HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 11-21-2002 Secretary St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Commission Chambers, 3~d Floor Roger Poitras Annex November 21, 2002 7:00 P.M. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call C. Announcements D. Disclosures AGENDA ITEM 1: MEETING MINUTES -October 17.2002 Action Recommended: Approval Exhibit #1: Minutes of October 17, 2002, meeting AGENDA ITEM 2: ROBERT AND JEAN TRENARY -FILE NO. R~02-021 This is the petition of ROBERT AND JEAN TRENARY for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District. Hank Flores will present Staff comments. Action Recommended: Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #2: Staff Report and Site Location Maps ENDA ITEM 3: JAMES AND CAROL THORNTON -FILE NO. R~02-024 This is the petition of JAMES AND CAROL THORNTON for a Change in Zoning from the I (Institutional) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District. Cyndi -Spay will present Staff comments. Action Recommended: Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #3: Staff Report and Site Location Maps AGENDA ITEM 4: JOHN TENHOEVE -FILE NO. R~02-025 This is the petition of JOHN TENHOEi~E for a Change in Zoning from the RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family - 2 du/acre) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District. Cyndi Snay will present Staff comments. Action Recommended: Forward Recommendation to County Commission Exhibit #4: Staff Report and Site Location Maps Page 1 St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor Roger Poitras Annex November 21, 2002 7:00 P.M. AGENDA OTHER BUSINESS: A. Other business at Commission Members' discretion. B. Next regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will be held on December 19th, 2002, in Commission Chambers at the Roger Poitras Annex Building. ADJOURN NOTICE: All proceedings before the Planning and Zoning Commission/I;ocal Planning Agency of St. Lucie County, Florida, are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772)462-1777 or T.D.D. (772) 462-1428. i Any questions about this agenda may be referred to the St. Lucie County Planning Division at (772) 462-1586. Page 2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~~G~E C~~y Planning Division J? cry ~ MEMORANDUM 'c~ 4 R10~' TO: Planning and Zoning Commission/ Local Planning Agency Members FROM: Dawn Gilmore, Administrative Secretary DATE: Thursday, November 21, 2002 SUBJECT: P&Z Attendance ****~~**~x*****x~ Mr. Trias and Mr. Merritt will not be attending tonight's Planning and Zoning Meeting. Their absences are with notice. . R r i4s M E~ ~.Y, St. Lucie County ,'~:.~'~}~aa Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes REGULAR MEETING October 17, 2002 Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, Roger Poitras Annex 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. McCurdy, Mr. Lounds, Mr. Hearn, Mr. Jones, Mr. Grande, Mr. Akins, Mr. Matthes. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Merritt, Mr. Trias (Both Absent -With Notice) OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Dennis Murphy," Community Development Director; Mr. David Kelly, Planning Manager; Ms. Heather Young, Asst. Co. Attorney; Ms. Dawn Gilmore, Administrative Secretary. P & Z Meeting October 17, 2002 Page 1 > > q., - - _ CALL TO ORDER ~ ~ , Chairman Matthes called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Matthes gave a brief presentation on the procedures and what to expect for tonight's meeting. For those of you who have not been here before, The Planning and Zoning Commission is an agency that makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. The Staff will present a brief summary of the project and then make their recommendation. After which time, the Petitioner will be asked to come forward and state his/her case for the requested petition. At any time the Comxriission may stop and ask questions of the Petitioner or Staff. After. that process is completed the Chairman will open the public hearing for anyone who wishes to speak for or against the petition. The purpose of this hearing is to get input from the general public. If anyone has something to say, please feel free to come forward and state it. After everyone has gotten a chance to speak the Chairman will then close the public hearing. The Commission will deliberate and then make a decision regarding their recommendation, one way or the other. The decision that is made is typically read from a scripted set of statements that are given to the Commission. It may sound rehearsed but it really is not. There is one motion for and one motion against in the package, so that the Commission can make a motion either one way or the other so it is very clear in the records. Once again, I want to remind you that the- Planning and Zoning Commission only acts in an advisory capacity for the Board of County Commissioners. If you are not happy with the outcome of this hearing you will have the opportunity to speak at the public hearing in front of the Board of County Commissioners. No other announcements or comments. P & Z Meeting October 17, 2002 Page 2 . ; f Y~S!Bi _ - ( F: a~ ~ [f~~~~i1~3U6a AGENDA ITEM 1: SEPTEMBER 19.2002 MEETING MINUTES: , d,j~, V,~~~~;4 Mr. McCurdy stated that he was not present at the previous meeting, so the references to his opening and closing the public hearing on pages six and seven should be changed to Chairman Matthes. Mr. Grande moved for approval, as amended. Motion seconded by Mr. Hearn. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 7-0). P & Z Meeting October 17, 2002 Page 3 C i .i ~ ~ cas.,'~ , - IU ~`r ~ i i,i~ G" 1il t a AGENDA ITEM 2: FILE NO. RZ-02-019 -DAVID MILLER 5~y ~p~,9~eV~-%'y a;°~"~' 5"~i ~j,~~`~~ Mr. David Kelly, presenting Staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 2 was the application of David Miller for a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the RE-2 (Residential, Estate - 2 du/acre) Zoning District. He continued that the petitioners have requested this change in zoning for 2.65 acres of property located on the West side of South 25"' Street, approximately 500 feet south of the F.E.C. Railroad right-of way in order to establish setback standards, which are more compatible with his proposed use of the property with asingle-family home. He also stated that if the change in zoning were approved, the applicant, by right, would be allowed to establish any of the uses under the Permitted Uses section. He continued that any use under the Accessory Uses section would be allowed only if one or more of the permitted uses exist on the subject property and any use under the Conditional Uses section could only be allowed if it first receives approval through the Board of County Commissioners. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.06.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff is, therefore, recommending that this Board forward a recommendation of approval to Board of County Commissioners. Chairman Matthes questioned what the frontage was on the property. Mr. Kelly stated it was one hundred ninety-nine feet. Chairman Matthes questioned if the applicant would be unable to meet the minimum lot width for two lots. Mr. Kelly confirmed that was correct and stated that the petitioner was already well under construction with his house and a large circular driveway. Sze continued that moving back fifty feet would cause the gate to be well beyond the circle and the placement of the home precluded the further splitting of the property. Mr. Grande questioned if the home would be fifty feet back from the street. Mr. Kelly stated that the home was more than fifty feet back and that the front of the home appears to be 182 feet back from the roadway. Mr. Hearn questioned if a scale could be added to the maps that are provided with their packets in the future. Mr. Kelly confirmed that could be done. Mr. David Miller, petitioner, stated that he was a business owner in the area and that th.e,~ relocated to this property from Port St. Lucie. He continued that the property has a lot of live oak trees but they were concerned about the property being right on 25~' Street. He also stated that the driveway is already laid out and when they went to apply for the permit, they were advised of the fifty-foot setback issue. 'Chairman Matthes opened the Pulilic Hearing. Seeing no one, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Jones stated that he didn't have a problem with the applicant's concept but questioned how this would not be considered spot zoning. Mr. Kelly stated that the request is still a type of residential zoning and is consistent with the density of the Comprehensive Plan. He continued that spot zoning would usually be some type of zoning that was completely different than the P & Z Meeting October 17, 2002 Page 4 surrounding • areas. ~er~~y•~:'.t~~._:~ Y,r, s ~s%, j~ Mr. Grande stated that the other owners along this area could probably have the same type of need and he was concerned with making sure that any further requests would have the fifty-foot setback to the house. Mr. Kelly stated that they would not be able to add conditions to rezoning applications. Mr. Lounds stated "After considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including Staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St. Lucie- County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of David Miller for a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the RE-2 (Residential, Estate - 2 du/acre) Zoning District because it will help complete his development for his home and I don't see any problems with having a gate along that area." Motion seconded by Mr. Jones. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 7-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. Mr. Lounds questioned if anyone who wants to put a gate up along that area would need to come before them to be rezoned to do it. Mr. Kelly explained that if they want the gate placed closer than fifty feet to the right-of--way and higher than four feet tall, they would need to do something. He continued that they would either have to submit an application for a variance or a change in zoning. He also stated that if they found that several of the residents in the area had the same types of requests, they would need to look at the area as a whole. P & Z Meeting October 17, 2002 Page 5 C'': J 2b? - - -r, r~ rle~~la(~I59..'t~s3d`eJ!''~ ~tia"~` ~~~Al., AGENDA ITEM 3i ORDINANCE 02-028 -INTERIM ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS: Mr. Dennis Murphy, presenting Staff comments, stated- that Agenda Item # 3 was Draft Ordinance 02=028, which proposes to establish Interim Community wide Architectural Standards that would apply to all areas of the unincorporated County as minimum criteria for all new construction or substantial expansion to existing building or structures or building in areas zoned Commercial Neighborhood, Commercial Office, Commercial General, Institutional, Religious Facilities, Planned Unit Development (Commercial Components Only), Planned Non-Residential Development and Planned Mixed Use Development. He also stated that these design standards are not intended to stifle imagination nor curtail variety but rather they are for the purpose of promoting a more attractive and unified community appearance. Mr. Murphy continued that at the June 16, 2002 meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission / Local Planning Agency, they voted to separate these draft regulations from Draft Ordinance 02- 015 in order to provide additional time for the Board to consider the proposed amendments. He advised that they also expressed some concern over the proposed regulations and how they would effect or impact commercial development activities in the community. Mr. Murphy .stated that at the August 29, 2002 meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission / Local Planning Agency, they voted to refer this draft document back again for further review and revisions, with said revisions to be based upon the directions/recommendations/comments given at the Planning & Zoning Commission /Local Planning Agency meeting of May 16, 2002, which generally were: • Remove the restriction on the use of metal buildings. • Reduce the height of landscaping matter at time of plantings that are used to screen drive-through uses and activities. • Permit the use of reflective glass in new construction. • Eliminate the restriction of the use of brightly colored glazed the as a roof material. Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission /Local Planning Agency forward Draft Ordinance 02-028 to the Board of County Commissioners, as originally submitted for review, with a recommendation of approval. Mr. McCurdy questioned how stores like Home Depot and Wal-Mart would be able to build their facilities when on page 5 a prohibited fagade feature is square, box-like, buildings without articulation of windows or fagade. Mr. Murphy explained that they would have to meet the new interim criteria, as they have in the City of Port St. Lucie. Mr. McCurdy stated that his concern would be that the big corporations would be allowed to stray from these and smaller companies _ would be made to abide by the regulations. Mr. Murphy explained that the larger corporations would not be allowed to get around these and that Home Depot's and Wal-Mart's throughout the e region and country have conformed to the local architectural standards. Mr. Lounds questioned if the illustrations were the approved looks for the standards. Mr. Murphy explained that they were the interim standards they would like to have approved. Mr. Lounds stated that he understood the concept behind having a color chart, but that there were some darker colors that would look nice but aren't on the list. P & Z Meeting October 17, 2002 Page 6 J, ~ . ; . G ~ 9 t s.a+s o~(+~~ ~'W'~.iV~'tiia3~ Mr. Hearn questioned if the colors listed on the color chart were to be applied to both trim and building color. Mr. Murphy confirmed that was correct. Mr. Hearn stated that he would like to have some colors added to the color list. He continued that some darker colors would work well with the existing colors on the color list and should be considered. He also stated that he likes the concept but has a problem with limiting everyone to just those colors listed in the chart because they are so similar. He advised that he would like to see Staff look into some other colors that may be complimentary to the colors already listed in the color chart. Chairman Matthes stated that they might want to consider adding a recommendation that darker .shades of the colors listed on the chart be allowed for the trim. Mr. Lounds stated that the concept is a very good manageable step in the right direction to help develop a better looking commercial area but there are some aspects of it that don't sit well with him. He continued that he has issues with the colors being too limited and those darker hues and darker trims need to be added for contrast. He stated that this is a concept that needs to be implemented in the areas, but could use a little more work. Mr. Murphy stated that they could add some language to paragraph three of page five that allows for darker shades of the color guide for trim or something like that. Mr. Lounds stated that there are some darker hue blues and browns that should be considered for adding to the color chart that would look nice as a compliment. Chairman Matthes opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one, Chairman Matthes closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Grande made a motion to forward Draft Ordinance 02-028 along to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval along with a recommendation that Staff include an expanded range (including darker hues) of coordinated colors only for trim through a paragraph of text on pagc five, section three. Mr. Akins questioned if the word "preferred" on the color section chart leaves some discretion to Staff. Mr. Murphy .confirmed that was correct. Mr. Jones stated that he felt it would be appropriate if the motion included their desire to consider expanded colors and review all of the minutes in detail to see their reasons for suggesting that. Chairman Matthes stated that he felt the County Commissioners did read all of the minutes very carefully. Mr. Lounds stated he had a concern on page four, letter h, under landscape plan; number 1 is a great idea, but this needs to be enforced. Mr. Murphy stated there are already provisions existing in the landscape code where code enforcement checks periodically on these issues. Mr. Lounds stated that it is going to be difficult for commercial owners to maintain seasonal plants and is concerned that these issues do get enforced to achieve what they are trying to accomplish. Motion seconded by Mr. Hearn. Upon a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously (with a vote of 7-0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting October 17, 2002 Page 7 s ~ r I OTHER BUSINESS/DISCUSSION• ~°'"'`'''"'~'~"~"~`1 ~ytii}~~~' Mr. Hearn stated that he had previously discussed with Staff the possibility of a workshop to address his concerns regarding PNRD's. He continued that he feels this would give the community a stronger ability to control what happens in their neighborhood but yet gives the property owners the flexibility to do a lot of the things that can't normally be done with a standard change in zoning. Mr. Murphy stated that the best time to do this would be after all of the yearly reorganization is done. Mr. Kelly stated that the first quarter of 2003 would be best for the workshop, after all of the holidays and any reorganization changes. Mr. Hearn stated he did not have a problem with that. Mr. Lounds stated that he thinks the Chamber of Commerce is a good organization for the community but thinks that any issues regarding the development of the commercial and some of the residential areas would be beneficial to have their input. Chairman Matthes stated that he - would try to notify them in the future of any issues that maybe of interest to them. Next scheduled meeting will be November 21, 2002. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Approved by: Da i cre Stefan Matthes, Chairman P & Z Meeting October 17, 2002 Page 8 Planning and Zoning Commission Review: 11/21/02 ~G\E CpG y~ File Number RZ-02-021 ~ . ~ ~ F~oR~oP MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: November 14, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of Robert and Jean Trenary, for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) to the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District. (File No.: RZ-02-024) LOCATION: Southeast corner of the intersection of Kings Highway (SR 713) and F.P.F.W.M.D. Canal No. 1. EXISTING ZONING: AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) PROPOSED ZONING: IH (Industrial, Heavy) FUTURE LAND USE: IND (Industrial) PARCEL SIZE: 34.33 acres PROPOSED USE: Industrial Heavy Uses PERMITTED USES: Attachment "A" -Section 3.01.03(U) IH (Industrial, Heavy) - contains the designated uses, which are permitted by right, permitted as an accessory use, or permitted through the conditional use process. Any use designated as a "Conditional Use" is required to undergo further review and approvals. Any use not found within the zoning district regulations are designated as prohibited uses for that district SURROUNDING BONING: ; AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre).to the north, southeast, and west. AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) to the east. IL (Industrial, Light) to the south and southwest. SURROUNDING LAND USES: The general existing use surrounding the property is agricultural and some industrial. November 14, 2002 Subject: Robert and Jean Trenary Page 2 RZ-02-021 illl• The Future Land Use Classification of the surrounding area is IND (Industrial) and COM (Commercial). FIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station #4 (4000 St. Lucie Boulevard), is located approximately 3.5 miles to the northeast. UTILITY SERVICE: The subject property is in the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) service area. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY ADEQUACY: The existing right-of--way for North Kings Highway is 100 feet. SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: None. TYPE OF CONCURRENCY i ~ DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Concurrenc D y eferral Affidavit. STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for proposed rezoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make the following determinations: 1. Whether the proposed rezoning is in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; The proposed zoning district is consistent with the St. Lucie County Land Devel o ment Code and has met the stand P ards of 11.06.03. 2. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan; The proposed change in zoning is consistent with all elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The request is compatible with the IND (Industrial) _ f Future Land Use classification, which allows industrial zoning. ' 3. Whether and the extent to which the proposed zoning is inconsistent with the existin and ro osed land uses• 9 P p , The proposed IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning is consistent with the existing industrial uses in the area. -November 14, 2002 Subject: Robert and Jean Trenary Page 3 RZ-02-021 4. Whether there have been changed conditions that require an amendment; Conditions have not changed so as to require an amendment. 5. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in demands on public facilities, and whether or to the extent to which the proposed amendment would exceed the capacity of such public facilities, - including but not limited to transportation facilities, sewage facilities, water supply, parks, drainage, schools, solid waste, mass transit, and emergency medical facilities; The intended use for this rezoning is not expected to create significant additional demands on public facilities in this area. Any development will need to demonstrate that there are adequate public facilities in the area to support opening of an institutional use in existing buildings would not necessarily trigger further review. 6. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment; The proposed amendment is not anticipated to create adverse impacts on the natural environment. Any development will be required to comply with-all state and local environmental regulations. 7. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in an orderly and logical development pattern specifically identifying any negative affects of such patterns; The proposed amendment would result in an orderly and logical development pattern. 8. Whether the proposed amendment would be in conflict with the public - interest, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of this Code; The proposed amendment may not be in conflict with the public interest and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. COMMENTS The petitioners, Robert and Jean Trenary, has requested this change in zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District on property located on the southeast corner fo the intersection of Kings Highway (SR 713) and F.P.F.W.M.D. Canal No. 1 in order to allow the property to be developed for industrial uses. Attached is a copy of Section 3.01.03(U) - IH (Industrial, Heavy) and Section 3.01.03(T) - IL (Industrial, Light), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, which delineate the 4 November 14, 2002 Subject: Robert and Jean Trenary ~ Page 4 RZ-02-021 _ permitted, accessory, and conditional uses allowed in these zoning districts. If a change in - zoning is approved, the applicant, by right, would be allowed to establish any of the uses under the Permitted Uses section. Any use under the Accessory Uses section would be allowed only if one or more of the permitted uses exist on the subject property. Any use under the Conditional Uses section could only be allowed if it first receives approval through the Board of - County Commissioners. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.06.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff is, therefore, recommending that this Board forward a recommendation of approval to Board of County Commissioners. Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. I Attachment i, hf ca County Administrator County Attorney Robert and Jean Trenary File L Suggested motion to recommend approval/denial of this requested change in zoning. MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF ROBERT AND JEAN TRENARY, FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE AG-1 (AGRICULTURAL - 1 DU/ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE IH (INDUSTRIAL, HEAVY) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE [CITE REASON[S] WHY -PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE APPLICATION OF ROBERT AND JEAN TRENARY, FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE AG-1 (AGRICULTURAL - 1 DU/ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE IH (INDUSTRIAL, HEAVY) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE.... [CITE REASON[S] WHY -PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations 3.01.03 ZONING DISTRICTS A. AG-1 AGRICULTURAL - 1 1. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for productive commercial agriculture, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with productive agricultural surroundings. Residential densities are restricted to a maximum of one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre. The number in following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(6). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this Code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Agricultural production -crops to,~ b. Agricultural production -livestock & animal specialties to2~ c. Agricultural services to>> d. Family day care homes. tsse~ e. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of another existing such family residential home and provided that the sponsoring agency or Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Board of County Commissioners at-the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. t9~s~ ' f. Fishing, hunting & trapping to9~ ~ g. Forestry toes h. .Kennels. to~s2~ i. Research Facilities, Noncommercial tar3s~ j. Riding stables. nsss~ k. Single-family detached dwellings. ts9s~ 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements . _ Off street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. - - ~ 6: Landscaping Requirements - Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses a. Agricultural labor housing. tsse~ F' . ~ l.: . . Adopted August 1, 1990 94 Revised Through 08/01/00 ' ` - - - _ Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations ~ i b. AircrG:i storage and equipment maintenance. tasa,~ c. Airports and flying, landing, and takeoff fields. tase,i d. Family residential homes located within a radius of one thousand 1 000 feet of an other such ( ) famil residential home. sss Y t ~ e. Farm roducts warehousin and stor II', P g a e. tazzvazzzi 9 f. Gasoline service stations. tssa,> g. Industrial wastewater disposal tsesi h. Manufacturing: (1) Agricultural chemicals tze>> {2) Food 8~ kindred products tzoi (3) Lumber & wood products, except furniture (za> i. Mining and quarrying of nonmetalic minerals, except fuels. t,a~ j. Retail trade: (1) Farm a ui ment and related accessories. sss q P t ~ I~ (2) Apparel & accessory stores. tssi k. Sewage disposal subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.13. tsssi I'i I. Telecommunication Towers -subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 tsss~ m. Camps -sporting and recreational ~o3zi 8. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. Mobile homes subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.05. b. Retail trade and wholesale trade -subordinate to the primary authorized use or activity. " c. Guest house subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.04. tsss~ ~ - Adopted August 1, 1990 95 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations t..L... U• IH INDUSTRIAL. HEAVY t' 1. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide an environment suitable for heavy manufacturing and other activities that ma im se un y po desirable noise, vibration, odor dust or other off ensive effects on th e surrounding area together with such other non-residential uses as may be necessary to and compatible with heavy industrial surroundings. The number in following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(6). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses Any use permitted in the Industrial Light (IL) zoning district: a. Agricultural services to>> b. Construction services: (1) Building construction -general contractor t,s~ (2) Other construction -general contractors ts~ (3) Construction -special trade contractors t,>> Docks and boathouses (private). t~ Engineering services is~,r e. Manufacturing: (1) Food & kindred products [zoo (2) Tobacco products rz,~ 3 T extile mill rod ucts P ~r (4j Apparel and other finished products (5j Lumber and wood products, except furniture (zap (6) Furniture and fixtures (zs~ (7) Printing and publishing and allied industries t2>> Chemicals & allied products: (a) Dru s (zss 9 (b) Soap, detergents and cleaning preparations; perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet re arati p p ons tzsar (c) Agricultural chemicals tze>> '~9) Rubber & misc. plastic products t3o1 ` ~j (10) Leather & leather products o,~ ~ (11) Glass (a) Flat glass t3z,~ /j (b) Glass & glassware -pressed or blown t3zzr 0~ (c) Glass products -made of purchased glass /v _ . -~~2) Fabricated metal products (except ammunition and ordnance t~? ~ (13) Industrial/commercial machinery & computer equipment. (3s> -(1.4) Electronic & .other electrical ,equipment and components, except computer equipment t~s? (15) Transportation equipment {16) Measuring, analyzing and controlling instruments t~e~ ~•--e='~17) Misc. manufacturing industries: (a) Jewelry, silverware, and platedware. is9,~ /Ii'" (b) Musical instruments and parts. t3s3~ Adopted August 1, 1990 125 Revised Through 08/01/00 .Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations (c) Dolts, toys, games & sporting goods c3~i (d) Pens, pencils & other ofFce & artists' materials. tsesi (e) Costume jewelry, costume novelties, and notions. t3~i (f) Brooms and brushes. t3s~,~ (g) Signs and advertising displays. t3s~3i (h) Morticians goods. ~9ssi i Manufact unng industries, NIC. t3~~ (18) Paper and allied products: (a) Paperboard containers & boxes tzssi (b) Converted paper & paperboard products tzs>> f. Local & suburban transit ta,~ g. Water transportation. taa? h. Transportation services. taxi i. Communications. taei j. Motor freight transportation & warehousing. ~az~ k. Motion pictures. ~s~ 1. Membership organizations tesi m. Personal & business services. pz> n. Research, development, and testing services. ts~3i o. Repair services: (1) Automotive & automotive parking psi (2) Electrical aszi (3) Watch, clock & jewelry repair ~s3i (4) Reupholstery & furniture repair Tsai ~ (5) Misc. repairs & services nsai p. Retail trade: (1) Lumber & other building materials tsz,~ (2) Paint, glass & wallpaper tsz3~ (3) Hardware tszs~ . (4) Nurseries, lawn & garden supplies tszs~ (5) Mobile home dealers <sz~ (6) Automotive/boatlRV/motorcycle dealers tss~ • • (7) Gasoline service tssl (8) Fumiture & furnishings ts~~ q. Telecommunication towers -subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 t~> r. Wholesale trade- durable goods: , (1) Motor vehicle and automotive equipment. tso,~ (2) Fumiture and home furnishings. tsoz> (3) Lumber and other building materials. tso3~ ~ (4) Professional & commercial equipment/supplies. tsoai (5) Metals & minerals, except petroleum. tsosi _ (6) Electrical goods. ts~) (7) Hardware. plumbing and heating equipment, and supplies. tso>> • - (8).- Machinery. equipment. and supplies. tsoai (9) Misc. Durable goods: , (a) Sporting and recreational goods tsos,> (b) Toys & hobby goods tsoezi (c) Jewelry, watches, precious stones & metals. ts~i (d) Durable goods NEC tso~i . s. Wholesale trade -nondurable goods: Adopted August 1, 1990 126 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations t (1) Paper and paper products. (s„) ~ (2) Drugs (s,z) (3) Dry goods and apparel. (s,3) (4) Groceries and related products. (s,a) (5) Farm products -raw materials. (s,s) (6) Chemicals, and allied products. (s,s) (7) Beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverages. (s,e) (8) Misc. Nondurable Goods: (a) Farm supplies (s,e,> (b) Books, periodicals, & newspapers (s,s2) (c) Flowers, nursery stock & florists' supplies (s,ss) (d) Tobacco/tobacco products (s,sa) - (e) Paints, varnishes & supplies (s,es) (f) Nondurable goods, NEC' (s,99i t. Mobile food vendors (ess) 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. Offstreet Parking and Loading Requirements Offstreet parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses a. Airport, landing and takeoff fields -general aviation. (asa,) b. Manufacturing: (1) Paper & allied products (2s) (2) Chet~icals & allied products (ze) (3) Petroleum refining 8~ related products (zs) (4) Stone, day, glass 8~ concrete products (92) (5) Primary metal industries _ - (6) Ammunition & ordinatace (aee) - c. Natural or manufactured gas storage and distribution points. (492) • - d. - Scrap, waste and land clearing and yardjrash recycling operations - subject to the provisions of Section 7.10.12. e Warehousing and storage services.- stockyards. (ess) f. Wholesale trade -nondurable goods: {1) Petroleum & petroleum products (sss) Adopted August 1, 1990 12T Revised Through 08/01/00 ~i~ Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations ~ 8. Accessory Uses ~ Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: ~~I a. Co-generation facilities. tsss~ b. Fueling facilities. tsss~ c. Industrial wastewater disposal. tsss~ d. _ One detached single family dwelling or mobile home, for on-site security purposes per III ro e p P ~Y• t9ss> e. Retail i~ (1) Botfled gas. tsssa (2) Fuel oil tsss> , (3) Gasoline service stations. tsss~ (4) Retail trade accessory to the primary manufacturing or wholesaling use. t9ss~ Adopted August 1, 1990 128 Revised Through 08/01/00 z c~ ~ ~ z ~ o ~ F ~ T• : a f- n I __,4,M N t V ~oeEi~'^~- ° t u ' $ n (j{ O N CV H ti I ~'aC-N ~ ~ g O ~ ' ~ ~O~~p~ ~ i ~ 0 N ~ a i ~Nt ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ O N~7 ~ ¦ 1 1y ~ w , ~ O _ W P C .t0„r~ W A ~ O W" s P f Q O C ~ ~ ~ t ~ it ~ 9 ~ ~ urc ~ ~ P 4 ~f f7p A p ~ p W W : ¢y ~ MI ~L t C }r C ~ t'~ - Otl tl?Yi7 Z y, ~ F-- v ~ ~ alox wws O U ~ aroa ~ O ~ _ VOJ arw 711t1/~ tl30/3x ^ Z_ a W LL ~ OH M/0 71301 W f- r ~ Q tl M O?OY Ig11Y/0 O?Otl W3NS ~ K-0 7?Nq z W W ti A ~ h M7 C S /fi 1 S K 1 S 9f 1 ~lLNf10~ 3380H033~10 o~ A Petition of Robert and Jean Trenary fora Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural-l duiacre) to the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District. F.P.F. W.M.D. Conol No. 1 F.P.F.W.M.D. Canal No. t . o 3 w O r 0 t ~ 2 O C N O U c ~ OC D s ~ r s s Commerciol C,r ~ : + , s t Commerciol Circle ~ r r C.&S.F.F.C.D. Canal C-25 C.&S.F.F.C.D. Canal C-25 RZ 02-021 s-. This pattern indicates Map prepared October 22, 2002 subject parcel , p,~„ ikprretbn P~~0. k b rat tMended br w n ~ b7rr biaip doarrneri sand ~Se Robert and Jean Trenary COM IND F.P.F.W.M.D. Canol No. 1 F.P.F.W.M.D. Copal No. 1 0 3 .c 0 = o N O c Y RU ®OC D r ~ s Commercial Cir f : s ~ ~ J s Commercial Circle a IND r C.&S.F.F.C.D. Canal C-25 C.&S.F.F.C.D. Canal C-25 RZ 02-021 : ~ , . This pattern indicates Map prepared October 22.2002 subject parcel ~ t 1 WNIe aay aMM tw been made b PraMde tM moat aurent trM wtu+te :dartntlian Pie. i a< pat ir[aMed for ws u . bp.1y t>~ aaa.na,t. Zon;ng Robert and Jean Trenary IL AG-1 F.P.F.W.M.D. Conal No. 1 F.P.F.W.M.D. Canal No: 1 3 AG 1 ° AR-1 w t a 0 ° OC D s ~ ~ ~ a Commercial Cir t t I 7 t Commercial Circle I ~ AG 1 i iL ~ , C.&S.F.F.C.D. Canal C-25 C.&S.F.F.C.D. Canol C-25 RZ 02-021 A GrS, . This pattern indicates Map prepared October 22, 2002 subject parcel ~ tMM~aUOn pasW~O,KM nat YterWeC br uae u a 1epeAy OYWYq doarnsrt. ,k ~ ~ ` ~u~+~", n , 7 z a ~ + ..:.~~:ssti . z ..X..k. :,:«ss..cexa a t -a..K ..~a,.~~w # ;,xc..~.:~,n~~ ~,we.K~= ~ f c . r ~ ~ £ 3' ; { + ~ j ~ ~ awae. rw.x.. .t?. CwK*"'~`~..•R~"ar3„r-.mac" 4+vc~xn, : ~ ' ;iu.:~'e.-'v.~sa+w 3xw. t ~ z rK ~ ts;~ ~ i ~~s ~ p ~ f C ~ F: ~ ~ 6wWkx>..&~~r.?a'~~~.+e - ~ +a8ffidak» :eda,+w 4. av .+P. i y~..~~ _.;"°a } f~K'}F~g~~~siq£41j i' st ~ ~ p~.? a..F a 'kasaw.~':.. - °ri:.~Y:sY.i'a.?x xa~`~ ~ ~n+ 4k.t \F e x.= F ' F..:_ i. ~ ~w«.+wo*+.er + •wwsaewa.:.r. :anq fc z , ~.a ~~'~,~~t~F1 ~^~7~ 2 i4i.. ~ ip f.~ r~l , a,:~ x~.aba.... a ~ s t al„3y;gggqW~i ; d~4.FF~ tl a~ 3t~'~ f S ~yv.••:?•oV~~ aine4'F, (B~MRivY'.:. »i.a'Y+3~„' ~Y yy4 Tt 7 x ~ca.Ya 7C ~`~F y' l~~ ~ ~ 7 :<;~,r~7^i~'VSsf+n~'ti ~>L.uu.:r..w.. aaw+ s "p"ia~ ~.'.~r° ~C.w R ai. >x f } {"#i x r € # ~ r 3 ~ - ~ ~.i -'NnY w ~ r,w..v.'•k.. ~..e,+r arw s ~ a' ' ~ > a i ~ i ~ ' € •~a'''r~°~a"~. fia,ti, r.~.+al-w~s„soxea:.xs~.wx s.~ .os, d' t ~ "f a}~ ..t, ~ib I v } ~ t ~ sz ~ >w"~*'usavF+'~e s~Ya INitri"~M, sP's••uu.,.,..+..,.,~,.a•sxw }•;'}h aw>e~& x s }G ~ 3-.i ~ ~ r +t._'t t° ~ s.-..e erpows:.M" ~ atiir~R~-y~"...,..w:Yi:r:d - ~ ~ ^^~;:~;pi::~, " 3 et s alx w~"°v+4'9i«"~~sRw,~.: xa ~i.aa~~ t~:~+_i~'ca~. * `S 4 t . } i Z ~ :F i ~-t" ~ ~ ~cY +M~.+xka+~1~~"""tc+1..a+.%`+'.r»awa. _ y. ,.,.,r..N~d. ~ =a a tsF ~ S k ~ { n~ r t ~ .wry; a, .~,w, ~ ' ' r ~ 1 ~ y$$a ~ ~ r g;'. ~~~cs.. +vra,mw.a eK.z=... ws.,..x w.wr.+,e..s.. ~c•:~.h ..._2~ xk -5. t.,, ~%~)b11, ~ > ~ € 3 . ' t { ~ ...ewe ...,•.m,,,.,s~ . - arxe.M { e we a~,•~.da } ~ c ~ a ; z ' ..~r~~c» „i*- oa.~ +w. w„ dx,+..: w,sk'j.~`~so r' 'r° ~ f roif yp i f.$ a r e 7 3 ~ ar. -;sic .3rz~~> ~,.ro,ziaaw.m,,. 'fie, ~ u.~ ~ v'a °.,y ~ p YnyyM' •f• 3 a k i t riP,a" ,.yaffiAw*"~r ,.,..^^xwrxMxwxe bWn>ae+.ra._ ~-r 4 y.... ~ t.b } t ~ 1F : a P j s+ac^ , ~r:...„'~.w`°"+;, . ,os,k r .i~~; t $ sr ~ ° a.. ae, -'~s.'ia,>q,.. ~~na....,~t~, t 2' v..~;,.x> + ax ~L`. # ~ $ t 3~. a t,s-, k ~ ~ # ~~.,saaw•a>.. +cs«ww• %euav,.,~.ra,TM~.:. [aa~.`•f . r ` ~ z' c..~.. ~.,'*F'i° ti a ~ Y<, y 5w-> .,,,s,.ar~ • ~ Bea,-w,r~ Y, epq»xz~,r ~a : e, 4<r`~, n~ akd.~..a ~ i r ~-~;"^€e~ ! ";aea~9w+w:e.r•swws®.iS.yay~,,,e~.prm~~„ G.a " ';.}.sa >:\S .1 ~ .~r.v ..^r+`~' } ~i+c;,r,f"r+-:ahey:.,.yw„w.3:~~+"... ~ ;:~,~.z. -'Sr_r~x-°`- ~ •„=rZ~'--` „tea Win. _ '~~"F€tls1N~`r tw«sTM'^' xy'X~^ :~;'+,M~~,y cac v ~ « ~...r s. ~tw~ .s• t:. 74 F j c°.~' } -:«.w r. xw. d vy a t ass ~ 5 s d r F~ ~ra~ 6, r•t'zSSi t ~ ~ za,~ yy,~ 'r1 s rd S,'',y~rs~r.k r s r ~ ; # 3 Y i „Yg,~ ~ mss. ~ ~ i x z -.S ~ ~ r.a ~ s eJ }r yJ' 's ~ x a t ~`x ~ . r' ( ~ 4- ,r , C a ~ r a~' y'€ f>p, 4 ~ e~ d_~ as _ y ? d ~ / ~ ? `SEC 3' v tiw""°'^°" 'f r` .Y ~ f d i.' ~ / ~ ~ f sp, ' i < / / ~ ~ a . r ~ / . ~ ~ r f , ~ ~ 3` i i F; F ~ a ~ .r° r. 7 s, s "9 .r+%x - •..xwer^^*sm ' ~e a .-yw we gw+- ~ q3 e» ate.-.. w«: ryc• ,~,."."~y~._# .~rV r • r = ~ # s 's wv+*'va SY'z ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 'a~Yw-f.-~ ;'~A. ••i ri~>„~-~''l„'~~wT.rt~ll~ T § J~ - r » .,tia, ,F+. ~~}+~n,~pr~... 9 € "+~,~"a.~...w.;..o.`.+- ~ ~ .r-. a~.e. $i i ~ ~ 3 ~ # } f ?+Y ~..r 'r. x?'s-°^E..w • ~ ~ MFS ~~~~+.f»aa..?.>s+ro+.+n ~ ~~e~ 3 ~ 3 r ' s3 ~ ~ e ? a r i^es ~ 31 ~ro'~. a .i to ro _ ~ _ a i}..., j ~~iµ m t~ Y ~ ~ ,-aL. <a~ ...y.+.;..- arr ~w q ~i> y ~ w..i.:.e '^s" a ~ t i P tetra .«...r+.«...;.t _ " f f 3 in. R 4\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Me-, "~~S~yy~a`ttbOV' 3{.. L~ s 1 ta--'~ n ! as t F~[FF{{ ~~rr~ffJJ % ' ~ ~fi to .k ~1 lel ~ { j t ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~b t - s o ~ € a g ~ R ~ 7 ti s. ' ~ ~ • I •1. ~ 1 9 AGENDA -PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION GCE CD THURSDAY v ~ No e nbe 21 2 2 r 00 ~ . d TOOP.M. F~ ~ 10Q. I!, R IIl ROBERT AND JEAN TRENARY, have petitioned St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District for the following described.property: Location: Southeast corner of the. intersection of Kings Highway (SR 713) and F P.F. W.M.D. Canal No. 1: Please note that all proceedings before .the Local Planning Agency are electronically recorded. ' If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Local Planning ,Agency with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he :will need a record of the proceedings; and that, for such purposes, he may need to ensure .that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which. the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding,. individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examineany " individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Prior to this public hearing, notice, of the same was sent to all adjacent property owners November 6, .2002. Legal notice was published in The News. and The Tribune, newspapers. of general circulation in St. Lucie County, on November 6,2002.' ,r - s File No. RZ-02-021 r _ - - L`~,,C~ J ~ t G aoARD of BOUNTY ~~..y COMNIUNiTY - COMMISSIONERS ~ ` DEVELOPMENT • ~ ~ . D I RECTO R November 6,2002 `~~R,O In accordance with .the St. Lucie County Land DevelopmEnt Code, you are' hereby advised that ROBERT AND JEAN T.RENARY, have. petitioned St. Lucie .County for a Change in Zoning from the AG-1 (Agricultural.-,1 du/acre) Zoning District to the IH (Industrial, Heavy) Zoning District for the following described property.• , Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Kings Highway (SR 713} and _ F:P.F.WM.D. Canal No. 1. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRII'TIONIS AVAILABLE. UPON REQUEST The first public hearing on the petition will be :held at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, 1ovember 21 2002, Cour:ty Commissioner's Gliambers, S~ Lucie County Administration. Building Anne. :2300 Virginia Ave~rue, Fort Pierce, Florida. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be ` considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission should be received by the County Planning Division at least 3 days prior to a scheduled liearing. County policy discourages communication with. individual Planning. and .Zoning. Commission and County Commission. on any case outside of the scheduled public hearing(s). You may speak at a public hearing, or provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission with. respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of .the :proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence. -upon , which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during. a hearing will be.sworn in. Any party to she proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross, examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If it becomes necessary, :a public hearing. may be continued to adate-certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community ServicesDirector at least forty-eight (48) hours. prior to the meeting at (772) 462- 1777. or T.D.D. (772} 462-1428. If you no longer own property adjacent to the above-described parcel, please forward this notice to the new - owner: Please call 772/462-IS82 if you have any questions, and refer to: File Number RZ^02-021. Sincerely, ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMNIISSION JOHN:Dc ORUH~fOisrrict No hest ~~r~~D. District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. ~ FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, DisrriccNo. 4 CLIFF OARNES, District No. 5 County Administrotor - Douglos M: Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration: (772) 462-1590 Planning: (772) 462-2$22 GIS(fechnltal Services: (772).462-153 Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 fax: (772) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention: (772) 462-1529 , • Fctx: (772) 462-2132 www.co st-lucie.fl:us b ti •--1 N N O O 00 O r-. O O h ~O ~A V1 mot' M M ~O ~O ~O O ~O ~O ~ N l~ ~f' V' ~ h M M~ 0 ~O O OO N O M M ~O ~ M M .-r 00 00 00 .--r ~ .r ~ V1 00 00 'cr 'cY Vl ~O ~O v-1 00 V'1 p, O\ O\ O\ D\ D\ O\ Q\ O\ O\ 'tY' O\ O\ '~t V' V ct N N ~F M '~t - N M M M M M M M M M M M M N ~ a.-aaaa..a..aaaaaa..a,..~aaa w w w w w w w w w w w w w~ w w w 0 0 N . N N N N N N N U U N ~ N N N N N ~ ~ U U U U U U ~ ~ U ~ U U U U U U O w s., F. 4. t.. t. a. s. F.. w aaaaaa~~a ~aaa ~aiaa, o 0 0 0 0 0~~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - t~ wwwwww»waowwwaawww c.~ b ~ rs: b b ~ ~ ~ v c b b ~n , ~ . ~ ~ Off.." 0 0 00 O 00 00 O ,,N,, ~O ~ .O U y ti ti FN M M '~T ~O ~O ~O ~O ~ O O N N y b ~ v~ v~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o z z W ri ~ x GQ L~ L1q Ga W W Ga ~ W M M N O O 'b ~~OOOOOOO~Orno°~o`O0 oNMV Q NNaaaaaaaaal~t~NN•-•OO a ~ ~ z x U M ~ ~ o z x M a ~ a~ UU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b ~ .n ~ z a a~ a A A V~ A a°' v ti - a ~2t a~ ~ a~i > Ur ~ a ~ > ° ° ~c z wwt7c7x~aC~aC~awav~v~~H O~ O M n~ n M M O n M O~ ~O 00 O~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O U i. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y.. O O_ _O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O N O O O N O O t~ 00 O~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~Y ~t rt O O M M O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a ~ O O O _O O _O _O O_ _O C ~ _O O D O O ~ ~ A~~ M N~ O O O 'cY' O O N ~Y V' U ~ M N M M 00 00 00 ~i' N 00 00 M a. ~ ~ v, ~ ~o ~o ~o ~o ~n •n vi v~ ~o ~n ~n ~o ~n •n Gy ~ M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M _ A ~ M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M - ' 3.-JOHN TENHOEs/Ffor a - - - - - - Change in Zoning from the - RS-2 (Residential, Single- _ _ . „ Family - 2 du/oae) Zoning - District to the AG•I (Agri- culturol - 1 du/acre) Zon• ' Si. LUCIE COUNTY ing District for the following PLANNING AND described properly: ' ZONING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING Parcel l: ' ` AGENDA (7~ November 21, 2002 13 35 39 S 192.12 FT OF if 'N 372.12fT Of E 255 FT ' - ~ TO WHOM IT -MAY j '~F N 1/2 OF SW I/4 OF . CONCERN: _ 1 /3-LESS E 30 FT- - ~ ~ AC) (OR 1569-1083). NOTICE is hereby given in ' accordance with Section f ~ - 2c `I 1.00.03 of the St. Lucie ~ ~ ' ' ' ' • 'County Lond Development 39 N 150 FT Of N - - Code and the provisions of Of SWl/4 OF NE 4he St, facie County Com- ~ lYr ELY OF E R/W prehensive Plan, the follow- ~ -LESS E 30 FT ANO ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ing applicants have ,S N 1:.0"fT Of E 164 'requested that the St. Lucie F T THE .2 E O F - (1 .4 9 County Planning and Zon- gq(OR 1569-1083) • ing Commission consider _ , ' their following requesft: Parcel 3: - ~ ' ' ~ ' 1. ROBERT AND JEAN , 13 35 3° S 222.12 fi OF ; •TRENARY, for a Change in ; N 372.1 ~rT Of N 1/2 OF ~ _ _ Zoning from the AG-1 (Ag- . $W 1/4 C.`•NE 1/4 LYG _ 'ricultural - 1'du/acre) Zon- ~ ELY I-95-LESS S 192.12 F7 ~ ~ _ .ing District to the IH (Indus- OFE 255 FT THEREOF ~ ' ' . ~ ' trial, Heavy) Zoning District ~ ~ AND LESS RO R/W- (1.60 ~ ~ - ~ ~ - for the following described AC) (OR 1569-1083). ~ ~ - - ~ - ~ - ' - property: - ~ - _ Location: 1475 Bennett _THE NW 1/4 OF THE Road, Ft. Pierce, fl. SOUTHWEST 1/4 Of -SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP PUBLIC HEARINGS will be - '34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 -held in Commission Cham- • EAST, LESS THE SOUTH hers, Roger Poifras Annex, •200 FEET OF THE WEST 2300 Virginia Avenue, fort... - ' •250 FEET AS CONTAINED Pierce,-.florida on Novem- IN DEED IN OR BOOK 79, her 21, 2002, beginning at PAGE 1 7 9, PUBLIC 7:00 PJvL or as soon there- ' ,.RECORDS OF SL LUCIE. aker as possible. •COUIJTY, FLORIDA; ABO - 'LESS ALL ROAD. AN ' ' ' ~ - D AN 7 Lion PU T O Sec RSU - ~µCANAI RIGHTS Of WAY. 286.0105, Florida Statutes, . ' - ' ' if a person decides fo ~ ~ - -+PARCEL CONTAINS 34.44 ~ 1 an decisi n made ~ - ~ ~ . - a o 0 PPe Y =ACRES MORE OR LESS. I by a..board, agency, a - commission with respect to ~ ~ - location: Southeast corner ; any molter considered of a • ,pf the intersection of Kings ; meeting or hearing, he will ' ' ~:ighway (SR 713) and ; need o record of she pro- ~ - 4.P-f.W.M.D. Canal No. 1. ceedings, and that, for such- ~ ~ ~ ' ~ purposes, he may need to ~2. JAMES ANp CAROL . ensure that a verbatim 7HORNTON, for a Change record of the proceedings is _ ~ ' tin Zoning from fhe I (Institu- made, which record ' 9ional) Zoning District fo the includes the testimony- and • AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/ evidence upon which- the : acre) Zoning District for fhe appeal is to be based. • following described ~~0~~` ~ PLANNING ANO ZON- - ING COMMISSION ';15 345 39E, 15 34 39 S ST. LUCIE COUNTY, ' - d/2 OF 5 1/2 OF NE 1/4 fIORIDA • ~OF NE 1/4-LESS CANAL Stefan Matches, • R/W - (9.62 AC) (4) (OR CHAIRMAN ~ . 207-20.6: 1248-432:. - ` 7 248-a32). Publish: November 6, ti . 2002 - - location: 5001. Emerson 2558968 - Averiue, ft. Pierce, Fl. - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW: 11/21/02 ~G~E ~01i File Number RZ-02-024 v~ ~ MEMORANDUM ~R~OP DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning~Co/mmission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: November 14, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of James and Carol Thornton, for a Change in Zoning from the I (Institutional) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) Zoning District. LOCATION: 5001 Emerson Avenue EXISTING ZONING: I (Institutional) PROPOSED ZONING: AG-1 (Agricultural, 1 du/acre) FUTURE LAND USE: RE (Residential Estate) PARCEL SIZE: 9.62 acres PROPOSED USE: The purpose of the requested change in zoning is to allow agricultural uses on the property in order to be consistent with the surrounding area. ' PERMITTED USES: Section 3.01.03(A), AG-1 (,Agricultural - 1 du/acre) identifies the designated uses which are permitted by right, permitted as an accessory use, or permitted through the conditional use process in the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District. Any use designated as a "Conditional Use" is required to undergo further review and approval. Any use not identified in the zoning district regulations is considered to be a prohibited use in that district (see Attachment "AA"). 1. -SURROUNDING ZONING: AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) zoning district surrounds the petitioned property to the north, south, east and west. SURROUNDING LAND USES: The surrounding land uses are agricultural in nature and are designated with an RE (Residential Estate) Future Land Use Designation. f. November 14, 2002 - ::Petition: James and Carol Thornton Page 2 File RZ-02-024 FIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station # 7, is located, approximately 2 miles to the east. r =i Y.1 UTILITY SERVICE: The subjectproperty will be served through onsite well and septic ~,E systems. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY ADEQUACY: - The existing right-of-way for. Emerson Avenue is 85 feet. ...SCHEDULED .IMPROVEMENTS:. None. 5`~ -TYPE OF CONCURRENCY .DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Concurrency Deferral Affidavit. STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH l1V SECTION 11.06.03, ST. ZUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for proposed rezoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make the following :determinations: 1. Whether the proposed rezoning is in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; The applicant is requesting a change in zoning from the I (Institutional) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District. The area in which the subject property is located is currently utilized for .agricultural and as citrus, groves. The stated purpose of this change in zoning is to allow for the redevelopment of the subject property with agricultural uses. Previously, the subject property contained a church which moved in 1990, -The subject :property is adjacent to Emerson Avenue, which is a county awned North/South Arterial roadway. Access to the property will be via a driveway from Emerson Road. ' The AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) Zoning District has been determined to bean acceptable zoning ` district for the. proposed area. The applicant's :request would continue the existing development - pattern in the subject area/ s; 2.: Whether the proposed amendment is consistent: -with. all .elements of the St. Lucie County "Comprehensive Plan; The St.' Lucie County Comprehensive":Plan states."the Residential Estafe;(RE) land use category is intended-to act as a transitional. area between~the agricultural areas and the "more intense residential. ' areas in the eastern portion of the.Courity. This category is found:predominantly along. he western edge of the urban form.":-.The Comprehensive -Plan further states that the "RE (Residential Estate} and November 14, 2002 Petition: James and Carol Thornton Page 3 File RZ-02-024 use designation is intended for "large lot, single-family detached residential dwellings, at a density of one unit per gross acre. These areas are not required to be served with central utilities, however when at all practical, service connections should be provided. Based upon this, the subject property would satisfy the intent of the RE (Residential Estate) future land use designation. The applicants propose to have one single-family residential unit on the subject property with ancillary agricultural uses. East of Emerson Avenue and the subject property is Lakewood Park, therefore, the proposed petition will provide for a transitional use as well as be consistent with the surrounding uses. Table 1.6 of the Future Land Use Element, Data and Analysis, indicates those zoning classifications allowed under the RE (Residential Estate) Future Land Use Designation. According to this table, the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District is considered to be acceptable within the areas designated with a Future Land Use Classification of RE (Residential Estate). The proposed rezoning request is consistent with all elements ofthe St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. As the subject property is located outside the urban service boundary onsite well and septic will be required. 3. Whether and the extent to which the proposed zoning is inconsistent with the existing and proposed land uses; The proposed zoning district is considered to be consistent with existing and proposed future land use designations in the area. The surrounding properties to the north, south, east and west are all being utilized as agricultural or citrus groves and located within the AG-1 (Agricultural - l du/acre) zoning district. The permitted uses in the AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) Zoning District are not expected to unduly impact the surrounding area or uses as it will be consistent with the existing development ~ patterns in this area. 4. Whether there have been changed conditions that require an amendment; Conditions have changed so as to require an amendment. Prior to 1990, the subject property was utilized as a religious facility. In or around 1990, the church moved and since then the property has been utilized as agricultural. The applicant's request will continue to maintain a residential character within the area, with accessory agricultural uses. ' S. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in demands on public facilities, and whether or to the extent to which the proposed amendment would exceed the capacity of such public facilities, including but not limited to transportation facilities, sewage facilities, water supply, parks, drainage, schools, solid waste, mass transit, and emergency medical facilities; The intended use for this. rezoning is not Expected to create significant additional demands-on any public facilities in this area. The subject property is currently used for agricultural uses and is consistent with the surrounding area. The proposed project will be serviced with onsite water and sewer. 6. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment; November 14, 2002 Petition: James and Carol Thornton Page 4 File RZ-02-024 The proposed amendment is not anticipated to create adverse impacts on the natural environment. The existing use of the property is agricultural and citrus grove. The applicantlpropertynwner will be required to comply with all federal, state, and local environmental regulations as part of any submitted development plans for the site. 7. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in an orderly and logical development pattern specifically identifying any negative affects of such patterns; An orderly and logical development pattern will occur with this change in zoning. The subject property has access from Emerson Avenue. The request for a change in zoning will continue the development pattern that is occurring along Emerson Avenue within this area. 8. Whether the proposed amendment would be in conflict with the public interest, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of this Code; C' The proposed amendment would not be in conflict with the public interest and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. COMMENTS The petitioners, James and Carol Thornton, has requested this change in zoning from the I (Institutional) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural - l du/acre) Zoning District in order to have the ability to locate a residence on the property with ancillary agricultural uses for property located at 5001 Emerson Avenue. The subject property is in an area designated within the Comprehensive Plan as being compatible with or for the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District. Attached is a copy of Section 3.01.03(A) - AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, which delineates the permitted, accessory and conditional uses allowed in the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District. If the change in zoning request were approved, the applicant, by right, would be allowed to establish any of the uses under the Permitted Uses section. Any use under the Accessory Uses section would be allowed only if one or more of the permitted uses exists on the subject property. Any use under the Conditional Uses section could only be allowed if it first receives approval through the Board of County Commissioners. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to the Standards of Review as set forth in the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. -Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. cc: James and Carol Thornton File H:\wp\rezoning\Thomtonlstfrpt.wpd Suggested motion to recommend approvaUdenial of this requested change in zoning. MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE f COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF JAMES AND CAROL THORNTON, FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE I (INSTITUTIONAL) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE AG-1 (AGRICULTURAL - 1 DU/ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE..... [CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE APPLICATION OF JAMES AND CAROL THORNTON, FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE I (INSTITUTIONAL) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE AG-1 (AGRICULTUR.AL - l DU/ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE..... [CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations ~ X. ~ INSTITUTIONAL 1. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide and protect and environment suitable for institutional, public, and quasi-public uses, together with such other uses as may be compatible with institutional, public, and quasi-public surroundings. The number in following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(6). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but maybe further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Community residential homes subject to the provisions of Section 7.10.07. tsssl b. Family day care homes. tsss> c. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of one thousand (1000) feet of another existing such family residential home and provided that the sponsoring agency or the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Board of County Commissioners at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. tsss~ d. Institutional residential homes. tsssi e. Parks. ts~i f. Police & fire protection tsz2,.sz2al g. Recreational activities. tsssl h. Religious organizations tess~ 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. , 6. Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses - - - _ a. Amphitheaters. t~sl ~ , - b. Cemeteries. tess3l , c. Membership organizations teal d. Correctional institutions. ts2zsi e. Cultural activities and nature exhibitions. ~sss> f. Educational services and facilities taz) g. Executive, legislative, and judicial functions. cs,.sz.s3.sa.ss.ss.s>> Adopted August 1, 1990 132 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations h. Fair rounds. sss t 9 c ~ i. Funeral and crematory services. c~zsi j. Theaters. csss~ k. Medical and other health services. csoi I. Postal service. ca31 m. Residential car e facilities for serious or habitual juvenile offenders. csss~ I'I n. Social services as c~ o. Sporting and recreational camps no3z> p. Stadiums, arenas, race tracks rrsa~ q. Telecommunication towers -subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 csss~ 8. Accessory Uses ~ Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. Drinking places (alcoholic beverages related to civic, social, and fraternal uses). csss> b. Restaurants. (Including the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption only.) c~~ c. Funeral and crematory services. pzs~ d. Heliport landing/takeoff pads. csss~ e. Detached single-family dwelling unit or mobile home, for on-site security purposes. csss~ f. Residence halls or dormitories. csss~ ~i . II r - k - \ Adopted August 1, 1990 133 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations 3.01.03 ZONING DISTRICTS A• AG-1 AGRICULTURAL - i 1 • Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for productive i commercial agriculture, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with productive agricultural surroundings. Residential densities are restricted to a maximum of one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre. The number in following each identified use corresponds to the SIC i code reference described in Section 3.01.02(8). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this Code. 2. Permitted Uses a• Agricultural production -crops to>> b. Agricultural production -livestock & animal specialties toz~ c• Agricultural services ~o>> d. Family day care homes. t~~ e. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of another existing such family residential home and provided that the sponsoring agency or Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Board of County Commissioners at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. tess~ f. Fishing, hunting ~ trapping tosi ~ g. Forestry toed h. Kennels. to~sz> i. Research Facilities, Noncommercial te»~ 1• Riding stables. ~ssei k. Single-family detached dwellirigs. t~s1 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements _ Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6.. - Landscaping Requirements . Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses a. Agricultural labor housing. ts9si Adopted August 1, 1990 ~ Revised Through 08/01/00 - Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations ~ ~ b. Aircra;; storage and equipment maintenance. ~ase,i c. Airports and flying, landing, and takeoff fields. tase,i d. Family residential homes located within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of another such family residential home. tsss~ e. Farm products warehousing and storage. tazz„azsz~ f. Gasoline service stations. tssa,~ Industr tal w 9• aste w ater disposal. tsss~ ~ h. Manufacturin 9• (1) Agricultural chemicals ~ze>> (2) Food & kindred products too) (3) Lumber & wood products, except furniture tzai i. Mining and quarrying of nonmetalic minerals, except fuels, t,ai j• Retail trade: ~ _ (1) Farm equipment and related accessories. tsss~ (2) Apparel & accessory stores. tss~ k. Sewage disposal subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.13. teas) I. Telecommunication Towers -subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 tsss~ m. Camps -sporting and recreational noszi 8. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. Mobile homes subject to-the requirements of Section 7.10.05. b. Retait trade and wholesale trade -subordinate to the primary authorized use or activity. c. Guest house subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.04. tsss~ -Adopted August 1, 1990 95 Revised Through 08/01/00 z O C o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ U N N ~ ~ u ~ t ~~e ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ 1a S.~` CL$ ~ ~ , N r~ I~° o ~ W a t~ a _ W ~ A • ,I f _ Ay-y~ f ? ~ ~ ~ 1S Q 1? ~ ti ~ ~ ~ .Q -bYpl'XWYO"Y'tl7l'Y a a nc ~ - ` „ s W .v....... - A W --'°oiFOiP"f"i0TfA701' ~ 'K6~-...: m m M %rey~ ^ ar tL v~ , ` ~l C O< a ~ O1 r1/}1q Z O , ~ mar r.a O mor sn rrlra U o.or 0 U . mor tnnn no1s+ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W Z W • O ' ` ~ p DMa10r 111]0 F- v ~ ~ ~ " J ~ mor a3s~s ~wi1r.~ ~ ~ a< LL a Q ?L-7 1rr.7 z W _~a W A ~ ~v ~ M1I ~ Q' S Y£ 1 S S£ 1 S 9£ 1 ,~wno~ 3380H~~3~10 ~'b~ o, A Petition of James & Carol Thornton fora Change in Zoning from the I (Institutional) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural,) duiacre) Zoning District. t • co 0 z v ~ ~ o ° co U O ~ Z . ~ 3 vi a: i c I a~ I c I I W I I _ _ S. R. S-614 Indrio Rood RZ 02-024 ~ ~ G!S .~:.-~.--y Thls pattern indicates Map prepared October 30, 2002 subject parcel t~bmutbn Pte. k ~ nol itgldBA br uM u ~ bpA/ Wndnp doameiw . James & Carol Thornton Zonin ~ . co AG-1 _Z ~ h C ~ ~ t0 AG--1 0 oZ 3 vi a ~ c a~ Q ~ IX N ~ ~ ~ { AG-1 W R. S-614 Indrio Rood - . AG--1 _ . ~ AG RS 2 RZ o2-024 ~ ~ . This pattern indicates Map prepared October 30, 2002 subject parcel ~„n,,,,~q,„,,,p„,„, YMie a.ay aaat Iw been made b Vc'Ade tle rtq.t Curenl and aquraie I \I YYa,rtWbn poaabb,iM nol YtaidW br W n • kpary bFw9rq dopmenl 1 James & Carol Thornton Land Use ~ . i co Z RE - ° o^ o~ U O ~ Z . Q' R U n: 4: 3 i C I a RE i o I I I ~ I W COM H R. 614 Indrio Rood MXD-. Air ort COM COM RS p RZ 02-024 ~ „~-.~«r ~ _ GIS- _ j~~~~. This pattern indicates ' Sub)ect parcel Map prepared October 30, 2002 ,~~~baenkK~~~. N Kt,ie awry allalhr bean made b proNOe CM rroal arrant and ~curata Y/armatlon pouEls. k b rat itan0e0 for ue Y ~ IpYy bir,~i,p abaarwk. James & Carol Thornton Y q.~Ykfi }'b... 1 } '~I E.. k ,''i w ~ r' `.7 L Y 1 ~ 1 . i~ ' ~ ~ ~ _ ~ , 1 ~ ~~>.-p.~.-a ~ Z +t.' 1 ~j1, y'~ y, ,f ~Cyk 'S:? d'"' ,`i A ti Y~- ~ ~r 1. Oks L, !yl ay v ~~t< .~Y+ * A 7 f, i s •T i ~A. q f~ 1'~ t, E ~ t r 1fr, y, y ~a s{~' r ~ ~ :'r~ - + 1. :A ~ re+ y ~ ~ y r ; . . _ r pis rq .y.;' ~ j-~. 1111 ~ ~ 1~ 6 I ~ r t ~ ~'S` ~ ~ _>p T~ ,I . pi 1. '~i RZ 02-024 ~ CIS This pattern indicates Map prepared October 30, 2002 subject parcel ~~m ~,~..~~~~ba~~,~a„~~.~.va N - kdamrlion poubb, i V nOl'nla~ded br uae n e lepaky O'r~d,q Ooan~er'4- AGENDA -PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ~G~E CMG 'II 2~ THURSDAY, November 21, 2002 ~~'k ~ : ~ 7: 00 P.M. F~ 0R1~Q' JAMES AND CAROL THORNTON, have petitioned St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the I (Institutional) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: 5001 Emerson Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL. Please note that all proceedings before the Local Planning Agency are electronically I recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Local Planning Agency with _ respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purposes, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Prior to this public hearing, notice of the same was sent to all adjacent property owners November 6, 2002. Legal notice was published in The News and The Tribune, newspapers of general circulation in St. Lucie County, on November 6, 2002. _ File No. RZ-02-024 - - ~~~~~e°~ [30ARD OF COUNTY : ti COMMUNITY COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR November 6, 2002 ~OR,OP In accordance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby advised that JAMES AND CAROL THORNTON, have petitioned St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the I (Institutional) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: 5001 Emerson Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST The first public hearing on the petition will be held at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, November 21, 2002, County Commissioner's Chambers, Sir Lucie County Admii'nistration Building Anne. 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be . considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission should be received by the County Planning Division at least 3 days prior to a scheduled hearing. . County policy discourages communication with individual Planning and Zoning Commission and County Corrunission on an case outside of the chedul d ubli a at a ubl'c hearin or y s e p c h anng(s). You may speak p i g, provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are electronically recorded. If a person. decides to .,appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record .includes. the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying - during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If it becomes necessary, a public hearing may be continued to adate-certain. - Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772) 462- 1777 or T.D.D. (772) 462-1428. If you no longer own property adjacent to the above-described parcel, please forward this notice to the new owner. Please call 772/462-1582 if you have any questions, and refer to: File Numbe~RZ<-02-024. _ - Sincerely, _ ' - _ . ST. UCIE COUNTY P G AND ZONING COMMISSION Stefa Matches, Chairman IOHN D. ORUHN, Disrricr No. 1 DOUG COWARD, Disrricr No. 2 PAULA A. LEWIS. Disrricr No. 3 FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, Disrricr No. 4 CLIFF DARNES, District No. 5 County Adminisrroror - Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration: (772) 462-1590 Planning: (772) 462-2822 GIS/Technical Services: (772) 462-1553 Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 Fax: (772) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention: (772) 462-1529 Fax: (772) 462-2132 www. co.sr-lucie. fl . us NC ~.r ~ 00 00 VNl M ~ O h ~ ~ V1 M - - _ - - - O N O O O M -d'- M t0 -Q\ t0 ~D 1T rF N N M M Vl M h ~ 'V' ~ 'V M G ti~~~ M~~ M ~ M M O M N N N ~ ~ d' ~ M M M M M M M M ~aaaaaaaaaaaa v~wwwwwwwwwwww U U Qa N N N N~~~ N N d~ Q Qa ~ ~ a °aaaaa ° ao~i ~ a~oi~ ~~~~~a U »>w°GQw°w°w°w°w°wpq 3 .~;b~~~~ o rn o°~ c o 0 0 0 ~ ,,l~ ~ O N N Y~.in. ~Y. y b N N N N N N N y N ~ o00v]pgv~W WW Wfs~v~ W CU W M t~ M M O O ~ N N O O h O O O 'ti O O O t~ l~ l~ ~ O O O Q~ a a a N v1 N h h h h h ~ ~ z w z~ ~ ~ a~ ~ y E o ~ ~ ~ o Z c7 ao' d ~ U v~ a ~ w a o ° Z ~ Gq UC7~ a o u ~ a o C~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ .3 ~ w - - a E ; v ~c y > o ~ ~ ~'a' ~ U U A ~ Q o o a°~ aN d ~.0~3 ~w3 ~ ~ ~ ~ U 8 ~ ~ ~ a ~ a. o o °o ° ~ ~s z ~aaw WwUUC7~>C7 . ~ O~ ~O 00 ~O l~ 00 l~ M O~ O U yr o 0 0 0 0 0 0~~ 0 0 0 O O O O X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p w 0 0 0 O_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C y O O O O O O N N O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O ~ A N N N N N 'r _ N_ _M ~ ~ d. ~ h a1 h ~ h h h A r F M M M M M M M M M M M M 3. JOHN TENHOEVE, fora Change in Zoning from the • ~ _ - RS-2 (ResideNiol, Singte• - „ Family - 2 du/acre) Zoning ' - _ ~ District to the AG-1 (Agri. _ _ ~ - ~ ~ - cuhurol - I du/acre) Zon- ' , ST, LUCIE COUNTY ing District for the following - . ' - PLANNING AND described property: • ZONING COMMISSION Z- PUBLIC HEARING Parcel 1: - ~ AGENDA November 21, 2002 13 35 39 S 192.12 fT OF rr •N 372.I2FT Of E 255 FT ' TO WHOM IT ,MAY'' -~f N 1/20f SW 1/40F ~ ~ - CONCERN: _ 1 /3-LESS E 30 fT- : - ~ ~ . . ~ AC) (OR 1569-1003). • NOTICE is hereby given in ( ~ - ' ' accordance with Section ~ - 2: 'I 1.00.03 of the St. Lucie ~ ~ ' ' 'County Land Development l 39 N 150 fi OF N ~ ' Code and the provisions of ~ OF SWI/4 OF NE ~ - ' ' ' dhe Sf. Lucie County Com• ~ LYr ELY OF E R/W ' - - prehensive Plan, the follow. -LESS E 30 fT AND ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ' ing applicants have ,S N 1:.0 F7 OF E 164 ' 'requested that the St. Lucie F T THE .2 E O F - (1 .4 9 . County Planning and Zon• Af)(OR 1569-1083): ing Commission consider _ ' their following requests: Parcel 36 - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ' 1. ROBERT AND JEAN , 13 35 3~ S 222.12 fT OF •TRENARY, for a Change in ; N 372.1.~T OF N 1/2 OF - Zoning from the AG-1 (Ag• ~ SW 1/4 G5 •NE 1/4 LYG ;ricultural - 1'du/acre) Zon- ~ ELY 1-95-LESS S 192.12 FT .ing District to the IH (Indus- OFE 255 FT THEREOF ' ' ' ,trial, Heavy) Zoning District AND LESS RD R/W- (1.60 ~ - ~ • for the following described ~ AC) (OR 1569-1083). ~ ~ ; ~ ~ - - ' property: location: 1475 Benneff -THE NW 1/4 OF THE Road, Ff. Pierce, fl. 30UTHWES7 1/4 OF 'SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP PUBLIC HEARINGS will be - - '34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 held. in Commission Cliam• ' EAST, LESS THE SOUTH tiers, Roger Poifras Annex, .200 FEET OF THE WEST 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort. ~ ' '250 FEET AS CONTAINED Pierce, .florida on Novem- 1N DEED IN OR BOOK 79, tier 21, 2002, beginning at - • PAGE 1 7 9, PUBLIC 7:00 P.M. or as soon there- - ' .,RECORDS OF SL LUCIE aher os possible. ~ - ~COUNTY, FLORIDA; A8D 'LESS ALL ROAD. AND T e ) _ - - ~ ' - ''CANAL RIGHTS OF W .PURSUANT O S ct on AY. - 286.0105, Florida-Statutes, if o person deddos fo eA •.P RCEL CONT N i - . AI S 3a.aa appeal any decision made • , =ACRE M S ORE OR IESS. I - by a _ board, agency, or ' commission with reaped fo ~ ~ - ~T.ocation: Southecst corner ; any matter considered of a ~ ' • spf the iMersedion of Klhgs ; meeting or hearing, he will •k:ighway (SR 713) and ; need o record of the pro- - - 'F.P.F.W.N1.D. Canal No. 1. ceedings, and that, for such ~ ~ - JAMES ANO CAROL ' Purposes, he inoy need to ~ ~ _ ensure that a verbatim ..7HORNTON, for a Change record of the proceedings is ~ ~ _ ~ - ' tin Zoning from the I jlnstitu- mode, which record 9ionoQ Zoning District (o the includes the testimony and • 11G-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/ evidence upon which. the -aae) Zoning District for the appeal is to be based. following described 'property: PLANNING ANO ZON• ~ ~ • ;15 345 39E, 15 34 39 S LNG COMMISSION ST. LUCIE COUNTY, 1/20F S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 FLORIDA -OF NE 1/4_LESS CANAL /S/ Stefan Motthes, - -R/W - (9.62 AC) (4) (OR CHAIRMAN ' ' - 207..206: .1 248--432: - - - - 1248-432). - . Publish: November 6 _ -~ti, ' ~ ' ' ..20.02 - {ocation: 5001. Emerson' ~ 2558968 Avenue, Ff. Pierce, Fl. -51 4` II PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW: 11/21/02 ~G~6 CpG ~y ti~ File Number RZ-02-025 ~ ~ MEMORANDUM F~ 0 R10P DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager ~~y ~ d DATE: November 14, 2002 SUBJECT: Petition of John Tenhoeve, for a Change in Zoning from the RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family - 2 du/acre) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) Zoning District. LOCATION: 1475 Bennett Road EXISTING ZONING: RS-2 (Residential Single-Family - 2 du/acre) PROPOSED ZONING: AG-1 (Agricultural 1 du/acre) FUTURE LAND USE: RU (Residential Urban) PARCEL SIZE: 4.99 acres PROPOSED USE: Single-family residential structure with accessory agricultural uses. PERMITTED USES: Section 3.01.03(A), AG-1 (Agricultural 1 du/acre) Zoning District identifies the designated uses which are permitted by right, permitted as an accessory use, or permitted through the conditional use process in the "AG-1" (Agricultural 1 du/acre) Zoning District. Any use designated as a Conditional Use is required to undergo further review and approvals before that use may be commenced on the property. Any use not identified in the zoning district regulations is considered to be _ _ prohibited uses in that district (see Attachment "A"). SURROUNDING ZONING: RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family- 2 du/acre) is located to the north, south, and east; to the west is I-95 then additional RS- 2 zoned property. November 14, 2002 Petition: Tenhoeve Rezoning Page 2 File RZ-02-025 SURROUNDING LAND USES: The general existing use surrounding the property is single- familyresidences. The Future Land Use Classification of the immediate surrounding area is RU (Residential Urban) which permits a density of 1 unit for every 5 acres. FIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station #4 (2850 Aviation Way), is located approximately 5 miles to the east. UTILITY SERVICE: The subject property is outside of the designated planned urban service area. Public utilities are not available. Therefore, onsite well and septic system will be utilized. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY ADEQUACY: The existing right-of--way for Bennett Road is 75 feet, SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: None. TYPE OF CONCURRENCY DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Concurrency Deferral Affidavit. STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for proposed rezoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make the following determinations: 1. Whether the proposed rezoning is in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; The proposed change in zoning is not consistent with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Section 3.01.03(A)(1) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code identifies that the purpose of the AG-1 zoning district as follows: "The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for productive commercial agricultural, toget#~er with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with productive agricultural surroundings. _ Residential densities are restricted to a maximum of one dwelling unit per gross acre. The surrounding use of this area is single-family residences. As such the proposed agricultural uses are not necessarily compatible with these single-family residences. Based upon the uses permitted by right, permitted through a conditional use approval and allowed as an accessory use, the AG-1 Zoning District would not be compatible with the 4 ~ November 14, 2002 Petition: Tenhoeve Rezoning Page 3 File RZ-02-025 surrounding community. The rezoning of the. subject property from RS-2 {Residential, Single-Family 2 du/acre) to AG-1 (Agricultural, 1 du/acre) would result in a negative impact on the surrounding area. The existing development trends surrounding the subject property contribute to primarily single-family residences'with interspersed grardfathered.agricultural uses. _ The applicant has stated that the purposefor his requested change in zoning is'to develop the subject property with asingle-family residence and accessory agricultural uses. 2: Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all, elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan;.- The proposed change in zoning is not consistent with the following objectives and policies of the Future Land. Use Element of the St. Lucie County ComprehensivePlan. Policy 1:1.1.1 The following land use designation~ntensity' as indicated on the Future Land Use Map are provided as the pattern for.. the future developmenf of the area within unincorporafed St. Lucie County. The RU (Residential Urban) future land;use designation shall provide for a density up to 5 du/acre). ' f'. The proposed AG-1 (Agricultural 1 du/acre) honing ,District although permitted as an appropriate zoning district, in this area all of the~surrounding properties are designated with RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family) zo?~ing' and therefore the reduction to the AG-1 (Agricultural 1 du/acre) zoning district would be considered spot zoning, and therefore, incompatible with the surrounding area. Objective 1.1.2_ Provide in the land development regulations- provisions for. a ~ • compatible and coordinated land use patterns which establishes agricultural as the .primary use outside the urban service boundary and promote retention of agricultural activities, preserve .natural resources and maintain native vegetative habitats: ~~s, The subject property currently is located inside of the designated urban service boundary. 4}' The Future Land Use Map designates the property to the north, south, east and west With an RU (Residential Urban) land use designation. In addition, the official Zoning Map for St. Lucie Countydesignates the surrounding propertieswith a RS-2 (Residential,Singie-Family 2 du/acre) Zoning Classification: The introduction. of additional agricultural uses into this area would be incompatible with the existing growth trends for this area as the single family ~a _ 4. nature of the surrounding properties would be impacted by the introduction of incompatible agricultural uses. - - Policy 1.1.2,3: Provide the means to manage growth within the agricultural land use tip ,:categories through the orderly delivery of services concurrent with the impacts of the development: It is anticipated that over time portions of fhe agriculfural land use categories will be converted to urban -uses as services -are provided. However, the physical s,, extension of County, provided central sewer and water shall only } Via; November 14, 2002 Petition: Tenhoeve Rezoning .Page 4 File RZ-02-025 occur within areas which are in or have, been converted to urban uses: The subject property is inside of the urban service boundary. In addition, the appropriate infrastructure(seweravd water) ha•s notbeen extended,as far west as the subject properly. ..The existing use of the properties-located within the general area is large lot'single-family residential. - _ 3.' Whether and the extent to which the proposed zoning is inconsistent with the existing and proposed land uses; The proposed zoning is not consistent with existing and proposed land uses in the area.. The general use of the immediate surrounding area of the subject property is residential in character. The subject property is sun-ounded on_all four sides with RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family- 2 du/acre) zoning. ~4. Whether there have been changed conditions that require an amendment; r Conditions in the area have not changed so as to .require an amendment. 5: Whether and the extent to which the ptoposed amendment would result in demands on public facilities, and whether or to the extent to which the proposed amendment would .exceed- the capacity of such publin facilities, including but not limited to transportation facilities, sewage facilities, water supply, parks, drainage, schools, solid waste, mass transit, and emergency medical facilities; tfr The intended use for this rezoning is nbt expected to create significant additional demands on any .public facilifies in this area. The subject property lies inside the .urban service boundary, yet; within an area which is currently not serviced by any agency. Therefore, water and sewer will be provided onsite. ' 6. Whether and the extent towhich the proposed amendmentwould result insignificant. adverse impacts on the natural environment;. The proposed amendment is not anticipated to create adverse impacts on thee-natural environment. The surrounding properties are used primarily as single-family residences. The applicant will be required to comply with all federal, state, and local environmental regulations. ` 7. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in an orderly and logical development pattern specifically identifying any negative affects of such ..patterns; An orderiy and logical development pattern would, not occurwith this change in zoning. The - surrounding parcels of property are designated for residential uses. The proposed change in zoning toAG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre.) would result'n a negatiye:rnpact with regards to he development patterns in the general -area: November 14, 2002 Petition: Tenhoeve Rezoning Page 5 File RZ-02-025 8. :Whether the proposed amendment would be in conflict with the public interest, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of this Code; The proposed. amendment would be in conflict with the public interest and is not in harmony with the .purpose and intent of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. The Land Development Code and the Comprehensive Plan generally direct growth to occur in a positive manner considering compatibility and consistency in land development patterns. The proposed zoning does not consider the compatibility of the surrounding properties.: It will have a negative impact on the surrounding residential properties. .'COMMENTS The petitioner, John Tenhoeve; has requested this change in zoning from the RS-2 (Residential, - Single-family - 2 du/acre) Zoning District tothe AG-1 (Agricultural 1 du/acre) Zoning District in order - - to develop the property`with asingle-family residence with accessory agricultural uses. The subject. property. is in an area of residential uses.. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it does not conform with the standards of review as set forth in the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a..:recommendation of denial. If this Board wishes to approve the rezoning, Staff would recommend that the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential 1 du/acre).;. Section 3.01.030)(1) states that the purpose ofthe AR-1 zoning distrietis to provide and protect an environment suitable for single-family dwellings at a maximum density of one dwelling unit per gross acre, together with such other uses as may be necessary and compatible with every ow density rural: residential surroundings. The" applicant's use. would be considered appropriate with the purpose of the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential, 1 du/acre) zoning district. please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. , Attachment cs cC: -John Tenhoeve _ -:File - ~ Suggested motion.. to recommend approval/denial of this requested change in zoning. MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED 'DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, , INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARQS OF REVIEW ASSET FORTH IN SECTION 11;06:U3, ST. I.UCIE COUNTY LAND pEVELOPMENTCODE, l HEREBY MOVE THAT ; THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST: LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF JOHN TENHOEVE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE RS-2 (RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY- 2 DU/ACRE.) .ZONING bISTRICT TO THE AG-1 (AGRICULTURAL 1DU/ACRE) ZONING ~ DISTRICT, BECAUSE.:... - [CITE REASON'WHY -PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. "MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED ;DURING THE PUBLIC .HEARING,- ,`'4; INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH 1N SECTION 11.06:03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CObE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY. BOARD`OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE APPLICATION OF JOHN TENHOEVE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING. FROM THE S- (REBID TIAL, SINGLE-FA LY - 2 DU/ACRE) c ZONING- DISTRICT TOE THE i ZONING DISTRICT, ` BECAUSE...:. _ ` , _ [CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE~SPECIFIC]. ,r_ Section 3:01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations H• RS~_ RESIDENTIAL .SINGLE-FAMILY - 2 1. Purpose The purpose of .:this district iS to provide and protect an environment suitable for single-family • dwellings at a maximum density of two 2 dwellin 'un t' O ~ g _ i s per gFoss acre, together with such other uses as may be necessary for and compatible with Iqw density residential surroundings. The number in "O" fallowing each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(6). The number 999' applies to a use not defined under'the SIC code--but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses a. Family day care homes.'ts~,~ b. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall: not be located>within, a radius of one thousand (1000) feet of another existing such family residential home with and, provided that the sponsoring agency or OepartmenF of Health and; Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Board of County Commissioners at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. t~~ c.; Single-family detached dwellings. a9ss~ 3• Lot Size Requirements • Lot size requirements-shall be in accordancewith Section 7.04.00. . 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be• in accordance with Section 7.04,00. 5. Offstreet Parking.Requirements i Off-street parking. requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7..06.00, 6. Conditional Uses a. family residential homes located within a radius of one thousand (1000) feet of another $uch family residential home. tss~t b.; Telecommunicatign towers- subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 ts9s~ 7. Accessary Uses Accessory uses are subject to ttie requirements of Section 8,1)0.00.- . - Adopted August 1 -1990 _ 105 - Revised Through 08/01/00 ~ Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations E;_:. 3.01.03 ZONING DISTRICTS A. AG-1 AGRICULTURAL - 1 1. Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for productive commercial agriculture, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with productive agricultural surroundings. Residential densities are restricted to a maximum of one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre. The number in "Q" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(6). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this Code. . 2. .Permitted Uses a. Agricultural production -crops ro>> b. Agricultural production - livestock ~ animal specialties to2~ _ c. Agricultural services to» d. Family day care homes. tsssJ e. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of another existing such family residential home and provided that the sponsoring agency or Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Board of County Commissioners at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. tses~ t~ f. Fishing, hunting & trapping cosy g. Forestry toad h. Kennels. ro~sz~ i. Research Facilities, Noncommercial ter.~t j. Riding stables. psss~ - k. Single-family detached dwellings. tsss~ 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements Qff-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. . 6: -Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses a. Agricultural labor housing. tsssr Adopted August 1, 1990 94 Revised Through 08/01/00 Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations b. Aircraa storage and equipment maintenance. tase,~ i:~ c. Airports and flying, landing, and takeoff fields, t4se,i d. Family residential homes located within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of another such family residential home. t~~ e. Farm products warehousing and storage. tazzva2zzi f. Gasoline service stations. tssa,~ g. Industrial wastewater disposal t~~ h. Manufacturing: - _ _ - (1) Agricultural chemicals ~za>> (2) Food ~ kindred products tzo~ (3) Lumber & wood products, except furniture tzar i. Mining and quarrying of nonmetalic minerals, except fuels. t,ai 1- Retail trade: - (1) Farm equipment and related accessories. tess~ (2) Apparel & accessory stores. tss~ k. Sewage disposal subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.13. tees) I. Telecommunication Towers -subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 tee) m. Camps -sporting and recreational. trosz~ 8. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. Mobile homes subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.05. b. Retail trade and wholesale trade -subordinate to the primary authorized use or activity. ` o. Guest house subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.04. tsar , Adopted August 1, 1990 95 Revised Through 08/01/00 z'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ No ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ N N C E ~ to ~ O A ~ ~ t "'7 ~ $ a t `S sps" ~ _117'"-"~~n ` ~ ~os~ Q ~ ~ a ® ~ tom`. J t ~ ~U s _ ! y. F ~ o W A W a q O O 5 ~ f ~ ~ f ~ Q: A9 ~ x ~P -a`ro~-rswr°•~u a nc sue.. - - Q a a ^ ~"~'~Pl'Wrip'" .yb n . ip ~ 1}L~ ~ a ~ ~`bYarl._ Y11>~1 G O1 „F~ NtwfgOYi O ~ ~ OIOY NaK O ¢ ~ ' ~ ara 1~ r7ov7H ~ W ~ ~ ~ yM010M 1170 W g n Q n ~8j Opy M011M QIOY 077M7 ~ Z ~ Q K-0 7111119 .Z _ _ YN Y / / W I W A ~ M ~ 0: 1 S Y£ 1 S S£ 1 S 9£ 1 .LWf1O~ 338OH~33~1O o, A .Petition of John Tenhoeve fora Change in Zoning from the RS-2 (Residential, Single Family-2 dt?acre) to the AG-1 (Agricultural-1 d~.?acre) Zoning District. i - - 1 I r~~ "1 a~ o~ co ~ ~ ~ t~ cr -o v ~ ~ L C ~ .n C ~ N ~ ~ ~ C Q U cU l +1 eostn~ RZ 02-025 G~S,~ This pattern indicates Map prepared October 30,2002 N7de evay efbM1 hse bell nWe b Waae Ihs nnq anan enE enurte4e subject parcel N kibmuebn poemle, t is rat HaMeO for use Y ~ bpWy bindnp CoawneM. John Tenhoeve Zoning ~ - rte, 1 0 /l1 ~ r1 R -2 - ; o 0 y L C ~ C ~ ~ 1 .C N C R S-2 o z U O ~ l_> AG-1~--, r~~~ _ _ ~AG-1 RZ 02-025 -.~~o G!S ~ This pattern indicates Map prepared October 30,2002 subject parcel ~ t~ ~rtt~ ~aa tom. 1N.le ~Y efbn tw been maps b poNCt the mat wrest W ~cwwtta tManna6on Oaf. i14 rq1 MennEaE ItX as u ~ OYi6rq Axurwt. John Tenhoeve Land Use I I I I r1, RU "1 N~ o~ co ~ w ~ ~ ~ ; .a a O o RU L C ~ C m ~1 .C '.A a 2 0 O U c0 l_> RU Tu°~'°~ RZ o2-025 . ~ ~o ~ . This pattern indicates Map prepared October 30, 2002 subject parcel ~ ~ b ~,a..~.~ .~,.,e N tiomruon vo.~. r r na:rtsaaa a wa ~v aoca~+~ent John Tenhoeve }1,~- h ' ~`4 ~ L P ~ E- 'a t ~ r t tie y, •r.+~~~ 't 7~ n 1 ' x. `~i h. .dam ~i j .'~ti ~T'i Y' it !f i - w -4ti E~ ~F y * ~ ~ w~ 1 jtFir" ~ ~ 14. 1 ~I ICI 4 hIl I ~ e~ w _ Y.• _ _ ••y~y~J1.. _ f~;ili ~ z ~ i 4 i e ~ V t . _ I~ I i i II . rai I ~ . + j ~ li tl' l S r . 3? i IL.. ~ ~ -i I ii ~ ~!I~~~ ~ i i i i u ~ ~ I ~i ~ ~I ~ 11 i If~f h III ` ii ~I~ r t I+ ~ i fi il, II. i ~1 , s ~ j _ C E' i ~ ~ ~ V. ~ S r ~ ! . R Z 0 2-0 2 5 ~ pis This pattern indicates Map prepared October 30, zoo2 subject parcel ,>r.~~~~~v~«~ N NT~ie e~y effort lus EeM nu0e b pai0e Cq rMy turoM W sconce inipmatlm posnDls. t'n no1 Hergeo ler use Y a bpally o+b+W OoaRMH. AGENDA -PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ~~G~E CpG , THURSDAY, November 21, 2002 v~ ~ -c 7: OO P.M. 'c< ORI~~' JOHN TENHOEVE, has: petitioned St, Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family - 2 du/acre) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural - 7 du/acre) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: 1475 Bennett Road, Fort Fierce, FL. .Please. note that all proceedings before the Local Planning Agency are electronically recorded.. If a person decides to appeal any decision .made by the Local Planning Agency with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such.purposes, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the ' proceedings is made, .which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testing during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Prior to thispublic hearing, notice of -the same .was sent to all adjacent property owners November 6, 2002. Legal notice was.published in The News and The Tribune, newspapers of general circulation in St, Lucie County, on Noven:ber 6z 2002.: File 1Vo.~ RZ 02-025 JL~~: CMG (30ARD OF COUNTY ~ ~ COMMUNITY COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ DEVELOPMENT ' ~ D I RECTO R November 6, 2002 ~OR,OP In accordance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby advised that JOHN TENHOE[~E, has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Change in Zoning from the RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family - 2 du/acre) Zoning District to the AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/acre) Zoning District for the following described property: Location: 1475 Bennett Road, Ft. Pierce, FL. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AVAII~ABLE UPON REQUEST - The first public hearing on the petition wiU be held at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on Thursday, November 21, 2002, County Commissioner's Chambers, Sa~ Lucie County Administration Building Annex 2300 l~irginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission should be received by the County . Planning Division at least 3 days prior to a scheduled hearing. County policy discourages communication with individual Planning and Zoning Commission and County i - Commission on any case outside of the scheduled public hearing(s): You may speak at a public hearing, or provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are electronically recorded. If a person decides to .appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to any matter considered at -such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon - which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request..ff it becomes necessary, a public hearing maybe continued to adate-certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St: Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772) 462- 1777 or T.D.D. (772) 462-1428. If you no longer own property adjacent to the above-described parcel, please forward this notice to the new _ owner. Please call 72/462-1 S82 if you have any questions, and refer to:..k'ile Number_RZ-02-025. Sincerely, - - _ - - ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMIVIISSION ~J Stefa atthes, Chairman 70HN D. ORUHN, Disrricr No. 1 DOUG COWARD, Disrricr No. 2 PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. 3 FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, Disrricr No. 4 CUFF BARNES, District No. 5 County Adminisrroror -Douglas M. Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administration: (772) 462=1590 Planning: (772) 462-2822 GIS/T'echnical Services: (772) 462-1553 Economic Development: (772) 462-1550 Fax: (772) 462-1581 Tourist/Convention: (772) 462-1529 Fax: (772) 462-2132 www.co.st-lucie.fl.us • ~ , N ~ M O M cf' h ~ O ~ ~O ~O t~ Q~ h O 1/') h •ct Q~ O O~ Off- 01 O Oi N ~O N O~ O~ ~ O ~Y N O ~n O O O O N ~1 V• N O N oo N N N M O <i' M A O O. N O M- ~ M -0 h -M M -M- M -O O~ M t'V N M Q~- -O M h- h- M M- -~D M ~ -'V' O-. -M ~ - N h O tt M O ct ~"1 ~7' M O~ '~7 ~ V7 v1 ~n ~ 'ci•h vl d• ~ h M ~ d' V'1 V' c1' N d' ~!'d' ~O d' 'd' 00 V1 'chh 'ct 00 00 '00 Wd' ~?'Cf' . O U Q~ Q\ ~ O~ O~ ~ O~ Q~ U vl O~ Q~ Q\ Q\ O~ D1 d1 O~ O~ Q~ O~ Q~ O~ O~ 4~ O~ ~ i .-r 'V• '~t V• d• ~i' ct d• d' 'd' .d. ~f' 'd' rt ~ rY rt 'd' ~ ~i• V 'd' M M M M M M M M M M N M M M M M M M M M M M. 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M ~ ~ O .a. ,a. ti M M v~ ~ w w U U 7-r i.a N N a a ~I o 0 U w w a i ~ a~ a~ H ti 0 v~ U 'C N ~ Q N ti 't1' .C O ~ O z A ' N 4r O N M ~ ~ a z 3 u z. 0 ~ N r. ~ x 3 ~ ~ - z ° 0 c~ > ,o _ Q ~ ~ ~ 8 H o v ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ z 33 ~g 0 U ~ 0 0 o,o o°oo C a~ ~ pq ~ ~ N C Q ~ eC ~ i! .Mr .Mr A ~ F M N ' 3. JOHN TENHOEVE, fora ' Change in Zoning From the II - ~ ~ R$-2 (ResideNiai, Single- ' • a Family-2 dv/aae) Zoning • District to the AG• 1 (Agri- ST. WCIE COUNTY cultural - 1 du/acre) Zon- • PLANNING AND ing District for the following • ZONING COMMISSION described property: . PUBLIC HEARING Parcel I: . AGENDA • November 2,1, 2002 13 35 39 S 192.12 FT OF ' ~ TO WHOM IT •MAY ~ ~ 'N 372.12FT OF E 255 fT -!F N 1/2 Of SW I/4 OF . i' CONCERN: I /3-LESS E 30 FT- " ' ' ~ AC) (OR 1569-1083). . NOTICE is hereby given in ~ ' ' accordance with Section - 2: . `l III- .00. 03 of the St. Luae ' 'County land Development 39 N 150 FT OF N ~ ' Code and the provisions of OF SWl/4 OF NE • the St. Lucie County Com- i LYG ELY OF E R/W • prehensive Plan, the follow- ~ -LESS E 30 FT AND ~ ~ ' ing applicants have N 1'..OFT OF E 164 'requested that the $t. Lucie FT THEdEOF- (1.49 ' County Planning and Zon• Aq(OR 1569-1083): - ing Commission consider _ their following requests: Parcel 3: - 1. ROBERT AND JEAN , 13 35 3o S 222.12 FT OF ' ' •TRENARY, for a Change in ; N 372.1..~T OF N 1 /2 OF - Zoning from the AG-1 (Ag- I $W 1/4 C.`-NE 1/4 LYG ;ricultural - 1'du/acre) Zon- ~ ELY i-95-LESS $ 192.12 FT Jng District to the IH (Indus- OFE 255 FT THEREOF ~ ' ltri - al Heov • , Z onto ' Y) District g ~ AND LESS RD R/W- (1.60 for the following described AC) (OR 1569-1083). ~ ~ • property: »THE NW 1 4 Location: 1475 Bennett ~ ~ - / OF THE. Road, Ft. Pierce, FL. -SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF 'SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 'PUBLIC HEARINGS will be ' X34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 -held in Commission Ch'om- EAST, LESS THE SOUTH tiers, Roger Poitras Annex, •200 FEET OF THE WEST 2300 Vir in v is A enue F •250 FEET AS CONTAINED g ~ a~' IN DEED IN OR BOOK 79, Pierce; .Florida on Novem- _ PAGE 1 7 9, PUBLIC tier 21, 2002, beginning of „RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE 7:00 P.M. or as soon there- COUNTY F after as possible. . LORIDA; ABD 'LESS All ROAD. AND P U AN RSU 7 TO Section - . I 'CAN AL RI GHTS OF WAY- 28 . 1 6 0 OS Florida Statute s ' - ' ~ if a person decides to •.PARCEI CONTAINS 34,44 ~ ~ appeal any decision mode ~ • •ACRESMOREORIESS. I by a .board, agency, or - - 1•ocation: Southeast corner ~ commission with respeN to - . • ;pf the intersection of Kin s ' any matter considered of o . ••t;i hwa g meeting or hearing, he will . 9 Y (SR 713) and ; need a record of the pro- !F.P.F.W.M.D. Canal No. 1. ceedings, and that, for such ' 2. JAMES ANp CAROL ~ Purposes, he may need to ~ ' dHORNTON, for a Change ensure that a verbatim min Zoning from the I (Institu- record of the proceedings is 9ional)Zoningpiskictfothe made, which record • AG-1 (Agricultural - 1 du/ includes the testimony and .acre) Zoning District for the evidence upon which the following described aPPealistobebased. ~properTy: PLANNING ANO ZON- ' ;15 345 39E, 15 34 39 S ING COMMISSION 1/2OF S 1/2 OF NE 1/4 ST. WCIE COUNTY, ' -OF NE 1/4-LESS CANAL FLORIDA -R/W -_(9.62 AC) (4).(OR ~ /S/ Stefan Matches, 207-206: 1248-432: CHAIRMAN .1248-432). Publish: November G {ocation: 5001 . Emerson 2002 . Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Fl. ~ 2558968