HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 09-21-2010 îíðð Ê·®¹·²·¿ ߪ»²«» Ú±®¬ з»®½»ô ÚÔ íìçèîóëêëî Ì»´»°¸±²»æ ééîñìêîóïëçí Ú¿½­·³·´»æ ééîñìêîóîëìç ST. LUCIE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION (TPO) TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) Regular Meeting Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Time:10:30am Location:Administration Building St. Lucie County International Airport 3000 Curtis King Boulevard Fort Pierce, Florida AGENDA 1.Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Approval of Minutes July 20, 2010 Regular Meeting 5. Comments from the Public 6.Tour of the St. Lucie County International Airport:A bus tour of the airport property, facilities, and operationswill be provided to the TACmembers. 7. Action Items 7a. 2010/11 Transportation Enhancement (TE) List of Priority Projects (LOPP):Review of the draft TELOPP for 2010/11. Action:Recommend adoption, recommend adoptionwith conditions, or do not recommend adoption. 7b.Transportation Regional Incentive Grant Program (TRIP): Review and prioritization of TRIP projectsfor the 2010 grant cycle. Action:Review and recommend prioritization of TRIP projects for the 2010grant cycle. Ì®¿²­°±®¬¿¬·±² д¿²²·²¹ º±® Ú±®¬ з»®½»ô ᮬ ͬò Ô«½·»ô ͬò Ô«½·» Ê·´´¿¹» ¿²¼ ͬò Ô«½·» ݱ«²¬§ TAC Regular Meeting–September 21, 2010Page 2 of 2 8. DiscussionItems 8a.2035 St. Lucie/Martin Regional Long Range Transportation Plan (RLRTP) Goals, Objectives, and Policies (GOPs):Review and discussion of the draft 2035 RLRTP GOPs. Action:None. Discuss and provide comments. 9. Recommendations/Comments by Members 10. Staff Comments 11. Next Meeting: The next St.Lucie TPO TAC meeting is aJoint Meeting with the Martin Metropolitan Planning Organization TAC scheduled for 10:30am on Thursday, October 7, 2010, in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. 12. Adjourn NOTICES Items not included on the agendamay also be heard in consideration of the best interests of the public’s health, safety, welfare, and as necessary to protect every person’s right of access. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the St. Lucie TPO Advisory Committees with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, that person shall need a record of the proceedings, and for such a purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The St. Lucie TPO satisfiesthe requirements of various non-discrimination laws and regulations including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns about Title VI maycontact the St. Lucie TPO at 772-462-1593. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to access the meeting facilities should contact Dan Lutzke, St. Lucie County Risk Manager, at 772-462-1546 or TDD772-462-1428 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Anyone with a disability requiring transit accommodation to attend the meetings should contact Community Transit at 772-464-7433 (Fort Pierce) or 772-879-1287 (Port St. Lucie) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Crèole:Si ou ta rinmin recevoua information sa en crèole si l bous plait rèlè 772-462-1777. Español: Si usted desearecibir esta informaciòn en español, por favor llame al 772-462-1777. îíðð Ê·®¹·²·¿ ߪ»²«» Ú±®¬ з»®½»ô ÚÔ íìçèîóëêëî Ì»´»°¸±²»æ ééîñìêîóïëçí Ú¿½­·³·´»æ ééîñìêîóîëìç Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Minutes Conference Room 3, St. Lucie County Administration Building 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida July 20, 2010 Members in attendance: Representing: Jack Andrews, Chair pro tem City of Fort Pierce Engineering Chon Wong FDOT, PL and EM Arlene Tanis FDOT, District 4 Matthew Margotta City of Fort Pierce Planning Kara Wood St. Lucie County Planning and Development Bruce Offord Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection John Finizio City of Port St. Lucie Planning Todd Cox St. Lucie County Airport David Thompson St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office Cpt. Corine Williams St. Lucie County Transit Manager Craig Hauschild St. Lucie County Engineering Jennifer Gent City of Port St. Lucie Engineering Staff in attendance: Representing: Peter Buchwald St. Lucie TPO Marceia Lathou St. Lucie TPO Neelam Fatima St. Lucie TPO Edward DeFini St. Lucie TPO Other in attendance: Representing: Corine Williams St. Lucie Housing and Community Services Tamashbeen Rahman Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection Joe Capra Martin County MPO TAC Recording Secretary: Sarah Howard Ì®¿²­°±®¬¿¬·±² д¿²²·²¹ º±® Ú±®¬ з»®½»ô ᮬ ͬò Ô«½·»ô ͬò Ô«½·» Ê·´´¿¹» ¿²¼ ͬò Ô«½·» ݱ«²¬§ Page 2 of 4 Agenda Item 1 Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:35 am. Mr. Offord nominated Mr. Andrews as Chairman pro tem, seconded by Ms. Tanis, which passed unanimously, and elected unanimously. Agenda Item 2 Roll Call: In lieu of roll call, the sign in sheet was passed around and it was determined a quorum was present. Agenda Item 3 Approval of Agenda: Mr. Margotta moved approval of the agenda, seconded by Captain Thompson, which passed unanimously. Agenda Item 4 Approval of the Minutes: Captain Thompson moved approval of the minutes of May 18, 2010, seconded by Mr. Offord, which passed unanimously. Agenda Item 5 Public Comments: None. Action Items Agenda Item 6a County Incentive Grant Program (CIGP) Project Applications for 2010: Mr. Buchwald presented the review and prioritization of CIGP grant applications. A copy of the presentation is available upon request. Discussion ensued regarding the matching funds certification in each application; CIP, CIE and CIE examples not included in the agenda packet; DOT evaluation criteria; County requested the TAC ranking of the applications; $14,396,059 DOT th district wide funding available; 25 Street project links a lot of major county needed and emergency services; difficulty of ranking three necessary projects; $2.3 million design and permit funded portion of the $11 million construction cost for the th 25 street project, the additional design needed and the $5.5 million is the th construction match; Midway Road, from 25 to US 1, project status; Crosstown Parkway de-federalized portion has been constructed, from the interchange at I-95 to Manth Lane, the Manth to US 1 portion is slated to go to construction, with the approval process, 2013-2014 and this grant would assist with the funding of that construction; Crosstown Parkway Extension provides interconnectivity of emergency services and evacuation routes; right of way (ROW) status for the three projects and the additional ROW needs; pending Record of Decision (ROD) for the federalized portion of Crosstown Parkway expected Spring 2012; current and future funding, through the TPO and city match, designated for Crosstown Parkway ROW acquisition and pending mediations; Crosstown Parkway project schedule; previously utilized CIGP for the ROW acquisition for the Kings and Indrio th Street to Selvitz, project is at 60% design, is not intersection; Midway Road, 25 obligated to follow the federal Uniform Relocation Act and the acquisitions are occurring and the project may be under construction before this grant is available; FDOT views each segment separately and List of Priority Projects (LOPP) and CIGP rankings are not compared to each other; and, from the regional Transit th Development Plan (TDP), a future transit segment will be on 25 Street. July 20, 2010 TAC Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Mr. Hauschild moved acceptance of the ranking the CIGP applications as 1) Crosstown Parkway, 2) Midway, 3) Kings Highway, seconded by Mr. Margotta, which passed unanimously. Agenda Item 6b 2010/11 List of Priority Projects (LOPP): Mr. Buchwald presented the review of the draft LOPP for 2010/11. A copy of the presentation is available upon request. Discussion ensued regarding the groundbreaking for the Fort Pierce Intermodal Facility; 2009 Port St. Lucie Transportation Facility Upgrades at the Public Works facility grant may not meet the criteria and should be removed from the list; ADA compliant transit pads being added to the list, under Bus Shelters; appropriate time to add projects to any of the lists; Amtrak service, passenger rail with feeders buses, park and ride lots, park and ride stations and other modes of transportation projects being identified on these lists; having only one multi-modal list, instead of four separate lists, and the difficulty of comparing different types of projects to each other and developing criteria for ranking them; estimated cost of the Fort Pierce train station is between $1.5 and $5 million; and the City of Port St. Lucie sidewalk project list being added. The recommendation was made for the committee to bring suggestions, to the next meeting, of items to be added to the lists, including the City of Port St. Lucie sidewalk list, and rank all the items at that time; however, the deadline is October 1, 2010 and these lists also need to be approved by the TPO Board. The October 6, 2010 TPO Board meeting is after this deadline unless FDOT allows a late submission of the LOPP of two weeks after October 1, 2010. Mr. Margotta moved adding the Fort Pierce Train Station to the Transit List as priority #8 with a $4 million cost estimate, seconded by Ms. Williams, which passed unanimously. Mr. Cox moved removing the Port St. Lucie Transportation Facility Upgrades project from the Transportation Grant Project list, seconded by Ms. Gent, which passed unanimously. Ms. Wood moved adopting the Priority Projects list as amended by the previous two motions and votes, with the consideration that a list of sidewalk priority projects will be submitted by the City of Port St. Lucie for TAC consideration at the next meeting, seconded by Mr. Cox, which passed unanimously. Discussion ensued regarding adding projects to the TIP, projects that show on the long range transportation plan and the upcoming 2035 Cost Feasible Plan. Ms. Wood amended the previous motion to the consideration of any project submitted, pending FDOT extension of the October 1, 2010 deadline, seconded by Mr. Cox, which passed unanimously. July 20, 2010 TAC Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Agenda Item 6c Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments, State TIP (STIP) Amendments, and Project Advancements: Mr. Buchwald presented the review of amendments to the FY 2009/10 – FY 2013/14 TIP and STIP and project advancements. A copy of the presentation is available upon request. Ms. Tanis explained federal funds were freed up so this is good news. Captain Thompson moved approval of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments, State TIP (STIP) Amendments, and Project Advancements, seconded by Mr. Offord, which passed unanimously. Discussion Items Agenda item 7a Transportation Regional Incentive Grant Program (TRIP): Mr. Buchwald lead the discussion of the TRIP and potential local TRIP projects for the 2010 grant cycle. A copy of the presentation is available upon request. Discussion ensued regarding the projects picked and the regional technical ranking; re-evaluating of corridors and adding them to the Regionally Ranked 2030 Needs Projects list; list will be updated as part of the 2035 long range plan; yet to be scheduled Regional Advisory Council and Treasure Coast Transportation Council meetings that will review the projects; and the October 1, 2010 deadline. Informational Items Agenda Item 8a Intergovernmental Planning and Coordination: Mr. Buchwald presented the identification of planning, coordination, and support activities for the local jurisdictions in the Unified Planning Work Program. A copy of the presentation is available upon request. Agenda Item 9 Recommendations/Comments by Members: None. Agenda Item 10 Staff Comments: Mr. Buchwald thanked the TAC for a very productive meeting. Agenda Item 11 Next Meeting: The next St. Lucie TPO TAC regular meeting is scheduled for 10:30am, Tuesday, September 21, 2010, at the Administration Building, St. Lucie County International Airport, 3000 Curtis King Boulevard, Fort Pierce, Florida. Agenda Item 12 Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:39 am. Respectfully Submitted: Approved by: _______________________ _________________________ Sarah Howard Rogelio Gonzalez Senior Staff Assistant TAC Chair July 20, 2010 TAC Meeting Minutes 2300 Virginia Avenue FortPierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Facsimile: 772/462-2549 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Board/Committee:St. Lucie TPO TechnicalAdvisory Committee Meeting Date:September 21, 2010 Item Number:7a Item Title:2010/11 Transportation Enhancement (TE) List of Priority Projects (LOPP) Item Origination:For development of theFDOT Work Program and the St. Lucie TPO’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)for FY2011/12– FY2015/16 UPWPReference:Task 3.3–Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Requested Action:Recommend adoption, recommend adoption with conditions, or do not recommend adoption Staff Recommendation:It is recommended that the draft 2010/11 TE LOPP be reviewed;revised, as needed, based on comments/information provided by the TAC;and forwarded to the TPO Board with a recommendation for adoption. Attachments x Staff Report x Draft2010/11TE LOPP x Traffic Signal Preemption Technology Project Summary 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Facsimile: 772/462-2549 MEMORANDUM TO:St. Lucie Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) THROUGH:Peter Buchwald Executive Director FROM:Edward DeFini Senior Planner–Bike/Ped DATE:September 14, 2010 SUBJECT:2010/11 Transportation Enhancement (TE) List of Priority Projects (LOPP) BACKGROUND The St. Lucie TPO annually develops the LOPP for submittal to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District 4by October 1st of each year. The projects identified in the LOPP subsequently are funded and included in the FDOT Work Program to the maximum extent feasible. The St. Lucie TPO’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for FY 2011/12 –FY 2015/16 is thendeveloped based on the LOPP and the FDOT Work Program. During review of the draft 2010/11 LOPP atitsmeeting on July 20, 2010, the TAC recommended the integration of the 2009/10 TE LOPP with the 2009/10 Bicycle/Pedestrian LOPP and the Sidewalk Project Listadopted by the Port St.Lucie City Council in 2007to form the 2010/11 TE LOPP. The TPO Board subsequently approved at its meeting on August 4th the integration of these lists to form the 2010/11 TE LOPP. ANALYSIS To integrate the lists and initially form the draft 2010/11 TE LOPP, TPO staff received sidewalk/roadway data from the City of Port St Lucie (PSL) Engineering Department. This data was combined with the 2009/10 Bicycle/Pedestrian LOPP. Geographic Information System (GIS)data (school bus stops) was gathered from Transportation Planning for FortPierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County September 14, 2010Page 2of 2 the St. Lucie County School District,and parcel data (existing homes adjacent to the roadway segments)was gathered from the St. Lucie County GIS. Theprojects were initially rankedwith the projects from the initial 2010/11 TE LOPP, that are the subject of TE grant applicationsfor 2010, receivingthe highest priorityand prioritized according to the ranking of the TE applications by the TPO Board. The projects from the 2009/10 Bicycle/Pedestrian LOPP and the PSL Sidewalk Project List then were prioritizedbased on the number of persons adjacent to each of the roadwaysegments. This initial prioritization was presented to the Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) on August 27, 2010.The BPACrecommended six additional criteria to be utilizedwhenprioritizing the TE projects. Thesecriteria includea point system for rankingthe projectsas follows: 1)Average Annual Daily Trips(AADT) along aroadway segment 2)5 points for residents with no automobilealong aroadway segment 3)5 points for a Community Center along aroadway segment 4)3 points for a community school bus stop along a roadway segment 5)5points for a local attractor alonga roadway segment 6)5 points for a school along aroadway segment Prioritizingthe projects based on the above criteria resultsin the attached draft 2010/11TE LOPP.Theabovecriteria were found to be applicable toProjects4-13. Projects 14–23 did not receive any points according to the above criteriaandare prioritizedbased onthe number of persons adjacent to each of roadway segments. Finally, at the request of the St. Lucie County Fire District, a Traffic Signal Preemption Technology project for the St. Lucie TPO area, as described in the attached project summary, was included and added to the endof the draft 2010/11 TE LOPP. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the draft 2010/11 TE LOPP be reviewed;revised, as needed, based on comments/information provided by the TAC;and forwarded to the TPO Board with a recommendation for adoption. 2300 Virginia Avenue FortPierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Facsimile: 772/462-2549 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Board/Committee:St. Lucie TPO TechnicalAdvisory Committee Meeting Date:September 21, 2010 Item Number:7b Item Title:Transportation Regional Incentive Grant Program (TRIP) Item Origination:State Legislation and FDOTDistrict 4 UPWPReference:Task 5.1–Regional Planning and Coordination Requested Action:Review and recommend prioritization of TRIP projects for the 2010grant cycle Staff Recommendation:It is recommended that the following prioritization of TRIP projects for the 2010 grant cycle be recommendedto the TCTC: 1)FEC Passenger Rail Service Improvement Project 2)Crosstown Parkway 3)66th Avenue 4)CR 510 Attachments x Staff Report x Technically Evaluated 2030 Regional Project Needs x Crosstown Parkway TRIP Application x Indian River MPO TRIP Project List 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Facsimile: 772/462-2549 MEMORANDUM TO:St. Lucie TPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) FROM:Peter Buchwald Executive Director DATE:September 14, 2010 SUBJECT:Transportation Regional Incentive Grant Program (TRIP) BACKGROUND In 2005, TRIP was created by Florida legislation for the purpose of providing funds to improve regionally significant transportation facilities, including transit facilities, in regional transportation areas. In 2006, the Treasure Coast Transportation Council (TCTC), consisting of two members each from the St.Lucie TPO and the Indian River and Martin Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), was created as a regional transportation areato pursue TRIP funds for the three-county region. Since its creation, TRIPhas assisted the Treasure Coast in implementinga number of regional mobility solutions. Examples of projects that have utilized TRIP funding include Crosstown Parkway and King’sHighway intersection improvements in St. Lucie County, construction of the Green River Parkway in Martin County, and the widening of Oslo Road in Indian River County. In 2009, the Florida Department of Transportation District 4 (FDOT) informed the TCTCthat there was insufficient funding for TRIP, and a TRIP grant prioritizationwas not conducted. FDOT hasfor2010 restored funding to the TRIP program. However, unlike in the past, the 2010 TRIP allocation of$568,581is insufficient to complete a substantial highway project. At the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting on July20,2010, the existence of the2010 TRIP cycle was identified, and it was requested that Transportation Planning for FortPierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County September 14, 2010Page 2of 3 potential projects for TRIP applications be submittedby the local jurisdictions. Because of timing and resource limitations and in the interest of efficiency, members of the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) to the TCTC will review and recommend the project priorities to the TCTC through the individual advisory committeesof the TPO/MPOs.The TCTC meeting is scheduled for September 30, 2010. ANALYSIS Since the original intent of the TRIP program was to develop regional project priorities that benefit multiple jurisdictions, the staffsof the three TCTC TPO/MPOs haveidentified a consensus priorityproject that enhances regionaltravel opportunities.To develop thisconsensus priority project, the staffsreferred to the Technically Evaluated 2030 Regional Project Needs (attached) which was endorsed by the TCTC in September 2007. Projects considered for TRIP funding historically have been derived from this Regional Project Needs list. The top priority on thislist is the extension of Tri-Rail passenger rail service to the Treasure Coast. In light of widespread support for the resumption of passenger rail service to the Treasure Coast, the staffs of the three MPOs recommendthat the TCTC adopt a passenger rail priority project, known as theFEC Passenger Rail Service Improvement Project,as the top 2010 TCTC priorityproject.The TPO Board at its meeting on August 4, 2010, endorsed that a regional rail/transit projectbethe top 2010 TCTC priority. It should be noted that the top priority project being recommended is not specifically aTri-Rail Passenger Rail Service, but Amtrak Passenger Rail Service. Thisis because FDOTand the TPO/MPOs havesupported a grant application through the Federal High Speed Intercity Rail grant program that offers a viable option for near-term implementation. Specifically, the FEC Passenger Rail Service Improvement Projectwould use TRIP funding in Indian River and St.Lucie counties in conjunction with other local and federal sources to construct passenger station improvements in Vero Beach and Fort Pierce. In Martin County, the funds would be used for planning and implementation studies for improving connectivity between the proposed passenger rail station and downtown Stuart. When complete, the proposed station improvements and connection study will facilitate passenger rail service in the FEC corridor. The City of Port St. Lucie has submitted an application for TRIP funding for Crosstown Parkway (attached) as a backup to the FEC Passenger Rail September 14, 2010Page 3of 3 Service Improvement Project. The Indian River MPO issubmitting two projects, 66th Avenue and CR 510, summarized in the attached list, as backups to the FEC Passenger Rail Service Improvement Project. At this time, it is unknown if the Martin MPO will be submitting projects as backups to the FEC Passenger Rail Service Improvement Project. It should be noted that Crosstown Parkway is ranked higher than either 66thAvenue or CR 510in the Technically Evaluated 2030 Regional Project Needslist. RECOMMENDATION Based on their rankings in the Technically Evaluated 2030 Regional Project Needslist, it is recommendedthat the following prioritization of TRIP projectsfor the 2010 grant cycle be recommended to the TCTC: 1)FEC Passenger Rail Service Improvement Project 2)Crosstown Parkway 3)66th Avenue 4)CR 510 Palm Beach CountyNew Commuter Rail Roseland RdN. County Lin dd 2 Lanes627 eAY Indian Street Bridge PrjFL TurnpikeWilloughby RdAdd 2-4 Lanes/New Bridge6Y26 Stuart-WPB Express Stuart Palm Beach CountNew Express Route-N254 y FixedRoute to IRCFt. PierceIndian River CountyNew Fixed Route-N254 Midwa Edwards Rddd 2-4 Lanes/Bridge424 yAY Aviation BlvdOld Dixie Hwy (N)Add 2 Lanes6Y24 Indian River BlvdRoyal Palm37th Sdd 2 Lanes624 tAY Crosstown ParkwayFloresta DrUS 1New 6 Lane Bridge6N239 Okeechobee County LineMartin County Lin dd 2 Lanes6N239 eA I-9582nd AveAdd 2 Lanes6Y23 Edwards RdMidway Rddd 2 Lanes62212 AY Jenkins Rd.Okeechobee RdEdwards RdAdd 2 Lanes4Y2113 I-95FL Turnpike [in Martin Co]Palm Beach County Lindd 2 Lanes8N2113 eA Martin Downs BlvdHigh Meadows AveKanner HwyAdd 2 Lanes6N2113 Jensen Beach BlvdNorth of Roosevelt Bridge dd 2 Lanes8N2113 A I-95Selvitz RdAdd 2 Lanes6Y2017 Rangeline RdGlades Cut OffMartin County Lindd 2 Lanes4N2017 eA Indian River County LineJuanita Ave.Add 2 Lanes6N2017 St. Lucie County Lin Palm Beach County Lindd 2 Lanes6N2017 eeA 98th AveI-95Add 2 Lanes6Y2017 U.S. 1S. County LinOslo Rddd 2 Lanes62017 eAY 66th AveSR 60C.R. 510Add 2 Lanes4Y2017 Virginia AveEdwards Rd.dd 2 Lanes6N1924 A Kings Hwy (South)Angle RdOkeechobee RdAdd 4 Lanes6*Y1924 Midway Rd25th StreeUS 1dd 2 Lanes41924 tAY C.R. 512Fellsmere City LimitsI-95Add 2 Lanes4Y1924 C.R. 512I-95C.R. 510dd 2 Lanes61924 AY Orange AveKings HighwayJenkins RoadAdd 4 Lanes6N1829 SR 714Western Palm City CorridorMartin Downs Blvd dd 2 Lanes4N1829 A S. County LineN. County LineAdd 2 Lanes6Y1829 C.R. 510C.R. 512U.S. 1dd 2 Lanes41829 AY C.R. 510U.S. 1ICWWAdd 2 Lanes4Y1829 Okeechobee RdFL TurnpikeMcNeil Rddd 4 Lanes6N1734 A Jenkins Road25th StreetAdd 2 Lanes6N1734 Emerson AvenueKings Highwa dd 2 Lanes4N1636 yA Kings Hwy (Middle)Indrio RdAngle RdAdd 4 Lanes6*Y1636 Okeechobee RdMcNeil RdVirginia Avedd 2 Lanes6N1636 A Okeechobee County LineAllapattah Rd / CR 609Add 2 Lanes4N1636 US 1Orange Avedd 2 Lanes6N1540 A Angle RdOkeechobee RdAdd 2-4 Lanes4Y1540 Midway RdSelvitz Rd25th Streedd 2 Lanes41540 tAY Port St Lucie BlvdGatlin RdBecker RdAdd 2 Lanes4Y1540 Walton RdLennard RdGreen River Pkwdd 2 Lanes41540 yAY SR 76US 441SR 710Add 2 Lanes4N1540 SR 76SR 710CR 711 dd 2 Lanes4N1540 A S County Line/Koblegard RdOslo RdNew 4 Lane4Y1540 ngle RoadSt. Lucie Blvddd 4 Lanes/New Bridge4N1448 AA CR 711CR A1AAdd 2 Lanes4N1448 CR 711Monterey Rd dd 2 Lanes61448 AY US 1Bridge RdPalm Beach County LineAdd 2 Lanes6N1448 27th AveOslo RdS.R. 60 Add 2 Lanes41448 Y Edwards RdJenkins Rd25th StreetAdd 2 Lanes/Bridge4N1353 Glades Cut-Off RdReserve BlvdSelvitz Roaddd 2 Lanes4N1353 A SR 76US 1Add 2 Lanes4Y1353 Oslo Rddd 2 Lanes41353 27th AveS. County LineAY 43rd AveOslo Rd8th StAdd 2 Lanes4Y1353 25th Street SouthMidway RdEdwards RdAdd 2 Lanes6N1258 Okeechobee RdI-95Add 2 Lanes4N1258 Okeechobee RdBrocksmith RdFlorida's Turnpike Add 2 Lanes6N1258 Midway RdWalton RdAdd 2 Lanes8N1258 High Meadow Av Martin HwI-95dd 2 Lanes4N1258 eyA Kanner Hwy / CR 726Palm Beach County LineAdd 2 Lanes4N1258 Osprey St I-9558th Avedd 2 Lanes41072 AY Gatlin Blvd ExtVillage ParkwayI-95Add 2 Lanes6N977 Indrio RdJohnston RdEmerson Ave dd 2 Lanes4N977 A Green River ParkwaySR 707St Lucie County lineAdd 2 Lanes4Y97 Western Palm City CorridorBecker RdSR 714dd 2 Lanes4N977 A Green River ParkwayWalton RdMartin County LineAdd 2 Lanes4N881 Indian River (Walton) Bridge Indian River D 1New 4 Lane Bridge4N881 rAA 25th StreetMidway RdAiroso BlvdAdd 2 Lanes6N783 Indrio RdKings Hw US 1dd 2 Lanes4N783 yA Koblegard RdIndian River County LineIndrio RdAdd 2 Lanes4N783 New TVC Road INew TVC Road BNew TVC Road CNew 4 Lane4N783 Shinn RoadKings HighwayAdd 2 Lanes4N783 Shinn Rd Ext.New TVC Road COrange AveNew 2 Lane2N783 St. Lucie West BlvdPeacockBayshore BlvdAdd 2 Lanes6N783 New TVC Road DJohnston Rd dd 2 Lanes4N690 A TPike InterchangeMidway RdTurnpikeInterchange-N690 SR 76Palm Beach County Lin dd 2 Lanes4N690 eA I - 95Western Palm City CorridorAdd 2 Lanes4N690 26th S C.R. 510New 2 Lane269 tY Emerson AveIndian River Co LineSt Lucie BlvdAdd 2 Lanes4N595 SR 71496th Stree dd 2 Lanes4N595 tA 48th AveKanner HwyAdd 2 Lanes4N497 TPike InterchangeTVC Road CTurnpikeInterchange-N298 Indian River County Linngle Rd.dd 2 Lanes4N099 eAA *Total lane miles needed differs from the 2030 Regional LRTP Needs Assessment per local policy direction. St. Lucie MPOMartin MPOIndian River MPOTransit ProjectsSIS Projects 2300 Virginia Avenue FortPierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Facsimile: 772/462-2549 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Board/Committee:St. Lucie Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting Date:September 21, 2010 Item Number:8a Item Title:2035 St. Lucie/Martin Regional Long Range Transportation Plan (RLRTP) Goals, Objectives, and Policies (GOPs) Item Origination:St. Lucie TPO/Martin MPO TAC Joint Meeting on September 1, 2010 UPWPReference:Task 3.1–Regional Long Range Transportation Planning Requested Action:None. Discuss and provide comments. Staff Recommendation:Review the draft 2035 RLRTP GOPs and discuss in anticipation of recommending their adoption at the next St. Lucie TPO/Martin MPO Joint TAC Meeting on October 7, 2010 Attachments x Draft 2035 RLRTP GOPs DRAFT Regional Goals, Objectives and Policies Regional Long Range Transportation Plan 2035 Update Martin Metropolitan Planning Organization and St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization Technical Memorandum #7 July 27,2010 Revised August 17, 2010 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT 2035 Regional Long Range Transportation Plan for St. Lucie and Martin Counties Regional Goals, Objectives and Policies for the St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization/Martin Metropolitan Planning Organization Joint Metropolitan Area A.Introduction Establishing regional goals, objectives and policies (GOPs) provide a set of instruction for implementing the 2035 RLRTPand prioritizing transportationinvestmentin the region. These GOPs are not intended to replacethe adopted local comprehensive plans, but rather to provide guidance in carrying out the infillalternative of the adopted 2035 RLRTP. Regional GOPs shall adhere to the following definitions and standards: Goal :A statement identifying a desired long-term outcome. Objective: A specific measurable intermediate end that is achievable and marks progress toward a goal. Policy: The course of action or way in which programs and activities are conducted to achieve an identified goal or objective. B.Background The GOPs have been developed based on the following guidance: 1.The community design and visioning workshops conducted on September 26, 2009 in Martin County and November 7, 2009 in St. Lucie County 2.The results of the 2035 RLRTP Web-Based Public Survey 3.Review of the Regional GOPs from the 2030 RLRTP 4.Section 1203(f) of Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act –A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) 5.The InfillAlternative developedfrom the two community design and visioning workshops 6.The results of the Community Focus Group meetingsheld in St. Lucie and Martin counties 7.Review of he 2009 Regional Transit Development Plan for Martin and St. Lucie counties 8.Review of all adopted county and city local comprehensive plans 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 2 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT 9.Review of the Federal Highway Administration’s 2010 Model Language in Transportation Plans for Addressing Climate Change, dated May 13, 2010. 10.The 2035 RLRTP Scope of Work which specifiesthat the RLRTP goals consider at least the following factors: system efficiency LOS standards continuous bicycle/pedestrian network transit service freight movement transportation network maintenance and preservation environmental protection neighborhood preservation safety intermodal connectivity roadway improvement projects prioritization criteria congestion management processes access management land use compatibility future growth of the Martin and St. Lucie counties and the Treasure Coast Region 11.The goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, fuel consumption,vehicle miles travelled, vehicle trip lengths, vehicle hours travelled and increasing transit use as a percentage of all trips in the region. 12.Review of DCA’s report on Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Energy Conservation Under Florida House Bill 697, dated November 6, 2009. 13.All federal, state, regional and local plans and studies reviewed under RLRTP Task 3- Study Area Data Review and Analysis: Technical Memorandum #3,dated June 24, 2010. 14.2060 Draft Florida Transportation Plan-ongoing workshops. 15.Context Sensitive Solutionsin Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities –Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2006. 16.Town Planning and Urban Design in Practice:An Introduction to the Art ofDesigning Cities and Suburbs, Raymond Unwin, 1909. 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 3 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT C.Goals, Objectives and Policies RLRTPGoal 1.0 An efficient multimodal transportation systemto serve regional and local needs and ensure transportation choices for all citizens, visitors, and businesses of the Region. Objective1.1: Develop an efficientmulti-modal transportation system which includes the following: (1)The Port of Fort Piercedeveloped consistentwith the port element of the applicable local comprehensive plan; (2)St. Lucie International and Witham Field general aviation airports linking the Region to major business and tourism centers both within and outside the State,and developed consistent with the applicable local comprehensiveplan; (3)Commuter and long-distance passenger rail service along the FEC corridor with stations linking the coastal cities and towns of the Region and beyond; (4)A regional mass transit system linking St. Lucie and Martin counties to commuter rail stations, major commercial airports, seaports, colleges, and principle urban areas within the Southeast FloridaRegion; (5)Urban bus and shuttle service linked to each regional/local public transit system station; (6)Designated public transportation corridors linked to the region/local public transit system; (7)An effective and interconnected bicycle, pedestrian and greenways and trails network; (8)A roadway system and land use planning designed to: a)complement and supplement public transit systems;b) avoid fragmentation of native habitat and identified wildlife corridors and greenways;c) reduce vulnerability to disasters and improvepublic safetyand post-disaster recovery; and d) complement and support the redevelopment of downtown districts,identified redevelopment corridors, and CRAs; (9)Adequate Transportation Disadvantaged services to meet the needs of children,the elderly, and other transportation disadvantage populations as defined by Florida Statutes; 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 4 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT (10)Facilities and services consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act; and (11)Maintenance of acceptable air quality levels. Policy 1.1.1: Reserve and protect sufficient road right-of-way to provide for an efficient multi-modal transportation system. Policy 1.1.2: Enhance St. Lucie International and Witham Field general aviation airport operationsin accordance with an approved airport master plan which is part of the local government comprehensive plan. Policy 1.1.3: Enhance Port of Fort Pierceoperationsin accordance with the approved port masterplan which is part of the local government comprehensive plan. Policy 1.1.4 : Encourage and assist local governments and CRAs in identifying their preferred locations for commuter rail stations. Policy 1.1.5: Increase land use densities and the mix of land uses around commuter rail stations and at strategic locations withindesignated redevelopment corridors and areas where consistent with the RLRTP InfillAlternative and other local and regional goals, strategies, and preferences. Policy 1.1.6: Assist public and private agencies and entities in implementing strategies that reduce congestion, energy use, greenhouse gas emissions,and the number of single-occupant auto trips. Policy 1.1.7: Give consideration during the planning of transportation system enhancementsto providing incentives for use of high-occupancy vehicles and alternative modes of transportation (e.g., car pools, van pools, buses, bicycles, pedestrians, etc.). Policy 1.1.8: Develop a sub-regional roadway system of predictably spaced and interconnected east-west, north-south streets. Ideally, streets should be spaced every one-quarter to one-half mile to offer multiple route choices, disperse traffic, reduce trip lengths,and discourage local travel on interstates and arterials. Policy 1.1.9: Redirect development from interstates and major arterials to town and neighborhood centers along collector and minor arterials, CRAs, downtown districts and identified redevelopment corridors. Policy 1.1.10: The analysis for determining the course of action for solving roadway capacity problems and spending public transportation funds should include aland use analysis with an urban design element and more fine-grained transportation modeling, especially in US 1 Corridor Retrofit Project areas. 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 5 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT Policy 1.1.11: Increase the understanding and coordination of land use and transportation policy decisions within and between departments and agencies at all levels of government to effect better solutions to the Region’s transportation problems. Policy1.1.12: To address multijurisdictional impacts and improve inter- governmental coordination, require a multijurisdictional traffic impact analysis when a development’s traffic impacts are expected to occur on roads outside the jurisdiction in which the project is located. All traffic impact analyses should include a land use analysis with anurban design element. Policy 1.1.13: Ensure consistency between State, local and regional transportation plans. Policy 1.1.14: As a method to protect the countryside, minimize the need to increase overall development rights in the Region, and carry out the RLRTP Infill Alternative, a regional TDR program should be developed for application to CRAs, downtown districts, and identified redevelopment corridors and infill locations. Objective 1.2: Promote improved community planning and urban designwhich supports implementation of the RLRTP InfillAlternative. Policy 1.2.1: Encourage forms of development and redevelopment that maximize public transportation alternatives, minimize the use of the Region’s collector and arterial roadway network, and reduce the total amount of daily vehicle miles traveled. Policy 1.2.2: Plan and design new development and redevelopment to provide complementary interconnections for automobiles, pedestrians and public transportation within and between residential areas, schools, employment and retail centers, recreational areas and other public facilities. Policy 1.2.3: To maximize public transportation, pedestrian access and facilitate on-street parking opportunities, an urban design study shouldbe prepared prior to the development and redevelopment of building sites or changes to the street network. Policy 1.2.4: Reduce vehicle miles travelledper capita by private automobile, greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumptionwithin the Region through a combination of the following: (1)provision of public transportation alternatives; (2)provision of a wide range of housing opportunities in proximity to employment, education, commercialservices and recreational opportunities; 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 6 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT (3)redevelopment of single-use development sites to create diverse, mixed-use built environments around commuter rail stations, along designated redevelopment corridors, and within CRAs and other appropriate locations. (4)provision of a street network designed for the pedestrian, the automobile and transit; (5)provision of parking in ways that will encourage pedestrianism and public transportation alternatives; (6)provision of incentives encouraging infill and downtown redevelopment; (7)support of public and private sector efforts to carry out Transportation Demand Managementstrategies that will reduce congestion; and (8)establishmentof commuter rail and intermodal connections. Policy 1.2.5: Orient buildings toward streets to create better pedestrian environments. Policy 1.2.6: Locate buildings so they are as convenient and accessible to public transportation facilities and sidewalks as they are to auto parking. Policy 1.2.7: Locate parking to the sides and backs of buildings so that pedestrian accessto and from public transportation does not require walking through large parking lots to reach building entrances. Policy 1.2.8: Develop a tiered system of impact fees or other system of assessment which recognizes the wide and disproportionate differences in roadway use and impacts between local and regional land uses and attractions. Policy 1.2.9: Design and locate parking lotsand garages to enhance pedestrianism and the character and attractiveness of the area, and to encourage use of alternate modes of transportation. Policy 1.2.10: Encourageefficient intersectioncontrol options such as roundabouts, stop signs, etc.,which minimize idle time for automobilesand increase safety. Policy 1.2.11: Review and where necessary amend public policy governing parking requirements to support “transit first” policies and to promote public transit as a viable alternative in high density areas, designated public transportation corridors, and central business districts. Policy 1.2.12: Have new infill development or redevelopment provide transit ridership amenities (shelters, route information, and schedules) and appropriate and effective incentives whenever transit use is assumed or required to maintain 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 7 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT acceptable roadway level of service. Policy 1.2.13: Support and assist local governments in applying and qualifying for federal funding assistance to expand public transportation services where consistent with other goals and strategies. Policy 1.2.14: Support requests for lower levels of service and establishment of transportation concurrency exception areas in higher density areas, downtowns, CRAs and along designated public transportation corridors where it can be demonstrated that levels of mobility and convenience will be maintained or increased through other modes of transportation or land use corrections. Policy 1.2.15: Encourage forms of development and redevelopment and street design that will improve mobility opportunities for transit dependent groups, especially the poor, the handicapped, the agedand the young. Policy 1.2.16: Coordinate transportation disadvantaged services with existing or planned public transit systems, including school bus systems. Policy 1.2.17: Plan and design new development and redevelopment to increase the ability of the internal and external roadway network to accommodate emergency traffic, enhance post disaster recovery efforts, and provide central locations for public shelters and emergency relief centers. Policy 1.2.18: Complete and adopt a strategic greenways and trails plan for the Treasure Coast Region. Policy 1.2.19: Land uses and transportation projects should not be permitted that interfere with the interconnectivity,access and movement of wildlife via the Region’s greenway and trail system. 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 8 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT RLRTP Goal 2.0 Transportation investments that discourage suburban sprawl and improve the economy and value of existing towns, cities, and other redevelopment areas. Objective 2.1: Return older communities and corridors to their historic prominence as important and viable economic centers through redevelopment and revitalization. Policy 2.1.1: Give a high priority to infill projects which are consistent with redevelopment plans of for the area and the RLRTP InfillAlternative. Policy 2.1.2: Simplify and shortenthe review process which applies to infill and redevelopment, to the extent that the public’s health, safety and welfare are not compromised. Policy 2.1.3: Provide design and other assistance to developers who propose infill, redevelopment and other forms of development consistent with the RLRTP Infill Alternative. Policy 2.1.4: Local governments should provide concurrency assistance for redevelopment, infill, and new economic development projectsthat meet the RLRTP InfillAlternative. Policy 2.1.5: Provide financial and other incentives for infill, redevelopment, and new economic development projects that meet the RLRTP InfillAlternative. Policy 2.1.6: Increase public investment and assistance to foster infill, redevelopment, and refurbishing of infrastructure in existing urban areas. Policy 2.1.7: Developan impact fee structure which supports infill, redevelopment, and new development projects that meet the RLRTP InfillAlternative. Policy 2.1.8: Develop a tiered system of impact fees which recognizes cost differences of providing public services to development based on the size, type, form, location, and service demands of the development proposed. Policy 2.1.9: Coordinateland use planning and the provision of public facilities to assist the private sector in building RLRTP forms of development andto create infill and redevelopment opportunities. Policy 2.1.10: Development that is not consistent with the RLRTP Infill Alternative which occurs in undeveloped areas should be responsible for and bear the full and true infrastructure costs to supportthe development through buildout. 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 9 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT Policy 2.1.11: As a viable option to new construction, restore and rehabilitate historic sites and districts as an efficient useof existing infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, gas, electricity,telephone lines, etc.). Policy 2.1.12: Fund historic preservation projects to help safeguard community heritage, contribute to the quality of life, revitalize older communities, and promote local economic development and diversification. Policy 2.1.13: Establish tax abatement ordinances that will grant tax relief to qualified historic restoration properties. Policy 2.1.14: Beautify and landscape transportation corridors and local streets to promote the image and natural beauty of the Region. Policy 2.1.15: Requiretransportation planning and actions to designate and protect the Martin Grade (CR 714) between CR 609 and SR 710 as a Scenic Highway. 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 10 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT RLRTP Goal 3.0 Improved land use and transportation decision-making and intergovernmental cooperation in the Region. Objective 3.1: Enhance coordination of public outreach, policy development and decision-making pertaining to land use and transportationissues of regional significance. Policy 3.1.1: Provide early and continuing opportunities for local government participation in all regional transportation planning activities. Policy 3.1.2: Encourage early and continuingopportunities for public participation in all transportationplanning activities. Policy 3.1.3: Provide a forum for effective intergovernmental coordination on the setting, monitoring and maintenance of level of service standards and support establishment of multimodal level of service standards in citiesand other developed or developingareas within the region. Policy 3.1.4: Maintain consistencies, to the maximum extent feasible, between local, county, regional and state plans and federal requirements. Policy 3.1.5: Identify and pursue additional and innovative funding approaches and regional partnerships to help close the gap between available funding and regional transportationneeds. Policy 3.1.6: To address multijurisdictional impacts and improve inter- governmental coordination, require a multijurisdictional traffic impact analysis when a development’s traffic impacts are expected to occur on roads outside the jurisdiction in which the project is located. All traffic impact analyses should include a land use analysis and urban design study. Policy 3.1.7: Establish a Regional Transportation Organization for Martin and St. Lucie counties. Policy 3.1.8: Prior to undertaking the 2040 RLRTP, revise and refine the TAZ boundaries and centroid connectors to be reflective of 2010 Census data and actual travel patternsand land use. 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 11 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT 2035 Regional Long Range Transportation Plan for St. Lucie and Martin Counties Regional Indicators and Benchmarks for Measuring Implementation of the 2035 RLRTP Goals, Objectives and Policies A.Introduction Measuring progress toward meeting the RLRTP goals, objectives and policies (GOPs) is important for gauging success of the 2035 Plan. Measurable “indicators” or “benchmarks” related to carrying out the GOPs is one way the MPO and TPO can keep track of their progress. Twenty-twodifferent measurable indicators have been established addressing each of the three goal areas. These are listed below. B.Indicators 1.Percentagechangein freight tonnage processedby the Port of Fort Pierce. 2.Percent change in take-offs/landings, FBOsand operating aircraft based at St. Lucie International Airport and Stuart’s Witham Field. 3.Percentage change in miles of the SIS operating at adopted levels of service. 4.Percentage change in the use of alternative modes of transportation. 5.Percent change in the amount of private vehicle miles per capita traveled in the Region. 6.Percent change in total gallons of gasoline used per capita in the Region. 7.Increase in thetotal number of commuter rail passengerson the FEC and CSX tracks; total miles of passenger rail track; and new passenger rail stations. 8.Decrease in annual school district school bus miles travelled and fuel consumption. 9.Percent change in miles of roads operating atadopted levelsof service. 10.Percent change in average trip lengthand vehicle hours travelled. 11.Increase in the proportion of State and local funds going towards transit vs. roadway expansion. 12.Number of CRA plans developed and implemented consistent with the 2035 RLRTP infill alternative. 13.Percentage change in service opportunities and ridership of the transportation disadvantaged. 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 12 Martin MPO/St. Lucie TPORegional Goals, Objectives, and Policies DRAFT 14.Number of new localstreetinterconnections made with the existing roadway network. 15.Percent change in traffic accidents and fatalities involving motor vehicles, pedestrians, andbicyclists. 16.Percent change in hurricane evacuation clearance times. 17.Number of parcels within CRA, downtown districts, and identified redevelopment corridors developed consistent with the 2035 RLRTP infillalternative. 18.Number of land use amendments and/or zoning changes allowing development consistent with the 2035 RLRTP infillalternative. 19.Number of transportation projects identified in the MPO’s and TPO’s Transportation Improvement Program consistent with recommendations of the 2035 RLRTP. 20.Number of locally funded transportation projects built consistent with the recommendations of the 2035 RLRTP. 21.Formation of a Regional Transportation Organization within St. Lucie and Martin counties. 22.Increase in State Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP)funds allocated to Martin and St. Lucie counties. 2035 Regional Long RangeTransportation PlanPage 13