HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Meeting Agenda 03-27-2003Peati n of S7'. VOWM. ,1301 R� dF C� '11iTY �OMtI? �'�Vi S for a. flange; n Z4 g root {Agni�tltltesinKial » 1. du/acte),ontng Dtstrtot;#o the lI (Indtt�ti�i, I.tght)9r>n$ Disttict.. faf cott9jents ti"y Atio Re��mmendal FoiwatdZe�ontmeittllxt4on #0 G`ouitty Comin�sstorc" < Exhl 1 #2 • Staff Report, Site Phan, tna� Site l o�atign M aps F �g h C � 5 { 4 �tltet l�usitie attlsiotiemisers' d#cTctt�n i s ;Next Togolar t?tammtg ;'t1dcplt�gtnnt#s$iion tncting wtU "heft go �lp�rll?7th;p43, itt �otsaiott �hanlbers �t the Roger �oitras A*itiiex �t�il«#ng. N4�I t Atl proceetltngsl,before she latuung ttd Zont ng Zrorn�is�--ion /> ,o -A=P>lann#ng Agency of St Udlo ttttty #ot eta, ele tr0 , P_Ily, regord�d If j t t n tlet ides to pgea# any decision triade icy the �lat�cut0g atxd ontlig'��issiot�l 1'latit#inglgen�Y.vv�th aspect Lonny tiitterbtsideedi at sunh meiltig or h�tnglie w►ll ned�t ford old► procWngs0 Ltd that, for t±nh pose, lie rt►ay nett to insure that Ivet'batiin rec6rd of the pro ��i ais nad a?vtiich r�l trt tt 6s tt�e te�(iwony aitid ev t= tt a p�timovt�i tc th ba di "" k5 , �yn� j}.e regtlestof and party t4' the proceedings, indxviduats testtfyit►g dung a ite�ing gill be svvorn tn; Any pact' to s ? proeedirtg'iitil be granted an opportuuty to-eX'mine y Intl#id�lal testtfj!ing -.rig.a ltr#ng upbt request, nyotte wltlt ;a dis�blity requ�nngntnsxiatlon to attend th# tneetttighou#d caiittict the;St Luc#eotxttky }t�utnututy Services, J�rector at least forty #lit (48)":holds prior'- the.triPxtta at (772) 4 2 1T77'or I� A by ggestions about tlus,agenda may be referred to the St. Lucie bounty Platlnng Division at (772� 462 ISBt - -, l S PLANNIN&ANp 2Q I$$ION REVIEW: 3L20/03 ° x (=ile ,Number QU-0302 .. COMMUNITY DEIELOPMENT DEPARTMENT i Rlanningvisipn M`E'MORANd:UM TO _ 'Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: March.13, 2003 SUBJECT: Application of Fanjema'Patel for a Conditional Use Pormit to allow the operation of .a rota Ifiquor stores for the offsite consumption of distilled and` undistiiled alcohol within the CG (Commerc'ral `General) Zoning District. LOCATION: 7574 U..S. Highway one'' nePrima Vista . Crossings Shopping Plaza, Unit 21 �C ZONING, DESIGNATION: , CO (Commercial General) LAND USE DESIGNATION: COM.(Commeroial PARCEL SIZE: 12.48 acres J PROPOSED USE, Retail liquor store (distilled and undistIlled Weohol) SURROUNDING ZONING. CG (Commorcial General)' to the north, south, east and west. SURROUNDING LAND USES; . Commercial to the north, south, east and west. FIRE/EMS PROTECTION; Station # 3 (250 West Prima Vista`Boulevard) is located appro imate y_ 5__miles_to-the west. — - -- UTILITY SERVICES Port St. Lucie Utilities Authority will provide Water and sewer. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY I I i March 13, 2002 Circle C Liquors Page 2 CU-03-002 .ADEQUACY: The existing right-of-way width for U. S. Highway One is 120 feet. SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: None TYPE OF CONCURRENCY DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Certificate of Capacity. STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.0703, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for proposed conditional use, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and makethe following determinations; 1. Whether the proposed conditional use is in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; The proposed conditional use is not in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Section 3.01.03(S)(7)(k), CG (Commercial General) Zoning District, allows liquor stores as conditional uses. The proposed location is within an established shopping center (Prima Vista Crossings Shopping Center) and just to the north of the Publix Supermarket location. The subject area is zoned for the proposed commercial use. The applicant is not requesting onsite consumption of any alcohol beverage. 2. Whether and the extent to which the proposed conditional use would have an adverse impact on nearby properties; The proposed conditional use is not expected to adversely impact the surrounding properties. The proposed site is located within an existing shopping center (Prima Vista Crossings Shopping Center) next to the Publix Supermarket and is zoned for General Commercial businesses. 3. Whether and the extent to which the proposed conditional use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, Including roads, police protection, solid waste disposal, water, sewer, drainage structures, parks, and mass transit; This conditional use is not expected to create significant additional demands on any public facilities in this area. At the time that the Prima Vista Crossing Shopping Center was reviewed any proposed impact from the center was identified. Therefore, the proposed use will not have a negative impact on any roadway network within the vicinity of the shopping center. The proposed property receives water and sewer from the Port St. Lucie Utility Authority at the time that the Prima Vista Crossing Shopping Center was reviewed, the applicant demonstrated that sufficient capacity was available to meet all future uses within the shopping center. 4. Whether and the extent to which the proposed conditional use would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment; The proposed conditional use is not anticipated to create adverse impacts on the natural environment. The Prima Vista Crossing Shopping Center is built and the proposed location -is within an interior unit adjacent to the Public Supermarket location. COMMENTS The applicant, Ranjama Patel, has applied for the requested conditional use permit in order to operate a liquor store within the Prima Vista Crossings Shipping Plaza for property located at 7574 US Highway One, Unit 121-C in the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District. The retail trade of liquor for off -site consumption is allowed as a conditional use in the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District upon approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Staff finds that this petition meets the standards of review asset forth in Section 11.07.03 of the St. Lucie, County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. Attachment cs cc: Ranjama Patel, Circle C Liquor File t r Suggested motion ko recommend approval/denial of this request d conditienai use N MOTION TO APPROVE: r AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING. THE PUBLIC HEARING; INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND Thl STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SETFOR IN SECl'ION 11.07.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEN0. THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COVNTY�tOMMISSION ERS. GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF RANJAMA PATEL., FOR A CONDITIONAL USE - PERM.IT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION'OF A LIOUOR STORE `IN THE CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE..,. [CITE REASONS) WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING., INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.07.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, . HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST, ;LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE ___ AP_PLI.CATION-OF RANJAMA P-ATE-L—FOR A -CONDITIONAL USA PERMIT TO THE = - OPERATION OF A LIQOUR STORE IN THE CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE... [CITEREASON(S) WHY- PLEASE BE SPECIFIC] i S 2. Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations CG COMMERCIAL, GENERAL Purpose The purpose of this district is to provide andprotect an environment suitable for wide variety of commercial uses intended to serve a population over a large market area; which do not impose undesirable noise, vibration, odor, dust, or offensive effects on the surrounding area, together with such other uses as may necessary to and compatible withgeneral commercial surroundings. The number in "O" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.0000 of this code. Permitted Uses - CA, Adjustment/collection &credit reporting services a32l b. Advertising (r3) C. Amphitheaters 9ss) d, Amusements & recreation services - except stadiums, arenas, race tracks, amusement parks and bingo parlors tray e. Apparel & accessory stores cser f. Automobile dealers twl g. Automotive rental, repairs & serv. (except body repairs) (7sirr63.7sa) h. Beauty and barber services (72V24) I. Building materials, hardware and garden supply tsz> j. Cleaning services r3a9r k. Commercial printing tmr I. Communications - except towers c er M. Computer programming, data processing & other computer serv. (1ar) n. Contract construction serv. (office & interior storage only) cls wm o. Cultural activities and nature exhibitions cmr p. Duplicating, mailing, commercial art/photo. & stenog, sere. (733) q Eating places (sat) r. Educational services » except public schools te2r s, Engineering, accounting, research, management & related services on t. Equipment rental and leasing services craw u: Executive, legislative, and judicial functions c9119iMMss/Mgxr V. Farm labor and management services coisr W. Financial, insurance, and real estate (wmim 6 mrssw) X. Food stores tsar y. Funeral and crematory services t7261 Z. Gasoline service- aa. General merchandise stores (53) bb. Health services (eo) cc. Home furniture and furnishings csrr dd. Landscape & horticultural services cormr ee. Laundry, cleaning and garment services (721) ff. Membership organizations : except for religious organizations as provided in Section 8,02.01(H) of this code tear gg. Miscellaneous retail (see SIC Code Major Group 59): (1) Drug stores c591t Adopted August 1, 1990 118 Revised Through 08/01/00 E f Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations (2) Used merchandise stores ts93): (3) Sporting goods (ssu) (4) Book & stationary (5942i5943) - (5) Jewelry (5944) (6) Hobby, toy and games (sw) ; (7) Camera & photographic supplies (5946) ($) Gifts, novelty and souvenir (s947) (9) Luggage & leather goods (s94e) (10) Fabric and mill products (5949)' (11 j Catalog, mail order and direct selling r51/5063> \ (12) Liquified petroleum gas (propane) (59e4) (13) Florists (5992) (14-1 Tobacco (5993) (15) News dealers/newsstands (5994) (16) 0ptical goods tssss) hh. (17) MISC. retail (See SIC Code for specific uses)assse) Miscellaneous personal services (see SIC Code Major Group 7" 0 ), Tax return services (t291) (2) Misc. retail (See SIC Code for specific uses) case) ii. Miscellaneous business ;services (see stC Code Major Group 7$ (1 } Detective, guord<and armored car services (r e,) M . Securttysystem-services (73e2) (3) News syndicate (7383) _ (4) Photofinishing laboratories (1384) (5) Business services - misc. (7389) 11 Mobile home dealers (527) kk. IL Mobile food vendors (eating places, fruits & vegetables -retail) tom) Motion pictures rre) mm. Motor vehicle parking -commercial parking &vehicle storage. (rs2) nn. Museums, gallenes`and gardens tee) oo. Personnel supply Services 036) PP. Photo finishing services (73e4) qq• Photographic services nz2i IT. Postal services (0) ss. Recreation facilities cagey tt. Repair services 06) uu. W. Retail trade -indoor display and sales only, except as provided in Section 7.00.00. (999) Social services: (1) Individual & family social services (e32/e39) (2) Child care services (eas) (3) Job training, and vocational rehabilitation services ca33 ) Travel agencies (a72a)—— - —- _ - xx. Veterinaryservices (074) 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04:00, Adopted August 1, 1990 119 Revised Through 08/01/00 i Section 3A1;:03 zoning District Use Regufati7 4. Dimensional Regulations' - Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00 5. Off=streetParking;and Loading Requirements Off-street parking loading requirements are subject to Section 7 Oti:00. 8. Landscaping R6qulrements tandscaping requirements are subject to Section 7. Conditional Uses a>. Adult establishments subject to requirements of Sec. 7 10.i0: �s991 b. prinking places (alcoholic beverages) - free-standing. (5e13) C. Disinfecting A pest control Services, (1342 A. Am emen 70%) e. Go*cart 4-4im (> f. Hotels & motels, t7o+) g. House. oMI. goods warehousing and storage mini -warehouses tss�i ; h. - Marina = recreational boats only, (4493) Motor vehicle tepair services - body repair. (763) j. Sporting and recreational camp. (7032) k. Retail trade: �:..: (1) Liquorstores.(so?) k. Stadiums, arenas; and race tracks. (/94) i. Telecommunication towers - subject to the standards c Section 7;10.23 t+ ) (i 8. Accessory Uses Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include th ,rx ')1g: _ a. prinking places (alcohollobeverages as an accessory use to a restaurant and/or civic, social, and fraternal organizations). b, bne single-fatr-Ily dwelling unit contained within the commercial building, or a detached. single-family dwelling or mobile home, (for on -site security purposes}. . C. Retail trade: i 0) Undistilled alcoholic beverages (accessory to retail sale of food). I i Ij Adopted August 1, 1990 120 Revised Through 08/01 /00 I i '� � -- ra.,. i' : � '�".' .�c .. 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WRO t�&t'.� d OV IY I�Y €t��n �'L�� " '^'�rr�,� � .3 t �s .. -.,w � `; �, � �a � -' � s..•,.. 2 "t e 3 � :ate^ �+�"^,w° 4 4�i{ ,ma. i;..._'qb p+a{R�A�SL-!*"i� �r� m� • ,,..a, 'a,,, C" '�•`„3�.v6�`a�� � ' j :fir �, Spy � �z },•r gym, p , �� .x �' I '�• � � � �'�; Zoning ,4e IF Prima CU 03-002 This pattern indicates subject parcel Ran jama Patel PNRD Map prepared February 27, 2003 This map hes been corripiled for general plwrft and reference tourimeee OW While every effort has been `Zt' to provide the niost anent and a—trate Wwrwatiorr possible, N is not irwded for use a a legally bk4kQ do-11. Land Use 2 e d a 94 Y s p5 r ,r a 0 8 � ♦ i s e s i t i • I r�� CU 03-002 This pattern indicates subject parcel Ran jama Patel G,IS.� Map prepared February 27, 2003 This map has been compiled fm general plamlrp and reference purposes orsy. NNe every eeat has been made to RONde the most arrant and a="o f�vl kdormetion poseAle. tl is not Intwded to use as a 1e9al4' bW. g document. f - I N.W 41I�1/4N4 �I SF �JI 1.�1(7L1R VIAF V!� f�FiJfA{�5�1 45 l� fir c r'� r Off the �ntOrta ii n Int stet � . st inrida N a rurt�lkzoom , : r t erg r �XI$'>sINO_�dNIfV; Aft 1 (Agr��ulturl; esiuertt�al � 1 duMA t �, PROPQSf}bNIiG; COOKIE yy+ (4 (1ndg60 -4�r f»igh}) -- t I=UT.U�I2 4pfUp USi: - - iNDr()hddsttial) sk L 7 ki s PAI2t2(%,SIDE: �dtsr& f'0 l'OSIf) USI `in�ustn� iht us�a mg 4 PEflllfl`t'7'd USi=Sy ` Att�ci�rr�gr�t3`b,ty(ovum 1`) "llW (�idustrial, i�,fht) y. ten cnt�t lns h� �es�gr�ated M$ WhiCh o pk i to l icy i ighX, p�rmitte� a an acessry use, or p��tttic� th�a�hha s 4" cor�ditic� al _ups pi-or00 Any ��$ 4c��s��l����� �� �WAR " inditic�nai':Us�" la I`0 ii�(y]1 fu r ri w 1. T urldar:t a - �I�AnY— nr�t foutist W�tf1111 thebi11hitrt =regal corns are designated prO lwtbd uses" for tf t . d�str�jo_t SUkkOUNDIN(3 ZONffUG; AR*1 (Agrl.c Otal;= R�s� et�ti�i 1 dw/ r) r3 tha.i t h+ :1H (Industrial; Nervy t'o the south �r�tl_e�st r , , SURROUNDfNG LAND USES. ` i�a general existing- use -.surrounding the is ,prdperty. -vacant with. seine industrial uses 'along Glades Cuts-Z7f# " ,. f 4� ' �' h ��` r `1, 4s 4 i a -� - j '1ri k pe j� t - 4l t t' - i-A F` - "'� r a ' „� ( ; j. ct,� v� i 1 - - t- 1 tl L t - f -Sf i t t f Y _1 di.' Y f f " _ _ j i.. ,'. �,�( E� 4- ? r fv x % - \ T - C' } t. & 3 T �* � L � _ � � L � ., 1� 3 I y,, . -I !- h' N"4L -. - 1 e[ 1, 4 ,+ {- t - :3 /% , i 4 I1 y ' . t ka"'Clan qL I X_ Q 1 co I — ` o .� c l E U I C 1) i 0 O a6a LO ca O cr 1 m C U 'S1j Y�l fYJ li' `�' 5111�J�Iy511�I i�I�f SDI N Sj, •� y����5i1�\�-'ti1�\�'\�i 9 i 1� yllt��\1�\4�\J�\r-�\J�\IXjIY� 1, J, J, 1*P,1 Y 1J S 'yllt\Iltylll\1i1i\l� \ illl'jiX\Ill�llt 11,�'lr�'l j lN Va 1-� i o Q � N E U t� Igor • s=taQooupuuua+ MINE :,' : of .. i• m-1 c OI■■�■■tom■1�■■i 0 a X r U) cr 0 X C) Z St. Lucie County SUBJECT O Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting MinutesP���'��a SPECIAL MEETING'' March 27, 2003 Conference Room 3, 3rd Floor, Roger Poitras Annex 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Merritt, Mr. McCurdy, Mr. Lounds, Mr. Akins, Mr. Trias, Mr. Jones and Mr. Grande MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Hearn and Mr. Matthes OTHERS PRESENT: Ms. Carol Hinson, SLC School Board; Mr. David P. Kelly, Planning Manager; Mr. Hank Flores, Development Review Planner III; Ms. Heather Young, Asst. Co. Attorney; Ms. Carol Moler, Administrative Secretary. NOTE: Because of a scheduling conflict, this special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was held in Conference Room 3, 3`d Floor, Roger Poitras Annex P & Z Meeting March 27, 2003 Page 1 CALL TO ORDER : t 34 'd Ise APB , Chairman Merritt called to order the meeting of the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Jones announced that he had contact with the Wal-Mart engineers. Chairman Merritt gave a brief presentation on the procedures and what to expect for tonight's meeting. The Planning and Zoning Commission is an agency that makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on land use matters. These recommendations are made after consideration of staff recommendation and information gathered at a public hearing, such as those we will hold tonight. The meeting will progress in the following manner: • The Chair will call each item. • Staff will make a brief presentation on the facts of the request. • The petitioner will explain his or her request to the Board. • Members of the public will be allowed to present information regarding the request. • The public portion of the meeting will be closed and the Board will discuss the request. Further public comment will not be accepted unless the Board has specific questions. • The Board will vote on its recommendation after its discussion. For legal reasons, the motion may be chosen and read from a script provided by staff. Motions both for and against are provided to the Board members. • The recommendation is then forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration and vote, usually within the next month. Once again the Planning and Zoning Commission acts only in an advisory capacity for the Board of County Commissioners. If you are not happy with the outcome of this hearing you will have the opportunity to speak at the public hearing in front of the Board of County Commissioners. P & Z Meeting March 27, 2003 Page 2 44 r• P -_ � F a 4 No other announcements or comments. AGENDA ITEM 1: RANJAMA PATEL — CIRCLE C LIQUORS — CU-03-002: Chairman Merritt read the title of the request by stating that this is the petition of Ranjama Patel, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a retail liquor store for the offsite consumption of distilled and undistilled alcohol within the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. Mr. David Kelly stated that this Board may recall that staff made a brief presentation on this item last week and the applicant was not present and this Board continued the item to tonight's meeting. Briefly, Mr. Patel has made a petition to operate a liquor store within the Prima Vista Crossings Shopping Center which is the new center at Prima Vista Boulevard and U. S. Highway No. 1. The intent is for the retail sales of liquor for offsite consumption. The facility will be located next to Publix. That use is allowed as a Conditional Use in the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. Staff finds that it meets all standards of review and recommends its approval. Mr. Patel is here this evening. Mr. Merritt asked Mr. Patel if he had any comments for the Board. Mr. Patel stated he had none. Chairman Merritt opened the public hearing at this time. As no one addressed the Board, Mr. Merritt closed the public hearing. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Kelly to clarify that the use was not for the entire shopping center but only for one bay within the shopping center. Mr. Kelly stated that was correct. The zoning map shows the entire legal description for the shopping center. We showed the specific location last week. The resolution for this Conditional Use Permit will be tied to the specific location and not the entire shopping center. Mr. Akins asked if this was a relocation or a new business. Mr. Kelly replied that this business was being moved from the west side of U. S. 1. Mr. Lounds made the following motion. After considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including staff comments, and the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approval to the application of Ranjama Patel, for a conditional use permit to allow the operation of a liquor store for Unit 121-C of the Prima Vista Crossing Shopping Center in the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District, because it is a good idea. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jones. P & Z Meeting March 27, 2003 Page 3 - - A t Upon the roll call, the motion was approved unanimously (with a vote of 7-0). AGENDA ITEM 2: ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS — FILE NO. RZ-03-008: Mr. Hank Flores stated that Agenda Item 2 is the petition of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners for a change in zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential — 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the IL (Industrial Light) Zoning District. The subject property is located on the northwest side of Glades Cut -Off Road at the southeast corner of the intersection of Interstate 95 and the Florida Turnpike. St. Lucie County has requested this change in zoning in order to allow the property to be developed with light industrial uses. Staff has reviewed the petition and determined that it conforms to the standards of review as set forth in the Land Development Code and that it is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is therefore recommending that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. Chairman Merritt asked if there was someone at the hearing from the County to make a presentation. Mr. Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director, stated that the crosshatched area is the property currently owned by Flagler Development Corporation. It carries a land use classification of Mixed -Use and is being developed as part of an industrial park. To which there is one primary tenant. The property owners are present and for the record the property owners acknowledged that the County has initiated a rezoning application on this property. Mr. Murphy stated that there is a portion of the property, up by 10-Mile Creek that is not being rezoned. It is not subject to this petition, that area is subject to slightly different land use classification and different use intensities allowed and therefore staff is not proposing to do any change in zoning in that particular area. At this point in time, I will be happy to answer any questions regarding the particular petition before you. Mr. Merritt asked the Board if there were any questions for Mr. Murphy. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Murphy if the land being considered if the Board is being requested to change the land use for the crosshatched area on the map. Mr. Murphy confirmed that the requested change was for the cross hatched area as indicated and not for the area near 10 mile creek. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Murphy if the thought is that this area is actually a buffer area for 10-Mile Creek. Mr. Murphy noted that was correct. In addition, this area has some other environmental and wildlife issues in this area. That will basically lock this area into some sort of conservation/preservation area for the future, however, at the moment it remains in title to the parent property owner, Flagler Land Development, the exact disposition of the property will be determined at a later date. Mr. Grande asked staff if based upon the proposed use of the land and the parties involved, the size of the parcel, is there a reason why the County has chosen IL (Industrial Light) as opposed to PNRD (Planned Non -Residential District). Mr. Murphy stated that the IL (Industrial Light) application would accommodate the proposed uses, it would be consistent with the Comprehensive Policy Plan regarding development adjacent / near the natural water bodies at 10-Mile Creek. We have not pursued PNRD because it did not seem to be an appropriate P & Z Meeting March 27, 2003 Page 4 11 1 F--M 4 �f^1i ti' al '`t 5.x RX application in this area, and the designation and prior Board actions in the past applications of standard types zoning within the Mixed Use areas. This area is identified under the Mixed Use Activity Area as being an industrial use and the requested use is consistent with that particular designation. Mr. Ramon Trias asked Mr. Murphy to explain why the County is the applicant given the fact that this land is privately owned. Mr. Murphy stated that there are times when the County in corporation with a development prospects initiate petitions on behalf of economic development activities. In this particular case it was determined that it would be an appropriate initiation by the County to pursue this in our name, to bring in and reclassify this property from AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential — 1 du/acre) to IL (Industrial, Light). Mr. Trias asked if there had been a site plan submitted or some specific development proposal for the property. Mr. Murphy indicated that a site plan has been submitted and the county is in the process of reviewing a proposed development plat for this area. The county has received a development plan for a distribution center to be located in the northwest corner of the property as I am indicating on the monitor, roughly adjacent to I-95 / Turnpike for a project that has been in the media, the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. Mr. Trias asked if there is anything else occurring on the site at this time. Mr. Murphy stated that at the moment the distribution center is the only plan that the County has had filed. We have heard of some interest for some of the other properties. But to date, nothing has been brought forward. If you would like to see the plat information, I can pull it up. It is strictly in the preliminary stages at this time, the petition before you tonight is strictly based on a zoning question and the land use determination, is this strictly requested change consistent or inconsistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. McCurdy asked Mr. Murphy how much of the site is proposed to be taken by the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. Mr. Murphy asked Mr. McCurdy to clarify if he was asking of the total Flagler holdings or just the area under rezoning. Mr. McCurdy stated he was asking of the area of the rezoning petition. Mr. Murphy indicated that the distribution center would take up approximately 60%. Mr. McCurdy asked if the center would use 60% of the 90 acres. Mr. Murphy stated that the Wal-Mart was the purple area on the monitor that he was indicating. It is essentially everything in the purple area except the triangular piece. The ringed area is the environmentally restricted area that is tied into other regulatory agency reviews. Mr. McCurdy then asked if the remainder of the site being proposed for an industrial park. Mr. Murphy stated that it is proposed for industrial uses, the County has not had any specific development plans come in for this area being indicated on the monitor, east of Jenkins Road Extension or this area here south of the Wal-Mart site adjoining Glades Cut -Off Road. This area will be subject to further site plan and development review should and when any application comes in. Mr. McCurdy asked where the access to the site occurs. P & Z Meeting March 27, 2003 Page 5 Mr. Murphy indicated the right-of-way for Jenkins Road. Which will be dedicated to the County. The county is currently completing some design work incorporation with the property owners to provide for the construction of a roadway within this area as well as some other roadway improvements associated with the Economic Development Works with the Wal-Mart property. Mr. McCurdy asked if the roadway would be a public road. Mr. Murphy stated that it would be a public road. Mr. McCurdy asked if this proposed roadway would connect to Jenkins Road proper. Mr. Murphy stated that in the long-term it is the County's intent to connect to the existing sections of Jenkins Road north of the Creek. At this point in time, the County is not going past the area being indicated on the monitor for construction of the roadway principally due to financial reasons. As we move further to the north connecting to the following alignment (indicated on the monitor) we have issues at a bridge that will have substantial cost, it is the long-term intention of the County to pursue a bridge crossing through there. We are not at this point in time pursuing such a crossing; we will eventually make the connection in the future. For the record, that connection would be consistent with the Long-term Transportation Plan of the Comprehensive Plan and the MPO Long -Range Plan. Mr. Lounds asked Mr. Murphy to identify the property located on Glades Cut -Off Road, east of Jenkins Road.' Mr. Murphy indicated the location of Southern Eagle and the PVC Pipe location. Mr. Lounds asked if the land between the pipe facility coming towards Jenkins is still held in private ownership. Mr. Murphy stated yes it is privately held. Chairman Merritt opened the public hearing on this item. Mr. Bobby Klein, Dean, Mead, Minton and Klein, representing the landowners, Flagler Development Company, which consents to the County processing this petition. The landowners felt that with everything the county is doing it was easier for the County to process the application. Chairman Merritt closed the public hearing. Mr. McCurdy made the following motion: After considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including staff comments, and the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.06.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grant approve the application of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners, for a change in zoning from AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District because the location is right next to the landfill, existing industrial uses with the exception to the northern end of the property, no one would really want to build there, it is a good use for the property plus it gives good exposure to commercial tenants from both I-95 and the Turnpike. P & Z Meeting March 27, 2003 Page 6 Mr. Akins seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed unanimously (7-0 vote). OTHER BUSINESS/DISCUSSION No business was discussed. The public hearing was adjourned. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Approved by: Carol Moler, Secretary Ed Merritt, Chairman P & Z Meeting March 27,2003 Page 7