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08-24-2010 Signed Agendas
~ W.r y ~ _ - ~ - AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-B-1 , : 'p ~ pate: August 24, 2010 - ~ ~ , Regular [ ] Public Hearing ~ ] Consent [X J TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: 5UBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney {-leather Young Assistant Gounty Attorney SUBJECT: Walton Road Annex -Fourth Amendment to December 1$, 2007 Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc. BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 10-1001 FUNDS AVAIL.{State type & Na. of transaction ar N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Fourth Amendment to the December 18, 2047 Facilities tine Agreement with Part St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: p~j APPROVED I ]DENIED L ~ OTHER: - pppraved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coorclir~dtioni5i~natures County Attorney: Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: bgnie! S. Mclt~fyre Originating Dept.: Other : Other Finance {Check for Capy only, if applicable): INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA T(~: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. No: 10-1001 DATE: August2, 2010 SUBJECT: Walton Road Annex -Fourth Amendment to December 18, 2007 Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc. BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of a proposed Fourth Amendment to the December 18, 2007 Facilities Use Agreement with Part St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc. The agreement permits the Society to use office space in'the Walton Road Annex to encourage the documentation, collection, arrangement, and recordation of historic materials, data, and places relative to the history of Port St. Lucie. The proposed amendment will extend the term of the agreement through and including October 31, 2D11. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Fourth Amendment to the December 18, 2007 Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. Respectfully submitted, Heather Young ' Assistant County Attorney Attachment HY/ Copies to: County Administrator „~~4 ~ ~ ~,c ~~ti ~ Ti , ~ ~ - - - AGENbA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI_g-2 r, r, bate: August 24, 201CD ~ ~ ~ ~ Regular ~ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTEb 8Y: SUBMITTED BY{DEPT): County Attorney Fleather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT:' U.S. Department of Homeland Security -Modification of Contract fnr Storage of Federal Emergency Management Agency Trailers BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 1p-p9b9 FUNDS AVAIL.{State type & Na. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Modification of Contract to close out the Contract for storage of Federal Emergency Management Agency Trailers, and authorize the Chairman to sign the document. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: aPPROVEb [ ]DENIED _ C ]OTHER: Approved a~0 Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Count Attorne : ~ M t. & Bud et:~ P r h si Y Y g 9 u c a ng. Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Goctin Originating Dept.: Other : Other Beth Ryder Debra Brissan Finance (Check for Capy only, if applicable): INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA T4: Board of Caunty Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney c.A. No: l0-099 DATE: August 2, 2010 SUBJECT: U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Modification of Contract for Storage of Federal Emergency Management Agency Trailers .BACKGROUND: On November 15, 2©©b, the County entered into an agreement With the General Services Administration ("GSA") on behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") far the use of fifty (50} acres at the fairgrounds far the storage of trailers. Friar to termination of the agreement on Apri! 3Q, 2Q1Q, all of the trailers Were removed and the site restored by FEMA. Attached to this memorandum is a Modification of Contract which indicates the total payment to the Caunty under the agreement in the amount of $1,941,577.72. GSA is requesting Board approval of the Modification to close out its file, Staff has verified the payment total is correct. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION Staff recommends the Baard of County Commissioners approve the proposed Modification of Contract to close out the Contract far storage of Federal Emergency. Management Agency Trailers, and authorize the Chairman to sign the document. Respectfully submitted, Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Attachment HYI Copies to: County Administrator Parks and Recreation Director Finance Director Management and Budget Director AGENDA R UFST ITEM NO. VT-B_3 _ DATE: August 24, Z41~ y M ~ REGULAR PUBLTC HEARING CONSENT {XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSSTONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEb BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McTntyre County Attorney SUB ECT: Ordinance No. 30-032 Library and Law Enforcement Impacfi fees -Permission to Advertise BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNQS AVAILABLE: PR VTOUS ACTION: i2~COMMENt?ATTON: Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise Ordinance Na. 10-~32. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: p~ APPROVEb [ ~ DENTED _ ~ OTHER: s Apprpved ~-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and A ravals L County Attorney f Management & Budget Purchasing: Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: {Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff' 5/35 1 rye w°- ~ INTER-OI"FICCr MEMORANDUM n,^.„n.,,,,:. ST. LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA • TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel 5. McTntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO.: 10-1040 DATE: August 10, 201Q SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 10-DMZ - 4ibrary and Law Enforcement Impact Fees - Permission to Advertise BACKGROUND: The Board has previously adopted impact flees for libraries through Ordinance No. 00-002 on May 9, 2000 and law enforcement through Ordinance Na. 04-005 nn April 6, 2004. Attached is a Technical Memorandum from Dr. Fames C. Nicholas titled "Methods Used #o Update Library and Law Enforcement impact Fees" dated April 5, 2010, which demonstrates a reasonable connection between the need for library and law enforcement improvements tv be funded by the County and impact fees col#ected for Libraries and law enforcemen# and the impacts on libraries and law enforcement generated by development in the incorporated municipalities (cities of Fvrt Pierce, Port St. Lucie and the Town of St. Lucie Village) and the unincorporated County, ACsv attached is draft Ordinance No. 10-032 which, if adopted, would implement the proposed increase in impact fees recommended by Dr. Nicholas. R COMM DAYTON/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 10- 032. i2espe tfully submitte , f Davie! S. Mclnty e County Attain D5M/caf Attachments. ~d " - - i - AGENDA RE VEST ITEM NO. VI--B-4 . ~ ~~~rr ~ ~ ©ate: August 24, 2410 Regular [ ] ~,.tx _m LL~~::~~.~.~~:~~ Public Hearing L ~ Consent [X ~ TO; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTEb BY: SUBMITTEp BY{DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution Na. 1q-23q -Approving Issuance of Revenue Bonds by Florida Development Finance Corporation for Renaissance Charter School, Inc. BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 10-1043 FUNDS AVAIIr.(State type & No. of transaction ar NIA}; N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of county commissioners adopt proposed Resolution No. x$10-23q, as drafted. GOMMISSION ACTION; CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ]OTHER: ' Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coardinatinn/Signatures Count Attorne ~ M t. & Bud et: Purchasin Y Y 9 9 9 (~aniel S. McIntyre Driginating Dept.: Other Other Finance {Check for Copy only, if applicable); t' i I i REVISE© INTER-OFFICE MENORAH©UM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 10-1043 DATE: August 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Resolution No. 10-230 -Approving Issuance of Revenue Bonds by Florida Development Finance Corporation for Renaissance Charter School, Inc. BACICGROUN© Attached to this memorandum is a copy of praposed Resolution Na. 10-230 which would approve the issuance of $21,000,000.00 of revenue bonds by the Florida Development Finance Corporation ("FDFC"} for the Renaissance Charter School, Inc. and Red Apple St. Lucie, LLC (collectively „the Company"). On November 27, 2007, the County entered into an interlocal agreemenfi with the Florida Development Finance Corporation to permit the FDFC to issue Enterprise Band Program Industrial Development Revenue Bonds to finance pro jects within the Caunfiy. The interlocal agreement remains in effect. The Company will use the proceeds of the bands to finance the casfi of refinancing the acquisition of 6.14 acres of land and construct a 100,500 square foot school building, as well as pay the costs and fund reserves associated with the bond issue. On July 7", 2010, the FDFC conducted a public hearing on the proposed bond. An extract of those minutes indicating no abjection from the pubic is attached #o the praposed resolution. The proposed bonds will not constitute an indebtedness or pledge of the general credit ar taxing power of the County. The County's bond counsel has reviewed the proposed resalwtian and found it to be acceptable as i-o legal form and correctness. RECOMM ENaATION/CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adapt praposed Resolution Na. 2:•810-230, as drafted. Respectfully submitted, ~ Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Attachment HY/ Copies to: County Administrator Management and Budget. Director AGENbA RR VE5T ITEM NO. VI..g-5 ~~,~,.g ~ ~ ~:,.L~,::,~, BATE: August 24, 2Ql0 ~ REGULAR • ~ r PUBLrC HEARING CONSENT ~xx~ TO; BOARp Oi= COUNTY COMMT55TONERS PRESENTEb BY. SUBMITTED BY(bEPT): County Attorney Katherine Mackenzie-Smith Assistant County Attorney SUi3 CT: Ordinance NQ. l0-433 - Eminent Domain Waivers - Permission to Advertise BACKGROUNb: See attached memorandum FUNbS AVAILABLE: PR VIOUS ACTTON: RECOMMEN ATION: Staff recommends that the Board grant permission #a advertise Ordinance No. l0-433. COAItM~SSION RCTIO[~1; CONCURRENCE? APPROVEb ~ ] bENIEb [ ]OTHER: ~"~-=~~J~ Approved 5-Q Faye W. C3utlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and_ApDro_vpt_s County Attorney: Manag¢ment ~ Budget Purchasing: Daniel 5. Mcintyre Origins#ing befit. Public Works pir: County Eng.: Einonce: (Check for copy only, if applicable} ~ff~ 596 3 3 = ~ _ _ ` INTER-OFFxCE MEMORANDUM ~ ST. (~.UCIE COUNTY, Fl.ORIOA T®: Board of County Commissioners i`ROM. Katherine Mackenzie-Smith, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO.: lq-1042 DATE: August 11, 2Qiq SUBJECT: Ordinance No. ~0-033 - Et~tinenfi Domain Waivers - Permission to Adverfiise BACKfiROVND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of draft Ordinance No, iq-q33 which, if adapted, would provide a waiver where eminent domain action renders a site non- conforming. R COM N ATTON/CO Ci.USION: Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise Ordinance Na. 10-03 3.. Respectfully submitted, l _ Katherine Mackenzie-smith Assistant County Attorney KMS/caf Attachment ' - A6ENDA REC.~U~ST ;CTi'EM NO. YT~B-6 ~i~~l ~ ~ Date: August 24, 2x14 r Regular [ ) Public blearing [ ] Consent [X ~ T :BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTEp BY: 5 EMITTED BY{DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney 5 B CT: SLCTV - Approval of Resolution Letter with U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, far I plementatian of Captioning, and Acceptance of Proposal from CaptionLink for Captioning Services B C GROUND: See C.A. No. 1(3-1(344 5 AVAI :(State type & No. of transaction ar NIA): Sufficient funds have been included in the pr posed budget for FY ZE310/2011 R COMM NDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed R alution Letter with U.S. bepartment of Justice, Civil Rights Division, for captioning of SLCTV pr graming, and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution Letter. Staff further recommends that the l3 rd of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with CaptionLink to provide MPEG Offline ca tuning services far three years, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement, subject to approval b the County Attorney as to legal form and correctness. C AAMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE; APPROVED [ ]DENIED { OTHER: M..~~ Approved 5~0 Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coordination/Si natures i C ,unty Attorney: Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Daniel ~~re Marie Gouin/Je tfer Hi Desiree Cimino Originating Dept.: Other : Other Shane DeWitt f=inance {Check far Copy only, if applicable): I INTER-OI`IrICE MEMORANdUM ST. LUCTE COUNTY. FLORIDA TD: Boord of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. N©: 10-1044 DATE: August 1$, 2010 SUBJECT: SLCTV -Approval of Resolution Letter with U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, for Implementation of Captioning, and Acceptance of Proposal from CaptianLink for Captioning Services BACKGROUNb~. A local resident has filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, alleging the County is in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 199D ('ADA") due to the lack of captioning for SLCTV broadcasts {"ADA Complaint DJ 204-18-19D"). The County has cooperated with the Justice Department in its investigation of this complaint in an effort to resolve the matter. Attached to this memorandum is a copy of a proposed Resolution Letter pursuant to which the County would agree #a caption all programming an SLCTV and provide entice of this service on the County website. The Media Relations Division has obtained three quotations for captioning services from a list of vendors provided by WFSU-TV of Tallahassee. Copies of the quotations are attached. The lowest quotation was submitted by Captionl.ink which wilt provide MPIWG Offiine captioning services for a cast of $24,996.00 per year for a period of three years (Option 2). In addition, it will be necessary for the County to purchase equipment to initiate the service. The estimated cast of this equipment is $5,DOD.OD. Sufficient funds have been included in the proposed budget for fiscal year 2014/2011 for these expenditures. If approved, captioning will begin on or before November 1, 2D10. R COMMENDATION/CONC USTON: ' Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Resolution Letter with U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, far captioning of SLCTV programing, and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution Letter. Staff further recommends that the Board of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with CaptianLink to provide MPEG Offline captioning services far three years, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement, subject to approval by the County Attorney as to legal farm and correctness. 1 i w~~`_~ - AGENDA RE UEST ITEM NO. VI-B-7 r 1, - , : - ~ Date : August 24, 2t?10 ~ _ ~ ~ p ~ Regular r ~ us . Pubiic Hearing [ ~ Consent [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY; SUBMITTED 8Y(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant Caunty Attorney SUBJECT; Transit Shelter Program - In~riocal Agreement with City of Fart Pierce BACKGROUNb: See G.A. Na. 1D-1056 FUNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A); N/A RECOMMENDATION; Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the nterlocai agreement with City of Fart Pierce, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ]DENIED OThiER~ Approved 5W~ Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A.. Caunty Administrator Coordination/Si natures J County Attorney: ~ Mgt. & Budget; Purchasing: banief S. McTntyre Originating Dept.:~~i~~ Grawth Mgmt; Other Beth Ry er Finance {Check for Copy only, if applicabie): INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO. Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 10-1056 DATE; August 12, 2010 SUB,TECT; Transit Shelter Program - Interlocal Agreement with City of Fort Pierce BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of a proposed interlocal agreement with the City of Fart Pierce for the installation of four transit shelters on City rights-of-way. The shelters wilk be part of the Transit Shelter Program which is one hundred percent (100%) funded with a grant from the Federal Transit Administration, RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed interlocal agreement with the City of Fart Pierce, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. Respectfully submitted, s Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Attachments HY/ Copies to; County Administrator Housing and Community Services Director Transit Manager 1 ~j ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM ND. VI-B-8 ~ , ~ DATE: August 24, 2Q l 0 ® REGULAR [ ] a n PUBLIC HEARING Leg. ~ ]Quasi-JD [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney PRESENTED $Y: JaAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Donation of Right-of Way -Swain Road Portofino Landings Community Development Dzstrict Portofino Landings Special Warranty Deed Resalutian Na, l a-232 BACKGROUND: See attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Staff recammends that the Board accept the Special Warranty Deed authorize the Chairman to sign Resalutian No. 10-232 and direct staff to retard the docunnexats in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED [ ]DENTED [ ]OTHER _ Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals x Coun Attorne; ~ x Road and Grid e. x Public Warks: ' 17 tY y [ g L7 Daniel McIntyre Dnn Pauley Don We _ [x] ©riginating Dept: .fn~~- [xi Engineering: ~ [x] County Surveyor .IoAnn Riley Michael Powley Ron I-Iarris ~ ~ S ..u PROP~R`TYA~QLTISITION DI''~ISION © .R~1V~.OR~NDUIVS TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: JaAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: August 24, 2010 SUl3JECT: Donation of Right-of-Way -Swain Road Portofino Landings Community Development District Portofino Landings Special Warranty Deed Resolution No. 10-232 BACKGROUND: Portofino Landings received site plan approved from the City of Ft. Pierce. As part of their site plan approval they were to donate to St. Lucie County an extension of Swain Road through their project far future connectivity from Swain Road to McNeil Road. Attached is a copy of the Special Warranty Deed for Swain Raad right-af-way along with Resolution. No. 10-232. fort your review and accepfiance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Special Warranty Deed, authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-232 and direct staff to record the documents in the Pubiic Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Respectfully submitted, J.~iAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager ITEM NO. VIyC1 a..- + ~ i , - DATE:. $124110 -.F: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) M~~~~~ PUBLIC HEARING f ) LEG. ( } QUASI~JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E. SUBMITTED BY: Put~lic Works/Engineering Division County Engineer SUBJECT: Acceptance of Walton Raad Widening Project (US 1 to Village Green Drive) BACKGROUND: See attached memarandtam. FUNDS AVAILABLE: County Capital -Transportation Bnnd 315-4113-563000-464 PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of the Walton Road Widening project (US 1 to Village Green Drive). GOMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~C} APPROVED ( } DENIED ( } OTHER ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator CoordinationlSic~natures County Attorney (x) ~ OMB Director { x ) ' Budget Analyst ?aniel McIntyre , _ ie Gouin Originating Dept. { x } ~ County Engineer { x) ' ~ Do Id West Michael Fawley Road & Bridge { x ) Manager Donald Pauiey Walton Rd. acceptance U51-VG ©r.ag ~ ~ Engineering Division M~MO~ANOUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Direc#ar~ FROM: Michas! Pawiey, County Engineer DATE: August 24, 2410 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Walton Raad Widening Project (US 1 to Village Green Drive} ITEM NO. VI-C1 Background: The County agreed to improve the portion of Waltan Raad in front of the Port St. Lucie Civic Center. The project was awarded to Felix Associates, LLC, and included the County Local Stimulus provisions. The Waltan Road Widening Project is complete. This project was completed within budget. At the conclusion of construction, approximately hal# of our construction contingency remained unspent. Staff has monitored the construction throughout and find it to be in conformance to the plans and speci#ications. Attached is correspondence from Culpepper &Terpening, lnc,, our construction management firm, certifying the same to St. Lucie County (Attachment A}. Precious Action: August 11, 2009 -Awarded bid to Felix Associates in the amount of $4,222,347.65 for construction of the Walton Road Widening project (US 1 to Village Green Drive), awarded Construction Management Services to Culpepper &Terpening, Inc. in the amount of $442,400, and awarded construction materials testing to Dunkelberger Engineering and Testing, loc. in the amount of $102,550. November 3, 2009 -Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $63,429.75. December 8,' 2009 -Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $160,448.70. December 16, 2009 - Ghange Order Na. 3 far a time extension executed ~y the County Administrator. March 2010 -Change Order No. 4 in the amount of {$5.54} and a time extension executed by the County Administrator. Recommendation: Board acceptance of the Walton Road Widening project (US 1 to Village Green Drive). ITEM NO. VIwC2 t , , ~ ` ~ - DATE. 8124!2010 ~ a ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { ) PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Donald B. West SUBMITTED BY: Public Works -Administration Public Works Di ect r SUBJECT: St. James Sidewalk -Phase 1 BACKGROUN©: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 318103-4113-563000-43106 -infrastructure (pending BOCC appraval) PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board appraval of Budget Resolution No. 10-231 establishing the fund for the Florida ?epartment of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement for the St. James Sidewalk Phase 1 praject in the amount of $201,000 and a local match of $120,00{} as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5.0 County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures County Attorney (X) OMB Director (X ) J Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre Mari Quin Originating Dept. (X) ERD ( ) Don Id B. West Karen Srrtith Public Works Adminls~ration - - J ~ i ~ ~ a ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Baard of County Commissioners FROM: Donald B. West, Public Works Director ©ATE: August 24, 2010 SUB,lECT: 5t. James Sidewalk -Phase 1 ITEM NO, Vl-C2 Background: The attached Budget Resolution No. 10-231 establishes the fund for this federally funded project with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for St. James Sidewalk -Phase 1. The County has received construction funding in the amount of $2g1,gqq through a Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement. There is a local match of $12q,ggq for a fatal project cost estimated at $321,ggq. The praject consists of an eight foot wide multi-use path that will tie into the existing sidewalk just earth of Rivers Edge Elementary and extend, approximately 1.3 miles, to the entrance at the Ox- bow Eco Center. The praject will include one designated pedestrian crossing at St. James Drive and Blanton Boulevard intersection and will allow Rivers Edge Elementary, Southern Oaks Middle School, and the local neighborhoods safe pedestrian access to the Ox-bow Eco Center. Previous Action: May 4, 2g1q -Baard approval of LAP Agreement Na. 422171-1-58-q1 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) in the amount of $201,ggq for St. James Drive Sidewalk Phase 1. Recomrr~endation: Baard approval of Budget Resolution No. 1 q-231 establishing the' fund for the Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement far the St. James Sidewalk Phase 1 project in the amount of $2g1,g00 and a Iocal match of $12q,ggq as outlined in this agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by Caunty Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-C3 T ~ DATE: 8124110 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { } `'PUBLIC HEARING ~ } -LEG. ~ } QUASI-JD ( } CONSENT { X } TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTE© BY: Michael Powley, P.E. ~;f~ SUBMITTED BY: Public Works/Engineering Division County Engineer SUBJECT: Stormwater Management Continuing Contracts BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to cancel the 2007 Stormwater Management Continuing Contracts.. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE. APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5~a County Administrator Coardinatian/Sic~r}a#ures County Attorney (x) OMB Director (x ) Budget Analyst Daniei Mclntyre Marie Gouin Originatsng Depi. (x) County Engineer (x) Do old West ichael Powley s€arrnwater cancel 07 contras#s.ag Engineering. Dirrision ~ _ x w .w. MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH. Donald West, Public WorlCS Director ' FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer GATE. August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Stormwater Management Continuing Contracts ITEM NO. Vl-C3 Background: Engineering administers Continuing Contracts far Stormwater Management. These contracts are renewed approximately every three years. During the last cycle, the old 2007 contracts were not cancelled when the new 2009 ones were approved. This omission must be rectified. Previous Action: April 14, 2009 -Board granted permission to advertise RFQs from qualified firms. October 13, 2009 -Board approved award of new contracts to short-listed firms. Recommendation: Board approval to cancel the 2007 Stormwater Management Continuing Contracts. ITEM NO. VI-C4 ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ 3_ DATE: 8124110 ~ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ~ coNSENT (x ~ TO; -BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E. , SUBMITTED BY: Put3lic Works/Engineering Division County Engineer r~~~-~ SUBJECT: Orange Avenue/NSLRWCD Canal No. 55 Emergency Culvert Replacement Design BACKGROUND; See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102001-3725-563000-X13022 Drainage Maintenance MSBU Stormwater Manage- ment - $600,000 (pending BOCC approval} PREVIOUS ACTION; NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Wark Authorization Na. 1 (C09-10-664) to the Stormwater Continuing Contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates for the Orange AvenuelNSLRWCD Canal No. 55 Emergency Culvert Replacement Design in the amount of $60,976, Budget Amendment No. 10-032, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: , APPROVED { } DENTED ( ) OTHER ~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Caardinatian/Sianatur~s County Attorney (x } OMB I3irectvr { x) Budget Analyst _ _ ©aniei Mcintyre Marie Gouin Count ~~'~y-°~ Originating dept. { x) y Engineer (x } ~ ~-~-i ©ot old West Michael Powley ~ ~ Raad & Bridge (x) Manager bonald Pauiey Orange NSLRwCb C55 emergency culvert design wat KH.ag Engineering Division ~ ~ , ~ * g MEMORANDUI'VI TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Warks Director # FROM: Michael Pawley, County Engineer ~~~~p DATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Orange Avenue/NSLRWCD Canal No. 55 Emergency Culvert Replacement Design ITEM NO. Vi-C4 Background: During normal road maintenance activities on June 9, a hole ad}'acent to the Orange Avenue travel way at the North St. Lucie River Water Control District (NSLRWCD} Canal No. 55 crossing was observed. We have been monitoring this culvert crossing. This type of surface expression is indicative of advanced corrosion. The Road & Bridge Division has been maintaining the integrity of the roadway, but this is only a very short term stop-gap measure. It is imperative the construction of a replacement culvert crossing be accelerated so that this very important major arterial can remain open. The attached Work Authorization Na. 1 (C09-10-66~} to the Stormwater Continuing Contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates is for the Orange Avenue/NSLRWCD Canal No. 55 Emergency Cuivert Replacement Design in the amount of $80,976 (Attachment A)_ Recommendation: Board approval of Work Authorization Na. ~ (C09-10-88~} to the Stormwater Continuing Contract with Kimley-Hare and Associates far the Orange Avenue/NSLRWCD Canal No. 55 Emergency Culvert Replacement Design in the amount of $80,976, Budget Amendment No. 10-032, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ` ~ 1 +r,. ~i 3 ~~m"~Y,"~ °"1~' i ,~n, E i E~ N N. Y 1 i ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ®A.GEN®A RE~UEBT REGBij..AR ( ) ~ ~ A Pl1BLBC HEe4RING { ) ~.EG. { D ~~ASt-,~® ~ } c®NSEII~T ~ x ~ TO. BOARD OF COUiVTY C®i~inlll<SS[ONERB PRESENTED BY: Michael Brillhart, Slfl~~AiTTE® Ii3Ya Planning & Development Services Business & Concurrency Manager SUB~lECT: Project Draft Letter of intent BAC~GR®UN®: See attached memorandum. FUN®a AVA[LABLE: 0015215-5~20fl©-5fl0 County Job incentive PREV8OU~ ACTT®N. NIA REC®I~iPiAIEN®AT'IONa Board authorization to have the County Administrator send a Letter of intent to ofFsr Project Draft a .fob Growth Investment Grant (JGIG} in the amount of $~46,25fl phased over ~ivs years 029,250 per year). COI~i~IISS&®N ACTS®N; CONCURRENCE: (?C} APPROVED ( } DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5~0 Faye Outlauv, MPA County Administrator C®~rrd~natt®a~1Si rrat~re~ County Attorney (h~,} t~ OMB Director ) Daniei McIntyre Marie Gouin Originating Dept. BudgetAnaiyst Mark Batteries Sophia Holt ~ i PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ' DEPARTMENT ~ r . ; , MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners ~g~' THROUGH. Mark Satterlee, AICP, Planning & Development Services Directnr~/ FROM: Michael Bril[hart, Busines,~ & Cnncurrency Manager Chi DATE: August 24, 2D10 SUBJECT: Project Draft - letter of Intent ITEM NO. Vl-D1 Background: Project Draft has requested economic development incentives in consideration of employee expansion at their existing boat manufacturing facility in Fort Pierce. The company reopened its operations under new ownership in December 2DD9 after the previous owner filed for bankruptcy and ceased operations at the location in early 2DD9. This particular industrial activity is an eligible industry on the County's Qualified Target Industries (QTI) list. To date, 22 employees have been hired at an average wage of $15 per hour with the intent of hiring up to 1 DO total employees within the next four years. The assessed valuation of the existing building in which: Project Draft has current operations is already recorded on the County's tax roll. The owner is oat planning for any additional capital improvement investments into the facility. As such, the company is not eligible for an economic development ad valorem tax exemption. Even though this company will pay an average wage less than the current St, Lucie County average wage of $15.7$ per hour, staff has taken into consideration the owner's commitment to hire a total of 1OD employees (78 new employees aver four (4} years) at an average wage of $15 per hour, 5% less than St. Lucie County's current average wage. Following the recommendation of the Economic Development Council, the possibility of other related key businesses being attracted to St. Lucie County and the County's current unemployment rate, staff is recommending that Project Draft receive a Jnb Growth Investment Grant (JGIG) in the amount of $146,25D phased over five years {$29, 250 per year). Recommendation Beard authorization to have the County Administrator send a letter of Intent to offer Project Draft a Job Growth Investment Grant {JGIG) in the amount of $146,25D phased over five years {$29,25q per year). .:S.SSkSAK^i ~ ~ j~~~ a~~ ~ C W~V~ ¦ W®V D ~~®IM L. i ~ ~ ! ®ATE: QS1241'~ C9 AC3EN®IA FtE~UESY REGULAR ~ ) w~ ~A PUBLIC l'HEARING ( ~ LEG. ( ~ C~UASI-J® { ~ CONSENT {X~ T®: E®AR® C~~ C04JNT1° Ct~IVIf~1SSl®NERS PRESENTED EiY: Michael Brillhart j,~fr; SU~IVIITTE[~ ICY: Planning and Development Services Business & Goncurrency Manager SUE3JECT: Project Coral -Letter of Intent BACKGROUN®: See attached memorandum. PUN®S A'IIAILAI3LE: 001-5215-582000-500 County Job Incentive PRE1/1C~US ACT'!®N: NIA REC®MdRIER!®ATIt7N; Board authorization to have the County Administrator send a Letter of Intent to offer Project Coral: (1) An Ad Valorem Tax Abatement phased aver six years subject to Board approval at a public hearing, Project Coral making an approximate capital investment of $1,500,000 in capita! improvements in St. Lucie County and Project Coral employing 28 persons at an average hourly image of $20.16 (estimated value of current fiscal year exemption = $12,090.75) (2) A .lob Growth Investment Grant of $52,500 phased over five years ($10,500 per year). COI~lIrIISSI®N sACTI®N: C®IoICURFaENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5.0 EaYe Outlar~, MPA County Administrator Ceased i rratii®s~lSicts~~i~~ e¢ County Attorney OMB Director } Daniel McIntyre Marie ©ut C)riginating Dept. (~y~) Budget Analyst { Mark 5atterlee -----~ia 6~nft 5 ~~'~,y""~ 1yh`..,~i ,~1 ~ PLA~NII~IC~ ~1n1® ®E'VEL®PMEN°T SEIt1i~ES ' ~ ®EIPART°M EIVT ® o NiE11AQFZANDUM TCe Board of County Commissioners THRfJUGi-I. Mark Batteries, AlCP, Planning & Development Services ®irector FRQ~II: Michael Brillhart, Business and Concurrency Manager ®ATi~. August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Project Coral -Letter of intent ITEM Vi-D2 Back~zrouncl. Project Cora! has requested economic development incentives from St. Lucie County as reflected in the attached letter from the Economic Development Council of St. Lucie County dated July 13, 2010. These incentives would include an Ad Valorem Tax Abatement and a Jab Growth Investment Grant {JG1G}. Project Coral is an existing regional financial institution that intends to relocate its operations center within St. Lucie County. The activities of the company are eligible for economic development incentives in consideration of its targeted industries list designation. Project Coral intends to hire 28 full-time employees over the next five years at an average hourly wage of $20.16. This is 27% above St. Lucie County's average hourly wage. The company also plans to locate to an existing building and make a $1,500,000 capital investment in equipment and building renovations. Based upon the number of jobs and average wage projected, the company may be eligible for a grant of $52,500 from St. Lucie County's Job Growth Incentive Grant {JGIG) program phased over five years. The company may also be eligible for an ad valorem tax abatement phased over a period of six years with an estimated current flscai year tax exemption value of $12,030.75. Rec®mmer~da#io~ ' Board authorisation #n have the County Administrator send a Letter of intent to offer Project Coral: {1) An Ad Valorem Tax Abatement phased over six years subject to Board approval at a public hearing, Project Coral making an approximate capital investment of $1,500,000 in capita! improvements in St. Lucie County and Project Coral employing 28 persons at an average hourly wage of $20.16 {estimated value of current fiscal year exemption = $12,090.75) {2) A Job Growth Investment Grant of $52,500 phased over five years {$10,500 per year}. R hn ~ C SI~l6tl tl~®o ~~°®i® M ~ ADEN®~A REC~IdE~T R~tal1Le4Pi ~ ~ 6~~..pp~~. g ~y 7.a®9~~~~~ ~ ~ TG~: B®ARI3 OF C®UN°I"Y C®NIMISS~ONERS PRESENTE® BY: IVlichael Brillhart SU~MI'~'E® ~Y: Planning & ©eveiopmertt Services Business & Concurrency Manag. St1BJECT: Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-002, Sebastiano and Cecilia Gazzara l~f BACKGR®UN®: See attached memorandum. I~UN®s A1~AILAIB~.E:, NIA PREIli®II~S ACTION: June 8, 2010 -Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 10-1~5 far dedication of right-ofi-~vay along Angie Road. REC®MMENC3A'ft~i Board approval of Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-002 and authorization for the Chairman to sign document as approved by the County Attorney. COI~~tSSf®N AC"E'°C®~9: C®NCIiRRENCE: APPRO!!ED { ) DENIED ( } OTHER Faye vV. outlaw, SPA Approved 5_p County Administrator C®~rd insti~nlSac~ra~~~rr~s County Attar~tey { } County Sunreyar ~Y ©aniel S. iVfclntyre Ron Harris County Engineer _ ERD { } ~Ilichael Fawley Karen Srr~ith ri inatin De t. ©g 9 ~ ll~ark Satterlee 1 r 4 } g ~ p~y~~® ®aa{/ape TQ. Board of County Commissioners ~'HR®4~9G1°l: Mark Batteries, AICP, Planning and Development Services ®irect FR®M: Michael Brillhart, Buses and Concurrency Manager ®ATI~e August 2~4, 2010 ~ SUBJECT. Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-002, Sebastiano and Cecilia Gazzara 9TENit N®. VI-D3 Back r~nd• On June 8, 2010, the Board of County Commissioners adapted Resolution No. 10-168 (attached) approving the dedication of approximately 2,283 square feet (19.9' width x 11.5' length) of right- of-way along Angle Road relating to the fined permit approve! of the Garaara Retail bui{ding. V~lith this dedication, building approval for this facility was issued through Building Permit Number 0802- 0262 by County staff an July 1, 2010. ~ I Jacquin and Sons, Inc. in serving as contractor for Mr. and Mrs. Gazzara, has requested a road ~ impact fee credit based upon the right-of vuay donation as reflected in the attached September 3, 2009 memo to the County. County staff has determined that the right-afWway donation is eligible for credit against road impact fees as stipulated within Section 1-1T-33.1(c) of the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County. The value of the property donated to the County is $6,005.29 which is 120% of the most current assessed valuation as determined by the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's Office. The actual road impact fee far the building is $12,171.60. The applicant is eligible for a road impact fee credit equal to the value of the right-of--way donation in the amount of $6,005.29 Recocnaner~data~ra Board approval of Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10002 and authorization for the Chairman to sign document as approved by the County Attorney. ~~~~~~~~~rA AGENDA REQUEST _ _ •r~; ~ "'a'r DATE; U8C241'I0 „ , REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X } TD: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ?aniel J. Lutzke SUBMITTED BY: Human ResourceslRisk Management Risk Manager , SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate HiV Medications Invoice for June, 2010 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 009-2300-531300-200 Inmate Medical Expenses (pending BOCC approval} PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval for payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0007945 for HIV medications far the period of June 01, 2090 through June 30, 2010, in the amount of $32,37T.83. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER - Approved 5.0 Faye W Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordlnationlSiignatures County Ai#arney (X) r,. OMB Director (X ) ~J~a Budget Analyst (Daniel 5. McIntyre) (Marla Gauin} Originating Dept. (X) ERD ( ) illiam Hoeffner} (Name} ~ ~n ~ Human ResourcesfRisk Nlanagemen~ • ~ ~ NIEMOFtANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THRO6JGH; William Hoeffner, interim Human Resources Director FROM: Daniel J. l.utzke, Risk Manager. DATE: Au ust 24 209 . g 0 SUBJECT. Prison Health Services Inmate HIV Medic ions invoice far June, 2010 ITEM NO. VI-1= B~C~(gfOU17d: Prison Health Services ~PHS} acts as a third party administrator for St. Lucie County jail inmate health care and manages, administers and pays for inmate HIV medications and off-site services from medical providers. PH5 is now requesting reimbursement from the County far June 2010 inmate HIV medication costs in accordance with Florida Statute F.S. 909.35 which states that the medical services provider shall be reimbursed from the general fund of the County when na other source of payment is available. The Board has previously approved inmate HIV medication payments of $330,555.64 and Inmate Off-Site Medical Services utilization payments of $2,348,035.96. This $32,377.83 June HiV medications invoice brings the combined total cost for inmate medical services to $2,710,969.43. ~ The Board had established a budget of $1,850,000 and an additional contingency reserve of $250,000 far Inmate Medical Care. The Inmate contingency reserve has been transferred to the Inmate Medical Care fund, The Board has also approved a budget amendment-transferring. $7x0,000 from Reserves to the Inmate Medical Care fund increasing the FY funds set for Inmate Medical Services to $2,800,000. Attachments Prison Health Services Invoice number PHS0007945 in the amount of $32,377.83. Cerlificatian of invoice number PHS0007945 by Sheriff's Consultant, Alliance Medical Management. Recommendat"tan Board approval for payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0007945 for HIV medications far the period of June 01, 2010 through June 30, 2010, in the amount of $32,377.83. ITEM NO. VI- F ~ ~ DATE: S124!'I Q 11 . AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. ( ) (~UASIWJD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO; BOARD OF GOUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Roberta Breene SUBMITTED BY: GrantslDisaster Recovery Department Grants/Resource Developer SUBJECT: Severe Repetitive Lass Program ~-Agreement BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Not applicable. PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval for the Chairman #o sign a Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Consul#ation Agreement with one homeowner. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: {y{) APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CaardinatianlSignatures County Attorney (X) OMB Director (X) Daniel McIntyre - Marie Gouin Budget Analyst (X) Roberk O'Sullivan Originating Dept. (X} Centre! Services (X) Director ' is I~aeffner Roger Shinn Central Services (X) Don Mcl~am ~,r~~- _ GranfslDisas~er Recove ~ ~ r rY n~E~oRaNOUn~` TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: William Hoeffner Grants/Disaster Recovery Director 1=ROM: Roberta Breene GrantslResource Developer DATE: 812 412 0 1 0 SUBJECT: Severe Repetitive Loss Program -Contracts ITEM NO. Vl-F Background: Applications were submitted #o the Federal Emergency Management Agency (i=1~MA) to miiigate seven residential properties that qualify under the Severe Repetitive Loss Pilot Program (SRL). This program is designed to provide funding to reduce or eliminate the tang-term risk of flood damage to severe repetitive lass structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program. The grant requires no funding from the County and allows 5% of the project cost far administration and project managerr~ent to be paid to the County. Agreements between St. Lucie County and the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FLDEM) have been executed fnr six of the seven projects. Three of the contracts are for acquisition, and three are for elevation. The remaining application for reconstruction is still under review. As part of this review, a Consultation Agreement is required. This agenda item seeks approval to sign the Consultation Agreement with the remairiin pro ert owner. Pro arty Owner Mitigation Pro"act Cost Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Herod Reconstruction X93,724.94 10741 S. Ocean Drive, Lot 874, Jensen Beach, FL 34567 Previous Action July 6, 2010 -Board approval to execute Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) agreements with six homeowners, to sign Final Mitigation Offers and Consultation Agreements, and to approve Budget Resolution Nos. TO-195, 10-19fi, 10-197, 10-198, 10-199, and 10-200 to establish the project accounts June 1, 2010, -Board approval to accep# and execute one Severe Repetitive Loss grant contract with the Florida Department of ) mergency Management May 4, 2010 -Board approval to accept and execute five Severe Repetitive Loss contracts with the Florida Department of I m~rgency Management November 3, 2009 - BOCC approval to submit additional data far elevationlreconstruction projects. October 20, 2009 - BOCC approval to withdraw and re-submit three acquisition applications. May 26, 2009 - BOCC Board approval of $24,000 for technical services to cnsr~plete applications. May 93, 2008 - BOCC approval to submit eight applications. Recommendation: 8aard approval far the Chairman to sign a Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Cansultatian Agreement with one homeowner. ITEM NO. VI-G1 ~ ~ ~ DATE: 08/24110 ~ ~ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. { } QUASI-,.j© { ) CONSENT { X ) TO; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED B Jessica Parris SUBMITTED BY: Housing and Community Services/Housing Housing Man ger SUB.IECT: Award of Community Development Block Grant {CDBG} Bids BACKGROUND; See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001 1 1 3-6420-5$3000-600 CDBG Supplemental Disaster Recovery 001509-6420-583000-800 CDBG O7 PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of bid awards for two replacement housing projects under the St. Lucie County CDBG Grant, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE; APPROVED ( ) DENIED { ) OTHER ~ Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coor+dlnatloNSianatures County Attorney ( ) QMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst ©aniel S. McIntyre r 'e Gouin Sophia Hol# Originating Dept. ( ) ~ ~ Beth Ryder ~~vi~~' Housing and ~ Community Services m. ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director 1=RQM: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manage DATE: August 24, 2(310 SUBJECT. Award of Community Development Black Grant (CDBG) Bids ITEM NO. VL--G1 Backc~rounrl: i The Housing Division is in receipt of Federal and State grant funds that provide funding for law-income ~ residents to assist with rehabilitation ar replacement of owner occupied homes. 3 An Invitation for Bid (IFB} was advertised on July 18, 2010. A mandatory project review with contractors was completed on July 27, 2010. On August 10, 2010, bids were evaluated in compliance with the approved Housing Assistance Plan. Staff is recommending award to the following contractors; • IFB 40 (Replacement) to Ross Construction Located in Sebastian, for $81,750. • IFB 43 (Replacement) to A Thomas Construction located in Fork Pierce, far $73,200. IFB 42 has been withdrawn. IFB 45 and IFB 48 will be awarded at a later date. ~ All the above bids have incorporated energy efficient products, such as Energy Star appliances, solar hat water heaters, low flow faucets and Low-E impact windows. Recommendation Board approval of bid awards for two replacement housing projects under the St. Lucie County CDBG Grant, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Atkachment: Bid Tabulation rTE~n NO. v~-G~ - ~ T D/~TE: a13124l10 e e AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARlNE~ ( ) LEG. ~ ) QUASI-JD ~ ) CONSENT T®: BC'1ARD ®1= COUNTY COMMISSI®NERS PRESENTED B .Jessica Parrish SU13N11TTED ir3Y: Housing and Community ServiceslHousing Housing Mana e SUBJECT: Request for Qualifications {RFQ) for Engineering Services BAC~CGR®UND: See attached memorandum. 1=UNDS A1fAlI.ABLE: {?01519-6420-563000-600 Community Development Block Grant {CDBG) FY 2008 Disaster Recovery PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATICIN: Board approval to advertise two RFQ's far engineering sen?ices, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. COMIIiIISSI©N ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED { ) ?ENIED _ ( ) OTH E R Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CanrriinatiionlSi natures Coon#y A#orneY ( ) OMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst Daniel S. Mcln#yre ~ M Gouin Sophia Holt Originating ©ep#. ( ) Beth Ryder Housing and ~ ~ v l; ^ ~®mmunity Services • p Mf~MORANDUIiIi T©. Board of County Commissioners THROUGH. Beth Ryder, Director FROM: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manager DATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT. Request for Qualifications {RFC.t) for Engineering Services ITEM NO. VI - G2 Back r~rrd• j The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HU©) CDBG Disaster Recovery initiative (DRI) will provide funds to assist with Tropical Storm Fay damage (2008). St. Lucie County has been allocated $8,©58,428 for damage related to Tropical Storm Fay. St. Lucie County is the lead entity for this grant and will be advertising on their behalf. The funding breakdown is as follows: Administration $ 201,460 Engineering $ 242,075 Single Family Rental Rehabilitation $ 400,000 Multi-family Rental Rehabilitation $ 459,975 Replacement of Rental Housing $ 240,000 Harmon Hei hts Draina elm rovements 1 773 277 Subtotal for St. Lucie County: $3,316,787 Pinecrest Estates Flood and Drainage $ 400,711 10'" Street Flood and Draina elm rovements 1 340 930 Subtotal for the City of Fort Pierce: $'1,741,541 D-9 Canal Flood and Drainage Improvements $1,483,000 Ho en Slou h Draina a Im rovements 1 517 000 Subtotal for the City of Por# St. Lucie $3,000,000 The Cities of Port St. Lucie and Fart Pierce have requested funding for engineering services under the grant for their respective infrastructure projects. Recommendation Board approval to advertise two RFQ`s for engineering services, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. ITEM NO. WI-G3 " ; DATE:. 0812411€3 „ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ~ PUBLIC HEARING ( ~ LEG. { } QuASI~JD ( ~ CONSENT ( X ~ TD: BOAR© OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Susan Jacob SUBMITTED BY: Housing and Community Services/L,ibrary Library Manage SUBJECT. State Aid to Libraries Grant and Annual Plan of Service BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 'i05-7115-334711-7p0 Library Special Account -State Aid to Libraries PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMEN©ATION: Board approval to submit the annuai State Aid to Libraries Grant, approval of the Library's required Annual Pian of Service and authorization for the Chairman tc~ sign documents approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED { } DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CaardinationlSignatur~:s County Attorney ( } OMB ©irector ( } Budget Anaiyst ©aniei S. McIntyre C~v< ie Gouin phis Holt Originating Dept. ( ) _ _ Beth Ryder ~ ~ _ y; a ~ ' ' ~ Fous~ng and ~ Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director FROM: Susan Jacob, Library Manager ©ATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: State Aid to Libraries Grant and Annual Plan of Service fTEM NO. Vi-G3 Background: St Lucie County has been the recipient of State Aid to Library grant funding since 1978. State Aid funds are made avaiiable through the Department of State 1 State Library of Florida for all county or municipal libraries throughout the state. I The amount of each iibrary's annual award fluctuates and is based on the previous fiscal year's ~ budget. Currently, the State Library will provide :03 cents per every dollar that the County spends on ~ library service. The anticipated award for FY10111 is $105,000. These funds have been earmarked to partially fulfill our annual commitment to Indian River State College for the St. Lucie West Library ~ Interiacal Agreement. The funds received from this grant can only be used for operating expenses. I These funds have been projected in the Library's FY10/11 budget and are represented in the I Library's State Aid budget line (105-7115-334711-700). I Recommendation: Board approval to submit the annual State Aid to Libraries Grant, approval of the Library's required Annual Plan of Service and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents approved by the ~ County Attorney. f I Attachments: Grant Application Updated Annual Plan of Service 1 3 1 i ~i ITEM NO. VI-H ' ' _ ate ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. ( ) QUASI-.!D ( } CONSENT (X} TD: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Ron Roberts SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Assistant Solid Waste Directar SUBJECT: CDM Work Authorization far plasma permit modifications BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. 1=UNDS AVAILABLE: 401-3410-53100D-3923 Professional Services Geoplasma 401-3410-599300300 Operating Reserves (pending BOCC approval} PRI~VIDUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of CDM Work Authorization for engineering services related to landfill permit modifications ass©ciated with the plasma arc gasifici~tian project far a lump sum of $070,610 and authorization for Chairman to execute documents as prepared the County Attorney. The expenditures are contingent upon the execution of a Ground Lease Agreement with Geoplasma defining these terms. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER _A---'`~3' Approved 5~0 l=aye W. Outlaw, MPA County Adrninistratar CaardinatianlSi natures County Attorney (X } ~ ~ OMB Directar (X) Budget Ar€alyst Davie] S. McIntyre Marie Gnuin Tawonna .lnhr~son Purchasing { X } Public Works { X ) ©irector Melissa Simberlund on West Solid Vl~aste ~s , ~ , t nr.. ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ron Roberts, Assistant Solid Waste Director DATE: August 24, 20'{0 SUB.IECT: CDM Work Authorization for plasma permit modifications ITEM NO. VI-H Back~graund: The implementation of a plasma arc gasification system for processing the municipal solid waste will require the modification of six Baling and Recycling Facility permits as well as site plan approval from the City of Fort Pierce. The proposal from Camp Dresser & McKee, inc. (CDM) in the amount of $670,010 identifies all of the tasks required to accomplish all permit compliance issues. The Development Agreement executed with Geoplasma, Section 13.19, states that each party at its sole cost and expense shall obtain, maintain and comply with all permits necessary. Geaplasma will be required to reimburse the Solid Waste Division all costs associated with the activities in the CDM proposal, with the exception of 50% of the Solid Waste Operation Permit casts, as both parties benefit from this modification. The expenditures are contingent upon the execution of a Ground Lease Agreement with Geoplasma defining these terms. Pre?rious Action: March 27, 2007 Board approved contract with CDM for plasma arc technology implementatianlreview. April 10, 2007 -Board approved Development Agreement with Geoplasma. Recommendation: Board approval of CDM Work Authorization for engineering services related to landfill permit modhfications associated with the plasma arc gasification project for a lump sum of $670,610 and authorization for Chairman to execute documents as prepared the County Attorney. The expenditures are contingent upon the execution of a Ground Lease Agreement with Geoplasma defining these terms. RR:dls Attachment A -CDM Work Authorization _E~ _ _ ITEM NO. VI~7 ~ t ~ DATE: 8124!'10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ~ ~ - PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. { ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT... (X ) TO: BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTE© BY: Marie M. Gauin krn SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director P SUB.IECT: Bid No. 10-033, Constructian of the Intermadal Transf~;r Station BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. [=UN©S AVAI<*AB~.E: 130102-4910-331421-094602 Federaf Transit Administration 130204-4910-334493-094602 FDOT Other 130204-4910-337910-094602 City of 1=#. Pierce (FDOT match funding} 001413-4910-334493-094602 FDOT -Other PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid Na. 10-033, Construction of the Intermadal Transfer Station, to the lowest responsive and responsible laidder, Sisca Constructian Services, LLC of West Palm Beach, in the amount of $1,797,0OO.OQ and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved ay the County Attorney. COMMISS[QN ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER ~___-__~--~'r`~ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CaordinatianlSignotures OMB ~ Cnun#y Attorney (X } ~ Budget Analyst (X } Dan Mclntyre Sophia Halt Purchasing (X } Community (X ) ~BrVECe5 ' Desiree Cimino Beth yder Corine Williams Office of i111anagemenfi 1 & Budge~lPurchasing ~ MEMORANDUM- TO. Board of County Commissioners FROM; Marie M. Gouin, Director DATE: August 2~, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-033, Construction of the Intermodal Transfer Station ITEM NO. V[-L1 Back r~,ound~, On July 29, 2010, submittals to Bid No. 10-033 for construction of the intermodal transfer station were opened. Thirteen submittals were received; 398 companies were notified and 25 documents were distributed. Staff recommends awarding to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sisea Construction Services, LLC of West Palm Beach. Due to Federal Transit Administration funding Bid No. 10-033 was not bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09-005. The apprenticeship program cannot be required because of the grant specifications, but it is in the bid as an option. The purpose of this bid is to establish a contract, by means of sealed bids, for the construction of the intermoda[ transfer station located on five lots on the corner of N. 8`" Street and Avenue D in the City of I^arfi Pierce. This project will include two masonry buildings (ticket and drivers lounge} {restroom, janitorial and vending), open colonnade with tower, transfer parking, parallel street drop off, employee parking, park and ride spaces, stairs and ramp to Maore's Creek. This project will be Americans with Disabilities ActIF'acility Access Committee {ADAIF'AC} compliant for accessibility and will incorporate energy efficiency and sustainability that will be the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED}equivalency of Gold. Recom~nendafiior~: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-033, Construction of the Intermodal Transfer Station, to fhe lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Sisca Construction Services, LLC of West Palm Beach, in the amount of $1,797,000.00 and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ,cep ITEM No. VI~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ DATE: 812411© . ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) r~=', PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. { ) QUASI-JD ( } CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Resolution 10-157, Purchasing Policy Manual Revisions BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: December 08, 2009 Board approval of Changes to Purchasing Manual - Apprenticeship Program February 23, 20'10 -Board approval of Changes to Purchasing Manual _ Environmentally Preferred Purchasing RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Resolution 10-157, Purchasing Policy Manual Revisions COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~j APPROVED { ) DENIED ( } OTHER l=aye 1N. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5-D County Administrator CoordinatianiSi natures County Attorney (X) ~ Purchasing { X } _ Daniel Mclnt e Desiree Cimino Originating Dept. { ) Other { ) (Name) {Name) 5 Office of Management ~ w.., .w~ , & BudgetJPurchasing IV~EMDRANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director DATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJEGT: Resolution 10-157, Purchasing Policy Manual Revisions ITEM NO. VI-L2 Background: Last year, a work group was formed to update the current Purchasing Manual. This work group Included staff from Administration, OMB, Purchasing and the County Attorney's office. The work group accepted comments and recommendations from Department Directors and Division Managers who work with the manual on a regular basis. It was discussed with the Board during Strategic Planning. The Finance Department also reviewed and provided input on the drafts. Per the attached Purchasing Policy Manual {PPM) and proposed resolution, detailed procedures have been removed. The County Administrator will be required to maintain a Procedures Manual, consistent with the PPM. In addition, the PPM includes new and revised policies, as well as the elimination of some current policies. The proposed changes are intended to: 1. Reflect current County or governmental practice; 2. Update policies to be consistent with Florida Statutes; 3. Increase accountability of Department Directors and OMBIPurchasing; 4. Streamline procedures for issuing Invitations to Bid, Requests for Proposals and Qualifications and applying for grants; and 5, Streamline procedures for paying vendors. The substantive policy changes are summarized below. A complete copy of the proposed PPM is attached{Attachment A); a strike-throughlunderline version of the manual is available for review in the County Attorney's office. SECTION ~ _ IVIANUAL OVERVIEW 1.4 Implementation New Page 2 1 ITEM NO, VGL3 ~ L ~ ~ - DATE: 8121'10 , ~ ;~a ~ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ~ ) PUBLIC HEARING ~ } LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ~ X } TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BYj Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-035, Pest Contraf Services BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE. Various Department Operational Budgets PREVIOUS ACTION: NlA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-035, Pest Control Services, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, VanWal Services of Part St. Lucie, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.p Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CaordinafiionlSignafures OMB County Attorney (X) Budget Analyst (X } ?an McIntyre TaWanna hnsan Purchasing (X) Central Services (X) Desiree Cimino Roger Shinn i mr Office of Managemenfi ~ ~ _ & BudgefilPurchasing ~ - MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ©ATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT; Bid No. 10-035, Pest Control Services ITEM NO. VI-L3 Backarvur~d~ On June 23, 2010, submittals to Bid Na. 10-035, Pest Control Services, were opened. l=ive submittals were received; 209 companies were notified and 13 documents were distributed. Staff recommends awarding to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, VanWal Services of Port St. Lucie. Bid No. 10-035 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09-005. The purpose of this bid is to establish a contract to provide pest control services far St. Lucie County. These services will include: Initial exterior treatment and interior inspection and treatment, monthly Interior and exterior treatment of buildings and surveying building occupants far pest sightings and treat as necessary. Recvmmendatiivn: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-035, Pest Control Services, to the lowest resp~r~sve and responsible bidder, VanVVal Services of Port St. Lucie, and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ~ E ~ -w : , , ITEM NO. VI Z'4 ~ ~ _ ~ ' - - DATE: 8124110 ~ . ~ a AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR. ( ) .1.. ~ ~ 1_.:,::T~~.~~ 3~~,~. PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: Y BOARD OE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin ~~p SUBMITTED BY. Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director V SUBJECT: Bid Na. 10-046, Median and Right-of-Way Maintenance BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 101002-4190-534000-400 Other Contractual PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid Na. 1 {}-046, Median and Right-of-Way Maintenance, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Valley Crest Landscape of 1=art Pierce, and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED { ) DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5•D Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinatianlSi natures ~ OMB County Attorney (X) ~ ' Budget Analyst (X ) ©ari McIntyre TaWonn ,lohnson Purchasing (X) `-~QC...~ Public Works (X) ~ • ~ ©esiree Cirr~ino on West .y on Pauley Office of Management ~ & BudgetlPurcha~ing MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ri~ DATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid N©. 10-04&, Median and Right-nf-Way Maintenance ITEM NO. VI-L4 Backcrround: On July 14, 2010, submittals to Bid No. 10-046, Median and Right-of-Way Maintenance, were opened. Eight submittals were received; 320 companies were notified and 53 documents were distributed. Staff recommends awarding to the iowest responsive, responsible bidder, Valley Crest Landscape of Fort Pierce. Bid No. 10-046 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09-005. ' The purpose of this bid is to establish a contract to provide mowing, edging, trash pickup, fertilization, herbicide and insecticide applications. Work is to be performed in the County right of ways and Florida Dept. of Transportation medians of the respective roads listed below: Medians: Description Entrada Banyan Drive to Rio Mar Drive US #1 Savannah Club Blvd fio Rio Mar Drive US #1 Rio Mar Drive to Midway Road S. 25th Street Edwards Road to Midway Road 3 St. James Drive Midway Road to Airosn Blvd Orange Avenue Angle Road to Lanp Road Right-of-Way:, Description Jenkins Road Orange Avenue to Loop Road Loop Road Jenkins Road to Orange Avenue S. 25t~' Street Edwards Road to Midway Road St. James Drive Midway Road to Airosn Blvd Recommendation; Board approval to award Bid No. 10-046, Median and Right-of-Way Maintenance, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Valley Crest Landscape of Fort Pierce, and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the Gaunty Attorney ~ ITEM NO. VI~,.S ~ ~ ~ . ~ - = ..4 - . DATE. 08124I'10 r ~ ° ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { ) g r~~~ -~~3ry~"4~- PUBLIG HEARING ( } LEG, ( } QUASH-J? { ~ CONSENT { X ~ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin ~'1~, SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT. Request for Proposals (RFP) No. '10-025, MI_K/Dreamland Park Interactive Fountain BACKGROUND. See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 310205-72'10-563000-7697 -Parks and Recreation Capital PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA ' RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the short-listed firms for ML.KIDreamland Park Interactive l=auntain and permission ta: 1. Cand€act oral presentations with the shart~listed Contractors; 2. Award contract to the successful short-listed firm and authorization far the Chairman to sign the documents as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION. CONCURRENCE. APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.p Faye VII. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordirtationlSignatures County Attorney (X) Budget Analyst (X) ©an McIntyre Robert O'Sullivan Purchasing (X } Parks & Recreation (X } Desiree imino Debra Brisson ~ w ` " " Office of tUianagement - ~ ~ ~ & Budge~IPurc~asing ~ ~''F ~ .r - M E M O R A N D U M TO: Board of County Commissioners [~=R©M: Marie M. Gouin, Director DATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 10-025, MI..KIDrearnland Park Interactive Fountain ITEM NO. VI-L5 Backctro_und: On May 19, 2010, responses to RFP No. 10-025, MI-.K1Dreamland Park Interactive Fountain, were opened. Five proposals were received; 469 companies were notified and 54 RFP documents were distributed. Upon selection the awarded contractor shall provide all design, permitting and construction of a turnkey, concrete, water re-circulating, interactive fountain at MLKIDreamland Park. Qn July 15, 2010, the selection committee evaluated and ranked the proposals that were received. The committee members` scores and ranking fnr each firm are provided in Attachment A. The short-listed firms in order of ranking are as follows: 1. A & G Concrete Pools, Inc. -1=ort Pierce, FI, Florida 2. Freeport Fountains -Sanford, Florida 3. Ocean Gate Contractors -Stuart, Florida 4. AWM Construction, Inc. -Fort Pierce, l=lorida Recornrnendation: j I Board approval of the short-listed firms for MLKIDreamland Park Interactive Fountain and permission to: 1. Conduct oral presentations with the short-listed Contractors; 2. Award contract to the successful short-listed firm and authorization for the Chairman to sign the documents as prepared by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VL-`C6 _ . . ' ~ DATE : (181241'1 t) ~ ~ ~ - ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) .r....~. PUBLIC HEARING { } LEG. { } QUAS!-J D ( ) CONSENT (X j TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTE© BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTE© BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-041, Purchase of Asphalt BACKGROUN©. See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 1010024110-53200-400 Road Materials -Maintenance PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMEN©ATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-041, Purchase of Asphalt, to Ranger Construction of Fort Pierce and Dickerson Florida, Inc. of Fart Pierce and authorizatiori for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ~ } DENIED ( ) OTHER ' Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures OMB County Attorney (X) Budget Analyst (X) d. Dan McIntyre TaW na .lahnson Purchasing (X j Public Works (X j ~ ~ ' ~~~p t,,b ©esiree ClTtltnO on West on Pauley Office of Management ii ; - . & BudgetlPurchasing ~ , r ~ MEMORANDUM ~ mow., TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director DATE: August 24, 2D14 SUBJECT: Bid No. 1D-041, Purchase afAsphalt ITEM NO. VI-L6 Back round: On June 3D, 2D10, submittals to Bid No. 10-D41 far the purchase of asphalt were opened. Three submittals were received; 90 companies were notified and six documents were distributed. Bid No. 10-D41 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. D9-DD5. The purpose of this bid is to establish a contract for the purchase of asphalt for atwelve-month period an an as-needed basis for the Road and Bridge Division. Recommendation: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-D41, Purchase of Asphalt, to Ranger Construction of Fort Pierce and Dickerson Florida, inc. of Florida and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. i I ITEM NO. VIX7 ~ ~ f~ r~ DATE: fl8f24170 :a~~, } ~ ~ - AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( } CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT. Bid No. 90-048, Purchase of Concrete Culvert Pipe BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 102001-3725-553200-300 Road Materials 101003-4108-553200-400 Road Materials 102809-37257563000-42591 infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 90-048, Purchase of Concrete Culvert Pipe, to Quality Culvert of Astatula, Florida and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved l,y the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: {J~} APPROVED { ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.p Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures ~ OMB County Attorney { X) iBudget Analyst (X } Dan McIntyre TaWon .Johnson Purchasing (X) Road and Bridge { X } ~~e ~ Desiree Cimino o Pauiey - Office of Ma~agenenf ~ , - , ~ & Budge~IPurchasing ~ ~~ro~'~.~ ~ • ~ r ~ .x=: MEMORANDUM ~,.~a v - i T{): Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ~ i SATE: August 24, 2010 ~ SUBJECT: Bid Nn. 10-048, Purchase of Concrete Culverts ITEM NQ. VI-L7 Back round: On July 7, 2010, a submittal to Bid No. 10-048 for purchase of concrete culverts was opened. One submittal was received; 74 companies were notified and twelve documents were distributed. Bid No. 10-048 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09- 005. i The intent of the bid is to provide contract pricing for the purchase of concrete culverts far the Road and Bridge Division on an as-needed basis. Recomtr~endation: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-048, Purchase of Concrete Culvert Pipe, to Quality Culvert of Astatula, Florida and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County, Attorney. I T ~y ~ ITEM NO. VI ~8 ~ ~ ~ ` ~ DATE, 8124170 ~ , . ~ - a ~4~ _~.:µ~~Y~ .~-S~„ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { ] - F - _ PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. { } QUASI-J? { ] CONSENT { X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY; Marie M. Gauin SUBMITTE? BY; Dffice of Management & 13udgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: f=ixed Asset Inventory - Property Retard Remavaf BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to remove fixed assefs, as listed on the attached Property ©ispositian Forms, from the capital asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of Caunty Commissioners. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE. APPROVED O DENIED OTHER Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordnation!$i„gna~ures OMB County Attorney (X } Budget Analyst { ) Dan Mclntyre {Name) Purchasing (X } ~ ( } Sandra`s orando ---..-.~.,~.,.r i ~ = ~ Office of Management ~ ~ - & i3udgetlPurchasing F ~ , 4 ~ X M~MORANQUM ~a TO: Board of County Commission s FROM: Marie M. Gauin, Director DATE: August 24, 2t}10 SUBJECT: I=fixed Asset Inventory - Praper~y Record Removal ITEM N©. Vl- LS Back rq our~d: Per Section 18.4 of the Purchasing Manual, staff is requesting authorization to remove the fixed assets, as listed an the attached Property Disposition Forms tpages 1-19}, from the inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. Information Technology inspects the computers to determine if they are eligible for the Surplus Gamputer Donation Program. Recommendatiio~: Board authorization to remove fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Farms, from the capital asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of Gounty Commissioners. 1 i i i 1 3 3 3 3 7 I 3 I I 3 I I 3I 3 1TEM NO. VISA J ' t ' DATE: 08/24/10 : ~ ~ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGU~.AR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X) ! TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY; Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTI=D BY. Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-049, Transportation & Disposal of Landfill Leachate BACKGROUND; See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 40'1-3410-534000-300 Other Contractual Services PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 10W049, Transportation & Disposal of Landfill Leachate, to Accurate Septic Services, Inc. of Fort Pierce and T..Wayne Hill Trucking, Inc. of Bartow for transportation and Everglades Waste Removal Services of Fort Lauderdale, and Water Recovery, LLC of Jacksonville for disposal and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved Iay the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE; APPROVED ( ) DENIED { } OTHER ~.--'"`~7 ~ - Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinatianlSi natures OMB I' County Attorney (X } Budget Analyst (X ) Dan McIntyre TaWo. a Johnson , Purchasing (X } Public Works (X } ~ ~ Desiree Cimino an West R n Roberts f~ Office of Management ~ ~ i , ` & BudgetlPurchasing ~~,;1 Q A ~ MEMORANDUM ..a _ 9~ ~ TO: Board of Gounty Commissioners ` FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ©ATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-049, Transportation & Disposal of Landfill Leachate f ITEM NO. VI-L9 E Background: ~ On July 21, 2010, submittals to Bid No. '10-049 for transportation and disposal of landfill leachate were opened. Four submittals were received; 312 companies were notified and 17' documents were distributed. Bid No. 10-D49 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09- 005. The purpose of this bid is to obtain a qualified contractorls for (Secondary} Transportation and Disposal of Landfill Leachate from the St. Lucie; County Baling and Recycling Facility. This contract is a secondary contract and will be utilized if the primary contractor is unable to fulfill their contractual obligations or for emergency situations. Recorr~rnendafiion: i Board approval to award Bid No. 10-049, Transportation & Disposal of Landfill Leachate, to Accurate Septic Services, Inc. of Fort Pierce and T. Wayne Hill Trucking, Inc. of Bartow for transportation and Everglades Waste Removal Services of Fart Lauderdale, and Water Recovery, LLC of Jacksonville for disposal and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. r ITEM N©. VIZ1 D DATE: 81241'10 ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) 41 - R ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. ( } QUASI~JD ( } coNSENT { x } TO: BOARD Ol COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTE© BY: Dffice o1= Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUB.tECT: Bid Na. ~ 0-038, Fire Alarm Testing, Monitoring & Inspection BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. !FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various Department Operational Budgets PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-03$, Fire Alarm Testing, Monitoring & Inspection, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Reliant Fire Systems, Inc., of Port St. Lucie, and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION; CONCURRENCE: E~ APPROVED ( } DENIED ( } OTHER ~ Approved a-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordinationl5ignatures n ~ OMB County Attorney (X) ~ ~ Btadget Analyst (X ) Dan McIntyre TaWon Johnson Purchasing (X) Central Services (X } Desiree Cimino oger Shinn Office of ~Ulanagemenf ~ ~ ~ - & BudgetlPurchasing MEMORANDUM 81 R , { ha TC3; Board of County Commissioners 1=RC}M: Marie M. Gauin, Director DATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-038, Fire Alarm Testing, Monitoring & Inspection ITBM NO. VI-L10 Background; On .Iuly 7, 2010, submittals to Bid No. 10-038, Fire Alarm Testing, Monitoring & Inspection, were opened. Eight submittals were received; 2D2 companies were notified and 24 documents were distributed. Staff recommends awarding to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Recant Fire Systems, Inc. of Port St. Lucie. Bid No. 10-038 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09005. The purpose of this bid is to establish a contract to provide fire alarm testing, monitoring and inspection for various St. Lucie County buildings, these services will include: required inspections, certifications, software upgrades, repairs, emergency service, parts, labor, training and written documentation an all fire alarm systems and fire communicators. Recommendafiion: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-D38, Fire Alarm Testing, Monitoring & Inspection, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Reliant Fire Systems, fnc. of Part St. Lucie, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ,Ar, ~ ITEM No. VIT.~I ~ DATE. 08!241'[0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { ) ,PUBLIC HEARING { ~ CONSENT { X ) TO: BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRIwSENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY: Office ofi Management & BudgetlPurchasing ?irector SUBJECT: Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal BACKGROUND: See attached memorandurri. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to remove the attached records firom the fixed asset inventory of the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's Office. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED DENIED OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5.0 County Adrr3inistrator CoordinationlSigrsatures OMB County Attorney (X } Budget Analyst { ) Dan McIntyre (Name) Purchasing (X } ER© ( ) 8'andra Morando {Name) `:;1 - ~ ~ C)ffice of Managem~n~ ..r~ & BudgetlPurchasing' ® ~ w,A MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Oouin, Director DATE: August 11, 2010 SUBJECT: Fixed Asset [nventory-Property Record Removal ITEM NO. VI-L11 Background: Per Section 18.4 of the Purchasing Manual, staff is requesting authorization to remove the fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition 1=orms (pages 1- 6}, from the ir~ventary of the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser's Office. Recommendation: Board authorization to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser`s Office. MGlsm ITEM N4. VII-A.E ~uw~:::w,~.~.. h k ,em~~rv r x. . _ . ~ ._T DATE. 8124I21;?'10 ~ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING { X } LEG. { ) QUASI-JD { } CONSENT ( } TO: B{)ARD C.}P C©UNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY• Barbara Guetfler SUBMITTED BY: Public Works -Engineering MSBU Assistant SUBJEGT: The Grave, Indian River Esfates, Palm Grave, Southern Oaks, and Meadowflfld Street Lighting Districts BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. 1=UNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board adoption flf Item No. Vli-A Resolution Na. 10-183, Item Nfl. VII-B Resolution No. 1p-184, Item No. VI!-C Resolution No. 10-985, Item Na. VII-D Resolution No. 10-18~i, and Item No. Vll-E Resolution No. 10--177, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: CONGURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( } OTHER ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinatianiSiunafiures County Attorney (X) OMB Director (X ) r Budget Analyst baniel McIntyre ~ M 'e Gouin Originating Dept. (X) ~ - County Engineer (X) ~ Do Id West Mich lea~P wo ley VIE-A -Approved 5-0 Continued to September 7, 2015 at 5:05 p.m. or as soon there after. VII_g -Approved 5-0 Vl l-C -Approved 5-0 Continued to September 7, 2010 at 6,00 p.m. or as soon there after. VI I_p -Approved 5-5 VII-E -Approved 5-5 Public Vllvrks ~ MEMC3RANDUM . T, ,y TO: Board of County Commissioners QQ;;~~, THROUGH: Donald B. West, Public Works Directo`~~` FROM; Barbara Guettler, MSBU Assistant Engineering DATE: August 24, 2010 i SUBJECT. The Grove, Indian River Estates, Palm Grove, Southern Oaks, and Meadnwood Street Lighting Districts ITEM NO. VII-A-E Background: i The County has 19 Street Lighting Districts {SLDs). Two of the districts were created in 2000 and are funded by non-ad valorem special assessments based upon equivalent dwelling units {EDUs) whereby the cos# of providing the street lighting services are allocated on a pro rata basis among the parcels which benefit from each district. The 17 other SLDs were created as ad valorem assessments based on property value. As a result of recen# decreases in property value and increases In the cost of electricity, however, the proceeds of the ad valorem assessments are no longer sufficient to fund the cost of providing street lighting services to the properties within these districts. Therefore, the Board has converted the method of assessment for 12 of the 17 districts to one based on EDUs and the actual cast of providing the service. The uniform method far collection of non-ad valorem assessments as set Earth In Florida Statute '197.3632,_ is a fair and reasonable way to fund street lighting improvements. If the Board chooses to adop# the attached resolutions, the revised assessment methodology would commence beginning with the 2090-2011 Fiscal Year. Special assessment amounts may vary from year to year depending on fluctuations in the actual cast of providing the service electricity, etc.}. Each year the Board will adopt an annual assessment resolution approving the amount of the assessment. However, the assessment shall not Increase in any subsequent year more than five percent (5%) from the previous year or mare than a total of ten percent (10%) above the maximum assessment amount as Indicated in the attached anrresponding resolution unless the Board gives notice and conducts an additional public hearing. Tonight's public hearings are for the Board to consider comments from property owners before deciding whether to convert the method of assessment to non-ad valorem special assessments for the five SLDs remaining as ad valorem assessments. ITEM NO. VII-F ~ , ~ ~ . ; Y. DATE:. 81241'[ U w ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { } PUBLIC HEARING { X ) LEG. ( } QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT { ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Ran Roberts SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Assistant Solid Waste Director SUBJECT: Resolutian No. 10-162 -Final Assessment Resolution BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N1A PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memarandum RECOMMENDATION: Board adoption of Resolutian No. 10-162 Snkid Waste Final Assessment Resolution and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~ - Approved 5-tf FaYe W Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures County Attorney (X } ~ OMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre (Name} (Name) Publie Works (X } ; ( } Do West (Name) Solid Wash L7e ~ ar~ment » r MEMC)RANDUM` TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ron Roberts, Assistant Soiid Waste Director' ©ATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: Resolution No. 10-162 -Final Assessment Resolution ITEM NO. V~f_F Ba.___ _Ckgrgund- Pursuant to Chapter 1-9, Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws of 5t. Lucie County, the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners (the Board) has the authority to impose annual assessment for solid waste (garbage and recycling) collection, disposal and administrative services, facilities or programs against certain property within St. Lucie County. On September 14, 2004, the Board initially levied recurring assessments on residential properties within the County Soiid Waste Urban Service Area for the purpose of including solid waste fees on property tax bills. This rnethnd of collection is in lieu of the garbage hauler billing property owners directly for garbage and recycling services. The purpose for this action is to provide residential property owners and occupants proper, safe and cost effective disposal of residential waste and recyclable materia#s generated on such property. On July 13, 2010, the Board adopted Resolution No. 10-161 the Solid Waste Initial Assessment Resolutian. This Resolution authorized the Board to impose assessments for solid waste services for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2010 at a rate of $252.06 per dwelling united, directed the County Administrator to prepare assessment rolls using the uniform method of collection of the 2010 tax bill, and establish a public hearing to be held on August 24, 2010 of 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. The Property Appraiser has prepared 2 Final Assessment Rolls: 1) Assessment Rol! "A" contains residential properties with the County Solid Waste Urban Service Area at the 2010 assessmen# rate of $252.06 per dwelling unit. 2) Assessment Roll "B» contains residential properties with the County Solid Waste Urban Service Area that were erroneously omitted fnr the 2009 assessment. _ ._5~~ AGENDA REQUEST..,... .....ITEM NC?,... _X , ~ ° DATE: 08124{10 ~.~,.~_.--VY-__~~ REGULAR (K ) PUBLIC HEARING ~ } LEG. 4 l QUASI-JD ( ~ CONSENT ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel J. Lutzke SUBMITTED BY: Human ResourceslRisk Management Risk Manager SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate Health Care Invoice, FY 2fl1fl Third Quarter. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABILE: flfl1-2300-531300-20fl Inmate Medical Expenses (pending BOCC approval of budget amendment No. BA1 fl-031). PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval far payment of .Prison Health Services invoice number PHSflfl07956 for the Third Quarter of FY 2010, in the amount of $410,957.71 and budget amendment No. BA1fl-031 transferring $1,000,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Inmate Medical Fund. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5~i) Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CaordinationfSigrtatures r•~ County Attorney { X) , ~~i' OMB Director { X } ~ Budget Analyst {Daniel S. Mclntyre} (Marie Gouin) originating Dept. ~ x) _ f=RD ~ ) ' iam Hoeffner) (Name) i Human ResQUrceslRisk -Manag-ement MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: William Hoeffner, Interim Human Resources Director FROM: Daniel J. Lutzke, Risk Manager ©ATE: August 24, 241 fl .4 SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate Health Care Invoice, FY 2414 Third Quarter. ITEM NO. X Baclcgro~nd; Prison Health Services (PHS) acts as a third party administrator for prisoner health care and manages and pays far medical care expenses for incarcerated jail inmates that are provided off-site (outside the Jail). PHS is then reimbursed by the County in accordance with Florida Statutes that make the County responsible far payment of inmate medical services, including psychotropic drugs, whenever the inmate has no viable method of paying for medical services. The Board has previously approved FY 2414 inmate medical services payments of $2,710,969.43. This third quarter invoice of $410,967.71 brings the inmate medical services casts to $3,121,927.14. The Board has previously established a budget of $1,850,044, a contingency reserve of $250,004 and a Budget Amendment of $700,000 for a total of $2,840,404 far Inmate Medical Services. Inmate health care costs have greatly increased over prior years resulting in a shortage in the funds budgeted. The attached budget amendment transferring $1,000,004 from reserves is to provide funds to pay this shortage, the projected fourth quarter invoice and all related inmate medica[ costs for this Fiscal Year. Attachments Budget Amendment No. BA10-031 transferring $1,444,040 from Reserve fund 001--9914-599344T 840 to Inmate Medical fund 041-2340-531344-200. Prison Heall:h Services Invoice number PHS0047966 in the amount of $414,957.71. Recommendation Board approval for payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PH5000796fi for the Third Quarter of FY 2010, in the amount of $414,957.71 and budget amendment No, BA14-431 transferring $1,004,040 from the Reserve Fund to the Inmate Medical Fund. ~1 E ~i $ - ~ h,.,..~:~ DATE• A8124110 w ~ ~ REGULAR ~ X ) . PUBLIC NEARING ( ~ LEG. ~ ) QUAS!-JD ( y CONSENT ~ ) TO: BOARD 01= COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel J. Lutzke SUBMITTED BY: Human ResaurceslRisk Management Risk Manager SUBJECT: Resolution Na. 10-206 Adopting the Revised Employee Flexible Benefits Plan Document and Summary Plan Descriptian BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: No Direct Casts Related To This Program. PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Resolution No. 10-206 Adapting the Revised Flexible Benefits Plan and Summary Plan Descriptian and authorization far the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-206. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CnorclinationlSi natures County Attorney (X) fi~ OMB Director { X) Budget Analyst {Daniel S. McIntyre) (Marie Gouin) Originating Dept. (X) ' ERp ( ) i iiarrt Hoeffner) (Name) r~.,~,e,aaua~;~a~artmrwaa, ~ . _ , ~ ~~~°~r_ ~ .L~`~~ Human..ResourceslRisk-Ililianagement TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: William Hoeffner, Interim Human Resources Director FROM: Daniel J. Lutzke, Risk Manager: / DATE: August 2~F, 2010 SUBJECT: Employee Flexible Benefits Plart Document and Summary Plan Description ITEM NO. VI-C2 Back~round• The Board has previously approved a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan that included a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account and a Health Flexible Spending Account as employee henef t options. New Federal Regulation require that the employer adopt both a specif c Flexible Benefits Plan Document and Summary Plan Description that specifies the required actions that are necessary for the proper implementation the Plan, and that sets up adequate accounting and administrative procedures to provide benef is under the Plan. Under the Plan, employees have money deducted from their pay check pre-tax to pay their share of health Premiums. Employees may also set aside money in Dependant Care and Health Flexible Spending Accounts that is deducted pre-tax from their paychecks thereby increasing the amount of take-home spendable dollars. . Changes made to the Plan that are due to specific regulatory requirements include the addition of Article XI, Paragraph 11.16 which states that the Plan will comply with the Mental Health Parity and Addition Equity Act and ER1SA Section 712 and Paragraph 11..17 which states that St. Lucie County laelieves that this Plan and coverage's is a "grandfathered health plan" under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Grandfathered Health Plans are not required to immediately include certain consumer protections of the Affordable Care Act that other plans may be required to incorporate. Attachments A. Flexible Benefits Plan Document B. Summary Plan Description Recommeudation Board approval of Resolution No. 10-206 Adopting the Flexible Benefits Plan and Summary Plan Description and authorization for the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-206. AGENDA REQUEST I'1'EM NO. 1/t 2 ~ , , DATE: August ~tf, 2414 REGULAR [XX~ " - PUBLIC HEARING ~ CONSENT T0: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attarney SUET: Amended and Restated Intarlacal Agreement between the County and the City of Bart Pierce -Parks MSTU BACKGROUND: See attached xr€exnoxandurn FUNDS AVAILABLE; PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that t~Ze Board approve the Arraended and Restated Interlaeal Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED [ ]DENIED C ]OTHER: Approved 5-~ Faya W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and A royals County Attarney: ~ Management & Budget ,!f°~jy ~ f Purchasing: Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. Public Warics Diz: Comity Eng.: finance: (Check €or copy only, i€ applicable) E€€. 5196 " ~ ,a ' INTER-OFIE ICE MEMORANDUM 3 ~ , ; - ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~i ~ i i~ ~ s ~ II,9 i I ~ T0: Board of County Commissioners i FRAM: Daniel S. Mclxxtyre, County Attorney i C.A. NO.: IO-0948 DATE: July 26, 2010 SUBJECT: Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement between the County and the City of Fart Pierce -Parks MSTU BACI~CROUND: On November 5, 2002, the County's voters approved a referendum authorizing the County to establish a Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU} for parrs that would levy an ad valorem ta~c at a rate not to exceed U4 arnill per annum for a term, no longer thaxi 20 years. On May 20, 2003, the County approved an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Fart Pierce pertaining to the allocatinx~ of proceeds From the MSTU between the County anal the City. The City approved the Interlocal Agreement ore May 5, 2003. Subsequently, the City requested that the County consider changes to the Interlocal Agreement. Tide changes, as negotiated by County and City staffs, axe set out in blackline fornn in the attached Interlocal Agreement,. A "clean" form of the Interlocal Agreement is also attached. The Amended and Restated Interlocal Agrsernent provides that beginning orb October 1; 2008 and continuing through December 31, 2023, the County shall retain on an annual basis, 26.90% of the debt service payments (Exhibit "B-")-and shall pay the City the remainder of the MSTU proceeds collected in the City. The Agreement alsn provides for the City to take over maintenance responsibility for Maravilla Park (on January i, 201.1} and Dreamland Park (on January 1, 2012). The City approved the Interlocal Agreement an June 7, 2010 (copy of minutes attached), RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recorn.merids that the Board approve the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreerx?ent anal authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreerrrent. Respect ally subxnitte Daniel S. Mclnty e . County Attorn DSMleaf' ITEM NO. IIN - B DATE. t~8124!'! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING { } LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD { ) CONSENT { X ) TO: MOSQUITO CONTROL BOARD PRESENTED BY: James R. David SUBMITTED BY: Mosquito Control & Coastal Management Director Services SUBJECT: Application to FY2010 f RL License Plate Grant Program BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: 145-6230-534000-600 Other Contracted Services 145-6230-552200-66002 Buildingllnfrastructure <$25000 PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of application to f=Y2010 [radian River Lagoon License P9ate grant program. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENTED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-D Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney { ?~j _ OMBIPurchasing { Director Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre arie Gouin -i°+ea~g Tawonna Johnson Originating Dept. (~j Central Services ( ) Ja es R. David Donald McLam Mosquito ~on~r® ~ 6 TO: Mosquito Control District Board ' 1=ROM: James R. David, Director Mosquito Control & Coastal Management Services ' DATE: August 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Application to [RL License Plate FY2010 Grant Program ITEM NO. ill _ B Backaraund: The Harbor Branch Preserve site was recently acquired for public conservation, recreation, restoration and mosquito control management by St. Lucie County and a number of cooperating state partners (Florida Communities Trust, South Florida Water Management District and Florida Inland Navigation District). The project included the acquisition of coastal wetlands that total 178 acres, including conservation lands purchased by the Florida Inland Navigation District and held by the Coconut Cove development group. A management plan has been drafted which identifies restoration improvements for the entire site. Twn federal grants have been applied for by the County to reconnect the wetlands of the site to the #idewaters of the Indian River Lagoon, based on the management plan. Those grants are currently pending. This project is intended to fund the pump station called for in the draft management plan, which is not proposed_ to be funded by the previous grant applications. The pump station is required fnr re- instatement of mosquito control impoundment management at the site, and to aid in eradication and control of exotic plants growing in the wetlands. Staff is seeking up to $70,234 from the FY2010 Indian River Lagoon License Plate grant to fund completion of the electric pump station and dike stabilization in the pump station vicinity. The local match proposed is identified in the grant to come from previously expended in-kind funds used towards a limited amount of conduit installation completed on-site in preparation far the utility fines, and in-kind funds currently being used to construct the concrete pad and sheetpile portion of the pump station. The Mosquito Control District has previously expended $24,489.55 towards the conduit installation, and is in process of constructing the concrete pad and sheetpiie portion with $23,800 in previously commi#ted funding. There is expected to be no net increase in operational costs at the site, once implementation of the restoration activities are complete. The expected increase in electrical and maintenance costs should be balanced by a reduction in insecticide use that will follow commencement of active impoundment management. The estimated cost of 15 annual aerial larviciding treatments in the impoundment is $40,080; the estimated annual electrical cost is $20,000, and the estimated annual pump station maintenance is $10,000. The aerial application cost does not include ground ULV applications which are also needed because the aerial applications are not 100 % effective. The ground treatments would be reduced if impoundment management is re-instated because the management is 100 effective when the pumps are operational, thus resulting in further savings. ITEM NO. 111-8 DATE: 08!24110 ~ , ADENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG, ( } Quasi-JD ( } CONSENT (X} TO; ST. LUCIE COUNTY EROSION ©ISTRICT PRESENTED BY: Richard A. Bouchard, P.E. SUBMITTED BY: Mosquito Gantrol _ Erosion District Coastal Resources Coordinator ~ SUBJECT: South St. Lucie County Beach Restoration Project ' BACKGROUND; See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE; 184219-3710-531000-36203 -South St. Lucie County Beach (previously approved) PREVfOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATfON; Board appravaf at Work Authorization No. 2 (C08-12-633} and Amendment No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 7 (C04-11-642) with Coastal Tech and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION; CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( } ©ENIED ( } OTHER ~ _ Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures County Attorney (x } ; ~]j OMB Director (x j Budget Analyst Davie! S. McIntyre Marie G in Ta1tVlanna Johnson Originating Dept. (x } MSBU Assistant (x ) Jim David ar ara Guettler AG~N133S2.lOCALFUND ruc^a~.n.~,*.~*.~~n~., . ,~uw. ¦ 1 f O~ q I~ ~~O M O n f.rO i~ ~ erosion District • • r MEMORANDUM ~ T©: St. t.ucie Caunty Erosion District Board THROUGH: Jim David, Mosquito Control Director FROM: Richard A. Bouchard, P.E., Coastal Resources Coordinator W DATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: South St. Lucie Caunty Beach Restoration Project ITEM NO.: III-B Background: St. Lucie County has initiated anon-federal project to address the severely deteriorated conditions of the South Caunty shoreline while paralleling the development of a federal shore protection project to provide for future re-nnurishrnent of the beaches in the project area. During the 2006107 budget session, the State approved $3 million to assist St. Lucie County with the South St. Lucie Caunty Beach Restoration project due to impacts from hurricane activity. On January 23, 2007, the Board approved two separate work autharizatians with Coastal Tech along with FDEP Project Agreement 07SL2 far $3 million in State funds to undertake these Lang-term tasks. The proposed design includes an enhanced dune in concert with an equilibrated 35 foot beach berm width, similar to the Martin Caunty beach project design immediately to the south. The intent is to provide for cone-time State-County beach restoration project in anticipation of future reTnourishments through the federal share protection program. Considering the lengthy permifting process, sea turtle nesting season, and the possibility of regional project with Martin County, it would appear the earliest construction could commence would be after October 31, 2011. With the recent addition of grassed parking areas at both Dollman and Waveland beach and the completion of the restroam at Dollman, State cast sharing for this project increased from 29.9% to 44.1 % while the County`s share decreased to 55.9°/n. Additional cost savings are likely if a regional project could be coordinated with the Martin County. Consistent with the most recent Baard action, application submittals for the South St. Lucie County Beach and Dune Restoration project to the appropriate permitting agencies occurred on September 18, 2009. The County, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE), has also initiated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process in order to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to address potential environmental impacts associated with the construction of this project. The first amendment to Work Authorization Na. 7 proposes to reduce various tasks supporting the geotechnical work, resulting in a net decrease in the contract amount of $1fl3,120. This cast reduction will go towards funding Work Authorization Na. 2 ($103,12©), which includes a scope of work for Coastal Tech to undertake the tasks necessary to develop a fair and equitable funding .mechanism to generate the local share of the project costs. This effort will provide several opportunities for public input and wil! include close coordination with the Caunty Attorney's office and the MSBU section. FDEP has approved the initial concept for this effort but their final review of the scope of work could result in some minor contract changes. An existing FDEP grant agreement {07SL2) will fund this effort at 100%, therefore, no loco[ matching funds will be required.