HomeMy WebLinkAboutStrategic Minutes 06-21-2010BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LCUIE COUNTY, FLORIDA STRATEGIC PLANNING 2010 Date: June 21, 2010 Convened: 9:12 a.m. Adjourned: 3:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Paula A. Lewis, Chris Dzadovsky, Chris Craft Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Marie Gouin, OMB Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk Opening remarks were made by the County Administrator. The Chairman of the Board addressed those present and advised everyone that he and the County Administrator had ongoing talks with the Sheriff relating to the Law Enforcement end of his budget, at this time they do not have anything to report. The OMB Director made a presentation on the Law Enforcement MSTU and provided a history on its inception. Options were provided for the Board to review and discuss. The OMB Director advised the Board the unincorporated area serviced by the Sheriff is 27% and the residents in the unincorporated area are charged according to this percentage of coverage. The following options were presented: 1. Amend the agreement with the City of Port St. Lucie and the City of Ft. Pierce to reduce it from the 27% to 22%. The unincorporated area has been reduced by 9.1%. b. Option B has been deleted due to misinformation 2. The Sheriff to reduce the road patrol expenses in order to reduce the transfer from the MSTU to fund the operation. The total expenses for Road Patrol are $11,099,880 in order to cover the unincorporated projected deficit of $887,726, the reduction needed would be $3,287,874 in expenses. 3. Increase the millage rate, currently collecting 2.5 million, projected for 2012 is $3 million due to the loss in property value. .1465 mil would need to be the increase in millage. The County Administrator advised the Board this year it would be impossible to pull funds from 102 as they did last year due to the fact they would need to cut in operations from area which include, Planning and Development, Environmental Resources and Animal Control. Com. Craft stated he had a discussion with the Sheriff the previous week and the Sheriff had stated they had not felt it was a fair percentage at the time the settlement was agreed to. He believes they need to review the percentages and also look to fund it totally by an MSTU in the future. The County Administrator stated the present issue is how to balance this fund to 2011, this needed to be addressed. Com. Dzadovsky addressed the idea of the MSTU referendum suggested by the School Board for the SRO program and stated he would like to bring this option back to the Board for consideration. Com. Coward requested a historical background on how the MSTU has grown in the last 5 years. Staff advised the Board they would provide this information. Alternative Jail Management- Mark Godwin The Criminal Justice Coordinator gave a presentation on the history of the jail. The jail opened in 1987 with 524 beds. In 1990 additional beds were constructed raising it to 794 beds. In 2002 double- bunk project raised capacity level to 969. In 2005 Pods 1 and 2 were added and capacity level increased 1,370. In 2006 population enhancement project created a new capacity level of 1667 beds. The annual cost to operate a pod (Per the Sheriff's office) is $2,510,080. There are presently 1,297 inmates in our jail. Of those, 79 are Federal inmates and 1,218 are non-Federal inmates. St. Lucie County has a longer stay average and this is due to a bottleneck due to of lack of courtrooms available. The Criminal Justice Coordinator advised the Board that every inmate that is receiving Social Security needs to be reported to the Social Security Administration. The SS Administration gives a reward for this notification, an average of $400.00. He stated he would provide those figures as soon as he can obtain them. He advised the Board that Citrus/Hernando Counties have their facility run by the Corrections Corporation of America. In a recent newspaper article, Hernando County was advised by Corrections Corporation of America that they would need to raise their contract by $ lmillion. The Sheriff advised the Board he could run the jail cheaper, so the Board voted to let the Sheriff take over. The Sheriff is now in that transition, however, he also advised the Board he would need an additional $5 million over and above the renovations required to the jail. Com. Dzadovsky requested information regarding the legal liability each Board member would have should the BOCC take over the jail. The Criminal Justice Coordinator presented a jail operational proposal which included the following: 1. Privatization 2. County operated 3. County operated with privatized medical and food service (combined approach) He also presented the privatization and business plan process as well as the County's business plan on jail operations. Com. Dzadovsky requested the reports include failures also and the company's track record. Com. Craft stated he would like to take a look where the other counties are in operating The jails and see the dollar increase amount in a county versus privatization. He would Also like to know the reason for the Hernando County's Sheriff's request of an additional 5 million dollars. He stated he had a conversation with the Sheriff and rather than closing a pod he had recommended dedicating a whole pod to Federal inmates in order to generate revenue and asked the balance of the Board on weigh in on this issue. 2 The Chairman questioned if in closing one pod they would have 2 million dollars in savings they could include. The Criminal Justice Coordinator stated they would need to look at the business plan and see if this was possible. The Chairman stated the real question is, if we close a pod do we gain 2.5 million or if we have a full pod with federal inmates will it generate 2.5 million+ for that pod. Com. Craft addressed the additional staff needed for the courtrooms added and this Is a discussion they would need to have? The Chairman stated they needed to have a discussion along the line of the additional courtrooms and if it would move the inmate population along quicker and this may lessen the jail population. Com. Dzadovsky requested a historical perspective of 2005 versus today of the cost of jail operations and if there is a cost of living associated with it. The Criminal Justice Coordinator stated he would provide the information to the Board. The Chairman stated they needed high level ballpark figures in order to discuss the business transition plan. The Criminal Justice Coordinator stated they would also need to obtain all the information they can including the total cost of jail operations and what are the revenues versus expenditures and proceeded to review the business plan. Com. Coward requested information on how the numbers of inmates are changing. He questioned, if the numbers change, why the cost still remains the same. Com. Craft stated the only way to cut cost is by reducing staffing levels. If they cannot fill a pod with federal inmates to generate revenue, they may need to consider closing the pod or pods. Com. Coward stated he believed they were spending more in operations than what revenue is being generated when it comes to the federal inmates it is actually a net loss. Com. Craft stated they need to take into consideration there may be a limit as to how many federal inmates can be placed in one facility. He stated he would like to see actual figures next to the proposed budget figures from the constitutionals. He is aware they do not have to provide these figures but it may help reduce the number of questions. Com. Dzadovsky addressed the high cost of medical care at the jail and questioned the cost of turning a portion of an empty pod into the medical wing. He proposed this as another option. Com. Craft stated the off- site costs are true emergencies and they are required to send the inmate to a hospital. They need to be careful not to assume liability. There are many legal issues that need to be reviewed. He requested some figures regarding the kilowatt hours utilized by the pods as well as the use of the air conditioning when the pods are not fully utilized and what expected savings they could have. The Chairman addressed the opening of the Federal Courthouse and the relationship between the county and the Federal Courthouse. He suggested charging for the support of the courthouse assuming there will be some dependence of our side with regard to the jail. He believes they need to look at those numbers when making their decision. The Criminal Justice Coordinator stated he would provide those figures in the future. He does not know the total cost of the jail. There are many pieces to these additional expenses in opening those courtrooms. The Chairman stated he recommends before getting into deep discussions, they need High ball park figures as to what it would cost the county to run the facility and if it was worth going there especially with our staffing levels. The Criminal Justice Coordinator stated they needed to get actual numbers and as much information as they canto find out what the jail revenues and expenditures are. Com. Coward stated the key issue is as the inmate population goes down, so should the staffing levels. Com. Craft stated if the levels keep coming down and if they cannot turn a pod into a revenue generator, he agrees they should close the pod without putting additional stress and creating an unsafe atmosphere. The Chairman stated they also should compare the cost of maintaining the pod open versus the revenue generated. Com. Coward stated he would like to have the historical information as to how many times the medical contract had been bid out since 2000. The County Administrator advised the Board she believed the RFP went out only once and that was when the Sheriff first came into office. After that time they re-negotiated the contracts and not gone out for bid. The Criminal Justice Coordinator addressed moving first appearances at the jail to 1:00 p.m. and stated this would be a tremendous help in giving the time to provide the judges with all the necessary information. This is something the judges would need to make a decision on. He stated they also needed to address the gain time policy. The Commission presently sets the gain time. Presently it is 10 days per month that an inmate can receive. An incentive is to place these days at the front and this would keep the inmates in check with behavior issues. Com. Dzadovsky asked if anyone from the SherifYs office was present. The County Administrator stated in her discussions with the Sheriff, he stated Monday's were the worst days for him due to prior commitments and she could not change the date from Monday to Wednesday. She advised the Board the Sheriff does not have a representative present. Com. Dzadovsky addressed the population decreasing and the overtime and he is aware there is a minimum number needed and requested to have a historical perspective of the salaries. The County Administrator stated historically the information the sheriff provided is categorically how his budget is laid out and how they maintained that historical information they would need to review. They do not have the line item because the Board does not line item the SherifYs budget only categorically. Com. Dzadovsky stated he would like to better understand how it was run and what they can expect going forward with salaries. 4 The County Administrator stated this issue would be scheduled for discussion during budget reviews. Com. Dzadovsky advised the Board and those present per the request of the Citizens Budget Committee, minutes for the last six months meetings have been provided as well as their recommendations. The County Attorney reviewed the agreement between the cities and the county on the Law Enforcement MSTU. He stated he has not heard anything from the cities and he believes they are comfortable with the agreement as it stands. He recommended if the county feels the 27% is too high then they should meet with the cities and see if they have a counter argument to it. The County Administrator addressed the sustainability plan for the General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture Fund, section 2, 2-6. This includes funding for the Constitutionals relative to the three which they fund their operations, the fee for services of the Tax Collector and Property Appraiser, as well as the mandated and non-mandated agencies. She advised the Board they would have the follow up discussions with the Constitutionals and mandated agencies at budget reviews. The County Administrator advised the Board she would request direction on certain issues. The Chairman requested before they go through the Sheriff's budget review, the questions presented today should be reduced to writing so that he has the ability to answer them at budget reviews. Proposed Measures under salaries and benefits. She stated sections 3, 4, 5 and 7 are the items she would like the Board to consider. These items are impact bargaining items and she would like to know if they support those items but not have detailed discussions. These items are better suited for an Executive Session. Com. Dzadovsky requested the employee recommendations be included. The County Administrator stated the employee suggestions are included in section 4. • Proposed Salary Cut of 7% for the County Administrator and the County Attorney The Chairman requested information as to how this refers to the furlough plan. She stated the 7% cut would be in addition to the furlough days, a 7% reduction plus the furlough days the Board would propose. Com. Craft stated he was not sure they needed to go line by line. He does not know how this will work with furlough days and holidays possibly coming on the same day. He would prefer to leave some holidays in place. Com. Lewis stated she had an issue with the holidays that were proposed. She felt a 13% cut on all employees was something she could not support. She would prefer having 12 furlough days and restoring all holidays. She understands they have to look at personnel and layoffs but they needed to look at what some employee's salaries are. The Chairman stated he does not see a plan like this as being the only option they have. He would against any plan that would treat the lower salaries in the same way as the higher salaries. He would prefer doing a salary reduction with the bottom part of the salary scale of $35,000 be exempted and anything over that with a flat percentage of reduction. He also stated he does not believe the County Administrator or the County Attorney should bear an additional cut of 7%. The County Administrator stated due to union negotiations, she would prefer direction whether or not the Board will support a suspension of longevity bonuses or the implementation of furlough days. The employees indicated they would prefer to have furlough days rather than have their salaries reduced. The Chairman stated he believed there was a consensus to suspend the longevity bonuses and he would personally like to see numerical alternatives worked out before making a decision or direction on the other part of it which is unpaid holidays or furloughs. Com. Craft stated he would not support all unpaid holidays but would support everything else. Com. Lewis stated she would agree to suspending longevity bonuses and car allowances, but everything else, i.e. Furloughs and holidays would need further discussion. Com. Dzadovsky stated he would like to have the employee's suggestions as part of the solution. The County Administrator stated the employees had stated they would prefer to have furlough days rather than a salary reduction. Com. Coward stated he would support suspension of the longevity bonuses and the furlough plan opposed to the salary reduction, but does have questions about applying it to the County Administrator and the County Attorney. He also has questions about the lowest salary staff people. Com. Lewis stated one of the problems she is having when it comes to salaries reduction is primarily, "where do you draw the line"? Where does that lower tier start or stop. People have a tendency to budget according to what they are making. The County Administrator asked if she was interpreting the direction of furloughs was to have that discussion at an Executive Session. Com. Dzadovsky recommended looking at the poverty numbers at the federal level The County Administrator stated doing this research would be a nightmare at the Administrative level. The Chairman stated he does not support the consensus as the methodology. Com. Dzadovsky stated his position was to go along with the employee suggestion. The County Administrator stated she heard four Board positions for furlough discussions at an Executive Session. The County Administrator requested clarification on the Board's position regarding the 7% reduction for herself and the County Attorney. The Chairman stated they should not be treated differently; however he does not believe they should take an additional hit. 6 Com. Coward stated he did not agree with the Chairman's comments that they should not be treated differently. He does not believe they should be out of the office and would prefer the percentage reduction and they be exempt from the furlough. The Chairman stated he agrees if the building is open they should be here and should not be part of the furlough plan and they should handle this differently. Com. Coward stated they should handle this question first. Com. Lewis asked if they were to do furlough days, how would the County Administrator be here if the building was closed down in order to save on the utilities. She does not see the value of having them here if this was the purpose. The County Administrator advised the Board that when the building is shut down on the weekends, she still comes in on Saturdays and a portion of Sundays. She stated she could not see her not being in the office even if they went with furlough days. The Chairman stated the concept of universal furlough days may be a bad idea at the end of the day. They may want to be open 5 days and have people there 4 days a week by alternating days. At the end of the day, they may not have utility savings. The County Administrator addressed other department such as road and bridge and public safety working out their furlough plan; however the balance of the county would be on a uniform furlough plan with some exceptions. Com. Dzadovsky stated the Fire District has moved to a 4 day work week and maybe they can obtain information as to how they are doing this. The County Administrator stated they could approach this as a pilot plan and if it does not work out, they can come back to the Board. Com. Craft stated they may need to give the County Administrator a number and then she may have the flexibility to work it out. Com. Lewis stated 13% is unacceptable to her, the only question is how you get to the point where they need to be. Chairman Grande recommended coming back with various alternatives on how to achieve the savings without looking at what is now being presented. He concurs with Com. Craft that the County Administrator needs more flexibility. Com. Coward stated he concurs with the fact that 13% is too high, however he wants to make sure everyone is making the effort to treat every employee the same and this includes the Constitutional officers. The Chairman stated he believes the Constitutional Officers are looking to be in the same boat as the Board but they are waiting for the BOCC to take the lead. Com. Craft stated he would like to see the savings adjusted to the area of 2.2 or 2.5 million and he hopes the Constitutionals will come on board, but his decision is independent of theirs and not predicated on what they will do and felt he has a job to do. Com. Dzadovsky stated some Constitutionals will not be able to carry forward as much in the past and there are some Constitutionals that do not fall into the same category as the BOC C and the one stop shop does not fit into what they do. 7 The Chairman stated he liked Com. Craft's recommendation with the figures and the flexibility. The County Administrator stated she would go back and look at the options and present them to the Board. She stated she was looking at the Clerk of Court Finance Department and the Supervisor of Elections to participate in the furloughs since they are board funded. She believes since they have participated in what the board has done previously, they will continue to do that. Emergency Reserves/Contingency Fund What has been proposed is not fund the million dollars for each of these items in the annual operating budget and she believes she received consensus of not funding the million for the operating budget, but wanted to have more discussion on the proposal for how the 17.6 million on account in the emergency reserves, to look at modifying that policy. What was proposed was to take 15 million to designate for emergency reserves and the balance, 2.7 million to designate that for contingency and do away with the second threshold of the fund balance policy. The two options staff has come up with were: Option 1-Eliminate the fund balance policy and maintain the 5% of the emergency reserves(operating budget) Option 2- Set the number at 2 million or 10% threshold for other funds within the county that are now part of the operating budget number based on the 5% . The funds that have a minimum 2 million or 10% in their reserve accounts, back those out and base the 5% on that and they have indicated what that would do, bringing the emergency reserves to 11 million, include the fund balance policy there, the 5%, so that there would be 4 million giving the Board 15 million and the difference of the 2.5 million, the Board would need to decide if they wanted it to go into contingency or somewhere else. The County Administrator recommended option 2. She stated the rating agency was more concerned with the fund balance opposed to hurricanes. The Board concurred. Internal Support Operations Human Resources and Management and Budget The County Administrator stated she had received Board direction on this item. Quality of Life Housing and Community Services -received Board direction except for non-profits. Received direction on funding non-profits at session last week, as far as New Horizons will be discussed at budget review. Libraries- direction Board accepted proposal but requested they look at partnership arrangements with two libraries. Have yet to identify partnerships. The Chairman recommended rather than closing the two libraries, they open two days a week. Close the main library one day and utilize the staff for the two libraries. 8 The County Administrator stated they had an unsafe situation previously with the downtown library in shifting staff around. She recommended maintain PSL and Hurston open for two days a week, maintain staff to cover them two days a week giving them a 32 hour week and the other 8 hours for the overflow of the others, this would still give them 40 hour weeks. The County Administrator asked if the Board agreed with the first proposal or the alternative. Com. Craft stated they need to be very careful. If they are making adjustments and they do not achieve the savings proposed, he is concerned with not finalizing what they are doing on the revenue side. Com. Lewis stated she had a concern with the alternative in maintaining staff for the overflow. The County Administrator addressed Com. Lewis' concerns. The Library Manager stated there was to be some re-direction of staff. If they have the library open less than 40 hours per week, they could lose state funding. The alternative plan would cost $335,000. They would save $500,000 rather than the $800,000. The County Administrator stated they would brief the Board on the alternative plan. Cooperative Extension- Board direction given Parks The operational expenses were supported. The item in question was the History Center, supported by the Board in looking for a partnership to keep the facility open. Com. Coward stated it had been suggested to look into the partnership under the 501- C3 which it had been run by this previously. There is quite a large community interest in this facility. The Chairman stated they have until Oct. 15t to go through training so that the staff would be replaced by volunteers. An organization of volunteers has been put together with an oversight being directed by the Asst. County Administrator. Special Olympics- Board direction given UDT Seal Museum- Board support on the proposal Black Pearl Ramp- Board support on the proposal to stop maintaining since it was given back to the city of Ft. Pierce Paradise Park Pool- The Parks and Recreation Director stated met with the homeowners association and they informed her they had a consensus that they were not in a financial situation to take over the pool. They asked the park be put back together and not leave them with a hole. A proposal will be brought back to the Board. Health and Safety- Marine Safety- the Public Safety Director stated they have 3 parks they guard. Pepper Park, the Boardwalk and Waveland. The least amount of attendance is at the Boardwalk. Pepper Park and Waveland are county parks; the Boardwalk is the City of Ft. 9 `..~.. `~. ...r Pierce. Previously they had 7 beaches guarded and they are now going down to two. The cost to man Boardwalk beach is $162,000 per year. Com. Dzadovsky expressed his concerns with not having enough coverage at the beaches. He stated they are one of our main tourist attractions and he does not wish to leave Ft. Pierce without a guarded beach. The city has invested a lot of money in the Boardwalk beach area. He asked they find another way rather than lose another guarded beach. Boardwalk beach is in the middle third of the county. Com. Lewis stated she could not support guarding another beach. They are having to make difficult decisions. She is having a difficult time seeing all these decisions coming back to cutting employees. She believes people can drive to a guarded beach. Com. Dzadovsky stated they would be cutting 3 employees from this beach. He asked for the Board to support keeping this beach guarded. He addressed additional people going to one guarded beach and the strain it may place on the particular set of lifeguards. The Public Safety Director stated they have certain areas assigned to each life guard. Com. Dzadovsky expressed his concerns with not having sufficient staff to cover a large amount of visitors to the beach in one year. At the end of the discussion the majority of the Board did not comment in support. Torrey Pines The County Administrator stated Board direction was given on this item. This is not debt service; it is an economic incentive payment. They still have 7 years including next year for a total of 7.2 million and what is proposed is taking the annual 1.2 million out of operations and have designated one time money placed on account and those annual incentive payments be made annually. At this point the County Administrator provided a re-calculation of where they are with the budget. They have reduced the operating budget from $156,000,000 to $142,843,087. They adjusted the revenue number based on the 12% property devaluation for 2011 and left 2012 at 5%. The Sheriff's 2.1% is calculated into this number. The revenues for 2010/2011 are estimated at $103,959,756 leaving a sustaining gap of $38,883,331. The projected fund balance, non sustaining amount to add towards sustaining gap is $38,883,331. For 2011/2012 the operating budgeted expenses again are at $142,843,087, the estimated revenues will be $92,602,249 leaving the sustaining gap at $43,240,838 and again with the projected fund balance, non-sustaining is $30,540,425 still leaving a deficit of $12,700,413. These figures indicated what the Constitutionals have provided to reduce not the additional reduction requested by the BOCC. It would bring the $12,700,413 figure down. The County Administrator stated the reserves and contingency had already been placed into these figures, however based on the new policy, what it does is the general fund operating comes down to $213.9 million, 5% of this is $10.6 or 7 million the 5% of fund balance would be $3.6 million, making a total of $13.3 million and the board would have $3.3 million to designate how they wish. 10 ~~ ~~ ~~ Com. Coward asked if the 3 million is accounted for or if it was a further reduction. The County Administrator stated it is a further reduction. They would start 2013 with a $30,549,425 deficit at a minimum. 2010/2011 all revenue sources is $115,000,000 not ad-valorem revenue. Com. Craft expressed his concern with if they do not plug the hole; in 2013 he does not expect to see significant increase in property values. They would need to make adjustments on their revenue side and if they put that off; the increase they would need to have would be extremely significant. He would like to see what those figures look like. The County Administrator requested clarification. Com. Craft stated if they look at a flat 2013, they need to look at a millage adjustment between now and 2013. If they wait what type of an adjustment would they need to make. The County Administrator stated the Board needed to have a discussion on this issue. She intends on presenting the recommendation of the Citizens Budget Committee. She believes this upcoming year will be the last year the Board will be able to build fund balance. They hit that wall in 2012. For the revenue in 2012 they have indication the 5% value devaluation may be higher. This will increase the gap between the operating budget and the revenue. Com. Craft looking at the numbers, it looks as if they will need to increase the millage next year, however he would like to see figures so that if need be they can start this year making it easier for the taxpayer next year. The County Administrator stated she would provide those figures. The Citizens Budget Committee's recommendation is as follows: The Citizen's Budget Committee at their May 21, 2010 meeting voted to make the three following recommendations tothe Board of County Commissioners: 1. After serious consideration and based on the information presented by Citizens' Budget Committee member, Pat Ferrick, the Citizens' Budget Committee recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Rollback method to keep the School Resource Officers at the same staffing level or above. Furthermore, that funding be restricted so that our of the $11,110,043 dollars generated, $4.6 million or greater be set aside and used to pay for the School Resource Officers for the next three year period, and use the rest left after that to retain county programs. 2. Investigate the feasibility of a tonnage fee for goods imported and exported from the Port of Ft. Pierce. Fees would be assessed on dry weight, liquid solution, and cubic feet of gaseous products. The collected fee would be used for the improvement of the infrastructure of the Port-transportation, dockage, water/sewer/reuse water, etc. The fees would not be used outside of the Port of Ft. Pierce area for capital improvements elsewhere in the County or the City of Ft. Pierce. 3. Collect user fees for the use of boat ramps in St. Lucie County. 11 The County Administrator reviewed Fla. Statute 200.071(1) where it establishes the 10 mil cap. In 2007 the Legislature approved a Tax Reform measure. In June 2007, the state mandated SLC to go back to 91% of Rollback. She continued to review the reform measure and the maximum millage rate. The Board did not go to the maximum millage rate. This reform addresses what the counties can and cannot do with millage. She also reviewed Amendment I. At this time the County Administrator requested Board direction. The Board was provided with a table indicating millage rates and taxes generated. The roll back rate would be: 6.9439 The General Fund/Fine and Forfeiture are currently 6.1651. If you go back to roll back it would bring in $11 million. She advised the Board how this $11 million would assist with the operating budget. Com. Coward stated he would not support raising the millage in order to pay for the other partner's share of the SRO program. The Chairman stated he believed the Budget Committee's numbers are not spread across the other governments and are far in excess in the gap of the SRO funding requirements. Com. Dzadovsky addressed the request for a referendum by the School Board members. He believes the voters should decide how they want to fund the SRO program. Com. Lewis stated this would still not kick in until 2012. Com. Craft stated he would like to continue the discussion of the deficit moving forward and how they want to deal with it. This is the fundamental question they need to ask, bills still need to be paid and how do they want to deal with it moving forward. They have to decide which is best for the public to absorb. He believes they need to react sooner than later. Sooner or later the fund carry forward will be gone. He stated it is becoming clearer to him that they will need to make an adjustment this year. The Chairman stated he concurred with the idea that they have a lot to look at and have time to study the numbers. Com. Craft stated they have a month to review and work at it since budget sessions will begin in July. Com. Coward stated he wished to let everyone know they need to consider the total impact including the other taxing entities. He is not inclined to push the tax rate up, but something has to give and they have reduced the tax rate all the years he has been in office. He does not agree with the recommendation from the Citizens' Budget Committee, he believes it goes too far. The Chairman concurred and stated he will be looking at the figures after the Constitutionals and the Sheriff provide theirs. Com. Craft stated they are spending a lot of time on the Sheriff's budget, however the reality is his budget is a large portion of the pie. Com. Coward stated if the Sheriff would reduce the cost of the jail by 25% they would see a savings of $7 million per year. The County Administrator reviewed the budget reviews and stated the department budgets will be provided in summary. They will be going into budget with the reductions the Board has approved and then the Board has the ability to reduce their budgets even further. 12 ~~ ~~ ~..r The Strategic Planning session for the balance of the plan will be in early 2011. The Chairman requested staff have all the information to the Board in advance. The meeting was adjourned. 13