HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Minutes 07-13-2010BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: July 13, 2010 Convened: 2:30 pm.
Adjourned: 4:28 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis,
Chris Dzadovsky
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Marie Gouin, OMB Director, Joseph E. Smith,
Clerk of the Circuit Court, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Follow up items:
Mr. Drummond addressed the Board and stated he had been requested by the Board to look at
providing a different proposal regarding the hours of operation for the county's transit system
as well a figures regarding ridership during certain hours.
He advised the Board during the hours of 7:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. they had approximately 30,000
riders and; during the hours of 3:OOpm. -6:00 p.m. they have 24,000 these would be the riders
lost. He stated during the hours of 7 am-8 am they had approximately 8,500 trips and the
hours of 4pm-6pm there were approximately 13,500 trips. He indicated the best time to break
the trips would be in the middle of the day.
Mr. Drummond proposed starting the system from 8:00 a.m.-6 p.m. with one hour of at noon,
and they would only lose the 8,500 trips and still pick up the 13, 500. There would be a reduced
number of drivers. These hours would produce a $559,000 shortfall.
The Community Services Director advised the Board the current millage on this MSTU is .0833
and they would need to increase it by .0388 bringing it to .1221 or $3.99 per household for a
$150,000 assessed value, with a homestead exemption. She advised the Board there would
also be an increase in the fare and this will be brought to the Board for approval. This proposal
continues service to the Treasure Coast Mall and then they would need to transfer to the
Martin County system. Martin County will honor the transfer to their system and we would
honor their transfer to ours.
Com. Coward expressed his concerns with those residents utilizing the system to go to work
and the increase of the millage. He believes the millage rate should provide that one hour of
Com. Dzadovsky stated he supports a small increase in the millage and the increase in user fees
To meet the shortfall.
Com. Craft stated he felt this was a good compromise.
Com. Lewis stated she was not so worried about the fee increases but was concerned about
those who utilize the system to get to work between the hours of 7 am and 8 am.
Com. Coward requested having the figures reviewed one last time to address the additional
hour and the concern with the costs. He asked them to modify it any way they wished, but to
have it cover the employment trips between lam -8am. He would like to see what the
additional cost would be for that hour.
Mr. Drummond stated they would look for the figures in terms of the early hour and the one
hour lunch and return to the Board.
Com. Coward asked if these figures could be presented by 5:00 p.m. today.
Mr. Drummond stated they would attempt to have them by then.
The County Administrator advised the Board she had provided 4 dates for the Sheriff to review
pertaining to the discussion of the jail. Those dates were 8/25 or 8/26; or 9/1 or 9/2. She will
advise the Board as soon as she hears from the Sheriff.
Street lighting Districts
The County Administrator addressed this item and stated they were converting from ad-
valorem tax assessment to a special assessment method of collection.
The Management and Budget staff advised the Board how this would be presented on the trim
Sea Turtle Monitoring
Staff revised the proposal to have this done in house with the exception of the survey.
It was the consensus of the Board to have this function and all associated tasks performed by
an in house employee with the exception of the survey which they can contract out for $5,000.
Fenn Center
The Parks and Recreation Director advised the Board that staff had re-evaluated and projected
that the expenditures will be $500,000 this year and this amount can also be budgeted for next
year. The original projected amount was $639,000. The $500,000 is being used to support the
existing budget.
Law Enforcement MSTU
The Board was advised the road patrol deficit for FY 11 will be $824,785. The current millage
rate is 0.3736 and it would need to be increased by 0.1367 (or $13.67 per household for a
house $100,000 in value for unincorporated residents). This would increase the millage to
0.5103. On the fine and forfeiture side you would increase the millage by 0.3736. For the city
residents it would be an increase of $37.36 fora $100,000 of property value.
Increasing the millage would provide for the deficit and also it would provide $2,311,449 for the
School Resource Office program.
Com. Craft stated he was concerned with the possibility that the other two cities would not
agree to a countywide MSTU for the road patrol.
The other options are: a) take from other MSTU's however this will create more layoffs
b) increase the Law Enforcement MSTU
c) or do a county wide millage adjustment on the Fine & Forfeiture
d) or fund with one time money
The County Administrator stated she requested a reduction in the Sheriff's budget, but
factored in the millage increase.
The cities will need to agree to this voluntarily and they would need to have a public meeting
and adopt it by ordinance.
Staff does not believe this would be achievable this year due to the time constraint. They
need to have discussion with the new city manager and this may take some time.
Com. Craft stated he would like to have a letter from the cities and use the one time money
to fill in the $824,785 and negotiate with the cities to share the burden.
The County Administrator recommended leaving in the millage increase based on the 27%
and then move the money from Fine and Forfeiture fund due to the fact they cannot change
the millage later.
Com. Coward stated he was not prepared to change the millage and asked staff to bring back
the issue; he would like to look at other options. He is not comfortable at this point and
would not be in favor of voting for it.
Environmental lands
There is a need to have a millage increase for one year by .0124 bringing it to .0583 this
would pay off the debt service. They do have funds left in the project fund. They have
bonded out $15.3 million and have not gone out to borrow the balance of $4.7 million. The
general public authorized bonding up to $20 million.
Com. Craft recommended utilizing the unspent dollars they are having a problem keeping up
with what they have at this point.
The ERD Director stated they have 4.5 million left in the fund and the reason they have not
expended them is because they do not have the FCT match and also because of the lack of
willing seller of the parcels they have identified. They have plans to purchase some parcels.
Com. Grande asked what the amount the increase would raise was.
Staff advised him $173,000 would be raised. The total principal and interest payment
outstanding would be $1,516,838.
Com. Grande stated at the very least we could expend $173,000 to avoid a millage increase.
Com. Coward stated he does not wish to mix voter approval and non-voter approval.
Staff requested the Board give her the opportunity to go back and obtain the accurate
figures, at this time they are not sure what Bond Counsel will recommend.
Law Enforcement MSTU
The Assistant County Attorney provided information and stated ideally they would want the
cities to have their public hearings to adopt the ordinance prior and she does not believe they
have enough time.
Com. Dzadovsky asked if they could put in the millage increase and if the cities did not
approve they could then pull it out.
The Assistant County Attorney stated this is a question the Property Appraiser would need to
answer and addressed what this may be telling the taxpayer.
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It was the consensus of the Board to continue this session tomorrow at 9:30 a.m.
Com. Coward addressed the SRO program and stated he would like to continue to
provide the base funding of 1.2 million and would like feedback from the balance of the
Board regarding the 1.6 million supplemental dollars they funded last year but is not in
the budget this year.
The 1.2 plus the Sheriff's amount will cover 2 deputies at the high school and rotation at
the elementary.
Com. Craft stated they must keep in mind there is road patrol in the area of those
School zone and they can be called and they can respond.
Com. Dzadovsky stated those deputies could also stop by the schools while they are
patrolling their zones.
Com. Craft stated this is something that can be continued tomorrow if the Board has
Com. Dzadovsky addressed the .25 increase the School Board is requesting and
questioned where they would be using those monies collected.
Com. Coward recommended funding the program at their base amount of 1.2 million.
The transit representative advised the Board with regard to the transit system, it would
cost an additional $70,000 to cover the hour and this would make the deficit $629,000.
The County Administrator advised the Board the new millage rate would be .1269 for
the transit system based on the $70,000 increase.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.