HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 07-27-2010 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: July 27, 2010 Convened: 9:00 a.m. Adjourned: 2:40 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Paula A. Lewis, Chris Dzadovsky, Chris Craft Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Debra Brisson, Parks and Rec. Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Marie Gouin, OMB Director, Jack Southard, Public Safety Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Bill Hoeffner, Human Resources Director, Mark Satterlee, Development and Planning Services Director, Todd Cox, Airport Manager, Michael Brillhart, Eco. & Strategic Planning Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. MINUTES Approve the minutes from the July 20, 2010 meeting. It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the meeting held July 20, 2010, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. IV. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A. There are no proclamations/presentations scheduled for July 27, 2010. V. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Jerry James, area business owner, addressed the Board in opposition to raising the millage rate. He stated the Board should consider those who under economic stress and could not afford such an increase. Mr. Tom Ladomirak, Port St. Lucie resident, addressed the Board and thanked them for their support with the green job task force. He advised the Board he is enrolled into the training since being laid off from his job in September. He recommended the Board consider fees based recreation services in order to assist the county with these difficult economic times. VI. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. A. WARRANTS Approve warrant list No. 43 The Board approved Warrant List No. 43. B. COUNTY ATTORNEY 1. Cortez Village - Fifth Amendment to June 23, 2007 Agreement with Cortez Townhomes, L.L.C., and Gregg R. Wexler 1 The Board aapproved the Fifth Amendment to the June 23, 2007 Agreement, and authorized the Chairman to sign the Fifth Amendment. 2. Transit Shelter Program – Agreement with Indian River State College The Board approved the Transit Shelter Agreement with Indian River State College, and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement. 3. Donation of Road Right-of-way Butterfly Enterprises, L.L.C. – Persnickety Farms – Special Warranty Deed for 40-feet of right-of-way on Header Canal Road – Resolution No. 10-211 The Board approved accepting the Special Warranty Deed subject to the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment being acceptable to the County Attorney, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 10-211 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. B. COUNTY ATTORNEY CONTINUED 4. Approval of Budget Resolution No. 10-215 allowing the County to budget third year grant funds from the State of Florida (Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Reinvestment Grant). The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 10-215 to budget the funds from the State Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant. 5. Contract for Sale and Purchase – Paradise Park Stormwater Improvement – R.D. Brown and Berthina Brown – Tax ID’s 1433-701-0520-000/6 and 1433-701-0521-000/3 The Board approved the Contract for Sale and Purchase from R.D. Brown and Berthina Brown for the purchase price of $19,000.00, authorized the Chairman to sign the Contract and directed staff to proceed with the closing and record the Warranty Deed in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. 6. Treasure Coast FBO, LLC – Assignment of Keith J. Snyder Hangar Sublease to Wayne J. Snyder The Board approved the proposed Assignment of Agreement from Keith J. Snyder to Wayne J. Snyder, and authorized the Chairman to sign the document. 7. Mutual Termination Agreement with H&D Construction Company, Inc. and the Guarantee Company of North America USA The Board approved the Mutual Termination Agreement with H&D Construction, Inc. and the Guarantee Company of North America USA 8. Amendment to Health Department Lease The Board approved the amendment to the lease for the Health Department’s WIC Program as reviewed by the County Attorney. C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES Environmental Regulations and Land Division: 1. Reimbursement for sea grape trimming and exotic removal on County property The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 10-203 and authorized the Chairman to sign documents, as approved by the County Attorney. 2. Environmental Lands Mowing Contract The Board approved entering into a contract with Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc. for the routine mowing of the public access areas within the County’s environmentally sensitive lands, in an amount not to exceed $36,000.00 per year, and authorized the Chairman to sign contract documents as approved by the County Attorney. D. SOLID WASTE 2 1. Resolution No. 10-161 – Initial Assessment Resolution The Board approved the adoption of Resolution No. 10-161, the Solid Waste Initial Assessment Resolution, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as prepared by the County Attorney. D. SOLID WASTE CONTINUED 2. Repair tipping floor at Baling Facility The Board approved sole source to TUFCO Industrial Flooring, Inc. for repair of tipping floor in the amount of $159,000 and authorized Chairman to execute documents as approved by the County Attorney. E. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St. Lucie County International Airport: 1. Resolution No. 10-192; Budget Amendment No. 10-026, Runway 10R/28L Rehabilitation and Security Improvements The Board approved Resolution No. 10-192 accepting the FDOT Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement with no local match required; Budget Amendment No. 10-026 transferring the remaining FDOT grant funds ($10,361.80) and the remaining unused local match funds ($2,590.45) as outlined in the agenda memorandum, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. 2. FDOT SJPA’s Correction for Runway 10R/28L Rehabilitation Project and Correction to the Security Fencing (Phase 5) Project The Board approved Resolution No. 10-193 and Resolution No. 10-202 accepting the FDOT SJPA’s, correcting the original FDOT JPAs with no change to approved budget costs, approval of Budget Amendment No. 10-028, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Administration: 3. Work Authorization for Neighborhood Charrette Services with Trias & Associates The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 of Contract C09-11-655 for Charrette Services in the area around the Treasure Coast Research & Education Park Business and Concurrency Management/Tourism: 4. Tourist Development Council Grant Agreement for Heathcote Botanical Garden expansion project The Board approved The Tourist Development Council Grant Agreement with Heathcote Botanical Garden’s in an amount not to exceed $148,720 and authorized the Chairman to execute the agreement and authorized the County Administrator to sign the Notice of Commencement and all other documents associated with the expansion as approved by the County Attorney. F. PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Division: 1. North Lennard Road 1 Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) Assessment Services The Board approved the Second Amendment to Work Authorization No. 2 with Camp, Dresser, & McKee as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. F. PUBLIC WORKS CONTINUED 2. Acceptance of Okeechobee Road (SR 70) Left Turn Lane at Peacock Road The Board approved the acceptance of the Okeechobee Road (SR 70) Left Turn Lane at Peacock Road and transfer of the improvement to FDOT. 3. North Lennard Road 1, 2, and 3 Municipal Service Benefit Units (MSBUs) Construction Contract 3 The Board approved, contingent on approval of regular Item IX, to award the construction contract to Guettler Brothers Construction as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County attorney. 4. North Lennard Road 1, Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) Soil Testing The Board approved, contingent on approval of regular Item IX, Work Authorization No. 41 to the contract with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc. as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. 5. North Lennard Road 1 and 2 Municipal Service Benefit Units (MSBUs) Construction Engineering Inspections The Board approved, contingent on approval of regular Item IX, Work Authorization No. 2 and No. 3 with Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. G. PARKS & RECREATION SERVICES 1. Budget Amendment BA10-029 to Purchase a Paint Liner – Equipment Request EQ10-030 The Board approved Budget Amendment BA10-029 and Equipment Request EQ10-030, to purchase a paint liner at a cost of $2,145. 2. Rental/Lease Agreement with Mount Bethel Baptist Church for the Havert L. Fenn Center The Board approved a Rental/Lease Agreement with Mount Bethel Baptist Church for use of the Havert L. Fenn Center for rental fees of $4,500 per month ($54,000 per year) as outlined in the agenda memorandum, and authorized for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. H. MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Purchasing Division: Lennard Road 1, 2 and 3 MSBU’s The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 10-217 ($5,200,000 for Lennard Rd. 1), No. 10-218 ($880,000 for Lennard Rd. 2) and No. 10-219 ($266,000 for Lennard Rd. 3), contingent on the Board approving the loan resolution. I. HOUSING & COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Services Division: 1. Park and Ride The Board approved Budget Amendment No. 10-027 and Capital Improvement Program No. 10-036, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney 2. Transit Fare Increase The Board approved a transit fare increase as outlined in the agenda memorandum and Resolution No. 10-191, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. 3. Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) FY11 The Board approved acceptance of the FY11 CSBG grant, approved Budget Resolution No. 10-220 and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Housing Division: 4. St. Lucie County HOME Consortium Fourth Year Action Plan 4 The Board approved the St. Lucie County HOME Consortium Fourth Year Action Plan, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. 5. Award of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Rehabilitation Bids The Board approved the bid awards for four rehabilitation housing projects under the St. Lucie County NSP Grant, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. 6. Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Modification The Board approved of NSP Modification #2, and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. J. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION Resolution No. 10-210, Budget Amendment The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 10-210 in the amount of $479,792. K. HUMAN RESOURCES St. Lucie County Employee Handbook – Amendment to emergency wage and hour procedures for exempt employees. The Board approved Resolution 10-216 amending Resolution No. 86-173 as delineated in the Background information. L. ST. LUCIE COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS Federal Election Activities Agreement Budget Amendment The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 10-223 in the amount of $28.038 to amend the budget for the Federal Election Activity Agreement for FY 2009-2010. M. GRANTS/DISASTER RECOVERY Phase 2, Taylor Creek Dredging and Restoration – Grant Application The Board approved submitting a grant application, in an amount not to exceed $1,295,096, to the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Council for Phase 2, Taylor Creek Dredging and Restoration. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS There are no public hearings scheduled for July 27, 2010. VIII. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Oxford Management Services – Request for Additional Job Growth Investment Grant (JGIG) Incentives Consider staff recommendation to: (1) Revise the April 22, 2008 adopted Job Growth Investment Grant (JGIG) to reduce the $489,375 grant amount payout term from ten years to five years in order to expedite payment and provide funding resources for Oxford Management Services (OMS) to hire additional staff. Under this Agreement, OMS is required to hire a total of 225 employees by December 31, 2011. This recommendation is shown on the attached JGIG-10-020 (Revised). (2) Adopt a second JGIG Agreement in the amount of $146,250 phased over five years for the hiring of 75 additional employees (300 employees total) by December 31, 2011 as reflected in the attached JGIG-10-030 (New) It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. IX. COUNTY ATTORNEY Resolution No. 10-212 – North Lennard Road 1 Municipal Service Benefit Unit Special Assessment Bond Series 2010A 5 Resolution No. 10-213 – North Lennard Road 2 Municipal Service Benefit Unit Special Assessment Bond Series 2010B Resolution No. 10-214 - North Lennard Road 3 Municipal Service Benefit Unit Special Assessment Bond Series 2010C Consider staff recommendation to approve adoption of Resolution No. 10-212, Resolution No. 10-213, and Resolution No. 10-214 and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Resolutions. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. X. PUBLIC WORKS Administration: Platt’s Creek Mitigation Agreement with Port St. Lucie. Consider staff recommendation to approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement for the Platt’s Creek Mitigation Project with the City of Port St. Lucie and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. XI. MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Approval of proposed millage rates and dates for public hearings Board approval to: 1. Advise the Property Appraiser’s Office of the millage rates as outlined on “Worksheet Analysis of Roll- Back Millage Rate for fiscal year 2010-2011” under the column headed “2010-2011 proposed millage.” 2. Set two public hearings on September 9 and 23 2010, at 6:00 P.M. in the Roger Poitras thrd Administration Annex Commission Chamber. 3. Authorize the County Administrator to be able to modify the millage rates between General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture Fund as long as the total countywide millage stays the same. Also, authorize the County Administrator to transmit the proposed millage rates to the Property Appraiser’s Office on Form DR- 420, DR-420 C-P and DR-420 TIF. 4. Set the proposed aggregate millage as outlined on “Worksheet Analysis of Roll-Back Millage rate for fiscal year 2010-2011” under the column headed “2010-2011 proposed millage”. The Management and Budget Director addressed the Board on this item and reviewed the Worksheet Analysis of Roll-Back Millage Rate for FY 2010-2011. She advised the Board the General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture Fund current millage is 6.1651 and the proposed rate is 6.7504 an increase of .5853. The .5853 is the net of the .7656 discussed at the workshop after deducting the Law Enforcement MSTU and the Transit MSTU. The next change is the lighting districts. They are being converted and there are still 5 that are needed to be converted which will show up as a non ad-valorem assessment on the tax notices. The Law Enforcement MSTU millage will be changed from .3736 to .5103 increase of .1367; the Transit MTU millage will be changed from .0833 to 0.1269 an increase of .0436 based on the discussions at the workshop. Staff is requesting Board approval of items 1-4 as indicated above. The Management and Budget Director stated the aggregate millage presently is 7.3057 and the proposed aggregate millage is 7.9987. The increase to the aggregate would be .6930. The decrease over roll back would be .2633 and the total percentage of the decrease in aggregate millage over roll back would be 3.19%. Com. Craft advised the Board that this amounts to the county collecting $2.6 million dollars less next year than they did this year. The County Administrator presented what the county had done to bring us to where we are today over the last few years. She advised the Board in FY 07 FTE’s were 984 at peak and in FY11 we are at the 1992 staffing level of 574 FTE’s. 6 At the conclusion of this presentation, the County Administrator was asked what her recommendation would be today. The County Administrator advised the Board, her recommendation would be to go back to the Roll Back Rate for the General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture Fund. She advised the Board it will be very difficult to maintain the quality of life and service level the Board demands with further reductions in operations. The budget is down between the FY02 and FY 03 levels. Com. Dzadovksy stated more can be done across the board and there are a number of variables that can be looked at going forward, he believes they need to find the right size of government and equilibrium to that which is wants and needs, required services and what the taxpayers are demanding. He would support setting a millage rate as projected today but would be looking not for a roll up in September. Setting the millage today would give the taxpayer review of their truth in millage and what the affect would be to each individual and to then have further discussion in September as to what the actual millage rate would be. Com. Craft stated he believes the Tax Reform and Amendment I impact to our budget was in the vicinity of $40 million. He stated he supports the County Administrator’s recommendation to go back to the roll back rate and he hopes there is support from the Board to at least advertise it and provide the additional 2. 6 million and this does not get them even close to where they need to be even with the assistance of the Sheriff. He believes they have cut all they could without affecting public safety and stated he believes it is the fiscally responsible thing to do. Com. Lewis addressed the fact they have held the line for the last four years. She stated if they move to roll back this year it will provide 11 million in revenues, however, if they wait until next year with the 5% anticipated decline in property values, it would generate 3 million. She stated she could no longer sit aside and watch revenues decline especially with the services the taxpayers are requesting. She recalled being told the county had lost two grants due to the fact staff was not available to pursue them. She advised the Board and those present that she would be supporting going to roll back. Com. Grande stated he could not support either of the stated recommendations. He believes that the people of the county are as bad off as the government. He stated the concept of going out with a fairly significant millage increases are hard for him to look at. He believes they are still a lot to be done and negotiated with the Constitutional Officers particularly the Sheriff and the jail. He cannot support going to roll back, nor going to .5853 for the General and Fine and Forfeiture Fund. Com. Dzadovsky addressed the fact there are many issues affecting the public such as 50%+ of the residents are upside down on their mortgages, inmate medical costs are being billed at 400% by the local hospital where we are required by statute to send the inmates for treatment. He reiterated the fact that all these issues affect the budget and the area residents with regard to the taxes. Com. Coward stated now is not the time to propose a tax increase due to the economy, people upside down in their mortgages, unemployment etc., and felt this would not be the right message to send to those companies interested in coming to our area. He can support modifying the millage rate that will not have a net increase on the majority of the taxpayer but will generate additional revenue. He stated he is presently looking at some of the figures being provided. He is concern with the magnitude of the increase when the accumulative figures are added. Com. Craft stated if they kick the can down the road per say, he does not see the savings over the next two years coming close to closing the gap. He stated, what they are attempting to do is to have the revenues equal the expenses. Com. Dzadovsky stated this is a time when assessed values are down and we are crossing an intersection of those who had homestead and the 3% creeping increase and did not have the high appraised value and to pay the high taxes during the boom time and today we are at that intersection and they are now getting in line with the appraised value today. He stated we are approaching a 40 million dollar deficit and he stated he would not agree in 2012 or 2013 to increase the millage to the max of 10. This would give us the opportunity to inch back an x amount of dollars and give us the opportunity to find ways of meeting what may still be a future deficit. He is not willing to go back to the full roll back rate. He would prefer to make a motion to what they agreed at the workshop. This will give the residents the opportunity to tell us if they can live with the proposed millage and then know if they are willing to live without services, parks etc. He can assure everyone that in 2013, those libraries and parks will be closed. It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky to raise the millage for the Fine and Forfeiture by .5853; seeing none, the motion died for lack of second. 7 Com. Grande addressed the additional separate entities that have raised their millage and the accumulative affect it would have on the residents. He stated he believed this is the wrong time. He believes those companies who have had the tax abatements which are getting lower will be paying more in the future. Com. Craft alluded to the plan of furlough for the employees next year and stated they did not have a choice and this would need to be part of the plan today and all of these additional things do not get them where they need to be. He stated he does not believe the economy will get better right away it has never done so in our county’s history. Com. Craft stated he would say it publicly, if Com. Dzadovsky was to support roll back for advertising and are unable to come to an agreement, he would support his proposal in September when it comes back, .5853 which he agreed to. Com. Dzadovsky stated he would agree to set the millage today with the offset for law enforcement and transit and have further discussions and possibly set a lower rate in September. Com. Grande requested clarification from Com. Craft as to what he was indicating. Com. Craft stated he was asking Com. Dzadovsky to support the roll back rate in Fine and Forfeiture Fund and General Fund today and if they cannot come to a compromise he would support the .5853 or lower in September. He believes they need to advertise the higher rate in order to give them as much flexibility as possible. Com. Dzadovsky stated he did not have the intention to get to the negotiated rate. He knows they must fill the gap; there are still many variables that need to be addressed. It was his hope that they could get to an agreement that the whole Board would support. Com. Lewis stated she could support the increase to .5853 or less (pertaining to any additional economies they could discover in the interim) as stated in the workshop by Com. Craft. Com. Craft stated he was utilizing the .5853 as a fallback position he wanted to support the roll back for advertising purposes to give them as much flexibility as possible. He believes the roll back dollars would generate 13 million, 11 million dollars generated is significant to where they need to be over three years it would compound to 33 million still leaving a 7 million dollar gap to close for 2013 and this is what he was hoping to do. The 13 million dollars in revenue was what he was hoping to have this year. Com. Dzadovsky stated his disappointment to having an additional workshop day to come up with a compromise and today they have not done so. He stated at this point he made a proposal on Monday which was to go to a .3197 total millage including the Law Enforcement and Transit millage increases, generating 4.8 million dollars and since they were not able to come to an agreement, he would go back to his original proposal of .3197 millage to include the Law Enforcement and Transit millage increased and over three years would provide 15 million. This equates to about $50.00 per year for a $100,000 home. It was moved by Com. Dzadovksy to increase the millage .3197 including the Law Enforcement and Transit millages increases the difference would be the Fine & Forfeiture and General Fund. Com. Grande questioned the numeric figures presented by Com. Dzadovsky. The Management and Budget Director stated she believed the Commissioner meant .5 and this would include the two MSTU’s and making the Fine and Forfeiture Fund and General Fund .3197. Com. Coward requested to address the question of what additional cuts would be made. He stated there are several categories where they can make the budget sustainable 2 years out. He addressed the reduction in jail population and the cost in administrating the jail has not changed, we need to become more efficient. Also the county health benefits, the employees should be asked to contribute more to be in line with the private/public sector; the operating of our facilities with regard to energy consumption. He stated he also still has a problem with our proposed transit millage increase to take people to shop in Martin County. Com. Coward stated they have several economic opportunities knocking on our doors to come into St. Lucie County and he believes they would have a concern with having a tax increase. He stated his position on taxes has been misrepresented by the newspapers and he would like the media to take the time to sit with the Property Appraiser office and be apprised of the actual figures. He stated he would support an adjustment in the millage rate that will not make a net increase in taxes to the residents. Com. Craft stated, if you took out the total equation of the jail, this would be $30,000,000; include health benefits, furloughs, closing the Fairgrounds, we would not get close to what is needed and closing the jail is something that will never happen. What he is suggesting is the millage rate they need to get them in the ball park with the additional changes is roll back due to the fact they are facing an additional 5% reduction 8 next year in value and they still have a long way to go even if the 5% would be an increase opposed to a reduction in property values. He believes the citizens understand the position the county is in. He proposed paying off the bond for the ESL and this would provide another 1.5 million for next year. Com. Grande asked for a second, seeing none, the motion died for lack of second. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to accept the County Administrator’s recommendation of roll back for the General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture with the increase to the MSTU’s of the Law Enforcement as well as Transit; and, upon roll call, the vote was follows: Nay’s: Coward, Dzadovsky, Grande; Aye’s: Lewis, Craft; motion denied by a vote of 3 to 2. Com. Craft reiterated his position where he would support .5853 in September if they cannot find the cuts to get them where they need to be between now and September. It was moved by Com. Dzadovksy, to approve what was agreed to on Monday as a combined total that would include the MSTU’s otherwise he will end up agreeing to the highest number but promises he will not get remotely close to that number in September; Com. Craft stated if there was a willingness to pay off the Environmental Land Bond, he would support the .5853. Com. Dzadovsky stated the reason for his compromise is that it provides the impetus to be efficient, to work towards stability and to work towards a sustainable budget. He does not wish to go to a full roll back due to the hole they are in going into 2013. More has to be done and if the roll up and taking the proposed to be 33 million dollars should nothing else occur between now and then, they still do not have the impetus he believes as great, to continue to find efficiencies or cuts. He believes he is coming further than from what he originally proposed in his previous motion Com. Craft stated this is why he is asking for another $705,000 toward that and he would agree to the .5853 because they would be able to return that .0459 millage to the roll. Com. Coward stated he believed Com. Craft’s move was disingenuous and what he was actually attempting to do was to take a voter referendum millage that we told them that when it was done, it was going to go away and what he is doing is removing the millage, shift it over and add it to the tax roll somewhere else. Com. Craft stated he did not wish for anyone to think he was being disingenuous and stated that was actually what he was attempting to do. Lunch Break At this time the Board re-convened. The County Attorney addressed the Board regarding a previous question asked by the Chairman. He advised the Board that should the Board not take any action today on setting a millage rate, it would then default back to the Roll Back Rate. This information was obtained from the Department of Revenue. The County Attorney recommended to the Board they establish a millage rate today. It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky to approve the millage discussed and supported by two other Board members on Monday, .5853 supporting both MSTU’s seconded by Com. Craft for discussion; Com. Craft questioned the revenue generated at that rate. The Management and Budget Director stated at .7656 you would generate 11. Million and at .5853 would generate 8.4 million, the roll back difference would be 2.6 million. Com. Craft stated this would still leave a 31 million dollar gap in our revenues and expenses, He believes roll back would put them in a greater position and he is not asking to do this in one year. He apologized for changing his position. He was still hesitant to support the motion even though he was the second. He asked the motion maker to withdraw his motion and support the roll back. Com. Coward requested a clarification of the roll back figures and what is being advocated. The Management and Budget Director stated for the General and Fine and Forfeiture Funds the roll back rate would be .7656, the Law Enforcement MSTU increase is .1367 and Transit MSTU would be .0436. Com. Dzadovsky stated when he agreed to a compromise on Monday it was to have a place holder, but was very clear this was not the final number he would be looking for in September and would be looking for 9 something less than that. He stated if this is the case, then he would be going in the other direction trying to find a middle ground and have a discussion with the public and decide in September after finding a middle ground. He stated they need to find a baseline as to what it would take to run a government that it by the people for the people. He stated he wished to start with this place holder number and stated that in September he will not be agreeing to this being the millage rate but will be looking for something lower. Com. Grande stated he disagreed with the 4000% increases representation indicated. The 35 million or 41 million dollar gap three years from now is an assumed figure and is an estimate in reality. He is not 100% sure that he is right, but he is sure no one else is either. Com. Lewis stated the problem being if this is carried out and if they do not have the increase that Com. Grande is expecting to take up the gap, then where will the county be in 3 years. She does not believe the losses can be made up in two years. She stated they needed to prepare for the worst and they cannot set the lowest rate hoping it turns out okay. She stated she is still in the position where she would like to prepare for the worst. Upon roll call, the vote was as follows, Aye’s: Com. Dzadovsky; Nay’s: Lewis, Craft, Coward, Grande, motion denied by a vote of 4 to 1. At this time Chairman passed the gavel to the Vice Chairman who presided It was moved by Com. Grande, to hold the Fine and Forfeiture/General Fund millage as is with a zero adjustment; hearing none, motion died for lack of second. It was moved by Com. Grande to increase the Fine and Forfeiture/General Funds millage by .25 Com. Craft asked what this would equate to. Staff advised Com. Craft it would be 3.6 million. Com. Dzadovsky asked if this included the two MSTU’s increases Com. Grande stated no and believes they should be handled differently, The Vice Chairman handed the gavel back to the Chairman and seconded the motion And; upon roll call, the vote was as follows, Nay’s: Dzadovsky, Lewis, Craft, Aye’s: Coward, Grande, motion denied by a vote of 3 to 2. It was moved by Com. Craft to support the recommendation of the County Administrator to roll back with the on General Fund and Forfeiture with the increases to the Law Enforcement and Transit MSTU’s, seconded by Com. Lewis, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows; Nay’s; Coward, Dzadovsky, Grande, Aye’s: Lewis and Craft, motion denied by a vote of 3 to 2. It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky to approve his previous motion (combination of all millage rates to equal roll back) hearing none, motion died for lack of second. Com. Dzadovky asked if there was a consensus of approval for Law Enforcement and Transit of MSTU’s Com. Dzadovsky stated he would propose to reduce it to .5 plus the MSTU’s increases Hearing none, motion died for lack of second. Com. Craft stated he was giving his word that he would work to get them where they needed to be. Com. Dzadovsky asked the difference in the dollar value of what is being proposed today and what was proposed on Monday. Staff indicated the difference was $2.6 million. Com. Craft stated he would meet Com. Dzadovsky half way if Com. Lewis also approved. Com. Lewis stated she still had misgivings, but she also believes that before September there will be some more efficiencies and economies. Com. Grande stated he believed this was asking too much of the taxpayers and would not support the motion. 10 It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky to approve the millage for the General and Fine and Forfeiture Fund to be increased by .6755 totaling 6.8406 millage rate, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Aye’s: Lewis, Craft, Dzadovsky; Nay’s: Coward, Grande, motion carried by a vote of 3 to 2. MSTU’S Transit MSTU It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to increase the Transit MSTU by 1.0436, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows; Aye’s: Dzadovsky, Lewis, Craft, Grande; Nay’s: Coward; motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1. Law Enforcement MSTU- It was moved Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to increase the Law Enforcement MSTU by 1.367, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Balances of Millages listed on Column E It was moved by com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the balance of the millages on Column E, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Item 11 numbers 1-2 It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve item 1 and 2, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Item 11- number 3 It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis to approve item 3 and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Aye’s: Lewis, Craft, Dzadovsky, Grande, Nay: Coward, motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1. Com. Dzadovsky requested the ratification of his appointee to the Harbor Advisory Board, Mr. Andy Brady. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to ratify Mr. Brady’s appointment, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ___________________________ Chairman ___________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court 11 12