HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOA 04282010 Approved MinutesBOA Minutes Page 1 of 3 April 28, 2010 1 St. Lucie County Board of Adjustment 2 St. Lucie County Administration Building Commission Chambers 3 April 28, 2010 4 9:30 a.m. 5 6 A compact
disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, can be obtained 7 from the Planning and Development Services Department along with these 8 Minutes. A fee is charged. In the event of
a conflict between the written 9 minutes and the compact disc, the compact disc shall control. 10 11 12 CALL TO ORDER 13 Chairman Mr. Ron Harris called the meeting to order at about
9:30 A.M. 14 15 ROLL CALL 16 Ron Harris ........................................ Chairman 17 Diane Andrews ................................. Vice Chair 18 Bob Bangert ................................
.... Board Member 19 Richard Pancoast ............................. Board Member 20 Buddy Emerson ................................ Board Member 21 22 MEMBERS ABSENT 23 None 24 25 OTHERS
PRESENT 26 Katherine Smith ................................ Assistant County Attorney 27? Linda Pendarvis ............................... Planner 28 Jeff Johnson ....................................
Senior Planner 29 Beverlee Deans ................................ Senior Staff Assistant 30 31 Agenda Item #1 – Minutes 32 33 Mrs. Andrews motioned approval of the minutes. 34 Chief
Emerson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 35 36 Agenda Item #2 – Stephen & Stephanie Neill BA 122006344 37 38 Linda Pendarvis, Planner, presented the item to correct the previous
recorded 39 Board of Adjustment Resolution number 07-001 for approval of the variance 40 request by Stephen & Stephanie Neill.
BOA Minutes Page 2 of 3 April 28, 2010 1 2 Mrs. Andrews stated a correction to her title on the new Resolution correcting 3 Resolution 07-001. 4 5 Mrs. Andrews made the motion: 6 I move
to approve Board of Adjustment Resolution number 10-004 as 7 corrected, which corrects the Board of Adjustment Resolution number 07-8 001 and authorize staff to make that change. 9 10
Mr. Pancoast seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 11 12 Agenda Item #3 – Florida Power and Light Company BA 320104046 13 14 Jeff Johnson, Senior Planner presented the petition.
15 Petition of Florida Power and Light Company for a variance from the 16 provisions of Section 7.04.01(A)(Table 7-10), of the St. Lucie County Land 17 Development Code to allow the
construction of a warehouse building to 18 exceed the maximum forty (40) foot height requirement by five and one19 half (5.5) feet in the Utilities (U) zoning district. 20 21 Mr. Johnson
stated the granting of the requested variance does not impair or 22 injure other property or improvements in the neighborhood, staff therefore 23 recommends approval of the variance
requested. 24 25 Mrs. Andrews asked how many buildings we have that exceed the height limit, 26 and what is the highest. 27 28 Chuck Millar, Land Planner for Florida Power and Light,
stated this will be the 29 109th structure on the site, and the tallest building is about 210 feet, which are the 30 two containment structures. He could not give a specific number of
which 31 structures exceed the 40 feet. 32 33 Mrs. Andrews requested a camera view from A1A. Mr. Millar provided a photo 34 view to the north from the south side of the intake structure,
and indicated where 35 the building would be located on the site; and stated it will not be visible from any 36 public roadway or any residential unit. 37 38 Chairman Harris opened the
public hearing. 39
BOA Minutes Page 3 of 3 April 28, 2010 1 Mr. Millar extended his thanks to staff, and stated he would answer any 2 questions of the Board. 3 4 Chairman Harris closed the public hearing.
5 6 Chief Emerson made the motion: 7 After considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, 8 including staff comments, and the standards of review as set forth in 9 Section
10.01.02 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I 10 hereby move that the Board of Adjustment approve the petition of Florida 11 Power & Light Company for a variance from the
provisions of Section 12 7.04.01(a)(Table 7-10), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code 13 to allow a maximum building height of just under 45.5 feet which is 5.5 feet 14 greater
than the 40 feet maximum building height allowed in the (U) 15 Utilities Zoning District, because of the unique nature of the nuclear power 16 plant. 17 18 Mr. Pancoast seconded, and
the motion passed unanimously. 19 20 Mrs. Andrews requested that anyone who has copies of the Florida Power and 21 Light site plan that no longer needs them destroy them because Homeland
22 Security would be unhappy to see these copies. 23 24 Katherine Smith, Assistant County Attorney, stated we would need to keep one 25 copy in our file because they are public documents.
26 27 Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at about 9:45 a.m.