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Minutes of Meeting
April 29, 2010
Convened: Adjourned:
3:35 p.m.4:10 p.m.
Commissioner Craft called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. in Conference Room # 3, 2300
Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken.
Members Present:
Commissioner Chris Craft
Kathy Degroat for Thomas Mark, Department of Corrections
John Romano, New Horizons
Tom Genung for Chief Judge Steve Levin, 19 Circuit
Major Pat Tighe, Jail & for Sheriff Mascara, SLC SO
Dennis Schmidt, Bail Association
Judge Philip J. Yacucci, 19 Circuit
Members Absent:
Ken Mascara, Sheriff of SLC
Pat Tighe, Major
Bruce Colton, State Attorney
Suzanne Caudell, CORE Program
Diamond Litty, Public Defender
Chief Judge Steve Levin, 19 Circuit
Others Present:
Mark Godwin, SLC Criminal Justice Coordinator
Theresa Bailey, SAMH//DCF
Ethel Rowland, Taxpayer
Broderick Underwood, SLC Analyst
Trevor Morganti, SLC SO
The minutes from March 25, 2010 were unanimously approved.
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April 29, 2010
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UPDATE by SLC Sherriff’s Office- Major Tighe on behalf of Sheriff Mascara:
Major Tighe reported a revision to Florida Statue 775.082 sub section 10 regarding sentencing.
He stated that this change will adversely affect the population of the SLC Jail. Judge Yacucci
explained that it allows a certain percentage of those 3 degree convicted felons who get
sentenced to 1 year and 1 day to stay in the County Jail. In the past one year and a day would
be past the jurisdiction for the County Jail. Normally those cases would go to the Department of
Corrections (DOC). We will now be responsible for a percentage that we otherwise never would
have been in the past. This will affect a Circuit Judge rather than a County Judge. The Judges use
a Point System based on the defendant’s criminal history. Major Tighe explained if an individual
scores 22 points or less they will stay in County Jail. This is an unfunded mandate. Tom Genung
stated that this change will not take effect until the first of July or October. Commissioner Craft
asked if the group could take a look at the numbers from the individuals last year that would
have been affected by this and get a “snap shot” of what the increase could potentially be in the
Mark Godwin informed Commissioner Craft that staff was thinking of ideas in an effort to
provide Judges with tools other than the SLC Jail/Detention center. Some of the programs in the
past that were utilized were, Work Release Program and Weekend Work Program. Currently
technology via GPS is available for certain individuals that the State Attorney and Judges see fit
for the Program.
UPDATE by Criminal Justice Coordinator- Mark Godwin:
All programs are working well. The Drug Lab now has a Board approved photo ID and case
management system. No tax dollars were used for this purchase; it was defendant fees that
contributed to the full cost of the system. The Lab will be able to generate an official ID, thereby
streamlining the drug screening process by verifying identity and printing labels with barcodes to
match the bar coded ID. The software will allow the Lab to automate the distribution of
screening results, and mass storage of information through a secure web portal.
Mr. Godwin reported that there was a reduction in population with our Juvenile Detention
Center. The County does pay for the utilization days and we will see the results in a year and a
half based on the formula DJJ uses. The County budgets $2.6 million a year for the program.
Mark mentioned that the Pretrial bill did not pass thanks to the Boards resolution to oppose it.
The group was informed that our contract with Human Services Association (who operates the
Juvenile Assessment Center) was terminated. The termination was due to funding issues. Mr.
Godwin stated for the record that the Department of Juvenile Justice stepped up to the plate to
help out offering a cost reduction of $10,000 a month. The new plan will be brought before the
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April 29, 2010
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Board in the next few weeks and will report the outcome at a later date.
Commissioner Craft asked Mark to invite our delegation to our Public Safety meeting next
He would like for our group to give a presentation to them of all the Bills that were either
proposed or passed and how it has affected the jail population and County budget.
Commissioner Craft would like to do our best to educate them because it is important.
JUDICIAL UPDATE – Tom Genung on behalf of Chief Judge Levin
Mr. Genung reported that the Legislate identified $9 million from the State Clerks Trust Fund to
help with the back log of housing foreclosure and economic cases throughout the State. In the
Legislates final discussion that amount was reduced to $6 million. Saint Lucie County was
originally slated for $350,000 and we will get 60% of that. Mr. Genung stated that this would be
enough money to get through these cases. Commissioner Craft asked how the funds will be used.
Tom explained that the funds will provide 200 to 300 days of Senior Judge Time along with case
managers and support staff. This money was specifically brought in from the business community
throughout the State to address the back log of foreclosures. This is why funds will not be shifted
to handle any other type of case. Courtroom space and security issues have been identified and
will be addressed.
Mark reported feedback in regards to the County Wide Joint Meeting idea on the regional level
that Commissioner Craft requested at the last Public Safety meeting. The feedback was positive
from Law Enforcement and now Mr. Godwin will reach out to the Commissioners.
Mr. Romano happily announced the doors of the new Children Crisis Stabilization Unit opening on
or about the first week in September. Previously New Horizons would screen them and send
them wherever a child bed was available. There are 300 plus kids a year that are screened and
now can stay local instead of sent away to West Palm Beach, Orlando, or even Melbourne.
This could possibly reduce the Detention Center population by cases alternatively receiving
treatment through the Crisis Center.
Mr. Romano encouraged the group to inform our Legislative Delegation as well as others in
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April 29, 2010
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leadership positions in the House and Senate of Bills that could have been beneficial to Mental
Health and all the agencies around the table, but did not pass. He briefly discussed two
examples, the 80/20 Bill and a Cigarette Surcharge Tax. Commissioner Craft agreed that we
need to be very pro-active, get our voices heard and become a strong Lobby ourselves.
A citizen spoke about statistics and passed around a handout related to the illicit drug use
among our population and how it affects our County. See attached.
Commissioner Craft adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.
Submitted by,
Carlene Filippini