HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-14-2010 Signed AgendasAGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITfEIa BY(DEPT): SUBJECT: County Attorney ITI=M N0. IV-A DATE: September 14, 20].fl REGULAR ~x ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] coNSIwNT C ~ PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney Resolution No. 10-233 - "Citizenship Day„ and "Constitution Week" BACKGROUND: Jay Wise, Past President of the St. Lucie River Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, has requested that this Board proclaim September S7, 201D as "Citizenship Day„ and the week of September ~.7, 201.Q through September 23, 20J.D as "Constitution Week" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 10-233 has Keen drafted far that purpose. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Beard adopt the attached Resolution No. 1[}-233 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~] APPROVED [ ~ DENIED -- ]OTHER: Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney:,,,, ~~~ Daniel S. McIntyre RESOLUTION NO. 10-233 A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 AS "CITIZENSHIP DAY" AND FURTHER PROCLAIMING SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 23, 2010, AS CONSTITUTION WEEK" IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Berard of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. In remembrance of the signing of the Constitution and in recognition of the Americans who strive to uphold the duties and responsibilities of citizenship, the Congress, by joint resolution of February 29, 1952 (36 U.S.C. 106, as amended), designated September 17th as "Citizenship Day" and by joint resolution of August 2, ,.1.95& {36 U.S.C. 108, as amended), rer{uested that the President proclaim the week beginning September 17"`and ending September 23"~ of each year as "Constitution Week". 2. This Board believes the citizens of St. Lucie County should recognize Citizenship Day and Constitution Week and participate in any activities being held during that time. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1. This Board does hereby proclaim September 17, 2010, as "CITIZENSHIP DAY" in St. Lucie County, Florida. 2. This Board does hereby further proclaim September 17, 2010 through September 23, 2010 as "CONSTITUTION WEEK" in St. Lucie County, Florida. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 1~4`~ day of September, 2010. ATTEST: DEPUTY CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY AGENDA REQUEST TO; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPTj; SUBJECT: County Attorney ITEM NO. IV-B GATE: September J.4, 2g1€I REGULAR [x ] PUBLIC HEARING [ CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: Davie! S. McIntyre County Attorney Resolution Na. 10-245 - "FORT PIERCE ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. DAY" in 5t. Lucie County. BACKGROUND: Cynthia Poole, Public Relations Committee with the Fort Pierce Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., has requested that this. Board proclaim September 14, 2010 as "FORT PIERCE ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF DELTA 51GMA THETA SORORITY, INC. DAY" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 1(?-246 has been drafted for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecvmmendsthatthe Board adaptthe attached Resolution No. 7.0-246 as drafted. COMMIS5ION ACTION: CONCURRENCE;. ~] APPROVED [ ]DENIED ~'~`----•-----._._.._ Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals ~~~,.. [X] County Attorney:- ~^~'`~ Davie! S. McIntyre RESOLUTION NO. 10-24fi A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2010 AS "FORT PIERCE ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. DAY" IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: ]. Acknowledging a need for change and responding to a tail to duty, thirteen dynamic and energetic women set out on a mission. 2. These young women, from Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties, joined forces to right the injustices against their people. ~. On Saturday, September 17, 196p, the 1=orfi Pierce Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, inc. was chartered. t~ 4. Those Charter members were Mattie J. Benson, Betty J. I3utler, Barbara ~. Bush, Jacqueline A. Bush, Parolee P. Ellington, Mary Rhodes Harwell, Delores Y. Hayes, Temple Jackson Howell, Arlena Benton Lee, Bernice M. Miller, ;- Edith B. Oden, Ida C. Rolle and Carolyn M. Smith. 5. Of the original thirteen, Parolee P. Ellington, Arlena Benton Lee and Carolyn M. Smith are still active in the chapter today. 6. There are more than 150 sorors living in the tri-county area, with almost 75 actively involved in the chapter and working in the areas of medicine,-law, education, entrepreneurship and /or actively retired. 7. The Fort Pierce Alumnae Chapter has been involved in numerous public service programs in the tri-county area, including the establishment and funding of two classes for the mentally.chailenged in Fort Pierce (until the St. Lucie County School Board assumed full funding a few years later), presenting l;ort Pierce native, soprano, Amelia Scott, in concert in 1976, Jabberwock, Mr. Ebony, May Week, Cotillion and many cultural trips for area youths. 8. The chapter has sponsored the Delta GEMS Youth Group and the Delta Academy for pre-teens throughout the years. 9. The chapter has made significant contributions in time, talent, and money to the United Way, United Negro College 1=und, the Sickle Ceil 1=oundation, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America, the Salvation Army, the~American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society, and Habitat for Humanifiy. ITEM NO. VI - B AGENDA REGlUEST PUBLIC HEARING LEG, QUAS1~-JD CONSENT TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUNTI: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: BQARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Utilities Department DATE: 091'1412010 REGULAR PRESENTED BY: Laurie Waldie Utility Director (X) Bid No. 10-D53, Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant Lift Station and Force Main project See attached memorandum 479-3003-563000-103002 InfrastructurelFairwinds (Pending BOCC approval) 129-9910-699300-800 Parks MSTU Reserves May 25, 2010 -Board approval of the Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant Lift Station and Farce Main Project, CIP 10-033, and to advertise an Invitation to Bid. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 10053, )=airwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant Lift Station and Force Main Project to Melvin Bush Construction, Inc. of Port 5t. Lucie, in the amount of $185,006.97, Budget Amendment BA1 D-D38, and authorisation for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: {~} APPROVED ( } DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordir~ationlSgnatures ~~~~~ . County Attorney { X) ,' ~~ OMB Director ter' Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre Originating Dept. { X } ~ Parks & Rec L' aria Waldie Marie Gouinl Robed O"Sullivan ., ( } (, X ~~ Debra Brisson Utility Department MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Laurie Waldie, Utility Director ~` 1~~ U DATE: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT. Bid Na. 10-053, Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant Lift Station and Force Main project fTEM NO, VI - B Back rq oc~nd: On August 8, 2010, submittals to Bid No. 10-053 for the Fairwinds wastewater treatment plant lift station and force main project were opened. Ten submittals were received; 498 companies were notified and 42 documents were distributed. Bid No. 10-053 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance Na. 09-005. The Board of County Commissioners approved Capital Improvement Project 10-033 at the May 25, 2010 BOCC meeting. This praject includes the construction of a lift station and a farce main to direct wastewater flows from the Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant (FW WWTP) to the existing 16" force main located in the U. S. Highway 1 right-of-way and taking the FW WWTP off line. (Map 1) This project is required to meet a directive from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that the Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant be taken out of service and connected to a regional wastewater collection and treatment facility when available. The praject includes an alternate cost to relocate the existing Parks & Recreation Department`s lift station near the patio area of the Fairwinds Golf Course Club House to an area which would remove the potential odor source away from the Golf Course patio. Moving the lift station now saves on engineering fees and mobilization costs plus extends the life of the lift station an additional ten to twelve years. The original budgeted amount did not include the proposed relocation of the existing lift station, ar the increased engineering required due to changes in the proposed force main route. A budget amendment to increase the praject is required. The project will utilize Utility Connection Fees ($173,948.17) and Parks MSTU Reserves ($11,118.80}. Recommertdatior# Board approval to award Bid No. BA10-053, Fairwinds Wastewater Treatment Plant Lift Station and Force Main Project to Melvin Bush Construction, Inc. of Port St. Lucie, in the amount of $185,066.97, Budget Amendment BA10-038, and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-C1 ©ATE: 9!'14110 REGULAR ( ~ PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG, { } QUASI-JD ( ~ CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin i "~ SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director i " SUBJECT: Fixed Asset Inventory -Property Record Removal BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum, FUNDS AVAIh.AB~E: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to remove fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Forms, from the capital asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. COMMISSION ACTION: (?~ APPROVED (} DENIE© { } OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney Purchasing CoordinationlSi natures (X) ~v'k. ©an McIntyre ]], Sandra M. rondo CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OME3 Budget Analyst ( } (Narrte} ~~- ' _ ~ F, ~ ~.. ~Jffice of Management . ~ .~1 ~~ . - & Budge~tlPurchas~ng ' 9 ~7 _ s ' ...~ it _,;:;,~, T _ M E M O R A N D U 1111. ~- - ~ ~ - ~. TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM; Marie M. Gauin, ^irector ~~ ©ATE: September 1 A~, 2010 SUB.dECT: Fixed Asset lnven#ory _ Property Record Removak ITEM NO, V!-C1 Background, Per Section 22.3 of the Purchasing Policy Manual, staff is requesting authorization to remove the fixed assets, as listed an the attached Property ©ispasitian Forms (pages-l-7}, from the inven#ory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. Recomrriendation; Board authorization to remove fixed assets, as listed an the attached Property Disposition Forms, from the capita! asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board of County COmmISS{OnerS. -, ~~~- ~~, _.:~. ~. mow, ~~ ~~, ~~~E ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ITEM NO. VI-G2 DATE.. 091141'1 0 AGENDA REC,7UEST REGULAR ~ ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ~ } L.EG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gnuin SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & ~3udgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Fixed Asse# Inventory-Property Record Removal BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIIwABL.E: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Beard au#horizatinn to remove fixed assets, as listed nn the. at#ached Property Disposition Forms, from the capital asset inventory of the Clerk of Circuit Court. COMMISSION ACTION: P~? APPROVED { } DENIED {) OTHER Approved 5-0 Coordi_n_ ationlSignatures County Attorney { X } Dan Mc ntyre Purchasing { X } _ r Sandra~`Moranda CONCURRENCE: ~ • 4 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ©MB Budget Analyst { } (Name} (Name) TO: Board of County Corr~missioners FROM: Director m~ Marie M Gouin . , DATB: September 14, 2018 SUBJECT: Fixed Asset inventory-Property Record Removal 1TENi NO. VI-C2 Background: Per Section 22.3 of the Purchasing Policy Manual, staff is rec{uesting authorization to remove the fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Forms (page 1), From the inventnry of the Clerk of Circuit Court. Recammendatior~: Board authorization to remove fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition f=orms, from the capital asset inventnry of the Clerk of Circuit Court. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO, DATE; REGULAR VI-C3 09114!10 PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BDARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED B Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY. Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT. 1=fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAIi! ABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION. NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to remove fixed assets, as fisted on the attached Property Disposition Forms, from the capital asset inventory of the St. Lucie County Tax Collector's Office. COMMISSION ACTION: {~j APPROVED () DENIED {) OTHER Appravad 5-0 CONCURRENCE. Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures ~- ~ OMB County Attorney (X } of Budget Analyst ( ) Dan McIntyre Purchasing { X) ! { ) Sandy Morando {Name) (Name} '~ - ~~-: TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gauin, Director [~~`~ Office of N[anagement. & Budge~IPurchasing MEMORANDUM DATE: September 14, 201 SUBJECT: Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal ITEM NO. VI-C3 Background: Per Section 22.3 of the Purchasing Policy Manua[, staff is requesting authorization to remove the fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Farms (page -3), from the inventory of the St. Lucie County Tax Collector's Office. Recommendation: Board authorizetinn to remove fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition Forms, firom the capital inventory of the St. Lucie County Tax Collector's Office. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-C4 DATE: 091'[41'10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD { ) CONSENT { X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin ~~ SUBMITTI=D BY: Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Director SUBJECT: Bid No. t0-050, Purchase and Delivery of Common Fill Dirt BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 409-3410-534000-300 Other Contractual Services PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-050, Purchase and Delivery of Gamman Fill Dirt, to Austin Tupler Trucking, Inc. of West Palm Beach and Stewart Mining Industries, Inc. of Fort. Pierce and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACT10N: APPROVED ( } DENTED { } OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coord_inatior~ISiAna~ures OMB County Attorney (X) ~ Budget Analyst { X ) Dan McIntyre Purchasing (X) ~~~~„~. Solid Waste (X } Desiree Cimino I \Vk 1 I \V5JG5 lJ ~~ ;~~~~~~"~:,~~ Office of Manage>rnenf ~^--_ ~-~ ._:~ = ~,.r~ & Bu~ge~IPurchasing ~, t. ~._ TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director DATE: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-050, Purchase and Delivery of Common Fill Dirt ITEM NO. Vl-C4 Back rg ound: On July 28, 2010, submittals to Bid No. 10-050 for the purchase and delivery of common fill dirt were opened. Eight submittals were received; 54 companies were notified and 17 documents were dstributed. Bid No. 10-050 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09-005. The purpose of this bid is tv establish a contract for the purchase and delivery of common fill dirt far a twelve-month period on an as-needed basis for the Solid Waste Division. Recommendation: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-050, Purchase and Delivery of Common Fill Dirt, to Austin Tupler Tfucl<ing, loc. of West Palm Beach-and Stewart Mining Industries, loc. of Fort Pierce and authorizatiop for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-C5 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: Q9114110 REGULAR { ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( } QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT { X ) TO: BOARD OE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-055, Baling Wire BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: ~I013410-53000-300 Operating Supplies PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATNON: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-055, Baling 11Vire, to Accentwire ofi Tomball, TX., Covert Wire of Atlanta, GA., Coastal Wire Company ofi Georgetown, S.C., L&P Wire-Tie Systems of Carthage, MO., and Lowe's Home Centers, Inc. of Port St. Lucie and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION; CONCURRENCE: ~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER _,,,._.-- Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordinatior~lSignattares ;' ; •~ OMB County Attorney (X } ,~1~ Budget Analyst (X) Dan McIntyre Ta ;, nna Johnson Purchasing (X) ~,~~~,~ Solid Waste (X) Desiree Cimino Ron Roberts .. Office of Man~gemenf ~ ~udge~JPurchasing MEMORANDUIV~ TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gauin, Director ~'~`~ DATB: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-055, Baling Wire ITEM NO, V[-C5 Backgrounc# On August 18, 2010, submittals to Bid Na. 10-05 for baling wire were opened. Five submittals were received; 96 companies were notified and ten documents were distributed. Bid No. 10-055 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09-005. The purpose of this bid is to establish contracts for the purchase of baling wire. Bid No. 10-055 was issued as a "Spot Market Purchase" request, which due to the volatile pricing of steel does not lock a vendor to a set price for the terra of the contract. Awarded vendors will be requested to submit facsimile price quotations (Spot Marking Pricing) for Baling Wire as needed by the Safid Waste Department. Recommendation: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-055, Baling Wire, to Accentwire of Tomball, TX., Caverk Wire of _.. _. Atlanta, GA., Coastal Wire Company of Georgetown, S.C., L&P Wire-Tie Systems ofi Carthage, MO., and Lawe's Home Centers, lnc. of Port St. Lucie and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NC3. VI-G6 DATE: D9I"14I'10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBI-.IC HEARING ( } LEG. ( } QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X } TO: BOARD Off' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY; Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY: Office a# Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Request for Proposals {R~'P} Na. 10-047, DesignlBuild Landfill Leachate Pond Cavern BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE; 401-3410-563000-103603 Infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION; Board approval to award RI=P No. 10-047, Design/Build Landfill Leaahate Pand Covers, to Industrial & Environmental Concepts, Inc. of Minneapolis, MN., in the amount of $298,751.04 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the documents as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( } DENIED { } OTHER Approved 5-fl County Attorney (X ) CONCURRENCE; Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator ~, Coordinat:ion/Signatures `~' Budget Analyst (X ) Dan Mcintyre Ta onna Johnson Purchasing (X) ~ ~~..... Solid Waste (X ) l7esiree Cimino Ro oberts ~~ .,~ ~~. ~ ~ , - J,^_ W~~t. - af. ~ ~ 2 •,jm ~.. "t '~ ~~ 3 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director ©ATE: September 14, 2010 Office of Management ~ Budge~l'Purchasing MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 10-447, DesignlBuild Landfill Leaahate Pond Covers ITEM NO. VI-C6 Background: On July 14, 20'10, responses to RFP No. 10-047, DesignlBuild Landfill lreachate Pond Covers, were opened. One proposal was received; 376 companies were notified and 28 RFP documents were distributed. The purpose of this RFP is far the designlbuild of landfill leachate pond covers. The Baling Facility has two double fined leachate holding ponds; the ponds are open on top and have a surface area of 2.37 acres. Any rainwater that fails in the ponds becomes leachate, one inch of rainfall on one acre produces 27,000 gallons of leachate that must be transported, treated and disposed af. The current contractor, Aqua Clean, charges $130 per thousand gallons for transportation, treatment and disposal. With an average yearly rainfall of 60 inches, the rain that falls into the leachate ponds equates to a cost of approximately $500,000 per year to process. The Covers will prevent the rainwater from becoming leachate, thereby decreasing the cast of transporting, treating and disposal. Previous Action: March 23, 2010 - BOCC approval of Capital Improvement Project CIP10-025, Budget Amendment No. BA10-012, and authorization for Chairman to execute Work Authorization No. S for Camp Dresser McKee, Inc. for the preparation of a Request for Proposals for two leachate pond covers. Recommendation: Board approval to award RI=P No. 10-047, DesignlBuild Landfill Leachate Pond Covers, to Industrial & Environmental Concepts, Inc. of Minneapolis, MN., in the amount $298,751.04 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the documents as prepared by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-C7 DATE: 91'1411 q AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING LEG, QUASI-JD CONSENT TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gauin SUBMNTTED BY: Office n# Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-045, Mowing Contract _ Subdivision Nn. 3 (Indian River Estates) BACKGROUND: See attached rr~emarandum. FUNDS AVAII..ABLE: 101002-4190-534000-400 Other Contractual PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA ( X) RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-045, Mewing Contract -- Subdivision Nn. 3, to the lowest responsive and respansibEe bidder, Beirniy Services LLC n# West Paim Beach, and authorization #or the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: {.,(} APPROVED { ) DENIED { ) OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye VII. Outlaw, MPA Gnunty Administrator Coord i nationlSiq natures G~ ~;~ County Attorney (X } j.~ Dan McIntyre Purchasing (X } ~,.~(,~ Desiree Cimino OMB Budget Analyst (X ~ Ta onnaJohnsnn Public Works (X) ~~ c°_`~~~ D n West Do Pauley --i- 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1-',1-. TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director '~~ Office of Management & Budge~klPurchasing MEMORANDUM ©ATE: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-045, Mowing Cantract _ Subdivision Na. 3 (Indian River Estates) ITEM NO. VI-C7 Back~ro~nd: On July 22, 2010, submittals to Bid No. 10-045, Mowing Contract -Subdivision No. 3 (Indian River Estates}, were opened. Eleven submittals were received; 221 companies were notified and 44 documents were distributed. Staff recommends awarding to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Beimly Serviaes LLC of West Palm Beach. Bid No. 10-045 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09-005. The purpose of this bid is to establish a contract to provide mowing, edging, trash pickup, and herbicide applications. Work is to be performed on 30.06 miles of roadway in Indian River Estates. Recommendation, Board approval to award Bid No. 10-045, Mowing Cantract -Subdivision No. 3, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Beirnly Services LLC of West Palm Beach, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NC?. VI-C8 DATE: 91141'10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: ~,, ~,~/ Marie M. Gouin ~~'~Q SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director y' SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-054, Purchase of Corrugated High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE} Storm Sewer Pipe BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 1028123725-5p300p-42511 Infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval #o award Bid No. 10-p54, Purchase of HDPE Storm Sewer Pipe, to Ferguson Waterworks of Fort Pierce and HD Supply Waterworks, LTD., of Fort Pierce and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the Coun#y Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENTED ( ) OTHER Approved 5~0 Coordirtationl5ignatures 1r` County Attorney (X) h~ ©an McIntyre Purchasing (X) ____~~„~ Desiree Cimino CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Budget Analyst (X ) TaW na Johnson Public Wori<s (X) Don West Don Pauley _ ~~ ~~ _ ~ Office of Management - ... ~, - ~~-,~ ~~ _ -~~ & i3udgetlPurchasing ~~ ~~~~~~ TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director DATE: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-054, Purchase of Corrugated High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Storm Sewer Pipe TFM NO. VI-C8 Backc~ro~nd: Qn August 4, 2010, submittals to Bid No. 10-054 for purchase of corrugated high-density polyethylene storm sewer pipe were opened. Two submittals were received; 82 companies were notified and 12 documents were distriiauted, Bid No. 90-054 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09-005. The intent of the bid is to provide contract pricing for the purchase of corrugated high-density polyethylene storm sewer pipe for the Road and Bridge Division on an as-needed basis. Recommendation; Board approval to award Bid No. 1p-054, Purchase of HDPF Storm Sewer Pipe, to Ferguson Waterworks of Fort Pierce and HD Supply Waterworks, LTD., of Fort Pierce and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved lay the County Attorney. _ ITEM No. VI-C9 DATE; 9{74110 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin SUBMITTED BY; Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT; Bid No. 10~-052, Paving and Resurfacing for Parks and Recreation BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 129-7210-563000-700 Infrastructure PREVIOUS ACTION; NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-052, Paving and Resurfacing for Parks and Recreation, to Sunshine Land Design of Stuart and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION; APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CaordinationlSgnatures CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OME3 County Attorney (X } r Budget Analyst (X) ~`~ Dan McIntyre Robert O'Sullivan Purchasing (X } Parks and (X) / Recreation -~ Desiree Cim'sno D ra risson Guy Mellor ;.~T ~ ~~ ~,~~~~~a~ ~~~ Office ®f Management -~ ~ ~ .. M1*V,~_ & BudgeIPurchasing ~, ~ ~ - •.,,~,_,_--_ MENCORANDUM i t TO: Board of County Commissions s FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director DATIa: September 14, 201 D SUBJECT: Bid No. 10-052, Paving and Resurfacing for Parks and Recreation ITEM NO. VI-C9 Background: On July 28, 2010, submittals #o Bid No. 1D-052 for paving and resurfacing far Parks and Recreation were opened. Eight submittais were received; 335 companies were notified and 29 documents were distributed. Bid No. 10-D52 was bid in accordance with I"ocal Preference Ordinance No. 09-DDS. The intent of the bid is to provide contract pricing for paving and resurfacing projects far the Parks and Recreation Department on an as-needed basis. Recommendatian: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-052, Paving and Resurfacing for Parrs and Recreation, to Sunshine land Design of Stuart and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney ~`~ ,, ~t ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~:. to ~~ r ~ ~~ ~ ~~. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. V[-C'I Q DATE: 91"14110 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) Quasi-JD ( ~ CONSENT { x ~ TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gnuin ~ SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & BudgetlPurchasing Director SUBJECT: Bid Na. '10-037, Generator Preventative Maintenance, Service, inspections and Load Bank Testing BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVANI,ABL,E; Various Department Operational Budgets PREVIOUS ACTION. N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. '[0-i~37, Generator Preventative Maintenance, Service, Inspectians and Load Bank Testing, to Power Pra-Tech Services of Maitland and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the Caunty Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) DENTED ( } OTHER Approved 5_p CONCURRENCE: _~. Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CaordinationlSignatures 1 ~ ~~ OMB County Attorney (X } ~ Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre . \ Purchasing (X } \'~. Cents[ Services Desiree Cimino x ~~~~ ~ ) Patfy Marston-Duva (X } ~ u~_-__....._.. ~ger Shinn y ~ Office of 11~'lanagemen~ ~.,'- _ ~ ~ ~ -~:~.~~~~, & BudgeflP'urchasing ~ - ~ ~~ r p~ ~[~ ~_~ ~,a ~"~~ ~. ~a.' 1" ~F~_.. iMf ~ IYI o RAN ^ U M: ago TO: Board of Coun#y Commissioners FROM. Marie M. Gouin, Director ~Yj, DATE: September 19~, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid Na. 10-037, Generator Preventative Maintenance, Service, Inspections and Load Bank Testing ITEM NO. VI-C10 BacKground: On June 30, 2010, submittals to Bid No. 10-037 for generator preventative maintenance, service, inspections and load bank testing were opened. Four submittals were received; 139 companies were notified and 1 ~ documents were distributed. Bid No. 10-037 was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance Na. 09-005. The intent of the bid is to provide contract pricing for asemi-annual preventative maintenance program an emergency generators. The semi-annual program will consist of one minor and one major inspection. Contractor will include all labor, parts and supplies to perform these services. Recommendation: Board approval to award Bid No. 10-037, Generator Preventative Maintenance, Service, Inspections and Load Bank Testing, to Power Pro-Tech Services of Maitland and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. AGENDA REQUEST DATE : 09M 411 U BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIG HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ~ QUASI-JD ( } CONSENT (X ~ TO: SUBMITTED BY; SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAII_ABI-l~: PREVIOUS ACTION. Community ServiceslHousing Division Contract Cancellation See attached memorandum. ITEM NO. VI-D1 REGULAR ( ) PRESENTED BY; Jessica Parrish Housing Man ger 0101"! 13-6420-583000-600 CDBG Supplemental Disaster Recovery April 13, 2010 -Board approval to award bid_ RECOMMENDATION: Beard approval to cancel contract C10-04-969 with Bodin Construction, Inc., execute a new contract with Terra Mar Construction, Inc., as outlined in the agenda memorandum, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION; (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Caard inatianlSig Hato res County Attorney ( ) t ~~`~ OMB ©irsctor ~/ Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) Beth Ryd c) ~'~ Marie Go~in Sophie Halt Housing and Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Directo~~ FROM: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manager ©ATE: September 14, 2Q10 SUBJECT: Contract Cancellation ITEM N©. VI -- D1 Background: On August 16, 20'[0, staff received a letter from Ms. Ursula Freeman requesting his replacement contract be cancelled due to time delays and stress. Staff has mediated interactions between the homeowner and the contractor in an effort to reach an amicable agreement, without success. Recommendation Board approval to cancel contract C10-04-169 with Bodin Construction, Inc., execute a new contract with Terra Mar Construction, Inc., as outlined in the agenda memorandum, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: Letter from Homeowner Letter from Contractor ~~. J_ ~, ~ ~ -~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. li!-®2 DATE : 091141'1© REGULAR { } PUBLIG HEARING ( } LEG. { } QUASI-JD { ) CONSENT (X ) TO; BOARD 01= COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY; Housing and Community Services/Housing SUBJECT: Change Order 1 to C1 p-07-31 p BACKGROUND; See attached memorandum. PRESENTED B Jessica Parrish ' Housing Ma ge FUNDS AVAIL.ABI,-E; pp1512-6420-583ppp-6pp Neighborhood Stabilization Program PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Change Order 1 to C1p-p7-31f}, as autGned in the agenda memorandum, and authori~atian fnr the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION; CONCURRENCE; {~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER ~"~ -~-~ Approved 5.p Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinatinnlSipnatpres County Attorney { ) ~~ OMB Director ( } ~' ~" Budget Analyst Daniei 5. McIntyre Origins#':ng ©ep#. ( ) /~ 2~'~ ~,~' "'~-''' Central Services ( } Beth Ryder Marie Gauin Sophia Nolt pan McLam Housing and Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commission~,rs THRDUGH: Beth Ryder, Directar~ FROM: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manager DATE: September 14, 201 ~ SUBJECT: Change Order 1 to C10-07-310 ITEM NO. VI - D2 Background: On August 23, 2010, Grande Construction submitted Change Order 1. The change order includes items necessary to bring the home to a livable condition and was discovered during the demolition process. Change order items include: • Installing interior doors; • Modify the kitchen, laundry and mud room layout; • Renovate the master and guest baths; • Texture all wal#s and ceilings; • Modify the existing patio; • Remove and install new flooring in the kitchen; and • Install egress windows in all bedrooms. Once renovations are complete,. this home will be transferred to Fort Pierce Hauling Authority to manage as a rental property. Recammendatlon Board approval of Change Order 1 to C10-07-310, as outlined in the agenda memorandum, and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: Change Order Request _~.~ ITEM NO. VI-D3 y - ~~,~, aA ~ = ~"~~-~ DATE: D9114110 +,_ i_ _: ~ ~_ ; ;~~ ~~ ~~ w AGENDA REQUEST ~ REGULAR ( ~ ~..,,.._ .~.µ:m~... .._..~.,,.:..m~.~._ PUBLIC.HEARING ( 1 LEG. ( ) RUASIMJD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Carine C. Williams SUBMITTED BY: Housing and Community ServiceslCommunity Transit Coordinator Services-Transit SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration 5316 Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) Grant BACKGROUND; See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVA[LABI.E: 130108-4910-339421-400 Federal Transit Administration (PTA) 5316 PREVIOUS ACTION: January 27, 2010 -Approved submission of letter to PTA far JARC grant funds on behalf of St. Lucie County. RECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of the FTA 5316, FIw.. 37-X048-00, approval of Budget Resolution 10-241 and the agreement with the ARC of St. Lucie County, Inc. as outlined in the agenda memorandum; and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordinatior~ISignatures a OMB Director Daniel S. McIntyre Beth yder St ie Myers ~~ Budget Analyst ~ ) ~--~ Marie Gauin Sophia Holt Housing and Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Com/~mi~ss-loners THROUGH. Beth Ryder, Directat`y" FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Coordinato ©ATE: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration 5316 Job Access Reverse Cammute (JARC) Grant ITEM NO. VI - D3 Backgraund• In partnership with the St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners, the St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization applied far the JARC Program. The JARC program is intended to fund transportation services and supportive activities that 1) improve access to jobs for persons of low income individuals, and 2) provide reverse Cammute trips for the general population. A reverse commute trip provides transportation for urban, suburban and rural area residents to suburban employment opporkunities. The JARC grant allows for a total operating assistance in the amount of $48,294. Of this amount, $24,147 will be matched by the ARC through in-kind capital (use of vehicles) and operations funds. This grant fund will provide transportation services through the ARC of St. Lucie County Inc., a locally selected recipient, to provide employment transportation far the economically challenged, including individuals with disabilities throughout St. Lucie County through June 30, 2012. Recommendation Board acceptance of the FTA 5315, Fl_ 37-X048-00, approval of Budget Resolution 10-241 and the agreement with the ARC of St. Lucie County, Inc. as outlined in the agenda memorandum; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachments: Grant Cover Sheet Budget Resolution No. 10-241 ARC Agreement AGENDA REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. { ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT {K) Ta: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUN©. FUNDS AVAILABLE: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Parks and Recreation Services ITEM NO. VIE DATE. 91'~4I10 REGULAR { ) PRESENTED BY: Guy D. Mednr Parks Manager Waiver of Facility Rental l=ees for Core Communities Port 5t. Lucie Fall Festival See attached memorandum. NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: October 14, 2008 - BOCC waived $5,916.08 in facility rental fees far the 2008 Fall Festival. October 13, 2009 - BOCC waived $4,313.25 in facility rental fees for the 2009 Fall Festival. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to waive $5,042.50 in facility rental fees for Core Communities Port St. Lucie Fall Festival at Digital Domain Park as outlined in the agenda memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( } DENIED ~r~~~....~~ ~~ ( } OTHER Approved 5.p Faye W Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinatianlSignatures OMB County Attorney (X) _ _~~~-,~,,, as~d• ~ Budget Analyst ( ) Daniel McIntyre Ori inating Dept. (X ~~ Purchasing ( ) ~ ) Debra R. Brisson Parks and Recreation services MEMORANDUM. TO: Board of Counfiy Commissioners THROUGH: Debra Brinson, Director FROM: Guy D. Medor, Pa "°°~ ©ATE: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT Waiver of Facili#y Rental Fees for Core Communities Port St. Lucie Fall Fes#ival ITEM NO. Vi-E Background: In 2001, Core Communities, formerly known as St Lucie West Development Corp., donated the property for the South County Regional Fao#ball Stadium. Per the terms of the agreement, Core Communities can utilize the stadium for events at no charge, subject to priority use by the County, City of Port St. Lucie, and the School Board. In an effort to protect the Bermuda turf at the Stadium from the damage a large festival could potentially cause, staff requested that Core Communities utilize the grass parking lot in front of Digital Domain Park for their Fall Festival. Because the agreement with Gore Communities does not provide a waiver of facility rental fees for Digital Domain Park, Board approval is required. A#tached is the request from Ms. Jane Rowley, Event Director of Core Communities to use Digital ©omain Park's grass parking lot for the 1Qth Annual Part St. ~.ucie Fall Festiyal from C3cto~aer 27 - November 1, 2010. Profits from the festival are donated to local charitable organizations. Core Communities has agreed #o cover the County's staffing cos#s estimated at $874.00. Recommendation: Board approval to waive $5,042.50 in facility rental fees for Core Communities Port St. Lucie Fop Festival at Digital Domain Park as outlined in the agenda memorandum. ITEM NO. VI-F DATE. D911411 D AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR { ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) Quasi-~ID { ) CONSENT ~ (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: William Hoeffner,~~i~ SUBMITTED BY: Human Resources Department Interim Human Resources Dir. SUBJECT: Compensation for Active Military Duty BACKGROUN©. See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds for military leave benefits exist in the various department salary/benefit budgets. PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to extend military leave benefits as delineated in Section 3.17 of the St. Lucie- County Employee Handbook until September 30, 2p11. COMMISSION ACTION; (~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENGE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CaordiinationlSi natures County Attorney ( } OMB Director Budget Analyst Daniel Mcintryre Originating Dept. ( ? iiam Haeffner { } Marie Go ' HUMAN RES4URGES MEMORANDUM TU. Board of County Commissioners FROM: William Hoeffner~ Interim Human Re urces Director ©ATE: September 9~4, 2010 SUBJECT: Compensation for Active Military Duty ITEM NO. VI-F Background: On October 23, 2001, the Board ofi County Commissioners approved compensation far staff called for active military duty based on a resolution passed by the Governor and the Florida Cabinet on September 25, 2flfl1 (Attachment A). At that time, the agenda item stated that due to the uncertainty of the conflict, this policy will be reviewed on an annual basis. The County's Military i~.eave Policy, as approved an October 23, 2001, is delineated in Section 3.17 of the County Employee Handbook (Attachment B). Approval ofi this agenda item will extend policies delineated in Section 3.17 of the County Handbook until September 30, 2019. Previous Actic~ri. October 18, 2008 - BOCC approval of compensation far active duty employees .for FY fly-06 October 24, 2006 _ BOCC approval of compensation far active duty employees for FY 06-07 January 22, 2008 _ BOCC approval of compensation for active duty employees for 1=Y fl7-fl8 September 23, 2008 - BOCC approval of compensation far active duty employees for 1=Y 08-09 September 22, 2009 - BOCC approval of compensation for active duty employees for FY fl9-10 Recnmmendatinn: Board authorization to extend military Ieave benefits as delineated in Section 3.17 ofi the St. Lucie County Employee Handbook until Septembbr 30, 2011. ITEM NO. V1-'~' DATE. 9!'141'10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. ( ) QUASI-.~D ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: , Glenn Henderson SUBMITTED BY: Grants/Disaster Recovery Department GrantslResource Developer SUB.lECT: U.S. Department of Energy, Enemy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant - Grant Acceptance. BACKGROUN©: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: December 8, 2009 - Baard approval to submit grant applicatian. REGOMMENDATION: Board authorization to accept a grant in the amount of $2,941,500 from the U.S. . Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Black Grant, Retrofit Ramp-Up and General Innovation Fund Programs, and Board authorization for Chairman to sign the contract, as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED { ) DENTED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney (X} CONCURRENCE: ...~"`-~ !=aye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coardina#ionlSignature__s t.~ ~; ~~ ~~~ OMB Director Daniel Mclntyre 4 ~X) ~~ Marie Gouin Originating Dept. (X) ifii ~ Hoeffner ~rantslDisas~er Recovery MEMORANDUM TO; Board of County Commissioners THR(3UGH: William Hoeffner ~/~ Grants)Disaster Recovery Director Ir=ROM: Glenn Henderson .~- GrantslResource ©eveloper DATE; September 14, 2Q1U SUBJECT: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant -~ Grant Acceptance ITEM N®. VI-H Background: The U.S Department of Energy's (DQE) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) will allow St. Lucie County to create an energy-efficiency program unique in its goals, multiple partnerships, and funding mechanism. The program wiii provide resources for hundreds of homes and Small businesses to became more energy efficient and to invest in renewable energies. It will crease a funding method that will sustain the program indefinitely while stimulating jabs in a local economy that is currently experiencing unemployment rates that are among the highest in Florida. The program will offer solutions for property owners in overcoming educational and financial barriers to achieving energy efficiencies. Primary energy efficiency improvements to be funded through the program include weatherization, replacement of inefficient air-conditioning systems, and instailatian of solar water heating and solar photovoltaic systems. The Hari-profit Solar and Energy loan l`und (SELF) has been established to administer the program, creating apublic-private partnership unlike any-seen elsewhere in the nation. The majority of the D©E grant funds will be used to establish a revolving loan fund to finance the loan program. The remainder will pay for the administration of SF=IF, the designated sub-recipient. Additionally, SELF wiii apply for certification as a Community Development Financing Institution (CDFi), which will attract public, private and government investment in the program. As a result, energy enhancements for eligible properties will be made pnssibie indefinitely, Tong after the DOE funds are expended, Although the grant award is far $2,941,5p0, a portion of the funding ($23fi,5flf}) is conditional pending DOE approval. These funds will be released pending DGE's acceptance of an employee fringe rate policy. Recorr~rraendation: Board authoriza#ion to accept a grant in the amount of $2,941,©0 from the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Blocic Grant, Retrofit Ramp-t.Jp and General innovation Fund Programs, and Board authorization far Chairman to sign the contract, as approved by the County Attorney. T©; MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. ITT-Bt DATE: September 14, 2010 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTEp BY. SUBMITTI=© $Y (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisifiinn Manager SUBJECT: Contract for Sale and Purchase Heavy Machines Company Inc. a/k/n the Alghita Tract Parcel I.Q. No. 1423-1.30-0021-000-5 BACKGROUN©: Please see attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILAB!_E: Funds will be made available in 145-6230-561000-600 Land PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION; Staff recommends that the Board approve the Contract for Sale and Purchase, authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract, approve Budget Amendment BA 10-035 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: ~{j APPROVED [ ]DENIED [ ~ oT>-IER: Approved 5-0 [X) County Attorney: ir~~ Daniel 5. Mcintyre [X] Originating Dept.•~ l~~`-' JOAnn Riley Review and Approvals CONCURRENCE; Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator [ )Public Works Director: Don West [ ]Road & Bridge: Don Pauley [X] Mosquito Confirol/: Coastal Management Jim David [x] OMa: ~ -~ Tawonno ahnsan/Mariefou€n S:1ACQIWP\JoAnnlA9ghitalAgenda Requesfi.wpd 1 TO: Mosquito Cantro! District INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM 5T. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIbA FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Contract far Sale and Purchase Heavy Machines Company Inc, a/k/a the Alghita Tract Parcel I.D. Na. 1423-130-0021-000-5 BACKGROUND: The Mosquito Control District requested the acquisition of a parcel owned by I-leavy Machines Company Inc. a/k/a the Alghita Tract for the reasons stated in the attached Memorandum. The County presented the attached Contract far Sale and Purchase to Heavy Machines Company for $47,000.00. The purchase price is based upon an appraisal prepared by Osteen Appraisal Services, Inc. RECOMMENDA`tZON; Staff recommends that the Board approve the Contract far Sale and Purchase, authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract, approve Budget Amendment BA 10-035 and direct staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. I"ucie County, Florida. Respectfully submitted, Ann Riley Property Acquisition Manager S:1AC(~\WP\.7oAnn\Alghita\Agenda Mema.wpd r - ~ ~, - AGENDA REQUEST -~'~''~. t ..~ - - TO: ST. LUCIE COUNTY MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO . III w B ~ Date: September 14, 201© Regular [ ] Public Hearing ( ) Consent [X ] PRESENTED BY: Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services -Second Amendment of FY 2049-10 Contract BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 20-2149 FUNDS AVAIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: 5taf~ recommends the St. Lucie Cnunfy Mosquito Contra) District approve the proposed Second Amendment to the FY 2009-20 Contract with the Florida Department o~F Agriculture and Consumer Services, and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment COMMI55ION ACTION: ~ APPROVEb [ ]DENIED j ]OTHER: Approved 5-0 Coordination/Signatures County Attorney: ~ Mgt. ~ Budget: Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Gauin CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Originating Dept.: ; .~ ~-- Other dames R. David ~~~~ ~~~ Finance {Check for Copy only, if applicable):_ Purchasing: Other INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCTE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 10-1149 DATE: September 2, 203.0 SUBJECT. .Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - Second Amendment of FY 2009-10 Contract BACKGROUND: Each year the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District enters into a contract with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) which provides far an annual mosquito control work plan and budget procedures. The contract also provides for an annual payment to the District far services rendered in controlling mosgwitoes. On April 27, 2010, the Mosquito Control District approved the First Amendment to the FY 2009-10 contract which reduced the annual allocation from thirty-nine thousand and 00/100 dollars ($39,000.00) to thirty-six thousand eight hundred seventy-three and 37/100 dollars {$36,873.37). DACS has further recalculated the annual allocation and increased the final amount to thirty-seven thousand six hundred eighty-two and 90/100 dollars {$37,682.90) as set forth in the attached Second Amendment. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION Staff recommends the St. Lucie County Mosquito Control District approve the proposed Second Amendment to the FY 2009-10 contract with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment. Respectfully swl'amitted, E7i~~ ~. Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Attachment HY/ Copies to: County Administrator Mosquito Control Director Finance Director Management and Budget Director