HomeMy WebLinkAboutLoan Application Solar and Energy Loan Fund (SELF) of St. Lucie County Loan Application Please note that Florida Statutes require that a property owner notify all mortgage holders/loan servicers at least 30 days in advance of their intent to enter into a financing agreement secured by the property. The notice must include the maximum principal amount and the maximum annual assessment. A verified copy or other proof of this notice must be provided to SELF on behalf of St. Lucie County. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Please complete and sign the attached Application form and include all requested attachments. Please type or print neatly in blue or black ink. All applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, upon receipt, until funds are depleted. Incomplete or incorrect applications cannot be processed. Resubmitted applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis upon the new receipt date. Application approval and execution of an Assessment Agreement is required before any financing is available. Sample Contract Documents can be viewed online at . All record owners must sign the Application, Truth in Lending Disclosure Agreement (TILA), Contract Documents, and Assignment, if applicable. See Program Guidelines for more detailed information. If there are insufficient funds available, an approved applicant will be placed on a waiting list. Keep a copy for your records of your completed Application and all documents submitted. Keep a copy of all receipts, paid invoices, and home improvement contracts. Mail or deliver your completed Application and attachments to: . Applications and attachments can also be emailed to . For questions regarding the status of your Application call or email (To protect your personal information, make sure your application is encrypted before sending). For information on home improvement contracts or the status of the state license for your proposed contractor(s) visit www.myfloridalicense.com/wl11.asp or call the Contractor’s State License Board at 850-487-1395. 9/9/2010 Page 1 APPLICATION The Solar and Energy Loan Fund of St. Lucie County (SELF) provides financing for the installation of energy efficiency improvements, and renewable energy sources that are permanently fixed to real property (Improvements). Assessment Agreements will be entered into . as provided for in State law, and the Solar and Energy Loan Fund Program Guidelines SECTION 1: Eligibility Requirements A.Applicant(s) is/are legal owner of the property described in the Application (the Property). B.Property is developed and located within St Lucie County. Mobile homes that are not affixed to real property and subject to secured property tax are not eligible. C.Property Owner has been current on property taxes for three years. 12 D.Property Owner is current on mortgage(s). For commercial property, lender has given consent to SELF Financing. 3 E.Property Owner is not in bankruptcy and the property is not an asset in a bankruptcy. F.Property is not in foreclosure. G.There are no federal or state tax liens, judgment liens or similar involuntary liens on the Property. H.Improvement costs are reasonable for the scope of the proposed project and to Property Value. Minimum loan amount is $2,500. Maximum loan amount is $50,000. The loan amount must be net, after all rebates. I.Requested Financing Amount for energy conservation improvements do not exceed twenty per cent (20%) of the market value as determined by the St. Lucie County’s Property Appraiser unless an energy audit and the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) demonstrates the financial impact on the owner(s) would be neutral based on the energy savings. Renewal energy improvements are not subject to this limitation. J.The loan to value ratio (including the Requested Financing Amount) does not exceed 125 4 percent. The loan to value ratio may be increased by the Loan Committee based on compensating factors such as income, credit, etc. 1 If property is subject to loan modification because of default or delinquency, additional restrictions may apply. 2 For SELF, “residential property” is defined as single-family properties with 1-to-4 residential units; “commercial property” is all other property. 3 If property owner has been in bankruptcy in the past three years, additional requirements may apply. 4 Calculation: (sum of all lien balances against the property + requested amount of SELF financing) / market value is less than or equal to 125%. SELF Application REV 9/01/2010 Page 2 SECTION 2: Fees and Finances – In addition to the cost of the improvements, charges include, but are not limited to, the following: A.Charges associated with building permit(s) and/or review per local ordinances. Please check with your contractor and/or local building department. B.Title search fee which may be included in the loan amount. C.Fees for properly recording all required documents. Fees may be included in the loan amount. D.Interest begins accruing immediately following disbursement. SECTION 3: Required Documentation The following documents must be submitted with the application: A.Current mortgage statements, transaction histories, or other evidence that all mortgages or any other loans secured by the Property are current, including home equity loans and home equity lines of credit. B.Proof of annual income; last income tax return if self-employed. C.Fair Lending Notice (attached - please complete and sign). D.Disclosure Regarding Assessment Financing (attached - please complete and sign). E.Organizational documents if Property Owner is NOT on title as an individual, i.e. Trust Documents showing the “powers of the trustee” to encumber the property. F.Commercial properties: Signed consent form from lender. G.Copy of lease agreement with tenant if rental property. H.Proof of 30-day notice to mortgage holders/loan servicers of intent to enter into financing agreement. I.Copy of Energy audit/survey and Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) J.Copy of Improvement estimate and/or contractor’s proposal, equipment estimates, etc., including information regarding equipment model, size, energy specifications, etc. K.Onsite work may begin after ALL of the following acts have occurred: ? Application approval. ? Signing contract documents. ? Property owner receives a “Notice to Proceed”: SELF Application REV 9/01/2010 Page 3 SECTION 4: Application – Please note that a credit report will be obtained to verify employment and debt information. This information may or may not be considered during the approval process. SELF Application REV 9/01/2010 Page 4 SECTION 5: Declarations By signing this Application, the undersigned hereby declares under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the State of Florida all of the following: 1.I (we) am (are) current owner(s) of record of the property described herein (the Property). 2.The Property is not currently involved in a bankruptcy proceeding. 3.The Property is not in foreclosure. 4.I (we) are current on any mortgage or other loan secured by the Property. 5.I (we) and the Property meet the eligibility requirements listed in Section 1. 6.That (i) the information provided in this Application is true and correct as of the date set forth opposite my (our) signature(s) on this Application and (ii) that I (we) understand that any intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) of the information contained in this Application may result in civil liability and/or criminal penalties including, but not limited to, fine or imprisonment or both and liability for monetary damages to the Solar and Energy Loan Fund of St. Lucie County, Inc. (SELF), its agents, successors and assigns, insurers and any other person who may suffer any loss due to reliance upon any misrepresentation which I (we) have made in this Application. 7.I (we) am (are) applying to participate in the SELF. I (we) understand that I/we must execute an Assessment Agreement with the County of St Lucie in order to receive financing for the Improvements and I (we) have the authority, without the consent of any third party which has not been previously obtained, to execute and deliver the Assessment Agreement, this Application, and the various documents and instruments referenced herein. 8.I (we) understand that the financing provided pursuant to the Assessment Agreement will be repayable through an assessment levied against this Property. The Assessment Agreement will specify the amount of the assessment and the assessment installments and the interest on the assessment to be collected on the tax bill for the Property each year. The assessment and the interest and any penalties thereon will constitute a lien against the Property until they are paid, even if I (we) sell the Property to another person. I (we) understand that assessment installments together with the interest on the assessment will be collected on my/our property tax bill in the same manner and at the same time as property taxes and will be subject to the same penalties, remedies, and lien priorities as for property taxes in the event of delinquency. 9.I (we) understand that if I (we) pay property taxes through an escrow account, it is my (our) responsibility to notify my (our) lender to adjust my/our monthly payments. 10.I (we) have reviewed any existing loan agreements and security instruments applicable to the Property, and verified that executing the Assessment Agreement, receiving the financing for the Improvements, and consenting to the assessment levied against the SELF Application REV 9/01/2010 Page 5 Property will not constitute a default under any other agreement or security instrument which affects the Property or to which I (we) am (are) a party. 11.I (we) agree that the selection of any product(s), equipment, and measures referenced in this Application (the Improvements), the selection of any manufacturer(s), dealer(s), supplier(s), contractor(s) and installer(s), and the decision regarding the purchase, installation and ownership/maintenance of the Improvements is(are) my(our) sole responsibility and that I (we) have not relied upon any representations or recommendations of SELF, its agents, representatives, assignees, or employees, in making such selection or decision, and that my manufacturer, dealer, supplier, contractor or installer of the Improvements is not an agent, employee, assignee or representative of SELF. 12.I (we) understand that SELF makes no warranty, whether express or implied, with respect to the choice, use or application of the Improvements, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose, use or application of the Improvements. 13.I (we) agree that SELF has no liability whatsoever concerning (i) the quality or safety of any Improvements, including their fitness for any purpose, (ii) the estimated energy savings produced by or performance of the Improvements, (iii) the workmanship of any third parties, (iv) the installation or use of the Improvements including, but not limited to, any effect on indoor pollutants, or (v) any other matter with respect to the Solar and Energy Loan Fund. 14.I (we) understand that I (we) is (are) responsible for meeting all SELF requirements and complying with all applicable Federal/State/County/City laws and the requirements of any agreement which affects the Property or the use of the Property (such as homeowner’s association requirements, if any). 15.I (we) hereby authorize SELF to obtain and review my credit report. My credit report will be obtained from a credit reporting agency chosen by SELF. I understand and agree that SELF may use the credit report for the purpose of evaluating my financial status. SELF Application REV 9/01/2010 Page 6 Signed on this _____________ day of _________________________, ___________ Date Month Year In the City of______________________________, State of Florida. ________________________________________ ____________________________ Property Owner Signature Printed Name ________________________________________ ____________________________ Property Owner Signature Printed Name ________________________________________ ____________________________ Property Owner Signature Printed Name ________________________________________ ____________________________ Property Owner Signature Printed Name THE FEDERAL EQUAL CREDIT OPPORTUNITY ACT, WHICH MAY APPLY TO THIS TRANSACTION, PROHIBITS CREDITORS FROM DISCRIMINATION AGAINST CREDIT APPLICANTS ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX MARITAL STATUS, AGE (PROVIDED THE APPLICANT HAS THE CAPACITY TO ENTER INTO A BINDING CONTRACT); BECAUSE ALL OR PART OF THE APPLICANT’S INCOME DERIVES FROM ANY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAM; OR BECAUSE THE APPLICANT HAS IN GOOD FAITH EXERCISED ANY RIGHT UNDER THE CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT. THE FEDERAL AGENCY THAT ADMINISTERS COMPLIANCE WITH THIS LAW CONCERNING THIS CREDITOR IS THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, EQUAL CREDIT OPPORTUNITY, WASHINGTON, DC 20580. SELF Application REV 9/01/2010 Page 7