HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-15-2010 TCERDA Treasure Coast Education, Research and Development Authority TCERDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting April 15, 2010 Convened: 2:10 p.m. Adjourned: 4:26 p.m. The meeting of the Treasure Coast Education, Research and Development Authority (TCERDA) was held Thursday, April 15, 2010, in Room 100B, University of Florida Indian River Research and Education Center, 2199 South Rock Road, Fort Pierce, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Kathleen A. McGinn, Chair Jose Farinos, Vice Chair Hoyt C. “Pat” Murphy, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer Mike Adams Jane Bachelor Dr. Joseph C. Joyce (via polycom) Stefan Matthes, P.E. Travis Murphy Tom Perona Dr. Peter Stoffella MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Doug Coward, BOCC Liaison (scheduling conflict) ALSO PRESENT: Ben DeVries, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Research Park Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney Robert I. “Rim” MacLaren, II, General Counsel Jackie Bylsma, Assistant Vice President, Economic Development Council of St. Lucie County Adnan Alghita, Alghita Investment Dev.; Treasure Coast Research Corridor Association Faye W. Outlaw, MPA, County Administrator (joined mtg. @ 2:40 pm, left 3:55 pm) A. CALL TO ORDER Dr. Kathleen McGinn called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. B. WELCOME MEMBERS AND GUESTS Dr. McGinn welcomed the members and other attendees. She introduced Mike Melton of MCM Timing and Results, LLC., and provided everyone with a brief background of his experience of both running in and coordinating races. Mr. Melton will handle the timing of the FPL XE3 5K Race/Walk. Both Mr. DeVries and Mr. Perona plan to participate in the run. - 1 - C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Dr. McGinn requested a motion for approval of the March 18, 2010 TCERDA Board minutes. A motion th was made by Mr. Mike Adams and seconded by Ms. Jane Bachelor for approval of the March 18 minutes. The motion and second carried unanimously by voice vote. D. TREASURER’S REPORT Mr. Pat Murphy provided the Board with the April Treasurer’s Report. He stated the deposit of $15,000 referenced in last month’s report is USDA’s 1/3 share toward the cost of the Research Park’s monument sign. The Board appreciates their contribution. A motion was made by Dr. Stoffella and seconded by Mr. Perona for approval of the Treasurer’s Report. The motion and second carried unanimously by voice vote. E. LEGAL UPDATE Mr. Rim MacLaren provided the Board with an update, including the following items for discussion among the Board members: ? Status of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Fort Pierce, Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA), St. Lucie County and TCERDA for Utilities at the Park – A joint meeting between the City of Fort th Pierce and the County was held March 30 to hammer out the details. Mr. MacLaren received a nd draft agreement on April 2 from Mr. Dan McIntyre, County Attorney. The City wants a sunset of 50 years on all properties if the parcels are not developed. The County is proposing the annexation be based on parcel by parcel upon issuance of C.O., which was agreed to in the latest agreement to and from the City. The City suggested a Charrette for surrounding properties. The County agreed to a planning process and stated they already planned to do a Neighborhood Charrette. The County is waiting to hear from both the City and FPUA on the latest draft agreement. The agreement has not been approved by the BOCC or TCERDA at this point in time. Dr. Stoffella asked what the next step would be and if another joint meeting was necessary. Mr. MacLaren stated no additional joint meetings have been scheduled. Mr. Perona informed the members he spoke with Mr. Schwerer, City Attorney, about the agreement. Mr. Schwerer informed him that there are a few minor stipulations; no major setback. Mr. Perona estimates a 30-day turnaround time to and back from the County Commissioners. Ms. Young stated the County would get it on the next available agenda for approval. All three entities, County, City and FPUA, must agree. The final execution is estimated within 30 days of each entity agreeing on the Interlocal Agreement. Property outside the urban service boundary will not be in this agreement. ? UF/IFAS/School Board Lease – The deadline has to be in advance of the target date, June 17, 2010. The due diligence should be completed on or before the lease swap transaction of the 60-acre site. The University of Florida is also working on due diligence. The sublease will not include the UF/USDA property. F. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Mr. DeVries gave the Board an update on the following items for discussion among the Board members: ? Monument Sign – Four estimates were received and the contractor has been selected. We are waiting for structural drawings. UF/IFAS and USDA will partner with TCERDA for 1/3 share of the cost each. ? Soil / Clean Fill – We expect approximately 100 more truckloads of soil. After all the soil is delivered, a silt fence will be place around the soil. ? Presentations/Guest Speaking Engagements – Mr. DeVries provided a brief update on presentations/guest speaking engagements for the following events: IRREC faculty presentation, - 2 - Treasure Coast Builders Association, Treasure Coast Research Corridor Association, Economic Development Leadership Day (Ms. Bachelor thanked Mr. DeVries for guest hosting a class of 40 people), FPL XE3 Organizing Committee, USDA staff, Florida Parks Network, AURP BioParks 2010 (Chicago), ‘Innovation Showcase’ (Gainesville), and Gold Coast Venture Capital (Broward County). ? XE3 Event – see Attachment A for details. ? Site Plan – PowerPoint slides of the site plan/land plan, included in the agenda packet, were discussed. ? Timeline – a meeting was held with Ms. Faye Outlaw, Mr. Mark Satterlee, Mr. Don West, and Mr. DeVries. The Interlocal Agreement should be done by May 15-30. Mr. DeVries said he would like to have the two contracts, Kimley-Horn and FPUA done the same time. The FPUA contract is in the can, ready to go. The City of Fort Pierce donated the design (single price contract for us). We need to finalize where the utilities will go. Defining the scope is in process for the Kimley-Horn contract. The first draft came in at one million dollars, the second draft was reduced to $600,000, and is still in review for reductions in cost. Mr. DeVries explained the site plan to the Board members. The first priority is to plat roadways, right-of-ways, utilities, easements, etc. This phase should take 45-60 days and could be done by st August 1. The second priority is the $220,000 for trees around the perimeter on the park property, which is budgeted in the County Capital Budget. Kimley-Horn is planning where they will go, and will use drought-tolerant, low-irrigation trees where possible. Kimley-Horn consists of Aecom, Miller Legg, etc. Mr. DeVries discussed the executive summary in the Board’s packet. The consultants were told the park wants to be LEED qualified if not LEED certified. The third priority is quality standards for the site; i.e., how much parking, how many trees, etc. The fourth priority is the Planned Non-Residential Development (PNRD). Quad ‘B’ looks like the best quad to start with. Four concept plans (A,B,C,D) can be put on any quad or portion of the plan. The core campus mosaic was explained to the members. Quad ‘C’ would be a half quadrant (UF owns the land there). Mr. DeVries would like to Board members to pick one plan today to start with for the 8-acre piece, for smaller buildings. Dr. McGinn stated the Executive Committee met prior to the BOD meeting and after much discussion, they selected the corporate model to propose to the TCERDA BOD for purpose of discussion, not the final but a place to start and requested a motion. It was moved by Mr. Pat Murphy and seconded by Mr. Jose Farinos for discussion. Using the mosaic plan, Mr. Farinos explained how the Executive Committee arrived at the corporate concept. He stated the upper left design looks like the design of Thomas Jefferson University in Virginia and could be reserved for later development of a university design. The upper right design of the mosaic offers a corporate design and creates an urban center at the cross of two main roads. It could be tweaked to accommodate smaller buildings on the corner. If you bring the top right concept down to the lower quadrant below it, it will define the 8-acre piece using this as a guideline. There is flexibility to use all or part of the concepts for the remaining quads. Discussion ensued among the members on 1C, the corporate design. Mr. Farinos motioned for Quad 1C – corporate concept as the focus on the eight acres of the south quadrant on Pruitt Research Center Road. Mr. Perona stated they should put their best foot forward, a new-age design to set the theme of the park. Mr. Travis Murphy stated the park needs to be properly landscaped. Mr. Farinos agreed there should be trees and winding pedestrian/bike paths, lakes, etc., to give the right image. Dr. McGinn asked the Board members if they were comfortable to move forward with the - 3 - motion to slide down the top right mosaic plan to the lower right quad. The motion carried unanimously by voice vote. The fifth priority is the roadway plan. Improve Pruitt Research Center Road – walkways, trees, upgrade turn lane o Exploration – left side of 1C going half way to Graham (1/8 mile) to give access to lower right o quad – 8 acre building site. Graham Road Extension - Rock Road to USDA – vet or pharmacy school o Kings Highway and Pruitt Research Center Road Improvements – turn lane o Discussion ensued among the Board members. Mr. DeVries informed the Board the consultant is designing the roads, not building them. The sixth priority is the Conceptual SFWMD Environmental Resource Permit. This phase should take approximately 9-12 months to complete. Mr. West is helping with the negotiations. A meeting was held with Mr. Satterlee, Mr. West, and the Kimley-Horn Consultant, Brian Good, to finalize. Mr. DeVries stated the contract is now at $438,500 and suggested the Board authorize a not-to-exceed amount of $450,000 for the contract with Kimley-Horn. Anything over that amount would be taken out of the contract or brought back to the BOD. Mr. DeVries requested the BOD direct him to negotiate with Kimley-Horn. A motion was made by Mr. Travis Murphy and seconded by Mr. Jose Farinos to authorize Mr. DeVries to negotiate with Kimley-Horn for an amount not-to-exceed $450,000. Anything over that amount would be taken out of the contract or brought back to the BOD. The motion and second carried unanimously by voice vote. G. CHAIR’S REPORT stnd Dr. McGinn suggested the Board members put the XE3 event on their calendar for May 21 and 22 and make every effort to serve as host/hostess. She further proposed not to have the monthly TCERDA BOD meeting in May to provide staff the opportunity to focus on the XE3 event. H. COMMITTEE REPORTS The XE3 Organizing Committee report was covered under the Executive Director’s Report (see attachment ‘A’). I. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business at this time. J. ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements at this time. K. ADJOURNMENT Upon no further announcements or discussion, Dr. McGinn requested the meeting be adjourned. It was moved by Mr. Farinos and seconded by Dr. Stoffella to adjourn the meeting at 4:26 p.m. The motion and second carried unanimously by voice vote and Dr. McGinn adjourned the meeting. Minutes submitted by: Anne Bowers The next TCERDA Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. - 4 - Treasure Coast Education, Research and Development Authority TCERDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting April 15, 2010 ATTACHMENT A ? XE3 Event – This event will provide a wonderful experience for mentors and students. Approximately 50 volunteers are expected to attend the event. The idea of the XE3 2-day Event began through talks with Mike Lannon and Kathie Schmidt. The Organizing Committee is still looking for sponsors. Unexpected expenses occurred for detour signs/traffic control ($2,000). Mr. DeVries is working with Mr. Don West, County Public Works Director on the specifics. Currently, there is $5,000 in the School Foundation / XE3 Account. TCERDA has contributed $2,500 and FPL, lead sponsor, contributed $10,000. May 21, 2010 – Tech Tours / Reception – Approximately 320 students will be participating in the o tech tours. The tours are exciting for the students and show our support of the school system. There will be a People’s Choice Award and dignitaries are invited to attend. May 22, 2010 – 5K Race – Approximately 50-100 people are expected to participate. The race will o be great and promote good will in the community. Media and radio ads will pick up on the event. Dr. Calvin Arnold of UDSA formed an outreach program for the Green Expo, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce Green Committee, and has agreed to host the event on USDA property, located at Campbell and Picos Roads, behind their fence. A few of the participating vendors include IRSC (sponsor), UF/IFAS, USDA (providing exhibits), and Keiser University (also providing exhibits). Mr. DeVries requested everyone sign up to volunteer and bring a friend. Mr. Perona stated there will be a certified course for the 5K race. The race will cost $15 if runners preregister or a $20 registration fee the morning of the race. Ms. Stacy Givens is working with the schools on event t- shirts. FPL is also providing t-shirts, as well as banners, etc. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution (HBOI) has agreed to provide water and mascot costumes (volunteers are needed to wear the costumes). Mr. Travis Murphy asked what the alternative fuel guidelines are. Mr. DeVries explained the go kart frame was provided to the participating middle schools. The power supply must be behind the driver. No gas, alcohol, or jet fuel may be used. Solar cellular and compressed air are being used. A professional Nascar racer will be one of the judges. Mr. JP Gellerman and Ms. Kristen Nowicki are working on the site. A site plan was handed out to the members and the layout was discussed. The eight participating schools will run four heats each in the 200 meter go kart race. Safety is number one - - no concrete barriers or curbs for kids to run into, and restraining harnesses are required in each kart. Teachers and mentors will help Southport Middle School put their kart together (the teacher left and a new teacher took her place). Radio ads and newspaper articles will start running three weeks before the event. The TCERDA BOD members are encouraged to participate. - 5 -