HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 08-24-2010
Date: August 24, 2010 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 10:25 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Paula A. Lewis, Chris Craft, Chris
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan
McIntyre, County Attorney, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Don West, Public Works Director,
Debra Brisson, Parks and Rec. Director, Marie Gouin, OMB Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director,
Ron Roberts, Asst. Solid Waste Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Karen Smith, ERD Director,
Todd Cox, Airport Manager, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the August 17, 2010 meeting.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve the minutes of the meeting held
on April 17, 2010, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There are no proclamations/presentations scheduled for August 24, 2010.
Com. Dzadovsky addressed the articles being presented regarding the funding of the School Resource
Officers and requested the County Administrator give an overview of funding put into place for the program.
The County Administrator advised the Board and for the general public’s information, that the funding for the
SRO program for next fiscal year beginning October 1, 2010 is $1.7 million dollars. The $1.6 million funding
provided this last year was to be a onetime funding allocation to cover the School Board’s portion. In the
past there were other partners involved in the funding of this program. Those partners included St. Lucie
County, the School Board, the Sheriff’s office, the city of Ft. Pierce and the city of Port St. Lucie. As of
today, the city of Ft. Pierce is not able to provide funding as well as the School Board. The city of Port St.
Lucie will be providing some funding. She stated the Board of County Commissioners has not changed
their position and will only provide their $1. 7 million.
Com. Grande advised those present that he had met with the Mayor’s of the municipalities as well as St.
Lucie Village regarding a countywide MSTU and was asked to provide a model ordinance for them to
provide to their board members.
Com. Craft advised everyone that out of 67 counties in the State, St. Lucie County is only one of the few
counties that fund this program.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Consent Agenda, and; upon roll
call, motion carried unanimously.
Approve warrant list No. 47
The Board approved Warrant List No. 47
1. Walton Road Annex – Fourth Amendment to December 18, 2007 Facilities Use
Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, Inc.
The Board approved the proposed Fourth Amendment to the December 18, 2007
Facilities Use Agreement with Port St. Lucie Historical Society, inc., and authorized the
Chairman to sign the amendment.
2. U. S. Department of Homeland Security – Modification of Contract for Storage of Federal
Emergency Management Agency Trailers
The Board approved the proposed Modification of Contract to close out the Contract for
storage of Federal Emergency Management Agency Trailers, and authorized the
Chairman to sign the document.
3. Ordinance No. 10-032 Library and Law enforcement Impact Fees – Permission to
The Board authorized advertising Ordinance No. 10-032.
4. Resolution No. 10-230 - Approving Issuance of Revenue Bonds by Florida Development
Finance Corporation for Renaissance Charter School, Inc.
The Board approved adoption of proposed Resolution No. 2010-230, as drafted.
5. Ordinance No. 10-033 – Eminent Domain Waivers – Permission to Advertise
The Board authorized advertising Ordinance No. 10-033
6. Approval of Resolution Letter with U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, for
Implementation of Captioning, and Acceptance of Proposal from CaptionLink for
Captioning Services
The Board approved the proposed Resolution Letter with U.S. Department of Justice, Civil
Rights Division, for captioning of SLCTV programming, and authorized the Chairman to
sign the Resolution Letter. The Board of County Commissioners approved entering into
an agreement with CaptionLink to provide MPEG Offline captioning services for three
years, and authorized the Chairman to sign the agreement, subject to approval by the
County Attorney as to legal form and correctness.
7. Transit Shelter Program - Interlocal Agreement with City of Fort Pierce
The Board approved the Interlocal agreement with City of Fort Pierce, and authorized the
Chairman to sign the agreement.
8. Donation of Right-of-Way - Swain Road - Portofino Landings Community Development
District - Portofino Landings - Special Warranty Deed - Resolution No. 10-232
The Board accepted the Special Warranty Deed authorized the Chairman to sign
Resolution No. 10-232 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of
St. Lucie County, Florida.
9. Grant to UDT-Seal Museum Association, Inc. - Collateral Assignment of St. Lucie County
Grant Agreement
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Collateral Assignment of St. Lucie County
Grant Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
Engineering Division:
1. Acceptance of Walton Road Widening Project (US 1 to Village Green Drive)
The Board approved the acceptance of the Walton Road Widening project (US 1 to
Village Green Drive).
2. St. James Sidewalk – Phase 1
The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 10-231 establishing the fund for the Florida
Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement for the St. James
Sidewalk Phase 1 project in the amount of $201,000 and a local match of $120,000 as
outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as
approved by the County Attorney.
Engineering Division:
3. Stormwater Management Continuing Contracts
The Board approved canceling the 2007 Stormwater Management Continuing Contracts.
4. Orange Avenue/NSLRWCD Canal No. 55 Emergency Culvert Replacement Design
The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 (C09-10-664) to the Stormwater
Continuing Contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates for the Orange Avenue/NSLRWCD
Canal No. 55 Emergency Culvert Replacement Design in the amount of $60,976, Budget
Amendment No. 10-032, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by
the County Attorney.
1. Project Draft – Letter of Intent
The Board authorized having the County Administrator send a letter of Intent to offer
Project Draft a Job Growth Investment Grant (JGIG) in the amount of $146,250 phased
over five years ($29,250 per year).
2. Project Coral – Letter of Intent
The Board authorized having the County Administrator send a letter of Intent to offer
Project Coral:
(1) An Ad Valorem Tax Abatement phased over six years subject to Board approval
at a public hearing, Project Coral making an approximate capital investment of
$1,500,000 in capital improvements in St. Lucie County and Project Coral
employing 28 persons at an average hourly wage of $20.16 (estimated value of
current fiscal year exemption =$12,090.75)
(2) A Job Growth Investment Grant of $52,500 phased over five years ($10,500 per
3. Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-002, Sebastiano and Cecilia Gazzara
The Board approved Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-002 and authorized the
Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
Prison Health Services Inmate HIV Medications Invoice for June, 2010
The Board approved payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0007945 for HIV
medications for the period of June 01, 2010 through June 30, 2010 in the amount of $32,377.83.
Severe Repetitive Loss Program – Agreement
The Board approved the Chairman to sign a Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Consultation
Agreement with one homeowner.
Housing Division:
1. Award of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Bids
The Board approved of the bid awards for four replacement housing projects under the St.
Lucie County CDBG Grant, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved
by the County Attorney, as outlined in the agenda memorandum.
2. Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Services
The Board approved advertising two RFQ’s for engineering services, and authorized the
Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney, as outlined in the
agenda memorandum.
3. State Aid to Libraries Grant and Annual Plan of Service
The Board approved submitting the annual State Aid to Libraries Grant, approved the
Library’s required Annual Plan of Service and authorized the Chairman to sign documents
approved by the County Attorney.
CDM Work Authorization for plasma permits modifications.
The Board approved CDM Work Authorization for engineering services related to landfill permit
modifications associated with the plasma arc gasification project for a lump sum of $670,610 and
authorized the Chairman to execute documents as prepared by the County Attorney. The
expenditures are contingent upon the execution of a Ground Lease Agreement with Geoplasma
defining these terms.
Purchasing Division:
1. Bid No. 10-033, Construction of the Intermodal Transfer Station
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 10-033, Construction of the Intermodal Transfer
Station, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Sisca Construction Services,
LLC of West Palm Beach, in the amount of $1,797,000.00 and authorized the Chairman to
sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
2. Resolution No. 10-157, Purchasing Policy Manual Revisions
The Board approved Resolution No. 10-157, Purchasing Policy Manual Revisions
3. Bid No. 10-035, Pest Control Services
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 10-035, Pest Control Services, to the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder, VanWal Services of Port St. Lucie, and authorized the
Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
4. Bid No. 10-046, Median and Right-of-Way Maintenance
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 10-046, Median and Right-of-Way Maintenance, to
the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Valley Crest Landscape of Fort Pierce, and
authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
5. Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 10-025, MLK/Dreamland Park Interactive Fountain
The Board approved the short-listed firms for MLK/Dreamland Park Interactive Fountain
and authorized to:
1. Conduct oral presentations with the short-listed Contractors;
2. Award contract to the successful short-listed firm and authorization for the Chairman to
sign the documents as prepared by the County Attorney.
6. Bid No. 10-041, Purchase of Asphalt
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 10-041, Purchase of Asphalt, to Ranger
Construction of Fort Pierce and Dickerson Florida, Inc. of Fort Pierce and authorized the
Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
7. Bid No. 10-048, Purchase of Concrete Culvert Pipe
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 10-048, Purchase of Concrete Culvert Pipe, to
Quality Culvert of Astatula, Florida and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as
approved by the County Attorney.
8. Fixed Asset Inventory – Property Record Removal
The Board authorized removing fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property
Disposition Forms, from the capital asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie
County Board of County Commissioners.
9. Bid No. 10-049, Transportation & Disposal of Landfill Leachate
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 10-049, Transportation & Disposal of Landfill
Leachate, to Accurate Septic Services, Inc. of Fort Pierce and T. Wayne Hill Trucking, Inc.
of Bartow for transportation and Everglades Waste Removal Services of Fort Lauderdale,
and Water Recovery, LLC of Jacksonville for disposal and authorized the Chairman to
sign the documents as approved by the County Attorney.
10. Bid No. 10-038, Fire Alarm Testing, Monitoring & Inspection
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 10-038, Fire Alarm Testing, Monitoring &
Inspection, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Reliant Fire Systems, Inc., of
Port St. Lucie, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the
County Attorney.
11. Fixed Asset Inventory – Property Record Removal
The Board authorized removing the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the
St. Lucie County Property Appraiser’s Office.
Engineering Division:
The Grove, Indian River Estates, Palm Grove, Southern Oaks, and Meadowood Street Lighting
Consider staff recommendation to approve to adopt Item No. VII-A Resolution No. 10-183, Item
No. VII-B Resolution No. 10-184, Item No. VII-C Resolution No. 10-185, Item No. VII-D Resolution
No. 10-186, and Item No. VII-E Resolution No. 10-177, as outlined in the agenda memorandum.
A.Resolution No. 10-183- The Grove
Ms. Karen Brenard area resident addressed the Board and advised them she had received two
letters regarding the proposed assessment due to the fact she borders two developments. She
stated she presently pays FPL for 10 streetlights on Sunshine Blvd. and stated she is now being
assessed for 10 street lights at the entrance of the condos.
Staff advised Ms. Brenard they were assessing only for the 10 that were in place since 1982 and
did not know or have an explanation as to why she is being assessed for an additional 10.
Com. Grande recommended continuing this item giving staff time to find out if there is a double
billing problem.
Staff was directed to work with the resident.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Coward, to continue this item on September
7, 2010 at 6:00 pm. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, motion carried
B.Resolution No. 10-184 – Indian River Estates
Mr. Larry Quettsberg, area resident, addressed the Board and stated there were many foreclosures
and bankruptcies in the area and due to this there will be less people to assess. He inquired why
street lights needed to remain on through the night.
Mr. Luke Pelletier, area resident, advised the Board FPL was freezing rates for two years. He
provided the Board with information taken from the intranet regarding solar street lighting. He
stated he was aware of the franchise fee collected by the Board and questioned what these fees
were used for.
The Management and Budget Director advised Mr. Pelletier the franchise fees were utilized for the
funding of areas in Public Works, Parks and Recreation and county buildings.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve Resolution No. 10-184,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C.Resolution No. 10-185 Palm Grove
Ms. Kathryn Lynberger, Palm Grove resident, addressed the Board and also stated she had
received two letters. She expressed her concern with the different figures on the trim notice as
opposed to the figures in the letters.
Com. Lewis advised Ms. Lynberger the trim notices do not reflect the pending changes.
Com. Grande advised Ms. Lynberger the process is being changed from the value of each property
to an equal assessment for each home.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to continue this item on September
7, 2010 at 6:00 pm. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, motion carried
D.Resolution No. 10-186 Southern Oaks
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve Resolution No. 10-186
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
E.Resolution No. 10-177- Meadowood
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve Resolution No. 10-177,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 10-162 – Final Assessment Resolution
Consider staff recommendation to approve adoption of Resolution No. 10-162 Solid Waste Final
Assessment Resolution and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as prepared by the
County attorney.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve Resolution No. 10-162
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement between the County and the City of Fort Pierce – Parks MSTU
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement and authorize
the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
The County Attorney addressed the Board on this item and reviewed the blackline changes.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the agreement between the
County and the City of Ft. Pierce, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 10-206 Adopting the Revised Employee Flexible Benefits Plan Document and Summary
Plan Description
Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 10-206 Adopting the Revised Flexible Benefits
Plan and Summary Plan Description and authorization for the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-206.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve Resolution No. 10-206, and; upon
roll call; motion carried unanimously.
Prison Health Services Inmate Health Care Invoice, FY2010 Third Quarter.
Consider staff recommendation to approve payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0007956
for the Third Quarter of FY2010, in the amount of $410,957.71 and budget amendment no. BA10-031
transferring $1,000,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Inmate Medical Fund.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon
roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Clerk of the Circuit Court