — — — — — --- ------I -- : z 999 1 992 =; a :,$N : 99� O I 0.:9- J RS I I � Z n i I CU 02-007 This pattern indicates subject parcel Map prepared July 29, 2002 This pattern indicates City of Port St. Lucie TbW W been 6.�P� eb ^. Whip e-y ~t- bean n de b pestle tM nmt--tend w�ume it—n M P=b* 4 is not Oft -Wed tm m = t IWW bkK" doanst. Florida Center for Recovery, Inc. II fl AR1 I I � I f I I West Mldwav Road Canal L No. 103 /Z 9009 90� -o 0 0 c c 0 90g AR-1 , 9C� I u: ------------ ;ems• a;_�:.; I N6, : Z o 0 i AF jr i CU 02-007 This pattern indicates subject parcel This pattern indicates City of Port St. Lucie qla Map prepared July 29, 2002 T M. m.a h., bean —pW a a.-W pi—*V w .rer— P.P— MU e—y ellan ties been me to P-+ m. m —. -rw sauna b*wnsd n pmsUe. 4b eat W&wiEed brr .s a WWV bir6q Ooamni A Petition of Florida Center for Recovery, Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit to allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. II II s� I Iall I I I I 1 I I Canal 902 Flo, 105 :3 p Z s'I o - CA i M O Z -a' — — — ",� - i CU 02-007 This pattern indicates subject parcel �y This pattern indicates City of Port St. Lucie s-tic, to, (4 Map prepared July 29, 2002 mt. —P hm been WMQW a gwwW pWm*w .na wb+. e—y ~t— b— n`.d. to pow. 0. ff"--a. a C.I.W..l Wommbon P. + . R b not W"nd d 6., — u . Wg* d^�"'0 OaGJrneiL Florida Center for Recovery, Inc. 99 0.052 0.033 0.005 0 0.941 0.98 ac. 1.644 ac ac. 02 �� 2.03 1.936 1.904 1.959 ac. 2.25 0.98 2.752 ac. ac. ac. ac. ac. ac. CU 02-007----------500' boundary Fx� This pattern indicates subject parcel This pattern indicates City of Port St. Lucie G_(5-6 Map prepared July 29, 2002 n,i, nW tmm cwroW fwgwwMend . «.,. WNe e" aw t- O.en rude b Wmide er r a —* end .[wale kdo ion po. bK C. a ".n*d bass a. a MOM' bk..V d..—t ■ 3 >a d a ! 3. £, 4 kt � tmw c5i y � y ul A; AGENDA - PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION F, BOG THURSDAY, August.l5, 2002 cn -< 7. 00 P.M. FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECOVERY, INC, has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Conditional Use Permit to allow Social Services and Health,Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: 3451 West Midway Road. - Please note that all proceedings before the Local Planning. Agency are electronically recorded: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the "Local Planning Agency with respect to any matter .considered at such meeting or hearing, -he will need a record of the I proceedings, and that, for such purposes, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the , ! proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the ,appeal. is to be based Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an -opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered Prior to this public hearing,. notice of the same was sent to all adjacent property owners " August 5, 2002. Legal notice was published in The News and The Tribune, newspapers of general I circulation in St. Lucie County, on August 1, 2002. File No. CU-02-007 it I I I I AV - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS August 5, 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR In accordance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby advised that FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECOVERY, INC., has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Conditional Use Permit to allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: 3451 West Midway Road. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST The first public hearing on the petition will be held at 7.00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, August 15, 2002, County Commissioner's Chambers, St Lucie County Administration Building Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission should be received by the County Planning Division at least 3 days prior to a scheduled hearing. County policy discourages communication with individual Planning and Zoning Commission and County Commission on any case outside of the scheduled public hearing(s). You may speak at a public hearing, or provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If it becomes necessary, a public hearing may be continued to a date -certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772) 462- 1777 or T.D.D. (772) 462-1428. If you no longer own property adjacent to the above -described parcel, please forward this notice to the new owner. Please call 7721462-1582 if you have any questions, and refer to: File Number CU-02-007. Sincerely, ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Stefan Matthes, Chairman JOHN D. BRUHN, District No. 1 • DOUG COWARD, District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS. District No. 3 • FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, District No. 4 • CLIFF BARNES. District No. 5 County Administrator - Douglos M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration: (772) 462-1590 • Planning: (772) 462-2822 GI5/rechnical Services: (772) 462-1553 Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 Fax: (772) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention: (772) 462-1529 • Fax: (772) 462-2132 www.co.st-lucie.fl.us ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) the Following Zoning District. Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: 3451 West Midway Road. Currently Zoned. • I (Institutional) Please Return To. St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE 1 HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) Child Abuse Services, Training & Life Enrichment To: Planning and Zoning Commission of St. Lucie County, Florida Re: CU 02007 The CASTLE- (located at 33525 SW Midway Rd, Fort Pierce) supports the application of Florida Center for Recovery, Inc. for a conditional use permit to allow social services and healtlrservices in the I (institutional) zoning district. 02 y4 �b Them Garbanno-May bong Bo Executive Director Assistant Director 8/15/02 EXCHANGE CLUB %C Lr Mailing Address: P.O. Box 12908 • Fort Pierce, FL 34979 Office: 3525 SW Mic:way Road* Fore Pierce, FL 34981 Voice: 561.455-6011 • Fax: 561.46-5.6013 !' Finail: tQtar'bar=r:o-mn„-excha ,.; s�:�.�� Spomored in part by Etrt: ngv Crube, DCF. UNed Way of Indian River, ManIn , 31. LUCie and Okdechobve Countlee- Cni iron's Scry = Council; of Menin and St. Lucia Counilee. CSN of Indian glver Cony. r gawp `trams gktsiciti A 9 772-46 f -36 f2 9Gi, mmt & %amieyt . 4Ww 15, 2002 CU-02-007 O 2630 CpdkA8wsbViww Planning & Zmalog Be.r 23001ilcglaa Avenue Fort Pierce, FhL Dear Planning Hoard: Re: File CU-024W Fan. Center for Recoveq,1w- OUr homeowners aUociatioa Las the following eotKxras regard & tell COMOtiosae are. 1. Featims aromw the perimeter 2. Sadrmg (nigh) for 68 potieaa 3. AigW of- Way for Midway (W bimate) 4. Clam ar to are: Social Servioea: Red& Services Alter ailesding a meeting we were isknwd that tie cNesiele w as W a-W alcohol substance slwoe patients, that they world be picked ■p from the pbse and trawporsed to the Meatioa. That they world be private par patlests. Sincerely, Pdar'.h Fork F:: emrV Gaveramentsl ILepreaenative 772-461-3612 Patrim A. Famick Ski CU M4)(M - !dam------ -----. �--�---- - i;l ;on. ai: golf, `i rship lour: op_ events, wonder: sember- a 385 Major Group 80.---HEALTH SERVICES The Major Group as a Whole This major group includes establishments primarily engaged in furnishing medical, sur- gical, and other health services to persons. Establishments of associations or groups, such as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), primarily engaged in providing medical or other health services to members are included, but those which limit their services to the provision of insurance against hospitalization or medical costs are classified in Insurance, Major Group 63. Hospices are also included in this major group and are classified according to the primary service provided. Industry groups 801 through 804 includes individual practitioners, group clinics in which a group of practitioners is associated for the purpose of carrying on their profession, and clinics which provide the same services through practitioners that are employees. Industry Group Industry No. No. 801 802 803 OFFICES AND CLINICS OF DOCTORS OF MEDICINE 8011 Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of M.D. and en- gaged in the practice of general or specialized medicine and surgery. Estab- lishments operating as clinics of physicians are included in this industry. Os- teopathic physicians are classified in Industry 8031. Ambulatory surgical centers Anesthesiologists, offices of Clinics of physicians (M.DJ Dermatologists, offices of Freestanding emergency medical (M.D.) centers Gynecologists, offices of Neurologists, offices of Obstetricians, offices of Oculists, offices of Ophthalmologists, offices of Orthopedic physicians, offices of OFFICES AND CLINICS OF DENTISTS 8021 Offices and Clinics of Dentists Pathologists (M.DJ, offices of Pediatricians, offices of Physicians (M.D.). including specialists: offices and clinics of Plastic surgeons, offiors of Primary care medical (M.D.) clinics Psychiatrists, offices of Psychoanalysts, offices of Radiologists, offices of Surgeons (M.D.), offices of 'Urologists, offices of Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of D.M.D. or D.D.S. (or D.D.Sc.) and engaged in the practice of general or specialized den- tistry, including dental surgery. Establishments operating as clinics of dentists are included in this industry. Clinics of dentists Dental surgeons, offices of Dentists, offices and clinics of Endodontists, offices of Oral pathologists, offices of Orthodontists, offices of Pathologists, oral: offices of Periodontists, offices of Prosthodontists, offices of OFFICES AND CLINICS OF DOCTORS OF OSTEOPATHY 8031 Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of D.O. and en- gaged in the practice of general or specialized osteopathic medicine and sur- 386 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION Industry Im Ind Group Industry Gi 803 No. No. OFFICES AND CLINICS OF DOCTORS OF OSTEOPATHY —Con. 805 8031 Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Osteopathy —Con. gery. Establishments operating as clinics of osteopathic physicians are includ- ed in this industry. Osteopathic physicians, offices and clin- ics of 804 OFFICES AND CLINICS OF OTHER HEALTH PRACTITIONERS 8041 Offices and Clinics of Chiropractors Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of D.C. and en- gaged in the practice of chiropractic medicine. Establishments operating as clinics of chiropractors are included in this industry. Chiropractors, offices and clinics of Clinics of chiropractors 8042 Offices and Clinics of Optometrists Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of O.D. and en- gaged in the practice of optometry. Establishments operating as clinics of op- tometrists are included in this industry. Optometrists, offices and clinics of 8043 Offices and Clinics of Podiatrists Establishments of licensed practitioners having the degree of D.P. and en- gaged in the practice of podiatry. Establishments operating as clinics of podia- trists are included in this industry. Podiatrists, offices and clinics of 8049 Offices and Clinics of Health Practitioners, Not Elsewhere Classified Establishments of health practitioners engaged in the practice of health fields, not elsewhere classified. Practitioners may or may not be licensed or =` certified, depending on the State in which they practice. Establishments oper- f, ating as clinics of health practitioners, not elsewhere classified, are included in this industry. i 3 Acupuncturists, except M.D.: offices of Nutritionists, offices of Audiologists, offices of Occupational therapists, offices of Christian Science practitioners, offices Paramedics, offices of Of Physical therapists, offices of Dental hygienists, offices of Physicians' assistants, offices of :. Dieticians, offices of Psychiatric social workers, offices of Hypnotists, offices of Psychologists, clinical: offices of Inhalation therapists, registered Psychotherapists, except M.D.: offices of 806 Midwives, offices of Speech clinicians, offices of Naturopaths, offices of Speech pathologists, offices of Nurses, registered and practical: offices of, except home health care services 805 NURSING AND PERSONAL CARE FACILITIES This group includes establishments primarily engaged in providing inpa tient nursing and health -related personal care. Establishments providing diag- nostic, surgical, and extensive medical services are classified in Industry Group 806, and those providing residential care with incidental nursing or medical services are classified in Industry Group 836. Industry Group No. 805 806 SERVICES Industry No. NURSING AND PERSONAL CARE FACILITIES —Con. 8051 Skilled Nursing Care Facilities 387 Establishments primarily engaged in providing inpatient nursing and reha- bilitative services to patients who require continuous health care, but not hos- pital services. Care must be ordered by and under the direction of a physician. The staff must include a licensed nurse on duty continuously with a minimum of one full-time registered nurse on duty during each day shift. Included are establishments certified to deliver skilled nursing care under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Convalescent homes with continuous Mental retardation hospitals nursing care Nursing homes, skilled Extended care facilities 8052 Intermediate Care Facilities Establishments primarily engaged in providing inpatient nursing and reha- bilitative services, but not on a continuous basis. Staffing must include 24- hour per day personnel with a licensed nurse on duty full-time during each day shift. At least once a week, consultation from a registered nurse on the delivery of care is required. Included are facilities certified to deliver interme- diate care under the Medicaid program. Intermediate care facilities Nursing homes, intermediate care 8059 Nursing and Personal Care Facilities, Not Elsewhere Classified Establishments primarily engaged in providing some nursing and/or health - related care to patients who do not require the degree of care and treatment that a, skilled or intermediate care facility is designed to provide. Patients in these facilities, because of their mental or physical condition, require some nursing care, including the administering of medications and treatments or the supervision of self-administered medications in accordance with a physi- cian's orders. Establishments primarily engaged in providing day -today per- sonal care without supervision of the delivery of health services prescribed by a physician are classified in Industry 8361. Convalescent homes for psychiatric pa- tiente, with health care Convalescent homes with health care Domiciliary care with health care Homes for the mentally retarded with health care, except skilled and inter- mediate care facilities HOSPITALS Nursing homes except skilled and in- termediate care facilities Personal care facilities with health care Personal care homes with health care Psychiatric patient's convalescent homes Rest homes with health care This group includes establishments primarily engaged in providing diagnos- tic services, extensive medical treatment including surgical services, and other hospital services, as well as continuous nursing services. These establishments have an organized medical staff, inpatient beds, and equipment and facilities to provide complete health care. Convalescent homes with extended care facili- ties, sometimes referred to as convalescent hospitals, are classified in Industry 8051. 388 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION Industry Group Industry No. No. 806 HOSPITALS —Con. 8062 General Medical and Surgical Hospitals Establishments primarily engaged in providing general medical and surgical services and other hospital services. Specialty hospitals are classified in Indus- tries 8063 and 8069. General medical and surgical hospitals 8063 Psychiatric Hospitals Establishments primarily engaged in providing diagnostic medical services and inpatient treatment for the mentally ill. Establishments, known as hospi- tals, primarily engaged in providing health care for the mentally retarded are classified in Industry 8051. Mental hospitals, except for the men- Psychiatric hospitals tally retarded 8069 Specialty Hospitals, Except Psychiatric Establishments primarily engaged in providing diagnostic services, treat- ment, and other hospital services for specialized categories of patients, except mental. Psychiatric hospitals are classified in Industry 8063. Alcoholism rehabilitation hospitals Hospitals, specialty: except psychiatric Cancer hospitals Maternity hospitals Children's hospitals Orthopedic hospitals Chronic disease hospitals Rehabilitation hospitals: drug addiction Drug addiction rehabilitation hospitals and alcoholism ' Eye. ear, nose, and throat hospitals in- Tuberculosis and other respiratory ilk - patient ness hospitals 807 MEDICAL AND DENTAL LABORATORIES 8071 Medical Laboratories Establishments primarily engaged in providing professional analytic or diag , = nostic services to the medical profession, or to the patient on prescription of a physician. Bacteriological laboratories (not menu- Medical laboratories, clinical - factuArW Pathological laboratories Biological laboratories (not manufactur- Testing laboratories, medical: analytic ing) or diagnostic - Blood analysis laboratories Urinalysis laboratories Chemists, biological: (not manufactur- X-ray laboratories, including dental ing) laboratories of (not manufacturing) Dental laboratories, X-ray 8072 Dental Laboratories Establishments primarily engaged in making dentures, artificial teeth, and , orthodontic appliances to order for the dental profession. Establishments pri- marily engaged in manufacturing artificial teeth, except to order, are classi fled in Manufacturing, Industry 3843, and those providing dental X-ray labora- tory services are classified in Industry 8071. Crowns and bridges made in dental lab- Orthodontic appliances made in dental-''`,`< oratories to order for the profession laboratories to order for the profes- Dental laboratories, except X-ray Sion . Dentures made in dental laboratories Teeth, artificial: made in dental labors 7 to order for the profession tones to order for the profession :i. - SERVICES 389 Industry Group Industry No. No. 808 HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES 8082 Home Health Care Services Establishments primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing or medical care in the home, under supervision of a physician. Establishments of regis- tered or practical nurses engaged in the independent practice of their profes- sion are classified in Industry 8049, and nurses' registries are classified in In- dustry 7361. Establishments primarily engaged in selling health care products for personal or household consumption are classified in Retail Trade and those engaged in renting or leasing products for health care are classified in Indus- try 7352. Home health care cervices Visiting nurse associations 809 MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH AND ALLIED SERVICES, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED 8092 Kidney Dialysis Centers Establishments primarily engaged in providing kidney or renal dialysis services. Offices and clinics of doctors of medicine are classified in Industry 8011. Kidney dialysis centers 8093 Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Not Elsewhere Classified Establishments primarily engaged in outpatient care of a specialized nature with permanent facilities andwith medical staff to provide diagnosis, treat- ment, or both for patients who are ambulatory and do not require inpatient care. Offices and clinics of health practitioners are classified according to their primary activity in Industry Groups 801 through 804. Alcohol treatment, outpatient clinics Biofeedback center Birth control clinics (family planning) Drug treatment, outpatient clinics Outpatient detoxification center Outpatient mental health clinics Outpatient treatment clinics for alco- holism and drug addiction Rehabilitation center, outpatient (med- ical treatment) Respiratory therapy clinics 8099 Health and Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Establishments primarily engaged in providing health and allied services, not elsewhere classified. Offices and clinics of health practitioners are classi- fied according .to their primary activity in Industry Groups 801 through 804. Artists, medical Medical photography and art Blood banks Osteoperceis centers Blood donor stations Oxygen tent service Childbirth preparation classes Physical examination service, except by Health screening service physicians Hearing testing service Plasmapheresis center Insurance physical examination serv- Sperm banks ice, except by physicians 394 Major Group 83.—SOCIAL SERVICES The Major Group as a Whole This major group includes establishments providing social services and rehabilitation services to those persons with social or personal problems requiring special services and to the handicapped and the disadvantaged. Also included are organizations soliciting funds to be used directly for these and related services. Establishments primarily engaged in provid- ing health services are classified in Major Group 80; those providing legal services are classi- fied in Industry 8111; and those providing educational services are classified in Major Group 82. Industry Group Industry No. No. 832 INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY SOCIAL SERVICES 1 8322 Individual and Family Social Services Establishments primarily engaged in providing one or more of a wide varie- ty of individual and family social, counseling, welfare, or referral services, in- cluding refugee, disaster, and temporary relief services. This industry includes offices of specialists providing counseling, referral, and other social services. Government offices directly concerned with the delivery of social services to individuals and families, such as issuing of welfare aid, rent supplements, food stamps, and eligibility casework, are included here, but central office adminis- tration of these programs is classified in Public Administration, Industry 9441. Social Security offices are also classified in Public Administration, Industry 9441. Establishments primarily engaged in providing vocational rehabilitation or counseling are classified in Industry 8331; and fraternal, civic, and social associations are classified in Industry 8641. Activity centers, elderly or handi- capped Adoption services Adult day care centers Aid to families with dependent children (AFDC) Alcoholism counseling, nonresidential: except medical treatment Centers for senior citizens Child guidance agencies Community centers Counseling centers Crisis centers Crisis intervention centers Day rare centers, adult and handi. capped Disaster services Emergency shelters Family counseling services Family location services Family service agencies Helping hand services Homemakers service, primarily non. medical Hotlines Marriage counseling cervices Meal delivery programs Multiservice centers, neighborhood Neighborhood centers Offender rehabilitation agencies Offender self-help agencies Old age assistance Outreach programs Parole offices Probation offices Public welfare centers, offices of Referral services for personal and social problems Refugee services Relief services, temporary Self-help organizations for alcoholics and gamblers Senior citizens associations Service leagues Settlement houses Social service centers Telephone counseling service Travelers aid centers Youth centers Youth self-help organizations Industry Group No. 833 835 836 SERVICES Industry No. JOB TRAINING AND VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICES 8331 Job Training and Vocational Rehabilitation Services RNI Establishments primarily engaged in providing manpower training and vo- cational rehabilitation and habilitation services for the unemployed, the un- deremployed, the handicapped, and to persons who have a job market disad- vantage because of lack of education, job skill or experience. Included are up- grading and job -development services, skill training, world -of -work orientation, and vocational rehabilitation counseling. This industry includes offices of spe- cialists providing rehabilitation and job counseling. Also included are estab- lishments primarily engaged in providing work experience for rehabilitees. Community service employment train- ing programs Job counseling Job training Manpower training Rehabilitation counseling and training, vocational CHILD DAY CARE SERVICES 8351 Child Day Care Services Sheltered workshops Skill training centers Vocational rehabilitation agencies Vocational rehabititation counseling Vocational training agencies, except schools Work experience centers Establishments primarily engaged in the care of infants or children, or in providing prekindergarten education, where medical care or delinquency cor- rection is not a major element. These establishments may or may not have substantial educational programs. These establishments generally care for prekindergarten or preschool children, but may care for older children when they are not in school. Establishments providing babysitting services are clas- sified in Industry 7299. Head Start centers operating in conjunction with ele- mentary schools are classified in Industry 8211. Child care centers Nursery schools Day care centers, child Preschool centers Group day care centers, child Head Start centers, except in conjunc- tion with schools RESIDENTIAL CARE 8361 Residential Care Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of residential social and personal care for children, the aged, and special categories of persons with some limits on ability for self -care, but where medical care is not a major ele- ment. Included are establishments providing 24-hour year-round care for chil- dren. Boarding schools providing elementary and secondary education are classified in Industry 8211. Establishments primarily engaged in providing nursing and health -related personal care are classed in Industry Group 805. Alcoholism rehabilitation centers, resi- dential: with health can incidental Boys towns Children's boarding homes Children a homes children,villages Drug rehabilitation centers, residential: with health carp incidental Group foster homes Halfway group homes for persons with socisl or personal problems Halfway homes for delinquents and of- fenders Homes for children, with health care incidental Homes for destitute men and women Homes for the aged, with health care incidental Homes for the deaf or blind, with health care incidental Homes for the emotionally disturbed, with health care incidental Homes for the mentally handicapped, with health care incidental Homes for the physically handicapped, with health care incidental 396 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION Industry Group Industry _ No. No. 836 RESIDENTIAL CARE —Con. 8361 Residential Care —Con. Juvenile correctional homes Rest homes, with health care incidental Old soldiers' homes Self-help group homes for persons with Orphanages social or personal problems Rehabilitation centers, residential: with '!paining schools for delinquents health care incidental 839 SOCIAL SERVICES, NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED 8399 Social Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Establishments primarily engaged in providing social services, not else- where classified, including establishments primarily engaged in community improvement and social change. Organizations primarily engaged in soliciting contributions on their own account and administering appropriations and allo- cating funds among other agencies engaged in social welfare services are also included, but foundations and philanthropic trusts are classified in Finance, Industry 6732. Civic, social, and fraternal organizations are classified in Indus- try 8641; political organizations are classified in Industry 8651; and establish- ments which raise funds on a contract basis are classified in Industry 7389. Advocacy groups Health and welfare councils Antipoverty boards Health systems agencies - Community action agencies Regional planning organizations, for Community chests social services - Community development groups Social change associations Councils for social agencies, exceptional Social service information exchanges: children, and poverty e.g., alcoholism, drug addiction Fundraising organizations, except on a United fund councils contract or fee basis ne I.()rlgIslaff6filer Recovery, Inc. 320 'Nest Montauk Highway � �. ? 1 E � Tdcphoue: (631)72"100 P.O. Box 774 E t '• 1 F= (631)728.5621 or (631)728-9075 Hampton Mips, NY 11946 r-ielpliuc: 1-8(X)-144-L1CR August 13, 2002 Hank Flores, A.I.C'.P. C'(-.)mrnunity Development Department Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34992-5652 Re: File No. CU-02-007 Dear Mr. Flores: T am writing to you in regards to Florida Center for Recovery's (FCR) Application for Conditional Use Permit. There appears to be a misunderstanding with the number of patients that. FC;R will be creating. i'letase be advised that FCR will be a 72-lied treatment facility. The application stated that we are estimating our capacity within the first year to be 40 patients, however, our maximum capacity will be 72 patients. 1 apologize for any misconceptions this may have caused your staff. Please do not hesitate to contact me if any fw-tlier information is required. Sincerely, Tack Hamilton Ptt�sident JC:AHO Acon diced Licensed By OASAS CC' ' ZW_c ST. LUCIE COUNTY CO' CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM 120' ' o Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) the Following Zoning District. Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: 3451 West Midway Road. Currently Zoned. I (Institutional) Please Return To: St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12.2002. 1 AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: IR e r� Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) O ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a writ?en protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) perc£.: �t or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes the Following Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: Currently Zoned. Please RPtrirn. 7-0. To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. 3451 West Midway Road. I (Institutional) ct, Luc-ie r rglntl! Dernartrnont of Community .1 Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 o �4 AUG 6 2002 nt a Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE ' 1 HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: ® Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes the Following Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: Currently Zoned. Please Return To: To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. 3451 West Midway Road. I (Institutional) St. Lucie County, Department of Community Developm Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 l� L5 0 U AUG 6 2002 CQIV'iMi:."aF CE_l'E� Fi`✓icNl ST. LUCiE COU i Y, FL Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE 1 AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: _ ,Hiq I IL CAM. IS r-- l i—I / Date: D 3 Signed: ��4ej �A4 Zj!rg /L f zi 2 , Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: if (FILE NO. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes the Following Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: Currently Zoned: lvualV 1'l Cl Ull! IV. To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. 3451 West Midway Road. 2 (Institutional) St. L'uii G iuunty, Depatimeni ui Community Deveiopment Planning Division �oQ� 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and.return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OFT 9 PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USEA. K w-_ I HAVE NO OPINION. TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: �— Y-dam Signed: ' 1 Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: It (FILE NO. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) the Following Zoning District. Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: 3451 West Midway Road. Currently Zoned: I (Institutional) Tease Return To: St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name c' (Please Print):(,�(� Address:i8� Date: Signed: Irlel Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU- ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) the Following Zoning District. Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: 3451 West Midway Road. Currently Zoned: I (Institutional) Please Return To: St. Lucie County, Department of Community Deveiopnieni Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name��(Please Print): � —)7 'Ov��� Address: 3 Z ZV/ /�_ �'/f / ( �" ^ V" Date: ( Signed:_Oe Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: FILE NO. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recove Inc.) I ( rye COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ST. LUCIE COUNTY. FL ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) the Following Zoning District. Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: 3451 West Midway Road. Currently Zoned. I (Institutional) Please i-feturn To: St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): A I1lv0lop / ' `n 64-I AXG L� Address: e Date: Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) Hank Flores -Agenda 5-Florida Recover�r Inc Petition �� a Pa e 1 From: <Herbertjbeach@aol.com> To: <Hankf@co.st-lucie.fl.us> Date: 8/15/02 1:15PM Subject: Agenda 5-Florida Recovery,lnc Petition Please forward to P&Z board this evening as I may be able to attend. Dear Board members: As a Community activist and past president of a community organization, I feel that approval of the use the facility on Midway Road should be approved and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners to allow Florida Recovery, Inc to operate a substance abuse (drug and alcohol) facility at this location will be an asset to the residents of the county as there is a definite need for this type of facility. Recognizing that you are going to get some negative complaints and opposition of those type of people "who don't want it in my backyard, around my kids,etc"-and knowing that there are people in our community who need or someday will recognize the need of having a substance abuse treatment center in the midsection of the county will be beneficial to all residents. Therefore, I ask you to recommend approval of operation of this treatment center to the Board and please forward this letter along with your recommendation. Respectfully, Herbert J (Herb) le Beach ?: 1012 Saeger Avenue�r`' White City, FL. cl PLS ack.receipt of this letter J�C - N N 10 M 7 M N b p• M M 01 •^ w O O, MN pImm O� -t b N 00 N 00 00 N N M '••• O� CT O• .-• G O� 'T T b O M C. 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O� 00 ••-• 00 b N_ 2V n N b N V 00 10 h_ ^+ pp 10 N_ N l� M M O O N O N O N N O N O N O N C N O N 00 N M 0 N 0 N 0 0 N N O N O N O N O N O N Cl N O N C N O N C N C N O O O O O- O O O O it V1 V1 V1 N N N N O N !-• C. N O N O N O N Q N Q p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O •,y O O ;C Nj 1��1 M M M M AM l��f t�•1 t��1 t��1 M M f��1 M M M M M � M t (��1 M - M l��f M M f�•1 M M Q- H ON Sh a aO aol ba Ob _ N c°O.rnrnrn M M M M arnah M M M 7 W aaa wwwwa -t w a41 wwaG o awA.04W 43.ra.a4 :U wwwwazzwww-, v�rA o'cU in q 3 ra 1 Q MQV en YOf fNV z,'ZM MST. A. b u z h z M W xxx °o 1X-01 z a Rw u a�3a d00 r rs ! .A u M M O C C4 00 O a W ! S. • F U WO M po U h S ^h+ 0000 N W,N M S E L' g h OOOG M O N 0-+OOO n Q O, M O N .0 �i (y O O !' _C O n O h N �O 080 O W N8 O 00 O8� N oo N8 O8. MC� M 100 �O h8 8 O.t"' 01 -C 0 N 0OO0000.n000 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N M N N N at hhvrhhhv�-hhh l N 06 a . { 1 ST, LUCIEICOUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION iM s* - PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA a>1 August 15, 2602t. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 5. WYNNE RANCH, for a Conditional Use Permit fo allow , NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with' Secfioa 11.00.03 of the St. Lucie County wand Development.Code the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in U (Utili- ties) Zoning District for the following described property and the provisions of the Sh Lucie County Comprefiensive Plan, the following applicants have requested'that: the St. A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE Lucie County Planning and. Zoning' Commission 6nslder their following requests: QUARTER: (1/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH; RANGE 37 EAST, ST:LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 'AND ' BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS - ]..CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID Fgmily - 3 du/aae) Zoning District to theA (Institutional) Zoning District for the following described property: I SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 87"5T45" WEST, AS A BASIS OF BEARINGS,' ALONG THE SOUTH LINE `OF i SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE .OF 2672.00` FEET TO THE NW 1/4 OF.THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF, SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP SOUTH, 40'J:AST, THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE ' OF SECTION, .5; THENCE NORTH. 35 RANGE ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS ROAD RiGHT•OF-! QUARTER (1/4) 00°27'15"'EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE, OF SAID WAYS AND FURTHER LESS THE EAST 300 FEET OF THE; SOUTH 210 FEET. SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION S,.A OF 1894.32 FEET TO, THE POINT OF BEGIN= f I DISTANCE NING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 00°27'15" EAST Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Selvitzl ALONG SAID WEST:LINE, A'DISTANCE OF 656.70' Road and Edwards:Road FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89019'16" EAST, DEPARTING; SAID WEST LINE, A- DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET;. 2. TIMOTHY AND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH, fora Coridi- THENCE SOUTH 00°27'15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF ' tional Use Permit to allow-ilie operation of a car. wash' facility in the CN(Comm ercial,'Neighborhood)Zontng�Dis- 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH B9°19'16" WEST -A 01S= TANCE OF 656.70 FEET TO THE POINT Of hid for the following described property: BEGINNING. LOTS 11 8, 12, BLOCK 169, LAKEWOO15PARK "UNIT SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT .FOR INGRESS • AND . 12A, AS RECORDED IN PLAT -BOOK 11, PAGE 35, PUB- EGRESS AND PUBLIC.'UTIUTY AND DRAINAGE OVER: LIC RECORDS OE ST; LUCIE COUNTY; FLORIDA::: THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. Locations 5321 Sunshine State Parkway /;Turnpike Feeder CONTAINING 9,900'ACRES, MORE OR LESS. i Road. Location:' North side of Orange Avenue, approximately. . 3. GLASSMAN HOLDINGS, INC., fora pwnge Jn Zoning 5.75 miles west of Minuto Maid Road. from the AG-1 (Agdoulturai I,du/acre) Zoning DisMd to the CG (Commerdal, General) Zoning District for the foi •6. FLORIDA CENTER FOR, RECOVERY, INC for a Cond(; lowing described property, :: t E i = tiorra(Use Permit to allovi.Soctal Services and; klealih Care I (Institutional) Zoning District for the fo1- IN SEC710N 15�.''.TOWNSHIP 34 RANGE 39 THE Fadlnies.in;the lowing desa96ed property j'- SOUTH 830 OFjHE,EAST T550 OF THE.SOUTH;1/2 f OF NORTHEASTS'1/4 LESS: EAST 80'Ff AND;USS - I 'WHITE CITY S/D 05°3640 BEG..AT NW.COR OF LOT WA 35•-K TH N TO P.OB LESS �2D �= , r j SOUTH 60 FL fOR ROAD:AND. CANAL': �6j jO.R - 348=1874J' { n 100 RUNE 135 FT :TH AND CANAL R/W =T (44j.(1.72 AC IMAP 34I05S) Location:` Northwest corner of �1he interseefiad 4f Indrfo 1524-2594j 04 �. RoadandEmersonAvenue 1 WHITE CITY S/p 05°3640 THAT PART :OFF LOT 106 LYG E OF'' DRAINAGE ,CANAL #103.LESS i1�AT PART 4. WYNNE RANCH fora Change in Zoning ran the AG-5 (Agricultural 1 du/5 aaes) Zontng'Dishicj fo thu U LYG N OF:DRAINAGE CANAL 41 AND N 130.FT I .OF LOTS 4 AND '113 LYG E .OF` DRAINAGE CANAL '! (Utilities); ZoningD;sktd fcV.-Ae folfwwf described 4103 AND ALL OF; LOT 107 B LESS RD.AMD CANAL t7; propeit R/W (10.45 An (MAP 34/O55). (OR 1524 2594) Q A PARCEL OF LJWD LYING.It�f THE SOUTHEAST.ONE Locahon.3451 West Midway Road QUARTER (f /4) OFr$ECT10N S, TOWNS�11 35 SOUT4( RANGEt 37 EAST •ST LUCI,fp1JtXj ff4A AND PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held in Commission Chambers, >3 BEING(v(ORE,PAItT7CULARLYDESCRIBEDAS60llOt(VS . Roger Poitras Annex;2300 Vlrgirila.Avemie; Fort Werce 15,"2002, beginning at 7 00 P M or cz g ,s . , COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID Florida on August soon ihereaker as possible r 1- SECTION 5 THENCE SOUTH'87°5T45".'1A(EST A5 A BASIS OF BEARINGS, •AL'ONG THE SOU719 i1NE'OF. PURSUANT TO Section 286.0105 .Florida. Statutes, ff>'a m Gc SAID SECTION S,-A OtSTANCE OF 267Z.00 FEET TO' THE SOUTHWEST CORNER'OF SAID SOIq'E ew.*ONE person decides to appegl any decislon made.by a board, commission with rasped to cmy,matte( cansid �S ' " QUARTER .(1/4)' OF SECTION 5 THENC NORTH 00°2T15" (AST, ALONG. THE WEST' lIt4E OF SAID ,pgerlcy;-or erect at.o'meeting orhearing,Jre w111 need d.record of;tlie proceedings and thaf;,forsuch"purposas,'he may need fo FiF SOUTHWEST Oi4E'.QUARTER (1/4J OF. SECrTION 5 -' ensure ttwta ver{wtim record of the proceedings it ma?a upon (,,DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET TO THE PpIN1F OF BEGIN ' which record incjudes tha testimgny and -evidence NING;. THE CONTINUE -N09TH '00'27'T5" EI1S1 which the'appeal•is ao be . ALONG SAiD, WEST .`LINE,. A DISTANCE OF.- _ 656;7Q. FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°15 .EAST0 AEPARTING . ' PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION.. FLORIDA SAID WEST • LINE A• DISTANCE OF> 656.jQ ,FEET; THENCE: SOUTH OF. ST. LUCIE COUNTY, CHAIRMAN 00°2T15" WEST, A .DISTANCE /S/ Stefan'Matthes, 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°19')6"WEST A DIS, TANCE .OF '656.70 FEET, TO 'THE'`POINT".�OF Publish: August 1;2002 BEGINNING:. ;, .<; . •:. ., 2487476 SUBJECT TO'AN EASEMENT FOR: iNGRE55 AND EGRESS AND: PUBLIC UTILITY' AND DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 9,900 ACRES; MORE OR LESS j Location: North side of'Orange Avenue; approximately; 5.75 miles west of.Minute Maid; Road. i, ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) the Following Zoning District. Conditional Use: `�:�� Regarding Property Located At: 3451 West Midway Road. CurrentiyZoned: 1(Institutional) wu3v Returnv: Si: �Ui:Ig �.uuiity, veparirneni t7i Community uevelopm Planning ent Division Cpe S �U'� ✓ 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 \ Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. 1 AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I�AM NOT IN.FAVOR `OFT PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION.TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: Signed: 7'" Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a wriren protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percrt. ,t or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes the Following Conditional Use: Regarding Property Located At: Currently Zoned: To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the I (Institutional) Zoning District. 3451 West Midway Road. I (institutional) Please Return. 'rn St, Lurie Cr-,unry, nopartr;•nnt.nf lnmrnUnity !�o� Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 I ` It AUG 6 2002 CGtwii�.! i _ Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE 1 HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: ! ,S Q Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) Vtf/ fLWU4 uo.cz U014ozL131 SI LUGIE W ADMIN PAGE 01 C u- zu)("e- ST. LUCIE COUNTY C.V. CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant To allow Social Services and Health Care Facilities in the ! Institutional the lowing Zoning District. (institutional) Conditional Use: Regarding Propefty Located At: 3451 West Midway Road. Curn9ntkZoned: I (Institutional) Please Return To. St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statetmerds and return by: August 12. 2902. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM MM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE 1 certify that, as of the date shown below, t am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Pteste PdnQ: Address: Date: Is- 370,e Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE O. CU-02-007 Florida Center for Recovery, Inc.) 11 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW: 8/15/02 File Number RZ-02-015 h�JG\E Ccn,pG2� I�, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L) Planning OR MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: August 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of Wynne Ranch, for a Change in Zoning from the AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/5 acres) Zoning District to the U (Utilities) Zoning District. LOCATION: North side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5 3/4 miles west of Minute Maid Road and north one mile from the entrance to Wynne Ranch. EXISTING ZONING: AG-5 (Agricultural —1 du/5 acres) PROPOSED ZONING: U (Utilities) FUTURE LAND USE: AG-5 (Agricultural - 5) PARCEL SIZE: Parent Parcel 671.32 acres Petitioned Parcel 9.9 acres PROPOSED USE: The purpose of the requested change in zoning is to allow the operation of an air curtain incinerator for the disposal of land clearing debris. PERMITTED USES: Section 3.01.03(W), U (Utilities) identifies the designated uses, which are permitted by right, permitted as an accessory use, or permitted through the conditional use process in the "U" (Utilities) Zoning District. Any use designated as a "Conditional Use" is required to undergo further review and approval before that use may be commenced on the property. Any use not identified in the zoning district regulations is considered to be a prohibited use in that district (see Attachment "AA"). In this case the proposed use, the operation of an air curtain incinerator, will require a Conditional Use Permit. This Conditional Use Permit may only be reviewed after the petition for change in zoning has been approved. August 10, 2002 Petition: Wynne Ranch Page 2 File RZ-02-015 SURROUNDING ZONING: AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/5 acres) zoning district surrounds the petitioned property to the north, south, east and west. SURROUNDING LAND USES: The existing uses in this are agricultural in nature. The Wynne Ranch is located to the north, south and west of the subject property and citrus groves are located to the east of the subject property. The surrounding properties are designated with an AG — 5 (Agricultural — 1 du/5 acres) future land use designation. FIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station # 11, is located approximately 8 miles to the east. UTILITY SERVICE: On site wells will provide water service. On site sewer will be provided through a septic tank system. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY ADEQUACY: The existing right-of-way for Orange Avenue is 200 feet. SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: None TYPE OF CONCURRENCY DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Concurrency Deferral Affidavit. STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for proposed rezoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make the following determinations; 1. Whether the proposed rezoning is in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; The applicant is requesting a change in zoning from the AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/5 acres) Zoning District to the U (Utilities) Zoning District. The area in which the subject property is located is currently zoned AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/5 acres) and being utilized as citrus groves and cattle ranches. The stated purpose of this change in zoning is to allow for development of an air curtain incinerator operation for the disposal of land clearing debris collected from various construction sites throughout St. Lucie County and the surrounding area. The U (Utilities) Zoning District has been determined to be an August 10, 2002 Page 3 2. 3. 4. Petition: Wynne Ranch File RZ-02-015 acceptable zoning district for the establishment of this type of operation, subject to further site specific review as part of the Conditional Use process. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan; Table 1.6 of the Future Land Use Element, Data and Analysis, indicates those zoning classifications allowed under the AG-5 land use designation. According to this table, those activities allowed within the U (Utilities) Zoning District are considered to be acceptable within the areas designated with a Future Land Use Classification of AG-5 (Agricultural — 5). Policy 6B.1.2.1 of the Solid Waste Sub -element of the County's Comprehensive Plan, Infrastructure Element states that the County will implement the most cost effective alternative solid waste management practices that would extend the useful life of the landfill. These alternative include, but are not limited to: resource recovery, volume reductions by solid waste generators, volume reduction at transfer stations, separation of solid wastes at the source, composting recycling centers, public information programs, and operational changes that could improve efficiency. The petitioner is proposing a procedure that would separate the land clearing debris at the source, and instead of stockpiling it or disbursing it to the County's landfill operation they would placing it into the air curtain incinerator and burn the materials, thereby, eliminating the source from the landfill. Whether and the extent to which the proposed zoning is inconsistent with the existing and proposed land uses; The proposed zoning district is considered to be consistent with existing and proposed future land use designations in the area. The surrounding properties are being used as either citrus groves or cattle ranches. The permitted uses in the U (Utilities) Zoning District are not expected to unduly impact the surrounding area or uses. Any other use in the U (Utilities) Zoning District would be subject to Conditional Use review, prior to any final authorizations being granted. There are no residential structures adjacent to the subject property. Whether there have been changed conditions that require an amendment; No specific conditions have occurred in the than the desire of the county to permit unpopulated areas of the community. area to warrant this specific change other these types of incinerator operations in 5. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in demands on public facilities, and whether or to the extent to which the proposed August 10, 2002 Petition: Wynne Ranch Page 4 File RZ-02-015 amendment would exceed the capacity of such public facilities, including but not limited to transportation facilities, sewage facilities, water supply, parks, drainage, schools, solid waste, mass transit, and emergency medical facilities; The rezoning of the property is not expected to create significant additional demands on any public facilities in this area. Public utilities have not been installed this far west in the county. The subject property is currently be utilized for agricultural purposes as citrus groves. Prior to -the approval of any final development plans on the subject property, the applicant will need to provide documentation verifying that sufficient facilities are in place to support the use. St. Lucie County's Public Works Department has scheduled road construction on the shoulders of Orange Avenue, thereby, significantly reducing the roadway deficiencies in this area. 6. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment; The proposed change in zoning itself is not anticipated to create adverse impacts on the natural environment. The applicant/property owner will be required to comply with all federal, state, and local environmental regulations, as part of any submitted development pants for this site. The site does not contain any known unique or threatened habitat. The petitioned property is currently being used as a citrus grove. 7. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in an orderly and logical development pattern specifically identifying any negative affects of such patterns; The subject property is currently being utilized as a citrus grove. The reclassification of this property to a limited use zoning district such as U (Utilities) Zoning District would not result in the introduction of incompatible land uses or activities with the surrounding low density agriculture activities. 8. Whether the proposed amendment would be in conflict with the public interest, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of this Code; The proposed amendment would not be in conflict with the public interest and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. COMMENTS The petitioner, Wynne Ranch, has requested this change in zoning from the AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/5acres) Zoning District to the U (Utilities) Zoning District for property located north of August 10, 2002 Mition.n Wynne Ranch ° v Page 5 1 File RZ 02-015` ' Orange Avenue,` approXimately 314 miles west of ,Minute Maid Ioad:and then north one mile . till ��;f from the en#race to Wynne (�an�h Tie<indicated pUrpose`of this,change id -zoning is to allow for the submiason of an application for; a conditi4rlal use permit to operate an air curtains is inclrerator on the subject pr9perky The subject property is in ail aroa designated =within `t(ie` o Corrpr�hensive,Plan,asbeiri-g corripatiblewith or for tine U (lJtilitie`s) Zonin' District.Mi Staff re has viewed this petition and that it conforms,4ithIhe stan, ilards,of'review as ,determined set forth in the St. Lucie County"Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, ` objectivee"s,. and .policies of the St ;Lucie County: Comprehensive'. Plan ,Staff recon'im ds. that you forward this petition to.,the Board of County Comtrissioners witf7 a r'ecorpmendation"'Of.:,, approval rt. rj Please contact this office if yo.0 have any "questions on :this matter: is x r HAwpV06hing\wynne.aircurtairi:rezonirig stfrpt,doc" cc:, County Attorney F Commur��ty Development Director. Public WorksDirector - Matthew Wynne t �5 i t. Suggested motion to recommend approval/denial of this requested change in zoning. MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF WYNNE RANCH FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE AG-5 (AGRICULTURAL — 1 DU/5 ACRES) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE U (UTILITIES) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE..... [CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE APPLICATION OF WYNNE RANCH FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE AG-5 (AGRICULTURAL — 1 DU/5 ACRES) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE U (UTILITIES) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE..... [CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. DATE' FILED: SP NUMBER: A2 a). -a aj REVIEW FEE: CONCURRENCY FEE: RECEIPT NO.: RESOLUTION NUMBER: RECEIPT NO.: CERT. CAP. NO.: 6 Cliy ST. LUCIE COUNTY ;4 �c DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE, ROOM 201 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 F� OR 561-462-2822 APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN ZONING (does not include PUD, PNRD OR PMUD zoning) DIRECTIONS Please complete the requested information and submit all items to the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 201, FL Pierce, FL 34982. All applications must be accompanied by the proper non-refundable application fee. For additional details on the information necessary for a submission of a site plan adjustment, please refer to Section 11.02.00, St. Lucie County Land Development Code. For assistance in submitting the application, please contact the St Lucie County Department of Community Development, Planning Division. ZONING CHANGE REVIEW FEES PROPERTY SIZE REVIEW FEE REZONING WITH PLAN AMENDMENT Less than 10 Acres $ 500.00 $ 100.00 plus Plan Amendment Fee` More than 10 acres $ 800.00 $ 400.00 plus Plan Amendment Fee` Concurrency Deferral Affidavit $ 25.00 $ 25.00 for information about the. Comprehensive Plan amendment process and applicable fees, see application for comprehensive Plan Amendment =ollowing notification that the application is complete, this petition will be scheduled for the next available Planning and Zoning 3ommission meeting. The Planning & Zoning Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month. Presentation to the Board of 3ounty Commissioners is dependent upon scheduling before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Please allow a minimum of 90 o 120 days for completion of the public hearing process following the certification of this petition. nitial submissions shall include the following: One (1) original of the completed rezoning application; One (1) copy of a site plan graphic (minimum 8 1/2" x 11") or survey depicting the location of the proposed building; One (1) copy of the St. Lucie County Property Tax Map (Scale 1:200) with the property under petition highlighted; 'PECIAL NOTE: finder the provisions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, a petition for a change in zoning is considered to be a 'RELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT ORDER. Under the definition of Preliminary Development Order, and consistent with the County's oncurrency regulations, St. Lucie County neither warrants nor represents, that there is sufficient infrastructure available to meet the xpected needs of the property on which the change in zoning is sought. Further, pursuant to Section 5.01.01(6)(3), St. Lucie County and Development Code, a signed Concurrency Deferral Affidavit must accompany all applications for zoning changes and/or land se amendments which acknowledges that no public facility capacity will be reserved for the subject property prior to the issuance of Final Development Order. A determination of the availability of public facilities capacity is required prior to the issuance of such a inal Development Order: For additional information on concurrency, please contact the Department of Community Development, bom 201, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. LL APPLICATIONS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT MUST BE COMPLETED AND FILED WITH THE DEPARTMENT BEFORE :30 PM EACH BUSINESS DAY TO MEET APPLICABLE FILING DEADLINES. FOR AN APPLICATION SUBMISSION TO BE ETERMINED COMPLETE, ALL REQUIRED MATERIALS MUST BE PRESENT AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION. APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME Wynne Ranch ADDRESS 33200 Orange Avenue Extension, Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 PHONE (772) 201-7500 _OCATIONPROPOSED FOR 2EZONING North side of Orange Maid Road near the western Avenue Extension, West boundary of St. of Minute, Lucie Co. 'ROPERTY TAX ID # 2105-111-0001-000/6 i LEGAL DESCRIPTION (attach extra sheets if necessary) See Attached �ECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE ARCEL SIZE ACRES 9-9 SQUARE FOOT 431,244 URRENT ZONING ESIGNATION AG-5 PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION U LAND USE CLASSIFICATION AG-5 (ISTING USE OF PROPERTY Agriculture - citrus groves and pasture A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN/LAND USE AMENDMENT SOUGHT? YES( j NO f j FOLLOWING INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE IS VERY IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING THE OUTCOME OF YOUR NDITIONAL USE REQUEST. IT IS REQUIRED BY SECTION 11.06.00, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE 1T APPROPRIATE FINDINGS BE MADE TO JUSTIFY A CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL. PLEASE USE ADDITIONAL ,ES, IF NECESSARY, TO JUSTIFY YOUR REQUEST. Describe the reason for the requested change in zoning: qee attached Addendum >_ Is the,proposed rezoning in conflictwitti any poifion of the Corn pen Plan = r S0 ej. attfached ;Addendum.". . k N. vu How" is the"proposed change in zoning compatible with the existing uses in `the area?_ AM t Se`e.."attached Addendum _Wm z tti i ti )i Y How is the "proposed change in zoning compatible with the land Use des+gtiation on this property? i " See "8ttach.ed Adtlend"u.m What hate the area thaE in -conditions changed in unmediate warrant consideration of.this change zon+ng?. �f S'eye, Attached A'dtlentlum { k L � 4 What are tt�e anticipated.impacts of the proposed rezoning on"the existing and'futuro public facilikies in this area?` " See: attached addendum_T _ What, are the;anticipated environmental impacts of the proposed rezoning? If;ho adverse impacts.ar� ankicipated, please explain why. See Attached 404"enduin Will the proposed rezoning result in fan orderly and logical' development pattern?:, if yes, please explain why, t See Attached Addendum, - ST. LUCIC COUNLy APPLICATION FOR rONOITIONAL USE PERMIT SPECIAL NOTICE (PLEASE READ BEFORE SIGNING ACKNOWLEDGMENTS BELOW) s Submission of this application does not constitute the granting of site plan approval. All appropriate requirements must be met prior to this project )eing presented for approval to the appropriate authority. St. Lucie County reserves the right to request additional information to ensure a complete �eview of this property/project. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS %pplicant Information (Property Developer) Agent Information dame: Wynne Ranch Name: Wdress: 33200 Orange Avenue Extension Address: Ft Piercp, FI 34945 'hone: 201 _ 7 5 g g Fax: Phone: Fax: 'roperty Owner Information his application will not be considered complete without the notarized signature of all lrooerty owners of record which shall serve as an cknowledgment of the submission of thi lication for site plan approval. The property owner's signature below shall also serve as authorization )r the above applicant or agent to o ehalf s ' ity owner. roperfy Owner Signature. Property Owner Name (Pleea`e. isle ;4 la[ling Address: t�Sc- F l-f 3 49 5 hone: (-Sal) � 7 f3 — ss-)3 e.4-T i Qz TATE OF FLORIDA OUNTY OF -- 1, 5E �uxju ie foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this am ly of J itnQ� , 20 OQ,, by io is personally =knowntoor who has produced 4ientification. t 1ptur of Notary Jett'-�Ir?i pe or Print Name of Notary Notaa Public Title 'e &&3qi Commission Number Sal) ,,,•,�••,•,,, Jackie E. McDavid Commission !# CC 963949 Expires AU R• 17.2003 �'' pttantia Sondin Co., Ins. ,,. Project Reviewer. DRC Review. Approval Date: Comments: Pc an Jai ' C cu Pe T in C Cl of 12 3;( set i;aif surrounding the facility. 4. The proposed change in zoning is both consistent with and compatible with the agricultural land use designation on this property. Utilities is a permitted zoning classification under the Agricultural Land Use designation. 5. The changes that warrant the consideration of this change in zoning are multiple. They include the changing situation in St. Lucie County for the disposal of land clearing debris. The change in zoning permits a very logical, inexpensive and environmentally friendly disposal of land clearing debris. Additionally, the facility hope to employ two to three employees directly attendant with the operation of the air curtain incinerator. Due to the nature of the air curtain incinerator, the agricultural, i.e. remote, setting of the property is the best location for it. b. There are no substantial impacts anticipated as a result of the rezoning, or the issuance of the Conditional Use Permit on existing or future public facilities in this area. 7. There are no substantial environmental impacts anticipated as a result of the rezoning or the granting of the Conditional Use Permit. Certainly no adverse impacts are anticipated. The air curtain incinerator meets or exceeds all EPA Air Quality Emissions. The advanced system is extremely efficient, and does not result in substantial residue. All residue is a natural residue and can be used and marketed for multiple purposes. Port St. Lucie Tractor Service, Inc. intends to spread all of the residue on the Wynne Ranch. Such action has an environmentally desirable result. Additionally, a possible positive environmental impact of the rezoning would be to keep approximately 3,000 to 4,300 tons of 'land clearing debris out of the County landfill per month. . 8. The rezoning and granting of the Conditional Use Permit will result in an orderly and logical development pattern in light of the fact that the proposed tract for rezoning is located within a 4000 acre total tract. By placing the facility within the borders of the property, the applicant is attempting to minimize the minimal impact that the facility would have on the adjoining landowners. Even as the area develops, the impact will remain minimal. The subject area is in the western portion of the County (west of Minute -Maid Road, near the Western boundary of St. Lucie County), and it does not appear a likely area of residential development in the near future absent an extension of public facilities or a major investment of private money. 8: 37ntl LA!=rBON, NOBLE&b EBB If, L N' O p O • O O s 0 0. O. O• 01som' LaWso-n. Noble & Webb, Inc. LB #667 :. ENafNEERS. - PLANNERS SURVEYORS 590 NW Peacock Boulawird, Suite 9,. Part St. Lucie, Floridq 34986 (5611 878-1700 - fox: (561) 878-1802 - email:'Inw—psl®Inw—ino.com West Palm Beach - Port St. Lucie DESCRIPTION TO ACGOMPANY SKETCH DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (1 /.4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 35 - . SOUTH, RANGE 37 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, F[;ORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: - COMMENCE. AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 87-57'45" WEST, AS' A BASIS OF BEARINGS.. ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 2672.00 FEET TO - THE. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE -QUARTER. (1/4) OF SECTION 5: THENCE NORTH 00027'15" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER 0/4) OF SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET- TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 0042 7' 1S" EAST ALONG SAIDVEST LINE, A DISTANCE. OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89'19'1(a- EAST, DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'2T15' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89019116" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 9,900'ACRES. MORE'OR LESS. SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR SKETCH JOB No. 'B23401 `BY: GRB 0 1.\Data\2a0-299\p234\CAp\323talskndwg a;/26/2002 as,j6za2 AM ESr CHECKED: GRB F.B.N/A PG_ N/A SHEET 1 i DATE:-35-02 J IWI 11 .R�ffwwlcnC> {olol. 6 C> 9 -i 14::,! oWf 2r !!Z? W i w 0 M-ml g Q C, 4D Cb C> C5 C> 4n co I Z Odo C-31 MV C,3 Y ' Section 3.01 03 Zoning District Use Regulations t C AG 5 AGRICiJLTURAL - 5' `# 9, Purpose ;r ; • - The purpose of'this distract is to` -provide and protect pan environment, suitable .for productive § _ 4} �+ commercial agriculture, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with } productive agricultural surroundings_:'_Residentlal densities: are _restracted to'. a `maximum of one dwtilling unit'per fve gross acre7.-Jhe number in "(j" following each" identified use,corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3 0102(B).';; The, number 999 applies to a use; not defined. under" the SIC. code but may, be further defined in Section 2:00.00 of this code: ". 2. Permitted "Uses a Agricultural production -crops b Agricultural production `livestock &animals .ecialties tozi c, Agricultural services toa) P d.. Family daycare homes ti e. Family residentialhomes provided,that.such homes shall not be located within a radius of s fi orie thousand (1,OOOj;feet ofanother existing such familyesidential home and.provided that . the sponsoring agency.or DePartment:of Health aind Rehabilitative'ervices (HRS) notifesY theBoarmt hdCmsetimeof home occupancy that the home is licensed by'HRS. tsssi p f: Fishing,. hunting &"trapping "k R toss g, Forestry to8i, h Kennels. ro752i . i Research Facilities, Noncommercial teioi " Riding stables, nsssi k. .;,togle-family detached dwellings ti; j. Telecommwniration towers : subject to the standards of Section easel " ( 3. Lot Size Requirements LoYsize requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirementsshall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-street'Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to_Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements Laidscaping`Requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00 7. Conditional Uses a. Agricultural labor housing.;i,i b. Aircraft storage and equipment maintenance. (rio,) J Adopted August 1, 1990 98 Revised Through 08101l00 � Section 3 01. 03 V r` Zornpg:District Use Regulations ;te RN Airports and flying landing, and take=off fields tase,j d Family residential homes located within a radius of one thousand`(`1 000) feet of another such_ 5/ faMA mily residential home tsss� : Me � e F'arm products warehousing and storage tazzvazzzi ���� Gasoline service stations (ssa,1 F g. Industrial wastewatei disposal teas) tY h: Manufacty�rmg (1,) Agficultural chemtcalstze>>. 2 Food &kindred products tzoi �: (3) Lumber& wood products, except furniture tzai n Ng i Mining and quarrying of nbnmetallic.minerals, except fuels`.t,a� aFt j• Road trade - _ �- F< (1) Farm equipment and telated accessories t9ssi3, t , (Z), Apparel,& accessory stores tier k Sewage disposal subject to the requtrements:of,Section 7 1;0,13 r Ss � Camps sporting and recreational tzo3zi m Off Road Vehicle Parks; except go-cart raceway operation or rentals �sssi, subject to the i tag requirements of8ection 7 10 t�s), n ' Outdoor shooting ranges, providing site, plan approvaLis obfaned according to the provisions gf,Se;ctions 11 OZ 07 thi ough 11 OZ 09`and section 7.10.1,9 of, this Code: ,.` s . p_ 8 • Accessory' .. JA x .Uses. M Accessory uses a`re subtect to the requirement$ of Section 8:00 00; and include the following:, r ' Zf a Mobile homes s`ubtect jo;the requirements of,Sectiort.7 10 d5. b R77 $tail trade and wholesale trade -subordinate to the pnmety authorized use or activity. - c, ' Guest douse subject to `the requirements of Section 710 04 tssst ; ' a� I. Adopted August 1, 1990 99 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations W. U UTILITIES 1. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for utilities, transportation, and communication facilities, together with such other uses as maybe compatible with utility, transportation, and communication facility surroundings. The number in "()" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Air transportation services (451.452) �b. Agriculture, including farms, groves, and ranches. (01.02) C. Communication. (48) d. Electric services (491) e. Electric transmission rights -of -way. (491) f. Gas pipeline rights -of -way. (492) g. Gas production and distribution (492) h. Industrial wastewater disposal. (999) i. Railroad, rapid rail transit, & street railway transportation. (40.41) j. Sanitary services (495) k. Transportation services (47) I: Telecommunication towers = subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 (9ss) M. Water supply and irrigation systems. 494 4 9 Y ( . s7) n. Water transportation (44) 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses U a. Airports. (45a) b. Electric generation plants. (491) C. Gas production plants. (492) �>d. Land clearing and yard trash recycling operations - subject to the provisions of Section Adopted August 1, 1990 130 Revised Through 08/01/00 FL MM 3 iapi Zohing District'(Jse Re ulaGorts ' 1k� z M } e Natural or> manufactured gas storage"and distribution points (492) i f ` Protective functions and their'related`activlties Correctional in&tituttons is�zsl",; nV� 9 Solid waste disposal tass3)�� h outdoor shooting ranges, provdln9 site pfan"approvai is o6tlned according to ttie provisions of:Soctions 11 0 07 throtagh`i 1 02,09 and Section "? 10 "1"J of this Code,�.'tsssi" v. 8.. Accessory Uses �} Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8 00 OO:and include the following:. a Automobile and track rental, services, b. Restaurants:"(Including the sale of alcoholic leverages for on premises consumption oNy U� t9s9) �) V.v, � 5 r �f� I i r �t 2:�� `� r 1' xe s 1 �z e� _ �.. l Adopted August 1, 1990 131 Revised Through 08/01/00 LO co CD Oct% M ♦ rr C\j ins CD >1 rr cc tj w AV 93(M]NY310 A, kjS�� cc is RM 3A nrar z as PARKW Y -41T us cn an uvol 0510ow as raj in ax QW)" Rl"s GVOd WKS am MM87 cr- aroa 3 v]av3w La Qd 04010H 1W301 avow G33Ns avou hollt"3 w vs-3 MIIa C) voA w K I SE I s 9c L KLNnoo D3eOH:D33NO Land Use Wynne Ranch AG-5 S.R. No. 68 Orange Avenue RZ 02-015: This pattern indicates Map prepared Juy 26.2002 subject parcel t i y�l t } s� �$ N,i7 4t1 _ 4 t i t. S iN 3 P } 't Qf s O RE l F.. chc Ro r W� i r r y7f t �E r 1 } i S.R. No. 68 Orange Avenue RZ 02--015 This attern indicates p ._ � prevared guy 26.202 subject parcel ..�...�.a«�...w.e.�.�.d.oa..., N �. .;,...�..,, d�.,.".�.a ...„.m NJ . 3 � +N � 8 [r�{;�i i+�3� i - � ,4�YJyrF� Wg��'iF � Z'iR�♦ ei f P t <= r cr\ 1 ON (;P\ 0\ C� C�! cli r i G\ G\ (,q C, 0\ oN o\ oN C\ m m Cni B W 0j 4)3 4) if -0 0 0 0 01 0 U U 0 Q 33 i i -S, -14 -14 -�4 I 0. : I ; i o o o o o o if crj ca c(s CrI t A Q) tu 0 0 i C) C) C) r-:; C- zi rJ, C) N N NiNr') C-4 F4 eq r- CIO W :3� W M COD cn W rarx x X X 0 0 0 0 x i x x X 010 0 0 CQ co X X 0 0 W W cn U) C, C> Go C> rn 00 C> Co Go C> 0000 010000 0 C> CD C> C> C> C. CD C) 0 C) (D (D i a a a. a n. 00 00 00 00 00 00 US U 0 Q 0 0 rn C40 W C11 Q 0 rn rA P. V E V! v COO 42 i 42 C2 12 12 00 cts cd 0 42 01 cr� cr cirl," UJ, ljU,U U'U UUlu 0 0 0 oto 0 U Ulu U*U U C�; 61 C. C:I r- C, C. tn > > > > i 0. 0 01 0 0 -0 -0 -of-0 -0 0 W: cn 0) wl V). I =v cr-,, c=a M M CO M,? rn m N 4) a 'rL) 0 0 r C�d W� 1 (D V, '0' '0' V) a r- r. r- (L) 0 C43 cu i m co ca r- r. r- C 0 > cd E E E O 00 C", atoo tn' kn, \0� (U 00, �o > en oq! r -,6 r,� J-1knim kn 00; Im —fa, 3,n kn C� Oo en knn C) . \0 vn ien (7, en en M M C> m ON 00 r- oo m 'IT 'IT \0 rniln cq w C) C) C> C> c, t c> c- O CD C> C> C) C, C) i C) C) C, C, C) C> C) C� C) 5 C> C) C> C> Cl C, C5 c; CD C) C> C> C> C> C. c=> c> C) C> c) c=> C) (= C> CD <D C> c, Cl (1: C> C) C> C) C> c:> C) C> C) C) C> C) C> C) Cl 2i " — c, rq cl C', i C, 00 W1,00 00 s2-i J=) 2 12 0 rn i en (::> CD, cn m c, (2 121 c5 �q C', I C4 I eq C14 i 13E ST LUCIE OUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 'HEARING - PUBLIC AGENDA Aug4st:5 2002., TO WHOM IT MAY i CONCERN e) NOTICE, +s hereby grvep, m accordgnca wtjh Set(lon 11,00:03 the Lucie 5 WYi�NE RANCH for a Cond+tIonal Use Perme to allow (he op jatlon of+aq Air'`CJrtam icme?btor in:the U (Utili- 'i 4 rr '� i rK of $t County Land Deve(op�;e+it?Cor(e and Hie ties) Zamng"Di;(nctfo( a#4ilowmgtlescnbedpropetjy., j -+7 provisions of the SG:LuGe GiV oogly Comprelle Plan; the following applFcanls have tegyestejl Lucie County Planning consider PA C l OF LA x D (TYING- IN • HE $OUTHEAST ONE E E {� �; and. Zoning Coinm+ssio� their. following requests• QUARTER (1%4)"QF SE_11C9 10$1 51. TOWNSHIP 33 SOUTH; �+ 1 CHURCH OF -THE REDEEMER OF ST.LUCIE RANGE 37 I A$T SST jUC1E COUNTY f(QRIDA (AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW&e k} ; : COUNTY fqr d Change in.Zoning,from;:)hetRS-3,(Residential Single jr � Family;- 3 du%ace)' Zoning0istriii'to"the I (inshtuflonal)., = [ COMMENCE qt TkItT. SOUTHEAST SECTION,SsiHEC,E�SOUT�i CORNER OF; SAID 87 5745� WEST A .Y s Zoning District for the following described prbperty BASIS `OF' BEgRING$ 7ALONG THE SOUTH, LINE OF t THE NW 1/41OF THE SWt,1/4 OF THE NW i%4 OF' SAID SECTION'S A D(STPNCE OF 2672.00'FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CbRtfER OF SAID SOUTHEASLONE + SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH ,RANGE 40;EAST„ SL LUCIE COUNTY, fLORIDA LESS ROgp I{�GHT OF15" GIUARTER (T/AI, OF `':$EC`(IQN °5 THENCE N0 FAST tALONC THE WEST LINE OF SAID/ I% WAYS'AND FURTHER LESS THE EAST 300 FEETOf THE ' $OUTHWERT�Q}IE,QUARTER (1/,4j OF SECTION 5,'A SOUTH 210 FEET.. DISTANCE OF 189q 32 FEET TO THE POI OF BEGIN:- Location Southeast corner of the in'tersedFpn of Selvttz,. LNG T ENCE CONTINUE NORTH 00 2715'"EAST N H ALONG SAID WEST'41NE q•DfSTANCE OF 656.70 s t s RopddodEdwardsRoad•. FEET THENCE $OUTH 89 191¢ EAST, pEPABTING . 2 TIMOTHY AND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH for a Cond+ SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 656.70FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°27 15 WEST A DISTANCis OF " bona) Use Permit to ollow,Hie operhiiory of a car wash . 656 70 FEET iHENCE'NORTH 89°19 16" WEST, A DIS-, facddy<n the CN (Cgmmercial} Neighborhood) Zaning pis' ' TANCE OF 656 70 FEET TO THE " FOINT' OF; fr+ct for the followuig de3u+beii' property: BEGiNNiN rt ,, LOTS i j & 12, BLOCK 169 I:AKEWOOD PARK +UNIT SUBIEGT TO AN EASEMENT .FOR, INGRESS ANC? 12A :A5 RECORDED IN PLAT;BOOK 11,PAGE 35; PUB- LIC RECORDS OF ST,LUCIE EGRESS AND PUBLIC; UTILITY AND DRAINAGE OVER- ' l r v COUNTY FLORIpA"" THE WEST 25 FEET'THEREOF - i Location 5321 Suns�ine StateParkwa Tom +ke Feeder /' MORE OR P Road y . CONTAINING 9,900,AGRES, LESS. I GLASSMAN HOLDINGS, INC., for a Change in Zo�lmg Location Nor(h sFde'df Orange Avenue; approximately $ 75 miles wetf of NUnute Matd Road ' from the Ae -1 (Agei6lturai - 1 Qu are)Zoning Dishjq to the CG (Commercial Genevan Zoning Dishicf f& the fol- 6 QLORiDA_CENTER_FOR RECOVERY INC., fora co lowing descrtbed.property ' tional Use.11ermd fo c1ldwSocial Servrces and Health Care IN SECTION 15,` TOWNSHIP 34 RANGE 39 THE Factlrties 1n. the 1 (Inshtuhonalj Zorimg District for the fo1- lowing described property SOUTFt 830 OF,THE EAST' 1550 OF THE $OUTH4/2 IJJ OF NORTHEAST'')/4' LESS 'EAST 80'FT AND 'LESS SOUTH 60 FT FOR'ROAD'ANQ fANAI R/W (6) (O R WH)TE.CITY, .s/D 05°36�40 BEG AT NW,COR OF LOT 1.00 RUN E T35 Ffir R W 135 FT TH N Tq P68-LESS Rq 348 1874) AbID CANAL R/W r (44) (1 72 AC) (MAP 34/OS$) (OR LocationNorthwest comer of )he fitersedlpp of Indrto 1524-254d)< < ty O Road and Emerson Avenue. WHITE {ITY S/b 05°3640 THAT PART QF! LQT 106 ' PART N ' 4 WYNNE RANCH for. a .Change m Zoo �rom'ihe _ ing LYG E QF ORJA .AGE CANAL #).03 LESS'TWAT LYG N gF1DRA(NAGE CANAL i'f103 AND N 130 FT AG 5 (AgrituMural-1 du/5 acres) Zoning Oishid ta'ihe U OF LbTS 112 AND 113 i YG E OF DRAINAGE •CANAL (Uhhties)r Zoniag DisMd for': ahe following desoribed °o #103 AND:'[tU OF;IOT 107 =LESS .RD,AND CANAL : :- R/W {10 45 AC) (MAP 34/O5S) (OR 1524-2594) 3 € A f ARCEL OF t AND (PING IN THE SOU7ryFAT dNE (oon 3$1 West 1v11dyray Road a QUARTER (1/4) bh;S", ON 5,-TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE ;37 EA$I . ST LUCIE: 4O(1NTY, FLQJNDA M(p $EIN�iv�OREP4RTICULARLYOESCRIBED/15FOkOVI/Si FUBL(C HEARINGS -will be hold in Commission Chambers; Roger Pashas Annex,;2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort .Pierce . COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID florida on August 15;-'1002, beginning at 700'P M. or, as S�GTJON 5 THENCE SOUTH:87°5T45-:WEST AS 'A - soon- thereafter as possible L' BASIS OF BEARINGS ALONG THE SOIhH LINE OF PURSUANT: TO Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, 'd SAID SECTION 5 A DISTANCE qF 26T200 FEET -TO THE SO�ITHWEST CORNER'OF:SAID SOUTHEAST ONE +cl "n decTdbs tp Appeal any decision mada;by a board "QUARTER (1/4): 'OF. SECT(ON S. '.THENCE NORTH ageRyy;.ar°mmissiori'with re;pact to any.mctter.tarisid aed eta nleeling or Mearing,.he will to ed d record of ttie F— i 00°2T15" EAST, ALONG THE WEST. UNE OF.S'AIO SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER {i/4) OF S.ECTION'S, A Di 'in and ftiaf'forsuckputposes, he may need, to ensyre that a rerbcfim record of'the.proceedings is in. m . t '. t DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING .THENCE CONTINUE NORTH, 00°2T15 EAST I which rated )ndudeS:'the testimony and evidence u- h "to ALONG SAID WEST LINE A: DISTANCE, QF 656 70 which the appeal is be' based. ,. " fEEi THENCE -SOUTH 89°19'f6 .EAST b ,RTING SAID, -WE ST LINE, ,IA 'DISTANCE '.O'F '656.i0 f PLANNINO,AND'ZONINGCOMMISSION 'FEET, THENCE SOUTH 0042T15" WEST A DISTANCE OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA /S/ Stefan Matthes, CHAIRMAN 656, 70 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89°19'16"WEST; A,D1S- TANCE• Of 656.70 FEET TO THE,' POINT ..OF. BEGINNING.. '- publish: August 1, 2002- 2487476 SUB.ECT.' TO' AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND , EGRESS :AND PUBLIC UTILITY ANDN DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST.25 FEET THEREOF. ` CONTAINING 9,906. ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Location. " North side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5.75 miles west of. fvlieufe Maid Road. l - : � i PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW: 8/15/02 �c\E' CpG File Number CU-02-008 0011 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division R MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: August 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of Wynne Ranch/ Air. Curtain Incinerator for a`Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an air curtain incinerator for the disposal of land clearing debris in the U (Utilities) Zoning District. LOCATION: North side of Orange,'Avenue, approximately 5 3/4 miles west of -Minute Maid:Road;and north one mile from the- - entrancato Wynne Ranch (Tax ID# 2105-111-0001-000/6) EXISTING ZONING: ` U (Utilities) (See RZ 02-015) FUTURE LAND USE: AG-5 (Agricultural — 5) PARCEL SIZE: Parent Parcel 671.32 acres I Petitioned Area 9.9 acres PROPOSED USE: The purpose of the requested Conditional Use Permit is to allow the operation. of an air curtain ;incinerator, for the disposal of land clearing debris. This use would be, authorized under the provisions of Section 3.01.03(W)(7)(g), Solid Waste Disposal SURROUNDING ZONING: AG-5 (Agricultural —1 du/5 acres) surrounds the petitioned property to the north, south, east and west. SURROUNDING LAND I USES: The existing uses in this area are agriculture in nature. FIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station 11 (3501 Shinn Road), is located approximately 8 miles to the 'southeast. UTILITY SERVICE: On site wells will provide water service. On site sewer will be provided through a septic tank. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY _ ADEQUACY: i I i The existing right-of-way for Orange Avenue is 200 feet. August 10, 2002 Petition: Wynne Ranch/ Air Curtain Incinerator Page 4 File No.: CU-02-008 downwind side of the pit. The chances of a spark escaping into the atmosphere and igniting other material outside the pit are considered to be remote. The air curtain incinerator residue (specifically wood ash) can be recycled as a soil additive that can be marketed to plant nurseries, farms, etc., as a potting soil additive. The applicant has indicated that the subject area will be buffered on all sides by no more than 1,400 feet of existing producing citrus groves. Therefore, no visual impact from the facility on the surrounding residences are expected from this operation. COMMENTS The petitioner, Wynne Ranch, has applied for the requested Conditional Use Permit in order to operate an air curtain incinerator for the disposal of land clearing debris on a 9.9 acres of land located on the north side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5 3/4 miles west of Minute Maid Road and north one mile from the entrance to Wynne Ranch. This operation would be located in an area zoned U (Utilities), as previously addressed by this Board in petition RZ-02-011. This particular use would be authorized under the provisions of Section 3.01.03(W)(7)(g), Solid Waste Disposal An air curtain incinerator as defined by Chapter 17.256, F.A.C., is a portable or stationary combustion device that directs a plane of high velocity forced draft air through a manifold head into a pit with vertical walls in such a manner as to maintain a curtain of air over the surface of the pit and a recirculating motion of air under the curtain. The air curtain incinerator is designed to destroy trees, brush and stumps in a safe controlled burning process. The proposed unit is to be powered by a 6-cylinder diesel engine that drives a 20,000 CFM centrifugal fan. Air is forced out restricted outlets of the 35-foot manifold. The airflow is forced across the top and down into the trench or pit. The curtain of air acts as a top for the incinerator and provides oxygen, which produces a fire that maintains an average temperature between 2,0000 to 2,8000 Fahrenheit. The oxygen flow coupled with the 360 degree rotation of the air in the trench or pit creates an after burner effect. By recirculating the air under the curtain, residence time is increased long enough for almost all organic compounds to be destroyed with very little smoke or ash escaping. The chances of a spark escaping into the atmosphere from the trench or pit and igniting other material outside the pit are remote. The petitioner has indicated that the hours of operation for the air curtain incinerator will be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. According to the Florida Department of Environmental regulations outlined in Chapter 62-156, F.A.C., the land clearing debris cannot be ignited before 9:00 a.m. and must be extinguished one hour before sunset. Staff finds that this petition meets the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.07.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval, subject to the following conditions: F July`29, 2002 Subject: 'Proposed Ft. Pierce Annexations Page 7 "-Sheraton Plaza/Sapp Road Suggested motion to recommend approval/denial of this requested "conditional use. MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING,. INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS,_AND'THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE,' I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. "LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNT COMMISSI NERS GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF R A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF AN AIR CURTAIN INCINERATOR IN THE U. (UTILITIES) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE... I [CITE°REASON(S) WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]` MOTION TO DENY: I AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING; INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF, REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN. SECTION 11.07.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE' I HEREBY MOVE i THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT.THE ST. LUCIE i COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE APPLICATION OF PORT ST. I LUCIE TRACTOR SERVICE, INC., FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO THE OPERATION OF AN AIR CURTAIN INCINERATORIN THE U (UTILITIES) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE... [CITE -REASONS) WHY = PLEASE BE SPECIFIC] i t c. Application of asphalt, water, oil, chemicals or other dust suppressants to unpaved roads, yards, open stock piles and similar activities. d. Removal of particulate matter from roads and other paved areas under.the control of the owner or operator of the facility to prevent reentrainment, and from buildings or work areas to prevent particulate from becoming airborne. c. Landscaping or planting of vegetation. C. Use of hoods; fans,`filters, and similar equipment to contain, capture and/or vent particulate matter. g. Confining. abrasive blasting where possible. h. Gn Jo ure or covering of conveyor systems. 4. In determining what constitutes reasonable precautions fora particular facility, the Department shall consider the cost of the control technique or work practice, the environmental impacts of the technique or practice, and the degree of reduction of emissions expected from a particular technique or practice. Specific Authority 403:061 FS. Law implemented 403.021, 403.031, 403.061, 403.087 FS. Histor}-Formerly 17-2.620, 17-296:320, Amended 1-146, Amended 3-13-96. 62-296.401 Incinerators. (1) Any incinerator with a charging rate of less than 50 tons per day. (a) No visible emission (5 percent opacity) except that visible emissions not exceeding 20 percent opacity are allowed for up to three minutes in any one hour period. (b) No objectionable odor allowed. (cy Test Methods and Procedures. All emissions tests performed,pursuantto the requirements of this rule shall comply with the following requirements. 1. The testmethod for visible emissions shall be DEP Method 9, incorporated in Chapter 62-297,, F.A.C. 2 Test procedures shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. (2) Eicisting incinerators•other than those whichare operated or utilized for the disposal or treatment of biological waste, with a charging rate dqual;to or greater than 50 tons per day. j (a) Particulate matter--'0.1 grains per standard cubic foot dry gas corrected to SO percent excess air. (b) No olijectiotiable odor allowed: (c) Test Methods _and Procedures. All emissions tests performed pursuant to the requirements of this rote shall comply -with following requirements. 1: The test method for particulate emissions shall be EPA Method 5, incorporated and adopted 6y reference in Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. The minimum sample volume shall be 30 dry standard cubic feet. EPA Method 3 or3A, using Orsat analysis is required for percent excess air correction, 2. Test procedures. shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 62-297, F A,C. (d) Calculations Correcting Concentrations to 50% Excess Air (EA), EPA Method 3, Section 1.2. When correcting a pollutant emission concentration to'50% excess air, pursuant to this rule, the.following equation shall be used: Cs50 = Cs (100 + %EAl 150 Equation 296.401-1 where: Cs50 is the pollutant concentration at 50% excess air; Cs is the pollutant'concentration computed at standard conditions on a dry basis; and %EA is calculated by equation 296401-2: ` %EA = f% o02 - 0.56/oCO) x 100 IC 0.2640/oN2 -. (%02- 0.50/.CO) Equation 296.401-2 (3) New Jncinerators, other than those which are operated or utilized for the disposal or treatment of biological waste, with a charging rate equal to or greater than 50 tons per day: (a) Particulate matter — .08 grains per standard cubic foot dry gas corrected to 50 percent excess air. (b) No objectionable odor allowed (c) Test Methods and Procedures. All emissions tests performed pursuant to the requirements of this rule shall comply with the following requirements. I. The test method for particulate emissions shall be EPA Method 5, incorporated and adopted by reference in Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. The minimum sample volume shall be 30 dry standard cubic feet. EPA Method 3 or 3A, using Orsat analysis is required for percent excess air correction. 2. Test procedures shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. (d) Calculations Correcting Concentrations to 50% Excess Air.(EA), EPA Method 3, Section 1.2. When correcting a pollutant emission concentration to 50% excess air, pursuant to this rule, the following equation shall be used: Cs50 = Cs (100 + %oEA) 150 i i _ 327 I I Equation 296.401`-1 where: Cs50 is'the pollutant concentration at 506/6 excess air; Cs is the pollutant concentration computed at standard conditions on a dry basis; ;and %EA is calculated by equation 296:401-2: %EA = (0/602 0.50/.CO) X 100 0.2640/oN2 - (%02 - 0.5%CO Equation 296.401-2 (4) Biological Waste Incineration Facilities.. The following requirements-apply.to all biological waste incineration facilities. This rule does not apply to facilities licensed under the provisions of Chapter 470, F$., which cremate human remains for which a Department of Health death certificate has been issued or fetal remains in circumstances when a fetal death certificate is not issued' Under Chapter 382, F.S. This rule also does not apply to animal crematories as defined in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C. (a) Facilities with a capacity equal to or less than 500'pounds per hour. 1. Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed .0.100 grains per dry standard cubic foot of flue gas, corrected to 7% 02; 2. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) emissions shall not exceed 40 pounds per hour. (b) Facilities with a capacity greater than 500 pounds per hour, ,but less'than or equal to 2,000 pounds per hour. 1. Particulate.matter emissions shall not exceed 0.030 grains per drystandard cubic foot of flue gas; corrected to'7% OZ. 2. Hydrochloric' acid (HCI) emissions shall not exceed 40 pounds per hour; or shall be reduced by 90% by weight on an hourly average basis. .(c) Facilities with a capacity greater than 2000 pounds per hour. 1. Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed 0.026 grains per dry standard cubic foot of flue gas, corrected to 7% 02, . 2. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) emissions shall not exceed 50 parts per million by volume, dry basis, corrected to 7% 02 on a three hour average basis; or shall:be reduced by 90oby weight on an hourly average basis. (d)All facilities unless otherwise noted are subject to the following design, operating, monitoring and operator training requirements. 1. Any incinerator subject to Rule 62 296.401(4), E.A.C., shall operate with a combustion zone design temperature of no less than t $00 degrees Fahrenheit for at least a 1;0 second gas.residence.time. in the secondary (or last) combustion chamber. Primary chamber and stack shall not be utilized in calculating this residence tune. 2. MechaWcally fed facilities shall incorporate an air lock system.to prevent;opening the incinerator to the room environment. The :volume of the loadiatg system shall; be dcsigged to prevent overcliatging thereby assuring compl6te combustion of the Waste.-. 3. Carbon monoxide (CQ) emissions shall not exceed loo parts 'per million by volume, dry basis, corrected to`7% 02 on an hourly average basis.' 4. incineration or. ignition of waste shall not begin until the secondary(or;last) combustion chamber temperature requirement is attained Ail air pollution control grid continuous emission monitoring equipment shall be .operational and` functioning properly prior to the inciueratiomor"ignition of waste and until all the wastes are_incineri" The secondary (or.last) combustion chamber. temperature requirement shall be maintained until the wastes are completely combusted. S. Radioactive waste ntay not be.burned in. an incinerator subject to` this rule unless the incinerator has been issued,a Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services.(D M-S) license to incinerate radioactive waste or the waste is of such quantity to j be exempt in:accordance with DHRSRula 1013-91 or. IOD-104.003, F.A.C. 6. Hazardous waste tnay:not be'bumed in an incinerator subject to this rule unless the incinerator has been issued a hazardous waste permit by the Department or, the waste is of such quantity to be exempt in accordance with Chapter 62-730, F.A.C. 7. Any operator of an incinerator subject to Rule 62-296,401(4), F.A.C., shall be trained by the equipment manufacturer's representative or an equivalent organization.using a state -approved training program. , a. The content of the training program shall be submitted to the Department for approval. Construction permit applicants shalt , submit a training program, or reference's previously submitted training program, with the construction permit application: The training shall provide a basic understanding' of the principles of the combustion process, provide instruction on proper operating practices and procedures, and increase awareness of regulation requirements and safety concerns: Training programs shah. be a minimum of.16 hours of instruction: The Department shall approve training. programs which meet, at a minimum, the criteria set forth in the :EPA Medicat Waste Incinerator Operator Training Program Course Handbook EPA 453B-93-018 and Instructor's Guide EPA 453B-93-019. . b. A copy of the training certificate for each, operator having, satisfactorily completed the Department -approved training program must be �submitted.to the Department within 15 'days of training. If the incinerator is modified to the extent that a Department construction permit is required, the operators shall be retrained to operate the modified incinerator. Owners of new and - modified incinerators shall submit copies of the operator raining aertiftcates within 15 days after completion of the initial compliance test. c. An operator's certificate must be kept on file at -the facilityfor the duration of the operator's employment and for an additional two years after. termination of employment. The owner shall not allow the incinerator to be operated unless it is operated' by an operator who has satisfactorily` completed the required training program: j i _ 328 i I (e) Test Methods and Procedures. All emissions tests performed pursuant to the requirements of this rule shall comply with the' following requirements. 1. The test method for visible emissions shall be DEP Method 9, incorporated in Chapter 627297, F.A.C. 2. The test method for carbon monoxide shall be EPA Method 10, incorporated and adopted by reference in Chapter 62-297, „ F.A.C. 3. The; test method foe oxygen shall be EPA,Method 3 or 3A, incorporated and adopted by reference in Chapter 62-297, F.A.C., 4. The test method fbrparticulate emissions shall be EPA Method 5 or 26A, incorporated and adopted by reference in Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. The minimum sample volume shall be 30 dry standard cubic feet. 5. The. test method for. hydrochloric acid shall be EPA Method 26 or 26A, incorporated and adopted by reference in Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. ' 6. Test procedures shall .mcet all applicable requirements of Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. (f) Frequency of Testing. 1, Facilities with a capacity equal to or less than 500 pounds per;hour shall demonstrate compliance as follows. a. New and existing facilities shall demonstrate' individual emissions unit compliance with the visible emissions standard upon initial compliance and annually thereafter. b. New and existing facilities shall demonstrate individual emissions unit compliance with the remaining applicable standards upon initial' compliance and prior to renewing the'operation permit. - 2. New'and existing facilities with a capacity greater than500 pounds per hour shall demonstrate individual source compliance with the applicable standards upon initial compliance and annually thereafter. (g) Continuous Emissions Monitoring Requirements. Each owner or operator of a biological waste incineration facility ,shall install, operate; and maintain in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions continuous emission. monitoring equipment. 1 The moni(ors,shall record the following operating parameters. a Secondary(orIlast) combustion chamber exit temperature. b. Oxygen (for facilities with a capacity greater than 500 pounds per hour). 2. A complete file of all measurements, including continuous emissions monitoring system, monitoring 'device, and performance testing measurements; all continuous emissions monitoring system performance: evaluations; all continuous emissions monitoring system or.-ntonito_ting device calibration checks; ariijustments and maintenance performed on these. systems or devices; and all other information required, shall be tecorded.m apermauent legible form available for irtspection. The file shall be retained for at least two years following the date of such measurements; maintenance, toorts and records. ' (S) Human Crematories. The following requirements apply to all. human crematory facilities. (a) Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed 0.080 groins per dry standard cubic foot of flue gas, corrected to 7% 02. (b) Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions shall not exceed 100 parts per million by volume, dry basis; Corrected to 7% Oy on an hourly average basis. (C) Crematory.units for which:a complete application for a permit to construct anew unit was received by the Department on or after August 30, 1989 shall provide &e ign_caleWadons to confirm. a sufficient volume in the secondary chamber combustion` zone to provide for at least a 1.0 second gas residence'time at.. degrees )+ahrenheit. The actual operating temperature of the secondary chamber. Combustion zone shall be no less than 1600 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the combustion process in the primary chamber. PrIniary chamber and stack shall not be :used in calculating this residence time. Cremation i.'the primary chamber shall not begin unless the secondary chamber combustion zone temperature is equal to or greater than I600 degrees Fahrenheit (d) Crematory units for which construction began or for which a complete application for a permit to construct a new unit was received by the Department prior to August 30, 1989, shall provide design calculations to confirm a sufficient volume. in the secondary chamber combustion zone to provide for at least a'lA'second gas residence, time at1600 degrees Fahrenheit. The actual operating temperature of the secondary chamber combustion zone shall be no less than 1400 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the combustion process in the primary: chamber. Primary chamber and stack shall not be used in calculating this residence. time. Cremation in the primary chamber shall not begin unless the secondary chamber combustion zone temperature is equal to or. greater, than 1400 degrees Fahrenheit. (e) Human crematories shall cremate only dead human bodies with appropriate containers. The bodies may be clothed, The containers may contain no more than 0,5 percent by weight chlorinated plastics as demonstrated by the manufacturer's data sheet. If containers are incinerated, documentation from the manufacturers certifying that they are composed of 0.5 percent or less by weight chlorinated plastics must be kept on -file at the site for the duration of their use and for at least two years after their use. This documentation must also be submitted with any application for an initial or renewal air operation permit or air general permitZVI notification form. No other materiali including biomedical waste as defined in Rule 62-210.200, F A.C., shall be incinerated. (f) All crematory operators shall be trained by the equipment manufacturer's representatives or another qualified organization. Only operators trained by a Department -approved training program shall be allowed to operate a human crematory. - 1. The content of the training program shall be submitted to the Department forr approval through the permitting process. Construction permit applicants shall submit a training program or reference a previously approved training program with the construction permitapplication. The training shall provide a basic understanding of the principles of the combustion process, I I 329 I provide instruction ou the operation and maintenance of the crematory unit, and increase awareness of regulatory requirements and safety concerns. 7raining programs shall be a minimum of 8 hours of instruction. Training programs shall at a minimum include hands-on experience involving start-up, operation of at least one cremation, shut -`down of the equipment, and one full cycle of preventive maintenance actions. The Department shall approve traininm g progras which meet, at a minimum, he criteria applicable to .cremation set forth in the EPA Medical Waste Incinerator Operator Training Program Course Handbook, EPA 453/13-93-018, and Instructor's Guide, EPA 453/13-93-01.9. 2. A copy of the training certificate for each operator having satisfactorily completed the Department -approved training program must be submitted to the Department within 15 days of training. The owner of any new.or:modified crematory unit shall submit copies of the operator training certificates :within 15 days after completion of the initial compliance test pursuant to theunit's air Construction permit: If a crematory unit is modified.to the extent that -a Department air construction permit is required, the.' operators shall.be retrained to operate the modified unit. 3. An operator's' certificate must be kept on ;file at the facility for the duration of the operator's employment and :for an additional two years after tenninat'ton of employment. (g) Test Methods and Procedures. All emissions tests performed pursuant to the requirements of this rule: shall comply with the following requirements. 1. The test method for visible emissions shall be DEP Method 9, incorporated in Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. 2. The test method for carbon monoxide shall be EPA'Method 10, incorporated and adopted.by reference in Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. 3. The test method for oxygen shall be EPA Method 3, incorporated and adopted.by reference in Chapter 627297, F.A:G . 4. The test method for particulate emissions shall be EPA Method 5, incorporated and adopted by reference inChapter 62-297, F.A.C. The minimum sample volume shalhbe 30 dry standard cubic feet. 5. Test, procedures shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 62.07, F.A.C. (h) Operation >During Compliance 'Test Testing of ,emissions shall be conducted with 'the source operating at the manufacturer's recommended capacity. (i) Frequency of Testing. 1. New and existing facilities shall demonstrate individual source compliance with the visible emissions standard upon initial compliance' and annually thereafter Facilities permitted, putsuant,to Rule 62 7 .00(4), F.A.C., Air General Permits, `shall demonstrate compliance, within 60 days prior to the submittal date of the air, general permit notification form and within 60 ;days prior to each inniveraary of such date. 2. New and existing facilities shall demonstrate iindO jdual source compliance with the xemaming, applicable standards upon iniiiai compliance and prior to -renewing the operating pemut ot, if the facility is permitted pursuant to Rule 62-210:300(4), p:A:C., Air General ;Permits, wrthin 60 days prior.to the submittal date of the air general permit notification form (j) Compliance Demonstration.. Facilities may demonstrate compliance with the carbon mgnoXide and particulate emissions standards by submissiosof a test report for anidentical-(same make,' model, and capacity) Crematory unit operating=in compliance with a valid Department air permit and tested pursuant to that pernnL The test data in the test report must be less than five years old and may or may not be obtained from the unit that is being permitted. (k) Continuous Emissions Monitoring Requirements. Each crematory facility shall install, operate; and maintain continuous monitors to record temperature at the point or beyond where 1.0 second gas residence timo is obtained in the secondary chamber combustion zone in accordance with the'manufacturer's instructions; A complete file of all:_ measurements, including continuous monitoring ;system, monitoring device, and- performance testing measurements; atl':eontinuous monitoring' system performance evaluatcons;;all continuous monitoring system or monitoring device calibration checks; and adjustments, preventive maintenance, and corrective maintenance performed on these systems or. devices, shall be recorded in.a. permanent legible form available for inspection. Continuous temperahue monitoring documentation shall.include ;operator name, operator indication of when cremation V in the primarychamber begins, date; time, and temperature markings The file shall be retained�for at least two years following the recording of such measurements, maintenance, reports, and records. (6) Animal Crematories, The following requirements apply to all animal crematory facilities. (a) Particulate matter emissions shall not exceed'0.080 grains per dry standard cubic foot of flue gas, corrected to 7% OZ (b) Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions shall not exceed 100, parts per million by volume, dry basis, corrected to 7% 02 on an hourly average basis: (C) Crematory units ,for -which a complete application for a permitto construct anew unit was received by the Department on or after August 30, 1989, shall provide design calculations to confirm a sufficient volume in the secondary chamber combustion zone to provide for at least a 1.0 second gas residence time it, 1800 degrees Fahrenheit The "actual' operating temperature of the secondary chamber combustion zone shall be no less than 1600 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the combustion process in the primary chamber. Primary chamber and stack shall not be used in calculating this residence time. Cremation in the primary chamber shall not begin unless the secondary chamber combustion zone temperature is equal to or greater than 1600 degrees Fahrenheit. ,I i - 330 i fa t _ T. (d) Crematory units for which construction began or for"which a complete application for a permit to construct a new unit was received by, the Department prior. to August 30,.19891 shall provide design calculations'to confirm a sufficient volume in the secondary chamber combustion zone to provide for at least a 1.0 second gas residence t►me'at'1ri00"degrees Fahrenheit. The actual operating te►t►perature of the secondary chamber combustion zone shall be no less than 1400 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the combustion process>in the"primary chamber. Primary chamber and stack shall not 'be'used in: calculating. this residence time: Cremation inthe primary chamber shall not begin unless thesecondary chamber combustion zone iemperature is equal.to orgreater than 1400 degrees Fahrenheit. "associated (e) Aniuial .crematories shall cremate only dead animals and, if applicable, the bedding and the remains with the animals, placed in leak -proof containers, Containers may contain no more than 0.5 percent by weight. chlorinated plastics. Plastic bags used for the cremation of animals shall'be nonchlorinated and no less than'3 mils thick. If containers are: incinerated, documentation' from the manufacturers certifying that they are composed of 05 percent or less by weight chlorinated plastics must be. kept on -file at the site for the duration of their use and for at least two years after their use. This documentation must also be submitted with any application for an initial or renewal, Air operation permit or. air general permit notification form. "(f) Animal crematories`shall not cremate,dead animals which were used for medical:or commercial experimentation. No other material, including biomedical waste as defined in Rule:62-2`10.200, F:A.C., shall be --incinerated. (g) All crematory operators shall be trained by the equipment manufacturer's representatives or another qualified organization. Only operators "trained by aDepartment-approved training program shall be allowed to" operate anattintal crematory. 1. The content of the training program shall be submitted to the Department for approval through the permitting process. Construction,, permit<_applicants shall submit a training program or reference a previously.; approved training program with the construction permit application. The training shall provide a basic understanding of the principles of the combustion process, provide instruction on the operation and maintenance of the crematory unit, and increase awareness of regulatory requirements and safety concerns. Training programs shall be a minimum vf 8 hours of instruction. Training programs shall at,a minimum include hands-on experience involving start=up, operation of at least one cremation, shut -down of the equipment; 'and one `full `cycle of preventive maintenance actions. The'Aepartm. ent shalt approve training programs which meet, at a minimum,.the criteria applicable "ford to cremation"set in the SPA Medical Waste Incinerator Operator Training program Course Handbook, EPA 453%8493-018, and Instructor's Guide, EPA 453B-93-019: 2. A copy of the training certificate for each operator; having satisfactorily completed the ?epartment: approved training program, must be subulxtted to the Department within:l S days of training. The owner of any Clew or triodifietl crematory unit shall " submit copies of the d tAtot training c ertificates within 1 S:days aftereompl',66n of the initial compliaoce test pursuant to the unit's ` air" construction permit If a: crematory unit is modified to the extent that a Department air" construction permit is required; the operators shall be cetrarned to. operate the modified unit. 3: An operator's certificate must be kept on file at the facility' for the duration of the bperatot's employment and for an additional two years after ten aination of employment: (h) Test Methods";and Procedures. All emissions tests performed pursuant to the requirements of this rule shall comply with the following requirements. 1 The test method for visible emissions shall be DEP Method 9, incorporated in Chapter 62=297, F.A.C. r 2. The test method for carbon monoxide shall be EPA Method 10, incorporated and adopted by reference in Chapter 62-297, I F.A.C. . 3. The test method for oxygen shall be EPA Method 3, incorporated and adopted by reference in Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. . 4. The test method for particulate emissions shall be EPA Method S, incorporated and adopted by reference in Chapter 62-297, F A.C: The minimum sample volume shall be,30 dry standard cubic feet 5. Test procedures shall meet all applicable requirements, of Chapter 62-297, F.A.C. ` (i) Operation During"ComplianceTest. Testing of emissions shall be conductedmith the source operating at the manufacturer's recommended capacity, (j) Frequency of Testing.,. 1. New and existing facilities shall demonstrate individual source compliance with the visible emissions standard upon initial compliance and annually thereafter.. Facilities permitted. pursuant to Rule 62-210.300(4), F.A.C., Air General Permits, shall demonstrate compliance within 60 days prior, to the submittal date of the air general permit notification form and within 60 days prior to each anniversary of such date. 2. New and existing facilities shall demonstrate individual source compliance with the remaining applicable standards upon initial compliance'and prior to renewing the operating permit or, if the facility is permitted pursuant to Rule 62-210.300(4), F.A.C., ' Air General Permits, within60 days prior to the submittal date of the air general permit notification form. (k) Compliance Demonstration. Animal crematories may demonstrate compliance with the carbon monoxide and particulate emissions standards by submission of a test report for an identical (same make, model, and capacity) crematory air pern it and tested pursuant to that permit.. The test -data in the test report must be less than five years old and may or may not be obtained from the unit that is being permitted. (1)Continuous Emissions Monitoring Requirements. Each animal crematory shall install, operate, "and maintain continuous monitors to record temperature at the point or beyond where 1.0 second gas residence time is obtained in the secondary chamber combustion zone in -accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A complete file of all measurements,: including continuous ,I ` - 331 I f vrrl�;t:UJ!_ UNLY: DATE FILED: - CUO� 00 SP NUMBER: REVIEW FEE: RECEIPT NO.: RESOLUTION NUMBER: CONCURRENCY FEE: RECEIPT NO.: CERT. CAP. NO.: ST. LUCIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT co 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE, ROOM 201 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 ( Q < 561-462-2822 R1 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DIRECTIONS FOR SUBMITTAL Please complete the requested information and submit all items to the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 201. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. All applications must be accompanied by the proper non-refundable application fee. For additional details on the information necessary for a sut.�mission of a site plan adjustment, please refer to Section 11.02.00. St. Lucie County Land Development Code. For assistance in submitting the application, please contact the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development, Planning Division. CONDITIONAL USE REVIEW FEES PROPERTY SIZE REVIEW FEE CONCURRENCY FEE Less than 10 Acres $ 500.00 $ 25.00 More than 10 acres $ 800.00 $ 25.00 Following notification that the application is complete, this petition will be scheduled for the next available Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The Planning & Zoning Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month. Presentation to the Board of County Commissioners is dependent upon scheduling: before the -Planning and Zoning Commission. Please allow a minimum of 90 to 120 days for completion of the public hearing process following the certification of this petition. Initial submissions shall include the following: 1) One (1) original of the completed conditional use permit'application; 2) One (1) copy of a site plan graphic (minimum 8 112" x 11") or survey depicting the location of the proposed building; 3) One (1) copy of the St. Lucie County Property Tax Map (Scale 1:200) with the property under petition highlighted; SPECIAL NOTE: Under the provisions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, a petition for a conditional use is considered to be a FINAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER. Under the definition of Final Development Order, and consistent with the County's concurrency regulations, sufficient capacities must be demonstrated in all areas of required level of service before this petition can be approved. Should it be determined that insufficient services exist, no- Final Development Order will be issued until the cited insufficiencies are corrected. For additional information on concurrency, please contact the Department of Community Development, Room 201, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. Some Conditional se applications will require the submission of a site plan in conjunction with the Conditional Use review. No scheduling of the Conditional Use review before the Planning & Zoning Commission can be authorized until- the site plan is determined by the Development Review Committee to be completed and consistent with applicable County code., For additional information, please contact the Department of Community Development, Planning Division, Room 203, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. ALL APPLICATIONS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT MUST BE COMPLETED AND FILED WITH THE DEPARTMENT BEFORE 4:30 PM EACH BUSINESS DAY TO MEET APPLICABLE FILING DEADLINES. FOR AN APPLICATION SUBMISSION TO BE DETERMINED COMPLETE, ALL REQUIRED MATERIALS MUST BE PRESENT AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION. Ct PROJECT INFORMATION PPLICANT INFORMATION NAME Ranch ADDRESS 33200 Orange Avenue Extension, Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 PHONE 772 201-7500 LOCATION PROPOSED FOR CONDITIONAL USE orth side of Orange Avenue Extension, West of inute laid Road near the western boundary of St. Lucie Co. i i PROPERTY TAX ID # 2105-111-0001-000/6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (attach extra sheets if necessary) i I. i I> ECTION 5 TOWNSHIP 3 5 S RANGE 37E PARCEL SIZE ACRES 19.9 SQUARE FOOT 2 4 4 f' ONING DISTRICT LAND USE CLASSIFICATION AG-5 DESIRED CONDITIONAL USE AG=5 j: j EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY Agriculture. - citrus groves and pasture IS A CHANGE.IN ZONING SOUGHT WITH THE PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE? YES[ j NO [ ] IS A CHANGE IN LAND USE SOUGHT WITH THE PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE? YES[ ] j NO(XX IS A SITE PLAN APPROVAL SOUGHT WITH THE PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE? YES[ ] NO[ XX I I( I THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE IS VERY IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING THE OUTCOME OF YOUR.. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST. IT IS REQUIRED BY SECTION 11.06.00, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; THAT APPROPRIATE FINDINGS BE MADE TO JUSTIFY A CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL, PLEASE USE ADDITIONAL j PAGES, 1F NECESSARY, TO JUSTIFY YOUR REQUEST. j i ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONCURRENCY DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT Fee: $25.00 1, Matthew Wynna , residing or doing business at 22200 venue Extensior Name S reet Ft Pierce ,—Fl 24945201:-750" have applied for City State Zip Code Phone a Conditional Use Permit Type of Development Order following Project: Wynne Ranch - Name of Proposed Development from St. Lucie County, Florida, for the I do hereby affirm that in connection with my application for the above project, I have elected to defer the certificate of capacity and reservation of capacity in public facilities for- the above property until a later time, but no later than the application for a final development order for the same property. I understand and acknowledge that the above listed property will be subject to the certificate of capacity before any final development order can be issued, and that St. Lucie County can make no guarantee that adequate -public facilities will be available when I apply for the final development order. I further acknowledge that according to Section 5.01.01 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, no final development approval can be granted until capacity in those facilities is available at that time. The issuance of a preliminary development order without a certificate of capaci reates no vested o other rights to develop the subject property. SIGNED: DATE: Applica STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST.. LUCIE Before me; the undersigned authority personally appeared,,tya#& 1 Lm who upon being duly sworn, deposes -and says sworn to and subscribed before me thiY VIP day ofq�200 0—to LMy Commission expires: 11,7 02l1 tary Public Witness Witness - 4/13/01 Jackie E. 140avid Commission 0 W 863948 • Expires Aug. 17, 2003 a4. Bonded Thm Atlantic Bonding Co., Inc. ASA ADDENDUM TO PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1. Wynne Ranch, (herein "Developer") has been doing business in St. Lucie County for approximately 30 years. For Business relationship purposes with. Port St. Lucie Tractor Service, Inc., Developer has found it desirable to obtain an air curtain incinerator to dispose of their (Port St. Lucie Tractor Service, Inc.) land clearing debris. Only vegetative waste will be disposed of at this site. Currently, under County zoning regulations, Developer can only have an air curtain incinerator on land that is zoned Utilities with a Conditional Use Permit. The DEP has advised Port St. Lucie Tractor Service, Inc. that air curtain incinerators are authorized and within the guidelines of DEP Regulations. Currently, Port St. Lucie Tractor Service, Inc. hauls approximately 15 - 18 loads of land clearing debris to a landfill per day. Each load weighs approximately 10 - 12 tons. Consequently, Port St. Lucie Tractor Service, Inc. generates between 3,00 and 4,300 tons of land clearing debris per month. By allowing Developer to set up an air curtain incinerator, the County would be able to keep between 3,00 and 4,300 tons of land clearing debris out of the land fill per month. Developer intends to use approximately 9.9 acres of a 4000 acre parcel for the air curtain incinerator. This parcel is the furthest land West in St. Lucie County and is an extremely remote area. The site is located one mile north of Orange Avenue and 1,400 feet west of the east property line of the Developer's remaining parcel The entire 9.9 acres is surrounded by an existing, producing commercial citrus grove. Accordingly, there is a complete buffer between the site and any adjacent property owned by others, that is not less than 1,400 feet wide. The remaining property will be used for agricultural purposes, including production of citrus fruit and pasture land. 2. The proposed rezoning is not in conflict with any portion of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code or the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. 3. The surrounding property is currently being used for agricultural purposes. There are very few residences in the vicinity, and Developer has attempted to locate the subject site as far away from existing residences as possible. Additionally, Developer will use the existing citrus groves as a buffer Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations i� W. U UTILITIES 1. Purpose The, purpose of :;this district is to provide and protect an environment, suitable for utilities, transportation; and communication facilities, together with such other uses as.may be compatible with utility, transportation, and" communicationfacility surroundings. The number in "O'' following each. identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01'.02(B). The number 999.applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Air transportation services (451.452) b. Agriculture, including farms, groves, and ranches. (01.02) c: Communication:'(ae) d. Electric services tag» e. Electric transmission -rights -of -way. (491) f. Gas pipeline rights -of -way. ta921 g. Gas production and distribution, 492) h. Industrial wastewater disposal. (9s9) i, Railroad, rapid rail transit, &"street railway transportation.t4o,4,1� - Sanita services ass J. c ry: r k. Transportation services (47) ( L; Telecommunication towers - subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 (wg) m. Water supply, and irrigation systems. (494,497) n. Water transportation (44) 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4 Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00, . 5. Off -.street Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06,00 6. Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional `Uses a. Airports. tasel . b. `" Electric generation plants. (491) c. Gas production plants..t49z1 d. Land clearing and yard trash recycling operations - subject to the provisions of Section Adopted August-1. 1990 130 Revised Through 08/01/00 I U 00Tk ON N m u O 21 tl N N ` I Q� CD ► ~� ot �t alcr Ali a a� 'LS tN tou` t vet �� Nagy � �' tit• • t�CN W P 0� P f ! cc 9 Is—p4sz-- rf NYM/ 3a i � 15 m P as g {i ♦1 N !lr w �> W W f y O n in M UVOU NOISNHOC al ad rel rbr ix F— roa ar3�n D W X1MS1g0aB 0 j oroa N«s Q U � Oroa 3N3 3'1Xra aroa 3ooure al jsett aroa WW3 a30r3X W Z W k Otl aNa3aX 1r30i m � M N ff aroa 033XS aroa Xollar3 M ac z FJ O Q zZ �✓ �V K-3 lvw3 _ O U L- O O J W W F M Qa'O M 0� S ►i 1 S SE 1 S 9£ 1 )dNnoo 3190HO33NO A Petition of Wynne Ranch for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District. S.R. No.68 Orange Avenue -T- C U 02-008�. This pattern indicates Map prepared Juy 26, 2002 subject parcel N - =77 77,jl a ag 7TP6-'.'!7 T51 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent or more of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (4/5) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant Proposes To allow the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) the Following Zoning District. Conditional Use: Regarding Property North side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5.75 miles west of Minute Located At: Maid Road. Currently Zoned. AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/ 5 acres) Please Return To: St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU-02-008 Wynne Ranch) ST. LUCIE COUNTY. PLANNING AND ZONING' COMMISSION"': PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA August 15, 2002:.. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE'is hereby- given in accordance. with Section 11.00.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and the provisions of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, the following: applicants have requested that the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission consider their following requests: I. CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single - Family - 3 du/acre) Zoning.District to the (Institutional); Hi Zoning District for the,following described property. THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST; ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS ROAD RIGHT-OF-1 WAYS AND FURTHER LESS THE EAST 300 FEET OF THE' SOUTH 210 FEET. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Selvitz; Road and Edwards Road 2. TIMOTF(Y AND DEBRA ROSE CAR WASH, for a Condi- tional Use Permit to allow the operation of a car, wash" facility in the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning'Dis- trict for the following described property: - LOTS 11 & 12, BLOCK 169,LAKEWOOD PARK,. -UNIT 12A, AS RECORDED IN PLAT: BOOK 11, PAGE 35, PUB- LIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY FLORIDA.' Location:5321 Sunshine State Parkway /•Turnpike Feeder Road. 3. GLASSMAN.HOLDINGSNNC., fora Change in Zoning from the AG4 (Agriar8ura(- 1 idu/acre).Zoning District to the CG (Commercial,GeneraQ Zoning Districtfor the fol- lowing described:propeity. IN SECTION' T5�. TOWNSHIP:34,. RANGE 39, THE SOUTH -830 :OF,THE FIST 1550' OF: THE_SOUTH,•1/2. OF NORTHEAST:�'1/4 LESS EAST 80`FT-:AND LESS SOUTH 60 FT.;FOR ROAD.:AND: CANAL R�W .(6) (O.R. 348-1874rq. ; Location: Northwest tamef of he.- "irsection'of- Indrio Road.dnd EmersonAvemte,..: 4..WYNNE RANCH far c'Change in:'Zoning j,om.the AG-5 (Agricultural. 1 du/SicidQ aiiing`Dtatrici hYthe U (Utilities) Zoning Distrkf for the following described propejtY QUARTER (1/4) bFc$ELflON 5 TOWNSHIP 35:SOUTH, RANGE: 3? .RASX A j, QEjjf rb0,K) -FL©RIDA ANO BEING MORE,PARTKULARWY DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT`IHE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5 THENCE SOM*B7°5r45" WEST; AS 'A BASIS OF BEARINGS !AL'ONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION_5;aA DISTANCE OF 2672.00 FEET -TO THE SOUTHWESTCORNER'OF SAID SOI ITHEAST.ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF.SECTION 5'.THENCE_NORTH 00°2T15" .EAST, ALONG. THE WEST: LINE ,OFF: SAID, SOUTHWEST.Oi4E*QUARltR,(1/4) OF SECTION 5, A -DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET30 THE.PbINT OF BEGIN- NING,. THENCE CONTINUE -•NORTH '00°2T15" EAST ALONG SAID .:VTEST I NI . A. DISTANCE OF; .656:70 FEET;: THENCE; SOUTH 89°19'16" .EAST DEPARTING SAID. WEST ;.LINE, A DISTANCE OF,..656.70 -FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°2T15" WEST, A .DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89*19116. WEST A DIS- TANCE .OF 656:70 : FEET T.O:-THE .' POINT ,OF BEGINNING.. SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT- FOR:" INGRESS AND EGRESS AND. PUBLIC. UTILITY AND DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25,FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 9,900 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Location- North'side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5.75 miles west of Mimite Maid Road. 5. WYNNE RANCH, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utili- ties) Zoning District for the following described property: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 37 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 5; THENCE SOUTH 87°57'45" WEST, AS A BASIS OF BEARINGS, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 2672.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5; THENCE NORTH 00°27'15" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST ONE QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 5, A DISTANCE OF 1894.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- NING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 00°27'15" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°19'16" EAST, DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 656.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°27'15". WEST, A DISTANCE OF. 656.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°19.16" WEST; A DIS- TANCE OF 656J0 FEET. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. _ SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT .FOR INGRESS. AND EGRESS AND PUBLIC.UTILITY AND'DRAINAGE OVER THE WEST 25 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 9,900 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Location:: North side of Orange Avenue] approximately 5,75 miles west of Minute Maid Road., 6. FLORIDA CENTER FOR, RECOVERY,;INC,,.for a Corfdi- tional Use Permit to allo vS*ial Services and Health Care Facilitiesin the 1 (institutional),Zoning Aistricf,for. the fol- ,lowing described-propedy W WHITE CITY S/D 05°3646" BEG•ATNW'COR OF LOT 100 RUN E.135 FT,.TH W.,135-FT TH N.TO;P,OB=LESSRD AND CANAL R/W:= (44) (1.72 AC) (MAP�34105S) (OR 1524-2594) : C� ` WHITE CITY.S/D.05°36'40"'THAT PART.OF LOT' 106 `O. LYG E OF DRAINAGE CANAL 9101 - LESS THAT PART. w_ LYG N OF:DRAINAGE`CANAL:#IQ3- AND N,130 FT T^ OF.LOTS.-I12.AND 113 LYG'EOE DRAINAGE•CANAL In #103 AND'ALL OF LOT -107--`LESS RD:AND CANAL R/GV - (10.45 AC) (MAP,34/05S).(OR 152d 2594) 7.. `Q Locatiom 3451 West NUdway :Road co PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held in Commission Chambers' .'v Roger Poitras Annex, ',2300 Virginia Avenue; Fort .Pierce L Florida on August IS,* 2002 beginning at 7-00 P.M. or as t soon thereafter as possible. (- PURSUANT :TO Section 286 0105 Florida Stptutes, .rf al : r:_ person decides to appeal any_decisfon made by -a board I •agency, wcommission - nmh reaped fo any, matter consid erect at a meeting -or hearing, ib will need a record of the1 Fa._ proceedings, and that, for:such. purposes, he nlay ------ tb.: ensure that verbatim record of the.proceedings is rude which record includes the testimony and -evidence upoh which the appeal is to be based.- . PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA /S/ Stefan Mafthes, CHAIRMAN Publish: August 1, 2002 2487476 S-Series Refractory Walled Air Curtain Burners Models S-127 • S-121 • S-116 • S-111 PRODUCT OVERVIEW Air Burners, LLC has a track record in the air curtain incineration business that spans more than thirty years. Our systems have been used throughout the USA , Canada and overseas, primarily for the disposal of wood waste (debris)from land clearing efforts, forestfuels reduction, wood product manufacturing and from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornados and floods. Our air curtain burners are also often used for the disposal of diseased animal carcasses (i.e. CWD, FMD). We also offer a line of distinctly different air curtain burners, our T-Series trench burners. The S-Series machines are portable systems (transportable by low -boy trailer, "Landoll" truck, etc.) utilizing a refractory walled enclosure. They are completely self contained and do not require any setup or tear -down. S-Series units can be used for portable applications as well as semi- permanent applications. Standard system dimensions are shown below. Custom systems are also available to meet specific needs. Model Overall Size Fire Box Weight LxWxH LxWxH S-127 37' 4" x 11' 9" x 10' 3" 27' x 8' 4" x8' 1" 50,000 lbs. S-127E 11.40m x 3.78m x 3.13m 8.20m x 2.50m x 2.45m 22,600kg S-121 32' 2" x 11' 9" x10' 3" 21' x 8' 4" x 8' 1" 41,000 lbs. S-121 E 9. 80m x 3. 78m x 3.13m 6.40m x 2. 50m x 2.45m 18, 600kg S-116 27' x 7' 5" x7' 5" 16' x 5' x 6' 26,000 lbs. S-116E 8.23m x 2.30m x 2.30m 4.90m x 1.50m x 1.80m 11,800kg S-111 22' x 7' 5" x7' 5" 11' x 5' x 6' 21,000lbs. S-111 E 6.60m x 2.30m x 2.30m 3.35m x 1.50m x 1.80m 9, 500kg Suffix "E" denotes electric version Diesel Engine Version: Engine: John Deere Industrial Fuel Tank: 100 Gallon (378 L) Diesel Fuel, except S-116 & S-111: 30 Gallons (136 L) Electrical: 12 Volts DC Drive System: Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive Electric Motor Version: Motor: 3-Phase, heavy-duty, with enclosed controller; Max 480V, 50Hz or 60Hz Direct coupling drive Options: Under -fire air supply (surcharge applies) Heat recovery (surcharge applies) NOTE: All weights and dimensions are approximate. Detail specifications and dimensional drawings can be provided on request. 11-01 dnk Air Burners, LLC 4390 Cargo. Way, Palm City, Florida .3690 PH (561) 220.7= Fax (561) 220-7W2 E-Mail: info@airbumers:com www.airbumers.com Air Burners, LLC Air Curtain Burner Price List 2002 Effective January 7., 2002 MODE_ TYPE PRICE $ T-35.0 Mobile - Trench Burner (Diesel) Trailer or Skid 5-350 Mounted; 35 ft (10.7 m):Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 35,973 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter: Additional $195.00 Mobile - Trench -Bum*er: (Diesel) Trailer Mounted T-200 20 ft (6.2 m) Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 25,850 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter: $195.00 S-111 Portable -Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) 53,992 w/Combustion -Box. 11 ft (3.35 m) S-116 Portable = Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) ' 59,830 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-1 6E Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 61,590 w/Combustion -Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-121 Portable - Refractory Walled.- Self Contained (Diesel) 94,727 w/Combustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-121 E Portable - Refractory Walled- Self Contained (Electric) 99,298 w/Combustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-127 Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) 104,872 w/Combustion Box 27 ft (4.2 m) S-127E Portable = 'Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 109,765 w/Combustion Box 27 ft .8.2 m Prices: Prices are in US dollars FOB Air Bumers, LCC Factory in Palm City, Florida, USA (North of West Palm Beach). Systems are made in the USA, completely assembled (T-350/200 requires set-up). Payment Terns: 50% Down Payment with order, balance upon completion of system and before shipment, or irrevocable UC in US Dollars, confirmed by a major US Bank. Financing available (US and Overseas). Delivery (unless in stock): Depending on model and our order backlog when order is placed, stock to 4-5 weeks ARO. Warranties: The limited Air Burners, LOG factory warranty is one year, and the engine and fan manufacturers provide their own warranties for their units which will be registered in clients name. Extended Warranties for John Deere engines available at a surcharge from Deere & Company. NOTE: Dimensions approximate. Shipping and loading/rigging, if applicable, not included. Prices subject to change without notice. This price list supercedes all previous price lists. Rev. 0102.0 IldJJ.) J-J.J Air Burners, LLC 4390 Cargo. Way, Palm City, Florida .=90 PH (561) 220.7303 Fax (561) 220-7= E-Mail: infoOairbumers com www.airbumers.com Air Burners, LLC Air Curtain Burner Price- List 2002 Effective January 7., 2002 MOREL TYPE PRICE $ T-35.0 Mobile - Trench Burner (Diesel) Trailer or Skid S-350 Mounted; 35 ft (10.7 m)'. Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 35,973 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter: Additional $195.00 Mobile - Trench -Burner (Diesel) Trailer Mounted T-200 20 ft (6.2 m) Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 25,850 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter:.$195.00 S-111 Portable, - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) 53 992 w/Combustion -Box. 11 ft (3.35 m) ' S-116 Portable = Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) ' 59,830 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-116E Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 61,590 w/Combustion .Box 16 ft (4.9 rn) S-121 Portable - Refractory Walled.- Self Contained (Diesel) 94,727 w/Combustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-121 E Portable'- Refractory Walled- Self Contained (Electric) 99'298 w/Combustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-127 Portable -: Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel). 104,872 w/Combustion Box 27 ft (8.2 m) S-127E Portable = Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 109,765 w/Combustion Box 27 ft .8.2 m Prices: Prices are in US dollars FOB Air Burners, LCC Factory in Palm City, Florida, USA (North of West Palm Beach). Systems are made in the USA, completely assembled (T-350/200 requires set-up). Payment Terms: 50°/, Down Payment with order, balance upon completion of system and before shipment, or irrevocable L/C in US Dollars, confirmed by a major US Bank. Financing available (US and Overseas). Delivery (unless in stock): Depending on model and our order backlog when order is placed, stock to 4-5 weeks ARO. Warranties: The limited Air Burners, LCC factory warranty is one year, and the engine and fan manufacturers provide their own warranties for their units which will be registered in client's name. Extended Warranties for John Deere engines available at a surcharge from Deere & Company. NOTE: Dimensions approximate. Shipping and loading/rigging, if applicable, not included. Prices subject to change without notice. This price list supercedes all previoLks price lists. Rev. 0102.0 416P� UP Air Burners, LL+C 4390 Cargo. Way, Palm City, Florida 3690 PH (561) 220-7303 Fax (561) 220-7W2 E-Mail: infoOairbumera:com www.airbumers.com Air Burners, LLC Air Curtain Burner Price- List 2002 Effective January 7., 2002 MOREL TYPE PRICE $ T-35.0 Mobile - Trench Bumer (Diesel) Trailer or Skid 5* 350 Mounted; 35 ft (10.7 m).Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 35,973 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter: Additional $195.90 Mobile - Trench Burn'er{Diesel) Trailer Mounted T-200 20 ft (6.2 rn) Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 25,850 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter: $195.00 S-111 Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) 53 992 w/Combustion Box.11 ft (3.35 m) ' S-116 Portable = Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) ' 59,830 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-116E Portable -- Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 61,590 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-121 Portable - Refractory Walled.- Self Contained (Diesel) 94,727 w/Combustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-121 E Portable'- Refractory Walled- Self Contained (Electric) 99,298 WCombustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-127 Portable = Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel), 104,87.2 w/Combustion Box 27 ft (8.2 m) ES-127-E Portableefractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 109,765 w/Combustion Box 27 ft .8.2 m Prices: Prices are in US dollars FOB Air Burners, LCC Factory in Palm City, Florida, USA (North of West Palm Beach). Systems are made in the USA, completely assembled (T-350/200 requires set-up). Payment Terms: 50% Down Payment with order, balance upon completion of system and before shipment, or irrevocable UC in US Dollars, confirmed by a major US Bank. Financing available (US and Overseas). Delivery (unless in stock): Depending on model and our order backlog when order is placed, stock to 4-5 weeks ARO. Warranties: The limited Air Burners, LCC factory warranty is one year, and the engine and fan manufacturers provide their own warranties for their units which will be registered in client's name. Extended Warranties for John Deere engines available at a surcharge from Deere & Company. NOTE: Dimensions approximate. Shipping and loading/rigging, if applicable, not included. Prices subject to change without notice. This price list supercedes all previous price lists. Rev. 0102.0 T-Series Mobile Air Curtain Trench Burners Models T-350 • T-200 & S-350 • S-200 PRODUCT OVERVIEW Air Burners, LLC has a track record in the air curtain incineration business that spans more than thirty years. Our systems have been used throughout the USA, Canada and overseas, primarily for the disposal of wood waste (debris) from land clearing efforts, forest fuels reduction, wood product manufacturing and from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornados and floods. Our air curtain burners are also often used for the disposal of diseased animal carcasses (i.e. CWD, FMD). We also offer a line of distinctly different air curtain burners, our portable self contained S-Series with refractory walled fire boxes. Our T-Series Trench Burner is a mobile (trailer mounted) pit burner which is used in combination with an earthen pit or trench made to function as the fire box. The T- Series is also offered as skid mounted versions, called the S-350 and S-200, respectively. The basic operation is the same as the trailer - mounted Series, except that it is mounted on skids. Standard system dimensions are shown below. Custom systems are also available to meet specific needs. I Description T-350 S-350 I Length of Trailer 18' 9" Height of Trailer 8-7- Width of Trailer 8' 2" Manifold Length 35' Approx. Setback (Unit to Pit) 36' Weight 7,800 lbs. Engine Fuel Tank 50 Gallon Electrical Drive System s Electrical Drive System (5.70m) 15' 8" (4.80m) (2.60m) 8' 3" (2.51m) (2.50m) 7' 4" (2.24m) (10.70m) 35' (10.70m) (11.00m) 36' (11.00m) (3,520kg) 9,500lbs. (4,300kg) John Deere Diesel (6 Cylinders) (189 L) 100 Gallons (378 L) 12 Volts DC Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive I Description T-200 S-200 I Length of Skid Unit Height of Skid Unit Width of Skid Unit Manifold Length 16' 3" (5.00m) 13' 5" (4.00m) 7' 5" (1.85m) 7' (1.85m) 8' 2" (2.50m) 8' (2.40m) 20' (6m) 20' (6m) Approx. Setback (Unit to Pit) 20' (6m) 20' (6m) Weight 6,000lbs. (2,800kg) 8,200lbs. (3,700kg) Engine John Deere Diesel (4 Cylinders) Fuel Tank 30 Gallons (136 L) 50 Gallons (189 L) Electrical 12 Volts DC Drive System Mechanical PTO Direct Coupling Drive NOTE: All weights and dimensions are approximate. Detail specifications and dimensional drawings can be provided on request. 11-01 12 Volts DC Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive I Description T-200 S-200 I Length of Skid Unit Height of Skid Unit Width of Skid Unit Manifold Length 16' 3" (5.00m) 13' 5" (4.00m) 7' 5" (1.85m) 7' (1.85m) 8' 2" (2.50m) 8' (2.40m) 20' (6m) 20' (6m) Approx. Setback (Unit to Pit) 20' (6m) 20' (6m) Weight 6,000lbs. (2,800kg) 8,200lbs. (3,700kg) Engine John Deere Diesel (4 Cylinders) Fuel Tank 30 Gallons (136 L) 50 Gallons (189 L) Electrical 12 Volts DC Drive System Mechanical PTO Direct Coupling Drive NOTE: All weights and dimensions are approximate. Detail specifications and dimensional drawings can be provided on request. 11-01 Approx. Setback (Unit to Pit) 20' (6m) 20' (6m) Weight 6,000lbs. (2,800kg) 8,200lbs. (3,700kg) Engine John Deere Diesel (4 Cylinders) Fuel Tank 30 Gallons (136 L) 50 Gallons (189 L) Electrical 12 Volts DC Drive System Mechanical PTO Direct Coupling Drive NOTE: All weights and dimensions are approximate. Detail specifications and dimensional drawings can be provided on request. 11-01 T-Series Air Curtain Trench Burners T-350 & T-200 Mobile Trailer Mounted & Skid Mounted Ebb SERIES SELF CON�II�NED UNIT 1. The Conditional Use Permit will have a term of 5 years and shall "sunset" at the end of 5 years. 2. The incinerator will be used only for vegetative material from St. Lucie Co., delivered to the site by trucks owned and operated by Port St. Lucie Tractor. No other commercial use of the incinerator will be allowed. 3. The Conditional Use Permit is limited to "one" above- ground air curtain incinerator approved by DEP 114-KA 8 o 0 uc. r-n er I/ Air Burners Portable and Mobile Air Curtain Burners Air Curtain Destructors/Incinerators Refractory Walled Fire Boxes Trench Burners Pit Burners Custom Trailer Packages (Fire Box, Trailer & Excavator) Serving the Heavy Equipment - Construction - Land Clearing - Waste Management - Wood Manufacturing - Forestry - Agriculture - Disaster Recovery - Animal Disease Control Industries for more than 30 Years Company Information System Specifications Visit our Web Site at: www.airburners.com Factory and Main Office (US) Air Burners, LLC 4390 Cargo Way Palm City, FL 34990, USA Phone (561) 220 -7303 FAX (561) 220 -7302 E-mail: info@airbumers.com © 1998-2002 Air Burners, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Subject to change without notice. Some dimensions approximate. Metric conversions rounded. Rev. 02-02-02 TABLE OF CONTENTS Company Profile .............................. Page 1 Product Overview ......................................... Page 2 The Principle of Air Curtain Burning .......................... Page 4 S-Series................................................. Page 6 T-Series.................................................. Page11 MP-116 Trailer Package ................................... Page18 ME COMPANY PROFILE Air Burners, LLC is the number one manufacturer of Air Curtain Incineration Systems in the world. We hold the patents on air curtain burners, and for over thirty years we have been building the best and most rugged machines in the industry. Our units employ very high temperatures that safely and efficiently reduce wood and other vegetative waste to a residual ash. Air Burners' systems are typically used in the construction industry to support land clearing operations and demolition debris removal, for forest fire mitigation and at landfill sites to help reduce the reliance on costly landfills by reducing wood waste and similar such waste streams. They are also used for clearing the aftermath from storm or flood damage; and to dispose of (diseased) animal carcasses, including BSE, foot-and-mouth disease or CWD affected carcasses. All of the systems we manufacture are either mobile or portable. The T-Series (T-350 or T-200) trench burner is trailer mounted, and, as the skid -mounted S-350, requires an earthen trench or pit. The T-Series units have been designed for easy mobilization and set-up. We have designed and build the machine to withstand the rigors of typical construction site work. The skid -mounted S-Series machines are self-contained with a refractory lined fire box. They are designed for field use or semi -stationary placement, except for the S-350 trench burner. The refractory lined fire box allows for more controlled burns without the need for an earthen pit or trench. The S-Series units are loaded over the top, except for the S-350 trench burner. The twin doors at the rear of the machine allow for ash removal or the unit can be dragged on its skids around the site, leaving the residual ash behind. The fire box has no bottom. Air Burners, LLC has two manufacturing facilities. The main factory is in Palm City, Florida (North of West Palm Beach) and the other facility is in Malaysia. This allows us to quickly and economically service a worldwide market. Our engineering staff uses the latest 3D CAD software for our equipment designs. We can quickly accommodate changes to support our customers' particular requirements. The employees of Air Burners are dedicated to maintaining the high standard of design and manufacturing that has made us the recognized leader in air curtain burner equipment. We look forward to working on your next project. Page 1 EM PRODUCT OVERVIEW Air Burners, LLC has a track record in the air curtain incinerator business that spans more than thirty years. Our systems have been used throughout the USA, Canada and overseas, primarily for the disposal of wood waste (debris) from land clearing efforts, wood product manufacturing and from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornados and floods, but often also for the disposal of diseased animal carcasses. Air Burners, LLC offers two distinctly different air curtain burners: S-Series: The S-Series machines are portable systems (transportable by low -boy trailer, "Landoll" truck, etc.).utilizing a refractory walled enclosure. They are completely self contained and do not require any setup or tear -down. They can be used for portable applications -' as well as semi -permanent applications. Standard system dimensions are shown below. Custom systems are also available to meet specific needs. Model Overall Size Fire Box Weight LxWxH LxWxH S-127 37' 4" X 1 V 9" x 10' 3" 27' x 8' 4" x8' 1" 50,000 lbs. S-127E 11.40m x 3.78m x 3.13m 8.20m x 2.50m x 2.45m 22,600kg S-121 32' 2" x 11' 9" x10' 3" 21' x 81411 x 8' 1" 41,000 lbs. S-121 E 9.80m x 3.78m x 3.13m 6.40m x 2.50m x 2.45m 18, 600kg S-116 27' x 7' 5" x7' 5" 16' x 5' x 6' 26,000 lbs. S-116E 8.23m x 2.30m x 2.30m 4.90m x 1.50m x 1.80m 11,800kg S-111 22'x7'51vx7151' 11'x5'x6' 21,3001bs. S-111 E 6.60m x 2.30m x 2.30m a 35m x 1. 50m x 1. 80m 9, 700kg Suffix "E" denotes electric version Diesel Engine Version: Engine: John Deere Industrial Fuel Tank: 100 Gallon (378 L) Diesel Fuel, except S-116 & S-111: 30 Gallons (136 L) Electrical: 12 Volts DC Drive System: Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive, except S-116E & S-111 E: Direct coupling drive Electric Motor Version: Motor: 3-Phase, heavy-duty, with enclosed controller; Max 480V, 50Hz or 60Hz Drive System: Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive, except S-116E & S-111 E: Direct coupling drive Options: Under -fire air supply (surcharge applies) Heat recovery (surcharge applies) Custom Designs Available NOTES: 1) All weights and dimensions are approximate. 2) Dimensional drawings can be provided on request Page 2 T-Series Trench Burner: A mobile (trailer mounted) pit burner which is used in combination with an earthen pit or trench made to function as the fire box. The T-350 is also offered as a skid mounted version, called the S-350. The basic operation is the same as the T-350, except that it is not trailer mounted. Dimensions T-350 T-200 S-350 Length 18' 9" (5.70m) 17' 8" (5.40m) 15' 8" (4.80m) Height: 8' 7" (2.60m) 6' (1.85m) 8' 3" (2.51m) Width 8' 2" (2.50m) 8' (2.50m) 7' 4" (2.24m) Manifold Length: 35' (10.70m) 20' (7.Om) 35' (10.70m) Approx. Setback (Unit to Pit): 36' (11.00m) 20' (7.0m) 36' (11.00m) Weight: 7,800lbs. (3,520kg) . 6,5001bs. (3,000kg) 9,500lbs. (4,300kg) Engine John Deere Diesel, John Deere Diesel, John Deere Diesel, 6068D (6 Cylinders) 4020D (4 Cylinders) 6068D (6 Cylinders) Fuel Tank 50 Gallon (189 L) 30 Gallon (136 L) 100 Gallon (378 L) Electrical 12 Volts DC 12 Volts DC 12 Volts DC Drive System Mechanical PTO Mechanical PTO Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive Direct Coupling Drive 4-Belt Drive NOTES: 1) All weights and dimensions are approximate 2) If required, dimensional drawings can be provided Page 3 W The Principle of Air Curtain Incineration OPERATION The operating principle of the air curtain within an incineration device lies in the introduction of controlled high velocity air across the upper portion of the combustion chamber in which combustibles, such as wood, are loaded. The powerful curtain of air created in this process is actually a rotating mass of high temperature air (2,3000 F or 1,2600 C, or more) that has been trapped in the chamber. The increased combustion time and turbulence results in complete combustion of the loaded waste and the protective curtain created by the rotating air significantly reduces emissions. This effective and essentially clean incineration of wood waste is documented in engineering studies and analyses that have been compiled over the years at operating facilities throughout the US. 1. Air curtain machine manifold and nozzles directing high velocity air flow into refractory lined box or earthen trench. 2. Refractory lined wall as on the S-Series machines, or earthen wall as used with the T-Series machines. 3. Material to be burned. 4. Initial air flow forms a high velocity "curtain" over fire. 5. Continued air flow over -oxygenates fire keeping temperatures high. Higher temperatures provide a cleaner and more complete burn. Page 4 I rZ, APPLICATION The ash from typical wood waste is a very useful soil additive, and as such offers a commodity that can be marketed to plant nurseries, farms, etc. as a potting soil additive. This beneficial reuse aspect of the residual ash may be important to the overall profitability of the Air Burners System in certain applications. Recycling our resources is not only socially and politically imperative, but it often reaps the additional benefit of tax incentives or tax credits. Solid waste landfills are diminishing rapidly, and permits are difficult to secure for new sites. The Air Burners System provides an affordable and environmentally sound alternative to indiscriminate depositing of wood debris into landfills. In the past, diseased animal carcasses were usually buried and forgotten. Little was known about the agents that caused the deadly diseases which have wiped out many herds of cattle and entire chicken farms. What is important to understand is that certain pathogens have been known to survive over fifty years in the soil where they have been buried along with animal carcasses that perished from the disease. The only known practical approach to the elimination of diseased carcasses is high temperature incineration. Air Burners Air Curtain Systems are ideally suited for this task and have repeatedly been employed for that purpose with the approval of the US, Canadian and certain foreign authorities. Air Burners' systems are the preferred on -site disposal devices for animals affected with such diseases as BSE, CWD, Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD), Sheep Scrapie, Anthrax, Ebola, etc. The residual ash resulting from the incineration process which destroys all teeth and bones as well, is a safe ash material that can usually be applied to the land, as it has been fully sterilized by the extreme temperatures applied. It is understood that the prions which are believed to cause BSE or CWD are fully destroyed as well by virtue of the high fire box temperatures. The mobility of our systems permit their placement at the location designated for animal euthanasia, or at the slaughterhouse, thereby avoiding the over -the -road transport of diseased animals to fixed incineration facilities. Page 5 R Description and Specifications S-Series Portable Refractory Walled Air Curtain Incineration System GENERAL Air Burners' S-Series refractory walled air curtain incineration systems have been designed and engineered to provide over - the -road transportability, offering the operator the flexibility of bringing the combustion pit to the waste source, rather than hauling the waste to a fixed processing location. The S-Series unit is a fully self-contained system that includes a power plant, mechanical drive system, blower fan and fuel tank. It comprises units of varying sizes up to a maximum combustion pit dimension of 27' (8.20m). The smallest unit of the standard series has a pit dimension of 11' (3.35m). Custom designs are available. Sizes are offered in approximate increments of 3' (91 cm) in length between the above min/max dimensions. The type number designations are based on fire box length: Model S-111 represents the smallest unit, 11' (3.35m) in fire box length and S-127 represents the 27' (8.20m) fire box unit, the largest in the standard S-Series. The patented air disbursement manifold system is mounted on one side of the combustion pit so that the loading of waste to be processed can be facilitated from the opposite side. The principle of the air curtain concept is optimized with this design. High velocity air is directed across and downwards at an angle into the pit creating the air curtain on top and a rotational turbulence within the pit itself. The rotational turbulence provides an oxygen enriched environment within the combustion zone which accelerates the combustion process by raising the temperatures within the pit to 2,5000F - 2,8000F (1,3750C - 1,5500 C). The high velocity air curtain traps unburned particulate until it is completely consumed. The end result achieves nearly 100% combustion with minimal escaped particulate and the virtual elimination of opacity or smoke. The vertical refractory walls not only enhance the efficiency of the air curtain principle, but also aid in the combustion process by Page 6 F MI retaining and reflecting the high temperatures generated within the chamber. The volume of material that can be processed per hour is a function of density of the waste material, its moisture content, the employed loading techniques and the time period in which optimum temperatures in the pit can be retained. Upon completion_ of the combustion stage, the waste material will be reduced in bulk by 98% leaving only 2% in volume as residual ash. System efficiency will be reduced once the residual ash build-up reaches approximately 3 ft (91 cm) in the bottom of the pit. Typically, several days of operation will lead to such a build- up after which the ash will have to be removed from the system. Ash removal is facilitated through the back of the pit where refractory panel doors can be opened and the ash removed. The entire unit can now be dragged in the forward direction away from the ash pile and combustion can be resumed upon closing the doors. The residual ash from wood waste can either be retrieved and sold to nurseries as a soil amendment, or it can be mixed with the soil right at the location, as the material is non-polluting and becomes a generally desirable soil enhancer. The S-Series Air Curtain Systems have been engineered and are being manufactured to help meet our ongoing challenges in the volume reduction of various waste streams, and in the recycling of residual waste products through environmentally friendly and economically sound methods. Air Burners Air Curtain Systems are built to last, and incorporate state-of-the-art design and engineering concepts to achieve and guaranty unparalleled performance. The Diesel engine (or electric motor for the E-Versions) is mounted on a channel rack. The entire front deck is covered with %" (6.35 mm) steel diamond plate. All welds are continuous fillet welds for overall strength. The entire structural unit receives two coats of primer and three coats of the symbolic Air Burners orange alkyd gloss enamel paint for optimum protection. The unit is easily moved by attaching cables to either the 1'/2" (38 mm) plate steel grab block or both 1" (25.4 mm) plate steel pad eyes located on the front of the skids. Pad eyes are also located on the rear of both skids. Steel pad eyes for crane lifting are provided as well. Page 7 AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM Each S-Series Air Curtain System is equipped with a fan mounted so as to direct high velocity air down a patented air disbursement manifold that redirects the air over and down into the combustion pit. The S-121/127 fan, operating at approximately 2,000 RPM's and 6" w.g. (1,490 Pa) minimum static pressure, produces in excess of 18,000 cubic feet (510 m3) minute air flow. The S-116/111 Air Curtain System produces 8,000 cubic feet (233 m3) minute air flow. The manifold is equipped with patented scuffers that peel off the required amount of air down the manifold so as to maintain a uniform discharge rate along the entire length of the combustion chamber. For the S-121/127, minimum average nozzle discharge velocity is 9,200 feet per minute. The minimum nozzle discharge airflow is 900 cubic feet per minute per foot of nozzle length. See Summary Specifications on Pages 10 & 11 for details. REFRACTORY PANELS The panels and door frames are poured solid with a castable refractory of 4" (102 mm) rated at 2,8000 F (1,5400C). After curing, the castable thermal ceramic panels have a cold crushing strength of up to 5,000 PSI (352 kg/cm2). Each panel weighs approximately 1,200 lbs. (544kg) and is equipped with two steel pad eyes for easy removal and replacement. The two refractory panel doors, weighing approximately ;1,700 lbs. (771 kg) each, are supported by four, custom hinges. POWER PLANT & DRIVE SYSTEM The Power Plant used on the S-Series Air Curtain Systems Models S-121/S-127 is a four cylinder 4045D John Deere Diesel engine. The engine is a direct -injected, naturally aspirated engine with a rating of 76 HP (57 kW) at 2,400 RPM under continuous duty. The engine is outfitted with a custom designed instrument and control panel that provides ease of operation and readily visible monitoring. The S-111/S-116 models are equipped with a 4020D John Deere Diesel engine producing 40 HP (30 kW). The engine is protected by a custom manufactured shroud. Electric S-Series versions are powered by three-phase heavy duty electric motors with IN motor speed controllers. Page 8 The fan is mechanically driven by a pulley and belt system. We use a quad belt system which is easy to maintain and very reliable. The fan is a heavy duty industrial unit built specifically for the Air Burners' S-Series machines. Electric versions use direct coupling, except for the S-127 & S-121 E which are 4-belt driven. For the Diesel versions, a 100 gallon (380 liter) S-1 16 E (Electric version) fuel tank for the S-121/S-127 and a 30 gallon (136 liter) for the S-111/S-116 is mounted on the deck. This provides approximately a three to four day operating capability before refueling is usually required. Fuel lines protected through conduit connect to the engine. A lockable tool/battery box is welded to the deck next to the engine or motor. Page 9 M2 PORTABLE SELF-CONTAINED REFRACTORY AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEM AIR BURNERS S-1 21, S-1 27 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS 1. Power Sour I ce Four cylinder Diesel engine, minimum 76 HP (57 kW), full enclosure; security locks around power source 2. Drive Train Engine mounted PTO (Power Take Off) coupled to a heavy duty 4 belt drive system. 3. Burn Container 4" (102 mm) thick walls; refractory panels filled with thermal ceramic material 4. Electric System 12 Volt heavy duty battery 5. Instrument Panel Tachometer, hour meter, ampere meter, key switch, oil pressure and water temperature, gauges with safety shutdown feature and adjustable locking throttle 6. Fan 18,000 cfm (510 M3/Min) centrifugal fan Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 9,200 FPM 7. Air Output (47 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 900 CFM per foot (85.6.6 m/min/m) 8. Manifold Minimum 1/4" (3.2 mm) steel, solid -weld assembly 9. Skid Deck 1/2" (12.7 mm) square tubing all solid -weld construction 10. Miscellaneous 100 gallon (378 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity 11. Fuel Consumption Approx. 2.50 Gal/Hr (9.54 L/Hr) (Diesel version) 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations 13. Transportation Transported by "low -boy" or similar trailer system Load is over -size Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 10 no PORTABLE SELF-CONTAINED REFRACTORY AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEM AIR BURNERS S-116 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS Diesel Engine (John Deere 4020D), 40 HP (30 kW) or 25 1. Power Source HP Three -Phase Electric Motor (18.75 kW), full enclosure; security locks around power source or control panel (Electric version) 2. Drive Train Direct -coupled motor to fan drive 4" (102 mm) thick walls; refractory panels filled with 3. Burn Container thermal ceramic material 12 V DC with engine mounted alternator (Diesel version) 4. Electric System or fully enclosed starter and speed control system (Electric version) Tachometer, hour meter, ampere indicator, key switch, oil 5. Instrument Panel pressure and water temperature indicators with safety shutdown feature and adjustable locking throttle; lockable instrument panel (Diesel version) 6. Fan Specially designed radial paddle fan. 8,000 CFM (233 m3 /min) with 13.5 wg (3.24 kPa) Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 7,000 FPM 7. Air Output (36 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 500 CFM per foot (47.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 10" (25.4 cm) in diameter; Minimum'/4' (6.4 mm) steel, solid -weld assembly 9. Skid Deck '/2' (12.7 mm) square tubing all solid -weld construction 10. Miscellaneous 30 gallon (136 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity (Diesel version) 11. Fuel Consumption Approx. 0.75 Gal/Hr (3.4 L/Hr) (Diesel version) 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations 13. Other Shipped completely assembled; transported by drop -deck, "Landoll" or similar trailer system Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 11 M - Description and Specification T-Series Portable Air Curtain Incineration Systems for Use with Earthen Pit or Trench General Air Burner's T-Series trailer mounted air curtain incineration systems have been designed and engineered to provide over - the -road transportability, offering the operator the flexibility of reducing land clearing or demolition waste on -site as IR opposed to hauling the waste to a fixed processing location. The T-350 Series unit is a fully self-contained trailer mounted system that includes a power plant, mechanical drive system, blower fan and fuel tank. The unit has a thirty-five foot (10.70m) manifold to support trench burning, and a thirty foot (11 m) carrier pipe to keep the trailer mounted components clear of damaging heat generated from burning operations. The T-200 is designed for smaller operations, and uses a twenty foot (6.2m) in -line manifold with a twenty foot setback. As depicted in the accompanying pictures and drawings the trailer mounted series of air curtain incinerators are assembled on -site. All of the components are either mounted to, or stored on the trailer. Set-up and operation of the T- Series units is quick and easy. Once a site for the burn has been selected, a trench is constructed using a bulldozer or similar equipment. The earthen trench is constructed by either excavating down into the soil or by piling up soil to achieve a trench approximately thirty-six feet long for the T-350 or twenty-one feet for the T-200. See drawings on Page 17 for recommended trench dimensions). The manifold sections and two carrier pipe sections are then unloaded from the trailer and placed on the trench edge. The unloading can easily be handled by using a front loader or backhoe. The unloading and set-up of the machine can be completed by two people in less than thirty minutes. Burning operations can usually run for three days before the ash in the trench will need to be removed or a new trench built. Page 12 Lj W The principle of the air curtain concept is optimized with this design. High velocity air is directed across and downwards at an angle into the pit creating the air curtain on top and a rotational turbulence within the pit itself. The rotational turbulence provides an, -oxygen enriched environment within the combustion zone which accelerates the combustion process by raising the temperatures within the pit to 2,5000 F to 2,8000 F (1,3750 C to 1,5500 C). The high velocity air curtain traps unburned particulate until it is completely consumed. The end result achieves nearly 0 100 /o combustion with minimal escaped particulate and the virtual elimination of opacity or smoke. The volume of material that can be processed per hour is a function of density of the waste =;F material, its moisture content, the employed loading techniques .'' and the time period in which optimum temperatures in the, pit T-200 can be retained. Upon completion of the combustion stage, the waste material will be reduced in bulk by 98% leaving only 2% in volume as residual ash. System efficiency will be reduced once the residual ash build-up reaches approximately 3 ft (91 cm) in the bottom of the pit. Typically, several days of operation_ will lead to such a build-up after which the ash will have to be removed. The residual ash from wood waste can either be retrieved and sold to plant nurseries as a soil amendment, or it can be mixed with the soil right at the location, as the material is non-polluting and becomes a generally desirable soil enhancer. Trailer Construction The custom trailer is manufactured by Air Burners using welded C-channel beam for the main frames including engine and fan mounting. The fenders are constructed using 12 gauge steel with steel under supports. The manifold support rack is constructed from welded box tubing. All of the tube ends are cap welded for better protection from the elements and a better looking finish. A lockable steel tool box is welded to the trailer for battery and tool storage. All welds are continuous fillet welds for overall strength. The entire unit receives two coats of primer and three coats of the symbolic "Air Burners Orange" alkyd gloss enamel paint for optimum protection. Page 13 M M The tandem axle trailer includes electric brakes. The lighting package includes license plate, reflectors, side marker and tail lights. Air Supply The trailer mounted fan is mechanically driven by a pulley and belt system. We use a quad belt system which is easy to maintain and very reliable. The fan is a heavy duty industrial unit built specifically for the Air Burners T-Series machines. The fan is mounted so as to direct high velocity air down a patented air disbursement manifold that redirects the air over and down into the combustion pit. On the T-350, the fan, operating at approximately 2,000 RPM's and 6" w.g. (1,490 Pa) minimum static pressure, produces in excess of 18,000 cubic feet (510 m3 ) minute air flow.. The air is discharged from the fan through a custom made square to round coupling which, in turn, directs the air through the flex pipe and down the carrier pipes to the manifold, reaching speeds in excess of 110 MPH. The manifold, fabricated from'/4" steel (carbon steel; 6.84 mm thickness), is equipped with patented scuffers that peel off the required amount of air down the manifold so as to maintain a uniform discharge rate along the entire length of the trench. The manifolds and carrier pipes are fitted with pad eyes for easy removal. Power and Drive Systems The Power Plant used on the T-Series Air Curtain Systems is a four or six cylinder John Deere Diesel engine (depending on model). The T-350/S-350 engine is a six cylinder direct -injected, naturally aspirated engine with a minimum rating of 113 HP (84 kW) at 2,500 RPM under continuous duty. The T-200 engine is a 40 HP (34 kW) Diesel engine. The engine is outfitted with a custom designed instrument and control panel that provides ease of operation and readily visible monitoring. A -Rockford PTO is mounted to the engine, providing the drive control for the fan mechanical drive system. The engine is protected by a custom manufactured shroud. Each shroud provides two removable louvered engine access panels with flush mounted lockable latches and a lockable engine instrument/control. Access doors are provided for easy coolant, oil and air filter servicing. A 50 gallon (190 liter) fuel tank is mounted on the trailer. The S-350 Skid Version is equipped with a 100 gallon (378 liter) fuel tank. This provides a three day operating capability before refueling is usually required (More for the S-350 which is typically operated in more remote locations, such as pipe line construction). The T-200 is equipped with a 30 gallon (136 liter) fuel tank providing two to three day operating capability. Page 14 6 ME AIR BURNERS, LLC MOBILE AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEMS Air Burners Trench Burner T-350 & S-350 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS John Deere 6068 Diesel engine. Rated at 113 HP (84 kW), 21500 RPM continuous operation. Maximum horsepower is 1. Power 125 HP (93 kW). Full enclosure with silencer and locked control panel. Emission certified CARB; EEC; EPA Engine mounted PTO (Power Take Off) coupled to a heavy duty 2. Drive 4 belt drive system 3. Burn Container (Earthen Trench) 12V DC system; Engine mounted alternator, heavy duty battery, 4. Electric System complete trailer lighting 5. Instrument Panel Oil Pressure and Water Temperature gauges with safety shutdown feature. Ignition switch and adjustable locking throttle Specially designed radial paddle fan. 18,000 CFM (510 m3/min) 6. Fan with a static pressure of 14 psi (0.98 kg/cm2) Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 9,200 FPM (47 m/sec) 7. Air Output Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 900 CFM per foot (85.6.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 14" (35.6 cm) in diameter, 1/4" (6.4 mm) thick for durability. Patented nozzles are 1/8" (3.2 mm) welded steel 9. Manifold Dimensions Setback (Blower Unit to Manifold/Pit): —36' (-11 m) Manifold Length: 35' (10.7 m) 10. Weight (Approx.) T-350: 7,800 lbs. (3,520 kg) S-350: 9,500 Ibs (4,300 kg) 11. Miscellaneous 50 gallon (189 liters) for T-350, 100 gallon (378 liters) for S-350 minimum fuel tank capacity; Locking fuel cap 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations T-350: The unit is built around a custom dual axle trailer with electric brakes and trailer lighting. T-350 & S-350: Racks for 13. Transportation loading the manifolds and carrier pipes during transport provided. Also included is a built-in locking tool box for miscellaneous items. S-350: Lifting pads provided 14. Dimensions See Summary on Page 3 Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 15 MOBILE AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEMS Air Burners Trench Burner T-200 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS Diesel Engine (John Deere 4020D), 40 HP (30 kW) continuous 1. Power Source operation. Enclosure with silencer and control panel. Emission certified CARB; EEC; EPA 2. Drive Train Direct -coupled motor to fan drive or belt drive 3. Burn Container (Earthen Trench) 4. Electric System 12V DC system; Engine mounted alternator, heavy duty battery, complete trailer lighting Tachometer with Hour Meter, indicator lamps for Preheat, Oil 5. Instrument Panel Pressure, Water Temperature and Charging System. Keyed . ignition switch and adjustable locking throttle 6. Fan Specially designed radial paddle fan. 12,000 CFM (340 m3/min) with a static pressure of 12 psi (0.84 kg/cmz) Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 7,000 FPM 7. Air Output (36 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 500 CFM per foot (47.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 10" (25.4 cm) in diameter, 1/4" (6.4 mm) thick for durability. Patented nozzles are 1/8" (3.2 mm) welded steel 9. Manifold Dimensions Setback (Trailer/Blower Unit to Manifold/Pit): 20' (7 m). Manifold Length: 20' (7 m) 10. Miscellaneous 30 gallon (136 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity. 11. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations The unit is built around a custom dual axle trailer with electric 12. Transportation brakes and trailer lighting. The trailer includes racks for loading the manifolds during transport. Also included is a built-in locking tool box for miscellaneous items 13. Dimensions See Summary on Page 3 Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 16 1 T-Series Manifold Dimensions and Trench Configurations M T 350/S-350 Manifold Dimensions T 200 Manifold Dimensions Set-baek 36 ft (11m) Manifold 20, ft (6trij Length 336 ft (10.7m) Set -back 20, ft (6m) T-350IS-350 Pit Dimerisians Side Crew A Pit 9-12 ft (3-4m)i steep- T 350IS-35a Pit Dimensions Top Wew .9- 9-12 ft (3-4m) wide T-200 Pit Dimensions Side View Pit 1 7-8 ft (2.3m) wide 8-10 ft (2.6-3m) deep k__ T: 350IS-350 Pit Diraensiona' Side View B Pit rA �ti 9-12 ft (34MI `-- deep T 200 Pit Dimensions Top Wow Length i 36 ft (11rn� Set -back F Pit � 20 ft (6rn) 21 ft (6.Sirn� longs NOTE: Sketch Dimensions approximate and NOT TO SCALE Page 17 Miq DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS MP-116 Custom Trailer Package S-116 Air Curtain Burner, Custom Trailer & Excavator We would like to introduce our newest product, the "MP-116 Mobile Package" for the S-116 and S-111 units. The idea behind the design is to provide an entry level unit in the thermo-ceramic lined fire box series that is more portable than our large fire box series. The mobile package is centered around a custom single drop -deck trailer specifically designed to carry an S-116 and an excavator, such as the Deere 80 or 110. The trailer includes a hydraulic power pack to drive the winch system for loading and unloading. The power pack also includes a genset for remote power on the job site. Even though the trailer is a custom design to support this package, it could still be used to haul other equipment, if so desired. The S-116 and the excavator are loaded over the rear beaver tail on the trailer. The MP-116, minus the excavator, will have a road weight of approximately 40,000 lbs. The final road weight, including tractor and excavator, will be under the legal limit of 80,000 lbs. The height and width are also within legal limits, so this package will not require any special road permits. The Mobile Package MP-116 is sold as a self-contained package including; the S-Series S- 116 unit, a self-loading/unloading trailer and a Deere 80 or 110 excavator (dealer supplied). The power pack is standard equipment, but we will be offering some optional equipment, such as Diesel storage tanks and stump crushers. We will also offer equipment to support particular markets. As an example, for the forest industry we will offer a trailer -mounted foam fire suppression system. These accessories will be mounted on modular skids that will allow you to easily reconfigure your trailer as your needs change. The MP-116 package is all you need to get started in the mobile burn business. Check periodically on our web site for updates and more photos. Air Burners, LLC Product Brochure Page 18 Air Burners, LLC /J_ /vy, UP 4390 Cargo. Way, Palm City, Florida .3090 PH (561) 220.7303 Fax (561) 220-7302 E-Mail. into0airburnera.com www.airburners.com Air Burners, LLC Air Curtain Burner Price List 2002 Effective January 7., 2002 MODEL TYPE PRICE $ T-350 Mobile - Trench Burner (Diesel) Trailer or Skid S' 350 Mounted; 35 ft (10.7 m)'Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit . 35,973 MIL -to -Ball Mitch Adapter: Additional $195.00 Mobile - Trench -Burner (Diesel) Trailer Mounted T-200 20 ft (6.2 m) Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 25,,850 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter:.$195.00 S-111 Portable -Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) 53,992 w/Combustion Box.11 ft (3.35 m) S-116 Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained.(Diesel) ' 59,830 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-11fiE Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 61,590 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m.) 5-121 Portable - Refractory Walled.- Self Contained (Diesel) 94,727 w/Combustion -Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-121 E Portable'- Refractory Walled- Self Contained (Electric) 99,298 w/Combustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-127 Portable -Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel)• 104,872 w/Combustion Box 27 ft (8.2 m) S-127E Portable =Refractory Walled -Self Contained (Electric) 109,765 w/Combustion Box 27 ft .8.2 m Prices: Prices are in US dollars FOB Air Burners, LCC Factory in Palm City, Florida, USA (North of West Palm Beach). Systems are made in the USA, completely assembled (T-350/200 requires set-up). Payment Terms: 50% Down Payment with order, balance upon completion of system and before shipment, or irrevocable UC in US Dollars, confirmed by a major US Bank. Financing available (US and Overseas). Delivery (unless in stock): Depending on model and our order backlog when order is placed, stock to 4-5 weeks ARO. Warranties: The limited Air Burners, LCC factory warranty is one year, and the engine and fan manufacturers provide their own warranties for their units which will be registered in client's name. Extended Warranties for John Deere engines available at a surcharge from Deere & Company. NOTE: Dimensions approximate. Shipping and loading/rigging, if applicable, not included. Prices subject to change without notice. This price list supersedes all previous price lists. Rev. 0102.0 SM LIU Air Burners Portable and Mobile Air Curtain Burners Air Curtain Destructors/Incinerators Refractory Walled Fire Boxes Trench Burners Pit Burners Custom Trailer Packages (Fire Box, Trailer & Excavator) Serving the Heavy Equipment Construction - Land Clearing - Waste Management- Wood Manufacturing - Forestry - Agriculture - Disaster Recovery - Animal Disease - Control Industries for more than 30 Years Company Information System Specifications 01 Visit our Web Site at: www.airburners.com Factory and Main Office (US) Air Burners, LLC 4390 Cargo Way Palm City, FL 34990, USA Phone (561) 220 -7303 FAX (561) 220 -7302 E-mail: info@airbumers.com © 1998-2002 Air Burners, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Subject to change without notice. Some dimensions approximate. Metric conversions rounded. Rev. 02-02-02 o TABLE OF CONTENTS Company; Profile .. .................... .... Page 1 Product Overview ......................................... Page 2 The Principle of Air Curtain Burning .......................... Page 4 S-Series................................................. Page 6 T-Series..........:...................................... Page11 MP-116 Trailer Package ................................... Page18 M COMPANY PROFILE Air Burners, LLC is the number one manufacturer of Air Curtain Incineration Systems in the world. We hold the patents on air curtain burners, and for over thirty years we have been building the best and most rugged machines in the industry. Our units employ very high temperatures that safely and efficiently reduce wood and other vegetative waste to a residual ash. Air Burners' systems are typically used in the construction industry to support land clearing operations and demolition debris removal, for forest fire mitigation and at landfill sites to help reduce the reliance on costly landfills by reducing wood waste and similar such waste streams. They are also used for clearing the aftermath from storm or flood damage, and to dispose of (diseased) anima_ I carcasses, including BSE, foot-and-mouth disease or CWD affected carcasses. All of 'the systems we manufacture are either mobile or portable. The T-Series (T-350 or T-200) trench burner is trailer mounted, and, as the skid -mounted S-350, requires an earthen trench or pit. The T-Series units have been designed for easy mobilization and set-up. We have designed and build the machine to withstand the rigors of typical construction site work. The skid -mounted S-Series machines are self-contained with a refractory lined fire box. They are designed for field use or semi -stationary placement, except for the S-350 trench burner. The refractory lined fire box allows.for more controlled burns without the need for an earthen pit or trench. The S-Series units are loaded over the top, except for the S-350 trench burner. The twin doors at the rear of the machine allow for ash removal or the unit can be dragged on its skids around the site, leaving the residual ash behind. The fire box has no bottom. Air Burners, LLC has two manufacturing facilities. The main factory is in Palm City, Florida (North of West Palm Beach) and the other facility is in Malaysia. This allows us to quickly and economically service a worldwide market. Our engineering staff uses the latest 3D CAD software for our equipment designs. We can quickly accommodate changes to support our customers' particular requirements. The employees of Air Burners are dedicated to maintaining the high standard of design and manufacturing that has made us the recognized leader in air curtain burner equipment. We look forward to working on your next project. Page 1 M PRODUCT OVERVIEW Air Burners, LLC has a track record in the air curtain incinerator business that spans more than thirty years. Our systems have been used throughout the USA, Canada and overseas, primarily for the disposal of wood waste (debris) from land clearing efforts, wood product manufacturing and from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornados and floods, but often also for the disposal of diseased animal carcasses. Air Burners, LLC offers two distinctly different air curtain burners: S-Series: The S-Series machines are portable systems (transportable by low -boy trailer, "Landoll" truck, etc.) utilizing a refractory walled enclosure. They are completely self contained and do not require any setup or tear -down. They can be used for portable applications as well as semi -permanent applications. Standard system dimensions are shown below. Custom systems are also available to meet specific needs. Model Overall Size Fire Box Weight LxWxH LxWxH S-127 37' 4" x 11' 9" x 10' 3" 27' x 81411 X8' 1" 50,000 lbs. S-127E 11.40m x 3.78m x 3.13m 8.20m x 2.50m x 2.45m 22,600kg S-121 32' 2" x 11' 9" x10' 3" 21' x 8' 4" x 8' 1" 41,000 lbs. S-121 E 9.80m x 3.78m x 3.13m 6.40m x 2.50m x 2.45m 18, 600kg S-116 27' x 7' 5" x7' 5" 16' x 5' x 6' 26,000 lbs. S-116E 8.23m x 2.30m x 2.30m 4.90m x 1.50m x 1.80m 11,800kg S-111 22' x 71519 x7' 5" 11' x 5' x 6' 21,300 lbs. S-111E 6.60m x 2.30m x 2.30m 3.35m x 1.50m x 1.80m 9,700kg Suffix "E" denotes electric version Diesel Engine Version: Engine: John Deere Industrial Fuel Tank: 100 Gallon (378 L) Diesel Fuel, except S-116 & S-111: 30 Gallons (136 L) Electrical: 12 Volts DC Drive System: Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive, except S-116E & S-111 E: Direct coupling drive Electric Motor Version: Motor: 3-Phase, heavy-duty, with enclosed controller; Max 480V, 50Hz or 60Hz Drive System: Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive, except S-116E & S-111 E: Direct coupling drive Options: Under -fire air supply (surcharge applies) Heat recovery (surcharge applies) Custom Designs Available NOTES: 1) All weights and dimensions are approximate. 2) Dimensional drawings can be provided on request Page 2 T-Series Trench Burner: A mobile (trailer mounted) pit burner which is used in combination with an earthen pit or trench made to function as the fire box. The T-350 is also offered as a skid mounted version, called the S-350. The basic operation is the same as the T-350, except that it is not trailer mounted. Dimensions T-350 T-200 S-350 Length 18' 9" (5.70m) 17' 8" (5.40m) 15' 8" (4.80m) Height: 8' 7" (2.60m) 6' (1.85m) 8' 3" (2.51m) Width 81211 (2.50m) 8' (2.50m) 7' 4" (2.24m) Manifold Length: 35' (10.70m) 20' (7.0m) 35' (10.70m) Approx. Setback (Unit to Pit): 36' 11.00m ( ) ' 20(7.0m ) 36(11.00m) ' Weight: 7,8001bs. (3,520kg) 6,5001bs. (3,000kg) 9,5001bs. (4,300kg) Engine John Deere Diesel, John Deere: Diesel, John Deere Diesel, 6068D (6 Cylinders) 4020D (4 Cylinders) 6068D (6 Cylinders) Fuel Tank 50 Gallon (189 L) 30 Gallon (136 L) 100 Gallon (378 L) Electrical 12 Volts DC 12 Volts DC 12 Volts DC Drive System Mechanical PTO Mechanical PTO Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive Direct Coupling Drive 4-Belt Drive NOTES: 1) All weights and dimensions are approximate 2) If required, dimensional drawings can be provided Page 3 M The Principle of Air Curtain Incineration OPERATION The operating principle of the air curtain_ within an incineration device lies in the introduction of controlled high velocity air across the upper portion of the combustion chamber in which combustibles, such as wood, are loaded. The powerful curtain of air created in this process is actually a rotating mass of high temperature air (2,3000 F or 1,2600 C, or more) that has been trapped in the chamber. The increased combustion time and turbulence results in complete combustion of the loaded waste and the protective curtain created by the rotating air significantly reduces emissions. This effective and essentially clean incineration of wood waste is documented in engineering studies and analyses that have been compiled over the years at operating facilities throughout the US. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Air curtain machine manifold and nozzles directing high velocity air flow into refractory lined box or earthen trench. Refractory lined wall as on the S-Series machines, or earthen wall as used with the T-Series machines. Material to be burned. Initial air flow forms a high velocity "curtain" over fire. Continued air flow over -oxygenates fire keeping temperatures high. Higher temperatures provide a cleaner and more complete burn. Page 4 M r APPLICATION The ash from typical wood waste is a very useful soil additive, and as such offers a commodity that can be marketed to plant nurseries, farms, etc. as a potting soil additive. This beneficial reuse aspect of the residual ash may be important to the overall profitability of the Air Burners System in certain applications. Recycling our resources is not only socially and politically imperative, but it often reaps the additional benefit of tax incentives or tax credits. Solid waste landfills are diminishing rapidly, and permits are difficult to secure for new sites. The Air Burners System provides an affordable and environmentally sound alternative to indiscriminate depositing of wood debris into landfills. In the past, diseased animal carcasses were usually buried and forgotten. Little was known about the agents that caused the deadly diseases which have wiped out many herds of cattle and entire chicken farms. What is important to understand is that certain pathogenshave been known to survive over fifty years in the soil where they have been buried along with animal carcasses that perished from the disease. The only known practical approach to the elimination of diseased carcasses is high temperature incineration. Air Burners Air Curtain Systems are ideally suited for this task and have repeatedly been employed for that purpose with the approval of the US, Canadian and certain foreign authorities. Air Burners' systems are the preferred on -site disposal devices for animals affected with such diseases as BSE, CWD, Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD), Sheep Scrapie, Anthrax, Ebola, etc. The residual ash resulting from the incineration process which destroys all teeth and bones as well, is a safe ash material that can usually be applied to the land, as it has been fully sterilized by the extreme temperatures applied. It is understood that the prions which are believed to cause BSE or CWD are fully destroyed as well by virtue of the high fire box temperatures. The mobility of our systems permit their placement at the location designated for animal euthanasia, or at the slaughterhouse, thereby avoiding the over -the -road transport of diseased animals to fixed incineration facilities. Page 5 R M m Description and Specifications S-Series Portable Refractory Walled Air Curtain Incineration System GENERAL Air Burners' S-Series refractory walled air curtain incineration systems have been designed and engineered to provide over - the -road transportability, offering the operator the flexibility of bringing the combustion pit to the waste source, rather than hauling the waste to a fixed processing location. The S-Series unit is a fully self-contained system that includes a power plant, mechanical drive system, blower fan and fuel tank. It comprises units of varying sizes up to a maximum combustion pit dimension of 27' (8.20m). The smallest unit of the standard series has a pit dimension of 11' (3.35m). Custom designs are available. Sizes are offered in approximate increments of 3' (91 cm) in length between the above min/max dimensions. The type number designations are based on fire box length: Model S-111 represents the smallest unit, 11' (3.35m) in fire box length and S-127 represents the 27' (8.20m) fire box unit, the largest in the standard S-Series. The patented air disbursement manifold system is mounted on one side of the combustion pit so that the loading of waste to be processed can be facilitated from the opposite side. The principle of the air curtain concept is optimized with this design. High velocity air is directed across and downwards at an angle into the pit creating the air curtain on top and a rotational turbulence within the pit itself. The rotational turbulence provides an oxygen enriched environment within the combustion zone which accelerates the combustion process by raising the temperatures within the pit to 2,5000 F - 2,8000 F (1,3750 C - 1,5500 C). The high velocity air curtain traps unburned particulate until it is completely consumed. The end result achieves nearly 100% combustion with minimal escaped particulate and the virtual elimination of opacity or smoke. The vertical refractory walls not only enhance we the efficiency of the air curtain principle, but also aid in the combustion process by Page 6 91 retaining and reflecting the high temperatures generated within the chamber. The volume of material that can be processed per hour is a function of density of the waste material, its moisture content, the employed loading techniques and the time period in which optimum temperatures in the pit can be retained. Upon completion of the combustion stage, the waste material will be reduced in bulk by 98% leaving only 2% in volume as residual ash. System efficiency will be reduced once the residual ash build-up reaches approximately 3 ft (91 cm) in the bottom of the pit. Typically, several days of operation will lead to such a build- up after which the ash will have to be removed from the system. Ash removal is facilitated through the back of the pit where refractory panel doors can be opened and the ash removed. The entire unit can now be dragged in the forward direction away from the ash pile and combustion can be resumed upon closing the doors. The residual ash from wood waste can either be.retrieved and sold to nurseries as a soil amendment, or it can be mixed with the soil right at the location, as the material is non-polluting and becomes a generally desirable soil enhancer. The S-Series Air Curtain Systems have been engineered and are being manufactured to me help meetourongoing challenges in the volume reduction of various waste streams, and in the recycling of residual waste products through environmentally friendly and economically sound methods. Air Burners Air Curtain Systems are built to last, and incorporate state-of-the-art design and engineering concepts to achieve and guaranty unparalleled performance. The Diesel engine (or electric motor for the E-Versions) is mounted on a channel rack. The entire front deck is covered with W (6.35 mm) steel diamond plate. All welds are continuous fillet welds for overall strength. The entire structural unit receives two coats of primer and three coats of the symbolic Air Burners orange alkyd gloss enamel paint for optimum protection. The unit is easily moved by attaching cables to either the 1'/2' (38 mm) plate steel grab block or both 1" (25.4 mm) plate steel pad eyes located on the front of the skids. Pad eyes are also located on the rear of both skids. Steel pad eyes for crane lifting are provided as well. Page 7 W. W AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM Each S-Series Air Curtain System is equipped with a fan mounted so as to direct high velocity air down a patented air disbursement manifold that redirects the air over and down into the combustion pit.. The S-121/127 fan, ij operating at approximately 2,000 RPM's and 6" P w.g. (1,490 Pa) minimum static pressure, produces in excess of 18,000 cubic feet (510 m3) minute air flow. The S-116/111 Air Curtain System produces 8,000 cubic feet (233 m3) minute air flow. The manifold is equipped with patented scuffers that peel off the required amount of air down the manifold so as to maintain a uniform discharge rate along the entire length of the combustion chamber. For the S-121 /127 minimum average nozzle discharge velocity is 9,200 feet per minute. The minimum nozzle discharge air flow is 900 cubic feet per minute per foot of nozzle length. See Summary Specifications on Pages 10 & 11 for details. REFRACTORY PANELS The panels and doorframes are poured solid with a castable refractory of 4" (102 mm) rated at 2,8000 F (1,540°C). After curing, the castable thermal ceramic panels have a cold crushing strength of up to 5,000 PSI (352 kg/cm2). Each panel weighs approximately 1,200 lbs. (544kg) and is equipped with two steel pad eyes for easy removal and replacement. The two refractory panel doors, weighing approximately 1,700 lbs. (771 kg) each, are supported by four custom hinges. POWER PLANT & DRIVE SYSTEM The Power Plant used on the S-Series Air Curtain Systems Models S-121/S-127 is a four cylinder 4045D John Deere Diesel engine. The engine is a direct -injected, naturally aspirated engine with a rating of 76 HP (57 kW) at 2,400 RPM under continuous duty. The engine is outfitted with a custom designed instrument and control panel that provides ease of operation and readily visible monitoring. The S-111/S-116 models are equipped with a 4020D John Deere Diesel engine producing 40 HP (30 kW). The engine is protected by a custom manufactured shroud. Electric S-Series versions are powered by three-phase heavy duty electric motors with motor speed controllers. Page 8 The fan is mechanically driven by a pulley and belt system. We use a quad belt system which is easy to maintain and very reliable. The fan is a heavy duty industrial unit built specifically for the Air Burners' S-Series machines. Electric versions use direct coupling, except for the S-127 & S-121 E which are 4-belt driven. For the Diesel versions, a 100 gallon (380 liter) S-116 E (Electric Version) fuel tank for the S-121/S=127 and a 30 gallon (136 liter) for the S-111/S-116 is mounted on the deck. This provides approximately a three to four day operating capability before refueling is usually required. Fuel lines protected through conduit connect.to the engine. A lockable tool/battery box is welded to the deck next to the engine or motor. Page 9 M M 7 PORTABLE SELF-CONTAINED REFRACTORY AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEM AIR BURNERS S-121, S-127 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS 1.. Power Source Four cylinder Diesel engine, minimum 76 HP (57 kW), full enclosure; security locks around power source 2. Drive Train Engine mounted PTO (Power Take Off) coupled to a heavy duty 4 belt drive system. 3. Burn Container 4" (102 mm) thick walls; refractory panels filled with thermal ceramic material 4. Electric System 12 Volt heavy duty battery 5. Instrument Panel Tachometer, hour meter, ampere meter, key switch, oil pressure and water temperature gauges with safety shutdown feature and adjustable locking throttle 6. Fan 18,000 cfm (510 m3/min) centrifugal fan Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 9,200 FPM 7. Air Output (47 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 900 CFM per foot (85.6.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Minimum'/4' (3.2 mm) steel, solid -weld assembly 9. Skid Deck '/2" (12.7 mm) square tubing all solid -weld construction 10. Miscellaneous 100 gallon (378 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity 11. Fuel Consumption Approx. 2.50 Gal/Hr (9.54 L/Hr) (Diesel version) 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations 13. Transportation Transported by "low -boy" or similar trailer system Load is over -size Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 10 Y PORTABLE SELF-CONTAINED REFRACTORY AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEM AIR BURNERS S-116 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS Diesel Engine (John Deere 4020D), 40 HP (30 kW) or 25 1. Power Source HP Three -Phase Electric Motor (18.75 kW), full enclosure; security locks around power source or control panel (Electric version) 2. Drive Train Direct -coupled motor to fan drive 3. Burn Container 4" (102 mm) thick walls; refractory panels filled with thermal ceramic material 12 V DC with engine mounted alternator (Diesel version) 4. Electric System or fully enclosed starter and speed control system (Electric version) Tachometer, hour meter, ampere indicator, key switch, oil 5. Instrument Panel pressure and water temperature indicators with safety shutdown feature and adjustable locking throttle; lockable - instrument panel (Diesel version) 6. Fan Specially designed radial paddle fan. 8,000 CFM (233 m3/min) with 13.5 wg (3.24 kPa) Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 7,000 FPM 7. Air Output (36 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 500 CFM per foot (47.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 10" (25.4 cm) in diameter; Minimum W (6.4 mm) steel, solid -weld assembly 9. Skid Deck '/2' (12.7 mm) square tubing all solid -weld construction 10. Miscellaneous 30 gallon (136 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity (Diesel version) 11. Fuel Consumption Approx. 0.75 Gal/Hr (3.4 L/Hr) (Diesel version) 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations 13. Other Shipped completely assembled; transported by drop -deck, "Landoll" or similar trailer system Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 11 - Description and Specification M M T-Series Portable Air Curtain Incineration Systems for Use with Earthen Pit or Trench General Air Burner's T-Series trailer mounted air curtain incineration systems have been designed and engineered to provide over - the -road transportability, offering the operator the flexibility of reducing land clearing or demolition waste on -site as opposed to hauling the waste to a fixed processing location. The T-350 Series unit is a fully self-contained trailer mounted system that includes a power plant, mechanical drive system, blower fan and fuel tank. The unit has a thirty-five foot (10.70m) manifold to support trench burning, and a thirty foot (11 m) carrier pipe to keep the trailer mounted components clear of damaging heat generated from burning operations. The T-200 is designed for smaller operations, and uses a twenty foot (6.2m) in -line manifold with a twenty foot setback. As depicted in the accompanying pictures and drawings the trailer mounted series of air curtain incinerators are assembled on -site. All of the components are either mounted to, or stored on the trailer. Set-up and operation of the T- Series units is quick and easy. Once a site for the burn has been selected, a trench is constructed using a bulldozer or similar equipment. The earthen trench is constructed by either excavating down into the soil or by piling up soil to achieve a trench S-St approximately thirty-six feet long for the T-350 or twenty-one feet for the T-200. See drawings on Page 17 for recommended trench dimensions). The manifold sections and two carrier pipe sections are then unloaded from the trailer and placed on the trench edge. The unloading can easily be handled by using a front loader or backhoe. The unloading and set-up of the machine can be completed by two people in less than thirty minutes. Burning operations can usually run for three days before the ash in the trench will need to be removed or a new trench built. Page 12 Ge'i£1 The principle of the air curtain concept is optimized with this design. High velocity air is directed across and downwards at an angle into the pit creating the air curtain on top and a rotational turbulence within the pit itself. The rotational turbulence provides an oxygen enriched environment within the combustion zone which accelerates the combustion process by raising the temperatures within the pit to 2,5000 F to 2,8000 F (1,3750 C to 1,5500 C). The high velocity air curtain traps unburned particulate until it is completely consumed. The end result achieves nearly 0 100 /o combustion with minimal escaped particulate and the virtual elimination of opacity or smoke. The volume of material that can be processed per hour is a function of density of the waste material, its moisture content, the employed loading techniques and the time period in which optimum temperatures in the pit T-too can be retained. Upon completion of the combustion stage, the waste material will be reduced in bulk by 98% leaving only 2% in volume as residual ash. System efficiency will be reduced once the residual ash build-up reaches approximately 3 ft (91 -cm) in the bottom of the pit. Typically, several days of operation + will lead to such a build-up after which the ash will have to be removed. The residual ash from wood waste can either be retrieved and sold to plant nurseries as a soil amendment, or it can be mixed with the soil right at the location, as the material is non-polluting and becomes a generally desirable soil enhancer. Trailer Construction The custom trailer is manufactured by Air Burners using welded C-channel beam for the main frames including engine and fan mounting. The fenders are constructed using 12 gauge steel with steel under supports. The manifold support rack is constructed from welded box tubing. All of the tube ends are cap welded for better protection from the elements and a better looking finish. A lockable steel tool box is welded to the trailer for battery and tool storage. All welds are continuous fillet welds for overall strength. The entire unit receives two coats of primer and three coats of the symbolic "Air Burners Orange" alkyd gloss enamel paint for optimum protection. Page 13 R 7 The tandem axle trailer includes electric brakes. The lighting package includes license plate, reflectors, side marker and tail lights. Air Supply The trailer mounted fan is mechanically driven by a pulley and belt system. We use a quad belt system which is easy to maintain and very reliable. The fan is a heavy duty industrial unit built specifically for the Air Burners T-Series machines. The fan is mounted so as to direct high velocity air down a patented air disbursement manifold that redirects the air over and down into the, combustion pit. On the T-350, the fan, operating at approximately 2,000 RPM's and 6" w.g. (1,490 Pa) minimum static pressure, produces in excess of 18,000 cubic feet (510 m3 ) minute air flow. The air is discharged from the fan through a custom made square to round coupling which, in turn, directs the air through the flex pipe and down the carrier pipes to the manifold, reaching speeds In excess of 110 MPH: The manifold, fabricated from '/4" steel (carbon steel; 6.84 mm thickness), is equipped with patented scuffers that peel off the required amount of air down the manifold so as to maintain a uniform discharge rate along the entire length of the trench. The manifolds and carrier pipes are fitted with pad eyes for easy removal. Power and Drive Systems The Power Plant used on the T-Series Air Curtain Systems is a four or six cylinder John Deere Diesel engine (depending on model). The T-350/S-350 engine is a six cylinder direct -injected, naturally aspirated engine with a minimum rating of 113 HP (84 kW) at 2,500 RPM under continuous duty. The T-200 engine is a 40 HP (34 kW) Diesel engine. The engine is outfitted with a custom designed instrument and control panel that provides ease of operation and readily visible monitoring. A Rockford PTO is mounted to the engine, providing the drive control for the fan mechanical drive system. The engine is protected by a custom manufactured shroud. Each shroud provides two removable louvered engine access panels with flush mounted lockable latches and a lockable engine instrument/control. Access doors are provided for easy coolant, oil and air filter servicing. A 50 gallon (190 liter) fuel tank is mounted on the trailer. The S-350 Skid Version is equipped with a 100 gallon (378 liter) fuel tank. This provides a three day operating capability before refueling is usually required (More for the S-350 which is typically operated in more remote locations, such as pipe line construction). The T-200 is equipped with a 30 gallon (136 liter) fuel tank providing two to three day operating capability. Page 14 U 6 'In AIR BURNERS, LLC MOBILE AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEMS Air Burners Trench Burner T-350 & S-350 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS John Deere 6068 Diesel engine. Rated at 113 HP (84 kW), 1. Power 2,500 RPM continuous operation. Maximum horsepower is 125 HP (93 kW). Full enclosure with silencer and locked control panel. Emission certified CARB; EEC; EPA 2. Drive Engine mounted PTO (Power Take Off) coupled to a heavy duty 4 belt drive system 3. Burn Container (Earthen Trench) 4. Electric System 12V DC system; Engine mounted alternator, heavy•duty battery; complete trailer lighting 5. Instrument Panel Oil Pressure and Water Temperature gauges with safety shutdown feature. Ignition switch and adjustable locking throttle 6. Fan Specially designed radial paddle fan. 18,000 CFM (510 m3 /min) with a static pressure of 14 psi (0.98 kg/cm') Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 9,200 FPM (47 m/sec) 7. Air Output Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 900 CFM per foot (85.6.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 14" (35.6 cm) in diameter, 1/4" (6.4 mm) thick for durability. Patented nozzles are 1/8" (3.2 mm) welded steel 9. Manifold Dimensions Setback (Blower Unit to Manifold/Pit): -36' (-11 m) Manifold Length: 35' (10.7 m) 10. Weight (Approx.) T-350: 7,800 lbs. (3,520 kg) S-350: 9,500 Ibs (4,300 kg) 11. Miscellaneous 50 gallon (189 liters) for T-350, 100 gallon (378 liters) for S-350 minimum fuel tank capacity; Locking fuel cap 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations T-350: The unit is built around a custom dual axle trailer with electric brakes and trailer lighting. T-350 & S-350: Racks for 13. Transportation loading the manifolds and carrier pipes during transport provided. Also included is a built-in locking tool box for miscellaneous items. S-350: Lifting pads provided 14. Dimensions See Summary on Page 3 Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 15 MOBILE AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEMS Air Burners Trench Burner T-200 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS Diesel Engine (John Deere 4020D), 40 HP (30 kW) continuous 1. Power Source operation. Enclosure with silencer and control panel. Emission certified CARB; EEC; EPA 2. Drive Train Direct -coupled motor to fan drive or belt drive 3. Burn Container (Earthen Trench) 4. Electric,System 12V DC system; Engine mounted alternator, heavy duty battery, complete trailer lighting Tachometer with Hour Meter, indicator lamps for Preheat, Oil 5. Instrument Panel Pressure, Water Temperature and Charging .System. Keyed ignition switch and adjustable locking throttle 6. Fan Specially designed radial paddle fan. 12,000 CFM (340 m'/min) with a static pressure of 12 psi (0.84 kg/cm2) Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 7,000 FPM 7.. Air Output (36 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 500 CFM per foot (47.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 10" (25.4 cm) in diameter, 1/4" (6.4 mm) thick for durability. Patented nozzles are 1/8" (3.2 mm) welded steel 9. Manifold Dimensions Setback (Trailer/Blower Unit -to Manifold/Pit): 20' (7 m). Manifold Length: 20' (7 m) 10. Miscellaneous 30 gallon (136 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity. 11. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations The unit is built around a custom dual axle trailer with electric 12. Transportation brakes and trailer lighting. The trailer includes racks for loading the manifolds during transport. Also included is a built-in locking tool box for miscellaneous items 13. Dimensions See Summary on Page 3 Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 16 i T-Series Manifold Dimensions and Trench Configurations r 350IS- 350 Manifold Dimensions 7- 200 Manifold Dimensions T3501$450 Pit Dimensions Sid& V Idw A Pit 9-12 ft 43-4rn)� L deep r-35a/S-350 Pit Dimensions Tap 14ow - - Pit 8-12 ft (3-4m) wide r-200- Pit Dimensions Side Wow Manifold 20- et (Orny T 3'5Q07S-3'50 Pit Dimensions Side View B Pit L 9-12 ft (3-4rnj -_ deep T 2'0a Pei Dirmensions Top Wow Length 36 ft - (11rn) Setback � � � Pit � r 20 ft 46m> 21 ft 46.5m� long Pit 7--8 ft (2.3m) wide � 8-10 ft (2.6-3m) deep - i NOTE: Sketch Dimensions approximate and NOT TO SCALE Page 17 M MN DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS US W5 MP-116 Custom Trailer Package S-116. Air Curtain Burner, Custom Trailer & Excavator We would like to introduce our newest product, the "MP-116 Mobile Package" for the S-116 and S-111 units. The idea behind the design is to provide an entry level unit in the thermo-ceramic lined fire box series that is more portable than our large fire box series. The mobile package is centered around a custom single drop -deck trailer specifically designed to carry an S-116 and an excavator, such as the Deere 80 or 110. The trailer includes a hydraulic power pack to drive the winch system for loading and unloading. The power pack also includes a genset for remote power on the job site. Even though the trailer is a custom design to support this package, it could still be used to haul other equipment, if so desired. The S-116 and the excavator are loaded over the rear beaver tail on the trailer. The MP-116, minus the excavator, will have a road weight of approximately 40,000 lbs. The final road weight, including tractor and excavator, will be under the legal limit of 80,000 lbs. The height and width are also within legal limits, so this package will not require any special road permits. The Mobile Package MP-116 is sold as a self-contained package including; the S-Series S- 116 unit, a self-loading/unloading trailer and a Deere 80 or 110 excavator (dealer supplied). The power pack is standard equipment, but we will be offering some optional equipment, such as Diesel storage tanks and stump crushers. We will also offer equipment to support particular markets. As an example, for the forest industry we will offer a trailer -mounted foam fire suppression system. These accessories will be mounted on modular skids that will allow you to easily reconfigure your trailer as your needs change. The MP-116 package is all you need to get started in the mobile burn business. Check periodically on our web site for updates and more photos. Air Burners, LLC Product Brochure Page 18 Air Burners, LLC 4390 Cargo. Way, Palm City, Florida .S4990 PH (561) 220-7303 Fax (5.61) 220-7302 E-Mail: info@airbumers.com www.airburners.com Air Burners, LLC Air Curtain Burner Price List 2002 Effective January 7., 2002 MOREL TYPE PRICE $ T-3.50 Mobile - Trench Burner (Diesel) Trailer or Skid S-350 Mounted; 35 ft (10.7 m):Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 35,973 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter: Additional $195.00 Mobile - Trench -Burner (Diesel) Trailer Mounted T-200 20 ft (6.2 m) Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 25,850 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter:.$195.00 S-111 Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) 53;992 w/Combustion Box.11 ft (3.35 m) S-116 Portable = Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) 59,830 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-116E Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 61,590 w/Combustion •Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-121 Portable - Refractory Walled_- Self Contained (Diesel) 94,727 w/Combustion Box 21 ft (6A m) S-121 E Portable'- Refractory Walled-- Self Contained (Electric) 99,298 w/Combustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) 5-127 Portable = Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel). 104,872 w/Combustion Box 27 ft (8.2 m) S-12714 Portable•= Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 109,765 w/Combustion Box 27 ft .8.2 m Prices: Prices are in US dollars FOB Air Burners, LCC Factory in Palm City, Florida, USA (North of West Palm Beach). Systems are made in the USA, completely assembled (T-350/200 requires set-up). Payment Terns: 500/6 Down Payment with order, balance upon completion of system and before shipment, or irrevocable UC in US Dollars, confirmed by a major US Bank. Financing available (US and Overseas). Delivery (unless in stock): Depending on model and our order backlog when order is placed, stock to 4-5 weeks ARO. Warranties: The limited Air Burners, LOG factory warranty is one year, and the engine and fan manufacturers provide their own warranties for their units which will be registered in client's name. Extended Warranties for John Deere engines available at a surcharge from Deere & Company. NOTE: Dimensions approximate. Shipping and loading/rigging, if applicable, not included. Prices subject to change without notice. This price list supercedes all previous price lists. Rev. 0102.0 9 Air Burners Portable and Mobile Air Curtain Burners Air Curtain Destructors/Incinerators Refractory Walled Fire Boxes Trench Burners Pit Burners Custom Trailer Packages (Fire Box, Trailer & Excavator) Serving the Heavy Equipment - Construction - Land Clearing - Waste Management - Wood Manufacturing - Forestry - Agriculture - Disaster Recovery - Animal Disease Control Industries for more than 30 Years Company Information System Specifications Visit our Web Site at: www.airburners.com Factory and Main Office (US) Air Burners, LLC 4390 Cargo Way Palm City, FL 34990, USA Phone (561) 220 -7303 FAX (561) 220 -7302 E-mail: info@airbumers.com © 1998-2002 Air Burners, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Subject to change without notice. Some dimensions approximate. Metric conversions rounded. Rev. 02-02-02 i ON TABLE OF CONTENTS Company Profile ......................... .. Page 1 Product Overview ......................................... Page 2 The Principle of Air Curtain Burning .......................... Page 4 S-Series................................................. Page 6 T-Series ............................................... I Page11 MP-116 Trailer Package ................................... Page18 I M IN COMPANY PROFILE Air Burners, LLC is the number one manufacturer of Air Curtain Incineration Systems in the world. We hold the patents on air curtain burners, and for over thirty years we have been building the best and most rugged machines in the industry. Our units employ very high temperatures that safely and efficiently reduce wood and other vegetative waste to a residual ash. Air Burners' systems are typically used in the construction industry to support land clearing operations and demolition debris removal, for forest fire mitigation and at landfill sites to help reduce the reliance on costly landfills by reducing wood waste and similar such waste streams'. They are also used for clearing the aftermath from storm or flood damage, and to dispose of (diseased) animal carcasses, including BSE, foot-and-mouth disease or CWD affected carcasses. All of the systems we manufacture are either mobile or portable. The T-Series (T-350 or T-200) trench burner is trailer mounted, and, as the skid -mounted S-350, requires an earthen trench or pit. The T-Series units have been designed for easy mobilization and set-up. We have designed and build the machine to withstand the rigors of typical construction site work. The skid -mounted S-Series machines are self-contained with a refractory lined fire box. They are designed for field use or semi -stationary placement, except for the S-350 trench burner. The refractory lined fire box allows for more controlled burns without the need for an earthen pit or trench. The S-Series units are loaded over the top, except for the S-350 trench burner. The twin doors at the rear of the machine allow for ash removal or the unit can be dragged on its skids around the site, leaving the residual ash behind. The fire box has no bottom. Air Burners, LLC has two manufacturing facilities. The main factory is in Palm City, Florida (North of West Palm Beach) and the other facility is in Malaysia. This allows us to quickly and economically service a worldwide market. Our engineering staff uses the latest 3D CAD software for our equipment designs. We can quickly accommodate changes to support our customers' particular requirements. The employees of Air Burners are dedicated to maintaining the high standard of design and manufacturing that has made us the recognized leader in air curtain burner equipment. We look forward to working on your next project. Page 1 M PRODUCT OVERVIEW Air Burners, LLC has a track record in the air curtain incinerator business that spans more than thirty years. Our systems have been used throughout the USA, Canada and overseas, primarily for the disposal of wood waste (debris) from land clearing efforts, wood product manufacturing and from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornados and floods, but often also for the disposal of diseased animal carcasses. Air Burners, LLC offers two distinctly different air curtain burners: S-Series: The S-Series machines are portable systems (transportable by low -boy trailer, "Landoll" truck, etc.) utilizing a refractory walled enclosure. They are completely self contained and do not require any setup or tear -down. They can be used for portable applications as well as semi -permanent applications. Standard system dimensions are shown below. Custom systems are also available to meet specific needs. Model Overall Size Fire Box Weight L x W x H E x W x H S-127 37' 4" x 11' 9" x 10' 3" 27' x 8' 4" x8' 1" 50,000 lbs. S-127E 11.40m x 3.78m x 3.13m 8.20m x 2.50m x 2.45m 22,600kg S-121 32' 2" x 11' 9" x10' 3" 21' x 8' 4" x 8' 1" 41,000 lbs. S-121 E 9.80m x 3. 78m x 3.13m 6.40m x 2.50m x 2.45m 18, 600kg S-116 27' x 7' 5" xT 5" 16' x 5' x 6' 26,000 lbs. S-116E 8.23m x 2.30m x 2.30m 4.90m x 1.50m x 1.80m 11,800kg S-111 22' x 7' 5" x7' 5" 11' x 5' x 6' 21,300 lbs. S-111 E 6.60m x 2.30m x 2.30m 3.35m x 1.50m x 1.80m 9,700kg RM Suffix "E" denotes electric version Diesel Engine Version: Engine: John Deere Industrial Fuel Tank: 100 Gallon (378 L) Diesel Fuel, except S-116 & S-111: 30 Gallons (136 L) Electrical: 12 Volts DC Drive System: Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive, except S-116E & S-111 E: Direct coupling drive Electric Motor Version: Motor: 3-Phase, heavy-duty, with enclosed controller; Max 480V, 50Hz or 60Hz Drive System: Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive, except S-116E & S-111 E: Direct coupling drive Options: Under -fire air supply (surcharge applies) Heat recovery (surcharge applies) Custom Designs Available NOTES: 1) All weights and dimensions are approximate. 2) Dimensional drawings can be provided on request Page 2 T-Series Trench Burner: A mobile (trailer mounted) pit burner which is used in combination with an earthen pit or trench made to function as the fire box. The T-350 is also offered as a skid mounted version, called the S-350. The basic operation is the same as the T-350, except that it is not trailer mounted. Dimensions T-350 T-200 S-350 Length 18' 9" (5.70m) 17' 8" (5.40m) 15' 8" (4.80m) Height: 81711 (2.60m) 6' (1.85m) 8' 3" (2.51m) Width 81211 (2.50m) 8' (2.50m) 7' 4" (2.24m) Manifold Length: 35' (10.70m) 20' (7.0m) 35' (10.70m) Approx. Setback (Unit to Pit): 36' (11.00m) 20' (7.0m) 36' (11.00m) Weight: 7,800lbs. (3,520kg) 6,500lbs. (3,000kg) 9,500lbs. (4,300kg) Engine John Deere Diesel, John Deere Diesel, John Deere Diesel, 6068D (6 Cylinders) 4020D (4 Cylinders) 6068D (6 Cylinders) Fuel Tank 50 Gallon (189 L) 30 Gallon (136 L) 100 Gallon (378 L) Electrical 12 Volts DC 12 Volts DC 12 Volts DC Drive System Mechanical PTO Mechanical PTO Mechanical PTO 4-Belt Drive Direct Coupling Drive 4-Belt Drive NOTES: 1) All weights and dimensions are approximate 2) If required, dimensional drawings can be provided Page 3 W i The Principle of Air Curtain Incineration OPERATION The operating principle of the air curtain within an incineration device lies in the introduction of controlled high velocity air across the upper portion of the combustion chamber in which combustibles, such as wood, are loaded. The powerful curtain of air created in this process is actually a rotating mass of high temperature air (2,3000 F or 1,2600 C, or more) that has been trapped in the chamber. The. increased combustion time and turbulence results in complete combustion of the loaded waste and the protective curtain created by the rotating air significantly reduces emissions. This effective and essentially clean incineration of wood waste is documented in engineering studies and analyses that have been compiled over the years at operating facilities throughout the US. 1. Air curtain machine manifold and nozzles directing high velocity air flow into refractory lined box or earthen trench. 2. Refractory lined wall as on the S-Series machines, or earthen wall as used with the T-Series machines. 3. Material to be burned. 4. Initial air flow forms a high velocity "curtain" over fire. 5. Continued air flow over -oxygenates fire keeping temperatures high. Higher temperatures provide a cleaner and more complete burn. Page 4 M APPLICATION The ash from typical wood waste is a very useful soil additive, and as such offers a commodity that can be marketed to plant nurseries, farms, etc. as a potting soil additive. This beneficial reuse aspect of the residual ash may be important to the overall profitability of the Air Burners System in certain applications. Recycling our resources is not only socially and politically imperative, but it often reaps the additional benefit of tax incentives or tax credits. Solid waste landfills are diminishing rapidly, and permits are difficult to secure for new sites. The Air Burners System provides an affordable and environmentally sound alternative to indiscriminate depositing of wood debris into landfills. In the past, diseased animal carcasses were usually buried and forgotten. Little was known about the agents that caused the deadly diseases which have wiped out many herds of cattle and entire chicken farms. What is important to understand is that certain pathogens have been known to survive over fifty years in the soil where they have been buried along with animal carcasses that perished from the disease. The only known practical approach to the elimination of diseased carcasses is high temperature incineration. Air Burners Air Curtain Systems are ideally suited for this task and have repeatedly been employed for that purpose with the approval of the US, Canadian and certain foreign authorities. Air Burners' systems are the preferred on -site disposal devices for animals affected with such diseases as BSE, CWD, Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD), Sheep Scrapie, Anthrax, Ebola, etc. The residual ash resulting from the incineration process which destroys all teeth and bones as well, is a safe ash material that can usually be applied to the land, as it has been fully sterilized by the extreme temperatures applied. It is understood that the prions which are believed to cause BSE or CWD are fully destroyed as well by virtue of the high fire box temperatures. The mobility of our systems permit their placement at the location designated for animal euthanasia, or at the slaughterhouse, thereby avoiding the over -the -road transport of diseased animals to fixed incineration facilities. Page 5 91 MW M Description and Specifications S-Series Portable Refractory Walled Air Curtain Incineration System GENERAL Air Burners' S-Series refractory walled air curtain incineration systems have been designed and engineered to provide over - the -road transportability, offering the operator the flexibility of bringing the combustion pit to the waste source, rather than hauling the waste to a fixed processing location. The S-Series. unit is a fully self-contained system that includes a power plant, mechanical drive system, blower fan and fuel tank. It comprises units of varying sizes up to a maximum combustion pit dimension of 27' (8.20m). The smallest unit of the standard series has a pit dimension of 11' (3.35m). Custom designs are available. Sizes are offered in approximate increments of 3' (91 cm) in, length between the above min/max dimensions. The type number designations are based on fire box length: Model S-111 represents the smallest unit, 11' (3.35m) in fire box length and S-127 represents the 27' (8.20m) fire box unit, the largest in the standard S-Series. The patented air disbursement manifold system is mounted on one side of the combustion pit so that the loading of waste to be processed can be facilitated from the opposite side. The principle of the air curtain concept is optimized with this design. High velocity air is directed across and downwards at an angle into the pit creating the air curtain on top and a rotational turbulence within the pit itself. The rotational turbulence provides an oxygen enriched environment within the combustion zone which accelerates the combustion process by raising the temperatures within the pit to 2,5000 F - 2,8000 F (1,3750 C - 1,5500 C). The high velocity air curtain traps unburned particulate until it is completely consumed. The end result achieves nearly 100% combustion with minimal escaped particulate and the virtual elimination of opacity or smoke. The vertical refractory walls not only enhance the efficiency of the air curtain principle, but also aid in the combustion process by Page 6 retaining and reflecting the high temperatures generated within the chamber. The volume of material that can be processed per hour is a function of density of the waste material, its moisture content, the employed loading techniques and the time period in which optimum temperatures in the pit can be retained. Upon completion of the combustion stage, the waste material will be reduced in bulk by 98% leaving only 2% in volume as residual ash. System efficiency will be reduced once the residual ash build-up reaches approximately 3 ft (91 cm) in the bottom of the pit. Typically, several days of operation will lead to such a build- up after which the ash will have to be removed from the system. Ash removal is facilitated through the back of the pit where refractory panel doors can be opened and the ash removed. The entire unit can now be dragged in the forward direction away from the ash pile and combustion can be resumed upon closing the doors. The residual ash from wood waste can either be retrieved and sold to nurseries as a soil amendment, or it can be mixed with the soil right at the location, as the material is non-polluting and becomes a generally desirable soil enhancer. The S-Series Air7Curtain Systems have been engineered and are. being manufactured to help meet our ongoing challenges in the volume reduction of various waste streams, and in the recycling of residual waste products through environmentally friendly and 0-9 economically sound methods. Air Burners Air Curtain Systems are built to last, and incorporate state-of-the-art design and engineering concepts to achieve and guaranty unparalleled performance. M The Diesel engine (or electric motor for the E-Versions) is mounted on a channel rack. The entire front deck is covered with W (6.35 mm) steel diamond plate. All welds are continuous fillet welds for overall strength. The entire structural unit receives two coats of primer and three coats of the symbolic Air Burners orange alkyd gloss enamel paint for optimum protection. The unit is easily moved by attaching cables to either the 11/2" (38 mm) plate steel grab block or both 1" (25.4 mm) plate steel pad eyes located on the front of the skids., Pad eyes are also located on the rear of both skids. Steel pad eyes for crane lifting are provided as well. Page 7 M AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM Each S-Series Air Curtain System is equipped with a fan mounted so as to direct high velocity air down a patented air disbursement manifold that redirects the air over and down into the combustion pit. The S-121/127 fan, �i 3 operating at approximately 2,000 RPM's and 6" w.g, (1,490 Pa) minimum static pressure, produces in excess of 18,000 cubic feet (510 m3) minute air flow. The S-116/111 Air Curtain System produces 8,000 cubic feet (233 m3) minute air flow. The manifold is equipped with patented scuffers that peel off the required amount of air down the manifold so as to maintain a uniform discharge rate along the entire length of the combustion chamber. For the S-121/127, minimum average nozzle -discharge Velocity is 9,200 feet per minute. The minimum nozzle discharge air flow is 900 cubic feet per minute per foot of nozzle length. See Summary Specifications on Pages 10 & 11 for details. REFRACTORY PANELS The panels and door frames are poured solid with a_castable refractory of 4" (102 mm) rated at 2,8000 F (1;5400C). After curing, the castable thermal ceramic panels have a cold crushing strength of up to 5,000 PSI (352 kg/cm2) Each panel weighs approximately 1,200 lbs. (544kg) and is equipped with two steel pad eyes for easy removal and replacement. The two refractory panel doors, weighing approximately 1,700 lbs. (771 kg) each, are supported by four custom hinges. POWER PLANT & DRIVE SYSTEM The Power Plant used on the S-Series Air Curtain Systems Models S-121/S-127 is a four cylinder 4045D John Deere Diesel engine. The engine is a direct -injected, naturally aspirated engine with a rating of 76 HP (57 kW) at 2,400 RPM under continuous duty. The engine is outfitted with a custom designed instrument and control panel that provides ease of operation and readily visible monitoring. The S-111/S-116 models are equipped with a 4020D John Deere Diesel engine producing 40 HP (30 kW). The engine is protected by a custom manufactured shroud. Electric S-Series versions are powered by three-phase heavy duty electric motors with motor speed controllers. Page 8 The fan is mechanically driven by a pulley and d f T belt system. We use a quad belt system which is easy to maintain and very reliable. The fan is a heavy duty industrial unit built specifically for the Air Burners' S-Series machines. Electric versions use direct coupling, except for the S-127 & S-121 E which are 4-belt driven. 1 -I"W, I For the Diesel versions., a 100 gallon (380 liter) S-116 E (Electric Version) fuel tank for the S-121/S-127 and a 30 gallon (136 liter) for the S-111/S-116 is mounted on the deck. This provides approximately a three to four day operating capability before refueling is usually required. Fuel lines protected through conduit connect to. the engine. A lockable tool/battery box is welded to the deck next to the engine or motor. Page 9 0 LJ W M M PORTABLE SELF-CONTAINED REFRACTORY AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEM AIR BURNERS S-121, S-127 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS 1. Power Source Four cylinder Diesel engine, minimum 76 HP (57 kW), full enclosure; security locks around power source 2. Drive Train Engine mounted PTO (Power Take Off) coupled to a heavy duty 4 belt drive system. 3. Burn Container 4" (102 mm) thick walls; refractory panels filled with thermal ceramic material 4. Electric System 12 Volt heavy duty battery 5. Instrument Panel Tachometer, hour meter, ampere meter, key switch, oil pressure and water temperature gauges with safety shutdown feature and adjustable locking throttle 6. Fan 18,000 cfm (510 m3/min) centrifugal fan Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 9,200 FPM 7. Air Output (47 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 900 CFM per foot (85.6.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Minimum'/4' (3.2 mm) steel, solid -weld assembly 9. Skid Deck '/2" (12.7 mm) square tubing all solid -weld construction 10. Miscellaneous 100 gallon (378 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity 11. Fuel Consumption Approx. 2.50 Gal/Hr (9.54 L/Hr) (Diesel version) 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations 13. Transportation Transported by "low -boy" or similar trailer system Load is over -size Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 10 M a M PORTABLE SELF-CONTAINED REFRACTORY AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEM AIR BURNERS S-116 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS Diesel Engine (John Deere 4020D), 40 HP (30 kW) or 25 1. Power Source HP Three -Phase Electric Motor (18.75 kW), full enclosure; security locks around power source or control panel (Electric version) 2. Drive Train Direct -coupled motor to fan drive 4" (102 mm) thick walls; refractory panels filled with 3. Burn Container thermal ceramic material 12 V DC with engine mounted alternator (Diesel version) 4. Electric System or fully enclosed starter and speed control system (Electric version) Tachometer, hour meter, ampere indicator, key switch, oil 5. Instrument Panel pressure and water temperature indicators with safety shutdown feature and adjustable locking throttle; lockable instrument panel (Diesel version) 6. Fan Specially designed radial paddle fan. 8,000 CFM (233 m3 /min) with 13.5 wg (3.24 kPa) Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 7,000 FPM 7. Air Output (36 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 500 CFM per foot (47.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 10" (25.4 cm) in diameter; Minimum'/4' (6.4 mm) steel, solid -weld assembly 9. Skid Deck '/2' (12.7 mm) square tubing all solid -weld construction 10. Miscellaneous 30 gallon (136 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity (Diesel version) 11. Fuel Consumption Approx. 0.75 Gal/Hr (3.4 L/Hr) (Diesel version) 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations 13. Other Shipped completely assembled; transported by drop -deck, "Landoll" or similar trailer system Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 11 - Description and Specification Q T-Series Portable Air Curtain Incineration Systems for Use with Earthen Pit or Trench General Air Burner's T-Series trailer mounted air curtain incineration systems have been designed and engineered to provide over - the -road transportability, offering the operator the flexibility of reducing land clearing or demolition waste on -site as opposed to hauling the waste to a fixed processing location. The T-350 Series unit is a fully self-contained trailer mounted system that includes a power plant, mechanical drive system, blower fan and fuel tank. The unit has a thirty-five foot (10.70m) manifold to support trench burning, and a thirty foot (11 m) carrier pipe to keep the trailer mounted components clear of damaging heat generated from burning operations. The T-200 is designed for smaller operations, and uses a twenty foot (6.2m) in -line manifold with a twenty foot setback. As depicted in the accompanying pictures and drawings the trailer mounted series of air curtain incinerators are assembled on -site. All of the components are either mounted to, or stored on the trailer. Set-up and operation of the T- Series units is quick and easy. Once a site for the burn has been selected, a trench is constructed using a bulldozer or similar equipment. The earthen trench is constructed by either excavating down into the soil or by piling up soil to achieve a trench approximately thirty-six feet long for the T-350 or twenty-one feet for the T-200. See drawings on Page 17 for recommended trench dimensions). The manifold sections and two carrier pipe sections are then unloaded from the trailer and placed on the trench edge. The unloading can easily be handled by using a front loader or backhoe. The unloading and set-up of the machine can be completed by two people in less than thirty minutes. Burning operations can usually run for three days before the ash in the trench will need to be removed or a new trench built. Page 12 The principle of the air curtain concept is optimized with this design. High velocity air is directed across and downwards at an angle into the pit creating the air curtain on top and a rotational turbulence within the pit itself. The rotational turbulence provides an oxygen enriched environment within the combustion zone which accelerates the combustion process by raising the temperatures within the pit to 2,5000 F to 2,8000 F (1,3750 C to 1,5500 C). The high velocity air curtain traps unburned particulate until it is completely consumed. The end result achieves nearly 100% combustion with minimal escaped particulate and the virtual elimination of opacity or smoke. The volume of material that can be processed per hour is a. function of density of the waste material, its moisture content, the employed loading techniques and the :time period in which optimum temperatures in the pit T-200 can be retained. Upon completion of the combustion stage, the waste material will be reduced in bulk by 98% leaving only 2% in volume as residual ash. System efficiency will be reduced once the residual ash build-up reaches approximately 3 ft (91 cm) in the bottom of the pit. Typically, several days of operation will lead to such a build-up after which the ash will have to be.removed. The residual ash from wood waste can either be retrieved and sold to plant nurseries as a soil amendment, or it can be mixed with the soil right at the location, as the material is non-polluting and becomes a generally desirable soil enhancer. Trailer Construction The custom trailer is manufactured by Air Burners using welded C-channel beam for the main frames including engine and fan mounting. The fenders are constructed using 12 gauge steel with steel under supports. The manifold support rack is constructed from welded box tubing. All of the tube ends are cap welded for better protection from the elements and a better looking finish. A lockable steel tool box is welded to the trailer for battery and tool storage. All welds are continuous fillet welds for overall strength. The entire unit receives two coats of primer and three coats of the symbolic "Air Burners Orange" alkyd gloss enamel paint for optimum protection. Page 13 M EM The tandem axle trailer includes electric brakes. The lighting package includes license plate, reflectors, side marker and tail lights. Air Supply The trailer mounted fan is mechanically driven by a pulley and belt system. We use a quad belt system which is easy to maintain and very reliable. The fan is a heavy duty industrial unit built specifically for the Air Burners T-Series, machines. The fan is mounted so as to direct high velocity air down a patented air disbursement manifold that redirects the air over and down into the combustion pit. On the T-350, the fan, operating at approximately 2,000 RPM's and 6" w.g. (1,490 Pa) minimum static pressure; produces in excess of 18,000 cubic feet (510 m3 ) minute air flow. The air is discharged from the fan through a custom made square to round coupling which, in turn, directs the air through the flex pipe and down the carrier pipes to the manifold, reaching speeds in excess of 110 MPH. The manifold, fabricated from'/4" steel (carbon steel; 6.84 mm thickness), is equipped with patented scuffers that peel off the required amount of air down the manifold so as to maintain a uniform discharge rate along the entire length of the trench. The manifolds and carrier pipes are fitted with pad eyes for easy removal. Power and Drive Systems The Power Plant used on the T-Series Air Curtain Systems is a four or six cylinder John Deere Diesel engine (depending on model). The T-350/S-350 engine is a six cylinder direct -injected, naturally aspirated engine with a minimum rating of 113 HP (84 kW) at 2,500 RPM under continuous duty. The T-200 engine is a 40 HP (34 kW) Diesel engine. The engine is outfitted with a custom designed instrument and control panel that provides ease of operation and readily visible monitoring. A Rockford PTO is mounted to the engine, providing the drive control for the fan mechanical drive system. The engine is protected by a custom manufactured shroud. Each shroud provides two removable louvered engine access panels with flush mounted lockable latches and a lockable engine instrument/control. Access doors are provided for easy coolant, oil and air filter servicing. A 50 gallon (190 liter) fuel tank is mounted on the trailer. The S-350 Skid Version is equipped with a 100 gallon (378 liter) fuel tank. This provides a three day operating capability before refueling is usually required (More for the S-350 which is typically operated in more remote locations, such as pipe line construction). The T-200 is equipped with a 30 gallon (136 liter) fuel tank providing two to three day operating capability. Page 14 j 6 R AIR BURNERS, LLC MOBILE AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEMS Air Burners Trench Burner T-350 & S-350 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS John Deere 6068 Diesel engine. Rated at 113 HP (84 kW), 2,500 RPM continuous operation. Maximum horsepower is 1. Power 125 HP (93 kW). Full enclosure with silencer and locked control panel. Emission certified CARB; EEC; EPA 2. Drive Engine mounted PTO (Power Take Off) coupled to a heavy duty 4 belt drive system 3. Burn Container (Earthen Trench) 4. Electric System 12V DC system; Engine mounted alternator, heavy duty battery, complete trailer lighting 5. Instrument Panel Oil Pressure and Water Temperature gauges with safety shutdown feature. Ignition switch and adjustable locking throttle 6. Fan Specially designed radial paddle fan. 18,000 CFM (510 m'/min) with a static pressure of 14 psi (0.98 kg/cm2) Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 9,200 FPM (47 m/sec) 7. Air Output Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 900 CFM per foot (85.6.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 14" (35.6 cm) in diameter, 1/4" (6.4 mm) thick for durability. Patented nozzles are 1/8" (3.2 mm) welded steel 9. Manifold Dimensions Setback (Blower Unit to Manifold/Pit): —36' (-11 m) Manifold Length: 35' (10.7 m) 10. Weight (Approx.) T-350: 7,800 lbs. (3,520 kg) S-350: 9,500 Ibs (4,300 kg) 11. Miscellaneous 50 gallon (189 liters) for T-350, 100 gallon (378 liters) for S-350 minimum fuel tank capacity; Locking fuel cap 12. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations T-350: The unit is built around a custom dual axle trailer with electric brakes and trailer lighting. T-350 & S-350: Racks for 13. Transportation loading the manifolds and carrier pipes during transport provided. Also included is a built-in locking tool box for miscellaneous items. S-350: Lifting pads provided 14. Dimensions See Summary on Page 3 Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 15 Lj MR- Q 7 MOBILE AIR CURTAIN INCINERATION SYSTEMS Air Burners Trench Burner T-200 SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS Diesel Engine (John Deere 4020D), 40 HP (30 kW) continuous 1. Power Source operation. Enclosure with silencer and control panel. Emission certified CARB; EEC; EPA 2. Drive Train Direct -coupled motor to fan drive or belt drive 3. Burn Container (Earthen Trench) 4. Electric System 12V DC system; Engine mounted alternator, heavy duty battery, complete trailer lighting Tachometer with Hour Meter, indicator lamps for Preheat, Oil 5. Instrument Panel , Pressure, Water Temperature and Charging System. Keyed ignition switch and adjustable locking throttle Specially designed radial paddle fan. 12,000 CFM (340 m'/min) 6. Fan with a static pressure of 12 psi (0.84 kg/cm2) Minimum Average Nozzle Discharge: 7,000 FPM 7. Air Output (36 m/sec) Minimum Nozzle Discharge Airflow: 500 CFM per foot (47.6 m3/min/m) 8. Manifold Steel tube 10" (25.4 cm) in diameter, 1/4" (6.4 mm) thick for durability. Patented nozzles are 1/8" (3.2 mm) welded steel 9. Manifold Dimensions Setback (Trailer/Blower Unit to Manifold/Pit): 20' (7 m). Manifold Length: 20' (7 m) 10. Miscellaneous 30 gallon (136 liters) minimum fuel tank capacity. 11. Air Quality Meets or exceeds applicable US -EPA regulations The unit is built around a custom dual axle trailer with electric 12. Transportation brakes and trailer lighting. The trailer includes racks for loading the manifolds during transport. Also included is a built-in locking tool box for miscellaneous items 13. Dimensions See Summary on Page 3 Note: Metric conversions are rounded Page 16 I T-Series Manifold Dimensions and Trench Configurations T 35OIS-350 Manifold Dimensions T-200 Manifold Dimensions Manifold 20, ft (6m) Length 36 ft (10.7m) Set -back 20, ft (6m) Set -back 36 ft (19rn) T-350 s-2r30 Pit Dimensions T 350/S-350 Pit Dimensions Side View A Side View B Pit 9-12 ft (34m). 4 deep t- T 35015-350 Pit Dimensions rop WOW ME— 0 6-12 ft (3-4rm) wide T 200 Pit Dimensions Side View Pit s � 9-12 ft (34mt -_ sleep T 200 Pit Dimensions Top Wow Length 36 ft ' (19mj Set -back 4 4 e 20 ft (6m) Pit 21 ft (6.5mj long Pit 7-8 ft (2.3m) aisle 840 ft (2.6-3m) daep7� �- B NOTE: Sketch Dimensions approximate and NOT TO SCALE Page 17 01DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS MP-116 Custom Trailer Package S-116 Air Curtain Burner, Custom Trailer & Excavator We would like to introduce our newest product, the "MP-116 Mobile Package" for the S-116 and S-111 units. The idea behind the design is to provide an entry level unit in the thermo-ceramic lined fire box series that is more portable than our large fire box series. The mobile package is centered around a custom single drop -deck trailer specifically designed to carry an S-116 and an excavator, such as the Deere 80 or 110. The trailer includes a hydraulic power pack to drive the winch system for loading and unloading. The power pack also includes a genset for remote power on the job site. Even though the trailer is a custom design to �- support this package, it could still be used to haul other equipment, if so desired. The S-116 and the excavator are loaded over the rear beaver tail on the trailer. The MP-116, minus the excavator, will have a road weight of approximately 40,000 lbs. The final road weight, including tractor and excavator, will be under the legal limit of 80,000 lbs. The height and width are also within legal limits, so this package will not require any special road permits. 0 The Mobile Package MP-116 is sold as a self-contained package including; the S-Series S- 116 unit, a self-loading/unloading trailer and a Deere 80 or 110 excavator (dealer supplied). The power pack is standard equipment, but we will be offering some optional equipment, such as Diesel storage tanks and stump crushers. We will also offer equipment to support particular markets. As an example, for the forest industry we will offer a trailer -mounted foam fire suppression system. These accessories will be mounted on modular skids that will allow you to easily reconfigure your trailer as your needs change. The MP-116 package is all you need to get started in the mobile burn business. Check periodically on our web site for updates and more photos. Air Burners, LLC Product Brochure Page 18 Air Burners, LLC � 4390. Cargo. Way, Palm City, Florida.34990 �..� J PH (561) 220-7303 Fax (Ml) 220-7302 E--Mail: infoftirbumers cam . www.airburners.com Air Burners, LLC Air Curtain Burner Price List 2002 Effective January 7., 2002 MOREL TYPE PRICE $ T-350 Mobile - Trench Burner (Diesel) Trailer or Skid S'350 Mounted; 35 ft (10.7 m).Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 35,973 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter: Additional $195.00 Mobile - Trench -Burner (Diesel) Trailer Mounted T-200 20 ft (6.2 rn) Manifold; Needs Earthen Pit 25,850 MIL -to -Ball Hitch Adapter: $195.00 S-111 Portable -Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) 53,992 w/Combustion Box.11 ft (3.35 m) S-116 Portable = Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel) ' 59,830 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-116E Portable - Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 61,590 w/Combustion Box 16 ft (4.9 m) S-121 Portable - Refractory Walled.- Self Contained (Diesel) 94,727 w/Combustion -Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-121 E Portable -Refractory Walled -- Self Contained (Electric) 99,298 WCombustion Box 21 ft (6.4 m) S-127 Portable 2refractory Walled - Self Contained (Diesel), 104,872 w/Combustion Box 27 ft (8.2 m) S-127E Portable!= Refractory Walled - Self Contained (Electric) 109,765 w/Combustion Box 27 ft .8.2 m Prices: Prices are in US dollars FOB Air Burners, LCC Factory in Palm City, Florida, USA (North of West Palm Beach). Systems are made in the USA, completely assembled (T-350/200 requires set-up). Payment Terns: 50% Down Payment with order, balance upon completion of system and before shipment, or irrevocable UC in US Dollars, confirmed by a major US Bank. Financing available (US and Overseas). Delivery (unless in stock): Depending on model and our order backlog when order is placed, stock to 4-5 weeks ARO. Warranties: The limited Air Burners, LOG factory warranty is one year, and the engine and fan manufacturers provide their own warranties for their units which will be registered in client's name. Extended Warranties for John Deere engines available at a surcharge from Deere & Company. NOTE: Dimensions approximate. Shipping and loading/rigging, if applicable, not included. Prices subject to change without notice. This price list supercedes all previous price lists. Rev. 0102.0 COGy COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division OR MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Zoning Commission Members FROM: David P. Kelly, Planning Manager DATE: August 9, 2002 SUBJECT: Ordinance 02-020 Staff recommends that Agenda Item # 8 - Ordinance 02-020 to amend the Land Development Code to provide for clarification on Enforcement Proceedings be continued until the August 29, 2002 Special Meeting at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. Please let us know if you have any questions. a 4390 Cargo Way Palm City, FL 34990 Phone: (772) 220-7303 Fax: (772) 220-7302 E-Mail: info@airbumers.com AIR CURTAIN BURNERS Air Burners, LLC is the pioneer and leading manufacturer of Air Curtain Incinera- tion Systems (Air Curtain Burners or Air Curtain Destructors) serving its clients worldwide for over 30 years. The systems are manufactured at the main Air Bum- ers, LLC factory in Palm City, Florida. The patented air curtain burners use the principle of the "air curtain" to develop very high temperatures and to control smoke and other emissions. As the most effective and environmentally friendly alternative to open burning, they safely and efficiently reduce combustible waste material, such as wood waste from land clearing, construction, forest slash (forest fuels), diseased trees, wood product manufacturing or natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, storms, wildfires, etc.) to a safe residual ash. Volume reduction is approximately 98%. Air Burners, LLC currently manufactures in four product groups: 1. Fire Boxes (S-Series) 2. Trench Burners (T-Series) 3. Fire Box Hauler 4. Custom Equipment Our fifth product group, Tracked Vehicles, is still under design. The S-Series units (photos on right) are advanced portable self-contained sys- tems with fixed refractory walled fire boxes, such as the S-327, S-217 or S-116. They are totally self-contained and delivered completely assembled ready for im- mediate use. The trailer mounted mobile trench burners (photos below), such as the T-200, util- ize earthen pits as combustion chambers. The fire box hauler (not depicted here) is a custom trailer designed to self load/unload and transport the fire box units for easy deployment. Custom equipment includes fire boxes with electric motors in- stead of Diesel engines and trench burners on skids instead of wheels. In addition to their intended application which is wood waste disposal, Air Burn- ers, LLC air curtain burners have been used worldwide for the destruction of dis- eased animal carcasses. The machines lend themselves to supporting most dis- aster recovery situations, as they are easily deployed; they are efficient, easy to operate and they help protect the environment. Many clients of Air Burners, LLC are government agencies, such as the States of California, Colorado, Illinois, Texas or Florida, the Los Alamos National Labora- tory (US Energy Department), the US Air Force, US Navy, the USDA, USACE, FEMA and the Government of the United Kingdom. Other countries that have used Air Burners equipment include Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Panama, China and the Philippines. Rev. 07-026 Contract Holder T-200 T-350 Trench www.airburners.com 1=Manifold; 2=Wall; 3=Waste; 4=Air Curtain; 5=Air Flow: Oxygen Rich S-327 in Full Operation S-116 in Full Operation S-217 in Full Operation S-Series Refractory Walled Air Curtain Burners S-300 Series S-200 Series S-100 Series mww.,airburners.com Exmrald Gtow, ■ LC P.O Box 12969 Fort Pierce, FL 34979 August 13, 2002 Board of County Commissioners 2300 Vv it is Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34952-5652 Reference.. File Number ai-omm Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is to inform the Board of County Commissioners that Emerald Grove, LLC has no objections to the petition filed by Wynne Ranch 'Ibis peudon filed in St. Lucie County is for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation on an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U Zoniag District. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (772) 464-6575. Sincerely, r James L. Rogers FAX NO. : +763 0810 Aug. 15 2002 03:42PM P1 rKurr : PELAEZ AND SONS INC bdi 8/8 0224; AuQ.;3.02 15;20; Page 212 uy. . vLJW .S►,r T LQiJE ra UN Y CONOITIONAL MSE RE§MNSE FORM Section 11.07.01(G) of the SG Lurie County land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an 4pplicatlon for a Conditions) Use Permit is sighed by the owners of fifty (50) pema►t yr p•►uro of the area within 13ve hundred (500) fast of the property affected bythe proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shalt not be approved Oxcept by the favorable vote of four fifths (415; of all of the Board of County Commissloners. The Appkcant To allow the operation at an Air CutUin Incinerator in the U Utintles ttus Fo0wsrng Zoning Dlstdot. ( ) Cond/flonat LAW Rayardag PMerty North side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5.73 mite, west of rfill►ute LocafedAt Maid Road. Currently ZonetJ: AG-6 (Agricultural -1 dul 5 acros) Pfease Return To St. Lucia County, Department of Commurdty Development Ptarv*V Daftion 23W Virginia Avenue, FL Pwme, FL 34882 Plow* chwk only one of the three following statements and return by: &SM 12. t AM IN E V RR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITION& USE I AM NO„ T IN FAYQR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE 1 HAVF—NQ OPtN10N TO THS PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE i oertify that, as of tutu dabs shown below, I am a property owner wittiln 500 feet of to proposed Conditioner Use. Name kmufl- t �- ka {P16ase Psfrlt�: , Address: Date: as� " "' o Signed: tour note that any form returned without a name and #ddrosaftAll not be consldered_ All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for vie upo request. Comments; (FILE NO. CU-02.008 Wynne Rench) ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONDITIONAL USE RESPONSE FORM Section 11.07.01(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code provides that where a written protest against an application for a Conditional Use Permit is signed by the owners of fifty (50) percent ur moro of the area within five hundred (500) feet of the property affected by the proposed action, any such Conditional Use Permit shall not be approved except by the favorable vote of four -fifths (415) of all of the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant oses To allow the operation of an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U Utilities the rFollowing Zoning District (Utilities) Conditional Use: Regarding Property North side of Orange Avenue, approximately 5.75 miles west of P, Incife Located At Maid Road. Currently Zoned.- AG-5 (Agricultural -1 du/ 5 acres) Please Return To: St. Lucie County, Department of Community Development Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Please check only one of the three following statements and return by: August 12, 2002. 1 AM IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE XX I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I HAVE NO OPINION TO THE PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the proposed Conditional Use. Name (Please Print): Matthew L y 16 Wynne Address: 33200 Orange Avenue, Ft. Pt6rce, FL 34945 Date: 0 8 / 13 / 0 2 Signed: Please note that any form returned without a name and address will not be considered. All returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. Comments: (FILE NO. CU-02-008 Wynne Ranch) Date: 13 Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: I am a resident of St. Lucie County and reside at the address below. My residence is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse effect upon myself or my residence. Address:�/� Date: Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: 1 am a resident of St. Lucie County and reside at the address below. My residence is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse effect upon myself or my residence. Address: &IC'% at'Q_ � F�C�t l f 3 Y Y— Date: to z Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: I am a resident of St. Lucie County and reside at the address below. My residence is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse effect upon myself or my residence. Address: Date: Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: I am a resident of St. Lucie County and reside at the address below. My residence is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse effect upon myself or my residence. Mailing �/ Address: r- A?x jet"l ,W Residence: _33go Date: LZ �Z Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: I am a resident of St. Lucie County and reside at the address below. My residence is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse effect upon myself or my residence. Address: f1 r`1C ✓� Date: Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: I am a resident of St. Lucie County and reside at the address below. My residence is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse effect upon myself or my residence. Address: Qr'-Ipog.Aye� Date: Board of of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: I am a resident of St. Lucie County and reside at the address below. My residence is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse effect upon myself or my residence. Address: ����o CllilU�e Date: Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain Incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: l am a resident of St. Lucie County and reside at the address below. My residence is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse effect upon myself or my residence. Address: I d Date: Aug. 13, 2002 Board of County Commissioners St. Lucie County 2= Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Application of Wynne Ranch to Allow an Air Curtain incinerator In the U (Utilities) Zoning District Gentlemen: I am a resident of St. Dude County and reside at the address Wow. My residences is one of those that are in closest proximity to the proposed incinerator site. I am confident that the operation will be carried out in a competent, professional manner. As such, it will have no adverse of at upon myself or my residence. Address. 29502 Orange Avenue Ft. Pierce, Fl. TOTAL P.01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS August 13, 2002 Matthew Wynne 33200 Orange Ave Ft. Pierce, FI 34945 (772) 878-0224 - fax Re: Wynne Ranch 33200 Orange Ave Dear Mr. Wynne: PUBLIC WORKS 1 DEPARTMENT 'c�OR10�" As per your request, we searched our records dating back to 1992 and have found no complaints in reference to the burning of land clearing materials of the above referenced property. If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me at (772) 462-1572. Sincerely, 6L '0' "5 — Dennis M Grim, CBO Building Official St. Lucie County Dmg/csi OHN D, ORUHN, Dlsfflo No. 1 - DOUG COWARD, Districr No. 2 - PAULA A. I.M. Distrlcr No. 3 - FRANNIE HUTCHIN50N, Distdcr No. 4 • CLIFF BARNES. DlsrriCt No. 5 County Adminlstrorcr - Douglos M. Ander$On 2300 Virginia Avenue - Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Public Worsts: (561) 462-1485 - FAX (561) 462-2362 Division of Engineering: (561) 462-1707 Fox 462-2362 - Division of Road G Brddge: (561) 462-2511 FAX 462-2363 Division of Solid Waste: (561) 462-1768 FAX 462-6987 Division of Building G Inspecrions: (561) 462-1553 Fox 462-1735 - TDD (561) 4624428 a �v S'T.Bi P.'L$ PEA �j441 �QW I' TO i �, 5`AIW, & St. Lucie County ;'�,;'ts�'at$�'L Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes REGULAR MEETING August 15, 2002 Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, Roger Poitras Annex 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Grande, Mr. Lounds, Mr. Akins, Mr. Merritt, Mr. Hearn, Mr. Trias, Mr. McCurdy, Mr. Matthes. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Jones (Absent - With Notice) OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. David Kelly, Planning Manager; Mr. Hank Flores, Planner III; Ms. Cyndi Snay, Planner M; Ms. Heather Young, Asst. Co. Attorney; Ms. Dawn Gilmore, Administrative Secretary. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 1 CALL TO ORDERa��� Chairman Matthes called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Hearn stated that he has heard that there was quite a bit of discussion in the community with regards to Rose Car Wash. He continued that he has answered some questions from the public about this issue. Chairman Matthes stated that his employer was involved with the project in Agenda Item # 2 and would recuse himself from that item. Chairman Matthes advised that Agenda Item # 4, Timothy and Debra Rose Car Wash has been requested to be continued to the September 19, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting at 7:00 P.M or as soon thereafter as possible. He explained that if there were any public present tonight that wished to speak they could do so when they open the public hearing on that item or they could just return in September for full deliberations. He also stated that the petitioner made this request at the last minute and that Staff did their best to notify everyone. Mr. Kelly stated that we had notified the church of the continuance and asked them to try to notify everyone possible. He also stated that both hearings on the issue are public hearings and that everyone would be allowed to speak with regards to the petition. Chairman Matthes gave a brief presentation on the procedures and what to expect for tonight's meeting. For those of you who have not been here before, The Planning and Zoning Commission is an agency that makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. The Staff will present a brief summary of the project and then make their recommendation. After which time, the Petitioner will be asked to come forward and state his/her case for the requested petition. At any time the Commission may stop and ask questions of the Petitioner or Staff. After that process is completed the Chairman will open the public hearing for anyone who wishes to speak for or against the petition. The purpose behind this hearing is to get input from the general public. If anyone has something to say, please feel free to come forward and state it. After everyone has gotten a chance to speak the Chairman will then close the public hearing. The Commission will deliberate and then make a decision regarding their recommendation, one way or the other. The decision that is made is typically read from a scripted set of statements that are given to the Commission. It may sound rehearsed but it really is not. There is one motion for and one motion against in the package, so that the Commission can make a motion either one way or the other so it is very clear in the records. Once again, I want to remind you that the Planning and Zoning Commission only acts in an advisory capacity for the Board of County Commissioners. If you are not happy with the outcome of this hearing you will have the opportunity to speak at the public hearing in front of the Board of County Commissioners. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 2 Mr. Kelly stated that Agenda Item # 8, Ordinance 02-020 would also be continued tonight to the August 29, 2002 Special Meeting at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. No other announcements or comments. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 3 SUBJECT TO PLANNING & Z"'NG GgpAiSSI®N APPROVAL NOFFICIAL-r-M swria TO APPROVAL � AGENDA ITEM 1: JUNE 20,2002 MEETING MINUTES: FL'HS� Co��% Mr. Grande stated that page 26, the fourth paragraph, third line should read "ordinances" and not ordinance. Mr. Trias asked that his name be added as being present on the first page. Chairman Matthes questioned if the word POD at the end of page 6 is correct. Mr. Kelly stated he did believe it does read correctly but should not be capitalized and would be corrected for the record. Mr. Grande moved for approval as amended. Motion seconded by Mr. Lounds. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0). P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 4 C� SUBIECT TO PLANNING & ZONING AGENDA ITEM 2: FILE NO. RZ-02-013 — GLASSMAN HOLDINGS, INC.: COM%gI SIGN APPROVAL Mr. Hank Flores, presenting Staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 2 was the application of Glassman Holdings, Inc. for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural — 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District for 25.99 acres of property located on the Northwest corner of the intersection of Indrio Road and Emerson Road. He continued that the petitioner is proposing to develop the property for commercial uses. He also stated that the surrounding zoning was RS-2 (Residential, Single -Family - 2 du/acre) to the south and west. He continued that there was AG-1 (Agricultural — Idu/care) Zoning to the north, south, east, and west, IX (Industrial, Extraction) to the east and I (Institutional) Zoning to the east and north. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set forth in the Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is recommending that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. Mr. Lindsay Walter stated that he was from West Palm Beach and was representing Glassman Holdings Inc. He continued that this application was for a straight rezoning and that they had no development plans at this time, but are just trying to bring the property into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial. Mr. Lounds questioned if there were any preliminary plans for future use of the property. Mr. Walter stated that Glassman has preliminarily done some sketches that would include a possible shopping center with an out -parcel or two. He also stated that there is nothing definite at this point in time. Chairman McCurdy opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one, Chairman McCurdy closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Merritt stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Glassman Holdings, Inc., for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District, because it complies with the land use element of the code. Motion seconded by Mr. Lounds. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 7-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 5 SUBJECT TO AGENDA ITEM 3: FILE NO. RZ-02-014 - CHURCH OF THE REDEEMENVWN APPROVAL LUCIE COUNTY: Mr. Hank Flores, presenting Staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 3 was the application of Church of the Redeemer of St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single -Family — 3 du/acre) Zoning District to the I (Institutional) Zoning District for 8.47 acres of property located on the Southeast corner of the intersection of Edwards Road and Selvitz Road. He stated that the purpose of the rezoning is for the possible expansion of church facilities. Mr. Flores continued that the proposed zoning district designation — I (Institutional) — is consistent with the zoning district designation for the church's existing property located directly to the east of the subject property. He also stated that approval of this petition would create an 18.80-acre parcel under common ownership at the intersection of Edwards and Selvitz Roads. He advised that a review of the Institutional Zoning District and its permitted and conditional uses shows the scope of the impact that an Institutional parcel of this size could have on the area. He continued that the RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning District was created specifically for the designation of church facilities and the types of uses that would generally be located within a church establishment. He stated that Staff believes that the RF Zoning District designation is more appropriate at this location for the additional property. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it generally conforms to the standards of review as set forth in the Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staffs recommended they forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of denial for the Institutional Zoning District and instead recommend they forward a recommendation of approval to the RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning District. Mr. Grande questioned why the application was filed requesting I (Institutional) Zoning instead of RF (Religious Facilities). Mr. Flores stated that was how the applicant has filed the application and was compatible with the existing I (Institutional) Zoning. He continued that once the full application was reviewed Staff concluded that RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning would be a more appropriate zoning. Chairman Matthes asked if this was discussed with the applicant. Mr. Flores stated that he discussed it with Mr. David Sowerby, who is working with the petition and stated that he believed that they were in agreement. He continued that churches are allowed under both zoning districts and that the conditional uses allowed under RF (Religious Facilities) are also allowed under I (Institutional) Zoning. Chairman Matthes questioned if this would have to go through the site plan review process if approved. Mr. Flores stated that if a proposed site plan is submitted that meets the 6,000 square foot or greater threshold that would be correct. Mr. Merritt stated that there are some ancient historical issues on this property and questioned if they were being protected. Mr. Flores stated that in this point in time they are not reviewing the development of the property only a change in zoning and therefore would not be impacted right now. Mr. Hearn stated that he too is concerned about the historical issues of the property and wants to make sure it is not destroyed. Mr. Clyde Heffelfinger stated that he resides 1008 Echo Street in Fort Pierce and he is on the Board of Directors of the Church of the Redeemer. Chairman Matthes questioned if he understood Staff's recommendation with respect to an RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning instead of the I (Institutional) Zoning. Mr. Heffelfinger stated that he discussed the issue with Mr. David P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 6 sums T TO PLANNU & ZONING APP Sowerby yesterday and explained everything to him and he didn't see any reason wh e c ange wouldn't be okay. Mr. Heffelfinger stated that with regards to Mr. Merritt's comments, he wasn't aware of anything historical on that lot and would like to know what it is that he is speaking of. Mr. Merritt stated that there is an ancient Indian burial ground on that location. Mr. Heffelfinger questioned if they knew where on the property this burial ground was located. Mr. Merritt stated that he believed it was to the rear of the property and was a significant Indian burial site. Chairman Matthes stated the Commission, as a whole would probably suggest that he seek professional guidance in review of that information. Chairman Matthes opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Grande stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners deny the application of Church of the Redeemer of St. Lucie County, for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single -Family - 3 du/acre) Zoning District to the I (Institutional) Zoning District, because the more appropriate zoning for the property would be the RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning. Motion seconded by Mr. Hearn, with discussion. Mr. Hearn questioned if Mr. Grande would include something in his motion with regards to the Indian burial ground. Mr. Grande stated that he felt it would more relevant to the approval motion rather than the denial. Chairman Matthes stated that he did not believe that they could condition a zoning application. Ms. Young confirmed that was correct. Chairman Matthes stated that he is sure it has been duly noted in the minutes and their concerns will be expressed to the Board, but they could not condition a zoning application. Mr. Merritt stated that if the applicant was satisfied with the I (Institutional) Zoning and wasn't requesting the RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning he didn't think it was appropriate for them to change his request. Chairman Matthes explained that Staff recommended RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning instead of I (Institutional) and the applicant did agree with the new zoning recommendation. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of denial. Mr. Grande stated that he didn't believe that Mr. Hearn's comments regarding the burial ground were meant to be a condition of the rezoning, but just to be sure that it was a comment with the motion to point it out to the County Commission as they read the motion. Mr. Akins stated that he too was concerned with how they would be able to signal their intentions to the Board. Chairman Matthes stated that the minutes of the meetings are read by each of the County Commissioners and it was made abundantly clear in the record that they had concerns about preserving the Indian burial ground. He also stated that he wasn't sure that adding it to the motion would be appropriate because it may come across as a condition and they cannot do that. Ms. Young stated that Chairman Matthes' comments were correct and that they could ask that Staff include those concerns in their memo to the Board. She also stated that the only other option would be to include that as one of the reasons for approving the RF (Religious Facilities) P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 7 SUBECT TO FIA'M ING & Z:ON'NG designation and they cannot condition a zoning application. Chairman Matthes st f a SAWN APPROVAL. was concerned about doing something that might risk the future of the petition. Mr. Merritt stated that he did not raise the issue to put the petition in jeopardy and just wanted to be sure that the petitioner and Staff were aware of the potential problems in the future. Chairman Matthes asked Mr. Hearn if adding it to the Staff report to the Board would be sufficient and ease any concerns. Mr. Hearn stated that would be fine. Mr. Grande stated after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Church of the Redeemer of St. Lucie County, for a Change in Zoning from the RS-3 (Residential, Single -Family - 3 du/acre) Zoning District to the RF (Religious Facilities) Zoning District, because it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and would be good for the community and it causes no potential dangers. Motion seconded by Mr. Hearn. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 8 SIECT TO PLANNING & ZONING AGENDA ITEM 4: FILE NO. CU-02-001— TIMOTHY & DEBRA ROSE CAR WAMPAISSION APPNI VAL Chairman Matthes stated that Agenda Item # 4 was the application of Timothy and Debra Rose Car Wash and that the petitioner has requested a continuation until the September 19, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting at 7:00 P.M or as soon thereafter as possible. Chairman Matthes opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. McCurdy made a motion to continue until the September 19th, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting at 7:00 P.M or as soon thereafter as possible. Motion seconded by Mr. Grande. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) to be continued to the September 19th, 2002 Planning and Zoning Meeting at 7:00 P.M or as soon thereafter as possible. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 9 1ML SUDIE a TO i & 70NING AGENDA ITEM 5: FILE NO. CU-02-007 — FLORIDA CENTER FOR RECO i s APPROVAL Hank Flores, presenting Staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 5 was the Application of Florida Center for Recovery, Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit to allow Social Services and Health Services (specifically an inpatient drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation center) in the I (Institutional) Zoning District for 12.17 acres of property located at 3451 West Midway Road. Mr. Flores stated that Florida Center for Recovery, Inc., has applied for the requested conditional use in order to provide an establishment for the inpatient alcohol and substance abuse treatment facility similar to the operation at New Horizons of the Treasure Coast. He also stated that the operation is proposed to be a 24-hours a day with a maximum of 35 staff and 40 patients in the short term. He continued that in the long term, the applicant has stated that a maximum of 72 patients were expected to be treated. He explained that Social Services and Health Services are allowed as conditional uses in this zoning district subject to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. He stated that the proposed treatment center is to be housed in the now vacant Twins Oaks Alzheimer's facility. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set forth in the Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is recommending that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval, subject to the following condition: The number of patients shall be limited to a maximum of 72. Mr. Lounds reconfirmed that the original condition was to be a maximum of 40 but as per the applicants request the condition was amended to 72. Mr. Flores confirmed that was correct. Mr. Grande stated that he felt the staff memo should read that the general existing use surrounding the property is residential and some institutional instead of the way it was originally printed. Mr. Lounds questioned where CASTLE was located on the maps. Mr. Flores stated that it was to the west of the property. Chairman Matthes asked if the petitioner was present. Mr. Jack Fitzharris, the petitioner, stated that he resides in Vero Beach and also maintains a residence in New York. He continued that this facility would be an upscale substance abuse treatment facility and would not be like New Horizons. He stated that New Horizons deals mostly with mental illness and their facility would not include mental health. He also stated that they would cater to the upscale population and would be similar to that of the Betty Ford Clinic and Hazelton treatment centers. Mr. Lounds questioned if the patients would be court appointed and if not, where would they come from. Mr. Fitzharris stated that their patients would be voluntary, self -paid patients and that they would not accept any court appointed or Medicaid patients. He continued that their fee is approximately $15,000 a month. Mr. Lounds confirmed that their facility would consist primarily of voluntary patients only. Mr. Fitzharris stated that their facility markets for only voluntary patients. Mr. Lounds stated that they have some feedback from concerned citizens regarding staffing at night and their safety. Mr. Fitzharris stated that the amount of staff at night would depend on the number of patients being treated. He also stated that this facility would generally be run the same as their other facility in Long Island. Mr. Lounds questioned how the facility would be staffed if running at the full capacity of 72 patients. Mr. Fitzharris stated that there would be therapeutic aides at night as well as a nursing staff who will monitor where the P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 10 U OHU SUBECT TO PLANNING & ZONING patients are during the evening. Mr. Lounds stated that the community also has comw� 4,1 N APP UAL their idea of what is involved with rehabilitative services. Mr. Fitzharris stated that since the individuals are all voluntary, they are more motivated for treatment and less likely to try to leave than those who are court appointed and need to be locked down. Mr. Lounds questioned if it would be a locked down facility with gates and guards. Mr. Fitzharris stated that it would not be like that and that anyone who is asked to leave the facility for any reason would be transported back to wherever they came from and not just dropped outside of the front door of the facility. He continued that in his experience these people don't generally leave against medical advice. Mr. Merritt questioned why Mr. Fitzharris chose Fort Pierce to locate his facility when he lives in Vero Beach. Mr. Fitzharris stated that the property and buildings they needed were already available in St. Lucie County. He also stated that he only handles marketing of the facility and the location for treatment didn't really matter to him and if there were facilities and property already available somewhere else, it would have been located there. Mr. Merritt stated that he is concerned about St. Lucie County becoming a dumping ground for Martin and Indian River County and feels that they have done their share already. Mr. Fitzharris stated he didn't really understand what he meant by a "dumping ground". Mr. Merritt explained that there is a treatment center on Midway Road, which is funded by the state and takes in patients from the other counties and their Section 8 housing is large enough to handle those counties as well. Mr. Fitzharris stated that Martin, Vero and Okeechobee only have 139 substance abuse beds to accommodate 4 counties and that was one of the reasons they chose this area. He continued that they didn't pinpoint Fort Pierce but that they just found the buildings and land already here and available. He also stated that he didn't feel they were dumping on the County and that their facility would bring employment and taxes into the County. Chairman Matthes questioned if this is an existing facility. Mr. Fitzharris confirmed that was correct. Mr. Fitzharris stated that he believed the previous owners only operated for about six months and that the buildings are relatively new. Mr. Akins questioned which four counties Mr. Fitzharris was talking about when he referenced the 139 beds. Mr. Fitzharris stated those were Martin, St. Lucie, Okeechobee and Indian River County. Mr. Akins questioned his statement that they would not accept any Medicaid, court appointed or court ordered patients. Mr. Fitzharris stated that was correct. Mr. Akins asked Mr. Fitzharris if he was aware that St. Lucie County's crime rate was about 90% tied to substance abuse and of those 90% about 98% of those are indigent. Mr. Fitzharris stated he was not aware of those figures. Mr. Akins confirmed that his facility would not benefit the existing substance abuse problems in St. Lucie County and Mr. Fitzharris confirmed that it would not. Mr. Fitzharris stated that he believed New Horizons was opening a facility in Vero Beach that will accept the St. Lucie County indigent. Mr. Akins stated that he was concerned about having a small amount of space in the existing facilities for the indigent and that there should be more space available to benefit the problems in St. Lucie County. Mr. Fitzharris stated that he presumed that at least 50% of their business would come from Florida, but not necessarily from St. Lucie County. Mr. Lounds stated that he appreciated Mr. Merritt and Mr. Akins comments but that he believes that this type of facility will be high end and isn't sure that would be bad for the County. Chairman Matthes stated that he agreed since a state run facility would not pay taxes and this type of facility would help the tax base. He continued that there is an existing facility sitting there that isn't being used and isn't generating any tax base to the County. Mr. Lounds questioned if the staff s salary level would be higher than the states. Mr. Fitzharris stated that P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 11 is '�AUESM SUMEC T TO UMMMING & ZONING was correct. He also stated that he had an affidavit from the Long Island Center APPROVAL stating who their clients are and what type of facility they run. Mr. McCurdy questioned if the applicant would consider adding a restriction that they would not accept court appointed or Medicaid patients if he were granted approval. Mr. Fitzharris stated that he would not have any objection with that type of restriction at all. Mr. Hearn stated that the issues addressed by Mr. Lounds and Mr. McCurdy were valid but that he is worried about condemning nearby property owners who are concerned about what is going into their neighborhood. He also stated that he felt it was very important for people to have protection in their neighborhoods to ensure their quality of life. He continued that he felt if the petitioner was willing to accept the conditions suggested by Mr. McCurdy then we would be more comfortable voting for the project. He stated that he did want to make sure that these restrictions be part of the motion so that it is legally correct and binding. Mr. Rodney Schuckhardt stated that he lives at 4588 Shoewater Lane in Naples Florida. He advised that he is the president of a subsidiary of TM Bank of the Keys, which originally financed the property for the Alzheimer's facility and now owns the property. He stated that they are selling the property and hope to be the future lender to the Florida Center for Recovery. He continued that when they reviewed the applicants contract and proposal they were introduced to the quality and fiscal soundness of their other existing programs. He also stated that the program they planned to operate in St. Lucie County was an upscale program designed for primarily self -pay patients and found the plan to be sound. He stated that they are also bringing substantial financial resources to the area to get the program off the ground and they are very comfortable with their plans. He continued that with regards to security, this facility of residential and administration buildings are equipped with a security system that locks the doors when it is set and also limits the movement of patients between rooms and various areas of residences. Chairman Matthes opened the Public Hearing. Ms. Rhona Perry stated that she resides to the east of the facility at 5080 West Virginia Drive. She advised that there are not just a few houses in her area; there are fifteen homes there. She stated that when she first received notification she was very reluctant but after doing some research and speaking with the applicant she felt better. She continued that she still has some concerns about the project and likes the idea of adding the conditions to the request. She also stated that there are many children in that area who like to play in the woods and when the Alzheimer's facility was there the patients got out. She advised that they ended up in front of her home and didn't know who they were and she had no idea how they had gotten out. She stated that she is aware that this facility is going to be upscale and they would be more likely to leave out the front door than to sneak out but there could be one bad apple. She continued that they would like to know that there was going to be some very good security at the facility because some of the area is not completely fenced in. She also stated that they were also concerned about the facility turning into a court appointed type facility if they are not able to make it financially as an upscale self -pay facility. She stated that she was unsure about what exactly falls under the classification of Social Services in the regulations for conditional uses. Mr. Flores stated that under Social Services as in the Land Development Code, there is a number behind (3) behind it that references the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual. He P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 12 TO continued that under Social Services in the SIC Manual they allow Individual and Family Social Services, which include Counseling Centers, Family Counseling Services, Temporary Relief Services and a variety more on the lists. He continued that one of the ones listed is for Alcoholism Counseling and also for residential care and also for social services that are not elsewhere classified. He stated that under Health Services it lists Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine and Hospitals. Ms. Perry stated that they are concerned because Welfare does fall under that as well and want to be sure that there is a condition that they cannot accept those types of patients to protect them. Chairman Matthes stated that he would believe that to be correct if they can condition the conditional use permit that way. Ms. Perry stated that she would be comfortable with the facility if all of the conditions are listed as part of the approval and legally applied. Chairman Matthes questioned Ms. Young if those types of conditions could be applied to the applicant's request. Ms. Young stated that she didn't see any reason that they couldn't make the fencing and security issues as part of the conditions. She continued that with regard to the nature of the client base she would not be uncomfortable adding that as part of the motion since the applicant has consented to it. Ms. Kelly Carter stated that she owns lots 112 and 119 behind the facility and is concerned about lot 107. She continued that there are 79 acres between all of those lots and lot 107 is woods, which used to be entirely landlocked until she put a culvert in. She stated that she is concerned about what the applicant is planning on doing with lot 107 because it is directly in front of her front yard. She also stated that the County has contacted her about preserving the areas that she owns as well as lot 107 because they were just granted the funds to purchase those 79 acres. She continued that if the County were able to purchase all of that property they would like to turn it into a preserve with nature walks. She stated that they have even asked her not to clear her lots because they are very interested in preserving the area within the next three or four months because it is the largest piece of Florida Pines left in St. Lucie County. She also stated that if a patient decides to leave the facility they would be hidden within 79 acres of woods and her home is the first house they would come to. She continued that she has children and her property is zoned for agricultural use and they have horses, dogs, donkey, and deer and they intend to build an area for team roping. She stated that she has no problem keeping her 16 acres and living in the middle of a 79-acre preserve. Mr. Fitzharris stated that they have no plans to do anything with that property at the moment except to maybe put in a serenity walk for the patients. He also stated that he did receive a call from the County today about the property and stated that nothing is going to happen until next year and he will discuss those options with them at that time. Chairman Matthes questioned if the existing facility had the capacity to house their maximum of 72 patients. Mr. Fitzharris confirmed that was correct. Ms. Carter stated that she was concerned about their patients being able to walk free and what will happen to the property if the County does buy the 55 acres in the next 4 months or so. Mr. Lounds questioned if there was any crossing on the canal separating the division of lot 107 and if the patients would be able to go from the north side to the south side without getting wet. Mr. Flores stated he did not believe so. Mr. Lounds asked if they would have to go out onto Christensen Road to get to that property. Ms. Carter stated that there is a brick wall on Christensen Road and there is a crossing that is part of lot 107 and is located on the County right- of-way and the County would not let her put a gate with a lock there. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 13 F0CJ� SUUNUT TO FLUNING & ZONING C011qqSSION APPROVAL Mr. John Ferrick stated that he visited the location yesterday and was concerned about not having any fences, especially when the Alzheimer's facility was there. He also stated that most of the people he talked to about this project stated their biggest concern is with people wandering off onto their properties. He continued that the facility should also be concerned about people wandering into their facility especially when these are well -financed patients with a substance abuse problem because there are people in the Fort Pierce area who would want to sell them some. Seeing no one else, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Lounds stated that he did not have a problem with this project because he felt it would bring better money and facilities than were there in the past instead of having a vacant building still sitting there. He also stated that he is pleased that it is proposed to be a high -end facility but does feel that there should be conditions regarding fencing and the types of patients they will accept. Ms. Young stated that she believed that applicant has stated that their facility would be self -pay or insurance paid patients only and not Medicaid or court appointed. Mr. Akins stated that he did not feel that the applicant could state definitely that they would not accept court appointed patients because there are high -end individuals (Governor Bush's daughter) who are court appointed and could afford to self -pay the applicants fees. He continued that he didn't believe that the petitioner's representative was in a position to agree to that because there are high -end individuals who could be court ordered but still in a financial position to pay. He also stated that he felt if the Commission wanted to add a condition on this they could do so for the Medicaid and any State funded individuals only but that he didn't believe that the petitioner would be able to guarantee not taking court ordered high -end individuals. He continued that presuming that someone who is court ordered needs to be in a facility that is highly guarded isn't the case for a lot of facilities. Mr. Lounds stated that he does agree with what Mr. Akins is saying and would not want to restrict the owners to that level. He continued that he believes they all understand that they really want to be sure this facility isn't geared towards the indigent and Medicaid patients. Mr. Grande stated that he feels that there isn't enough information in the application and the petitioner's presentation for him to make a decision one way or the other right now. He continued that the assumption that because there is an existing failed Alzheimer's facility there that we need to do something of this nature doesn't sit with him. He also stated that this property is valuable and could be used for any number of things and he doesn't feel that this type of facility really needs to be in the County. He advised that he feels what was presented to them was incomplete and doesn't feel they should be responsible for coming up with a list of detailed conditions to protect the surrounding residents. He stated that he would not be able to vote for this conditional use permit no matter what conditions are added to it. Mr. Merritt stated that no matter how you say it, it is still a substance abuse center. He also stated that the woman who owned property next to New Horizons ended up selling her property to them because of the harassment from the patients in their facility. He continued that Midway Road is going to be the gateway to St. Lucie County and he cannot vote in favor of putting this type of facility on Midway Road. He also stated that he didn't believe this facility would be beneficial to those living in St. Lucie County because they couldn't afford it and therefore could not support this project. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 14 SUMECT TO PL NINIIN' A A 70 ING COMMISSION APPROVAL Mr. Hearn stated that he understood the concerns of Mr. Grande and Mr. Merritt and would like to see some additional time spent by Staff and the petitioner to come up with some more detailed conditions and bringing it back before them at that time. He continued that he felt they needed the additional information and condition to make a truly informed position on the issue. He also stated that upscale facilities in St. Lucie County generally are good for the County and would not want to condemn the facility if it would fit in with the neighborhood. He advised that he personally felt the property needed to be securely fenced and landscaped so that the surrounding property owners are protected. He also stated that if they decide to recommend approval he would like to see this conditional use not be able to be transferred to another owner at a later date without having to come back before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Lounds stated that he appreciated everyone's feelings about this application but he felt the petitioner's presentation was pretty good especially compared to some other applications that they have approved in the past without any types of drawings or ideas. He continued that the applicant does have the money behind them and that if you have 72 beds at $15,000 each it would mean about $1,000,080 in that facility that would be turned over many times. He also stated that he felt the Staff that would be at this institute would bring money to St. Lucie County and would offer some prestige to the medical professions in the County as well. He advised that the concerns regarding anyone being able to walk away or walk into the facility are genuine and that the fencing issue should handle that. He stated that other than that, he has no problem with it and feels it would be good for the community and good for the County. Mr. Akins stated that he would not be able to support this petition for vastly different reasons and as he stated previously St. Lucie County has a finite tolerance for these types of facilities. He continued that this type of facility does not benefit the existing problems in St. Lucie County, except for tax revenue. He advised that if it does not benefit the people who are already in St. Lucie County who need this type of treatment and cause the problems we have been facing for many years, the he couldn't support it. Mr. Merritt stated that his family has a long history in White City and they have a considerable real estate investment in that area and would ask each member to consider if they would want this type of facility next to their home. Mr. Hearn stated that he personally would not mind having this type of facility next to his house if it was done right. He continued that is why he would like to see this go back to Staff and the petitioner for some further review and presentation. He advised that he would not be able to support it based on what they were presented tonight but does think that further review may change that. Mr. Hearn made a motion to continue to the September 19th, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting at 7:00 P.M or as soon thereafter as possible. Motion seconded by Mr. Lounds. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed with a vote of 5-3 (with Mr. Grande, Mr. Akins and Mr. Merritt voting against) to continue to the September 19`h, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting at 7:00 P.M or as soon thereafter as possible. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 15 IPU� 1 AGENDA ITEM 6: FILE NO. RZ-02-015 — WYNNE RANCH: ua Ms. Cyndi Snay, presenting Staff comments stated that Agenda Items # 6 and # 7 were the applications of Wynne Ranch for a rezoning of 9.9 acres of land from AG-5 to U (Utilities) and a conditional use permit to operate an air curtain incinerator on the 9.9 acre parcel. She continued that the subject property is located on the north side of Orange Avenue approximately 3/4 mile west of Minute Maid Road and north one mile from the entrance to the Wynne Ranch property and is a portion of a 671 acre parcel of land. She also stated that the applicant has indicated a desire to operate an air curtain incinerator on the property for the purpose of disposal of yard waste material from various properties owned by the Wynne Corporation. Ms. Snay stated that based upon the St. Lucie County Land Use Compatibility Matrix the Utilities Zoning is considered an appropriate zoning, district within the AG-5 (Agricultural — 5) Land Use designation. She explained that the existing area is agricultural in nature. She also stated that additional Wynne Ranch property is located to the north, south and west of the subject property and that there were citrus groves located to the east of the subject property. Ms. Snay advised that the proposed use is considered to be consistent with existing and proposed future land use designations in the area. She continued that the surrounding properties are being used as either citrus groves or cattle ranches and that the permitted uses in the Utilities zoning district are not expected to unduly impact the surrounding area or areas. She also stated that there were no residential structures adjacent to the subject property. She advised that the rezoning of this property was not expected to create demands on any public facilities in this area and that public utilities have not been installed this far west within the county. She also stated that St. Lucie County's Public Works Department has scheduled road construction on the shoulders along Orange Avenue, thereby, significantly reducing the roadway deficiencies within this area. Ms. Snay stated that the reclassification of this property to a limited use -zoning district such as Utilities would not result in the introduction of incompatible land uses or activities with the surrounding low -density agricultural activities. She also stated that the proposed amendment was not in conflict with the public interest and was in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Land Development Code. Staff has reviewed both petitions and recommend the rezoning be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. She also stated that with regards to the Conditional Use Permit staff has reviewed the petition and recommends that the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval subject to the 9 limiting conditions found on page 5 of the staff report and would like the following condition to be included in the recommendation: P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 16 �FI uL `WY 4 c aApmv Ant-, The use of the air curtain incinerator will only be permitted for use on this site for a maximum of five years. At the end of the 5-year period, the petitioner may request from the Board of County Commissioners a 1-year extension. No additional extensions may be permitted for this use. If the petitioners wish to continue operation of the air curtain incinerator beyond the 5 years + 1 year extension they will be required to submit an application for a new Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Grande stated that he believed that they had heard another petition for an air curtain incinerator on the same property. Ms. Snay explained it is the same location and the same property as previously applied for. Mr. Grande stated he would like Staff to explain why this is different from the last application submitted. Ms. Snay stated that it does not differ from the original request except for the modified conditions of approval in the Staff report and that the applicant is different. Mr. McCurdy questioned when the shoulder work would be done and completed on Orange Avenue. Mr. Kelly stated that he did not have any specific dates but from what he has heard it was in the process right now. Mr. Hearn asked what the distance was from the site to the nearest habitable structure. Ms. Snay stated that it was approximately a mile or two away. Mr. Hearn questioned if the previous application was withdrawn and what the reason was that it could be resubmitted. Mr. Kelly stated that the previous application was withdrawn and that the limitation in the Land Development Code only applied to a rezoning that was denied, but there was no time limit for conditional use permits. Chairman Matthes questioned if the U (Utilities) Zoning was the only option for the petitioner in order to be able to operate an air curtain incinerator. Mr. Kelly confirmed that was correct. Chairman Matthes stated that he would like to see if there were any other options because he has a problem with rezoning a piece of property permanently just for a five year conditional use. Mr. Kelly stated that the only other option would be to amend the Land Development Code to allow for this type of use as a conditional use in the AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/5 acres) Zoning District. Chairman Matthes questioned how long that type of request would take to be reviewed. Mr. Kelly stated that those types of requests are usually grouped together but with the direction of the Commission could be done sooner and possibly brought to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the October meeting. Mr. Akins questioned if it would be possible to approve the change in zoning with a type of clause that states the property would revert back to it's original zoning after the five year period for the conditional use. Mr. Kelly stated that a change in zoning cannot be conditioned and Ms. Young agreed. Mr. Lounds questioned how far the subject property was from Orange Avenue and Ms. Snay stated it was approximately 1 mile north of it. Mr. Grande stated that previously the most significant testimony he heard with regards to the air curtain incinerator that was passed prior to this request was that it was not able to function properly and had many problems. He then questioned if there were any updates on the current conditions of that offending facility. Mr. Kelly stated that he was not in that department but believed they were still in violation. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 17 T TO ehs =�.i 0,§Ea I1���'I9SS' N P Ia)VAL Chairman Matthes asked if the petitioner was present. Mr. Matthew Wynne stated tat ge was the petitioner and that he did have a representative from the Division of Forestry as well as an air curtain incinerator business representative present to answer any of the Commissions technical questions. He also stated that he had signed petitions from those who have homes surrounding the subject property who all have stated that they have never had any problems with their operations all these years. He advised that the change in zoning and conditional use permit would allow them to install and operate the incinerator, which would do an even better job. He continued that he was aware of the complaints and problems with the other facility that is currently operating and submitted a letter from the St. Lucie County Code Enforcement Department that states that there have not been any complaints with regards to their property in the past ten years. Mr. Wynne stated that they have been burning on his property for several years and that many of the neighbors weren't even aware that they were doing that out there. He also stated that he has heard some concerns about spot zoning and he does not consider this spot zoning because there are no pre -determined areas for U (Utilities) Zoning and must be requested to be changed to that zoning. He continued that the conditional and permitted uses in the U (Utilities) Zoning are compatible with the agricultural area operations. He also stated that most of the uses in the U (Utilities) Zoning would not make any economical sense to place out in the area of the subject property, with the exception of the air curtain incinerator. Mr. Wynne advised that some of the previous concerns were the increase in truck traffic. He stated that they have been doing this for the last three years and didn't see how there would be any increase in the traffic since they have already been there. He also stated that their main reason for doing this is because they have over 2,000 acres of old grove on their ranch and would like to burn that grove material as well so they can convert it into pasture land. He continued that if they chose to keep the grove instead of making it into pasture they would be generating much more truck traffic than by operating an air curtain incinerator. He stated that another issue of concern was the bad road conditions on Orange Avenue and that issue is being addressed by the current reconstruction of that area by Dickerson. He advised that the travel lanes are being widened by two feet and then will be resurfaced (the entire road) with two inches of asphalt and striped with reflective striping and also center bumpers may be added. Mr. Wynne stated that he did not feel condition number three of the original Staff report was accurate because their site would not just be for materials from Wynne Ranch. He advised that information was not correct because Wynne Ranch is the landowner but Port St. Lucie Tractor Services, which is operated by Mr. Revels, would be the only company using the site. He stated that he wanted to make it clear that it was not just Wynne material that would be disposed of in the incinerator, but just that the only company using the site would be Port St. Lucie Tractor. He continued that this incinerator would not be open to the public and would not allow anyone else in the land clearing business to use the site. He also stated that they have no problems with having restrictions placed on the operations. He advised that after some discussions with several of the opposing parties they came up with some restrictions of their own. 1. The Conditional Use Permit will have a term of 5 years and shall "sunset" at the end of 5 years. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 18 IUl igtf� rtpp�t��'��pgpg jqqqq IPUe 2. The incinerator will be used only for vegetative material from St Lucie County, delivered to the site by trucks owned and operated by Port St. Lucie Tractor. 3. The Conditional Use Permit is limited to "one" aboveground air curtain incinerator approved by DER Mr. Wynne stated that they have been open burning on the subject property for three years without one complaint. He advised that his residence is actually the second closest residence to the site. He asked that if the Commission recommends approval of their request, that they include the three agreed upon conditions previously listed. He continued that he has had discussions with Ms. Adams, Judge Alderman and his wife Jean and have come to the compromise of these conditions and are now agreeable. Mr. Akins asked Staff if they could condition the conditional use permit for a reapplication for a change in zoning after the five-year period. Mr. Kelly stated that would most likely be considered conditioning the rezoning and that they could ask the petitioner to reapply at that time but didn't believe they could make that part of the conditions of the conditional use permit. Mr. Wynne stated that he would not have a problem with doing that after the conditional use permit expires. He submitted copies of all of the surrounding property owner letters as well as a copy of the conditions and the letter from Code Enforcement to be kept for the record. Mr. Merritt stated that his previous objection was the width of Orange Avenue and questioned what the time frame of the widening would be. Mr. Wynne stated that the work has already begun on Orange Avenue and that Dickerson has advised him that the entire project was supposed to be completed by Thanksgiving. Mr. Hearn questioned if Mr. Wynne was planning on having any material brought into the site from outside of St. Lucie County. Mr. Wynne stated that they would not be dealing with anything outside of the County as stated in condition two of his list. Mr. Lounds confirmed that Mr. Wynne has been open burning for three years now. Mr. Wynne stated that they are planning on taking out the orange groves, but over the past three years they have actually been open burning the material from job sites within St. Lucie County. Mr. Lounds questioned if condition number six of the original staff report was also a condition of the offending facility that was previously approved. Mr. Kelly stated that he was not sure that it was one of their conditions, but that if it was, it was clearly being violated, with regards to stockpiling. Mr. Lounds stated that he is concerned because they need to be able to pile this debris in advance to allow it time to dry before it can burn and didn't feel that could be done within 48 hours. Mr. Wynne stated that he was not aware of that 48-hour time limit and that would be a problem because the material needs time to dry completely before burning so it doesn't smoke a lot. Mr. Lounds questioned if the conditions in the Staff report applied to the whole property or just to the 9.9 acres. Ms. Snay confirmed it only applied to the 9.9 acres that deal with the actual operation of the air curtain incinerator. Mr. Wynne stated that he would like to change the time limit from 48 hours to a different amount of time. Mr. Kelly stated that the intent of the condition was to avoid having a very large pile of material building up, unburned. Chairman Matthes opened the public hearing. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 19 r)Al 0MO&a �J ytl L C e S. ZOMAG Mr. Paul Revels, of Port St. Lucie Tractor Services, stated that DEP doesn't mind if tlii rr ON APPRUAL operation is done for six months on any parcel of land and then off for six months. He continued that the County code is the one that states that a conditional use permit and rezoning to U (Utilities) is required, not DEP. He stated that when they started these operations three years ago and used open burning because it was less expensive than chipping it. He also stated that the Division of Forestry must issue the burn permits and that if it is raining or foggy they will not issue any permits. He advised that he employs thirty people and that burning the material rather than chipping it, helps to keep the cost of land clearing down for homeowners. He continued that he agreed that 48 hours would not be enough time to allow the materials to dry and burn properly and that he thinks that it would need to sit for 60 to 90 days to dry completely. Mr. James Alderman stated that he resides at 13510 NE 224"' Street in Okeechobee and that his property adjoins Mr. Wynne's property to the west. He advised that he was present the first time this petition was presented and raised several objections to the project, which is why Mr. Revels withdrew his petition. He continued that they have had an opportunity to sit down with Mr. Wynne and discuss their objections and see if they could reach a compromise in order to allow him to do what he needs to do but give them comfort at the same time. He stated that the three conditions he presented did come as a result of the meeting. He also stated that they still have some concerns, one of which is establishing a precedent on Orange Avenue for incinerators. He advised that they are aware that these types of incinerators can be operated correctly and that Mr. Wynne usually does his work right. Judge Alderman stated that they take Mr. Wynne at his word and doesn't think that simply because Mr. Wynne gets a conditional use with restrictions that someone else would be able to come into the same general area and use that as a precedent. He also stated that this is a unique situation that cannot be duplicated and that the time limitation is also unique because the total amount of time that Mr. Wynne wants to operate this type of site. He continued that the reason that Mr. Wynne agreed to the condition of the specific above ground type of incinerator is because they have seen that the usual trench type system doesn't work properly. He also stated that the road improvements and these conditions are what they were looking for and that the additional one-year extension that is mentioned in the Staff report was not part of their agreement and therefore should not be included as part of the conditions. He stated that they have requested that the conditional use sunset after five years and that any further requests to do anything other than the permitted agricultural uses they would object to. He again stated that is a unique situation that he did not feel could be duplicated by anyone else between the County line and the offending incinerator that already exists. He finished by stating that he and his wife do not object to the petition with their added conditions. Mr. Merritt questioned if Judge Alderman had any information about how the Commission might handle any other requests that may come in for another incinerator that may cite this petition, if approved. Judge Alderman stated that he believes that Mr. Wynne's application could not be used a precedent for someone else because they would not be able to duplicate the unique facts of this particular situation. He continued that this application is several thousands of acres with this ten acres embedded within the area and that the only other ranch in the area that might have a similar situation would be the Adams' and he didn't believe they would be requesting this type of operation there. He stated that if they received a request, it would probably be from someone who operates this type of business all the time and that would not be the same. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 20 f.A.."n s :- Z. 03 ON APPROVAL Mr. Lounds stated that one of Judge Alderman's previous objections was with regard ttb` fibi, haze and the heat plume and questioned if he was satisfied now that this type of incinerator would have a quality burn. Judge Alderman stated that he is satisfied based on the information he was given by Lee and Cindy Adams, who went to Martin County to actually inspect and view the proper operation of an above ground incinerator. He continued that since Mr. Wynne is going to personally responsible for this operation and they respect his reputation and his word that it will be done correctly. Mr. Hearn stated that he has heard enough testimony from those in favor of the project to convince him that they should move this forward, but would like to see if there was anyone in the public who has objections to the project. Ms. Gloria Wymen stated that she lives west of the Alderman's and wasn't against the petition, but had a question as to approximately how many trucks would be entering and leaving the facility daily. She also questioned if the applicant would not be allowed to burn on Saturday or Sunday. Ms. Snay stated that one of the conditions listed in the Staff report was that they would not be allowed to operate on either Saturday or Sunday. Ms. Wymen stated that she too would like to have the wording concerning the extra year removed from the conditions since that was not agreed upon. Ms. Snay stated that since Mr. Wynne is requesting only the five years, they would go by his request. Ms. Wymen questioned where the nearest fire station was in regards to the subject property. Ms. Snay advised the nearest one was Station No. 11, which is on Shinn Road and is approximately 8 miles to the southeast. Mr. Lounds confirmed that she resides west of Judge Alderman and Ms. Wymen confirmed that was correct but stated she travels down that road daily to other property that she owns on Orange Avenue. Mr. Lounds questioned if she burns her pastures on her ranch and Ms. Wymen stated they do occasionally do controlled burns. Ms. Wymen also stated that they burn in conjunction with their neighbor and have tractors standing by and many people monitoring the burns at all times. Ms. Cynthia Adams, 25305 Orange Avenue, Adams Ranch stated that the problems with the offending incinerator to the east of their property do continue to this day. She advised that the owner has been cited again and that she has been in constant contact with Mr. Spitero at the Division of Forestry, who advised her that the situation has been turned over to DEP for review. She continued that for the past year they have been in the down draft of the smoke from this facility, it has been a public nuisance and that St. Lucie County had not been willing to step in to remedy the situation, until now. She advised that her major concern with approving another one of these types of operations is that the County will take measures to remedy any problems that may arise with these operations. She continued that she did visit Airbumers LLC in Palm City, who manufacture the incinerators and the principle is wonderful if it is applied and used properly. She also stated that the offending site couldn't properly run their facility because of the amount of debris they are bringing in and that she feels it has become a commercial operation. She advised that she wants to be sure that it is on record that the problems with the previously approved facility have gone on for far longer than they should have. Chairman Matthes stated that he would like to strongly suggest that she present that information to the Board of County Commissioners when it is heard before them because they have the ability to act upon these issues and this Commission is only an advisory board. Mr. Akins questioned if Ms. Adams was in support of Mr. Wynne's request with the three extra conditions that he presented. Ms. Adams stated she was in support, they want to be good P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 21 �,7 �R .R��?3nv� � ,,3,1�� i neighbors to the Wynne s, this is a very special circumstance and they would A?` Wow t5i's �,n;n1Rf �E,^ia�34ae .SAL under any other circumstance. Mr. Joe Spitero stated that he was the Forest Area Supervisor from the Division of Forestry for St. Lucie and Indian River Counties. He advised that 48 hours, under their requirements, would not be sufficient because under Florida Law you cannot burn green or wet materials. He stated that he thought a waiting period of 3 months might too excessive and that they recommend 30 — 45 days. He continued that generally after that amount of time it is dry enough, but if it has been raining a lot then there would be a problem and would need a longer waiting period. He stated that the amount of time really depends on the time of the year. He also stated that trench burners do work properly when used the way they should be. He advised that DEP should be the permitting agency for the proposed incinerator on Wynne Ranch and that they are supposed to be handling the existing offending facility as well. He continued that he has requested a meeting between their agency, the DEP and St. Lucie County so that they can have this all transitioned over to DEP's authority. He stated that generally front-end loaders are used with trench burners and track hoes are used for box burners and both can suppress a fire if it escapes. Mr. Grande questioned why the existing offending air burner has not been able to brought under control and if it is under the jurisdiction of the Division of Forestry. Mr. Spitero stated that there was some misunderstanding in the beginning because they thought it was part of a County ordinance and under their rules, they can only ask the offender to get the incinerator back into compliance. He confirmed that Ms. Adams has contacted them on numerous occasions and they have gone out and talked to Mr. Vickers and Mr. Tally and they brought themselves back into compliance for a while. He advised that the pits of a trench burner deteriorate because of the soil and once the problems are developed they have to continue to burn down and then make them redo a new pit. He also stated that unfortunately under their statutes there are no provisions for numerous violations and if they continue to bring it back into compliance, they must issue the authorization until another offense occurs. He advised that they deal with three different sets of burning laws and there are no restrictions or provisions for constant offenses in any of them. He also stated that he feels if Mr. Wynne goes with the above ground box burner instead of a trench burner they will not have those types of problems. Mr. Lounds questioned if the Forestry department had a preference one way or the other with regards to trench burning, box burning or open burning. Mr. Spitero stated that under Florida law they are allowed to do any of those as long as they meet the setbacks but he would prefer, under the Wynne's situation to see the box burner over a trench or open burning. Mr. Akins confirmed that Mr. Spitero's opinion is that the debris should pile 30-45 days to allow enough time to dry before burning. Mr. Spitero stated that is a general time frame and it really depends on the time of the year and the weather conditions as well as the types of material. Mr. Hearn questioned if they were conditioning the applicant to have a box burner. Chairman Matthes stated that Mr. Wynne has requested an above ground air curtain incinerator as one of his conditions. Mr. Spitero stated that he believes that summary would be considered to be a box burner. Mr. Kelly questioned if they should be adding that DEP should issue the permits as part of the conditions of this application as well. Mr. Spitero stated that DEP should be the regulating facility since this would operate for more than six months and was listed as a condition that way under the previous offending facility's conditional use permit. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 22 A. 4ij 1 r� Mr. Gary Ford stated that he was the Vice President of Airburners LLC of Palm City and stated that there is not much more he can add to what has previously been said. He advised that he would just like to reinforce a couple points. He passed out a brochure of the different types of incinerators for the record. He stated that there is no guarantee that Mr. Wynne will use their equipment specifically but they make both trench burners and the above ground fire box burners. He advised that both systems do work provided they are operated correctly but the difference is that the trench burners are much more operator dependant than the box burners. He stated that box burners in most instances burn much hotter and cleaner than trench burners do. He continued that their equipment has been proven to meet all of DEP's standards and requirements. He stated that open burning smoke levels are generally in the 60% range and a properly operated air curtain incinerator would be within the 5% range. He also stated that there is a much higher risk of a burn becoming out of control with an open burn as opposed to an incinerator. He advised that the above ground boxes contain the fire and that the air being forced over the box actually will contain the fire within the box. He continued that their manuals do give all the specifics necessary and even include setback distances from where the air curtain should be with regards to the nearest combustible pile. Seeing no one else, Chairman Matthes closed the public hearing. Mr. Lounds stated that after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Wynne Ranch for a Change in Zoning from the AG-5 (Agricultural - 1 du/5 acres) Zoning District to the U (Utilities) Zoning District because of the need to do so to complete the petitioners need to install and operate a proper above ground burner. Motion seconded by Mr. Merritt. Upon a roll call vote, the motion was passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation for approval. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 23 JIG AGENDA ITEM 7: FILE NO. CU-02-008 — WYNNE RANCH: a��r i u , 1. R - This item was presented at the same time as Agenda Item # 6. Chairman Matthes opened the public hearing. Judge Alderman questioned if the three conditions that they had discussed with Mr. Wynne and that he presented would be incorporated into the motion with regards to the conditional use permit. Chairman Matthes stated they would be read into and incorporated as part of motion as requested. Seeing no one else, Chairman Matthes closed the public hearing. Mr. Grande stated that after considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.07.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Wynne Ranch, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an air curtain incinerator in the U (Utilities) Zoning District because the presentation has addressed all of the prior concerns, this appears to be beneficial because it is such a unique situation and is not intended to set a precedent and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The business operation authorized under this conditional use permit shall be limited to the short term storage, processing and burning of land clearing debris generated from land clearing operations as defined below: a. Land Clearing Debris means uprooted or cleared vegetation resulting from a land clearing operation. b. Land Clearing Operation means the uprooting or clearing of vegetation in connection with construction for buildings and right- of-ways, residential or industrial development, mineral operations, or the clearing of vegetation to enhance property value and aesthetics. The removal and destruction of shade trees due to storm or insect damage is included as a land clearing operation. The business operation authorized under this conditional use permit is specifically prohibited from engaging in the business of land clearing and yard trash recycling unless and until a new conditional use permit is granted and the site is determined to be in compliance with the provisions of Section 7.10.12(C) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. 2. The use of the air curtain incinerator will only be permitted for use on this site for a maximum of five years and shall "sunset" at the end of 5 years. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 24 qmvn a+a��'�' P pp6�i. t a Y 3. The air curtain incinerator will be used only for vegetative material from St. Lucie County, delivered to the site by trucks owned and operated by Port St. Lucie Tractor Service, Inc. 4. No more than one above ground "box burner" air curtain incinerator shall be allowed on this site at any one time and must be approved and permitted by DEP. 5. The total site area devoted to the processing, storage and combustion of the collected land debris shall be limited to 9.9 acres. 6. The hours of operation will be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. The ignition of the combustion fires may not occur before 9:00 a.m. and must be extinguished one hour before sunset. Absolutely no operation of the air curtain incinerator may be conducted on either Saturday or Sunday. 7. The petitioner shall, prior to the issuance of any final zoning compliance, which is required for this conditional use permit to be fully executed, shall submit a copy of a Fire Prevention Plan for the combustion operation that has been approved by the St. Lucie County Fire District, Fire Prevention Bureau. 8. The petitioner, including any assigns, shall submit to an annual fire prevention inspection to be conducted, upon reasonable notice, by the St. Lucie County Fire District, Fire Prevention Bureau. 9. In the event that St. Lucie County is declared a federal disaster area following or as a result of either hurricane or freeze damage, the County Commission may suspend any or all of the standards above, with or without restrictions, for the duration of the declared emergency in order to facilitate the removal of vegetative debris. Motion seconded by Mr. Lounds, with discussion. Mr. Lounds stated that one of the conditions is requesting that Mr. Wynne must now go to DEP to get all of the permits. He advised that he isn't sure about this because Mr. Wynne must now go back and get their approval because he was aware previously that they must be the agency to permit this. Chairman Matthes stated that the incinerator must be approved by DEP. Mr. Lounds stated that he read the condition to mean that the incinerator be approved for use by DEP but that doesn't mean that he is approved by DEP. Mr. Grande stated that he understood from Mr. Spitero that this operation would be under the control of DEP, as the permitting agency and any complaints would be made to DEP and not the Forestry Service. Mr. Lounds stated that was okay then. Mr. Hearn questioned if this took all of the enforcement out of the hands of our County Code Enforcement. Chairman Matthes stated that was not correct and that any citizen has the right to complain to Code Enforcement and they can enforce those concerns. Upon a roll call vote the motion was passed unanimously (with a vote of 8-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 25 UNUMUIAL- SUBJECT TO PLARiMING & ZONING COMNjj�,SS1041 APPROVAL AGENDA ITEM 8: ORDINANCE 02-020 — CLARIFICATION OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Kelly stated that this item would be re -advertised and heard at the August 29, 2002 Special Meeting. P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 26 �NOFFUA SUBDIFECT TO OTHER BUSINESS/DISCUSSION: COMMISSION APPROVAL Mr. Lounds questioned what would need to be done in order to considering allowing U (Utilities) conditional uses in the Agricultural Zoning Districts. Chairman Matthes stated that he too would like to have that considered. He stated this would avoid having to do a total zoning change and then have to have it rezoned back to agricultural later. Mr. Hearn stated he would like to get a little more information about what Agenda Item # 8 was because he would not be able to attend the special meeting on the 291'. Ms. Young stated that currently the Environmental Control Hearing Board is enforcing that ordinance and this would change that to the Code Enforcement Board instead. She continued that the Environmental Control Hearing Board meets on a very infrequent basis and it was thought that it would be more appropriate to bring this under Code Enforcement. She stated this would deal with anything related to land clearing and recycling issues. Mr. Grande questioned the information they received with regards to the conference in Key West. Mr. Kelly stated that the information was provided for their information and they are not required to go. He advised that some of the members might feel it could be useful to them and that the County would be able to cover the cost of the registration fee but that the travel would be their own responsibility if they wish to go. Next special meeting will be August 29, 2002. Next scheduled meeting will be September 19, 2002. Mr. McCurdy stated that he would not be able to attend the meeting on the 19"' of September. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Approved by: Gilmore, Secretary Stefan Matthes, Chairman P & Z Meeting August 15, 2002 Page 27